diff --git a/Call_of_Cthulhu_7th_Ed/translations/uk.json b/Call_of_Cthulhu_7th_Ed/translations/uk.json index e2d56dd5487c..c3f2bb7d8dfb 100644 --- a/Call_of_Cthulhu_7th_Ed/translations/uk.json +++ b/Call_of_Cthulhu_7th_Ed/translations/uk.json @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ { - "1920-skill-list": "бухгалтерія,антропологія,оцінка,археологія,шарм,лазіння,кредитнийрейтинг,міфиктулху,маскування,ухилення,кермування,електрика,обман,бій(бійка),вогнепальназброя(піст),вогнепальназброя(г/д),історія,залякування,стрибок,мова(рідна),закон,роботавбібліотеці,слух,слюсарство,механіка,медицина,природа,навігація,оккультизм,кермважмашинами,переконливість,психоаналіз,психологія, їздаверхи,спритністьрук,спостережливість,скритність,метання,читанняслідів", - "invictus-skill-list": "бухгалтерія,доглядзатваринами,оцінка,мистецтвоіремемсло1,мистецтвоіремесло2,шарм,цивільнеправо,лазіння,міфиктулху,маскування,ухилення,кермуваннявозом,імперія,обман,бій(бійка),вогнепальназброя1,вогнепальназброя2,вогнепальназброя3,першадопомога,проникливість,залякування,стрибок,мова(рідна),роботавбібліотеці,слух,медицина,природа,навігація,оккультизм,іншекоролівство1,іншекоролівство2,іншамова1,іншамова2,переконливість,пілотування,грамотність1,грамотність2,ремонт/руйнування,їздаверхи,спритністьрук,спостережливість,статус,скритність,плавання,метання,читанняслідів", - "modern-skill-list": "бухгалтерія,антропологія,оцінка,археологія,шарм,лазіння,використанняпк,кредитнийрейтинг,міфиктулху,маскування,ухилення,кермування,електрика,обман,бій(бійка),вогнепальназброя(піст),вогнепальназброя(г/д),вогнепальназброя(smg),першадопомога,історія,залякування,стрибок,мова(рідна),закон,роботавбібліотеці,слух,слюсарство,механіка,медицина,природа,навігація,оккультизм,кермважмашинами,переконливість,психоаналіз,психологія,їздаверхи,спритністьрук,спостережливість,скритність,плавання,метання,читанняслідів", - "dark-ages-skill-list": "бухгалтерія,доглядзатваринами,оцінка,мистецтвоіремемсло1,мистецтвоіремесло2,шарм,лазіння,міфиктулху,маскування,ухилення,кермуваннявозом,обман,бій(бійка),вогнепальназброя1,вогнепальназброя2,вогнепальназброя3,першадопомога,прозорливість,залякування,стрибок,мова(рідна),роботавбібліотеці,слух,слюсарство,медицина,природа,навігація,оккультизм,іншекоролівство1,іншекоролівство2,іншамова1,іншамова2,ріднекоролівство,переконливість,кермуваннячовна,грамотність1,грамотність2,релігія,ремонт/руйнування,їздаверхи,щит,спритністьрук,спостережливість,статус,скритність,плавання,метання,читанняслідів", - "old-west-skill-list": "бухгалтерія,доглядзатваринами,антроплогія,оцінка,археологія,мистецтвоіремемсло,шарм,лазіння,міфиктулху,маскування,ухилення,кермуваннявозом,електрика,обман,бій(бійка),бій(інше),вогнепальназброя(піст.),вогнепальназброя(г/д),вогнепальназброяінша,першадопомога,азартніігри,історія,залякування,стрибок,мова(інша),мова(рідна),закон,роботавбібліотеці,слух,слюсарство,механіка,медицина,природа,навігація,оккультизм,іншекоролівство1,іншекоролівство2,іншамова1,іншамова2,ріднекоролівство,переконливістьпсихологія,їздаверхи,використаннямотузки,спритністьрук,спостережливість,скритність,плавання,метання,читанняслідів,пастки", - "icarus-skill-list": "облік,оцінка,археологія,мистецтвоіремесло,шарм,лазіння,обслуговуваннякомп'ютера,кредитний рейтинг,міфиктулху,демонтаж,ухилення,кермування,електрика,електроніка,обман,бій(бійка),вогнепальназброя(піст),вогнепальназброя(г/д),вибірвогнепальноїзброї,історія,залякування,стрибок,мова (рідна),закон,роботавбібліотеці,слух,слюсарство,механіка,медицина,природа,навігація,оккультизм,кермважмашинами,переконливість,психоаналіз,психологія,читатипогубам,спритністьрук,спостережливість,скритність,покрада,техніка,метання,читанняслідів,невагомість", - "end-of-times-skill-list": "доглядзатваринами,оцінка,мистецтвоіремесло,шарм,лазіння,обслуговуваннякомп'ютера,міфиктулху,маскування,ухилення,кермування,електрика,обман,бій(бійка),іншийбій,вогнепальназброя(піст),вогнепальназброя(г/д),вогнепальназброя_s_m_g,історія,залякування,стрибок,мова(інша),мова(рідна),роботавбібліотеці,слух,слюсарство,механіка,медицина,природа,навігація,оккультизм,кермважкмашинами,переконливість,психологія,верховаїзда,сміття,спритністьрук,спостережливість,статус,скритність,плавання,техніка,метання,читанняслідів", - "investigatorinfo-u": "Інфо Розслідувача", + "1920-skill-list": "бухгалтерія,антропологія,оцінка майна,археологія,шарм,лазіння,достаток,мітиктулху,маскування,ухиляння,водіння,ремонт (електрика),обман,бій(бійка),вогнепальназброя(піст),вогнепальназброя(г/д),історія,залякування,стрибок,мова(рідна),закон,користуваннябібліотекою,слух,слюсарство,ремонт(механіка),медицина,природознавство,орієнтування на місцевості,оккультизм,користуванняважкоютехнікою,переконливість,психоаналіз,психологія, верховаїзда,вправністьрук,пошукприхованого,непомітність,кидання,вистежування", + "invictus-skill-list": "бухгалтерія,доглядзатваринами,оцінкамайна,мистецтвоіремемсло1,мистецтвоіремесло2,шарм,цивільнеправо,лазіння,мітиктулху,маскування,ухиляння,кермуваннявозом,імперія,обман,бій(рукопашний),стрільба1,стрільба2,стрільба3,першадопомога,проникливість,залякування,стрибок,мова(рідна),користуваннябібліотекою,слух,медицина,природознавство,орієнтуваннянамісцевості,оккультизм,іншекоролівство1,іншекоролівство2,іншамова1,іншамова2,переконливість,кермуваннячовном,грамотність1,грамотність2,ремонт/руйнування,верховаїзда,вправністьрук,пошукприхованого,статус,непомітність,плавання,кидання,вистежування", + "modern-skill-list": "бухгалтерія,антропологія,оцінкамайна,археологія,шарм,лазіння,використанняпк,достаток,мітиктулху,маскування,ухиляння,водіння,ремонт(електрика),обман,бій(рукопашний),стрільба(піст.),стрільба(гв./др.),стрільба(smg),першадопомога,історія,залякування,стрибок,мова(рідна),правознавство,користуваннябібліотекою,слух,слюсарство,ремонт(механіка),медицина,природознавство,орієнтуваннянамісцевості,оккультизм,керм.важк.технікою,переконливість,психоаналіз,психологія,верховаїзда,вправністьрук,пошукприхованого,непомітність,плавання,кидання,вистежування", + "dark-ages-skill-list": "бухгалтерія,доглядзатваринами,оцінкамайна,мистецтвоіремемсло1,мистецтвоіремесло2,шарм,лазіння,мітиктулху,маскування,ухиляння,кермуваннявозом,обман,бій(бійка),стрільба1,стрільба2,стрільба3,першадопомога,проникливість,залякування,стрибок,мова(рідна),користувааннябібліотекою,слух,слюсарство,медицина,природознавство,рієнтуваннянамісцевості,оккультизм,іншекоролівство1,іншекоролівство2,іншамова1,іншамова2,ріднекоролівство,переконливість,кермуваннячовна,грамотність1,грамотність2,релігія,ремонт/руйнування,верховаїзда,щит,вправністьрук,пошукприхованого,статус,непомітність,плавання,кидання,вистеження", + "old-west-skill-list": "бухгалтерія,доглядзатваринами,антроплогія,оцінкамайна,археологія,мистецтвоіремемсло,шарм,лазіння,мітиктулху,маскування,ухиляння,кермуваннявозом,ремонт(електрика),обман,бій(рукопашний),бій(інше),стрільба(піст.),стрільба(гв./др.),стрільбаінша,першадопомога,азартніігри,історія,залякування,стрибок,мова(інша),мова(рідна),природознавство,користуваннябібліотекою,слух,слюсарство,ремонт(механіка),медицина,природа,орієнтуваннянамісцевості,оккультизм,іншекоролівство1,іншекоролівство2,іншамова1,іншамова2,ріднекоролівство,переконливістьпсихологія,верховаїзда,використаннямотузки,спритністьрук,пошукприхованого,непомітність,плавання,кидання,вистежування,пастки", + "icarus-skill-list": "облік,оцінкамайна,археологія,мистецтвоіремесло,шарм,лазіння,обслуговуваннякомп'ютера,кредитний рейтинг,мітиктулху,demolitions,ухилення,кермування,електрика,електроніка,обман,бій(бійка),вогнепальназброя(піст),вогнепальназброя(г/д),вибірвогнепальноїзброї,історія,залякування,стрибок,мова (рідна),закон,роботавбібліотеці,слух,слюсарство,механіка,медицина,природа,навігація,оккультизм,кермважтехнікою,переконливість,психоаналіз,психологія,читатипогубам,вправністьрук,пошукприхованого,непомітність,покрада,техніка,кидання,вистежування,невагомість", + "end-of-times-skill-list": "доглядзатваринами,оцінкамайна,мистецтвоіремесло,шарм,лазіння,обслуговуваннякомп'ютера,мітиктулху,маскування,ухилення,кермування,електрика,обман,бій(рукопашна),іншийбій,стрільба(піст),стрільба(г/д),стрільба(smg),історія,залякування,стрибок,мова(інша),мова(рідна),роботавбібліотеці,слух,слюсарство,механіка,медицина,природознавство,орієнтуваннянамісцевості,оккультизм,кермважктехнікоюми,переконливість,психологія,верховаїзда,сміття,вправністьрук,пошукприхованого,статус,непомітність,плавання,техніка,кидання,вистежування", + "investigatorinfo-u": "Інфо дослідника", "heroinfo-u": "Інфо персонажа", "name-u": "Ім'я", "player-u": "Гравець", @@ -17,107 +17,107 @@ "residence-u": "Місце проживання", "birthplace-u": "Місце народження", "characteristics-u": "Характеристики", - "STR-u": "CИЛА", - "STR-r-txt": "Кидок СИЛИ", + "STR-u": "CИЛ", + "STR-r-txt": "Перевірка СИЛ", "DEX-u": "СПР", - "DEX-r-txt": "Кидок СПР", - "POW-u": "ВОЛЯ", - "POW-r-txt": "Кидок ВОЛІ", - "CON-u": "КОН", - "CON-r-txt": "Кидок КОН", - "APP-u": "ЗОВ", - "APP-r-txt": "Кидок ЗОВ", + "DEX-r-txt": "Перевірка СПР", + "POW-u": "ВОЛ", + "POW-r-txt": "Перевірка ВОЛ", + "CON-u": "СТА", + "CON-r-txt": "Перевірка СТА", + "APP-u": "ПРИ", + "APP-r-txt": "Перевірка ПРИ", "EDU-u": "ОСВ", - "EDU-r-txt": "Кидок ОСВ", - "SIZ-u": "РОЗМ", - "SIZ-r-txt": "Кидок РОЗМ", + "EDU-r-txt": "Перевірка ОСВ", + "SIZ-u": "РОЗ", + "SIZ-r-txt": "Перевірка РОЗ", "INT-u": "ІНТ", - "INT-r-txt": "Кидок ІНТ", - "Move rate-u": "рух", - "Move rate-r-txt": "Кидок руху", - "HP-u": "Хіт-Поїнти", - "HP-r-txt": "Кидок Хіт-Поїнтів", + "INT-r-txt": "Перевірка ІНТ", + "Move rate-u": "переміщення", + "Move rate-r-txt": "Перевірка переміщення", + "HP-u": "Очки здоров'я", + "HP-r-txt": "Кидок очок здоров'я", "current": "поточний", - "majorwound-u": "Важке поранення", - "pulphp-u": "Pulp ХП", - "luck-u": "Удача", - "luck-r-txt": "Кидок Удачі", - "damagebonus-u": "Бонус пошкодження", + "majorwound-u": "Глибока рана", + "pulphp-u": "Палп ОЗ", + "luck-u": "Талан", + "luck-r-txt": "Перевірка талану", + "damagebonus-u": "Бонусні пошкодження", "None": "Без", - "build-u": "Тілобудова", - "sanity-u": "Розсудливість", + "build-u": "Будова", + "sanity-u": "Глузд", "4/5-u": "4/5", - "pulp-z": "Pulp", - "sanity-r-txt": "Кидок Розсудливості", + "pulp-z": "Палп", + "sanity-r-txt": "Перевірка глузду", "start": "початкове", "current-u": "поточне", "max-u": "макс.", "tempinsane-u": "Тимчасове божевілля", - "indefinsane-u": "Постійне божевілля", - "bouts-of-madness-u": "Напади божевілля", - "pulp-bouts-of-madness-u": "Pulp Напади божевілля", - "bom-real-time": "Поточне", + "indefinsane-u": "Повне божевілля", + "bouts-of-madness-u": "Спалахи божевілля", + "pulp-bouts-of-madness-u": "Палп спалахи божевілля", + "bom-real-time": "Real-Time", "bom-summary": "Резюме", "stable": "Стабільний", - "magicpoints-u": "Пункти Магії", - "dicerolls-u": "Кидання кубиків", + "magicpoints-u": "Очки магії", + "dicerolls-u": "Кидання кісток", "custom-u": "Особливий", - "investigatorskills-u": "Навички", - "accounting_da-u": "Бух облік (10%)", + "investigatorskills-u": "Уміння", + "accounting_da-u": "Бухгалтерія (10%)", "animalhandling_da-u": "Догляд за тваринами (15%)", - "accounting-u": "Бух облік (05%)", - "accounting-r-txt": "Кидок бухобліку", + "accounting-u": "Бухгалтерія (05%)", + "accounting-r-txt": "Перевірка бухгалтерії", "anthropology-u": "Антропологія (01%)", - "anthropology-r-txt": "Кидок Антропології (01%)", + "anthropology-r-txt": "Перевірка антропології (01%)", "artandcraft-u": "Мистецтво та ремесло(05%)", "artandcraft1": "Мист-во та ремесло 1", "artandcraft2": "Мист-во та ремесло 2", - "appraise-u": "Оцінка (05%)", - "appraise-r-txt": "Кидок Оцінки", - "appraise_et-u": "Оцінка (10%)", - "appraise_ic-u": "Оцінка (15%)", + "appraise-u": "Оцінка майна (05%)", + "appraise-r-txt": "Перевірка оцінки майна", + "appraise_et-u": "Оцінка майна (10%)", + "appraise_ic-u": "Оцінка майна (15%)", "archaeology-u": "Археологія (01%)", - "archaeology-r-txt": "Кидок Археології", + "archaeology-r-txt": "Перевірка археології", "charm-u": "Шарм (15%)", - "charm-r-txt": "Кидок Шарму", + "charm-r-txt": "Перевірка шарму", "civics-u": "Цивільне право(10%)", "climb-u": "Лазіння (20%)", - "climb-r-txt": "Кидок Лазіння", + "climb-r-txt": "Перевірка лазіння", "status-u": "Статус", - "creditrating-u": "Кредитний рейтинг (00%)", - "creditrating-r-txt": "Кидок Кредитного рейтингу", + "creditrating-u": "Достаток (00%)", + "creditrating-r-txt": "Перевірка достатку", "cthulhumythos-u": "Міфи Ктулху (00%)", - "cthulhumythos-r-txt": "Кидок Міфів Ктулху", + "cthulhumythos-r-txt": "Перевірка Мітів Ктулху", "disguise-u": "Маскування (05%)", - "disguise-r-txt": "Кидок Маскування", - "dodge-u": "Ухилення (пол. СПР)", - "dodge-r-txt": "Кидок Ухилення", + "disguise-r-txt": "Перевірка маскування", + "dodge-u": "Ухиляння (пол. СПР)", + "dodge-r-txt": "Перевірка ухиляння", "drivewagon-u": "Керування возом (20%)", - "driveauto-u": "Кермування Авто(20%)", + "driveauto-u": "Кермування авто (20%)", "driveauto-r-txt": "Перевірка кермування", - "drive-u": "Кермування(20%)", - "elecrepair-u": "Електрика(10%)", - "elecrepair-r-txt": "Перевірка Електрики", - "elecrepair_ow-u": "Електрика(00%)", + "drive-u": "Водіння (20%)", + "elecrepair-u": "Ремонт (Електрика) (10%)", + "elecrepair-r-txt": "Перевірка ремонту (електрика)", + "elecrepair_ow-u": "Ремонт (Електрика) (00%)", "empire-u": "Імперія (25%)", "fasttalk-u": "Обман (05%)", "fasttalk-r-txt": "Перевірка Обману", - "fighting(brawl)-u": "Ближній бій(Бійка) (25%)", - "fighting_brawl-r-txt": "Перевірка Ближнього Бою(бійка)", - "fightspec1": "Ближній бій (інше) 1", - "fightspec2": "Ближній бій (інше) 2", - "fightspec3": "Ближній бій (інше) 3", + "fighting(brawl)-u": "Бій (Рукопашний) (25%)", + "fighting_brawl-r-txt": "Перевірка Бою (рукопашного)", + "fightspec1": "Бій (інше) 1", + "fightspec2": "Бій (інше) 2", + "fightspec3": "Бій (інше) 3", "shield-u": "Щит (15%)", - "fighting_other-u": "Ближній бій (інше) ", - "firearms(hg)-u": "Вогнепальна зброя (піст.) (20%)", - "firearms_hg-r-txt": "Перевірка вогнеп. зброї (піст.)", - "firearms(r/s)-u": "Вогнепальна зброя(Г/Д)(25%)", - "firearms_rs-r-txt": "Перевірка вогнеп. зброї (Г/Д)", - "firearms_s_m_g-u": "Вогнепальна зброя(SMG) (15%)", - "firearms_other-u": "Вогнепальна зброя (Інша)", - "firearms_electr-u": "Вогнепальна зброя (електр.) (25%)", + "fighting_other-u": "Бій (інше) ", + "firearms(hg)-u": "Стрільба (піст.) (20%)", + "firearms_hg-r-txt": "Перевірка стрільби (піст.)", + "firearms(r/s)-u": "Стрільба (Гвинт./Дроб.) (25%)", + "firearms_rs-r-txt": "Перевірка стрільби (Гвинт./Дроб.)", + "firearms_s_m_g-u": "Стрільба (SMG) (15%)", + "firearms_other-u": "Стрільба (Інша)", + "firearms_electr-u": "Стрільба (електр.) (25%)", "firstaid-u": "Перша допомога (30%)", - "firstaid-r-txt": "Перевірка Першої Допомоги", + "firstaid-r-txt": "Перевірка першої допомоги", "gambling-u": "Азартні ігри (10%)", "history-u": "Історія (05%)", "history-r-txt": "Перевірка Історії", @@ -126,84 +126,84 @@ "intimidate-r-txt": "Перевірка Залякування", "jump_da-u": "Стрибок (25%)", "jump-u": "Стрибок(20%)", - "jump-r-txt": "Перевірка Стрибка", + "jump-r-txt": "Перевірка стрибка", "language(own)-u": "Мова (Рідна) (ОСВ)", - "language_own-r-txt": "Перевірка Мови (Рідна)", + "language_own-r-txt": "Перевірка мови (рідна)", "otherlanguage1": "Мова (Інша) (01%)", "otherlanguage2": "Мова (Інша) (01%)", - "law-u": "Закон (05%)", - "law-r-txt": "Перевірка Закону", - "libraryuse-u": "Робота в бібліотеці (20%)", - "libraryuse-r-txt": "Перевірка бібліотеки", - "libraryuse_da-u": "Робота в Бібліотеці (05%)", + "law-u": "Правознавство (05%)", + "law-r-txt": "Перевірка закону", + "libraryuse-u": "Користування бібліотекою (20%)", + "libraryuse-r-txt": "Перевірка користування бібліотекою", + "libraryuse_da-u": "Користування бібліотекою (05%)", "listen_da-u": "Слух (25%)", "listen-u": "Слух (20%)", - "listen-r-txt": "Перевірка Слуху", + "listen-r-txt": "Перевірка слуху", "listen_mdr-u": "Слух (25%)", "locksmith-u": "Слюсарство (01%)", - "locksmith-r-txt": "Кидок Слюсарства", - "mechrepair-u": "Механіка (10%)", - "mechrepair-r-txt": "Кидок Механіки", + "locksmith-r-txt": "Перевірка слюсарства", + "mechrepair-u": "Ремонт (Механіка) (10%)", + "mechrepair-r-txt": "Перевірка ремонту (механіка)", "medicine-u": "Медицина (01%)", - "medicine-r-txt": "Кидок Медицини", - "naturalworld-u": "Природа (10%)", - "naturalworld-r-txt": "Кидок Природи", - "naturalworld_da-u": "Природа (20%)", - "naturalworld_et-u": "Природа (20%)", - "navigate-u": "Навігація (10%)", - "navigate-r-txt": "Кидок Навігації", + "medicine-r-txt": "Перевірки медицини", + "naturalworld-u": "Природознавство (10%)", + "naturalworld-r-txt": "Перевірка природознавства", + "naturalworld_da-u": "Природознавство (20%)", + "naturalworld_et-u": "Природознавство (20%)", + "navigate-u": "Орієнтування на місцевості (10%)", + "navigate-r-txt": "Перевірка орієнтування на місцевості", "occult-u": "Окультизм (05%)", - "occult-r-txt": "Кидок Окультизму", - "ophvmachine-u": "Кер. Важк. Технікою (01%)", - "ophvmachine-r-txt": "Кидок Кер. Важк. Технікою", + "occult-r-txt": "Перевірка окультизму", + "ophvmachine-u": "Кер. важк. технікою (01%)", + "ophvmachine-r-txt": "Перевірка кер. важк. технікою", "ownkingdom_da-u": "Рідне Королівство (20%)", "otherkingdom1": "Інше Королівство (10%)", "otherkingdom2": "Інше Королівство (10%)", "persuade-u": "Переконливість (10%)", - "persuade-r-txt": "Кидок Переконливості", + "persuade-r-txt": "Перевірка переконливості", "pilotboat-u": "Керування човном (01%)", "psychology-u": "Психологія (10%)", - "psychology-r-txt": "Кидок Психології", + "psychology-r-txt": "Перевірка психології", "psychoanalysis-u": "Психоаналіз (01%)", - "psychoanalysis-r-txt": "Кидок Психоаналізу", + "psychoanalysis-r-txt": "Перевірка психоаналізу", "readandwritelang1": "Грамотність (01%)", "readandwritelang2": "Грамотність (01%)", "religion-u": "Релігія (20%)", "repair/devise-u": "Ремонт/Винахід (20%)", "ride-u": "Верхова їзда (05%)", - "ride-r-txt": "Кидок Верх. Їзди", + "ride-r-txt": "Перевірка Верх. Їзди", "ride_ow-u": "Верхова їзда (15%)", "rope_use_ow-u": "Викор. мотузки (05%)", - "scavenge-u": "Збір Сміття (15%)", - "sleightofhand-u": "Спритність рук (10%)", - "sleightofhand-r-txt": "Кидок Спритності рук", - "sleight_of_hand_da": "Спритність рук (25%)", - "spothidden-u": "Спостережливість (25%)", - "spothidden-r-txt": "Кидок Спостережливості", - "stealth-u": "Скритність (20%)", - "stealth-r-txt": "Кидок Скритності", + "scavenge-u": "Scavenge (15%)", + "sleightofhand-u": "Вправність рук (10%)", + "sleightofhand-r-txt": "Перевірка вправності рук", + "sleight_of_hand_da": "Вправність рук (25%)", + "spothidden-u": "Пошук прихованого (25%)", + "spothidden-r-txt": "Перевірка пошуку прихованого", + "stealth-u": "Непомітність (20%)", + "stealth-r-txt": "Перевірка непомітності", "swim_da-u": "Плавання (25%)", "swim-u": "Плавання (20%)", - "swim-r-txt": "Кидок Плавання", - "techrepair-u": "Ремонт Техніки (01%)", - "throw-u": "Метання (20%)", - "throw-r-txt": "Кидок Метання", - "throw_da-u": "Метання (25%)", - "track-u": "Пошук Слідів (10%)", - "track-r-txt": "Кидок Пошуку Слідів", + "swim-r-txt": "Перевірка плавання", + "techrepair-u": "Ремонт (Техніка) (01%)", + "throw-u": "Кидання (20%)", + "throw-r-txt": "Перевірка кидання", + "throw_da-u": "Кидання (25%)", + "track-u": "Вистежування (10%)", + "track-r-txt": "Перевірка вистежування ", "trap-u": "Пастки (10%)", - "otherskills-u": "Інші навички:", + "otherskills-u": "Інші вміння:", "animalhandling-u": "Догляд за тваринами (05%)", - "firearms(varies)-u": "Вогнепальна зброя (тип)", + "firearms(varies)-u": "Стрільба (тип)", "art/craft-u": "Мистецтво/Ремесло (05%)", "hypnosis-u": "Гіпноз (01%)", "artillery-u": "Артилерія (01%)", "language(other)-u": "Мова (Інша) (01%)", - "computeruse-u": "Використання ПК (05%)", - "computermaint_ic-u": "Обслуговування ПК (05%)", + "computeruse-u": "Користування комп'ютерами (05%)", + "computermaint_ic-u": "Обслуговування комп'ютерів (05%)", "pilot-u": "Пілотування (01%)", "demolitions-u": "Руйнування (01%)", - "demolitions-txt": "Кидок Руйнування", + "demolitions-txt": "Перевірка руйнування", "readlips-u": "Читати по губах (01%)", "electronics-u": "Електроніка (01%)", "science-u": "Наука (01%)", @@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ "talents-u": "Таланти", "shield-z": "Щит", "head-u": "Голова", - "body-u": "Тіло", + "body-u": "Тулуб", "l_arm-u": "Л.Рука", "chest-u": "Торс", "r_arm-u": "П.Рука", @@ -226,78 +226,78 @@ "weapons-u": "Зброя", "combat-u": "Бій", "weaponname-u": "Зброя", - "skill-u": "Навичка", + "skill-u": "Вміння", "damage-u": "Пошкодження", "range-u": "Дальність", "attacks-u": "Атаки", - "ammo-u": "Боєпр.", - "malf-u": "Неспр", - "Fighting(Brawl)": "Ближній бій (Бійка)", - "Firarms(HG)": "Вогнеп. зброя (піст.)", - "Firarms(SMG)": "Вогнеп. зброя(SMG)", - "Firarms(R/S)": "Вогнепальна зброя(Г/Д)", - "Fighting(Other)": "Ближній бій (інше) ", - "Firarms(Electr.)": "Вогнепальна зброя (ел.)", - "Throw": "Метання", - "Other Skill #1": "Інша навичка №1", - "Other Skill #2": "Інша навичка №2", - "Other Skill #3": "Інша навичка №3", - "Other Skill #4": "Інша навичка №4", - "Other Skill #5": "Інша навичка №5", - "Other Skill #6": "Інша навичка №6", - "Other Skill #7": "Інша навичка №7", - "Other Skill #8": "Інша навичка №8", - "Other Skill #9": "Інша навичка №9", - "Other Skill #10": "Інша навичка №10", + "ammo-u": "Набої", + "malf-u": "Несправність", + "Fighting(Brawl)": "Бій (рукопашний)", + "Firarms(HG)": "Стрільба (піст.)", + "Firarms(SMG)": "Стрільба (SMG)", + "Firarms(R/S)": "Стрільба (Гв./Др.)", + "Fighting(Other)": "Бій (інше) ", + "Firarms(Electr.)": "Стрільба (ел.)", + "Throw": "Кидання", + "Other Skill #1": "Інше вміння №1", + "Other Skill #2": "Інше вміння №2", + "Other Skill #3": "Інше вміння №3", + "Other Skill #4": "Інше вміння №4", + "Other Skill #5": "Інше вміння №5", + "Other Skill #6": "Інше вміння №6", + "Other Skill #7": "Інше вміння №7", + "Other Skill #8": "Інше вміння №8", + "Other Skill #9": "Інше вміння №9", + "Other Skill #10": "Інше вміння №10", "spells-u": "Заклинання", "companions&mounts-u": "НІП", "vehicles-u": "Транспорт", "cap-u": "Ємність", - "vehicleattack-u": "Атака Транспортом", - "operatorskill": "Навичка оператора", - "MountedWeaponSkill": "Навичка бою верхи", + "vehicleattack-u": "Атака транспортом", + "operatorskill": "Уміння оператора", + "MountedWeaponSkill": "Уміння бою верхи", "generalinfo-u": "Загальна інформація", "cargo-u": "Вантаж", "passengers-u": "Пасажири", - "san-u": "РОЗС", - "HP-z": "ХП", - "MP-z": "ПМ", + "san-u": "ГЗД", + "HP-z": "ОЗ", + "MP-z": "ОМ", "armor-z": "Броня", "db-z": "БП", "bdb-u": "Б/БП", "damage&db-z": "Пошк+БП", "dam-z": "Пошк", - "MOV-u": "РУХ", - "skill1": "Навичка 1", - "skill2": "Навичка 2", - "skill3": "Навичка 3", - "skill4": "Навичка 4", - "skill5": "Навичка 5", - "skill6": "Навичка 6", - "skill7": "Навичка 7", - "skill8": "Навичка 8", - "gearandpossessions-u": "Спорядження та Майно", - "cashandassets-u": "Гроші та Активи", + "MOV-u": "Переміщ.", + "skill1": "Уміння 1", + "skill2": "Уміння 2", + "skill3": "Уміння 3", + "skill4": "Уміння 4", + "skill5": "Уміння 5", + "skill6": "Уміння 6", + "skill7": "Уміння 7", + "skill8": "Уміння 8", + "gearandpossessions-u": "Спорядження та майно", + "cashandassets-u": "Заощадження та Активи", "spendinglevel-u": "Рівень витрат", - "cash-u": "Готівка", + "cash-u": "Зощадження", "assets-u": "Активи", "backstory-u": "Передісторія", - "Personal Description": "Опис Персонажа", - "Ideology/Beliefs": "Світогляд/Вірування", - "Significant People": "Важливі Люди", - "Meaningful Locations": "Значущі місця", - "Treasured Possessions": "Цінне майно", + "Personal Description": "Опис персонажа", + "Ideology/Beliefs": "Переконання/Вірування", + "Significant People": "Важливі люди", + "Meaningful Locations": "Важливі місця", + "Treasured Possessions": "Цінні речі", "Traits": "Риси", "Injuries & Scars": "Травми та шрами", "Phobias/Manias": "Фобії/манії", "Tomes, Spells and Artifacts": "Фоліанти, Заклинання та Артефакти", - "Encounters with Strange Entities": "Зустрічі з Дивними Сутностями", - "Encounters with Strange Entities-z": "Зустрічі з Дивними Сутностями", - "majorwound-z": "Важке Поранення", + "Encounters with Strange Entities": "Дивні події та зустрічі", + "Encounters with Strange Entities-z": "Дивні події та зустрічі", + "majorwound-z": "Глибокі рани", "dying-z": "При смерті", - "pulphp-z": "Pulp ХП", - "unarmed-z": "Беззбройний", - "dodge-z": "Ухилення", + "pulphp-z": "Палп ОЗ", + "unarmed-z": "Голіруч", + "dodge-z": "Ухиляння", "current-mental-condition": "Поточний психічний стан", "body-hit-location": "Вражена область тіла", "rolled": "Результат:", @@ -316,54 +316,54 @@ "cost-u": "Вартість", "castime-u": "Час заклинання", "description-u": "Опис", - "bout-of-madness-u-time": "Напад божевілля – поточний", - "bout-of-madness-u-summary": "Напад божевілля - Коротко", + "bout-of-madness-u-time": "Спалах божевілля – поточний", + "bout-of-madness-u-summary": "Спалах божевілля - Коротко", "amnesia": "Амнезія:", - "amnesia-dec": "Розслідувач забув усі події, які відбулися з моменту останнього перебування в безпечному місці на 1D10 раундів.", + "amnesia-dec": "Дослідник забув усі події, які відбулися з моменту останнього перебування в безпечному місці на 1К10 раундів.", "psychosomatic-disability": "Психосоматика:", - "psychosomatic-disability-dec": "Розслідувач страждає психосоматичною сліпотою, глухотою, не відчуває кінцівку чи кінцівки 1D10 раундів.", + "psychosomatic-disability-dec": "Дослідник страждає психосоматичною сліпотою, глухотою, не відчуває кінцівку чи кінцівки 1К10 раундів.", "violence": "Жорстокість:", - "violence-dec": "Червоний туман люті засліплює розслідувачу очі, і він вибухає в шквалі неконтрольованого гніву, спрямованого на союзників і ворогів протягом 1D10 раундів.", + "violence-dec": "Червоний туман люті засліплює досліднику очі, і він вибухає в шквалі неконтрольованого гніву, спрямованого на союзників і ворогів протягом 1К10 раундів.", "paranoia": "Параноя:", - "paranoia-dec": "Розслідувач страждає від сильної параної протягом 1D10 раундів.", + "paranoia-dec": "Дослідник страждає від сильної параної протягом 1К10 раундів.", "significant-person": "Синдром Двійника:", - "significant-person-dec": "Розслідувач 1D10 раундів помилково сприймає іншу особу в сцені за свою Важливу Особу.", + "significant-person-dec": "Дослідник 1К10 раундів помилково сприймає іншу особу в сцені за свою \"важливу людину\".", "faint": "Непритомність:", - "faint-dec": "Розслідувач непритомніє.", + "faint-dec": "Дослідник непритомніє.", "flee-in-panic": "Панічна Втеча:", - "flee-in-panic-dec": "Розслідувач на 1D10 раундів змушений втекти якомога далі будь-якими доступними способами. ", + "flee-in-panic-dec": "Дослідник на 1к10 раундів змушений втекти якомога далі будь-якими доступними способами. ", "physical-hysterics-or-emotional-outburst": "Приступ істерики чи нервовий зрив:", - "physical-hysterics-or-emotional-outburst-dec": "Розслідувач недієздатний — сміється, плаче, кричить тощо на 1D10 раундів.", + "physical-hysterics-or-emotional-outburst-dec": "Дослідник недієздатний — сміється, плаче, кричить тощо на 1к10 раундів.", "phobia": "Фобія:", - "phobia-dec": "Розслідувач отримує нову фобію на 1D10 раундів. Киньте 1D100 по таблиці Фобій (чи виберіть одну). Навіть якщо джерела фобії тут немає, розслідувачу здається, що є.", + "phobia-dec": "Дослідник отримує нову фобію на 1К10 раундів. Киньте 1К100 по таблиці Фобій (чи виберіть одну). Навіть якщо джерела фобії тут немає, розслідувачу здається, що є.", "mania": "Манія:", - "mania-dec": "Розслідувач отримує нову манію. Киньте 1D100 по таблиці Манії (або виберіть одну). Розслідувач прагне віддатися новій манії на 1D10 раундів", - "amnesia-dec2": "Розслідувач приходить до тями в якомусь незнайомому місці, не пам’ятаючи, хто він. Спогади поступово повертатимуться.", + "mania-dec": "Дослідник отримує нову манію. Киньте 1К100 по таблиці Манії (або виберіть одну). Дослідник прагне віддатися новій манії на 1К10 раундів", + "amnesia-dec2": "Дослідник приходить до тями в якомусь незнайомому місці, не пам’ятаючи, хто він. Спогади поступово повертатимуться.", "robbed": "Пограбований:", - "robbed-dec": "Пограбовані розслідувачі приходять до тями через 1D10 години. Вони неушкоджені. Якщо вони везли Цінне Майно, зробіть кидок Удачі, щоб побачити, чи його не вкрали. Все інше автоматично втрачене.", + "robbed-dec": "Пограбовані дослідники приходять до тями через 1К10 години. Вони неушкоджені. Якщо вони везли Цінне речі, зробіть кидок Талану, щоб побачити, чи його не вкрали. Все інше автоматично втрачене.", "battered": "Побитий:", - "battered-dec": "Побитий розслідувач приходить до тями через (1D10) годин. Хіт-Поїнти зменшуються до половини, від тих, що були до божевілля, хоча це не спричиняє Важкого Поранення. Його не пограбували. Деталі пошкодження визначає Хранитель.", - "violence-dec2": "Розслідувач вибухає у хвилі гніву та люті. Коли приходить до тями, може пам'ятати або ні, що відбулося. Деталі залежать від Хранителя.", - "ideology-beliefs": "Світогляд/Вірування:", - "ideology-beliefs-dec": "Перегляньте «Світогляду та вірувань» розслідувача. Один із поглядів він демонструє в екстремальний, божевільний і радикально демонстративний спосіб.", - "significant-people": "Важливі Люди:", - "significant-people-dec": "Перегляньте «Важливих людей» розслідувача. Протягом 1D10 годин чи більше він робить усе можливе, щоб наблизитися до цієї особи та якимось чином вплинути на стосунки з нею.", + "battered-dec": "Побитий дослідник приходить до тями через (1К10) годин. Очки здоров'я зменшуються до половини, від тих, що були до божевілля, хоча це не спричиняє Глибоку рану. Його не пограбували. Деталі пошкодження визначає Вартовий.", + "violence-dec2": "Дослідник вибухає у хвилі гніву та люті. Коли приходить до тями, може пам'ятати або ні, що відбулося. Деталі залежать від Вартового.", + "ideology-beliefs": "Переконання/Вірування:", + "ideology-beliefs-dec": "Перегляньте «Переконання та вірування» дослідника. Один із поглядів він демонструє в екстремальний, божевільний і радикально демонстративний спосіб.", + "significant-people": "Важливі люди:", + "significant-people-dec": "Перегляньте «Важливих людей» дослідника. Протягом 1К10 годин чи більше він робить усе можливе, щоб наблизитися до цієї особи та якимось чином вплинути на стосунки з нею.", "institutionalized": "Затриманий:", - "institutionalized-dec": "Розслідувач приходить до тями в психлікарні чи у відділку поліції. Поступово згадує події, які сюди привели.", - "flee-in-panic-dec2": "Коли розслідувач приходить до тями, він вже далеко.", - "phobia-dec2": "У розслідувача з’являється нова фобія. Киньте 1D100 по таблиці Фобій або виберіть одну. Розслідувач приходить до тями через 1D10 годин, уникаючи нової фобії.", - "mania-dec2": "Розслідувач отримує нову манію та повністю віддається їй. Киньте 1D100 по таблиці Маній або виберіть одну. Розслідувач приходить до тями через 1D10 годин. Хранитель та гравець вирішують чи інші люди усвідомлюють манію розслідувача.", + "institutionalized-dec": "Дослідник приходить до тями в психлікарні чи у відділку поліції. Поступово згадує події, які сюди привели.", + "flee-in-panic-dec2": "Коли дослідник приходить до тями, він вже далеко.", + "phobia-dec2": "У дослідника з’являється нова фобія. Киньте 1К100 по таблиці Фобій або виберіть одну. Дослідник приходить до тями через 1К10 годин, уникаючи нової фобії.", + "mania-dec2": "Дослідник отримує нову манію та повністю віддається їй. Киньте 1К100 по таблиці Маній або виберіть одну. Дослдіник приходить до тями через 1К10 годин. Вартовий та гравець вирішують чи інші люди усвідомлюють манію дослідника.", "value": "Значення:", "critical": "Критичний", "success": "Успіх", "hard": "Високий", "extreme": "Екстремальний", - "fumble": "Крит.Провал", + "fumble": "Цілковитий провал", "fail": "Провал", "malf": "Неспр.", "result": "Результат:", "dam": "Пошк.:", - "pulp-bout-of-madness-u-time": "Pulp Напад божевілля – поточний", + "pulp-bout-of-madness-u-time": "Падп Спалах божевілля – поточний", "crazy-pan": "Божевільний план:", "rage": "Лють:", "gloat": "зловтіха:", @@ -372,30 +372,30 @@ "alter-ego": "Альтер Его:", "pulp-amnesia-dec": "Герой перестає думати про себе як про героя, втрачаючи здатність використовувати свої таланти.", "pulp-crazy-plan-dec": "Герой втілює ірраціональний, непродуманий план. План грає на руку ворогу, або збільшує небезпеку для групи чи героя.", - "pulp-rage-dec": "Червоний туман люті засліплює герою очі, і він вибухає в шквалі неконтрольованого гніву, спрямованого на союзників і ворогів протягом 1D10 раундів.", + "pulp-rage-dec": "Червоний туман люті засліплює герою очі, і він вибухає в шквалі неконтрольованого гніву, спрямованого на союзників і ворогів протягом 1К10 раундів.", "pulp-gloat-dec": "Герой змушений вихвалятися, зловтішатися чи кричати про свої плани.", "pulp-relax-dec": "Герой переконаний, що загроза незначна, і він сидить склавши руки, розслабляється.", "pulp-flee-in-panic-dec": "Герой змушений втекти якомога далі, будь-яким способом, навіть якщо потрібно забрати єдиний транспортний засіб і залишити всіх інших.", "pulp-show-off-dec": "Герой стає маніяком, який шукає уваги, можливо, схильним до сміливих вчинків.", "pulp-alter-ego-dec": "Особистість героя зазнає повної трансформації і на зміну приходить зовсім іншою. Альтер его є дзеркальною протилежністю героя.", - "pulp-phobia-dec": "У героя з’являється нова фобія. Киньте 1D100 по таблиці Фобій (або виберіть одну). Навіть якщо джерела фобії немає, герой уявляє, що воно є.", - "pulp-mania-dec": "Герой отримує нову манію. Киньте 1D100 по таблиці зразків Манії (або виберіть одну). Герой прагне віддатися своїй новій манії.", - "pulp-bout-of-madness-u-summary": "Pulp Напад божевілля - Коротко", + "pulp-phobia-dec": "У героя з’являється нова фобія. Киньте 1К100 по таблиці Фобій (або виберіть одну). Навіть якщо джерела фобії немає, герой уявляє, що воно є.", + "pulp-mania-dec": "Герой отримує нову манію. Киньте 1К100 по таблиці зразків Манії (або виберіть одну). Герой прагне віддатися своїй новій манії.", + "pulp-bout-of-madness-u-summary": "Палп спалах божевілля - Коротко", "institutionalized-or-apprehended": "Затриманий:", - "pulp-amnesia-dec2": "Герой приходить до тями в незнайомому місці, не пам’ятаючи, хто він. Втрачає усі pulp таланти. Cпогади з часом повертаються. Таланти повертаються лише під час кризи. У цьому випадку криза визначається як загроза життю людини. Коли комусь загрожує життя, герой повинен зробити кидок Удачі; у разі успіху — таланти повертаються. У разі невдачі вони можуть спробувати ще раз через 1D10 раундів.", - "pulp-robbed-dec": "Пограбовані герої приходять до тями через 1D10 години. Вони неушкоджені. Якщо вони везли Цінне Майно (передісторія), зробіть кидок Удачі, щоб побачити, чи його не вкрали. Все інше автоматично втрачене.", - "pulp-battered-dec": "Побитий герой приходить до тями через 1D10 годин. Хіт-Поїнти зменшуються до половини, від тих, що були до божевілля. Його не пограбували. Деталі пошкодження визначає Хранитель.", - "pulp-violence-dec2": "Герой вибухає у хвилі гніву та люті. Коли приходить до тями, може пам'ятати або ні, що відбулося. Деталі залежать від Хранителя.", - "pulp-ideology-beliefs-dec": "Перегляньте \"Світогляд та вірування\" героя. Герой проявляє одну з записаних там ідеологій в екстремальній, божевільній і демонстративній манері. Звичайним результатом є якийсь варіант манії величі, коли таланти та переконання героя починають псувати його людяність, почуття добра і зла.", - "pulp-significant-people-dec": "Перегляньте «Важливих людей» героя. Протягом 1D10 годин чи більше він робить усе можливе, щоб наблизитися до цієї особи та якимось чином вплинути на стосунки з нею.", + "pulp-amnesia-dec2": "Герой приходить до тями в незнайомому місці, не пам’ятаючи, хто він. Втрачає усі Палп таланти. Cпогади з часом повертаються. Таланти повертаються лише під час кризи. У цьому випадку криза визначається як загроза життю людини. Коли комусь загрожує життя, герой повинен зробити перевірку\"талану\"; у разі успіху — таланти повертаються. У разі невдачі вони можуть спробувати ще раз через 1К10 раундів.", + "pulp-robbed-dec": "Пограбовані герої приходять до тями через 1К10 години. Вони неушкоджені. Якщо вони везли Цінне речі (передісторія), зробіть кидок талану, щоб побачити, чи його не вкрали. Все інше автоматично втрачене.", + "pulp-battered-dec": "Побитий герой приходить до тями через 1К10 годин. Очки здоров'я зменшуються до половини, від тих, що були до божевілля. Його не пограбували. Деталі пошкодження визначає Вартовий.", + "pulp-violence-dec2": "Герой вибухає у хвилі гніву та люті. Коли приходить до тями, може пам'ятати або ні, що відбулося. Деталі залежать від Вартового.", + "pulp-ideology-beliefs-dec": "Перегляньте \"Переконання та вірування\" героя. Герой проявляє одне із записаних там переконань в екстремальній, божевільній і демонстративній манері. Звичайним результатом є якийсь варіант манії величі, коли таланти та переконання героя починають псувати його людяність, почуття добра і зла.", + "pulp-significant-people-dec": "Перегляньте «Важливих людей» героя. Протягом 1К10 годин чи більше він робить усе можливе, щоб наблизитися до цієї особи та якимось чином вплинути на стосунки з нею.", "pulp-institutionalized-or-apprehended-dec": "Герой приходить до тями в психлікарні, у відділку поліції чи в полоні. Поступово згадує події, які сюди привели.", "pulp-flee-in-panic-dec2": "Коли герой приходить до тями десь далеко. Можливо, він загубився. Як сюди дістався невідомо.", - "pulp-phobia-dec2": "У героя з’являється нова фобія. Киньте 1D100 по таблиці Фобій або виберіть одну. Герой приходить до тями через 1D10 годин, уникаючи нової фобії.", - "pulp-mania-dec2": "Герой отримує нову манію та повністю віддається їй. Киньте 1D100 по таблиці Маній або виберіть одну. Герой приходить до тями через 1D10 годин. Хранитель та гравець вирішують чи інші люди усвідомлюють манію розслідувача.", - "delusion-da-dec": "Розслідувач бачить речі, які не є реальними, але не в змозі відрізнити правду від галюцинацій.", - "delusion-da": "Марення:", + "pulp-phobia-dec2": "У героя з’являється нова фобія. Киньте 1К100 по таблиці Фобій або виберіть одну. Герой приходить до тями через 1К10 годин, уникаючи нової фобії.", + "pulp-mania-dec2": "Герой отримує нову манію та повністю віддається їй. Киньте 1К100 по таблиці Маній або виберіть одну. Герой приходить до тями через 1К10 годин. Вартовий та гравець вирішують чи інші люди усвідомлюють манію дослідника.", + "delusion-da-dec": "Дослідник бачить речі, які не є реальними, але не в змозі відрізнити правду від галюцинацій.", + "delusion-da": "Видіння:", "shackled-da": "Скутий:", - "delusion-da-dec2": "Сильні галюцинації спонукають розслідувача до різних дій. Можливо, викопав глибоку яму і тепер ховаються в ній, або забарикадувався у хатині.", - "flee-in-panic-da-dec2": "Коли розслідувач приходить до тями, він уже десь далеко, можливо, заблукав у лісі або б’є у двері, вимагаючи, щоб його впустили всередину.", - "shackled-da-dec": "Розслідувач, що марив і говорив чужими мовами, був схоплений та закутий у кайдани або якимось чином ув’язнений." + "delusion-da-dec2": "Сильні галюцинації спонукають дослідника до різних дій. Можливо, викопав глибоку яму і тепер ховаються в ній, або забарикадувався у хатині.", + "flee-in-panic-da-dec2": "Коли дослідник приходить до тями, він уже десь далеко, можливо, заблукав у лісі або б’є у двері, вимагаючи, щоб його впустили всередину.", + "shackled-da-dec": "Дослідник, що марив і говорив чужими мовами, був схоплений та закутий у кайдани або якимось чином ув’язнений." } diff --git a/Storypath/translations/af.json b/Storypath/translations/af.json index f2e6b3823b4d..6ae91143010b 100644 --- a/Storypath/translations/af.json +++ b/Storypath/translations/af.json @@ -44,22 +44,22 @@ "contact": "contact", "cooldown": "cooldown", "cost": "cost", - "create a access": "Create Access", - "create a birthright-creature": "create a creature", - "create a birthright-follower": "create a follower", - "create a birthright-guide": "create a guide", - "create a birthright-relic": "%{add-birthright-relic}", - "create a boon": "create boon", - "create a calling": "Create Calling", - "create a contact": "Create Contact", - "create a deed": "Create Deed", - "create a equipment": "%{add-equipment}", - "create a group": "Create Group", - "create a injury": "%{add-injury}", - "create a knack": "Create Knack", - "create a obligation": "Create Obligation", - "create a path": "Create Path", - "create a purview": "%{add-purview}", + "create a access": "create a access", + "create a birthright-creature": "create a birthright-creature", + "create a birthright-follower": "create a birthright-follower", + "create a birthright-guide": "create a birthright-guide", + "create a birthright-relic": "create a birthright-relic", + "create a boon": "create a boon", + "create a calling": "create a calling", + "create a contact": "create a contact", + "create a deed": "create a deed", + "create a equipment": "create a equipment", + "create a group": "create a group", + "create a injury": "create a injury", + "create a knack": "create a knack", + "create a obligation": "create a obligation", + "create a path": "create a path", + "create a purview": "create a purview", "create a segment": "create a segment", "creature": "creature", "culture": "culture", @@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ "maimed": "maimed", "manipulation": "manipulation", "marvels": "marvels", + "marvels (comma separated)": "marvels (comma separated)", "medicine": "medicine", "mental": "mental", "might": "might", @@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ "occult": "occult", "off": "off", "on": "on", - "open the settings page": "Open the settings page", + "open the settings page": "open the settings page", "opposed by": "opposed by", "parent": "parent", "party screen": "party screen", @@ -178,9 +179,9 @@ "rolls are": "rolls are", "scale": "scale", "science": "science", - "scion-demigod": "scion: demigod", - "scion-hero": "scion: hero", - "scion-origin": "scion: origin", + "scion-demigod": "scion-demigod", + "scion-hero": "scion-hero", + "scion-origin": "scion-origin", "secondary pool": "secondary pool", "Segment description": "Segment description", "segment name": "segment name", @@ -194,6 +195,7 @@ "skills": "skills", "social": "social", "special": "special", + "special abilities": "special abilities", "stamina": "stamina", "stunt": "stunt", "subject": "subject", @@ -216,36 +218,13 @@ "used": "used", "variety": "variety", "View all sections": "View all sections", - "View antagonist": "View antagonist sheet", - "View general information": "View only general information", - "View gm screen": "%{nav-gm-screen}", - "View party screen": "%{nav-party-screen}", - "View powers information": "View only powers information", + "View antagonist": "View antagonist", + "View general information": "View general information", + "View gm screen": "View gm screen", + "View party screen": "View party screen", + "View powers information": "View powers information", "virtue": "virtue", "vs": "vs", "What is the purview's innate power?": "What is the purview's innate power?", - "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm", - "marvel": "marvel", - "use collateral": "use collateral", - "additional dice query": "How many additional dice", - "skill query": "Which skill would you like to roll?", - "attribute query": "Which attribute would you like to roll?", - "unnamed": "unnamed", - "Do you have any enhancements": "Do you have any enhancements?", - "attribute only": "attribute only", - "difficulty query": "How difficult is the task?", - "Yes": "Yes", - "No": "No", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}}?", - "Roll {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{1}}?", - "Roll {{skill}}?": "Roll {{0}}?" + "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Storypath/translations/ca.json b/Storypath/translations/ca.json index f2e6b3823b4d..6ae91143010b 100644 --- a/Storypath/translations/ca.json +++ b/Storypath/translations/ca.json @@ -44,22 +44,22 @@ "contact": "contact", "cooldown": "cooldown", "cost": "cost", - "create a access": "Create Access", - "create a birthright-creature": "create a creature", - "create a birthright-follower": "create a follower", - "create a birthright-guide": "create a guide", - "create a birthright-relic": "%{add-birthright-relic}", - "create a boon": "create boon", - "create a calling": "Create Calling", - "create a contact": "Create Contact", - "create a deed": "Create Deed", - "create a equipment": "%{add-equipment}", - "create a group": "Create Group", - "create a injury": "%{add-injury}", - "create a knack": "Create Knack", - "create a obligation": "Create Obligation", - "create a path": "Create Path", - "create a purview": "%{add-purview}", + "create a access": "create a access", + "create a birthright-creature": "create a birthright-creature", + "create a birthright-follower": "create a birthright-follower", + "create a birthright-guide": "create a birthright-guide", + "create a birthright-relic": "create a birthright-relic", + "create a boon": "create a boon", + "create a calling": "create a calling", + "create a contact": "create a contact", + "create a deed": "create a deed", + "create a equipment": "create a equipment", + "create a group": "create a group", + "create a injury": "create a injury", + "create a knack": "create a knack", + "create a obligation": "create a obligation", + "create a path": "create a path", + "create a purview": "create a purview", "create a segment": "create a segment", "creature": "creature", "culture": "culture", @@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ "maimed": "maimed", "manipulation": "manipulation", "marvels": "marvels", + "marvels (comma separated)": "marvels (comma separated)", "medicine": "medicine", "mental": "mental", "might": "might", @@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ "occult": "occult", "off": "off", "on": "on", - "open the settings page": "Open the settings page", + "open the settings page": "open the settings page", "opposed by": "opposed by", "parent": "parent", "party screen": "party screen", @@ -178,9 +179,9 @@ "rolls are": "rolls are", "scale": "scale", "science": "science", - "scion-demigod": "scion: demigod", - "scion-hero": "scion: hero", - "scion-origin": "scion: origin", + "scion-demigod": "scion-demigod", + "scion-hero": "scion-hero", + "scion-origin": "scion-origin", "secondary pool": "secondary pool", "Segment description": "Segment description", "segment name": "segment name", @@ -194,6 +195,7 @@ "skills": "skills", "social": "social", "special": "special", + "special abilities": "special abilities", "stamina": "stamina", "stunt": "stunt", "subject": "subject", @@ -216,36 +218,13 @@ "used": "used", "variety": "variety", "View all sections": "View all sections", - "View antagonist": "View antagonist sheet", - "View general information": "View only general information", - "View gm screen": "%{nav-gm-screen}", - "View party screen": "%{nav-party-screen}", - "View powers information": "View only powers information", + "View antagonist": "View antagonist", + "View general information": "View general information", + "View gm screen": "View gm screen", + "View party screen": "View party screen", + "View powers information": "View powers information", "virtue": "virtue", "vs": "vs", "What is the purview's innate power?": "What is the purview's innate power?", - "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm", - "marvel": "marvel", - "use collateral": "use collateral", - "additional dice query": "How many additional dice", - "skill query": "Which skill would you like to roll?", - "attribute query": "Which attribute would you like to roll?", - "unnamed": "unnamed", - "Do you have any enhancements": "Do you have any enhancements?", - "attribute only": "attribute only", - "difficulty query": "How difficult is the task?", - "Yes": "Yes", - "No": "No", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}}?", - "Roll {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{1}}?", - "Roll {{skill}}?": "Roll {{0}}?" + "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Storypath/translations/cs.json b/Storypath/translations/cs.json index f2e6b3823b4d..6ae91143010b 100644 --- a/Storypath/translations/cs.json +++ b/Storypath/translations/cs.json @@ -44,22 +44,22 @@ "contact": "contact", "cooldown": "cooldown", "cost": "cost", - "create a access": "Create Access", - "create a birthright-creature": "create a creature", - "create a birthright-follower": "create a follower", - "create a birthright-guide": "create a guide", - "create a birthright-relic": "%{add-birthright-relic}", - "create a boon": "create boon", - "create a calling": "Create Calling", - "create a contact": "Create Contact", - "create a deed": "Create Deed", - "create a equipment": "%{add-equipment}", - "create a group": "Create Group", - "create a injury": "%{add-injury}", - "create a knack": "Create Knack", - "create a obligation": "Create Obligation", - "create a path": "Create Path", - "create a purview": "%{add-purview}", + "create a access": "create a access", + "create a birthright-creature": "create a birthright-creature", + "create a birthright-follower": "create a birthright-follower", + "create a birthright-guide": "create a birthright-guide", + "create a birthright-relic": "create a birthright-relic", + "create a boon": "create a boon", + "create a calling": "create a calling", + "create a contact": "create a contact", + "create a deed": "create a deed", + "create a equipment": "create a equipment", + "create a group": "create a group", + "create a injury": "create a injury", + "create a knack": "create a knack", + "create a obligation": "create a obligation", + "create a path": "create a path", + "create a purview": "create a purview", "create a segment": "create a segment", "creature": "creature", "culture": "culture", @@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ "maimed": "maimed", "manipulation": "manipulation", "marvels": "marvels", + "marvels (comma separated)": "marvels (comma separated)", "medicine": "medicine", "mental": "mental", "might": "might", @@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ "occult": "occult", "off": "off", "on": "on", - "open the settings page": "Open the settings page", + "open the settings page": "open the settings page", "opposed by": "opposed by", "parent": "parent", "party screen": "party screen", @@ -178,9 +179,9 @@ "rolls are": "rolls are", "scale": "scale", "science": "science", - "scion-demigod": "scion: demigod", - "scion-hero": "scion: hero", - "scion-origin": "scion: origin", + "scion-demigod": "scion-demigod", + "scion-hero": "scion-hero", + "scion-origin": "scion-origin", "secondary pool": "secondary pool", "Segment description": "Segment description", "segment name": "segment name", @@ -194,6 +195,7 @@ "skills": "skills", "social": "social", "special": "special", + "special abilities": "special abilities", "stamina": "stamina", "stunt": "stunt", "subject": "subject", @@ -216,36 +218,13 @@ "used": "used", "variety": "variety", "View all sections": "View all sections", - "View antagonist": "View antagonist sheet", - "View general information": "View only general information", - "View gm screen": "%{nav-gm-screen}", - "View party screen": "%{nav-party-screen}", - "View powers information": "View only powers information", + "View antagonist": "View antagonist", + "View general information": "View general information", + "View gm screen": "View gm screen", + "View party screen": "View party screen", + "View powers information": "View powers information", "virtue": "virtue", "vs": "vs", "What is the purview's innate power?": "What is the purview's innate power?", - "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm", - "marvel": "marvel", - "use collateral": "use collateral", - "additional dice query": "How many additional dice", - "skill query": "Which skill would you like to roll?", - "attribute query": "Which attribute would you like to roll?", - "unnamed": "unnamed", - "Do you have any enhancements": "Do you have any enhancements?", - "attribute only": "attribute only", - "difficulty query": "How difficult is the task?", - "Yes": "Yes", - "No": "No", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}}?", - "Roll {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{1}}?", - "Roll {{skill}}?": "Roll {{0}}?" + "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Storypath/translations/da.json b/Storypath/translations/da.json index f2e6b3823b4d..6ae91143010b 100644 --- a/Storypath/translations/da.json +++ b/Storypath/translations/da.json @@ -44,22 +44,22 @@ "contact": "contact", "cooldown": "cooldown", "cost": "cost", - "create a access": "Create Access", - "create a birthright-creature": "create a creature", - "create a birthright-follower": "create a follower", - "create a birthright-guide": "create a guide", - "create a birthright-relic": "%{add-birthright-relic}", - "create a boon": "create boon", - "create a calling": "Create Calling", - "create a contact": "Create Contact", - "create a deed": "Create Deed", - "create a equipment": "%{add-equipment}", - "create a group": "Create Group", - "create a injury": "%{add-injury}", - "create a knack": "Create Knack", - "create a obligation": "Create Obligation", - "create a path": "Create Path", - "create a purview": "%{add-purview}", + "create a access": "create a access", + "create a birthright-creature": "create a birthright-creature", + "create a birthright-follower": "create a birthright-follower", + "create a birthright-guide": "create a birthright-guide", + "create a birthright-relic": "create a birthright-relic", + "create a boon": "create a boon", + "create a calling": "create a calling", + "create a contact": "create a contact", + "create a deed": "create a deed", + "create a equipment": "create a equipment", + "create a group": "create a group", + "create a injury": "create a injury", + "create a knack": "create a knack", + "create a obligation": "create a obligation", + "create a path": "create a path", + "create a purview": "create a purview", "create a segment": "create a segment", "creature": "creature", "culture": "culture", @@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ "maimed": "maimed", "manipulation": "manipulation", "marvels": "marvels", + "marvels (comma separated)": "marvels (comma separated)", "medicine": "medicine", "mental": "mental", "might": "might", @@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ "occult": "occult", "off": "off", "on": "on", - "open the settings page": "Open the settings page", + "open the settings page": "open the settings page", "opposed by": "opposed by", "parent": "parent", "party screen": "party screen", @@ -178,9 +179,9 @@ "rolls are": "rolls are", "scale": "scale", "science": "science", - "scion-demigod": "scion: demigod", - "scion-hero": "scion: hero", - "scion-origin": "scion: origin", + "scion-demigod": "scion-demigod", + "scion-hero": "scion-hero", + "scion-origin": "scion-origin", "secondary pool": "secondary pool", "Segment description": "Segment description", "segment name": "segment name", @@ -194,6 +195,7 @@ "skills": "skills", "social": "social", "special": "special", + "special abilities": "special abilities", "stamina": "stamina", "stunt": "stunt", "subject": "subject", @@ -216,36 +218,13 @@ "used": "used", "variety": "variety", "View all sections": "View all sections", - "View antagonist": "View antagonist sheet", - "View general information": "View only general information", - "View gm screen": "%{nav-gm-screen}", - "View party screen": "%{nav-party-screen}", - "View powers information": "View only powers information", + "View antagonist": "View antagonist", + "View general information": "View general information", + "View gm screen": "View gm screen", + "View party screen": "View party screen", + "View powers information": "View powers information", "virtue": "virtue", "vs": "vs", "What is the purview's innate power?": "What is the purview's innate power?", - "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm", - "marvel": "marvel", - "use collateral": "use collateral", - "additional dice query": "How many additional dice", - "skill query": "Which skill would you like to roll?", - "attribute query": "Which attribute would you like to roll?", - "unnamed": "unnamed", - "Do you have any enhancements": "Do you have any enhancements?", - "attribute only": "attribute only", - "difficulty query": "How difficult is the task?", - "Yes": "Yes", - "No": "No", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}}?", - "Roll {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{1}}?", - "Roll {{skill}}?": "Roll {{0}}?" + "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Storypath/translations/de.json b/Storypath/translations/de.json index f2e6b3823b4d..6ae91143010b 100644 --- a/Storypath/translations/de.json +++ b/Storypath/translations/de.json @@ -44,22 +44,22 @@ "contact": "contact", "cooldown": "cooldown", "cost": "cost", - "create a access": "Create Access", - "create a birthright-creature": "create a creature", - "create a birthright-follower": "create a follower", - "create a birthright-guide": "create a guide", - "create a birthright-relic": "%{add-birthright-relic}", - "create a boon": "create boon", - "create a calling": "Create Calling", - "create a contact": "Create Contact", - "create a deed": "Create Deed", - "create a equipment": "%{add-equipment}", - "create a group": "Create Group", - "create a injury": "%{add-injury}", - "create a knack": "Create Knack", - "create a obligation": "Create Obligation", - "create a path": "Create Path", - "create a purview": "%{add-purview}", + "create a access": "create a access", + "create a birthright-creature": "create a birthright-creature", + "create a birthright-follower": "create a birthright-follower", + "create a birthright-guide": "create a birthright-guide", + "create a birthright-relic": "create a birthright-relic", + "create a boon": "create a boon", + "create a calling": "create a calling", + "create a contact": "create a contact", + "create a deed": "create a deed", + "create a equipment": "create a equipment", + "create a group": "create a group", + "create a injury": "create a injury", + "create a knack": "create a knack", + "create a obligation": "create a obligation", + "create a path": "create a path", + "create a purview": "create a purview", "create a segment": "create a segment", "creature": "creature", "culture": "culture", @@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ "maimed": "maimed", "manipulation": "manipulation", "marvels": "marvels", + "marvels (comma separated)": "marvels (comma separated)", "medicine": "medicine", "mental": "mental", "might": "might", @@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ "occult": "occult", "off": "off", "on": "on", - "open the settings page": "Open the settings page", + "open the settings page": "open the settings page", "opposed by": "opposed by", "parent": "parent", "party screen": "party screen", @@ -178,9 +179,9 @@ "rolls are": "rolls are", "scale": "scale", "science": "science", - "scion-demigod": "scion: demigod", - "scion-hero": "scion: hero", - "scion-origin": "scion: origin", + "scion-demigod": "scion-demigod", + "scion-hero": "scion-hero", + "scion-origin": "scion-origin", "secondary pool": "secondary pool", "Segment description": "Segment description", "segment name": "segment name", @@ -194,6 +195,7 @@ "skills": "skills", "social": "social", "special": "special", + "special abilities": "special abilities", "stamina": "stamina", "stunt": "stunt", "subject": "subject", @@ -216,36 +218,13 @@ "used": "used", "variety": "variety", "View all sections": "View all sections", - "View antagonist": "View antagonist sheet", - "View general information": "View only general information", - "View gm screen": "%{nav-gm-screen}", - "View party screen": "%{nav-party-screen}", - "View powers information": "View only powers information", + "View antagonist": "View antagonist", + "View general information": "View general information", + "View gm screen": "View gm screen", + "View party screen": "View party screen", + "View powers information": "View powers information", "virtue": "virtue", "vs": "vs", "What is the purview's innate power?": "What is the purview's innate power?", - "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm", - "marvel": "marvel", - "use collateral": "use collateral", - "additional dice query": "How many additional dice", - "skill query": "Which skill would you like to roll?", - "attribute query": "Which attribute would you like to roll?", - "unnamed": "unnamed", - "Do you have any enhancements": "Do you have any enhancements?", - "attribute only": "attribute only", - "difficulty query": "How difficult is the task?", - "Yes": "Yes", - "No": "No", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}}?", - "Roll {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{1}}?", - "Roll {{skill}}?": "Roll {{0}}?" + "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Storypath/translations/el.json b/Storypath/translations/el.json index f2e6b3823b4d..6ae91143010b 100644 --- a/Storypath/translations/el.json +++ b/Storypath/translations/el.json @@ -44,22 +44,22 @@ "contact": "contact", "cooldown": "cooldown", "cost": "cost", - "create a access": "Create Access", - "create a birthright-creature": "create a creature", - "create a birthright-follower": "create a follower", - "create a birthright-guide": "create a guide", - "create a birthright-relic": "%{add-birthright-relic}", - "create a boon": "create boon", - "create a calling": "Create Calling", - "create a contact": "Create Contact", - "create a deed": "Create Deed", - "create a equipment": "%{add-equipment}", - "create a group": "Create Group", - "create a injury": "%{add-injury}", - "create a knack": "Create Knack", - "create a obligation": "Create Obligation", - "create a path": "Create Path", - "create a purview": "%{add-purview}", + "create a access": "create a access", + "create a birthright-creature": "create a birthright-creature", + "create a birthright-follower": "create a birthright-follower", + "create a birthright-guide": "create a birthright-guide", + "create a birthright-relic": "create a birthright-relic", + "create a boon": "create a boon", + "create a calling": "create a calling", + "create a contact": "create a contact", + "create a deed": "create a deed", + "create a equipment": "create a equipment", + "create a group": "create a group", + "create a injury": "create a injury", + "create a knack": "create a knack", + "create a obligation": "create a obligation", + "create a path": "create a path", + "create a purview": "create a purview", "create a segment": "create a segment", "creature": "creature", "culture": "culture", @@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ "maimed": "maimed", "manipulation": "manipulation", "marvels": "marvels", + "marvels (comma separated)": "marvels (comma separated)", "medicine": "medicine", "mental": "mental", "might": "might", @@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ "occult": "occult", "off": "off", "on": "on", - "open the settings page": "Open the settings page", + "open the settings page": "open the settings page", "opposed by": "opposed by", "parent": "parent", "party screen": "party screen", @@ -178,9 +179,9 @@ "rolls are": "rolls are", "scale": "scale", "science": "science", - "scion-demigod": "scion: demigod", - "scion-hero": "scion: hero", - "scion-origin": "scion: origin", + "scion-demigod": "scion-demigod", + "scion-hero": "scion-hero", + "scion-origin": "scion-origin", "secondary pool": "secondary pool", "Segment description": "Segment description", "segment name": "segment name", @@ -194,6 +195,7 @@ "skills": "skills", "social": "social", "special": "special", + "special abilities": "special abilities", "stamina": "stamina", "stunt": "stunt", "subject": "subject", @@ -216,36 +218,13 @@ "used": "used", "variety": "variety", "View all sections": "View all sections", - "View antagonist": "View antagonist sheet", - "View general information": "View only general information", - "View gm screen": "%{nav-gm-screen}", - "View party screen": "%{nav-party-screen}", - "View powers information": "View only powers information", + "View antagonist": "View antagonist", + "View general information": "View general information", + "View gm screen": "View gm screen", + "View party screen": "View party screen", + "View powers information": "View powers information", "virtue": "virtue", "vs": "vs", "What is the purview's innate power?": "What is the purview's innate power?", - "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm", - "marvel": "marvel", - "use collateral": "use collateral", - "additional dice query": "How many additional dice", - "skill query": "Which skill would you like to roll?", - "attribute query": "Which attribute would you like to roll?", - "unnamed": "unnamed", - "Do you have any enhancements": "Do you have any enhancements?", - "attribute only": "attribute only", - "difficulty query": "How difficult is the task?", - "Yes": "Yes", - "No": "No", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}}?", - "Roll {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{1}}?", - "Roll {{skill}}?": "Roll {{0}}?" + "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Storypath/translations/en.json b/Storypath/translations/en.json index f2e6b3823b4d..6ae91143010b 100644 --- a/Storypath/translations/en.json +++ b/Storypath/translations/en.json @@ -44,22 +44,22 @@ "contact": "contact", "cooldown": "cooldown", "cost": "cost", - "create a access": "Create Access", - "create a birthright-creature": "create a creature", - "create a birthright-follower": "create a follower", - "create a birthright-guide": "create a guide", - "create a birthright-relic": "%{add-birthright-relic}", - "create a boon": "create boon", - "create a calling": "Create Calling", - "create a contact": "Create Contact", - "create a deed": "Create Deed", - "create a equipment": "%{add-equipment}", - "create a group": "Create Group", - "create a injury": "%{add-injury}", - "create a knack": "Create Knack", - "create a obligation": "Create Obligation", - "create a path": "Create Path", - "create a purview": "%{add-purview}", + "create a access": "create a access", + "create a birthright-creature": "create a birthright-creature", + "create a birthright-follower": "create a birthright-follower", + "create a birthright-guide": "create a birthright-guide", + "create a birthright-relic": "create a birthright-relic", + "create a boon": "create a boon", + "create a calling": "create a calling", + "create a contact": "create a contact", + "create a deed": "create a deed", + "create a equipment": "create a equipment", + "create a group": "create a group", + "create a injury": "create a injury", + "create a knack": "create a knack", + "create a obligation": "create a obligation", + "create a path": "create a path", + "create a purview": "create a purview", "create a segment": "create a segment", "creature": "creature", "culture": "culture", @@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ "maimed": "maimed", "manipulation": "manipulation", "marvels": "marvels", + "marvels (comma separated)": "marvels (comma separated)", "medicine": "medicine", "mental": "mental", "might": "might", @@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ "occult": "occult", "off": "off", "on": "on", - "open the settings page": "Open the settings page", + "open the settings page": "open the settings page", "opposed by": "opposed by", "parent": "parent", "party screen": "party screen", @@ -178,9 +179,9 @@ "rolls are": "rolls are", "scale": "scale", "science": "science", - "scion-demigod": "scion: demigod", - "scion-hero": "scion: hero", - "scion-origin": "scion: origin", + "scion-demigod": "scion-demigod", + "scion-hero": "scion-hero", + "scion-origin": "scion-origin", "secondary pool": "secondary pool", "Segment description": "Segment description", "segment name": "segment name", @@ -194,6 +195,7 @@ "skills": "skills", "social": "social", "special": "special", + "special abilities": "special abilities", "stamina": "stamina", "stunt": "stunt", "subject": "subject", @@ -216,36 +218,13 @@ "used": "used", "variety": "variety", "View all sections": "View all sections", - "View antagonist": "View antagonist sheet", - "View general information": "View only general information", - "View gm screen": "%{nav-gm-screen}", - "View party screen": "%{nav-party-screen}", - "View powers information": "View only powers information", + "View antagonist": "View antagonist", + "View general information": "View general information", + "View gm screen": "View gm screen", + "View party screen": "View party screen", + "View powers information": "View powers information", "virtue": "virtue", "vs": "vs", "What is the purview's innate power?": "What is the purview's innate power?", - "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm", - "marvel": "marvel", - "use collateral": "use collateral", - "additional dice query": "How many additional dice", - "skill query": "Which skill would you like to roll?", - "attribute query": "Which attribute would you like to roll?", - "unnamed": "unnamed", - "Do you have any enhancements": "Do you have any enhancements?", - "attribute only": "attribute only", - "difficulty query": "How difficult is the task?", - "Yes": "Yes", - "No": "No", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}}?", - "Roll {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{1}}?", - "Roll {{skill}}?": "Roll {{0}}?" + "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Storypath/translations/es.json b/Storypath/translations/es.json index e91b5cdb4850..8d12140389ee 100644 --- a/Storypath/translations/es.json +++ b/Storypath/translations/es.json @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ "clash": "choque de voluntades", "close combat": "Combate CaC", "collapse subsection": "Contraer subsección", - "collapse/expand the section": "contraer/Expandir sección", + "collapse/expand the section": "collapse/expand the section", "collateral": "collateral", "completed": "completada", "completed deeds": "hazañas completadas", @@ -44,22 +44,22 @@ "contact": "contacto", "cooldown": "enfriamiento", "cost": "coste", - "create a access": "Crear acceso", - "create a birthright-creature": "crear una criatura", - "create a birthright-follower": "crear un seguidor", - "create a birthright-guide": "crear un guía", - "create a birthright-relic": "%{add-birthright-relic}", - "create a boon": "crear don", - "create a calling": "Crear Llamada", - "create a contact": "Crear Contacto", - "create a deed": "Crear Hazaña", - "create a equipment": "%{add-equipment}", - "create a group": "Crear Grupo", - "create a injury": "%{add-injury}", - "create a knack": "Crear Truco", - "create a obligation": "Crear obligación", - "create a path": "Crear Senda", - "create a purview": "%{add-purview}", + "create a access": "create a access", + "create a birthright-creature": "create a birthright-creature", + "create a birthright-follower": "create a birthright-follower", + "create a birthright-guide": "create a birthright-guide", + "create a birthright-relic": "create a birthright-relic", + "create a boon": "create a boon", + "create a calling": "create a calling", + "create a contact": "create a contact", + "create a deed": "create a deed", + "create a equipment": "create a equipment", + "create a group": "create a group", + "create a injury": "create a injury", + "create a knack": "create a knack", + "create a obligation": "create a obligation", + "create a path": "create a path", + "create a purview": "create a purview", "create a segment": "create a segment", "creature": "criatura", "culture": "cultura", @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ "drive": "motivación", "duration": "duración", "earned": "ganada", - "edit section": "editar sección", + "edit section": "edit section", "empathy": "empatia", "enhancement": "mejora", "enhancement automation": "automatización de mejora", @@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ "maimed": "tullido", "manipulation": "manipulación", "marvels": "marvels", + "marvels (comma separated)": "marvels (comma separated)", "medicine": "medicina", "mental": "mentales", "might": "vigor", @@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ "occult": "ocultismo", "off": "off", "on": "on", - "open the settings page": "Abrir la página de configuración", + "open the settings page": "open the settings page", "opposed by": "opposed by", "parent": "progenitor", "party screen": "pantalla del grupo", @@ -178,9 +179,9 @@ "rolls are": "las tiradas son", "scale": "scale", "science": "ciencia", - "scion-demigod": "scion: demigod", - "scion-hero": "scion: héroe", - "scion-origin": "scion: origen", + "scion-demigod": "scion-demigod", + "scion-hero": "scion-hero", + "scion-origin": "scion-origin", "secondary pool": "reserva secundaria", "Segment description": "Segment description", "segment name": "segment name", @@ -194,6 +195,7 @@ "skills": "habilidades", "social": "sociales", "special": "special", + "special abilities": "special abilities", "stamina": "aguante", "stunt": "maniobra", "subject": "objetivo", @@ -215,37 +217,14 @@ "type": "tipo", "used": "usada", "variety": "variedad", - "View all sections": "Mostrar todas las secciones", - "View antagonist": "Ver ficha de antagonista", - "View general information": "Mostrar solo la información general", - "View gm screen": "%{nav-gm-screen}", - "View party screen": "%{nav-party-screen}", - "View powers information": "Mostrar solo la información de los poderes", + "View all sections": "View all sections", + "View antagonist": "View antagonist", + "View general information": "View general information", + "View gm screen": "View gm screen", + "View party screen": "View party screen", + "View powers information": "View powers information", "virtue": "virtud", "vs": "vs", "What is the purview's innate power?": "¿Cuál es el poder innato del ámbito?", - "whispered to gm": "susurradas al DJ", - "marvel": "marvel", - "use collateral": "use collateral", - "additional dice query": "¿Cuántos dados adicionales?", - "skill query": "Which skill would you like to roll?", - "attribute query": "Which attribute would you like to roll?", - "unnamed": "unnamed", - "Do you have any enhancements": "Do you have any enhancements?", - "attribute only": "attribute only", - "difficulty query": "How difficult is the task?", - "Yes": "Yes", - "No": "No", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}}?", - "Roll {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{1}}?", - "Roll {{skill}}?": "Roll {{0}}?" + "whispered to gm": "susurradas al DJ" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Storypath/translations/fi.json b/Storypath/translations/fi.json index f2e6b3823b4d..6ae91143010b 100644 --- a/Storypath/translations/fi.json +++ b/Storypath/translations/fi.json @@ -44,22 +44,22 @@ "contact": "contact", "cooldown": "cooldown", "cost": "cost", - "create a access": "Create Access", - "create a birthright-creature": "create a creature", - "create a birthright-follower": "create a follower", - "create a birthright-guide": "create a guide", - "create a birthright-relic": "%{add-birthright-relic}", - "create a boon": "create boon", - "create a calling": "Create Calling", - "create a contact": "Create Contact", - "create a deed": "Create Deed", - "create a equipment": "%{add-equipment}", - "create a group": "Create Group", - "create a injury": "%{add-injury}", - "create a knack": "Create Knack", - "create a obligation": "Create Obligation", - "create a path": "Create Path", - "create a purview": "%{add-purview}", + "create a access": "create a access", + "create a birthright-creature": "create a birthright-creature", + "create a birthright-follower": "create a birthright-follower", + "create a birthright-guide": "create a birthright-guide", + "create a birthright-relic": "create a birthright-relic", + "create a boon": "create a boon", + "create a calling": "create a calling", + "create a contact": "create a contact", + "create a deed": "create a deed", + "create a equipment": "create a equipment", + "create a group": "create a group", + "create a injury": "create a injury", + "create a knack": "create a knack", + "create a obligation": "create a obligation", + "create a path": "create a path", + "create a purview": "create a purview", "create a segment": "create a segment", "creature": "creature", "culture": "culture", @@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ "maimed": "maimed", "manipulation": "manipulation", "marvels": "marvels", + "marvels (comma separated)": "marvels (comma separated)", "medicine": "medicine", "mental": "mental", "might": "might", @@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ "occult": "occult", "off": "off", "on": "on", - "open the settings page": "Open the settings page", + "open the settings page": "open the settings page", "opposed by": "opposed by", "parent": "parent", "party screen": "party screen", @@ -178,9 +179,9 @@ "rolls are": "rolls are", "scale": "scale", "science": "science", - "scion-demigod": "scion: demigod", - "scion-hero": "scion: hero", - "scion-origin": "scion: origin", + "scion-demigod": "scion-demigod", + "scion-hero": "scion-hero", + "scion-origin": "scion-origin", "secondary pool": "secondary pool", "Segment description": "Segment description", "segment name": "segment name", @@ -194,6 +195,7 @@ "skills": "skills", "social": "social", "special": "special", + "special abilities": "special abilities", "stamina": "stamina", "stunt": "stunt", "subject": "subject", @@ -216,36 +218,13 @@ "used": "used", "variety": "variety", "View all sections": "View all sections", - "View antagonist": "View antagonist sheet", - "View general information": "View only general information", - "View gm screen": "%{nav-gm-screen}", - "View party screen": "%{nav-party-screen}", - "View powers information": "View only powers information", + "View antagonist": "View antagonist", + "View general information": "View general information", + "View gm screen": "View gm screen", + "View party screen": "View party screen", + "View powers information": "View powers information", "virtue": "virtue", "vs": "vs", "What is the purview's innate power?": "What is the purview's innate power?", - "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm", - "marvel": "marvel", - "use collateral": "use collateral", - "additional dice query": "How many additional dice", - "skill query": "Which skill would you like to roll?", - "attribute query": "Which attribute would you like to roll?", - "unnamed": "unnamed", - "Do you have any enhancements": "Do you have any enhancements?", - "attribute only": "attribute only", - "difficulty query": "How difficult is the task?", - "Yes": "Yes", - "No": "No", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}}?", - "Roll {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{1}}?", - "Roll {{skill}}?": "Roll {{0}}?" + "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Storypath/translations/fr.json b/Storypath/translations/fr.json index f2e6b3823b4d..6ae91143010b 100644 --- a/Storypath/translations/fr.json +++ b/Storypath/translations/fr.json @@ -44,22 +44,22 @@ "contact": "contact", "cooldown": "cooldown", "cost": "cost", - "create a access": "Create Access", - "create a birthright-creature": "create a creature", - "create a birthright-follower": "create a follower", - "create a birthright-guide": "create a guide", - "create a birthright-relic": "%{add-birthright-relic}", - "create a boon": "create boon", - "create a calling": "Create Calling", - "create a contact": "Create Contact", - "create a deed": "Create Deed", - "create a equipment": "%{add-equipment}", - "create a group": "Create Group", - "create a injury": "%{add-injury}", - "create a knack": "Create Knack", - "create a obligation": "Create Obligation", - "create a path": "Create Path", - "create a purview": "%{add-purview}", + "create a access": "create a access", + "create a birthright-creature": "create a birthright-creature", + "create a birthright-follower": "create a birthright-follower", + "create a birthright-guide": "create a birthright-guide", + "create a birthright-relic": "create a birthright-relic", + "create a boon": "create a boon", + "create a calling": "create a calling", + "create a contact": "create a contact", + "create a deed": "create a deed", + "create a equipment": "create a equipment", + "create a group": "create a group", + "create a injury": "create a injury", + "create a knack": "create a knack", + "create a obligation": "create a obligation", + "create a path": "create a path", + "create a purview": "create a purview", "create a segment": "create a segment", "creature": "creature", "culture": "culture", @@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ "maimed": "maimed", "manipulation": "manipulation", "marvels": "marvels", + "marvels (comma separated)": "marvels (comma separated)", "medicine": "medicine", "mental": "mental", "might": "might", @@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ "occult": "occult", "off": "off", "on": "on", - "open the settings page": "Open the settings page", + "open the settings page": "open the settings page", "opposed by": "opposed by", "parent": "parent", "party screen": "party screen", @@ -178,9 +179,9 @@ "rolls are": "rolls are", "scale": "scale", "science": "science", - "scion-demigod": "scion: demigod", - "scion-hero": "scion: hero", - "scion-origin": "scion: origin", + "scion-demigod": "scion-demigod", + "scion-hero": "scion-hero", + "scion-origin": "scion-origin", "secondary pool": "secondary pool", "Segment description": "Segment description", "segment name": "segment name", @@ -194,6 +195,7 @@ "skills": "skills", "social": "social", "special": "special", + "special abilities": "special abilities", "stamina": "stamina", "stunt": "stunt", "subject": "subject", @@ -216,36 +218,13 @@ "used": "used", "variety": "variety", "View all sections": "View all sections", - "View antagonist": "View antagonist sheet", - "View general information": "View only general information", - "View gm screen": "%{nav-gm-screen}", - "View party screen": "%{nav-party-screen}", - "View powers information": "View only powers information", + "View antagonist": "View antagonist", + "View general information": "View general information", + "View gm screen": "View gm screen", + "View party screen": "View party screen", + "View powers information": "View powers information", "virtue": "virtue", "vs": "vs", "What is the purview's innate power?": "What is the purview's innate power?", - "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm", - "marvel": "marvel", - "use collateral": "use collateral", - "additional dice query": "How many additional dice", - "skill query": "Which skill would you like to roll?", - "attribute query": "Which attribute would you like to roll?", - "unnamed": "unnamed", - "Do you have any enhancements": "Do you have any enhancements?", - "attribute only": "attribute only", - "difficulty query": "How difficult is the task?", - "Yes": "Yes", - "No": "No", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}}?", - "Roll {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{1}}?", - "Roll {{skill}}?": "Roll {{0}}?" + "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Storypath/translations/he.json b/Storypath/translations/he.json index f2e6b3823b4d..6ae91143010b 100644 --- a/Storypath/translations/he.json +++ b/Storypath/translations/he.json @@ -44,22 +44,22 @@ "contact": "contact", "cooldown": "cooldown", "cost": "cost", - "create a access": "Create Access", - "create a birthright-creature": "create a creature", - "create a birthright-follower": "create a follower", - "create a birthright-guide": "create a guide", - "create a birthright-relic": "%{add-birthright-relic}", - "create a boon": "create boon", - "create a calling": "Create Calling", - "create a contact": "Create Contact", - "create a deed": "Create Deed", - "create a equipment": "%{add-equipment}", - "create a group": "Create Group", - "create a injury": "%{add-injury}", - "create a knack": "Create Knack", - "create a obligation": "Create Obligation", - "create a path": "Create Path", - "create a purview": "%{add-purview}", + "create a access": "create a access", + "create a birthright-creature": "create a birthright-creature", + "create a birthright-follower": "create a birthright-follower", + "create a birthright-guide": "create a birthright-guide", + "create a birthright-relic": "create a birthright-relic", + "create a boon": "create a boon", + "create a calling": "create a calling", + "create a contact": "create a contact", + "create a deed": "create a deed", + "create a equipment": "create a equipment", + "create a group": "create a group", + "create a injury": "create a injury", + "create a knack": "create a knack", + "create a obligation": "create a obligation", + "create a path": "create a path", + "create a purview": "create a purview", "create a segment": "create a segment", "creature": "creature", "culture": "culture", @@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ "maimed": "maimed", "manipulation": "manipulation", "marvels": "marvels", + "marvels (comma separated)": "marvels (comma separated)", "medicine": "medicine", "mental": "mental", "might": "might", @@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ "occult": "occult", "off": "off", "on": "on", - "open the settings page": "Open the settings page", + "open the settings page": "open the settings page", "opposed by": "opposed by", "parent": "parent", "party screen": "party screen", @@ -178,9 +179,9 @@ "rolls are": "rolls are", "scale": "scale", "science": "science", - "scion-demigod": "scion: demigod", - "scion-hero": "scion: hero", - "scion-origin": "scion: origin", + "scion-demigod": "scion-demigod", + "scion-hero": "scion-hero", + "scion-origin": "scion-origin", "secondary pool": "secondary pool", "Segment description": "Segment description", "segment name": "segment name", @@ -194,6 +195,7 @@ "skills": "skills", "social": "social", "special": "special", + "special abilities": "special abilities", "stamina": "stamina", "stunt": "stunt", "subject": "subject", @@ -216,36 +218,13 @@ "used": "used", "variety": "variety", "View all sections": "View all sections", - "View antagonist": "View antagonist sheet", - "View general information": "View only general information", - "View gm screen": "%{nav-gm-screen}", - "View party screen": "%{nav-party-screen}", - "View powers information": "View only powers information", + "View antagonist": "View antagonist", + "View general information": "View general information", + "View gm screen": "View gm screen", + "View party screen": "View party screen", + "View powers information": "View powers information", "virtue": "virtue", "vs": "vs", "What is the purview's innate power?": "What is the purview's innate power?", - "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm", - "marvel": "marvel", - "use collateral": "use collateral", - "additional dice query": "How many additional dice", - "skill query": "Which skill would you like to roll?", - "attribute query": "Which attribute would you like to roll?", - "unnamed": "unnamed", - "Do you have any enhancements": "Do you have any enhancements?", - "attribute only": "attribute only", - "difficulty query": "How difficult is the task?", - "Yes": "Yes", - "No": "No", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}}?", - "Roll {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{1}}?", - "Roll {{skill}}?": "Roll {{0}}?" + "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Storypath/translations/hu.json b/Storypath/translations/hu.json index f2e6b3823b4d..6ae91143010b 100644 --- a/Storypath/translations/hu.json +++ b/Storypath/translations/hu.json @@ -44,22 +44,22 @@ "contact": "contact", "cooldown": "cooldown", "cost": "cost", - "create a access": "Create Access", - "create a birthright-creature": "create a creature", - "create a birthright-follower": "create a follower", - "create a birthright-guide": "create a guide", - "create a birthright-relic": "%{add-birthright-relic}", - "create a boon": "create boon", - "create a calling": "Create Calling", - "create a contact": "Create Contact", - "create a deed": "Create Deed", - "create a equipment": "%{add-equipment}", - "create a group": "Create Group", - "create a injury": "%{add-injury}", - "create a knack": "Create Knack", - "create a obligation": "Create Obligation", - "create a path": "Create Path", - "create a purview": "%{add-purview}", + "create a access": "create a access", + "create a birthright-creature": "create a birthright-creature", + "create a birthright-follower": "create a birthright-follower", + "create a birthright-guide": "create a birthright-guide", + "create a birthright-relic": "create a birthright-relic", + "create a boon": "create a boon", + "create a calling": "create a calling", + "create a contact": "create a contact", + "create a deed": "create a deed", + "create a equipment": "create a equipment", + "create a group": "create a group", + "create a injury": "create a injury", + "create a knack": "create a knack", + "create a obligation": "create a obligation", + "create a path": "create a path", + "create a purview": "create a purview", "create a segment": "create a segment", "creature": "creature", "culture": "culture", @@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ "maimed": "maimed", "manipulation": "manipulation", "marvels": "marvels", + "marvels (comma separated)": "marvels (comma separated)", "medicine": "medicine", "mental": "mental", "might": "might", @@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ "occult": "occult", "off": "off", "on": "on", - "open the settings page": "Open the settings page", + "open the settings page": "open the settings page", "opposed by": "opposed by", "parent": "parent", "party screen": "party screen", @@ -178,9 +179,9 @@ "rolls are": "rolls are", "scale": "scale", "science": "science", - "scion-demigod": "scion: demigod", - "scion-hero": "scion: hero", - "scion-origin": "scion: origin", + "scion-demigod": "scion-demigod", + "scion-hero": "scion-hero", + "scion-origin": "scion-origin", "secondary pool": "secondary pool", "Segment description": "Segment description", "segment name": "segment name", @@ -194,6 +195,7 @@ "skills": "skills", "social": "social", "special": "special", + "special abilities": "special abilities", "stamina": "stamina", "stunt": "stunt", "subject": "subject", @@ -216,36 +218,13 @@ "used": "used", "variety": "variety", "View all sections": "View all sections", - "View antagonist": "View antagonist sheet", - "View general information": "View only general information", - "View gm screen": "%{nav-gm-screen}", - "View party screen": "%{nav-party-screen}", - "View powers information": "View only powers information", + "View antagonist": "View antagonist", + "View general information": "View general information", + "View gm screen": "View gm screen", + "View party screen": "View party screen", + "View powers information": "View powers information", "virtue": "virtue", "vs": "vs", "What is the purview's innate power?": "What is the purview's innate power?", - "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm", - "marvel": "marvel", - "use collateral": "use collateral", - "additional dice query": "How many additional dice", - "skill query": "Which skill would you like to roll?", - "attribute query": "Which attribute would you like to roll?", - "unnamed": "unnamed", - "Do you have any enhancements": "Do you have any enhancements?", - "attribute only": "attribute only", - "difficulty query": "How difficult is the task?", - "Yes": "Yes", - "No": "No", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}}?", - "Roll {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{1}}?", - "Roll {{skill}}?": "Roll {{0}}?" + "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Storypath/translations/it.json b/Storypath/translations/it.json index f2e6b3823b4d..6ae91143010b 100644 --- a/Storypath/translations/it.json +++ b/Storypath/translations/it.json @@ -44,22 +44,22 @@ "contact": "contact", "cooldown": "cooldown", "cost": "cost", - "create a access": "Create Access", - "create a birthright-creature": "create a creature", - "create a birthright-follower": "create a follower", - "create a birthright-guide": "create a guide", - "create a birthright-relic": "%{add-birthright-relic}", - "create a boon": "create boon", - "create a calling": "Create Calling", - "create a contact": "Create Contact", - "create a deed": "Create Deed", - "create a equipment": "%{add-equipment}", - "create a group": "Create Group", - "create a injury": "%{add-injury}", - "create a knack": "Create Knack", - "create a obligation": "Create Obligation", - "create a path": "Create Path", - "create a purview": "%{add-purview}", + "create a access": "create a access", + "create a birthright-creature": "create a birthright-creature", + "create a birthright-follower": "create a birthright-follower", + "create a birthright-guide": "create a birthright-guide", + "create a birthright-relic": "create a birthright-relic", + "create a boon": "create a boon", + "create a calling": "create a calling", + "create a contact": "create a contact", + "create a deed": "create a deed", + "create a equipment": "create a equipment", + "create a group": "create a group", + "create a injury": "create a injury", + "create a knack": "create a knack", + "create a obligation": "create a obligation", + "create a path": "create a path", + "create a purview": "create a purview", "create a segment": "create a segment", "creature": "creature", "culture": "culture", @@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ "maimed": "maimed", "manipulation": "manipulation", "marvels": "marvels", + "marvels (comma separated)": "marvels (comma separated)", "medicine": "medicine", "mental": "mental", "might": "might", @@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ "occult": "occult", "off": "off", "on": "on", - "open the settings page": "Open the settings page", + "open the settings page": "open the settings page", "opposed by": "opposed by", "parent": "parent", "party screen": "party screen", @@ -178,9 +179,9 @@ "rolls are": "rolls are", "scale": "scale", "science": "science", - "scion-demigod": "scion: demigod", - "scion-hero": "scion: hero", - "scion-origin": "scion: origin", + "scion-demigod": "scion-demigod", + "scion-hero": "scion-hero", + "scion-origin": "scion-origin", "secondary pool": "secondary pool", "Segment description": "Segment description", "segment name": "segment name", @@ -194,6 +195,7 @@ "skills": "skills", "social": "social", "special": "special", + "special abilities": "special abilities", "stamina": "stamina", "stunt": "stunt", "subject": "subject", @@ -216,36 +218,13 @@ "used": "used", "variety": "variety", "View all sections": "View all sections", - "View antagonist": "View antagonist sheet", - "View general information": "View only general information", - "View gm screen": "%{nav-gm-screen}", - "View party screen": "%{nav-party-screen}", - "View powers information": "View only powers information", + "View antagonist": "View antagonist", + "View general information": "View general information", + "View gm screen": "View gm screen", + "View party screen": "View party screen", + "View powers information": "View powers information", "virtue": "virtue", "vs": "vs", "What is the purview's innate power?": "What is the purview's innate power?", - "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm", - "marvel": "marvel", - "use collateral": "use collateral", - "additional dice query": "How many additional dice", - "skill query": "Which skill would you like to roll?", - "attribute query": "Which attribute would you like to roll?", - "unnamed": "unnamed", - "Do you have any enhancements": "Do you have any enhancements?", - "attribute only": "attribute only", - "difficulty query": "How difficult is the task?", - "Yes": "Yes", - "No": "No", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}}?", - "Roll {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{1}}?", - "Roll {{skill}}?": "Roll {{0}}?" + "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Storypath/translations/ja.json b/Storypath/translations/ja.json index f2e6b3823b4d..6ae91143010b 100644 --- a/Storypath/translations/ja.json +++ b/Storypath/translations/ja.json @@ -44,22 +44,22 @@ "contact": "contact", "cooldown": "cooldown", "cost": "cost", - "create a access": "Create Access", - "create a birthright-creature": "create a creature", - "create a birthright-follower": "create a follower", - "create a birthright-guide": "create a guide", - "create a birthright-relic": "%{add-birthright-relic}", - "create a boon": "create boon", - "create a calling": "Create Calling", - "create a contact": "Create Contact", - "create a deed": "Create Deed", - "create a equipment": "%{add-equipment}", - "create a group": "Create Group", - "create a injury": "%{add-injury}", - "create a knack": "Create Knack", - "create a obligation": "Create Obligation", - "create a path": "Create Path", - "create a purview": "%{add-purview}", + "create a access": "create a access", + "create a birthright-creature": "create a birthright-creature", + "create a birthright-follower": "create a birthright-follower", + "create a birthright-guide": "create a birthright-guide", + "create a birthright-relic": "create a birthright-relic", + "create a boon": "create a boon", + "create a calling": "create a calling", + "create a contact": "create a contact", + "create a deed": "create a deed", + "create a equipment": "create a equipment", + "create a group": "create a group", + "create a injury": "create a injury", + "create a knack": "create a knack", + "create a obligation": "create a obligation", + "create a path": "create a path", + "create a purview": "create a purview", "create a segment": "create a segment", "creature": "creature", "culture": "culture", @@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ "maimed": "maimed", "manipulation": "manipulation", "marvels": "marvels", + "marvels (comma separated)": "marvels (comma separated)", "medicine": "medicine", "mental": "mental", "might": "might", @@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ "occult": "occult", "off": "off", "on": "on", - "open the settings page": "Open the settings page", + "open the settings page": "open the settings page", "opposed by": "opposed by", "parent": "parent", "party screen": "party screen", @@ -178,9 +179,9 @@ "rolls are": "rolls are", "scale": "scale", "science": "science", - "scion-demigod": "scion: demigod", - "scion-hero": "scion: hero", - "scion-origin": "scion: origin", + "scion-demigod": "scion-demigod", + "scion-hero": "scion-hero", + "scion-origin": "scion-origin", "secondary pool": "secondary pool", "Segment description": "Segment description", "segment name": "segment name", @@ -194,6 +195,7 @@ "skills": "skills", "social": "social", "special": "special", + "special abilities": "special abilities", "stamina": "stamina", "stunt": "stunt", "subject": "subject", @@ -216,36 +218,13 @@ "used": "used", "variety": "variety", "View all sections": "View all sections", - "View antagonist": "View antagonist sheet", - "View general information": "View only general information", - "View gm screen": "%{nav-gm-screen}", - "View party screen": "%{nav-party-screen}", - "View powers information": "View only powers information", + "View antagonist": "View antagonist", + "View general information": "View general information", + "View gm screen": "View gm screen", + "View party screen": "View party screen", + "View powers information": "View powers information", "virtue": "virtue", "vs": "vs", "What is the purview's innate power?": "What is the purview's innate power?", - "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm", - "marvel": "marvel", - "use collateral": "use collateral", - "additional dice query": "How many additional dice", - "skill query": "Which skill would you like to roll?", - "attribute query": "Which attribute would you like to roll?", - "unnamed": "unnamed", - "Do you have any enhancements": "Do you have any enhancements?", - "attribute only": "attribute only", - "difficulty query": "How difficult is the task?", - "Yes": "Yes", - "No": "No", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}}?", - "Roll {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{1}}?", - "Roll {{skill}}?": "Roll {{0}}?" + "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Storypath/translations/ko.json b/Storypath/translations/ko.json index f2e6b3823b4d..6ae91143010b 100644 --- a/Storypath/translations/ko.json +++ b/Storypath/translations/ko.json @@ -44,22 +44,22 @@ "contact": "contact", "cooldown": "cooldown", "cost": "cost", - "create a access": "Create Access", - "create a birthright-creature": "create a creature", - "create a birthright-follower": "create a follower", - "create a birthright-guide": "create a guide", - "create a birthright-relic": "%{add-birthright-relic}", - "create a boon": "create boon", - "create a calling": "Create Calling", - "create a contact": "Create Contact", - "create a deed": "Create Deed", - "create a equipment": "%{add-equipment}", - "create a group": "Create Group", - "create a injury": "%{add-injury}", - "create a knack": "Create Knack", - "create a obligation": "Create Obligation", - "create a path": "Create Path", - "create a purview": "%{add-purview}", + "create a access": "create a access", + "create a birthright-creature": "create a birthright-creature", + "create a birthright-follower": "create a birthright-follower", + "create a birthright-guide": "create a birthright-guide", + "create a birthright-relic": "create a birthright-relic", + "create a boon": "create a boon", + "create a calling": "create a calling", + "create a contact": "create a contact", + "create a deed": "create a deed", + "create a equipment": "create a equipment", + "create a group": "create a group", + "create a injury": "create a injury", + "create a knack": "create a knack", + "create a obligation": "create a obligation", + "create a path": "create a path", + "create a purview": "create a purview", "create a segment": "create a segment", "creature": "creature", "culture": "culture", @@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ "maimed": "maimed", "manipulation": "manipulation", "marvels": "marvels", + "marvels (comma separated)": "marvels (comma separated)", "medicine": "medicine", "mental": "mental", "might": "might", @@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ "occult": "occult", "off": "off", "on": "on", - "open the settings page": "Open the settings page", + "open the settings page": "open the settings page", "opposed by": "opposed by", "parent": "parent", "party screen": "party screen", @@ -178,9 +179,9 @@ "rolls are": "rolls are", "scale": "scale", "science": "science", - "scion-demigod": "scion: demigod", - "scion-hero": "scion: hero", - "scion-origin": "scion: origin", + "scion-demigod": "scion-demigod", + "scion-hero": "scion-hero", + "scion-origin": "scion-origin", "secondary pool": "secondary pool", "Segment description": "Segment description", "segment name": "segment name", @@ -194,6 +195,7 @@ "skills": "skills", "social": "social", "special": "special", + "special abilities": "special abilities", "stamina": "stamina", "stunt": "stunt", "subject": "subject", @@ -216,36 +218,13 @@ "used": "used", "variety": "variety", "View all sections": "View all sections", - "View antagonist": "View antagonist sheet", - "View general information": "View only general information", - "View gm screen": "%{nav-gm-screen}", - "View party screen": "%{nav-party-screen}", - "View powers information": "View only powers information", + "View antagonist": "View antagonist", + "View general information": "View general information", + "View gm screen": "View gm screen", + "View party screen": "View party screen", + "View powers information": "View powers information", "virtue": "virtue", "vs": "vs", "What is the purview's innate power?": "What is the purview's innate power?", - "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm", - "marvel": "marvel", - "use collateral": "use collateral", - "additional dice query": "How many additional dice", - "skill query": "Which skill would you like to roll?", - "attribute query": "Which attribute would you like to roll?", - "unnamed": "unnamed", - "Do you have any enhancements": "Do you have any enhancements?", - "attribute only": "attribute only", - "difficulty query": "How difficult is the task?", - "Yes": "Yes", - "No": "No", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}}?", - "Roll {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{1}}?", - "Roll {{skill}}?": "Roll {{0}}?" + "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Storypath/translations/nl.json b/Storypath/translations/nl.json index f2e6b3823b4d..6ae91143010b 100644 --- a/Storypath/translations/nl.json +++ b/Storypath/translations/nl.json @@ -44,22 +44,22 @@ "contact": "contact", "cooldown": "cooldown", "cost": "cost", - "create a access": "Create Access", - "create a birthright-creature": "create a creature", - "create a birthright-follower": "create a follower", - "create a birthright-guide": "create a guide", - "create a birthright-relic": "%{add-birthright-relic}", - "create a boon": "create boon", - "create a calling": "Create Calling", - "create a contact": "Create Contact", - "create a deed": "Create Deed", - "create a equipment": "%{add-equipment}", - "create a group": "Create Group", - "create a injury": "%{add-injury}", - "create a knack": "Create Knack", - "create a obligation": "Create Obligation", - "create a path": "Create Path", - "create a purview": "%{add-purview}", + "create a access": "create a access", + "create a birthright-creature": "create a birthright-creature", + "create a birthright-follower": "create a birthright-follower", + "create a birthright-guide": "create a birthright-guide", + "create a birthright-relic": "create a birthright-relic", + "create a boon": "create a boon", + "create a calling": "create a calling", + "create a contact": "create a contact", + "create a deed": "create a deed", + "create a equipment": "create a equipment", + "create a group": "create a group", + "create a injury": "create a injury", + "create a knack": "create a knack", + "create a obligation": "create a obligation", + "create a path": "create a path", + "create a purview": "create a purview", "create a segment": "create a segment", "creature": "creature", "culture": "culture", @@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ "maimed": "maimed", "manipulation": "manipulation", "marvels": "marvels", + "marvels (comma separated)": "marvels (comma separated)", "medicine": "medicine", "mental": "mental", "might": "might", @@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ "occult": "occult", "off": "off", "on": "on", - "open the settings page": "Open the settings page", + "open the settings page": "open the settings page", "opposed by": "opposed by", "parent": "parent", "party screen": "party screen", @@ -178,9 +179,9 @@ "rolls are": "rolls are", "scale": "scale", "science": "science", - "scion-demigod": "scion: demigod", - "scion-hero": "scion: hero", - "scion-origin": "scion: origin", + "scion-demigod": "scion-demigod", + "scion-hero": "scion-hero", + "scion-origin": "scion-origin", "secondary pool": "secondary pool", "Segment description": "Segment description", "segment name": "segment name", @@ -194,6 +195,7 @@ "skills": "skills", "social": "social", "special": "special", + "special abilities": "special abilities", "stamina": "stamina", "stunt": "stunt", "subject": "subject", @@ -216,36 +218,13 @@ "used": "used", "variety": "variety", "View all sections": "View all sections", - "View antagonist": "View antagonist sheet", - "View general information": "View only general information", - "View gm screen": "%{nav-gm-screen}", - "View party screen": "%{nav-party-screen}", - "View powers information": "View only powers information", + "View antagonist": "View antagonist", + "View general information": "View general information", + "View gm screen": "View gm screen", + "View party screen": "View party screen", + "View powers information": "View powers information", "virtue": "virtue", "vs": "vs", "What is the purview's innate power?": "What is the purview's innate power?", - "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm", - "marvel": "marvel", - "use collateral": "use collateral", - "additional dice query": "How many additional dice", - "skill query": "Which skill would you like to roll?", - "attribute query": "Which attribute would you like to roll?", - "unnamed": "unnamed", - "Do you have any enhancements": "Do you have any enhancements?", - "attribute only": "attribute only", - "difficulty query": "How difficult is the task?", - "Yes": "Yes", - "No": "No", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}}?", - "Roll {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{1}}?", - "Roll {{skill}}?": "Roll {{0}}?" + "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Storypath/translations/pb.json b/Storypath/translations/pb.json index f2e6b3823b4d..6ae91143010b 100644 --- a/Storypath/translations/pb.json +++ b/Storypath/translations/pb.json @@ -44,22 +44,22 @@ "contact": "contact", "cooldown": "cooldown", "cost": "cost", - "create a access": "Create Access", - "create a birthright-creature": "create a creature", - "create a birthright-follower": "create a follower", - "create a birthright-guide": "create a guide", - "create a birthright-relic": "%{add-birthright-relic}", - "create a boon": "create boon", - "create a calling": "Create Calling", - "create a contact": "Create Contact", - "create a deed": "Create Deed", - "create a equipment": "%{add-equipment}", - "create a group": "Create Group", - "create a injury": "%{add-injury}", - "create a knack": "Create Knack", - "create a obligation": "Create Obligation", - "create a path": "Create Path", - "create a purview": "%{add-purview}", + "create a access": "create a access", + "create a birthright-creature": "create a birthright-creature", + "create a birthright-follower": "create a birthright-follower", + "create a birthright-guide": "create a birthright-guide", + "create a birthright-relic": "create a birthright-relic", + "create a boon": "create a boon", + "create a calling": "create a calling", + "create a contact": "create a contact", + "create a deed": "create a deed", + "create a equipment": "create a equipment", + "create a group": "create a group", + "create a injury": "create a injury", + "create a knack": "create a knack", + "create a obligation": "create a obligation", + "create a path": "create a path", + "create a purview": "create a purview", "create a segment": "create a segment", "creature": "creature", "culture": "culture", @@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ "maimed": "maimed", "manipulation": "manipulation", "marvels": "marvels", + "marvels (comma separated)": "marvels (comma separated)", "medicine": "medicine", "mental": "mental", "might": "might", @@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ "occult": "occult", "off": "off", "on": "on", - "open the settings page": "Open the settings page", + "open the settings page": "open the settings page", "opposed by": "opposed by", "parent": "parent", "party screen": "party screen", @@ -178,9 +179,9 @@ "rolls are": "rolls are", "scale": "scale", "science": "science", - "scion-demigod": "scion: demigod", - "scion-hero": "scion: hero", - "scion-origin": "scion: origin", + "scion-demigod": "scion-demigod", + "scion-hero": "scion-hero", + "scion-origin": "scion-origin", "secondary pool": "secondary pool", "Segment description": "Segment description", "segment name": "segment name", @@ -194,6 +195,7 @@ "skills": "skills", "social": "social", "special": "special", + "special abilities": "special abilities", "stamina": "stamina", "stunt": "stunt", "subject": "subject", @@ -216,36 +218,13 @@ "used": "used", "variety": "variety", "View all sections": "View all sections", - "View antagonist": "View antagonist sheet", - "View general information": "View only general information", - "View gm screen": "%{nav-gm-screen}", - "View party screen": "%{nav-party-screen}", - "View powers information": "View only powers information", + "View antagonist": "View antagonist", + "View general information": "View general information", + "View gm screen": "View gm screen", + "View party screen": "View party screen", + "View powers information": "View powers information", "virtue": "virtue", "vs": "vs", "What is the purview's innate power?": "What is the purview's innate power?", - "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm", - "marvel": "marvel", - "use collateral": "use collateral", - "additional dice query": "How many additional dice", - "skill query": "Which skill would you like to roll?", - "attribute query": "Which attribute would you like to roll?", - "unnamed": "unnamed", - "Do you have any enhancements": "Do you have any enhancements?", - "attribute only": "attribute only", - "difficulty query": "How difficult is the task?", - "Yes": "Yes", - "No": "No", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}}?", - "Roll {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{1}}?", - "Roll {{skill}}?": "Roll {{0}}?" + "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Storypath/translations/pl.json b/Storypath/translations/pl.json index f2e6b3823b4d..6ae91143010b 100644 --- a/Storypath/translations/pl.json +++ b/Storypath/translations/pl.json @@ -44,22 +44,22 @@ "contact": "contact", "cooldown": "cooldown", "cost": "cost", - "create a access": "Create Access", - "create a birthright-creature": "create a creature", - "create a birthright-follower": "create a follower", - "create a birthright-guide": "create a guide", - "create a birthright-relic": "%{add-birthright-relic}", - "create a boon": "create boon", - "create a calling": "Create Calling", - "create a contact": "Create Contact", - "create a deed": "Create Deed", - "create a equipment": "%{add-equipment}", - "create a group": "Create Group", - "create a injury": "%{add-injury}", - "create a knack": "Create Knack", - "create a obligation": "Create Obligation", - "create a path": "Create Path", - "create a purview": "%{add-purview}", + "create a access": "create a access", + "create a birthright-creature": "create a birthright-creature", + "create a birthright-follower": "create a birthright-follower", + "create a birthright-guide": "create a birthright-guide", + "create a birthright-relic": "create a birthright-relic", + "create a boon": "create a boon", + "create a calling": "create a calling", + "create a contact": "create a contact", + "create a deed": "create a deed", + "create a equipment": "create a equipment", + "create a group": "create a group", + "create a injury": "create a injury", + "create a knack": "create a knack", + "create a obligation": "create a obligation", + "create a path": "create a path", + "create a purview": "create a purview", "create a segment": "create a segment", "creature": "creature", "culture": "culture", @@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ "maimed": "maimed", "manipulation": "manipulation", "marvels": "marvels", + "marvels (comma separated)": "marvels (comma separated)", "medicine": "medicine", "mental": "mental", "might": "might", @@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ "occult": "occult", "off": "off", "on": "on", - "open the settings page": "Open the settings page", + "open the settings page": "open the settings page", "opposed by": "opposed by", "parent": "parent", "party screen": "party screen", @@ -178,9 +179,9 @@ "rolls are": "rolls are", "scale": "scale", "science": "science", - "scion-demigod": "scion: demigod", - "scion-hero": "scion: hero", - "scion-origin": "scion: origin", + "scion-demigod": "scion-demigod", + "scion-hero": "scion-hero", + "scion-origin": "scion-origin", "secondary pool": "secondary pool", "Segment description": "Segment description", "segment name": "segment name", @@ -194,6 +195,7 @@ "skills": "skills", "social": "social", "special": "special", + "special abilities": "special abilities", "stamina": "stamina", "stunt": "stunt", "subject": "subject", @@ -216,36 +218,13 @@ "used": "used", "variety": "variety", "View all sections": "View all sections", - "View antagonist": "View antagonist sheet", - "View general information": "View only general information", - "View gm screen": "%{nav-gm-screen}", - "View party screen": "%{nav-party-screen}", - "View powers information": "View only powers information", + "View antagonist": "View antagonist", + "View general information": "View general information", + "View gm screen": "View gm screen", + "View party screen": "View party screen", + "View powers information": "View powers information", "virtue": "virtue", "vs": "vs", "What is the purview's innate power?": "What is the purview's innate power?", - "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm", - "marvel": "marvel", - "use collateral": "use collateral", - "additional dice query": "How many additional dice", - "skill query": "Which skill would you like to roll?", - "attribute query": "Which attribute would you like to roll?", - "unnamed": "unnamed", - "Do you have any enhancements": "Do you have any enhancements?", - "attribute only": "attribute