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Contributing to pyQuil

Welcome to pyQuil, and thanks for wanting to be a contributor! 🎉

This guide is to help walk you through how to open issues and pull requests for the pyQuil project, as well as share some general how-tos for development, testing, and maintenance.

If all you want to do is ask a question, you should do so in our Rigetti Forest Slack Workspace rather than opening an issue. Otherwise, read on to learn more!

This project and everyone participating in it is governed by pyQuil's Code of Conduct. In contributing, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior by contacting

Table of Contents

Ways to Contribute

Developer How-Tos

Tips for Maintainers

Ways to Contribute

Reporting a Bug

If you've encountered an error or unexpected behavior when using pyQuil, please file a bug report. Make sure to fill out the sections that allow us to reproduce the issue and understand the context of your development environment. We welcome the opportunity to improve pyQuil, so don't be shy if you think you've found a problem!

Requesting an Enhancement

If you have an idea for a new addition to pyQuil, please let us know by creating a feature request. The more information you can provide, the easier it will be for the pyQuil developers to implement! A clear description of the problem being addressed, a potential solution, and any alternatives you've considered are all great things to include.

Choosing an Issue to Address

Rather than opening an issue, if you'd like to work on one that currently exists, we have some issue labels that make it easy to figure out where to start. The good first issue label references issues that we think a newcomer wouldn't have too much trouble taking on. In addition, the help wanted label is for issues that the team would like to see completed, but that we don't currently have the bandwidth for.

Making a Pull Request

Once you've selected an issue to tackle, forked the repository, and made your changes, the next step is to open a pull request! We've made opening one easy by providing a Pull Request Template that includes a checklist of things to complete before asking for code review. We look forward to reviewing your work! 🙂

Adding a Tutorial Notebook

You may have noticed that the examples directory has been removed from pyQuil, and a "launch binder" badge was added to the README. We decided to move all the example notebooks into a separate repository, rigetti/forest-tutorials, so that they could be run on Binder, which provides a web-based setup-free execution environment for Jupyter notebooks. We're always looking for new tutorials to help people learn about quantum programming, so if you'd like to contribute one, make a pull request to that repository directly!

Developer How-Tos

Style Guidelines

We use Black and flake8 to automatically lint the code and enforce style requirements as part of the CI pipeline. You can run these style tests yourself locally by running make check-style (to check for violations of the flake8 rules) and make check-format (to see if black would reformat the code) in the top-level directory of the repository. If you aren't presented with any errors, then that means your code is good enough for the linter (flake8) and formatter (black). If make check-format fails, it will present you with a diff, which you can resolve by running make format. Black is very opinionated, but saves a lot of time by removing the need for style nitpicks in PR review. We only deviate from its default behavior in one category: we choose to use a line length of 100 rather than the Black default of 88 (this is configured in the pyproject.toml file). As for flake8, we ignore a couple of its rules (all for good reasons), and the specific configuration can be found in the .flake8 file. We additionally use the flake8-bugbear plugin to add a collection of helpful and commonly observed style rules.

In addition to linting and formatting, we use type hints for all parameters and return values, following the PEP 484 syntax. This is enforced as part of the CI via the command make check-types, which uses the popular static typechecker mypy. For more information on the specific configuration of mypy that we use for typechecking, please refer to the mypy.ini file. Also, because we use the typing module, types (e.g. type and rtype entries) should be omitted when writing (useful) Sphinx-style docstrings for classes, methods, and functions.

All of these style-related tests can be performed locally with a single command, by running the following:

make check-all

Running the Unit Tests

We use pytest to run the pyQuil unit tests. These are run automatically on Python 3.6 and 3.7 as part of the CI pipeline. But, you can run them yourself locally as well. Some of the tests depend on having running QVM and quilc servers, and otherwise will be skipped. Thus, to run the tests, you should begin by spinning up these servers via qvm -S and quilc -S, respectively. Once this is done, run pytest in the top-level directory of pyQuil, and the full unit test suite will start!

Slow Tests

Some tests (particularly those related to operator estimation and readout symmetrization) require a nontrivial amount of computation. For this reason, they have been marked as slow and are not run by default unless pytest is given the --runslow option, which is defined in the file. The full command is as follows:

pytest --runslow

For a full, up-to-date list of these slow tests, you may invoke (from the top-level directory):

grep -A 1 -r pytest.mark.slow  pyquil/tests/

Seeded Tests

When making considerable changes to, we recommend that you set the pytest option --use-seed (as defined in to False to make sure you have not broken anything. Thus, the command is:

pytest --use-seed=False

Code Coverage

In addition to testing the source code for correctness, we use pytest and the pytest-cov plugin to calculate code coverage as part of the CI pipeline (via the make test command). To produce this coverage report locally, run the following from the top-level directory:

pytest --cov=pyquil

The coverage report omits the autogenerated parser code, the external module, and all of the test code (as is specified in the .coveragerc configuration file).


All of the above pytest variations can be mixed and matched according to what you're trying to accomplish. For example, if you want to carefully test the operator estimation code, run all of the slow tests, and also calculate code coverage, you could run:

pytest --cov=pyquil --use-seed=False --runslow

Building the Docs

The pyQuil docs build automatically as part of the CI pipeline. However, you can also build them locally to make sure that everything renders correctly. We use Sphinx to build the documentation, and then host it on Read the Docs (RTD).

Before you can build the docs locally, you must make sure to install the additional Python-based requirements by running pip install -r requirements.txt, which will pick up the Sphinx RTD theme and autodocumentation functionality. In addition, you will need to install pandoc via your favorite OS-level package manager (e.g. brew, apt, yum) in order to convert the Changelog into reStructuredText (RST). Once you have done this, run the following from the top-level directory:

make docs

If the build is successful, then you can navigate to the newly-created docs/build directory and open the index.html file in your browser (open index.html works on macOS, for example). You can then click around the docs just as if they were hosted on RTD, and verify that everything looks right!

Working with the Parser

The parser is implemented with Lark. See the parser README.

Using the Docker Image

Rather than having a user go through the effort of setting up their local Forest environment (a Python virtual environment with pyQuil installed, along with quilc and qvm servers running), the Forest Docker image gives a convenient way to quickly get started with quantum programming. This is not a wholesale replacement for locally installing the Forest SDK, as Docker containers are ephemeral filesystems, and therefore are not the best solution when the data they produce need to be persisted.

The rigetti/forest Docker image is built and pushed to DockerHub automatically as part of the CI pipeline. Developers can also build the image locally by running make docker from the top-level directory. This creates an image tagged by a shortened version of the current git commit hash (run docker images to see all local images). To then start a container from this image, run:

docker run -it rigetti/forest:COMMIT_HASH

Where COMMIT_HASH is replaced by the actual git commit hash. This will drop you into an ipython REPL with pyQuil installed and quilc / qvm servers running in the background. Exiting the REPL (via C-d) will additionally shut down the Docker container and return you to the shell that ran the image. Docker images typically only have one running process, but we leverage an script to initialize the Forest SDK runtime when the container starts up.

The image is defined by its Dockerfile, along with a .dockerignore to indicate which files to omit when building the image. It is additionally important to note that this image depends on a collection of parent images, pinned to specific versions. This pinning ensures reproducibility, but requires that these versions be updated manually as necessary. The section of the Dockerfile that would need to be edited looks like this:

ARG quilc_version=1.12.1
ARG qvm_version=1.12.0
ARG python_version=3.6

Once a version has been changed, committed, and pushed, the CI will then use that new version in all builds going forward.

Tips for Maintainers

Merging a Pull Request

When merging PRs, we have a couple of guidelines:

  1. Double-check that the PR author has completed everything in the PR checklist that is applicable to the changes.

  2. Always use the "squash and merge" option so that every PR corresponds to one commit. This keeps the git history clean and encourages many small (quickly reviewable) PRs rather than behemoth ones with lots of commits.

  3. When pressing the merge button, each commit message will be turned into a bullet point below the title of the issue. Make sure to truncate the PR title to ~50 characters (unless completely impossible) so it fits on one line in the commit history, and delete any spurious bullet points that add no meaningful content.

  4. Make sure that the PR is associated with the current release milestone once it is merged. We use this to keep track of overall release progress, along with the Changelog.

Managing the CI Pipelines

The CI/CD pipelines that underpin pyQuil are critical for supporting the job of its maintainer. They validate formatting, style, correctness, and good code practice, and also build and distribute the repository via PyPI and DockerHub, all with minimal human intervention. These pipelines almost always work as expected, but every now and then something goes wrong and it requires a deeper dive.

We use a collection of services for CI/CD -- GitLab CI, Travis CI, and Semaphore CI. Semaphore is eventually going to be removed, as it has been wholly replaced by Travis. The reason that we use more than a single service stems from GitLab's inability to currently handle forks, and being able to build pull requests from external contributors is important for supporting a developer community. We could switch over entirely to Travis, but the rest of Rigetti's software stack uses GitLab CI, and it's also not unheard of for software to build on two CI/CD services as a sort of "double checking."

The configuration for GitLab CI is contained in the .gitlab-ci.yml. GitLab, like Travis (which is configured in .travis.yml), builds the docs, performs various style checks, and runs the unit tests on a variety of Python versions. However, it has additional responsibilities that Travis does not. For example, GitLab builds the rigetti/forest Docker image, handles release-related activities, and also pushes a source distribution to Test PyPI on every commit to master. At the top of the GitLab CI YAML, there is also an include section which references files not present in the pyQuil repository. These are in the rigetti/gitlab-pipelines repository, and they contain template jobs that are used in the pyQuil pipelines via the extends keyword. Finally, the configuration for the Sempahore pipelines is not source-controlled but rather is only available via the web interface, which is accessible via the link above.

