diff --git a/AvatarLegendsMagpie/translations/pb.json b/AvatarLegendsMagpie/translations/pb.json
index caa955c2d880..5a133bccd122 100644
--- a/AvatarLegendsMagpie/translations/pb.json
+++ b/AvatarLegendsMagpie/translations/pb.json
@@ -1,106 +1,106 @@
"label_nada": "",
"label_asterisco": "*",
- "rollswith": "rolls with",
- "agetsa": "and gets a",
- "choose_sheet_type": "Playbook Sheet",
- "adv": "advance & attack",
- "eva": "evade & observe",
- "def": "defend & maneuver",
- "utech_roll": "UNIVERSAL TECHNIQUE",
- "gtech_roll": "GROUP TECHNIQUE",
- "wtech_roll_blood": "WATERBENDING TECHNIQUE (BLOOD)",
- "wtech_roll_heal": "WATERBENDING TECHNIQUE (HEAL)",
- "etech_roll_seismic": "EARTHBENDING TECHNIQUE (SEISMIC)",
- "etech_roll_lava": "EARTHBENDING TECHNIQUE (LAVA)",
- "etech_roll_metal": "EARTHBENDING TECHNIQUE (METAL)",
- "ftech_roll": "FIREBENDING TECHNIQUE",
- "ftech_roll_lightning": "FIREBENDING TECHNIQUE (LIGHTNING)",
- "ftech_roll_combustion": "FIREBENDING TECHNIQUE (COMBUSTION)",
- "atech_roll": "AIRBENDING TECHNIQUE",
- "wetech_roll": "WEAPONS TECHNIQUE",
- "ttech_roll": "TECHNOLOGY TECHNIQUE",
+ "rollswith": "role com",
+ "agetsa": "e tem um",
+ "choose_sheet_type": "Ficha do Livro de Regras",
+ "adv": "avançar & atacar",
+ "eva": "evadir & observar",
+ "def": "defender & revidar",
+ "utech_roll": "TÉCNICA BÁSICA",
+ "gtech_roll": "TÉCNICA DE GRUPO",
+ "wtech_roll": "TÉCNICA DOBRA DE ÁGUA",
+ "wtech_roll_blood": "TÉCNICA DOBRA DE ÁGUA (SANGUE)",
+ "wtech_roll_heal": "TÉCNICA DOBRA DE ÁGUA (CURA)",
+ "etech_roll": "TÉCNICA DOBRA DE TERRA",
+ "etech_roll_seismic": "TÉCNICA DOBRA DE TERRA (SISMÍCO)",
+ "etech_roll_lava": "TÉCNICA DOBRA DE TERRA (LAVA)",
+ "etech_roll_metal": "TÉCNICA DOBRA DE TERRA (METAL)",
+ "ftech_roll": "TÉCNICA DOBRA DE FOGO",
+ "ftech_roll_lightning": "TÉCNICA DOBRA DE FOGO (RAIO)",
+ "ftech_roll_combustion": "TÉCNICA DOBRA DE FOGO (COMBUSTÃO)",
+ "atech_roll": "TÉCNICA DOBRA DE AR",
+ "wetech_roll": "TÉCNICA DE ARMAS",
+ "ttech_roll": "TÉCNICA DE TECONLOGIA",
"subtipo_nada": "",
"subtipo_lava": "(LAVA)",
- "title1_tech": "Universal",
- "title2_tech": "Group",
- "title3_tech": "Waterbending",
- "title4_tech": "Airbending",
- "title5_tech": "Earthbending",
- "title6_tech": "Weapons",
- "title7_tech": "Firebending",
- "title8_tech": "Technology",
- "tech7_label": "Furious Assault",
- "tech7_dsc": "Make an unbalanced, impassioned strike. Become Impaired due to your overwhelming passion, shift your balance away from center, and inflict conditions equal to your Passion on an enemy; NPCs instead inflict conditions equal to their current balance. You may only remove Impaired when your balance is at your center.",
- "tech1_label": "Attack Weakness",
- "tech2_label": "Rapid Assessment",
- "tech3_label": "Charge",
- "tech4_label": "Seek Vulnerabilities",
- "tech5_label": "Duck and Twist",
- "tech6_label": "Forceful Blow",
- "tech8_label": "Pounce",
- "tech9_label": "Protect",
- "tech10_label": "Sense Environment",
- "tech11_label": "Stand Strong",
- "tech12_label": "Suck it Up",
- "tech13_label": "Take Cover",
- "tech14_label": "Attend to Commands",
- "tech15_label": "Coordination",
- "tech16_label": "Draw Foe ",
- "tech17_label": "Engulf",
- "tech18_label": "Focused Fire",
- "tech19_label": "Overwhelm",
- "tech20_label": "Scatter and Regroup",
- "tech21_label": "Shield Wall",
- "tech22_label": "Spread Out",
- "tech23_label": "Surround",
- "tech24_label": "Swarm",
- "tech25_label": "Test Defenses",
- "tech26_label": "Protect Objective",
- "tech27_label": "Boom!",
- "tech28_label": "Chi-Blocking Jabs",
- "tech29_label": "Chart a Course",
- "tech30_label": "Counterstrike",
- "tech31_label": "Disarm",
- "tech32_label": "Feint",
- "tech33_label": "Parry",
- "tech34_label": "Pin a Fly to a Tree",
- "tech35_label": "Pinpoint Thrust",
- "tech36_label": "Switch It Up",
- "tech37_label": "Take the High Ground",