only", - "difficulty query": "How difficult is the task?", - "Yes": "Yes", - "No": "No", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}}?", - "Roll {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{1}}?", - "Roll {{skill}}?": "Roll {{0}}?" + "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Storypath/translations/pt.json b/Storypath/translations/pt.json index f2e6b3823b4d..6ae91143010b 100644 --- a/Storypath/translations/pt.json +++ b/Storypath/translations/pt.json @@ -44,22 +44,22 @@ "contact": "contact", "cooldown": "cooldown", "cost": "cost", - "create a access": "Create Access", - "create a birthright-creature": "create a creature", - "create a birthright-follower": "create a follower", - "create a birthright-guide": "create a guide", - "create a birthright-relic": "%{add-birthright-relic}", - "create a boon": "create boon", - "create a calling": "Create Calling", - "create a contact": "Create Contact", - "create a deed": "Create Deed", - "create a equipment": "%{add-equipment}", - "create a group": "Create Group", - "create a injury": "%{add-injury}", - "create a knack": "Create Knack", - "create a obligation": "Create Obligation", - "create a path": "Create Path", - "create a purview": "%{add-purview}", + "create a access": "create a access", + "create a birthright-creature": "create a birthright-creature", + "create a birthright-follower": "create a birthright-follower", + "create a birthright-guide": "create a birthright-guide", + "create a birthright-relic": "create a birthright-relic", + "create a boon": "create a boon", + "create a calling": "create a calling", + "create a contact": "create a contact", + "create a deed": "create a deed", + "create a equipment": "create a equipment", + "create a group": "create a group", + "create a injury": "create a injury", + "create a knack": "create a knack", + "create a obligation": "create a obligation", + "create a path": "create a path", + "create a purview": "create a purview", "create a segment": "create a segment", "creature": "creature", "culture": "culture", @@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ "maimed": "maimed", "manipulation": "manipulation", "marvels": "marvels", + "marvels (comma separated)": "marvels (comma separated)", "medicine": "medicine", "mental": "mental", "might": "might", @@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ "occult": "occult", "off": "off", "on": "on", - "open the settings page": "Open the settings page", + "open the settings page": "open the settings page", "opposed by": "opposed by", "parent": "parent", "party screen": "party screen", @@ -178,9 +179,9 @@ "rolls are": "rolls are", "scale": "scale", "science": "science", - "scion-demigod": "scion: demigod", - "scion-hero": "scion: hero", - "scion-origin": "scion: origin", + "scion-demigod": "scion-demigod", + "scion-hero": "scion-hero", + "scion-origin": "scion-origin", "secondary pool": "secondary pool", "Segment description": "Segment description", "segment name": "segment name", @@ -194,6 +195,7 @@ "skills": "skills", "social": "social", "special": "special", + "special abilities": "special abilities", "stamina": "stamina", "stunt": "stunt", "subject": "subject", @@ -216,36 +218,13 @@ "used": "used", "variety": "variety", "View all sections": "View all sections", - "View antagonist": "View antagonist sheet", - "View general information": "View only general information", - "View gm screen": "%{nav-gm-screen}", - "View party screen": "%{nav-party-screen}", - "View powers information": "View only powers information", + "View antagonist": "View antagonist", + "View general information": "View general information", + "View gm screen": "View gm screen", + "View party screen": "View party screen", + "View powers information": "View powers information", "virtue": "virtue", "vs": "vs", "What is the purview's innate power?": "What is the purview's innate power?", - "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm", - "marvel": "marvel", - "use collateral": "use collateral", - "additional dice query": "How many additional dice", - "skill query": "Which skill would you like to roll?", - "attribute query": "Which attribute would you like to roll?", - "unnamed": "unnamed", - "Do you have any enhancements": "Do you have any enhancements?", - "attribute only": "attribute only", - "difficulty query": "How difficult is the task?", - "Yes": "Yes", - "No": "No", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}}?", - "Roll {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{1}}?", - "Roll {{skill}}?": "Roll {{0}}?" + "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Storypath/translations/ru.json b/Storypath/translations/ru.json index f2e6b3823b4d..6ae91143010b 100644 --- a/Storypath/translations/ru.json +++ b/Storypath/translations/ru.json @@ -44,22 +44,22 @@ "contact": "contact", "cooldown": "cooldown", "cost": "cost", - "create a access": "Create Access", - "create a birthright-creature": "create a creature", - "create a birthright-follower": "create a follower", - "create a birthright-guide": "create a guide", - "create a birthright-relic": "%{add-birthright-relic}", - "create a boon": "create boon", - "create a calling": "Create Calling", - "create a contact": "Create Contact", - "create a deed": "Create Deed", - "create a equipment": "%{add-equipment}", - "create a group": "Create Group", - "create a injury": "%{add-injury}", - "create a knack": "Create Knack", - "create a obligation": "Create Obligation", - "create a path": "Create Path", - "create a purview": "%{add-purview}", + "create a access": "create a access", + "create a birthright-creature": "create a birthright-creature", + "create a birthright-follower": "create a birthright-follower", + "create a birthright-guide": "create a birthright-guide", + "create a birthright-relic": "create a birthright-relic", + "create a boon": "create a boon", + "create a calling": "create a calling", + "create a contact": "create a contact", + "create a deed": "create a deed", + "create a equipment": "create a equipment", + "create a group": "create a group", + "create a injury": "create a injury", + "create a knack": "create a knack", + "create a obligation": "create a obligation", + "create a path": "create a path", + "create a purview": "create a purview", "create a segment": "create a segment", "creature": "creature", "culture": "culture", @@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ "maimed": "maimed", "manipulation": "manipulation", "marvels": "marvels", + "marvels (comma separated)": "marvels (comma separated)", "medicine": "medicine", "mental": "mental", "might": "might", @@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ "occult": "occult", "off": "off", "on": "on", - "open the settings page": "Open the settings page", + "open the settings page": "open the settings page", "opposed by": "opposed by", "parent": "parent", "party screen": "party screen", @@ -178,9 +179,9 @@ "rolls are": "rolls are", "scale": "scale", "science": "science", - "scion-demigod": "scion: demigod", - "scion-hero": "scion: hero", - "scion-origin": "scion: origin", + "scion-demigod": "scion-demigod", + "scion-hero": "scion-hero", + "scion-origin": "scion-origin", "secondary pool": "secondary pool", "Segment description": "Segment description", "segment name": "segment name", @@ -194,6 +195,7 @@ "skills": "skills", "social": "social", "special": "special", + "special abilities": "special abilities", "stamina": "stamina", "stunt": "stunt", "subject": "subject", @@ -216,36 +218,13 @@ "used": "used", "variety": "variety", "View all sections": "View all sections", - "View antagonist": "View antagonist sheet", - "View general information": "View only general information", - "View gm screen": "%{nav-gm-screen}", - "View party screen": "%{nav-party-screen}", - "View powers information": "View only powers information", + "View antagonist": "View antagonist", + "View general information": "View general information", + "View gm screen": "View gm screen", + "View party screen": "View party screen", + "View powers information": "View powers information", "virtue": "virtue", "vs": "vs", "What is the purview's innate power?": "What is the purview's innate power?", - "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm", - "marvel": "marvel", - "use collateral": "use collateral", - "additional dice query": "How many additional dice", - "skill query": "Which skill would you like to roll?", - "attribute query": "Which attribute would you like to roll?", - "unnamed": "unnamed", - "Do you have any enhancements": "Do you have any enhancements?", - "attribute only": "attribute only", - "difficulty query": "How difficult is the task?", - "Yes": "Yes", - "No": "No", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}}?", - "Roll {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{1}}?", - "Roll {{skill}}?": "Roll {{0}}?" + "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Storypath/translations/sl.json b/Storypath/translations/sl.json index f2e6b3823b4d..6ae91143010b 100644 --- a/Storypath/translations/sl.json +++ b/Storypath/translations/sl.json @@ -44,22 +44,22 @@ "contact": "contact", "cooldown": "cooldown", "cost": "cost", - "create a access": "Create Access", - "create a birthright-creature": "create a creature", - "create a birthright-follower": "create a follower", - "create a birthright-guide": "create a guide", - "create a birthright-relic": "%{add-birthright-relic}", - "create a boon": "create boon", - "create a calling": "Create Calling", - "create a contact": "Create Contact", - "create a deed": "Create Deed", - "create a equipment": "%{add-equipment}", - "create a group": "Create Group", - "create a injury": "%{add-injury}", - "create a knack": "Create Knack", - "create a obligation": "Create Obligation", - "create a path": "Create Path", - "create a purview": "%{add-purview}", + "create a access": "create a access", + "create a birthright-creature": "create a birthright-creature", + "create a birthright-follower": "create a birthright-follower", + "create a birthright-guide": "create a birthright-guide", + "create a birthright-relic": "create a birthright-relic", + "create a boon": "create a boon", + "create a calling": "create a calling", + "create a contact": "create a contact", + "create a deed": "create a deed", + "create a equipment": "create a equipment", + "create a group": "create a group", + "create a injury": "create a injury", + "create a knack": "create a knack", + "create a obligation": "create a obligation", + "create a path": "create a path", + "create a purview": "create a purview", "create a segment": "create a segment", "creature": "creature", "culture": "culture", @@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ "maimed": "maimed", "manipulation": "manipulation", "marvels": "marvels", + "marvels (comma separated)": "marvels (comma separated)", "medicine": "medicine", "mental": "mental", "might": "might", @@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ "occult": "occult", "off": "off", "on": "on", - "open the settings page": "Open the settings page", + "open the settings page": "open the settings page", "opposed by": "opposed by", "parent": "parent", "party screen": "party screen", @@ -178,9 +179,9 @@ "rolls are": "rolls are", "scale": "scale", "science": "science", - "scion-demigod": "scion: demigod", - "scion-hero": "scion: hero", - "scion-origin": "scion: origin", + "scion-demigod": "scion-demigod", + "scion-hero": "scion-hero", + "scion-origin": "scion-origin", "secondary pool": "secondary pool", "Segment description": "Segment description", "segment name": "segment name", @@ -194,6 +195,7 @@ "skills": "skills", "social": "social", "special": "special", + "special abilities": "special abilities", "stamina": "stamina", "stunt": "stunt", "subject": "subject", @@ -216,36 +218,13 @@ "used": "used", "variety": "variety", "View all sections": "View all sections", - "View antagonist": "View antagonist sheet", - "View general information": "View only general information", - "View gm screen": "%{nav-gm-screen}", - "View party screen": "%{nav-party-screen}", - "View powers information": "View only powers information", + "View antagonist": "View antagonist", + "View general information": "View general information", + "View gm screen": "View gm screen", + "View party screen": "View party screen", + "View powers information": "View powers information", "virtue": "virtue", "vs": "vs", "What is the purview's innate power?": "What is the purview's innate power?", - "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm", - "marvel": "marvel", - "use collateral": "use collateral", - "additional dice query": "How many additional dice", - "skill query": "Which skill would you like to roll?", - "attribute query": "Which attribute would you like to roll?", - "unnamed": "unnamed", - "Do you have any enhancements": "Do you have any enhancements?", - "attribute only": "attribute only", - "difficulty query": "How difficult is the task?", - "Yes": "Yes", - "No": "No", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}}?", - "Roll {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{1}}?", - "Roll {{skill}}?": "Roll {{0}}?" + "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Storypath/translations/sv.json b/Storypath/translations/sv.json index f2e6b3823b4d..6ae91143010b 100644 --- a/Storypath/translations/sv.json +++ b/Storypath/translations/sv.json @@ -44,22 +44,22 @@ "contact": "contact", "cooldown": "cooldown", "cost": "cost", - "create a access": "Create Access", - "create a birthright-creature": "create a creature", - "create a birthright-follower": "create a follower", - "create a birthright-guide": "create a guide", - "create a birthright-relic": "%{add-birthright-relic}", - "create a boon": "create boon", - "create a calling": "Create Calling", - "create a contact": "Create Contact", - "create a deed": "Create Deed", - "create a equipment": "%{add-equipment}", - "create a group": "Create Group", - "create a injury": "%{add-injury}", - "create a knack": "Create Knack", - "create a obligation": "Create Obligation", - "create a path": "Create Path", - "create a purview": "%{add-purview}", + "create a access": "create a access", + "create a birthright-creature": "create a birthright-creature", + "create a birthright-follower": "create a birthright-follower", + "create a birthright-guide": "create a birthright-guide", + "create a birthright-relic": "create a birthright-relic", + "create a boon": "create a boon", + "create a calling": "create a calling", + "create a contact": "create a contact", + "create a deed": "create a deed", + "create a equipment": "create a equipment", + "create a group": "create a group", + "create a injury": "create a injury", + "create a knack": "create a knack", + "create a obligation": "create a obligation", + "create a path": "create a path", + "create a purview": "create a purview", "create a segment": "create a segment", "creature": "creature", "culture": "culture", @@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ "maimed": "maimed", "manipulation": "manipulation", "marvels": "marvels", + "marvels (comma separated)": "marvels (comma separated)", "medicine": "medicine", "mental": "mental", "might": "might", @@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ "occult": "occult", "off": "off", "on": "on", - "open the settings page": "Open the settings page", + "open the settings page": "open the settings page", "opposed by": "opposed by", "parent": "parent", "party screen": "party screen", @@ -178,9 +179,9 @@ "rolls are": "rolls are", "scale": "scale", "science": "science", - "scion-demigod": "scion: demigod", - "scion-hero": "scion: hero", - "scion-origin": "scion: origin", + "scion-demigod": "scion-demigod", + "scion-hero": "scion-hero", + "scion-origin": "scion-origin", "secondary pool": "secondary pool", "Segment description": "Segment description", "segment name": "segment name", @@ -194,6 +195,7 @@ "skills": "skills", "social": "social", "special": "special", + "special abilities": "special abilities", "stamina": "stamina", "stunt": "stunt", "subject": "subject", @@ -216,36 +218,13 @@ "used": "used", "variety": "variety", "View all sections": "View all sections", - "View antagonist": "View antagonist sheet", - "View general information": "View only general information", - "View gm screen": "%{nav-gm-screen}", - "View party screen": "%{nav-party-screen}", - "View powers information": "View only powers information", + "View antagonist": "View antagonist", + "View general information": "View general information", + "View gm screen": "View gm screen", + "View party screen": "View party screen", + "View powers information": "View powers information", "virtue": "virtue", "vs": "vs", "What is the purview's innate power?": "What is the purview's innate power?", - "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm", - "marvel": "marvel", - "use collateral": "use collateral", - "additional dice query": "How many additional dice", - "skill query": "Which skill would you like to roll?", - "attribute query": "Which attribute would you like to roll?", - "unnamed": "unnamed", - "Do you have any enhancements": "Do you have any enhancements?", - "attribute only": "attribute only", - "difficulty query": "How difficult is the task?", - "Yes": "Yes", - "No": "No", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}}?", - "Roll {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{1}}?", - "Roll {{skill}}?": "Roll {{0}}?" + "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Storypath/translations/tr.json b/Storypath/translations/tr.json index f2e6b3823b4d..6ae91143010b 100644 --- a/Storypath/translations/tr.json +++ b/Storypath/translations/tr.json @@ -44,22 +44,22 @@ "contact": "contact", "cooldown": "cooldown", "cost": "cost", - "create a access": "Create Access", - "create a birthright-creature": "create a creature", - "create a birthright-follower": "create a follower", - "create a birthright-guide": "create a guide", - "create a birthright-relic": "%{add-birthright-relic}", - "create a boon": "create boon", - "create a calling": "Create Calling", - "create a contact": "Create Contact", - "create a deed": "Create Deed", - "create a equipment": "%{add-equipment}", - "create a group": "Create Group", - "create a injury": "%{add-injury}", - "create a knack": "Create Knack", - "create a obligation": "Create Obligation", - "create a path": "Create Path", - "create a purview": "%{add-purview}", + "create a access": "create a access", + "create a birthright-creature": "create a birthright-creature", + "create a birthright-follower": "create a birthright-follower", + "create a birthright-guide": "create a birthright-guide", + "create a birthright-relic": "create a birthright-relic", + "create a boon": "create a boon", + "create a calling": "create a calling", + "create a contact": "create a contact", + "create a deed": "create a deed", + "create a equipment": "create a equipment", + "create a group": "create a group", + "create a injury": "create a injury", + "create a knack": "create a knack", + "create a obligation": "create a obligation", + "create a path": "create a path", + "create a purview": "create a purview", "create a segment": "create a segment", "creature": "creature", "culture": "culture", @@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ "maimed": "maimed", "manipulation": "manipulation", "marvels": "marvels", + "marvels (comma separated)": "marvels (comma separated)", "medicine": "medicine", "mental": "mental", "might": "might", @@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ "occult": "occult", "off": "off", "on": "on", - "open the settings page": "Open the settings page", + "open the settings page": "open the settings page", "opposed by": "opposed by", "parent": "parent", "party screen": "party screen", @@ -178,9 +179,9 @@ "rolls are": "rolls are", "scale": "scale", "science": "science", - "scion-demigod": "scion: demigod", - "scion-hero": "scion: hero", - "scion-origin": "scion: origin", + "scion-demigod": "scion-demigod", + "scion-hero": "scion-hero", + "scion-origin": "scion-origin", "secondary pool": "secondary pool", "Segment description": "Segment description", "segment name": "segment name", @@ -194,6 +195,7 @@ "skills": "skills", "social": "social", "special": "special", + "special abilities": "special abilities", "stamina": "stamina", "stunt": "stunt", "subject": "subject", @@ -216,36 +218,13 @@ "used": "used", "variety": "variety", "View all sections": "View all sections", - "View antagonist": "View antagonist sheet", - "View general information": "View only general information", - "View gm screen": "%{nav-gm-screen}", - "View party screen": "%{nav-party-screen}", - "View powers information": "View only powers information", + "View antagonist": "View antagonist", + "View general information": "View general information", + "View gm screen": "View gm screen", + "View party screen": "View party screen", + "View powers information": "View powers information", "virtue": "virtue", "vs": "vs", "What is the purview's innate power?": "What is the purview's innate power?", - "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm", - "marvel": "marvel", - "use collateral": "use collateral", - "additional dice query": "How many additional dice", - "skill query": "Which skill would you like to roll?", - "attribute query": "Which attribute would you like to roll?", - "unnamed": "unnamed", - "Do you have any enhancements": "Do you have any enhancements?", - "attribute only": "attribute only", - "difficulty query": "How difficult is the task?", - "Yes": "Yes", - "No": "No", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}}?", - "Roll {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{1}}?", - "Roll {{skill}}?": "Roll {{0}}?" + "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Storypath/translations/uk.json b/Storypath/translations/uk.json index f2e6b3823b4d..6ae91143010b 100644 --- a/Storypath/translations/uk.json +++ b/Storypath/translations/uk.json @@ -44,22 +44,22 @@ "contact": "contact", "cooldown": "cooldown", "cost": "cost", - "create a access": "Create Access", - "create a birthright-creature": "create a creature", - "create a birthright-follower": "create a follower", - "create a birthright-guide": "create a guide", - "create a birthright-relic": "%{add-birthright-relic}", - "create a boon": "create boon", - "create a calling": "Create Calling", - "create a contact": "Create Contact", - "create a deed": "Create Deed", - "create a equipment": "%{add-equipment}", - "create a group": "Create Group", - "create a injury": "%{add-injury}", - "create a knack": "Create Knack", - "create a obligation": "Create Obligation", - "create a path": "Create Path", - "create a purview": "%{add-purview}", + "create a access": "create a access", + "create a birthright-creature": "create a birthright-creature", + "create a birthright-follower": "create a birthright-follower", + "create a birthright-guide": "create a birthright-guide", + "create a birthright-relic": "create a birthright-relic", + "create a boon": "create a boon", + "create a calling": "create a calling", + "create a contact": "create a contact", + "create a deed": "create a deed", + "create a equipment": "create a equipment", + "create a group": "create a group", + "create a injury": "create a injury", + "create a knack": "create a knack", + "create a obligation": "create a obligation", + "create a path": "create a path", + "create a purview": "create a purview", "create a segment": "create a segment", "creature": "creature", "culture": "culture", @@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ "maimed": "maimed", "manipulation": "manipulation", "marvels": "marvels", + "marvels (comma separated)": "marvels (comma separated)", "medicine": "medicine", "mental": "mental", "might": "might", @@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ "occult": "occult", "off": "off", "on": "on", - "open the settings page": "Open the settings page", + "open the settings page": "open the settings page", "opposed by": "opposed by", "parent": "parent", "party screen": "party screen", @@ -178,9 +179,9 @@ "rolls are": "rolls are", "scale": "scale", "science": "science", - "scion-demigod": "scion: demigod", - "scion-hero": "scion: hero", - "scion-origin": "scion: origin", + "scion-demigod": "scion-demigod", + "scion-hero": "scion-hero", + "scion-origin": "scion-origin", "secondary pool": "secondary pool", "Segment description": "Segment description", "segment name": "segment name", @@ -194,6 +195,7 @@ "skills": "skills", "social": "social", "special": "special", + "special abilities": "special abilities", "stamina": "stamina", "stunt": "stunt", "subject": "subject", @@ -216,36 +218,13 @@ "used": "used", "variety": "variety", "View all sections": "View all sections", - "View antagonist": "View antagonist sheet", - "View general information": "View only general information", - "View gm screen": "%{nav-gm-screen}", - "View party screen": "%{nav-party-screen}", - "View powers information": "View only powers information", + "View antagonist": "View antagonist", + "View general information": "View general information", + "View gm screen": "View gm screen", + "View party screen": "View party screen", + "View powers information": "View powers information", "virtue": "virtue", "vs": "vs", "What is the purview's innate power?": "What is the purview's innate power?", - "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm", - "marvel": "marvel", - "use collateral": "use collateral", - "additional dice query": "How many additional dice", - "skill query": "Which skill would you like to roll?", - "attribute query": "Which attribute would you like to roll?", - "unnamed": "unnamed", - "Do you have any enhancements": "Do you have any enhancements?", - "attribute only": "attribute only", - "difficulty query": "How difficult is the task?", - "Yes": "Yes", - "No": "No", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}}?", - "Roll {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{1}}?", - "Roll {{skill}}?": "Roll {{0}}?" + "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Storypath/translations/zh.json b/Storypath/translations/zh.json index f2e6b3823b4d..6ae91143010b 100644 --- a/Storypath/translations/zh.json +++ b/Storypath/translations/zh.json @@ -44,22 +44,22 @@ "contact": "contact", "cooldown": "cooldown", "cost": "cost", - "create a access": "Create Access", - "create a birthright-creature": "create a creature", - "create a birthright-follower": "create a follower", - "create a birthright-guide": "create a guide", - "create a birthright-relic": "%{add-birthright-relic}", - "create a boon": "create boon", - "create a calling": "Create Calling", - "create a contact": "Create Contact", - "create a deed": "Create Deed", - "create a equipment": "%{add-equipment}", - "create a group": "Create Group", - "create a injury": "%{add-injury}", - "create a knack": "Create Knack", - "create a obligation": "Create Obligation", - "create a path": "Create Path", - "create a purview": "%{add-purview}", + "create a access": "create a access", + "create a birthright-creature": "create a birthright-creature", + "create a birthright-follower": "create a birthright-follower", + "create a birthright-guide": "create a birthright-guide", + "create a birthright-relic": "create a birthright-relic", + "create a boon": "create a boon", + "create a calling": "create a calling", + "create a contact": "create a contact", + "create a deed": "create a deed", + "create a equipment": "create a equipment", + "create a group": "create a group", + "create a injury": "create a injury", + "create a knack": "create a knack", + "create a obligation": "create a obligation", + "create a path": "create a path", + "create a purview": "create a purview", "create a segment": "create a segment", "creature": "creature", "culture": "culture", @@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ "maimed": "maimed", "manipulation": "manipulation", "marvels": "marvels", + "marvels (comma separated)": "marvels (comma separated)", "medicine": "medicine", "mental": "mental", "might": "might", @@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ "occult": "occult", "off": "off", "on": "on", - "open the settings page": "Open the settings page", + "open the settings page": "open the settings page", "opposed by": "opposed by", "parent": "parent", "party screen": "party screen", @@ -178,9 +179,9 @@ "rolls are": "rolls are", "scale": "scale", "science": "science", - "scion-demigod": "scion: demigod", - "scion-hero": "scion: hero", - "scion-origin": "scion: origin", + "scion-demigod": "scion-demigod", + "scion-hero": "scion-hero", + "scion-origin": "scion-origin", "secondary pool": "secondary pool", "Segment description": "Segment description", "segment name": "segment name", @@ -194,6 +195,7 @@ "skills": "skills", "social": "social", "special": "special", + "special abilities": "special abilities", "stamina": "stamina", "stunt": "stunt", "subject": "subject", @@ -216,36 +218,13 @@ "used": "used", "variety": "variety", "View all sections": "View all sections", - "View antagonist": "View antagonist sheet", - "View general information": "View only general information", - "View gm screen": "%{nav-gm-screen}", - "View party screen": "%{nav-party-screen}", - "View powers information": "View only powers information", + "View antagonist": "View antagonist", + "View general information": "View general information", + "View gm screen": "View gm screen", + "View party screen": "View party screen", + "View powers information": "View powers information", "virtue": "virtue", "vs": "vs", "What is the purview's innate power?": "What is the purview's innate power?", - "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm", - "marvel": "marvel", - "use collateral": "use collateral", - "additional dice query": "How many additional dice", - "skill query": "Which skill would you like to roll?", - "attribute query": "Which attribute would you like to roll?", - "unnamed": "unnamed", - "Do you have any enhancements": "Do you have any enhancements?", - "attribute only": "attribute only", - "difficulty query": "How difficult is the task?", - "Yes": "Yes", - "No": "No", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements and {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements and {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{1}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{addDice}} additional dice?": "Roll {{0}} with {{3}} additional dice?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{attribute}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{1}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} with {{enhancement number}} enhancements?": "Roll {{0}} with {{2}} enhancements?", - "Roll {{skill}} and {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{0}} and {{1}}?", - "Roll {{attribute}}?": "Roll {{1}}?", - "Roll {{skill}}?": "Roll {{0}}?" + "whispered to gm": "whispered to gm" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/af.json b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/af.json index 9bce11f83eae..6759dfc01e1e 100644 --- a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/af.json +++ b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/af.json @@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ "ABBREVIATE-DEXTERITY": "Dex", "ABBREVIATE-INTELLIGENCE": "Int", "ABBREVIATE-WILL-POWER": "WP", + "ABBREVIATE-INT-WILL-POWER": "I+WP", "ABBREVIATE-FELLOWSHIP": "Fel", "ABBREVIATE-WOUNDS": "W", "ABBREVIATE-MOVEMENT": "M", @@ -362,13 +363,13 @@ "BESMIRCHED": "Besmirched", "TARGET-NUMBER": "Target Number", "TRIP": "Trip", - "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Opp Str/Ath test to try make the target Prone.", + "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Strength/Athletics test to cause Prone.", "UNBALANCED": "Unbalanced", "SPREAD": "Spread", "SLASH": "Slash", "XA": "XA", "WARPSTONE": "Warpstone", - "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: (+0) Cool/Endurance Test, if failed target gains 1 corruption", + "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: On hit inflicts Minor Corruption", "ZZAP": "ZZAP!", "ZZAP-EFFECT": "ZZAP!: -1 AP & Ignore Metal AP", "SLASH-EFFECT": "Slash: +1 Bleeding (Inc. by 1, for", @@ -1182,9 +1183,9 @@ "SLOW-EFFECT": "Slow: Defender Opposed test +1 SL", "TIRING": "Tiring", "HACK": "Hack", - "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg +1", + "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg + 1", "PUMMEL": "Pummel", - "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: Opposed (Str/End) to Stun", + "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: On hit Opp (Str/End) to Stun", "PENETRATING": "Penetrating", "PENETRATING-EFFECT": "Penetrating: -1 AP & Ignore non-Metal AP", "RELOAD": "Reload", @@ -1195,7 +1196,7 @@ "BLAST-EFFECT": "Blast: Dmg hits all within", "ACCURATE": "Accurate", "DISTRACT": "Distract", - "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back", + "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back Opposed SL", "WRAP": "Wrap", "WRAP-EFFECT": "Wrap: Defender Opposed test -1 SL Mod", "ENTANGLE": "Entangle", @@ -1204,37 +1205,48 @@ "TRAP-BLADE": "Trap Blade", "TRAP-BLADE-EFFECT": "Or Trap Blade : Opp Str test", "BLACKPOWDER": "Blackpowder", - "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", + "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Blackpowder: Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", "AMBIDEXTROUS": "Ambidextrous", "BEAT-BLADE": "Beat Blade", "ANIMAL-AFFINITY": "Animal Affinity", "ARCANE-MAGIC": "Arcane Magic", "ARGUMENTATIVE": "Argumentative", + "ARGUMENTATIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests when arguing and debating", "ARTISTIC": "Artistic", "ATTRACTIVE": "Attractive", + "ATTRACTIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests to influence those attracted to you", "ACUTE-SENSE": "Acute Sense", + "ACUTE-SENSE-SIT": "Perception (Sense)", "ACUTE-SENSE-SENSE": "Acute Sense (Sense)", "SENSE": "Sense", "ARCANE-MAGIC-LORE": "Arcane Magic (Lore)", "ALLEY-CAT": "Alley Cat", + "ALLEY-CAT-SIT": "Stealth (Urban)", "BATTLE-RAGE": "Battle Rage", "BENEATH-NOTICE": "Beneath Notice", + "BENEATH-NOTICE-SIT": "Stealth when in plain sight", "BLATHER": "Blather", + "BLATHER-SIT": "Charm to Blather", "BLESS": "Bless", "BOOKISH": "Bookish", - "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break & Enter", - "B&E": "B&E", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break and Enter", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects", + "B&E": "VsObject", "BRIBERY": "Bribery", "BRIBER": "Briber", "BERSERK-CHARGE": "Berserk Charge", "CARDSHARP": "Cardsharp", + "CARDSHARP-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing card games", "CAREFUL-STRIKE": "Careful Strike", "CAROUSER": "Carouser", + "CAROUSER-SIT": "Charm at Parties, Gossip at Parties, Consume Alcohol", "CATFALL": "Catfall", "CAT-TONGUED": "Cat-tongued", + "CAT-TONGUED-SIT": "Charm when lying", "CHAOS-MAGIC": "Chaos Magic", "CHAOS-MAGIC-LORE": "Chaos Magic (Lore)", "COMBAT-AWARE": "Combat Aware", + "COMBAT-AWARE-SIT": "Perception during melee", "COMBAT-MASTER": "Combat Master", "COMBAT-REFLEXES": "Combat Reflexes", "COMMANDING-PRESENCE": "Commanding Presence", @@ -1242,7 +1254,9 @@ "CONCOCT": "Concoct", "CONTORTIONIST": "Contortionist", "CRACK-THE-WHIP": "Crack the Whip", + "CRACK-THE-WHIP-SIT": "Drive or Ride Tests when Fleeing or Running", "CRAFTSMAN": "Craftsman", + "CRAFTSMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Trade Tests", "CRAFTSMAN-TRADE": "Craftsman (Trade)", "CREW-COMMANDER": "Crew Commander", "CRIMINAL": "Criminal", @@ -1250,8 +1264,10 @@ "DEADEYE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Deadeye Shot: Choose hit location", "DEALMAKER": "Dealmaker", "DETECT-ARTEFACT": "Detect Artefact", + "DETECT-ARTEFACT-SIT": "Intuition tests to detect magical artefacts", "DEF-STANCE": "Def. Stance", "DICEMAN": "Diceman", + "DICEMAN-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing dice games", "DIRTY-FIGHTING": "Dirty Fighting", "DISARM": "Disarm", "DISARM-1-DESC": "Disarm: Oppose with Melee & ignore Dmg", @@ -1270,14 +1286,21 @@ "DRILLED-EFFECT2": "lost Adv", "DRILLED-EFFECT3": "Drilled: Count as 2 at end of round", "DUAL-WIELDER": "Dual Wielder", + "DUAL-WIELD": "Dual Wield", + "DUAL-WIELD-MH": "Dual Wield Main", + "DUAL-WIELD-OH": "Dual Wield Off", + "DUAL-WIELDER-SIT": "Melee or Ranged when attacking with two weapons", "DUAL-WIELD-NOTE": "Dual Wielder 2nd Attack", "USE-DW": "Use Dual Wielder", "EMBEZZLE": "Embezzle", "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER": "Enclosed Fighter", + "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER-SIT": "Dodge in enclosed environments", "ETIQUETTE": "Etiquette", + "ETIQUETTE-SIT": "Charm and Gossip (Social Group)", "ETIQUETTE-GROUP": "Etiquette (Group)", "FAST-SHOT": "Fast Shot", "FAST-HANDS": "Fast Hands", + "FAST-HANDS-SIT": "Sleight of Hand, Melee (Brawling) to touch an opponent", "FEARLESS": "Fearless", "FEARLESS-ENEMY": "Fearless (Enemy)", "ENEMY": "Enemy", @@ -1286,6 +1309,7 @@ "FEINT-2-DESC": "If Won you may add any +SL to your next", "FEINT-3-DESC": "attack on the same target next turn", "FIELD-DRESSING": "Field Dressing", + "FIELD-DRESSING-SIT": "Heal during combat Rounds", "FISHERMAN": "Fisherman", "FLAGELLANT": "Flagellant", "FLEE!": "Flee!", @@ -1295,50 +1319,69 @@ "FURIOUS-ASSAULT": "Furious Assault", "FURIOUS-ASSAULT-EFFECT": "Furious Assault: On Hit", "GREGARIOUS": "Gregarious", + "GREGARIOUS-SIT": "Gossip Tests with travellers", "GUNNER": "Gunner", "GUNNER-EFFECT": "Gunner: +1 Group Advantage", "HATRED-GROUP": "Hatred (Group)", "HOLY-VISIONS": "Holy Visions", + "HOLY-VISIONS-SIT": "Intuition Tests when on holy ground", "HUNTERS-EYE": "Hunter's Eye", "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL": "Impassioned Zeal", + "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL-SIT": "Charm when speaking about your cause", "IMPLACABLE": "Implacable", "IN-FIGHTER": "In-fighter", "INFIGHT": "Infight", "INSPIRING": "Inspiring", + "INSPIRING-SIT": "Leadership during war", "INVOKE": "Invoke", "IRON-JAW": "Iron Jaw", + "IRON-JAW-SIT": "Endurance tests to resist Stunned", "IRON-WILL": "Iron Will", + "IRON-WILL-SIT": "Cool Tests to oppose Intimidate", "JUMP-UP": "Jump Up", "KINGPIN": "Kingpin", "LIGHTNING-REFLEXES": "Lightning Reflexes", "LUCK": "Luck", "LINGUISTICS": "Linguistics", "LIP-READING": "Lip Reading", + "LIP-READING-SIT": "Perception Tests concerning this Talent", "MAGICAL": "Magical", "MAGICAL-EFFECTS": "Magical Effects", "MAGICAL-SENSE": "Magical Sense", + "MAGICAL-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests to detect Wizards", "MAGICAL-ASSISTANT": "Magical Assistant", "MAGIC-RESISTANCE": "Magic Resistance", "MAGNUM-OPUS": "Magnum Opus", "MARKSMAN": "Marksman", "MASTER-AND-COMMANDER": "Master and Commander", "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE": "Master of Disguise", + "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) when being someone else", "MASTER-ORATOR": "Master Orator", "MASTER-TRADESMAN": "Master Tradesman", + "MASTER-TRADESMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Extended Trade Tests", "TRADE": "Trade", "MENACING": "Menacing", "MIMIC": "Mimic", + "MIMIC-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) Tests where accents are important", "NIGHT-VISION": "Night Vision", + "NIGHT-VISION-SIT": "Perception tests in low-light conditions", "NIMBLE-FINGERS": "Nimble Fingers", "NOBLE-BLOOD": "Noble Blood", + "NOBLE-BLOOD-SIT": "Any Test influenced by your Status", "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE": "Nose for Trouble", + "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE-SIT": "Any Test to spot Troublemakers", "NUMISMATICS": "Numismatics", + "NUMISMATICS-SIT": "Evaluate to establish the worth of coins", "OLD-SALT": "Old Salt", + "OLD-SALT-SIT": "Sail (any Sea-worthy Vessels)", "ORIENTATION": "Orientation", "PANHANDLE": "Panhandle", + "PANHANDLE-SIT": "Charm (Begging)", "PETTY-MAGIC": "Petty Magic", "PHARMACIST": "Pharmacist", + "PHARMACIST-SIT": "Trade (Apothecary)", "PILOT": "Pilot", + "PILOT-SIT": "Row or Sail Tests while navigating unsure waters", "PUBLIC-SPEAKER": "Public Speaker", "PURE-SOUL": "Pure Soul", "RAPID-RELOAD": "Rapid Reload", @@ -1347,6 +1390,7 @@ "READ/WRITE": "Read/Write", "RELENTLESS": "Relentless", "RESISTANCE": "Resistance", + "RESISTANCE-SIT": "All those to resist the associated Threat", "RESISTANCE-THREAT": "Resistance (Threat)", "THREAT": "Threat", "RESOLUTE": "Resolute", @@ -1365,7 +1409,9 @@ "SCHEMER": "Schemer", "SEA-LEGS": "Sea Legs", "SEASONED-TRAVELLER": "Seasoned Traveller", + "SEASONED-TRAVELLER-SIT": "Any Lore Test concerning local detail", "SECOND-SIGHT": "Second Sight", + "SECOND-SIGHT-SIT": "Any Test to detect the Winds of Magic", "SECRET-IDENTITY": "Secret Identity", "SHADOW": "Shadow", "SHARP": "Sharp", @@ -1376,17 +1422,22 @@ "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT": "Shieldsman: If Opp Roll lost", "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT2": "Spend 2 Adv to push 2 ft or do Dmg", "SIXTH-SENSE": "Sixth Sense", + "SIXTH-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests involving your Sixth Sense", "SLAYER": "Slayer", "SLAYER-EFFECT": "Slayer: Use target TB if > SB", "SLAYER-CRIT-EFFECT": "Slayer: Times ALL dmg by size diff", "SMALL": "Small", "SPEEDREADER": "Speedreader", + "SPEEDREADER-SIT": "Speedreader", "SPRINTER": "Sprinter", "STEP-ASIDE": "Step Aside", + "STEP-ASIDE-SIT": "Dodge Tests to activate this Talent", "STRIDER": "Strider", + "STRIDER-SIT": "Athletics Tests to traverse the Terrain", "STRIDER-TERRAIN": "Strider (Terrain)", "TERRAIN": "Terrain", "STOUT-HEARTED": "Stout-hearted", + "STOUT-HEARTED-SIT": "Cool Tests to remove Broken Conditions", "STONE-SOUP": "Stone Soup", "STRONG-LEGS": "Strong Legs", "STRONG-MINDED": "Strong-minded", @@ -1418,6 +1469,7 @@ "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Sure Shot: Ingore", "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT2": "AP on HitLoc", "SURGERY": "Surgery", + "SURGERY-SIT": "Heal Tests outside combat rounds; i.e. when you havetime to do it ‘properly’", "DANGEROUS": "Dangerous", "IMPRECISE": "Imprecise", "UNDAMAGING": "Undamaging", @@ -1427,21 +1479,29 @@ "STRIKE-TO-STUN": "Strike to Stun", "STRIKE-MIGHTY-BLOW": "Strike Mighty Blow", "TENACIOUS": "Tenacious", + "TENACIOUS-SIT": "Endurance Tests for enduring hardships", "TINKER": "Tinker", + "TINKER-SIT": "Trade Tests to repair broken items", "TOWER-OF-MEMORIES": "Tower Of Memories", "TRAPPER": "Trapper", + "TRAPPER-SIT": "Perception Tests to spot traps, Set Trap", "TRICK-RIDING": "Trick Riding", + "TRICK-RIDING-SIT": "Dodge Tests on Horseback, Ride (Horse)", "TUNNEL-RAT": "Tunnel Rat", + "TUNNEL-RAT-SIT": "Stealth Tests when underground", "UNSHAKABLE": "Unshakable", + "UNSHAKABLE-SIT": "Cool Tests to resist Blackpowder panic", "VERY-RESILIENT": "Very Resilient", "VERY-STRONG": "Very Strong", "VICE": "Vice", "WAR-LEADER": "War Leader", + "WAR-LEADER-SIT": "Leadership Tests during War", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT": "Targets gain +", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT2": "SL to WP test (1/round)", "WAR-WIZARD": "War Wizard", "WARRIOR-BORN": "Warrior Born", "WATERMAN": "Waterman", + "WATERMAN-SIT": "Sail Tests for river-going vessels", "WEALTHY": "Wealthy", "WELL-PREPARED": "Well-prepared", "WITCH!": "Witch!", @@ -1749,10 +1809,58 @@ "MEMBERS": "Members", "CREDITORS": "Creditors", "DISTRACTED": "Distracted", + "CREWED": "Crewed", + "SALVO": "Salvo", + "CHAR-ROLL": "Char Roll", "OOPS-TABLE": "Fumble/Oops Rules", "HOUSERULE1-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 1: Core Rule Book (Default)", "HOUSERULE2-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 2: Extended Rules V1.1 (by FighterChimp on Ratcatcher Guild Discord)", "IMPROVISED_WEAPON": "Improvised Weapon", + "CORE-TALENTS": "Core Talents", + "DWARF-TALENTS": "Dwarf Player's Guide Talents", + "RUNESMITHING": "Runesmithing", + "GRUDGES-CAP": "GRUDGES", + "GRUDGES": "Grudges", + "BLOOD-GRUDGES": "Blood Grudges", + "RESOLVED-GRUDGES": "Resolved Grudges", + "COMBAT-MODIFIERS": "Combat Modifiers:", + "RANGED-MODIFIERS": "Ranged Modifiers:", + "DECLARE-ACTION": "Declare Attack Options:", + "MAGIC-QUICK-MENU": "Magic Quickbar", + "MELEE-QUICK-MENU": "Melee Quickbar", + "RANGED-QUICK-MENU": "Ranged Quickbar", + "ANCESTRAL-GRUDGE": "Ancestral Grudge", + "BLUDGEONER": "Bludgeoner", + "BLUDGEONER-EFFECT": "Bludgeoner: Additional stuns +", + "DEMOLISHER": "Demolisher", + "DEMOLISHER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects using a Hack weapon", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT": "Demolisher: Additional Armor Dmg +", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT2": "Demolisher Ranged: Decreases cover by 1 lvl", + "DRAGON-BELCHER": "Dragon Belcher", + "DRAGON-BELCHER-EFFECT": "Dragon Belcher: Additional Broken +", + "ENTRENCHMENT": "Entrenchment", + "ENTRENCHMENT-SIT": "Trade when constructing protective cover", + "FORGEFIRE": "Forgefire", + "GLORIOUS-DEMISE": "Glorious Demise", + "HARPOONER": "Harpooner", + "KINGSGUARD": "Kingsguard", + "LIQUID-FORTIFICATION": "Liquid Fortification", + "LONG-MEMORY": "Long Memory", + "LONG-MEMORY-SIT": "Intelligence Tests to remember", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE": "Magic Defiance", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE-SIT": "Willpower Tests to use Magic Resistance", + "MASTER-RUNE-MAGIC": "Master Rune Magic", + "MAVERICK": "Maverick", + "MAVERICK-SIT": "Sail (Skycraft) Tests to fly fast and dangerous", + "RUNE-MAGIC": "Rune Magic", + "SHORT-FUSE": "Short Fuse", + "SHORT-FUSE-EFFECT": "Short Fuse: Additional", + "TIRELESS": "Tireless", + "UNDERMINER": "Underminer", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH": "Whirlwind of Death", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC": "Whirlwind of Death: Spend 1 Fortune to make a Melee attack against all creatures Engaged with you. The GM chooses one enemy to Oppose this Test. If your attack succeeds, you inflict the same Damage to the same Hit Location against all Engaged creatures, calculated as normal. Do not apply Criticals on Whirlwind of Death attacks, though Critical Wounds are inflicted on enemies reduced to 0 Wounds as normal.", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC2": "You cannot activate any other special attack options as part of a Whirlwind of Death. However, if a Character with Dual Wielder (WFRP Core Rulebook) is wielding two weapons as part of a Whirlwind of Death, they may Reverse their Melee attack Test.", + "WOD": "W.o.Death", "TALENT-INTEGRATION": "Talents Integration options", "OVERCAST-TABLE": " --=( Overcast Table )=-- \n SL Targets Damage Range AoE Duration \n 1 +1 +1 x2 N/a N/a \n 2 +1 +2 x2 N/a x2 \n 3 +1 +3 x2 x2 x2 \n 5 +2 +4 x3 x2 x2 \n 8 +2 +5 x3 x2 x3 \n 13 +2 +6 x3 x3 x3 \n 21 +3 +7 x4 x3 x3" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/ca.json b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/ca.json index c34922301ae4..b177c94ab463 100644 --- a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/ca.json +++ b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/ca.json @@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ "ABBREVIATE-DEXTERITY": "Des", "ABBREVIATE-INTELLIGENCE": "Int", "ABBREVIATE-WILL-POWER": "Vol", + "ABBREVIATE-INT-WILL-POWER": "I+WP", "ABBREVIATE-FELLOWSHIP": "Emp", "ABBREVIATE-WOUNDS": "F", "ABBREVIATE-MOVEMENT": "M", @@ -362,13 +363,13 @@ "BESMIRCHED": "Besmirched", "TARGET-NUMBER": "Número Objectiu", "TRIP": "Trip", - "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Opp Str/Ath test to try make the target Prone.", + "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Strength/Athletics test to cause Prone.", "UNBALANCED": "Unbalanced", "SPREAD": "Spread", "SLASH": "Slash", "XA": "XA", "WARPSTONE": "Warpstone", - "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: (+0) Cool/Endurance Test, if failed target gains 1 corruption", + "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: On hit inflicts Minor Corruption", "ZZAP": "ZZAP!", "ZZAP-EFFECT": "ZZAP!: -1 AP & Ignore Metal AP", "SLASH-EFFECT": "Slash: +1 Bleeding (Inc. by 1, for", @@ -1182,9 +1183,9 @@ "SLOW-EFFECT": "Slow: Defender Opposed test +1 SL", "TIRING": "Tiring", "HACK": "Hack", - "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg +1", + "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg + 1", "PUMMEL": "Pummel", - "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: Opposed (Str/End) to Stun", + "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: On hit Opp (Str/End) to Stun", "PENETRATING": "Penetrating", "PENETRATING-EFFECT": "Penetrating: -1 AP & Ignore non-Metal AP", "RELOAD": "Recàrrega", @@ -1195,7 +1196,7 @@ "BLAST-EFFECT": "Blast: Dmg hits all within", "ACCURATE": "Accurate", "DISTRACT": "Distract", - "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back", + "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back Opposed SL", "WRAP": "Wrap", "WRAP-EFFECT": "Wrap: Defender Opposed test -1 SL Mod", "ENTANGLE": "Entangle", @@ -1204,37 +1205,48 @@ "TRAP-BLADE": "Trap Blade", "TRAP-BLADE-EFFECT": "Or Trap Blade : Opp Str test", "BLACKPOWDER": "Blackpowder", - "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", + "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Blackpowder: Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", "AMBIDEXTROUS": "Ambidextrous", "BEAT-BLADE": "Beat Blade", "ANIMAL-AFFINITY": "Animal Affinity", "ARCANE-MAGIC": "Arcane Magic", "ARGUMENTATIVE": "Argumentative", + "ARGUMENTATIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests when arguing and debating", "ARTISTIC": "Artistic", "ATTRACTIVE": "Attractive", + "ATTRACTIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests to influence those attracted to you", "ACUTE-SENSE": "Acute Sense", + "ACUTE-SENSE-SIT": "Perception (Sense)", "ACUTE-SENSE-SENSE": "Acute Sense (Sense)", "SENSE": "Sense", "ARCANE-MAGIC-LORE": "Arcane Magic (Lore)", "ALLEY-CAT": "Alley Cat", + "ALLEY-CAT-SIT": "Stealth (Urban)", "BATTLE-RAGE": "Battle Rage", "BENEATH-NOTICE": "Beneath Notice", + "BENEATH-NOTICE-SIT": "Stealth when in plain sight", "BLATHER": "Xerrameca", + "BLATHER-SIT": "Charm to Blather", "BLESS": "Bless", "BOOKISH": "Bookish", - "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break & Enter", - "B&E": "B&E", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break and Enter", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects", + "B&E": "VsObject", "BRIBERY": "Sobornar", "BRIBER": "Briber", "BERSERK-CHARGE": "Berserk Charge", "CARDSHARP": "Cardsharp", + "CARDSHARP-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing card games", "CAREFUL-STRIKE": "Careful Strike", "CAROUSER": "Carouser", + "CAROUSER-SIT": "Charm at Parties, Gossip at Parties, Consume Alcohol", "CATFALL": "Catfall", "CAT-TONGUED": "Cat-tongued", + "CAT-TONGUED-SIT": "Charm when lying", "CHAOS-MAGIC": "Chaos Magic", "CHAOS-MAGIC-LORE": "Chaos Magic (Lore)", "COMBAT-AWARE": "Combat Aware", + "COMBAT-AWARE-SIT": "Perception during melee", "COMBAT-MASTER": "Combat Master", "COMBAT-REFLEXES": "Combat Reflexes", "COMMANDING-PRESENCE": "Commanding Presence", @@ -1242,7 +1254,9 @@ "CONCOCT": "Concoct", "CONTORTIONIST": "Contortionist", "CRACK-THE-WHIP": "Crack the Whip", + "CRACK-THE-WHIP-SIT": "Drive or Ride Tests when Fleeing or Running", "CRAFTSMAN": "Craftsman", + "CRAFTSMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Trade Tests", "CRAFTSMAN-TRADE": "Craftsman (Trade)", "CREW-COMMANDER": "Crew Commander", "CRIMINAL": "Criminal", @@ -1250,8 +1264,10 @@ "DEADEYE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Deadeye Shot: Choose hit location", "DEALMAKER": "Dealmaker", "DETECT-ARTEFACT": "Detect Artefact", + "DETECT-ARTEFACT-SIT": "Intuition tests to detect magical artefacts", "DEF-STANCE": "Def. Stance", "DICEMAN": "Diceman", + "DICEMAN-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing dice games", "DIRTY-FIGHTING": "Dirty Fighting", "DISARM": "Disarm", "DISARM-1-DESC": "Disarm: Oppose with Melee & ignore Dmg", @@ -1270,14 +1286,21 @@ "DRILLED-EFFECT2": "lost Adv", "DRILLED-EFFECT3": "Drilled: Count as 2 at end of round", "DUAL-WIELDER": "Dual Wielder", + "DUAL-WIELD": "Dual Wield", + "DUAL-WIELD-MH": "Dual Wield Main", + "DUAL-WIELD-OH": "Dual Wield Off", + "DUAL-WIELDER-SIT": "Melee or Ranged when attacking with two weapons", "DUAL-WIELD-NOTE": "Dual Wielder 2nd Attack", "USE-DW": "Use Dual Wielder", "EMBEZZLE": "Embezzle", "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER": "Enclosed Fighter", + "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER-SIT": "Dodge in enclosed environments", "ETIQUETTE": "Etiquette", + "ETIQUETTE-SIT": "Charm and Gossip (Social Group)", "ETIQUETTE-GROUP": "Etiquette (Group)", "FAST-SHOT": "Fast Shot", "FAST-HANDS": "Fast Hands", + "FAST-HANDS-SIT": "Sleight of Hand, Melee (Brawling) to touch an opponent", "FEARLESS": "Fearless", "FEARLESS-ENEMY": "Fearless (Enemy)", "ENEMY": "Enemy", @@ -1286,6 +1309,7 @@ "FEINT-2-DESC": "If Won you may add any +SL to your next", "FEINT-3-DESC": "attack on the same target next turn", "FIELD-DRESSING": "Field Dressing", + "FIELD-DRESSING-SIT": "Heal during combat Rounds", "FISHERMAN": "Fisherman", "FLAGELLANT": "Flagellant", "FLEE!": "Flee!", @@ -1295,50 +1319,69 @@ "FURIOUS-ASSAULT": "Furious Assault", "FURIOUS-ASSAULT-EFFECT": "Furious Assault: On Hit", "GREGARIOUS": "Gregarious", + "GREGARIOUS-SIT": "Gossip Tests with travellers", "GUNNER": "Gunner", "GUNNER-EFFECT": "Gunner: +1 Group Advantage", "HATRED-GROUP": "Hatred (Group)", "HOLY-VISIONS": "Holy Visions", + "HOLY-VISIONS-SIT": "Intuition Tests when on holy ground", "HUNTERS-EYE": "Hunter's Eye", "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL": "Impassioned Zeal", + "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL-SIT": "Charm when speaking about your cause", "IMPLACABLE": "Implacable", "IN-FIGHTER": "In-fighter", "INFIGHT": "Infight", "INSPIRING": "Inspiring", + "INSPIRING-SIT": "Leadership during war", "INVOKE": "Invoke", "IRON-JAW": "Iron Jaw", + "IRON-JAW-SIT": "Endurance tests to resist Stunned", "IRON-WILL": "Iron Will", + "IRON-WILL-SIT": "Cool Tests to oppose Intimidate", "JUMP-UP": "Jump Up", "KINGPIN": "Kingpin", "LIGHTNING-REFLEXES": "Lightning Reflexes", "LUCK": "Luck", "LINGUISTICS": "Linguistics", "LIP-READING": "Lip Reading", + "LIP-READING-SIT": "Perception Tests concerning this Talent", "MAGICAL": "Magical", "MAGICAL-EFFECTS": "Magical Effects", "MAGICAL-SENSE": "Sentir màgia", + "MAGICAL-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests to detect Wizards", "MAGICAL-ASSISTANT": "Magical Assistant", "MAGIC-RESISTANCE": "Magic Resistance", "MAGNUM-OPUS": "Magnum Opus", "MARKSMAN": "Marksman", "MASTER-AND-COMMANDER": "Master and Commander", "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE": "Master of Disguise", + "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) when being someone else", "MASTER-ORATOR": "Master Orator", "MASTER-TRADESMAN": "Master Tradesman", + "MASTER-TRADESMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Extended Trade Tests", "TRADE": "Ofici", "MENACING": "Menacing", "MIMIC": "Mimic", + "MIMIC-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) Tests where accents are important", "NIGHT-VISION": "Night Vision", + "NIGHT-VISION-SIT": "Perception tests in low-light conditions", "NIMBLE-FINGERS": "Nimble Fingers", "NOBLE-BLOOD": "Noble Blood", + "NOBLE-BLOOD-SIT": "Any Test influenced by your Status", "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE": "Nose for Trouble", + "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE-SIT": "Any Test to spot Troublemakers", "NUMISMATICS": "Numismatics", + "NUMISMATICS-SIT": "Evaluate to establish the worth of coins", "OLD-SALT": "Old Salt", + "OLD-SALT-SIT": "Sail (any Sea-worthy Vessels)", "ORIENTATION": "Orientation", "PANHANDLE": "Panhandle", + "PANHANDLE-SIT": "Charm (Begging)", "PETTY-MAGIC": "Petty Magic", "PHARMACIST": "Pharmacist", + "PHARMACIST-SIT": "Trade (Apothecary)", "PILOT": "Pilot", + "PILOT-SIT": "Row or Sail Tests while navigating unsure waters", "PUBLIC-SPEAKER": "Public Speaker", "PURE-SOUL": "Pure Soul", "RAPID-RELOAD": "Rapid Reload", @@ -1347,6 +1390,7 @@ "READ/WRITE": "Read/Write", "RELENTLESS": "Relentless", "RESISTANCE": "Resistance", + "RESISTANCE-SIT": "All those to resist the associated Threat", "RESISTANCE-THREAT": "Resistance (Threat)", "THREAT": "Threat", "RESOLUTE": "Resolute", @@ -1365,7 +1409,9 @@ "SCHEMER": "Schemer", "SEA-LEGS": "Sea Legs", "SEASONED-TRAVELLER": "Seasoned Traveller", + "SEASONED-TRAVELLER-SIT": "Any Lore Test concerning local detail", "SECOND-SIGHT": "Second Sight", + "SECOND-SIGHT-SIT": "Any Test to detect the Winds of Magic", "SECRET-IDENTITY": "Secret Identity", "SHADOW": "Shadow", "SHARP": "Sharp", @@ -1376,17 +1422,22 @@ "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT": "Shieldsman: If Opp Roll lost", "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT2": "Spend 2 Adv to push 2 ft or do Dmg", "SIXTH-SENSE": "Sixth Sense", + "SIXTH-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests involving your Sixth Sense", "SLAYER": "Slayer", "SLAYER-EFFECT": "Slayer: Use target TB if > SB", "SLAYER-CRIT-EFFECT": "Slayer: Times ALL dmg by size diff", "SMALL": "Small", "SPEEDREADER": "Speedreader", + "SPEEDREADER-SIT": "Speedreader", "SPRINTER": "Sprinter", "STEP-ASIDE": "Step Aside", + "STEP-ASIDE-SIT": "Dodge Tests to activate this Talent", "STRIDER": "Strider", + "STRIDER-SIT": "Athletics Tests to traverse the Terrain", "STRIDER-TERRAIN": "Strider (Terrain)", "TERRAIN": "Terrain", "STOUT-HEARTED": "Stout-hearted", + "STOUT-HEARTED-SIT": "Cool Tests to remove Broken Conditions", "STONE-SOUP": "Stone Soup", "STRONG-LEGS": "Strong Legs", "STRONG-MINDED": "Strong-minded", @@ -1418,6 +1469,7 @@ "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Sure Shot: Ingore", "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT2": "AP on HitLoc", "SURGERY": "Surgery", + "SURGERY-SIT": "Heal Tests outside combat rounds; i.e. when you havetime to do it ‘properly’", "DANGEROUS": "Dangerous", "IMPRECISE": "Imprecise", "UNDAMAGING": "Undamaging", @@ -1427,21 +1479,29 @@ "STRIKE-TO-STUN": "Strike to Stun", "STRIKE-MIGHTY-BLOW": "Strike Mighty Blow", "TENACIOUS": "Tenacious", + "TENACIOUS-SIT": "Endurance Tests for enduring hardships", "TINKER": "Tinker", + "TINKER-SIT": "Trade Tests to repair broken items", "TOWER-OF-MEMORIES": "Tower Of Memories", "TRAPPER": "Trapper", + "TRAPPER-SIT": "Perception