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KnightFall is an implementation of Bejewelled, a game originally made by PopCap in 2001. KnightFall is made using Python and PyGame.


To run KnightFall, you must download either Python 3.6 or Python 3.7. You can do this from either the website or, if you have Homebrew installed, you can run the following commands (OSX users only):

$ brew install python3

Next, you must install PyGame. This can be done using pip:

$ python3 -m pip install -U pygame --user

Where the user flag installs PyGame in the home directory rather than globally.

Now, download or clone the KnightFall repo. Then, change directory to KnightFall. Now, run the following command in temrinal:

$ python3

Player Manual

The objective of KnightFall is to align as many objects as possible either vertically or horizontally. This is done by clicking on an item, and then clicking on an adjacent with which you will like to swap the previously clicked item with. Any row(s) of similar items of length greather than or equal to 3 will then be collapsed and counted as points. Newly generated items will then take the place of the collapsed items. You will gain 10 points for each item that is collapsed. For example, if you are able to match a row of 4 of the same adjacent items, you will recieve 40 points.

Each game in KnightFall is 2 minutes long. Once the time runs out, your score will be recorded. Moreover, you will be notified if your current score is the new high score.

Directory Structure

src: Contains all the source files for KnightFall

imgs: Contains the images used as icons in the game board

Code Structure

KnightFall's source code contains 3 major classes: BoardModel, Items, and View


The BoardModel class is in the file. It is used to represent the current state of the board game and update it according to the moves a user makes. The current implementation of has three attributes:

  • board: A two-dimensional array in which each element of the array contains an Item on the board

  • num_points: The current number of points the user has scored

  • num_possible_moves: the number of possible moves a user can make

The BoardModel class currently has five methods a client can use:

  • __init__(): This method is automatically called when a BoardModel is instantiated. Upon instantiating, __init__ will simply call the make_board() method
  • make_board(): The make_board method is responsible for generating the current state of the board. It does so by using an outer and inner loop, each of which runs seven times to generate a total of 49 positions. Each of these positions is filled with a randomly generated number from 1 to 4. Each of these numbers correspond to a specific Item
  • update_num_points(num_points): The update_num_points method is used to update the number of points the User currently has. It takes one Integer argument called num_points, which is the number of points to be added to the Users current score
  • get_num_points(): The get_num_points method is used to get the number of points a User currently has
  • get_board(): The get_board method is used to get the current state of the board game. It simply returns the board attribute


The Item class can be found in the file. The Item class is not meant to be instantiated by itself. Instead, it should only be used as a parent to classes representing a specific type of Item. By doing so, it becomes much easier to make different kind of items, such as swords, shields, or crowns.The Item class currently has 4 attributes:

  • img_path: The file path to the image icon of the item
  • points: The number of points this item is worth
  • xcoord: The x coordinate of the item on the gameboard
  • ycoord: The y coordinate of the item on the gameboard

The Item class currently supports 3 methods:

  • __init__(img_path, points, xcoord, ycoord): This method is automatically called when an object of type Item is instantiated. It accepts the arguments (from left to right): the image path of the file, the number of points it is worth, its x coordinate, and its y coordinate.
  • get_path(): returns the img_path of the Item
  • get_points(): returns the amount of points the Item is worth


The ViewController class can be found in It is responsible for displaying the game board as well as the main menu and all other user facing parts of the game. Currently, it contains 5 methods:

  • __init__(): called upon instantiation of the game
  • _set_bkg: Sets the background image of the Menu
  • _display_elements: Displays all the items on the board
  • _handle_btn_events: Handles all clicks on buttons and other interfaces on the view
  • display_GUI: Displays the GUI of the game

Classes that inherit from ViewController:

  • TutorialMenu : This menu contains the basic instructions to play the game KnightFall.