+ "title1_tech": "Básica",
+ "title2_tech": "Grupo",
+ "title3_tech": "Dobra de Água",
+ "title4_tech": "Dobra de Ar",
+ "title5_tech": "Dobra de Terra",
+ "title6_tech": "Armas",
+ "title7_tech": "Dobra de Fogo",
+ "title8_tech": "Tecnologia",
+ "tech7_label": "Ataque Furioso",
+ "tech7_dsc": "Faça um golpe desequilibrado e apaixonante. Fique Impedido devido à sua paixão avassaladora, mova seu equilíbrio para longe do centro e inflija condições iguais à sua Paixão em um inimigo; Em vez disso, PNJs inflingem condições iguais ao equilíbrio atual deles. Você só pode remover Impedido quando sua balança estiver no seu centro.",
+ "tech1_label": "Atacar fraqueza",
+ "tech2_label": "Avaliação Rápida",
+ "tech3_label": "Investida",
+ "tech4_label": "Procurar Vulnerabilidades",
+ "tech5_label": "Desviar e Contornar",
+ "tech6_label": "Sopro Forte",
+ "tech8_label": "Dar Bote",
+ "tech9_label": "Proteger",
+ "tech10_label": "Sentir Ambiente",
+ "tech11_label": "Permanecer Firme",
+ "tech12_label": "Não se preocupe",
+ "tech13_label": "Pegar Cobertura",
+ "tech14_label": "Atender Comandos",
+ "tech15_label": "Coordenação",
+ "tech16_label": "Marcar Inimigo",
+ "tech17_label": "Engolfar",
+ "tech18_label": "Fogo Focado",
+ "tech19_label": "Esmagar",
+ "tech20_label": "Dispersar e reagrupar",
+ "tech21_label": "Parede de Proteção",
+ "tech22_label": "Espalhar",
+ "tech23_label": "Cercar",
+ "tech24_label": "Multidão",
+ "tech25_label": "Testar Defesas",
+ "tech26_label": "Proteger Objetivo",
+ "tech27_label": "Bum!",
+ "tech28_label": "Socos de Bloqueio de Chi",
+ "tech29_label": "Traçar Curso",
+ "tech30_label": "Contra-atacar",
+ "tech31_label": "Desarmar",
+ "tech32_label": "Finta",
+ "tech33_label": "Aparar",
+ "tech34_label": "Pregar a Mosca na Árvore",
+ "tech35_label": "Estocar Preciso",
+ "tech36_label": "Trocar",
+ "tech37_label": "Pegar Terreno Alto",
"tech38_label": "Turn the Tables",
- "tech39_label": "Better, Faster, Stronger",
- "tech40_label": "Blinded By Science",
- "tech41_label": "Collect Material",
+ "tech39_label": "Melhor, Mais Rápido, Mais Forte",
+ "tech40_label": "Cego pela Ciência",
+ "tech41_label": "Coletar Material",
"tech42_label": "Entangler",
- "tech43_label": "Full-Power Attack",
- "tech44_label": "Jolt",
+ "tech43_label": "Atacar com Toda Força",
+ "tech44_label": "Solavanco",
"tech45_label": "Jury Rig",
- "tech46_label": "Pinpoint Flaws",
- "tech47_label": "Plant Trap",
- "tech48_label": "Rebuild",
- "tech49_label": "Smoke Bomb",
- "tech50_label": "Wind Up",
- "tech51_label": "Blood Twisting",
- "tech52_label": "Breath of Ice",
- "tech53_label": "Creeping Ice",
- "tech54_label": "Crushing Grip of Seas",
- "tech55_label": "Flow as Water",
- "tech56_label": "Freeze Blood",
- "tech57_label": "Ice Gauntlet",
- "tech58_label": "Ice Prison",
- "tech59_label": "Refresh",
- "tech60_label": "Stream the Water",
+ "tech46_label": "Apontar Falhas",
+ "tech47_label": "Armadilha de planta",
+ "tech48_label": "Reconstruir",
+ "tech49_label": "Bomba de Fumaça",
+ "tech50_label": "Vento para Cima",
+ "tech51_label": "Torção de Sangue",
+ "tech52_label": "Sopro de Gelo",
+ "tech53_label": "Gelo Escorregadio",
+ "tech54_label": "Aperto Esmagador dos Mares",
+ "tech55_label": "Fluir como Água",
+ "tech56_label": "Congelar Sangue",
+ "tech57_label": "Manopla de Gelo",
+ "tech58_label": "Prisão de Gelo",
+ "tech59_label": "Refrescar",
+ "tech60_label": "Transmitir a Água",
"tech61_label": "Slip Over Ice",
"tech62_label": "Water Cloak",
"tech63_label": "Water Whip",
"tech64_label": "Detect the Heavy Step",
"tech65_label": "Dust Stepping",
- "tech66_label": "Earth Armor",
- "tech67_label": "Earth Gauntlet",
- "tech68_label": "Earth Launch",
+ "tech66_label": "Armadura de Pedra",
+ "tech67_label": "Manopla de Pedra",
+ "tech68_label": "Lançar Terra",
"tech69_label": "Earth Sinking",
"tech70_label": "Eat Dirt",
"tech71_label": "Ground Shift",