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min-width: 20px; -} -/* In order to have a correct initialization, it is absolutely necessary to have the iconselect-icon before the iconselect-select, and have the default value marked as checked/selected*/ - - -/* ############################################ Main section ####################################################################### */ -/* Colors: code description What used for. */ -.sheet-user-root { - --bg-color: rgb(255,242,201,0.1);/*Main background color ;*/ - --bg-color1: rgb(210,210,210,0);/*Main background color alt lines;*/ - --bg-color2: rgb(210,210,210,0.6);/*Main background color alt lines ;*/ - --bg-color3: rgb(210,210,210,0.2);/*Main background color alt lines ;*/ - --bg-color4: rgb(210,210,210,8);/*Main background color alt lines ;*/ - --bg-color5: rgb(210,210,210,0.4);/*Main background color alt lines ;*/ - --outline-color: #071840; /* Main border */ - --font-color: #071840; /* Color of fonts on the normal background */ - --header-font-color: white; /* Color of fonts on the header background */ - --highlight-font-color: #071840; /* Color of fonts on the icon background */ - --input-color: rgba(0, 0, 10, 0.1); /* Main section Input fields that are not disabled. */ - --hover-color: red; /* Color of active fields when hovered. */ - --hover-color-bg: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5); /* Color of active fields when hovered. */ - --locked-color: transparent; /* Main section Input fields that are locked */ - --control-secondary: #1473B4; /* header section background */ - --inactive-color: #1473B4; /* Color of the inactive tabs */ - --button-color: rgba(245, 245, 245, 1); /* button color */ - --icon-color: rgba(0, 0, 10, 0.1); /* actionable icons */ - -} - -/*Compendium Drop Management*/ -.active-drop-target .sheet-drop-message { - display: block; - border: 2px red solid; - background:white; -} - -.sheet-drop-message { - display: none; -} - - - - - -xxxxx { - xxx: xx; /* * */ -} -/* For absolutely weird reason, we need this line to make the CSS work*/ - -/*.sheet-testAPI:not(:checked)~.sheet-api, Knacks tab is not inside a div */ -.sheet-testTOSelector[value="TO-Selector"]+.sheet-HideIfTOSelector, -.sheet-testTOSelector:not([value="TO-Selector"])+.sheet-HideIfNotTOSelector, -.sheet-testEmpty[value=""]+.sheet-HideIfEmpty, -.sheet-testEmpty:not([value=""])+.sheet-HideIfNotEmpty, -.sheet-testNPC[value="-1"]~div div:not(.sheet-ShowIfObject,.repcontainer,.repitem,.repcontrol), /*For Objects, everything is hidden, except what is flagged to be shown)*/ -.sheet-testNPC[value="-1"]~div:not(.sheet-ShowIfObject), /*For Objects, everything is hidden, except what is flagged to be shown)*/ -.sheet-testNPC[value="-1"]~div .sheet-HideIfObject, -.sheet-testNPC:not([value="-1"])~div .sheet-HideIfNotObject, -.sheet-testKarma[value="0"]~div .sheet-HideIfNoKarma, -.sheet-testKarma[value="0"]~div .sheet-Karma-ControlBox, -.sheet-testCC:not([value^="-"])+.sheet-HideIfCC, -.sheet-testCC[value^="-"]+.sheet-HideIfCC+.sheet-HideIfRanged, /*Manage the Close Combat Toggle <0 Ranged, >=0 CC*/ -.sheet-testRace[value="Other"]~div .sheet-HideIfNotHomeBrew, -.sheet-testRace[value=""]~div .sheet-HideIfNotHomeBrew, -.sheet-testRace[value="Dwarf"]~div .sheet-HideIfNotHomeBrew, -.sheet-testRace[value="Elf"]~div .sheet-HideIfNotHomeBrew, -.sheet-testRace[value="Human"]~div .sheet-HideIfNotHomeBrew, -.sheet-testRace[value="Ork"]~div .sheet-HideIfNotHomeBrew, -.sheet-testRace[value="Troll"]~div .sheet-HideIfNotHomeBrew, -.sheet-testRace[value="Obsidiman"]~div .sheet-HideIfNotHomeBrew, -.sheet-testRace[value="Tskrang"]~div .sheet-HideIfNotHomeBrew, -.sheet-testRace[value="Windling"]~div .sheet-HideIfNotHomeBrew, -.sheet-testRace[value="Spirit"]~div .sheet-HideIfSpirit, -.sheet-testRace:not([value="Spirit"])~div .sheet-HideIfNotSpirit, -.sheet-testRaceMax:not([value="HomeBrew"])~div .sheet-HideIfNotHomeBrew, -.sheet-testRaceMax[value="HomeBrew"]~div .sheet-HideIfHomeBrew, -.sheet-testAPI:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-api, -.sheet-testAPI:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-Karma-ControlBox, -.sheet-testAPI:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-DP-ControlBox, -.sheet-testAPI[value="1"]~div .sheet-NoAPI, -.sheet-testCreation:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-Creation, -.sheet-testCreation[value="1"]~div .sheet-NotCreation, -.sheet-testEdition[value="-1"]~div .sheet-HideIf1879, -.sheet-testEdition:not([value="-1"])~div .sheet-HideIfNot1879, -.sheet-testEdition[value="3"]~div .sheet-HideIfEdition3, -.sheet-testEdition:not([value="3"])~div .sheet-HideIfNotEdition3, -.sheet-testEdition[value="4"]~div .sheet-HideIfEdition4, -.sheet-testEdition:not([value="4"])~div .sheet-HideIfNotEdition4, -.sheet-testPath[value="0"]~div .sheet-HideIfNotPath, -.sheet-testQuest[value="0"]~div .sheet-HideIfNotQuest, -.sheet-testQuest[value="0"]~div .sheet-DP-ControlBox, -.sheet-testNbDisc[value="0"]~div .sheet-HideIfZeroDisc, -.sheet-testNbDisc[value="1"]~div .sheet-HideIfOneDisc, -.sheet-testNbDisc[value="2"]~div .sheet-HideIfTwoDisc, -.sheet-testNbDisc[value="3"]~div .sheet-HideIfThreeDisc, -.sheet-testNPC:not([value="0"])~div .sheet-HideIfNotPC, -.sheet-testNPC[value="0"]~div .sheet-HideIfPC, -.sheet-testTail:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-HideIfNotTail, -.sheet-testCreature:not([value="0"])~div .sheet-HideIfNotCreature, -.sheet-testCreature[value="0"]~div .sheet-HideIfCreature, -.sheet-testStepDisplay:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-StepTotal, -.sheet-testStepDisplay[value="1"]~div .sheet-StepBase, -.sheet-testChecked:checked~.sheet-HideIfChecked, -.sheet-testChecked:not(:checked)~.sheet-HideIfNotChecked, -.sheet-testChecked:checked~div>.sheet-HideIfChecked, -.sheet-testChecked:not(:checked)~div>.sheet-HideIfNotChecked, -.sheet-testChecked:not(:checked)~span>.sheet-HideIfNotChecked, -.sheet-testChecked:checked~div>div>.sheet-HideIfChecked, -.sheet-testChecked:not(:checked)~div>div>.sheet-HideIfNotChecked, -.sheet-testChecked:checked~span>.sheet-HideIfChecked, -.sheet-testChecked:not(:checked)~.sheet-table-row>.sheet-HideIfNotChecked, -.sheet-testCloseChecked:checked+.sheet-HideIfCloseChecked, -.sheet-testCloseChecked:not(:checked)+.sheet-HideIfNotCloseChecked, -.sheet-testCloseChecked:not(:checked)+.sheet-HideIfCloseChecked+.sheet-HideIfNotCloseChecked, -.sheet-testNum[value="0"]+.sheet-HideIfZero, -.sheet-testNum:not([value="0"])+span+.sheet-HideIfNotZero, -.sheet-testNum[value="1"]+.sheet-HideIfOne, -.sheet-testNum[value="2"]+.sheet-HideIfTwo, -.sheet-testNum[value="3"]+.sheet-HideIfThree, -.sheet-testNum[value="0"]~ .sheet-HideIfZero, -.sheet-testNum[value="0"]~div .sheet-HideIfZero, -.sheet-testNum[value="1"]~div .sheet-HideIfOne, -.sheet-testNum[value="2"]~div .sheet-HideIfTwo, -.sheet-testNum[value="3"]~div .sheet-HideIfThree, -.sheet-testNum[value="0"]~ .sheet-HideIfLessThan1, -.sheet-testNum[value="0"]~div .sheet-HideIfLessThan1, -.sheet-testNum[value="1"]~div .sheet-HideIfLessThan2, -.sheet-testNum[value="2"]~div .sheet-HideIfLessThan3, -.sheet-testNum[value="3"]~div .sheet-HideIfLessThan4, -.sheet-testNum[value="4"]~div .sheet-HideIfLessThan5, -.sheet-testNum[value="5"]~div .sheet-HideIfLessThan6, -.sheet-testNum[value="6"]~div .sheet-HideIfLessThan7, -.sheet-testNum[value="7"]~div .sheet-HideIfLessThan8, -.sheet-testNum[value="8"]~div .sheet-HideIfLessThan9, -.sheet-testNum[value="9"]~div .sheet-HideIfLessThan10, -.sheet-testNum[value="10"]~div .sheet-HideIfLessThan11, -.sheet-testNum[value="11"]~div .sheet-HideIfLessThan12, -.sheet-testNum[value="12"]~div .sheet-HideIfLessThan13, -.sheet-testNum[value="13"]~div .sheet-HideIfLessThan14, -.sheet-testNum[value="14"]~div .sheet-HideIfLessThan15, -.sheet-testModType[value="NoRoll"]~span>.sheet-HideIfNoRoll, -.sheet-testModType[value="NoRoll"]~.sheet-HideIfNoRoll, -.sheet-testModType:not([value="NoRoll"])~span>.sheet-HideIfRoll, -.sheet-testModType:not([value="NoRoll"])~.sheet-HideIfRoll, -.sheet-testModType:not([value="Damage Poison"])~.sheet-HideIfNotPoison, -.sheet-testRecord[value="LP"]~.sheet-HideIfLP, -.sheet-testRecord[value="SP"]~.sheet-HideIfSP, -.sheet-testRecord[value="Other"]~.sheet-HideIfOther, -.sheet-testRepEditMode:checked~.repcontainer .sheet-HideIfEditMode, -.sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked)~.repcontainer .sheet-HideIfNotEditMode, -.sheet-testRepEditMode:checked ~ .repcontainer .sheet-HideIfEditMode, -.sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked) ~ .repcontainer .sheet-HideIfNotEditMode, -.sheet-testRepEditMode:checked~.sheet-HideIfEditMode, -.sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked)~.sheet-HideIfNotEditMode, -.sheet-testRepEditMode:checked~div>.sheet-HideIfEditMode, -.sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked)~div>.sheet-HideIfNotEditMode, -.sheet-testRepEditMode:checked~div>div>.sheet-HideIfEditMode, -.sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked)~div>div>.sheet-HideIfNotEditMode, -.sheet-testRepEditMode:checked~span>.sheet-HideIfEditMode, -.sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked)~span>.sheet-HideIfNotEditMode, -.sheet-testRepEditMode:checked~div>div>span>.sheet-HideIfEditMode, -.sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked)~div>div>span>.sheet-HideIfNotEditMode, -.sheet-testRepOption1:not(:checked)~.repcontainer .sheet-HideIfNotOption1, -.sheet-testRepOption2:not(:checked)~.repcontainer .sheet-HideIfNotOption2, -.sheet-testRepOption3:not(:checked)~.repcontainer .sheet-HideIfNotOption3, -.sheet-testRepOption4:not(:checked)~.repcontainer .sheet-HideIfNotOption4, -.sheet-testRepOption5:not(:checked)~.repcontainer .sheet-HideIfNotOption5, -.sheet-testRepOption5:not(:checked)~div .sheet-HideIfNotOption5, -.sheet-testFreeOrThread[value*="-link"]+.sheet-HideIfFreeOrThread, -.sheet-testFreeOrThread:not([value*="-link"])+.sheet-HideIfNotFreeOrThread, -.sheet-testFreeOrThread:not([value*="-link"])+.sheet-HideIfFreeOrThread+.sheet-HideIfNotFreeOrThread, -.sheet-testPlaceholder:not(:placeholder-shown)~.sheet-hideIfNotPlaceholder, -.sheet-testPlaceholder:placeholder-shown~.sheet-hideIfPlaceholder, -.sheet-testPlaceholder:not(:placeholder-shown)~div .sheet-hideIfNotPlaceholder, -.sheet-testPlaceholder:not(:placeholder-shown)~span .sheet-hideIfNotPlaceholder, -.sheet-testPlaceholder:placeholder-shown~span .sheet-hideIfPlaceholder, -input[type="number"]:disabled.sheet-hidden, /* Need this bit of extra specificity here */ -.sheet-hidden { - display: none; -} - - -.sheet-testCreature[value="0"]~div .sheet-UnHideIfCreature, -.sheet-testRaceMax[value="HomeBrew"]~div .sheet-UnHideIfCreature, -/* .sheet-testRace[value="Other"]~div .sheet-UnHideIfHomeBrew, -.sheet-testRace[value=""]~div .sheet-UnHideIfHomeBrew, */ -.sheet-testCloseChecked:checked+.sheet-UnHideIfCloseChecked, -.sheet-testChecked:checked~.sheet-UnHideIfChecked, -.sheet-testDSPPath[value^="Path"]+.sheet-UnHideIfDSPPath, -.sheet-testNum:not([value="0"])+.sheet-UnhideIfNotZero, -.sheet-testNum:not([value="0"])+.sheet-testNum+.sheet-UnhideIfNotZero, -.sheet-testDevotion[value^="QD-"]+.sheet-UnhideIfDevotion -{ display: inline-block; } - -.sheet-testNum2[value="1"]~div .sheet-UnhideIf1, -.sheet-testNum2[value="2"]~div .sheet-UnhideIf2, -.sheet-testNum2[value="3"]~div .sheet-UnhideIf3, -.sheet-testNum2[value="4"]~div .sheet-UnhideIf4, -.sheet-testNum2[value="5"]~div .sheet-UnhideIf5, -.sheet-testNum2[value="6"]~div .sheet-UnhideIf6, -.sheet-testNum2[value="7"]~div .sheet-UnhideIf7, -.sheet-testNum2[value="8"]~div .sheet-UnhideIf8, -.sheet-testNum2[value="9"]~div .sheet-UnhideIf9, -.sheet-testNum2[value="10"]~div .sheet-UnhideIf10, -.sheet-testNum2[value="11"]~div .sheet-UnhideIf11, -.sheet-testNum2[value="12"]~div .sheet-UnhideIf12, -.sheet-testNum2[value="13"]~div .sheet-UnhideIf13, -.sheet-testNum2[value="14"]~div .sheet-UnhideIf14, -.sheet-testNum2[value="15"]~div .sheet-UnhideIf15 -{ display: inline-block; } - - - -.sheet-testRowID -{ -} - - - -.sheet-testAPI[value="2"]~div .sheet-testRowID[value=""] + span::before, -.sheet-testAPI[value="1"]~div .sheet-testRowID[value=""] + span::before -{ - content : "!"; - color:red; - font-weight: bold; - margin-right:-4px;' -} - - - - -/* ################ JBF 210104 Global formatting (inputs, select ...) ############ */ - - -input[type="text"], -input[type="number"] { - color: var( --font-color ); - background-color: var( --input-color ); - border: 1px solid transparent; - padding: 1px; - font-weight: bold; - text-align: center; -} - -input.sheet-HideSpinners::-webkit-inner-spin-button, -input.sheet-HideSpinners::-webkit-outer-spin-button, -input[type="number"]::-webkit-inner-spin-button, -input[type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button { - opacity: 0.1; -} - -input.sheet-HideSpinners:hover::-webkit-inner-spin-button, -input.sheet-HideSpinners:hover::-webkit-outer-spin-button, -input[type="number"]:hover::-webkit-inner-spin-button, -input[type="number"]:hover::-webkit-outer-spin-button { - opacity: 1; -} - -input:hover, -input.sheet-HideSpinners:hover { - -moz-appearance: auto; - background-color: var( --hover-color-bg); - border : 1px solid var( --hover-color); -} - -input[type="number"], -input.sheet-HideSpinners { - -moz-appearance: textfield; -} - - -textarea.sheet-details { - height: 100px; - resize: vertical; - margin-bottom : 1px; -} - -textarea.sheet-details-small { - height: 50px; - resize: vertical; - margin-bottom : 1px; -} - -textarea.sheet-details-big { - height: 400px; - resize: vertical; - margin-bottom : 1px; -} - -textarea.sheet-details-oneline { - height: 25px; - resize: none; - margin-bottom : 1px; - background: var(--input-color); - -} - -textarea.sheet-textimport { - height: 23px; - width: 10em; - resize: none; - overflow: none; - margin-bottom : 0px; - background-color: var( --input-color ); - border : 1px solid var(--outline-color); -} - -span.sheet-buttonlabel, -input.sheet-buttonlabel { - background : transparent; - border-style: none; - text-align: left; - padding: 0; - margin: 0; - font-family: 'Aladin', "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif; - font-weight: normal !important; - color: var( --font-color ); - -} -button:hover span.sheet-buttonlabel, -button:hover input.sheet-buttonlabel { - color : var( --hover-color ); - cursor: pointer; -} - - - -select { - background-color: var( --input-color ); - border-left: none; - border-top: none; - border-right-style: none; - border-bottom: 1px solid var( --outline-color ); - text-align: center; -} - - - -[readonly], -.sheet-Locked, -input[type="text"][readonly], -input[type="number"][readonly], -input[type="number"][readonly]:hover, -input[type="number"].sheet-Locked, /* Sometime need this bit of extra specificity */ -input[type="text"].sheet-Locked, -.sheet-testRaceMax:not([value="HomeBrew"])~div .sheet-LockIfNotHomeBrew, -.sheet-testCreature:not([value="0"])~div .sheet-LockIfNotCreature, -.sheet-testKarmaAuto:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-Karma-ControlBox, -.sheet-testKarmaAuto:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-DP-ControlBox, -.sheet-testLocked:checked~.sheet-LockIfChecked, -.sheet-testLocked:checked~span .sheet-LockIfChecked, -.sheet-testLocked:checked~div .sheet-LockIfChecked, -.sheet-testLocked:checked~label .sheet-LockIfChecked, -.sheet-testLocked:not(:checked)~.sheet-LockIfNotChecked, -.sheet-testLocked:not(:checked)~span .sheet-LockIfNotChecked, -.sheet-testLocked:not(:checked)~label .sheet-LockIfNotChecked, -.sheet-testLocked:not(:checked)~div .sheet-LockIfNotChecked { - background-color: var( --locked-color ); - pointer-events: none; - -moz-appearance: textfield; - font-family: 'Aladin', "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif; - font-weight: normal !important; -} - -.sheet-testRepEditMode:checked~.repcontainer .sheet-LockIfEditMode, -.sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked)~.repcontainer .sheet-LockIfNotEditMode, -.sheet-testRepEditMode:checked~.sheet-LockIfEditMode, -.sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked)~.sheet-LockIfNotEditMode, -.sheet-testRepEditMode:checked~div>.sheet-LockIfEditMode, -.sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked)~div>.sheet-LockIfNotEditMode, -.sheet-testRepEditMode:checked~div>div>.sheet-LockIfEditMode, -.sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked)~div>div>.sheet-LockIfNotEditMode, -.sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked)~div>span>.sheet-LockIfNotEditMode, -.sheet-testRepEditMode:checked~span>.sheet-LockIfEditMode, -.sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked)~span>.sheet-LockIfNotEditMode, -.sheet-testRepEditMode:checked~div>div>span>.sheet-LockIfEditMode, -.sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked)~div>div>span>.sheet-LockIfNotEditMode { - background-color: var( --locked-color ); - pointer-events: none; - font-style : italic; - -moz-appearance: textfield; -} - -.sheet-testRaceMax[value="HomeBrew"]~div .sheet-UnlockIfHomeBrew, -.sheet-testCreature[value="0"]~div .sheet-UnlockIfCreature, -.sheet-testNum[value="7"]+.sheet-UnlockIf7, -.sheet-testNum[value="99"]+.sheet-UnlockIf99, -.sheet-testLocked:checked+.sheet-UnlockIfChecked, -.sheet-testLocked:checked~.sheet-UnlockIfChecked, -.sheet-testLocked:checked~span .sheet-UnlockIfChecked, -.sheet-testLocked:checked~label .sheet-UnlockIfChecked, -.sheet-testLocked:not(:checked)~.sheet-UnlockIfNotChecked, -.sheet-testLocked:not(:checked)~label .sheet-UnlockIfNotChecked, -.sheet-testLocked:not(:checked)~span .sheet-UnlockIfNotChecked { - background-color: var( --input-color ); - color: var( --font-color ); - pointer-events: initial; -} - - - -input:disabled, -input:disabled::-webkit-inner-spin-button, -input:disabled::-webkit-outer-spin-button, -input[readonly]::-webkit-inner-spin-button, -input[readonly]::-webkit-outer-spin-button, -.sheet-fakeCalc input:not(.sheet-hidden) { - pointer-events: none; - font-style: italic; - display: inline-block; - -moz-appearance: textfield; /*Was none before*/ - -webkit-appearance: none; -} - - -input.sheet-nospinner, -input.sheet-nospinner::-webkit-inner-spin-button, -input.sheet-nospinner::-webkit-outer-spin-button { - -moz-appearance: textfield; /*Was none before*/ - -webkit-appearance: none; -} - - - - -.sheet-floatRight { - float: right; - clear: right; -} - -.sheet-text-left { - text-align: left !important; -} - -.sheet-text-center { - text-align: center !important; -} - - -.sheet-fancyfont { - font-family: 'Aladin', "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif; - font-weight: normal !important; -} - - -.sheet-Elementalist-section, -.sheet-Illusionist-section, -.sheet-Nethermancer-section, -.sheet-Wizard-section { -} /* Need a class here just to keep .sheet-section from inheriting, even if the class is empty */ - -.sheet-label { - line-height: 10px; - font-size: 85%; - padding-right: 2em; - font-weight: bold; - text-align: center; - white-space: nowrap; -} - -.sheet-label-flex { - font-size: 85%; - font-weight: bold; -} - - - -.sheet-repeat-counter-reset { - counter-reset: sheet-rep-items; -} - -.sheet-repeat-count::before -{ - counter-increment: sheet-rep-items; - content: counter(sheet-rep-items) !important; - padding: 0.7em; -} - - -.sheet-text-button { - border-bottom: 1px solid black; - border-right: 1px solid transparent; - border-left: 1px solid transparent; - border-top: 1px solid transparent; - -} - -.sheet-text-button { - color: var( --font-color ); - background-color: var( --button-color ); -} - -.sheet-text-button-header { - color: var( --header-font-color ); - background-color: var( --outline-color ); -} - -.charsheet button[type="roll"].sheet-helpbutton { - color:black; - background-color: maroon ; - background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top,#fff,maroon); - background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top,#fff,maroon); - background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,0 0,0 100%,from(#fff),to(maroon)); - background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,#fff,maroon); - background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top,#fff,maroon); - background-image: linear-gradient(top,#fff,maroon); - background-repeat: repeat-x; - width: 20px; - size:130%; -} - - -/* JBF@JBF 210106 trials for transparent button */ - -.charsheet button[type="roll"], -.charsheet button[type="action"] { - border-bottom: 1px solid var( --outline-color); - border-right: 1px solid transparent; - border-left: 1px solid transparent; - border-top: 1px solid transparent; - border-radius: 5px; - margin-left: 1px; - margin-right: 1px; - background-color: var( --button-color ); - background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top,#fff,#e6e6e6); - background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top,#fff,#e6e6e6); - background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,0 0,0 100%,from(#fff),to(#e6e6e6)); - background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,#fff,#e6e6e6); - background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top,#fff,#e6e6e6); - background-image: linear-gradient(top,#fff,#e6e6e6); - background-repeat: repeat-x; - padding : 2px; -} - -button[type="roll"].sheet-text-button-header { - background-image: none; - background-color: var( --outline-color); - border-bottom: 1px solid white; - border-right: 1px solid white; - border-left: 1px solid white; - border-top: 1px solid white; -} - - -.charsheet button[type="roll"]:hover, -.charsheet button[type="roll"]:active, -.charsheet button[type="action"]:hover, -.charsheet button[type="action"]:active { - color: var( --hover-color ); - background-color: #e6e6e6; - background-position: 0 -15px; - background-position-x: 0px; - background-position-y: -15px; - -webkit-transition: background-position .1s linear; - -moz-transition: background-position .1s linear; - -ms-transition: background-position .1s linear; - -o-transition: background-position .1s linear; - transition: background-position .1s linear; - transition-property: background-position; - transition-duration: 0.1s; - transition-timing-function: linear; - transition-delay: 0s; - border: 1px solid red; -} - - -input[name*="combatOption"]:checked + b, -input[name*="condition"]:checked + b { - background-color: var( --outline-color ); - color: white; - border-radius: 5px; - padding-right: 5px; - padding-bottom: 1px; - padding-top: 1px; -} - - - -.charsheet button[type=roll].sheet-button-nodice:before { - content: none; -} - - -input[type="number"].sheet-attrCostsRed { - background-color: maroon; - color: white; -} - - -.sheet-testAttrCosts[value="0"]~div .sheet-attrCostsRed -{ - background-color: Green; - color: white; -} - -input[type="number"].sheet-attrCostsGreen { - background-color: green; -} - -.sheet-testAttrCosts[value="0"]~div input[type="number"].sheet-attrCostsGreen, -.sheet-testAttrCosts[value="1"]~div input[type="number"].sheet-attrCostsGreen, -.sheet-testAttrCosts[value="2"]~div input[type="number"].sheet-attrCostsGreen { - background-color: white; -} - - -/* ######## Steps and StepSpan ###### */ - -.charsheet input[type="number"].sheet-StepBig, -.sheet-StepBig { - font-size : 150%; - padding: 0; - margin-left: 0; - margin-right: -3px; - margin-bottom: -14px; - text-align: center; - width: 1.3em ; -} - -.charsheet span.sheet-stepSpan, -.sheet-stepSpan { - height: 26px; - padding-bottom: 2px ; - margin-left: 14px ; - margin-right: 19px ; - display: inline-block; - white-space: nowrap; -} - -.sheet-buffSmall { - transform: scale(0.8) ; /*JBF : transform instead of the font size adresses the spinners*/ -} - - -.charsheet input[type="number"].sheet-buffLeft, -.charsheet input[type="number"].sheet-buffRight { - vertical-align: top; - padding: 0px; - margin-top: 0px; - margin-bottom: 0px; -} - -.charsheet b.sheet-buffSignLeft, -.charsheet b.sheet-buffSignRight { - vertical-align: top; - padding: 0px; - margin-top: 0px; - margin-bottom: 0px; - width: 0.3em; - text-align: right; -} - - -.charsheet b.sheet-buffSignRight{ - margin-right: -2px; - margin-left: -1px; -} - -.charsheet input[type="number"].sheet-buffRight { - margin-left: -4px; - margin-right: -20px; - text-align: left; - width: 2.5em; -} - -.charsheet b.sheet-buffSignLeft { - margin-right: -15px; - margin-left: -2px; -} - -.charsheet input[type="number"].sheet-buffLeft { - text-align: right; - margin-left: 0px; - margin-right: -8px; - width: 1.8em; -} - -.sheet-buffRight::-webkit-inner-spin-button, -.sheet-buffRight::-webkit-outer-spin-button { - opacity: 0; -} - -.sheet-buffRight { - -moz-appearance: textfield; -} - -span:hover .sheet-buffRight::-webkit-inner-spin-button, -span:hover .sheet-buffRight::-webkit-outer-spin-button { - opacity:1; -} - -span:hover .sheet-buffRight{ - -moz-appearance: auto; -} - - -.sheet-testCloseChecked:checked+.sheet-InvisibleIfCloseChecked { - opacity: 0; -} - -.sheet-testCloseChecked:checked+.sheet-PartlyInvisibleIfCloseChecked { - color: transparent; -} - -.sheet-testCloseChecked:not(:checked)+.sheet-PartlyInvisibleIfNotCloseChecked { - color: transparent ; -} - -.sheet-redGreen ~ input, -.sheet-redGreen ~ b { - color: green; -} - - - -.sheet-redGreen[value^="-"] ~ input { - color: red; -} -.sheet-greenRed ~ input, -.sheet-greenRed ~ b { - color: red; -} -.sheet-greenRed[value^="-"] ~ input { - color: green; -} - - -.sheet-redGreen[value^="-"]~ b, -.sheet-greenRed[value^="-"]~ b, -.sheet-redGreen[value="0"] ~ input, -.sheet-greenRed[value="0"] ~ input, -.sheet-redGreen[value="0"] ~ b, -.sheet-greenRed[value="0"] ~ b { - color: transparent; -} - - -.sheet-testKarReq:not([value="0"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_0_3, -.sheet-testKarReq:not([value="0"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_0_2, -.sheet-testKarReq:not([value="1"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_1_2, -.sheet-testKarReq:not([value="1"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_1_3, -.sheet-testKarMax:not([value="2"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_1_2, -.sheet-testKarMax:not([value="2"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_0_2, -.sheet-testKarMax:not([value="3"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_1_3, -.sheet-testKarMax:not([value="3"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_0_3, -.sheet-testKarMax:not([value="0"],[value="1"],[value="2"],[value="3"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_lessthan3, -.sheet-testKarMax:not(:not([value="0"],[value="1"],[value="2"],[value="3"])) ~ .sheet-Kar_morethan3, -.sheet-testKarMax:not([value="4"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_4, -.sheet-testKarMax:not([value="5"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_5, -.sheet-testKarMax:not([value="6"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_6, -.sheet-testKarMax:not([value="7"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_7, -.sheet-testKarMax:not([value="8"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_8, -.sheet-testKarMax:not([value="9"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_9, -.sheet-testKarMax:not([value="10"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_10, -.sheet-testKarMax:not([value="11"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_11, -.sheet-testKarMax:not([value="12"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_12, -.sheet-testKarMax:not([value="13"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_13, -.sheet-testKarMax:not([value="14"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_14, -.sheet-testKarMax:not([value="15"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_15 { - display: none !important; -} - - - -/* ############################################# JBF Header Flex Containers ######################################################### */ - -.sheet-header-flex-container { - display: flex; - align-items: flex-start; - justify-content: flex-start; - flex-wrap: wrap; - overflow: hidden; - margin-bottom:10px; - border-bottom: 2px solid var(--outline-color); -} - - -.sheet-header-box { - height: 75px; - border: 1px solid var(--outline-color); - border-radius: 10px; - display: flex; - align-items: center; - margin-right: 1px; - flex-flow: column; - opacity: 1; - overflow: hidden; - max-width: 280px; -} - -.sheet-header-modbox { - margin-top : 9px; - margin-bottom: 7px; - margin-left: 0px; - margin-right: 0px; -} - - -.sheet-header-flex-container:not(:hover) .sheet-testNum[value="0"]+.sheet-testNum[value="0"]+.sheet-header-hidden, -.sheet-header-flex-container:not(:hover) .sheet-testNum[value="0"]+.sheet-testNum[value="0"]+.sheet-testNum[value="0"]+.sheet-header-hidden { - height : 0px; - max-width: 0px; - overflow: hidden; - opacity: 0.5; - padding: 0px; - margin: 0px; - border: 1px solid transparent; -} - -.sheet-header-box, -.sheet-iconlabel-header, -.sheet-iconlabel-header-invert, -.sheet-iconlabelbig, -.sheet-header-hidden { - transition: height 0.5s, flex-grow 0.5s, min-width 0.5s, flex-basis 0.5s, width 0.5s, max-width 0.5s , margin 0.5s, padding 0.5s; - /* transition-delay: 1.5s; */ - overflow: hidden; -} - - - -.sheet-header-iconbox { - flex-grow: 1; /* it can grow */ - flex-shrink: 1; /* it can shrink */ - /* flex-basis: 30px; /* arbitrary depending on design */ */ - /* min-width: 30px; /* equal to flex-basis */ */ - /*max-width: 100%; JBF@JBF 210228 (100% - margins)/number of boxes */ - text-align: center; - transition: flex-grow, 0.5s; - transition: min-width 0.5s; - /* transition-delay: 1.5s; */ - line-height:0; -} - -.sheet-header-flex-container:not(:hover) .sheet-header-iconbox { - /* flex-grow: 0.0000000001; /* it cant grow anymore... We want it to collapse */ */ - /* flex-basis: 30px; */ - /* width: auto; - min-width: 30px; */ - /* padding: 0px !important; */ - transition: flex-grow, 0.5s, min-width 0.5s; - /* transition-delay: 1.5s; */ -} - -.sheet-header-logo-Earthdawn { - /* background-image: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Earthdawn-Logo.png); */ - /* content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Earthdawn-Logo.png); */ - content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/EARTHDAWN%20LOGO%206.5%20Middlewings%20-%20FINAL-cropped.png); - /* content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Jiboux/roll20-character-sheets/EDv3/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/ED_logo_black_jaustin_20220926.png); */ - - /* border: 1px solid black; */ -/* background-image: url(https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.staging.d20.io/images/258659/43tgLdtfozFTvZrPGMv-uw/med.png?1539148273); */ -} -.sheet-header-logo-1879 { - /* background-image: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/1879-Logo.png); */ - content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/1879-Logo.png); -/* background-image: url(https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.d20.io/images/188531300/L18EvmQWIkcT_CKVGnPfqg/max.png?1609231596); */ -} - -.sheet-header-logo-Earthdawn, -.sheet-header-logo-1879 -{ - max-height: 76px; - /* background-repeat: no-repeat; - background-size: contain; */ - max-width: 200px; - width: calc(100% - 800px); /* Width of Logo =100%-2X where X = min-width of header-name*/ -} - -.sheet-testQuest:not([value="0"])~div .sheet-header-logo-1879, -.sheet-testQuest:not([value="0"])~div .sheet-header-logo-Earthdawn -{ - width: calc(100% - 1000px); /* If Questor, Logo needs to be smaller */ -} - -.sheet-testQuest:not([value="0"])~div .sheet-header-name { - /* min-width: min(500px, 25%); - width: calc(50% - 100px); */ - min-width:200px; - width : calc(50% + 350px); - -} - - -.sheet-header-name { - height: 70px; - /* border: 1px solid var(--outline-color); */ - border-radius: 10%; - /* min-width: min(400px, 25%); - width: calc(50% - 100px); */ - min-width:200px; - width : calc(50% + 300px); - padding-top: 6px; - padding: 3px; - overflow: hidden; -} - - -/* ############################################ Colors and Margins ###################################################### */ - - -/* JBF 210103 To be identified */ -.ui-widget-content, -.charsheet { - position: absolute; - padding: 0 !important; - left: 0; - top: 46px; -} -/* JBF 210103 To be identified */ - - -.sheet-user-root { -/*Normal Background*/ - background-color: white; /*Don't ask why but necessary for the Dark mode*/ - /* background-image: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Border-left-nobottom.png),url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Border-right-nobottom.png),url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Border-left-nobottom3.png),url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Border-right-nobottom3.png); - background-repeat: no-repeat, no-repeat,no-repeat, no-repeat; - background-blend-mode: multiply, multiply,multiply, multiply; - background-position: -17px -15px,calc(100% + 23px) -10px,-17px 1357px,calc(100% + 23px) 1362px; - background-size : 250px 1372px, 250px 1372px,250px 1372px, 250px 1372px; - padding-left: 13px; - padding-right: 13px; - padding-top: 10px; */ - padding:12px; - border-image-slice:50 66 50 66; -border-image-width:13px 17px 13px 17px; -border-image-outset:0px 0px 0px 0px; -border-image-repeat:round round; -border-image-source:url("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Jiboux/roll20-character-sheets/EDv314/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/ED-ExternalFrame.png?raw=true"); -border-style: -solid; - - margin-top: 0px; - margin-left: 0px; - margin-right: 0px; -} - -.sheet-user-root-in { - margin-left: 0px; - margin-right: 0px; - min-width: 500px; /*JBF@JBF : to be reworked according to final layout*/ - border: 2px groove var( --outline-color ); - - background-color: var( --bg-color ); -} - - -.sheet-section { - background-color: var( --bg-color ); -} - -.sheet-content { - padding: 2px; -} - - -.sheet-bordered { - border : 1px solid var(--outline-color) !important; -} - -.sheet-bordered-bottom { - border-top: none !important; - border-left: none !important; - border-right: none !important; - border-bottom: 1px solid var(--outline-color) !important; -} - -.sheet-notbordered { - border: none !important; -} - -.sheet-header { - min-height: 30px; -} - - -.sheet-imgbox { - text-align: center; - align-items: center; - justify-content: center; - height: 50px; - width: 50px; - position: relative; -} - - -.sheet-imgbox::before { - text-align: center; - align-items: center; - justify-content: center; - content: ""; - position: absolute; - background-repeat: no-repeat; - background-size: 40px 40px; - background-position: top center; - top: 0px; - right: 0px; - bottom: 0px; - left: 0px; - height: 50px; - width: 50px; - opacity: 0.2; - z-index: 1; -} - -.sheet-imgbox-content { - z-index: 99; - position: relative; -} - - -.sheet-imgbox-defense { - /*size of your image*/ - text-align: center; - align-items: center; - justify-content: center; - vertical-align: middle; - height: 37px; - width: 43px; - padding-left: 8px; - padding-bottom: 14px; - position: relative; -} - - -.sheet-imgbox-defense::before { - text-align: center; - align-items: center; - justify-content: center; - content: ""; - position: absolute; - background-repeat: no-repeat; - background-size: 45px 45px; - background-position: 50% 25%; - top: 0px; - right: 0px; - bottom: 0px; - left: 0px; - height: 45px; - width: 45px; - opacity: 0.4; - z-index: 1; - padding-left: 8px; - padding-bottom: 20px; -} - - -.sheet-sec-border-line { - background-color: var( --bg-color ); - margin-left: -7px; - margin-right: -7px; -} - -.sheet-sec-border-line { - border-top: 2px double var( --outline-color ); - padding-top: 3px; -} - - -/*JBF@JBF to be identified, maybe dead code, and in any case shouldn't be static color*/ - -.sheet-heading { - background-color: var( --control-secondary ); - color: var( --header-font-color ); - font-family: 'Aladin', "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif; - font-weight: normal !important; - margin: 1px; -} - - -/* ############################################ Tables and cells #################################################### */ - -.sheet-table { - display: table; - width: 100%; -} - -.sheet-table-left { - display: table; - border-collapse: collapse; -} - -span.sheet-table-left, -.sheet-table-left .sheet-table-row span { - border-style: hidden; - border-width: 2px; - text-align: left; -} - -.sheet-table-name { - display: table-caption; - text-align: center; - font-weight: bold; - color: var( --header-font-color ); - background-color: var( --outline-color ); - width: 100%; -} - -.charsheet .sheet-headerbar, -.sheet-headerbar { - vertical-align: bottom; - justify-content: center; - align-items: center; - text-align : center; - color: var( --header-font-color ); - /* font-weight: bold; */ - background-color: var(--outline-color); - font-size: 14px; - /* font-family: Papyrus, fantasy; */ - font-family: 'Aladin', "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif; - font-weight: normal !important; - width: 100%; - /* margin: auto; *//* JBF@JBF 210105*/ - min-height: 21px; - display: flex; -} - -.charsheet .sheet-headerbar-flex, -.sheet-headerbar-flex { - vertical-align: bottom; - justify-content: space-between; -} - - -.sheet-creation-order { -color: yellow; -font-size: 16px; -/*text-shadow: 1px 1px white;*/ -} - -.sheet-table-header { - display: table-cell; - text-align: center; - font-style: italic; - font-weight: bold; - color: var( --header-font-color ); - vertical-align: middle; - background-color: var( --outline-color ); -} - -.sheet-table-row { - display: table-row; - vertical-align: middle; - width: 100%; -} - -.sheet-table-data { - display: table-cell; - vertical-align: middle; - text-align: center; /*JBF 20201124*/ - white-space: nowrap; -} - -hr { - border-color: black; - margin: 5px 0; -} - -.sheet-w15 { - display: table-cell; - vertical-align: middle; - text-align: left; - width: 15%; -} - -.sheet-w20 { - display: table-cell; - vertical-align: middle; - text-align: left; - width: 20%; -} -.sheet-w30 { - display: inline-block; - text-align: left; - width: 30%; -} - -.sheet-w100p { - width: 100%; -} - -/*JBF@JBF useful ???*/ -.sheet-w50 { - width: 100%; -} - - -.sheet-notes{ -width: 28%; -/* padding-left: 5px; -padding-right: 5px; */ -/* padding-bottom: 10px; */ -margin: 1%; -} - - -.sheet-flex-container { - display: flex; - align-items: flex-start; - justify-content: space-between; -} - -.sheet-flex-column { -flex-direction: column; -} - -.sheet-flexwrap { - flex-wrap: wrap; -} - -.sheet-glossary { - /* display: flex; - align-items: flex-start; - flex-wrap: wrap; - flex-direction: column; - max-height: 150px; - height : auto; */ - display: inline-block; -} - - -.sheet-flex1 { - flex: 1; -} -/*JBF@CD -- This is a trial, but gives interesting results*/ - - -.sheet-floatRight.sheet-header-flex-container, -.sheet-floatRight.sheet-flex-container { - justify-content: flex-end; -} - -.sheet-flexCenter { - display: flex; - justify-content: center; - align-items: center; -} - -/ ############################################# Attribute Boxes ########################################################## */ - -.sheet-Attrib-container { - padding: 5px; - margin-top: 3px; - display: flex; - align-items: center; -} - -.sheet-Attrib-box { - border: 1px solid black; - border-radius: 10px; - text-align: center; - display: inline-block; - width: 120px; - margin-bottom: 3px; - min-height: 80px; -} - -.sheet-Attrib-header { - display: flex; - justify-content: space-around; - align-items: flex-start; - vertical-align: top; - text-align: center; - background-color: var(--outline-color); - border-radius:10px; -} - -.sheet-Defense-box { - border: 1px solid black; - border-radius: 10px; - display: flex; - margin: 2px; - align-items: center; - flex-flow: column; - width: 100px; - min-height: 75px; -} - -.sheet-Shield-box { - border: 1px solid black; - border-radius: 10px; - display: flex; - margin: 3px; - padding: 3px; - align-items: center; - flex-flow: column; -} - - - -.sheet-Attrib-rightbox { - text-align: center; - display: inline-block; -} - - -.charsheet input[type="number"].sheet-AttribValue, -.sheet-AttribValue { - background: var( --outline-color ); - border-style: 1px solid black; - border-radius: 70%; - color: var( --header-font-color ); - font-weight: bold; - text-align: center; -} - -.sheet-AttribValueDiv { - margin-top: 3px; -} - -.charsheet input[type="number"].sheet-AttribStep, -.sheet-AttribStep -{ - color: var( --highlight-font-color ); - text-shadow: 2px 2px var( --bg-color ); - font-weight:bold; - font-size: 250%; /* JBF was important */ - padding: 0; /* JBF was important */ - margin-top: 0; /* JBF was important */ - margin-bottom: 0; /* JBF was important */ - margin-left: 0; /* JBF was important */ - margin-right: -11px; /* JBF was important */ - text-align: center; /* JBF was important */ - width: 1.3em; /* JBF was important */ - font-weight: bold; - -} - -.charsheet span.sheet-AttribStepSpan, -.sheet-AttribStepSpan -{ - padding: 4px; /* JBF was important */ - -} - -/* ############################################ Formating and Length ###################################################### */ - -.sheet-fixed-width { - white-space: nowrap; - display: inline-block; -} - - -.charsheet .sheet-matrix.sheet-filter-box { - margin: 0px; - margin-bottom: 2px; - margin-right: 2px; - border-radius: 5px; - padding: 0px; - border: 1px solid black; -} - - - -.sheet-nowrap0 { - white-space: nowrap; - display: inline-block; /*JBF@CD Trial for alignment*/ - vertical-align: middle; -} - -.sheet-nowrap, -.sheet-nowrap1 { - white-space: nowrap; - padding-right: 1em; -} - -.sheet-nowrap2 { - white-space: nowrap; - padding-right: 2em; -} - -.sheet-nowrap3 { - white-space: nowrap; - padding-right: 3em; -} - -.sheet-nowrap5 { - white-space: nowrap; - padding-right: 5em; -} - -.sheet-w7 { - display: inline-block; - min-width: 7em; - padding-right: 0em; -} - -/*JBF */ -.sheet-numShorter { width: 2em !important } -.sheet-numShort { width: 3em !important } -.sheet-numLong { width: 4em !important } -.sheet-selShort { width: 5em !important } -.sheet-selLong { width: 6em !important } -.sheet-txtShort { width: 8em !important } -.sheet-txtMed { width: 9em !important } -.sheet-txtMedplus { width: 11.5em !important } -.sheet-txtLong { width: 16em !important } -.sheet-txtLonger { width: 20em !important } -.sheet-txtEvenLonger { width: 27em !important } - - -.sheet-titlespan { - margin-left: 0px; - margin-right: 0px; - text-align: center; - vertical-align: middle; -} - - -.charsheet .sheet-w25px { width: 25px; } -.charsheet .sheet-w30px { width: 30px; } -.charsheet .sheet-w50px { width: 50px; } -.charsheet .sheet-w75px { width: 75px; } -.charsheet .sheet-w100px { width: 100px; } - -.charsheet .sheet-Big { font-size: 150%;} - -.charsheet input[type="number"].sheet-Bigger, - .sheet-Bigger { - font-size: 200%; - width: 2em; - text-align: center ; -} -.sheet-small { transform: scale(0.8); /*better results ?