Tests to spot traps, Set Trap", "TRICK-RIDING": "Trick Riding", + "TRICK-RIDING-SIT": "Dodge Tests on Horseback, Ride (Horse)", "TUNNEL-RAT": "Tunnel Rat", + "TUNNEL-RAT-SIT": "Stealth Tests when underground", "UNSHAKABLE": "Unshakable", + "UNSHAKABLE-SIT": "Cool Tests to resist Blackpowder panic", "VERY-RESILIENT": "Very Resilient", "VERY-STRONG": "Very Strong", "VICE": "Vice", "WAR-LEADER": "War Leader", + "WAR-LEADER-SIT": "Leadership Tests during War", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT": "Targets gain +", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT2": "SL to WP test (1/round)", "WAR-WIZARD": "War Wizard", "WARRIOR-BORN": "Warrior Born", "WATERMAN": "Waterman", + "WATERMAN-SIT": "Sail Tests for river-going vessels", "WEALTHY": "Wealthy", "WELL-PREPARED": "Well-prepared", "WITCH!": "Witch!", @@ -1749,10 +1809,58 @@ "MEMBERS": "Members", "CREDITORS": "Creditors", "DISTRACTED": "Distracted", + "CREWED": "Crewed", + "SALVO": "Salvo", + "CHAR-ROLL": "Char Roll", "OOPS-TABLE": "Fumble/Oops Rules", "HOUSERULE1-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 1: Core Rule Book (Default)", "HOUSERULE2-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 2: Extended Rules V1.1 (by FighterChimp on Ratcatcher Guild Discord)", "IMPROVISED_WEAPON": "Improvised Weapon", + "CORE-TALENTS": "Core Talents", + "DWARF-TALENTS": "Dwarf Player's Guide Talents", + "RUNESMITHING": "Runesmithing", + "GRUDGES-CAP": "GRUDGES", + "GRUDGES": "Grudges", + "BLOOD-GRUDGES": "Blood Grudges", + "RESOLVED-GRUDGES": "Resolved Grudges", + "COMBAT-MODIFIERS": "Combat Modifiers:", + "RANGED-MODIFIERS": "Ranged Modifiers:", + "DECLARE-ACTION": "Declare Attack Options:", + "MAGIC-QUICK-MENU": "Magic Quickbar", + "MELEE-QUICK-MENU": "Melee Quickbar", + "RANGED-QUICK-MENU": "Ranged Quickbar", + "ANCESTRAL-GRUDGE": "Ancestral Grudge", + "BLUDGEONER": "Bludgeoner", + "BLUDGEONER-EFFECT": "Bludgeoner: Additional stuns +", + "DEMOLISHER": "Demolisher", + "DEMOLISHER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects using a Hack weapon", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT": "Demolisher: Additional Armor Dmg +", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT2": "Demolisher Ranged: Decreases cover by 1 lvl", + "DRAGON-BELCHER": "Dragon Belcher", + "DRAGON-BELCHER-EFFECT": "Dragon Belcher: Additional Broken +", + "ENTRENCHMENT": "Entrenchment", + "ENTRENCHMENT-SIT": "Trade when constructing protective cover", + "FORGEFIRE": "Forgefire", + "GLORIOUS-DEMISE": "Glorious Demise", + "HARPOONER": "Harpooner", + "KINGSGUARD": "Kingsguard", + "LIQUID-FORTIFICATION": "Liquid Fortification", + "LONG-MEMORY": "Long Memory", + "LONG-MEMORY-SIT": "Intelligence Tests to remember", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE": "Magic Defiance", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE-SIT": "Willpower Tests to use Magic Resistance", + "MASTER-RUNE-MAGIC": "Master Rune Magic", + "MAVERICK": "Maverick", + "MAVERICK-SIT": "Sail (Skycraft) Tests to fly fast and dangerous", + "RUNE-MAGIC": "Rune Magic", + "SHORT-FUSE": "Short Fuse", + "SHORT-FUSE-EFFECT": "Short Fuse: Additional", + "TIRELESS": "Tireless", + "UNDERMINER": "Underminer", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH": "Whirlwind of Death", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC": "Whirlwind of Death: Spend 1 Fortune to make a Melee attack against all creatures Engaged with you. The GM chooses one enemy to Oppose this Test. If your attack succeeds, you inflict the same Damage to the same Hit Location against all Engaged creatures, calculated as normal. Do not apply Criticals on Whirlwind of Death attacks, though Critical Wounds are inflicted on enemies reduced to 0 Wounds as normal.", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC2": "You cannot activate any other special attack options as part of a Whirlwind of Death. However, if a Character with Dual Wielder (WFRP Core Rulebook) is wielding two weapons as part of a Whirlwind of Death, they may Reverse their Melee attack Test.", + "WOD": "W.o.Death", "TALENT-INTEGRATION": "Talents Integration options", "OVERCAST-TABLE": " --=( Overcast Table )=-- \n SL Targets Damage Range AoE Duration \n 1 +1 +1 x2 N/a N/a \n 2 +1 +2 x2 N/a x2 \n 3 +1 +3 x2 x2 x2 \n 5 +2 +4 x3 x2 x2 \n 8 +2 +5 x3 x2 x3 \n 13 +2 +6 x3 x3 x3 \n 21 +3 +7 x4 x3 x3" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/cs.json b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/cs.json index 089f6e1c9bbe..19253fe5fb88 100644 --- a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/cs.json +++ b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/cs.json @@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ "ABBREVIATE-DEXTERITY": "Obr", "ABBREVIATE-INTELLIGENCE": "Int", "ABBREVIATE-WILL-POWER": "WP", + "ABBREVIATE-INT-WILL-POWER": "I+WP", "ABBREVIATE-FELLOWSHIP": "Fel", "ABBREVIATE-WOUNDS": "W", "ABBREVIATE-MOVEMENT": "S", @@ -362,13 +363,13 @@ "BESMIRCHED": "Besmirched", "TARGET-NUMBER": "Target Number", "TRIP": "Trip", - "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Opp Str/Ath test to try make the target Prone.", + "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Strength/Athletics test to cause Prone.", "UNBALANCED": "Unbalanced", "SPREAD": "Spread", "SLASH": "Slash", "XA": "XA", "WARPSTONE": "Warpstone", - "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: (+0) Cool/Endurance Test, if failed target gains 1 corruption", + "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: On hit inflicts Minor Corruption", "ZZAP": "ZZAP!", "ZZAP-EFFECT": "ZZAP!: -1 AP & Ignore Metal AP", "SLASH-EFFECT": "Slash: +1 Bleeding (Inc. by 1, for", @@ -1182,9 +1183,9 @@ "SLOW-EFFECT": "Slow: Defender Opposed test +1 SL", "TIRING": "Tiring", "HACK": "Hack", - "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg +1", + "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg + 1", "PUMMEL": "Pummel", - "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: Opposed (Str/End) to Stun", + "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: On hit Opp (Str/End) to Stun", "PENETRATING": "Penetrating", "PENETRATING-EFFECT": "Penetrating: -1 AP & Ignore non-Metal AP", "RELOAD": "Reload", @@ -1195,7 +1196,7 @@ "BLAST-EFFECT": "Blast: Dmg hits all within", "ACCURATE": "Accurate", "DISTRACT": "Distract", - "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back", + "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back Opposed SL", "WRAP": "Wrap", "WRAP-EFFECT": "Wrap: Defender Opposed test -1 SL Mod", "ENTANGLE": "Entangle", @@ -1204,37 +1205,48 @@ "TRAP-BLADE": "Trap Blade", "TRAP-BLADE-EFFECT": "Or Trap Blade : Opp Str test", "BLACKPOWDER": "Blackpowder", - "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", + "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Blackpowder: Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", "AMBIDEXTROUS": "Ambidextrous", "BEAT-BLADE": "Beat Blade", "ANIMAL-AFFINITY": "Animal Affinity", "ARCANE-MAGIC": "Arcane Magic", "ARGUMENTATIVE": "Argumentative", + "ARGUMENTATIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests when arguing and debating", "ARTISTIC": "Artistic", "ATTRACTIVE": "Attractive", + "ATTRACTIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests to influence those attracted to you", "ACUTE-SENSE": "Acute Sense", + "ACUTE-SENSE-SIT": "Perception (Sense)", "ACUTE-SENSE-SENSE": "Acute Sense (Sense)", "SENSE": "Sense", "ARCANE-MAGIC-LORE": "Arcane Magic (Lore)", "ALLEY-CAT": "Alley Cat", + "ALLEY-CAT-SIT": "Stealth (Urban)", "BATTLE-RAGE": "Battle Rage", "BENEATH-NOTICE": "Beneath Notice", + "BENEATH-NOTICE-SIT": "Stealth when in plain sight", "BLATHER": "Blather", + "BLATHER-SIT": "Charm to Blather", "BLESS": "Bless", "BOOKISH": "Bookish", - "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break & Enter", - "B&E": "B&E", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break and Enter", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects", + "B&E": "VsObject", "BRIBERY": "Bribery", "BRIBER": "Briber", "BERSERK-CHARGE": "Berserk Charge", "CARDSHARP": "Cardsharp", + "CARDSHARP-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing card games", "CAREFUL-STRIKE": "Careful Strike", "CAROUSER": "Carouser", + "CAROUSER-SIT": "Charm at Parties, Gossip at Parties, Consume Alcohol", "CATFALL": "Catfall", "CAT-TONGUED": "Cat-tongued", + "CAT-TONGUED-SIT": "Charm when lying", "CHAOS-MAGIC": "Chaos Magic", "CHAOS-MAGIC-LORE": "Chaos Magic (Lore)", "COMBAT-AWARE": "Combat Aware", + "COMBAT-AWARE-SIT": "Perception during melee", "COMBAT-MASTER": "Combat Master", "COMBAT-REFLEXES": "Combat Reflexes", "COMMANDING-PRESENCE": "Commanding Presence", @@ -1242,7 +1254,9 @@ "CONCOCT": "Concoct", "CONTORTIONIST": "Contortionist", "CRACK-THE-WHIP": "Crack the Whip", + "CRACK-THE-WHIP-SIT": "Drive or Ride Tests when Fleeing or Running", "CRAFTSMAN": "Craftsman", + "CRAFTSMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Trade Tests", "CRAFTSMAN-TRADE": "Craftsman (Trade)", "CREW-COMMANDER": "Crew Commander", "CRIMINAL": "Criminal", @@ -1250,8 +1264,10 @@ "DEADEYE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Deadeye Shot: Choose hit location", "DEALMAKER": "Dealmaker", "DETECT-ARTEFACT": "Detect Artefact", + "DETECT-ARTEFACT-SIT": "Intuition tests to detect magical artefacts", "DEF-STANCE": "Def. Stance", "DICEMAN": "Diceman", + "DICEMAN-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing dice games", "DIRTY-FIGHTING": "Dirty Fighting", "DISARM": "Disarm", "DISARM-1-DESC": "Disarm: Oppose with Melee & ignore Dmg", @@ -1270,14 +1286,21 @@ "DRILLED-EFFECT2": "lost Adv", "DRILLED-EFFECT3": "Drilled: Count as 2 at end of round", "DUAL-WIELDER": "Dual Wielder", + "DUAL-WIELD": "Dual Wield", + "DUAL-WIELD-MH": "Dual Wield Main", + "DUAL-WIELD-OH": "Dual Wield Off", + "DUAL-WIELDER-SIT": "Melee or Ranged when attacking with two weapons", "DUAL-WIELD-NOTE": "Dual Wielder 2nd Attack", "USE-DW": "Use Dual Wielder", "EMBEZZLE": "Embezzle", "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER": "Enclosed Fighter", + "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER-SIT": "Dodge in enclosed environments", "ETIQUETTE": "Etiquette", + "ETIQUETTE-SIT": "Charm and Gossip (Social Group)", "ETIQUETTE-GROUP": "Etiquette (Group)", "FAST-SHOT": "Fast Shot", "FAST-HANDS": "Fast Hands", + "FAST-HANDS-SIT": "Sleight of Hand, Melee (Brawling) to touch an opponent", "FEARLESS": "Fearless", "FEARLESS-ENEMY": "Fearless (Enemy)", "ENEMY": "Enemy", @@ -1286,6 +1309,7 @@ "FEINT-2-DESC": "If Won you may add any +SL to your next", "FEINT-3-DESC": "attack on the same target next turn", "FIELD-DRESSING": "Field Dressing", + "FIELD-DRESSING-SIT": "Heal during combat Rounds", "FISHERMAN": "Fisherman", "FLAGELLANT": "Flagellant", "FLEE!": "Flee!", @@ -1295,50 +1319,69 @@ "FURIOUS-ASSAULT": "Furious Assault", "FURIOUS-ASSAULT-EFFECT": "Furious Assault: On Hit", "GREGARIOUS": "Gregarious", + "GREGARIOUS-SIT": "Gossip Tests with travellers", "GUNNER": "Gunner", "GUNNER-EFFECT": "Gunner: +1 Group Advantage", "HATRED-GROUP": "Hatred (Group)", "HOLY-VISIONS": "Holy Visions", + "HOLY-VISIONS-SIT": "Intuition Tests when on holy ground", "HUNTERS-EYE": "Hunter's Eye", "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL": "Impassioned Zeal", + "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL-SIT": "Charm when speaking about your cause", "IMPLACABLE": "Implacable", "IN-FIGHTER": "In-fighter", "INFIGHT": "Infight", "INSPIRING": "Inspiring", + "INSPIRING-SIT": "Leadership during war", "INVOKE": "Invoke", "IRON-JAW": "Iron Jaw", + "IRON-JAW-SIT": "Endurance tests to resist Stunned", "IRON-WILL": "Iron Will", + "IRON-WILL-SIT": "Cool Tests to oppose Intimidate", "JUMP-UP": "Jump Up", "KINGPIN": "Kingpin", "LIGHTNING-REFLEXES": "Lightning Reflexes", "LUCK": "Luck", "LINGUISTICS": "Linguistics", "LIP-READING": "Lip Reading", + "LIP-READING-SIT": "Perception Tests concerning this Talent", "MAGICAL": "Magical", "MAGICAL-EFFECTS": "Magical Effects", "MAGICAL-SENSE": "Magical Sense", + "MAGICAL-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests to detect Wizards", "MAGICAL-ASSISTANT": "Magical Assistant", "MAGIC-RESISTANCE": "Magic Resistance", "MAGNUM-OPUS": "Magnum Opus", "MARKSMAN": "Marksman", "MASTER-AND-COMMANDER": "Master and Commander", "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE": "Master of Disguise", + "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) when being someone else", "MASTER-ORATOR": "Master Orator", "MASTER-TRADESMAN": "Master Tradesman", + "MASTER-TRADESMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Extended Trade Tests", "TRADE": "Trade", "MENACING": "Menacing", "MIMIC": "Mimic", + "MIMIC-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) Tests where accents are important", "NIGHT-VISION": "Night Vision", + "NIGHT-VISION-SIT": "Perception tests in low-light conditions", "NIMBLE-FINGERS": "Nimble Fingers", "NOBLE-BLOOD": "Noble Blood", + "NOBLE-BLOOD-SIT": "Any Test influenced by your Status", "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE": "Nose for Trouble", + "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE-SIT": "Any Test to spot Troublemakers", "NUMISMATICS": "Numismatics", + "NUMISMATICS-SIT": "Evaluate to establish the worth of coins", "OLD-SALT": "Old Salt", + "OLD-SALT-SIT": "Sail (any Sea-worthy Vessels)", "ORIENTATION": "Orientation", "PANHANDLE": "Panhandle", + "PANHANDLE-SIT": "Charm (Begging)", "PETTY-MAGIC": "Petty Magic", "PHARMACIST": "Pharmacist", + "PHARMACIST-SIT": "Trade (Apothecary)", "PILOT": "Pilot", + "PILOT-SIT": "Row or Sail Tests while navigating unsure waters", "PUBLIC-SPEAKER": "Public Speaker", "PURE-SOUL": "Pure Soul", "RAPID-RELOAD": "Rapid Reload", @@ -1347,6 +1390,7 @@ "READ/WRITE": "Read/Write", "RELENTLESS": "Relentless", "RESISTANCE": "Resistance", + "RESISTANCE-SIT": "All those to resist the associated Threat", "RESISTANCE-THREAT": "Resistance (Threat)", "THREAT": "Threat", "RESOLUTE": "Resolute", @@ -1365,7 +1409,9 @@ "SCHEMER": "Schemer", "SEA-LEGS": "Sea Legs", "SEASONED-TRAVELLER": "Seasoned Traveller", + "SEASONED-TRAVELLER-SIT": "Any Lore Test concerning local detail", "SECOND-SIGHT": "Second Sight", + "SECOND-SIGHT-SIT": "Any Test to detect the Winds of Magic", "SECRET-IDENTITY": "Secret Identity", "SHADOW": "Shadow", "SHARP": "Sharp", @@ -1376,17 +1422,22 @@ "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT": "Shieldsman: If Opp Roll lost", "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT2": "Spend 2 Adv to push 2 ft or do Dmg", "SIXTH-SENSE": "Sixth Sense", + "SIXTH-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests involving your Sixth Sense", "SLAYER": "Slayer", "SLAYER-EFFECT": "Slayer: Use target TB if > SB", "SLAYER-CRIT-EFFECT": "Slayer: Times ALL dmg by size diff", "SMALL": "Small", "SPEEDREADER": "Speedreader", + "SPEEDREADER-SIT": "Speedreader", "SPRINTER": "Sprinter", "STEP-ASIDE": "Step Aside", + "STEP-ASIDE-SIT": "Dodge Tests to activate this Talent", "STRIDER": "Strider", + "STRIDER-SIT": "Athletics Tests to traverse the Terrain", "STRIDER-TERRAIN": "Strider (Terrain)", "TERRAIN": "Terrain", "STOUT-HEARTED": "Stout-hearted", + "STOUT-HEARTED-SIT": "Cool Tests to remove Broken Conditions", "STONE-SOUP": "Stone Soup", "STRONG-LEGS": "Strong Legs", "STRONG-MINDED": "Strong-minded", @@ -1418,6 +1469,7 @@ "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Sure Shot: Ingore", "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT2": "AP on HitLoc", "SURGERY": "Surgery", + "SURGERY-SIT": "Heal Tests outside combat rounds; i.e. when you havetime to do it ‘properly’", "DANGEROUS": "Dangerous", "IMPRECISE": "Imprecise", "UNDAMAGING": "Undamaging", @@ -1427,21 +1479,29 @@ "STRIKE-TO-STUN": "Strike to Stun", "STRIKE-MIGHTY-BLOW": "Strike Mighty Blow", "TENACIOUS": "Tenacious", + "TENACIOUS-SIT": "Endurance Tests for enduring hardships", "TINKER": "Tinker", + "TINKER-SIT": "Trade Tests to repair broken items", "TOWER-OF-MEMORIES": "Tower Of Memories", "TRAPPER": "Trapper", + "TRAPPER-SIT": "Perception Tests to spot traps, Set Trap", "TRICK-RIDING": "Trick Riding", + "TRICK-RIDING-SIT": "Dodge Tests on Horseback, Ride (Horse)", "TUNNEL-RAT": "Tunnel Rat", + "TUNNEL-RAT-SIT": "Stealth Tests when underground", "UNSHAKABLE": "Unshakable", + "UNSHAKABLE-SIT": "Cool Tests to resist Blackpowder panic", "VERY-RESILIENT": "Very Resilient", "VERY-STRONG": "Very Strong", "VICE": "Vice", "WAR-LEADER": "War Leader", + "WAR-LEADER-SIT": "Leadership Tests during War", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT": "Targets gain +", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT2": "SL to WP test (1/round)", "WAR-WIZARD": "War Wizard", "WARRIOR-BORN": "Warrior Born", "WATERMAN": "Waterman", + "WATERMAN-SIT": "Sail Tests for river-going vessels", "WEALTHY": "Wealthy", "WELL-PREPARED": "Well-prepared", "WITCH!": "Witch!", @@ -1749,10 +1809,58 @@ "MEMBERS": "Members", "CREDITORS": "Creditors", "DISTRACTED": "Distracted", + "CREWED": "Crewed", + "SALVO": "Salvo", + "CHAR-ROLL": "Char Roll", "OOPS-TABLE": "Fumble/Oops Rules", "HOUSERULE1-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 1: Core Rule Book (Default)", "HOUSERULE2-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 2: Extended Rules V1.1 (by FighterChimp on Ratcatcher Guild Discord)", "IMPROVISED_WEAPON": "Improvised Weapon", + "CORE-TALENTS": "Core Talents", + "DWARF-TALENTS": "Dwarf Player's Guide Talents", + "RUNESMITHING": "Runesmithing", + "GRUDGES-CAP": "GRUDGES", + "GRUDGES": "Grudges", + "BLOOD-GRUDGES": "Blood Grudges", + "RESOLVED-GRUDGES": "Resolved Grudges", + "COMBAT-MODIFIERS": "Combat Modifiers:", + "RANGED-MODIFIERS": "Ranged Modifiers:", + "DECLARE-ACTION": "Declare Attack Options:", + "MAGIC-QUICK-MENU": "Magic Quickbar", + "MELEE-QUICK-MENU": "Melee Quickbar", + "RANGED-QUICK-MENU": "Ranged Quickbar", + "ANCESTRAL-GRUDGE": "Ancestral Grudge", + "BLUDGEONER": "Bludgeoner", + "BLUDGEONER-EFFECT": "Bludgeoner: Additional stuns +", + "DEMOLISHER": "Demolisher", + "DEMOLISHER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects using a Hack weapon", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT": "Demolisher: Additional Armor Dmg +", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT2": "Demolisher Ranged: Decreases cover by 1 lvl", + "DRAGON-BELCHER": "Dragon Belcher", + "DRAGON-BELCHER-EFFECT": "Dragon Belcher: Additional Broken +", + "ENTRENCHMENT": "Entrenchment", + "ENTRENCHMENT-SIT": "Trade when constructing protective cover", + "FORGEFIRE": "Forgefire", + "GLORIOUS-DEMISE": "Glorious Demise", + "HARPOONER": "Harpooner", + "KINGSGUARD": "Kingsguard", + "LIQUID-FORTIFICATION": "Liquid Fortification", + "LONG-MEMORY": "Long Memory", + "LONG-MEMORY-SIT": "Intelligence Tests to remember", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE": "Magic Defiance", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE-SIT": "Willpower Tests to use Magic Resistance", + "MASTER-RUNE-MAGIC": "Master Rune Magic", + "MAVERICK": "Maverick", + "MAVERICK-SIT": "Sail (Skycraft) Tests to fly fast and dangerous", + "RUNE-MAGIC": "Rune Magic", + "SHORT-FUSE": "Short Fuse", + "SHORT-FUSE-EFFECT": "Short Fuse: Additional", + "TIRELESS": "Tireless", + "UNDERMINER": "Underminer", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH": "Whirlwind of Death", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC": "Whirlwind of Death: Spend 1 Fortune to make a Melee attack against all creatures Engaged with you. The GM chooses one enemy to Oppose this Test. If your attack succeeds, you inflict the same Damage to the same Hit Location against all Engaged creatures, calculated as normal. Do not apply Criticals on Whirlwind of Death attacks, though Critical Wounds are inflicted on enemies reduced to 0 Wounds as normal.", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC2": "You cannot activate any other special attack options as part of a Whirlwind of Death. However, if a Character with Dual Wielder (WFRP Core Rulebook) is wielding two weapons as part of a Whirlwind of Death, they may Reverse their Melee attack Test.", + "WOD": "W.o.Death", "TALENT-INTEGRATION": "Talents Integration options", "OVERCAST-TABLE": " --=( Overcast Table )=-- \n SL Targets Damage Range AoE Duration \n 1 +1 +1 x2 N/a N/a \n 2 +1 +2 x2 N/a x2 \n 3 +1 +3 x2 x2 x2 \n 5 +2 +4 x3 x2 x2 \n 8 +2 +5 x3 x2 x3 \n 13 +2 +6 x3 x3 x3 \n 21 +3 +7 x4 x3 x3" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/da.json b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/da.json index 869bffc3722b..e8789e2aff05 100644 --- a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/da.json +++ b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/da.json @@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ "ABBREVIATE-DEXTERITY": "Dex", "ABBREVIATE-INTELLIGENCE": "Int", "ABBREVIATE-WILL-POWER": "WP", + "ABBREVIATE-INT-WILL-POWER": "I+WP", "ABBREVIATE-FELLOWSHIP": "Fel", "ABBREVIATE-WOUNDS": "W", "ABBREVIATE-MOVEMENT": "M", @@ -362,13 +363,13 @@ "BESMIRCHED": "Besmirched", "TARGET-NUMBER": "Target Number", "TRIP": "Trip", - "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Opp Str/Ath test to try make the target Prone.", + "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Strength/Athletics test to cause Prone.", "UNBALANCED": "Unbalanced", "SPREAD": "Spread", "SLASH": "Slash", "XA": "XA", "WARPSTONE": "Warpstone", - "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: (+0) Cool/Endurance Test, if failed target gains 1 corruption", + "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: On hit inflicts Minor Corruption", "ZZAP": "ZZAP!", "ZZAP-EFFECT": "ZZAP!: -1 AP & Ignore Metal AP", "SLASH-EFFECT": "Slash: +1 Bleeding (Inc. by 1, for", @@ -1182,9 +1183,9 @@ "SLOW-EFFECT": "Slow: Defender Opposed test +1 SL", "TIRING": "Tiring", "HACK": "Hack", - "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg +1", + "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg + 1", "PUMMEL": "Pummel", - "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: Opposed (Str/End) to Stun", + "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: On hit Opp (Str/End) to Stun", "PENETRATING": "Penetrating", "PENETRATING-EFFECT": "Penetrating: -1 AP & Ignore non-Metal AP", "RELOAD": "Reload", @@ -1195,7 +1196,7 @@ "BLAST-EFFECT": "Blast: Dmg hits all within", "ACCURATE": "Accurate", "DISTRACT": "Distract", - "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back", + "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back Opposed SL", "WRAP": "Wrap", "WRAP-EFFECT": "Wrap: Defender Opposed test -1 SL Mod", "ENTANGLE": "Entangle", @@ -1204,37 +1205,48 @@ "TRAP-BLADE": "Trap Blade", "TRAP-BLADE-EFFECT": "Or Trap Blade : Opp Str test", "BLACKPOWDER": "Blackpowder", - "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", + "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Blackpowder: Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", "AMBIDEXTROUS": "Ambidextrous", "BEAT-BLADE": "Beat Blade", "ANIMAL-AFFINITY": "Animal Affinity", "ARCANE-MAGIC": "Arcane Magic", "ARGUMENTATIVE": "Argumentative", + "ARGUMENTATIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests when arguing and debating", "ARTISTIC": "Artistic", "ATTRACTIVE": "Attractive", + "ATTRACTIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests to influence those attracted to you", "ACUTE-SENSE": "Acute Sense", + "ACUTE-SENSE-SIT": "Perception (Sense)", "ACUTE-SENSE-SENSE": "Acute Sense (Sense)", "SENSE": "Sense", "ARCANE-MAGIC-LORE": "Arcane Magic (Lore)", "ALLEY-CAT": "Alley Cat", + "ALLEY-CAT-SIT": "Stealth (Urban)", "BATTLE-RAGE": "Battle Rage", "BENEATH-NOTICE": "Beneath Notice", + "BENEATH-NOTICE-SIT": "Stealth when in plain sight", "BLATHER": "Blather", + "BLATHER-SIT": "Charm to Blather", "BLESS": "Bless", "BOOKISH": "Bookish", - "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break & Enter", - "B&E": "B&E", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break and Enter", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects", + "B&E": "VsObject", "BRIBERY": "Bribery", "BRIBER": "Briber", "BERSERK-CHARGE": "Berserk Charge", "CARDSHARP": "Cardsharp", + "CARDSHARP-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing card games", "CAREFUL-STRIKE": "Careful Strike", "CAROUSER": "Carouser", + "CAROUSER-SIT": "Charm at Parties, Gossip at Parties, Consume Alcohol", "CATFALL": "Catfall", "CAT-TONGUED": "Cat-tongued", + "CAT-TONGUED-SIT": "Charm when lying", "CHAOS-MAGIC": "Chaos Magic", "CHAOS-MAGIC-LORE": "Chaos Magic (Lore)", "COMBAT-AWARE": "Combat Aware", + "COMBAT-AWARE-SIT": "Perception during melee", "COMBAT-MASTER": "Combat Master", "COMBAT-REFLEXES": "Combat Reflexes", "COMMANDING-PRESENCE": "Commanding Presence", @@ -1242,7 +1254,9 @@ "CONCOCT": "Concoct", "CONTORTIONIST": "Contortionist", "CRACK-THE-WHIP": "Crack the Whip", + "CRACK-THE-WHIP-SIT": "Drive or Ride Tests when Fleeing or Running", "CRAFTSMAN": "Craftsman", + "CRAFTSMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Trade Tests", "CRAFTSMAN-TRADE": "Craftsman (Trade)", "CREW-COMMANDER": "Crew Commander", "CRIMINAL": "Criminal", @@ -1250,8 +1264,10 @@ "DEADEYE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Deadeye Shot: Choose hit location", "DEALMAKER": "Dealmaker", "DETECT-ARTEFACT": "Detect Artefact", + "DETECT-ARTEFACT-SIT": "Intuition tests to detect magical artefacts", "DEF-STANCE": "Def. Stance", "DICEMAN": "Diceman", + "DICEMAN-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing dice games", "DIRTY-FIGHTING": "Dirty Fighting", "DISARM": "Disarm", "DISARM-1-DESC": "Disarm: Oppose with Melee & ignore Dmg", @@ -1270,14 +1286,21 @@ "DRILLED-EFFECT2": "lost Adv", "DRILLED-EFFECT3": "Drilled: Count as 2 at end of round", "DUAL-WIELDER": "Dual Wielder", + "DUAL-WIELD": "Dual Wield", + "DUAL-WIELD-MH": "Dual Wield Main", + "DUAL-WIELD-OH": "Dual Wield Off", + "DUAL-WIELDER-SIT": "Melee or Ranged when attacking with two weapons", "DUAL-WIELD-NOTE": "Dual Wielder 2nd Attack", "USE-DW": "Use Dual Wielder", "EMBEZZLE": "Embezzle", "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER": "Enclosed Fighter", + "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER-SIT": "Dodge in enclosed environments", "ETIQUETTE": "Etiquette", + "ETIQUETTE-SIT": "Charm and Gossip (Social Group)", "ETIQUETTE-GROUP": "Etiquette (Group)", "FAST-SHOT": "Fast Shot", "FAST-HANDS": "Fast Hands", + "FAST-HANDS-SIT": "Sleight of Hand, Melee (Brawling) to touch an opponent", "FEARLESS": "Fearless", "FEARLESS-ENEMY": "Fearless (Enemy)", "ENEMY": "Enemy", @@ -1286,6 +1309,7 @@ "FEINT-2-DESC": "If Won you may add any +SL to your next", "FEINT-3-DESC": "attack on the same target next turn", "FIELD-DRESSING": "Field Dressing", + "FIELD-DRESSING-SIT": "Heal during combat Rounds", "FISHERMAN": "Fisherman", "FLAGELLANT": "Flagellant", "FLEE!": "Flee!", @@ -1295,50 +1319,69 @@ "FURIOUS-ASSAULT": "Furious Assault", "FURIOUS-ASSAULT-EFFECT": "Furious Assault: On Hit", "GREGARIOUS": "Gregarious", + "GREGARIOUS-SIT": "Gossip Tests with travellers", "GUNNER": "Gunner", "GUNNER-EFFECT": "Gunner: +1 Group Advantage", "HATRED-GROUP": "Hatred (Group)", "HOLY-VISIONS": "Holy Visions", + "HOLY-VISIONS-SIT": "Intuition Tests when on holy ground", "HUNTERS-EYE": "Hunter's Eye", "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL": "Impassioned Zeal", + "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL-SIT": "Charm when speaking about your cause", "IMPLACABLE": "Implacable", "IN-FIGHTER": "In-fighter", "INFIGHT": "Infight", "INSPIRING": "Inspiring", + "INSPIRING-SIT": "Leadership during war", "INVOKE": "Invoke", "IRON-JAW": "Iron Jaw", + "IRON-JAW-SIT": "Endurance tests to resist Stunned", "IRON-WILL": "Iron Will", + "IRON-WILL-SIT": "Cool Tests to oppose Intimidate", "JUMP-UP": "Jump Up", "KINGPIN": "Kingpin", "LIGHTNING-REFLEXES": "Lightning Reflexes", "LUCK": "Luck", "LINGUISTICS": "Linguistics", "LIP-READING": "Lip Reading", + "LIP-READING-SIT": "Perception Tests concerning this Talent", "MAGICAL": "Magical", "MAGICAL-EFFECTS": "Magical Effects", "MAGICAL-SENSE": "Magical Sense", + "MAGICAL-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests to detect Wizards", "MAGICAL-ASSISTANT": "Magical Assistant", "MAGIC-RESISTANCE": "Magic Resistance", "MAGNUM-OPUS": "Magnum Opus", "MARKSMAN": "Marksman", "MASTER-AND-COMMANDER": "Master and Commander", "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE": "Master of Disguise", + "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) when being someone else", "MASTER-ORATOR": "Master Orator", "MASTER-TRADESMAN": "Master Tradesman", + "MASTER-TRADESMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Extended Trade Tests", "TRADE": "Trade", "MENACING": "Menacing", "MIMIC": "Mimic", + "MIMIC-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) Tests where accents are important", "NIGHT-VISION": "Night Vision", + "NIGHT-VISION-SIT": "Perception tests in low-light conditions", "NIMBLE-FINGERS": "Nimble Fingers", "NOBLE-BLOOD": "Noble Blood", + "NOBLE-BLOOD-SIT": "Any Test influenced by your Status", "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE": "Nose for Trouble", + "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE-SIT": "Any Test to spot Troublemakers", "NUMISMATICS": "Numismatics", + "NUMISMATICS-SIT": "Evaluate to establish the worth of coins", "OLD-SALT": "Old Salt", + "OLD-SALT-SIT": "Sail (any Sea-worthy Vessels)", "ORIENTATION": "Orientation", "PANHANDLE": "Panhandle", + "PANHANDLE-SIT": "Charm (Begging)", "PETTY-MAGIC": "Petty Magic", "PHARMACIST": "Pharmacist", + "PHARMACIST-SIT": "Trade (Apothecary)", "PILOT": "Pilot", + "PILOT-SIT": "Row or Sail Tests while navigating unsure waters", "PUBLIC-SPEAKER": "Public Speaker", "PURE-SOUL": "Pure Soul", "RAPID-RELOAD": "Rapid Reload", @@ -1347,6 +1390,7 @@ "READ/WRITE": "Read/Write", "RELENTLESS": "Relentless", "RESISTANCE": "Resistance", + "RESISTANCE-SIT": "All those to resist the associated Threat", "RESISTANCE-THREAT": "Resistance (Threat)", "THREAT": "Threat", "RESOLUTE": "Resolute", @@ -1365,7 +1409,9 @@ "SCHEMER": "Schemer", "SEA-LEGS": "Sea Legs", "SEASONED-TRAVELLER": "Seasoned Traveller", + "SEASONED-TRAVELLER-SIT": "Any Lore Test concerning local detail", "SECOND-SIGHT": "Second Sight", + "SECOND-SIGHT-SIT": "Any Test to detect the Winds of Magic", "SECRET-IDENTITY": "Secret Identity", "SHADOW": "Shadow", "SHARP": "Sharp", @@ -1376,17 +1422,22 @@ "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT": "Shieldsman: If Opp Roll lost", "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT2": "Spend 2 Adv to push 2 ft or do Dmg", "SIXTH-SENSE": "Sixth Sense", + "SIXTH-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests involving your Sixth Sense", "SLAYER": "Slayer", "SLAYER-EFFECT": "Slayer: Use target TB if > SB", "SLAYER-CRIT-EFFECT": "Slayer: Times ALL dmg by size diff", "SMALL": "Small", "SPEEDREADER": "Speedreader", + "SPEEDREADER-SIT": "Speedreader", "SPRINTER": "Sprinter", "STEP-ASIDE": "Step Aside", + "STEP-ASIDE-SIT": "Dodge Tests to activate this Talent", "STRIDER": "Strider", + "STRIDER-SIT": "Athletics Tests to traverse the Terrain", "STRIDER-TERRAIN": "Strider (Terrain)", "TERRAIN": "Terrain", "STOUT-HEARTED": "Stout-hearted", + "STOUT-HEARTED-SIT": "Cool Tests to remove Broken Conditions", "STONE-SOUP": "Stone Soup", "STRONG-LEGS": "Strong Legs", "STRONG-MINDED": "Strong-minded", @@ -1418,6 +1469,7 @@ "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Sure Shot: Ingore", "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT2": "AP on HitLoc", "SURGERY": "Surgery", + "SURGERY-SIT": "Heal Tests outside combat rounds; i.e. when you havetime to do it ‘properly’", "DANGEROUS": "Dangerous", "IMPRECISE": "Imprecise", "UNDAMAGING": "Undamaging", @@ -1427,21 +1479,29 @@ "STRIKE-TO-STUN": "Strike to Stun", "STRIKE-MIGHTY-BLOW": "Strike Mighty Blow", "TENACIOUS": "Tenacious", + "TENACIOUS-SIT": "Endurance Tests for enduring hardships", "TINKER": "Tinker", + "TINKER-SIT": "Trade Tests to repair broken items", "TOWER-OF-MEMORIES": "Tower Of Memories", "TRAPPER": "Trapper", + "TRAPPER-SIT": "Perception Tests to spot traps, Set Trap", "TRICK-RIDING": "Trick Riding", + "TRICK-RIDING-SIT": "Dodge Tests on Horseback, Ride (Horse)", "TUNNEL-RAT": "Tunnel Rat", + "TUNNEL-RAT-SIT": "Stealth Tests when underground", "UNSHAKABLE": "Unshakable", + "UNSHAKABLE-SIT": "Cool Tests to resist Blackpowder panic", "VERY-RESILIENT": "Very Resilient", "VERY-STRONG": "Very Strong", "VICE": "Vice", "WAR-LEADER": "War Leader", + "WAR-LEADER-SIT": "Leadership Tests during War", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT": "Targets gain +", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT2": "SL to WP test (1/round)", "WAR-WIZARD": "War Wizard", "WARRIOR-BORN": "Warrior Born", "WATERMAN": "Waterman", + "WATERMAN-SIT": "Sail Tests for river-going vessels", "WEALTHY": "Wealthy", "WELL-PREPARED": "Well-prepared", "WITCH!": "Witch!", @@ -1749,10 +1809,58 @@ "MEMBERS": "Members", "CREDITORS": "Creditors", "DISTRACTED": "Distracted", + "CREWED": "Crewed", + "SALVO": "Salvo", + "CHAR-ROLL": "Char Roll", "OOPS-TABLE": "Fumble/Oops Rules", "HOUSERULE1-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 1: Core Rule Book (Default)", "HOUSERULE2-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 2: Extended Rules V1.1 (by FighterChimp on Ratcatcher Guild Discord)", "IMPROVISED_WEAPON": "Improvised Weapon", + "CORE-TALENTS": "Core Talents", + "DWARF-TALENTS": "Dwarf Player's Guide Talents", + "RUNESMITHING": "Runesmithing", + "GRUDGES-CAP": "GRUDGES", + "GRUDGES": "Grudges", + "BLOOD-GRUDGES": "Blood Grudges", + "RESOLVED-GRUDGES": "Resolved Grudges", + "COMBAT-MODIFIERS": "Combat Modifiers:", + "RANGED-MODIFIERS": "Ranged Modifiers:", + "DECLARE-ACTION": "Declare Attack Options:", + "MAGIC-QUICK-MENU": "Magic Quickbar", + "MELEE-QUICK-MENU": "Melee Quickbar", + "RANGED-QUICK-MENU": "Ranged Quickbar", + "ANCESTRAL-GRUDGE": "Ancestral Grudge", + "BLUDGEONER": "Bludgeoner", + "BLUDGEONER-EFFECT": "Bludgeoner: Additional stuns +", + "DEMOLISHER": "Demolisher", + "DEMOLISHER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects using a Hack weapon", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT": "Demolisher: Additional Armor Dmg +", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT2": "Demolisher Ranged: Decreases cover by 1 lvl", + "DRAGON-BELCHER": "Dragon Belcher", + "DRAGON-BELCHER-EFFECT": "Dragon Belcher: Additional Broken +", + "ENTRENCHMENT": "Entrenchment", + "ENTRENCHMENT-SIT": "Trade when constructing protective cover", + "FORGEFIRE": "Forgefire", + "GLORIOUS-DEMISE": "Glorious Demise", + "HARPOONER": "Harpooner", + "KINGSGUARD": "Kingsguard", + "LIQUID-FORTIFICATION": "Liquid Fortification", + "LONG-MEMORY": "Long Memory", + "LONG-MEMORY-SIT": "Intelligence Tests to remember", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE": "Magic Defiance", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE-SIT": "Willpower Tests to use Magic Resistance", + "MASTER-RUNE-MAGIC": "Master Rune Magic", + "MAVERICK": "Maverick", + "MAVERICK-SIT": "Sail (Skycraft) Tests to fly fast and dangerous", + "RUNE-MAGIC": "Rune Magic", + "SHORT-FUSE": "Short Fuse", + "SHORT-FUSE-EFFECT": "Short Fuse: Additional", + "TIRELESS": "Tireless", + "UNDERMINER": "Underminer", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH": "Whirlwind of Death", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC": "Whirlwind of Death: Spend 1 Fortune to make a Melee attack against all creatures Engaged with you. The GM chooses one enemy to Oppose this Test. If your attack succeeds, you inflict the same Damage to the same Hit Location against all Engaged creatures, calculated as normal. Do not apply Criticals on Whirlwind of Death attacks, though Critical Wounds are inflicted on enemies reduced to 0 Wounds as normal.", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC2": "You cannot activate any other special attack options as part of a Whirlwind of Death. However, if a Character with Dual Wielder (WFRP Core Rulebook) is wielding two weapons as part of a Whirlwind of Death, they may Reverse their Melee attack Test.", + "WOD": "W.o.Death", "TALENT-INTEGRATION": "Talents Integration options", "OVERCAST-TABLE": " --=( Overcast Table )=-- \n SL Targets Damage Range AoE Duration \n 1 +1 +1 x2 N/a N/a \n 2 +1 +2 x2 N/a x2 \n 3 +1 +3 x2 x2 x2 \n 5 +2 +4 x3 x2 x2 \n 8 +2 +5 x3 x2 x3 \n 13 +2 +6 x3 x3 x3 \n 21 +3 +7 x4 x3 x3" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/de.json b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/de.json index 9dbf917f10aa..74ae7d9a8c5b 100644 --- a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/de.json +++ b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/de.json @@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ "ABBREVIATE-DEXTERITY": "GS", "ABBREVIATE-INTELLIGENCE": "IN", "ABBREVIATE-WILL-POWER": "WK", + "ABBREVIATE-INT-WILL-POWER": "I+WP", "ABBREVIATE-FELLOWSHIP": "CH", "ABBREVIATE-WOUNDS": "LEB", "ABBREVIATE-MOVEMENT": "BEW", @@ -362,13 +363,13 @@ "BESMIRCHED": "Besmirched", "TARGET-NUMBER": "Zielnummer", "TRIP": "Trip", - "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Opp Str/Ath test to try make the target Prone.", + "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Strength/Athletics test to cause Prone.", "UNBALANCED": "Unbalanced", "SPREAD": "Spread", "SLASH": "Slash", "XA": "XA", "WARPSTONE": "Warpstone", - "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: (+0) Cool/Endurance Test, if failed target gains 1 corruption", + "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: On hit inflicts Minor Corruption", "ZZAP": "ZZAP!", "ZZAP-EFFECT": "ZZAP!: -1 AP & Ignore Metal AP", "SLASH-EFFECT": "Slash: +1 Bleeding (Inc. by 1, for", @@ -1182,9 +1183,9 @@ "SLOW-EFFECT": "Slow: Defender Opposed test +1 SL", "TIRING": "Tiring", "HACK": "Hack", - "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg +1", + "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg + 1", "PUMMEL": "Pummel", - "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: Opposed (Str/End) to Stun", + "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: On hit Opp (Str/End) to Stun", "PENETRATING": "Penetrating", "PENETRATING-EFFECT": "Penetrating: -1 AP & Ignore non-Metal AP", "RELOAD": "Nachladen", @@ -1195,7 +1196,7 @@ "BLAST-EFFECT": "Blast: Dmg hits all within", "ACCURATE": "Accurate", "DISTRACT": "Distract", - "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back", + "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back Opposed SL", "WRAP": "Wrap", "WRAP-EFFECT": "Wrap: Defender Opposed test -1 SL Mod", "ENTANGLE": "Entangle", @@ -1204,37 +1205,48 @@ "TRAP-BLADE": "Trap Blade", "TRAP-BLADE-EFFECT": "Or Trap Blade : Opp Str test", "BLACKPOWDER": "Blackpowder", - "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", + "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Blackpowder: Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", "AMBIDEXTROUS": "Ambidextrous", "BEAT-BLADE": "Beat Blade", "ANIMAL-AFFINITY": "Animal Affinity", "ARCANE-MAGIC": "Arcane Magic", "ARGUMENTATIVE": "Argumentative", + "ARGUMENTATIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests when arguing and debating", "ARTISTIC": "Artistic", "ATTRACTIVE": "Attractive", + "ATTRACTIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests to influence those attracted to you", "ACUTE-SENSE": "Acute Sense", + "ACUTE-SENSE-SIT": "Perception (Sense)", "ACUTE-SENSE-SENSE": "Acute Sense (Sense)", "SENSE": "Sense", "ARCANE-MAGIC-LORE": "Arcane Magic (Lore)", "ALLEY-CAT": "Alley Cat", + "ALLEY-CAT-SIT": "Stealth (Urban)", "BATTLE-RAGE": "Battle Rage", "BENEATH-NOTICE": "Beneath Notice", + "BENEATH-NOTICE-SIT": "Stealth when in plain sight", "BLATHER": "Redeschwall", + "BLATHER-SIT": "Charm to Blather", "BLESS": "Bless", "BOOKISH": "Bookish", - "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break & Enter", - "B&E": "B&E", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break and Enter", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects", + "B&E": "VsObject", "BRIBERY": "Bestechen", "BRIBER": "Briber", "BERSERK-CHARGE": "Berserk Charge", "CARDSHARP": "Cardsharp", + "CARDSHARP-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing card games", "CAREFUL-STRIKE": "Careful Strike", "CAROUSER": "Carouser", + "CAROUSER-SIT": "Charm at Parties, Gossip at Parties, Consume Alcohol", "CATFALL": "Catfall", "CAT-TONGUED": "Cat-tongued", + "CAT-TONGUED-SIT": "Charm when lying", "CHAOS-MAGIC": "Chaos Magic", "CHAOS-MAGIC-LORE": "Chaos Magic (Lore)", "COMBAT-AWARE": "Combat Aware", + "COMBAT-AWARE-SIT": "Perception during melee", "COMBAT-MASTER": "Combat Master", "COMBAT-REFLEXES": "Combat Reflexes", "COMMANDING-PRESENCE": "Commanding Presence", @@ -1242,7 +1254,9 @@ "CONCOCT": "Concoct", "CONTORTIONIST": "Contortionist", "CRACK-THE-WHIP": "Crack the Whip", + "CRACK-THE-WHIP-SIT": "Drive or Ride Tests when Fleeing or Running", "CRAFTSMAN": "Craftsman", + "CRAFTSMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Trade Tests", "CRAFTSMAN-TRADE": "Craftsman (Trade)", "CREW-COMMANDER": "Crew Commander", "CRIMINAL": "Criminal", @@ -1250,8 +1264,10 @@ "DEADEYE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Deadeye Shot: Choose hit location", "DEALMAKER": "Dealmaker", "DETECT-ARTEFACT": "Detect Artefact", + "DETECT-ARTEFACT-SIT": "Intuition tests to detect magical artefacts", "DEF-STANCE": "Def. Stance", "DICEMAN": "Diceman", + "DICEMAN-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing dice games", "DIRTY-FIGHTING": "Dirty Fighting", "DISARM": "Disarm", "DISARM-1-DESC": "Disarm: Oppose with Melee & ignore Dmg", @@ -1270,14 +1286,21 @@ "DRILLED-EFFECT2": "lost Adv", "DRILLED-EFFECT3": "Drilled: Count as 2 at end of round", "DUAL-WIELDER": "Dual Wielder", + "DUAL-WIELD": "Dual Wield", + "DUAL-WIELD-MH": "Dual Wield Main", + "DUAL-WIELD-OH": "Dual Wield Off", + "DUAL-WIELDER-SIT": "Melee or Ranged when attacking with two weapons", "DUAL-WIELD-NOTE": "Dual Wielder 2nd Attack", "USE-DW": "Use Dual Wielder", "EMBEZZLE": "Embezzle", "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER": "Enclosed Fighter", + "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER-SIT": "Dodge in enclosed environments", "ETIQUETTE": "Etiquette", + "ETIQUETTE-SIT": "Charm and Gossip (Social Group)", "ETIQUETTE-GROUP": "Etiquette (Group)", "FAST-SHOT": "Fast Shot", "FAST-HANDS": "Fast Hands", + "FAST-HANDS-SIT": "Sleight of Hand, Melee (Brawling) to touch an opponent", "FEARLESS": "Fearless", "FEARLESS-ENEMY": "Fearless (Enemy)", "ENEMY": "Enemy", @@ -1286,6 +1309,7 @@ "FEINT-2-DESC": "If Won you may add any +SL to your next", "FEINT-3-DESC": "attack on the same target next turn", "FIELD-DRESSING": "Field Dressing", + "FIELD-DRESSING-SIT": "Heal during combat Rounds", "FISHERMAN": "Fisherman", "FLAGELLANT": "Flagellant", "FLEE!": "Flee!", @@ -1295,50 +1319,69 @@ "FURIOUS-ASSAULT": "Furious Assault", "FURIOUS-ASSAULT-EFFECT": "Furious Assault: On Hit", "GREGARIOUS": "Gregarious", + "GREGARIOUS-SIT": "Gossip Tests with travellers", "GUNNER": "Gunner", "GUNNER-EFFECT": "Gunner: +1 Group Advantage", "HATRED-GROUP": "Hatred (Group)", "HOLY-VISIONS": "Holy Visions", + "HOLY-VISIONS-SIT": "Intuition Tests when on holy ground", "HUNTERS-EYE": "Hunter's Eye", "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL": "Impassioned Zeal", + "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL-SIT": "Charm when speaking about your cause", "IMPLACABLE": "Implacable", "IN-FIGHTER": "In-fighter", "INFIGHT": "Infight", "INSPIRING": "Inspiring", + "INSPIRING-SIT": "Leadership during war", "INVOKE": "Invoke", "IRON-JAW": "Iron Jaw", + "IRON-JAW-SIT": "Endurance tests to resist Stunned", "IRON-WILL": "Iron Will", + "IRON-WILL-SIT": "Cool Tests to oppose Intimidate", "JUMP-UP": "Jump Up", "KINGPIN": "Kingpin", "LIGHTNING-REFLEXES": "Lightning Reflexes", "LUCK": "Luck", "LINGUISTICS": "Linguistics", "LIP-READING": "Lip Reading", + "LIP-READING-SIT": "Perception Tests concerning this Talent", "MAGICAL": "Magical", "MAGICAL-EFFECTS": "Magical Effects", "MAGICAL-SENSE": "Magiegespür", + "MAGICAL-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests to detect Wizards", "MAGICAL-ASSISTANT": "Magical Assistant", "MAGIC-RESISTANCE": "Magic Resistance", "MAGNUM-OPUS": "Magnum Opus", "MARKSMAN": "Marksman", "MASTER-AND-COMMANDER": "Master and Commander", "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE": "Master of Disguise", + "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) when being someone else", "MASTER-ORATOR": "Master Orator", "MASTER-TRADESMAN": "Master Tradesman", + "MASTER-TRADESMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Extended Trade Tests", "TRADE": "Beruf", "MENACING": "Menacing", "MIMIC": "Mimic", + "MIMIC-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) Tests where accents are important", "NIGHT-VISION": "Night Vision", + "NIGHT-VISION-SIT": "Perception tests in low-light conditions", "NIMBLE-FINGERS": "Nimble Fingers", "NOBLE-BLOOD": "Noble Blood", + "NOBLE-BLOOD-SIT": "Any Test influenced by your Status", "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE": "Nose for Trouble", + "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE-SIT": "Any Test to spot Troublemakers", "NUMISMATICS": "Numismatics", + "NUMISMATICS-SIT": "Evaluate to establish the worth of coins", "OLD-SALT": "Old Salt", + "OLD-SALT-SIT": "Sail (any Sea-worthy Vessels)", "ORIENTATION": "Orientation", "PANHANDLE": "Panhandle", + "PANHANDLE-SIT": "Charm (Begging)", "PETTY-MAGIC": "Petty Magic", "PHARMACIST": "Pharmacist", + "PHARMACIST-SIT": "Trade (Apothecary)", "PILOT": "Pilot", + "PILOT-SIT": "Row or Sail Tests while navigating unsure waters", "PUBLIC-SPEAKER": "Public Speaker", "PURE-SOUL": "Pure Soul", "RAPID-RELOAD": "Rapid Reload", @@ -1347,6 +1390,7 @@ "READ/WRITE": "Read/Write", "RELENTLESS": "Relentless", "RESISTANCE": "Resistance", + "RESISTANCE-SIT": "All those to resist the associated Threat", "RESISTANCE-THREAT": "Resistance (Threat)", "THREAT": "Threat", "RESOLUTE": "Resolute", @@ -1365,7 +1409,9 @@ "SCHEMER": "Schemer", "SEA-LEGS": "Sea Legs", "SEASONED-TRAVELLER": "Seasoned Traveller", + "SEASONED-TRAVELLER-SIT": "Any Lore Test concerning local detail", "SECOND-SIGHT": "Second Sight", + "SECOND-SIGHT-SIT": "Any Test to detect the Winds of Magic", "SECRET-IDENTITY": "Secret Identity", "SHADOW": "Shadow", "SHARP": "Sharp", @@ -1376,17 +1422,22 @@ "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT": "Shieldsman: If Opp Roll lost", "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT2": "Spend 2 Adv to push 2 ft or do Dmg", "SIXTH-SENSE": "Sixth Sense", + "SIXTH-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests involving your Sixth Sense", "SLAYER": "Slayer", "SLAYER-EFFECT": "Slayer: Use target TB if > SB", "SLAYER-CRIT-EFFECT": "Slayer: Times ALL dmg by size diff", "SMALL": "Small", "SPEEDREADER": "Speedreader", + "SPEEDREADER-SIT": "Speedreader", "SPRINTER": "Sprinter", "STEP-ASIDE": "Step Aside", + "STEP-ASIDE-SIT": "Dodge Tests to activate this Talent", "STRIDER": "Strider", + "STRIDER-SIT": "Athletics Tests to traverse the Terrain", "STRIDER-TERRAIN": "Strider (Terrain)", "TERRAIN": "Terrain", "STOUT-HEARTED": "Stout-hearted", + "STOUT-HEARTED-SIT": "Cool Tests to remove Broken Conditions", "STONE-SOUP": "Stone Soup", "STRONG-LEGS": "Strong Legs", "STRONG-MINDED": "Strong-minded", @@ -1418,6 +1469,7 @@ "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Sure Shot: Ingore", "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT2": "AP on HitLoc", "SURGERY": "Surgery", + "SURGERY-SIT": "Heal Tests outside combat rounds; i.e. when you havetime to do it ‘properly’", "DANGEROUS": "Dangerous", "IMPRECISE": "Imprecise", "UNDAMAGING": "Undamaging", @@ -1427,21 +1479,29 @@ "STRIKE-TO-STUN": "Strike to Stun", "STRIKE-MIGHTY-BLOW": "Strike Mighty Blow", "TENACIOUS": "Tenacious", + "TENACIOUS-SIT": "Endurance Tests for enduring hardships", "TINKER": "Tinker", + "TINKER-SIT": "Trade Tests to repair broken items", "TOWER-OF-MEMORIES": "Tower Of Memories", "TRAPPER": "Trapper", + "TRAPPER-SIT": "Perception Tests to spot traps, Set Trap", "TRICK-RIDING": "Trick Riding", + "TRICK-RIDING-SIT": "Dodge Tests on Horseback, Ride (Horse)", "TUNNEL-RAT": "Tunnel Rat", + "TUNNEL-RAT-SIT": "Stealth Tests when underground", "UNSHAKABLE": "Unshakable", + "UNSHAKABLE-SIT": "Cool Tests to resist Blackpowder panic", "VERY-RESILIENT": "Very Resilient", "VERY-STRONG": "Very Strong", "VICE": "Vice", "WAR-LEADER": "War Leader", + "WAR-LEADER-SIT": "Leadership Tests during War", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT": "Targets gain +", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT2": "SL to WP test (1/round)", "WAR-WIZARD": "War Wizard", "WARRIOR-BORN": "Warrior Born", "WATERMAN": "Waterman", + "WATERMAN-SIT": "Sail Tests for river-going vessels", "WEALTHY": "Wealthy", "WELL-PREPARED": "Well-prepared", "WITCH!": "Witch!", @@ -1749,10 +1809,58 @@ "MEMBERS": "Members", "CREDITORS": "Creditors", "DISTRACTED": "Distracted", + "CREWED": "Crewed", + "SALVO": "Salvo", + "CHAR-ROLL": "Char Roll", "OOPS-TABLE": "Fumble/Oops Rules", "HOUSERULE1-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 1: Core Rule Book (Default)", "HOUSERULE2-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 2: Extended Rules V1.1 (by FighterChimp on Ratcatcher Guild Discord)", "IMPROVISED_WEAPON": "Improvised Weapon", + "CORE-TALENTS": "Core Talents", + "DWARF-TALENTS": "Dwarf Player's Guide Talents", + "RUNESMITHING": "Runesmithing", + "GRUDGES-CAP": "GRUDGES", + "GRUDGES": "Grudges", + "BLOOD-GRUDGES": "Blood Grudges", + "RESOLVED-GRUDGES": "Resolved Grudges", + "COMBAT-MODIFIERS": "Combat Modifiers:", + "RANGED-MODIFIERS": "Ranged Modifiers:", + "DECLARE-ACTION": "Declare Attack Options:", + "MAGIC-QUICK-MENU": "Magic Quickbar", + "MELEE-QUICK-MENU": "Melee Quickbar", + "RANGED-QUICK-MENU": "Ranged Quickbar", + "ANCESTRAL-GRUDGE": "Ancestral Grudge", + "BLUDGEONER": "Bludgeoner", + "BLUDGEONER-EFFECT": "Bludgeoner: Additional stuns +", + "DEMOLISHER": "Demolisher", + "DEMOLISHER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects using a Hack weapon", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT": "Demolisher: Additional Armor Dmg +", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT2": "Demolisher Ranged: Decreases cover by 1 lvl", + "DRAGON-BELCHER": "Dragon Belcher", + "DRAGON-BELCHER-EFFECT": "Dragon Belcher: Additional Broken +", + "ENTRENCHMENT": "Entrenchment", + "ENTRENCHMENT-SIT": "Trade when constructing protective cover", + "FORGEFIRE": "Forgefire", + "GLORIOUS-DEMISE": "Glorious Demise", + "HARPOONER": "Harpooner", + "KINGSGUARD": "Kingsguard", + "LIQUID-FORTIFICATION": "Liquid Fortification", + "LONG-MEMORY": "Long Memory", + "LONG-MEMORY-SIT": "Intelligence Tests to remember", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE": "Magic Defiance", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE-SIT": "Willpower Tests to use Magic Resistance", + "MASTER-RUNE-MAGIC": "Master Rune Magic", + "MAVERICK": "Maverick", + "MAVERICK-SIT": "Sail (Skycraft) Tests to fly fast and dangerous", + "RUNE-MAGIC": "Rune Magic", + "SHORT-FUSE": "Short Fuse", + "SHORT-FUSE-EFFECT": "Short Fuse: Additional", + "TIRELESS": "Tireless", + "UNDERMINER": "Underminer", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH": "Whirlwind of Death", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC": "Whirlwind of Death: Spend 1 Fortune to make a Melee attack against all creatures Engaged with you. The GM chooses one enemy to Oppose this Test. If your attack succeeds, you inflict the same Damage to the same Hit Location against all Engaged creatures, calculated as normal. Do not apply Criticals on Whirlwind of Death attacks, though Critical Wounds are inflicted on enemies reduced to 0 Wounds as normal.", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC2": "You cannot activate any other special attack options as part of a Whirlwind of Death. However, if a Character with Dual Wielder (WFRP Core Rulebook) is wielding two weapons as part of a Whirlwind of Death, they may Reverse their Melee attack Test.", + "WOD": "W.o.Death", "TALENT-INTEGRATION": "Talents Integration options", "OVERCAST-TABLE": " --=( Overcast Table )=-- \n SL Targets Damage Range AoE Duration \n 1 +1 +1 x2 N/a N/a \n 2 +1 +2 x2 N/a x2 \n 3 +1 +3 x2 x2 x2 \n 5 +2 +4 x3 x2 x2 \n 8 +2 +5 x3 x2 x3 \n 13 +2 +6 x3 x3 x3 \n 21 +3 +7 x4 x3 x3" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/el.json b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/el.json index 7d27a832a06e..e4357d01a074 100644 --- a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/el.json +++ b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/el.json @@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ "ABBREVIATE-DEXTERITY": "Dex", "ABBREVIATE-INTELLIGENCE": "Int", "ABBREVIATE-WILL-POWER": "WP", + "ABBREVIATE-INT-WILL-POWER": "I+WP", "ABBREVIATE-FELLOWSHIP": "Fel", "ABBREVIATE-WOUNDS": "W", "ABBREVIATE-MOVEMENT": "M", @@ -362,13 +363,13 @@ "BESMIRCHED": "Besmirched", "TARGET-NUMBER": "Target Number", "TRIP": "Trip", - "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Opp Str/Ath test to try make the target Prone.", + "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Strength/Athletics test to cause Prone.", "UNBALANCED": "Unbalanced", "SPREAD": "Spread", "SLASH": "Slash", "XA": "XA", "WARPSTONE": "Warpstone", - "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: (+0) Cool/Endurance Test, if failed target gains 1 corruption", + "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: On hit inflicts Minor Corruption", "ZZAP": "ZZAP!", "ZZAP-EFFECT": "ZZAP!: -1 AP & Ignore Metal AP", "SLASH-EFFECT": "Slash: +1 Bleeding (Inc. by 1, for", @@ -1182,9 +1183,9 @@ "SLOW-EFFECT": "Slow: Defender Opposed test +1 SL", "TIRING": "Tiring", "HACK": "Hack", - "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg +1", + "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg + 1", "PUMMEL": "Pummel", - "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: Opposed (Str/End) to Stun", + "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: On hit Opp (Str/End) to Stun", "PENETRATING": "Penetrating", "PENETRATING-EFFECT": "Penetrating: -1 AP & Ignore non-Metal AP", "RELOAD": "Reload", @@ -1195,7 +1196,7 @@ "BLAST-EFFECT": "Blast: Dmg hits all within", "ACCURATE": "Accurate", "DISTRACT": "Distract", - "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back", + "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back Opposed SL", "WRAP": "Wrap", "WRAP-EFFECT": "Wrap: Defender Opposed test -1 SL Mod", "ENTANGLE": "Entangle", @@ -1204,37 +1205,48 @@ "TRAP-BLADE": "Trap Blade", "TRAP-BLADE-EFFECT": "Or Trap Blade : Opp Str test", "BLACKPOWDER": "Blackpowder", - "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", + "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Blackpowder: Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", "AMBIDEXTROUS": "Ambidextrous", "BEAT-BLADE": "Beat Blade", "ANIMAL-AFFINITY": "Animal Affinity", "ARCANE-MAGIC": "Arcane Magic", "ARGUMENTATIVE": "Argumentative", + "ARGUMENTATIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests when arguing and debating", "ARTISTIC": "Artistic", "ATTRACTIVE": "Attractive", + "ATTRACTIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests to influence those attracted to you", "ACUTE-SENSE": "Acute Sense", + "ACUTE-SENSE-SIT": "Perception (Sense)", "ACUTE-SENSE-SENSE": "Acute Sense (Sense)", "SENSE": "Sense", "ARCANE-MAGIC-LORE": "Arcane Magic (Lore)", "ALLEY-CAT": "Alley Cat", + "ALLEY-CAT-SIT": "Stealth (Urban)", "BATTLE-RAGE": "Battle Rage", "BENEATH-NOTICE": "Beneath Notice", + "BENEATH-NOTICE-SIT": "Stealth when in plain sight", "BLATHER": "Blather", + "BLATHER-SIT": "Charm to Blather", "BLESS": "Bless", "BOOKISH": "Bookish", - "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break & Enter", - "B&E": "B&E", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break and Enter", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects", + "B&E": "VsObject", "BRIBERY": "Bribery", "BRIBER": "Briber", "BERSERK-CHARGE": "Berserk Charge", "CARDSHARP": "Cardsharp", + "CARDSHARP-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing card games", "CAREFUL-STRIKE": "Careful Strike", "CAROUSER": "Carouser", + "CAROUSER-SIT": "Charm at Parties, Gossip at Parties, Consume Alcohol", "CATFALL": "Catfall", "CAT-TONGUED": "Cat-tongued", + "CAT-TONGUED-SIT": "Charm when lying", "CHAOS-MAGIC": "Chaos Magic", "CHAOS-MAGIC-LORE": "Chaos Magic (Lore)", "COMBAT-AWARE": "Combat Aware", + "COMBAT-AWARE-SIT": "Perception during melee", "COMBAT-MASTER": "Combat Master", "COMBAT-REFLEXES": "Combat Reflexes", "COMMANDING-PRESENCE": "Commanding Presence", @@ -1242,7 +1254,9 @@ "CONCOCT": "Concoct", "CONTORTIONIST": "Contortionist", "CRACK-THE-WHIP": "Crack the Whip", + "CRACK-THE-WHIP-SIT": "Drive or Ride Tests when Fleeing or Running", "CRAFTSMAN": "Craftsman", + "CRAFTSMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Trade Tests", "CRAFTSMAN-TRADE": "Craftsman (Trade)", "CREW-COMMANDER": "Crew Commander", "CRIMINAL": "Criminal", @@ -1250,8 +1264,10 @@ "DEADEYE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Deadeye Shot: Choose hit location", "DEALMAKER": "Dealmaker", "DETECT-ARTEFACT": "Detect Artefact", + "DETECT-ARTEFACT-SIT": "Intuition tests to detect magical artefacts", "DEF-STANCE": "Def. Stance", "DICEMAN": "Diceman", + "DICEMAN-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing dice games", "DIRTY-FIGHTING": "Dirty Fighting", "DISARM": "Disarm", "DISARM-1-DESC": "Disarm: Oppose with Melee & ignore Dmg", @@ -1270,14 +1286,21 @@ "DRILLED-EFFECT2": "lost Adv", "DRILLED-EFFECT3": "Drilled: Count as 2 at end of round", "DUAL-WIELDER": "Dual Wielder", + "DUAL-WIELD": "Dual Wield", + "DUAL-WIELD-MH": "Dual Wield Main", + "DUAL-WIELD-OH": "Dual Wield Off", + "DUAL-WIELDER-SIT": "Melee or Ranged when attacking with two weapons", "DUAL-WIELD-NOTE": "Dual Wielder 2nd Attack", "USE-DW": "Use Dual Wielder", "EMBEZZLE": "Embezzle", "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER": "Enclosed Fighter", + "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER-SIT": "Dodge in enclosed environments", "ETIQUETTE": "Etiquette", + "ETIQUETTE-SIT": "Charm and Gossip (Social Group)", "ETIQUETTE-GROUP": "Etiquette (Group)", "FAST-SHOT": "Fast Shot", "FAST-HANDS": "Fast Hands", + "FAST-HANDS-SIT": "Sleight of Hand, Melee (Brawling) to touch an opponent", "FEARLESS": "Fearless", "FEARLESS-ENEMY": "Fearless (Enemy)", "ENEMY": "Enemy", @@ -1286,6 +1309,7 @@ "FEINT-2-DESC": "If Won you may add any +SL to your