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How 2 Make Custom Characters

Cam the Kirby edited this page Jun 3, 2024 · 3 revisions

First, put your sprite sheet and xml in images/characters



Go to the data/characters copy the example, and rename it to the name of your spritesheet/xml



make sure your name doesn't have uppercase letters

now in the json files rename the anim to your animation XML like this:


you can add more animations by doing this:


The global offset changes the character's X and Y positions.

Skins are for things like the 3D segment in Polygonized and in Recursed when you miss too many letter notes. This is what you should put in the skin array if you want skins:


bar color is the bar color of the characters side

online color picker

nativelyPlayable is to flip the left and right of the character

flipX flips the character

raphic Size has three options

furiosityScale (For small 3d characters)

daPixelZoom (For Pixel Characters)

Or you can just type in a number

for effect also has there options

3dfloat (Gives the character 3d notes and makes them float)

float (Just makes the character float)

3d (Just gives them 3d notes)

put your character name in customCharacterList txt file in the data folder