*/} - -.charsheet input[type="number"].sheet-numHighlight, -.sheet-numHighlight { - color: var( --highlight-font-color ); - text-shadow: 2px 2px var( --bg-color ); - font-weight: bold; -} - - -.sheet-vaBottom { - vertical-align: bottom; -} - -.sheet-middle { - display: inline-block; - padding-top: 6px; -} - -.sheet-minWidth3 { - min-width: 3em; -} - - - - -/* ############################################ Variable length text boxes ########################################################## */ -/* The next few blocks are for variable length text boxes that expand as needed. sheet-label-under2 is a tall box and has labels under the text input. -The form of the html is a label or span wrapper, an input box, an span that has the invisible auto-expanding field, and an optional span that has the label. - - -To have a label in front of the expanding field, use something like this. - -*/ - -/* This is the tag that wraps the entire thing. It can be a label or a span */ -.charsheet .sheet-autoexpand-wrap { - display: inline-block; - position: relative; - width: auto; - min-width: 2em; - max-width: 50em; - margin-right: 1em; - white-space: nowrap; -} - -.charsheet .sheet-autoexpand-min4 { - min-width: 4em; - width: auto; -} - -.charsheet .sheet-autoexpand-min { - min-width: 14em; - width: auto; -} - - - -.charsheet .sheet-autoexpand-wrap:not(.sheet-label-under2) { - height: 2em; - vertical-align: middle; -} - -.charsheet .sheet-label-under:not(button), -.charsheet .sheet-label-under2 { - display: inline-block; - height: 2.75em; - vertical-align: top; -} - -/* This is the input statement that is visible. */ -.charsheet .sheet-autoexpand-wrap input { - display: block; - overflow: hidden; - width: 100%; - position: absolute; - white-space: normal; -} - -/* This is the invisible copy of the input. This css changes this invisible fields size to the length of the text in the input. The outer wrapper then changes size to match this fields length. */ -.charsheet .sheet-autoexpand-wrap span.sheet-autoexpand { - visibility: hidden; - width: 100%; - white-space: pre; /* pre-wrap; for textarea which I never got working but "pre" should also work for spans */ - word-wrap: break-word; - overflow-wrap: break-word; - overflow: hidden; - font-weight: bold; - padding-right: 2em; /* We want the text box very slightly bigger than the text. JBF@CD was 0.7 em*/ - /* also here make sure the font size is the same or slightly bigger than the input font size */ -} - -/* This is the span that holds the label that we want small at the bottom. */ -.charsheet .sheet-label-under2 span:not(.sheet-autoexpand) { - display: block; - position: relative; /*JBF@CD Changed from absolute 0 to relative -10px*/ - bottom: -13px; - line-height: .75em; - font-size: 85%; - padding-left: .25em; -} - -/* When we have the label under the field, we don't want the label to ever be longer than the field */ -.charsheet .sheet-label-under, -.charsheet .sheet-label-under2 { - overflow: hidden; -} - -.charsheet .sheet-label-under2 span, -.charsheet .sheet-label-under span, -.charsheet .sheet-label-under-select span { - line-height: 10px; - display: block; - /* font-weight: lighter; */ - font-size: 85%; - padding-left: .25em; -} - - - - - -/* ########################################### Filterboxes ####################################################### -# Filterboxes are basically repitems. Except that Filterboxes have been formated to allow certain items to be hidden -# if they don't match the requirements to be displayed. -*/ - -.charsheet .repcontainer .repitem, /* A filterbox should look exactly like a repitem. */ -.sheet-filter-box { - padding: 0px; - margin: 0px; - border: none; - border-radius: 0px; -} - - - -fieldset.repeating_spell+.repcontainer>.repitem, /* A repitem within a spell list should functionally not exist, it's place is taken by a filterbox. */ -fieldset+.repcontainer .repitem, -fieldset+.repcontainer .repitem .sheet-filter-box { - vertical-align: top; -} - -.sheet-filterSpellEffect~.repcontrol, -.sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked)~.repcontrol, /*hide buttons in not Edit Mode*/ -.sheet-filter-box { /* By default, display no items of a filter box */ - display: none; -} - -fieldset.sheet-filterSpellEffect+.repcontainer { - display: inline-block; -} - -.repcontainer .repitem { - overflow: hidden; -} - -fieldset+.repcontainer .repitem { - display: block; -} - -fieldset.repeating_talents+.repcontainer .repitem, /*fieldset that we want to wrap have to be specified manually*/ -fieldset.repeating_skills+.repcontainer .repitem, -fieldset.repeating_knacks+.repcontainer .repitem, -fieldset.repeating_matrix+.repcontainer .repitem, -fieldset.repeating_personality+.repcontainer .repitem, -fieldset.repeating_maneuvers+.repcontainer .repitem, -fieldset.repeating_weapons+.repcontainer .repitem { - display: inline-block; - /* padding:5px; */ -} - - -/* fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem:nth-child(5n+1){ - background: var(--bg-color1); -} - -fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem:nth-child(5n+2){ - background: var(--bg-color2); -} - -fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem:nth-child(5n+3){ - background: var(--bg-color3); -} - -fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem:nth-child(5n+4){ - background: var(--bg-color4); -} - -fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem:nth-child(5n){ - background: var(--bg-color5); -} */ - -/* fieldset+.repcontainer{ - column-width:auto; -} */ - - - -/* Decide which specific repitems to display. */ -/*Talents Filter*/ -input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents~div input.sheet-tabTalentsFilter[value="D1"]~ fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-talentType[value^="D1"]+.sheet-filter-box2, /*filter-box2 only hides when on the Talents tab*/ -input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents~div input.sheet-tabTalentsFilter[value="D1"]~ fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-talentType[value^="TO1"]+.sheet-filter-box2, /*filter-box2 only hides when on the Talents tab*/ -input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents~div input.sheet-tabTalentsFilter[value="D2"]~ fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-talentType[value^="D2"]+.sheet-filter-box2, /*filter-box2 only hides when on the Talents tab*/ -input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents~div input.sheet-tabTalentsFilter[value="D2"]~ fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-talentType[value^="TO2"]+.sheet-filter-box2, /*filter-box2 only hides when on the Talents tab*/ -input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents~div input.sheet-tabTalentsFilter[value="D3"]~ fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-talentType[value^="D3"]+.sheet-filter-box2, /*filter-box2 only hides when on the Talents tab*/ -input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents~div input.sheet-tabTalentsFilter[value="D3"]~ fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-talentType[value^="TO3"]+.sheet-filter-box2, /*filter-box2 only hides when on the Talents tab*/ -input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents~div input.sheet-tabTalentsFilter[value="D4"]~ fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-talentType[value^="D4"]+.sheet-filter-box2, /*filter-box2 only hides when on the Talents tab*/ -input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents~div input.sheet-tabTalentsFilter[value="D4"]~ fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-talentType[value^="TO4"]+.sheet-filter-box2, /*filter-box2 only hides when on the Talents tab*/ -input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents~div input.sheet-tabTalentsFilter[value="QD"]~ fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-talentType[value^="QD"]+.sheet-filter-box2, /*filter-box2 only hides when on the Talents tab*/ -input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents~div input.sheet-tabTalentsFilter[value="PA"]~ fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-talentType[value^="PA"]+.sheet-filter-box2, /*filter-box2 only hides when on the Talents tab*/ -input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents~div input.sheet-tabTalentsFilter[value="Other"]~ fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-talentType[value^="V"]+.sheet-filter-box2, /*filter-box2 only hides when on the Talents tab*/ -input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents~div input.sheet-tabTalentsFilter[value="Other"]~ fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-talentType[value="Racial"]+.sheet-filter-box2, /*filter-box2 only hides when on the Talents tab*/ -input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents~div input.sheet-tabTalentsFilter[value="Other"]~ fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-talentType[value="Power"]+.sheet-filter-box2, /*filter-box2 only hides when on the Talents tab*/ -input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents~div input.sheet-tabTalentsFilter[value="Other"]~ fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-talentType[value="Item"]+.sheet-filter-box2, /*filter-box2 only hides when on the Talents tab*/ -input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents~div input.sheet-tabTalentsFilter[value="Other"]~ fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-talentType[value="Dummy"]+.sheet-filter-box2, /*filter-box2 only hides when on the Talents tab*/ -input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents~div input.sheet-tabTalentsFilter[value="Other"]~ fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-talentType[value="Special"]+.sheet-filter-box2, /*filter-box2 only hides when on the Talents tab*/ -input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents~div input.sheet-tabTalentsFilter[value="Other"]~ fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-talentType[value="Free"]+.sheet-filter-box2, /*filter-box2 only hides when on the Talents tab*/ -input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents~div input.sheet-tabTalentsFilter[value="All"]~ fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-talentType+.sheet-filter-box2, /*filter-box2 only hides when on the Talents tab*/ -fieldset.repeating_armor+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-combattab:checked~.sheet-filter-box, /*Always show equipped. */ -.sheet-testRepEditMode:checked~fieldset.repeating_armor+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-combattab~.sheet-filter-box, /*In edit-mode show all. */ -input.sheet-tabGrim[value="0"]~.sheet-filter-box, /* Always display all spells of circle zero, since they have just been added and have not been assigned a circle yet. */ -.sheet-tabGrim[value="0"]~fieldset.repeating_spell+.repcontainer>.repitem .sheet-filter-box, /* When tab0 is checked, display everything no matter what which of the inner boxes are checked. */ -.sheet-tabGrim~fieldset.repeating_spell+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-grim-tab0:checked~.sheet-filter-box, /*always display the Circle 0 spells*/ -.sheet-tabGrim[value="1"]~fieldset.repeating_spell+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-grim-tab1:checked~.sheet-filter-box, -.sheet-tabGrim[value="2"]~fieldset.repeating_spell+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-grim-tab2:checked~.sheet-filter-box, -.sheet-tabGrim[value="3"]~fieldset.repeating_spell+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-grim-tab3:checked~.sheet-filter-box, -.sheet-tabGrim[value="4"]~fieldset.repeating_spell+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-grim-tab4:checked~.sheet-filter-box, -.sheet-tabGrim[value="5"]~fieldset.repeating_spell+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-grim-tab5:checked~.sheet-filter-box, -.sheet-tabGrim[value="6"]~fieldset.repeating_spell+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-grim-tab6:checked~.sheet-filter-box, -.sheet-tabGrim[value="7"]~fieldset.repeating_spell+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-grim-tab7:checked~.sheet-filter-box, -.sheet-tabGrim[value="8"]~fieldset.repeating_spell+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-grim-tab8:checked~.sheet-filter-box, -.sheet-tabGrim[value="9"]~fieldset.repeating_spell+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-grim-tab9:checked~.sheet-filter-box, -.sheet-tabGrim[value="10"]~fieldset.repeating_spell+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-grim-tab10:checked~.sheet-filter-box, -.sheet-tabGrim[value="11"]~fieldset.repeating_spell+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-grim-tab11:not(:checked)~.sheet-filter-box, -/* fieldset.sheet-filtershortlist+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-combattab:checked~.sheet-filter-box, */ -input.sheet-tabMain[value="1"]~div .sheet-section-core fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-combattab~.sheet-filter-box, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="2"]~div .sheet-section-combat fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-combattab:checked~.sheet-filter-box, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-combattab~.sheet-filter-box, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="4"]~div fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-combattab~.sheet-filter-box, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="5"]~div fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-combattab~.sheet-filter-box, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="6"]~div fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-combattab~.sheet-filter-box, -.sheet-section-spells fieldset:not(.sheet-filterSpellEffect)+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-spelltab[value^="SPL-"]~.sheet-filter-box, -input.sheet-testSpellEffect[value="Wil"]~fieldset.sheet-filterSpellEffect+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-spelltab[value="SPL-Willforce"]~.sheet-filter-box { - display: inline-block; - border: none; /*JBF*/ -} -/*JBF@JBF@CD : For Skills, Knacks and Talents, in overview, everything is displayed, and in Combat, only the checked ones)*/ - -/*JBF@JBF@CD : Do not display the spellcasting Talent twice, i.e. shown only in spell section... except in creation mode*/ -.sheet-testCreation:not([value="1"])~.sheet-testNPC:not([value="-1"])~input.sheet-tabMain[value="1"]~div .sheet-section-core~div fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-spelltab[value^="SPL-"]+input.sheet-combattab~.sheet-filter-box, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents~div fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-talentType+.sheet-filter-box2, /*filter-box2 only hides when on the Talents tab*/ -input.sheet-tabMain[value="2"]~div .sheet-section-combat~div fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-spelltab[value^="SPL-"]+input.sheet-combattab:checked~.sheet-filter-box { - display: none; -} - - - - /* ############################################ Tabs ################################################################### */ - - div[class^="sheet-section"] { /* Every class that starts with "sheet-section" starts out hidden */ - visibility: hidden; - opacity: 0; - max-height: 0; - overflow: hidden; - max-width: 0; - padding: 0; -} - -input.sheet-tabMain, -input.sheet-tabSpell, -input.sheet-tabGrim, -input.sheet-tabAdjust { - display:none; -} - - -input.sheet-tabMain+button[type="action"], -input.sheet-tabSpell+button[type="action"], -input.sheet-tabGrim+button[type="action"], -input.sheet-tabAdjust+button[type="action"]{ - text-align: center; - display: inline-block; - font-size: 13px; - background-color: var( --inactive-color ); - color: var( --header-font-color ); - background-image:none; - font-weight: bold; - width: 70px; - height: 20px; - border-radius: 10px 10px 0 0; - cursor: pointer; - position: relative; - border : 1px solid var( --inactive-color ); - margin:0px; - padding:0px; -} - -input.sheet-tabGrim+button.sheet-tabshort[type="action"]{ - width: 40px; -} - - -input:checked.sheet-tabMain+button[type="action"], -input:checked.sheet-tabSpell+button[type="action"], -input:checked.sheet-tabGrim+button[type="action"], -input:checked.sheet-tabAdjust+button[type="action"]{ -background-color: var( --outline-color ); -border : 1px solid var( --outline-color ); -} - - -/* -input.sheet-tabshort { - width: 40px; -} - -input.sheet-tabshort+span{ -width: 40px; -margin-left: -45px; -} - -.sheet-tabSpell, -.sheet-tabAdjust { - width: 80px; -} - -.sheet-tabSpell+span, -.sheet-tabAdjust+span { - width: 80px; - margin-left: -85px; -} - - - -@media (hover: none) { - - input.sheet-tabMain+span, - input.sheet-tabSpell+span, - input.sheet-tabGrim+span, - input.sheet-tabAdjust+span, - .sheet-tabSpan { - - margin-left: -15px; - } -} */ - - - - - -.sheet-sec-spacer { /* When have two tabs right under each other, space them by this much. */ - height: 3px; -} - -/* Make the selected section visible */ -input.sheet-tabMain[value="1"]~div .sheet-section-core, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="2"]~div .sheet-section-combat, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="4"]~div .sheet-section-knacks, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="5"]~div .sheet-section-skills, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="6"]~div .sheet-section-spells, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="7"]~div .sheet-section-equipment, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="8"]~div .sheet-section-gear, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="9"]~div .sheet-section-notes, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="10"]~div .sheet-section-record, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="11"]~div .sheet-section-adjustments, -input.sheet-tabSpell[value="1"]~.sheet-section-spells-talents, -input.sheet-tabSpell[value="2"]~.sheet-section-spells-matrices, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="1"]~div .sheet-section-spells-matrices, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="2"]~div .sheet-section-spells-matrices, -input.sheet-tabMain:not([value="2"]):not([value="1"])~div input.sheet-tabSpell[value="3"]~.sheet-section-spells-grimoire, -input.sheet-tabAdjust[value="1"]~.sheet-section-adjustments-common, -input.sheet-tabAdjust[value="2"]~.sheet-section-adjustments-maneuvers, -input.sheet-tabAdjust[value="3"]~.sheet-section-adjustments-advanced, -input.sheet-tabAdjust[value="4"]~.sheet-section-adjustments-release , -input.sheet-tabAdjust[value="5"]~.sheet-section-adjustments-help { - max-height: 999999px; - max-width: 999999px; - visibility: visible; - opacity: 1; - transition: opacity 0.5s linear 0s; - overflow: hidden; -} - - -input.sheet-tabMain[value="1"] ~ .sheet-show-leftpane-tab1:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-leftpane, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="2"] ~ .sheet-show-leftpane-tab2:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-leftpane, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"] ~ .sheet-show-leftpane-tab3:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-leftpane, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="4"] ~ .sheet-show-leftpane-tab4:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-leftpane, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="5"] ~ .sheet-show-leftpane-tab5:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-leftpane, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="6"] ~ .sheet-show-leftpane-tab6:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-leftpane, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="7"] ~ .sheet-show-leftpane-tab7:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-leftpane, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="8"] ~ .sheet-show-leftpane-tab8:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-leftpane, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="9"] ~ .sheet-show-leftpane-tab9:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-leftpane, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="10"] ~ .sheet-show-leftpane-tab10:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-leftpane, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="11"] ~ .sheet-show-leftpane-tab11:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-leftpane, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="1"] ~ .sheet-show-middlepane-tab1:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-middlepane, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="2"] ~ .sheet-show-middlepane-tab2:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-middlepane, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"] ~ .sheet-show-middlepane-tab3:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-middlepane, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="4"] ~ .sheet-show-middlepane-tab4:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-middlepane, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="5"] ~ .sheet-show-middlepane-tab5:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-middlepane, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="6"] ~ .sheet-show-middlepane-tab6:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-middlepane, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="7"] ~ .sheet-show-middlepane-tab7:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-middlepane, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="8"] ~ .sheet-show-middlepane-tab8:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-middlepane, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="9"] ~ .sheet-show-middlepane-tab9:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-middlepane, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="10"] ~ .sheet-show-middlepane-tab10:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-middlepane, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="11"] ~ .sheet-show-middlepane-tab11:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-middlepane, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="1"] ~ .sheet-show-rightpane-tab1:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-rightpane, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="2"] ~ .sheet-show-rightpane-tab2:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-rightpane, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"] ~ .sheet-show-rightpane-tab3:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-rightpane, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="4"] ~ .sheet-show-rightpane-tab4:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-rightpane, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="5"] ~ .sheet-show-rightpane-tab5:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-rightpane, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="6"] ~ .sheet-show-rightpane-tab6:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-rightpane, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="7"] ~ .sheet-show-rightpane-tab7:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-rightpane, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="8"] ~ .sheet-show-rightpane-tab8:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-rightpane, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="9"] ~ .sheet-show-rightpane-tab9:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-rightpane, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="10"] ~ .sheet-show-rightpane-tab10:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-rightpane, -input.sheet-tabMain[value="11"] ~ .sheet-show-rightpane-tab11:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-rightpane { - display:none; -} - -.sheet-testCreature:not([value="0"])~.sheet-tabMain[value="1"]~div .sheet-HideIfOverviewNoCreature, -.sheet-tabMain[value="1"]~div .sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked) ~ .repcontainer .sheet-HideIfOverviewNoEdit, -.sheet-testCreation:not([value="1"])~.sheet-tabMain[value="1"]~div .sheet-HideIfOverviewNoCreation, -.sheet-tabMain[value="1"]~div .sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked) ~ .sheet-HideIfOverviewNoEdit, -.sheet-tabMain[value="1"]~div .sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked)~div .sheet-HideIfOverviewNoEdit, -.sheet-tabMain[value="1"]~div .sheet-HideIfOverview, -.sheet-tabMain:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-HideIfNotOverview, -.sheet-tabMain[value="2"]~div .sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked) ~ .repcontainer .sheet-HideIfCombatNoEdit, -.sheet-tabMain[value="2"]~div .sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked) ~ .sheet-HideIfCombatNoEdit, -.sheet-tabMain[value="2"]~div .sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked) ~ div>.sheet-HideIfCombatNoEdit, -.sheet-tabMain[value="2"]~div .sheet-HideIfCombat, -.sheet-tabMain:not([value="2"])~div .sheet-HideIfNotCombat { - display: none; -/* border: 1px yellow solid; */ -} - - -/* Highlight the selected tab */ -input.sheet-tabMain:checked + span, -input.sheet-tabSpell:checked + span, -input.sheet-tabGrim:checked + span, -input.sheet-tabAdjust:checked + span, -input.sheet-tabMain:checked + .sheet-testCloseChecked + .sheet-HideIfCloseChecked, -input.sheet-tabMain:checked + .sheet-testCloseChecked + .sheet-HideIfCloseChecked + .sheet-HideIfNotCloseChecked { - background-color: var( --outline-color ); - color: var( --header-font-color ); - border: 1px solid black; -} - - -/* ############################################ JBF Icons and images ################################################### */ - -.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-action, -.sheet-icon-action { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Action.png); } /*License Information*/ -.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-action-free, -.sheet-icon-action-free { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Action-Free.png); } /*Creative Commons : https://game-icons.net/1x1/lorc/fist.html#download*/ -.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-action-simple, -.sheet-icon-action-simple { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Action-Simple.png); } /*Creative Commons : https://game-icons.net/1x1/lorc/fist.html#download*/ -.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-action-standard, -.sheet-icon-action-standard { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Action-Standard.png); } /*Creative Commons : https://game-icons.net/1x1/lorc/fist.html#download*/ -.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-action-sustained, -.sheet-icon-action-sustained { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Action-Sustained.png); } /*Creative Commons : https://game-icons.net/1x1/lorc/fist.html#download*/ -.sheet-icon-action-white { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Action-white.png); } /*License Information*/ -.sheet-icon-action-na { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Action-NA.png); } /* https://findicons.com/files/icons/2610/flat_weather_icons/128/na.png */ -.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-aggressive, -.sheet-icon-aggressive { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Agressive.png); } /*Creative Commons : https://game-icons.net/1x1/lorc/fist.html#download*/ -.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-ambush, -.sheet-icon-ambush { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Ambush.png); } /*Creative Commons : https://game-icons.net/1x1/lorc/fist.html#download*/ -.sheet-icon-armor { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Armor.png); } /*Creative Commons : https://game-icons.net/1x1/lorc/fist.html#download*/ -.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-ask, -.sheet-icon-ask { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Ask.png); } /*License Information*/ -.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-attack, -.sheet-icon-attacks { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Attacks.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/sbed/falling.html#download*/ -.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-attackcc, -.sheet-icon-attacks-cc 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https://game-icons.net/1x1/lorc/bolt-shield.html#download*/ -.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-partialcover, /* Note, this is Target Partial Cover. Character Partial Cover is -cover */ -.sheet-icon-partialcover { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/PartialCover.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/lorc/bolt-shield.html#download*/ -.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-pd, -.sheet-icon-PD { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/PD.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/lorc/swords-emblem.html*/ -.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-damagepoison, -.sheet-icon-poisoned { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Poisoned.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/lorc/bolt-shield.html#download*/ -.sheet-icon-potion { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Potion.png); 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} /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/lorc/bolt-shield.html#download*/ -.sheet-icon-stealthy { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Stealthy.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/lorc/bolt-shield.html#download*/ -.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-strain, -.sheet-icon-strain { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Strain.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/knocked-out-stars.html#download*/ -.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-strain1, -.sheet-icon-strain1 { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Strain1.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/knocked-out-stars.html#download*/ -.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-strain2, -.sheet-icon-strain2 { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Strain2.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/knocked-out-stars.html#download*/ -.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-strain3, -.sheet-icon-strain3 { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Strain3.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/knocked-out-stars.html#download*/ -.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-stun, -.sheet-icon-stun { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Stun.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/knocked-out-stars.html#download*/ -.sheet-icon-stun-white { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Stun-white.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/knocked-out-stars.html#download*/ -.sheet-icon-sum { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Sum.png); 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Temporarly disabled to work on the color palette*/ - background-size: 0% 0%; -} - -.sheet-iconlabel-white.sheet-iconpaddedright, -.sheet-iconlabel-header.sheet-iconpaddedright, -.sheet-iconpaddedright { - padding-right: 3px ; /* JBF was important*/ - margin-left: -3px ; /* JBF was important*/ - padding-top: 0px ; /* JBF was important*/ - padding-bottom: 0px ; /* JBF was important*/ - border: 1px solid transparent; - vertical-align: middle; -} -.sheet-iconlabel-white.sheet-iconpaddedleft, -.sheet-iconlabel-header.sheet-iconpaddedleft, -.sheet-iconpaddedleft { - padding-left: 3px ; /* JBF was important*/ - margin-right: -3px ; /* JBF was important*/ - padding-top: 0px ; /* JBF was important*/ - padding-bottom: 0px ; /* JBF was important*/ - vertical-align: middle; -} - -.sheet-undernumber { - padding-top: 0px; - margin-top: -4px; -} - -.sheet-DP-ControlBox, -.sheet-Karma-ControlBox { - white-space: nowrap; - display: inline-block; - width: 30px; - text-align: center; - vertical-align: middle; - padding: 0; - margin: 1px; -} - -/* ############################################ JBF : Icon checkboxes Management #################################### */ -.charsheet input.sheet-iconcheckbox { - display:none; -} - -.sheet-iconlabel-header-invert, -.sheet-iconlabel-invert, -.sheet-iconlabel-header, -.sheet-iconlabel { - display: inline-block; - padding: 1px; - height: 20px; - width: 20px; - margin: 0px; - vertical-align: middle; - border-radius: 5px; - opacity: 0.7; - border: 1px solid transparent; - background-color: var( --icon-color); -} - - -.sheet-iconlabel-white { - display: inline-block; - padding: 2px; - opacity: 0.5; - height: 20px; - width: 20px; - margin: 0px; - border: 1px solid transparent; - vertical-align: middle; -} - -.sheet-iconlabelsmall { - display: inline-block; - vertical-align: middle; - padding: 0px; - opacity: 0.7; - width: 15px; - margin: 0px; - border: 1px solid transparent; -} - -.sheet-iconlabelCC { - display: inline-block; - vertical-align: middle; - padding: 0px; - opacity: 1; - width: 20px; - margin: 0px; - border: 1px solid transparent; - background-color: var( --icon-color); -} - -.sheet-iconlabelbig { - display: inline-block; - vertical-align: middle; - padding: 1px; - opacity: 1; - width: 30px; - margin: 0px; - border: 1px solid transparent; - background-color: var( --icon-color); -} - -.sheet-iconstatic { - width: 20px; - text-align: center; - vertical-align: middle; - padding: 0px; - margin: 0px; -} - -.sheet-iconstatic-unchecked { - opacity:0.7; -} - -.sheet-iconstaticsmall { - width: 15px; - text-align: center; - vertical-align: middle; - padding: 0px; - margin: 0px; -} - -.sheet-iconstaticBig { - width: 30px; - text-align: center; - vertical-align: middle; - padding: 0px; - margin: 0px; - margin-right: -5px; -} - -input.sheet-iconcheckbox:not(:checked) + .sheet-iconlabel-header-invert, -input.sheet-iconcheckbox:not(:checked) + .sheet-iconlabel-invert, -input.sheet-iconcheckbox:checked + .sheet-iconlabel-header, -input.sheet-iconcheckbox:checked + .sheet-iconlabelsmall, -input.sheet-iconcheckbox:checked + .sheet-iconlabel { - opacity: 1; - border: 1px solid black; -} - - - - -input.sheet-iconcheckbox:checked + .sheet-iconlabel-white, -input.sheet-iconcheckbox:not(:checked) + .sheet-iconlabelbig { - opacity: 1; - border: 1px solid transparent; -} - -input[type="checkbox"].sheet-iconcheckbox + .sheet-iconlabel-invert:hover, -input[type="checkbox"].sheet-iconcheckbox + .sheet-iconlabel-header-invert:hover, -input[type="checkbox"].sheet-iconcheckbox + .sheet-iconlabel-header:hover, -input[type="checkbox"].sheet-iconcheckbox + .sheet-iconlabelCC:hover, -input[type="checkbox"].sheet-iconcheckbox + .sheet-iconlabelbig:hover, -input[type="checkbox"].sheet-iconcheckbox + .sheet-iconlabelsmall:hover, -input[type="checkbox"].sheet-iconcheckbox + .sheet-iconlabel:hover, -input[type="radio"].sheet-iconcheckbox:not(:checked) + .sheet-iconlabel:hover { - background-color: var( --hover-color-bg ); - background-position: 0 -15px; - background-position-x: 0px; - background-position-y: -15px; - -webkit-transition: background-position .1s linear; - -moz-transition: background-position .1s linear; - -ms-transition: background-position .1s linear; - -o-transition: background-position .1s linear; - transition: background-position .1s linear; - transition-property: background-position; - transition-duration: 0.1s; - transition-timing-function: linear; - transition-delay: 0s; - border : 1px solid var( --hover-color ); -} - -input[type="checkbox"].sheet-iconcheckbox + .sheet-iconlabel-white:hover, -input[type="radio"].sheet-iconcheckbox:not(:checked) + .sheet-iconlabel-white:hover { - border : 1px solid red; - opacity: 0.8; -} - -/*JBF@JBF : logic hiding unchecked icons when the header is not hovered*/ - -.sheet-header-flex-container:not(:hover) .sheet-iconcheckbox:checked+.sheet-iconlabel-header-invert, -.sheet-header-flex-container:not(:hover) .sheet-iconcheckbox:not(:checked)+.sheet-iconlabel-header { - height: 0px; - overflow:hidden; - /* width:0px; */ - border: 1px solid transparent; - background : transparent; - /* padding: 0px; */ - margin: 0px; -} - -/*JBF@JBF : logic collapsing the icon container */ -label.sheet-iconlabel2, -.sheet-iconlabel2 { - margin: 0px !important; - padding: 0px !important; - min-width: 0px !important; - flex-grow: 0; /* it cant grow anymore... We want it to collapse */ - flex-shrink: 1; - /* height: 0; - line-height:0; */ -} - -/* .sheet-header-flex-container:hover label.sheet-iconlabel2{ - height: auto; - line-height:auto; -} */ - -/* ####################################### JBF : Strain icon */ -/* JBF version with the drop of blood */ -input[type="text"].sheet-strainicon { - background: var(--locked-color); - background-image: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Strain.png); - background-repeat: no-repeat; - width: 2.5em; - height: 2.5em; - background-position: 0px -3px; - background-size: cover; - color: var( --header-font-color ); - font-size: 11px; - font-family : initial; -} - -.sheet-strainadvanced { -font-size:11px; -margin-left:-10px; -font-weight:bold; - -} - -.sheet-info { - float: right; - margin-top: -6px; - height: 30px; - font-family: "Pictos"; - font-size: 24px; -} - - -/* ############################################ Roll Templates & colors ###################################################### */ -/* For some weird Reason, the Print format must be in between the roll templates and the API buttons. DO NOT MOVE */ - -.sheet-rolltemplate-chatrecord { -/* background-color: LightBlue; */ -} - - -.sheet-rolltemplate-chatrecord table, -.sheet-rolltemplate-rolltargetnumber table { - width: 100%; - border: 1px solid black; - color: black; - font-size: 1em; - font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif; -} - -.sheet-rolltemplate-chatrecord thead, -.sheet-rolltemplate-rolltargetnumber thead { - border-bottom: 1px solid black; - line-height: 1.6em; - font-size: 1.2em; - /* font-family: Papyrus, fantasy; */ - font-family: 'Aladin', "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif; - font-weight: normal !important; -} - -.sheet-rolltemplate-chatrecord th { - background-color: #660066; - color: white; - padding-left: 5px; - vertical-align: middle; -} - -.sheet-rolltemplate-rolltargetnumber th { - background-color: #000066; - padding-left: 5px; - vertical-align: middle; - color: white; -} - -.sheet-rolltemplate-chatrecord td, -.sheet-rolltemplate-rolltargetnumber td { - padding: 5px; - border-bottom: 1px solid black; -} - -.sheet-rolltemplate-chatrecord tr:nth-child(odd), -.sheet-rolltemplate-rolltargetnumber tr:nth-child(odd) { - background-color: rgba(217, 217, 214, 1); -} - -.sheet-rolltemplate-chatrecord tr:nth-child(even), -.sheet-rolltemplate-rolltargetnumber tr:nth-child(even) { - background-color: rgba(233, 233, 233, 1); -} - -.sheet-rolltemplate-chatrecord td:first-child, -.sheet-rolltemplate-rolltargetnumber td:first-child { - text-align: right; - font-weight: bold; -} - - -.sheet-rolltemplate-chatrecord a[href^="!"] { - border: 0.8px; - padding: 5px; - background-color: PaleGreen; - color: black; -} - - -/* These are all tries for formatting the API roll templates*/ -.sheet-rolltemplate-sect { - background-color: white; - /* background-image: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Frame20.png); - background-size : 103% 103%; - background-position: 55% 53%; */ - padding: 11px; - /* border-radius: 5px; */ - overflow: hidden; - /* width: 90%; */ - - border-image-slice:50 66 50 66; -border-image-width:8px 10px 8px 10px; -border-image-outset:0px 0px 0px 0px; -border-image-repeat:round round; -border-image-source:url("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Jiboux/roll20-character-sheets/EDv314/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/ED-ExternalFrame.png?raw=true"); - - -} - -.sheet-rolltemplate-sectSmall { - background-color: white; - /* background-image: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Frame20.png); - background-size : 103% 103%; - background-position: 55% 53%; */ - border: solid 2px black; - border-radius: 5px; - overflow: hidden; - /* width: 90%; */ - -} - - -.sheet-rolltemplate-body { - text-align: left; - padding-left: 5px; - padding-right: 0px; -} - -.sheet-rolltemplate-line-i { - line-height: 18px; -} - - -.sheet-rolltemplate-subheadertext { -line-height: 0.9em; -font-size: 0.9em; -font-weight: lighter; -color: black; -background: transparent; -text-align: center; -margin-top: -0.1em; -margin-bottom: 0.2em; -} - -.sheet-rolltemplate-header { - font-weight: bold; - text-align: center; - color: black; - background: white; - /* font-family: Papyrus, fantasy; */ - font-family: 'Aladin', Papyrus, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif; - font-weight:normal !important; - vertical-align: middle; - line-height: 1.2em; - font-size: 1.2em; - margin-bottom: 3px; -} - - -.sheet-rolltemplate-button { - background-color: firebrick !important; - color: white !important; - padding: 1px 8px !important; - border: 1px solid black !important; - margin: 2px 5px !important; - min-width: auto; - border-radius: 5px; -} - -.sheet-rolltemplate-iconSmall, -.sheet-rolltemplate-iconLarge, -.sheet-rolltemplate-icon { - margin: -5px 0px; /* It is fine if the icons overflow up and down a bit. We don't want them increasing the size of the line they are on. */ - overflow: visible; - padding: 0px; - text-align: center; - vertical-align: middle; -} -.sheet-rolltemplate-iconSmall { - height: 19px; - width: 19px; -} - -.sheet-rolltemplate-iconLarge { - height: 20px; - width: 20px; -} - -.sheet-rolltemplate-icon { - height: 20px; - width: 20px; -} - - -/* iconLarge is only used for the "Action" icon in a header, so format for that. */ -.sheet-rolltemplate-header-action, -.sheet-rolltemplate-header-ask, -.sheet-rolltemplate-header-pd, -.sheet-rolltemplate-header-md, -.sheet-rolltemplate-header-sd, -.sheet-rolltemplate-header-attack, -.sheet-rolltemplate-header-attackcc, -.sheet-rolltemplate-header-init, -.sheet-rolltemplate-header-initrep, -.sheet-rolltemplate-header-weave, -.sheet-rolltemplate-header-knockdown, -.sheet-rolltemplate-header-jumpup - { - color: darkgreen; - border-bottom: 4px darkgreen solid; -} - -.sheet-rolltemplate-header-effect, -.sheet-rolltemplate-header-damage, -.sheet-rolltemplate-header-damagecc, -.sheet-rolltemplate-header-damagepoison - { - color: firebrick; - border-bottom: 4px firebrick solid; -} - -.sheet-rolltemplate-header-recovery { - color: darkgoldenrod; - border-bottom: 4px darkgoldenrod solid; -} - - - -/* ####################### Print Format ################# */ - -/* .sheet-PrintSpacer{ - display:none; -} */ - -/* For some weird Reason, the Print format must be in between the roll templates and the API buttons. DO NOT MOVE */ - -@media print { - /* All your print styles go here */ - -.sheet-user-root{ - background-color: white !important; -} - -.sheet-Attrib-box{ - width:100px; -} - -.sheet-Defense-box{ - width:90px; -} - -.sheet-PrintNoBreak{ -page-break-inside: avoid; -} - -.sheet-PrintNoFlex{ -display : block !important; -} - -.sheet-flex-column { -flex-direction: row; -} - -/* .sheet-PrintSpacer{ - height:200px; - display:inline-block; -} */ - - .sheet-buffSignLeft, - .sheet-buffSignRight, - .sheet-buffLeft, - .sheet-buffRight - { display: none !important; } - - - .sheet-testRepOption5:not(:checked)~div .sheet-HideIfNotOption5, - .sheet-testRepOption5:not(:checked)~.repcontainer .sheet-HideIfNotOption5, /*These are the step dice, always show if print*/ - .sheet-ShowIfPrint { - display: inline-block !important; - } - - .ui-dialog { - position: static !important; - } - - .sheet-redGreen[value^="-"]~ b, - .sheet-greenRed[value^="-"]~ b, - .sheet-redGreen[value="0"] ~ input, - .sheet-greenRed[value="0"] ~ input, - .sheet-redGreen[value="0"] ~ b, - .sheet-greenRed[value="0"] ~ b { - /* color: transparent !important; */ - } - - -/*Manage the display of the different sections*/ - - .sheet-tabGrim~fieldset.repeating_spell+.repcontainer>.repitem .sheet-filter-box /* display everything no matter what which of the inner boxes are checked. */ - { - display: block; - border: none; /*JBF*/ - } - /*JBF@JBF@CD : For Skills, Knacks and Talents, in overview, everything is displayed, and in Combat, only the checked ones)*/ - - - - input.sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-section-core, - input.sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-section-talents, - input.sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-section-knacks, - input.sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-section-skills, - input.sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-section-spells, - input.sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-section-equipment, - input.sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-section-gear, - input.sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-section-notes, - input.sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-section-record, - input.sheet-tabSpell~.sheet-section-spells-talents, - input.sheet-tabSpell~.sheet-section-spells-matrices, - input.sheet-tabSpell~.sheet-section-spells-grimoire { - max-height: 999999px; - max-width: 999999px; - visibility: visible; - opacity: 1; - transition: opacity 0.5s linear 0s; - break-after: auto; - /* border-top: 2px double var(--outline-color); */ - } - - /* .sheet-tabMain~div .repcontainer .sheet-HideIfOverviewNoEdit, - .sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-HideIfOverviewNoEdit, - .sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-HideIfOverview, - .sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-HideIfNotOverview, - .sheet-tabMain~div .repcontainer .sheet-HideIfCombatNoEdit, - .sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-HideIfCombatNoEdit, - .sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-HideIfCombat, - .sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-HideIfNotCombat { - display: inline-block !important; - } */ - - .sheet-header-iconbox, - #macrobar, - #macrobar_macros, - #edit-button, - #playerzone, - .sheet-iconlabel-white, - .sheet-icon-karma-ask, - .sheet-icon-karma-on, - .sheet-icon-link-in, - .sheet-icon-link-out, - .sheet-icon-link-in-out, - .sheet-icon-notes, - .repcontrol - { display: none !important; } - - .sheet-testEdition[value="3"]~div .sheet-HideIfEdition3, - .sheet-testEdition:not([value="3"])~div .sheet-HideIfNotEdition3, - .sheet-testEdition[value="4"]~div .sheet-HideIfEdition4, - .sheet-testEdition:not([value="4"])~div .sheet-HideIfNotEdition4, - .sheet-testCloseChecked:checked+.sheet-HideIfCloseChecked, - .sheet-testCloseChecked:not(:checked)+.sheet-HideIfNotCloseChecked, - .sheet-testCloseChecked:not(:checked)+.sheet-HideIfCloseChecked+.sheet-HideIfNotCloseChecked, - .nav-tabs, - .nav, - .sheet-Creation, - .sheet-HideIfPrint - { display: none !important; } - - .sheet-tabMain~div .repcontainer .sheet-HideIfOverviewNoEdit.sheet-HideIfPrint, - .sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-HideIfOverviewNoEdit.sheet-HideIfPrint, - .sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-HideIfOverview.sheet-HideIfPrint, - .sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-HideIfNotOverview.sheet-HideIfPrint, - .sheet-tabMain~div .repcontainer .sheet-HideIfCombatNoEdit.sheet-HideIfPrint, - .sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-HideIfCombatNoEdit.sheet-HideIfPrint, - .sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-HideIfCombat.sheet-HideIfPrint, - .sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-HideIfNotCombat.sheet-HideIfPrint, - .sheet-testAPI:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-api, - .sheet-testAPI:[value="1"]~div .sheet-NoAPI { - display: none !important; - } - - .charsheet .sheet-Attrib-header, - .charsheet .sheet-text-button-header, - .charsheet .sheet-headerbar { - /*color : white !important; - background-color : var(--outline-color) !important;*/ - background-color : grey !important; - border : 1px solid black; - /* font-family: Papyrus, fantasy; */ - font-family: 'Aladin', "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif; - font-weight: normal !important; - border-radius:10px; - } - - - - .sheet-flex-container { - display: flex; - align-items: flex-start; - justify-content: space-between; - } - -.sheet-w75px -{ width : 50px !important;} - - - -} /* end media print */ - -/* ####################### API Format ################# */ -/* For some weird Reason, the Print format must be in between the roll templates and the API buttons. DO NOT MOVE */ -a.sheet-chatbutton, -.textchatcontainer a[href^="!"].sheet-chatbutton, -a.textchatcontainer a.sheet-chatbutton { - padding: 0px 3px !important; - border: 1px solid black !important; - border-radius: 5px; - margin: 1px 0px !important; - min-width: auto; - white-space: nowrap; - background-color: grey; - color: white; -} - -/* ########################### End ############################### */ +/* Earthdawn.css */ +/*v3.15 23 09 02*/ + +/* ############################################ css Reset ######################################################################### */ + + +/* @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=IM+Fell+English+SC&display=swap'); */ +@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Aladin&display=swap'); + + + +input, +.charsheet input { + height: initial; +} +label, +.charsheet label { + color: initial; + display: inline-block; + font-size: inherit; + font-weight: normal; + height: auto; + line-height: 1em; + margin-bottom: initial; + padding-right: initial; + position: relative; + width: initial; +} +select, +.charsheet select { + margin: initial; + width: initial; + height: 20px; /*JBF 210317*/ + padding: 0; + font-weight: bold; + +} +textarea, +.charsheet textarea { + height: initial; + /* overflow-x: hidden; + overflow-y: auto; */ + resize: initial; + background-color: var( --bg-color ); + box-sizing: border-box; + border: 1px solid var( --outline-color ); + text-align: left; + overflow: auto; + pointer-events: initial; +} + + + + +/* ##### iconselect #### */ + +.sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked)~.repcontainer .sheet-iconselect-select, +.sheet-iconselect-span:not(:hover)>.sheet-iconselect-select-noedit, +.sheet-iconselect-span:not(:hover)>.sheet-iconselect-select{ + display: none; +} + +.charsheet .sheet-testRepEditMode:checked~.repcontainer .sheet-iconselect-span:hover>.sheet-iconselect-icon, +.charsheet .sheet-testRepEditMode:checked+.sheet-iconselect-span:hover>.sheet-iconselect-icon, +.charsheet .sheet-iconselect-span:hover>.sheet-iconselect-icon-noedit { + display: none; +} + +.charsheet .sheet-testRepEditMode:checked~.repcontainer .sheet-iconselect-span>.sheet-iconselect-icon, +.charsheet .sheet-testRepEditMode:checked+.sheet-iconselect-span>.sheet-iconselect-icon, +.charsheet .sheet-iconselect-span>.sheet-iconselect-icon-noedit { + background-color: var( --icon-color ); +} + + +.sheet-iconselect-icon, +.sheet-iconselect-span { + min-height: 20px; + min-width: 20px; +} +/* In order to have a correct initialization, it is absolutely necessary to have the iconselect-icon before the iconselect-select, and have the default value marked as checked/selected*/ + + +/* ############################################ Main section ####################################################################### */ +/* Colors: code description What used for. */ +.sheet-user-root { + --bg-color: rgb(255,242,201,0.1);/*Main background color ;*/ + --bg-color1: rgb(210,210,210,0);/*Main background color alt lines;*/ + --bg-color2: rgb(210,210,210,0.6);/*Main background color alt lines ;*/ + --bg-color3: rgb(210,210,210,0.2);/*Main background color alt lines ;*/ + --bg-color4: rgb(210,210,210,8);/*Main background color alt lines ;*/ + --bg-color5: rgb(210,210,210,0.4);/*Main background color alt lines ;*/ + --outline-color: #071840; /* Main border */ + --font-color: #071840; /* Color of fonts on the normal background */ + --header-font-color: white; /* Color of fonts on the header background */ + --highlight-font-color: #071840; /* Color of fonts on the icon background */ + --input-color: rgba(0, 0, 10, 0.1); /* Main section Input fields that are not disabled. */ + --hover-color: red; /* Color of active fields when hovered. */ + --hover-color-bg: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5); /* Color of active fields when hovered. */ + --locked-color: transparent; /* Main section Input fields that are locked */ + --control-secondary: #1473B4; /* header section background */ + --inactive-color: #1473B4; /* Color of the inactive tabs */ + --button-color: rgba(245, 245, 245, 1); /* button color */ + --icon-color: rgba(0, 0, 10, 0.1); /* actionable icons */ + +} + +/*Compendium Drop Management*/ +.active-drop-target .sheet-drop-message { + display: block; + border: 2px red solid; + background:white; +} + +.sheet-drop-message { + display: none; +} + + + + + +xxxxx { + xxx: xx; /* * */ +} +/* For absolutely weird reason, we need this line to make the CSS work*/ + +/*.sheet-testAPI:not(:checked)~.sheet-api, Knacks tab is not inside a div */ +.sheet-testTOSelector[value="TO-Selector"]+.sheet-HideIfTOSelector, +.sheet-testTOSelector:not([value="TO-Selector"])+.sheet-HideIfNotTOSelector, +.sheet-testEmpty[value=""]+.sheet-HideIfEmpty, +.sheet-testEmpty:not([value=""])+.sheet-HideIfNotEmpty, +.sheet-testNPC[value="-1"]~div div:not(.sheet-ShowIfObject,.repcontainer,.repitem,.repcontrol), /*For Objects, everything is hidden, except what is flagged to be shown)*/ +.sheet-testNPC[value="-1"]~div:not(.sheet-ShowIfObject), /*For Objects, everything is hidden, except what is flagged to be shown)*/ +.sheet-testNPC[value="-1"]~div .sheet-HideIfObject, +.sheet-testNPC:not([value="-1"])~div .sheet-HideIfNotObject, +.sheet-testKarma[value="0"]~div .sheet-HideIfNoKarma, +.sheet-testKarma[value="0"]~div .sheet-Karma-ControlBox, +.sheet-testCC:not([value^="-"])+.sheet-HideIfCC, +.sheet-testCC[value^="-"]+.sheet-HideIfCC+.sheet-HideIfRanged, /*Manage the Close Combat Toggle <0 Ranged, >=0 CC*/ +.sheet-testRace[value="Other"]~div .sheet-HideIfNotHomeBrew, +.sheet-testRace[value=""]~div .sheet-HideIfNotHomeBrew, +.sheet-testRace[value="Dwarf"]~div .sheet-HideIfNotHomeBrew, +.sheet-testRace[value="Elf"]~div .sheet-HideIfNotHomeBrew, +.sheet-testRace[value="Human"]~div .sheet-HideIfNotHomeBrew, +.sheet-testRace[value="Ork"]~div .sheet-HideIfNotHomeBrew, +.sheet-testRace[value="Troll"]~div .sheet-HideIfNotHomeBrew, +.sheet-testRace[value="Obsidiman"]~div .sheet-HideIfNotHomeBrew, +.sheet-testRace[value="Tskrang"]~div .sheet-HideIfNotHomeBrew, +.sheet-testRace[value="Windling"]~div .sheet-HideIfNotHomeBrew, +.sheet-testRace[value="Spirit"]~div .sheet-HideIfSpirit, +.sheet-testRace:not([value="Spirit"])~div .sheet-HideIfNotSpirit, +.sheet-testRaceMax:not([value="HomeBrew"])~div .sheet-HideIfNotHomeBrew, +.sheet-testRaceMax[value="HomeBrew"]~div .sheet-HideIfHomeBrew, +.sheet-testAPI:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-api, +.sheet-testAPI:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-Karma-ControlBox, +.sheet-testAPI:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-DP-ControlBox, +.sheet-testAPI[value="1"]~div .sheet-NoAPI, +.sheet-testCreation:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-Creation, +.sheet-testCreation[value="1"]~div .sheet-NotCreation, +.sheet-testEdition[value="-1"]~div .sheet-HideIf1879, +.sheet-testEdition:not([value="-1"])~div .sheet-HideIfNot1879, +.sheet-testEdition[value="3"]~div .sheet-HideIfEdition3, +.sheet-testEdition:not([value="3"])~div .sheet-HideIfNotEdition3, +.sheet-testEdition[value="4"]~div .sheet-HideIfEdition4, +.sheet-testEdition:not([value="4"])~div .sheet-HideIfNotEdition4, +.sheet-testPath[value="0"]~div .sheet-HideIfNotPath, +.sheet-testQuest[value="0"]~div .sheet-HideIfNotQuest, +.sheet-testQuest[value="0"]~div .sheet-DP-ControlBox, +.sheet-testNbDisc[value="0"]~div .sheet-HideIfZeroDisc, +.sheet-testNbDisc[value="1"]~div .sheet-HideIfOneDisc, +.sheet-testNbDisc[value="2"]~div .sheet-HideIfTwoDisc, +.sheet-testNbDisc[value="3"]~div .sheet-HideIfThreeDisc, +.sheet-testNPC:not([value="0"])~div .sheet-HideIfNotPC, +.sheet-testNPC[value="0"]~div .sheet-HideIfPC, +.sheet-testTail:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-HideIfNotTail, +.sheet-testCreature:not([value="0"])~div .sheet-HideIfNotCreature, +.sheet-testCreature[value="0"]~div .sheet-HideIfCreature, +.sheet-testStepDisplay:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-StepTotal, +.sheet-testStepDisplay[value="1"]~div .sheet-StepBase, +.sheet-testChecked:checked~.sheet-HideIfChecked, +.sheet-testChecked:not(:checked)~.sheet-HideIfNotChecked, +.sheet-testChecked:checked~div>.sheet-HideIfChecked, +.sheet-testChecked:not(:checked)~div>.sheet-HideIfNotChecked, +.sheet-testChecked:not(:checked)~span>.sheet-HideIfNotChecked, +.sheet-testChecked:checked~div>div>.sheet-HideIfChecked, +.sheet-testChecked:not(:checked)~div>div>.sheet-HideIfNotChecked, +.sheet-testChecked:checked~span>.sheet-HideIfChecked, +.sheet-testChecked:not(:checked)~.sheet-table-row>.sheet-HideIfNotChecked, +.sheet-testCloseChecked:checked+.sheet-HideIfCloseChecked, +.sheet-testCloseChecked:not(:checked)+.sheet-HideIfNotCloseChecked, +.sheet-testCloseChecked:not(:checked)+.sheet-HideIfCloseChecked+.sheet-HideIfNotCloseChecked, +.sheet-testNum[value="0"]+.sheet-HideIfZero, +.sheet-testNum:not([value="0"])+span+.sheet-HideIfNotZero, +.sheet-testNum[value="1"]+.sheet-HideIfOne, +.sheet-testNum[value="2"]+.sheet-HideIfTwo, +.sheet-testNum[value="3"]+.sheet-HideIfThree, +.sheet-testNum[value="0"]~ .sheet-HideIfZero, +.sheet-testNum[value="0"]~div .sheet-HideIfZero, +.sheet-testNum[value="1"]~div .sheet-HideIfOne, +.sheet-testNum[value="2"]~div .sheet-HideIfTwo, +.sheet-testNum[value="3"]~div .sheet-HideIfThree, +.sheet-testNum[value="0"]~ .sheet-HideIfLessThan1, +.sheet-testNum[value="0"]~div .sheet-HideIfLessThan1, +.sheet-testNum[value="1"]~div .sheet-HideIfLessThan2, +.sheet-testNum[value="2"]~div .sheet-HideIfLessThan3, +.sheet-testNum[value="3"]~div .sheet-HideIfLessThan4, +.sheet-testNum[value="4"]~div .sheet-HideIfLessThan5, +.sheet-testNum[value="5"]~div .sheet-HideIfLessThan6, +.sheet-testNum[value="6"]~div .sheet-HideIfLessThan7, +.sheet-testNum[value="7"]~div .sheet-HideIfLessThan8, +.sheet-testNum[value="8"]~div .sheet-HideIfLessThan9, +.sheet-testNum[value="9"]~div .sheet-HideIfLessThan10, +.sheet-testNum[value="10"]~div .sheet-HideIfLessThan11, +.sheet-testNum[value="11"]~div .sheet-HideIfLessThan12, +.sheet-testNum[value="12"]~div .sheet-HideIfLessThan13, +.sheet-testNum[value="13"]~div .sheet-HideIfLessThan14, +.sheet-testNum[value="14"]~div .sheet-HideIfLessThan15, +.sheet-testModType[value="NoRoll"]~span>.sheet-HideIfNoRoll, +.sheet-testModType[value="NoRoll"]~.sheet-HideIfNoRoll, +.sheet-testModType:not([value="NoRoll"])~span>.sheet-HideIfRoll, +.sheet-testModType:not([value="NoRoll"])~.sheet-HideIfRoll, +.sheet-testModType:not([value="Damage Poison"])~.sheet-HideIfNotPoison, +.sheet-testRecord[value="LP"]~.sheet-HideIfLP, +.sheet-testRecord[value="SP"]~.sheet-HideIfSP, +.sheet-testRecord[value="Other"]~.sheet-HideIfOther, +.sheet-testRepEditMode:checked~.repcontainer .sheet-HideIfEditMode, +.sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked)~.repcontainer .sheet-HideIfNotEditMode, +.sheet-testRepEditMode:checked ~ .repcontainer .sheet-HideIfEditMode, +.sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked) ~ .repcontainer .sheet-HideIfNotEditMode, +.sheet-testRepEditMode:checked~.sheet-HideIfEditMode, +.sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked)~.sheet-HideIfNotEditMode, +.sheet-testRepEditMode:checked~div>.sheet-HideIfEditMode, +.sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked)~div>.sheet-HideIfNotEditMode, +.sheet-testRepEditMode:checked~div>div>.sheet-HideIfEditMode, +.sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked)~div>div>.sheet-HideIfNotEditMode, +.sheet-testRepEditMode:checked~span>.sheet-HideIfEditMode, +.sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked)~span>.sheet-HideIfNotEditMode, +.sheet-testRepEditMode:checked~div>div>span>.sheet-HideIfEditMode, +.sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked)~div>div>span>.sheet-HideIfNotEditMode, +.sheet-testRepOption1:not(:checked)~.repcontainer .sheet-HideIfNotOption1, +.sheet-testRepOption2:not(:checked)~.repcontainer .sheet-HideIfNotOption2, +.sheet-testRepOption3:not(:checked)~.repcontainer .sheet-HideIfNotOption3, +.sheet-testRepOption4:not(:checked)~.repcontainer .sheet-HideIfNotOption4, +.sheet-testRepOption5:not(:checked)~.repcontainer .sheet-HideIfNotOption5, +.sheet-testRepOption5:not(:checked)~div .sheet-HideIfNotOption5, +.sheet-testFreeOrThread[value*="-link"]+.sheet-HideIfFreeOrThread, +.sheet-testFreeOrThread:not([value*="-link"])+.sheet-HideIfNotFreeOrThread, +.sheet-testFreeOrThread:not([value*="-link"])+.sheet-HideIfFreeOrThread+.sheet-HideIfNotFreeOrThread, +.sheet-testPlaceholder:not(:placeholder-shown)~.sheet-hideIfNotPlaceholder, +.sheet-testPlaceholder:placeholder-shown~.sheet-hideIfPlaceholder, +.sheet-testPlaceholder:not(:placeholder-shown)~div .sheet-hideIfNotPlaceholder, +.sheet-testPlaceholder:not(:placeholder-shown)~span .sheet-hideIfNotPlaceholder, +.sheet-testPlaceholder:placeholder-shown~span .sheet-hideIfPlaceholder, +input[type="number"]:disabled.sheet-hidden, /* Need this bit of extra specificity here */ +.sheet-hidden { + display: none; +} + + +.sheet-testCreature[value="0"]~div .sheet-UnHideIfCreature, +.sheet-testRaceMax[value="HomeBrew"]~div .sheet-UnHideIfCreature, +/* .sheet-testRace[value="Other"]~div .sheet-UnHideIfHomeBrew, +.sheet-testRace[value=""]~div .sheet-UnHideIfHomeBrew, */ +.sheet-testCloseChecked:checked+.sheet-UnHideIfCloseChecked, +.sheet-testChecked:checked~.sheet-UnHideIfChecked, +.sheet-testDSPPath[value^="Path"]+.sheet-UnHideIfDSPPath, +.sheet-testNum:not([value="0"])+.sheet-UnhideIfNotZero, +.sheet-testNum:not([value="0"])+.sheet-testNum+.sheet-UnhideIfNotZero, +.sheet-testDevotion[value^="QD-"]+.sheet-UnhideIfDevotion +{ display: inline-block; } + +.sheet-testNum2[value="1"]~div .sheet-UnhideIf1, +.sheet-testNum2[value="2"]~div .sheet-UnhideIf2, +.sheet-testNum2[value="3"]~div .sheet-UnhideIf3, +.sheet-testNum2[value="4"]~div .sheet-UnhideIf4, +.sheet-testNum2[value="5"]~div .sheet-UnhideIf5, +.sheet-testNum2[value="6"]~div .sheet-UnhideIf6, +.sheet-testNum2[value="7"]~div .sheet-UnhideIf7, +.sheet-testNum2[value="8"]~div .sheet-UnhideIf8, +.sheet-testNum2[value="9"]~div .sheet-UnhideIf9, +.sheet-testNum2[value="10"]~div .sheet-UnhideIf10, +.sheet-testNum2[value="11"]~div .sheet-UnhideIf11, +.sheet-testNum2[value="12"]~div .sheet-UnhideIf12, +.sheet-testNum2[value="13"]~div .sheet-UnhideIf13, +.sheet-testNum2[value="14"]~div .sheet-UnhideIf14, +.sheet-testNum2[value="15"]~div .sheet-UnhideIf15 +{ display: inline-block; } + + + +.sheet-testRowID +{ +} + + + +.sheet-testAPI[value="2"]~div .sheet-testRowID[value=""] + span::before, +.sheet-testAPI[value="1"]~div .sheet-testRowID[value=""] + span::before +{ + content : "!"; + color:red; + font-weight: bold; + margin-right:-4px;' +} + + + + +/* ################ JBF 210104 Global formatting (inputs, select ...) ############ */ + + +input[type="text"], +input[type="number"] { + color: var( --font-color ); + background-color: var( --input-color ); + border: 1px solid transparent; + padding: 1px; + font-weight: bold; + text-align: center; +} + +input.sheet-HideSpinners::-webkit-inner-spin-button, +input.sheet-HideSpinners::-webkit-outer-spin-button, +input[type="number"]::-webkit-inner-spin-button, +input[type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button { + opacity: 0.1; +} + +input.sheet-HideSpinners:hover::-webkit-inner-spin-button, +input.sheet-HideSpinners:hover::-webkit-outer-spin-button, +input[type="number"]:hover::-webkit-inner-spin-button, +input[type="number"]:hover::-webkit-outer-spin-button { + opacity: 1; +} + +input:hover, +input.sheet-HideSpinners:hover { + -moz-appearance: auto; + background-color: var( --hover-color-bg); + border : 1px solid var( --hover-color); +} + +input[type="number"], +input.sheet-HideSpinners { + -moz-appearance: textfield; +} + + +textarea.sheet-details { + height: 100px; + resize: vertical; + margin-bottom : 1px; +} + +textarea.sheet-details-small { + height: 50px; + resize: vertical; + margin-bottom : 1px; +} + +textarea.sheet-details-big { + height: 400px; + resize: vertical; + margin-bottom : 1px; +} + +textarea.sheet-details-oneline { + height: 25px; + resize: none; + margin-bottom : 1px; + background: var(--input-color); + +} + +textarea.sheet-textimport { + height: 23px; + width: 10em; + resize: none; + overflow: none; + margin-bottom : 0px; + background-color: var( --input-color ); + border : 1px solid var(--outline-color); +} + +span.sheet-buttonlabel, +input.sheet-buttonlabel { + background : transparent; + border-style: none; + text-align: left; + padding: 0; + margin: 0; + font-family: 'Aladin', "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif; + font-weight: normal !important; + color: var( --font-color ); + +} +button:hover span.sheet-buttonlabel, +button:hover input.sheet-buttonlabel { + color : var( --hover-color ); + cursor: pointer; +} + + + +select { + background-color: var( --input-color ); + border-left: none; + border-top: none; + border-right-style: none; + border-bottom: 1px solid var( --outline-color ); + text-align: center; +} + + + +[readonly], +.sheet-Locked, +input[type="text"][readonly], +input[type="number"][readonly], +input[type="number"][readonly]:hover, +input[type="number"].sheet-Locked, /* Sometime need this bit of extra specificity */ +input[type="text"].sheet-Locked, +.sheet-testRaceMax:not([value="HomeBrew"])~div .sheet-LockIfNotHomeBrew, +.sheet-testCreature:not([value="0"])~div .sheet-LockIfNotCreature, +.sheet-testKarmaAuto:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-Karma-ControlBox, +.sheet-testKarmaAuto:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-DP-ControlBox, +.sheet-testLocked:checked~.sheet-LockIfChecked, +.sheet-testLocked:checked~span .sheet-LockIfChecked, +.sheet-testLocked:checked~div .sheet-LockIfChecked, +.sheet-testLocked:checked~label .sheet-LockIfChecked, +.sheet-testLocked:not(:checked)~.sheet-LockIfNotChecked, +.sheet-testLocked:not(:checked)~span .sheet-LockIfNotChecked, +.sheet-testLocked:not(:checked)~label .sheet-LockIfNotChecked, +.sheet-testLocked:not(:checked)~div .sheet-LockIfNotChecked { + background-color: var( --locked-color ); + pointer-events: none; + -moz-appearance: textfield; + font-family: 'Aladin', "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif; + font-weight: normal !important; +} + +.sheet-testRepEditMode:checked~.repcontainer .sheet-LockIfEditMode, +.sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked)~.repcontainer .sheet-LockIfNotEditMode, +.sheet-testRepEditMode:checked~.sheet-LockIfEditMode, +.sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked)~.sheet-LockIfNotEditMode, +.sheet-testRepEditMode:checked~div>.sheet-LockIfEditMode, +.sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked)~div>.sheet-LockIfNotEditMode, +.sheet-testRepEditMode:checked~div>div>.sheet-LockIfEditMode, +.sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked)~div>div>.sheet-LockIfNotEditMode, +.sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked)~div>span>.sheet-LockIfNotEditMode, +.sheet-testRepEditMode:checked~span>.sheet-LockIfEditMode, +.sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked)~span>.sheet-LockIfNotEditMode, +.sheet-testRepEditMode:checked~div>div>span>.sheet-LockIfEditMode, +.sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked)~div>div>span>.sheet-LockIfNotEditMode { + background-color: var( --locked-color ); + pointer-events: none; + font-style : italic; + -moz-appearance: textfield; +} + +.sheet-testRaceMax[value="HomeBrew"]~div .sheet-UnlockIfHomeBrew, +.sheet-testCreature[value="0"]~div .sheet-UnlockIfCreature, +.sheet-testNum[value="7"]+.sheet-UnlockIf7, +.sheet-testNum[value="99"]+.sheet-UnlockIf99, +.sheet-testLocked:checked+.sheet-UnlockIfChecked, +.sheet-testLocked:checked~.sheet-UnlockIfChecked, +.sheet-testLocked:checked~span .sheet-UnlockIfChecked, +.sheet-testLocked:checked~label .sheet-UnlockIfChecked, +.sheet-testLocked:not(:checked)~.sheet-UnlockIfNotChecked, +.sheet-testLocked:not(:checked)~label .sheet-UnlockIfNotChecked, +.sheet-testLocked:not(:checked)~span .sheet-UnlockIfNotChecked { + background-color: var( --input-color ); + color: var( --font-color ); + pointer-events: initial; +} + + + +input:disabled, +input:disabled::-webkit-inner-spin-button, +input:disabled::-webkit-outer-spin-button, +input[readonly]::-webkit-inner-spin-button, +input[readonly]::-webkit-outer-spin-button, +.sheet-fakeCalc input:not(.sheet-hidden) { + pointer-events: none; + font-style: italic; + display: inline-block; + -moz-appearance: textfield; /*Was none before*/ + -webkit-appearance: none; +} + + +input.sheet-nospinner, +input.sheet-nospinner::-webkit-inner-spin-button, +input.sheet-nospinner::-webkit-outer-spin-button { + -moz-appearance: textfield; /*Was none before*/ + -webkit-appearance: none; +} + + + + +.sheet-floatRight { + float: right; + clear: right; +} + +.sheet-text-left { + text-align: left !important; +} + +.sheet-text-center { + text-align: center !important; +} + + +.sheet-fancyfont { + font-family: 'Aladin', "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif; + font-weight: normal !important; +} + + +.sheet-Elementalist-section, +.sheet-Illusionist-section, +.sheet-Nethermancer-section, +.sheet-Wizard-section { +} /* Need a class here just to keep .sheet-section from inheriting, even if the class is empty */ + +.sheet-label { + line-height: 10px; + font-size: 85%; + padding-right: 2em; + font-weight: bold; + text-align: center; + white-space: nowrap; +} + +.sheet-label-flex { + font-size: 85%; + font-weight: bold; +} + + + +.sheet-repeat-counter-reset { + counter-reset: sheet-rep-items; +} + +.sheet-repeat-count::before +{ + counter-increment: sheet-rep-items; + content: counter(sheet-rep-items) !important; + padding: 0.7em; +} + + +.sheet-text-button { + border-bottom: 1px solid black; + border-right: 1px solid transparent; + border-left: 1px solid transparent; + border-top: 1px solid transparent; + +} + +.sheet-text-button { + color: var( --font-color ); + background-color: var( --button-color ); +} + +.sheet-text-button-header { + color: var( --header-font-color ); + background-color: var( --outline-color ); +} + +.charsheet button[type="roll"].sheet-helpbutton { + color:black; + background-color: maroon ; + background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top,#fff,maroon); + background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top,#fff,maroon); + background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,0 0,0 100%,from(#fff),to(maroon)); + background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,#fff,maroon); + background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top,#fff,maroon); + background-image: linear-gradient(top,#fff,maroon); + background-repeat: repeat-x; + width: 20px; + size:130%; +} + + +/* JBF@JBF 210106 trials for transparent button */ + +.charsheet button[type="roll"], +.charsheet button[type="action"] { + border-bottom: 1px solid var( --outline-color); + border-right: 1px solid transparent; + border-left: 1px solid transparent; + border-top: 1px solid transparent; + border-radius: 5px; + margin-left: 1px; + margin-right: 1px; + background-color: var( --button-color ); + background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top,#fff,#e6e6e6); + background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top,#fff,#e6e6e6); + background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,0 0,0 100%,from(#fff),to(#e6e6e6)); + background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,#fff,#e6e6e6); + background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top,#fff,#e6e6e6); + background-image: linear-gradient(top,#fff,#e6e6e6); + background-repeat: repeat-x; + padding : 2px; +} + +button[type="roll"].sheet-text-button-header { + background-image: none; + background-color: var( --outline-color); + border-bottom: 1px solid white; + border-right: 1px solid white; + border-left: 1px solid white; + border-top: 1px solid white; +} + + +.charsheet button[type="roll"]:hover, +.charsheet button[type="roll"]:active, +.charsheet button[type="action"]:hover, +.charsheet button[type="action"]:active { + color: var( --hover-color ); + background-color: #e6e6e6; + background-position: 0 -15px; + background-position-x: 0px; + background-position-y: -15px; + -webkit-transition: background-position .1s linear; + -moz-transition: background-position .1s linear; + -ms-transition: background-position .1s linear; + -o-transition: background-position .1s linear; + transition: background-position .1s linear; + transition-property: background-position; + transition-duration: 0.1s; + transition-timing-function: linear; + transition-delay: 0s; + border: 1px solid red; +} + + +input[name*="combatOption"]:checked + b, +input[name*="condition"]:checked + b { + background-color: var( --outline-color ); + color: white; + border-radius: 5px; + padding-right: 5px; + padding-bottom: 1px; + padding-top: 1px; +} + + + +.charsheet button[type=roll].sheet-button-nodice:before { + content: none; +} + + +input[type="number"].sheet-attrCostsRed { + background-color: maroon; + color: white; +} + + +.sheet-testAttrCosts[value="0"]~div .sheet-attrCostsRed +{ + background-color: Green; + color: white; +} + +input[type="number"].sheet-attrCostsGreen { + background-color: green; +} + +.sheet-testAttrCosts[value="0"]~div input[type="number"].sheet-attrCostsGreen, +.sheet-testAttrCosts[value="1"]~div input[type="number"].sheet-attrCostsGreen, +.sheet-testAttrCosts[value="2"]~div input[type="number"].sheet-attrCostsGreen { + background-color: white; +} + + +/* ######## Steps and StepSpan ###### */ + +.charsheet input[type="number"].sheet-StepBig, +.sheet-StepBig { + font-size : 150%; + padding: 0; + margin-left: 0; + margin-right: -3px; + margin-bottom: -14px; + text-align: center; + width: 1.3em ; +} + +.charsheet span.sheet-stepSpan, +.sheet-stepSpan { + height: 26px; + padding-bottom: 2px ; + margin-left: 14px ; + margin-right: 19px ; + display: inline-block; + white-space: nowrap; +} + +.sheet-buffSmall { + transform: scale(0.8) ; /*JBF : transform instead of the font size adresses the spinners*/ +} + + +.charsheet input[type="number"].sheet-buffLeft, +.charsheet input[type="number"].sheet-buffRight { + vertical-align: top; + padding: 0px; + margin-top: 0px; + margin-bottom: 0px; +} + +.charsheet b.sheet-buffSignLeft, +.charsheet b.sheet-buffSignRight { + vertical-align: top; + padding: 0px; + margin-top: 0px; + margin-bottom: 0px; + width: 0.3em; + text-align: right; +} + + +.charsheet b.sheet-buffSignRight{ + margin-right: -2px; + margin-left: -1px; +} + +.charsheet input[type="number"].sheet-buffRight { + margin-left: -4px; + margin-right: -20px; + text-align: left; + width: 2.5em; +} + +.charsheet b.sheet-buffSignLeft { + margin-right: -15px; + margin-left: -2px; +} + +.charsheet input[type="number"].sheet-buffLeft { + text-align: right; + margin-left: 0px; + margin-right: -8px; + width: 1.8em; +} + +.sheet-buffRight::-webkit-inner-spin-button, +.sheet-buffRight::-webkit-outer-spin-button { + opacity: 0; +} + +.sheet-buffRight { + -moz-appearance: textfield; +} + +span:hover .sheet-buffRight::-webkit-inner-spin-button, +span:hover .sheet-buffRight::-webkit-outer-spin-button { + opacity:1; +} + +span:hover .sheet-buffRight{ + -moz-appearance: auto; +} + + +.sheet-testCloseChecked:checked+.sheet-InvisibleIfCloseChecked { + opacity: 0; +} + +.sheet-testCloseChecked:checked+.sheet-PartlyInvisibleIfCloseChecked { + color: transparent; +} + +.sheet-testCloseChecked:not(:checked)+.sheet-PartlyInvisibleIfNotCloseChecked { + color: transparent ; +} + +.sheet-redGreen ~ input, +.sheet-redGreen ~ b { + color: green; +} + + + +.sheet-redGreen[value^="-"] ~ input { + color: red; +} +.sheet-greenRed ~ input, +.sheet-greenRed ~ b { + color: red; +} +.sheet-greenRed[value^="-"] ~ input { + color: green; +} + + +.sheet-redGreen[value^="-"]~ b, +.sheet-greenRed[value^="-"]~ b, +.sheet-redGreen[value="0"] ~ input, +.sheet-greenRed[value="0"] ~ input, +.sheet-redGreen[value="0"] ~ b, +.sheet-greenRed[value="0"] ~ b { + color: transparent; +} + + +.sheet-testKarReq:not([value="0"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_0_3, +.sheet-testKarReq:not([value="0"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_0_2, +.sheet-testKarReq:not([value="1"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_1_2, +.sheet-testKarReq:not([value="1"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_1_3, +.sheet-testKarMax:not([value="2"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_1_2, +.sheet-testKarMax:not([value="2"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_0_2, +.sheet-testKarMax:not([value="3"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_1_3, +.sheet-testKarMax:not([value="3"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_0_3, +.sheet-testKarMax:not([value="0"],[value="1"],[value="2"],[value="3"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_lessthan3, +.sheet-testKarMax:not(:not([value="0"],[value="1"],[value="2"],[value="3"])) ~ .sheet-Kar_morethan3, +.sheet-testKarMax:not([value="4"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_4, +.sheet-testKarMax:not([value="5"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_5, +.sheet-testKarMax:not([value="6"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_6, +.sheet-testKarMax:not([value="7"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_7, +.sheet-testKarMax:not([value="8"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_8, +.sheet-testKarMax:not([value="9"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_9, +.sheet-testKarMax:not([value="10"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_10, +.sheet-testKarMax:not([value="11"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_11, +.sheet-testKarMax:not([value="12"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_12, +.sheet-testKarMax:not([value="13"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_13, +.sheet-testKarMax:not([value="14"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_14, +.sheet-testKarMax:not([value="15"]) ~ .sheet-Kar_15 { + display: none !important; +} + + + +/* ############################################# JBF Header Flex Containers ######################################################### */ + +.sheet-header-flex-container { + display: flex; + align-items: flex-start; + justify-content: flex-start; + flex-wrap: wrap; + overflow: hidden; + margin-bottom:10px; + border-bottom: 2px solid var(--outline-color); +} + + +.sheet-header-box { + height: 75px; + border: 1px solid var(--outline-color); + border-radius: 10px; + display: flex; + align-items: center; + margin-right: 1px; + flex-flow: column; + opacity: 1; + overflow: hidden; + max-width: 280px; +} + +.sheet-header-modbox { + margin-top : 9px; + margin-bottom: 7px; + margin-left: 0px; + margin-right: 0px; +} + + +.sheet-header-flex-container:not(:hover) .sheet-testNum[value="0"]+.sheet-testNum[value="0"]+.sheet-header-hidden, +.sheet-header-flex-container:not(:hover) .sheet-testNum[value="0"]+.sheet-testNum[value="0"]+.sheet-testNum[value="0"]+.sheet-header-hidden { + height : 0px; + max-width: 0px; + overflow: hidden; + opacity: 0.5; + padding: 0px; + margin: 0px; + border: 1px solid transparent; +} + +.sheet-header-box, +.sheet-iconlabel-header, +.sheet-iconlabel-header-invert, +.sheet-iconlabelbig, +.sheet-header-hidden { + transition: height 0.5s, flex-grow 0.5s, min-width 0.5s, flex-basis 0.5s, width 0.5s, max-width 0.5s , margin 0.5s, padding 0.5s; + /* transition-delay: 1.5s; */ + overflow: hidden; +} + + + +.sheet-header-iconbox { + flex-grow: 1; /* it can grow */ + flex-shrink: 1; /* it can shrink */ + /* flex-basis: 30px; /* arbitrary depending on design */ */ + /* min-width: 30px; /* equal to flex-basis */ */ + /*max-width: 100%; JBF@JBF 210228 (100% - margins)/number of boxes */ + text-align: center; + transition: flex-grow, 0.5s; + transition: min-width 0.5s; + /* transition-delay: 1.5s; */ + line-height:0; +} + +.sheet-header-flex-container:not(:hover) .sheet-header-iconbox { + /* flex-grow: 0.0000000001; /* it cant grow anymore... We want it to collapse */ */ + /* flex-basis: 30px; */ + /* width: auto; + min-width: 30px; */ + /* padding: 0px !important; */ + transition: flex-grow, 0.5s, min-width 0.5s; + /* transition-delay: 1.5s; */ +} + +.sheet-header-logo-Earthdawn { + /* background-image: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Earthdawn-Logo.png); */ + /* content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Earthdawn-Logo.png); */ + content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/EARTHDAWN%20LOGO%206.5%20Middlewings%20-%20FINAL-cropped.png); + /* content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Jiboux/roll20-character-sheets/EDv3/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/ED_logo_black_jaustin_20220926.png); */ + + /* border: 1px solid black; */ +/* background-image: url(https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.staging.d20.io/images/258659/43tgLdtfozFTvZrPGMv-uw/med.png?1539148273); */ +} +.sheet-header-logo-1879 { + /* background-image: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/1879-Logo.png); */ + content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/1879-Logo.png); +/* background-image: url(https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.d20.io/images/188531300/L18EvmQWIkcT_CKVGnPfqg/max.png?1609231596); */ +} + +.sheet-header-logo-Earthdawn, +.sheet-header-logo-1879 +{ + max-height: 76px; + /* background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-size: contain; */ + max-width: 200px; + width: calc(100% - 800px); /* Width of Logo =100%-2X where X = min-width of header-name*/ +} + +.sheet-testQuest:not([value="0"])~div .sheet-header-logo-1879, +.sheet-testQuest:not([value="0"])~div .sheet-header-logo-Earthdawn +{ + width: calc(100% - 1000px); /* If Questor, Logo needs to be smaller */ +} + +.sheet-testQuest:not([value="0"])~div .sheet-header-name { + /* min-width: min(500px, 25%); + width: calc(50% - 100px); */ + min-width:200px; + width : calc(50% + 350px); + +} + + +.sheet-header-name { + height: 70px; + /* border: 1px solid var(--outline-color); */ + border-radius: 10%; + /* min-width: min(400px, 25%); + width: calc(50% - 100px); */ + min-width:200px; + width : calc(50% + 300px); + padding-top: 6px; + padding: 3px; + overflow: hidden; +} + + +/* ############################################ Colors and Margins ###################################################### */ + + +/* JBF 210103 To be identified */ +.ui-widget-content, +.charsheet { + position: absolute; + padding: 0 !important; + left: 0; + top: 46px; +} +/* JBF 210103 To be identified */ + + +.sheet-user-root { +/*Normal Background*/ + background-color: white; /*Don't ask why but necessary for the Dark mode*/ + /* background-image: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Border-left-nobottom.png),url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Border-right-nobottom.png),url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Border-left-nobottom3.png),url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Border-right-nobottom3.png); + background-repeat: no-repeat, no-repeat,no-repeat, no-repeat; + background-blend-mode: multiply, multiply,multiply, multiply; + background-position: -17px -15px,calc(100% + 23px) -10px,-17px 1357px,calc(100% + 23px) 1362px; + background-size : 250px 1372px, 250px 1372px,250px 1372px, 250px 1372px; + padding-left: 13px; + padding-right: 13px; + padding-top: 10px; */ + padding:12px; + border-image-slice:50 66 50 66; +border-image-width:13px 17px 13px 17px; +border-image-outset:0px 0px 0px 0px; +border-image-repeat:round round; +border-image-source:url("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Jiboux/roll20-character-sheets/EDv314/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/ED-ExternalFrame.png?raw=true"); +border-style: +solid; + + margin-top: 0px; + margin-left: 0px; + margin-right: 0px; +} + +.sheet-user-root-in { + margin-left: 0px; + margin-right: 0px; + min-width: 500px; /*JBF@JBF : to be reworked according to final layout*/ + border: 2px groove var( --outline-color ); + + background-color: var( --bg-color ); +} + + +.sheet-section { + background-color: var( --bg-color ); +} + +.sheet-content { + padding: 2px; +} + + +.sheet-bordered { + border : 1px solid var(--outline-color) !important; +} + +.sheet-bordered-bottom { + border-top: none !important; + border-left: none !important; + border-right: none !important; + border-bottom: 1px solid var(--outline-color) !important; +} + +.sheet-notbordered { + border: none !important; +} + +.sheet-header { + min-height: 30px; +} + + +.sheet-imgbox { + text-align: center; + align-items: center; + justify-content: center; + height: 50px; + width: 50px; + position: relative; +} + + +.sheet-imgbox::before { + text-align: center; + align-items: center; + justify-content: center; + content: ""; + position: absolute; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-size: 40px 40px; + background-position: top center; + top: 0px; + right: 0px; + bottom: 0px; + left: 0px; + height: 50px; + width: 50px; + opacity: 0.2; + z-index: 1; +} + +.sheet-imgbox-content { + z-index: 99; + position: relative; +} + + +.sheet-imgbox-defense { + /*size of your image*/ + text-align: center; + align-items: center; + justify-content: center; + vertical-align: middle; + height: 37px; + width: 43px; + padding-left: 8px; + padding-bottom: 14px; + position: relative; +} + + +.sheet-imgbox-defense::before { + text-align: center; + align-items: center; + justify-content: center; + content: ""; + position: absolute; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-size: 45px 45px; + background-position: 50% 25%; + top: 0px; + right: 0px; + bottom: 0px; + left: 0px; + height: 45px; + width: 45px; + opacity: 0.4; + z-index: 1; + padding-left: 8px; + padding-bottom: 20px; +} + + +.sheet-sec-border-line { + background-color: var( --bg-color ); + margin-left: -7px; + margin-right: -7px; +} + +.sheet-sec-border-line { + border-top: 2px double var( --outline-color ); + padding-top: 3px; +} + + +/*JBF@JBF to be identified, maybe dead code, and in any case shouldn't be static color*/ + +.sheet-heading { + background-color: var( --control-secondary ); + color: var( --header-font-color ); + font-family: 'Aladin', "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif; + font-weight: normal !important; + margin: 1px; +} + + +/* ############################################ Tables and cells #################################################### */ + +.sheet-table { + display: table; + width: 100%; +} + +.sheet-table-left { + display: table; + border-collapse: collapse; +} + +span.sheet-table-left, +.sheet-table-left .sheet-table-row span { + border-style: hidden; + border-width: 2px; + text-align: left; +} + +.sheet-table-name { + display: table-caption; + text-align: center; + font-weight: bold; + color: var( --header-font-color ); + background-color: var( --outline-color ); + width: 100%; +} + +.charsheet .sheet-headerbar, +.sheet-headerbar { + vertical-align: bottom; + justify-content: center; + align-items: center; + text-align : center; + color: var( --header-font-color ); + /* font-weight: bold; */ + background-color: var(--outline-color); + font-size: 14px; + /* font-family: Papyrus, fantasy; */ + font-family: 'Aladin', "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif; + font-weight: normal !important; + width: 100%; + /* margin: auto; *//* JBF@JBF 210105*/ + min-height: 21px; + display: flex; +} + +.charsheet .sheet-headerbar-flex, +.sheet-headerbar-flex { + vertical-align: bottom; + justify-content: space-between; +} + + +.sheet-creation-order { +color: yellow; +font-size: 16px; +/*text-shadow: 1px 1px white;*/ +} + +.sheet-table-header { + display: table-cell; + text-align: center; + font-style: italic; + font-weight: bold; + color: var( --header-font-color ); + vertical-align: middle; + background-color: var( --outline-color ); +} + +.sheet-table-row { + display: table-row; + vertical-align: middle; + width: 100%; +} + +.sheet-table-data { + display: table-cell; + vertical-align: middle; + text-align: center; /*JBF 20201124*/ + white-space: nowrap; +} + +hr { + border-color: black; + margin: 5px 0; +} + +.sheet-w15 { + display: table-cell; + vertical-align: middle; + text-align: left; + width: 15%; +} + +.sheet-w20 { + display: table-cell; + vertical-align: middle; + text-align: left; + width: 20%; +} +.sheet-w30 { + display: inline-block; + text-align: left; + width: 30%; +} + +.sheet-w100p { + width: 100%; +} + +/*JBF@JBF useful ???*/ +.sheet-w50 { + width: 100%; +} + + +.sheet-notes{ +width: 28%; +/* padding-left: 5px; +padding-right: 5px; */ +/* padding-bottom: 10px; */ +margin: 1%; +} + + +.sheet-flex-container { + display: flex; + align-items: flex-start; + justify-content: space-between; +} + +.sheet-flex-column { +flex-direction: column; +} + +.sheet-flexwrap { + flex-wrap: wrap; +} + +.sheet-glossary { + /* display: flex; + align-items: flex-start; + flex-wrap: wrap; + flex-direction: column; + max-height: 150px; + height : auto; */ + display: inline-block; +} + + +.sheet-flex1 { + flex: 1; +} +/*JBF@CD -- This is a trial, but gives interesting results*/ + + +.sheet-floatRight.sheet-header-flex-container, +.sheet-floatRight.sheet-flex-container { + justify-content: flex-end; +} + +.sheet-flexCenter { + display: flex; + justify-content: center; + align-items: center; +} + +/ ############################################# Attribute Boxes ########################################################## */ + +.sheet-Attrib-container { + padding: 5px; + margin-top: 3px; + display: flex; + align-items: center; +} + +.sheet-Attrib-box { + border: 1px solid black; + border-radius: 10px; + text-align: center; + display: inline-block; + width: 120px; + margin-bottom: 3px; + min-height: 80px; +} + +.sheet-Attrib-header { + display: flex; + justify-content: space-around; + align-items: flex-start; + vertical-align: top; + text-align: center; + background-color: var(--outline-color); + border-radius:10px; +} + +.sheet-Defense-box { + border: 1px solid black; + border-radius: 10px; + display: flex; + margin: 2px; + align-items: center; + flex-flow: column; + width: 100px; + min-height: 75px; +} + +.sheet-Shield-box { + border: 1px solid black; + border-radius: 10px; + display: flex; + margin: 3px; + padding: 3px; + align-items: center; + flex-flow: column; +} + + + +.sheet-Attrib-rightbox { + text-align: center; + display: inline-block; +} + + +.charsheet input[type="number"].sheet-AttribValue, +.sheet-AttribValue { + background: var( --outline-color ); + border-style: 1px solid black; + border-radius: 70%; + color: var( --header-font-color ); + font-weight: bold; + text-align: center; +} + +.sheet-AttribValueDiv { + margin-top: 3px; +} + +.charsheet input[type="number"].sheet-AttribStep, +.sheet-AttribStep +{ + color: var( --highlight-font-color ); + text-shadow: 2px 2px var( --bg-color ); + font-weight:bold; + font-size: 250%; /* JBF was important */ + padding: 0; /* JBF was important */ + margin-top: 0; /* JBF was important */ + margin-bottom: 0; /* JBF was important */ + margin-left: 0; /* JBF was important */ + margin-right: -11px; /* JBF was important */ + text-align: center; /* JBF was important */ + width: 1.3em; /* JBF was important */ + font-weight: bold; + +} + +.charsheet span.sheet-AttribStepSpan, +.sheet-AttribStepSpan +{ + padding: 4px; /* JBF was important */ + +} + +/* ############################################ Formating and Length ###################################################### */ + +.sheet-fixed-width { + white-space: nowrap; + display: inline-block; +} + + +.charsheet .sheet-matrix.sheet-filter-box { + margin: 0px; + margin-bottom: 2px; + margin-right: 2px; + border-radius: 5px; + padding: 0px; + border: 1px solid black; +} + + + +.sheet-nowrap0 { + white-space: nowrap; + display: inline-block; /*JBF@CD Trial for alignment*/ + vertical-align: middle; +} + +.sheet-nowrap, +.sheet-nowrap1 { + white-space: nowrap; + padding-right: 1em; +} + +.sheet-nowrap2 { + white-space: nowrap; + padding-right: 2em; +} + +.sheet-nowrap3 { + white-space: nowrap; + padding-right: 3em; +} + +.sheet-nowrap5 { + white-space: nowrap; + padding-right: 5em; +} + +.sheet-w7 { + display: inline-block; + min-width: 7em; + padding-right: 0em; +} + +/*JBF */ +.sheet-numShorter { width: 2em !important } +.sheet-numShort { width: 3em !important } +.sheet-numLong { width: 4em !important } +.sheet-selShort { width: 5em !important } +.sheet-selLong { width: 6em !important } +.sheet-txtShort { width: 8em !important } +.sheet-txtMed { width: 9em !important } +.sheet-txtMedplus { width: 11.5em !important } +.sheet-txtLong { width: 16em !important } +.sheet-txtLonger { width: 20em !important } +.sheet-txtEvenLonger { width: 27em !important } + + +.sheet-titlespan { + margin-left: 0px; + margin-right: 0px; + text-align: center; + vertical-align: middle; +} + + +.charsheet .sheet-w25px { width: 25px; } +.charsheet .sheet-w30px { width: 30px; } +.charsheet .sheet-w50px { width: 50px; } +.charsheet .sheet-w75px { width: 75px; } +.charsheet .sheet-w100px { width: 100px; } + +.charsheet .sheet-Big { font-size: 150%;} + +.charsheet input[type="number"].sheet-Bigger, + .sheet-Bigger { + font-size: 200%; + width: 2em; + text-align: center ; +} +.sheet-small { transform: scale(0.8); /*better results ?*/} + +.charsheet input[type="number"].sheet-numHighlight, +.sheet-numHighlight { + color: var( --highlight-font-color ); + text-shadow: 2px 2px var( --bg-color ); + font-weight: bold; +} + + +.sheet-vaBottom { + vertical-align: bottom; +} + +.sheet-middle { + display: inline-block; + padding-top: 6px; +} + +.sheet-minWidth3 { + min-width: 3em; +} + + + + +/* ############################################ Variable length text boxes ########################################################## */ +/* The next few blocks are for variable length text boxes that expand as needed. sheet-label-under2 is a tall box and has labels under the text input. +The form of the html is a label or span wrapper, an input box, an span that has the invisible auto-expanding field, and an optional span that has the label. + + +To have a label in front of the expanding field, use something like this. + +*/ + +/* This is the tag that wraps the entire thing. It can be a label or a span */ +.charsheet .sheet-autoexpand-wrap { + display: inline-block; + position: relative; + width: auto; + min-width: 2em; + max-width: 50em; + margin-right: 1em; + white-space: nowrap; +} + +.charsheet .sheet-autoexpand-min4 { + min-width: 4em; + width: auto; +} + +.charsheet .sheet-autoexpand-min { + min-width: 14em; + width: auto; +} + + + +.charsheet .sheet-autoexpand-wrap:not(.sheet-label-under2) { + height: 2em; + vertical-align: middle; +} + +.charsheet .sheet-label-under:not(button), +.charsheet .sheet-label-under2 { + display: inline-block; + height: 2.75em; + vertical-align: top; +} + +/* This is the input statement that is visible. */ +.charsheet .sheet-autoexpand-wrap input { + display: block; + overflow: hidden; + width: 100%; + position: absolute; + white-space: normal; +} + +/* This is the invisible copy of the input. This css changes this invisible fields size to the length of the text in the input. The outer wrapper then changes size to match this fields length. */ +.charsheet .sheet-autoexpand-wrap span.sheet-autoexpand { + visibility: hidden; + width: 100%; + white-space: pre; /* pre-wrap; for textarea which I never got working but "pre" should also work for spans */ + word-wrap: break-word; + overflow-wrap: break-word; + overflow: hidden; + font-weight: bold; + padding-right: 2em; /* We want the text box very slightly bigger than the text. JBF@CD was 0.7 em*/ + /* also here make sure the font size is the same or slightly bigger than the input font size */ +} + +/* This is the span that holds the label that we want small at the bottom. */ +.charsheet .sheet-label-under2 span:not(.sheet-autoexpand) { + display: block; + position: relative; /*JBF@CD Changed from absolute 0 to relative -10px*/ + bottom: -13px; + line-height: .75em; + font-size: 85%; + padding-left: .25em; +} + +/* When we have the label under the field, we don't want the label to ever be longer than the field */ +.charsheet .sheet-label-under, +.charsheet .sheet-label-under2 { + overflow: hidden; +} + +.charsheet .sheet-label-under2 span, +.charsheet .sheet-label-under span, +.charsheet .sheet-label-under-select span { + line-height: 10px; + display: block; + /* font-weight: lighter; */ + font-size: 85%; + padding-left: .25em; +} + + + + + +/* ########################################### Filterboxes ####################################################### +# Filterboxes are basically repitems. Except that Filterboxes have been formated to allow certain items to be hidden +# if they don't match the requirements to be displayed. +*/ + +.charsheet .repcontainer .repitem, /* A filterbox should look exactly like a repitem. */ +.sheet-filter-box { + padding: 0px; + margin: 0px; + border: none; + border-radius: 0px; +} + + + +fieldset.repeating_spell+.repcontainer>.repitem, /* A repitem within a spell list should functionally not exist, it's place is taken by a filterbox. */ +fieldset+.repcontainer .repitem, +fieldset+.repcontainer .repitem .sheet-filter-box { + vertical-align: top; +} + +.sheet-filterSpellEffect~.repcontrol, +.sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked)~.repcontrol, /*hide buttons in not Edit Mode*/ +.sheet-filter-box { /* By default, display no items of a filter box */ + display: none; +} + +fieldset.sheet-filterSpellEffect+.repcontainer { + display: inline-block; +} + +.repcontainer .repitem { + overflow: hidden; +} + +fieldset+.repcontainer .repitem { + display: block; +} + +fieldset.repeating_talents+.repcontainer .repitem, /*fieldset that we want to wrap have to be specified manually*/ +fieldset.repeating_skills+.repcontainer .repitem, +fieldset.repeating_knacks+.repcontainer .repitem, +fieldset.repeating_matrix+.repcontainer .repitem, +fieldset.repeating_personality+.repcontainer .repitem, +fieldset.repeating_maneuvers+.repcontainer .repitem, +fieldset.repeating_weapons+.repcontainer .repitem { + display: inline-block; + /* padding:5px; */ +} + + +/* fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem:nth-child(5n+1){ + background: var(--bg-color1); +} + +fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem:nth-child(5n+2){ + background: var(--bg-color2); +} + +fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem:nth-child(5n+3){ + background: var(--bg-color3); +} + +fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem:nth-child(5n+4){ + background: var(--bg-color4); +} + +fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem:nth-child(5n){ + background: var(--bg-color5); +} */ + +/* fieldset+.repcontainer{ + column-width:auto; +} */ + + + +/* Decide which specific repitems to display. */ +/*Talents Filter*/ +input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents~div input.sheet-tabTalentsFilter[value="D1"]~ fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-talentType[value^="D1"]+.sheet-filter-box2, /*filter-box2 only hides when on the Talents tab*/ +input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents~div input.sheet-tabTalentsFilter[value="D1"]~ fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-talentType[value^="TO1"]+.sheet-filter-box2, /*filter-box2 only hides when on the Talents tab*/ +input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents~div input.sheet-tabTalentsFilter[value="D2"]~ fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-talentType[value^="D2"]+.sheet-filter-box2, /*filter-box2 only hides when on the Talents tab*/ +input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents~div input.sheet-tabTalentsFilter[value="D2"]~ fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-talentType[value^="TO2"]+.sheet-filter-box2, /*filter-box2 only hides when on the Talents tab*/ +input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents~div input.sheet-tabTalentsFilter[value="D3"]~ fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-talentType[value^="D3"]+.sheet-filter-box2, /*filter-box2 only hides when on the Talents tab*/ +input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents~div input.sheet-tabTalentsFilter[value="D3"]~ fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-talentType[value^="TO3"]+.sheet-filter-box2, /*filter-box2 only hides when on the Talents tab*/ +input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents~div input.sheet-tabTalentsFilter[value="D4"]~ fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-talentType[value^="D4"]+.sheet-filter-box2, /*filter-box2 only hides when on the Talents tab*/ +input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents~div input.sheet-tabTalentsFilter[value="D4"]~ fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-talentType[value^="TO4"]+.sheet-filter-box2, /*filter-box2 only hides when on the Talents tab*/ +input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents~div input.sheet-tabTalentsFilter[value="QD"]~ fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-talentType[value^="QD"]+.sheet-filter-box2, /*filter-box2 only hides when on the Talents tab*/ +input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents~div input.sheet-tabTalentsFilter[value="PA"]~ fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-talentType[value^="PA"]+.sheet-filter-box2, /*filter-box2 only hides when on the Talents tab*/ +input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents~div input.sheet-tabTalentsFilter[value="Other"]~ fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-talentType[value^="V"]+.sheet-filter-box2, /*filter-box2 only hides when on the Talents tab*/ +input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents~div input.sheet-tabTalentsFilter[value="Other"]~ fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-talentType[value="Racial"]+.sheet-filter-box2, /*filter-box2 only hides when on the Talents tab*/ +input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents~div input.sheet-tabTalentsFilter[value="Other"]~ fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-talentType[value="Power"]+.sheet-filter-box2, /*filter-box2 only hides when on the Talents tab*/ +input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents~div input.sheet-tabTalentsFilter[value="Other"]~ fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-talentType[value="Item"]+.sheet-filter-box2, /*filter-box2 only hides when on the Talents tab*/ +input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents~div input.sheet-tabTalentsFilter[value="Other"]~ fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-talentType[value="Dummy"]+.sheet-filter-box2, /*filter-box2 only hides when on the Talents tab*/ +input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents~div input.sheet-tabTalentsFilter[value="Other"]~ fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-talentType[value="Special"]+.sheet-filter-box2, /*filter-box2 only hides when on the Talents tab*/ +input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents~div input.sheet-tabTalentsFilter[value="Other"]~ fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-talentType[value="Free"]+.sheet-filter-box2, /*filter-box2 only hides when on the Talents tab*/ +input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents~div input.sheet-tabTalentsFilter[value="All"]~ fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-talentType+.sheet-filter-box2, /*filter-box2 only hides when on the Talents tab*/ +fieldset.repeating_armor+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-combattab:checked~.sheet-filter-box, /*Always show equipped. */ +.sheet-testRepEditMode:checked~fieldset.repeating_armor+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-combattab~.sheet-filter-box, /*In edit-mode show all. */ +input.sheet-tabGrim[value="0"]~.sheet-filter-box, /* Always display all spells of circle zero, since they have just been added and have not been assigned a circle yet. */ +.sheet-tabGrim[value="0"]~fieldset.repeating_spell+.repcontainer>.repitem .sheet-filter-box, /* When tab0 is checked, display everything no matter what which of the inner boxes are checked. */ +.sheet-tabGrim~fieldset.repeating_spell+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-grim-tab0:checked~.sheet-filter-box, /*always display the Circle 0 spells*/ +.sheet-tabGrim[value="1"]~fieldset.repeating_spell+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-grim-tab1:checked~.sheet-filter-box, +.sheet-tabGrim[value="2"]~fieldset.repeating_spell+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-grim-tab2:checked~.sheet-filter-box, +.sheet-tabGrim[value="3"]~fieldset.repeating_spell+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-grim-tab3:checked~.sheet-filter-box, +.sheet-tabGrim[value="4"]~fieldset.repeating_spell+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-grim-tab4:checked~.sheet-filter-box, +.sheet-tabGrim[value="5"]~fieldset.repeating_spell+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-grim-tab5:checked~.sheet-filter-box, +.sheet-tabGrim[value="6"]~fieldset.repeating_spell+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-grim-tab6:checked~.sheet-filter-box, +.sheet-tabGrim[value="7"]~fieldset.repeating_spell+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-grim-tab7:checked~.sheet-filter-box, +.sheet-tabGrim[value="8"]~fieldset.repeating_spell+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-grim-tab8:checked~.sheet-filter-box, +.sheet-tabGrim[value="9"]~fieldset.repeating_spell+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-grim-tab9:checked~.sheet-filter-box, +.sheet-tabGrim[value="10"]~fieldset.repeating_spell+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-grim-tab10:checked~.sheet-filter-box, +.sheet-tabGrim[value="11"]~fieldset.repeating_spell+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-grim-tab11:not(:checked)~.sheet-filter-box, +/* fieldset.sheet-filtershortlist+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-combattab:checked~.sheet-filter-box, */ +input.sheet-tabMain[value="1"]~div .sheet-section-core fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-combattab~.sheet-filter-box, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="2"]~div .sheet-section-combat fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-combattab:checked~.sheet-filter-box, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-combattab~.sheet-filter-box, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="4"]~div fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-combattab~.sheet-filter-box, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="5"]~div fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-combattab~.sheet-filter-box, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="6"]~div fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-combattab~.sheet-filter-box, +.sheet-section-spells fieldset:not(.sheet-filterSpellEffect)+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-spelltab[value^="SPL-"]~.sheet-filter-box, +input.sheet-testSpellEffect[value="Wil"]~fieldset.sheet-filterSpellEffect+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-spelltab[value="SPL-Willforce"]~.sheet-filter-box { + display: inline-block; + border: none; /*JBF*/ +} +/*JBF@JBF@CD : For Skills, Knacks and Talents, in overview, everything is displayed, and in Combat, only the checked ones)*/ + +/*JBF@JBF@CD : Do not display the spellcasting Talent twice, i.e. shown only in spell section... except in creation mode*/ +.sheet-testCreation:not([value="1"])~.sheet-testNPC:not([value="-1"])~input.sheet-tabMain[value="1"]~div .sheet-section-core~div fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-spelltab[value^="SPL-"]+input.sheet-combattab~.sheet-filter-box, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents~div fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-talentType+.sheet-filter-box2, /*filter-box2 only hides when on the Talents tab*/ +input.sheet-tabMain[value="2"]~div .sheet-section-combat~div fieldset+.repcontainer>.repitem input.sheet-spelltab[value^="SPL-"]+input.sheet-combattab:checked~.sheet-filter-box { + display: none; +} + + + + /* ############################################ Tabs ################################################################### */ + + div[class^="sheet-section"] { /* Every class that starts with "sheet-section" starts out hidden */ + visibility: hidden; + opacity: 0; + max-height: 0; + overflow: hidden; + max-width: 0; + padding: 0; +} + +input.sheet-tabMain, +input.sheet-tabSpell, +input.sheet-tabGrim, +input.sheet-tabAdjust { + display:none; +} + + +input.sheet-tabMain+button[type="action"], +input.sheet-tabSpell+button[type="action"], +input.sheet-tabGrim+button[type="action"], +input.sheet-tabAdjust+button[type="action"]{ + text-align: center; + display: inline-block; + font-size: 13px; + background-color: var( --inactive-color ); + color: var( --header-font-color ); + background-image:none; + font-weight: bold; + width: 70px; + height: 20px; + border-radius: 10px 10px 0 0; + cursor: pointer; + position: relative; + border : 1px solid var( --inactive-color ); + margin:0px; + padding:0px; +} + +input.sheet-tabGrim+button.sheet-tabshort[type="action"]{ + width: 40px; +} + + +input:checked.sheet-tabMain+button[type="action"], +input:checked.sheet-tabSpell+button[type="action"], +input:checked.sheet-tabGrim+button[type="action"], +input:checked.sheet-tabAdjust+button[type="action"]{ +background-color: var( --outline-color ); +border : 1px solid var( --outline-color ); +} + + +/* +input.sheet-tabshort { + width: 40px; +} + +input.sheet-tabshort+span{ +width: 40px; +margin-left: -45px; +} + +.sheet-tabSpell, +.sheet-tabAdjust { + width: 80px; +} + +.sheet-tabSpell+span, +.sheet-tabAdjust+span { + width: 80px; + margin-left: -85px; +} + + + +@media (hover: none) { + + input.sheet-tabMain+span, + input.sheet-tabSpell+span, + input.sheet-tabGrim+span, + input.sheet-tabAdjust+span, + .sheet-tabSpan { + + margin-left: -15px; + } +} */ + + + + + +.sheet-sec-spacer { /* When have two tabs right under each other, space them by this much. */ + height: 3px; +} + +/* Make the selected section visible */ +input.sheet-tabMain[value="1"]~div .sheet-section-core, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="2"]~div .sheet-section-combat, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"]~div .sheet-section-talents, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="4"]~div .sheet-section-knacks, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="5"]~div .sheet-section-skills, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="6"]~div .sheet-section-spells, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="7"]~div .sheet-section-equipment, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="8"]~div .sheet-section-gear, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="9"]~div .sheet-section-notes, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="10"]~div .sheet-section-record, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="11"]~div .sheet-section-adjustments, +input.sheet-tabSpell[value="1"]~.sheet-section-spells-talents, +input.sheet-tabSpell[value="2"]~.sheet-section-spells-matrices, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="1"]~div .sheet-section-spells-matrices, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="2"]~div .sheet-section-spells-matrices, +input.sheet-tabMain:not([value="2"]):not([value="1"])~div input.sheet-tabSpell[value="3"]~.sheet-section-spells-grimoire, +input.sheet-tabAdjust[value="1"]~.sheet-section-adjustments-common, +input.sheet-tabAdjust[value="2"]~.sheet-section-adjustments-maneuvers, +input.sheet-tabAdjust[value="3"]~.sheet-section-adjustments-advanced, +input.sheet-tabAdjust[value="4"]~.sheet-section-adjustments-release , +input.sheet-tabAdjust[value="5"]~.sheet-section-adjustments-help { + max-height: 999999px; + max-width: 999999px; + visibility: visible; + opacity: 1; + transition: opacity 0.5s linear 0s; + overflow: hidden; +} + + +input.sheet-tabMain[value="1"] ~ .sheet-show-leftpane-tab1:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-leftpane, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="2"] ~ .sheet-show-leftpane-tab2:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-leftpane, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"] ~ .sheet-show-leftpane-tab3:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-leftpane, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="4"] ~ .sheet-show-leftpane-tab4:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-leftpane, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="5"] ~ .sheet-show-leftpane-tab5:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-leftpane, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="6"] ~ .sheet-show-leftpane-tab6:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-leftpane, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="7"] ~ .sheet-show-leftpane-tab7:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-leftpane, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="8"] ~ .sheet-show-leftpane-tab8:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-leftpane, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="9"] ~ .sheet-show-leftpane-tab9:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-leftpane, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="10"] ~ .sheet-show-leftpane-tab10:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-leftpane, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="11"] ~ .sheet-show-leftpane-tab11:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-leftpane, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="1"] ~ .sheet-show-middlepane-tab1:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-middlepane, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="2"] ~ .sheet-show-middlepane-tab2:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-middlepane, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"] ~ .sheet-show-middlepane-tab3:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-middlepane, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="4"] ~ .sheet-show-middlepane-tab4:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-middlepane, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="5"] ~ .sheet-show-middlepane-tab5:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-middlepane, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="6"] ~ .sheet-show-middlepane-tab6:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-middlepane, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="7"] ~ .sheet-show-middlepane-tab7:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-middlepane, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="8"] ~ .sheet-show-middlepane-tab8:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-middlepane, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="9"] ~ .sheet-show-middlepane-tab9:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-middlepane, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="10"] ~ .sheet-show-middlepane-tab10:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-middlepane, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="11"] ~ .sheet-show-middlepane-tab11:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-middlepane, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="1"] ~ .sheet-show-rightpane-tab1:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-rightpane, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="2"] ~ .sheet-show-rightpane-tab2:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-rightpane, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="3"] ~ .sheet-show-rightpane-tab3:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-rightpane, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="4"] ~ .sheet-show-rightpane-tab4:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-rightpane, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="5"] ~ .sheet-show-rightpane-tab5:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-rightpane, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="6"] ~ .sheet-show-rightpane-tab6:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-rightpane, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="7"] ~ .sheet-show-rightpane-tab7:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-rightpane, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="8"] ~ .sheet-show-rightpane-tab8:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-rightpane, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="9"] ~ .sheet-show-rightpane-tab9:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-rightpane, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="10"] ~ .sheet-show-rightpane-tab10:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-rightpane, +input.sheet-tabMain[value="11"] ~ .sheet-show-rightpane-tab11:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-rightpane { + display:none; +} + +.sheet-testCreature:not([value="0"])~.sheet-tabMain[value="1"]~div .sheet-HideIfOverviewNoCreature, +.sheet-tabMain[value="1"]~div .sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked) ~ .repcontainer .sheet-HideIfOverviewNoEdit, +.sheet-testCreation:not([value="1"])~.sheet-tabMain[value="1"]~div .sheet-HideIfOverviewNoCreation, +.sheet-tabMain[value="1"]~div .sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked) ~ .sheet-HideIfOverviewNoEdit, +.sheet-tabMain[value="1"]~div .sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked)~div .sheet-HideIfOverviewNoEdit, +.sheet-tabMain[value="1"]~div .sheet-HideIfOverview, +.sheet-tabMain:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-HideIfNotOverview, +.sheet-tabMain[value="2"]~div .sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked) ~ .repcontainer .sheet-HideIfCombatNoEdit, +.sheet-tabMain[value="2"]~div .sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked) ~ .sheet-HideIfCombatNoEdit, +.sheet-tabMain[value="2"]~div .sheet-testRepEditMode:not(:checked) ~ div>.sheet-HideIfCombatNoEdit, +.sheet-tabMain[value="2"]~div .sheet-HideIfCombat, +.sheet-tabMain:not([value="2"])~div .sheet-HideIfNotCombat { + display: none; +/* border: 1px yellow solid; */ +} + + +/* Highlight the selected tab */ +input.sheet-tabMain:checked + span, +input.sheet-tabSpell:checked + span, +input.sheet-tabGrim:checked + span, +input.sheet-tabAdjust:checked + span, +input.sheet-tabMain:checked + .sheet-testCloseChecked + .sheet-HideIfCloseChecked, +input.sheet-tabMain:checked + .sheet-testCloseChecked + .sheet-HideIfCloseChecked + .sheet-HideIfNotCloseChecked { + background-color: var( --outline-color ); + color: var( --header-font-color ); + border: 1px solid black; +} + + +/* ############################################ JBF Icons and images ################################################### */ + +.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-action, +.sheet-icon-action { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Action.png); } /*License Information*/ +.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-action-free, +.sheet-icon-action-free { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Action-Free.png); } /*Creative Commons : https://game-icons.net/1x1/lorc/fist.html#download*/ +.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-action-simple, +.sheet-icon-action-simple { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Action-Simple.png); } /*Creative Commons : https://game-icons.net/1x1/lorc/fist.html#download*/ +.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-action-standard, +.sheet-icon-action-standard { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Action-Standard.png); } /*Creative Commons : https://game-icons.net/1x1/lorc/fist.html#download*/ +.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-action-sustained, +.sheet-icon-action-sustained { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Action-Sustained.png); } /*Creative Commons : https://game-icons.net/1x1/lorc/fist.html#download*/ +.sheet-icon-action-white { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Action-white.png); } /*License Information*/ +.sheet-icon-action-na { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Action-NA.png); } /* https://findicons.com/files/icons/2610/flat_weather_icons/128/na.png */ +.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-aggressive, +.sheet-icon-aggressive { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Agressive.png); } /*Creative Commons : https://game-icons.net/1x1/lorc/fist.html#download*/ +.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-ambush, +.sheet-icon-ambush { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Ambush.png); } /*Creative Commons : https://game-icons.net/1x1/lorc/fist.html#download*/ +.sheet-icon-armor { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Armor.png); } /*Creative Commons : https://game-icons.net/1x1/lorc/fist.html#download*/ +.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-ask, +.sheet-icon-ask { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Ask.png); } /*License Information*/ +.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-attack, +.sheet-icon-attacks { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Attacks.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/sbed/falling.html#download*/ +.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-attackcc, +.sheet-icon-attacks-cc { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Attacks-cc.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/lorc/blade-drag.html#download*/ +.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-blindsided, +.sheet-icon-blindsided { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Blindsided.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/lorc/backstab.html#download*/ +.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-blindsiding, +.sheet-icon-blindsiding { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Blindsiding.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/darkzaitzev/hooded-assassin.html#download*/ +.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-calledshot, +.sheet-icon-calledshot { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/CalledShot.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/darkzaitzev/hooded-assassin.html#download*/ +.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-charging, +.sheet-icon-charging { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Charging.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/rhinoceros-horn.html#download*/ +.sheet-icon-circle { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/plain-circle.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/rhinoceros-horn.html#download*/ +.sheet-icon-coin { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Coin.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/darkzaitzev/hooded-assassin.html#download*/ +.sheet-icon-coin-copper { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Coin-Copper.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/darkzaitzev/hooded-assassin.html#download*/ +.sheet-icon-coin-silver { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Coin-Silver.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/darkzaitzev/hooded-assassin.html#download*/ +.sheet-icon-coin-gold { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Coin-Gold.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/darkzaitzev/hooded-assassin.html#download*/ +.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-cover, +.sheet-icon-cover { content: 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} /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/knocked-out-stars.html#download*/ +.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-strain3, +.sheet-icon-strain3 { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Strain3.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/knocked-out-stars.html#download*/ +.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-stun, +.sheet-icon-stun { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Stun.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/knocked-out-stars.html#download*/ +.sheet-icon-stun-white { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Stun-white.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/knocked-out-stars.html#download*/ +.sheet-icon-sum { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Sum.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/knocked-out-stars.html#download*/ +.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-surprised, +.sheet-icon-surprised { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Surprised.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/knocked-out-stars.html#download*/ +.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-tail, +.sheet-icon-tail { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Tail.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/knocked-out-stars.html#download*/ +.sheet-tips-edit { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Tips-Edit.gif); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/knocked-out-stars.html#download*/ +.sheet-tips-mods { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Tips-Mods.gif); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/knocked-out-stars.html#download*/ +.sheet-tips-tooltip { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Tips-Tooltip.gif); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/knocked-out-stars.html#download*/ +.sheet-icon-tknactn { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/TknActn.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/knocked-out-stars.html#download*/ +.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-TN, +.sheet-icon-TN { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/TN.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/knocked-out-stars.html#download*/ +.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-vision, +.sheet-icon-vision { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Vision.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/knocked-out-stars.html#download*/ +.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-vision4, +.sheet-icon-vision4 { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Vision4.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/knocked-out-stars.html#download*/ +.sheet-icon-vision-based { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Vision-Based.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/knocked-out-stars.html#download*/ +.sheet-icon-weapon { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Weapon.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/knocked-out-stars.html#download*/ +.sheet-icon-wealth { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Wealth.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/knocked-out-stars.html#download*/ +.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-weave, +.sheet-icon-weave { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Weave.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/knocked-out-stars.html#download*/ +.sheet-icon-weave-extra { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Weave.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/knocked-out-stars.html#download*/ +.sheet-icon-willforce { content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Willforce.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/knocked-out-stars.html#download*/ +.sheet-rolltemplate-icons-wounds{ content: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Wounds-background.png);} /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/knocked-out-stars.html#download*/ + +.sheet-background-frame1 { background-image: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Frame1.jpg); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/knocked-out-stars.html#download*/ +.sheet-background-frame2 { background-image: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Frame2.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/knocked-out-stars.html#download*/ +.sheet-background-frame3 { background-image: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Frame3.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/knocked-out-stars.html#download*/ +.sheet-background-frame4 { background-image: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Frame4.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/knocked-out-stars.html#download*/ +.sheet-background-frame5 { background-image: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Frame5.png); 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} /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/knocked-out-stars.html#download*/ + +.sheet-icon-damage-background::before { background-image: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Damage-background.png);} /*License Information*/ +.sheet-icon-devotion-background::before { background-image: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Devotion.png); } /*Creative Commons :https://game-icons.net/1x1/lorc/angel-outfit.html#download*/ +.sheet-icon-initiative-background::before { background-image: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Initiative.png); } /*License Information*/ +.sheet-icon-interdiction-background::before { background-image: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Interdiction.png); } /*License Information*/ +.sheet-icon-karma-background::before { background-image: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Karma.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/lorc/entangled-typhoon.html*/ +.sheet-icon-knockeddown-bakcground::before { background-image: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Knockdown.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/sbed/falling.html#download*/ +.sheet-icon-MA-background::before { background-image: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/MA.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/lorc/bolt-shield.html#download*/ +.sheet-icon-MD-background::before { background-image: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/MD.png); 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} /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/lorc/bolt-shield.html#download*/ +.sheet-icon-stun-background::before { background-image: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Stun.png); } /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/knocked-out-stars.html#download*/ +.sheet-icon-wounds-background::before { background-image: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Wounds-background.png);} /*Creative Commons: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/knocked-out-stars.html#download*/ +/* Elsewhere in this file there are url's describing Strain.png, Frame20.png, + and two logo's that are stored on on amazon servers instead of github. +*/ + + +.sheet-frame { + background-size: 100% 100%; + /* Temporarly disabled to work on the color palette */ + /* background-size: 0% 0%; */ +} + + +.sheet-frameBig { + /* background-size: 110% 110%; Temporarly disabled to work on the color palette*/ + background-size: 0% 0%; +} + +.sheet-iconlabel-white.sheet-iconpaddedright, +.sheet-iconlabel-header.sheet-iconpaddedright, +.sheet-iconpaddedright { + padding-right: 3px ; /* JBF was important*/ + margin-left: -3px ; /* JBF was important*/ + padding-top: 0px ; /* JBF was important*/ + padding-bottom: 0px ; /* JBF was important*/ + border: 1px solid transparent; + vertical-align: middle; +} +.sheet-iconlabel-white.sheet-iconpaddedleft, +.sheet-iconlabel-header.sheet-iconpaddedleft, +.sheet-iconpaddedleft { + padding-left: 3px ; /* JBF was important*/ + margin-right: -3px ; /* JBF was important*/ + padding-top: 0px ; /* JBF was important*/ + padding-bottom: 0px ; /* JBF was important*/ + vertical-align: middle; +} + +.sheet-undernumber { + padding-top: 0px; + margin-top: -4px; +} + +.sheet-DP-ControlBox, +.sheet-Karma-ControlBox { + white-space: nowrap; + display: inline-block; + width: 30px; + text-align: center; + vertical-align: middle; + padding: 0; + margin: 1px; +} + +/* ############################################ JBF : Icon checkboxes Management #################################### */ +.charsheet input.sheet-iconcheckbox { + display:none; +} + +.sheet-iconlabel-header-invert, +.sheet-iconlabel-invert, +.sheet-iconlabel-header, +.sheet-iconlabel { + display: inline-block; + padding: 1px; + height: 20px; + width: 20px; + margin: 0px; + vertical-align: middle; + border-radius: 5px; + opacity: 0.7; + border: 1px solid transparent; + background-color: var( --icon-color); +} + + +.sheet-iconlabel-white { + display: inline-block; + padding: 2px; + opacity: 0.5; + height: 20px; + width: 20px; + margin: 0px; + border: 1px solid transparent; + vertical-align: middle; +} + +.sheet-iconlabelsmall { + display: inline-block; + vertical-align: middle; + padding: 0px; + opacity: 0.7; + width: 15px; + margin: 0px; + border: 1px solid transparent; +} + +.sheet-iconlabelCC { + display: inline-block; + vertical-align: middle; + padding: 0px; + opacity: 1; + width: 20px; + margin: 0px; + border: 1px solid transparent; + background-color: var( --icon-color); +} + +.sheet-iconlabelbig { + display: inline-block; + vertical-align: middle; + padding: 1px; + opacity: 1; + width: 30px; + margin: 0px; + border: 1px solid transparent; + background-color: var( --icon-color); +} + +.sheet-iconstatic { + width: 20px; + text-align: center; + vertical-align: middle; + padding: 0px; + margin: 0px; +} + +.sheet-iconstatic-unchecked { + opacity:0.7; +} + +.sheet-iconstaticsmall { + width: 15px; + text-align: center; + vertical-align: middle; + padding: 0px; + margin: 0px; +} + +.sheet-iconstaticBig { + width: 30px; + text-align: center; + vertical-align: middle; + padding: 0px; + margin: 0px; + margin-right: -5px; +} + +input.sheet-iconcheckbox:not(:checked) + .sheet-iconlabel-header-invert, +input.sheet-iconcheckbox:not(:checked) + .sheet-iconlabel-invert, +input.sheet-iconcheckbox:checked + .sheet-iconlabel-header, +input.sheet-iconcheckbox:checked + .sheet-iconlabelsmall, +input.sheet-iconcheckbox:checked + .sheet-iconlabel { + opacity: 1; + border: 1px solid black; +} + + + + +input.sheet-iconcheckbox:checked + .sheet-iconlabel-white, +input.sheet-iconcheckbox:not(:checked) + .sheet-iconlabelbig { + opacity: 1; + border: 1px solid transparent; +} + +input[type="checkbox"].sheet-iconcheckbox + .sheet-iconlabel-invert:hover, +input[type="checkbox"].sheet-iconcheckbox + .sheet-iconlabel-header-invert:hover, +input[type="checkbox"].sheet-iconcheckbox + .sheet-iconlabel-header:hover, +input[type="checkbox"].sheet-iconcheckbox + .sheet-iconlabelCC:hover, +input[type="checkbox"].sheet-iconcheckbox + .sheet-iconlabelbig:hover, +input[type="checkbox"].sheet-iconcheckbox + .sheet-iconlabelsmall:hover, +input[type="checkbox"].sheet-iconcheckbox + .sheet-iconlabel:hover, +input[type="radio"].sheet-iconcheckbox:not(:checked) + .sheet-iconlabel:hover { + background-color: var( --hover-color-bg ); + background-position: 0 -15px; + background-position-x: 0px; + background-position-y: -15px; + -webkit-transition: background-position .1s linear; + -moz-transition: background-position .1s linear; + -ms-transition: background-position .1s linear; + -o-transition: background-position .1s linear; + transition: background-position .1s linear; + transition-property: background-position; + transition-duration: 0.1s; + transition-timing-function: linear; + transition-delay: 0s; + border : 1px solid var( --hover-color ); +} + +input[type="checkbox"].sheet-iconcheckbox + .sheet-iconlabel-white:hover, +input[type="radio"].sheet-iconcheckbox:not(:checked) + .sheet-iconlabel-white:hover { + border : 1px solid red; + opacity: 0.8; +} + +/*JBF@JBF : logic hiding unchecked icons when the header is not hovered*/ + +.sheet-header-flex-container:not(:hover) .sheet-iconcheckbox:checked+.sheet-iconlabel-header-invert, +.sheet-header-flex-container:not(:hover) .sheet-iconcheckbox:not(:checked)+.sheet-iconlabel-header { + height: 0px; + overflow:hidden; + /* width:0px; */ + border: 1px solid transparent; + background : transparent; + /* padding: 0px; */ + margin: 0px; +} + +/*JBF@JBF : logic collapsing the icon container */ +label.sheet-iconlabel2, +.sheet-iconlabel2 { + margin: 0px !important; + padding: 0px !important; + min-width: 0px !important; + flex-grow: 0; /* it cant grow anymore... We want it to collapse */ + flex-shrink: 1; + /* height: 0; + line-height:0; */ +} + +/* .sheet-header-flex-container:hover label.sheet-iconlabel2{ + height: auto; + line-height:auto; +} */ + +/* ####################################### JBF : Strain icon */ +/* JBF version with the drop of blood */ +input[type="text"].sheet-strainicon { + background: var(--locked-color); + background-image: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Strain.png); + background-repeat: no-repeat; + width: 2.5em; + height: 2.5em; + background-position: 0px -3px; + background-size: cover; + color: var( --header-font-color ); + font-size: 11px; + font-family : initial; +} + +.sheet-strainadvanced { +font-size:11px; +margin-left:-10px; +font-weight:bold; + +} + +.sheet-info { + float: right; + margin-top: -6px; + height: 30px; + font-family: "Pictos"; + font-size: 24px; +} + + +/* ############################################ Roll Templates & colors ###################################################### */ +/* For some weird Reason, the Print format must be in between the roll templates and the API buttons. DO NOT MOVE */ + +.sheet-rolltemplate-chatrecord { +/* background-color: LightBlue; */ +} + + +.sheet-rolltemplate-chatrecord table, +.sheet-rolltemplate-rolltargetnumber table { + width: 100%; + border: 1px solid black; + color: black; + font-size: 1em; + font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif; +} + +.sheet-rolltemplate-chatrecord thead, +.sheet-rolltemplate-rolltargetnumber thead { + border-bottom: 1px solid black; + line-height: 1.6em; + font-size: 1.2em; + /* font-family: Papyrus, fantasy; */ + font-family: 'Aladin', "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif; + font-weight: normal !important; +} + +.sheet-rolltemplate-chatrecord th { + background-color: #660066; + color: white; + padding-left: 5px; + vertical-align: middle; +} + +.sheet-rolltemplate-rolltargetnumber th { + background-color: #000066; + padding-left: 5px; + vertical-align: middle; + color: white; +} + +.sheet-rolltemplate-chatrecord td, +.sheet-rolltemplate-rolltargetnumber td { + padding: 5px; + border-bottom: 1px solid black; +} + +.sheet-rolltemplate-chatrecord tr:nth-child(odd), +.sheet-rolltemplate-rolltargetnumber tr:nth-child(odd) { + background-color: rgba(217, 217, 214, 1); +} + +.sheet-rolltemplate-chatrecord tr:nth-child(even), +.sheet-rolltemplate-rolltargetnumber tr:nth-child(even) { + background-color: rgba(233, 233, 233, 1); +} + +.sheet-rolltemplate-chatrecord td:first-child, +.sheet-rolltemplate-rolltargetnumber td:first-child { + text-align: right; + font-weight: bold; +} + + +.sheet-rolltemplate-chatrecord a[href^="!"] { + border: 0.8px; + padding: 5px; + background-color: PaleGreen; + color: black; +} + + +/* These are all tries for formatting the API roll templates*/ +.sheet-rolltemplate-sect { + background-color: white; + /* background-image: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Frame20.png); + background-size : 103% 103%; + background-position: 55% 53%; */ + padding: 11px; + /* border-radius: 5px; */ + overflow: hidden; + /* width: 90%; */ + + border-image-slice:50 66 50 66; +border-image-width:8px 10px 8px 10px; +border-image-outset:0px 0px 0px 0px; +border-image-repeat:round round; +border-image-source:url("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Jiboux/roll20-character-sheets/EDv314/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/ED-ExternalFrame.png?raw=true"); + + +} + +.sheet-rolltemplate-sectSmall { + background-color: white; + /* background-image: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Earthdawn%20%28FASA%20Official%29/Images/Frame20.png); + background-size : 103% 103%; + background-position: 55% 53%; */ + border: solid 2px black; + border-radius: 5px; + overflow: hidden; + /* width: 90%; */ + +} + + +.sheet-rolltemplate-body { + text-align: left; + padding-left: 5px; + padding-right: 0px; +} + +.sheet-rolltemplate-line-i { + line-height: 18px; +} + + +.sheet-rolltemplate-subheadertext { +line-height: 0.9em; +font-size: 0.9em; +font-weight: lighter; +color: black; +background: transparent; +text-align: center; +margin-top: -0.1em; +margin-bottom: 0.2em; +} + +.sheet-rolltemplate-header { + font-weight: bold; + text-align: center; + color: black; + background: white; + /* font-family: Papyrus, fantasy; */ + font-family: 'Aladin', Papyrus, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif; + font-weight:normal !important; + vertical-align: middle; + line-height: 1.2em; + font-size: 1.2em; + margin-bottom: 3px; +} + + +.sheet-rolltemplate-button { + background-color: firebrick !important; + color: white !important; + padding: 1px 8px !important; + border: 1px solid black !important; + margin: 2px 5px !important; + min-width: auto; + border-radius: 5px; +} + +.sheet-rolltemplate-iconSmall, +.sheet-rolltemplate-iconLarge, +.sheet-rolltemplate-icon { + margin: -5px 0px; /* It is fine if the icons overflow up and down a bit. We don't want them increasing the size of the line they are on. */ + overflow: visible; + padding: 0px; + text-align: center; + vertical-align: middle; +} +.sheet-rolltemplate-iconSmall { + height: 19px; + width: 19px; +} + +.sheet-rolltemplate-iconLarge { + height: 20px; + width: 20px; +} + +.sheet-rolltemplate-icon { + height: 20px; + width: 20px; +} + + +/* iconLarge is only used for the "Action" icon in a header, so format for that. */ +.sheet-rolltemplate-header-action, +.sheet-rolltemplate-header-ask, +.sheet-rolltemplate-header-pd, +.sheet-rolltemplate-header-md, +.sheet-rolltemplate-header-sd, +.sheet-rolltemplate-header-attack, +.sheet-rolltemplate-header-attackcc, +.sheet-rolltemplate-header-init, +.sheet-rolltemplate-header-initrep, +.sheet-rolltemplate-header-weave, +.sheet-rolltemplate-header-knockdown, +.sheet-rolltemplate-header-jumpup + { + color: darkgreen; + border-bottom: 4px darkgreen solid; +} + +.sheet-rolltemplate-header-effect, +.sheet-rolltemplate-header-damage, +.sheet-rolltemplate-header-damagecc, +.sheet-rolltemplate-header-damagepoison + { + color: firebrick; + border-bottom: 4px firebrick solid; +} + +.sheet-rolltemplate-header-recovery { + color: darkgoldenrod; + border-bottom: 4px darkgoldenrod solid; +} + + + +/* ####################### Print Format ################# */ + +/* .sheet-PrintSpacer{ + display:none; +} */ + +/* For some weird Reason, the Print format must be in between the roll templates and the API buttons. DO NOT MOVE */ + +@media print { + /* All your print styles go here */ + +.sheet-user-root{ + background-color: white !important; +} + +.sheet-Attrib-box{ + width:100px; +} + +.sheet-Defense-box{ + width:90px; +} + +.sheet-PrintNoBreak{ +page-break-inside: avoid; +} + +.sheet-PrintNoFlex{ +display : block !important; +} + +.sheet-flex-column { +flex-direction: row; +} + +/* .sheet-PrintSpacer{ + height:200px; + display:inline-block; +} */ + + .sheet-buffSignLeft, + .sheet-buffSignRight, + .sheet-buffLeft, + .sheet-buffRight + { display: none !important; } + + + .sheet-testRepOption5:not(:checked)~div .sheet-HideIfNotOption5, + .sheet-testRepOption5:not(:checked)~.repcontainer .sheet-HideIfNotOption5, /*These are the step dice, always show if print*/ + .sheet-ShowIfPrint { + display: inline-block !important; + } + + .ui-dialog { + position: static !important; + } + + .sheet-redGreen[value^="-"]~ b, + .sheet-greenRed[value^="-"]~ b, + .sheet-redGreen[value="0"] ~ input, + .sheet-greenRed[value="0"] ~ input, + .sheet-redGreen[value="0"] ~ b, + .sheet-greenRed[value="0"] ~ b { + /* color: transparent !important; */ + } + + +/*Manage the display of the different sections*/ + + .sheet-tabGrim~fieldset.repeating_spell+.repcontainer>.repitem .sheet-filter-box /* display everything no matter what which of the inner boxes are checked. */ + { + display: block; + border: none; /*JBF*/ + } + /*JBF@JBF@CD : For Skills, Knacks and Talents, in overview, everything is displayed, and in Combat, only the checked ones)*/ + + + + input.sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-section-core, + input.sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-section-talents, + input.sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-section-knacks, + input.sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-section-skills, + input.sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-section-spells, + input.sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-section-equipment, + input.sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-section-gear, + input.sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-section-notes, + input.sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-section-record, + input.sheet-tabSpell~.sheet-section-spells-talents, + input.sheet-tabSpell~.sheet-section-spells-matrices, + input.sheet-tabSpell~.sheet-section-spells-grimoire { + max-height: 999999px; + max-width: 999999px; + visibility: visible; + opacity: 1; + transition: opacity 0.5s linear 0s; + break-after: auto; + /* border-top: 2px double var(--outline-color); */ + } + + /* .sheet-tabMain~div .repcontainer .sheet-HideIfOverviewNoEdit, + .sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-HideIfOverviewNoEdit, + .sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-HideIfOverview, + .sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-HideIfNotOverview, + .sheet-tabMain~div .repcontainer .sheet-HideIfCombatNoEdit, + .sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-HideIfCombatNoEdit, + .sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-HideIfCombat, + .sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-HideIfNotCombat { + display: inline-block !important; + } */ + + .sheet-header-iconbox, + #macrobar, + #macrobar_macros, + #edit-button, + #playerzone, + .sheet-iconlabel-white, + .sheet-icon-karma-ask, + .sheet-icon-karma-on, + .sheet-icon-link-in, + .sheet-icon-link-out, + .sheet-icon-link-in-out, + .sheet-icon-notes, + .repcontrol + { display: none !important; } + + .sheet-testEdition[value="3"]~div .sheet-HideIfEdition3, + .sheet-testEdition:not([value="3"])~div .sheet-HideIfNotEdition3, + .sheet-testEdition[value="4"]~div .sheet-HideIfEdition4, + .sheet-testEdition:not([value="4"])~div .sheet-HideIfNotEdition4, + .sheet-testCloseChecked:checked+.sheet-HideIfCloseChecked, + .sheet-testCloseChecked:not(:checked)+.sheet-HideIfNotCloseChecked, + .sheet-testCloseChecked:not(:checked)+.sheet-HideIfCloseChecked+.sheet-HideIfNotCloseChecked, + .nav-tabs, + .nav, + .sheet-Creation, + .sheet-HideIfPrint + { display: none !important; } + + .sheet-tabMain~div .repcontainer .sheet-HideIfOverviewNoEdit.sheet-HideIfPrint, + .sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-HideIfOverviewNoEdit.sheet-HideIfPrint, + .sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-HideIfOverview.sheet-HideIfPrint, + .sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-HideIfNotOverview.sheet-HideIfPrint, + .sheet-tabMain~div .repcontainer .sheet-HideIfCombatNoEdit.sheet-HideIfPrint, + .sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-HideIfCombatNoEdit.sheet-HideIfPrint, + .sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-HideIfCombat.sheet-HideIfPrint, + .sheet-tabMain~div .sheet-HideIfNotCombat.sheet-HideIfPrint, + .sheet-testAPI:not([value="1"])~div .sheet-api, + .sheet-testAPI:[value="1"]~div .sheet-NoAPI { + display: none !important; + } + + .charsheet .sheet-Attrib-header, + .charsheet .sheet-text-button-header, + .charsheet .sheet-headerbar { + /*color : white !important; + background-color : var(--outline-color) !important;*/ + background-color : grey !important; + border : 1px solid black; + /* font-family: Papyrus, fantasy; */ + font-family: 'Aladin', "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif; + font-weight: normal !important; + border-radius:10px; + } + + + + .sheet-flex-container { + display: flex; + align-items: flex-start; + justify-content: space-between; + } + +.sheet-w75px +{ width : 50px !important;} + + + +} /* end media print */ + +/* ####################### API Format ################# */ +/* For some weird Reason, the Print format must be in between the roll templates and the API buttons. DO NOT MOVE */ +a.sheet-chatbutton, +.textchatcontainer a[href^="!"].sheet-chatbutton, +a.textchatcontainer a.sheet-chatbutton { + padding: 0px 3px !important; + border: 1px solid black !important; + border-radius: 5px; + margin: 1px 0px !important; + min-width: auto; + white-space: nowrap; + background-color: grey; + color: white; +} + +/* ########################### End ############################### */ diff --git a/GURPS/translations/af.json b/GURPS/translations/af.json index d070473f5b3e..4822b1d4d7b1 100644 --- a/GURPS/translations/af.json +++ b/GURPS/translations/af.json @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ "reason-for-mod-label": "Reason for Mod:", "night-vision-label": "Night Vision", "night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, except for total darkness. See B71.", + "temporary-night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, and it is ADDED to the night vision listed above, except for total darkness. See B71.", "dark-vision-label": "Dark Vision", "dark-vision-tooltip": "If checked, Dark Vision negates all darkness penalties. Can see using some other means than light, radar, or sonar. See B47.", "used-to-blindness-label": "Used to blindess", @@ -1264,6 +1265,9 @@ "alert-label": "Alert", "rolltemplate-max-9-description": "Max effective skill is 9", "traits-label": "Traits", + "roll-modifier-traits-tooltip": "These refer to character traits that rarely change, they will not be cleared when the reset button is used.", + "temporary-traits-label": "Temporary Traits", + "roll-modifier-temporary-traits-tooltip": "These refer to temporary traits that affect the character for a short period, such as magic spells, potions, goggles, etc. They will be cleared when the reset button is used.", "rolltemplate-malfunction-label": "Malfunction!", "rolltemplate-verify-malfunction-description": "Verify: roll 3d6 again to verify the results. (HT79)
", "rolltemplate-malfunction-description": "For effect, Roll 3d6 and see table on B407 or use custom table.
Note: Malfunction has \"priority\" over a critical miss: if both would occur, only the malfunction takes place (B382).", @@ -1294,10 +1298,14 @@ "import-tips-description": "