next", "FEINT-3-DESC": "attack on the same target next turn", "FIELD-DRESSING": "Field Dressing", + "FIELD-DRESSING-SIT": "Heal during combat Rounds", "FISHERMAN": "Fisherman", "FLAGELLANT": "Flagellant", "FLEE!": "Flee!", @@ -1295,50 +1319,69 @@ "FURIOUS-ASSAULT": "Furious Assault", "FURIOUS-ASSAULT-EFFECT": "Furious Assault: On Hit", "GREGARIOUS": "Gregarious", + "GREGARIOUS-SIT": "Gossip Tests with travellers", "GUNNER": "Gunner", "GUNNER-EFFECT": "Gunner: +1 Group Advantage", "HATRED-GROUP": "Hatred (Group)", "HOLY-VISIONS": "Holy Visions", + "HOLY-VISIONS-SIT": "Intuition Tests when on holy ground", "HUNTERS-EYE": "Hunter's Eye", "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL": "Impassioned Zeal", + "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL-SIT": "Charm when speaking about your cause", "IMPLACABLE": "Implacable", "IN-FIGHTER": "In-fighter", "INFIGHT": "Infight", "INSPIRING": "Inspiring", + "INSPIRING-SIT": "Leadership during war", "INVOKE": "Invoke", "IRON-JAW": "Iron Jaw", + "IRON-JAW-SIT": "Endurance tests to resist Stunned", "IRON-WILL": "Iron Will", + "IRON-WILL-SIT": "Cool Tests to oppose Intimidate", "JUMP-UP": "Jump Up", "KINGPIN": "Kingpin", "LIGHTNING-REFLEXES": "Lightning Reflexes", "LUCK": "Luck", "LINGUISTICS": "Linguistics", "LIP-READING": "Lip Reading", + "LIP-READING-SIT": "Perception Tests concerning this Talent", "MAGICAL": "Magical", "MAGICAL-EFFECTS": "Magical Effects", "MAGICAL-SENSE": "Magical Sense", + "MAGICAL-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests to detect Wizards", "MAGICAL-ASSISTANT": "Magical Assistant", "MAGIC-RESISTANCE": "Magic Resistance", "MAGNUM-OPUS": "Magnum Opus", "MARKSMAN": "Marksman", "MASTER-AND-COMMANDER": "Master and Commander", "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE": "Master of Disguise", + "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) when being someone else", "MASTER-ORATOR": "Master Orator", "MASTER-TRADESMAN": "Master Tradesman", + "MASTER-TRADESMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Extended Trade Tests", "TRADE": "Trade", "MENACING": "Menacing", "MIMIC": "Mimic", + "MIMIC-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) Tests where accents are important", "NIGHT-VISION": "Night Vision", + "NIGHT-VISION-SIT": "Perception tests in low-light conditions", "NIMBLE-FINGERS": "Nimble Fingers", "NOBLE-BLOOD": "Noble Blood", + "NOBLE-BLOOD-SIT": "Any Test influenced by your Status", "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE": "Nose for Trouble", + "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE-SIT": "Any Test to spot Troublemakers", "NUMISMATICS": "Numismatics", + "NUMISMATICS-SIT": "Evaluate to establish the worth of coins", "OLD-SALT": "Old Salt", + "OLD-SALT-SIT": "Sail (any Sea-worthy Vessels)", "ORIENTATION": "Orientation", "PANHANDLE": "Panhandle", + "PANHANDLE-SIT": "Charm (Begging)", "PETTY-MAGIC": "Petty Magic", "PHARMACIST": "Pharmacist", + "PHARMACIST-SIT": "Trade (Apothecary)", "PILOT": "Pilot", + "PILOT-SIT": "Row or Sail Tests while navigating unsure waters", "PUBLIC-SPEAKER": "Public Speaker", "PURE-SOUL": "Pure Soul", "RAPID-RELOAD": "Rapid Reload", @@ -1347,6 +1390,7 @@ "READ/WRITE": "Read/Write", "RELENTLESS": "Relentless", "RESISTANCE": "Resistance", + "RESISTANCE-SIT": "All those to resist the associated Threat", "RESISTANCE-THREAT": "Resistance (Threat)", "THREAT": "Threat", "RESOLUTE": "Resolute", @@ -1365,7 +1409,9 @@ "SCHEMER": "Schemer", "SEA-LEGS": "Sea Legs", "SEASONED-TRAVELLER": "Seasoned Traveller", + "SEASONED-TRAVELLER-SIT": "Any Lore Test concerning local detail", "SECOND-SIGHT": "Second Sight", + "SECOND-SIGHT-SIT": "Any Test to detect the Winds of Magic", "SECRET-IDENTITY": "Secret Identity", "SHADOW": "Shadow", "SHARP": "Sharp", @@ -1376,17 +1422,22 @@ "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT": "Shieldsman: If Opp Roll lost", "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT2": "Spend 2 Adv to push 2 ft or do Dmg", "SIXTH-SENSE": "Sixth Sense", + "SIXTH-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests involving your Sixth Sense", "SLAYER": "Slayer", "SLAYER-EFFECT": "Slayer: Use target TB if > SB", "SLAYER-CRIT-EFFECT": "Slayer: Times ALL dmg by size diff", "SMALL": "Small", "SPEEDREADER": "Speedreader", + "SPEEDREADER-SIT": "Speedreader", "SPRINTER": "Sprinter", "STEP-ASIDE": "Step Aside", + "STEP-ASIDE-SIT": "Dodge Tests to activate this Talent", "STRIDER": "Strider", + "STRIDER-SIT": "Athletics Tests to traverse the Terrain", "STRIDER-TERRAIN": "Strider (Terrain)", "TERRAIN": "Terrain", "STOUT-HEARTED": "Stout-hearted", + "STOUT-HEARTED-SIT": "Cool Tests to remove Broken Conditions", "STONE-SOUP": "Stone Soup", "STRONG-LEGS": "Strong Legs", "STRONG-MINDED": "Strong-minded", @@ -1418,6 +1469,7 @@ "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Sure Shot: Ingore", "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT2": "AP on HitLoc", "SURGERY": "Surgery", + "SURGERY-SIT": "Heal Tests outside combat rounds; i.e. when you havetime to do it ‘properly’", "DANGEROUS": "Dangerous", "IMPRECISE": "Imprecise", "UNDAMAGING": "Undamaging", @@ -1427,21 +1479,29 @@ "STRIKE-TO-STUN": "Strike to Stun", "STRIKE-MIGHTY-BLOW": "Strike Mighty Blow", "TENACIOUS": "Tenacious", + "TENACIOUS-SIT": "Endurance Tests for enduring hardships", "TINKER": "Tinker", + "TINKER-SIT": "Trade Tests to repair broken items", "TOWER-OF-MEMORIES": "Tower Of Memories", "TRAPPER": "Trapper", + "TRAPPER-SIT": "Perception Tests to spot traps, Set Trap", "TRICK-RIDING": "Trick Riding", + "TRICK-RIDING-SIT": "Dodge Tests on Horseback, Ride (Horse)", "TUNNEL-RAT": "Tunnel Rat", + "TUNNEL-RAT-SIT": "Stealth Tests when underground", "UNSHAKABLE": "Unshakable", + "UNSHAKABLE-SIT": "Cool Tests to resist Blackpowder panic", "VERY-RESILIENT": "Very Resilient", "VERY-STRONG": "Very Strong", "VICE": "Vice", "WAR-LEADER": "War Leader", + "WAR-LEADER-SIT": "Leadership Tests during War", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT": "Targets gain +", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT2": "SL to WP test (1/round)", "WAR-WIZARD": "War Wizard", "WARRIOR-BORN": "Warrior Born", "WATERMAN": "Waterman", + "WATERMAN-SIT": "Sail Tests for river-going vessels", "WEALTHY": "Wealthy", "WELL-PREPARED": "Well-prepared", "WITCH!": "Witch!", @@ -1749,10 +1809,58 @@ "MEMBERS": "Members", "CREDITORS": "Creditors", "DISTRACTED": "Distracted", + "CREWED": "Crewed", + "SALVO": "Salvo", + "CHAR-ROLL": "Char Roll", "OOPS-TABLE": "Fumble/Oops Rules", "HOUSERULE1-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 1: Core Rule Book (Default)", "HOUSERULE2-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 2: Extended Rules V1.1 (by FighterChimp on Ratcatcher Guild Discord)", "IMPROVISED_WEAPON": "Improvised Weapon", + "CORE-TALENTS": "Core Talents", + "DWARF-TALENTS": "Dwarf Player's Guide Talents", + "RUNESMITHING": "Runesmithing", + "GRUDGES-CAP": "GRUDGES", + "GRUDGES": "Grudges", + "BLOOD-GRUDGES": "Blood Grudges", + "RESOLVED-GRUDGES": "Resolved Grudges", + "COMBAT-MODIFIERS": "Combat Modifiers:", + "RANGED-MODIFIERS": "Ranged Modifiers:", + "DECLARE-ACTION": "Declare Attack Options:", + "MAGIC-QUICK-MENU": "Magic Quickbar", + "MELEE-QUICK-MENU": "Melee Quickbar", + "RANGED-QUICK-MENU": "Ranged Quickbar", + "ANCESTRAL-GRUDGE": "Ancestral Grudge", + "BLUDGEONER": "Bludgeoner", + "BLUDGEONER-EFFECT": "Bludgeoner: Additional stuns +", + "DEMOLISHER": "Demolisher", + "DEMOLISHER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects using a Hack weapon", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT": "Demolisher: Additional Armor Dmg +", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT2": "Demolisher Ranged: Decreases cover by 1 lvl", + "DRAGON-BELCHER": "Dragon Belcher", + "DRAGON-BELCHER-EFFECT": "Dragon Belcher: Additional Broken +", + "ENTRENCHMENT": "Entrenchment", + "ENTRENCHMENT-SIT": "Trade when constructing protective cover", + "FORGEFIRE": "Forgefire", + "GLORIOUS-DEMISE": "Glorious Demise", + "HARPOONER": "Harpooner", + "KINGSGUARD": "Kingsguard", + "LIQUID-FORTIFICATION": "Liquid Fortification", + "LONG-MEMORY": "Long Memory", + "LONG-MEMORY-SIT": "Intelligence Tests to remember", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE": "Magic Defiance", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE-SIT": "Willpower Tests to use Magic Resistance", + "MASTER-RUNE-MAGIC": "Master Rune Magic", + "MAVERICK": "Maverick", + "MAVERICK-SIT": "Sail (Skycraft) Tests to fly fast and dangerous", + "RUNE-MAGIC": "Rune Magic", + "SHORT-FUSE": "Short Fuse", + "SHORT-FUSE-EFFECT": "Short Fuse: Additional", + "TIRELESS": "Tireless", + "UNDERMINER": "Underminer", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH": "Whirlwind of Death", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC": "Whirlwind of Death: Spend 1 Fortune to make a Melee attack against all creatures Engaged with you. The GM chooses one enemy to Oppose this Test. If your attack succeeds, you inflict the same Damage to the same Hit Location against all Engaged creatures, calculated as normal. Do not apply Criticals on Whirlwind of Death attacks, though Critical Wounds are inflicted on enemies reduced to 0 Wounds as normal.", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC2": "You cannot activate any other special attack options as part of a Whirlwind of Death. However, if a Character with Dual Wielder (WFRP Core Rulebook) is wielding two weapons as part of a Whirlwind of Death, they may Reverse their Melee attack Test.", + "WOD": "W.o.Death", "TALENT-INTEGRATION": "Talents Integration options", "OVERCAST-TABLE": " --=( Overcast Table )=-- \n SL Targets Damage Range AoE Duration \n 1 +1 +1 x2 N/a N/a \n 2 +1 +2 x2 N/a x2 \n 3 +1 +3 x2 x2 x2 \n 5 +2 +4 x3 x2 x2 \n 8 +2 +5 x3 x2 x3 \n 13 +2 +6 x3 x3 x3 \n 21 +3 +7 x4 x3 x3" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/en.json b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/en.json index f131180b15e3..c5bbc222b661 100644 --- a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/en.json +++ b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/en.json @@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ "ABBREVIATE-DEXTERITY": "Dex", "ABBREVIATE-INTELLIGENCE": "Int", "ABBREVIATE-WILL-POWER": "WP", + "ABBREVIATE-INT-WILL-POWER": "I+WP", "ABBREVIATE-FELLOWSHIP": "Fel", "ABBREVIATE-WOUNDS": "W", "ABBREVIATE-MOVEMENT": "M", @@ -362,13 +363,13 @@ "BESMIRCHED": "Besmirched", "TARGET-NUMBER": "Target Number", "TRIP": "Trip", - "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Opp Str/Ath test to try make the target Prone.", + "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Strength/Athletics test to cause Prone.", "UNBALANCED": "Unbalanced", "SPREAD": "Spread", "SLASH": "Slash", "XA": "XA", "WARPSTONE": "Warpstone", - "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: (+0) Cool/Endurance Test, if failed target gains 1 corruption", + "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: On hit inflicts Minor Corruption", "ZZAP": "ZZAP!", "ZZAP-EFFECT": "ZZAP!: -1 AP & Ignore Metal AP", "SLASH-EFFECT": "Slash: +1 Bleeding (Inc. by 1, for", @@ -1182,9 +1183,9 @@ "SLOW-EFFECT": "Slow: Defender Opposed test +1 SL", "TIRING": "Tiring", "HACK": "Hack", - "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg +1", + "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg + 1", "PUMMEL": "Pummel", - "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: Opposed (Str/End) to Stun", + "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: On hit Opp (Str/End) to Stun", "PENETRATING": "Penetrating", "PENETRATING-EFFECT": "Penetrating: -1 AP & Ignore non-Metal AP", "RELOAD": "Reload", @@ -1195,7 +1196,7 @@ "BLAST-EFFECT": "Blast: Dmg hits all within", "ACCURATE": "Accurate", "DISTRACT": "Distract", - "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back", + "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back Opposed SL", "WRAP": "Wrap", "WRAP-EFFECT": "Wrap: Defender Opposed test -1 SL Mod", "ENTANGLE": "Entangle", @@ -1204,37 +1205,48 @@ "TRAP-BLADE": "Trap Blade", "TRAP-BLADE-EFFECT": "Or Trap Blade : Opp Str test", "BLACKPOWDER": "Blackpowder", - "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", + "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Blackpowder: Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", "AMBIDEXTROUS": "Ambidextrous", "BEAT-BLADE": "Beat Blade", "ANIMAL-AFFINITY": "Animal Affinity", "ARCANE-MAGIC": "Arcane Magic", "ARGUMENTATIVE": "Argumentative", + "ARGUMENTATIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests when arguing and debating", "ARTISTIC": "Artistic", "ATTRACTIVE": "Attractive", + "ATTRACTIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests to influence those attracted to you", "ACUTE-SENSE": "Acute Sense", + "ACUTE-SENSE-SIT": "Perception (Sense)", "ACUTE-SENSE-SENSE": "Acute Sense (Sense)", "SENSE": "Sense", "ARCANE-MAGIC-LORE": "Arcane Magic (Lore)", "ALLEY-CAT": "Alley Cat", + "ALLEY-CAT-SIT": "Stealth (Urban)", "BATTLE-RAGE": "Battle Rage", "BENEATH-NOTICE": "Beneath Notice", + "BENEATH-NOTICE-SIT": "Stealth when in plain sight", "BLATHER": "Blather", + "BLATHER-SIT": "Charm to Blather", "BLESS": "Bless", "BOOKISH": "Bookish", - "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break & Enter", - "B&E": "B&E", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break and Enter", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects", + "B&E": "VsObject", "BRIBERY": "Bribery", "BRIBER": "Briber", "BERSERK-CHARGE": "Berserk Charge", "CARDSHARP": "Cardsharp", + "CARDSHARP-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing card games", "CAREFUL-STRIKE": "Careful Strike", "CAROUSER": "Carouser", + "CAROUSER-SIT": "Charm at Parties, Gossip at Parties, Consume Alcohol", "CATFALL": "Catfall", "CAT-TONGUED": "Cat-tongued", + "CAT-TONGUED-SIT": "Charm when lying", "CHAOS-MAGIC": "Chaos Magic", "CHAOS-MAGIC-LORE": "Chaos Magic (Lore)", "COMBAT-AWARE": "Combat Aware", + "COMBAT-AWARE-SIT": "Perception during melee", "COMBAT-MASTER": "Combat Master", "COMBAT-REFLEXES": "Combat Reflexes", "COMMANDING-PRESENCE": "Commanding Presence", @@ -1242,7 +1254,9 @@ "CONCOCT": "Concoct", "CONTORTIONIST": "Contortionist", "CRACK-THE-WHIP": "Crack the Whip", + "CRACK-THE-WHIP-SIT": "Drive or Ride Tests when Fleeing or Running", "CRAFTSMAN": "Craftsman", + "CRAFTSMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Trade Tests", "CRAFTSMAN-TRADE": "Craftsman (Trade)", "CREW-COMMANDER": "Crew Commander", "CRIMINAL": "Criminal", @@ -1250,8 +1264,10 @@ "DEADEYE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Deadeye Shot: Choose hit location", "DEALMAKER": "Dealmaker", "DETECT-ARTEFACT": "Detect Artefact", + "DETECT-ARTEFACT-SIT": "Intuition tests to detect magical artefacts", "DEF-STANCE": "Def. Stance", "DICEMAN": "Diceman", + "DICEMAN-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing dice games", "DIRTY-FIGHTING": "Dirty Fighting", "DISARM": "Disarm", "DISARM-1-DESC": "Disarm: Oppose with Melee & ignore Dmg", @@ -1270,14 +1286,21 @@ "DRILLED-EFFECT2": "lost Adv", "DRILLED-EFFECT3": "Drilled: Count as 2 at end of round", "DUAL-WIELDER": "Dual Wielder", + "DUAL-WIELD": "Dual Wield", + "DUAL-WIELD-MH": "Dual Wield Main", + "DUAL-WIELD-OH": "Dual Wield Off", + "DUAL-WIELDER-SIT": "Melee or Ranged when attacking with two weapons", "DUAL-WIELD-NOTE": "Dual Wielder 2nd Attack", "USE-DW": "Use Dual Wielder", "EMBEZZLE": "Embezzle", "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER": "Enclosed Fighter", + "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER-SIT": "Dodge in enclosed environments", "ETIQUETTE": "Etiquette", + "ETIQUETTE-SIT": "Charm and Gossip (Social Group)", "ETIQUETTE-GROUP": "Etiquette (Group)", "FAST-SHOT": "Fast Shot", "FAST-HANDS": "Fast Hands", + "FAST-HANDS-SIT": "Sleight of Hand, Melee (Brawling) to touch an opponent", "FEARLESS": "Fearless", "FEARLESS-ENEMY": "Fearless (Enemy)", "ENEMY": "Enemy", @@ -1286,6 +1309,7 @@ "FEINT-2-DESC": "If Won you may add any +SL to your next", "FEINT-3-DESC": "attack on the same target next turn", "FIELD-DRESSING": "Field Dressing", + "FIELD-DRESSING-SIT": "Heal during combat Rounds", "FISHERMAN": "Fisherman", "FLAGELLANT": "Flagellant", "FLEE!": "Flee!", @@ -1295,50 +1319,69 @@ "FURIOUS-ASSAULT": "Furious Assault", "FURIOUS-ASSAULT-EFFECT": "Furious Assault: On Hit", "GREGARIOUS": "Gregarious", + "GREGARIOUS-SIT": "Gossip Tests with travellers", "GUNNER": "Gunner", "GUNNER-EFFECT": "Gunner: +1 Group Advantage", "HATRED-GROUP": "Hatred (Group)", "HOLY-VISIONS": "Holy Visions", + "HOLY-VISIONS-SIT": "Intuition Tests when on holy ground", "HUNTERS-EYE": "Hunter's Eye", "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL": "Impassioned Zeal", + "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL-SIT": "Charm when speaking about your cause", "IMPLACABLE": "Implacable", "IN-FIGHTER": "In-fighter", "INFIGHT": "Infight", "INSPIRING": "Inspiring", + "INSPIRING-SIT": "Leadership during war", "INVOKE": "Invoke", "IRON-JAW": "Iron Jaw", + "IRON-JAW-SIT": "Endurance tests to resist Stunned", "IRON-WILL": "Iron Will", + "IRON-WILL-SIT": "Cool Tests to oppose Intimidate", "JUMP-UP": "Jump Up", "KINGPIN": "Kingpin", "LIGHTNING-REFLEXES": "Lightning Reflexes", "LUCK": "Luck", "LINGUISTICS": "Linguistics", "LIP-READING": "Lip Reading", + "LIP-READING-SIT": "Perception Tests concerning this Talent", "MAGICAL": "Magical", "MAGICAL-EFFECTS": "Magical Effects", "MAGICAL-SENSE": "Magical Sense", + "MAGICAL-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests to detect Wizards", "MAGICAL-ASSISTANT": "Magical Assistant", "MAGIC-RESISTANCE": "Magic Resistance", "MAGNUM-OPUS": "Magnum Opus", "MARKSMAN": "Marksman", "MASTER-AND-COMMANDER": "Master and Commander", "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE": "Master of Disguise", + "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) when being someone else", "MASTER-ORATOR": "Master Orator", "MASTER-TRADESMAN": "Master Tradesman", + "MASTER-TRADESMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Extended Trade Tests", "TRADE": "Trade", "MENACING": "Menacing", "MIMIC": "Mimic", + "MIMIC-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) Tests where accents are important", "NIGHT-VISION": "Night Vision", + "NIGHT-VISION-SIT": "Perception tests in low-light conditions", "NIMBLE-FINGERS": "Nimble Fingers", "NOBLE-BLOOD": "Noble Blood", + "NOBLE-BLOOD-SIT": "Any Test influenced by your Status", "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE": "Nose for Trouble", + "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE-SIT": "Any Test to spot Troublemakers", "NUMISMATICS": "Numismatics", + "NUMISMATICS-SIT": "Evaluate to establish the worth of coins", "OLD-SALT": "Old Salt", + "OLD-SALT-SIT": "Sail (any Sea-worthy Vessels)", "ORIENTATION": "Orientation", "PANHANDLE": "Panhandle", + "PANHANDLE-SIT": "Charm (Begging)", "PETTY-MAGIC": "Petty Magic", "PHARMACIST": "Pharmacist", + "PHARMACIST-SIT": "Trade (Apothecary)", "PILOT": "Pilot", + "PILOT-SIT": "Row or Sail Tests while navigating unsure waters", "PUBLIC-SPEAKER": "Public Speaker", "PURE-SOUL": "Pure Soul", "RAPID-RELOAD": "Rapid Reload", @@ -1347,6 +1390,7 @@ "READ/WRITE": "Read/Write", "RELENTLESS": "Relentless", "RESISTANCE": "Resistance", + "RESISTANCE-SIT": "All those to resist the associated Threat", "RESISTANCE-THREAT": "Resistance (Threat)", "THREAT": "Threat", "RESOLUTE": "Resolute", @@ -1365,7 +1409,9 @@ "SCHEMER": "Schemer", "SEA-LEGS": "Sea Legs", "SEASONED-TRAVELLER": "Seasoned Traveller", + "SEASONED-TRAVELLER-SIT": "Any Lore Test concerning local detail", "SECOND-SIGHT": "Second Sight", + "SECOND-SIGHT-SIT": "Any Test to detect the Winds of Magic", "SECRET-IDENTITY": "Secret Identity", "SHADOW": "Shadow", "SHARP": "Sharp", @@ -1376,17 +1422,22 @@ "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT": "Shieldsman: If Opp Roll lost", "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT2": "Spend 2 Adv to push 2 ft or do Dmg", "SIXTH-SENSE": "Sixth Sense", + "SIXTH-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests involving your Sixth Sense", "SLAYER": "Slayer", "SLAYER-EFFECT": "Slayer: Use target TB if > SB", "SLAYER-CRIT-EFFECT": "Slayer: Times ALL dmg by size diff", "SMALL": "Small", "SPEEDREADER": "Speedreader", + "SPEEDREADER-SIT": "Speedreader", "SPRINTER": "Sprinter", "STEP-ASIDE": "Step Aside", + "STEP-ASIDE-SIT": "Dodge Tests to activate this Talent", "STRIDER": "Strider", + "STRIDER-SIT": "Athletics Tests to traverse the Terrain", "STRIDER-TERRAIN": "Strider (Terrain)", "TERRAIN": "Terrain", "STOUT-HEARTED": "Stout-hearted", + "STOUT-HEARTED-SIT": "Cool Tests to remove Broken Conditions", "STONE-SOUP": "Stone Soup", "STRONG-LEGS": "Strong Legs", "STRONG-MINDED": "Strong-minded", @@ -1418,6 +1469,7 @@ "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Sure Shot: Ingore", "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT2": "AP on HitLoc", "SURGERY": "Surgery", + "SURGERY-SIT": "Heal Tests outside combat rounds; i.e. when you havetime to do it ‘properly’", "DANGEROUS": "Dangerous", "IMPRECISE": "Imprecise", "UNDAMAGING": "Undamaging", @@ -1427,21 +1479,29 @@ "STRIKE-TO-STUN": "Strike to Stun", "STRIKE-MIGHTY-BLOW": "Strike Mighty Blow", "TENACIOUS": "Tenacious", + "TENACIOUS-SIT": "Endurance Tests for enduring hardships", "TINKER": "Tinker", + "TINKER-SIT": "Trade Tests to repair broken items", "TOWER-OF-MEMORIES": "Tower Of Memories", "TRAPPER": "Trapper", + "TRAPPER-SIT": "Perception Tests to spot traps, Set Trap", "TRICK-RIDING": "Trick Riding", + "TRICK-RIDING-SIT": "Dodge Tests on Horseback, Ride (Horse)", "TUNNEL-RAT": "Tunnel Rat", + "TUNNEL-RAT-SIT": "Stealth Tests when underground", "UNSHAKABLE": "Unshakable", + "UNSHAKABLE-SIT": "Cool Tests to resist Blackpowder panic", "VERY-RESILIENT": "Very Resilient", "VERY-STRONG": "Very Strong", "VICE": "Vice", "WAR-LEADER": "War Leader", + "WAR-LEADER-SIT": "Leadership Tests during War", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT": "Targets gain +", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT2": "SL to WP test (1/round)", "WAR-WIZARD": "War Wizard", "WARRIOR-BORN": "Warrior Born", "WATERMAN": "Waterman", + "WATERMAN-SIT": "Sail Tests for river-going vessels", "WEALTHY": "Wealthy", "WELL-PREPARED": "Well-prepared", "WITCH!": "Witch!", @@ -1749,10 +1809,58 @@ "MEMBERS": "Members", "CREDITORS": "Creditors", "DISTRACTED": "Distracted", + "CREWED": "Crewed", + "SALVO": "Salvo", + "CHAR-ROLL": "Char Roll", "OOPS-TABLE": "Fumble/Oops Rules", "HOUSERULE1-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 1: Core Rule Book (Default)", "HOUSERULE2-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 2: Extended Rules V1.1 (by FighterChimp on Ratcatcher Guild Discord)", "IMPROVISED_WEAPON": "Improvised Weapon", + "CORE-TALENTS": "Core Talents", + "DWARF-TALENTS": "Dwarf Player's Guide Talents", + "RUNESMITHING": "Runesmithing", + "GRUDGES-CAP": "GRUDGES", + "GRUDGES": "Grudges", + "BLOOD-GRUDGES": "Blood Grudges", + "RESOLVED-GRUDGES": "Resolved Grudges", + "COMBAT-MODIFIERS": "Combat Modifiers:", + "RANGED-MODIFIERS": "Ranged Modifiers:", + "DECLARE-ACTION": "Declare Attack Options:", + "MAGIC-QUICK-MENU": "Magic Quickbar", + "MELEE-QUICK-MENU": "Melee Quickbar", + "RANGED-QUICK-MENU": "Ranged Quickbar", + "ANCESTRAL-GRUDGE": "Ancestral Grudge", + "BLUDGEONER": "Bludgeoner", + "BLUDGEONER-EFFECT": "Bludgeoner: Additional stuns +", + "DEMOLISHER": "Demolisher", + "DEMOLISHER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects using a Hack weapon", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT": "Demolisher: Additional Armor Dmg +", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT2": "Demolisher Ranged: Decreases cover by 1 lvl", + "DRAGON-BELCHER": "Dragon Belcher", + "DRAGON-BELCHER-EFFECT": "Dragon Belcher: Additional Broken +", + "ENTRENCHMENT": "Entrenchment", + "ENTRENCHMENT-SIT": "Trade when constructing protective cover", + "FORGEFIRE": "Forgefire", + "GLORIOUS-DEMISE": "Glorious Demise", + "HARPOONER": "Harpooner", + "KINGSGUARD": "Kingsguard", + "LIQUID-FORTIFICATION": "Liquid Fortification", + "LONG-MEMORY": "Long Memory", + "LONG-MEMORY-SIT": "Intelligence Tests to remember", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE": "Magic Defiance", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE-SIT": "Willpower Tests to use Magic Resistance", + "MASTER-RUNE-MAGIC": "Master Rune Magic", + "MAVERICK": "Maverick", + "MAVERICK-SIT": "Sail (Skycraft) Tests to fly fast and dangerous", + "RUNE-MAGIC": "Rune Magic", + "SHORT-FUSE": "Short Fuse", + "SHORT-FUSE-EFFECT": "Short Fuse: Additional", + "TIRELESS": "Tireless", + "UNDERMINER": "Underminer", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH": "Whirlwind of Death", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC": "Whirlwind of Death: Spend 1 Fortune to make a Melee attack against all creatures Engaged with you. The GM chooses one enemy to Oppose this Test. If your attack succeeds, you inflict the same Damage to the same Hit Location against all Engaged creatures, calculated as normal. Do not apply Criticals on Whirlwind of Death attacks, though Critical Wounds are inflicted on enemies reduced to 0 Wounds as normal.", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC2": "You cannot activate any other special attack options as part of a Whirlwind of Death. However, if a Character with Dual Wielder (WFRP Core Rulebook) is wielding two weapons as part of a Whirlwind of Death, they may Reverse their Melee attack Test.", + "WOD": "W.o.Death", "TALENT-INTEGRATION": "Talents Integration options", "OVERCAST-TABLE": " --=( Overcast Table )=-- \n SL Targets Damage Range AoE Duration \n 1 +1 +1 x2 N/a N/a \n 2 +1 +2 x2 N/a x2 \n 3 +1 +3 x2 x2 x2 \n 5 +2 +4 x3 x2 x2 \n 8 +2 +5 x3 x2 x3 \n 13 +2 +6 x3 x3 x3 \n 21 +3 +7 x4 x3 x3" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/es.json b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/es.json index 1c2eb82d516c..386379e3b801 100644 --- a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/es.json +++ b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/es.json @@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ "ABBREVIATE-DEXTERITY": "Des", "ABBREVIATE-INTELLIGENCE": "I", "ABBREVIATE-WILL-POWER": "V", + "ABBREVIATE-INT-WILL-POWER": "I+WP", "ABBREVIATE-FELLOWSHIP": "Em", "ABBREVIATE-WOUNDS": "H", "ABBREVIATE-MOVEMENT": "M", @@ -362,13 +363,13 @@ "BESMIRCHED": "Besmirched", "TARGET-NUMBER": "Número objetivo", "TRIP": "Trip", - "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Opp Str/Ath test to try make the target Prone.", + "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Strength/Athletics test to cause Prone.", "UNBALANCED": "Unbalanced", "SPREAD": "Spread", "SLASH": "Slash", "XA": "XA", "WARPSTONE": "Warpstone", - "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: (+0) Cool/Endurance Test, if failed target gains 1 corruption", + "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: On hit inflicts Minor Corruption", "ZZAP": "ZZAP!", "ZZAP-EFFECT": "ZZAP!: -1 AP & Ignore Metal AP", "SLASH-EFFECT": "Slash: +1 Bleeding (Inc. by 1, for", @@ -1182,9 +1183,9 @@ "SLOW-EFFECT": "Slow: Defender Opposed test +1 SL", "TIRING": "Tiring", "HACK": "Hack", - "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg +1", + "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg + 1", "PUMMEL": "Pummel", - "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: Opposed (Str/End) to Stun", + "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: On hit Opp (Str/End) to Stun", "PENETRATING": "Penetrating", "PENETRATING-EFFECT": "Penetrating: -1 AP & Ignore non-Metal AP", "RELOAD": "Recargas", @@ -1195,7 +1196,7 @@ "BLAST-EFFECT": "Blast: Dmg hits all within", "ACCURATE": "Accurate", "DISTRACT": "Distract", - "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back", + "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back Opposed SL", "WRAP": "Wrap", "WRAP-EFFECT": "Wrap: Defender Opposed test -1 SL Mod", "ENTANGLE": "Entangle", @@ -1204,37 +1205,48 @@ "TRAP-BLADE": "Trap Blade", "TRAP-BLADE-EFFECT": "Or Trap Blade : Opp Str test", "BLACKPOWDER": "Blackpowder", - "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", + "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Blackpowder: Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", "AMBIDEXTROUS": "Ambidextrous", "BEAT-BLADE": "Beat Blade", "ANIMAL-AFFINITY": "Animal Affinity", "ARCANE-MAGIC": "Arcane Magic", "ARGUMENTATIVE": "Argumentative", + "ARGUMENTATIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests when arguing and debating", "ARTISTIC": "Artistic", "ATTRACTIVE": "Attractive", + "ATTRACTIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests to influence those attracted to you", "ACUTE-SENSE": "Acute Sense", + "ACUTE-SENSE-SIT": "Perception (Sense)", "ACUTE-SENSE-SENSE": "Acute Sense (Sense)", "SENSE": "Sense", "ARCANE-MAGIC-LORE": "Arcane Magic (Lore)", "ALLEY-CAT": "Alley Cat", + "ALLEY-CAT-SIT": "Stealth (Urban)", "BATTLE-RAGE": "Battle Rage", "BENEATH-NOTICE": "Beneath Notice", + "BENEATH-NOTICE-SIT": "Stealth when in plain sight", "BLATHER": "Charlatanería", + "BLATHER-SIT": "Charm to Blather", "BLESS": "Bless", "BOOKISH": "Bookish", - "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break & Enter", - "B&E": "B&E", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break and Enter", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects", + "B&E": "VsObject", "BRIBERY": "Sobornar", "BRIBER": "Briber", "BERSERK-CHARGE": "Berserk Charge", "CARDSHARP": "Cardsharp", + "CARDSHARP-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing card games", "CAREFUL-STRIKE": "Careful Strike", "CAROUSER": "Carouser", + "CAROUSER-SIT": "Charm at Parties, Gossip at Parties, Consume Alcohol", "CATFALL": "Catfall", "CAT-TONGUED": "Cat-tongued", + "CAT-TONGUED-SIT": "Charm when lying", "CHAOS-MAGIC": "Chaos Magic", "CHAOS-MAGIC-LORE": "Chaos Magic (Lore)", "COMBAT-AWARE": "Combat Aware", + "COMBAT-AWARE-SIT": "Perception during melee", "COMBAT-MASTER": "Combat Master", "COMBAT-REFLEXES": "Combat Reflexes", "COMMANDING-PRESENCE": "Commanding Presence", @@ -1242,7 +1254,9 @@ "CONCOCT": "Concoct", "CONTORTIONIST": "Contortionist", "CRACK-THE-WHIP": "Crack the Whip", + "CRACK-THE-WHIP-SIT": "Drive or Ride Tests when Fleeing or Running", "CRAFTSMAN": "Craftsman", + "CRAFTSMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Trade Tests", "CRAFTSMAN-TRADE": "Craftsman (Trade)", "CREW-COMMANDER": "Crew Commander", "CRIMINAL": "Criminal", @@ -1250,8 +1264,10 @@ "DEADEYE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Deadeye Shot: Choose hit location", "DEALMAKER": "Dealmaker", "DETECT-ARTEFACT": "Detect Artefact", + "DETECT-ARTEFACT-SIT": "Intuition tests to detect magical artefacts", "DEF-STANCE": "Def. Stance", "DICEMAN": "Diceman", + "DICEMAN-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing dice games", "DIRTY-FIGHTING": "Dirty Fighting", "DISARM": "Disarm", "DISARM-1-DESC": "Disarm: Oppose with Melee & ignore Dmg", @@ -1270,14 +1286,21 @@ "DRILLED-EFFECT2": "lost Adv", "DRILLED-EFFECT3": "Drilled: Count as 2 at end of round", "DUAL-WIELDER": "Dual Wielder", + "DUAL-WIELD": "Dual Wield", + "DUAL-WIELD-MH": "Dual Wield Main", + "DUAL-WIELD-OH": "Dual Wield Off", + "DUAL-WIELDER-SIT": "Melee or Ranged when attacking with two weapons", "DUAL-WIELD-NOTE": "Dual Wielder 2nd Attack", "USE-DW": "Use Dual Wielder", "EMBEZZLE": "Embezzle", "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER": "Enclosed Fighter", + "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER-SIT": "Dodge in enclosed environments", "ETIQUETTE": "Etiquette", + "ETIQUETTE-SIT": "Charm and Gossip (Social Group)", "ETIQUETTE-GROUP": "Etiquette (Group)", "FAST-SHOT": "Fast Shot", "FAST-HANDS": "Fast Hands", + "FAST-HANDS-SIT": "Sleight of Hand, Melee (Brawling) to touch an opponent", "FEARLESS": "Fearless", "FEARLESS-ENEMY": "Fearless (Enemy)", "ENEMY": "Enemy", @@ -1286,6 +1309,7 @@ "FEINT-2-DESC": "If Won you may add any +SL to your next", "FEINT-3-DESC": "attack on the same target next turn", "FIELD-DRESSING": "Field Dressing", + "FIELD-DRESSING-SIT": "Heal during combat Rounds", "FISHERMAN": "Fisherman", "FLAGELLANT": "Flagellant", "FLEE!": "Flee!", @@ -1295,50 +1319,69 @@ "FURIOUS-ASSAULT": "Furious Assault", "FURIOUS-ASSAULT-EFFECT": "Furious Assault: On Hit", "GREGARIOUS": "Gregarious", + "GREGARIOUS-SIT": "Gossip Tests with travellers", "GUNNER": "Gunner", "GUNNER-EFFECT": "Gunner: +1 Group Advantage", "HATRED-GROUP": "Hatred (Group)", "HOLY-VISIONS": "Holy Visions", + "HOLY-VISIONS-SIT": "Intuition Tests when on holy ground", "HUNTERS-EYE": "Hunter's Eye", "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL": "Impassioned Zeal", + "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL-SIT": "Charm when speaking about your cause", "IMPLACABLE": "Implacable", "IN-FIGHTER": "In-fighter", "INFIGHT": "Infight", "INSPIRING": "Inspiring", + "INSPIRING-SIT": "Leadership during war", "INVOKE": "Invoke", "IRON-JAW": "Iron Jaw", + "IRON-JAW-SIT": "Endurance tests to resist Stunned", "IRON-WILL": "Iron Will", + "IRON-WILL-SIT": "Cool Tests to oppose Intimidate", "JUMP-UP": "Jump Up", "KINGPIN": "Kingpin", "LIGHTNING-REFLEXES": "Lightning Reflexes", "LUCK": "Luck", "LINGUISTICS": "Linguistics", "LIP-READING": "Lip Reading", + "LIP-READING-SIT": "Perception Tests concerning this Talent", "MAGICAL": "Magical", "MAGICAL-EFFECTS": "Magical Effects", "MAGICAL-SENSE": "Sentir Magia", + "MAGICAL-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests to detect Wizards", "MAGICAL-ASSISTANT": "Magical Assistant", "MAGIC-RESISTANCE": "Magic Resistance", "MAGNUM-OPUS": "Magnum Opus", "MARKSMAN": "Marksman", "MASTER-AND-COMMANDER": "Master and Commander", "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE": "Master of Disguise", + "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) when being someone else", "MASTER-ORATOR": "Master Orator", "MASTER-TRADESMAN": "Master Tradesman", + "MASTER-TRADESMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Extended Trade Tests", "TRADE": "Oficio", "MENACING": "Menacing", "MIMIC": "Mimic", + "MIMIC-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) Tests where accents are important", "NIGHT-VISION": "Night Vision", + "NIGHT-VISION-SIT": "Perception tests in low-light conditions", "NIMBLE-FINGERS": "Nimble Fingers", "NOBLE-BLOOD": "Noble Blood", + "NOBLE-BLOOD-SIT": "Any Test influenced by your Status", "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE": "Nose for Trouble", + "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE-SIT": "Any Test to spot Troublemakers", "NUMISMATICS": "Numismatics", + "NUMISMATICS-SIT": "Evaluate to establish the worth of coins", "OLD-SALT": "Old Salt", + "OLD-SALT-SIT": "Sail (any Sea-worthy Vessels)", "ORIENTATION": "Orientation", "PANHANDLE": "Panhandle", + "PANHANDLE-SIT": "Charm (Begging)", "PETTY-MAGIC": "Petty Magic", "PHARMACIST": "Pharmacist", + "PHARMACIST-SIT": "Trade (Apothecary)", "PILOT": "Pilot", + "PILOT-SIT": "Row or Sail Tests while navigating unsure waters", "PUBLIC-SPEAKER": "Public Speaker", "PURE-SOUL": "Pure Soul", "RAPID-RELOAD": "Rapid Reload", @@ -1347,6 +1390,7 @@ "READ/WRITE": "Read/Write", "RELENTLESS": "Relentless", "RESISTANCE": "Resistance", + "RESISTANCE-SIT": "All those to resist the associated Threat", "RESISTANCE-THREAT": "Resistance (Threat)", "THREAT": "Threat", "RESOLUTE": "Resolute", @@ -1365,7 +1409,9 @@ "SCHEMER": "Schemer", "SEA-LEGS": "Sea Legs", "SEASONED-TRAVELLER": "Seasoned Traveller", + "SEASONED-TRAVELLER-SIT": "Any Lore Test concerning local detail", "SECOND-SIGHT": "Second Sight", + "SECOND-SIGHT-SIT": "Any Test to detect the Winds of Magic", "SECRET-IDENTITY": "Secret Identity", "SHADOW": "Shadow", "SHARP": "Sharp", @@ -1376,17 +1422,22 @@ "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT": "Shieldsman: If Opp Roll lost", "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT2": "Spend 2 Adv to push 2 ft or do Dmg", "SIXTH-SENSE": "Sixth Sense", + "SIXTH-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests involving your Sixth Sense", "SLAYER": "Slayer", "SLAYER-EFFECT": "Slayer: Use target TB if > SB", "SLAYER-CRIT-EFFECT": "Slayer: Times ALL dmg by size diff", "SMALL": "Small", "SPEEDREADER": "Speedreader", + "SPEEDREADER-SIT": "Speedreader", "SPRINTER": "Sprinter", "STEP-ASIDE": "Step Aside", + "STEP-ASIDE-SIT": "Dodge Tests to activate this Talent", "STRIDER": "Strider", + "STRIDER-SIT": "Athletics Tests to traverse the Terrain", "STRIDER-TERRAIN": "Strider (Terrain)", "TERRAIN": "Terrain", "STOUT-HEARTED": "Stout-hearted", + "STOUT-HEARTED-SIT": "Cool Tests to remove Broken Conditions", "STONE-SOUP": "Stone Soup", "STRONG-LEGS": "Strong Legs", "STRONG-MINDED": "Strong-minded", @@ -1418,6 +1469,7 @@ "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Sure Shot: Ingore", "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT2": "AP on HitLoc", "SURGERY": "Surgery", + "SURGERY-SIT": "Heal Tests outside combat rounds; i.e. when you havetime to do it ‘properly’", "DANGEROUS": "Dangerous", "IMPRECISE": "Imprecise", "UNDAMAGING": "Undamaging", @@ -1427,21 +1479,29 @@ "STRIKE-TO-STUN": "Strike to Stun", "STRIKE-MIGHTY-BLOW": "Strike Mighty Blow", "TENACIOUS": "Tenacious", + "TENACIOUS-SIT": "Endurance Tests for enduring hardships", "TINKER": "Tinker", + "TINKER-SIT": "Trade Tests to repair broken items", "TOWER-OF-MEMORIES": "Tower Of Memories", "TRAPPER": "Trapper", + "TRAPPER-SIT": "Perception Tests to spot traps, Set Trap", "TRICK-RIDING": "Trick Riding", + "TRICK-RIDING-SIT": "Dodge Tests on Horseback, Ride (Horse)", "TUNNEL-RAT": "Tunnel Rat", + "TUNNEL-RAT-SIT": "Stealth Tests when underground", "UNSHAKABLE": "Unshakable", + "UNSHAKABLE-SIT": "Cool Tests to resist Blackpowder panic", "VERY-RESILIENT": "Very Resilient", "VERY-STRONG": "Very Strong", "VICE": "Vice", "WAR-LEADER": "War Leader", + "WAR-LEADER-SIT": "Leadership Tests during War", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT": "Targets gain +", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT2": "SL to WP test (1/round)", "WAR-WIZARD": "War Wizard", "WARRIOR-BORN": "Warrior Born", "WATERMAN": "Waterman", + "WATERMAN-SIT": "Sail Tests for river-going vessels", "WEALTHY": "Wealthy", "WELL-PREPARED": "Well-prepared", "WITCH!": "Witch!", @@ -1749,10 +1809,58 @@ "MEMBERS": "Members", "CREDITORS": "Creditors", "DISTRACTED": "Distracted", + "CREWED": "Crewed", + "SALVO": "Salvo", + "CHAR-ROLL": "Char Roll", "OOPS-TABLE": "Fumble/Oops Rules", "HOUSERULE1-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 1: Core Rule Book (Default)", "HOUSERULE2-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 2: Extended Rules V1.1 (by FighterChimp on Ratcatcher Guild Discord)", "IMPROVISED_WEAPON": "Improvised Weapon", + "CORE-TALENTS": "Core Talents", + "DWARF-TALENTS": "Dwarf Player's Guide Talents", + "RUNESMITHING": "Runesmithing", + "GRUDGES-CAP": "GRUDGES", + "GRUDGES": "Grudges", + "BLOOD-GRUDGES": "Blood Grudges", + "RESOLVED-GRUDGES": "Resolved Grudges", + "COMBAT-MODIFIERS": "Combat Modifiers:", + "RANGED-MODIFIERS": "Ranged Modifiers:", + "DECLARE-ACTION": "Declare Attack Options:", + "MAGIC-QUICK-MENU": "Magic Quickbar", + "MELEE-QUICK-MENU": "Melee Quickbar", + "RANGED-QUICK-MENU": "Ranged Quickbar", + "ANCESTRAL-GRUDGE": "Ancestral Grudge", + "BLUDGEONER": "Bludgeoner", + "BLUDGEONER-EFFECT": "Bludgeoner: Additional stuns +", + "DEMOLISHER": "Demolisher", + "DEMOLISHER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects using a Hack weapon", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT": "Demolisher: Additional Armor Dmg +", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT2": "Demolisher Ranged: Decreases cover by 1 lvl", + "DRAGON-BELCHER": "Dragon Belcher", + "DRAGON-BELCHER-EFFECT": "Dragon Belcher: Additional Broken +", + "ENTRENCHMENT": "Entrenchment", + "ENTRENCHMENT-SIT": "Trade when constructing protective cover", + "FORGEFIRE": "Forgefire", + "GLORIOUS-DEMISE": "Glorious Demise", + "HARPOONER": "Harpooner", + "KINGSGUARD": "Kingsguard", + "LIQUID-FORTIFICATION": "Liquid Fortification", + "LONG-MEMORY": "Long Memory", + "LONG-MEMORY-SIT": "Intelligence Tests to remember", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE": "Magic Defiance", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE-SIT": "Willpower Tests to use Magic Resistance", + "MASTER-RUNE-MAGIC": "Master Rune Magic", + "MAVERICK": "Maverick", + "MAVERICK-SIT": "Sail (Skycraft) Tests to fly fast and dangerous", + "RUNE-MAGIC": "Rune Magic", + "SHORT-FUSE": "Short Fuse", + "SHORT-FUSE-EFFECT": "Short Fuse: Additional", + "TIRELESS": "Tireless", + "UNDERMINER": "Underminer", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH": "Whirlwind of Death", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC": "Whirlwind of Death: Spend 1 Fortune to make a Melee attack against all creatures Engaged with you. The GM chooses one enemy to Oppose this Test. If your attack succeeds, you inflict the same Damage to the same Hit Location against all Engaged creatures, calculated as normal. Do not apply Criticals on Whirlwind of Death attacks, though Critical Wounds are inflicted on enemies reduced to 0 Wounds as normal.", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC2": "You cannot activate any other special attack options as part of a Whirlwind of Death. However, if a Character with Dual Wielder (WFRP Core Rulebook) is wielding two weapons as part of a Whirlwind of Death, they may Reverse their Melee attack Test.", + "WOD": "W.o.Death", "TALENT-INTEGRATION": "Talents Integration options", "OVERCAST-TABLE": " --=( Overcast Table )=-- \n SL Targets Damage Range AoE Duration \n 1 +1 +1 x2 N/a N/a \n 2 +1 +2 x2 N/a x2 \n 3 +1 +3 x2 x2 x2 \n 5 +2 +4 x3 x2 x2 \n 8 +2 +5 x3 x2 x3 \n 13 +2 +6 x3 x3 x3 \n 21 +3 +7 x4 x3 x3" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/fi.json b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/fi.json index a272288af505..0a5136bc9321 100644 --- a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/fi.json +++ b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/fi.json @@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ "ABBREVIATE-DEXTERITY": "Dex", "ABBREVIATE-INTELLIGENCE": "Int", "ABBREVIATE-WILL-POWER": "WP", + "ABBREVIATE-INT-WILL-POWER": "I+WP", "ABBREVIATE-FELLOWSHIP": "Fel", "ABBREVIATE-WOUNDS": "W", "ABBREVIATE-MOVEMENT": "M", @@ -362,13 +363,13 @@ "BESMIRCHED": "Besmirched", "TARGET-NUMBER": "Target Number", "TRIP": "Trip", - "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Opp Str/Ath test to try make the target Prone.", + "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Strength/Athletics test to cause Prone.", "UNBALANCED": "Unbalanced", "SPREAD": "Spread", "SLASH": "Slash", "XA": "XA", "WARPSTONE": "Warpstone", - "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: (+0) Cool/Endurance Test, if failed target gains 1 corruption", + "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: On hit inflicts Minor Corruption", "ZZAP": "ZZAP!", "ZZAP-EFFECT": "ZZAP!: -1 AP & Ignore Metal AP", "SLASH-EFFECT": "Slash: +1 Bleeding (Inc. by 1, for", @@ -1182,9 +1183,9 @@ "SLOW-EFFECT": "Slow: Defender Opposed test +1 SL", "TIRING": "Tiring", "HACK": "Hack", - "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg +1", + "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg + 1", "PUMMEL": "Pummel", - "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: Opposed (Str/End) to Stun", + "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: On hit Opp (Str/End) to Stun", "PENETRATING": "Penetrating", "PENETRATING-EFFECT": "Penetrating: -1 AP & Ignore non-Metal AP", "RELOAD": "Reload", @@ -1195,7 +1196,7 @@ "BLAST-EFFECT": "Blast: Dmg hits all within", "ACCURATE": "Accurate", "DISTRACT": "Distract", - "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back", + "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back Opposed SL", "WRAP": "Wrap", "WRAP-EFFECT": "Wrap: Defender Opposed test -1 SL Mod", "ENTANGLE": "Entangle", @@ -1204,37 +1205,48 @@ "TRAP-BLADE": "Trap Blade", "TRAP-BLADE-EFFECT": "Or Trap Blade : Opp Str test", "BLACKPOWDER": "Blackpowder", - "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", + "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Blackpowder: Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", "AMBIDEXTROUS": "Ambidextrous", "BEAT-BLADE": "Beat Blade", "ANIMAL-AFFINITY": "Animal Affinity", "ARCANE-MAGIC": "Arcane Magic", "ARGUMENTATIVE": "Argumentative", + "ARGUMENTATIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests when arguing and debating", "ARTISTIC": "Artistic", "ATTRACTIVE": "Attractive", + "ATTRACTIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests to influence those attracted to you", "ACUTE-SENSE": "Acute Sense", + "ACUTE-SENSE-SIT": "Perception (Sense)", "ACUTE-SENSE-SENSE": "Acute Sense (Sense)", "SENSE": "Sense", "ARCANE-MAGIC-LORE": "Arcane Magic (Lore)", "ALLEY-CAT": "Alley Cat", + "ALLEY-CAT-SIT": "Stealth (Urban)", "BATTLE-RAGE": "Battle Rage", "BENEATH-NOTICE": "Beneath Notice", + "BENEATH-NOTICE-SIT": "Stealth when in plain sight", "BLATHER": "Blather", + "BLATHER-SIT": "Charm to Blather", "BLESS": "Bless", "BOOKISH": "Bookish", - "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break & Enter", - "B&E": "B&E", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break and Enter", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects", + "B&E": "VsObject", "BRIBERY": "Bribery", "BRIBER": "Briber", "BERSERK-CHARGE": "Berserk Charge", "CARDSHARP": "Cardsharp", + "CARDSHARP-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing card games", "CAREFUL-STRIKE": "Careful Strike", "CAROUSER": "Carouser", + "CAROUSER-SIT": "Charm at Parties, Gossip at Parties, Consume Alcohol", "CATFALL": "Catfall", "CAT-TONGUED": "Cat-tongued", + "CAT-TONGUED-SIT": "Charm when lying", "CHAOS-MAGIC": "Chaos Magic", "CHAOS-MAGIC-LORE": "Chaos Magic (Lore)", "COMBAT-AWARE": "Combat Aware", + "COMBAT-AWARE-SIT": "Perception during melee", "COMBAT-MASTER": "Combat Master", "COMBAT-REFLEXES": "Combat Reflexes", "COMMANDING-PRESENCE": "Commanding Presence", @@ -1242,7 +1254,9 @@ "CONCOCT": "Concoct", "CONTORTIONIST": "Contortionist", "CRACK-THE-WHIP": "Crack the Whip", + "CRACK-THE-WHIP-SIT": "Drive or Ride Tests when Fleeing or Running", "CRAFTSMAN": "Craftsman", + "CRAFTSMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Trade Tests", "CRAFTSMAN-TRADE": "Craftsman (Trade)", "CREW-COMMANDER": "Crew Commander", "CRIMINAL": "Criminal", @@ -1250,8 +1264,10 @@ "DEADEYE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Deadeye Shot: Choose hit location", "DEALMAKER": "Dealmaker", "DETECT-ARTEFACT": "Detect Artefact", + "DETECT-ARTEFACT-SIT": "Intuition tests to detect magical artefacts", "DEF-STANCE": "Def. Stance", "DICEMAN": "Diceman", + "DICEMAN-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing dice games", "DIRTY-FIGHTING": "Dirty Fighting", "DISARM": "Disarm", "DISARM-1-DESC": "Disarm: Oppose with Melee & ignore Dmg", @@ -1270,14 +1286,21 @@ "DRILLED-EFFECT2": "lost Adv", "DRILLED-EFFECT3": "Drilled: Count as 2 at end of round", "DUAL-WIELDER": "Dual Wielder", + "DUAL-WIELD": "Dual Wield", + "DUAL-WIELD-MH": "Dual Wield Main", + "DUAL-WIELD-OH": "Dual Wield Off", + "DUAL-WIELDER-SIT": "Melee or Ranged when attacking with two weapons", "DUAL-WIELD-NOTE": "Dual Wielder 2nd Attack", "USE-DW": "Use Dual Wielder", "EMBEZZLE": "Embezzle", "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER": "Enclosed Fighter", + "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER-SIT": "Dodge in enclosed environments", "ETIQUETTE": "Etiquette", + "ETIQUETTE-SIT": "Charm and Gossip (Social Group)", "ETIQUETTE-GROUP": "Etiquette (Group)", "FAST-SHOT": "Fast Shot", "FAST-HANDS": "Fast Hands", + "FAST-HANDS-SIT": "Sleight of Hand, Melee (Brawling) to touch an opponent", "FEARLESS": "Fearless", "FEARLESS-ENEMY": "Fearless (Enemy)", "ENEMY": "Enemy", @@ -1286,6 +1309,7 @@ "FEINT-2-DESC": "If Won you may add any +SL to your next", "FEINT-3-DESC": "attack on the same target next turn", "FIELD-DRESSING": "Field Dressing", + "FIELD-DRESSING-SIT": "Heal during combat Rounds", "FISHERMAN": "Fisherman", "FLAGELLANT": "Flagellant", "FLEE!": "Flee!", @@ -1295,50 +1319,69 @@ "FURIOUS-ASSAULT": "Furious Assault", "FURIOUS-ASSAULT-EFFECT": "Furious Assault: On Hit", "GREGARIOUS": "Gregarious", + "GREGARIOUS-SIT": "Gossip Tests with travellers", "GUNNER": "Gunner", "GUNNER-EFFECT": "Gunner: +1 Group Advantage", "HATRED-GROUP": "Hatred (Group)", "HOLY-VISIONS": "Holy Visions", + "HOLY-VISIONS-SIT": "Intuition Tests when on holy ground", "HUNTERS-EYE": "Hunter's Eye", "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL": "Impassioned Zeal", + "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL-SIT": "Charm when speaking about your cause", "IMPLACABLE": "Implacable", "IN-FIGHTER": "In-fighter", "INFIGHT": "Infight", "INSPIRING": "Inspiring", + "INSPIRING-SIT": "Leadership during war", "INVOKE": "Invoke", "IRON-JAW": "Iron Jaw", + "IRON-JAW-SIT": "Endurance tests to resist Stunned", "IRON-WILL": "Iron Will", + "IRON-WILL-SIT": "Cool Tests to oppose Intimidate", "JUMP-UP": "Jump Up", "KINGPIN": "Kingpin", "LIGHTNING-REFLEXES": "Lightning Reflexes", "LUCK": "Luck", "LINGUISTICS": "Linguistics", "LIP-READING": "Lip Reading", + "LIP-READING-SIT": "Perception Tests concerning this Talent", "MAGICAL": "Magical", "MAGICAL-EFFECTS": "Magical Effects", "MAGICAL-SENSE": "Magical Sense", + "MAGICAL-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests to detect Wizards", "MAGICAL-ASSISTANT": "Magical Assistant", "MAGIC-RESISTANCE": "Magic Resistance", "MAGNUM-OPUS": "Magnum Opus", "MARKSMAN": "Marksman", "MASTER-AND-COMMANDER": "Master and Commander", "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE": "Master of Disguise", + "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) when being someone else", "MASTER-ORATOR": "Master Orator", "MASTER-TRADESMAN": "Master Tradesman", + "MASTER-TRADESMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Extended Trade Tests", "TRADE": "Trade", "MENACING": "Menacing", "MIMIC": "Mimic", + "MIMIC-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) Tests where accents are important", "NIGHT-VISION": "Night Vision", + "NIGHT-VISION-SIT": "Perception tests in low-light conditions", "NIMBLE-FINGERS": "Nimble Fingers", "NOBLE-BLOOD": "Noble Blood", + "NOBLE-BLOOD-SIT": "Any Test influenced by your Status", "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE": "Nose for Trouble", + "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE-SIT": "Any Test to spot Troublemakers", "NUMISMATICS": "Numismatics", + "NUMISMATICS-SIT": "Evaluate to establish the worth of coins", "OLD-SALT": "Old Salt", + "OLD-SALT-SIT": "Sail (any Sea-worthy Vessels)", "ORIENTATION": "Orientation", "PANHANDLE": "Panhandle", + "PANHANDLE-SIT": "Charm (Begging)", "PETTY-MAGIC": "Petty Magic", "PHARMACIST": "Pharmacist", + "PHARMACIST-SIT": "Trade (Apothecary)", "PILOT": "Pilot", + "PILOT-SIT": "Row or Sail Tests while navigating unsure waters", "PUBLIC-SPEAKER": "Public Speaker", "PURE-SOUL": "Pure Soul", "RAPID-RELOAD": "Rapid Reload", @@ -1347,6 +1390,7 @@ "READ/WRITE": "Read/Write", "RELENTLESS": "Relentless", "RESISTANCE": "Resistance", + "RESISTANCE-SIT": "All those to resist the associated Threat", "RESISTANCE-THREAT": "Resistance (Threat)", "THREAT": "Threat", "RESOLUTE": "Resolute", @@ -1365,7 +1409,9 @@ "SCHEMER": "Schemer", "SEA-LEGS": "Sea Legs", "SEASONED-TRAVELLER": "Seasoned Traveller", + "SEASONED-TRAVELLER-SIT": "Any Lore Test concerning local detail", "SECOND-SIGHT": "Second Sight", + "SECOND-SIGHT-SIT": "Any Test to detect the Winds of Magic", "SECRET-IDENTITY": "Secret Identity", "SHADOW": "Shadow", "SHARP": "Sharp", @@ -1376,17 +1422,22 @@ "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT": "Shieldsman: If Opp Roll lost", "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT2": "Spend 2 Adv to push 2 ft or do Dmg", "SIXTH-SENSE": "Sixth Sense", + "SIXTH-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests involving your Sixth Sense", "SLAYER": "Slayer", "SLAYER-EFFECT": "Slayer: Use target TB if > SB", "SLAYER-CRIT-EFFECT": "Slayer: Times ALL dmg by size diff", "SMALL": "Small", "SPEEDREADER": "Speedreader", + "SPEEDREADER-SIT": "Speedreader", "SPRINTER": "Sprinter", "STEP-ASIDE": "Step Aside", + "STEP-ASIDE-SIT": "Dodge Tests to activate this Talent", "STRIDER": "Strider", + "STRIDER-SIT": "Athletics Tests to traverse the Terrain", "STRIDER-TERRAIN": "Strider (Terrain)", "TERRAIN": "Terrain", "STOUT-HEARTED": "Stout-hearted", + "STOUT-HEARTED-SIT": "Cool Tests to remove Broken Conditions", "STONE-SOUP": "Stone Soup", "STRONG-LEGS": "Strong Legs", "STRONG-MINDED": "Strong-minded", @@ -1418,6 +1469,7 @@ "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Sure Shot: Ingore", "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT2": "AP on HitLoc", "SURGERY": "Surgery", + "SURGERY-SIT": "Heal Tests outside combat rounds; i.e. when you havetime to do it ‘properly’", "DANGEROUS": "Dangerous", "IMPRECISE": "Imprecise", "UNDAMAGING": "Undamaging", @@ -1427,21 +1479,29 @@ "STRIKE-TO-STUN": "Strike to Stun", "STRIKE-MIGHTY-BLOW": "Strike Mighty Blow", "TENACIOUS": "Tenacious", + "TENACIOUS-SIT": "Endurance Tests for enduring hardships", "TINKER": "Tinker", + "TINKER-SIT": "Trade Tests to repair broken items", "TOWER-OF-MEMORIES": "Tower Of Memories", "TRAPPER": "Trapper", + "TRAPPER-SIT": "Perception Tests to spot traps, Set Trap", "TRICK-RIDING": "Trick Riding", + "TRICK-RIDING-SIT": "Dodge Tests on Horseback, Ride (Horse)", "TUNNEL-RAT": "Tunnel Rat", + "TUNNEL-RAT-SIT": "Stealth Tests when underground", "UNSHAKABLE": "Unshakable", + "UNSHAKABLE-SIT": "Cool Tests to resist Blackpowder panic", "VERY-RESILIENT": "Very Resilient", "VERY-STRONG": "Very Strong", "VICE": "Vice", "WAR-LEADER": "War Leader", + "WAR-LEADER-SIT": "Leadership Tests during War", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT": "Targets gain +", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT2": "SL to WP test (1/round)", "WAR-WIZARD": "War Wizard", "WARRIOR-BORN": "Warrior Born", "WATERMAN": "Waterman", + "WATERMAN-SIT": "Sail Tests for river-going vessels", "WEALTHY": "Wealthy", "WELL-PREPARED": "Well-prepared", "WITCH!": "Witch!", @@ -1749,10 +1809,58 @@ "MEMBERS": "Members", "CREDITORS": "Creditors", "DISTRACTED": "Distracted", + "CREWED": "Crewed", + "SALVO": "Salvo", + "CHAR-ROLL": "Char Roll", "OOPS-TABLE": "Fumble/Oops Rules", "HOUSERULE1-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 1: Core Rule Book (Default)", "HOUSERULE2-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 2: Extended Rules V1.1 (by FighterChimp on Ratcatcher Guild Discord)", "IMPROVISED_WEAPON": "Improvised Weapon", + "CORE-TALENTS": "Core Talents", + "DWARF-TALENTS": "Dwarf Player's Guide Talents", + "RUNESMITHING": "Runesmithing", + "GRUDGES-CAP": "GRUDGES", + "GRUDGES": "Grudges", + "BLOOD-GRUDGES": "Blood Grudges", + "RESOLVED-GRUDGES": "Resolved Grudges", + "COMBAT-MODIFIERS": "Combat Modifiers:", + "RANGED-MODIFIERS": "Ranged Modifiers:", + "DECLARE-ACTION": "Declare Attack Options:", + "MAGIC-QUICK-MENU": "Magic Quickbar", + "MELEE-QUICK-MENU": "Melee Quickbar", + "RANGED-QUICK-MENU": "Ranged Quickbar", + "ANCESTRAL-GRUDGE": "Ancestral Grudge", + "BLUDGEONER": "Bludgeoner", + "BLUDGEONER-EFFECT": "Bludgeoner: Additional stuns +", + "DEMOLISHER": "Demolisher", + "DEMOLISHER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects using a Hack weapon", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT": "Demolisher: Additional Armor Dmg +", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT2": "Demolisher Ranged: Decreases cover by 1 lvl", + "DRAGON-BELCHER": "Dragon Belcher", + "DRAGON-BELCHER-EFFECT": "Dragon Belcher: Additional Broken +", + "ENTRENCHMENT": "Entrenchment", + "ENTRENCHMENT-SIT": "Trade when constructing protective cover", + "FORGEFIRE": "Forgefire", + "GLORIOUS-DEMISE": "Glorious Demise", + "HARPOONER": "Harpooner", + "KINGSGUARD": "Kingsguard", + "LIQUID-FORTIFICATION": "Liquid Fortification", + "LONG-MEMORY": "Long Memory", + "LONG-MEMORY-SIT": "Intelligence Tests to remember", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE": "Magic Defiance", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE-SIT": "Willpower Tests to use Magic Resistance", + "MASTER-RUNE-MAGIC": "Master Rune Magic", + "MAVERICK": "Maverick", + "MAVERICK-SIT": "Sail (Skycraft) Tests to fly fast and dangerous", + "RUNE-MAGIC": "Rune Magic", + "SHORT-FUSE": "Short Fuse", + "SHORT-FUSE-EFFECT": "Short Fuse: Additional", + "TIRELESS": "Tireless", + "UNDERMINER": "Underminer", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH": "Whirlwind of Death", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC": "Whirlwind of Death: Spend 1 Fortune to make a Melee attack against all creatures Engaged with you. The GM chooses one enemy to Oppose this Test. If your attack succeeds, you inflict the same Damage to the same Hit Location against all Engaged creatures, calculated as normal. Do not apply Criticals on Whirlwind of Death attacks, though Critical Wounds are inflicted on enemies reduced to 0 Wounds as normal.", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC2": "You cannot activate any other special attack options as part of a Whirlwind of Death. However, if a Character with Dual Wielder (WFRP Core Rulebook) is wielding two weapons as part of a Whirlwind of Death, they may Reverse their Melee attack Test.", + "WOD": "W.o.Death", "TALENT-INTEGRATION": "Talents Integration options", "OVERCAST-TABLE": " --=( Overcast Table )=-- \n SL Targets Damage Range AoE Duration \n 1 +1 +1 x2 N/a N/a \n 2 +1 +2 x2 N/a x2 \n 3 +1 +3 x2 x2 x2 \n 5 +2 +4 x3 x2 x2 \n 8 +2 +5 x3 x2 x3 \n 13 +2 +6 x3 x3 x3 \n 21 +3 +7 x4 x3 x3" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/fr.json b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/fr.json index a661aff430e0..46582ee1887b 100644 --- a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/fr.json +++ b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/fr.json @@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ "ABBREVIATE-DEXTERITY": "Dex", "ABBREVIATE-INTELLIGENCE": "Int", "ABBREVIATE-WILL-POWER": "FM", + "ABBREVIATE-INT-WILL-POWER": "I+WP", "ABBREVIATE-FELLOWSHIP": "Soc", "ABBREVIATE-WOUNDS": "B", "ABBREVIATE-MOVEMENT": "M", @@ -362,13 +363,13 @@ "BESMIRCHED": "Besmirched", "TARGET-NUMBER": "Seuil de Réussite (SR)", "TRIP": "Trip", - "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Opp