  • LBMenu : LBMenu (Leaderboards Menu) contains a list of Leaderboard instances. Since KnightFall has two modes, classic and survival, the original list contains two Leaderboard objects. Note that the Leaderboard class is for keeping track of the top scores information while LBMenu is for displaying them.

  • CreditsMenu : This menu displays a list of main contributors of the game KnightFall.


The MainMenu class inherits from ViewController. The purpose of this class is to initialize the main menu buttons and handle its functions. The attributes are other menus that are accessible through the main menu. The current four attributes are:

  • mode_menu: an instance of ModeMenu
  • lb: an instance of LBMenu leaderboard menu
  • tut: an instance of TutorialMenu
  • credits: an instance of CreditsMenu

The methods are:

  • _display_elements(): Shows buttons on main page (start, tutorial, leaderboard, credits and quit)
  • _handle_btn_events(): Selects the appropriate menu to display or exits the game


The ModeMenu class and all its attributes inherits from ViewController. It displays the options of game modes or returns to the main menu. The buttons on the mode selection page are: survival, classic and back. The methods are:

  • _display_elements(): Displays its buttons (Classic, Survival and Back)
  • _handle_btn_events(): Selects the view of the game mode or returns back to main menu


The PauseMenu class inherits from ViewController. Its purpose is to display the pause menu and initializes the buttons.

  • _display_elements(): Displays its buttons (Restart, Resume, Menu, Quit)
  • _handle_btn_events(): Selects the appropriate visual interface to display


The Leaderboard class is meant to keep track of the top 5 high scores earned in a game mode in KnightFall. Typically, there are two Leaderboards created since there are two game modes: classic and survival.

When the game session is over (time is up), the Leaderboard will check if the score earned by the user qualifies to be in the top 5 Leaderboard. If yes, this new score will be added. Depending on how many scores are currently saved on the Leaderboard for a game mode, Leaderboard can delete lower scores to make room for the new high score.

Basic Leaderboard methods:

  • add_score() : add a new_score to the Leaderboard in the correct place if new_score makes the top 5.
  • pop_lowest_score() : Pop the lowest score on the Leaderboard iff high_scores is not empty.
  • get_high_scores() : return the Leaderboard's high_scores list.
  • save_leader_rank_in_txt() : write the leaderboard's info into a txt file


The Play class inherits from ViewController. It exists in order to display the board on the screen. It also displays a pause button, the current score, and the time remaining in the current instance of the game.

The methods of Play are:

  • draw_gameboard(): Displays the board on the screen as well as the pause button, score, and time remaining
  • path_to_image(): Is a helper function that makes it easier to access images by creating the path to them
  • load_board(): Creates an instance of BoardModel to be used to play the game


The Button class creates a visual button from an image file.

  • is_hover() : checks if the cursor is hovering over Button
  • is_clicked() : checks if the button is clicked
  • set_action() : set the action performed by button if activated
  • call_action() : returns the button's action
  • display_button() : display the button on the screen

Extending the Code

Adding new items of your choice is easy with the modular and extendable design of KnightFall's source code. All item's shpuld inherit from the Item class, which provides basic functionality for a given item. For example, let's say you wanted to add a helmet item. It can be done int he following way:

class Helmet(Items):
    def __init__(img_path, points, xCoord, yCoord):
        super().__init__(img_path, points, xCoord, yCoord)
    # Now have access to methods such as get_path and get_points. Now, add 
    # new method called change_helmet
    def change_helmet(new_path):
        self.path = new_path

New game modes can be created by building on the code for the base modes classic and survival. The structure is up to the person extending the game. Menus must be modified (add the new mode to the mode menu and update button linking) and a leaderboard for the new mode must be created.

The Button class allows others to create buttons that function using the set_action and call_action methods. A function or value can be defined outside of a class and set to the button's action so that call_action returns this function or value.


This game is made by Jheyzelle, YoshHau, Manraj15, EvanGi, and davidysding under the MIT Licence.

All artwork is taken from Wallpaperplay. Original images can be found here: