- Host: Google Hangouts
- Dates: Tuesday November 14th, 2017
- Times: 9:00am–10:00am Pacific Time
- Location: same Google Hangouts link as before
- Contact:
- Name: JF Bastien
- Email: jfbastien@apple.com
None required if you've attended before. Email JF Bastien to sign up if it's your first time. The meeting is open to CG members only.
The meeting will be a Google Hangouts call.
- Opening, welcome and roll call
- Opening of the meeting
- Introduction of attendees
- Find volunteers for note taking (acting chair to volunteer)
- Adoption of the agenda
- Proposals and discussions 1. Summary of happennings at TPAC (Brad Nelson, others in attendence)
- Closure
- Bradley Nelson
- JF Bastien
- Yury Delendik
- Alon Zakai
- Andreas Rossberg
- Luke Wagner
- Michael Ferris
- Paolo Severini
- Maher Jendoubi
- Ben Smith
- Keith Miller
- Ben Titzer
- Benjamin Bouvier
- Sam Clegg
- Michael Holman
- Mark Miller
- Richard Winterton
- Jacob Gravelle
- Derek Schuff
- Thomas Nattestad
- Sergey Rubanov
Seconded by Brad.
- Feedback from W3C folks present. Encouragement to release first spec draft.
- Lots of background presentations on WebAssembly on first day.
- Repeat of some CG presentations.
- Lifetime API in Web Performance room. Bitcoin mining discussion, but nothing in-depth.
- WebGPU folks came to WebAssembly room. Host bindings discussion. What they need to be fast. Eager to have memory mapping constructs (but issues on Windows). Maybe copy-in / copy-out. Multiple memories: what would this look like? Would it work for single-pointer expectations? Notes from the WebGPU group.
- WebAudio presented a synthesizer using WebAssembly. Reasonably content with host bindings. They also assume an external buffer, would require copying. Something more efficient could be done if WebAssembly provided the buffer. Eager to freeze their API.
- Demo session, was mostly advertising for demos.
- Impression from W3C folks is that our group is surprisingly effective (yay!).
- Can start prototyping host bindings proposal, toolchain can generate extra code as a polyfill, and then brower-side can ignore it.
- Might be useful to do a full-on meeting next year, not just outreach.