Str/Ath test to try make the target Prone.", + "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Strength/Athletics test to cause Prone.", "UNBALANCED": "Unbalanced", "SPREAD": "Spread", "SLASH": "Slash", "XA": "XA", "WARPSTONE": "Warpstone", - "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: (+0) Cool/Endurance Test, if failed target gains 1 corruption", + "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: On hit inflicts Minor Corruption", "ZZAP": "ZZAP!", "ZZAP-EFFECT": "ZZAP!: -1 AP & Ignore Metal AP", "SLASH-EFFECT": "Slash: +1 Bleeding (Inc. by 1, for", @@ -1182,9 +1183,9 @@ "SLOW-EFFECT": "Slow: Defender Opposed test +1 SL", "TIRING": "Tiring", "HACK": "Hack", - "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg +1", + "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg + 1", "PUMMEL": "Pummel", - "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: Opposed (Str/End) to Stun", + "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: On hit Opp (Str/End) to Stun", "PENETRATING": "Penetrating", "PENETRATING-EFFECT": "Penetrating: -1 AP & Ignore non-Metal AP", "RELOAD": "Recharge", @@ -1195,7 +1196,7 @@ "BLAST-EFFECT": "Blast: Dmg hits all within", "ACCURATE": "Accurate", "DISTRACT": "Distract", - "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back", + "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back Opposed SL", "WRAP": "Wrap", "WRAP-EFFECT": "Wrap: Defender Opposed test -1 SL Mod", "ENTANGLE": "Entangle", @@ -1204,37 +1205,48 @@ "TRAP-BLADE": "Trap Blade", "TRAP-BLADE-EFFECT": "Or Trap Blade : Opp Str test", "BLACKPOWDER": "Blackpowder", - "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", + "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Blackpowder: Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", "AMBIDEXTROUS": "Ambidextrous", "BEAT-BLADE": "Beat Blade", "ANIMAL-AFFINITY": "Animal Affinity", "ARCANE-MAGIC": "Arcane Magic", "ARGUMENTATIVE": "Argumentative", + "ARGUMENTATIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests when arguing and debating", "ARTISTIC": "Artistic", "ATTRACTIVE": "Attractive", + "ATTRACTIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests to influence those attracted to you", "ACUTE-SENSE": "Acute Sense", + "ACUTE-SENSE-SIT": "Perception (Sense)", "ACUTE-SENSE-SENSE": "Acute Sense (Sense)", "SENSE": "Sense", "ARCANE-MAGIC-LORE": "Arcane Magic (Lore)", "ALLEY-CAT": "Alley Cat", + "ALLEY-CAT-SIT": "Stealth (Urban)", "BATTLE-RAGE": "Battle Rage", "BENEATH-NOTICE": "Beneath Notice", + "BENEATH-NOTICE-SIT": "Stealth when in plain sight", "BLATHER": "Baratin", + "BLATHER-SIT": "Charm to Blather", "BLESS": "Bless", "BOOKISH": "Bookish", - "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break & Enter", - "B&E": "B&E", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break and Enter", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects", + "B&E": "VsObject", "BRIBERY": "Subornation", "BRIBER": "Briber", "BERSERK-CHARGE": "Berserk Charge", "CARDSHARP": "Cardsharp", + "CARDSHARP-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing card games", "CAREFUL-STRIKE": "Careful Strike", "CAROUSER": "Carouser", + "CAROUSER-SIT": "Charm at Parties, Gossip at Parties, Consume Alcohol", "CATFALL": "Catfall", "CAT-TONGUED": "Cat-tongued", + "CAT-TONGUED-SIT": "Charm when lying", "CHAOS-MAGIC": "Chaos Magic", "CHAOS-MAGIC-LORE": "Chaos Magic (Lore)", "COMBAT-AWARE": "Combat Aware", + "COMBAT-AWARE-SIT": "Perception during melee", "COMBAT-MASTER": "Combat Master", "COMBAT-REFLEXES": "Combat Reflexes", "COMMANDING-PRESENCE": "Commanding Presence", @@ -1242,7 +1254,9 @@ "CONCOCT": "Concoct", "CONTORTIONIST": "Contortionist", "CRACK-THE-WHIP": "Crack the Whip", + "CRACK-THE-WHIP-SIT": "Drive or Ride Tests when Fleeing or Running", "CRAFTSMAN": "Craftsman", + "CRAFTSMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Trade Tests", "CRAFTSMAN-TRADE": "Craftsman (Trade)", "CREW-COMMANDER": "Crew Commander", "CRIMINAL": "Criminal", @@ -1250,8 +1264,10 @@ "DEADEYE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Deadeye Shot: Choose hit location", "DEALMAKER": "Dealmaker", "DETECT-ARTEFACT": "Detect Artefact", + "DETECT-ARTEFACT-SIT": "Intuition tests to detect magical artefacts", "DEF-STANCE": "Def. Stance", "DICEMAN": "Diceman", + "DICEMAN-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing dice games", "DIRTY-FIGHTING": "Dirty Fighting", "DISARM": "Disarm", "DISARM-1-DESC": "Disarm: Oppose with Melee & ignore Dmg", @@ -1270,14 +1286,21 @@ "DRILLED-EFFECT2": "lost Adv", "DRILLED-EFFECT3": "Drilled: Count as 2 at end of round", "DUAL-WIELDER": "Dual Wielder", + "DUAL-WIELD": "Dual Wield", + "DUAL-WIELD-MH": "Dual Wield Main", + "DUAL-WIELD-OH": "Dual Wield Off", + "DUAL-WIELDER-SIT": "Melee or Ranged when attacking with two weapons", "DUAL-WIELD-NOTE": "Dual Wielder 2nd Attack", "USE-DW": "Use Dual Wielder", "EMBEZZLE": "Embezzle", "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER": "Enclosed Fighter", + "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER-SIT": "Dodge in enclosed environments", "ETIQUETTE": "Etiquette", + "ETIQUETTE-SIT": "Charm and Gossip (Social Group)", "ETIQUETTE-GROUP": "Etiquette (Group)", "FAST-SHOT": "Fast Shot", "FAST-HANDS": "Fast Hands", + "FAST-HANDS-SIT": "Sleight of Hand, Melee (Brawling) to touch an opponent", "FEARLESS": "Fearless", "FEARLESS-ENEMY": "Fearless (Enemy)", "ENEMY": "Enemy", @@ -1286,6 +1309,7 @@ "FEINT-2-DESC": "If Won you may add any +SL to your next", "FEINT-3-DESC": "attack on the same target next turn", "FIELD-DRESSING": "Field Dressing", + "FIELD-DRESSING-SIT": "Heal during combat Rounds", "FISHERMAN": "Fisherman", "FLAGELLANT": "Flagellant", "FLEE!": "Flee!", @@ -1295,50 +1319,69 @@ "FURIOUS-ASSAULT": "Furious Assault", "FURIOUS-ASSAULT-EFFECT": "Furious Assault: On Hit", "GREGARIOUS": "Gregarious", + "GREGARIOUS-SIT": "Gossip Tests with travellers", "GUNNER": "Gunner", "GUNNER-EFFECT": "Gunner: +1 Group Advantage", "HATRED-GROUP": "Hatred (Group)", "HOLY-VISIONS": "Holy Visions", + "HOLY-VISIONS-SIT": "Intuition Tests when on holy ground", "HUNTERS-EYE": "Hunter's Eye", "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL": "Impassioned Zeal", + "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL-SIT": "Charm when speaking about your cause", "IMPLACABLE": "Implacable", "IN-FIGHTER": "In-fighter", "INFIGHT": "Infight", "INSPIRING": "Inspiring", + "INSPIRING-SIT": "Leadership during war", "INVOKE": "Invoke", "IRON-JAW": "Iron Jaw", + "IRON-JAW-SIT": "Endurance tests to resist Stunned", "IRON-WILL": "Iron Will", + "IRON-WILL-SIT": "Cool Tests to oppose Intimidate", "JUMP-UP": "Jump Up", "KINGPIN": "Kingpin", "LIGHTNING-REFLEXES": "Lightning Reflexes", "LUCK": "Luck", "LINGUISTICS": "Linguistics", "LIP-READING": "Lip Reading", + "LIP-READING-SIT": "Perception Tests concerning this Talent", "MAGICAL": "Magical", "MAGICAL-EFFECTS": "Magical Effects", "MAGICAL-SENSE": "Sens de la magie", + "MAGICAL-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests to detect Wizards", "MAGICAL-ASSISTANT": "Magical Assistant", "MAGIC-RESISTANCE": "Magic Resistance", "MAGNUM-OPUS": "Magnum Opus", "MARKSMAN": "Marksman", "MASTER-AND-COMMANDER": "Master and Commander", "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE": "Master of Disguise", + "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) when being someone else", "MASTER-ORATOR": "Master Orator", "MASTER-TRADESMAN": "Master Tradesman", + "MASTER-TRADESMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Extended Trade Tests", "TRADE": "Marchandage", "MENACING": "Menacing", "MIMIC": "Mimic", + "MIMIC-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) Tests where accents are important", "NIGHT-VISION": "Night Vision", + "NIGHT-VISION-SIT": "Perception tests in low-light conditions", "NIMBLE-FINGERS": "Nimble Fingers", "NOBLE-BLOOD": "Noble Blood", + "NOBLE-BLOOD-SIT": "Any Test influenced by your Status", "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE": "Nose for Trouble", + "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE-SIT": "Any Test to spot Troublemakers", "NUMISMATICS": "Numismatics", + "NUMISMATICS-SIT": "Evaluate to establish the worth of coins", "OLD-SALT": "Old Salt", + "OLD-SALT-SIT": "Sail (any Sea-worthy Vessels)", "ORIENTATION": "Orientation", "PANHANDLE": "Panhandle", + "PANHANDLE-SIT": "Charm (Begging)", "PETTY-MAGIC": "Petty Magic", "PHARMACIST": "Pharmacist", + "PHARMACIST-SIT": "Trade (Apothecary)", "PILOT": "Pilot", + "PILOT-SIT": "Row or Sail Tests while navigating unsure waters", "PUBLIC-SPEAKER": "Public Speaker", "PURE-SOUL": "Pure Soul", "RAPID-RELOAD": "Rapid Reload", @@ -1347,6 +1390,7 @@ "READ/WRITE": "Read/Write", "RELENTLESS": "Relentless", "RESISTANCE": "Resistance", + "RESISTANCE-SIT": "All those to resist the associated Threat", "RESISTANCE-THREAT": "Resistance (Threat)", "THREAT": "Threat", "RESOLUTE": "Resolute", @@ -1365,7 +1409,9 @@ "SCHEMER": "Schemer", "SEA-LEGS": "Sea Legs", "SEASONED-TRAVELLER": "Seasoned Traveller", + "SEASONED-TRAVELLER-SIT": "Any Lore Test concerning local detail", "SECOND-SIGHT": "Second Sight", + "SECOND-SIGHT-SIT": "Any Test to detect the Winds of Magic", "SECRET-IDENTITY": "Secret Identity", "SHADOW": "Shadow", "SHARP": "Sharp", @@ -1376,17 +1422,22 @@ "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT": "Shieldsman: If Opp Roll lost", "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT2": "Spend 2 Adv to push 2 ft or do Dmg", "SIXTH-SENSE": "Sixth Sense", + "SIXTH-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests involving your Sixth Sense", "SLAYER": "Slayer", "SLAYER-EFFECT": "Slayer: Use target TB if > SB", "SLAYER-CRIT-EFFECT": "Slayer: Times ALL dmg by size diff", "SMALL": "Small", "SPEEDREADER": "Speedreader", + "SPEEDREADER-SIT": "Speedreader", "SPRINTER": "Sprinter", "STEP-ASIDE": "Step Aside", + "STEP-ASIDE-SIT": "Dodge Tests to activate this Talent", "STRIDER": "Strider", + "STRIDER-SIT": "Athletics Tests to traverse the Terrain", "STRIDER-TERRAIN": "Strider (Terrain)", "TERRAIN": "Terrain", "STOUT-HEARTED": "Stout-hearted", + "STOUT-HEARTED-SIT": "Cool Tests to remove Broken Conditions", "STONE-SOUP": "Stone Soup", "STRONG-LEGS": "Strong Legs", "STRONG-MINDED": "Strong-minded", @@ -1418,6 +1469,7 @@ "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Sure Shot: Ingore", "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT2": "AP on HitLoc", "SURGERY": "Surgery", + "SURGERY-SIT": "Heal Tests outside combat rounds; i.e. when you havetime to do it ‘properly’", "DANGEROUS": "Dangerous", "IMPRECISE": "Imprecise", "UNDAMAGING": "Undamaging", @@ -1427,21 +1479,29 @@ "STRIKE-TO-STUN": "Strike to Stun", "STRIKE-MIGHTY-BLOW": "Strike Mighty Blow", "TENACIOUS": "Tenacious", + "TENACIOUS-SIT": "Endurance Tests for enduring hardships", "TINKER": "Tinker", + "TINKER-SIT": "Trade Tests to repair broken items", "TOWER-OF-MEMORIES": "Tower Of Memories", "TRAPPER": "Trapper", + "TRAPPER-SIT": "Perception Tests to spot traps, Set Trap", "TRICK-RIDING": "Trick Riding", + "TRICK-RIDING-SIT": "Dodge Tests on Horseback, Ride (Horse)", "TUNNEL-RAT": "Tunnel Rat", + "TUNNEL-RAT-SIT": "Stealth Tests when underground", "UNSHAKABLE": "Unshakable", + "UNSHAKABLE-SIT": "Cool Tests to resist Blackpowder panic", "VERY-RESILIENT": "Very Resilient", "VERY-STRONG": "Very Strong", "VICE": "Vice", "WAR-LEADER": "War Leader", + "WAR-LEADER-SIT": "Leadership Tests during War", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT": "Targets gain +", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT2": "SL to WP test (1/round)", "WAR-WIZARD": "War Wizard", "WARRIOR-BORN": "Warrior Born", "WATERMAN": "Waterman", + "WATERMAN-SIT": "Sail Tests for river-going vessels", "WEALTHY": "Wealthy", "WELL-PREPARED": "Well-prepared", "WITCH!": "Witch!", @@ -1749,10 +1809,58 @@ "MEMBERS": "Members", "CREDITORS": "Creditors", "DISTRACTED": "Distracted", + "CREWED": "Crewed", + "SALVO": "Salvo", + "CHAR-ROLL": "Char Roll", "OOPS-TABLE": "Fumble/Oops Rules", "HOUSERULE1-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 1: Core Rule Book (Default)", "HOUSERULE2-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 2: Extended Rules V1.1 (by FighterChimp on Ratcatcher Guild Discord)", "IMPROVISED_WEAPON": "Improvised Weapon", + "CORE-TALENTS": "Core Talents", + "DWARF-TALENTS": "Dwarf Player's Guide Talents", + "RUNESMITHING": "Runesmithing", + "GRUDGES-CAP": "GRUDGES", + "GRUDGES": "Grudges", + "BLOOD-GRUDGES": "Blood Grudges", + "RESOLVED-GRUDGES": "Resolved Grudges", + "COMBAT-MODIFIERS": "Combat Modifiers:", + "RANGED-MODIFIERS": "Ranged Modifiers:", + "DECLARE-ACTION": "Declare Attack Options:", + "MAGIC-QUICK-MENU": "Magic Quickbar", + "MELEE-QUICK-MENU": "Melee Quickbar", + "RANGED-QUICK-MENU": "Ranged Quickbar", + "ANCESTRAL-GRUDGE": "Ancestral Grudge", + "BLUDGEONER": "Bludgeoner", + "BLUDGEONER-EFFECT": "Bludgeoner: Additional stuns +", + "DEMOLISHER": "Demolisher", + "DEMOLISHER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects using a Hack weapon", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT": "Demolisher: Additional Armor Dmg +", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT2": "Demolisher Ranged: Decreases cover by 1 lvl", + "DRAGON-BELCHER": "Dragon Belcher", + "DRAGON-BELCHER-EFFECT": "Dragon Belcher: Additional Broken +", + "ENTRENCHMENT": "Entrenchment", + "ENTRENCHMENT-SIT": "Trade when constructing protective cover", + "FORGEFIRE": "Forgefire", + "GLORIOUS-DEMISE": "Glorious Demise", + "HARPOONER": "Harpooner", + "KINGSGUARD": "Kingsguard", + "LIQUID-FORTIFICATION": "Liquid Fortification", + "LONG-MEMORY": "Long Memory", + "LONG-MEMORY-SIT": "Intelligence Tests to remember", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE": "Magic Defiance", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE-SIT": "Willpower Tests to use Magic Resistance", + "MASTER-RUNE-MAGIC": "Master Rune Magic", + "MAVERICK": "Maverick", + "MAVERICK-SIT": "Sail (Skycraft) Tests to fly fast and dangerous", + "RUNE-MAGIC": "Rune Magic", + "SHORT-FUSE": "Short Fuse", + "SHORT-FUSE-EFFECT": "Short Fuse: Additional", + "TIRELESS": "Tireless", + "UNDERMINER": "Underminer", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH": "Whirlwind of Death", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC": "Whirlwind of Death: Spend 1 Fortune to make a Melee attack against all creatures Engaged with you. The GM chooses one enemy to Oppose this Test. If your attack succeeds, you inflict the same Damage to the same Hit Location against all Engaged creatures, calculated as normal. Do not apply Criticals on Whirlwind of Death attacks, though Critical Wounds are inflicted on enemies reduced to 0 Wounds as normal.", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC2": "You cannot activate any other special attack options as part of a Whirlwind of Death. However, if a Character with Dual Wielder (WFRP Core Rulebook) is wielding two weapons as part of a Whirlwind of Death, they may Reverse their Melee attack Test.", + "WOD": "W.o.Death", "TALENT-INTEGRATION": "Talents Integration options", "OVERCAST-TABLE": " --=( Overcast Table )=-- \n SL Targets Damage Range AoE Duration \n 1 +1 +1 x2 N/a N/a \n 2 +1 +2 x2 N/a x2 \n 3 +1 +3 x2 x2 x2 \n 5 +2 +4 x3 x2 x2 \n 8 +2 +5 x3 x2 x3 \n 13 +2 +6 x3 x3 x3 \n 21 +3 +7 x4 x3 x3" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/he.json b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/he.json index 4a60460bca76..35c05eb67a67 100644 --- a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/he.json +++ b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/he.json @@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ "ABBREVIATE-DEXTERITY": "Dex", "ABBREVIATE-INTELLIGENCE": "Int", "ABBREVIATE-WILL-POWER": "WP", + "ABBREVIATE-INT-WILL-POWER": "I+WP", "ABBREVIATE-FELLOWSHIP": "Fel", "ABBREVIATE-WOUNDS": "W", "ABBREVIATE-MOVEMENT": "M", @@ -362,13 +363,13 @@ "BESMIRCHED": "Besmirched", "TARGET-NUMBER": "Target Number", "TRIP": "Trip", - "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Opp Str/Ath test to try make the target Prone.", + "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Strength/Athletics test to cause Prone.", "UNBALANCED": "Unbalanced", "SPREAD": "Spread", "SLASH": "Slash", "XA": "XA", "WARPSTONE": "Warpstone", - "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: (+0) Cool/Endurance Test, if failed target gains 1 corruption", + "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: On hit inflicts Minor Corruption", "ZZAP": "ZZAP!", "ZZAP-EFFECT": "ZZAP!: -1 AP & Ignore Metal AP", "SLASH-EFFECT": "Slash: +1 Bleeding (Inc. by 1, for", @@ -1182,9 +1183,9 @@ "SLOW-EFFECT": "Slow: Defender Opposed test +1 SL", "TIRING": "Tiring", "HACK": "Hack", - "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg +1", + "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg + 1", "PUMMEL": "Pummel", - "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: Opposed (Str/End) to Stun", + "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: On hit Opp (Str/End) to Stun", "PENETRATING": "Penetrating", "PENETRATING-EFFECT": "Penetrating: -1 AP & Ignore non-Metal AP", "RELOAD": "Reload", @@ -1195,7 +1196,7 @@ "BLAST-EFFECT": "Blast: Dmg hits all within", "ACCURATE": "Accurate", "DISTRACT": "Distract", - "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back", + "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back Opposed SL", "WRAP": "Wrap", "WRAP-EFFECT": "Wrap: Defender Opposed test -1 SL Mod", "ENTANGLE": "Entangle", @@ -1204,37 +1205,48 @@ "TRAP-BLADE": "Trap Blade", "TRAP-BLADE-EFFECT": "Or Trap Blade : Opp Str test", "BLACKPOWDER": "Blackpowder", - "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", + "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Blackpowder: Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", "AMBIDEXTROUS": "Ambidextrous", "BEAT-BLADE": "Beat Blade", "ANIMAL-AFFINITY": "Animal Affinity", "ARCANE-MAGIC": "Arcane Magic", "ARGUMENTATIVE": "Argumentative", + "ARGUMENTATIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests when arguing and debating", "ARTISTIC": "Artistic", "ATTRACTIVE": "Attractive", + "ATTRACTIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests to influence those attracted to you", "ACUTE-SENSE": "Acute Sense", + "ACUTE-SENSE-SIT": "Perception (Sense)", "ACUTE-SENSE-SENSE": "Acute Sense (Sense)", "SENSE": "Sense", "ARCANE-MAGIC-LORE": "Arcane Magic (Lore)", "ALLEY-CAT": "Alley Cat", + "ALLEY-CAT-SIT": "Stealth (Urban)", "BATTLE-RAGE": "Battle Rage", "BENEATH-NOTICE": "Beneath Notice", + "BENEATH-NOTICE-SIT": "Stealth when in plain sight", "BLATHER": "Blather", + "BLATHER-SIT": "Charm to Blather", "BLESS": "Bless", "BOOKISH": "Bookish", - "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break & Enter", - "B&E": "B&E", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break and Enter", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects", + "B&E": "VsObject", "BRIBERY": "Bribery", "BRIBER": "Briber", "BERSERK-CHARGE": "Berserk Charge", "CARDSHARP": "Cardsharp", + "CARDSHARP-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing card games", "CAREFUL-STRIKE": "Careful Strike", "CAROUSER": "Carouser", + "CAROUSER-SIT": "Charm at Parties, Gossip at Parties, Consume Alcohol", "CATFALL": "Catfall", "CAT-TONGUED": "Cat-tongued", + "CAT-TONGUED-SIT": "Charm when lying", "CHAOS-MAGIC": "Chaos Magic", "CHAOS-MAGIC-LORE": "Chaos Magic (Lore)", "COMBAT-AWARE": "Combat Aware", + "COMBAT-AWARE-SIT": "Perception during melee", "COMBAT-MASTER": "Combat Master", "COMBAT-REFLEXES": "Combat Reflexes", "COMMANDING-PRESENCE": "Commanding Presence", @@ -1242,7 +1254,9 @@ "CONCOCT": "Concoct", "CONTORTIONIST": "Contortionist", "CRACK-THE-WHIP": "Crack the Whip", + "CRACK-THE-WHIP-SIT": "Drive or Ride Tests when Fleeing or Running", "CRAFTSMAN": "Craftsman", + "CRAFTSMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Trade Tests", "CRAFTSMAN-TRADE": "Craftsman (Trade)", "CREW-COMMANDER": "Crew Commander", "CRIMINAL": "Criminal", @@ -1250,8 +1264,10 @@ "DEADEYE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Deadeye Shot: Choose hit location", "DEALMAKER": "Dealmaker", "DETECT-ARTEFACT": "Detect Artefact", + "DETECT-ARTEFACT-SIT": "Intuition tests to detect magical artefacts", "DEF-STANCE": "Def. Stance", "DICEMAN": "Diceman", + "DICEMAN-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing dice games", "DIRTY-FIGHTING": "Dirty Fighting", "DISARM": "Disarm", "DISARM-1-DESC": "Disarm: Oppose with Melee & ignore Dmg", @@ -1270,14 +1286,21 @@ "DRILLED-EFFECT2": "lost Adv", "DRILLED-EFFECT3": "Drilled: Count as 2 at end of round", "DUAL-WIELDER": "Dual Wielder", + "DUAL-WIELD": "Dual Wield", + "DUAL-WIELD-MH": "Dual Wield Main", + "DUAL-WIELD-OH": "Dual Wield Off", + "DUAL-WIELDER-SIT": "Melee or Ranged when attacking with two weapons", "DUAL-WIELD-NOTE": "Dual Wielder 2nd Attack", "USE-DW": "Use Dual Wielder", "EMBEZZLE": "Embezzle", "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER": "Enclosed Fighter", + "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER-SIT": "Dodge in enclosed environments", "ETIQUETTE": "Etiquette", + "ETIQUETTE-SIT": "Charm and Gossip (Social Group)", "ETIQUETTE-GROUP": "Etiquette (Group)", "FAST-SHOT": "Fast Shot", "FAST-HANDS": "Fast Hands", + "FAST-HANDS-SIT": "Sleight of Hand, Melee (Brawling) to touch an opponent", "FEARLESS": "Fearless", "FEARLESS-ENEMY": "Fearless (Enemy)", "ENEMY": "Enemy", @@ -1286,6 +1309,7 @@ "FEINT-2-DESC": "If Won you may add any +SL to your next", "FEINT-3-DESC": "attack on the same target next turn", "FIELD-DRESSING": "Field Dressing", + "FIELD-DRESSING-SIT": "Heal during combat Rounds", "FISHERMAN": "Fisherman", "FLAGELLANT": "Flagellant", "FLEE!": "Flee!", @@ -1295,50 +1319,69 @@ "FURIOUS-ASSAULT": "Furious Assault", "FURIOUS-ASSAULT-EFFECT": "Furious Assault: On Hit", "GREGARIOUS": "Gregarious", + "GREGARIOUS-SIT": "Gossip Tests with travellers", "GUNNER": "Gunner", "GUNNER-EFFECT": "Gunner: +1 Group Advantage", "HATRED-GROUP": "Hatred (Group)", "HOLY-VISIONS": "Holy Visions", + "HOLY-VISIONS-SIT": "Intuition Tests when on holy ground", "HUNTERS-EYE": "Hunter's Eye", "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL": "Impassioned Zeal", + "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL-SIT": "Charm when speaking about your cause", "IMPLACABLE": "Implacable", "IN-FIGHTER": "In-fighter", "INFIGHT": "Infight", "INSPIRING": "Inspiring", + "INSPIRING-SIT": "Leadership during war", "INVOKE": "Invoke", "IRON-JAW": "Iron Jaw", + "IRON-JAW-SIT": "Endurance tests to resist Stunned", "IRON-WILL": "Iron Will", + "IRON-WILL-SIT": "Cool Tests to oppose Intimidate", "JUMP-UP": "Jump Up", "KINGPIN": "Kingpin", "LIGHTNING-REFLEXES": "Lightning Reflexes", "LUCK": "Luck", "LINGUISTICS": "Linguistics", "LIP-READING": "Lip Reading", + "LIP-READING-SIT": "Perception Tests concerning this Talent", "MAGICAL": "Magical", "MAGICAL-EFFECTS": "Magical Effects", "MAGICAL-SENSE": "Magical Sense", + "MAGICAL-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests to detect Wizards", "MAGICAL-ASSISTANT": "Magical Assistant", "MAGIC-RESISTANCE": "Magic Resistance", "MAGNUM-OPUS": "Magnum Opus", "MARKSMAN": "Marksman", "MASTER-AND-COMMANDER": "Master and Commander", "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE": "Master of Disguise", + "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) when being someone else", "MASTER-ORATOR": "Master Orator", "MASTER-TRADESMAN": "Master Tradesman", + "MASTER-TRADESMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Extended Trade Tests", "TRADE": "Trade", "MENACING": "Menacing", "MIMIC": "Mimic", + "MIMIC-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) Tests where accents are important", "NIGHT-VISION": "Night Vision", + "NIGHT-VISION-SIT": "Perception tests in low-light conditions", "NIMBLE-FINGERS": "Nimble Fingers", "NOBLE-BLOOD": "Noble Blood", + "NOBLE-BLOOD-SIT": "Any Test influenced by your Status", "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE": "Nose for Trouble", + "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE-SIT": "Any Test to spot Troublemakers", "NUMISMATICS": "Numismatics", + "NUMISMATICS-SIT": "Evaluate to establish the worth of coins", "OLD-SALT": "Old Salt", + "OLD-SALT-SIT": "Sail (any Sea-worthy Vessels)", "ORIENTATION": "Orientation", "PANHANDLE": "Panhandle", + "PANHANDLE-SIT": "Charm (Begging)", "PETTY-MAGIC": "Petty Magic", "PHARMACIST": "Pharmacist", + "PHARMACIST-SIT": "Trade (Apothecary)", "PILOT": "Pilot", + "PILOT-SIT": "Row or Sail Tests while navigating unsure waters", "PUBLIC-SPEAKER": "Public Speaker", "PURE-SOUL": "Pure Soul", "RAPID-RELOAD": "Rapid Reload", @@ -1347,6 +1390,7 @@ "READ/WRITE": "Read/Write", "RELENTLESS": "Relentless", "RESISTANCE": "Resistance", + "RESISTANCE-SIT": "All those to resist the associated Threat", "RESISTANCE-THREAT": "Resistance (Threat)", "THREAT": "Threat", "RESOLUTE": "Resolute", @@ -1365,7 +1409,9 @@ "SCHEMER": "Schemer", "SEA-LEGS": "Sea Legs", "SEASONED-TRAVELLER": "Seasoned Traveller", + "SEASONED-TRAVELLER-SIT": "Any Lore Test concerning local detail", "SECOND-SIGHT": "Second Sight", + "SECOND-SIGHT-SIT": "Any Test to detect the Winds of Magic", "SECRET-IDENTITY": "Secret Identity", "SHADOW": "Shadow", "SHARP": "Sharp", @@ -1376,17 +1422,22 @@ "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT": "Shieldsman: If Opp Roll lost", "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT2": "Spend 2 Adv to push 2 ft or do Dmg", "SIXTH-SENSE": "Sixth Sense", + "SIXTH-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests involving your Sixth Sense", "SLAYER": "Slayer", "SLAYER-EFFECT": "Slayer: Use target TB if > SB", "SLAYER-CRIT-EFFECT": "Slayer: Times ALL dmg by size diff", "SMALL": "Small", "SPEEDREADER": "Speedreader", + "SPEEDREADER-SIT": "Speedreader", "SPRINTER": "Sprinter", "STEP-ASIDE": "Step Aside", + "STEP-ASIDE-SIT": "Dodge Tests to activate this Talent", "STRIDER": "Strider", + "STRIDER-SIT": "Athletics Tests to traverse the Terrain", "STRIDER-TERRAIN": "Strider (Terrain)", "TERRAIN": "Terrain", "STOUT-HEARTED": "Stout-hearted", + "STOUT-HEARTED-SIT": "Cool Tests to remove Broken Conditions", "STONE-SOUP": "Stone Soup", "STRONG-LEGS": "Strong Legs", "STRONG-MINDED": "Strong-minded", @@ -1418,6 +1469,7 @@ "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Sure Shot: Ingore", "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT2": "AP on HitLoc", "SURGERY": "Surgery", + "SURGERY-SIT": "Heal Tests outside combat rounds; i.e. when you havetime to do it ‘properly’", "DANGEROUS": "Dangerous", "IMPRECISE": "Imprecise", "UNDAMAGING": "Undamaging", @@ -1427,21 +1479,29 @@ "STRIKE-TO-STUN": "Strike to Stun", "STRIKE-MIGHTY-BLOW": "Strike Mighty Blow", "TENACIOUS": "Tenacious", + "TENACIOUS-SIT": "Endurance Tests for enduring hardships", "TINKER": "Tinker", + "TINKER-SIT": "Trade Tests to repair broken items", "TOWER-OF-MEMORIES": "Tower Of Memories", "TRAPPER": "Trapper", + "TRAPPER-SIT": "Perception Tests to spot traps, Set Trap", "TRICK-RIDING": "Trick Riding", + "TRICK-RIDING-SIT": "Dodge Tests on Horseback, Ride (Horse)", "TUNNEL-RAT": "Tunnel Rat", + "TUNNEL-RAT-SIT": "Stealth Tests when underground", "UNSHAKABLE": "Unshakable", + "UNSHAKABLE-SIT": "Cool Tests to resist Blackpowder panic", "VERY-RESILIENT": "Very Resilient", "VERY-STRONG": "Very Strong", "VICE": "Vice", "WAR-LEADER": "War Leader", + "WAR-LEADER-SIT": "Leadership Tests during War", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT": "Targets gain +", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT2": "SL to WP test (1/round)", "WAR-WIZARD": "War Wizard", "WARRIOR-BORN": "Warrior Born", "WATERMAN": "Waterman", + "WATERMAN-SIT": "Sail Tests for river-going vessels", "WEALTHY": "Wealthy", "WELL-PREPARED": "Well-prepared", "WITCH!": "Witch!", @@ -1749,10 +1809,58 @@ "MEMBERS": "Members", "CREDITORS": "Creditors", "DISTRACTED": "Distracted", + "CREWED": "Crewed", + "SALVO": "Salvo", + "CHAR-ROLL": "Char Roll", "OOPS-TABLE": "Fumble/Oops Rules", "HOUSERULE1-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 1: Core Rule Book (Default)", "HOUSERULE2-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 2: Extended Rules V1.1 (by FighterChimp on Ratcatcher Guild Discord)", "IMPROVISED_WEAPON": "Improvised Weapon", + "CORE-TALENTS": "Core Talents", + "DWARF-TALENTS": "Dwarf Player's Guide Talents", + "RUNESMITHING": "Runesmithing", + "GRUDGES-CAP": "GRUDGES", + "GRUDGES": "Grudges", + "BLOOD-GRUDGES": "Blood Grudges", + "RESOLVED-GRUDGES": "Resolved Grudges", + "COMBAT-MODIFIERS": "Combat Modifiers:", + "RANGED-MODIFIERS": "Ranged Modifiers:", + "DECLARE-ACTION": "Declare Attack Options:", + "MAGIC-QUICK-MENU": "Magic Quickbar", + "MELEE-QUICK-MENU": "Melee Quickbar", + "RANGED-QUICK-MENU": "Ranged Quickbar", + "ANCESTRAL-GRUDGE": "Ancestral Grudge", + "BLUDGEONER": "Bludgeoner", + "BLUDGEONER-EFFECT": "Bludgeoner: Additional stuns +", + "DEMOLISHER": "Demolisher", + "DEMOLISHER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects using a Hack weapon", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT": "Demolisher: Additional Armor Dmg +", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT2": "Demolisher Ranged: Decreases cover by 1 lvl", + "DRAGON-BELCHER": "Dragon Belcher", + "DRAGON-BELCHER-EFFECT": "Dragon Belcher: Additional Broken +", + "ENTRENCHMENT": "Entrenchment", + "ENTRENCHMENT-SIT": "Trade when constructing protective cover", + "FORGEFIRE": "Forgefire", + "GLORIOUS-DEMISE": "Glorious Demise", + "HARPOONER": "Harpooner", + "KINGSGUARD": "Kingsguard", + "LIQUID-FORTIFICATION": "Liquid Fortification", + "LONG-MEMORY": "Long Memory", + "LONG-MEMORY-SIT": "Intelligence Tests to remember", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE": "Magic Defiance", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE-SIT": "Willpower Tests to use Magic Resistance", + "MASTER-RUNE-MAGIC": "Master Rune Magic", + "MAVERICK": "Maverick", + "MAVERICK-SIT": "Sail (Skycraft) Tests to fly fast and dangerous", + "RUNE-MAGIC": "Rune Magic", + "SHORT-FUSE": "Short Fuse", + "SHORT-FUSE-EFFECT": "Short Fuse: Additional", + "TIRELESS": "Tireless", + "UNDERMINER": "Underminer", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH": "Whirlwind of Death", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC": "Whirlwind of Death: Spend 1 Fortune to make a Melee attack against all creatures Engaged with you. The GM chooses one enemy to Oppose this Test. If your attack succeeds, you inflict the same Damage to the same Hit Location against all Engaged creatures, calculated as normal. Do not apply Criticals on Whirlwind of Death attacks, though Critical Wounds are inflicted on enemies reduced to 0 Wounds as normal.", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC2": "You cannot activate any other special attack options as part of a Whirlwind of Death. However, if a Character with Dual Wielder (WFRP Core Rulebook) is wielding two weapons as part of a Whirlwind of Death, they may Reverse their Melee attack Test.", + "WOD": "W.o.Death", "TALENT-INTEGRATION": "Talents Integration options", "OVERCAST-TABLE": " --=( Overcast Table )=-- \n SL Targets Damage Range AoE Duration \n 1 +1 +1 x2 N/a N/a \n 2 +1 +2 x2 N/a x2 \n 3 +1 +3 x2 x2 x2 \n 5 +2 +4 x3 x2 x2 \n 8 +2 +5 x3 x2 x3 \n 13 +2 +6 x3 x3 x3 \n 21 +3 +7 x4 x3 x3" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/hu.json b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/hu.json index a272288af505..0a5136bc9321 100644 --- a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/hu.json +++ b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/hu.json @@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ "ABBREVIATE-DEXTERITY": "Dex", "ABBREVIATE-INTELLIGENCE": "Int", "ABBREVIATE-WILL-POWER": "WP", + "ABBREVIATE-INT-WILL-POWER": "I+WP", "ABBREVIATE-FELLOWSHIP": "Fel", "ABBREVIATE-WOUNDS": "W", "ABBREVIATE-MOVEMENT": "M", @@ -362,13 +363,13 @@ "BESMIRCHED": "Besmirched", "TARGET-NUMBER": "Target Number", "TRIP": "Trip", - "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Opp Str/Ath test to try make the target Prone.", + "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Strength/Athletics test to cause Prone.", "UNBALANCED": "Unbalanced", "SPREAD": "Spread", "SLASH": "Slash", "XA": "XA", "WARPSTONE": "Warpstone", - "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: (+0) Cool/Endurance Test, if failed target gains 1 corruption", + "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: On hit inflicts Minor Corruption", "ZZAP": "ZZAP!", "ZZAP-EFFECT": "ZZAP!: -1 AP & Ignore Metal AP", "SLASH-EFFECT": "Slash: +1 Bleeding (Inc. by 1, for", @@ -1182,9 +1183,9 @@ "SLOW-EFFECT": "Slow: Defender Opposed test +1 SL", "TIRING": "Tiring", "HACK": "Hack", - "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg +1", + "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg + 1", "PUMMEL": "Pummel", - "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: Opposed (Str/End) to Stun", + "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: On hit Opp (Str/End) to Stun", "PENETRATING": "Penetrating", "PENETRATING-EFFECT": "Penetrating: -1 AP & Ignore non-Metal AP", "RELOAD": "Reload", @@ -1195,7 +1196,7 @@ "BLAST-EFFECT": "Blast: Dmg hits all within", "ACCURATE": "Accurate", "DISTRACT": "Distract", - "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back", + "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back Opposed SL", "WRAP": "Wrap", "WRAP-EFFECT": "Wrap: Defender Opposed test -1 SL Mod", "ENTANGLE": "Entangle", @@ -1204,37 +1205,48 @@ "TRAP-BLADE": "Trap Blade", "TRAP-BLADE-EFFECT": "Or Trap Blade : Opp Str test", "BLACKPOWDER": "Blackpowder", - "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", + "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Blackpowder: Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", "AMBIDEXTROUS": "Ambidextrous", "BEAT-BLADE": "Beat Blade", "ANIMAL-AFFINITY": "Animal Affinity", "ARCANE-MAGIC": "Arcane Magic", "ARGUMENTATIVE": "Argumentative", + "ARGUMENTATIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests when arguing and debating", "ARTISTIC": "Artistic", "ATTRACTIVE": "Attractive", + "ATTRACTIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests to influence those attracted to you", "ACUTE-SENSE": "Acute Sense", + "ACUTE-SENSE-SIT": "Perception (Sense)", "ACUTE-SENSE-SENSE": "Acute Sense (Sense)", "SENSE": "Sense", "ARCANE-MAGIC-LORE": "Arcane Magic (Lore)", "ALLEY-CAT": "Alley Cat", + "ALLEY-CAT-SIT": "Stealth (Urban)", "BATTLE-RAGE": "Battle Rage", "BENEATH-NOTICE": "Beneath Notice", + "BENEATH-NOTICE-SIT": "Stealth when in plain sight", "BLATHER": "Blather", + "BLATHER-SIT": "Charm to Blather", "BLESS": "Bless", "BOOKISH": "Bookish", - "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break & Enter", - "B&E": "B&E", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break and Enter", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects", + "B&E": "VsObject", "BRIBERY": "Bribery", "BRIBER": "Briber", "BERSERK-CHARGE": "Berserk Charge", "CARDSHARP": "Cardsharp", + "CARDSHARP-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing card games", "CAREFUL-STRIKE": "Careful Strike", "CAROUSER": "Carouser", + "CAROUSER-SIT": "Charm at Parties, Gossip at Parties, Consume Alcohol", "CATFALL": "Catfall", "CAT-TONGUED": "Cat-tongued", + "CAT-TONGUED-SIT": "Charm when lying", "CHAOS-MAGIC": "Chaos Magic", "CHAOS-MAGIC-LORE": "Chaos Magic (Lore)", "COMBAT-AWARE": "Combat Aware", + "COMBAT-AWARE-SIT": "Perception during melee", "COMBAT-MASTER": "Combat Master", "COMBAT-REFLEXES": "Combat Reflexes", "COMMANDING-PRESENCE": "Commanding Presence", @@ -1242,7 +1254,9 @@ "CONCOCT": "Concoct", "CONTORTIONIST": "Contortionist", "CRACK-THE-WHIP": "Crack the Whip", + "CRACK-THE-WHIP-SIT": "Drive or Ride Tests when Fleeing or Running", "CRAFTSMAN": "Craftsman", + "CRAFTSMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Trade Tests", "CRAFTSMAN-TRADE": "Craftsman (Trade)", "CREW-COMMANDER": "Crew Commander", "CRIMINAL": "Criminal", @@ -1250,8 +1264,10 @@ "DEADEYE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Deadeye Shot: Choose hit location", "DEALMAKER": "Dealmaker", "DETECT-ARTEFACT": "Detect Artefact", + "DETECT-ARTEFACT-SIT": "Intuition tests to detect magical artefacts", "DEF-STANCE": "Def. Stance", "DICEMAN": "Diceman", + "DICEMAN-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing dice games", "DIRTY-FIGHTING": "Dirty Fighting", "DISARM": "Disarm", "DISARM-1-DESC": "Disarm: Oppose with Melee & ignore Dmg", @@ -1270,14 +1286,21 @@ "DRILLED-EFFECT2": "lost Adv", "DRILLED-EFFECT3": "Drilled: Count as 2 at end of round", "DUAL-WIELDER": "Dual Wielder", + "DUAL-WIELD": "Dual Wield", + "DUAL-WIELD-MH": "Dual Wield Main", + "DUAL-WIELD-OH": "Dual Wield Off", + "DUAL-WIELDER-SIT": "Melee or Ranged when attacking with two weapons", "DUAL-WIELD-NOTE": "Dual Wielder 2nd Attack", "USE-DW": "Use Dual Wielder", "EMBEZZLE": "Embezzle", "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER": "Enclosed Fighter", + "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER-SIT": "Dodge in enclosed environments", "ETIQUETTE": "Etiquette", + "ETIQUETTE-SIT": "Charm and Gossip (Social Group)", "ETIQUETTE-GROUP": "Etiquette (Group)", "FAST-SHOT": "Fast Shot", "FAST-HANDS": "Fast Hands", + "FAST-HANDS-SIT": "Sleight of Hand, Melee (Brawling) to touch an opponent", "FEARLESS": "Fearless", "FEARLESS-ENEMY": "Fearless (Enemy)", "ENEMY": "Enemy", @@ -1286,6 +1309,7 @@ "FEINT-2-DESC": "If Won you may add any +SL to your next", "FEINT-3-DESC": "attack on the same target next turn", "FIELD-DRESSING": "Field Dressing", + "FIELD-DRESSING-SIT": "Heal during combat Rounds", "FISHERMAN": "Fisherman", "FLAGELLANT": "Flagellant", "FLEE!": "Flee!", @@ -1295,50 +1319,69 @@ "FURIOUS-ASSAULT": "Furious Assault", "FURIOUS-ASSAULT-EFFECT": "Furious Assault: On Hit", "GREGARIOUS": "Gregarious", + "GREGARIOUS-SIT": "Gossip Tests with travellers", "GUNNER": "Gunner", "GUNNER-EFFECT": "Gunner: +1 Group Advantage", "HATRED-GROUP": "Hatred (Group)", "HOLY-VISIONS": "Holy Visions", + "HOLY-VISIONS-SIT": "Intuition Tests when on holy ground", "HUNTERS-EYE": "Hunter's Eye", "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL": "Impassioned Zeal", + "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL-SIT": "Charm when speaking about your cause", "IMPLACABLE": "Implacable", "IN-FIGHTER": "In-fighter", "INFIGHT": "Infight", "INSPIRING": "Inspiring", + "INSPIRING-SIT": "Leadership during war", "INVOKE": "Invoke", "IRON-JAW": "Iron Jaw", + "IRON-JAW-SIT": "Endurance tests to resist Stunned", "IRON-WILL": "Iron Will", + "IRON-WILL-SIT": "Cool Tests to oppose Intimidate", "JUMP-UP": "Jump Up", "KINGPIN": "Kingpin", "LIGHTNING-REFLEXES": "Lightning Reflexes", "LUCK": "Luck", "LINGUISTICS": "Linguistics", "LIP-READING": "Lip Reading", + "LIP-READING-SIT": "Perception Tests concerning this Talent", "MAGICAL": "Magical", "MAGICAL-EFFECTS": "Magical Effects", "MAGICAL-SENSE": "Magical Sense", + "MAGICAL-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests to detect Wizards", "MAGICAL-ASSISTANT": "Magical Assistant", "MAGIC-RESISTANCE": "Magic Resistance", "MAGNUM-OPUS": "Magnum Opus", "MARKSMAN": "Marksman", "MASTER-AND-COMMANDER": "Master and Commander", "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE": "Master of Disguise", + "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) when being someone else", "MASTER-ORATOR": "Master Orator", "MASTER-TRADESMAN": "Master Tradesman", + "MASTER-TRADESMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Extended Trade Tests", "TRADE": "Trade", "MENACING": "Menacing", "MIMIC": "Mimic", + "MIMIC-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) Tests where accents are important", "NIGHT-VISION": "Night Vision", + "NIGHT-VISION-SIT": "Perception tests in low-light conditions", "NIMBLE-FINGERS": "Nimble Fingers", "NOBLE-BLOOD": "Noble Blood", + "NOBLE-BLOOD-SIT": "Any Test influenced by your Status", "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE": "Nose for Trouble", + "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE-SIT": "Any Test to spot Troublemakers", "NUMISMATICS": "Numismatics", + "NUMISMATICS-SIT": "Evaluate to establish the worth of coins", "OLD-SALT": "Old Salt", + "OLD-SALT-SIT": "Sail (any Sea-worthy Vessels)", "ORIENTATION": "Orientation", "PANHANDLE": "Panhandle", + "PANHANDLE-SIT": "Charm (Begging)", "PETTY-MAGIC": "Petty Magic", "PHARMACIST": "Pharmacist", + "PHARMACIST-SIT": "Trade (Apothecary)", "PILOT": "Pilot", + "PILOT-SIT": "Row or Sail Tests while navigating unsure waters", "PUBLIC-SPEAKER": "Public Speaker", "PURE-SOUL": "Pure Soul", "RAPID-RELOAD": "Rapid Reload", @@ -1347,6 +1390,7 @@ "READ/WRITE": "Read/Write", "RELENTLESS": "Relentless", "RESISTANCE": "Resistance", + "RESISTANCE-SIT": "All those to resist the associated Threat", "RESISTANCE-THREAT": "Resistance (Threat)", "THREAT": "Threat", "RESOLUTE": "Resolute", @@ -1365,7 +1409,9 @@ "SCHEMER": "Schemer", "SEA-LEGS": "Sea Legs", "SEASONED-TRAVELLER": "Seasoned Traveller", + "SEASONED-TRAVELLER-SIT": "Any Lore Test concerning local detail", "SECOND-SIGHT": "Second Sight", + "SECOND-SIGHT-SIT": "Any Test to detect the Winds of Magic", "SECRET-IDENTITY": "Secret Identity", "SHADOW": "Shadow", "SHARP": "Sharp", @@ -1376,17 +1422,22 @@ "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT": "Shieldsman: If Opp Roll lost", "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT2": "Spend 2 Adv to push 2 ft or do Dmg", "SIXTH-SENSE": "Sixth Sense", + "SIXTH-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests involving your Sixth Sense", "SLAYER": "Slayer", "SLAYER-EFFECT": "Slayer: Use target TB if > SB", "SLAYER-CRIT-EFFECT": "Slayer: Times ALL dmg by size diff", "SMALL": "Small", "SPEEDREADER": "Speedreader", + "SPEEDREADER-SIT": "Speedreader", "SPRINTER": "Sprinter", "STEP-ASIDE": "Step Aside", + "STEP-ASIDE-SIT": "Dodge Tests to activate this Talent", "STRIDER": "Strider", + "STRIDER-SIT": "Athletics Tests to traverse the Terrain", "STRIDER-TERRAIN": "Strider (Terrain)", "TERRAIN": "Terrain", "STOUT-HEARTED": "Stout-hearted", + "STOUT-HEARTED-SIT": "Cool Tests to remove Broken Conditions", "STONE-SOUP": "Stone Soup", "STRONG-LEGS": "Strong Legs", "STRONG-MINDED": "Strong-minded", @@ -1418,6 +1469,7 @@ "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Sure Shot: Ingore", "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT2": "AP on HitLoc", "SURGERY": "Surgery", + "SURGERY-SIT": "Heal Tests outside combat rounds; i.e. when you havetime to do it ‘properly’", "DANGEROUS": "Dangerous", "IMPRECISE": "Imprecise", "UNDAMAGING": "Undamaging", @@ -1427,21 +1479,29 @@ "STRIKE-TO-STUN": "Strike to Stun", "STRIKE-MIGHTY-BLOW": "Strike Mighty Blow", "TENACIOUS": "Tenacious", + "TENACIOUS-SIT": "Endurance Tests for enduring hardships", "TINKER": "Tinker", + "TINKER-SIT": "Trade Tests to repair broken items", "TOWER-OF-MEMORIES": "Tower Of Memories", "TRAPPER": "Trapper", + "TRAPPER-SIT": "Perception Tests to spot traps, Set Trap", "TRICK-RIDING": "Trick Riding", + "TRICK-RIDING-SIT": "Dodge Tests on Horseback, Ride (Horse)", "TUNNEL-RAT": "Tunnel Rat", + "TUNNEL-RAT-SIT": "Stealth Tests when underground", "UNSHAKABLE": "Unshakable", + "UNSHAKABLE-SIT": "Cool Tests to resist Blackpowder panic", "VERY-RESILIENT": "Very Resilient", "VERY-STRONG": "Very Strong", "VICE": "Vice", "WAR-LEADER": "War Leader", + "WAR-LEADER-SIT": "Leadership Tests during War", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT": "Targets gain +", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT2": "SL to WP test (1/round)", "WAR-WIZARD": "War Wizard", "WARRIOR-BORN": "Warrior Born", "WATERMAN": "Waterman", + "WATERMAN-SIT": "Sail Tests for river-going vessels", "WEALTHY": "Wealthy", "WELL-PREPARED": "Well-prepared", "WITCH!": "Witch!", @@ -1749,10 +1809,58 @@ "MEMBERS": "Members", "CREDITORS": "Creditors", "DISTRACTED": "Distracted", + "CREWED": "Crewed", + "SALVO": "Salvo", + "CHAR-ROLL": "Char Roll", "OOPS-TABLE": "Fumble/Oops Rules", "HOUSERULE1-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 1: Core Rule Book (Default)", "HOUSERULE2-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 2: Extended Rules V1.1 (by FighterChimp on Ratcatcher Guild Discord)", "IMPROVISED_WEAPON": "Improvised Weapon", + "CORE-TALENTS": "Core Talents", + "DWARF-TALENTS": "Dwarf Player's Guide Talents", + "RUNESMITHING": "Runesmithing", + "GRUDGES-CAP": "GRUDGES", + "GRUDGES": "Grudges", + "BLOOD-GRUDGES": "Blood Grudges", + "RESOLVED-GRUDGES": "Resolved Grudges", + "COMBAT-MODIFIERS": "Combat Modifiers:", + "RANGED-MODIFIERS": "Ranged Modifiers:", + "DECLARE-ACTION": "Declare Attack Options:", + "MAGIC-QUICK-MENU": "Magic Quickbar", + "MELEE-QUICK-MENU": "Melee Quickbar", + "RANGED-QUICK-MENU": "Ranged Quickbar", + "ANCESTRAL-GRUDGE": "Ancestral Grudge", + "BLUDGEONER": "Bludgeoner", + "BLUDGEONER-EFFECT": "Bludgeoner: Additional stuns +", + "DEMOLISHER": "Demolisher", + "DEMOLISHER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects using a Hack weapon", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT": "Demolisher: Additional Armor Dmg +", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT2": "Demolisher Ranged: Decreases cover by 1 lvl", + "DRAGON-BELCHER": "Dragon Belcher", + "DRAGON-BELCHER-EFFECT": "Dragon Belcher: Additional Broken +", + "ENTRENCHMENT": "Entrenchment", + "ENTRENCHMENT-SIT": "Trade when constructing protective cover", + "FORGEFIRE": "Forgefire", + "GLORIOUS-DEMISE": "Glorious Demise", + "HARPOONER": "Harpooner", + "KINGSGUARD": "Kingsguard", + "LIQUID-FORTIFICATION": "Liquid Fortification", + "LONG-MEMORY": "Long Memory", + "LONG-MEMORY-SIT": "Intelligence Tests to remember", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE": "Magic Defiance", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE-SIT": "Willpower Tests to use Magic Resistance", + "MASTER-RUNE-MAGIC": "Master Rune Magic", + "MAVERICK": "Maverick", + "MAVERICK-SIT": "Sail (Skycraft) Tests to fly fast and dangerous", + "RUNE-MAGIC": "Rune Magic", + "SHORT-FUSE": "Short Fuse", + "SHORT-FUSE-EFFECT": "Short Fuse: Additional", + "TIRELESS": "Tireless", + "UNDERMINER": "Underminer", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH": "Whirlwind of Death", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC": "Whirlwind of Death: Spend 1 Fortune to make a Melee attack against all creatures Engaged with you. The GM chooses one enemy to Oppose this Test. If your attack succeeds, you inflict the same Damage to the same Hit Location against all Engaged creatures, calculated as normal. Do not apply Criticals on Whirlwind of Death attacks, though Critical Wounds are inflicted on enemies reduced to 0 Wounds as normal.", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC2": "You cannot activate any other special attack options as part of a Whirlwind of Death. However, if a Character with Dual Wielder (WFRP Core Rulebook) is wielding two weapons as part of a Whirlwind of Death, they may Reverse their Melee attack Test.", + "WOD": "W.o.Death", "TALENT-INTEGRATION": "Talents Integration options", "OVERCAST-TABLE": " --=( Overcast Table )=-- \n SL Targets Damage Range AoE Duration \n 1 +1 +1 x2 N/a N/a \n 2 +1 +2 x2 N/a x2 \n 3 +1 +3 x2 x2 x2 \n 5 +2 +4 x3 x2 x2 \n 8 +2 +5 x3 x2 x3 \n 13 +2 +6 x3 x3 x3 \n 21 +3 +7 x4 x3 x3" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/it.json b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/it.json index 25a571958abe..e0fff5a3ba8d 100644 --- a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/it.json +++ b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/it.json @@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ "ABBREVIATE-DEXTERITY": "Des", "ABBREVIATE-INTELLIGENCE": "Int", "ABBREVIATE-WILL-POWER": "Vol", + "ABBREVIATE-INT-WILL-POWER": "I+WP", "ABBREVIATE-FELLOWSHIP": "Soc", "ABBREVIATE-WOUNDS": "FE", "ABBREVIATE-MOVEMENT": "M", @@ -362,13 +363,13 @@ "BESMIRCHED": "Besmirched", "TARGET-NUMBER": "Valore Abilità", "TRIP": "Trip", - "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Opp Str/Ath test to try make the target Prone.", + "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Strength/Athletics test to cause Prone.", "UNBALANCED": "Unbalanced", "SPREAD": "Spread", "SLASH": "Slash", "XA": "XA", "WARPSTONE": "Warpstone", - "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: (+0) Cool/Endurance Test, if failed target gains 1 corruption", + "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: On hit inflicts Minor Corruption", "ZZAP": "ZZAP!", "ZZAP-EFFECT": "ZZAP!: -1 AP & Ignore Metal AP", "SLASH-EFFECT": "Slash: +1 Bleeding (Inc. by 1, for", @@ -1182,9 +1183,9 @@ "SLOW-EFFECT": "Lenta: Gli avversari hanno +1 LS per difendersi", "TIRING": "Faticosa", "HACK": "Mozzare", - "HACK-EFFECT": "Mozzare: armatura o scudo +1 Danno", + "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg + 1", "PUMMEL": "Percuotere", - "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Percuotere: Contrapposto Forza/Tempra, 1 Stordito", + "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: On hit Opp (Str/End) to Stun", "PENETRATING": "Penetrante", "PENETRATING-EFFECT": "Penetrating: -1 AP & Ignore non-Metal AP", "RELOAD": "Ricarica", @@ -1195,7 +1196,7 @@ "BLAST-EFFECT": "Esplosione: Danno a tutti nel Grado in metri", "ACCURATE": "Accurata", "DISTRACT": "Distrarre", - "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back", + "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back Opposed SL", "WRAP": "Avvolgente", "WRAP-EFFECT": "Avvolgente: L'avversario subisce -1 LS", "ENTANGLE": "Intrappolante", @@ -1204,37 +1205,48 @@ "TRAP-BLADE": "Intrappola-Lama", "TRAP-BLADE-EFFECT": "Intrappola-Lama: Prova Contrapposta di Forza", "BLACKPOWDER": "Polvere Nera", - "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Polvere Nera: Bersaglio Prova Media +20 Freddezza o 1 Atterrito", + "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Blackpowder: Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", "AMBIDEXTROUS": "Ambidestro", "BEAT-BLADE": "Botta", "ANIMAL-AFFINITY": "Affinità Animale", "ARCANE-MAGIC": "Magia Arcana", "ARGUMENTATIVE": "Polemico", + "ARGUMENTATIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests when arguing and debating", "ARTISTIC": "Artista", "ATTRACTIVE": "Attraente", + "ATTRACTIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests to influence those attracted to you", "ACUTE-SENSE": "Senso Acuto", + "ACUTE-SENSE-SIT": "Perception (Sense)", "ACUTE-SENSE-SENSE": "Senso Acuto (Senso)", "SENSE": "Sensi", "ARCANE-MAGIC-LORE": "Magia Arcana (Sapere)", "ALLEY-CAT": "Randagio", + "ALLEY-CAT-SIT": "Stealth (Urban)", "BATTLE-RAGE": "Furia da Battaglia", "BENEATH-NOTICE": "Insignificante", + "BENEATH-NOTICE-SIT": "Stealth when in plain sight", "BLATHER": "Blaterare", + "BLATHER-SIT": "Charm to Blather", "BLESS": "Benedizione", "BOOKISH": "Topo di Biblioteca", - "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Sfondare", - "B&E": "Sfond.", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break and Enter", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects", + "B&E": "VsObject", "BRIBERY": "Corrompere", "BRIBER": "Briber", "BERSERK-CHARGE": "Carica del Berserker", "CARDSHARP": "Baro (Carte)", + "CARDSHARP-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing card games", "CAREFUL-STRIKE": "Colpo Misurato", "CAROUSER": "Beone", + "CAROUSER-SIT": "Charm at Parties, Gossip at Parties, Consume Alcohol", "CATFALL": "Cadere in Piedi", "CAT-TONGUED": "Lingua di Gatto", + "CAT-TONGUED-SIT": "Charm when lying", "CHAOS-MAGIC": "Magia del Caos", "CHAOS-MAGIC-LORE": "Magia del Caos (Sapere)", "COMBAT-AWARE": "Vigile", + "COMBAT-AWARE-SIT": "Perception during melee", "COMBAT-MASTER": "Veterano", "COMBAT-REFLEXES": "Riflessi da Combattimento", "COMMANDING-PRESENCE": "Presenza Maestosa", @@ -1242,7 +1254,9 @@ "CONCOCT": "Mescere", "CONTORTIONIST": "Contorsionista", "CRACK-THE-WHIP": "Schiocco di Frusta", + "CRACK-THE-WHIP-SIT": "Drive or Ride Tests when Fleeing or Running", "CRAFTSMAN": "Artigiano", + "CRAFTSMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Trade Tests", "CRAFTSMAN-TRADE": "Artigiano (Mestiere)", "CREW-COMMANDER": "Crew Commander", "CRIMINAL": "Criminale", @@ -1250,8 +1264,10 @@ "DEADEYE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Mira Letale: Scegli locazione", "DEALMAKER": "Affarista", "DETECT-ARTEFACT": "Percepire Artefatti", + "DETECT-ARTEFACT-SIT": "Intuition tests to detect magical artefacts", "DEF-STANCE": "Def. Stance", "DICEMAN": "Baro (Dadi)", + "DICEMAN-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing dice games", "DIRTY-FIGHTING": "Gioco Sporco", "DISARM": "Disarmare", "DISARM-1-DESC": "Disarmare: Contrapposto con Mischia & ignora Danno", @@ -1270,14 +1286,21 @@ "DRILLED-EFFECT2": "perdi Vant.", "DRILLED-EFFECT3": "Drilled: Count as 2 at end of round", "DUAL-WIELDER": "Stile a Doppia Arma", + "DUAL-WIELD": "Dual Wield", + "DUAL-WIELD-MH": "Dual Wield Main", + "DUAL-WIELD-OH": "Dual Wield Off", + "DUAL-WIELDER-SIT": "Melee or Ranged when attacking with two weapons", "DUAL-WIELD-NOTE": "Stile a Doppia Arma, 2° attacco", "USE-DW": "Usa Stile a Doppia Arma", "EMBEZZLE": "Intascare", "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER": "Lottatore da Vicolo", + "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER-SIT": "Dodge in enclosed environments", "ETIQUETTE": "Etichetta", + "ETIQUETTE-SIT": "Charm and Gossip (Social Group)", "ETIQUETTE-GROUP": "Etichetta (Gruppo)", "FAST-SHOT": "Tiro Rapido", "FAST-HANDS": "Mani Veloci", + "FAST-HANDS-SIT": "Sleight of Hand, Melee (Brawling) to touch an opponent", "FEARLESS": "Temerario", "FEARLESS-ENEMY": "Temerario (Nemico)", "ENEMY": "Nemico", @@ -1286,6 +1309,7 @@ "FEINT-2-DESC": "If Won you may add any +SL to your next", "FEINT-3-DESC": "attack on the same target next turn", "FIELD-DRESSING": "Pronto Soccorso", + "FIELD-DRESSING-SIT": "Heal during combat Rounds", "FISHERMAN": "Pescatore", "FLAGELLANT": "Flagellante", "FLEE!": "Fuga!", @@ -1295,50 +1319,69 @@ "FURIOUS-ASSAULT": "Assalto Furioso", "FURIOUS-ASSAULT-EFFECT": "Assalto Furioso: Sul colpo", "GREGARIOUS": "Amichevole", + "GREGARIOUS-SIT": "Gossip Tests with travellers", "GUNNER": "Fuciliere", "GUNNER-EFFECT": "Gunner: +1 Group Advantage", "HATRED-GROUP": "Odio (Gruppo)", "HOLY-VISIONS": "Visioni Mistiche", + "HOLY-VISIONS-SIT": "Intuition Tests when on holy ground", "HUNTERS-EYE": "Occhio del Cacciatore", "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL": "Fervore", + "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL-SIT": "Charm when speaking about your cause", "IMPLACABLE": "Implacabile", "IN-FIGHTER": "Gioco Stretto", "INFIGHT": "Gioco Stretto", "INSPIRING": "Ispiratore", + "INSPIRING-SIT": "Leadership during war", "INVOKE": "Invocazione", "IRON-JAW": "Mascella di Ferro", + "IRON-JAW-SIT": "Endurance tests to resist Stunned", "IRON-WILL": "Volontà di Ferro", + "IRON-WILL-SIT": "Cool Tests to oppose Intimidate", "JUMP-UP": "Colpo di Reni", "KINGPIN": "Capoccia", "LIGHTNING-REFLEXES": "Riflessi Fulminei", "LUCK": "Fortunato", "LINGUISTICS": "Linguista", "LIP-READING": "Leggere le Labbra", + "LIP-READING-SIT": "Perception Tests concerning this Talent", "MAGICAL": "Magico", "MAGICAL-EFFECTS": "Effetti Magici", "MAGICAL-SENSE": "Senso Magico", + "MAGICAL-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests to detect Wizards", "MAGICAL-ASSISTANT": "Magical Assistant", "MAGIC-RESISTANCE": "Resistente alla Magia", "MAGNUM-OPUS": "Magnum Opus", "MARKSMAN": "Tiratore", "MASTER-AND-COMMANDER": "Master and Commander", "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE": "Maestro del Travestimento", + "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) when being someone else", "MASTER-ORATOR": "Abile Oratore", "MASTER-TRADESMAN": "Mastro Artigiano", + "MASTER-TRADESMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Extended Trade Tests", "TRADE": "Mestiere", "MENACING": "Minaccioso", "MIMIC": "Imitatore", + "MIMIC-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) Tests where accents are important", "NIGHT-VISION": "Vista Notturna", + "NIGHT-VISION-SIT": "Perception tests in low-light conditions", "NIMBLE-FINGERS": "Dita Agili", "NOBLE-BLOOD": "Sangue Blu", + "NOBLE-BLOOD-SIT": "Any Test influenced by your Status", "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE": "Fiutare Pericolo", + "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE-SIT": "Any Test to spot Troublemakers", "NUMISMATICS": "Numismatico", + "NUMISMATICS-SIT": "Evaluate to establish the worth of coins", "OLD-SALT": "Lupo di Mare", + "OLD-SALT-SIT": "Sail (any Sea-worthy Vessels)", "ORIENTATION": "Senso dell'Orientamento", "PANHANDLE": "Mendicare", + "PANHANDLE-SIT": "Charm (Begging)", "PETTY-MAGIC": "Magia Minore", "PHARMACIST": "Pharmacist", + "PHARMACIST-SIT": "Trade (Apothecary)", "PILOT": "Timoniere", + "PILOT-SIT": "Row or Sail Tests while navigating unsure waters", "PUBLIC-SPEAKER": "Oratore", "PURE-SOUL": "Anima Pura", "RAPID-RELOAD": "Ricarica Rapida", @@ -1347,6 +1390,7 @@ "READ/WRITE": "Leggere/Scrivere", "RELENTLESS": "Inesorabile", "RESISTANCE": "Resistente", + "RESISTANCE-SIT": "All those to resist the associated Threat", "RESISTANCE-THREAT": "Resistente (Minaccia)", "THREAT": "Minaccia", "RESOLUTE": "Determinato", @@ -1365,7 +1409,9 @@ "SCHEMER": "Cospiratore", "SEA-LEGS": "Gambe da Marinaio", "SEASONED-TRAVELLER": "Viaggiatore Esperto", + "SEASONED-TRAVELLER-SIT": "Any Lore Test concerning local detail", "SECOND-SIGHT": "Seconda Vista", + "SECOND-SIGHT-SIT": "Any Test to detect the Winds of Magic", "SECRET-IDENTITY": "Identità segreta", "SHADOW": "Ombra", "SHARP": "Acuto", @@ -1376,17 +1422,22 @@ "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT": "Esperto con lo Scudo: se il tiro avversario ha fallito", "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT2": "Spend 2 Adv to push 2 ft or do Dmg", "SIXTH-SENSE": "Sesto Senso", + "SIXTH-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests involving your Sixth Sense", "SLAYER": "Sventratore", "SLAYER-EFFECT": "Sventratore: Usa BR bersaglio se > proprio BF", "SLAYER-CRIT-EFFECT": "Sventratore: Se il Personaggio ottiene un Critico in mischia il Danno viene moltiplicato per la differenza tra le Taglie", "SMALL": "Piccolo", "SPEEDREADER": "Lettura veloce", + "SPEEDREADER-SIT": "Speedreader", "SPRINTER": "Velocista", "STEP-ASIDE": "Farsi da Parte", + "STEP-ASIDE-SIT": "Dodge Tests to activate this Talent", "STRIDER": "Strider", + "STRIDER-SIT": "Athletics Tests to traverse the Terrain", "STRIDER-TERRAIN": "Passo