Drafting a Release

Once it is time to perform a release of pyQuil, the maintainer must perform the following steps:

  1. Push a commit to master that bumps the version of pyQuil in VERSION.txt and changes the latest heading in the Changelog from "in development" to the current date. We try to follow Semantic Versioning (SemVer), which means that versions correspond to MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, and thus for most (hopefully backwards compatible) releases, we should increment the MINOR version number.

  2. Tag that commit with git tag vX.Y.Z, where X.Y.Z corresponds to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCHversion bump in the previous step, and push the tag to GitHub.

  3. Create a GitHub release where the "Tag version" is the tag you just pushed, the "Release title" is the same as the "Tag version", and "Describe this release" contains the latest section of the Changelog, but with level-3 headings changed to level-2 headings, and with all mid-bullet newlines removed.

Publishing a Package on PyPI

After performing a release on GitHub, the next step is to build and push a new package to the Python Package Index (PyPI). This can be done locally in two steps (assuming you have the requisite credentials). First, run make dist from the top-level directory to create a source distribution. This will use the to determine how to produce the distribution, and will additionally include any files specified in the After the distribution is built, run the following:

twine upload --repository pypi dist/*

Which will execute successfully if you have (1) installed all of pyQuil's requirements and (2) configured your ~/.pypirc correctly. You can verify that the new package is there by visiting pyQuil's project page on PyPI here.

In addition to pushing to PyPI upon a new release, we also leverage Test PyPI as part of the CI pipeline to ensure package robustness and enable easier integration testing. Every commit to master results in a new package published on pyQuil's Test PyPI project page here. These packages have an additional number as part of their versioning scheme, which corresponds to the number of commits the package is away from the latest tag (e.g. v2.12.0.8 is 8 commits beyond v2.12.0), which can be determined via the command git describe --tags. If you wish to install a particular package from Test PyPI, run the following (changing the version as necessary):

pip install --index-url ${TEST_PYPI_URL} --extra-index-url ${PYPI_URL} pyquil==${PYQUIL_VERSION}

Publishing a Package on conda-forge

pyQuil and its dependencies (including rpcq) are also packaged and published to conda-forge and to rigetti's own conda channel. These conda packages are built from the pyquil-feedstock and rpcq-feedstock repositories.

Once a new pyQuil version is published to PyPI, a conda-forge bot should notice the new version and will automatically open a PR to update the feedstock's recipe. Follow the instructions in the bot's PR description and review the changes before merging. If any of the package dependencies have changed, for example, you will need to manually update the feedstock's recipe/meta.yaml file to match.

See the conda-forge docs for more info.

Once the bot's PR has been merged to master, conda-forge should automatically upload the new package to the conda-forge channel. For pyQuil, you can check that this was successful by making sure the pyQuil package on conda-forge shows the correct latest version.

Once the new pyQuil and rpcq packages are published to conda-forge, you can install them like so:

PYQUIL_VERSION=2.18.0 # replace this with the newly-published version
conda create -n pyquil-${PYQUIL_VERSION}-test -c conda-forge python=3.6 pyquil=${PYQUIL_VERSION}
conda activate pyquil-${PYQUIL_VERSION}-test

Copying a Package from conda-forge to the Rigetti Channel

Assuming that the packages on conda-forge are in good working order, the final step is to copy them over to rigetti's private channel. Assuming you are an admin of the rigetti org on and you have the anaconda-client installed, you can copy the packages over like so:

PYQUIL_VERSION=2.18.0 # replace this with the newly-published version
anaconda login # only needed if not already logged in
anaconda copy conda-forge/pyquil/${PYQUIL_VERSION} --to-owner rigetti

Likewise for the rpcq package, if necessary.

See the anaconda cloud docs for more info on managing packages in the rigetti channel.

Additional Third-party Packages in the Rigetti Channel

In addition to pyQuil and rpcq, the rigetti channel includes any third-party packages that are pyQuil dependencies which are not included in the default conda channel. The idea is that pyQuil should be installable with only the default and rigetti channels enabled, without requiring the user to enable the conda-forge channel. As a result, if pyQuil's dependencies on any of these third-party packages changes, the new version of the third-party package also needs to be copied to the rigetti channel.

The process for copying third-party packages is exactly the same as described for copying rigetti packages, above. For example, to copy version 4.7.2 of the antlr-python-runtime package:

anaconda copy conda-forge/antlr-python-runtime/4.7.2 --to-owner rigetti

Issue and PR Labels

We use a collection of labels to add metadata to the issues and pull requests in the pyQuil project.

Label Description
bug 🐛 An issue that needs fixing.
devops 🚀 An issue related to CI/CD.
discussion 🤔 For design discussions.
documentation 📝 An issue for improving docs.
enhancement ✨ A request for a new feature.
good first issue 👶 A place to get started.
help wanted 👋 Looking for takers.
quality 🎨 Improve code quality.
refactor 🔨 Rework existing functionality.
work in progress 🚧 This PR is not ready to be merged.