After importing, compare your Roll20 sheet to GCA5 character sheet.

Roll20 doesn't support parent/child relationship, repeating tables will be imported alphabetically.

For GCA Roll20 Exporter Tool Version or later, Rital Magic Spells will be added to the Grimoire with difficult set to T/H and points set to 0. The spell will also be added to the Techniques table with the actual character point cost.

GCA5 Export to Roll20. Update Fixes bug so item inventory uses base cost and weight instead of total cost and weight.

", "delete-repeating-tables-question": "Delete tables?", "delete-repeating-tables-question-tooltip": "If checked, the delete button will become active. This can be helpful if items were re-added or removed in the original application. The system is unable to delete tables and import them at the same time, so you have to delete the tables before importing.", + "stress-derangement-label": "Stress & Derangement", + "stress-derangement-tooltip": "If using GURPS Horror 141-142, Stress and Derange (Derangement) affect Fright Checks. This is auto calculated depending on the values entered into MOD and Current.", "attribute-stress": "Stress", - "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", + "maximum-stress-tooltip": "The maximum value, which is auto calculated, is based on Will. Horror 142.", + "current-stress-tooltip": "Only enter negative values as per Horror 141-142. Additional negative values also come from failed Fright Checks.", + "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Horror page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", "abbreviation-derangement": "Derange", - "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", + "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Horror page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", "attribute-stress-derangement-penalty-tooltip": "The Fright Check Penalty, which is (Stress + Derangement)/2, rounded down against the player. H141
This penalty is automatically applied to the Fright Check attribute.
The penalty (modified by Fearlessness) could also affect self-control rolls, skills that demand a steady hand, and HT rolls to resist minor ailments, etc.", "attribute-stress-derangement-disadvantage-points-tooltip": "The amount of disadvantage points accrued due to derangement.
At a certain point, these points should be converted to permanent mental disadvantages!", "getting-started-label": "Getting Started", diff --git a/GURPS/translations/ca.json b/GURPS/translations/ca.json index 7d5c7c0f0d4d..8f4a5c615d5c 100644 --- a/GURPS/translations/ca.json +++ b/GURPS/translations/ca.json @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ "reason-for-mod-label": "Reason for Mod:", "night-vision-label": "Night Vision", "night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, except for total darkness. See B71.", + "temporary-night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, and it is ADDED to the night vision listed above, except for total darkness. See B71.", "dark-vision-label": "Dark Vision", "dark-vision-tooltip": "If checked, Dark Vision negates all darkness penalties. Can see using some other means than light, radar, or sonar. See B47.", "used-to-blindness-label": "Used to blindess", @@ -1264,6 +1265,9 @@ "alert-label": "Alert", "rolltemplate-max-9-description": "Max effective skill is 9", "traits-label": "Traits", + "roll-modifier-traits-tooltip": "These refer to character traits that rarely change, they will not be cleared when the reset button is used.", + "temporary-traits-label": "Temporary Traits", + "roll-modifier-temporary-traits-tooltip": "These refer to temporary traits that affect the character for a short period, such as magic spells, potions, goggles, etc. They will be cleared when the reset button is used.", "rolltemplate-malfunction-label": "Malfunction!", "rolltemplate-verify-malfunction-description": "Verify: roll 3d6 again to verify the results. (HT79)
", "rolltemplate-malfunction-description": "For effect, Roll 3d6 and see table on B407 or use custom table.
Note: Malfunction has \"priority\" over a critical miss: if both would occur, only the malfunction takes place (B382).", @@ -1294,10 +1298,14 @@ "import-tips-description": "

After importing, compare your Roll20 sheet to GCA5 character sheet.

Roll20 doesn't support parent/child relationship, repeating tables will be imported alphabetically.

For GCA Roll20 Exporter Tool Version or later, Rital Magic Spells will be added to the Grimoire with difficult set to T/H and points set to 0. The spell will also be added to the Techniques table with the actual character point cost.

GCA5 Export to Roll20. Update Fixes bug so item inventory uses base cost and weight instead of total cost and weight.

", "delete-repeating-tables-question": "Delete tables?", "delete-repeating-tables-question-tooltip": "If checked, the delete button will become active. This can be helpful if items were re-added or removed in the original application. The system is unable to delete tables and import them at the same time, so you have to delete the tables before importing.", + "stress-derangement-label": "Stress & Derangement", + "stress-derangement-tooltip": "If using GURPS Horror 141-142, Stress and Derange (Derangement) affect Fright Checks. This is auto calculated depending on the values entered into MOD and Current.", "attribute-stress": "Stress", - "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", + "maximum-stress-tooltip": "The maximum value, which is auto calculated, is based on Will. Horror 142.", + "current-stress-tooltip": "Only enter negative values as per Horror 141-142. Additional negative values also come from failed Fright Checks.", + "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Horror page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", "abbreviation-derangement": "Derange", - "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", + "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Horror page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", "attribute-stress-derangement-penalty-tooltip": "The Fright Check Penalty, which is (Stress + Derangement)/2, rounded down against the player. H141
This penalty is automatically applied to the Fright Check attribute.
The penalty (modified by Fearlessness) could also affect self-control rolls, skills that demand a steady hand, and HT rolls to resist minor ailments, etc.", "attribute-stress-derangement-disadvantage-points-tooltip": "The amount of disadvantage points accrued due to derangement.
At a certain point, these points should be converted to permanent mental disadvantages!", "getting-started-label": "Getting Started", diff --git a/GURPS/translations/cs.json b/GURPS/translations/cs.json index f357ac4ca0d7..ae78d8ced6a7 100644 --- a/GURPS/translations/cs.json +++ b/GURPS/translations/cs.json @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ "reason-for-mod-label": "Reason for Mod:", "night-vision-label": "Night Vision", "night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, except for total darkness. See B71.", + "temporary-night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, and it is ADDED to the night vision listed above, except for total darkness. See B71.", "dark-vision-label": "Dark Vision", "dark-vision-tooltip": "If checked, Dark Vision negates all darkness penalties. Can see using some other means than light, radar, or sonar. See B47.", "used-to-blindness-label": "Used to blindess", @@ -1264,6 +1265,9 @@ "alert-label": "Alert", "rolltemplate-max-9-description": "Max effective skill is 9", "traits-label": "Traits", + "roll-modifier-traits-tooltip": "These refer to character traits that rarely change, they will not be cleared when the reset button is used.", + "temporary-traits-label": "Temporary Traits", + "roll-modifier-temporary-traits-tooltip": "These refer to temporary traits that affect the character for a short period, such as magic spells, potions, goggles, etc. They will be cleared when the reset button is used.", "rolltemplate-malfunction-label": "Malfunction!", "rolltemplate-verify-malfunction-description": "Verify: roll 3d6 again to verify the results. (HT79)
", "rolltemplate-malfunction-description": "For effect, Roll 3d6 and see table on B407 or use custom table.
Note: Malfunction has \"priority\" over a critical miss: if both would occur, only the malfunction takes place (B382).", @@ -1294,10 +1298,14 @@ "import-tips-description": "

After importing, compare your Roll20 sheet to GCA5 character sheet.

Roll20 doesn't support parent/child relationship, repeating tables will be imported alphabetically.

For GCA Roll20 Exporter Tool Version or later, Rital Magic Spells will be added to the Grimoire with difficult set to T/H and points set to 0. The spell will also be added to the Techniques table with the actual character point cost.

GCA5 Export to Roll20. Update Fixes bug so item inventory uses base cost and weight instead of total cost and weight.

", "delete-repeating-tables-question": "Delete tables?", "delete-repeating-tables-question-tooltip": "If checked, the delete button will become active. This can be helpful if items were re-added or removed in the original application. The system is unable to delete tables and import them at the same time, so you have to delete the tables before importing.", + "stress-derangement-label": "Stress & Derangement", + "stress-derangement-tooltip": "If using GURPS Horror 141-142, Stress and Derange (Derangement) affect Fright Checks. This is auto calculated depending on the values entered into MOD and Current.", "attribute-stress": "Stress", - "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", + "maximum-stress-tooltip": "The maximum value, which is auto calculated, is based on Will. Horror 142.", + "current-stress-tooltip": "Only enter negative values as per Horror 141-142. Additional negative values also come from failed Fright Checks.", + "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Horror page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", "abbreviation-derangement": "Derange", - "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", + "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Horror page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", "attribute-stress-derangement-penalty-tooltip": "The Fright Check Penalty, which is (Stress + Derangement)/2, rounded down against the player. H141
This penalty is automatically applied to the Fright Check attribute.
The penalty (modified by Fearlessness) could also affect self-control rolls, skills that demand a steady hand, and HT rolls to resist minor ailments, etc.", "attribute-stress-derangement-disadvantage-points-tooltip": "The amount of disadvantage points accrued due to derangement.
At a certain point, these points should be converted to permanent mental disadvantages!", "getting-started-label": "Getting Started", diff --git a/GURPS/translations/da.json b/GURPS/translations/da.json index dfe5ad2598f3..4be9cb6da659 100644 --- a/GURPS/translations/da.json +++ b/GURPS/translations/da.json @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ "reason-for-mod-label": "Reason for Mod:", "night-vision-label": "Night Vision", "night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, except for total darkness. See B71.", + "temporary-night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, and it is ADDED to the night vision listed above, except for total darkness. See B71.", "dark-vision-label": "Dark Vision", "dark-vision-tooltip": "If checked, Dark Vision negates all darkness penalties. Can see using some other means than light, radar, or sonar. See B47.", "used-to-blindness-label": "Used to blindess", @@ -1264,6 +1265,9 @@ "alert-label": "Alert", "rolltemplate-max-9-description": "Max effective skill is 9", "traits-label": "Traits", + "roll-modifier-traits-tooltip": "These refer to character traits that rarely change, they will not be cleared when the reset button is used.", + "temporary-traits-label": "Temporary Traits", + "roll-modifier-temporary-traits-tooltip": "These refer to temporary traits that affect the character for a short period, such as magic spells, potions, goggles, etc. They will be cleared when the reset button is used.", "rolltemplate-malfunction-label": "Malfunction!", "rolltemplate-verify-malfunction-description": "Verify: roll 3d6 again to verify the results. (HT79)
", "rolltemplate-malfunction-description": "For effect, Roll 3d6 and see table on B407 or use custom table.
Note: Malfunction has \"priority\" over a critical miss: if both would occur, only the malfunction takes place (B382).", @@ -1294,10 +1298,14 @@ "import-tips-description": "

After importing, compare your Roll20 sheet to GCA5 character sheet.

Roll20 doesn't support parent/child relationship, repeating tables will be imported alphabetically.

For GCA Roll20 Exporter Tool Version or later, Rital Magic Spells will be added to the Grimoire with difficult set to T/H and points set to 0. The spell will also be added to the Techniques table with the actual character point cost.

GCA5 Export to Roll20. Update Fixes bug so item inventory uses base cost and weight instead of total cost and weight.

", "delete-repeating-tables-question": "Delete tables?", "delete-repeating-tables-question-tooltip": "If checked, the delete button will become active. This can be helpful if items were re-added or removed in the original application. The system is unable to delete tables and import them at the same time, so you have to delete the tables before importing.", + "stress-derangement-label": "Stress & Derangement", + "stress-derangement-tooltip": "If using GURPS Horror 141-142, Stress and Derange (Derangement) affect Fright Checks. This is auto calculated depending on the values entered into MOD and Current.", "attribute-stress": "Stress", - "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", + "maximum-stress-tooltip": "The maximum value, which is auto calculated, is based on Will. Horror 142.", + "current-stress-tooltip": "Only enter negative values as per Horror 141-142. Additional negative values also come from failed Fright Checks.", + "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Horror page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", "abbreviation-derangement": "Derange", - "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", + "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Horror page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", "attribute-stress-derangement-penalty-tooltip": "The Fright Check Penalty, which is (Stress + Derangement)/2, rounded down against the player. H141
This penalty is automatically applied to the Fright Check attribute.
The penalty (modified by Fearlessness) could also affect self-control rolls, skills that demand a steady hand, and HT rolls to resist minor ailments, etc.", "attribute-stress-derangement-disadvantage-points-tooltip": "The amount of disadvantage points accrued due to derangement.
At a certain point, these points should be converted to permanent mental disadvantages!", "getting-started-label": "Getting Started", diff --git a/GURPS/translations/de.json b/GURPS/translations/de.json index 583e36cfcb8d..7bf9ec8d6536 100644 --- a/GURPS/translations/de.json +++ b/GURPS/translations/de.json @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ "reason-for-mod-label": "Reason for Mod:", "night-vision-label": "Nachtsicht", "night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, except for total darkness. See B71.", + "temporary-night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, and it is ADDED to the night vision listed above, except for total darkness. See B71.", "dark-vision-label": "Dark Vision", "dark-vision-tooltip": "If checked, Dark Vision negates all darkness penalties. Can see using some other means than light, radar, or sonar. See B47.", "used-to-blindness-label": "Used to blindess", @@ -1264,6 +1265,9 @@ "alert-label": "Alert", "rolltemplate-max-9-description": "Max effective skill is 9", "traits-label": "Traits", + "roll-modifier-traits-tooltip": "These refer to character traits that rarely change, they will not be cleared when the reset button is used.", + "temporary-traits-label": "Temporary Traits", + "roll-modifier-temporary-traits-tooltip": "These refer to temporary traits that affect the character for a short period, such as magic spells, potions, goggles, etc. They will be cleared when the reset button is used.", "rolltemplate-malfunction-label": "Malfunction!", "rolltemplate-verify-malfunction-description": "Verify: roll 3d6 again to verify the results. (HT79)
", "rolltemplate-malfunction-description": "For effect, Roll 3d6 and see table on B407 or use custom table.
Note: Malfunction has \"priority\" over a critical miss: if both would occur, only the malfunction takes place (B382).", @@ -1294,10 +1298,14 @@ "import-tips-description": "

After importing, compare your Roll20 sheet to GCA5 character sheet.

Roll20 doesn't support parent/child relationship, repeating tables will be imported alphabetically.

For GCA Roll20 Exporter Tool Version or later, Rital Magic Spells will be added to the Grimoire with difficult set to T/H and points set to 0. The spell will also be added to the Techniques table with the actual character point cost.

GCA5 Export to Roll20. Update Fixes bug so item inventory uses base cost and weight instead of total cost and weight.

", "delete-repeating-tables-question": "Delete tables?", "delete-repeating-tables-question-tooltip": "If checked, the delete button will become active. This can be helpful if items were re-added or removed in the original application. The system is unable to delete tables and import them at the same time, so you have to delete the tables before importing.", + "stress-derangement-label": "Stress & Derangement", + "stress-derangement-tooltip": "If using GURPS Horror 141-142, Stress and Derange (Derangement) affect Fright Checks. This is auto calculated depending on the values entered into MOD and Current.", "attribute-stress": "Stress", - "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", + "maximum-stress-tooltip": "The maximum value, which is auto calculated, is based on Will. Horror 142.", + "current-stress-tooltip": "Only enter negative values as per Horror 141-142. Additional negative values also come from failed Fright Checks.", + "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Horror page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", "abbreviation-derangement": "Derange", - "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", + "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Horror page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", "attribute-stress-derangement-penalty-tooltip": "The Fright Check Penalty, which is (Stress + Derangement)/2, rounded down against the player. H141
This penalty is automatically applied to the Fright Check attribute.
The penalty (modified by Fearlessness) could also affect self-control rolls, skills that demand a steady hand, and HT rolls to resist minor ailments, etc.", "attribute-stress-derangement-disadvantage-points-tooltip": "The amount of disadvantage points accrued due to derangement.
At a certain point, these points should be converted to permanent mental disadvantages!", "getting-started-label": "Getting Started", diff --git a/GURPS/translations/el.json b/GURPS/translations/el.json index 266b9227e624..24031e0ef00c 100644 --- a/GURPS/translations/el.json +++ b/GURPS/translations/el.json @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ "reason-for-mod-label": "Reason for Mod:", "night-vision-label": "Night Vision", "night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, except for total darkness. See B71.", + "temporary-night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, and it is ADDED to the night vision listed above, except for total darkness. See B71.", "dark-vision-label": "Dark Vision", "dark-vision-tooltip": "If checked, Dark Vision negates all darkness penalties. Can see using some other means than light, radar, or sonar. See B47.", "used-to-blindness-label": "Used to blindess", @@ -1264,6 +1265,9 @@ "alert-label": "Alert", "rolltemplate-max-9-description": "Max effective skill is 9", "traits-label": "Traits", + "roll-modifier-traits-tooltip": "These refer to character traits that rarely change, they will not be cleared when the reset button is used.", + "temporary-traits-label": "Temporary Traits", + "roll-modifier-temporary-traits-tooltip": "These refer to temporary traits that affect the character for a short period, such as magic spells, potions, goggles, etc. They will be cleared when the reset button is used.", "rolltemplate-malfunction-label": "Malfunction!", "rolltemplate-verify-malfunction-description": "Verify: roll 3d6 again to verify the results. (HT79)
", "rolltemplate-malfunction-description": "For effect, Roll 3d6 and see table on B407 or use custom table.
Note: Malfunction has \"priority\" over a critical miss: if both would occur, only the malfunction takes place (B382).", @@ -1294,10 +1298,14 @@ "import-tips-description": "

After importing, compare your Roll20 sheet to GCA5 character sheet.

Roll20 doesn't support parent/child relationship, repeating tables will be imported alphabetically.

For GCA Roll20 Exporter Tool Version or later, Rital Magic Spells will be added to the Grimoire with difficult set to T/H and points set to 0. The spell will also be added to the Techniques table with the actual character point cost.

GCA5 Export to Roll20. Update Fixes bug so item inventory uses base cost and weight instead of total cost and weight.

", "delete-repeating-tables-question": "Delete tables?", "delete-repeating-tables-question-tooltip": "If checked, the delete button will become active. This can be helpful if items were re-added or removed in the original application. The system is unable to delete tables and import them at the same time, so you have to delete the tables before importing.", + "stress-derangement-label": "Stress & Derangement", + "stress-derangement-tooltip": "If using GURPS Horror 141-142, Stress and Derange (Derangement) affect Fright Checks. This is auto calculated depending on the values entered into MOD and Current.", "attribute-stress": "Stress", - "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", + "maximum-stress-tooltip": "The maximum value, which is auto calculated, is based on Will. Horror 142.", + "current-stress-tooltip": "Only enter negative values as per Horror 141-142. Additional negative values also come from failed Fright Checks.", + "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Horror page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", "abbreviation-derangement": "Derange", - "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", + "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Horror page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", "attribute-stress-derangement-penalty-tooltip": "The Fright Check Penalty, which is (Stress + Derangement)/2, rounded down against the player. H141
This penalty is automatically applied to the Fright Check attribute.
The penalty (modified by Fearlessness) could also affect self-control rolls, skills that demand a steady hand, and HT rolls to resist minor ailments, etc.", "attribute-stress-derangement-disadvantage-points-tooltip": "The amount of disadvantage points accrued due to derangement.
At a certain point, these points should be converted to permanent mental disadvantages!", "getting-started-label": "Getting Started", diff --git a/GURPS/translations/en.json b/GURPS/translations/en.json index 2dfb064e5265..84cb1e4ad376 100644 --- a/GURPS/translations/en.json +++ b/GURPS/translations/en.json @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ "reason-for-mod-label": "Reason for Mod:", "night-vision-label": "Night Vision", "night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, except for total darkness. See B71.", + "temporary-night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, and it is ADDED to the night vision listed above, except for total darkness. See B71.", "dark-vision-label": "Dark Vision", "dark-vision-tooltip": "If checked, Dark Vision negates all darkness penalties. Can see using some other means than light, radar, or sonar. See B47.", "used-to-blindness-label": "Used to blindess", @@ -1264,6 +1265,9 @@ "alert-label": "Alert", "rolltemplate-max-9-description": "Max effective skill is 9", "traits-label": "Traits", + "roll-modifier-traits-tooltip": "These refer to character traits that rarely change, they will not be cleared when the reset button is used.", + "temporary-traits-label": "Temporary Traits", + "roll-modifier-temporary-traits-tooltip": "These refer to temporary traits that affect the character for a short period, such as magic spells, potions, goggles, etc. They will be cleared when the reset button is used.", "rolltemplate-malfunction-label": "Malfunction!", "rolltemplate-verify-malfunction-description": "Verify: roll 3d6 again to verify the results. (HT79)
", "rolltemplate-malfunction-description": "For effect, Roll 3d6 and see table on B407 or use custom table.
Note: Malfunction has \"priority\" over a critical miss: if both would occur, only the malfunction takes place (B382).", @@ -1294,10 +1298,14 @@ "import-tips-description": "

After importing, compare your Roll20 sheet to GCA5 character sheet.

Roll20 doesn't support parent/child relationship, repeating tables will be imported alphabetically.

For GCA Roll20 Exporter Tool Version or later, Rital Magic Spells will be added to the Grimoire with difficult set to T/H and points set to 0. The spell will also be added to the Techniques table with the actual character point cost.

GCA5 Export to Roll20. Update Fixes bug so item inventory uses base cost and weight instead of total cost and weight.

", "delete-repeating-tables-question": "Delete tables?", "delete-repeating-tables-question-tooltip": "If checked, the delete button will become active. This can be helpful if items were re-added or removed in the original application. The system is unable to delete tables and import them at the same time, so you have to delete the tables before importing.", + "stress-derangement-label": "Stress & Derangement", + "stress-derangement-tooltip": "If using GURPS Horror 141-142, Stress and Derange (Derangement) affect Fright Checks. This is auto calculated depending on the values entered into MOD and Current.", "attribute-stress": "Stress", - "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", + "maximum-stress-tooltip": "The maximum value, which is auto calculated, is based on Will. Horror 142.", + "current-stress-tooltip": "Only enter negative values as per Horror 141-142. Additional negative values also come from failed Fright Checks.", + "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Horror page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", "abbreviation-derangement": "Derange", - "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", + "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Horror page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", "attribute-stress-derangement-penalty-tooltip": "The Fright Check Penalty, which is (Stress + Derangement)/2, rounded down against the player. H141
This penalty is automatically applied to the Fright Check attribute.
The penalty (modified by Fearlessness) could also affect self-control rolls, skills that demand a steady hand, and HT rolls to resist minor ailments, etc.", "attribute-stress-derangement-disadvantage-points-tooltip": "The amount of disadvantage points accrued due to derangement.
At a certain point, these points should be converted to permanent mental disadvantages!", "getting-started-label": "Getting Started", diff --git a/GURPS/translations/es.json b/GURPS/translations/es.json index d25d32e9875f..1bb3c4e1a669 100644 --- a/GURPS/translations/es.json +++ b/GURPS/translations/es.json @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ "reason-for-mod-label": "Reason for Mod:", "night-vision-label": "Visión nocturna", "night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, except for total darkness. See B71.", + "temporary-night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, and it is ADDED to the night vision listed above, except for total darkness. See B71.", "dark-vision-label": "Dark Vision", "dark-vision-tooltip": "If checked, Dark Vision negates all darkness penalties. Can see using some other means than light, radar, or sonar. See B47.", "used-to-blindness-label": "Used to blindess", @@ -1264,6 +1265,9 @@ "alert-label": "Alert", "rolltemplate-max-9-description": "Max effective skill is 9", "traits-label": "Traits", + "roll-modifier-traits-tooltip": "These refer to character traits that rarely change, they will not be cleared when the reset button is used.", + "temporary-traits-label": "Temporary Traits", + "roll-modifier-temporary-traits-tooltip": "These refer to temporary traits that affect the character for a short period, such as magic spells, potions, goggles, etc. They will be cleared when the reset button is used.", "rolltemplate-malfunction-label": "Malfunction!", "rolltemplate-verify-malfunction-description": "Verify: roll 3d6 again to verify the results. (HT79)
", "rolltemplate-malfunction-description": "For effect, Roll 3d6 and see table on B407 or use custom table.
Note: Malfunction has \"priority\" over a critical miss: if both would occur, only the malfunction takes place (B382).", @@ -1294,10 +1298,14 @@ "import-tips-description": "

After importing, compare your Roll20 sheet to GCA5 character sheet.

Roll20 doesn't support parent/child relationship, repeating tables will be imported alphabetically.

For GCA Roll20 Exporter Tool Version or later, Rital Magic Spells will be added to the Grimoire with difficult set to T/H and points set to 0. The spell will also be added to the Techniques table with the actual character point cost.

GCA5 Export to Roll20. Update Fixes bug so item inventory uses base cost and weight instead of total cost and weight.

", "delete-repeating-tables-question": "Delete tables?", "delete-repeating-tables-question-tooltip": "If checked, the delete button will become active. This can be helpful if items were re-added or removed in the original application. The system is unable to delete tables and import them at the same time, so you have to delete the tables before importing.", + "stress-derangement-label": "Stress & Derangement", + "stress-derangement-tooltip": "If using GURPS Horror 141-142, Stress and Derange (Derangement) affect Fright Checks. This is auto calculated depending on the values entered into MOD and Current.", "attribute-stress": "Stress", - "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", + "maximum-stress-tooltip": "The maximum value, which is auto calculated, is based on Will. Horror 142.", + "current-stress-tooltip": "Only enter negative values as per Horror 141-142. Additional negative values also come from failed Fright Checks.", + "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Horror page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", "abbreviation-derangement": "Derange", - "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", + "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Horror page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", "attribute-stress-derangement-penalty-tooltip": "The Fright Check Penalty, which is (Stress + Derangement)/2, rounded down against the player. H141
This penalty is automatically applied to the Fright Check attribute.
The penalty (modified by Fearlessness) could also affect self-control rolls, skills that demand a steady hand, and HT rolls to resist minor ailments, etc.", "attribute-stress-derangement-disadvantage-points-tooltip": "The amount of disadvantage points accrued due to derangement.
At a certain point, these points should be converted to permanent mental disadvantages!", "getting-started-label": "Getting Started", diff --git a/GURPS/translations/fi.json b/GURPS/translations/fi.json index 7d5c7c0f0d4d..8f4a5c615d5c 100644 --- a/GURPS/translations/fi.json +++ b/GURPS/translations/fi.json @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ "reason-for-mod-label": "Reason for Mod:", "night-vision-label": "Night Vision", "night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, except for total darkness. See B71.", + "temporary-night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, and it is ADDED to the night vision listed above, except for total darkness. See B71.", "dark-vision-label": "Dark Vision", "dark-vision-tooltip": "If checked, Dark Vision negates all darkness penalties. Can see using some other means than light, radar, or sonar. See B47.", "used-to-blindness-label": "Used to blindess", @@ -1264,6 +1265,9 @@ "alert-label": "Alert", "rolltemplate-max-9-description": "Max effective skill is 9", "traits-label": "Traits", + "roll-modifier-traits-tooltip": "These refer to character traits that rarely change, they will not be cleared when the reset button is used.", + "temporary-traits-label": "Temporary Traits", + "roll-modifier-temporary-traits-tooltip": "These refer to temporary traits that affect the character for a short period, such as magic spells, potions, goggles, etc. They will be cleared when the reset button is used.", "rolltemplate-malfunction-label": "Malfunction!", "rolltemplate-verify-malfunction-description": "Verify: roll 3d6 again to verify the results. (HT79)
", "rolltemplate-malfunction-description": "For effect, Roll 3d6 and see table on B407 or use custom table.
Note: Malfunction has \"priority\" over a critical miss: if both would occur, only the malfunction takes place (B382).", @@ -1294,10 +1298,14 @@ "import-tips-description": "

After importing, compare your Roll20 sheet to GCA5 character sheet.

Roll20 doesn't support parent/child relationship, repeating tables will be imported alphabetically.

For GCA Roll20 Exporter Tool Version or later, Rital Magic Spells will be added to the Grimoire with difficult set to T/H and points set to 0. The spell will also be added to the Techniques table with the actual character point cost.

GCA5 Export to Roll20. Update Fixes bug so item inventory uses base cost and weight instead of total cost and weight.

", "delete-repeating-tables-question": "Delete tables?", "delete-repeating-tables-question-tooltip": "If checked, the delete button will become active. This can be helpful if items were re-added or removed in the original application. The system is unable to delete tables and import them at the same time, so you have to delete the tables before importing.", + "stress-derangement-label": "Stress & Derangement", + "stress-derangement-tooltip": "If using GURPS Horror 141-142, Stress and Derange (Derangement) affect Fright Checks. This is auto calculated depending on the values entered into MOD and Current.", "attribute-stress": "Stress", - "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", + "maximum-stress-tooltip": "The maximum value, which is auto calculated, is based on Will. Horror 142.", + "current-stress-tooltip": "Only enter negative values as per Horror 141-142. Additional negative values also come from failed Fright Checks.", + "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Horror page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", "abbreviation-derangement": "Derange", - "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", + "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Horror page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", "attribute-stress-derangement-penalty-tooltip": "The Fright Check Penalty, which is (Stress + Derangement)/2, rounded down against the player. H141
This penalty is automatically applied to the Fright Check attribute.
The penalty (modified by Fearlessness) could also affect self-control rolls, skills that demand a steady hand, and HT rolls to resist minor ailments, etc.", "attribute-stress-derangement-disadvantage-points-tooltip": "The amount of disadvantage points accrued due to derangement.
At a certain point, these points should be converted to permanent mental disadvantages!", "getting-started-label": "Getting Started", diff --git a/GURPS/translations/fr.json b/GURPS/translations/fr.json index 19d6487532c0..85060fdfedb6 100644 --- a/GURPS/translations/fr.json +++ b/GURPS/translations/fr.json @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ "reason-for-mod-label": "Reason for Mod:", "night-vision-label": "Vision nocturne", "night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, except for total darkness. See B71.", + "temporary-night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, and it is ADDED to the night vision listed above, except for total darkness. See B71.", "dark-vision-label": "Dark Vision", "dark-vision-tooltip": "If checked, Dark Vision negates all darkness penalties. Can see using some other means than light, radar, or sonar. See B47.", "used-to-blindness-label": "Used to blindess", @@ -1264,6 +1265,9 @@ "alert-label": "Alert", "rolltemplate-max-9-description": "Max effective skill is 9", "traits-label": "Traits", + "roll-modifier-traits-tooltip": "These refer to character traits that rarely change, they will not be cleared when the reset button is used.", + "temporary-traits-label": "Temporary Traits", + "roll-modifier-temporary-traits-tooltip": "These refer to temporary traits that affect the character for a short period, such as magic spells, potions, goggles, etc. They will be cleared when the reset button is used.", "rolltemplate-malfunction-label": "Malfunction!", "rolltemplate-verify-malfunction-description": "Verify: roll 3d6 again to verify the results. (HT79)
", "rolltemplate-malfunction-description": "For effect, Roll 3d6 and see table on B407 or use custom table.
Note: Malfunction has \"priority\" over a critical miss: if both would occur, only the malfunction takes place (B382).", @@ -1294,10 +1298,14 @@ "import-tips-description": "

After importing, compare your Roll20 sheet to GCA5 character sheet.

Roll20 doesn't support parent/child relationship, repeating tables will be imported alphabetically.

For GCA Roll20 Exporter Tool Version or later, Rital Magic Spells will be added to the Grimoire with difficult set to T/H and points set to 0. The spell will also be added to the Techniques table with the actual character point cost.

GCA5 Export to Roll20. Update Fixes bug so item inventory uses base cost and weight instead of total cost and weight.

", "delete-repeating-tables-question": "Delete tables?", "delete-repeating-tables-question-tooltip": "If checked, the delete button will become active. This can be helpful if items were re-added or removed in the original application. The system is unable to delete tables and import them at the same time, so you have to delete the tables before importing.", + "stress-derangement-label": "Stress & Derangement", + "stress-derangement-tooltip": "If using GURPS Horror 141-142, Stress and Derange (Derangement) affect Fright Checks. This is auto calculated depending on the values entered into MOD and Current.", "attribute-stress": "Stress", - "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", + "maximum-stress-tooltip": "The maximum value, which is auto calculated, is based on Will. Horror 142.", + "current-stress-tooltip": "Only enter negative values as per Horror 141-142. Additional negative values also come from failed Fright Checks.", + "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Horror page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", "abbreviation-derangement": "Derange", - "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", + "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Horror page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", "attribute-stress-derangement-penalty-tooltip": "The Fright Check Penalty, which is (Stress + Derangement)/2, rounded down against the player. H141
This penalty is automatically applied to the Fright Check attribute.
The penalty (modified by Fearlessness) could also affect self-control rolls, skills that demand a steady hand, and HT rolls to resist minor ailments, etc.", "attribute-stress-derangement-disadvantage-points-tooltip": "The amount of disadvantage points accrued due to derangement.
At a certain point, these points should be converted to permanent mental disadvantages!", "getting-started-label": "Getting Started", diff --git a/GURPS/translations/he.json b/GURPS/translations/he.json index 00ce3d3c9f52..9c61e5b9f47c 100644 --- a/GURPS/translations/he.json +++ b/GURPS/translations/he.json @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ "reason-for-mod-label": "Reason for Mod:", "night-vision-label": "Night Vision", "night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, except for total darkness. See B71.", + "temporary-night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, and it is ADDED to the night vision listed above, except for total darkness. See B71.", "dark-vision-label": "Dark Vision", "dark-vision-tooltip": "If checked, Dark Vision negates all darkness penalties. Can see using some other means than light, radar, or sonar. See B47.", "used-to-blindness-label": "Used to blindess", @@ -1264,6 +1265,9 @@ "alert-label": "Alert", "rolltemplate-max-9-description": "Max effective skill is 9", "traits-label": "Traits", + "roll-modifier-traits-tooltip": "These refer to character traits that rarely change, they will not be cleared when the reset button is used.", + "temporary-traits-label": "Temporary Traits", + "roll-modifier-temporary-traits-tooltip": "These refer to temporary traits that affect the character for a short period, such as magic spells, potions, goggles, etc. They will be cleared when the reset button is used.", "rolltemplate-malfunction-label": "Malfunction!", "rolltemplate-verify-malfunction-description": "Verify: roll 3d6 again to verify the results. (HT79)
", "rolltemplate-malfunction-description": "For effect, Roll 3d6 and see table on B407 or use custom table.
Note: Malfunction has \"priority\" over a critical miss: if both would occur, only the malfunction takes place (B382).", @@ -1294,10 +1298,14 @@ "import-tips-description": "

After importing, compare your Roll20 sheet to GCA5 character sheet.

Roll20 doesn't support parent/child relationship, repeating tables will be imported alphabetically.

For GCA Roll20 Exporter Tool Version or later, Rital Magic Spells will be added to the Grimoire with difficult set to T/H and points set to 0. The spell will also be added to the Techniques table with the actual character point cost.

GCA5 Export to Roll20. Update Fixes bug so item inventory uses base cost and weight instead of total cost and weight.