Lungo (Terreno)", "TERRAIN": "Terreno", "STOUT-HEARTED": "Cuore Impavido", + "STOUT-HEARTED-SIT": "Cool Tests to remove Broken Conditions", "STONE-SOUP": "Zuppa di Sasso", "STRONG-LEGS": "Gambe Forti", "STRONG-MINDED": "Risoluto", @@ -1418,6 +1469,7 @@ "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Mira Sicura: ignora", "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT2": "PA nella locazione colpita pari al grado", "SURGERY": "Chirurgia", + "SURGERY-SIT": "Heal Tests outside combat rounds; i.e. when you havetime to do it ‘properly’", "DANGEROUS": "Pericolosa", "IMPRECISE": "Imprecisa", "UNDAMAGING": "Inoffensiva", @@ -1427,21 +1479,29 @@ "STRIKE-TO-STUN": "Colpo Stordente", "STRIKE-MIGHTY-BLOW": "Colpo Poderoso", "TENACIOUS": "Tenace", + "TENACIOUS-SIT": "Endurance Tests for enduring hardships", "TINKER": "Trafficone", + "TINKER-SIT": "Trade Tests to repair broken items", "TOWER-OF-MEMORIES": "Torre di Memorie", "TRAPPER": "Esperto in Trappole", + "TRAPPER-SIT": "Perception Tests to spot traps, Set Trap", "TRICK-RIDING": "Volteggio in Sella", + "TRICK-RIDING-SIT": "Dodge Tests on Horseback, Ride (Horse)", "TUNNEL-RAT": "Topo di Fogna", + "TUNNEL-RAT-SIT": "Stealth Tests when underground", "UNSHAKABLE": "Nervi d'Acciaio", + "UNSHAKABLE-SIT": "Cool Tests to resist Blackpowder panic", "VERY-RESILIENT": "Saldo", "VERY-STRONG": "Forzuto", "VICE": "Vice", "WAR-LEADER": "Condottiero", + "WAR-LEADER-SIT": "Leadership Tests during War", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT": "Il bersaglio guadagna +", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT2": "LS a una Prova di Volontà (1/round)", "WAR-WIZARD": "Mago della Guerra", "WARRIOR-BORN": "Guerriero Nato", "WATERMAN": "Battelliere", + "WATERMAN-SIT": "Sail Tests for river-going vessels", "WEALTHY": "Ricco", "WELL-PREPARED": "Preparato", "WITCH!": "Strega!", @@ -1749,10 +1809,58 @@ "MEMBERS": "Members", "CREDITORS": "Creditors", "DISTRACTED": "Distracted", + "CREWED": "Crewed", + "SALVO": "Salvo", + "CHAR-ROLL": "Char Roll", "OOPS-TABLE": "Fumble/Oops Rules", "HOUSERULE1-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 1: Core Rule Book (Default)", "HOUSERULE2-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 2: Extended Rules V1.1 (by FighterChimp on Ratcatcher Guild Discord)", "IMPROVISED_WEAPON": "Improvised Weapon", + "CORE-TALENTS": "Core Talents", + "DWARF-TALENTS": "Dwarf Player's Guide Talents", + "RUNESMITHING": "Runesmithing", + "GRUDGES-CAP": "GRUDGES", + "GRUDGES": "Grudges", + "BLOOD-GRUDGES": "Blood Grudges", + "RESOLVED-GRUDGES": "Resolved Grudges", + "COMBAT-MODIFIERS": "Combat Modifiers:", + "RANGED-MODIFIERS": "Ranged Modifiers:", + "DECLARE-ACTION": "Declare Attack Options:", + "MAGIC-QUICK-MENU": "Magic Quickbar", + "MELEE-QUICK-MENU": "Melee Quickbar", + "RANGED-QUICK-MENU": "Ranged Quickbar", + "ANCESTRAL-GRUDGE": "Ancestral Grudge", + "BLUDGEONER": "Bludgeoner", + "BLUDGEONER-EFFECT": "Bludgeoner: Additional stuns +", + "DEMOLISHER": "Demolisher", + "DEMOLISHER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects using a Hack weapon", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT": "Demolisher: Additional Armor Dmg +", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT2": "Demolisher Ranged: Decreases cover by 1 lvl", + "DRAGON-BELCHER": "Dragon Belcher", + "DRAGON-BELCHER-EFFECT": "Dragon Belcher: Additional Broken +", + "ENTRENCHMENT": "Entrenchment", + "ENTRENCHMENT-SIT": "Trade when constructing protective cover", + "FORGEFIRE": "Forgefire", + "GLORIOUS-DEMISE": "Glorious Demise", + "HARPOONER": "Harpooner", + "KINGSGUARD": "Kingsguard", + "LIQUID-FORTIFICATION": "Liquid Fortification", + "LONG-MEMORY": "Long Memory", + "LONG-MEMORY-SIT": "Intelligence Tests to remember", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE": "Magic Defiance", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE-SIT": "Willpower Tests to use Magic Resistance", + "MASTER-RUNE-MAGIC": "Master Rune Magic", + "MAVERICK": "Maverick", + "MAVERICK-SIT": "Sail (Skycraft) Tests to fly fast and dangerous", + "RUNE-MAGIC": "Rune Magic", + "SHORT-FUSE": "Short Fuse", + "SHORT-FUSE-EFFECT": "Short Fuse: Additional", + "TIRELESS": "Tireless", + "UNDERMINER": "Underminer", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH": "Whirlwind of Death", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC": "Whirlwind of Death: Spend 1 Fortune to make a Melee attack against all creatures Engaged with you. The GM chooses one enemy to Oppose this Test. If your attack succeeds, you inflict the same Damage to the same Hit Location against all Engaged creatures, calculated as normal. Do not apply Criticals on Whirlwind of Death attacks, though Critical Wounds are inflicted on enemies reduced to 0 Wounds as normal.", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC2": "You cannot activate any other special attack options as part of a Whirlwind of Death. However, if a Character with Dual Wielder (WFRP Core Rulebook) is wielding two weapons as part of a Whirlwind of Death, they may Reverse their Melee attack Test.", + "WOD": "W.o.Death", "TALENT-INTEGRATION": "Talents Integration options", "OVERCAST-TABLE": " --=( Overcast Table )=-- \n SL Targets Damage Range AoE Duration \n 1 +1 +1 x2 N/a N/a \n 2 +1 +2 x2 N/a x2 \n 3 +1 +3 x2 x2 x2 \n 5 +2 +4 x3 x2 x2 \n 8 +2 +5 x3 x2 x3 \n 13 +2 +6 x3 x3 x3 \n 21 +3 +7 x4 x3 x3" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/ja.json b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/ja.json index 9bed479c9dca..2967cb531ffe 100644 --- a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/ja.json +++ b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/ja.json @@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ "ABBREVIATE-DEXTERITY": "器", "ABBREVIATE-INTELLIGENCE": "知力", "ABBREVIATE-WILL-POWER": "志", + "ABBREVIATE-INT-WILL-POWER": "I+WP", "ABBREVIATE-FELLOWSHIP": "協", "ABBREVIATE-WOUNDS": "耐", "ABBREVIATE-MOVEMENT": "移", @@ -362,13 +363,13 @@ "BESMIRCHED": "Besmirched", "TARGET-NUMBER": "Target Number", "TRIP": "Trip", - "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Opp Str/Ath test to try make the target Prone.", + "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Strength/Athletics test to cause Prone.", "UNBALANCED": "Unbalanced", "SPREAD": "Spread", "SLASH": "Slash", "XA": "XA", "WARPSTONE": "Warpstone", - "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: (+0) Cool/Endurance Test, if failed target gains 1 corruption", + "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: On hit inflicts Minor Corruption", "ZZAP": "ZZAP!", "ZZAP-EFFECT": "ZZAP!: -1 AP & Ignore Metal AP", "SLASH-EFFECT": "Slash: +1 Bleeding (Inc. by 1, for", @@ -1182,9 +1183,9 @@ "SLOW-EFFECT": "Slow: Defender Opposed test +1 SL", "TIRING": "Tiring", "HACK": "Hack", - "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg +1", + "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg + 1", "PUMMEL": "Pummel", - "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: Opposed (Str/End) to Stun", + "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: On hit Opp (Str/End) to Stun", "PENETRATING": "Penetrating", "PENETRATING-EFFECT": "Penetrating: -1 AP & Ignore non-Metal AP", "RELOAD": "Reload", @@ -1195,7 +1196,7 @@ "BLAST-EFFECT": "Blast: Dmg hits all within", "ACCURATE": "Accurate", "DISTRACT": "Distract", - "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back", + "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back Opposed SL", "WRAP": "Wrap", "WRAP-EFFECT": "Wrap: Defender Opposed test -1 SL Mod", "ENTANGLE": "Entangle", @@ -1204,37 +1205,48 @@ "TRAP-BLADE": "Trap Blade", "TRAP-BLADE-EFFECT": "Or Trap Blade : Opp Str test", "BLACKPOWDER": "Blackpowder", - "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", + "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Blackpowder: Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", "AMBIDEXTROUS": "Ambidextrous", "BEAT-BLADE": "Beat Blade", "ANIMAL-AFFINITY": "Animal Affinity", "ARCANE-MAGIC": "Arcane Magic", "ARGUMENTATIVE": "Argumentative", + "ARGUMENTATIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests when arguing and debating", "ARTISTIC": "Artistic", "ATTRACTIVE": "Attractive", + "ATTRACTIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests to influence those attracted to you", "ACUTE-SENSE": "Acute Sense", + "ACUTE-SENSE-SIT": "Perception (Sense)", "ACUTE-SENSE-SENSE": "Acute Sense (Sense)", "SENSE": "Sense", "ARCANE-MAGIC-LORE": "Arcane Magic (Lore)", "ALLEY-CAT": "Alley Cat", + "ALLEY-CAT-SIT": "Stealth (Urban)", "BATTLE-RAGE": "Battle Rage", "BENEATH-NOTICE": "Beneath Notice", + "BENEATH-NOTICE-SIT": "Stealth when in plain sight", "BLATHER": "Blather", + "BLATHER-SIT": "Charm to Blather", "BLESS": "Bless", "BOOKISH": "Bookish", - "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break & Enter", - "B&E": "B&E", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break and Enter", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects", + "B&E": "VsObject", "BRIBERY": "Bribery", "BRIBER": "Briber", "BERSERK-CHARGE": "Berserk Charge", "CARDSHARP": "Cardsharp", + "CARDSHARP-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing card games", "CAREFUL-STRIKE": "Careful Strike", "CAROUSER": "Carouser", + "CAROUSER-SIT": "Charm at Parties, Gossip at Parties, Consume Alcohol", "CATFALL": "Catfall", "CAT-TONGUED": "Cat-tongued", + "CAT-TONGUED-SIT": "Charm when lying", "CHAOS-MAGIC": "Chaos Magic", "CHAOS-MAGIC-LORE": "Chaos Magic (Lore)", "COMBAT-AWARE": "Combat Aware", + "COMBAT-AWARE-SIT": "Perception during melee", "COMBAT-MASTER": "Combat Master", "COMBAT-REFLEXES": "Combat Reflexes", "COMMANDING-PRESENCE": "Commanding Presence", @@ -1242,7 +1254,9 @@ "CONCOCT": "Concoct", "CONTORTIONIST": "Contortionist", "CRACK-THE-WHIP": "Crack the Whip", + "CRACK-THE-WHIP-SIT": "Drive or Ride Tests when Fleeing or Running", "CRAFTSMAN": "Craftsman", + "CRAFTSMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Trade Tests", "CRAFTSMAN-TRADE": "Craftsman (Trade)", "CREW-COMMANDER": "Crew Commander", "CRIMINAL": "Criminal", @@ -1250,8 +1264,10 @@ "DEADEYE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Deadeye Shot: Choose hit location", "DEALMAKER": "Dealmaker", "DETECT-ARTEFACT": "Detect Artefact", + "DETECT-ARTEFACT-SIT": "Intuition tests to detect magical artefacts", "DEF-STANCE": "Def. Stance", "DICEMAN": "Diceman", + "DICEMAN-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing dice games", "DIRTY-FIGHTING": "Dirty Fighting", "DISARM": "Disarm", "DISARM-1-DESC": "Disarm: Oppose with Melee & ignore Dmg", @@ -1270,14 +1286,21 @@ "DRILLED-EFFECT2": "lost Adv", "DRILLED-EFFECT3": "Drilled: Count as 2 at end of round", "DUAL-WIELDER": "Dual Wielder", + "DUAL-WIELD": "Dual Wield", + "DUAL-WIELD-MH": "Dual Wield Main", + "DUAL-WIELD-OH": "Dual Wield Off", + "DUAL-WIELDER-SIT": "Melee or Ranged when attacking with two weapons", "DUAL-WIELD-NOTE": "Dual Wielder 2nd Attack", "USE-DW": "Use Dual Wielder", "EMBEZZLE": "Embezzle", "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER": "Enclosed Fighter", + "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER-SIT": "Dodge in enclosed environments", "ETIQUETTE": "Etiquette", + "ETIQUETTE-SIT": "Charm and Gossip (Social Group)", "ETIQUETTE-GROUP": "Etiquette (Group)", "FAST-SHOT": "Fast Shot", "FAST-HANDS": "Fast Hands", + "FAST-HANDS-SIT": "Sleight of Hand, Melee (Brawling) to touch an opponent", "FEARLESS": "Fearless", "FEARLESS-ENEMY": "Fearless (Enemy)", "ENEMY": "敵", @@ -1286,6 +1309,7 @@ "FEINT-2-DESC": "If Won you may add any +SL to your next", "FEINT-3-DESC": "attack on the same target next turn", "FIELD-DRESSING": "Field Dressing", + "FIELD-DRESSING-SIT": "Heal during combat Rounds", "FISHERMAN": "Fisherman", "FLAGELLANT": "Flagellant", "FLEE!": "Flee!", @@ -1295,50 +1319,69 @@ "FURIOUS-ASSAULT": "Furious Assault", "FURIOUS-ASSAULT-EFFECT": "Furious Assault: On Hit", "GREGARIOUS": "Gregarious", + "GREGARIOUS-SIT": "Gossip Tests with travellers", "GUNNER": "Gunner", "GUNNER-EFFECT": "Gunner: +1 Group Advantage", "HATRED-GROUP": "Hatred (Group)", "HOLY-VISIONS": "Holy Visions", + "HOLY-VISIONS-SIT": "Intuition Tests when on holy ground", "HUNTERS-EYE": "Hunter's Eye", "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL": "Impassioned Zeal", + "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL-SIT": "Charm when speaking about your cause", "IMPLACABLE": "Implacable", "IN-FIGHTER": "In-fighter", "INFIGHT": "Infight", "INSPIRING": "Inspiring", + "INSPIRING-SIT": "Leadership during war", "INVOKE": "Invoke", "IRON-JAW": "Iron Jaw", + "IRON-JAW-SIT": "Endurance tests to resist Stunned", "IRON-WILL": "Iron Will", + "IRON-WILL-SIT": "Cool Tests to oppose Intimidate", "JUMP-UP": "Jump Up", "KINGPIN": "Kingpin", "LIGHTNING-REFLEXES": "Lightning Reflexes", "LUCK": "Luck", "LINGUISTICS": "Linguistics", "LIP-READING": "Lip Reading", + "LIP-READING-SIT": "Perception Tests concerning this Talent", "MAGICAL": "Magical", "MAGICAL-EFFECTS": "Magical Effects", "MAGICAL-SENSE": "Magical Sense", + "MAGICAL-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests to detect Wizards", "MAGICAL-ASSISTANT": "Magical Assistant", "MAGIC-RESISTANCE": "Magic Resistance", "MAGNUM-OPUS": "Magnum Opus", "MARKSMAN": "Marksman", "MASTER-AND-COMMANDER": "Master and Commander", "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE": "Master of Disguise", + "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) when being someone else", "MASTER-ORATOR": "Master Orator", "MASTER-TRADESMAN": "Master Tradesman", + "MASTER-TRADESMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Extended Trade Tests", "TRADE": "Trade", "MENACING": "Menacing", "MIMIC": "Mimic", + "MIMIC-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) Tests where accents are important", "NIGHT-VISION": "Night Vision", + "NIGHT-VISION-SIT": "Perception tests in low-light conditions", "NIMBLE-FINGERS": "Nimble Fingers", "NOBLE-BLOOD": "Noble Blood", + "NOBLE-BLOOD-SIT": "Any Test influenced by your Status", "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE": "Nose for Trouble", + "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE-SIT": "Any Test to spot Troublemakers", "NUMISMATICS": "Numismatics", + "NUMISMATICS-SIT": "Evaluate to establish the worth of coins", "OLD-SALT": "Old Salt", + "OLD-SALT-SIT": "Sail (any Sea-worthy Vessels)", "ORIENTATION": "Orientation", "PANHANDLE": "Panhandle", + "PANHANDLE-SIT": "Charm (Begging)", "PETTY-MAGIC": "Petty Magic", "PHARMACIST": "Pharmacist", + "PHARMACIST-SIT": "Trade (Apothecary)", "PILOT": "Pilot", + "PILOT-SIT": "Row or Sail Tests while navigating unsure waters", "PUBLIC-SPEAKER": "Public Speaker", "PURE-SOUL": "Pure Soul", "RAPID-RELOAD": "Rapid Reload", @@ -1347,6 +1390,7 @@ "READ/WRITE": "Read/Write", "RELENTLESS": "Relentless", "RESISTANCE": "Resistance", + "RESISTANCE-SIT": "All those to resist the associated Threat", "RESISTANCE-THREAT": "Resistance (Threat)", "THREAT": "Threat", "RESOLUTE": "Resolute", @@ -1365,7 +1409,9 @@ "SCHEMER": "Schemer", "SEA-LEGS": "Sea Legs", "SEASONED-TRAVELLER": "Seasoned Traveller", + "SEASONED-TRAVELLER-SIT": "Any Lore Test concerning local detail", "SECOND-SIGHT": "Second Sight", + "SECOND-SIGHT-SIT": "Any Test to detect the Winds of Magic", "SECRET-IDENTITY": "Secret Identity", "SHADOW": "Shadow", "SHARP": "Sharp", @@ -1376,17 +1422,22 @@ "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT": "Shieldsman: If Opp Roll lost", "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT2": "Spend 2 Adv to push 2 ft or do Dmg", "SIXTH-SENSE": "Sixth Sense", + "SIXTH-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests involving your Sixth Sense", "SLAYER": "Slayer", "SLAYER-EFFECT": "Slayer: Use target TB if > SB", "SLAYER-CRIT-EFFECT": "Slayer: Times ALL dmg by size diff", "SMALL": "Small", "SPEEDREADER": "Speedreader", + "SPEEDREADER-SIT": "Speedreader", "SPRINTER": "Sprinter", "STEP-ASIDE": "Step Aside", + "STEP-ASIDE-SIT": "Dodge Tests to activate this Talent", "STRIDER": "Strider", + "STRIDER-SIT": "Athletics Tests to traverse the Terrain", "STRIDER-TERRAIN": "Strider (Terrain)", "TERRAIN": "Terrain", "STOUT-HEARTED": "Stout-hearted", + "STOUT-HEARTED-SIT": "Cool Tests to remove Broken Conditions", "STONE-SOUP": "Stone Soup", "STRONG-LEGS": "Strong Legs", "STRONG-MINDED": "Strong-minded", @@ -1418,6 +1469,7 @@ "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Sure Shot: Ingore", "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT2": "AP on HitLoc", "SURGERY": "Surgery", + "SURGERY-SIT": "Heal Tests outside combat rounds; i.e. when you havetime to do it ‘properly’", "DANGEROUS": "Dangerous", "IMPRECISE": "Imprecise", "UNDAMAGING": "Undamaging", @@ -1427,21 +1479,29 @@ "STRIKE-TO-STUN": "Strike to Stun", "STRIKE-MIGHTY-BLOW": "Strike Mighty Blow", "TENACIOUS": "Tenacious", + "TENACIOUS-SIT": "Endurance Tests for enduring hardships", "TINKER": "Tinker", + "TINKER-SIT": "Trade Tests to repair broken items", "TOWER-OF-MEMORIES": "Tower Of Memories", "TRAPPER": "Trapper", + "TRAPPER-SIT": "Perception Tests to spot traps, Set Trap", "TRICK-RIDING": "Trick Riding", + "TRICK-RIDING-SIT": "Dodge Tests on Horseback, Ride (Horse)", "TUNNEL-RAT": "Tunnel Rat", + "TUNNEL-RAT-SIT": "Stealth Tests when underground", "UNSHAKABLE": "Unshakable", + "UNSHAKABLE-SIT": "Cool Tests to resist Blackpowder panic", "VERY-RESILIENT": "Very Resilient", "VERY-STRONG": "Very Strong", "VICE": "Vice", "WAR-LEADER": "War Leader", + "WAR-LEADER-SIT": "Leadership Tests during War", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT": "Targets gain +", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT2": "SL to WP test (1/round)", "WAR-WIZARD": "War Wizard", "WARRIOR-BORN": "Warrior Born", "WATERMAN": "Waterman", + "WATERMAN-SIT": "Sail Tests for river-going vessels", "WEALTHY": "Wealthy", "WELL-PREPARED": "Well-prepared", "WITCH!": "Witch!", @@ -1749,10 +1809,58 @@ "MEMBERS": "Members", "CREDITORS": "Creditors", "DISTRACTED": "Distracted", + "CREWED": "Crewed", + "SALVO": "Salvo", + "CHAR-ROLL": "Char Roll", "OOPS-TABLE": "Fumble/Oops Rules", "HOUSERULE1-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 1: Core Rule Book (Default)", "HOUSERULE2-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 2: Extended Rules V1.1 (by FighterChimp on Ratcatcher Guild Discord)", "IMPROVISED_WEAPON": "Improvised Weapon", + "CORE-TALENTS": "Core Talents", + "DWARF-TALENTS": "Dwarf Player's Guide Talents", + "RUNESMITHING": "Runesmithing", + "GRUDGES-CAP": "GRUDGES", + "GRUDGES": "Grudges", + "BLOOD-GRUDGES": "Blood Grudges", + "RESOLVED-GRUDGES": "Resolved Grudges", + "COMBAT-MODIFIERS": "Combat Modifiers:", + "RANGED-MODIFIERS": "Ranged Modifiers:", + "DECLARE-ACTION": "Declare Attack Options:", + "MAGIC-QUICK-MENU": "Magic Quickbar", + "MELEE-QUICK-MENU": "Melee Quickbar", + "RANGED-QUICK-MENU": "Ranged Quickbar", + "ANCESTRAL-GRUDGE": "Ancestral Grudge", + "BLUDGEONER": "Bludgeoner", + "BLUDGEONER-EFFECT": "Bludgeoner: Additional stuns +", + "DEMOLISHER": "Demolisher", + "DEMOLISHER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects using a Hack weapon", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT": "Demolisher: Additional Armor Dmg +", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT2": "Demolisher Ranged: Decreases cover by 1 lvl", + "DRAGON-BELCHER": "Dragon Belcher", + "DRAGON-BELCHER-EFFECT": "Dragon Belcher: Additional Broken +", + "ENTRENCHMENT": "Entrenchment", + "ENTRENCHMENT-SIT": "Trade when constructing protective cover", + "FORGEFIRE": "Forgefire", + "GLORIOUS-DEMISE": "Glorious Demise", + "HARPOONER": "Harpooner", + "KINGSGUARD": "Kingsguard", + "LIQUID-FORTIFICATION": "Liquid Fortification", + "LONG-MEMORY": "Long Memory", + "LONG-MEMORY-SIT": "Intelligence Tests to remember", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE": "Magic Defiance", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE-SIT": "Willpower Tests to use Magic Resistance", + "MASTER-RUNE-MAGIC": "Master Rune Magic", + "MAVERICK": "Maverick", + "MAVERICK-SIT": "Sail (Skycraft) Tests to fly fast and dangerous", + "RUNE-MAGIC": "Rune Magic", + "SHORT-FUSE": "Short Fuse", + "SHORT-FUSE-EFFECT": "Short Fuse: Additional", + "TIRELESS": "Tireless", + "UNDERMINER": "Underminer", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH": "Whirlwind of Death", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC": "Whirlwind of Death: Spend 1 Fortune to make a Melee attack against all creatures Engaged with you. The GM chooses one enemy to Oppose this Test. If your attack succeeds, you inflict the same Damage to the same Hit Location against all Engaged creatures, calculated as normal. Do not apply Criticals on Whirlwind of Death attacks, though Critical Wounds are inflicted on enemies reduced to 0 Wounds as normal.", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC2": "You cannot activate any other special attack options as part of a Whirlwind of Death. However, if a Character with Dual Wielder (WFRP Core Rulebook) is wielding two weapons as part of a Whirlwind of Death, they may Reverse their Melee attack Test.", + "WOD": "W.o.Death", "TALENT-INTEGRATION": "Talents Integration options", "OVERCAST-TABLE": " --=( Overcast Table )=-- \n SL Targets Damage Range AoE Duration \n 1 +1 +1 x2 N/a N/a \n 2 +1 +2 x2 N/a x2 \n 3 +1 +3 x2 x2 x2 \n 5 +2 +4 x3 x2 x2 \n 8 +2 +5 x3 x2 x3 \n 13 +2 +6 x3 x3 x3 \n 21 +3 +7 x4 x3 x3" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/ko.json b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/ko.json index 9ceff9c20a76..79ee6c172ac7 100644 --- a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/ko.json +++ b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/ko.json @@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ "ABBREVIATE-DEXTERITY": "Dex", "ABBREVIATE-INTELLIGENCE": "Int", "ABBREVIATE-WILL-POWER": "WP", + "ABBREVIATE-INT-WILL-POWER": "I+WP", "ABBREVIATE-FELLOWSHIP": "Fel", "ABBREVIATE-WOUNDS": "W", "ABBREVIATE-MOVEMENT": "M", @@ -362,13 +363,13 @@ "BESMIRCHED": "Besmirched", "TARGET-NUMBER": "Target Number", "TRIP": "Trip", - "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Opp Str/Ath test to try make the target Prone.", + "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Strength/Athletics test to cause Prone.", "UNBALANCED": "Unbalanced", "SPREAD": "Spread", "SLASH": "Slash", "XA": "XA", "WARPSTONE": "Warpstone", - "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: (+0) Cool/Endurance Test, if failed target gains 1 corruption", + "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: On hit inflicts Minor Corruption", "ZZAP": "ZZAP!", "ZZAP-EFFECT": "ZZAP!: -1 AP & Ignore Metal AP", "SLASH-EFFECT": "Slash: +1 Bleeding (Inc. by 1, for", @@ -1182,9 +1183,9 @@ "SLOW-EFFECT": "Slow: Defender Opposed test +1 SL", "TIRING": "Tiring", "HACK": "Hack", - "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg +1", + "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg + 1", "PUMMEL": "Pummel", - "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: Opposed (Str/End) to Stun", + "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: On hit Opp (Str/End) to Stun", "PENETRATING": "Penetrating", "PENETRATING-EFFECT": "Penetrating: -1 AP & Ignore non-Metal AP", "RELOAD": "Reload", @@ -1195,7 +1196,7 @@ "BLAST-EFFECT": "Blast: Dmg hits all within", "ACCURATE": "Accurate", "DISTRACT": "Distract", - "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back", + "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back Opposed SL", "WRAP": "Wrap", "WRAP-EFFECT": "Wrap: Defender Opposed test -1 SL Mod", "ENTANGLE": "Entangle", @@ -1204,37 +1205,48 @@ "TRAP-BLADE": "Trap Blade", "TRAP-BLADE-EFFECT": "Or Trap Blade : Opp Str test", "BLACKPOWDER": "Blackpowder", - "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", + "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Blackpowder: Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", "AMBIDEXTROUS": "Ambidextrous", "BEAT-BLADE": "Beat Blade", "ANIMAL-AFFINITY": "Animal Affinity", "ARCANE-MAGIC": "Arcane Magic", "ARGUMENTATIVE": "Argumentative", + "ARGUMENTATIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests when arguing and debating", "ARTISTIC": "Artistic", "ATTRACTIVE": "Attractive", + "ATTRACTIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests to influence those attracted to you", "ACUTE-SENSE": "Acute Sense", + "ACUTE-SENSE-SIT": "Perception (Sense)", "ACUTE-SENSE-SENSE": "Acute Sense (Sense)", "SENSE": "Sense", "ARCANE-MAGIC-LORE": "Arcane Magic (Lore)", "ALLEY-CAT": "Alley Cat", + "ALLEY-CAT-SIT": "Stealth (Urban)", "BATTLE-RAGE": "Battle Rage", "BENEATH-NOTICE": "Beneath Notice", + "BENEATH-NOTICE-SIT": "Stealth when in plain sight", "BLATHER": "Blather", + "BLATHER-SIT": "Charm to Blather", "BLESS": "Bless", "BOOKISH": "Bookish", - "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break & Enter", - "B&E": "B&E", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break and Enter", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects", + "B&E": "VsObject", "BRIBERY": "Bribery", "BRIBER": "Briber", "BERSERK-CHARGE": "Berserk Charge", "CARDSHARP": "Cardsharp", + "CARDSHARP-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing card games", "CAREFUL-STRIKE": "Careful Strike", "CAROUSER": "Carouser", + "CAROUSER-SIT": "Charm at Parties, Gossip at Parties, Consume Alcohol", "CATFALL": "Catfall", "CAT-TONGUED": "Cat-tongued", + "CAT-TONGUED-SIT": "Charm when lying", "CHAOS-MAGIC": "Chaos Magic", "CHAOS-MAGIC-LORE": "Chaos Magic (Lore)", "COMBAT-AWARE": "Combat Aware", + "COMBAT-AWARE-SIT": "Perception during melee", "COMBAT-MASTER": "Combat Master", "COMBAT-REFLEXES": "Combat Reflexes", "COMMANDING-PRESENCE": "Commanding Presence", @@ -1242,7 +1254,9 @@ "CONCOCT": "Concoct", "CONTORTIONIST": "Contortionist", "CRACK-THE-WHIP": "Crack the Whip", + "CRACK-THE-WHIP-SIT": "Drive or Ride Tests when Fleeing or Running", "CRAFTSMAN": "Craftsman", + "CRAFTSMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Trade Tests", "CRAFTSMAN-TRADE": "Craftsman (Trade)", "CREW-COMMANDER": "Crew Commander", "CRIMINAL": "Criminal", @@ -1250,8 +1264,10 @@ "DEADEYE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Deadeye Shot: Choose hit location", "DEALMAKER": "Dealmaker", "DETECT-ARTEFACT": "Detect Artefact", + "DETECT-ARTEFACT-SIT": "Intuition tests to detect magical artefacts", "DEF-STANCE": "Def. Stance", "DICEMAN": "Diceman", + "DICEMAN-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing dice games", "DIRTY-FIGHTING": "Dirty Fighting", "DISARM": "Disarm", "DISARM-1-DESC": "Disarm: Oppose with Melee & ignore Dmg", @@ -1270,14 +1286,21 @@ "DRILLED-EFFECT2": "lost Adv", "DRILLED-EFFECT3": "Drilled: Count as 2 at end of round", "DUAL-WIELDER": "Dual Wielder", + "DUAL-WIELD": "Dual Wield", + "DUAL-WIELD-MH": "Dual Wield Main", + "DUAL-WIELD-OH": "Dual Wield Off", + "DUAL-WIELDER-SIT": "Melee or Ranged when attacking with two weapons", "DUAL-WIELD-NOTE": "Dual Wielder 2nd Attack", "USE-DW": "Use Dual Wielder", "EMBEZZLE": "Embezzle", "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER": "Enclosed Fighter", + "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER-SIT": "Dodge in enclosed environments", "ETIQUETTE": "Etiquette", + "ETIQUETTE-SIT": "Charm and Gossip (Social Group)", "ETIQUETTE-GROUP": "Etiquette (Group)", "FAST-SHOT": "Fast Shot", "FAST-HANDS": "Fast Hands", + "FAST-HANDS-SIT": "Sleight of Hand, Melee (Brawling) to touch an opponent", "FEARLESS": "Fearless", "FEARLESS-ENEMY": "Fearless (Enemy)", "ENEMY": "Enemy", @@ -1286,6 +1309,7 @@ "FEINT-2-DESC": "If Won you may add any +SL to your next", "FEINT-3-DESC": "attack on the same target next turn", "FIELD-DRESSING": "Field Dressing", + "FIELD-DRESSING-SIT": "Heal during combat Rounds", "FISHERMAN": "Fisherman", "FLAGELLANT": "Flagellant", "FLEE!": "Flee!", @@ -1295,50 +1319,69 @@ "FURIOUS-ASSAULT": "Furious Assault", "FURIOUS-ASSAULT-EFFECT": "Furious Assault: On Hit", "GREGARIOUS": "Gregarious", + "GREGARIOUS-SIT": "Gossip Tests with travellers", "GUNNER": "Gunner", "GUNNER-EFFECT": "Gunner: +1 Group Advantage", "HATRED-GROUP": "Hatred (Group)", "HOLY-VISIONS": "Holy Visions", + "HOLY-VISIONS-SIT": "Intuition Tests when on holy ground", "HUNTERS-EYE": "Hunter's Eye", "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL": "Impassioned Zeal", + "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL-SIT": "Charm when speaking about your cause", "IMPLACABLE": "Implacable", "IN-FIGHTER": "In-fighter", "INFIGHT": "Infight", "INSPIRING": "Inspiring", + "INSPIRING-SIT": "Leadership during war", "INVOKE": "Invoke", "IRON-JAW": "Iron Jaw", + "IRON-JAW-SIT": "Endurance tests to resist Stunned", "IRON-WILL": "Iron Will", + "IRON-WILL-SIT": "Cool Tests to oppose Intimidate", "JUMP-UP": "Jump Up", "KINGPIN": "Kingpin", "LIGHTNING-REFLEXES": "Lightning Reflexes", "LUCK": "Luck", "LINGUISTICS": "Linguistics", "LIP-READING": "Lip Reading", + "LIP-READING-SIT": "Perception Tests concerning this Talent", "MAGICAL": "Magical", "MAGICAL-EFFECTS": "Magical Effects", "MAGICAL-SENSE": "Magical Sense", + "MAGICAL-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests to detect Wizards", "MAGICAL-ASSISTANT": "Magical Assistant", "MAGIC-RESISTANCE": "Magic Resistance", "MAGNUM-OPUS": "Magnum Opus", "MARKSMAN": "Marksman", "MASTER-AND-COMMANDER": "Master and Commander", "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE": "Master of Disguise", + "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) when being someone else", "MASTER-ORATOR": "Master Orator", "MASTER-TRADESMAN": "Master Tradesman", + "MASTER-TRADESMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Extended Trade Tests", "TRADE": "Trade", "MENACING": "Menacing", "MIMIC": "Mimic", + "MIMIC-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) Tests where accents are important", "NIGHT-VISION": "Night Vision", + "NIGHT-VISION-SIT": "Perception tests in low-light conditions", "NIMBLE-FINGERS": "Nimble Fingers", "NOBLE-BLOOD": "Noble Blood", + "NOBLE-BLOOD-SIT": "Any Test influenced by your Status", "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE": "Nose for Trouble", + "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE-SIT": "Any Test to spot Troublemakers", "NUMISMATICS": "Numismatics", + "NUMISMATICS-SIT": "Evaluate to establish the worth of coins", "OLD-SALT": "Old Salt", + "OLD-SALT-SIT": "Sail (any Sea-worthy Vessels)", "ORIENTATION": "Orientation", "PANHANDLE": "Panhandle", + "PANHANDLE-SIT": "Charm (Begging)", "PETTY-MAGIC": "Petty Magic", "PHARMACIST": "Pharmacist", + "PHARMACIST-SIT": "Trade (Apothecary)", "PILOT": "Pilot", + "PILOT-SIT": "Row or Sail Tests while navigating unsure waters", "PUBLIC-SPEAKER": "Public Speaker", "PURE-SOUL": "Pure Soul", "RAPID-RELOAD": "Rapid Reload", @@ -1347,6 +1390,7 @@ "READ/WRITE": "Read/Write", "RELENTLESS": "Relentless", "RESISTANCE": "Resistance", + "RESISTANCE-SIT": "All those to resist the associated Threat", "RESISTANCE-THREAT": "Resistance (Threat)", "THREAT": "Threat", "RESOLUTE": "Resolute", @@ -1365,7 +1409,9 @@ "SCHEMER": "Schemer", "SEA-LEGS": "Sea Legs", "SEASONED-TRAVELLER": "Seasoned Traveller", + "SEASONED-TRAVELLER-SIT": "Any Lore Test concerning local detail", "SECOND-SIGHT": "Second Sight", + "SECOND-SIGHT-SIT": "Any Test to detect the Winds of Magic", "SECRET-IDENTITY": "Secret Identity", "SHADOW": "Shadow", "SHARP": "Sharp", @@ -1376,17 +1422,22 @@ "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT": "Shieldsman: If Opp Roll lost", "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT2": "Spend 2 Adv to push 2 ft or do Dmg", "SIXTH-SENSE": "Sixth Sense", + "SIXTH-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests involving your Sixth Sense", "SLAYER": "Slayer", "SLAYER-EFFECT": "Slayer: Use target TB if > SB", "SLAYER-CRIT-EFFECT": "Slayer: Times ALL dmg by size diff", "SMALL": "Small", "SPEEDREADER": "Speedreader", + "SPEEDREADER-SIT": "Speedreader", "SPRINTER": "Sprinter", "STEP-ASIDE": "Step Aside", + "STEP-ASIDE-SIT": "Dodge Tests to activate this Talent", "STRIDER": "Strider", + "STRIDER-SIT": "Athletics Tests to traverse the Terrain", "STRIDER-TERRAIN": "Strider (Terrain)", "TERRAIN": "Terrain", "STOUT-HEARTED": "Stout-hearted", + "STOUT-HEARTED-SIT": "Cool Tests to remove Broken Conditions", "STONE-SOUP": "Stone Soup", "STRONG-LEGS": "Strong Legs", "STRONG-MINDED": "Strong-minded", @@ -1418,6 +1469,7 @@ "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Sure Shot: Ingore", "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT2": "AP on HitLoc", "SURGERY": "Surgery", + "SURGERY-SIT": "Heal Tests outside combat rounds; i.e. when you havetime to do it ‘properly’", "DANGEROUS": "Dangerous", "IMPRECISE": "Imprecise", "UNDAMAGING": "Undamaging", @@ -1427,21 +1479,29 @@ "STRIKE-TO-STUN": "Strike to Stun", "STRIKE-MIGHTY-BLOW": "Strike Mighty Blow", "TENACIOUS": "Tenacious", + "TENACIOUS-SIT": "Endurance Tests for enduring hardships", "TINKER": "Tinker", + "TINKER-SIT": "Trade Tests to repair broken items", "TOWER-OF-MEMORIES": "Tower Of Memories", "TRAPPER": "Trapper", + "TRAPPER-SIT": "Perception Tests to spot traps, Set Trap", "TRICK-RIDING": "Trick Riding", + "TRICK-RIDING-SIT": "Dodge Tests on Horseback, Ride (Horse)", "TUNNEL-RAT": "Tunnel Rat", + "TUNNEL-RAT-SIT": "Stealth Tests when underground", "UNSHAKABLE": "Unshakable", + "UNSHAKABLE-SIT": "Cool Tests to resist Blackpowder panic", "VERY-RESILIENT": "Very Resilient", "VERY-STRONG": "Very Strong", "VICE": "Vice", "WAR-LEADER": "War Leader", + "WAR-LEADER-SIT": "Leadership Tests during War", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT": "Targets gain +", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT2": "SL to WP test (1/round)", "WAR-WIZARD": "War Wizard", "WARRIOR-BORN": "Warrior Born", "WATERMAN": "Waterman", + "WATERMAN-SIT": "Sail Tests for river-going vessels", "WEALTHY": "Wealthy", "WELL-PREPARED": "Well-prepared", "WITCH!": "Witch!", @@ -1749,10 +1809,58 @@ "MEMBERS": "Members", "CREDITORS": "Creditors", "DISTRACTED": "Distracted", + "CREWED": "Crewed", + "SALVO": "Salvo", + "CHAR-ROLL": "Char Roll", "OOPS-TABLE": "Fumble/Oops Rules", "HOUSERULE1-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 1: Core Rule Book (Default)", "HOUSERULE2-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 2: Extended Rules V1.1 (by FighterChimp on Ratcatcher Guild Discord)", "IMPROVISED_WEAPON": "Improvised Weapon", + "CORE-TALENTS": "Core Talents", + "DWARF-TALENTS": "Dwarf Player's Guide Talents", + "RUNESMITHING": "Runesmithing", + "GRUDGES-CAP": "GRUDGES", + "GRUDGES": "Grudges", + "BLOOD-GRUDGES": "Blood Grudges", + "RESOLVED-GRUDGES": "Resolved Grudges", + "COMBAT-MODIFIERS": "Combat Modifiers:", + "RANGED-MODIFIERS": "Ranged Modifiers:", + "DECLARE-ACTION": "Declare Attack Options:", + "MAGIC-QUICK-MENU": "Magic Quickbar", + "MELEE-QUICK-MENU": "Melee Quickbar", + "RANGED-QUICK-MENU": "Ranged Quickbar", + "ANCESTRAL-GRUDGE": "Ancestral Grudge", + "BLUDGEONER": "Bludgeoner", + "BLUDGEONER-EFFECT": "Bludgeoner: Additional stuns +", + "DEMOLISHER": "Demolisher", + "DEMOLISHER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects using a Hack weapon", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT": "Demolisher: Additional Armor Dmg +", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT2": "Demolisher Ranged: Decreases cover by 1 lvl", + "DRAGON-BELCHER": "Dragon Belcher", + "DRAGON-BELCHER-EFFECT": "Dragon Belcher: Additional Broken +", + "ENTRENCHMENT": "Entrenchment", + "ENTRENCHMENT-SIT": "Trade when constructing protective cover", + "FORGEFIRE": "Forgefire", + "GLORIOUS-DEMISE": "Glorious Demise", + "HARPOONER": "Harpooner", + "KINGSGUARD": "Kingsguard", + "LIQUID-FORTIFICATION": "Liquid Fortification", + "LONG-MEMORY": "Long Memory", + "LONG-MEMORY-SIT": "Intelligence Tests to remember", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE": "Magic Defiance", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE-SIT": "Willpower Tests to use Magic Resistance", + "MASTER-RUNE-MAGIC": "Master Rune Magic", + "MAVERICK": "Maverick", + "MAVERICK-SIT": "Sail (Skycraft) Tests to fly fast and dangerous", + "RUNE-MAGIC": "Rune Magic", + "SHORT-FUSE": "Short Fuse", + "SHORT-FUSE-EFFECT": "Short Fuse: Additional", + "TIRELESS": "Tireless", + "UNDERMINER": "Underminer", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH": "Whirlwind of Death", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC": "Whirlwind of Death: Spend 1 Fortune to make a Melee attack against all creatures Engaged with you. The GM chooses one enemy to Oppose this Test. If your attack succeeds, you inflict the same Damage to the same Hit Location against all Engaged creatures, calculated as normal. Do not apply Criticals on Whirlwind of Death attacks, though Critical Wounds are inflicted on enemies reduced to 0 Wounds as normal.", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC2": "You cannot activate any other special attack options as part of a Whirlwind of Death. However, if a Character with Dual Wielder (WFRP Core Rulebook) is wielding two weapons as part of a Whirlwind of Death, they may Reverse their Melee attack Test.", + "WOD": "W.o.Death", "TALENT-INTEGRATION": "Talents Integration options", "OVERCAST-TABLE": " --=( Overcast Table )=-- \n SL Targets Damage Range AoE Duration \n 1 +1 +1 x2 N/a N/a \n 2 +1 +2 x2 N/a x2 \n 3 +1 +3 x2 x2 x2 \n 5 +2 +4 x3 x2 x2 \n 8 +2 +5 x3 x2 x3 \n 13 +2 +6 x3 x3 x3 \n 21 +3 +7 x4 x3 x3" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/nl.json b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/nl.json index d659672dc8ab..013b25bd2f2e 100644 --- a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/nl.json +++ b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/nl.json @@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ "ABBREVIATE-DEXTERITY": "Dex", "ABBREVIATE-INTELLIGENCE": "Int", "ABBREVIATE-WILL-POWER": "WP", + "ABBREVIATE-INT-WILL-POWER": "I+WP", "ABBREVIATE-FELLOWSHIP": "Fel", "ABBREVIATE-WOUNDS": "W", "ABBREVIATE-MOVEMENT": "M", @@ -362,13 +363,13 @@ "BESMIRCHED": "Besmirched", "TARGET-NUMBER": "Target Number", "TRIP": "Trip", - "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Opp Str/Ath test to try make the target Prone.", + "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Strength/Athletics test to cause Prone.", "UNBALANCED": "Unbalanced", "SPREAD": "Spread", "SLASH": "Slash", "XA": "XA", "WARPSTONE": "Warpstone", - "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: (+0) Cool/Endurance Test, if failed target gains 1 corruption", + "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: On hit inflicts Minor Corruption", "ZZAP": "ZZAP!", "ZZAP-EFFECT": "ZZAP!: -1 AP & Ignore Metal AP", "SLASH-EFFECT": "Slash: +1 Bleeding (Inc. by 1, for", @@ -1182,9 +1183,9 @@ "SLOW-EFFECT": "Slow: Defender Opposed test +1 SL", "TIRING": "Tiring", "HACK": "Hack", - "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg +1", + "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg + 1", "PUMMEL": "Pummel", - "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: Opposed (Str/End) to Stun", + "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: On hit Opp (Str/End) to Stun", "PENETRATING": "Penetrating", "PENETRATING-EFFECT": "Penetrating: -1 AP & Ignore non-Metal AP", "RELOAD": "Reload", @@ -1195,7 +1196,7 @@ "BLAST-EFFECT": "Blast: Dmg hits all within", "ACCURATE": "Accurate", "DISTRACT": "Distract", - "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back", + "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back Opposed SL", "WRAP": "Wrap", "WRAP-EFFECT": "Wrap: Defender Opposed test -1 SL Mod", "ENTANGLE": "Entangle", @@ -1204,37 +1205,48 @@ "TRAP-BLADE": "Trap Blade", "TRAP-BLADE-EFFECT": "Or Trap Blade : Opp Str test", "BLACKPOWDER": "Blackpowder", - "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", + "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Blackpowder: Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", "AMBIDEXTROUS": "Ambidextrous", "BEAT-BLADE": "Beat Blade", "ANIMAL-AFFINITY": "Animal Affinity", "ARCANE-MAGIC": "Arcane Magic", "ARGUMENTATIVE": "Argumentative", + "ARGUMENTATIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests when arguing and debating", "ARTISTIC": "Artistic", "ATTRACTIVE": "Attractive", + "ATTRACTIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests to influence those attracted to you", "ACUTE-SENSE": "Acute Sense", + "ACUTE-SENSE-SIT": "Perception (Sense)", "ACUTE-SENSE-SENSE": "Acute Sense (Sense)", "SENSE": "Sense", "ARCANE-MAGIC-LORE": "Arcane Magic (Lore)", "ALLEY-CAT": "Alley Cat", + "ALLEY-CAT-SIT": "Stealth (Urban)", "BATTLE-RAGE": "Battle Rage", "BENEATH-NOTICE": "Beneath Notice", + "BENEATH-NOTICE-SIT": "Stealth when in plain sight", "BLATHER": "Blather", + "BLATHER-SIT": "Charm to Blather", "BLESS": "Bless", "BOOKISH": "Bookish", - "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break & Enter", - "B&E": "B&E", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break and Enter", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects", + "B&E": "VsObject", "BRIBERY": "Bribery", "BRIBER": "Briber", "BERSERK-CHARGE": "Berserk Charge", "CARDSHARP": "Cardsharp", + "CARDSHARP-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing card games", "CAREFUL-STRIKE": "Careful Strike", "CAROUSER": "Carouser", + "CAROUSER-SIT": "Charm at Parties, Gossip at Parties, Consume Alcohol", "CATFALL": "Catfall", "CAT-TONGUED": "Cat-tongued", + "CAT-TONGUED-SIT": "Charm when lying", "CHAOS-MAGIC": "Chaos Magic", "CHAOS-MAGIC-LORE": "Chaos Magic (Lore)", "COMBAT-AWARE": "Combat Aware", + "COMBAT-AWARE-SIT": "Perception during melee", "COMBAT-MASTER": "Combat Master", "COMBAT-REFLEXES": "Combat Reflexes", "COMMANDING-PRESENCE": "Commanding Presence", @@ -1242,7 +1254,9 @@ "CONCOCT": "Concoct", "CONTORTIONIST": "Contortionist", "CRACK-THE-WHIP": "Crack the Whip", + "CRACK-THE-WHIP-SIT": "Drive or Ride Tests when Fleeing or Running", "CRAFTSMAN": "Craftsman", + "CRAFTSMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Trade Tests", "CRAFTSMAN-TRADE": "Craftsman (Trade)", "CREW-COMMANDER": "Crew Commander", "CRIMINAL": "Criminal", @@ -1250,8 +1264,10 @@ "DEADEYE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Deadeye Shot: Choose hit location", "DEALMAKER": "Dealmaker", "DETECT-ARTEFACT": "Detect Artefact", + "DETECT-ARTEFACT-SIT": "Intuition tests to detect magical artefacts", "DEF-STANCE": "Def. Stance", "DICEMAN": "Diceman", + "DICEMAN-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing dice games", "DIRTY-FIGHTING": "Dirty Fighting", "DISARM": "Disarm", "DISARM-1-DESC": "Disarm: Oppose with Melee & ignore Dmg", @@ -1270,14 +1286,21 @@ "DRILLED-EFFECT2": "lost Adv", "DRILLED-EFFECT3": "Drilled: Count as 2 at end of round", "DUAL-WIELDER": "Dual Wielder", + "DUAL-WIELD": "Dual Wield", + "DUAL-WIELD-MH": "Dual Wield Main", + "DUAL-WIELD-OH": "Dual Wield Off", + "DUAL-WIELDER-SIT": "Melee or Ranged when attacking with two weapons", "DUAL-WIELD-NOTE": "Dual Wielder 2nd Attack", "USE-DW": "Use Dual Wielder", "EMBEZZLE": "Embezzle", "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER": "Enclosed Fighter", + "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER-SIT": "Dodge in enclosed environments", "ETIQUETTE": "Etiquette", + "ETIQUETTE-SIT": "Charm and Gossip (Social Group)", "ETIQUETTE-GROUP": "Etiquette (Group)", "FAST-SHOT": "Fast Shot", "FAST-HANDS": "Fast Hands", + "FAST-HANDS-SIT": "Sleight of Hand, Melee (Brawling) to touch an opponent", "FEARLESS": "Fearless", "FEARLESS-ENEMY": "Fearless (Enemy)", "ENEMY": "Enemy", @@ -1286,6 +1309,7 @@ "FEINT-2-DESC": "If Won you may add any +SL to your next", "FEINT-3-DESC": "attack on the same target next turn", "FIELD-DRESSING": "Field Dressing", + "FIELD-DRESSING-SIT": "Heal during combat Rounds", "FISHERMAN": "Fisherman", "FLAGELLANT": "Flagellant", "FLEE!": "Flee!", @@ -1295,50 +1319,69 @@ "FURIOUS-ASSAULT": "Furious Assault", "FURIOUS-ASSAULT-EFFECT": "Furious Assault: On Hit", "GREGARIOUS": "Gregarious", + "GREGARIOUS-SIT": "Gossip Tests with travellers", "GUNNER": "Gunner", "GUNNER-EFFECT": "Gunner: +1 Group Advantage", "HATRED-GROUP": "Hatred (Group)", "HOLY-VISIONS": "Holy Visions", + "HOLY-VISIONS-SIT": "Intuition Tests when on holy ground", "HUNTERS-EYE": "Hunter's Eye", "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL": "Impassioned Zeal", + "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL-SIT": "Charm when speaking about your cause", "IMPLACABLE": "Implacable", "IN-FIGHTER": "In-fighter", "INFIGHT": "Infight", "INSPIRING": "Inspiring", + "INSPIRING-SIT": "Leadership during war", "INVOKE": "Invoke", "IRON-JAW": "Iron Jaw", + "IRON-JAW-SIT": "Endurance tests to resist Stunned", "IRON-WILL": "Iron Will", + "IRON-WILL-SIT": "Cool Tests to oppose Intimidate", "JUMP-UP": "Jump Up", "KINGPIN": "Kingpin", "LIGHTNING-REFLEXES": "Lightning Reflexes", "LUCK": "Luck", "LINGUISTICS": "Linguistics", "LIP-READING": "Lip Reading", + "LIP-READING-SIT": "Perception Tests concerning this Talent", "MAGICAL": "Magical", "MAGICAL-EFFECTS": "Magical Effects", "MAGICAL-SENSE": "Magical Sense", + "MAGICAL-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests to detect Wizards", "MAGICAL-ASSISTANT": "Magical Assistant", "MAGIC-RESISTANCE": "Magic Resistance", "MAGNUM-OPUS": "Magnum Opus", "MARKSMAN": "Marksman", "MASTER-AND-COMMANDER": "Master and Commander", "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE": "Master of Disguise", + "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) when being someone else", "MASTER-ORATOR": "Master Orator", "MASTER-TRADESMAN": "Master Tradesman", + "MASTER-TRADESMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Extended Trade Tests", "TRADE": "Trade", "MENACING": "Menacing", "MIMIC": "Mimic", + "MIMIC-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) Tests where accents are important", "NIGHT-VISION": "Night Vision", + "NIGHT-VISION-SIT": "Perception tests in low-light conditions", "NIMBLE-FINGERS": "Nimble Fingers", "NOBLE-BLOOD": "Noble Blood", + "NOBLE-BLOOD-SIT": "Any Test influenced by your Status", "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE": "Nose for Trouble", + "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE-SIT": "Any Test to spot Troublemakers", "NUMISMATICS": "Numismatics", + "NUMISMATICS-SIT": "Evaluate to establish the worth of coins", "OLD-SALT": "Old Salt", + "OLD-SALT-SIT": "Sail (any Sea-worthy Vessels)", "ORIENTATION": "Orientation", "PANHANDLE": "Panhandle", + "PANHANDLE-SIT": "Charm (Begging)", "PETTY-MAGIC": "Petty Magic", "PHARMACIST": "Pharmacist", + "PHARMACIST-SIT": "Trade (Apothecary)", "PILOT": "Pilot", + "PILOT-SIT": "Row or Sail Tests while navigating unsure waters", "PUBLIC-SPEAKER": "Public Speaker", "PURE-SOUL": "Pure Soul", "RAPID-RELOAD": "Rapid Reload", @@ -1347,6 +1390,7 @@ "READ/WRITE": "Read/Write", "RELENTLESS": "Relentless", "RESISTANCE": "Resistance", + "RESISTANCE-SIT": "All those to resist the associated Threat", "RESISTANCE-THREAT": "Resistance (Threat)", "THREAT": "Threat", "RESOLUTE": "Resolute", @@ -1365,7 +1409,9 @@ "SCHEMER": "Schemer", "SEA-LEGS": "Sea Legs", "SEASONED-TRAVELLER": "Seasoned Traveller", + "SEASONED-TRAVELLER-SIT": "Any Lore Test concerning local detail", "SECOND-SIGHT": "Second Sight", + "SECOND-SIGHT-SIT": "Any Test to detect the Winds of Magic", "SECRET-IDENTITY": "Secret Identity", "SHADOW": "Shadow", "SHARP": "Sharp", @@ -1376,17 +1422,22 @@ "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT": "Shieldsman: If Opp Roll lost", "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT2": "Spend 2 Adv to push 2 ft or do Dmg", "SIXTH-SENSE": "Sixth Sense", + "SIXTH-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests involving your Sixth Sense", "SLAYER": "Slayer", "SLAYER-EFFECT": "Slayer: Use target TB if > SB", "SLAYER-CRIT-EFFECT": "Slayer: Times ALL dmg by size diff", "SMALL": "Small", "SPEEDREADER": "Speedreader", + "SPEEDREADER-SIT": "Speedreader", "SPRINTER": "Sprinter", "STEP-ASIDE": "Step Aside", + "STEP-ASIDE-SIT": "Dodge Tests to activate this Talent", "STRIDER": "Strider", + "STRIDER-SIT": "Athletics Tests to traverse the Terrain", "STRIDER-TERRAIN": "Strider (Terrain)", "TERRAIN": "Terrain", "STOUT-HEARTED": "Stout-hearted", + "STOUT-HEARTED-SIT": "Cool Tests to remove Broken Conditions", "STONE-SOUP": "Stone Soup", "STRONG-LEGS": "Strong Legs", "STRONG-MINDED": "Strong-minded", @@ -1418,6 +1469,7 @@ "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Sure Shot: Ingore", "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT2": "AP on HitLoc", "SURGERY": "Surgery", + "SURGERY-SIT": "Heal Tests outside combat rounds; i.e. when you havetime to do it ‘properly’", "DANGEROUS": "Dangerous", "IMPRECISE": "Imprecise", "UNDAMAGING": "Undamaging", @@ -1427,21 +1479,29 @@ "STRIKE-TO-STUN": "Strike to Stun", "STRIKE-MIGHTY-BLOW": "Strike Mighty Blow", "TENACIOUS": "Tenacious", + "TENACIOUS-SIT": "Endurance Tests for enduring hardships", "TINKER": "Tinker", + "TINKER-SIT": "Trade Tests to repair broken items", "TOWER-OF-MEMORIES": "Tower Of Memories", "TRAPPER": "Trapper", + "TRAPPER-SIT": "Perception Tests to spot traps, Set Trap", "TRICK-RIDING": "Trick Riding", + "TRICK-RIDING-SIT": "Dodge Tests on Horseback, Ride (Horse)", "TUNNEL-RAT": "Tunnel Rat", + "TUNNEL-RAT-SIT": "Stealth Tests when underground", "UNSHAKABLE": "Unshakable", + "UNSHAKABLE-SIT": "Cool Tests to resist Blackpowder panic", "VERY-RESILIENT": "Very Resilient", "VERY-STRONG": "Very Strong", "VICE": "Vice", "WAR-LEADER": "War Leader", + "WAR-LEADER-SIT": "Leadership Tests during War", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT": "Targets gain +", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT2": "SL to WP test (1/round)", "WAR-WIZARD": "War Wizard", "WARRIOR-BORN": "Warrior Born", "WATERMAN": "Waterman", + "WATERMAN-SIT": "Sail Tests for river-going vessels", "WEALTHY": "Wealthy", "WELL-PREPARED": "Well-prepared", "WITCH!": "Witch!", @@ -1749,10 +1809,58 @@ "MEMBERS": "Members", "CREDITORS": "Creditors", "DISTRACTED": "Distracted", + "CREWED": "Crewed", + "SALVO": "Salvo", + "CHAR-ROLL": "Char Roll", "OOPS-TABLE": "Fumble/Oops Rules", "HOUSERULE1-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 1: Core Rule Book (Default)", "HOUSERULE2-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 2: Extended Rules V1.1 (by FighterChimp on Ratcatcher Guild Discord)", "IMPROVISED_WEAPON": "Improvised Weapon", + "CORE-TALENTS": "Core Talents", + "DWARF-TALENTS": "Dwarf Player's Guide Talents", + "RUNESMITHING": "Runesmithing", + "GRUDGES-CAP": "GRUDGES", + "GRUDGES": "Grudges", + "BLOOD-GRUDGES": "Blood Grudges", + "RESOLVED-GRUDGES": "Resolved Grudges", + "COMBAT-MODIFIERS": "Combat Modifiers:", + "RANGED-MODIFIERS": "Ranged Modifiers:", + "DECLARE-ACTION": "Declare Attack Options:", + "MAGIC-QUICK-MENU": "Magic Quickbar", + "MELEE-QUICK-MENU": "Melee Quickbar", + "RANGED-QUICK-MENU": "Ranged Quickbar", + "ANCESTRAL-GRUDGE": "Ancestral Grudge", + "BLUDGEONER": "Bludgeoner", + "BLUDGEONER-EFFECT": "Bludgeoner: Additional stuns +", + "DEMOLISHER": "Demolisher", + "DEMOLISHER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects using a Hack weapon", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT": "Demolisher: Additional Armor Dmg +", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT2": "Demolisher Ranged: Decreases cover by 1 lvl", + "DRAGON-BELCHER": "Dragon Belcher", + "DRAGON-BELCHER-EFFECT": "Dragon Belcher: Additional Broken +", + "ENTRENCHMENT": "Entrenchment", + "ENTRENCHMENT-SIT": "Trade when constructing protective cover", + "FORGEFIRE": "Forgefire", + "GLORIOUS-DEMISE": "Glorious Demise", + "HARPOONER": "Harpooner", + "KINGSGUARD": "Kingsguard", + "LIQUID-FORTIFICATION": "Liquid Fortification", + "LONG-MEMORY": "Long Memory", + "LONG-MEMORY-SIT": "Intelligence Tests to remember", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE": "Magic Defiance", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE-SIT": "Willpower Tests to use Magic Resistance", + "MASTER-RUNE-MAGIC": "Master Rune Magic", + "MAVERICK": "Maverick", + "MAVERICK-SIT": "Sail (Skycraft) Tests to fly fast and dangerous", + "RUNE-MAGIC": "Rune Magic", + "SHORT-FUSE": "Short Fuse", + "SHORT-FUSE-EFFECT": "Short Fuse: Additional", + "TIRELESS": "Tireless", + "UNDERMINER": "Underminer", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH": "Whirlwind of Death", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC": "Whirlwind of Death: Spend 1 Fortune to make a Melee attack against all creatures Engaged with you. The GM chooses one enemy to Oppose this Test. If your attack succeeds, you inflict the same Damage to the same Hit Location against all Engaged creatures, calculated as normal. Do not apply Criticals on Whirlwind of Death attacks, though Critical Wounds are inflicted on enemies reduced to 0 Wounds as normal.", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC2": "You cannot activate any other special attack options as part of a Whirlwind of Death. However, if a Character with Dual Wielder (WFRP Core Rulebook) is wielding two weapons as part of a Whirlwind of Death, they may Reverse their Melee attack Test.", + "WOD": "W.o.Death", "TALENT-INTEGRATION": "Talents Integration options", "OVERCAST-TABLE": " --=( Overcast Table )=-- \n SL Targets Damage Range AoE Duration \n 1 +1 +1 x2 N/a N/a \n 2 +1 +2 x2 N/a x2 \n 3 +1 +3 x2 x2 x2 \n 5 +2 +4 x3 x2 x2 \n 8 +2 +5 x3 x2 x3 \n 13 +2 +6 x3 x3 x3 \n 21 +3 +7 x4 x3 x3" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/pb.json b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/pb.json index a272288af505..0a5136bc9321 100644 --- a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/pb.json +++ b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/pb.json @@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ "ABBREVIATE-DEXTERITY": "Dex", "ABBREVIATE-INTELLIGENCE": "Int", "ABBREVIATE-WILL-POWER": "WP", + "ABBREVIATE-INT-WILL-POWER": "I+WP", "ABBREVIATE-FELLOWSHIP": "Fel", "ABBREVIATE-WOUNDS": "W", "ABBREVIATE-MOVEMENT": "M", @@ -362,13 +363,13 @@ "BESMIRCHED": "Besmirched", "TARGET-NUMBER": "Target Number", "TRIP": "Trip", - "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Opp Str/Ath test to try make the target Prone.", + "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Strength/Athletics test to cause Prone.", "UNBALANCED": "Unbalanced", "SPREAD": "Spread", "SLASH": "Slash", "XA": "XA", "WARPSTONE": "Warpstone", - "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: (+0) Cool/Endurance Test, if failed target gains 1 corruption", + "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: On hit inflicts Minor Corruption", "ZZAP": "ZZAP!", "ZZAP-EFFECT": "ZZAP!: -1 AP & Ignore Metal AP", "SLASH-EFFECT": "Slash: +1 Bleeding (Inc. by 1, for", @@ -1182,9 +1183,9 @@ "SLOW-EFFECT": "Slow: Defender Opposed test +1 SL", "TIRING": "Tiring", "HACK": "Hack", - "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg +1", + "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg + 1", "PUMMEL": "Pummel", - "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: Opposed (Str/End) to Stun", + "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: On hit Opp (Str/End) to Stun", "PENETRATING": "Penetrating", "PENETRATING-EFFECT": "Penetrating: -1 AP & Ignore non-Metal AP", "RELOAD": "Reload", @@ -1195,7 +1196,7 @@ "BLAST-EFFECT": "Blast: Dmg hits all within", "ACCURATE": "Accurate", "DISTRACT": "Distract", - "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back", + "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back Opposed SL", "WRAP": "Wrap", "WRAP-EFFECT": "Wrap: Defender Opposed test -1 SL Mod", "ENTANGLE": "Entangle", @@ -1204,37 +1205,48 @@ "TRAP-BLADE": "Trap Blade", "TRAP-BLADE-EFFECT": "Or Trap Blade : Opp Str test", "BLACKPOWDER": "Blackpowder", - "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", + "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Blackpowder: Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", "AMBIDEXTROUS": "Ambidextrous", "BEAT-BLADE": "Beat Blade", "ANIMAL-AFFINITY": "Animal Affinity", "ARCANE-MAGIC": "Arcane Magic", "ARGUMENTATIVE": "Argumentative", + "ARGUMENTATIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests when arguing and debating", "ARTISTIC": "Artistic", "ATTRACTIVE": "Attractive", + "ATTRACTIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests to influence those attracted to you", "ACUTE-SENSE": "Acute Sense", + "ACUTE-SENSE-SIT": "Perception (Sense)", "ACUTE-SENSE-SENSE": "Acute Sense (Sense)", "SENSE": "Sense", "ARCANE-MAGIC-LORE": "Arcane Magic (Lore)", "ALLEY-CAT": "Alley Cat", + "ALLEY-CAT-SIT": "Stealth (Urban)", "BATTLE-RAGE": "Battle Rage", "BENEATH-NOTICE": "Beneath Notice", + "BENEATH-NOTICE-SIT": "Stealth when in plain sight", "BLATHER": "Blather", + "BLATHER-SIT": "Charm to Blather", "BLESS": "Bless", "BOOKISH": "Bookish", - "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break & Enter", - "B&E": "B&E", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break and Enter", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects", + "B&E": "VsObject", "BRIBERY": "Bribery", "BRIBER": "Briber", "BERSERK-CHARGE": "Berserk Charge", "CARDSHARP": "Cardsharp", + "CARDSHARP-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing card games", "CAREFUL-STRIKE": "Careful Strike", "CAROUSER": "Carouser", + "CAROUSER-SIT": "Charm at Parties, Gossip at Parties, Consume Alcohol", "CATFALL": "Catfall", "CAT-TONGUED": "Cat-tongued", + "CAT-TONGUED-SIT": "Charm when lying", "CHAOS-MAGIC": "Chaos Magic", "CHAOS-MAGIC-LORE": "Chaos Magic (Lore)", "COMBAT-AWARE": "Combat Aware", + "COMBAT-AWARE-SIT": "Perception during melee", "COMBAT-MASTER": "Combat Master", "COMBAT-REFLEXES": "Combat Reflexes", "COMMANDING-PRESENCE": "Commanding Presence", @@ -1242,7 +1254,9 @@ "CONCOCT": "Concoct", "CONTORTIONIST": "Contortionist", "CRACK-THE-WHIP": "Crack the Whip", + "CRACK-THE-WHIP-SIT": "Drive or Ride Tests when Fleeing or Running", "CRAFTSMAN": "Craftsman", + "CRAFTSMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Trade Tests", "CRAFTSMAN-TRADE": "Craftsman (Trade)", "CREW-COMMANDER": "Crew Commander", "CRIMINAL": "Criminal", @@ -1250,8 +1264,10 @@ "DEADEYE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Deadeye Shot: Choose hit location", "DEALMAKER": "Dealmaker", "DETECT-ARTEFACT": "Detect Artefact", + "DETECT-ARTEFACT-SIT": "Intuition tests to detect magical artefacts", "DEF-STANCE": "Def. Stance", "DICEMAN": "Diceman", + "DICEMAN-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing dice games", "DIRTY-FIGHTING": "Dirty Fighting", "DISARM": "Disarm", "DISARM-1-DESC": "Disarm: Oppose