Returns the render width and render height as a tuple for a piece of text. The parameters this method takes are:
- text: the text you want to get the width and height of.
- size_enum: number representing the render size for the text. This parameter is optional and defaults to 0 which represents a baseline font size in units specific to DragonRuby (a negative value denotes a size smaller than what would be comfortable to read on a handheld device postive values above 0 represent larger font sizes).
- font: path to a font file that the width and height will be based off of. This field is optional and defaults to the DragonRuby's default font.
def tick args
text = "a piece of text"
size_enum = 5 # "large font size"
# path is relative to your game directory (eg mygame/fonts/courier-new.ttf)
font = "fonts/courier-new.ttf"
# get the render width and height
string_w, string_h = args.gtk.calcstringbox text, size_enum, font
# render the label
args.outputs.labels << {
x: 100,
y: 100,
text: text,
size_enum: size_enum,
font: font
# render a border around the label based on the results from calcstringbox
args.outputs.borders << {
x: 100,
y: 100,
w: string_w,
h: string_h,
r: 0,
g: 0,
b: 0