", "delete-repeating-tables-question": "Delete tables?", "delete-repeating-tables-question-tooltip": "If checked, the delete button will become active. This can be helpful if items were re-added or removed in the original application. The system is unable to delete tables and import them at the same time, so you have to delete the tables before importing.", + "stress-derangement-label": "Stress & Derangement", + "stress-derangement-tooltip": "If using GURPS Horror 141-142, Stress and Derange (Derangement) affect Fright Checks. This is auto calculated depending on the values entered into MOD and Current.", "attribute-stress": "Stress", - "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", + "maximum-stress-tooltip": "The maximum value, which is auto calculated, is based on Will. Horror 142.", + "current-stress-tooltip": "Only enter negative values as per Horror 141-142. Additional negative values also come from failed Fright Checks.", + "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Horror page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", "abbreviation-derangement": "Derange", - "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", + "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Horror page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", "attribute-stress-derangement-penalty-tooltip": "The Fright Check Penalty, which is (Stress + Derangement)/2, rounded down against the player. H141
This penalty is automatically applied to the Fright Check attribute.
The penalty (modified by Fearlessness) could also affect self-control rolls, skills that demand a steady hand, and HT rolls to resist minor ailments, etc.", "attribute-stress-derangement-disadvantage-points-tooltip": "The amount of disadvantage points accrued due to derangement.
At a certain point, these points should be converted to permanent mental disadvantages!", "getting-started-label": "Getting Started", diff --git a/GURPS/translations/hu.json b/GURPS/translations/hu.json index 7d5c7c0f0d4d..8f4a5c615d5c 100644 --- a/GURPS/translations/hu.json +++ b/GURPS/translations/hu.json @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ "reason-for-mod-label": "Reason for Mod:", "night-vision-label": "Night Vision", "night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, except for total darkness. See B71.", + "temporary-night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, and it is ADDED to the night vision listed above, except for total darkness. See B71.", "dark-vision-label": "Dark Vision", "dark-vision-tooltip": "If checked, Dark Vision negates all darkness penalties. Can see using some other means than light, radar, or sonar. See B47.", "used-to-blindness-label": "Used to blindess", @@ -1264,6 +1265,9 @@ "alert-label": "Alert", "rolltemplate-max-9-description": "Max effective skill is 9", "traits-label": "Traits", + "roll-modifier-traits-tooltip": "These refer to character traits that rarely change, they will not be cleared when the reset button is used.", + "temporary-traits-label": "Temporary Traits", + "roll-modifier-temporary-traits-tooltip": "These refer to temporary traits that affect the character for a short period, such as magic spells, potions, goggles, etc. They will be cleared when the reset button is used.", "rolltemplate-malfunction-label": "Malfunction!", "rolltemplate-verify-malfunction-description": "Verify: roll 3d6 again to verify the results. (HT79)
", "rolltemplate-malfunction-description": "For effect, Roll 3d6 and see table on B407 or use custom table.
Note: Malfunction has \"priority\" over a critical miss: if both would occur, only the malfunction takes place (B382).", @@ -1294,10 +1298,14 @@ "import-tips-description": "

After importing, compare your Roll20 sheet to GCA5 character sheet.

Roll20 doesn't support parent/child relationship, repeating tables will be imported alphabetically.

For GCA Roll20 Exporter Tool Version or later, Rital Magic Spells will be added to the Grimoire with difficult set to T/H and points set to 0. The spell will also be added to the Techniques table with the actual character point cost.

GCA5 Export to Roll20. Update Fixes bug so item inventory uses base cost and weight instead of total cost and weight.

", "delete-repeating-tables-question": "Delete tables?", "delete-repeating-tables-question-tooltip": "If checked, the delete button will become active. This can be helpful if items were re-added or removed in the original application. The system is unable to delete tables and import them at the same time, so you have to delete the tables before importing.", + "stress-derangement-label": "Stress & Derangement", + "stress-derangement-tooltip": "If using GURPS Horror 141-142, Stress and Derange (Derangement) affect Fright Checks. This is auto calculated depending on the values entered into MOD and Current.", "attribute-stress": "Stress", - "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", + "maximum-stress-tooltip": "The maximum value, which is auto calculated, is based on Will. Horror 142.", + "current-stress-tooltip": "Only enter negative values as per Horror 141-142. Additional negative values also come from failed Fright Checks.", + "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Horror page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", "abbreviation-derangement": "Derange", - "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", + "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Horror page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", "attribute-stress-derangement-penalty-tooltip": "The Fright Check Penalty, which is (Stress + Derangement)/2, rounded down against the player. H141
This penalty is automatically applied to the Fright Check attribute.
The penalty (modified by Fearlessness) could also affect self-control rolls, skills that demand a steady hand, and HT rolls to resist minor ailments, etc.", "attribute-stress-derangement-disadvantage-points-tooltip": "The amount of disadvantage points accrued due to derangement.
At a certain point, these points should be converted to permanent mental disadvantages!", "getting-started-label": "Getting Started", diff --git a/GURPS/translations/it.json b/GURPS/translations/it.json index c7d7b817dc62..917ca1a90863 100644 --- a/GURPS/translations/it.json +++ b/GURPS/translations/it.json @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ "reason-for-mod-label": "Reason for Mod:", "night-vision-label": "Visione Notturna", "night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, except for total darkness. See B71.", + "temporary-night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, and it is ADDED to the night vision listed above, except for total darkness. See B71.", "dark-vision-label": "Dark Vision", "dark-vision-tooltip": "If checked, Dark Vision negates all darkness penalties. Can see using some other means than light, radar, or sonar. See B47.", "used-to-blindness-label": "Used to blindess", @@ -1264,6 +1265,9 @@ "alert-label": "Alert", "rolltemplate-max-9-description": "Max effective skill is 9", "traits-label": "Traits", + "roll-modifier-traits-tooltip": "These refer to character traits that rarely change, they will not be cleared when the reset button is used.", + "temporary-traits-label": "Temporary Traits", + "roll-modifier-temporary-traits-tooltip": "These refer to temporary traits that affect the character for a short period, such as magic spells, potions, goggles, etc. They will be cleared when the reset button is used.", "rolltemplate-malfunction-label": "Malfunction!", "rolltemplate-verify-malfunction-description": "Verify: roll 3d6 again to verify the results. (HT79)
", "rolltemplate-malfunction-description": "For effect, Roll 3d6 and see table on B407 or use custom table.
Note: Malfunction has \"priority\" over a critical miss: if both would occur, only the malfunction takes place (B382).", @@ -1294,10 +1298,14 @@ "import-tips-description": "

After importing, compare your Roll20 sheet to GCA5 character sheet.

Roll20 doesn't support parent/child relationship, repeating tables will be imported alphabetically.

For GCA Roll20 Exporter Tool Version or later, Rital Magic Spells will be added to the Grimoire with difficult set to T/H and points set to 0. The spell will also be added to the Techniques table with the actual character point cost.

GCA5 Export to Roll20. Update Fixes bug so item inventory uses base cost and weight instead of total cost and weight.

", "delete-repeating-tables-question": "Delete tables?", "delete-repeating-tables-question-tooltip": "If checked, the delete button will become active. This can be helpful if items were re-added or removed in the original application. The system is unable to delete tables and import them at the same time, so you have to delete the tables before importing.", + "stress-derangement-label": "Stress & Derangement", + "stress-derangement-tooltip": "If using GURPS Horror 141-142, Stress and Derange (Derangement) affect Fright Checks. This is auto calculated depending on the values entered into MOD and Current.", "attribute-stress": "Stress", - "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", + "maximum-stress-tooltip": "The maximum value, which is auto calculated, is based on Will. Horror 142.", + "current-stress-tooltip": "Only enter negative values as per Horror 141-142. Additional negative values also come from failed Fright Checks.", + "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Horror page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", "abbreviation-derangement": "Derange", - "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", + "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Horror page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", "attribute-stress-derangement-penalty-tooltip": "The Fright Check Penalty, which is (Stress + Derangement)/2, rounded down against the player. H141
This penalty is automatically applied to the Fright Check attribute.
The penalty (modified by Fearlessness) could also affect self-control rolls, skills that demand a steady hand, and HT rolls to resist minor ailments, etc.", "attribute-stress-derangement-disadvantage-points-tooltip": "The amount of disadvantage points accrued due to derangement.
At a certain point, these points should be converted to permanent mental disadvantages!", "getting-started-label": "Getting Started", diff --git a/GURPS/translations/ja.json b/GURPS/translations/ja.json index 6962344ed2a7..8fa83612bc52 100644 --- a/GURPS/translations/ja.json +++ b/GURPS/translations/ja.json @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ "reason-for-mod-label": "Reason for Mod:", "night-vision-label": "Night Vision", "night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, except for total darkness. See B71.", + "temporary-night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, and it is ADDED to the night vision listed above, except for total darkness. See B71.", "dark-vision-label": "Dark Vision", "dark-vision-tooltip": "If checked, Dark Vision negates all darkness penalties. Can see using some other means than light, radar, or sonar. See B47.", "used-to-blindness-label": "Used to blindess", @@ -1264,6 +1265,9 @@ "alert-label": "Alert", "rolltemplate-max-9-description": "Max effective skill is 9", "traits-label": "Traits", + "roll-modifier-traits-tooltip": "These refer to character traits that rarely change, they will not be cleared when the reset button is used.", + "temporary-traits-label": "Temporary Traits", + "roll-modifier-temporary-traits-tooltip": "These refer to temporary traits that affect the character for a short period, such as magic spells, potions, goggles, etc. They will be cleared when the reset button is used.", "rolltemplate-malfunction-label": "Malfunction!", "rolltemplate-verify-malfunction-description": "Verify: roll 3d6 again to verify the results. (HT79)
", "rolltemplate-malfunction-description": "For effect, Roll 3d6 and see table on B407 or use custom table.
Note: Malfunction has \"priority\" over a critical miss: if both would occur, only the malfunction takes place (B382).", @@ -1294,10 +1298,14 @@ "import-tips-description": "

After importing, compare your Roll20 sheet to GCA5 character sheet.

Roll20 doesn't support parent/child relationship, repeating tables will be imported alphabetically.

For GCA Roll20 Exporter Tool Version or later, Rital Magic Spells will be added to the Grimoire with difficult set to T/H and points set to 0. The spell will also be added to the Techniques table with the actual character point cost.

GCA5 Export to Roll20. Update Fixes bug so item inventory uses base cost and weight instead of total cost and weight.

", "delete-repeating-tables-question": "Delete tables?", "delete-repeating-tables-question-tooltip": "If checked, the delete button will become active. This can be helpful if items were re-added or removed in the original application. The system is unable to delete tables and import them at the same time, so you have to delete the tables before importing.", + "stress-derangement-label": "Stress & Derangement", + "stress-derangement-tooltip": "If using GURPS Horror 141-142, Stress and Derange (Derangement) affect Fright Checks. This is auto calculated depending on the values entered into MOD and Current.", "attribute-stress": "Stress", - "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", + "maximum-stress-tooltip": "The maximum value, which is auto calculated, is based on Will. Horror 142.", + "current-stress-tooltip": "Only enter negative values as per Horror 141-142. Additional negative values also come from failed Fright Checks.", + "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Horror page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", "abbreviation-derangement": "Derange", - "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", + "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Horror page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", "attribute-stress-derangement-penalty-tooltip": "The Fright Check Penalty, which is (Stress + Derangement)/2, rounded down against the player. H141
This penalty is automatically applied to the Fright Check attribute.
The penalty (modified by Fearlessness) could also affect self-control rolls, skills that demand a steady hand, and HT rolls to resist minor ailments, etc.", "attribute-stress-derangement-disadvantage-points-tooltip": "The amount of disadvantage points accrued due to derangement.
At a certain point, these points should be converted to permanent mental disadvantages!", "getting-started-label": "Getting Started", diff --git a/GURPS/translations/ko.json b/GURPS/translations/ko.json index 8d62f91d6e99..6d9b3b43c5bf 100644 --- a/GURPS/translations/ko.json +++ b/GURPS/translations/ko.json @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ "reason-for-mod-label": "수정 사유", "night-vision-label": "밤눈", "night-vision-tooltip": "이 값은 빛이 전혀 없는 상황을 제외한 어둠 패널티를 무효화합니다. 기본 p.51 참조.", + "temporary-night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, and it is ADDED to the night vision listed above, except for total darkness. See B71.", "dark-vision-label": "암흑 시각", "dark-vision-tooltip": "활성 시, 암흑 시각은 모든 어둠 페널티를 무효화합니다. 레이더나 소나 등 빛 외의 방법으로 앞을 볼 수 있습니다. 기본 p.47 참조.", "used-to-blindness-label": "실명에 익숙", @@ -1264,6 +1265,9 @@ "alert-label": "Alert", "rolltemplate-max-9-description": "Max effective skill is 9", "traits-label": "Traits", + "roll-modifier-traits-tooltip": "These refer to character traits that rarely change, they will not be cleared when the reset button is used.", + "temporary-traits-label": "Temporary Traits", + "roll-modifier-temporary-traits-tooltip": "These refer to temporary traits that affect the character for a short period, such as magic spells, potions, goggles, etc. They will be cleared when the reset button is used.", "rolltemplate-malfunction-label": "Malfunction!", "rolltemplate-verify-malfunction-description": "Verify: roll 3d6 again to verify the results. (HT79)
", "rolltemplate-malfunction-description": "For effect, Roll 3d6 and see table on B407 or use custom table.
Note: Malfunction has \"priority\" over a critical miss: if both would occur, only the malfunction takes place (B382).", @@ -1294,10 +1298,14 @@ "import-tips-description": "

After importing, compare your Roll20 sheet to GCA5 character sheet.

Roll20 doesn't support parent/child relationship, repeating tables will be imported alphabetically.

For GCA Roll20 Exporter Tool Version or later, Rital Magic Spells will be added to the Grimoire with difficult set to T/H and points set to 0. The spell will also be added to the Techniques table with the actual character point cost.

GCA5 Export to Roll20. Update Fixes bug so item inventory uses base cost and weight instead of total cost and weight.

", "delete-repeating-tables-question": "Delete tables?", "delete-repeating-tables-question-tooltip": "If checked, the delete button will become active. This can be helpful if items were re-added or removed in the original application. The system is unable to delete tables and import them at the same time, so you have to delete the tables before importing.", + "stress-derangement-label": "Stress & Derangement", + "stress-derangement-tooltip": "If using GURPS Horror 141-142, Stress and Derange (Derangement) affect Fright Checks. This is auto calculated depending on the values entered into MOD and Current.", "attribute-stress": "Stress", - "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", + "maximum-stress-tooltip": "The maximum value, which is auto calculated, is based on Will. Horror 142.", + "current-stress-tooltip": "Only enter negative values as per Horror 141-142. Additional negative values also come from failed Fright Checks.", + "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Horror page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", "abbreviation-derangement": "Derange", - "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", + "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Horror page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", "attribute-stress-derangement-penalty-tooltip": "The Fright Check Penalty, which is (Stress + Derangement)/2, rounded down against the player. H141
This penalty is automatically applied to the Fright Check attribute.
The penalty (modified by Fearlessness) could also affect self-control rolls, skills that demand a steady hand, and HT rolls to resist minor ailments, etc.", "attribute-stress-derangement-disadvantage-points-tooltip": "The amount of disadvantage points accrued due to derangement.
At a certain point, these points should be converted to permanent mental disadvantages!", "getting-started-label": "Getting Started", diff --git a/GURPS/translations/nl.json b/GURPS/translations/nl.json index 2533a107ad16..a34d68b424b0 100644 --- a/GURPS/translations/nl.json +++ b/GURPS/translations/nl.json @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ "reason-for-mod-label": "Reason for Mod:", "night-vision-label": "Night Vision", "night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, except for total darkness. See B71.", + "temporary-night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, and it is ADDED to the night vision listed above, except for total darkness. See B71.", "dark-vision-label": "Dark Vision", "dark-vision-tooltip": "If checked, Dark Vision negates all darkness penalties. Can see using some other means than light, radar, or sonar. See B47.", "used-to-blindness-label": "Used to blindess", @@ -1264,6 +1265,9 @@ "alert-label": "Alert", "rolltemplate-max-9-description": "Max effective skill is 9", "traits-label": "Traits", + "roll-modifier-traits-tooltip": "These refer to character traits that rarely change, they will not be cleared when the reset button is used.", + "temporary-traits-label": "Temporary Traits", + "roll-modifier-temporary-traits-tooltip": "These refer to temporary traits that affect the character for a short period, such as magic spells, potions, goggles, etc. They will be cleared when the reset button is used.", "rolltemplate-malfunction-label": "Malfunction!", "rolltemplate-verify-malfunction-description": "Verify: roll 3d6 again to verify the results. (HT79)
", "rolltemplate-malfunction-description": "For effect, Roll 3d6 and see table on B407 or use custom table.
Note: Malfunction has \"priority\" over a critical miss: if both would occur, only the malfunction takes place (B382).", @@ -1294,10 +1298,14 @@ "import-tips-description": "

After importing, compare your Roll20 sheet to GCA5 character sheet.

Roll20 doesn't support parent/child relationship, repeating tables will be imported alphabetically.

For GCA Roll20 Exporter Tool Version or later, Rital Magic Spells will be added to the Grimoire with difficult set to T/H and points set to 0. The spell will also be added to the Techniques table with the actual character point cost.

GCA5 Export to Roll20. Update Fixes bug so item inventory uses base cost and weight instead of total cost and weight.

", "delete-repeating-tables-question": "Delete tables?", "delete-repeating-tables-question-tooltip": "If checked, the delete button will become active. This can be helpful if items were re-added or removed in the original application. The system is unable to delete tables and import them at the same time, so you have to delete the tables before importing.", + "stress-derangement-label": "Stress & Derangement", + "stress-derangement-tooltip": "If using GURPS Horror 141-142, Stress and Derange (Derangement) affect Fright Checks. This is auto calculated depending on the values entered into MOD and Current.", "attribute-stress": "Stress", - "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", + "maximum-stress-tooltip": "The maximum value, which is auto calculated, is based on Will. Horror 142.", + "current-stress-tooltip": "Only enter negative values as per Horror 141-142. Additional negative values also come from failed Fright Checks.", + "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Horror page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", "abbreviation-derangement": "Derange", - "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", + "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Horror page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", "attribute-stress-derangement-penalty-tooltip": "The Fright Check Penalty, which is (Stress + Derangement)/2, rounded down against the player. H141
This penalty is automatically applied to the Fright Check attribute.
The penalty (modified by Fearlessness) could also affect self-control rolls, skills that demand a steady hand, and HT rolls to resist minor ailments, etc.", "attribute-stress-derangement-disadvantage-points-tooltip": "The amount of disadvantage points accrued due to derangement.
At a certain point, these points should be converted to permanent mental disadvantages!", "getting-started-label": "Getting Started", diff --git a/GURPS/translations/pb.json b/GURPS/translations/pb.json index 7d5c7c0f0d4d..8f4a5c615d5c 100644 --- a/GURPS/translations/pb.json +++ b/GURPS/translations/pb.json @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ "reason-for-mod-label": "Reason for Mod:", "night-vision-label": "Night Vision", "night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, except for total darkness. See B71.", + "temporary-night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, and it is ADDED to the night vision listed above, except for total darkness. See B71.", "dark-vision-label": "Dark Vision", "dark-vision-tooltip": "If checked, Dark Vision negates all darkness penalties. Can see using some other means than light, radar, or sonar. See B47.", "used-to-blindness-label": "Used to blindess", @@ -1264,6 +1265,9 @@ "alert-label": "Alert", "rolltemplate-max-9-description": "Max effective skill is 9", "traits-label": "Traits", + "roll-modifier-traits-tooltip": "These refer to character traits that rarely change, they will not be cleared when the reset button is used.", + "temporary-traits-label": "Temporary Traits", + "roll-modifier-temporary-traits-tooltip": "These refer to temporary traits that affect the character for a short period, such as magic spells, potions, goggles, etc. They will be cleared when the reset button is used.", "rolltemplate-malfunction-label": "Malfunction!", "rolltemplate-verify-malfunction-description": "Verify: roll 3d6 again to verify the results. (HT79)
", "rolltemplate-malfunction-description": "For effect, Roll 3d6 and see table on B407 or use custom table.
Note: Malfunction has \"priority\" over a critical miss: if both would occur, only the malfunction takes place (B382).", @@ -1294,10 +1298,14 @@ "import-tips-description": "

After importing, compare your Roll20 sheet to GCA5 character sheet.

Roll20 doesn't support parent/child relationship, repeating tables will be imported alphabetically.

For GCA Roll20 Exporter Tool Version or later, Rital Magic Spells will be added to the Grimoire with difficult set to T/H and points set to 0. The spell will also be added to the Techniques table with the actual character point cost.

GCA5 Export to Roll20. Update Fixes bug so item inventory uses base cost and weight instead of total cost and weight.

", "delete-repeating-tables-question": "Delete tables?", "delete-repeating-tables-question-tooltip": "If checked, the delete button will become active. This can be helpful if items were re-added or removed in the original application. The system is unable to delete tables and import them at the same time, so you have to delete the tables before importing.", + "stress-derangement-label": "Stress & Derangement", + "stress-derangement-tooltip": "If using GURPS Horror 141-142, Stress and Derange (Derangement) affect Fright Checks. This is auto calculated depending on the values entered into MOD and Current.", "attribute-stress": "Stress", - "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", + "maximum-stress-tooltip": "The maximum value, which is auto calculated, is based on Will. Horror 142.", + "current-stress-tooltip": "Only enter negative values as per Horror 141-142. Additional negative values also come from failed Fright Checks.", + "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Horror page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", "abbreviation-derangement": "Derange", - "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", + "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Horror page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", "attribute-stress-derangement-penalty-tooltip": "The Fright Check Penalty, which is (Stress + Derangement)/2, rounded down against the player. H141
This penalty is automatically applied to the Fright Check attribute.
The penalty (modified by Fearlessness) could also affect self-control rolls, skills that demand a steady hand, and HT rolls to resist minor ailments, etc.", "attribute-stress-derangement-disadvantage-points-tooltip": "The amount of disadvantage points accrued due to derangement.
At a certain point, these points should be converted to permanent mental disadvantages!", "getting-started-label": "Getting Started", diff --git a/GURPS/translations/pl.json b/GURPS/translations/pl.json index c03405948025..ea7be047aa83 100644 --- a/GURPS/translations/pl.json +++ b/GURPS/translations/pl.json @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ "reason-for-mod-label": "Reason for Mod:", "night-vision-label": "Night Vision", "night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, except for total darkness. See B71.", + "temporary-night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, and it is ADDED to the night vision listed above, except for total darkness. See B71.", "dark-vision-label": "Dark Vision", "dark-vision-tooltip": "If checked, Dark Vision negates all darkness penalties. Can see using some other means than light, radar, or sonar. See B47.", "used-to-blindness-label": "Used to blindess", @@ -1264,6 +1265,9 @@ "alert-label": "Alert", "rolltemplate-max-9-description": "Max effective skill is 9", "traits-label": "Traits", + "roll-modifier-traits-tooltip": "These refer to character traits that rarely change, they will not be cleared when the reset button is used.", + "temporary-traits-label": "Temporary Traits", + "roll-modifier-temporary-traits-tooltip": "These refer to temporary traits that affect the character for a short period, such as magic spells, potions, goggles, etc. They will be cleared when the reset button is used.", "rolltemplate-malfunction-label": "Malfunction!", "rolltemplate-verify-malfunction-description": "Verify: roll 3d6 again to verify the results. (HT79)
", "rolltemplate-malfunction-description": "For effect, Roll 3d6 and see table on B407 or use custom table.
Note: Malfunction has \"priority\" over a critical miss: if both would occur, only the malfunction takes place (B382).", @@ -1294,10 +1298,14 @@ "import-tips-description": "

After importing, compare your Roll20 sheet to GCA5 character sheet.

Roll20 doesn't support parent/child relationship, repeating tables will be imported alphabetically.

For GCA Roll20 Exporter Tool Version or later, Rital Magic Spells will be added to the Grimoire with difficult set to T/H and points set to 0. The spell will also be added to the Techniques table with the actual character point cost.

GCA5 Export to Roll20. Update Fixes bug so item inventory uses base cost and weight instead of total cost and weight.

", "delete-repeating-tables-question": "Delete tables?", "delete-repeating-tables-question-tooltip": "If checked, the delete button will become active. This can be helpful if items were re-added or removed in the original application. The system is unable to delete tables and import them at the same time, so you have to delete the tables before importing.", + "stress-derangement-label": "Stress & Derangement", + "stress-derangement-tooltip": "If using GURPS Horror 141-142, Stress and Derange (Derangement) affect Fright Checks. This is auto calculated depending on the values entered into MOD and Current.", "attribute-stress": "Stress", - "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", + "maximum-stress-tooltip": "The maximum value, which is auto calculated, is based on Will. Horror 142.", + "current-stress-tooltip": "Only enter negative values as per Horror 141-142. Additional negative values also come from failed Fright Checks.", + "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Horror page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", "abbreviation-derangement": "Derange", - "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", + "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Horror page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", "attribute-stress-derangement-penalty-tooltip": "The Fright Check Penalty, which is (Stress + Derangement)/2, rounded down against the player. H141
This penalty is automatically applied to the Fright Check attribute.
The penalty (modified by Fearlessness) could also affect self-control rolls, skills that demand a steady hand, and HT rolls to resist minor ailments, etc.", "attribute-stress-derangement-disadvantage-points-tooltip": "The amount of disadvantage points accrued due to derangement.
At a certain point, these points should be converted to permanent mental disadvantages!", "getting-started-label": "Getting Started", diff --git a/GURPS/translations/pt.json b/GURPS/translations/pt.json index 4079b51ade18..b9cce448f2d0 100644 --- a/GURPS/translations/pt.json +++ b/GURPS/translations/pt.json @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ "reason-for-mod-label": "Motivo do Mod.:", "night-vision-label": "Visão Noturna", "night-vision-tooltip": "Este valor anula as penalidades de escuridão parcial. Veja B97.", + "temporary-night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, and it is ADDED to the night vision listed above, except for total darkness. See B71.", "dark-vision-label": "Visão no Escuro", "dark-vision-tooltip": "Se marcado, Visão no Escuro anula todas as penalidades de escuridão. Pode ver usando algum outro meio além de luz, radar ou sonar. Veja B98.", "used-to-blindness-label": "Cegueira", @@ -1264,6 +1265,9 @@ "alert-label": "Alerta", "rolltemplate-max-9-description": "NH máxima é 9", "traits-label": "Características", + "roll-modifier-traits-tooltip": "These refer to character traits that rarely change, they will not be cleared when the reset button is used.", + "temporary-traits-label": "Temporary Traits", + "roll-modifier-temporary-traits-tooltip": "These refer to temporary traits that affect the character for a short period, such as magic spells, potions, goggles, etc. They will be cleared when the reset button is used.", "rolltemplate-malfunction-label": "Mau Funcionamento!", "rolltemplate-verify-malfunction-description": "Verify: roll 3d6 again to verify the results. (HT79)
", "rolltemplate-malfunction-description": "For effect, Roll 3d6 and see table on B407 or use custom table.
Note: Malfunction has \"priority\" over a critical miss: if both would occur, only the malfunction takes place (B382).", @@ -1294,10 +1298,14 @@ "import-tips-description": "

After importing, compare your Roll20 sheet to GCA5 character sheet.

Roll20 doesn't support parent/child relationship, repeating tables will be imported alphabetically.

For GCA Roll20 Exporter Tool Version or later, Rital Magic Spells will be added to the Grimoire with difficult set to T/H and points set to 0. The spell will also be added to the Techniques table with the actual character point cost.

GCA5 Export to Roll20. Update Fixes bug so item inventory uses base cost and weight instead of total cost and weight.

", "delete-repeating-tables-question": "Delete tables?", "delete-repeating-tables-question-tooltip": "If checked, the delete button will become active. This can be helpful if items were re-added or removed in the original application. The system is unable to delete tables and import them at the same time, so you have to delete the tables before importing.", + "stress-derangement-label": "Stress & Derangement", + "stress-derangement-tooltip": "If using GURPS Horror 141-142, Stress and Derange (Derangement) affect Fright Checks. This is auto calculated depending on the values entered into MOD and Current.", "attribute-stress": "Stress", - "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", + "maximum-stress-tooltip": "The maximum value, which is auto calculated, is based on Will. Horror 142.", + "current-stress-tooltip": "Only enter negative values as per Horror 141-142. Additional negative values also come from failed Fright Checks.", + "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Horror page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", "abbreviation-derangement": "Derange", - "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", + "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Horror page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", "attribute-stress-derangement-penalty-tooltip": "The Fright Check Penalty, which is (Stress + Derangement)/2, rounded down against the player. H141
This penalty is automatically applied to the Fright Check attribute.
The penalty (modified by Fearlessness) could also affect self-control rolls, skills that demand a steady hand, and HT rolls to resist minor ailments, etc.", "attribute-stress-derangement-disadvantage-points-tooltip": "The amount of disadvantage points accrued due to derangement.
At a certain point, these points should be converted to permanent mental disadvantages!", "getting-started-label": "Getting Started", diff --git a/GURPS/translations/ru.json b/GURPS/translations/ru.json index 83ca8ba4feb5..94ad35ad920e 100644 --- a/GURPS/translations/ru.json +++ b/GURPS/translations/ru.json @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ "reason-for-mod-label": "Reason for Mod:", "night-vision-label": "Ночное освещение", "night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, except for total darkness. See B71.", + "temporary-night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, and it is ADDED to the night vision listed above, except for total darkness. See B71.", "dark-vision-label": "Dark Vision", "dark-vision-tooltip": "If checked, Dark Vision negates all darkness penalties. Can see using some other means than light, radar, or sonar. See B47.", "used-to-blindness-label": "Used to blindess", @@ -1264,6 +1265,9 @@ "alert-label": "Alert", "rolltemplate-max-9-description": "Max effective skill is 9", "traits-label": "Traits", + "roll-modifier-traits-tooltip": "These refer to character traits that rarely change, they will not be cleared when the reset button is used.", + "temporary-traits-label": "Temporary Traits", + "roll-modifier-temporary-traits-tooltip": "These refer to temporary traits that affect the character for a short period, such as magic spells, potions, goggles, etc. They will be cleared when the reset button is used.", "rolltemplate-malfunction-label": "Malfunction!", "rolltemplate-verify-malfunction-description": "Verify: roll 3d6 again to verify the results. (HT79)
", "rolltemplate-malfunction-description": "For effect, Roll 3d6 and see table on B407 or use custom table.
Note: Malfunction has \"priority\" over a critical miss: if both would occur, only the malfunction takes place (B382).", @@ -1294,10 +1298,14 @@ "import-tips-description": "

After importing, compare your Roll20 sheet to GCA5 character sheet.

Roll20 doesn't support parent/child relationship, repeating tables will be imported alphabetically.

For GCA Roll20 Exporter Tool Version or later, Rital Magic Spells will be added to the Grimoire with difficult set to T/H and points set to 0. The spell will also be added to the Techniques table with the actual character point cost.

GCA5 Export to Roll20. Update Fixes bug so item inventory uses base cost and weight instead of total cost and weight.

", "delete-repeating-tables-question": "Delete tables?", "delete-repeating-tables-question-tooltip": "If checked, the delete button will become active. This can be helpful if items were re-added or removed in the original application. The system is unable to delete tables and import them at the same time, so you have to delete the tables before importing.", + "stress-derangement-label": "Stress & Derangement", + "stress-derangement-tooltip": "If using GURPS Horror 141-142, Stress and Derange (Derangement) affect Fright Checks. This is auto calculated depending on the values entered into MOD and Current.", "attribute-stress": "Stress", - "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", + "maximum-stress-tooltip": "The maximum value, which is auto calculated, is based on Will. Horror 142.", + "current-stress-tooltip": "Only enter negative values as per Horror 141-142. Additional negative values also come from failed Fright Checks.", + "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Horror page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", "abbreviation-derangement": "Derange", - "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", + "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Horror page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", "attribute-stress-derangement-penalty-tooltip": "The Fright Check Penalty, which is (Stress + Derangement)/2, rounded down against the player. H141
This penalty is automatically applied to the Fright Check attribute.
The penalty (modified by Fearlessness) could also affect self-control rolls, skills that demand a steady hand, and HT rolls to resist minor ailments, etc.", "attribute-stress-derangement-disadvantage-points-tooltip": "The amount of disadvantage points accrued due to derangement.
At a certain point, these points should be converted to permanent mental disadvantages!", "getting-started-label": "Getting Started", diff --git a/GURPS/translations/sl.json b/GURPS/translations/sl.json index 7d5c7c0f0d4d..8f4a5c615d5c 100644 --- a/GURPS/translations/sl.json +++ b/GURPS/translations/sl.json @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ "reason-for-mod-label": "Reason for Mod:", "night-vision-label": "Night Vision", "night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, except for total darkness. See B71.", + "temporary-night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, and it is ADDED to the night vision listed above, except for total darkness. See B71.", "dark-vision-label": "Dark Vision", "dark-vision-tooltip": "If checked, Dark Vision negates all darkness penalties. Can see using some other means than light, radar, or sonar. See B47.", "used-to-blindness-label": "Used to blindess", @@ -1264,6 +1265,9 @@ "alert-label": "Alert", "rolltemplate-max-9-description": "Max effective skill is 9", "traits-label": "Traits", + "roll-modifier-traits-tooltip": "These refer to character traits that rarely change, they will not be cleared when the reset button is used.", + "temporary-traits-label": "Temporary Traits", + "roll-modifier-temporary-traits-tooltip": "These refer to temporary traits that affect the character for a short period, such as magic spells, potions, goggles, etc. They will be cleared when the reset button is used.", "rolltemplate-malfunction-label": "Malfunction!", "rolltemplate-verify-malfunction-description": "Verify: roll 3d6 again to verify the results. (HT79)
", "rolltemplate-malfunction-description": "For effect, Roll 3d6 and see table on B407 or use custom table.
Note: Malfunction has \"priority\" over a critical miss: if both would occur, only the malfunction takes place (B382).", @@ -1294,10 +1298,14 @@ "import-tips-description": "

After importing, compare your Roll20 sheet to GCA5 character sheet.

Roll20 doesn't support parent/child relationship, repeating tables will be imported alphabetically.

For GCA Roll20 Exporter Tool Version or later, Rital Magic Spells will be added to the Grimoire with difficult set to T/H and points set to 0. The spell will also be added to the Techniques table with the actual character point cost.

GCA5 Export to Roll20. Update Fixes bug so item inventory uses base cost and weight instead of total cost and weight.

", "delete-repeating-tables-question": "Delete tables?", "delete-repeating-tables-question-tooltip": "If checked, the delete button will become active. This can be helpful if items were re-added or removed in the original application. The system is unable to delete tables and import them at the same time, so you have to delete the tables before importing.", + "stress-derangement-label": "Stress & Derangement", + "stress-derangement-tooltip": "If using GURPS Horror 141-142, Stress and Derange (Derangement) affect Fright Checks. This is auto calculated depending on the values entered into MOD and Current.", "attribute-stress": "Stress", - "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", + "maximum-stress-tooltip": "The maximum value, which is auto calculated, is based on Will. Horror 142.", + "current-stress-tooltip": "Only enter negative values as per Horror 141-142. Additional negative values also come from failed Fright Checks.", + "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Horror page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", "abbreviation-derangement": "Derange", - "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", + "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Horror page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", "attribute-stress-derangement-penalty-tooltip": "The Fright Check Penalty, which is (Stress + Derangement)/2, rounded down against the player. H141
This penalty is automatically applied to the Fright Check attribute.
The penalty (modified by Fearlessness) could also affect self-control rolls, skills that demand a steady hand, and HT rolls to resist minor ailments, etc.", "attribute-stress-derangement-disadvantage-points-tooltip": "The amount of disadvantage points accrued due to derangement.
At a certain point, these points should be converted to permanent mental disadvantages!", "getting-started-label": "Getting Started", diff --git a/GURPS/translations/sv.json b/GURPS/translations/sv.json index 3a933639c850..0b8ee7cef55d 100644 --- a/GURPS/translations/sv.json +++ b/GURPS/translations/sv.json @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ "reason-for-mod-label": "Reason for Mod:", "night-vision-label": "Nattsyn", "night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, except for total darkness. See B71.", + "temporary-night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, and it is ADDED to the night vision listed above, except for total darkness. See B71.", "dark-vision-label": "Dark Vision", "dark-vision-tooltip": "If checked, Dark Vision negates all darkness penalties. Can see using some other means than light, radar, or sonar. See B47.", "used-to-blindness-label": "Used to blindess", @@ -1264,6 +1265,9 @@ "alert-label": "Alert", "rolltemplate-max-9-description": "Max effective skill is 9", "traits-label": "Traits", + "roll-modifier-traits-tooltip": "These refer to character traits that rarely change, they will not be cleared when the reset button is used.", + "temporary-traits-label": "Temporary Traits", + "roll-modifier-temporary-traits-tooltip": "These refer to temporary traits that affect the character for a short period, such as magic spells, potions, goggles, etc. They will be cleared when the reset button is used.", "rolltemplate-malfunction-label": "Malfunction!", "rolltemplate-verify-malfunction-description": "Verify: roll 3d6 again to verify the results. (HT79)
", "rolltemplate-malfunction-description": "For effect, Roll 3d6 and see table on B407 or use custom table.
Note: Malfunction has \"priority\" over a critical miss: if both would occur, only the malfunction takes place (B382).", @@ -1294,10 +1298,14 @@ "import-tips-description": "

After importing, compare your Roll20 sheet to GCA5 character sheet.

Roll20 doesn't support parent/child relationship, repeating tables will be imported alphabetically.

For GCA Roll20 Exporter Tool Version or later, Rital Magic Spells will be added to the Grimoire with difficult set to T/H and points set to 0. The spell will also be added to the Techniques table with the actual character point cost.

GCA5 Export to Roll20. Update Fixes bug so item inventory uses base cost and weight instead of total cost and weight.

", "delete-repeating-tables-question": "Delete tables?", "delete-repeating-tables-question-tooltip": "If checked, the delete button will become active. This can be helpful if items were re-added or removed in the original application. The system is unable to delete tables and import them at the same time, so you have to delete the tables before importing.", + "stress-derangement-label": "Stress & Derangement", + "stress-derangement-tooltip": "If using GURPS Horror 141-142, Stress and Derange (Derangement) affect Fright Checks. This is auto calculated depending on the values entered into MOD and Current.", "attribute-stress": "Stress", - "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", + "maximum-stress-tooltip": "The maximum value, which is auto calculated, is based on Will. Horror 142.", + "current-stress-tooltip": "Only enter negative values as per Horror 141-142. Additional negative values also come from failed Fright Checks.", + "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Horror page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", "abbreviation-derangement": "Derange", - "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", + "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Horror page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", "attribute-stress-derangement-penalty-tooltip": "The Fright Check Penalty, which is (Stress + Derangement)/2, rounded down against the player. H141
This penalty is automatically applied to the Fright Check attribute.
The penalty (modified by Fearlessness) could also affect self-control rolls, skills that demand a steady hand, and HT rolls to resist minor ailments, etc.", "attribute-stress-derangement-disadvantage-points-tooltip": "The amount of disadvantage points accrued due to derangement.
At a certain point, these points should be converted to permanent mental disadvantages!", "getting-started-label": "Getting Started", diff --git a/GURPS/translations/tr.json b/GURPS/translations/tr.json index 30e7d6769c8b..9132b0e5f9ce 100644 --- a/GURPS/translations/tr.json +++ b/GURPS/translations/tr.json @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ "reason-for-mod-label": "Reason for Mod:", "night-vision-label": "Night Vision", "night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, except for total darkness. See B71.", + "temporary-night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, and it is ADDED to the night vision listed above, except for total darkness. See B71.", "dark-vision-label": "Dark Vision", "dark-vision-tooltip": "If checked, Dark Vision negates all darkness penalties. Can see using some other means than light, radar, or sonar. See B47.", "used-to-blindness-label": "Used to blindess", @@ -1264,6 +1265,9 @@ "alert-label": "Alert", "rolltemplate-max-9-description": "Max effective skill is 9", "traits-label": "Traits", + "roll-modifier-traits-tooltip": "These refer to character traits that rarely change, they will not be cleared when the reset button is used.", + "temporary-traits-label": "Temporary Traits", + "roll-modifier-temporary-traits-tooltip": "These refer to temporary traits that affect the character for a short period, such as magic spells, potions, goggles, etc. They will be cleared when the reset button is used.", "rolltemplate-malfunction-label": "Malfunction!", "rolltemplate-verify-malfunction-description": "Verify: roll 3d6 again to verify the results. (HT79)
", "rolltemplate-malfunction-description": "For effect, Roll 3d6 and see table on B407 or use custom table.
Note: Malfunction has \"priority\" over a critical miss: if both would occur, only the malfunction takes place (B382).", @@ -1294,10 +1298,14 @@ "import-tips-description": "

After importing, compare your Roll20 sheet to GCA5 character sheet.

Roll20 doesn't support parent/child relationship, repeating tables will be imported alphabetically.

For GCA Roll20 Exporter Tool Version or later, Rital Magic Spells will be added to the Grimoire with difficult set to T/H and points set to 0. The spell will also be added to the Techniques table with the actual character point cost.

GCA5 Export to Roll20. Update Fixes bug so item inventory uses base cost and weight instead of total cost and weight.

", "delete-repeating-tables-question": "Delete tables?", "delete-repeating-tables-question-tooltip": "If checked, the delete button will become active. This can be helpful if items were re-added or removed in the original application. The system is unable to delete tables and import them at the same time, so you have to delete the tables before importing.", + "stress-derangement-label": "Stress & Derangement", + "stress-derangement-tooltip": "If using GURPS Horror 141-142, Stress and Derange (Derangement) affect Fright Checks. This is auto calculated depending on the values entered into MOD and Current.", "attribute-stress": "Stress", - "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", + "maximum-stress-tooltip": "The maximum value, which is auto calculated, is based on Will. Horror 142.", + "current-stress-tooltip": "Only enter negative values as per Horror 141-142. Additional negative values also come from failed Fright Checks.", + "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Horror page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", "abbreviation-derangement": "Derange", - "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", + "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Horror page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", "attribute-stress-derangement-penalty-tooltip": "The Fright Check Penalty, which is (Stress + Derangement)/2, rounded down against the player. H141
This penalty is automatically applied to the Fright Check attribute.
The penalty (modified by Fearlessness) could also affect self-control rolls, skills that demand a steady hand, and HT rolls to resist minor ailments, etc.", "attribute-stress-derangement-disadvantage-points-tooltip": "The amount of disadvantage points accrued due to derangement.
At a certain point, these points should be converted to permanent mental disadvantages!", "getting-started-label": "Getting Started", diff --git a/GURPS/translations/uk.json b/GURPS/translations/uk.json index 9ec2fcd4e3bf..71561cc8d0fc 100644 --- a/GURPS/translations/uk.json +++ b/GURPS/translations/uk.json @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ "reason-for-mod-label": "Reason for Mod:", "night-vision-label": "Night Vision", "night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, except for total darkness. See B71.", + "temporary-night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, and it is ADDED to the night vision listed above, except for total darkness. See B71.", "dark-vision-label": "Dark Vision", "dark-vision-tooltip": "If checked, Dark Vision negates all darkness penalties. Can see using some other means than light, radar, or sonar. See B47.", "used-to-blindness-label": "Used to blindess", @@ -1264,6 +1265,9 @@ "alert-label": "Alert", "rolltemplate-max-9-description": "Max effective skill is 9", "traits-label": "Traits", + "roll-modifier-traits-tooltip": "These refer to character traits that rarely change, they will not be cleared when the reset button is used.", + "temporary-traits-label": "Temporary Traits", + "roll-modifier-temporary-traits-tooltip": "These refer to temporary traits that affect the character for a short period, such as magic spells, potions, goggles, etc. They will be cleared when the reset button is used.", "rolltemplate-malfunction-label": "Malfunction!", "rolltemplate-verify-malfunction-description": "Verify: roll 3d6 again to verify the results. (HT79)
", "rolltemplate-malfunction-description": "For effect, Roll 3d6 and see table on B407 or use custom table.
Note: Malfunction has \"priority\" over a critical miss: if both would occur, only the malfunction takes place (B382).", @@ -1294,10 +1298,14 @@ "import-tips-description": "

After importing, compare your Roll20 sheet to GCA5 character sheet.

Roll20 doesn't support parent/child relationship, repeating tables will be imported alphabetically.

For GCA Roll20 Exporter Tool Version or later, Rital Magic Spells will be added to the Grimoire with difficult set to T/H and points set to 0. The spell will also be added to the Techniques table with the actual character point cost.

GCA5 Export to Roll20. Update Fixes bug so item inventory uses base cost and weight instead of total cost and weight.

