- Host: Google Hangouts
- Dates: Thursday January 11th, 2017
- Times: 9:00-10:00am Pacific Time
- Location: Brad will email Google Hangouts link to WG members + registered CG guests prior to the meeting
- Contact:
- Name: Brad Nelson
- Email: bradnelson@google.com
If you are a Working Group member no registration is required.
If you are a Community Group member who would like to observe, please register here: https://goo.gl/forms/HD2kLCM0iSKk7AVl1
The meeting will be a Google Hangouts call.
- Opening, welcome and roll call
- Opening of the meeting
- Introduction of attendees
- Find volunteers for note taking (chair to volunteer).
- Adoption of the agenda
- Proposals and discussions
- Update from chair on First Public Working Draft.
- Discussion on tooling for the specification.
- Future meetings
- Meeting times + collaborators in Asia-Pacific
- Discussion of meeting time logistics
- POLL: We should hold every third video call at an APAC friendly time.
- Confirm next meeting date + time.
- Meeting times + collaborators in Asia-Pacific
- Closure
- Brad Nelson
- JF Bastien
- Jacob Gravelle
- Peter Jensen
- Arun Etmr
- Wouter van Oortmerssen
- Heejin Ahn
- Andreas Rossberg
- Thomas Nattestad
- Luke Wagner
- Ben Titzer
- Derek Schuff
- Mark Miller
- Sam Clegg
- Richard Winterton
Brad to take notes.
JF seconds.
Brad ran into challenges w.r.t. the W3C-expected format of the draft. They even have a formatting verifier tool. The two portions of the spec in bikeshed are fine, but the core spec using sphinx is not. Brad wrote some scripts to massage some stuff from sphinx to bikeshed. Needs to be a single page. MathML makes things terrible because of MathJax (except in Firefox). Long-term we could get dispensation from the W3C, or use something other than MathJax, or break the document appart (which bikeshed doesn’t support at the moment). Brad is asking if members are comfortable moving forward with a somewhat broken document to start the first document publication, and fix it later as an editorial issue. This will look bad as a first impression. Tab thinks he’ll be able to get the offline katex translation by Q1. Other option is to chop things into sub-parts instead of rendering as a single page. Some specs do this with custom bespoke scripts which are not general and might break our spec at the wrong places.
Kenneth Rohde Christiansen 9:14 AM Finally joined as I didn't notice the spelling mistake in the invite URL (assemly instead of assembly) Conrad Watt joined group chat.
Kenneth Rohde Christiansen 9:21 AM Why not just render the mathml when it becomes visible? https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Intersection_Observer_API But in that case you could turn it into web components and set contain: strict via CSS - to avoid reflow or repaint etc the elements might still resize but setting default sizes can avoid that info: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/contain In retrospect Andreas would use straight Latex over markdown (usability, scalability).
See above.
1. Meeting times + collaborators in Asia-Pacific
* Discussion of meeting time logistics
* POLL: We should hold every third video call at an APAC friendly time.
1. Confirm next meeting date + time.
Brad suggests a month from now. We could meet at 11PM PST (7AM UTC next day) every third meeting, like the CG does, to be friendly to APAC. Andreas suggests we could use a half-day of the CG meeting for WG business. JF suggests splitting up the document in parts, and having groups go over the wording line by line.
- Closure