Currently uth05win only supports windows x86 platforms only.
- Visual Studio 2015 (or 2017 with 2015 buildTools) Download
- GLEW 2.1.0 (OpenGL) SourceForge
- GuruGuruSMF4 Download
- PMDWin Download
- PMDWin SDK Download
- Create folder called lib in the root of the repository
- Download each library dependencies (glew, guruguruSMF4, PMDWinSDK) into lib directory.
- GuruGuruSMF4.lib -> lib/
- glew32.lib -> lib/
- glew32s.lib -> lib/
- PMDWin.lib -> lib/
- Download extra dependencies (glew, guruguruSMF4, PMDWin) into root directory.
- GuruGuruSMF4.dll -> /
- glew32.dll -> /
- PMDWin.dll -> /
- Place original game files (怪綺談1.dat, 怪綺談2.dat, MUSIC.dat and to the root directory.
- 怪綺談1.dat -> kaiki1.dat
- 怪綺談2.dat -> kaiki2.dat
- MUSIC.dat -> MUSIC.dat
- ->
- Open Solution (rt5sandbox.sln)
- Build it.
Create directory lib at root if you don't have, and download glew library from Here Preferably 2.1.0 (latest version in 2019-01-28) for Win32. extract the archive and copy the glew32s.lib (located at glew-2.1.0/lib/Release/Win32) and paste it into lib directory. and also, copy the glew32.dll (located at glew-2.1.0/bin/Release/Win32) and paste it into root of the repository.
go to lib directory at root and download GuruGuruSMF4 (Japanese), (Click Green ダウンロードページヘ Button), Copy the GuruGuruSMF4.lib to lib directory and Copy the GuruGuruSMF4.dll to root of the repository.
Create directory lib at root if you don't have, and download glew library from Here Preferably 2.1.0 (latest version in 2019-01-28) for Win32. extract the archive and copy the glew32.lib (located at glew-2.1.0/lib/Release/Win32) and paste it into lib directory. and also, copy the glew32.dll (located at glew-2.1.0/bin/Release/Win32) and paste it into root of the repository.
Create directory lib at root if you don't have, and download PMDWin SDK (Japanese). extract the archive and copy the PMDWin.lib (located at PMDWin/) to lib directory.
download GuruGuruSMF4 (Japanese), (Click Green ダウンロードページヘ Button), Copy the GuruGuruSMF4.dll to root of the repository.
download glew library from Here Preferably 2.1.0 (latest version in 2019-01-28) for Win32. extract the archive and copy the glew32.dll (located at glew-2.1.0/bin/Release/Win32) and paste it into root of the repository.
download PMDWin (Japanese). since the archive is using legacy lzh format, you will need a third-party extractor (such as 7-zip) copy the PMDWin.dll and paste it into root of the repository.
Original Game file dependencies are missing, if you are after the commit 0078a033, you can run the project as Debug mode and find out which file is missing by clicking OK button at the error message.