", "delete-repeating-tables-question": "Delete tables?", "delete-repeating-tables-question-tooltip": "If checked, the delete button will become active. This can be helpful if items were re-added or removed in the original application. The system is unable to delete tables and import them at the same time, so you have to delete the tables before importing.", + "stress-derangement-label": "Stress & Derangement", + "stress-derangement-tooltip": "If using GURPS Horror 141-142, Stress and Derange (Derangement) affect Fright Checks. This is auto calculated depending on the values entered into MOD and Current.", "attribute-stress": "Stress", - "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", + "maximum-stress-tooltip": "The maximum value, which is auto calculated, is based on Will. Horror 142.", + "current-stress-tooltip": "Only enter negative values as per Horror 141-142. Additional negative values also come from failed Fright Checks.", + "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Horror page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", "abbreviation-derangement": "Derange", - "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", + "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Horror page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", "attribute-stress-derangement-penalty-tooltip": "The Fright Check Penalty, which is (Stress + Derangement)/2, rounded down against the player. H141
This penalty is automatically applied to the Fright Check attribute.
The penalty (modified by Fearlessness) could also affect self-control rolls, skills that demand a steady hand, and HT rolls to resist minor ailments, etc.", "attribute-stress-derangement-disadvantage-points-tooltip": "The amount of disadvantage points accrued due to derangement.
At a certain point, these points should be converted to permanent mental disadvantages!", "getting-started-label": "Getting Started", diff --git a/GURPS/translations/zh.json b/GURPS/translations/zh.json index 1bdd3e51c962..f4472a120de1 100644 --- a/GURPS/translations/zh.json +++ b/GURPS/translations/zh.json @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ "reason-for-mod-label": "Reason for Mod:", "night-vision-label": "夜視", "night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, except for total darkness. See B71.", + "temporary-night-vision-tooltip": "This value negates darkness penalties, and it is ADDED to the night vision listed above, except for total darkness. See B71.", "dark-vision-label": "Dark Vision", "dark-vision-tooltip": "If checked, Dark Vision negates all darkness penalties. Can see using some other means than light, radar, or sonar. See B47.", "used-to-blindness-label": "Used to blindess", @@ -1264,6 +1265,9 @@ "alert-label": "Alert", "rolltemplate-max-9-description": "Max effective skill is 9", "traits-label": "Traits", + "roll-modifier-traits-tooltip": "These refer to character traits that rarely change, they will not be cleared when the reset button is used.", + "temporary-traits-label": "Temporary Traits", + "roll-modifier-temporary-traits-tooltip": "These refer to temporary traits that affect the character for a short period, such as magic spells, potions, goggles, etc. They will be cleared when the reset button is used.", "rolltemplate-malfunction-label": "Malfunction!", "rolltemplate-verify-malfunction-description": "Verify: roll 3d6 again to verify the results. (HT79)
", "rolltemplate-malfunction-description": "For effect, Roll 3d6 and see table on B407 or use custom table.
Note: Malfunction has \"priority\" over a critical miss: if both would occur, only the malfunction takes place (B382).", @@ -1294,10 +1298,14 @@ "import-tips-description": "

After importing, compare your Roll20 sheet to GCA5 character sheet.

Roll20 doesn't support parent/child relationship, repeating tables will be imported alphabetically.

For GCA Roll20 Exporter Tool Version or later, Rital Magic Spells will be added to the Grimoire with difficult set to T/H and points set to 0. The spell will also be added to the Techniques table with the actual character point cost.

GCA5 Export to Roll20. Update Fixes bug so item inventory uses base cost and weight instead of total cost and weight.

", "delete-repeating-tables-question": "Delete tables?", "delete-repeating-tables-question-tooltip": "If checked, the delete button will become active. This can be helpful if items were re-added or removed in the original application. The system is unable to delete tables and import them at the same time, so you have to delete the tables before importing.", + "stress-derangement-label": "Stress & Derangement", + "stress-derangement-tooltip": "If using GURPS Horror 141-142, Stress and Derange (Derangement) affect Fright Checks. This is auto calculated depending on the values entered into MOD and Current.", "attribute-stress": "Stress", - "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", + "maximum-stress-tooltip": "The maximum value, which is auto calculated, is based on Will. Horror 142.", + "current-stress-tooltip": "Only enter negative values as per Horror 141-142. Additional negative values also come from failed Fright Checks.", + "attribute-stress-tooltip": "Stress level from GURPS Horror page 141-142.
On failed fright check, add -1 to Stress, on Critical Failure add -3!
GM could add Stress for other reasons besides failed fright checks.
Stress can be recovered by one for every ten minutes spent in mental relaxation.
GM may rule that certain indulgences can erase an extra point of Stress.
Important: If you go over the maximum stress level, apply the Stress to Derangement!", "abbreviation-derangement": "Derange", - "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Fourth Edition.pdf page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", + "attribute-derangement-tooltip": "Derangement level represents long lasting mental harm described in GURPS Horror page 141-142.
When failing a Sanity-Blasting Fright Check, add -1 to Derangement, on Critical Failure add -3!
At the end of the day with no new stress or derangement a Will roll will erase -1 point of derangement.
+1 Will if treated by a therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+.
A therapist can also roll their skill once per day to erase an additional -1 in Derangement.
Important: If you go over the maximum Derangement, the points should start going to new disadvantages!
You can keep the total in the row below.", "attribute-stress-derangement-penalty-tooltip": "The Fright Check Penalty, which is (Stress + Derangement)/2, rounded down against the player. H141
This penalty is automatically applied to the Fright Check attribute.
The penalty (modified by Fearlessness) could also affect self-control rolls, skills that demand a steady hand, and HT rolls to resist minor ailments, etc.", "attribute-stress-derangement-disadvantage-points-tooltip": "The amount of disadvantage points accrued due to derangement.
At a certain point, these points should be converted to permanent mental disadvantages!", "getting-started-label": "Getting Started", diff --git a/Heavy Gear 4e/HeavyGear4e.css b/Heavy Gear 4e/HeavyGear4e.css index 2032413c70fa..075f72ccf77d 100644 --- a/Heavy Gear 4e/HeavyGear4e.css +++ b/Heavy Gear 4e/HeavyGear4e.css @@ -1,4 +1,13 @@ /* change roll20 defaults */ + /* Style the header */ + +.charsheet div.sticky { + position: sticky; + top: 0; + border: #000 1px solid; + background-color: #FFF; + z-index: 100; +} h1,h2,h3,h4 { text-align: center; @@ -297,21 +306,18 @@ select.size{ } /* show the selected tab */ -.charsheet .sheet-tabstoggle[value="character"]~div.sheet-character, -.charsheet .sheet-tabstoggle[value="gear"]~div.sheet-gear, -.charsheet .sheet-tabstoggle[value="admin"]~div.sheet-admin, -.charsheet .sheet-tabstoggle[value="npc"]~div.sheet-npc +.charsheet .sheet-tabstoggle[value="character"]~.sheet-character, +.charsheet .sheet-tabstoggle[value="gear"]~.sheet-gear, +.charsheet .sheet-tabstoggle[value="admin"]~.sheet-admin, +.charsheet .sheet-tabstoggle[value="npc"]~.sheet-npc { display: flex; } -.charsheet .sheet-buttons-npc, -.charsheet .sheet-buttons-pc{ + +.charsheet .sheet-buttonstoggle:not([value="pc"]) ~.sheet-buttons-pc, +.charsheet .sheet-buttonstoggle:not([value="npc"])~.sheet-buttons-npc { display: none; } -.charsheet .sheet-buttonstoggle[value="pc"] ~.sheet-buttons-pc, -.charsheet .sheet-buttonstoggle[value="npc"]~.sheet-buttons-npc { - display: flex; -} .sheet-posture-stationary, .sheet-posture-braced, .sheet-posture-dugIn, @@ -348,7 +354,7 @@ input[value="topSpeed"].sheet-posture~.sheet-posture-topSpeed { } -.sheet-block-a, +.charsheet .sheet-block-a, .charsheet .sheet-block-switch:checked ~ .sheet-block-b { display: contents; } diff --git a/Heavy Gear 4e/HeavyGear4e.html b/Heavy Gear 4e/HeavyGear4e.html index 8491d91ca363..31e1e948cda9 100644 --- a/Heavy Gear 4e/HeavyGear4e.html +++ b/Heavy Gear 4e/HeavyGear4e.html @@ -3,22 +3,29 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + +

+ + + + + + + + + + Bonus f: + TN: + Reliable f: + + + +

@@ -122,29 +129,53 @@



Damage Results

- Total: - [Shell: - System:] -

Damage Results

+ Shell:/ + System: / + Total: +


- - -d6 -
- ( shell - system) - i: -
- Effect: - Deterioration: - Fix: +


+ + -d6 +
+ ( shell + system) + i: +
+ Effect: + Deterioration: + Fix: +

Damage Notes

+ + Add Damage type: lv: + +

Damage Notes

@@ -227,7 +258,7 @@

- +
@@ -290,7 +321,7 @@

Weapons Ammo

- + @@ -385,6 +416,8 @@

Bonus f: Public + Expertise

Athletics : @@ -1094,18 +1127,28 @@


Crew: - Movement Rate (MR): + + + + + I: + G: + W: + H: + F: + A: + Armour (Arm): - Hull Integrity (HI): + Hull Integrity (HI):

TN Bonus:

- Gunnery + Gunnery

(GU): - Bonus: - Total:

+ Bonus: + Total:

Skills @@ -1118,11 +1161,12 @@

TN Bonus:

- Pilot + Pilot

(PI): - Bonus: - Total: -

+ Bonus: + Total: +

@@ -1133,12 +1177,13 @@

TN Bonus:

- Electronic Warfare -

(EW): - Bonus: - Total: -

+ Electronic Warfare +

(EW): + Bonus: + Total: +

@@ -1188,8 +1233,8 @@


Damage results

- Hull Integrity(/) + Hull Integrity(/)
@@ -1229,7 +1274,7 @@

Bonus Dice: D: - + R: @@ -1251,9 +1296,10 @@

Bonus Dice: - + - / + / i: @@ -1280,8 +1326,8 @@

Bonus Dice: Skill Level: - - ( F) + + ( F)
@@ -1308,7 +1354,7 @@

Bonus Dice: / in - +

Arc: - Bomb @@ -1412,6 +1457,17 @@

Bonus Dice: + + Brace + + + | + + + + Corrosion Bonus Dice: + + Salvo + + + | + + + + Silent Bonus Dice:
AoE: m + value="0" min="0">m @@ -1573,7 +1640,7 @@

Bonus Dice: - AP: + AP: @@ -1620,7 +1687,7 @@

Bonus Dice: Burst: + value="0" min="0"> Bonus Dice: Fire: + value="0" min="0"> @@ -1690,7 +1757,7 @@

Bonus Dice: Reach: + value="0" min="0"> @@ -1855,6 +1922,8 @@

Traits & Equipment

+ +
@@ -1865,30 +1934,35 @@


- Vehicle: Name: - Type: - TV - Crew: - HT in - MR: - Armour - HI : +
+ +


Vehicle Name: + Type: + TV + Crew: + HT in + MR: + Armour + HI : +
- GU: + GU: - - - Bonus: - + Bonus: Total TN: - Skill - Expertise: + Skill + Expertise:
@@ -1896,18 +1970,19 @@


Bonus Total TN: - Skill - Expertise: + Skill + Expertise:
- EW: + EW: Bonus - Total TN: + Total TN: - Skill - Expertise: + Skill + Expertise:
@@ -1947,8 +2022,8 @@


Damage results

- Hull Integrity(/) + Hull Integrity(/)
@@ -1956,15 +2031,30 @@

Damage results

style="width: 2em;">d6
- Hull Integrity Damage: + Hull Integrity Damage: Effect: Deterioration: Fix:
+ Add Damage type: lv: +

Gear Damage Notes

@@ -1991,7 +2081,7 @@

Bonus Dice: Dam: - + Traits: @@ -2007,7 +2097,7 @@

Bonus Dice: - / + / i: @@ -2034,7 +2124,6 @@

Bonus Dice: Skill Level: - ( F)
@@ -2158,7 +2247,6 @@

Bonus Dice: - Bomb @@ -2169,6 +2257,17 @@

Bonus Dice: + + Brace + + + | + + + + Corrosion @@ -2282,6 +2381,17 @@

Bonus Dice: name="attr_gear_weapon_traits_precise_selector"> + + Salvo + + + | + + + + Silent Bonus Dice:
AoE: m + value="0" min="0">m @@ -2365,9 +2475,8 @@

Bonus Dice: - Brawler: - + Brawler: @@ -2378,8 +2487,8 @@

Bonus Dice: class="digit" value="0">/ - - + + @@ -2392,10 +2501,8 @@

Bonus Dice: - Burst: - + value="0" min="0"> @@ -2441,7 +2548,7 @@

Bonus Dice: Fire: + value="0" min="0"> @@ -2464,7 +2571,7 @@

Bonus Dice: Reach: + value="0" min="0"> @@ -2549,7 +2656,7 @@


- + Range: km @@ -2612,13 +2719,12 @@

Current Issues

To be added: Personal Armor list.

- Gear Weapon Rolls: - Link - incomplete +

- Formatting: Gear Weapons. +


{{#rollGreater() reliable 0}} @@ -2791,11 +2897,12 @@

Current Issues

+ const domains = ['athletics','awareness','business','craft','culture','electronicwarfare','electronics','gunnery','hardscience','influence', 'institutions','investigation','mechanics','medicine','melee','pilot','showmanship','socialscience','survival','tactics']; const gearSkills = ['gunnery','pilot','electronicwarfare']; -const gearWeaponTraits = ['ammo','advanced','aoe','ap','apex','attachment','auto','backup','blast','bomb','brawler','burst','corrosion','demo', - 'fire','flak','forearm','frag','guided','haywire','limited_ammo','link','precise','reach','silent','smoke','spray','see_desc']; +const gearWeaponTraits = ['ammo','advanced','aoe','ap','apex','attachment','auto','backup','blast','bomb','brace','brawler','burst','corrosion','demo', + 'fire','flak','forearm','frag','guided','haywire','limited_ammo','link','precise','reach','salvo','silent','smoke','spray','see_desc']; const gearWeaponTraitsX = ['aoe','ap','brawler','burst','demo','fire','reach']; @@ -3041,6 +3148,7 @@

Current Issues

setAttrs(newrowattrs, {silent: true}, underslungcheck(gearweapon,arm,lvl)); } + function underslungcheck(gearweapon,arm,lvl) { if (gearweapon.underslung != "" && gearweapon.underslung != undefined) { @@ -3048,7 +3156,6 @@

Current Issues

} } - on('clicked:gear_weapon_stat', function() { getAttrs(["gear_weapon_code","gear_arm","gear_weapon_lvl"], function(v) { let input = v["gear_weapon_code"]; @@ -3058,19 +3165,6 @@

Current Issues

}); }); -// on change repeating gear weapon traits ammo, change repeating gear weapon selector to match -/*on("change:repeating_gearweapon:gear_weapon_traits_ammo", function() { - getAttrs(["repeating_gearweapon_gear_weapon_traits_ammo"], function(v) { - console.log("repeating_gearweapon_gear_weapon_traits_ammo:"+v["repeating_gearweapon_gear_weapon_traits_ammo"]); - let checked = "on"; - if (v["repeating_gearweapon_gear_weapon_traits_ammo"] == "0") { - checked = "off"; - } - setAttrs({ - "repeating_gearweapon_gear_weapon_traits_selector": checked - }); - }); -});*/ //lookup table for gear weapon attributes @@ -3119,207 +3213,214 @@

Current Issues

sizeletter = " "; } switch (weaponcode) { - + case "AAC": + gearweapon = {type:"Anti-Air Cannon ", range :"60-180/360",size: sizeletter, l:6,m:7, h:8, traits:["Burst:1","Flak"], mode:"D", slots:2, aux:1, location:"Manip", ammunition:5, pl:1, desc:""}; + break; case "AAM": - gearweapon = {type:"Anti-Air Missile", range :"120-360/720",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["Flak"," Guided"," Limited Ammo"], mode:"D, I", slots:3, aux:0, location:"Shoulder, Torso", ammunition:3, pl:3, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Anti-Air Missile", range :"60-360/720",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["Flak"," Guided","Limited Ammo"], mode:"D,I", slots:3, aux:0, location:"Shoulder, Torso", ammunition:3, pl:3, desc:""}; break; case "ABM": - gearweapon = {type:"Air Burst Missile", range :"240-480/960",size: sizeletter, l:6,m:7, h:8, traits:["AoE: 15"," Blast"," Guided",""], mode:"I", slots:4, aux:0, location:"Shoulder, Torso", ammunition:3, pl:4, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Air Burst Missile", range :"120-480/960",size: sizeletter, l:6,m:7, h:8, traits:["AoE:15","Blast","Guided","Limited Ammo"], mode:"I", slots:4, aux:0, location:"Shoulder, Torso", ammunition:3, pl:4, desc:""}; break; case "ARM": - gearweapon = {type:"Anti-Armor Mine", range :"-",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["AP:3/4/5"," Mine"], mode:"-", slots:0, aux:0, location:"-", ammunition:0, pl:3, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Anti-Armor Mine", range :"-",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["AP:3/4/5","Mine"], mode:"-", slots:0, aux:0, location:"-", ammunition:0, pl:3, desc:""}; break; case "APGL": gearweapon = {type:"Anti-Per. Grenade Launcher", range :"15 (3in)",size: sizeletter, l:4,m:5, h:6, traits:["Frag"], mode:"P", slots:1, aux:0, location:"Torso", ammunition:4, pl:1, desc:""}; break; case "APM": - gearweapon = {type:"Anti-Personnel Mines", range :"-",size: sizeletter, l:4,m:5, h:6, traits:["AoE: 5"," Mine"], mode:"-", slots:0, aux:0, location:"-", ammunition:0, pl:1, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Anti-Personnel Mines", range :"-",size: sizeletter, l:4,m:5, h:6, traits:["AoE:5","Mine"], mode:"-", slots:0, aux:0, location:"-", ammunition:0, pl:1, desc:""}; break; case "APR": - gearweapon = {type:"Anti-Personnel Rockets", range :"60-180/360",size: sizeletter, l:6,m:7, h:8, traits:["AoE: 15"], mode:"D, I", slots:2, aux:0, location:"Shoulder, Torso", ammunition:4, pl:1, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Anti-Personnel Rockets", range :"60-180/360",size: sizeletter, l:6,m:7, h:8, traits:["AoE:15m","Salvo", "Blast","Limited Ammo"], mode:"D,I", slots:2, aux:0, location:"Shoulder, Torso", ammunition:4, pl:1, desc:""}; break; case "ATM": - gearweapon = {type:"Anti-Tank Missile", range :"120-360/720",size: sizeletter, l:8,m:9, h:10, traits:["AP:2/3/4"," Guided"," Limited Ammo"], mode:"D, I", slots:2, aux:2, location:"Shoulder, Torso", ammunition:2, pl:5, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Anti-Tank Missile", range :"60-360/720",size: sizeletter, l:8,m:9, h:10, traits:["AP:2/3/4","Guided","Limited Ammo"], mode:"D,I", slots:2, aux:2, location:"Shoulder, Torso", ammunition:2, pl:5, desc:""}; break; case "VG": - gearweapon = {type:"Anti-Vehicle Grenade", range :"30-60/90",size: sizeletter, l:4,m:5, h:6, traits:["AP: 2/4/6"," Limited Ammo"], mode:"D", slots:2, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:4, pl:3, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Anti-Vehicle Grenade", range :"30-60/90",size: sizeletter, l:4,m:5, h:6, traits:["AP:2/4/6","Limited Ammo"], mode:"D", slots:2, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:4, pl:3, desc:""}; break; case "AVM": - gearweapon = {type:"Anti-Vehicle Missile", range :"60-180/360",size: sizeletter, l:5,m:6, h:7, traits:["AP:1"," Guided"," Limited Ammo"], mode:"D, I", slots:2, aux:0, location:"Shoulder, Torso", ammunition:2, pl:3, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Anti-Vehicle Missile", range :"60-180/360",size: sizeletter, l:5,m:6, h:7, traits:["AP:1","Guided","Limited Ammo"], mode:"D,I", slots:2, aux:0, location:"Shoulder, Torso", ammunition:2, pl:3, desc:""}; break; case "AG": - gearweapon = {type:"Artillery Gun", range :"240-480/960",size: sizeletter, l:9,m:10, h:11, traits:["AoE: 15"," Blast"," AP:1"," Demo:2"], mode:"I", slots:6, aux:4, location:"Manip, Torso", ammunition:1, pl:6, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Artillery Gun", range :"120-480/960",size: sizeletter, l:9,m:10, h:11, traits:["AoE:15","Blast","AP:1","Demo:2"], mode:"I", slots:6, aux:4, location:"Manip, Torso", ammunition:1, pl:6, desc:""}; break; case "AM": - gearweapon = {type:"Artillery Missile", range :"120-360/960",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["AoE: 15"," Blast"," Demo: 2"," Guided"," AP:1"," Limited Ammo"], mode:"I", slots:3, aux:2, location:"Torso", ammunition:4, pl:6, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Artillery Missile", range :"120-480/960",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["AoE:15","Blast","Demo:2","Guided","AP:1"," Limited Ammo"], mode:"I", slots:3, aux:2, location:"Torso", ammunition:4, pl:6, desc:""}; break; case "AR": - gearweapon = {type:"Artillery Rockets", range :"120-360/720",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["AoE: 15"," Demo:2"," See Desc"," Limited Ammo"], mode:"D, I", slots:3, aux:2, location:"Torso", ammunition:4, pl:3, - desc:"When attacking with this weapon, the user may increase the ammo used on the attack by 1 to add +1d6 to the attack roll against a single target. This may be done multiple times but can only be used once per target."}; + gearweapon = {type:"Artillery Rockets", range :"120-360/720",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["AoE:15","Demo:2","Limited Ammo","Salvo"], mode:"D,I", slots:3, aux:2, location:"Torso", ammunition:4, pl:3, desc:""}; break; case "AC": gearweapon = {type:"Autocannon", range :"60-180/360",size: sizeletter, l:6,m:7, h:8, traits:["Ammo","Burst:1","or","Precise"], selector:[2,2,1,3], mode:"D", slots:2, aux:1, location:"Manip", ammunition:6, pl:1, desc:""}; break; case "BA": - gearweapon = {type:"Bayonet", range :"3 (0in)",size: sizeletter, l:5,m:6, h:7, traits:["Attachment"," See Desc"], mode:"M", slots:0, aux:0, location:"-", ammunition:0, pl:1, desc:"Swapping to or from a weapon with a bayonet counts as an additional action"}; + gearweapon = {type:"Bayonet", range :"3 (0in)",size: sizeletter, l:5,m:6, h:7, traits:["Attachment","See Desc"], mode:"M", slots:0, aux:0, location:"-", ammunition:0, pl:1, desc:"Swapping to or from a weapon with a bayonet counts as an additional action"}; break; case "BZ": - gearweapon = {type:"Bazooka", range :"30-120/240",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["AP:2/3/4"], mode:"D", slots:2, aux:1, location:"Manip", ammunition:6, pl:1, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Bazooka", range :"60-120/240",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["Ammo","AP:2/3/4","or","AoE:10","Blast"], selector:[2,2,1,3,3], mode:"D", slots:2, aux:1, location:"Manip", ammunition:6, pl:1, desc:""}; break; case "BM": - gearweapon = {type:"Bomb", range :"-",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["AoE:15/20/25"," Bomb 15/20/25"," Bomb"], mode:"D", slots:0, aux:0, location:"-", ammunition:1, pl:1, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Bomb", range :"-",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["AoE:15/20/25","Bomb","Limited Ammo"], mode:"D", slots:0, aux:0, location:"-", ammunition:1, pl:1, desc:""}; break; case "CB": - gearweapon = {type:"Chain Bayonet", range :"3 (0in)",size: sizeletter, l:5,m:6, h:7, traits:["Attachment"," Demo:2"," Brawler:1"," See Desc"], mode:"M", slots:1, aux:0, location:"-", ammunition:0, pl:4, + gearweapon = {type:"Chain Bayonet", range :"3 (0in)",size: sizeletter, l:5,m:6, h:7, traits:["Attachment","Demo:2","Brawler:1","See Desc"], mode:"M", slots:1, aux:0, location:"-", ammunition:0, pl:4, desc:"Swapping to or from a weapon with a bayonet counts as an additional action"}; break; case "CBL": - gearweapon = {type:"Chain Blade", range :"6 (1in)",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["Demo:2/4/6"," Brawler:1"], mode:"M", slots:2, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:0, pl:4, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Chain Blade", range :"6 (1in)",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["Demo:2/4/6","Brawler:1"], mode:"M", slots:2, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:0, pl:4, desc:""}; break; case "CL": gearweapon = {type:"Claws", range :"3 (0in)",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["Forearm"], mode:"M", slots:1, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:0, pl:1, desc:""}; break; case "CW": - gearweapon = {type:"Combat Weapon", range :"3 (0in)",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["Demo: 2/3/4"," Backup"], mode:"M", slots:1, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:0, pl:1, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Combat Weapon", range :"3 (0in)",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["Demo:2/3/4","Backup"], mode:"M", slots:1, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:0, pl:1, desc:""}; break; case "EM": - gearweapon = {type:"EM Mines", range :"-",size: sizeletter, l:4,m:5, h:6, traits:["Mine"," Haywire"], mode:"-", slots:0, aux:0, location:"-", ammunition:0, pl:4, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"EM Mines", range :"-",size: sizeletter, l:4,m:5, h:6, traits:["Mine","Haywire"], mode:"-", slots:0, aux:0, location:"-", ammunition:0, pl:4, desc:""}; break; case "EL": - gearweapon = {type:"Explosive Lance", range :"8 (2in)",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["AP: 2/3/4"," Demo: 3/5/7"], mode:"M", slots:2, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:0, pl:5, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Explosive Lance", range :"8 (2in)",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["AP:2/3/4","Demo:3/5/7"], mode:"M", slots:2, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:0, pl:5, desc:""}; break; case "FG": - gearweapon = {type:"Field Gun", range :"120-240/480",size: sizeletter, l:9,m:10, h:11, traits:["Ammo","AoE: 15"," Blast","or","AP:3/4/5"],selector:[2,2,2,1,3], mode:"D, I", slots:4, aux:4, location:"Manip,Torso", ammunition:1, pl:6, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Field Gun", range :"60-240/480",size: sizeletter, l:9,m:10, h:11, traits:["Ammo","AoE:15","Blast","or","AP:3/4/5"],selector:[2,2,2,1,3], mode:"D,I", slots:4, aux:4, location:"Manip,Torso", ammunition:1, pl:6, desc:""}; break; case "FM": - gearweapon = {type:"Field Mortar", range :"180-360/720",size: sizeletter, l:8,m:9, h:10, traits:["AoE: 20"," Blast"], mode:"I", slots:3, aux:2, location:"Shoulder,Torso", ammunition:1, pl:4, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Field Mortar", range :"120-360/720",size: sizeletter, l:8,m:9, h:10, traits:["AoE:20","Blast"], mode:"I", slots:3, aux:2, location:"Shoulder,Torso", ammunition:1, pl:4, desc:""}; break; case "FS": gearweapon = {type:"Fist", range :"0 (0in)",size: " ", l:0,m:0, h:0, traits:["See Desc"], mode:"M", slots:0, aux:0, location:"-", ammunition:0, pl:0, desc:"A Gear or Strider with the Hands equipment that has an open hand is counted as having a fist. This is not counted as a weapon for any rules interaction. The Damage of a Fist is equal to the Arm - 2 of the vehicle."}; break; - case "FLA": - gearweapon = {type:"Flail", range :"5 (1in)",size: sizeletter, l:6,m:7, h:8, traits:[" See Desc"], mode:"M", slots:2, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:0, pl:2, desc:"Attacks from flails do not allow the effects of shields or bucklers."}; + case "FAI": + gearweapon = {type:"Flail", range :"5 (1in)",size: sizeletter, l:6,m:7, h:8, traits:["See Desc"], mode:"M", slots:2, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:0, pl:2, desc:"Attacks from flails do not allow the effects of shields or bucklers."}; break; case "FL": - gearweapon = {type:"Flamer", range :"0-90/180",size: sizeletter, l:3,m:4, h:5, traits:["Fire:2/3/4"," Spray"," Burst:1"], mode:"D", slots:2, aux:1, location:"Manip", ammunition:4, pl:3, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Flamer", range :"0-90/180",size: sizeletter, l:3,m:4, h:5, traits:["Fire:1/2/3","Spray","Burst:1"], mode:"D", slots:2, aux:1, location:"Manip", ammunition:4, pl:3, desc:""}; break; case "FC": - gearweapon = {type:"Frag Cannon", range :"0-90/180",size: sizeletter, l:5,m:6, h:7, traits:["Ammo","Precise"," AP:1/2/3","or","Frag"],selector:[2,2,2,1,3], mode:"D", slots:2, aux:1, location:"Manip", ammunition:6, pl:1, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Frag Cannon", range :"0-90/180",size: sizeletter, l:5,m:6, h:7, traits:["Ammo","Precise","AP:1/2/3","or","Frag"],selector:[2,2,2,1,3], mode:"D", slots:2, aux:1, location:"Manip", ammunition:6, pl:1, desc:""}; break; case "FRG": - gearweapon = {type:"Frag Grenades", range :"0-60/90",size: sizeletter, l:3,m:4, h:5, traits:["AoE: 15"," Blast"," Frag"," Limited Ammo"], mode:"D, I", slots:1, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:4, pl:1, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Frag Grenades", range :"0-60/90",size: sizeletter, l:3,m:4, h:5, traits:["AoE:15","Blast","Frag","Limited Ammo"], mode:"D,I", slots:1, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:4, pl:1, desc:""}; break; case "GL": - gearweapon = {type:"Grenade Launcher", range :"60-120/240",size: sizeletter, l:0,m:0, h:0, traits:["Burst:1"," See Desc"], mode:"D, I", slots:2, aux:1, location:"Manip", ammunition:4, pl:1, + gearweapon = {type:"Grenade Launcher", range :"60-120/240",size: sizeletter, l:0,m:0, h:0, traits:["Burst:1","See Desc"], mode:"D,I", slots:2, aux:1, location:"Manip", ammunition:4, pl:1, desc:"Grenade Launchers may fire Anti-Vehicle, Frag, Incendiary, Haywire, White Sand and Smoke Grenades using those Grenade’s damage but the Grenade Launcher’s \ stats for everything else (this includes range and Ammo. Attacks with the Grenade and Grenade Launcher use the combined traits of both. When selecting the weapon,\ the user must select 2 of the available grenade types to be available to use (these are still restricted by PL). The user may only use those 2 types when attacking.\ A Grenade Launcher may fire grenades the same size as it or lower (A MGL can fire Medium or Light grenades). Ignore the LA:X trait on any Grenades used."}; break; case "GM": - gearweapon = {type:"Guided Mortar", range :"180-360/72",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["AoE: 15"," Blast"," Guided"], mode:"I", slots:3, aux:2, location:"Shoulder,Torso", ammunition:1, pl:5, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Guided Mortar", range :"120-360/720",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["AoE:15","Blast","Guided"], mode:"I", slots:3, aux:2, location:"Shoulder,Torso", ammunition:1, pl:5, desc:""}; break; case "HYG": - gearweapon = {type:"Haywire Grenades", range :"0-60/90",size: sizeletter, l:4,m:5, h:6, traits:["Haywire"," Limited Ammo"], mode:"D, I", slots:1, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:4, pl:5, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Haywire Grenades", range :"0-60/90",size: sizeletter, l:4,m:5, h:6, traits:["Haywire","Limited Ammo"], mode:"D,I", slots:1, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:4, pl:5, desc:""}; break; case "HW": gearweapon = {type:"Haywire Whip", range :"7 (2in)",size: sizeletter, l:5,m:6, h:7, traits:["Haywire"], mode:"M", slots:2, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:0, pl:5, desc:""}; break; case "IG": - gearweapon = {type:"Incendiary Grenades", range :"0-60/90",size: sizeletter, l:5,m:6, h:7, traits:["Fire: 1/2/3"," AE:15m"," Limited Ammo"], mode:"D, I", slots:1, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:4, pl:4, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Incendiary Grenades", range :"0-60/90",size: sizeletter, l:5,m:6, h:7, traits:["Fire:1/2/3","AoE:15","Limited Ammo"], mode:"D,I", slots:1, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:4, pl:4, desc:""}; break; case "IM": - gearweapon = {type:"Incendiary Mines", range :"-",size: sizeletter, l:5,m:6, h:7, traits:["Fire: 2/3/4"," AE: 5m"," Mine"], mode:"-", slots:0, aux:0, location:"-", ammunition:0, pl:4, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Incendiary Mines", range :"-",size: sizeletter, l:5,m:6, h:7, traits:["Fire:2/3/4","AoE:5","Mine"], mode:"-", slots:0, aux:0, location:"-", ammunition:0, pl:4, desc:""}; + break; + case "IAR": + gearweapon = {type:"Incendiary Artillery Rockets", range :"120-360/720",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["AoE:15","Demo:2","Limited Ammo","Salvo","Fire:1/2/3"], mode:"D,I", slots:3, aux:2, location:"Torso", ammunition:4, pl:5, desc:""}; + break; + case "IRP": + gearweapon = {type:"Incendiary Rocket Pack", range :"60-180/360",size: sizeletter, l:4,m:5, h:6, traits:["AoE:15","Limited Ammo","Salvo","Fire:1/2/3"], mode:"D,I", slots:2, aux:0, location:"Shoulder,Torso", ammunition:4, pl:4, desc:""}; break; case "LA": - gearweapon = {type:"Lance", range :"8 (2In)",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["AP: 3/4/5"], mode:"M", slots:2, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:0, pl:5, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Lance", range :"8 (2In)",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["AP:3/4/5"], mode:"M", slots:2, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:0, pl:5, desc:""}; break; case "LC": - gearweapon = {type:"Laser Cannon", range :"120-360/720",size: sizeletter, l:6,m:7, h:8, traits:["Precise"," Adv"], mode:"D", slots:3, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:0, pl:5, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Laser Cannon", range :"30-360/720",size: sizeletter, l:6,m:7, h:8, traits:["Precise","Advanced"], mode:"D", slots:3, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:0, pl:5, desc:""}; break; case "MG": - gearweapon = {type:"Machine Gun", range :"30-90/180",size: sizeletter, l:3,m:4, h:5, traits:["Burst:2"," Backup"], mode:"D", slots:1, aux:1, location:"Manip,Torso, Shoulder", ammunition:6, pl:1, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Machine Gun", range :"30-90/180",size: sizeletter, l:4,m:5, h:6, traits:["Burst:2","Backup"], mode:"D", slots:1, aux:1, location:"Manip,Torso,Shoulder", ammunition:6, pl:1, desc:""}; break; case "MS": gearweapon = {type:"Morningstar", range :"5 (1in)",size: sizeletter, l:9,m:10, h:11, traits:[""], mode:"M", slots:3, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:0, pl:2, desc:""}; break; case "PZ": - gearweapon = {type:"Panzerfaust", range :"30-60/90",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["AP:2/3/4"," Limited Ammo"," See Desc"], mode:"D", slots:1, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:2, pl:2, + gearweapon = {type:"Panzerfaust", range :"30-60/120",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["AP:2/3/4","Limited Ammo","See Desc"], mode:"D", slots:1, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:2, pl:2, desc:"Panzerfausts are always assumed to be stored on the torso if they are listed on a vehicle’s profile"}; break; case "PA": - gearweapon = {type:"Particle Accelerator", range :"60-240/480",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["Haywire"," Advanced"], mode:"D", slots:3, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:0, pl:6, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Particle Accelerator", range :"30-240/480",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["Haywire","Precise","Advanced"], mode:"D", slots:3, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:0, pl:6, desc:""}; break; case "P": - gearweapon = {type:"Pistol", range :"0-120/240",size: sizeletter, l:6,m:7, h:8, traits:["Precise"," Backup"], mode:"D", slots:1, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:0, pl:1, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Pistol", range :"0-120/240",size: sizeletter, l:6,m:7, h:8, traits:["Precise","Backup"], mode:"D", slots:1, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:6, pl:1, desc:""}; break; case "PL": - gearweapon = {type:"Pulse Laser", range :"60-240/480",size: sizeletter, l:6,m:7, h:8, traits:["Ammo","Burst: 1"," Advanced","or","AP: 2/3/4","Apex"," Advanced"],selector:[2,2,2,1,3,3,3], mode:"D", slots:3, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:0, pl:7, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Pulse Laser", range :"30-180/480",size: sizeletter, l:6,m:7, h:8, traits:["Advanced","Ammo","Burst:1",,"or","AP:1/2/3","Apex"],selector:[1,2,2,1,3,3], mode:"D", slots:3, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:0, pl:7, desc:""}; break; case "RG": - gearweapon = {type:"Railgun", range :"120-480/960",size: sizeletter, l:4,m:5, h:6, traits:["AP:4/5/6"," Advanced"," Precise"], mode:"D", slots:4, aux:2, location:"Manip", ammunition:1, pl:6, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Railgun", range :"60-480/960",size: sizeletter, l:4,m:5, h:6, traits:["AP:3/4/5","Advanced","Precise"], mode:"D", slots:4, aux:2, location:"Manip", ammunition:1, pl:6, desc:""}; break; case "RBZ": - gearweapon = {type:"Rapid Fire Bazooka", range :"60-120/240",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["AP:1/2/3"," Burst:1"], mode:"D", slots:2, aux:1, location:"Manip", ammunition:3, pl:2, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Rapid Fire Bazooka", range :"60-120/240",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["AP:2/3/4","Burst:1"], mode:"D", slots:2, aux:1, location:"Manip", ammunition:3, pl:2, desc:""}; break; case "RS": - gearweapon = {type:"Revisionist Staff", range :"6 (2in)",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["AP:2"," Brawler:1"], mode:"M", slots:3, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:0, pl:5, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Revisionist Staff", range :"6 (2in)",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["AP:2","Brawler:1"], mode:"M", slots:3, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:0, pl:5, desc:""}; break; case "RF": - gearweapon = {type:"Rifle", range :"120-360/720",size: sizeletter, l:6,m:7, h:8, traits:["Precise"], mode:"D", slots:2, aux:1, location:"Manip", ammunition:5, pl:2, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Rifle", range :"60-360/720",size: sizeletter, l:6,m:7, h:8, traits:["Precise"], mode:"D", slots:2, aux:1, location:"Manip", ammunition:5, pl:2, desc:""}; break; case "RP": - gearweapon = {type:"Rocket Pack", range :"60-180/360",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["AoE: 15"," AP:1"," Limited Ammo"," See Desc"], mode:"D, I", slots:2, aux:0, location:"Shoulder,Torso", ammunition:4, pl:3, - desc:"When attacking with this weapon, the user may increase the ammo used on the attack by 1 to add +1d6 to the attack roll against a single target. This may be done multiple times but can only be used once per target."}; + gearweapon = {type:"Rocket Pack", range :"60-180/360",size: sizeletter, l:7, m:8, h:9, traits:["AoE:15","AP:1","Limited Ammo","Salvo"], mode:"D,I", slots:2, aux:0, location:"Shoulder,Torso", ammunition:4, pl:3, + desc:"When reloaded at a base or supply vehicle, a rocket pack can be loaded with torpedos. These work exactly like a rocket pack but can only fire at targets in the water."}; break; case "RC": - gearweapon = {type:"Rotary Cannon", range :"60-180/360",size: sizeletter, l:5,m:6, h:7, traits:["Burst:2"], mode:"D", slots:3, aux:1, location:"Manip", ammunition:5, pl:2, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Rotary Cannon", range :"60-180/360",size: sizeletter, l:6, m:7, h:8, traits:["Burst:2"], mode:"D", slots:3, aux:1, location:"Manip", ammunition:5, pl:2, desc:""}; break; case "RL": - gearweapon = {type:"Rotary Laser", range :"60-180/360",size: sizeletter, l:5,m:6, h:7, traits:["Burst:2"," Advanced"," Forearm"], mode:"D", slots:3, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:0, pl:6, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Rotary Laser", range :"30-180/360",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["Burst:2","Advanced","Forearm"], mode:"D", slots:3, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:0, pl:6, desc:""}; break; case "SY": gearweapon = {type:"Scythe", range :"6 (2in)",size: sizeletter, l:6,m:7, h:8, traits:["AP:2/3/4"], mode:"M", slots:3, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:0, pl:3, desc:""}; break; case "SE": - gearweapon = {type:"Shaped Explosives", range :"0 (0in)",size: sizeletter, l:8,m:9, h:10, traits:["AP:2/3/4"," Demo:4"," Brawler:-1"], mode:"M", slots:2, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:0, pl:2, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Shaped Explosives", range :"0 (0in)",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["AP:2/3/4","Demo:4"], mode:"M", slots:2, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:2, pl:2, desc:""}; break; case "SM": - gearweapon = {type:"Smoke Grenades", range :"0-60/90",size: sizeletter, l:0,m:0, h:0, traits:["AoE: 5/20/25"," Smoke"," Limited Ammo"," See Desc"], mode:"D", slots:1, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:4, pl:1, desc:"Any AoE attack made by this weapon is Smoke and does no damage."}; + gearweapon = {type:"Smoke Grenades", range :"0-60/90",size: sizeletter, l:0,m:0, h:0, traits:["AoE:5/20/25","Smoke","Limited Ammo","See Desc"], mode:"D", slots:1, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:4, pl:1, desc:"Any AoE attack made by this weapon is Smoke and does no damage."}; break; case "SC": - gearweapon = {type:"Snub Cannon", range :"30-90/180",size: sizeletter, l:8,m:9, h:10, traits:["AP:2/3/4"," Demo:3"], mode:"D", slots:2, aux:1, location:"Manip", ammunition:3, pl:2, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Snub Cannon", range :"30-120/180",size: sizeletter, l:8,m:9, h:10, traits:["AP:2/3/4","Demo:3","Precise"], mode:"D", slots:2, aux:1, location:"Manip", ammunition:3, pl:2, desc:""}; break; case "SG": - gearweapon = {type:"Spike Gun", range :"3 (0in)",size: sizeletter, l:6,m:7, h:8, traits:["AP:2/4/6"," Forearm"], mode:"D", slots:1, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:0, pl:2, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Spike Gun", range :"3 (0in)",size: sizeletter, l:6,m:7, h:8, traits:["AP:2/4/6","Forearm"], mode:"D", slots:1, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:0, pl:2, desc:""}; break; case "ST": gearweapon = {type:"Staff", range :"6 (2in)",size: sizeletter, l:6,m:7, h:8, traits:[""], mode:"M", slots:2, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:0, pl:1, desc:""}; break; case "SMG": - gearweapon = {type:"Submachine Gun", range :"0-90/180",size: sizeletter, l:5,m:6, h:7, traits:["Burst:2"," Backup"], mode:"D", slots:1, aux:1, location:"Manip", ammunition:4, pl:1, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Submachine Gun", range :"0-120/180",size: sizeletter, l:5,m:6, h:7, traits:["Burst:2","Backup"], mode:"D", slots:1, aux:1, location:"Manip", ammunition:4, pl:1, desc:""}; break; case "TG": - gearweapon = {type:"Tank Gun", range :"120-360/72",size: sizeletter, l:9,m:10, h:11, traits:["AP:3/4/5"," Demo:2"], mode:"D", slots:6, aux:4, location:"Manip, Torso", ammunition:1, pl:6, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Tank Gun", range :"120-360/720",size: sizeletter, l:9,m:10, h:11, traits:["AP:3/4/5","Demo:2"], mode:"D", slots:6, aux:4, location:"Manip, Torso", ammunition:1, pl:6, desc:""}; break; case "VC": - gearweapon = {type:"Vehicle Claymore", range :"-",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["Spray"," Mine"], mode:"-", slots:0, aux:0, location:"-", ammunition:0, pl:3, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Vehicle Claymore", range :"-",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["Spray","Mine"], mode:"-", slots:0, aux:0, location:"-", ammunition:0, pl:3, desc:""}; break; case "VB": - gearweapon = {type:"Vibro-Blade", range :"3 (0in)",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["AP:1/3/5"," Backup"], mode:"M", slots:1, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:0, pl:1, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Vibro-Blade", range :"3 (0in)",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["AP:1/3/5","Backup"], mode:"M", slots:1, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:0, pl:1, desc:""}; break; case "VK": gearweapon = {type:"Vibro-Katana", range :"3 (0in)",size: sizeletter, l:7,m:8, h:9, traits:["AP:2/4/6"], mode:"M", slots:2, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:0, pl:2, desc:""}; break; case "VR": - gearweapon = {type:"Vibro-Rapier", range :"3 (0in)",size: sizeletter, l:6,m:7, h:8, traits:["Precise"," AP:1/3/5"], mode:"M", slots:2, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:0, pl:2, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"Vibro-Rapier", range :"3 (0in)",size: sizeletter, l:6,m:7, h:8, traits:["Precise","AP:1/3/5"], mode:"M", slots:2, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:0, pl:2, desc:""}; break; case "WH": gearweapon = {type:"Whip", range :"6 (2in)",size: sizeletter, l:5,m:6, h:7, traits:[""], mode:"M", slots:1, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:0, pl:1, desc:""}; break; case "WS": - gearweapon = {type:"White Sand Grenade", range :"0-60/90",size: sizeletter, l:4,m:5, h:6, traits:["AoE:15"," Corrosion"," Limited Ammo"], mode:"D, I", slots:2, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:4, pl:6, desc:""}; + gearweapon = {type:"White Sand Grenade", range :"0-60/90",size: sizeletter, l:4,m:5, h:6, traits:["AoE:15","Corrosion","Limited Ammo"], mode:"D,I", slots:2, aux:0, location:"Manip", ammunition:4, pl:6, desc:""}; break; case "default": gearweapon = {type:" ", range :"",size: sizeletter, l:0,m:0, h:0, traits:[""], mode:"", slots:0, aux:0, location:"", ammunition:0, pl:0, desc:""}; @@ -3489,6 +3590,266 @@

