- Move all of the mudlib defines into a config file and create a parser
- Allow python outside of the PYMOD_LIB directory, allow lazy loading, right now the mud crashes as PYMOD_LIB is an autoload directory and subdirectories make it barf.
- Create a master.py which is the first object loaded, this can be used as an initialization driver and override.
- Create an autoload.py which can be used to autoload any additional python scripts.
- Python 3 migration: Rough.
- https://restrictedpython.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html
- Python accounts aren't dereferencing properly
- Input handlers, specifically the editors, tend to output information twice when in a sub-menu such as the quest stage editor
- Heartbeat Hooks needed
- Move send_message parsing for $ expansion to mudlib, why does the engine actually care about this? Also it's really painful to use preprocessing directives for mudSettings to handle this. (RE: SOMEONE"'s")
- Rewrite the example zone to be a little more interesting and include some samples of scripting and object commands.
- Snoop module
- Intermud Daemon
- OLC for mud settings
- Master and Autoload
- Domain permissions systems
- Wizard home directories, frobbing
- Code based rooms, objects, etc. this is a difficult one. Should they be based on prototypes as (essentially) clones?
- IP banning module
- soft-code chat channels
- spellchecking in the text editor
- stackable objects
- mountable characters
- Rewrite MCCP as its own module
- Script dictionaries aren't fully dereferenced if a script creates a method. This is a known memory leak. Figure out how to fix!