Current Issues

return newArray; }; +on('clicked:damage_stat', function() { + getAttrs(["damage_type_add","damage_lvl"], function(v) { + let input = v["damage_type_add"]; + let lvl = parseInt(v["damage_lvl"]); + statDamage(input,lvl); + }); +}); + +on('clicked:gear_damage_stat', function() { + getAttrs(["gear_damage_type_add","gear_damage_lvl"], function(v) { + let input = v["gear_damage_type_add"]; + let lvl = parseInt(v["gear_damage_lvl"]); + statGearDamage(input,lvl); + }); +}); + +const statDamage = (input,lvl) => { + let damage = damageLookup(input); + var newrowid = generateRowID(); + var newrowattrs = {}; + newrowattrs["repeating_damage_" + newrowid + "_damage_level"] = lvl; + newrowattrs["repeating_damage_" + newrowid + "_damage_name"] = damage.name; + newrowattrs["repeating_damage_" + newrowid + "_damage_effect"] = damage.penalty; + newrowattrs["repeating_damage_" + newrowid + "_damage_deterioration"] = damage.deterioration; + newrowattrs["repeating_damage_" + newrowid + "_damage_fix"] = damage.fix; + if (damage.type == "SYSTEM") { + newrowattrs["repeating_damage_" + newrowid + "_damage_system_check"] = 1; + } else if (damage.type == "SHELL") { + newrowattrs["repeating_damage_" + newrowid + "_damage_shell_check"] = 1; + } + setAttrs(newrowattrs); +} +const statGearDamage = (input,lvl) => { + let damage = damageLookup(input); + var newrowid = generateRowID(); + var newrowattrs = {}; + newrowattrs["repeating_gear-damage_" + newrowid + "_gear_damage_level"] = lvl; + newrowattrs["repeating_gear-damage_" + newrowid + "_gear_damage_name"] = damage.name; + newrowattrs["repeating_gear-damage_" + newrowid + "_gear_damage_effect"] = damage.penalty; + newrowattrs["repeating_gear-damage_" + newrowid + "_gear_damage_deterioration"] = damage.deterioration; + newrowattrs["repeating_gear-damage_" + newrowid + "_gear_damage_fix"] = damage.fix; + if (damage.type == "NONE") { + newrowattrs["repeating_damage_" + newrowid + "_gear_damage_integrity"] = 0; + } else { + newrowattrs["repeating_damage_" + newrowid + "_gear_damage_integrity"] = 1; + } + setAttrs(newrowattrs); +} + +const damageLookup = (input) => { + let damage = {}; + switch (input) { + case "Anger": + damage = {name:"Anger",type:"SHELL", + penalty: "Past trauma, an injury, or slights (real or imagined) have\ + caused the character to lose their cool. They suffer a -1d6\ + penalty to actions that require them to think before acting\ + but will only face half the penalty (round down) when\ + committing a violent act.", + deterioration:"The character suffers an additional -1d6 each time the same stimulus happens.", + fix:" Removing the cause of the anger will take away -1d6 immediately. A character can also take a\ + round to try and calm themselves down and make\ + an Endependent Roll at Difficulty 4, but failure will\ + add another -1d6. For disagreements the character\ + may need to have a third-party help calm things\ + down. Other characters can “talk them down”, with\ + a successful skill roll Numbing -1d6 of penalty\ + for that game session. Generally, any anger that\ + reaches -3d6 or more will not be solved simply\ + by stepping out of the room and regaining their\ + composure, and will require some catalyst to solve\ + it such as an apology, mediation, or counseling.\ + Lashing out at the target will Numb the damage\ + entirely for the remainder of that scene and the\ + next, but if the same stimulus happens again\ + without some kind of intervention the character\ + immediately returns to their highest anger damage result."}; + break; + + case "Bleeding": + damage = {name:"Bleeding",type:"SYSTEM", + penalty: "The character will feel weak and drained. The action\ + penalty applies to phyiscal actions or motion.", + deterioration:"The damage result increases by 1 for\ + every 30 minutes this is not treated", + fix:" Any charater can apply pressure to the wound,\ + so long as this is applied the Deteroration will not\ + occur."}; + break; + + case "Blinded": + damage = {name:"Blinded",type:"SYSTEM", + penalty: "A partially blinded character suffers the action penalty\ + to anything that requires sight, and cannot attempt\ + some skills at all. One advantage of Datagloves and HUI\ + systems is that they allow users to make gesture-based\ + commands, so it may still be possible for a character to\ + take some actions while “fighting blind”.", + deterioration:"", + fix:"characters blinded by bright lights (be it a\ + spotlight, or a laser aimed at them while using an\ + IR visor) will have to remove the stimulus or shield\ + their eyes. After this they will recover -1d6 of this\ + result per round. A character blinded by chemicals,\ + dirt, or sand, will have to wash or wipe their eyes\ + clean before recovering. Characters blinded by\ + damage to their eyes will have to seek medical\ + help. Permanent blinding can be healed in a genetic\ + therapy clinic but will take a full season."}; + break; + + case "Brain Injury": + damage = {name:"Brain Injury*",type:"SYSTEM", + penalty: "The character suffers the damage result to all skill tests\ + involving thinking or problem solving. A penalty of 3d6\ + is applied to all motion related actions in addition to\ + this. This result cannot be healed during an intermission\ + action.", + deterioration:"If not treated, the action penalty and\ + penatly to motion increase by 1d6 every hour", + fix:" Brain injuries are not easy to treat. A [W] is not\ + sufficent to address a brain injury; a surgeon and\ + hospital is required. Even then it will take months\ + or years to fully recover. The rate of recovery is 1d6\ + per season"}; + break; + + case "Burned": + damage = {name:"Burned*",type:"SYSTEM", + penalty: "The character suffers the damage results to all skill\ + tests involving motion. Multiple instances of this result\ + combine for a single large damage result", + deterioration:" -1d6 or -2d6 burns will Deteriorate\ + in 24 hours. -3d6 and above will deteriorate hourly\ + without dressings", + fix:" Dressings, antiseptics, and pain medication.\ + For -2d6 or -3d6 burns, skin grafts will be needed\ + for healing. Burns will heal in a hospital at a rate\ + of five days per d6 of burn for each dice removed,\ + so a -2d6 burn requires ten days to be reduced to\ + -1d6, and five more to be healed entirely. Outside of\ + hospital conditions, a character may be left scarred\ + by burns and could even gain the Ugly flaw if the\ + damage is bad enough."}; + break; + + case "Combat Fatigue": + damage = {name:"Combat Fatigue",type:"SHELL", + penalty: "The character gains an adversity called Combat Fatigue.\ + It is applied to every skill test and has a penalty of 3d6\ + instead of the normal 1d6 for an adversity. The character\ + is extemely irritable, depressed, and generally seems less\ + alert overall.", + deterioration:"", + fix:"Combat fatigue will improve by 1d6 every 2\ + weeks with rest and removal from the situation."}; + break; + + case "Concussion": + damage = {name:"Concussion",type:"SYSTEM", + penalty: "The character suffers an action penalty to their thought\ + processes and any skill tests that requires knowlege or\ + memory. Muscle memory actions such as attacking are\ + unafffected.", + deterioration:"", + fix:"Concussions will go away after a week per\ + action penalty."}; + break; + + + case "Deafened": + damage = {name:"Deafened",type:"SYSTEM", + penalty: "The character suffers a -1d6 penalty to all actions that\ + benefit from sound such as seeking a hidden foe, treating\ + a patient, or haggling with a trader. actions that are entirely\ + dependent on hearing, such as radio conversations,\ + are impossible. While they won’t suffer a penalty when\ + fighting, they do suffer a loss of combat awareness and\ + will take the deafened action penalty to their initiative.", + deterioration:"", + fix:"A character temporarily deafened - such as\ + from a flash bang grenade - will have their hearing\ + come back in 1 minute per MoS of the action that\ + deafened them. Permanent hearing damage will\ + require care in a hospital and a week of regenerative\ + therapy to remove."}; + break; + + case "Dehydrated": + damage = {name:"Dehydrated",type:"SYSTEM", + penalty: "The character suffers -1d6 when they fail a survival roll\ + in high heat conditions or are denied access to water\ + for a prolonged period. People can become dehydrated\ + even in wet environments or when drinking water “if\ + they overexert themselves.. A well-made desert suit will\ + prevent this result, but someone foolish with their water\ + can still get into trouble in the harsh sands.", + deterioration:"Each additional 24 hours dehydration\ + is not fixed, the character will suffer another -1d6\ + penalty.", + fix:"Hydrate with water or other liquid. Each liter\ + taken (slowly) will remove one dice of penalty. At\ + -4d6 the character will need intravenous fluids to\ + recover."}; + break; + + case "ENCUMBURED": + damage = {name:"ENCUMBURED",type:"SYSTEM", + penalty: "", + deterioration:"", + fix:""}; + break; + + case "default": + damage = {name:"",type:"", + penalty: "", + deterioration:"", + fix:""}; + break; + + case "default": + damage = {name:"",type:"", + penalty: "", + deterioration:"", + fix:""}; + break; + + case "default": + damage = {name:"",type:"", + penalty: "", + deterioration:"", + fix:""}; + break; + + case "default": + damage = {name:"",type:"", + penalty: "", + deterioration:"", + fix:""}; + break; + + case "default": + damage = {name:"",type:"", + penalty: "", + deterioration:"", + fix:""}; + break; + + + case "default": + damage = {name:"",type:"", + penalty: "", + deterioration:"", + fix:""}; + break; + } + return damage; +} + + //calculators @@ -3563,8 +3924,15 @@

Current Issues

}; } else if (traitList[trait] < 0) {// if triat is less than 0, make it trait:-x traitString += capitalise(`${trait}:${traitList[trait]}, `); + if (selectList[trait] == 1) { + select1 += capitalise(`${trait}:${traitList[trait]}, `); + } else if (selectList[trait] == 2) { + select2 += capitalise(`${trait}:${traitList[trait]}, `); + } else if (selectList[trait] == 3) { + select3 += capitalise(`${trait}:${traitList[trait]}, `); + } if (trait == 'aoe') {//change , to m, - traitString = traitString.replace(/,/g, "m, "); + traitString = traitString.replace(/,/g, "m, "); }; } //console.log("select 1 "+select1); @@ -3589,12 +3957,13 @@

Current Issues

// --- Damage Calulations --- on('change:repeating_damage remove:repeating_damage sheet:opened', function() { //calculates total damage - repeatingSum(["damage_shell","damage_system"],"damage",["damage_shell_check","damage_system_check", "damage_level"]); + repeatingSum("damage_shell","damage",["damage_shell_check", "damage_level"],'multiplier:damage_shell_check|-1','damage_shell_max'); + repeatingSum("damage_system","damage",["damage_system_check", "damage_level"],'multiplier:damage_system_check|-1','damage_system_max'); }); on('change:repeating_gear-damage remove:repeating_gear-damage sheet:opened', function() { //calculates gear damage - repeatingSum("gear_damage_total","gear-damage",["gear_damage_level", "gear_damage_integrity"]); -}); + repeatingSum("gear_hi","gear-damage",["gear_damage_level", "gear_damage_integrity"],'multiplier:gear_damage_level|-1','gear_hi_max'); +}); // ----- Burden Calculations ----- @@ -3602,7 +3971,7 @@

Current Issues

repeatingSum("weapon_burden_total","weapon",["weapon_burden"]); //calculate weapon burden }); - + on('change:repeating_personal-equipment sheet:opened', function() { //calculates burden repeatingSum("personal_equipment_burden_total","personal-equipment",["personal_equipment_burden"]); }); @@ -3611,10 +3980,14 @@

Current Issues

domains.forEach(function (domain) { // roll buttons for skill section on("clicked:repeating_skills-" + domain + ":tumble", function () { getAttrs(["whisper","repeating_skills-"+domain+"_skill_name","name_"+domain,"repeating_skills-" +domain+"_skill_level", - "expertise_"+domain,"bonus_dice","tn","tn_bonus","reliable","repeating_skills-"+domain+"_skill_familiar"], (values) => { + "expertise_"+domain,"expertise_check","bonus_dice","tn","tn_bonus","reliable","repeating_skills-"+domain+"_skill_familiar"], (values) => { let whisper = values["whisper"]; let names = [values["repeating_skills-"+domain+"_skill_name"],values["name_"+domain]]; let expertise = parseInt(values["expertise_"+domain]); + let expertiseCheck = parseInt(values["expertise_check"]); + if (expertiseCheck != 1) { + expertise = 0; + } let dice = parseIntArray([values["repeating_skills-" +domain+"_skill_level"],values["bonus_dice"]]); let tn = parseIntArray([values["tn"],values["tn_bonus"]]); let reliabledice = parseIntArray([values["reliable"],values["repeating_skills-"+domain+"_skill_familiar"]]) ; @@ -3627,10 +4000,14 @@

Current Issues

gearSkills.forEach(function (gearSkills) { // roll buttons for gear skills on("clicked:repeating_skills-"+ gearSkills + ":geartumble", function () { getAttrs(["whisper","repeating_skills-"+gearSkills+"_skill_name","name_"+gearSkills,"repeating_skills-" +gearSkills+"_skill_level", - "expertise_"+gearSkills,"bonus_dice","tn","tn_bonus","gear_"+gearSkills,"reliable","repeating_skills-"+gearSkills+"_skill_familiar"], (values) => { + "expertise_"+gearSkills,"expertise_check","bonus_dice","tn","tn_bonus","gear_"+gearSkills,"reliable","repeating_skills-"+gearSkills+"_skill_familiar"], (values) => { let whisper = values["whisper"]; let names = [values["repeating_skills-"+gearSkills+"_skill_name"],values["name_"+gearSkills]]; let expertise = parseInt(values["expertise_"+gearSkills]); + let expertiseCheck = parseInt(values["expertise_check"]); + if (expertiseCheck != 1) { + expertise = 0; + } let dice = parseIntArray([values["repeating_skills-" +gearSkills+"_skill_level"],values["bonus_dice"]]); let tn = parseIntArray([values["tn"],values["gear_"+gearSkills],values["tn_bonus"]]); let reliabledice = parseIntArray([values["reliable"],values["repeating_skills-"+gearSkills+"_skill_familiar"]]) ; @@ -3642,10 +4019,14 @@

Current Issues

gearSkills.forEach(function (gearSkills) { // roll buttons for gear skills NPC on("clicked:geartumble_"+ gearSkills, function () { getAttrs(["whisper","gear_"+gearSkills+"_skill", - "gear_"+gearSkills+"_expertise","bonus_dice","tn","tn_bonus","gear_"+gearSkills,"reliable"], (values) => { + "gear_"+gearSkills+"_expertise","expertise_check","bonus_dice","tn","tn_bonus","gear_"+gearSkills,"reliable"], (values) => { let whisper = values["whisper"]; let names = [capitalise(gearSkills) ,gearSkills]; let expertise = parseInt(values["gear_"+gearSkills+"_expertise"]); + let expertiseCheck = parseInt(values["expertise_check"]); + if (expertiseCheck != 1) { + expertise = 0; + } let dice = parseIntArray([values["gear_"+gearSkills+"_skill"],values["bonus_dice"]]); let tn = parseIntArray([values["tn"],values["gear_"+gearSkills],values["tn_bonus"]]); let reliabledice = parseIntArray([values["reliable"]]) ; @@ -3657,10 +4038,14 @@

Current Issues

on("clicked:repeating_weapon:tumble", function () { //roll for personal weapons getAttrs(["whisper","repeating_weapon_weapon_name","repeating_weapon_weapon_domain","repeating_weapon_skill_level", - "repeating_weapon_weapon_expertise","bonus_dice","tn","tn_bonus","reliable","repeating_weapon_skill_familiar"], (values) => { + "repeating_weapon_weapon_expertise","expertise_check" ,"bonus_dice","tn","tn_bonus","reliable","repeating_weapon_skill_familiar"], (values) => { let whisper = values["whisper"]; let names = [values["repeating_weapon_weapon_name"],values["repeating_weapon_weapon_domain"]]; let expertise = parseInt(values["repeating_weapon_weapon_expertise"]); + let expertiseCheck = parseInt(values["expertise_check"]); + if (expertiseCheck != 1) { + expertise = 0; + } let dice = parseIntArray([values["repeating_weapon_skill_level"],values["bonus_dice"]]); let tn = parseIntArray([values["tn"],values["tn_bonus"]]); let reliabledice = parseIntArray([values["reliable"],values["repeating_weapon_skill_familiar"]]) ; @@ -3671,7 +4056,7 @@

Current Issues

on("clicked:repeating_gearweapon:tumble", function () {//roller for gear weapons getAttrs(["whisper","repeating_gearweapon_gear_weapon_type","repeating_gearweapon_gear_weapon_domain", - "repeating_gearweapon_gear_skill_level","bonus_dice","tn","tn_bonus", + "repeating_gearweapon_gear_skill_level","bonus_dice","tn","tn_bonus","expertise_check", "reliable","repeating_gearweapon_gear_weapon_skill_familiar", "repeating_gearweapon_gear_weapon_damage", "repeating_gearweapon_gear_weapon_traits", "repeating_gearweapon_gear_weapon_traits_ammo_selector", "repeating_gearweapon_gear_weapon_traits_selector_2" , "repeating_gearweapon_gear_weapon_traits_selector_3","repeating_gearweapon_gear_weapon_traits_ammo","repeating_gearweapon_gear_weapon_ammo","repeating_gearweapon_gear_weapon_ammo_max", @@ -3691,6 +4076,10 @@

Current Issues

expertise = parseInt(values["expertise_electronicwarfare"]); geartn = (values["gear_electronicwarfare"]); } + let expertiseCheck = parseInt(values["expertise_check"]); + if (expertiseCheck != 1) { + expertise = 0; + } let whisper = values["whisper"]; let names = [values["repeating_gearweapon_gear_weapon_type"],values["repeating_gearweapon_gear_weapon_domain"]]; let dice = parseIntArray([values["repeating_gearweapon_gear_skill_level"],values["bonus_dice"]]); @@ -4022,12 +4411,11 @@

Current Issues

} else { blast = 0; } - let advancedindex = traitcalcs.indexOf("Advanced");//'corrosion', targets gain corrosion condition, take 1 damage at end of turn + let advancedindex = traitcalcs.indexOf("Advanced");//'advanced', cannot pickup and used let advanced = 0; - let advancedroll = ""; if (advancedindex > 0) { advanced = 1; - advancedroll = "+1"; + traittext = traittext.concat("Advanced: This weapon but must be connected to a power source, usually the vehicle’s engine. If not connected it cannot be fired. This connection takes 1 hour of time working on the vehicle and is not something that can be done in combat.\n") ; } else { advanced = 0; } @@ -4110,7 +4498,19 @@

Current Issues

} else { burst = 0; } - + //brace + let braceindex = traitcalcs.indexOf("Brace");//'brace', free aim if Stationary, Dug in, or Braced + let brace = 0; + let bracequestion = ""; + let braceexpression = ""; + let braceroll = ""; + if (braceindex > 0) { + brace = 1; + traittext = traittext.concat("Brace: Free aim if Stationary, Dug in, or Braced\n") ; + } else { + brace = 0; + } + let corrosionindex = traitcalcs.indexOf("Corrosion");//'corrosion', targets gain corrosion condition, take 1 damage at end of turn let corrosion = 0; if (corrosionindex > 0) { @@ -4131,9 +4531,9 @@

Current Issues

demoquestion = ""; } - let fireindex = traitcalcs.indexOf("Fire");//'fire', The first damage result this weapon deals is either Burned or On Fire. In addition, if the attack hit, roll Xd6 after the attack is resolved. For each 4+ the target sustains 1 additional damage. Any area of effect hit by this attack is now on fire. + let fireindex = traitcalcs.indexOf("Fire");//'fire', The first damage result this weapon deals is either Burned or On Fire. In addition, if the attack hit, roll Xd6 after the attack is resolved. For each 4+ the target sustains 1 additional damage. let fire = 0; - let fireroll = "0"; + let fireroll = "-1"; if (fireindex > 0) { fireindex += 5; console.log("fireindex:"+traitcalcs.charAt(fireindex)); @@ -4260,26 +4660,30 @@

Current Issues

} else { spray = 0; } - //'see_desc' not used - let salvo = 0; - let salvoexpression = ""; + let salvoindex = traitcalcs.indexOf("Salvo");//'salvo' + let salvoexpression = ""; let salvoquestion = ""; - let salvoroll = ""; + let salvoroll = ""; + + let salvo = 0; + if (salvoindex > 0) { + salvo = 1; + salvoquestion = "?{Rocket Salvo: Use extra ammo?\nAmmo Remaining "+currentAmmunition+"|0}"; + salvoexpression = "+"+salvoquestion+"(Salvo)"; + salvoroll = "+"+salvoquestion; + traittext = traittext.concat("Salvo: When attacking with this weapon, the user may increase the ammo used on the attack by 1 to \ + add +1d6 to the attack roll against a single target. This may be done multiple times, but can only be used once per target.\n") ; + } else { + salvo = 0; + } + +//'see_desc' not used let seedescindex = traitcalcs.indexOf("See desc");//'see_desc', not used\ console.log("seedescindex:"+seedescindex); let seedesc = 0; if (seedescindex > 0) { - seedesc = 1; - if (weaponname == "Rocket Pack" || weaponname == "Rocket Pod"){//can change see desc according to weapon name - salvo = 1; - salvoquestion = "?{Rocket Salvo: Use extra ammo?\nAmmo Remaining "+currentAmmunition+"|0}"; - salvoexpression = "+"+salvoquestion+"(Salvo)"; - salvoroll = "+"+salvoquestion; - traittext = traittext.concat("See Description for more details.\n") ; - } else { - traittext = traittext.concat("See Description for more details.\n") ; - } + traittext = traittext.concat("See Description for more details.\n") ; } else { seedesc = 0; } @@ -4349,7 +4753,7 @@

Current Issues

console.log(weaponname, domain, "lv:"+ skilllevel, "Ex:"+ expertise,bonus,"tn:"+ tn,tnBonus,"Rel:"+ reliable); startRoll(whisper+"&{template:weapondiceroll} {{title=@{character_name} using "+weaponname+" }} \ {{subtitle= Expertise ("+domain+"):"+expertise+" TN("+tn+") "+ammunitionString+"\n ("+skilllevel+"(Skill) +"+bonus+"(Bonus))+ "+reliable+"(Reliable)"+traitexpression+"+1(Base) \n Traits="+traitstring+" }} \ - {{roll=[[("+diceRoll+"+"+traitroll+"+1)"+rollexpression+""+preciseroll+""+advancedroll+"]] }} {{MOS=[[0]]}} {{doubles=[["+expertise+"]]}} {{reliable=[["+reliable+"]]}} \ + {{roll=[[("+diceRoll+"+"+traitroll+"+1)"+rollexpression+""+preciseroll+"]] }} {{MOS=[[0]]}} {{doubles=[["+expertise+"]]}} {{reliable=[["+reliable+"]]}} \ {{six=[[6]]}} {{five=[[5]]}} {{four=[[4]]}} {{three=[[3]]}} {{two=[[2]]}} {{one=[[1]]}} \ {{changedsix=[[6]]}} {{changedfive=[[5]]}} {{changedfour=[[4]]}} {{changedthree=[[3]]}} {{changedtwo=[[2]]}} {{changedone=[[1]]}} \ {{damageroll=[["+damage+"+"+apex+"]]}} {{firedamage=[["+fireroll+"]]}} {{precice=[["+preciseroll+"+0]]}} {{AP=[["+ap+"]]}} {{traits="+traittext+"}} \ @@ -4451,7 +4855,7 @@

Current Issues

}; }; }; - total = total + MOS + advanced+ precicerolldice;//precise is only in optimalrange + total = total + MOS + precicerolldice;//precise is only in optimalrange MOS = total - tn; console.log("temp:"+tempArray,"reliable+:"+reliableArray); diff --git a/Pathfinder Community/pathfinder_community.css b/Pathfinder Community/pathfinder_community.css index c3562d90f20b..7cabe9ba50e3 100644 --- a/Pathfinder Community/pathfinder_community.css +++ b/Pathfinder Community/pathfinder_community.css @@ -1,8 +1,4 @@ -/* @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Ubuntu|Roboto+Mono|Open+Sans|Lato&display=swap'); */ -@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Ubuntu:ital,wght@0,400;0,700;1,400;1,700&display=swap'); -@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Roboto+Mono:ital,wght@0,400;0,700;1,400;1,700&display=swap'); -@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Open+Sans:ital,wght@0,400;0,700;1,400;1,700&display=swap'); -@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Lato:ital,wght@0,400;0,700;1,400;1,700&display=swap'); +@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Ubuntu:ital,wght@0,400;0,700;1,400;1,700|Roboto+Mono:ital,wght@0,400;0,700;1,400;1,700|Open+Sans:ital,wght@0,400;0,700;1,400;1,700|Lato:ital,wght@0,400;0,700;1,400;1,700&display=swap'); .charsheet summary { display: list-item; diff --git a/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/af.json b/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/af.json index f9899aa36160..562a7969a037 100644 --- a/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/af.json +++ b/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/af.json @@ -80,5 +80,8 @@ "close": "Close", "near": "Near", "long": "Long", - "notes": "Notes" + "notes": "Notes", + "object": "Object", + "quantity": "Quantity", + "description": "Description" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/ca.json b/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/ca.json index f9899aa36160..562a7969a037 100644 --- a/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/ca.json +++ b/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/ca.json @@ -80,5 +80,8 @@ "close": "Close", "near": "Near", "long": "Long", - "notes": "Notes" + "notes": "Notes", + "object": "Object", + "quantity": "Quantity", + "description": "Description" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/cs.json b/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/cs.json index f9899aa36160..562a7969a037 100644 --- a/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/cs.json +++ b/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/cs.json @@ -80,5 +80,8 @@ "close": "Close", "near": "Near", "long": "Long", - "notes": "Notes" + "notes": "Notes", + "object": "Object", + "quantity": "Quantity", + "description": "Description" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/da.json b/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/da.json index f9899aa36160..562a7969a037 100644 --- a/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/da.json +++ b/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/da.json @@ -80,5 +80,8 @@ "close": "Close", "near": "Near", "long": "Long", - "notes": "Notes" + "notes": "Notes", + "object": "Object", + "quantity": "Quantity", + "description": "Description" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/de.json b/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/de.json index f9899aa36160..562a7969a037 100644 --- a/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/de.json +++ b/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/de.json @@ -80,5 +80,8 @@ "close": "Close", "near": "Near", "long": "Long", - "notes": "Notes" + "notes": "Notes", + "object": "Object", + "quantity": "Quantity", + "description": "Description" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/el.json b/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/el.json index f9899aa36160..562a7969a037 100644 --- a/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/el.json +++ b/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/el.json @@ -80,5 +80,8 @@ "close": "Close", "near": "Near", "long": "Long", - "notes": "Notes" + "notes": "Notes", + "object": "Object", + "quantity": "Quantity", + "description": "Description" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/en.json b/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/en.json index f9899aa36160..562a7969a037 100644 --- a/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/en.json +++ b/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/en.json @@ -80,5 +80,8 @@ "close": "Close", "near": "Near", "long": "Long", - "notes": "Notes" + "notes": "Notes", + "object": "Object", + "quantity": "Quantity", + "description": "Description" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/es.json b/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/es.json index 717cbe7bcf81..a52a14243e2c 100644 --- a/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/es.json +++ b/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/es.json @@ -80,5 +80,8 @@ "close": "Cerca", "near": "Medio Alcance", "long": "Larga", - "notes": "Notas" + "notes": "Notas", + "object": "Object", + "quantity": "Quantity", + "description": "Description" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/fi.json b/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/fi.json index f9899aa36160..562a7969a037 100644 --- a/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/fi.json +++ b/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/fi.json @@ -80,5 +80,8 @@ "close": "Close", "near": "Near", "long": "Long", - "notes": "Notes" + "notes": "Notes", + "object": "Object", + "quantity": "Quantity", + "description": "Description" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/fr.json b/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/fr.json index f9899aa36160..562a7969a037 100644 --- a/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/fr.json +++ b/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/fr.json @@ -80,5 +80,8 @@ "close": "Close", "near": "Near", "long": "Long", - "notes": "Notes" + "notes": "Notes", + "object": "Object", + "quantity": "Quantity", + "description": "Description" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/he.json b/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/he.json index f9899aa36160..562a7969a037 100644 --- a/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/he.json +++ b/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/he.json @@ -80,5 +80,8 @@ "close": "Close", "near": "Near", "long": "Long", - "notes": "Notes" + "notes": "Notes", + "object": "Object", + "quantity": "Quantity", + "description": "Description" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/hu.json b/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/hu.json index f9899aa36160..562a7969a037 100644 --- a/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/hu.json +++ b/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/hu.json @@ -80,5 +80,8 @@ "close": "Close", "near": "Near", "long": "Long", - "notes": "Notes" + "notes": "Notes", + "object": "Object", + "quantity": "Quantity", + "description": "Description" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/it.json b/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/it.json index f9899aa36160..562a7969a037 100644 --- a/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/it.json +++ b/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/it.json @@ -80,5 +80,8 @@ "close": "Close", "near": "Near", "long": "Long", - "notes": "Notes" + "notes": "Notes", + "object": "Object", + "quantity": "Quantity", + "description": "Description" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/ja.json b/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/ja.json index f9899aa36160..562a7969a037 100644 --- a/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/ja.json +++ b/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/ja.json @@ -80,5 +80,8 @@ "close": "Close", "near": "Near", "long": "Long", - "notes": "Notes" + "notes": "Notes", + "object": "Object", + "quantity": "Quantity", + "description": "Description" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/ko.json b/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/ko.json index f9899aa36160..562a7969a037 100644 --- a/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/ko.json +++ b/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/ko.json @@ -80,5 +80,8 @@ "close": "Close", "near": "Near", "long": "Long", - "notes": "Notes" + "notes": "Notes", + "object": "Object", + "quantity": "Quantity", + "description": "Description" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/nl.json b/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/nl.json index f9899aa36160..562a7969a037 100644 --- a/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/nl.json +++ b/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/nl.json @@ -80,5 +80,8 @@ "close": "Close", "near": "Near", "long": "Long", - "notes": "Notes" + "notes": "Notes", + "object": "Object", + "quantity": "Quantity", + "description": "Description" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/pb.json b/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/pb.json index f9899aa36160..562a7969a037 100644 --- a/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/pb.json +++ b/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/pb.json @@ -80,5 +80,8 @@ "close": "Close", "near": "Near", "long": "Long", - "notes": "Notes" + "notes": "Notes", + "object": "Object", + "quantity": "Quantity", + "description": "Description" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/pl.json b/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/pl.json index f9899aa36160..5626629d67ce 100644 --- a/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/pl.json +++ b/Trail of Cthulhu/translations/pl.json @@ -1,84 +1,87 @@ { - "name": "Name", - "occupation": "Occupation", - "drive": "Drive", - "occupational-benefits": "Occupational Benefits", - "sanity": "Sanity", - "pillars-of-sanity": "Pillars of Sanity", - 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content: ""; + position: absolute; + height: 500px; + width: 650px; + background-image: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Warlock%20Polish%20Edition/Images/name.png); + background-position: bottom left; + background-size: contain; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + bottom: -28px; + left: 0; + z-index: -1; +} + +.character-details__avatar { + position: relative; + padding: 42px 132px 112px 82px; + margin-left: -24px; + width: 534px; + min-width: 534px; + height: 457px; + box-sizing: border-box; + z-index: -1; + margin-top: -10px; +} + +.character-details__avatar img { + height: 306px; + object-fit: cover; +} + +.character-details__avatar label { + position: absolute; + bottom: 135px; + left: 132px; + font-size: 40px; + transform: rotate(-6deg); +} + +.sheet-darkmode .character-details__avatar label { + color: #231f20; +} + +.character-details__avatar::before { + content: ""; + position: absolute; + top: 0; + left: 0; + right: 0; + bottom: 0; + background-image: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Warlock%20Polish%20Edition/Images/avatar.png); + background-position: top center; + background-size: contain; + background-repeat: no-repeat; +} + +.sheet-darkmode .character-details__avatar::before { + background-image: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Warlock%20Polish%20Edition/Images/avatar-darkmode.png); +} + +.books-img { + width: 200px; + position: absolute; + right: 64px; + top: 60px; +} + +.title { + padding: 80px 40px 55px; + font-size: 40px; + text-align: center; + font-weight: 400; + background-image: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Warlock%20Polish%20Edition/Images/ribbon.png); + background-position: center; + background-size: contain; + background-repeat: no-repeat; +} + +.title span { + display: block; + transform: rotate(-6deg); +} + +.title__subtitle { + font-size: 20px; +} + +.character-details__num-label { + display: flex; + margin-bottom: 14px; + align-items: center; +} + +.character-details__num-label label { + font-size: 36px; + margin-right: 12px; + line-height: 36px; + margin-bottom: 0; +} + +.charsheet .character-details__num-label input[type="number"] { + width: 70px; + border: 1px dotted #231f20; + border-radius: 8px; +} + +.charsheet .character-details__num-label input[type="number"]:first-of-type { + padding-right: 8px; + margin-right: -8px; +} + +.charsheet .character-details__num-label input[type="number"]:last-of-type { + position: relative; + z-index: 2; +} + +.sheet-darkmode .charsheet .character-details__num-label input[type="number"] { + border: 1px dotted #fff; +} + +.character-traits__row .col-4 .character-traits__label { + margin: 0 -8px; + margin-bottom: 4px; +} + +.character-traits__label { + display: flex; + align-items: center; + margin-bottom: 4px; +} + +.character-traits__label label { + font-size: 22px; + margin-bottom: 0; + white-space: nowrap; +} + +.character-traits__label input { + width: 100%; + line-height: 28px; + font-size: 22px; +} + +.attributes__label { + display: flex; + justify-content: space-between; + margin-bottom: 4px; +} + +.attributes__label-inner { + display: flex; + justify-content: flex-start; + align-items: center; +} + +.charsheet .attributes__label button[type="action"] { + margin: 0 6px 0; + white-space: nowrap; + padding: 4px; + font-size: 18px; + min-width: 136px; + text-align: left; +} + +.charsheet .attributes__label input[type="number"] { + width: 52px; + font-size: 22px; + line-height: 26px; +} + +.character-sheet .attributes__label-radio label { + display: none; + cursor: pointer; + font-size: 26px; + margin: auto; + padding: 2px; + width: 16px; + height: 16px; + border-radius: 100%; + border: 1px solid #231f20; + align-items: center; + justify-content: center; + font-family: cursive; + -webkit-user-select: none; + -ms-user-select: none; + user-select: none; +} + +.sheet-darkmode .character-sheet .attributes__label-radio label { + border-color: #fff; +} + +.charsheet .attributes__label-radio input { + display: none; +} + +.charsheet .attributes__label-radio input:checked + label { + display: flex; + z-index: 1; + position: relative; +} + +.charsheet .attributes__label-radio input[value="0"] + label { + color: grey; +} + +.charsheet .attributes__label-radio input[value="/"] + label { + color: maroon; +} + +.charsheet .attributes__label-radio input[value="x"] + label { + color: darkgreen; +} + +.charsheet .weapons-used-box { + display: flex; + justify-content: space-between; + align-items: center; + margin: -24px 0; +} + +.weapons-used-box .title { + min-width: 51%; + font-size: 29px; + padding: 70px 40px 55px; +} + +.charsheet input[type="number"].upgrade-points__input { + width: 52px; + height: 52px; + border-radius: 100%; + border: 1px solid #231f20; + padding-left: 14px; + font-size: 34px; + padding-bottom: 4px; +} + +.sheet-darkmode input[type="number"].upgrade-points__input { + border-color: #fff; +} + +.charsheet .upgrade-points__label { + font-size: 20px; + text-transform: uppercase; + white-space: nowrap; + margin: 0; +} + +.sword-textarea { + position: relative; +} + +.charsheet .sword-textarea textarea { + padding-right: 58px; +} + +.sword-textarea img { + position: absolute; + right: 6px; + top: -30px; + object-fit: cover; + bottom: 0; + max-height: 220px; +} + +.notes-background { + position: relative; + padding: 90px 0; + margin: 40px 0; + text-align: center; +} + +.notes-background::after { + content: ""; + position: absolute; + top: 0; + right: 0; + bottom: 0; + left: 0; + background-image: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Warlock%20Polish%20Edition/Images/axe.png); + background-position: top center; + background-size: contain; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + z-index: 1; +} + +.notes-background textarea { + width: 92%; + margin: auto; + position: relative; + z-index: 2; +} + +/* Chrome, Safari, Edge, Opera */ +.character-sheet .attributes-container__box input::-webkit-outer-spin-button, +.character-sheet .attributes-container__box input::-webkit-inner-spin-button { + -webkit-appearance: none; + margin: 0; +} + +/* Firefox */ +.character-sheet .attributes-container__box input[type=number] { + -moz-appearance: textfield; +} + + + +/* Roll Template */ +.sheet-rolltemplate-warlock { + padding-top: 64px; +} +.sheet-rolltemplate-warlock .sheet-template-wrap { + background-color: #fff; + border: 2px solid #231f20; + font-family: 'Mops', cursive; + color: #231f20; + position: relative; + padding: 32px 5px 5px; + margin-top: 38px; + max-width: 200px; + margin: 0 auto 15px; +} + +.sheet-rolltemplate-darkmode.sheet-rolltemplate-warlock .sheet-template-wrap { + background: #231f20; + color: #fff; + border: 2px solid #606060; +} + +.sheet-rolltemplate-warlock .sheet-template-header { + font-size: 24px; + text-align: center; + padding: 55px 0 34px; + background-image: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Roll20/roll20-character-sheets/master/Warlock%20Polish%20Edition/Images/ribbon.png); + background-position: center; + background-size: contain; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + position: absolute; + top: -66px; + left: -62px; + right: -59px; +} + +.sheet-rolltemplate-warlock .sheet-template-header span { + display: block; + transform: rotate(-6deg); +} + +.sheet-rolltemplate-warlock .sheet-template-header a { + color: #231f20; +} + +.sheet-rolltemplate-warlock .sheet-template-roll-results-title { + font-size: 24px; + text-align: center; + padding: 4px 0px; + margin-bottom: 8px; +} + +.sheet-rolltemplate-warlock .sheet-template-roll-results { + display: flex; + align-items: center; + text-align: center; + justify-content: space-between; + text-transform: uppercase; + font-size: 28px; + padding-left: 10px; + margin-bottom: 6px; +} + +.sheet-rolltemplate-warlock .sheet-template-roll-results span.inlinerollresult { + width: 100%; + display: inline-block; + margin: 0; + border: 0; + padding: 0; + text-align: center; + line-height: 36px; + background: transparent; + font-size: 26px; + color: #231f20; + padding-right: 5px; + width: auto; +} + +.sheet-rolltemplate-warlock .sheet-template-d20 { + background-image: url(https://imgsrv.roll20.net/?src=https%3A//raw.githubusercontent.com/Velczer/CharacterSheets/master/Warlock/Images/d20.png); + background-size: contain; + background-position: center; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + padding: 42px 45px; + margin: auto; +} + +.sheet-rolltemplate-warlock .sheet-template-d20 span.inlinerollresult { + font-size: 32px; + padding-right: 0; + font-weight: normal; +} + +.sheet-rolltemplate-darkmode.sheet-rolltemplate-warlock .sheet-template-d20 span.inlinerollresult { + color: #fff; +} + +.sheet-rolltemplate-darkmode.sheet-rolltemplate-warlock .sheet-template-d20 { + filter: invert(.3); +} + +.sheet-rolltemplate-warlock .sheet-blue { + color: #4471c4; +} + +.sheet-rolltemplate-warlock .sheet-red { + color: #e83838; +} + +.sheet-rolltemplate-warlock .sheet-green { + color: green; +} + +/* Repeating sections */ + +.repcontrol { + display: flex; + margin-top: 3px; +} + +.repcontrol .repcontrol_edit { + margin-left: auto; + order: 1; +} + +.repcontrol button { + background: #fff; + color: #0075b9; + border-radius: 0; + border-color: #231f20; + transition: all 0.2s; + font-family: pictos; + font-size: 0; + font-weight: bold; + line-height: 8px; + padding: 6px 4px 1px; +} + +.repcontrol button:hover { + color: green; + border-color: green; + background: #ddd; +} + +.repcontrol button.repcontrol_edit::after { + content: "("; +} + +.repcontrol button.repcontrol_add::after { + content: "&"; +} + +.repcontrol button.repcontrol_edit::after, +.repcontrol button.repcontrol_add::after { + font-size: 20px; +} + +.repcontainer.editmode+.repcontrol button.repcontrol_edit::after { + content: ")"; +} + +.itemcontrol { + z-index: 20; +} + +.repitem { + display: flex; + align-items: flex-start; +} + +.repitem input, +.repitem select { + width: 100%; + margin-bottom: 6px; +} + +.repitem input[type="number"] { + max-width: 52px; + width: 52px; + font-size: 28px; + border: 1px solid #231f20; + border-radius: 8px; + margin-left: -8px; + z-index: 1; + position: relative; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Warlock Polish Edition/warlock.html b/Warlock Polish Edition/warlock.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8ceb6bc840f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Warlock Polish Edition/warlock.html @@ -0,0 +1,789 @@ +
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Umiejętności poszukiwacza

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Krótki opis postaci

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+ Talent + oraz inne zdolności +

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+ Uszkodzenia głowy, + choroby i mutacje +

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+ + {{#character_name}} + {{#character_id}}[{{character_name}}](https://journal.roll20.net/character/{{character_id}}){{/character_id}} + {{^character_id}}{{character_name}}{{/character_id}} + {{/character_name}} + +
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+ + + diff --git a/approved.yaml b/approved.yaml index 16d6366c1512..934df524be35 100644 --- a/approved.yaml +++ b/approved.yaml @@ -4868,3 +4868,8 @@ liminalhorror: - Liminal Horror by Goblin Archives - Into the Odd - publisher +warlockpl: +- Warlock Polish Edition +- Warlock (Polish Edition) +- Warlock! OSR +- publisher