with Melee & ignore Dmg", @@ -1270,14 +1286,21 @@ "DRILLED-EFFECT2": "lost Adv", "DRILLED-EFFECT3": "Drilled: Count as 2 at end of round", "DUAL-WIELDER": "Dual Wielder", + "DUAL-WIELD": "Dual Wield", + "DUAL-WIELD-MH": "Dual Wield Main", + "DUAL-WIELD-OH": "Dual Wield Off", + "DUAL-WIELDER-SIT": "Melee or Ranged when attacking with two weapons", "DUAL-WIELD-NOTE": "Dual Wielder 2nd Attack", "USE-DW": "Use Dual Wielder", "EMBEZZLE": "Embezzle", "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER": "Enclosed Fighter", + "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER-SIT": "Dodge in enclosed environments", "ETIQUETTE": "Etiquette", + "ETIQUETTE-SIT": "Charm and Gossip (Social Group)", "ETIQUETTE-GROUP": "Etiquette (Group)", "FAST-SHOT": "Fast Shot", "FAST-HANDS": "Fast Hands", + "FAST-HANDS-SIT": "Sleight of Hand, Melee (Brawling) to touch an opponent", "FEARLESS": "Fearless", "FEARLESS-ENEMY": "Fearless (Enemy)", "ENEMY": "Enemy", @@ -1286,6 +1309,7 @@ "FEINT-2-DESC": "If Won you may add any +SL to your next", "FEINT-3-DESC": "attack on the same target next turn", "FIELD-DRESSING": "Field Dressing", + "FIELD-DRESSING-SIT": "Heal during combat Rounds", "FISHERMAN": "Fisherman", "FLAGELLANT": "Flagellant", "FLEE!": "Flee!", @@ -1295,50 +1319,69 @@ "FURIOUS-ASSAULT": "Furious Assault", "FURIOUS-ASSAULT-EFFECT": "Furious Assault: On Hit", "GREGARIOUS": "Gregarious", + "GREGARIOUS-SIT": "Gossip Tests with travellers", "GUNNER": "Gunner", "GUNNER-EFFECT": "Gunner: +1 Group Advantage", "HATRED-GROUP": "Hatred (Group)", "HOLY-VISIONS": "Holy Visions", + "HOLY-VISIONS-SIT": "Intuition Tests when on holy ground", "HUNTERS-EYE": "Hunter's Eye", "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL": "Impassioned Zeal", + "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL-SIT": "Charm when speaking about your cause", "IMPLACABLE": "Implacable", "IN-FIGHTER": "In-fighter", "INFIGHT": "Infight", "INSPIRING": "Inspiring", + "INSPIRING-SIT": "Leadership during war", "INVOKE": "Invoke", "IRON-JAW": "Iron Jaw", + "IRON-JAW-SIT": "Endurance tests to resist Stunned", "IRON-WILL": "Iron Will", + "IRON-WILL-SIT": "Cool Tests to oppose Intimidate", "JUMP-UP": "Jump Up", "KINGPIN": "Kingpin", "LIGHTNING-REFLEXES": "Lightning Reflexes", "LUCK": "Luck", "LINGUISTICS": "Linguistics", "LIP-READING": "Lip Reading", + "LIP-READING-SIT": "Perception Tests concerning this Talent", "MAGICAL": "Magical", "MAGICAL-EFFECTS": "Magical Effects", "MAGICAL-SENSE": "Magical Sense", + "MAGICAL-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests to detect Wizards", "MAGICAL-ASSISTANT": "Magical Assistant", "MAGIC-RESISTANCE": "Magic Resistance", "MAGNUM-OPUS": "Magnum Opus", "MARKSMAN": "Marksman", "MASTER-AND-COMMANDER": "Master and Commander", "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE": "Master of Disguise", + "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) when being someone else", "MASTER-ORATOR": "Master Orator", "MASTER-TRADESMAN": "Master Tradesman", + "MASTER-TRADESMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Extended Trade Tests", "TRADE": "Trade", "MENACING": "Menacing", "MIMIC": "Mimic", + "MIMIC-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) Tests where accents are important", "NIGHT-VISION": "Night Vision", + "NIGHT-VISION-SIT": "Perception tests in low-light conditions", "NIMBLE-FINGERS": "Nimble Fingers", "NOBLE-BLOOD": "Noble Blood", + "NOBLE-BLOOD-SIT": "Any Test influenced by your Status", "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE": "Nose for Trouble", + "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE-SIT": "Any Test to spot Troublemakers", "NUMISMATICS": "Numismatics", + "NUMISMATICS-SIT": "Evaluate to establish the worth of coins", "OLD-SALT": "Old Salt", + "OLD-SALT-SIT": "Sail (any Sea-worthy Vessels)", "ORIENTATION": "Orientation", "PANHANDLE": "Panhandle", + "PANHANDLE-SIT": "Charm (Begging)", "PETTY-MAGIC": "Petty Magic", "PHARMACIST": "Pharmacist", + "PHARMACIST-SIT": "Trade (Apothecary)", "PILOT": "Pilot", + "PILOT-SIT": "Row or Sail Tests while navigating unsure waters", "PUBLIC-SPEAKER": "Public Speaker", "PURE-SOUL": "Pure Soul", "RAPID-RELOAD": "Rapid Reload", @@ -1347,6 +1390,7 @@ "READ/WRITE": "Read/Write", "RELENTLESS": "Relentless", "RESISTANCE": "Resistance", + "RESISTANCE-SIT": "All those to resist the associated Threat", "RESISTANCE-THREAT": "Resistance (Threat)", "THREAT": "Threat", "RESOLUTE": "Resolute", @@ -1365,7 +1409,9 @@ "SCHEMER": "Schemer", "SEA-LEGS": "Sea Legs", "SEASONED-TRAVELLER": "Seasoned Traveller", + "SEASONED-TRAVELLER-SIT": "Any Lore Test concerning local detail", "SECOND-SIGHT": "Second Sight", + "SECOND-SIGHT-SIT": "Any Test to detect the Winds of Magic", "SECRET-IDENTITY": "Secret Identity", "SHADOW": "Shadow", "SHARP": "Sharp", @@ -1376,17 +1422,22 @@ "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT": "Shieldsman: If Opp Roll lost", "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT2": "Spend 2 Adv to push 2 ft or do Dmg", "SIXTH-SENSE": "Sixth Sense", + "SIXTH-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests involving your Sixth Sense", "SLAYER": "Slayer", "SLAYER-EFFECT": "Slayer: Use target TB if > SB", "SLAYER-CRIT-EFFECT": "Slayer: Times ALL dmg by size diff", "SMALL": "Small", "SPEEDREADER": "Speedreader", + "SPEEDREADER-SIT": "Speedreader", "SPRINTER": "Sprinter", "STEP-ASIDE": "Step Aside", + "STEP-ASIDE-SIT": "Dodge Tests to activate this Talent", "STRIDER": "Strider", + "STRIDER-SIT": "Athletics Tests to traverse the Terrain", "STRIDER-TERRAIN": "Strider (Terrain)", "TERRAIN": "Terrain", "STOUT-HEARTED": "Stout-hearted", + "STOUT-HEARTED-SIT": "Cool Tests to remove Broken Conditions", "STONE-SOUP": "Stone Soup", "STRONG-LEGS": "Strong Legs", "STRONG-MINDED": "Strong-minded", @@ -1418,6 +1469,7 @@ "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Sure Shot: Ingore", "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT2": "AP on HitLoc", "SURGERY": "Surgery", + "SURGERY-SIT": "Heal Tests outside combat rounds; i.e. when you havetime to do it ‘properly’", "DANGEROUS": "Dangerous", "IMPRECISE": "Imprecise", "UNDAMAGING": "Undamaging", @@ -1427,21 +1479,29 @@ "STRIKE-TO-STUN": "Strike to Stun", "STRIKE-MIGHTY-BLOW": "Strike Mighty Blow", "TENACIOUS": "Tenacious", + "TENACIOUS-SIT": "Endurance Tests for enduring hardships", "TINKER": "Tinker", + "TINKER-SIT": "Trade Tests to repair broken items", "TOWER-OF-MEMORIES": "Tower Of Memories", "TRAPPER": "Trapper", + "TRAPPER-SIT": "Perception Tests to spot traps, Set Trap", "TRICK-RIDING": "Trick Riding", + "TRICK-RIDING-SIT": "Dodge Tests on Horseback, Ride (Horse)", "TUNNEL-RAT": "Tunnel Rat", + "TUNNEL-RAT-SIT": "Stealth Tests when underground", "UNSHAKABLE": "Unshakable", + "UNSHAKABLE-SIT": "Cool Tests to resist Blackpowder panic", "VERY-RESILIENT": "Very Resilient", "VERY-STRONG": "Very Strong", "VICE": "Vice", "WAR-LEADER": "War Leader", + "WAR-LEADER-SIT": "Leadership Tests during War", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT": "Targets gain +", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT2": "SL to WP test (1/round)", "WAR-WIZARD": "War Wizard", "WARRIOR-BORN": "Warrior Born", "WATERMAN": "Waterman", + "WATERMAN-SIT": "Sail Tests for river-going vessels", "WEALTHY": "Wealthy", "WELL-PREPARED": "Well-prepared", "WITCH!": "Witch!", @@ -1749,10 +1809,58 @@ "MEMBERS": "Members", "CREDITORS": "Creditors", "DISTRACTED": "Distracted", + "CREWED": "Crewed", + "SALVO": "Salvo", + "CHAR-ROLL": "Char Roll", "OOPS-TABLE": "Fumble/Oops Rules", "HOUSERULE1-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 1: Core Rule Book (Default)", "HOUSERULE2-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 2: Extended Rules V1.1 (by FighterChimp on Ratcatcher Guild Discord)", "IMPROVISED_WEAPON": "Improvised Weapon", + "CORE-TALENTS": "Core Talents", + "DWARF-TALENTS": "Dwarf Player's Guide Talents", + "RUNESMITHING": "Runesmithing", + "GRUDGES-CAP": "GRUDGES", + "GRUDGES": "Grudges", + "BLOOD-GRUDGES": "Blood Grudges", + "RESOLVED-GRUDGES": "Resolved Grudges", + "COMBAT-MODIFIERS": "Combat Modifiers:", + "RANGED-MODIFIERS": "Ranged Modifiers:", + "DECLARE-ACTION": "Declare Attack Options:", + "MAGIC-QUICK-MENU": "Magic Quickbar", + "MELEE-QUICK-MENU": "Melee Quickbar", + "RANGED-QUICK-MENU": "Ranged Quickbar", + "ANCESTRAL-GRUDGE": "Ancestral Grudge", + "BLUDGEONER": "Bludgeoner", + "BLUDGEONER-EFFECT": "Bludgeoner: Additional stuns +", + "DEMOLISHER": "Demolisher", + "DEMOLISHER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects using a Hack weapon", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT": "Demolisher: Additional Armor Dmg +", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT2": "Demolisher Ranged: Decreases cover by 1 lvl", + "DRAGON-BELCHER": "Dragon Belcher", + "DRAGON-BELCHER-EFFECT": "Dragon Belcher: Additional Broken +", + "ENTRENCHMENT": "Entrenchment", + "ENTRENCHMENT-SIT": "Trade when constructing protective cover", + "FORGEFIRE": "Forgefire", + "GLORIOUS-DEMISE": "Glorious Demise", + "HARPOONER": "Harpooner", + "KINGSGUARD": "Kingsguard", + "LIQUID-FORTIFICATION": "Liquid Fortification", + "LONG-MEMORY": "Long Memory", + "LONG-MEMORY-SIT": "Intelligence Tests to remember", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE": "Magic Defiance", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE-SIT": "Willpower Tests to use Magic Resistance", + "MASTER-RUNE-MAGIC": "Master Rune Magic", + "MAVERICK": "Maverick", + "MAVERICK-SIT": "Sail (Skycraft) Tests to fly fast and dangerous", + "RUNE-MAGIC": "Rune Magic", + "SHORT-FUSE": "Short Fuse", + "SHORT-FUSE-EFFECT": "Short Fuse: Additional", + "TIRELESS": "Tireless", + "UNDERMINER": "Underminer", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH": "Whirlwind of Death", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC": "Whirlwind of Death: Spend 1 Fortune to make a Melee attack against all creatures Engaged with you. The GM chooses one enemy to Oppose this Test. If your attack succeeds, you inflict the same Damage to the same Hit Location against all Engaged creatures, calculated as normal. Do not apply Criticals on Whirlwind of Death attacks, though Critical Wounds are inflicted on enemies reduced to 0 Wounds as normal.", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC2": "You cannot activate any other special attack options as part of a Whirlwind of Death. However, if a Character with Dual Wielder (WFRP Core Rulebook) is wielding two weapons as part of a Whirlwind of Death, they may Reverse their Melee attack Test.", + "WOD": "W.o.Death", "TALENT-INTEGRATION": "Talents Integration options", "OVERCAST-TABLE": " --=( Overcast Table )=-- \n SL Targets Damage Range AoE Duration \n 1 +1 +1 x2 N/a N/a \n 2 +1 +2 x2 N/a x2 \n 3 +1 +3 x2 x2 x2 \n 5 +2 +4 x3 x2 x2 \n 8 +2 +5 x3 x2 x3 \n 13 +2 +6 x3 x3 x3 \n 21 +3 +7 x4 x3 x3" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/pl.json b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/pl.json index f532236b1822..de5245b072d1 100644 --- a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/pl.json +++ b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/pl.json @@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ "ABBREVIATE-DEXTERITY": "Zr", "ABBREVIATE-INTELLIGENCE": "Int", "ABBREVIATE-WILL-POWER": "SW", + "ABBREVIATE-INT-WILL-POWER": "I+WP", "ABBREVIATE-FELLOWSHIP": "Ogd", "ABBREVIATE-WOUNDS": "Żyw", "ABBREVIATE-MOVEMENT": "Sz", @@ -362,13 +363,13 @@ "BESMIRCHED": "Besmirched", "TARGET-NUMBER": "Trudność testu", "TRIP": "Powalająca", - "TRIP-EFFECT": "Powalająca: Przy trafieniu możesz wydać 2 Przewagi, żeby powalić cel (Siła/Atletyka)", + "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Strength/Athletics test to cause Prone.", "UNBALANCED": "Niewyważona", "SPREAD": "Rozrzut", "SLASH": "Sieczna", "XA": "XP", "WARPSTONE": "Warpstone", - "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Spaczenie: (+0) Test opanowania/wytrzymałości, jeśli test się nie powiedzie, otrzymuje 1 punkt zepsucia", + "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: On hit inflicts Minor Corruption", "ZZAP": "ZZAP!", "ZZAP-EFFECT": "ZZAP!: -1 AP & Ignore Metal AP", "SLASH-EFFECT": "Sieczna: +1 Krwawienie (+1 za każde", @@ -1182,9 +1183,9 @@ "SLOW-EFFECT": "Powolna: Obrońca +1 PS", "TIRING": "Ciężka", "HACK": "Rąbiąca", - "HACK-EFFECT": "Rąbiąca: Pancerz na Miejscu Traf. +1 Dmg", + "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg + 1", "PUMMEL": "Ogłuszająca", - "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Ogłuszająca: Przeciwstawny (Siła/Odp), żeby ogłuszyć", + "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: On hit Opp (Str/End) to Stun", "PENETRATING": "Przekłuwająca", "PENETRATING-EFFECT": "Penetrating: -1 AP & Ignore non-Metal AP", "RELOAD": "Przeład", @@ -1195,7 +1196,7 @@ "BLAST-EFFECT": "Odłamkowa: Obr dla każdego w promieniu ", "ACCURATE": "Celna", "DISTRACT": "Dekoncentrująca", - "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Dekoncentrująca: Zadaj Obrażenia lub odepchnij wroga", + "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back Opposed SL", "WRAP": "Plącząca", "WRAP-EFFECT": "Plącząca: Obrońca -1 PS", "ENTANGLE": "Unieruchamiająca", @@ -1204,37 +1205,48 @@ "TRAP-BLADE": "Łamacz mieczy", "TRAP-BLADE-EFFECT": "Lub zablokuj Broń: Test Przeciw Siły", "BLACKPOWDER": "Prochowa", - "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Opanowanie (+20) lub +1 Panika", + "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Blackpowder: Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", "AMBIDEXTROUS": "Oburęczność", "BEAT-BLADE": "Zbicie Broni", "ANIMAL-AFFINITY": "Posłuch u Zwierząt", "ARCANE-MAGIC": "Magia Tajemna", "ARGUMENTATIVE": "Przekonujący", + "ARGUMENTATIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests when arguing and debating", "ARTISTIC": "Talent Artystyczny", "ATTRACTIVE": "Atrakcyjny", + "ATTRACTIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests to influence those attracted to you", "ACUTE-SENSE": "Wyczulony Zmysł", + "ACUTE-SENSE-SIT": "Perception (Sense)", "ACUTE-SENSE-SENSE": "Wyczulony Zmysł", "SENSE": "Zmysł", "ARCANE-MAGIC-LORE": "Magia Tajemna (Tradycja)", "ALLEY-CAT": "Ulicznik", + "ALLEY-CAT-SIT": "Stealth (Urban)", "BATTLE-RAGE": "Bitewna Furia", "BENEATH-NOTICE": "Niegodny Uwagi", + "BENEATH-NOTICE-SIT": "Stealth when in plain sight", "BLATHER": "Gadanina", + "BLATHER-SIT": "Charm to Blather", "BLESS": "Błogosławieństwo", "BOOKISH": "Mól Książkowy", - "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Wtargnięcie z Włamaniem", - "B&E": "WzW", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break and Enter", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects", + "B&E": "VsObject", "BRIBERY": "Przekupstwo", "BRIBER": "Łapówkarz", "BERSERK-CHARGE": "Berserkerska Szarża", "CARDSHARP": "Szuler", + "CARDSHARP-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing card games", "CAREFUL-STRIKE": "Cios Mierzony", "CAROUSER": "Hulaka", + "CAROUSER-SIT": "Charm at Parties, Gossip at Parties, Consume Alcohol", "CATFALL": "Na Cztery Łapy", "CAT-TONGUED": "Gładkie Słówka", + "CAT-TONGUED-SIT": "Charm when lying", "CHAOS-MAGIC": "Magia Chaosu", "CHAOS-MAGIC-LORE": "Magia Chaosu (Tradycja)", "COMBAT-AWARE": "Zmysł Bitewny", + "COMBAT-AWARE-SIT": "Perception during melee", "COMBAT-MASTER": "Mistrz Walki", "COMBAT-REFLEXES": "Bitewny Refleks", "COMMANDING-PRESENCE": "Władcza Postura", @@ -1242,7 +1254,9 @@ "CONCOCT": "Przyrządzanie Mikstur", "CONTORTIONIST": "Człowiek Guma", "CRACK-THE-WHIP": "Z Bata", + "CRACK-THE-WHIP-SIT": "Drive or Ride Tests when Fleeing or Running", "CRAFTSMAN": "Wytwórca", + "CRAFTSMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Trade Tests", "CRAFTSMAN-TRADE": "Wytwórca (Rzemiosło)", "CREW-COMMANDER": "Dowódca Załogi", "CRIMINAL": "Przestępca", @@ -1250,8 +1264,10 @@ "DEADEYE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Prosto Między Oczy: Wybierz Miejsce Trafienia", "DEALMAKER": "Żyłka Handlowa", "DETECT-ARTEFACT": "Rozpoznanie Artefaktu", + "DETECT-ARTEFACT-SIT": "Intuition tests to detect magical artefacts", "DEF-STANCE": "Postawa obronna", "DICEMAN": "Szuler Kościany", + "DICEMAN-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing dice games", "DIRTY-FIGHTING": "Cios Poniżej Pasa", "DISARM": "Rozbrojenie", "DISARM-1-DESC": "Rozbrojenie: Ignoruj Obrażenia", @@ -1270,14 +1286,21 @@ "DRILLED-EFFECT2": "Przewagi", "DRILLED-EFFECT3": "Musztra: Liczysz się jako 2 na końcu Rundy", "DUAL-WIELDER": "Dwie Bronie", + "DUAL-WIELD": "Dual Wield", + "DUAL-WIELD-MH": "Dual Wield Main", + "DUAL-WIELD-OH": "Dual Wield Off", + "DUAL-WIELDER-SIT": "Melee or Ranged when attacking with two weapons", "DUAL-WIELD-NOTE": "Drugi Atak", "USE-DW": "Użyj Dwóch Broni", "EMBEZZLE": "Defraudant", "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER": "Walka w Ciasnocie", + "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER-SIT": "Dodge in enclosed environments", "ETIQUETTE": "Etykieta", + "ETIQUETTE-SIT": "Charm and Gossip (Social Group)", "ETIQUETTE-GROUP": "Etykieta (Grupa)", "FAST-SHOT": "Błyskawiczny Strzał", "FAST-HANDS": "Ruchliwe Dłonie", + "FAST-HANDS-SIT": "Sleight of Hand, Melee (Brawling) to touch an opponent", "FEARLESS": "Nieustraszony", "FEARLESS-ENEMY": "Nieustraszony (wróg)", "ENEMY": "Wróg", @@ -1286,6 +1309,7 @@ "FEINT-2-DESC": "Jeśli wygrasz, dodaj PS do swojego następnego", "FEINT-3-DESC": "ataku w ten sam cel w następnej turze", "FIELD-DRESSING": "Pierwsza Pomoc", + "FIELD-DRESSING-SIT": "Heal during combat Rounds", "FISHERMAN": "Rybak", "FLAGELLANT": "Biczownik", "FLEE!": "Chodu!", @@ -1295,50 +1319,69 @@ "FURIOUS-ASSAULT": "Wściekły Atak", "FURIOUS-ASSAULT-EFFECT": "Wściekły Atak: przy Trafieniu", "GREGARIOUS": "Towarzyski", + "GREGARIOUS-SIT": "Gossip Tests with travellers", "GUNNER": "Artylerzysta", "GUNNER-EFFECT": "Artylerzysta: Przewaga Grupy +1", "HATRED-GROUP": "Nienawiść (Grupa)", "HOLY-VISIONS": "Święte Wizje", + "HOLY-VISIONS-SIT": "Intuition Tests when on holy ground", "HUNTERS-EYE": "Oko Łowcy", "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL": "Porywająca Gorliwość", + "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL-SIT": "Charm when speaking about your cause", "IMPLACABLE": "Nieubłagany", "IN-FIGHTER": "Skrócenie Dystansu", "INFIGHT": "Walka kontaktowa", "INSPIRING": "Inspirujący", + "INSPIRING-SIT": "Leadership during war", "INVOKE": "Inwokacja", "IRON-JAW": "Żelazna Szczęka", + "IRON-JAW-SIT": "Endurance tests to resist Stunned", "IRON-WILL": "Żelazna Wola", + "IRON-WILL-SIT": "Cool Tests to oppose Intimidate", "JUMP-UP": "Sprężynka", "KINGPIN": "Szycha", "LIGHTNING-REFLEXES": "Szybki Refleks", "LUCK": "Szczęście", "LINGUISTICS": "Poliglota", "LIP-READING": "Czytanie z Ruchu Warg", + "LIP-READING-SIT": "Perception Tests concerning this Talent", "MAGICAL": "Magiczna", "MAGICAL-EFFECTS": "Efekty magiczne", "MAGICAL-SENSE": "Wykrywanie Magii", + "MAGICAL-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests to detect Wizards", "MAGICAL-ASSISTANT": "Magiczny Asystent", "MAGIC-RESISTANCE": "Odporność na Magię", "MAGNUM-OPUS": "Arcydzieło", "MARKSMAN": "Strzelec Wyborowy", "MASTER-AND-COMMANDER": "Master and Commander", "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE": "Mistrz Charakteryzacji", + "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) when being someone else", "MASTER-ORATOR": "Krasomówstwo", "MASTER-TRADESMAN": "Mistrz Rzemiosła", + "MASTER-TRADESMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Extended Trade Tests", "TRADE": "Rzemiosło", "MENACING": "Groźny", "MIMIC": "Naśladowca", + "MIMIC-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) Tests where accents are important", "NIGHT-VISION": "Widzenie w Ciemności", + "NIGHT-VISION-SIT": "Perception tests in low-light conditions", "NIMBLE-FINGERS": "Zręczny", "NOBLE-BLOOD": "Błękitna Krew", + "NOBLE-BLOOD-SIT": "Any Test influenced by your Status", "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE": "Nos do Kłopotów", + "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE-SIT": "Any Test to spot Troublemakers", "NUMISMATICS": "Numizmatyka", + "NUMISMATICS-SIT": "Evaluate to establish the worth of coins", "OLD-SALT": "Wilk Morski", + "OLD-SALT-SIT": "Sail (any Sea-worthy Vessels)", "ORIENTATION": "Wyczucie Kierunku", "PANHANDLE": "Naciągacz", + "PANHANDLE-SIT": "Charm (Begging)", "PETTY-MAGIC": "Magia Prosta", "PHARMACIST": "Pharmacist", + "PHARMACIST-SIT": "Trade (Apothecary)", "PILOT": "Pilot", + "PILOT-SIT": "Row or Sail Tests while navigating unsure waters", "PUBLIC-SPEAKER": "Mówca", "PURE-SOUL": "Czysta Dusza", "RAPID-RELOAD": "Szybkie Przeładowanie", @@ -1347,6 +1390,7 @@ "READ/WRITE": "Czytanie/Pisanie", "RELENTLESS": "Nieustępliwy", "RESISTANCE": "Odporny na", + "RESISTANCE-SIT": "All those to resist the associated Threat", "RESISTANCE-THREAT": "Odporny na (Zagrożenie)", "THREAT": "Zagrożenie", "RESOLUTE": "Nieugięty", @@ -1365,7 +1409,9 @@ "SCHEMER": "Intrygant", "SEA-LEGS": "Urodzony Żeglarz", "SEASONED-TRAVELLER": "Obieżyświat", + "SEASONED-TRAVELLER-SIT": "Any Lore Test concerning local detail", "SECOND-SIGHT": "Percepcja Magiczna", + "SECOND-SIGHT-SIT": "Any Test to detect the Winds of Magic", "SECRET-IDENTITY": "Sekretna Tożsamość", "SHADOW": "Cień", "SHARP": "Czujny", @@ -1376,17 +1422,22 @@ "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT": "Shieldsman: If Opp Roll lost", "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT2": "Spend 2 Adv to push 2 ft or do Dmg", "SIXTH-SENSE": "Szósty Zmysł", + "SIXTH-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests involving your Sixth Sense", "SLAYER": "Zabójca", "SLAYER-EFFECT": "Zabójca: Użyj BWt wroga, jeśli większy niż twój BS", "SLAYER-CRIT-EFFECT": "Slayer: Times ALL dmg by size diff", "SMALL": "Mały", "SPEEDREADER": "Szybkie Czytanie", + "SPEEDREADER-SIT": "Speedreader", "SPRINTER": "Szybkobiegacz", "STEP-ASIDE": "Zejście z Linii", + "STEP-ASIDE-SIT": "Dodge Tests to activate this Talent", "STRIDER": "Doświadczony Wędrowiec", + "STRIDER-SIT": "Athletics Tests to traverse the Terrain", "STRIDER-TERRAIN": "Doświadczony Wędrowiec (Teren)", "TERRAIN": "Teren", "STOUT-HEARTED": "Waleczne Serce", + "STOUT-HEARTED-SIT": "Cool Tests to remove Broken Conditions", "STONE-SOUP": "Wstrzemięźliwy", "STRONG-LEGS": "Silne Nogi", "STRONG-MINDED": "Odporność Psychiczna", @@ -1418,6 +1469,7 @@ "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Strzał Przebijający: Ignoruj", "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT2": "PP w Miejscu Trafienia", "SURGERY": "Chirurgia", + "SURGERY-SIT": "Heal Tests outside combat rounds; i.e. when you havetime to do it ‘properly’", "DANGEROUS": "Niebezpieczna", "IMPRECISE": "Nieprecyzyjna", "UNDAMAGING": "Tępa", @@ -1427,21 +1479,29 @@ "STRIKE-TO-STUN": "Ogłuszenie", "STRIKE-MIGHTY-BLOW": "Silny Cios", "TENACIOUS": "Wytrwały", + "TENACIOUS-SIT": "Endurance Tests for enduring hardships", "TINKER": "Złota Rączka", + "TINKER-SIT": "Trade Tests to repair broken items", "TOWER-OF-MEMORIES": "Wieża Pamięci", "TRAPPER": "Traper", + "TRAPPER-SIT": "Perception Tests to spot traps, Set Trap", "TRICK-RIDING": "Woltyżerka", + "TRICK-RIDING-SIT": "Dodge Tests on Horseback, Ride (Horse)", "TUNNEL-RAT": "Szczur Tunelowy", + "TUNNEL-RAT-SIT": "Stealth Tests when underground", "UNSHAKABLE": "Niewzruszony", + "UNSHAKABLE-SIT": "Cool Tests to resist Blackpowder panic", "VERY-RESILIENT": "Niezwykle Odporny", "VERY-STRONG": "Bardzo Silny", "VICE": "Nałóg", "WAR-LEADER": "Wódz", + "WAR-LEADER-SIT": "Leadership Tests during War", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT": "Cele otrzymują +", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT2": "PS do Testów Siły Woli (raz na rundę)", "WAR-WIZARD": "Mag Bitewny", "WARRIOR-BORN": "Urodzony Wojownik", "WATERMAN": "Wodniak", + "WATERMAN-SIT": "Sail Tests for river-going vessels", "WEALTHY": "Majętny", "WELL-PREPARED": "Dobrze Przygotowany", "WITCH!": "Czarownica!", @@ -1749,10 +1809,58 @@ "MEMBERS": "Members", "CREDITORS": "Creditors", "DISTRACTED": "Distracted", + "CREWED": "Crewed", + "SALVO": "Salvo", + "CHAR-ROLL": "Char Roll", "OOPS-TABLE": "Fumble/Oops Rules", "HOUSERULE1-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 1: Core Rule Book (Default)", "HOUSERULE2-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 2: Extended Rules V1.1 (by FighterChimp on Ratcatcher Guild Discord)", "IMPROVISED_WEAPON": "Improvised Weapon", + "CORE-TALENTS": "Core Talents", + "DWARF-TALENTS": "Dwarf Player's Guide Talents", + "RUNESMITHING": "Runesmithing", + "GRUDGES-CAP": "GRUDGES", + "GRUDGES": "Grudges", + "BLOOD-GRUDGES": "Blood Grudges", + "RESOLVED-GRUDGES": "Resolved Grudges", + "COMBAT-MODIFIERS": "Combat Modifiers:", + "RANGED-MODIFIERS": "Ranged Modifiers:", + "DECLARE-ACTION": "Declare Attack Options:", + "MAGIC-QUICK-MENU": "Magic Quickbar", + "MELEE-QUICK-MENU": "Melee Quickbar", + "RANGED-QUICK-MENU": "Ranged Quickbar", + "ANCESTRAL-GRUDGE": "Ancestral Grudge", + "BLUDGEONER": "Bludgeoner", + "BLUDGEONER-EFFECT": "Bludgeoner: Additional stuns +", + "DEMOLISHER": "Demolisher", + "DEMOLISHER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects using a Hack weapon", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT": "Demolisher: Additional Armor Dmg +", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT2": "Demolisher Ranged: Decreases cover by 1 lvl", + "DRAGON-BELCHER": "Dragon Belcher", + "DRAGON-BELCHER-EFFECT": "Dragon Belcher: Additional Broken +", + "ENTRENCHMENT": "Entrenchment", + "ENTRENCHMENT-SIT": "Trade when constructing protective cover", + "FORGEFIRE": "Forgefire", + "GLORIOUS-DEMISE": "Glorious Demise", + "HARPOONER": "Harpooner", + "KINGSGUARD": "Kingsguard", + "LIQUID-FORTIFICATION": "Liquid Fortification", + "LONG-MEMORY": "Long Memory", + "LONG-MEMORY-SIT": "Intelligence Tests to remember", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE": "Magic Defiance", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE-SIT": "Willpower Tests to use Magic Resistance", + "MASTER-RUNE-MAGIC": "Master Rune Magic", + "MAVERICK": "Maverick", + "MAVERICK-SIT": "Sail (Skycraft) Tests to fly fast and dangerous", + "RUNE-MAGIC": "Rune Magic", + "SHORT-FUSE": "Short Fuse", + "SHORT-FUSE-EFFECT": "Short Fuse: Additional", + "TIRELESS": "Tireless", + "UNDERMINER": "Underminer", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH": "Whirlwind of Death", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC": "Whirlwind of Death: Spend 1 Fortune to make a Melee attack against all creatures Engaged with you. The GM chooses one enemy to Oppose this Test. If your attack succeeds, you inflict the same Damage to the same Hit Location against all Engaged creatures, calculated as normal. Do not apply Criticals on Whirlwind of Death attacks, though Critical Wounds are inflicted on enemies reduced to 0 Wounds as normal.", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC2": "You cannot activate any other special attack options as part of a Whirlwind of Death. However, if a Character with Dual Wielder (WFRP Core Rulebook) is wielding two weapons as part of a Whirlwind of Death, they may Reverse their Melee attack Test.", + "WOD": "W.o.Death", "TALENT-INTEGRATION": "Talents Integration options", "OVERCAST-TABLE": " --=( Overcast Table )=-- \n SL Targets Damage Range AoE Duration \n 1 +1 +1 x2 N/a N/a \n 2 +1 +2 x2 N/a x2 \n 3 +1 +3 x2 x2 x2 \n 5 +2 +4 x3 x2 x2 \n 8 +2 +5 x3 x2 x3 \n 13 +2 +6 x3 x3 x3 \n 21 +3 +7 x4 x3 x3" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/pt.json b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/pt.json index fbe6f41dd433..a6f3c5f955e4 100644 --- a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/pt.json +++ b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/pt.json @@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ "ABBREVIATE-DEXTERITY": "Dex", "ABBREVIATE-INTELLIGENCE": "Int", "ABBREVIATE-WILL-POWER": "WP", + "ABBREVIATE-INT-WILL-POWER": "I+WP", "ABBREVIATE-FELLOWSHIP": "Fel", "ABBREVIATE-WOUNDS": "W", "ABBREVIATE-MOVEMENT": "M", @@ -362,13 +363,13 @@ "BESMIRCHED": "Besmirched", "TARGET-NUMBER": "Número Alvo", "TRIP": "Trip", - "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Opp Str/Ath test to try make the target Prone.", + "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Strength/Athletics test to cause Prone.", "UNBALANCED": "Unbalanced", "SPREAD": "Spread", "SLASH": "Slash", "XA": "XA", "WARPSTONE": "Warpstone", - "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: (+0) Cool/Endurance Test, if failed target gains 1 corruption", + "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: On hit inflicts Minor Corruption", "ZZAP": "ZZAP!", "ZZAP-EFFECT": "ZZAP!: -1 AP & Ignore Metal AP", "SLASH-EFFECT": "Slash: +1 Bleeding (Inc. by 1, for", @@ -1182,9 +1183,9 @@ "SLOW-EFFECT": "Slow: Defender Opposed test +1 SL", "TIRING": "Tiring", "HACK": "Hack", - "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg +1", + "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg + 1", "PUMMEL": "Pummel", - "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: Opposed (Str/End) to Stun", + "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: On hit Opp (Str/End) to Stun", "PENETRATING": "Penetrating", "PENETRATING-EFFECT": "Penetrating: -1 AP & Ignore non-Metal AP", "RELOAD": "Reload", @@ -1195,7 +1196,7 @@ "BLAST-EFFECT": "Blast: Dmg hits all within", "ACCURATE": "Accurate", "DISTRACT": "Distract", - "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back", + "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back Opposed SL", "WRAP": "Wrap", "WRAP-EFFECT": "Wrap: Defender Opposed test -1 SL Mod", "ENTANGLE": "Entangle", @@ -1204,37 +1205,48 @@ "TRAP-BLADE": "Trap Blade", "TRAP-BLADE-EFFECT": "Or Trap Blade : Opp Str test", "BLACKPOWDER": "Blackpowder", - "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", + "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Blackpowder: Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", "AMBIDEXTROUS": "Ambidextrous", "BEAT-BLADE": "Beat Blade", "ANIMAL-AFFINITY": "Animal Affinity", "ARCANE-MAGIC": "Arcane Magic", "ARGUMENTATIVE": "Argumentative", + "ARGUMENTATIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests when arguing and debating", "ARTISTIC": "Artistic", "ATTRACTIVE": "Attractive", + "ATTRACTIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests to influence those attracted to you", "ACUTE-SENSE": "Acute Sense", + "ACUTE-SENSE-SIT": "Perception (Sense)", "ACUTE-SENSE-SENSE": "Acute Sense (Sense)", "SENSE": "Sense", "ARCANE-MAGIC-LORE": "Arcane Magic (Lore)", "ALLEY-CAT": "Alley Cat", + "ALLEY-CAT-SIT": "Stealth (Urban)", "BATTLE-RAGE": "Battle Rage", "BENEATH-NOTICE": "Beneath Notice", + "BENEATH-NOTICE-SIT": "Stealth when in plain sight", "BLATHER": "Blather", + "BLATHER-SIT": "Charm to Blather", "BLESS": "Bless", "BOOKISH": "Bookish", - "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break & Enter", - "B&E": "B&E", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break and Enter", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects", + "B&E": "VsObject", "BRIBERY": "Bribery", "BRIBER": "Briber", "BERSERK-CHARGE": "Berserk Charge", "CARDSHARP": "Cardsharp", + "CARDSHARP-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing card games", "CAREFUL-STRIKE": "Careful Strike", "CAROUSER": "Carouser", + "CAROUSER-SIT": "Charm at Parties, Gossip at Parties, Consume Alcohol", "CATFALL": "Catfall", "CAT-TONGUED": "Cat-tongued", + "CAT-TONGUED-SIT": "Charm when lying", "CHAOS-MAGIC": "Chaos Magic", "CHAOS-MAGIC-LORE": "Chaos Magic (Lore)", "COMBAT-AWARE": "Combat Aware", + "COMBAT-AWARE-SIT": "Perception during melee", "COMBAT-MASTER": "Combat Master", "COMBAT-REFLEXES": "Combat Reflexes", "COMMANDING-PRESENCE": "Commanding Presence", @@ -1242,7 +1254,9 @@ "CONCOCT": "Concoct", "CONTORTIONIST": "Contortionist", "CRACK-THE-WHIP": "Crack the Whip", + "CRACK-THE-WHIP-SIT": "Drive or Ride Tests when Fleeing or Running", "CRAFTSMAN": "Craftsman", + "CRAFTSMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Trade Tests", "CRAFTSMAN-TRADE": "Craftsman (Trade)", "CREW-COMMANDER": "Crew Commander", "CRIMINAL": "Criminal", @@ -1250,8 +1264,10 @@ "DEADEYE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Deadeye Shot: Choose hit location", "DEALMAKER": "Dealmaker", "DETECT-ARTEFACT": "Detect Artefact", + "DETECT-ARTEFACT-SIT": "Intuition tests to detect magical artefacts", "DEF-STANCE": "Def. Stance", "DICEMAN": "Diceman", + "DICEMAN-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing dice games", "DIRTY-FIGHTING": "Dirty Fighting", "DISARM": "Disarm", "DISARM-1-DESC": "Disarm: Oppose with Melee & ignore Dmg", @@ -1270,14 +1286,21 @@ "DRILLED-EFFECT2": "lost Adv", "DRILLED-EFFECT3": "Drilled: Count as 2 at end of round", "DUAL-WIELDER": "Dual Wielder", + "DUAL-WIELD": "Dual Wield", + "DUAL-WIELD-MH": "Dual Wield Main", + "DUAL-WIELD-OH": "Dual Wield Off", + "DUAL-WIELDER-SIT": "Melee or Ranged when attacking with two weapons", "DUAL-WIELD-NOTE": "Dual Wielder 2nd Attack", "USE-DW": "Use Dual Wielder", "EMBEZZLE": "Embezzle", "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER": "Enclosed Fighter", + "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER-SIT": "Dodge in enclosed environments", "ETIQUETTE": "Etiquette", + "ETIQUETTE-SIT": "Charm and Gossip (Social Group)", "ETIQUETTE-GROUP": "Etiquette (Group)", "FAST-SHOT": "Fast Shot", "FAST-HANDS": "Fast Hands", + "FAST-HANDS-SIT": "Sleight of Hand, Melee (Brawling) to touch an opponent", "FEARLESS": "Fearless", "FEARLESS-ENEMY": "Fearless (Enemy)", "ENEMY": "Enemy", @@ -1286,6 +1309,7 @@ "FEINT-2-DESC": "If Won you may add any +SL to your next", "FEINT-3-DESC": "attack on the same target next turn", "FIELD-DRESSING": "Field Dressing", + "FIELD-DRESSING-SIT": "Heal during combat Rounds", "FISHERMAN": "Fisherman", "FLAGELLANT": "Flagellant", "FLEE!": "Flee!", @@ -1295,50 +1319,69 @@ "FURIOUS-ASSAULT": "Furious Assault", "FURIOUS-ASSAULT-EFFECT": "Furious Assault: On Hit", "GREGARIOUS": "Gregarious", + "GREGARIOUS-SIT": "Gossip Tests with travellers", "GUNNER": "Gunner", "GUNNER-EFFECT": "Gunner: +1 Group Advantage", "HATRED-GROUP": "Hatred (Group)", "HOLY-VISIONS": "Holy Visions", + "HOLY-VISIONS-SIT": "Intuition Tests when on holy ground", "HUNTERS-EYE": "Hunter's Eye", "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL": "Impassioned Zeal", + "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL-SIT": "Charm when speaking about your cause", "IMPLACABLE": "Implacable", "IN-FIGHTER": "In-fighter", "INFIGHT": "Infight", "INSPIRING": "Inspiring", + "INSPIRING-SIT": "Leadership during war", "INVOKE": "Invoke", "IRON-JAW": "Iron Jaw", + "IRON-JAW-SIT": "Endurance tests to resist Stunned", "IRON-WILL": "Iron Will", + "IRON-WILL-SIT": "Cool Tests to oppose Intimidate", "JUMP-UP": "Jump Up", "KINGPIN": "Kingpin", "LIGHTNING-REFLEXES": "Lightning Reflexes", "LUCK": "Luck", "LINGUISTICS": "Linguistics", "LIP-READING": "Lip Reading", + "LIP-READING-SIT": "Perception Tests concerning this Talent", "MAGICAL": "Magical", "MAGICAL-EFFECTS": "Magical Effects", "MAGICAL-SENSE": "Magical Sense", + "MAGICAL-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests to detect Wizards", "MAGICAL-ASSISTANT": "Magical Assistant", "MAGIC-RESISTANCE": "Magic Resistance", "MAGNUM-OPUS": "Magnum Opus", "MARKSMAN": "Marksman", "MASTER-AND-COMMANDER": "Master and Commander", "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE": "Master of Disguise", + "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) when being someone else", "MASTER-ORATOR": "Master Orator", "MASTER-TRADESMAN": "Master Tradesman", + "MASTER-TRADESMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Extended Trade Tests", "TRADE": "Trade", "MENACING": "Menacing", "MIMIC": "Mimic", + "MIMIC-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) Tests where accents are important", "NIGHT-VISION": "Night Vision", + "NIGHT-VISION-SIT": "Perception tests in low-light conditions", "NIMBLE-FINGERS": "Nimble Fingers", "NOBLE-BLOOD": "Noble Blood", + "NOBLE-BLOOD-SIT": "Any Test influenced by your Status", "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE": "Nose for Trouble", + "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE-SIT": "Any Test to spot Troublemakers", "NUMISMATICS": "Numismatics", + "NUMISMATICS-SIT": "Evaluate to establish the worth of coins", "OLD-SALT": "Old Salt", + "OLD-SALT-SIT": "Sail (any Sea-worthy Vessels)", "ORIENTATION": "Orientation", "PANHANDLE": "Panhandle", + "PANHANDLE-SIT": "Charm (Begging)", "PETTY-MAGIC": "Petty Magic", "PHARMACIST": "Pharmacist", + "PHARMACIST-SIT": "Trade (Apothecary)", "PILOT": "Pilot", + "PILOT-SIT": "Row or Sail Tests while navigating unsure waters", "PUBLIC-SPEAKER": "Public Speaker", "PURE-SOUL": "Pure Soul", "RAPID-RELOAD": "Rapid Reload", @@ -1347,6 +1390,7 @@ "READ/WRITE": "Read/Write", "RELENTLESS": "Relentless", "RESISTANCE": "Resistance", + "RESISTANCE-SIT": "All those to resist the associated Threat", "RESISTANCE-THREAT": "Resistance (Threat)", "THREAT": "Threat", "RESOLUTE": "Resolute", @@ -1365,7 +1409,9 @@ "SCHEMER": "Schemer", "SEA-LEGS": "Sea Legs", "SEASONED-TRAVELLER": "Seasoned Traveller", + "SEASONED-TRAVELLER-SIT": "Any Lore Test concerning local detail", "SECOND-SIGHT": "Second Sight", + "SECOND-SIGHT-SIT": "Any Test to detect the Winds of Magic", "SECRET-IDENTITY": "Secret Identity", "SHADOW": "Shadow", "SHARP": "Sharp", @@ -1376,17 +1422,22 @@ "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT": "Shieldsman: If Opp Roll lost", "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT2": "Spend 2 Adv to push 2 ft or do Dmg", "SIXTH-SENSE": "Sixth Sense", + "SIXTH-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests involving your Sixth Sense", "SLAYER": "Slayer", "SLAYER-EFFECT": "Slayer: Use target TB if > SB", "SLAYER-CRIT-EFFECT": "Slayer: Times ALL dmg by size diff", "SMALL": "Small", "SPEEDREADER": "Speedreader", + "SPEEDREADER-SIT": "Speedreader", "SPRINTER": "Sprinter", "STEP-ASIDE": "Step Aside", + "STEP-ASIDE-SIT": "Dodge Tests to activate this Talent", "STRIDER": "Strider", + "STRIDER-SIT": "Athletics Tests to traverse the Terrain", "STRIDER-TERRAIN": "Strider (Terrain)", "TERRAIN": "Terrain", "STOUT-HEARTED": "Stout-hearted", + "STOUT-HEARTED-SIT": "Cool Tests to remove Broken Conditions", "STONE-SOUP": "Stone Soup", "STRONG-LEGS": "Strong Legs", "STRONG-MINDED": "Strong-minded", @@ -1418,6 +1469,7 @@ "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Sure Shot: Ingore", "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT2": "AP on HitLoc", "SURGERY": "Surgery", + "SURGERY-SIT": "Heal Tests outside combat rounds; i.e. when you havetime to do it ‘properly’", "DANGEROUS": "Dangerous", "IMPRECISE": "Imprecise", "UNDAMAGING": "Undamaging", @@ -1427,21 +1479,29 @@ "STRIKE-TO-STUN": "Strike to Stun", "STRIKE-MIGHTY-BLOW": "Strike Mighty Blow", "TENACIOUS": "Tenacious", + "TENACIOUS-SIT": "Endurance Tests for enduring hardships", "TINKER": "Tinker", + "TINKER-SIT": "Trade Tests to repair broken items", "TOWER-OF-MEMORIES": "Tower Of Memories", "TRAPPER": "Trapper", + "TRAPPER-SIT": "Perception Tests to spot traps, Set Trap", "TRICK-RIDING": "Trick Riding", + "TRICK-RIDING-SIT": "Dodge Tests on Horseback, Ride (Horse)", "TUNNEL-RAT": "Tunnel Rat", + "TUNNEL-RAT-SIT": "Stealth Tests when underground", "UNSHAKABLE": "Unshakable", + "UNSHAKABLE-SIT": "Cool Tests to resist Blackpowder panic", "VERY-RESILIENT": "Very Resilient", "VERY-STRONG": "Very Strong", "VICE": "Vice", "WAR-LEADER": "War Leader", + "WAR-LEADER-SIT": "Leadership Tests during War", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT": "Targets gain +", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT2": "SL to WP test (1/round)", "WAR-WIZARD": "War Wizard", "WARRIOR-BORN": "Warrior Born", "WATERMAN": "Waterman", + "WATERMAN-SIT": "Sail Tests for river-going vessels", "WEALTHY": "Wealthy", "WELL-PREPARED": "Well-prepared", "WITCH!": "Witch!", @@ -1749,10 +1809,58 @@ "MEMBERS": "Members", "CREDITORS": "Creditors", "DISTRACTED": "Distracted", + "CREWED": "Crewed", + "SALVO": "Salvo", + "CHAR-ROLL": "Char Roll", "OOPS-TABLE": "Fumble/Oops Rules", "HOUSERULE1-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 1: Core Rule Book (Default)", "HOUSERULE2-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 2: Extended Rules V1.1 (by FighterChimp on Ratcatcher Guild Discord)", "IMPROVISED_WEAPON": "Improvised Weapon", + "CORE-TALENTS": "Core Talents", + "DWARF-TALENTS": "Dwarf Player's Guide Talents", + "RUNESMITHING": "Runesmithing", + "GRUDGES-CAP": "GRUDGES", + "GRUDGES": "Grudges", + "BLOOD-GRUDGES": "Blood Grudges", + "RESOLVED-GRUDGES": "Resolved Grudges", + "COMBAT-MODIFIERS": "Combat Modifiers:", + "RANGED-MODIFIERS": "Ranged Modifiers:", + "DECLARE-ACTION": "Declare Attack Options:", + "MAGIC-QUICK-MENU": "Magic Quickbar", + "MELEE-QUICK-MENU": "Melee Quickbar", + "RANGED-QUICK-MENU": "Ranged Quickbar", + "ANCESTRAL-GRUDGE": "Ancestral Grudge", + "BLUDGEONER": "Bludgeoner", + "BLUDGEONER-EFFECT": "Bludgeoner: Additional stuns +", + "DEMOLISHER": "Demolisher", + "DEMOLISHER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects using a Hack weapon", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT": "Demolisher: Additional Armor Dmg +", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT2": "Demolisher Ranged: Decreases cover by 1 lvl", + "DRAGON-BELCHER": "Dragon Belcher", + "DRAGON-BELCHER-EFFECT": "Dragon Belcher: Additional Broken +", + "ENTRENCHMENT": "Entrenchment", + "ENTRENCHMENT-SIT": "Trade when constructing protective cover", + "FORGEFIRE": "Forgefire", + "GLORIOUS-DEMISE": "Glorious Demise", + "HARPOONER": "Harpooner", + "KINGSGUARD": "Kingsguard", + "LIQUID-FORTIFICATION": "Liquid Fortification", + "LONG-MEMORY": "Long Memory", + "LONG-MEMORY-SIT": "Intelligence Tests to remember", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE": "Magic Defiance", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE-SIT": "Willpower Tests to use Magic Resistance", + "MASTER-RUNE-MAGIC": "Master Rune Magic", + "MAVERICK": "Maverick", + "MAVERICK-SIT": "Sail (Skycraft) Tests to fly fast and dangerous", + "RUNE-MAGIC": "Rune Magic", + "SHORT-FUSE": "Short Fuse", + "SHORT-FUSE-EFFECT": "Short Fuse: Additional", + "TIRELESS": "Tireless", + "UNDERMINER": "Underminer", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH": "Whirlwind of Death", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC": "Whirlwind of Death: Spend 1 Fortune to make a Melee attack against all creatures Engaged with you. The GM chooses one enemy to Oppose this Test. If your attack succeeds, you inflict the same Damage to the same Hit Location against all Engaged creatures, calculated as normal. Do not apply Criticals on Whirlwind of Death attacks, though Critical Wounds are inflicted on enemies reduced to 0 Wounds as normal.", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC2": "You cannot activate any other special attack options as part of a Whirlwind of Death. However, if a Character with Dual Wielder (WFRP Core Rulebook) is wielding two weapons as part of a Whirlwind of Death, they may Reverse their Melee attack Test.", + "WOD": "W.o.Death", "TALENT-INTEGRATION": "Talents Integration options", "OVERCAST-TABLE": " --=( Overcast Table )=-- \n SL Targets Damage Range AoE Duration \n 1 +1 +1 x2 N/a N/a \n 2 +1 +2 x2 N/a x2 \n 3 +1 +3 x2 x2 x2 \n 5 +2 +4 x3 x2 x2 \n 8 +2 +5 x3 x2 x3 \n 13 +2 +6 x3 x3 x3 \n 21 +3 +7 x4 x3 x3" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/ru.json b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/ru.json index 332446b29d7b..ec72a78958a1 100644 --- a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/ru.json +++ b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/ru.json @@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ "ABBREVIATE-DEXTERITY": "Лов", "ABBREVIATE-INTELLIGENCE": "Инт", "ABBREVIATE-WILL-POWER": "СВ", + "ABBREVIATE-INT-WILL-POWER": "I+WP", "ABBREVIATE-FELLOWSHIP": "Х", "ABBREVIATE-WOUNDS": "Зд", "ABBREVIATE-MOVEMENT": "Ск", @@ -362,13 +363,13 @@ "BESMIRCHED": "Besmirched", "TARGET-NUMBER": "Target Number", "TRIP": "Trip", - "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Opp Str/Ath test to try make the target Prone.", + "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Strength/Athletics test to cause Prone.", "UNBALANCED": "Unbalanced", "SPREAD": "Spread", "SLASH": "Slash", "XA": "XA", "WARPSTONE": "Warpstone", - "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: (+0) Cool/Endurance Test, if failed target gains 1 corruption", + "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: On hit inflicts Minor Corruption", "ZZAP": "ZZAP!", "ZZAP-EFFECT": "ZZAP!: -1 AP & Ignore Metal AP", "SLASH-EFFECT": "Slash: +1 Bleeding (Inc. by 1, for", @@ -1182,9 +1183,9 @@ "SLOW-EFFECT": "Slow: Defender Opposed test +1 SL", "TIRING": "Tiring", "HACK": "Hack", - "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg +1", + "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg + 1", "PUMMEL": "Pummel", - "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: Opposed (Str/End) to Stun", + "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: On hit Opp (Str/End) to Stun", "PENETRATING": "Penetrating", "PENETRATING-EFFECT": "Penetrating: -1 AP & Ignore non-Metal AP", "RELOAD": "Reload", @@ -1195,7 +1196,7 @@ "BLAST-EFFECT": "Blast: Dmg hits all within", "ACCURATE": "Accurate", "DISTRACT": "Distract", - "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back", + "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back Opposed SL", "WRAP": "Wrap", "WRAP-EFFECT": "Wrap: Defender Opposed test -1 SL Mod", "ENTANGLE": "Entangle", @@ -1204,37 +1205,48 @@ "TRAP-BLADE": "Trap Blade", "TRAP-BLADE-EFFECT": "Or Trap Blade : Opp Str test", "BLACKPOWDER": "Blackpowder", - "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", + "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Blackpowder: Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", "AMBIDEXTROUS": "Ambidextrous", "BEAT-BLADE": "Beat Blade", "ANIMAL-AFFINITY": "Animal Affinity", "ARCANE-MAGIC": "Arcane Magic", "ARGUMENTATIVE": "Argumentative", + "ARGUMENTATIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests when arguing and debating", "ARTISTIC": "Artistic", "ATTRACTIVE": "Attractive", + "ATTRACTIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests to influence those attracted to you", "ACUTE-SENSE": "Acute Sense", + "ACUTE-SENSE-SIT": "Perception (Sense)", "ACUTE-SENSE-SENSE": "Acute Sense (Sense)", "SENSE": "Sense", "ARCANE-MAGIC-LORE": "Arcane Magic (Lore)", "ALLEY-CAT": "Alley Cat", + "ALLEY-CAT-SIT": "Stealth (Urban)", "BATTLE-RAGE": "Battle Rage", "BENEATH-NOTICE": "Beneath Notice", + "BENEATH-NOTICE-SIT": "Stealth when in plain sight", "BLATHER": "Blather", + "BLATHER-SIT": "Charm to Blather", "BLESS": "Bless", "BOOKISH": "Bookish", - "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break & Enter", - "B&E": "B&E", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break and Enter", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects", + "B&E": "VsObject", "BRIBERY": "Bribery", "BRIBER": "Briber", "BERSERK-CHARGE": "Berserk Charge", "CARDSHARP": "Cardsharp", + "CARDSHARP-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing card games", "CAREFUL-STRIKE": "Careful Strike", "CAROUSER": "Carouser", + "CAROUSER-SIT": "Charm at Parties, Gossip at Parties, Consume Alcohol", "CATFALL": "Catfall", "CAT-TONGUED": "Cat-tongued", + "CAT-TONGUED-SIT": "Charm when lying", "CHAOS-MAGIC": "Chaos Magic", "CHAOS-MAGIC-LORE": "Chaos Magic (Lore)", "COMBAT-AWARE": "Combat Aware", + "COMBAT-AWARE-SIT": "Perception during melee", "COMBAT-MASTER": "Combat Master", "COMBAT-REFLEXES": "Combat Reflexes", "COMMANDING-PRESENCE": "Commanding Presence", @@ -1242,7 +1254,9 @@ "CONCOCT": "Concoct", "CONTORTIONIST": "Contortionist", "CRACK-THE-WHIP": "Crack the Whip", + "CRACK-THE-WHIP-SIT": "Drive or Ride Tests when Fleeing or Running", "CRAFTSMAN": "Craftsman", + "CRAFTSMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Trade Tests", "CRAFTSMAN-TRADE": "Craftsman (Trade)", "CREW-COMMANDER": "Crew Commander", "CRIMINAL": "Criminal", @@ -1250,8 +1264,10 @@ "DEADEYE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Deadeye Shot: Choose hit location", "DEALMAKER": "Dealmaker", "DETECT-ARTEFACT": "Detect Artefact", + "DETECT-ARTEFACT-SIT": "Intuition tests to detect magical artefacts", "DEF-STANCE": "Def. Stance", "DICEMAN": "Diceman", + "DICEMAN-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing dice games", "DIRTY-FIGHTING": "Dirty Fighting", "DISARM": "Disarm", "DISARM-1-DESC": "Disarm: Oppose with Melee & ignore Dmg", @@ -1270,14 +1286,21 @@ "DRILLED-EFFECT2": "lost Adv", "DRILLED-EFFECT3": "Drilled: Count as 2 at end of round", "DUAL-WIELDER": "Dual Wielder", + "DUAL-WIELD": "Dual Wield", + "DUAL-WIELD-MH": "Dual Wield Main", + "DUAL-WIELD-OH": "Dual Wield Off", + "DUAL-WIELDER-SIT": "Melee or Ranged when attacking with two weapons", "DUAL-WIELD-NOTE": "Dual Wielder 2nd Attack", "USE-DW": "Use Dual Wielder", "EMBEZZLE": "Embezzle", "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER": "Enclosed Fighter", + "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER-SIT": "Dodge in enclosed environments", "ETIQUETTE": "Etiquette", + "ETIQUETTE-SIT": "Charm and Gossip (Social Group)", "ETIQUETTE-GROUP": "Etiquette (Group)", "FAST-SHOT": "Fast Shot", "FAST-HANDS": "Fast Hands", + "FAST-HANDS-SIT": "Sleight of Hand, Melee (Brawling) to touch an opponent", "FEARLESS": "Fearless", "FEARLESS-ENEMY": "Fearless (Enemy)", "ENEMY": "Enemy", @@ -1286,6 +1309,7 @@ "FEINT-2-DESC": "If Won you may add any +SL to your next", "FEINT-3-DESC": "attack on the same target next turn", "FIELD-DRESSING": "Field Dressing", + "FIELD-DRESSING-SIT": "Heal during combat Rounds", "FISHERMAN": "Fisherman", "FLAGELLANT": "Flagellant", "FLEE!": "Flee!", @@ -1295,50 +1319,69 @@ "FURIOUS-ASSAULT": "Furious Assault", "FURIOUS-ASSAULT-EFFECT": "Furious Assault: On Hit", "GREGARIOUS": "Gregarious", + "GREGARIOUS-SIT": "Gossip Tests with travellers", "GUNNER": "Gunner", "GUNNER-EFFECT": "Gunner: +1 Group Advantage", "HATRED-GROUP": "Hatred (Group)", "HOLY-VISIONS": "Holy Visions", + "HOLY-VISIONS-SIT": "Intuition Tests when on holy ground", "HUNTERS-EYE": "Hunter's Eye", "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL": "Impassioned Zeal", + "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL-SIT": "Charm when speaking about your cause", "IMPLACABLE": "Implacable", "IN-FIGHTER": "In-fighter", "INFIGHT": "Infight", "INSPIRING": "Inspiring", + "INSPIRING-SIT": "Leadership during war", "INVOKE": "Invoke", "IRON-JAW": "Iron Jaw", + "IRON-JAW-SIT": "Endurance tests to resist Stunned", "IRON-WILL": "Iron Will", + "IRON-WILL-SIT": "Cool Tests to oppose Intimidate", "JUMP-UP": "Jump Up", "KINGPIN": "Kingpin", "LIGHTNING-REFLEXES": "Lightning Reflexes", "LUCK": "Luck", "LINGUISTICS": "Linguistics", "LIP-READING": "Lip Reading", + "LIP-READING-SIT": "Perception Tests concerning this Talent", "MAGICAL": "Magical", "MAGICAL-EFFECTS": "Magical Effects", "MAGICAL-SENSE": "Magical Sense", + "MAGICAL-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests to detect Wizards", "MAGICAL-ASSISTANT": "Magical Assistant", "MAGIC-RESISTANCE": "Magic Resistance", "MAGNUM-OPUS": "Magnum Opus", "MARKSMAN": "Marksman", "MASTER-AND-COMMANDER": "Master and Commander", "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE": "Master of Disguise", + "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) when being someone else", "MASTER-ORATOR": "Master Orator", "MASTER-TRADESMAN": "Master Tradesman", + "MASTER-TRADESMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Extended Trade Tests", "TRADE": "Trade", "MENACING": "Menacing", "MIMIC": "Mimic", + "MIMIC-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) Tests where accents are important", "NIGHT-VISION": "Night Vision", + "NIGHT-VISION-SIT": "Perception tests in low-light conditions", "NIMBLE-FINGERS": "Nimble Fingers", "NOBLE-BLOOD": "Noble Blood", + "NOBLE-BLOOD-SIT": "Any Test influenced by your Status", "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE": "Nose for Trouble", + "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE-SIT": "Any Test to spot Troublemakers", "NUMISMATICS": "Numismatics", + "NUMISMATICS-SIT": "Evaluate to establish the worth of coins", "OLD-SALT": "Old Salt", + "OLD-SALT-SIT": "Sail (any Sea-worthy Vessels)", "ORIENTATION": "Orientation", "PANHANDLE": "Panhandle", + "PANHANDLE-SIT": "Charm (Begging)", "PETTY-MAGIC": "Petty Magic", "PHARMACIST": "Pharmacist", + "PHARMACIST-SIT": "Trade (Apothecary)", "PILOT": "Pilot", + "PILOT-SIT": "Row or Sail Tests while navigating unsure waters", "PUBLIC-SPEAKER": "Public Speaker", "PURE-SOUL": "Pure Soul", "RAPID-RELOAD": "Rapid Reload", @@ -1347,6 +1390,7 @@ "READ/WRITE": "Read/Write", "RELENTLESS": "Relentless", "RESISTANCE": "Resistance", + "RESISTANCE-SIT": "All those to resist the associated Threat", "RESISTANCE-THREAT": "Resistance (Threat)", "THREAT": "Threat", "RESOLUTE": "Resolute", @@ -1365,7 +1409,9 @@ "SCHEMER": "Schemer", "SEA-LEGS": "Sea Legs", "SEASONED-TRAVELLER": "Seasoned Traveller", + "SEASONED-TRAVELLER-SIT": "Any Lore Test concerning local detail", "SECOND-SIGHT": "Second Sight", + "SECOND-SIGHT-SIT": "Any Test to detect the Winds of Magic", "SECRET-IDENTITY": "Secret Identity", "SHADOW": "Shadow", "SHARP": "Sharp", @@ -1376,17 +1422,22 @@ "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT": "Shieldsman: If Opp Roll lost", "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT2": "Spend 2 Adv to push 2 ft or do Dmg", "SIXTH-SENSE": "Sixth Sense", + "SIXTH-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests involving your Sixth Sense", "SLAYER": "Slayer", "SLAYER-EFFECT": "Slayer: Use target TB if > SB", "SLAYER-CRIT-EFFECT": "Slayer: Times ALL dmg by size diff", "SMALL": "Small", "SPEEDREADER": "Speedreader", + "SPEEDREADER-SIT": "Speedreader", "SPRINTER": "Sprinter", "STEP-ASIDE": "Step Aside", + "STEP-ASIDE-SIT": "Dodge Tests to activate this Talent", "STRIDER": "Strider", + "STRIDER-SIT": "Athletics Tests to traverse the Terrain", "STRIDER-TERRAIN": "Strider (Terrain)", "TERRAIN": "Terrain", "STOUT-HEARTED": "Stout-hearted", + "STOUT-HEARTED-SIT": "Cool Tests to remove Broken Conditions", "STONE-SOUP": "Stone Soup", "STRONG-LEGS": "Strong Legs", "STRONG-MINDED": "Strong-minded", @@ -1418,6 +1469,7 @@ "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Sure Shot: Ingore", "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT2": "AP on HitLoc", "SURGERY": "Surgery", + "SURGERY-SIT": "Heal Tests outside combat rounds; i.e. when you havetime to do it ‘properly’", "DANGEROUS": "Dangerous", "IMPRECISE": "Imprecise", "UNDAMAGING": "Undamaging", @@ -1427,21 +1479,29 @@ "STRIKE-TO-STUN": "Strike to Stun", "STRIKE-MIGHTY-BLOW": "Strike Mighty Blow", "TENACIOUS": "Tenacious", + "TENACIOUS-SIT": "Endurance Tests for enduring hardships", "TINKER": "Tinker", + "TINKER-SIT": "Trade Tests to repair broken items", "TOWER-OF-MEMORIES": "Tower Of Memories", "TRAPPER": "Trapper", + "TRAPPER-SIT": "Perception Tests to spot traps, Set Trap", "TRICK-RIDING": "Trick Riding", + "TRICK-RIDING-SIT": "Dodge Tests on Horseback, Ride (Horse)", "TUNNEL-RAT": "Tunnel Rat", + "TUNNEL-RAT-SIT": "Stealth Tests when underground", "UNSHAKABLE": "Unshakable", + "UNSHAKABLE-SIT": "Cool Tests to resist Blackpowder panic", "VERY-RESILIENT": "Very Resilient", "VERY-STRONG": "Very Strong", "VICE": "Vice", "WAR-LEADER": "War Leader", + "WAR-LEADER-SIT": "Leadership Tests during War", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT": "Targets gain +", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT2": "SL to WP test (1/round)", "WAR-WIZARD": "War Wizard", "WARRIOR-BORN": "Warrior Born", "WATERMAN": "Waterman", + "WATERMAN-SIT": "Sail Tests for river-going vessels", "WEALTHY": "Wealthy", "WELL-PREPARED": "Well-prepared", "WITCH!": "Witch!", @@ -1749,10 +1809,58 @@ "MEMBERS": "Members", "CREDITORS": "Creditors", "DISTRACTED": "Distracted", + "CREWED": "Crewed", + "SALVO": "Salvo", + "CHAR-ROLL": "Char Roll", "OOPS-TABLE": "Fumble/Oops Rules", "HOUSERULE1-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 1: Core Rule Book (Default)", "HOUSERULE2-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 2: Extended Rules V1.1 (by FighterChimp on Ratcatcher Guild Discord)", "IMPROVISED_WEAPON": "Improvised Weapon", + "CORE-TALENTS": "Core Talents", + "DWARF-TALENTS": "Dwarf Player's Guide Talents", + "RUNESMITHING": "Runesmithing", + "GRUDGES-CAP": "GRUDGES", + "GRUDGES": "Grudges", + "BLOOD-GRUDGES": "Blood Grudges", + "RESOLVED-GRUDGES": "Resolved Grudges", + "COMBAT-MODIFIERS": "Combat Modifiers:", + "RANGED-MODIFIERS": "Ranged Modifiers:", + "DECLARE-ACTION": "Declare Attack Options:", + "MAGIC-QUICK-MENU": "Magic Quickbar", + "MELEE-QUICK-MENU": "Melee Quickbar", + "RANGED-QUICK-MENU": "Ranged Quickbar", + "ANCESTRAL-GRUDGE": "Ancestral Grudge", + "BLUDGEONER": "Bludgeoner", + "BLUDGEONER-EFFECT": "Bludgeoner: Additional stuns +", + "DEMOLISHER": "Demolisher", + "DEMOLISHER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects using a Hack weapon", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT": "Demolisher: Additional Armor Dmg +", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT2": "Demolisher Ranged: Decreases cover by 1 lvl", + "DRAGON-BELCHER": "Dragon Belcher", + "DRAGON-BELCHER-EFFECT": "Dragon Belcher: Additional Broken +", + "ENTRENCHMENT": "Entrenchment", + "ENTRENCHMENT-SIT": "Trade when constructing protective cover", + "FORGEFIRE": "Forgefire", + "GLORIOUS-DEMISE": "Glorious Demise", + "HARPOONER": "Harpooner", + "KINGSGUARD": "Kingsguard", + "LIQUID-FORTIFICATION": "Liquid Fortification", + "LONG-MEMORY": "Long Memory", + "LONG-MEMORY-SIT": "Intelligence Tests to remember", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE": "Magic Defiance", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE-SIT": "Willpower Tests to use Magic Resistance", + "MASTER-RUNE-MAGIC": "Master Rune Magic", + "MAVERICK": "Maverick", + "MAVERICK-SIT": "Sail (Skycraft) Tests to fly fast and dangerous", + "RUNE-MAGIC": "Rune Magic", + "SHORT-FUSE": "Short Fuse", + "SHORT-FUSE-EFFECT": "Short Fuse: Additional", + "TIRELESS": "Tireless", + "UNDERMINER": "Underminer", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH": "Whirlwind of Death", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC": "Whirlwind of Death: Spend 1 Fortune to make a Melee attack against all creatures Engaged with you. The GM chooses one enemy to Oppose this Test. If your attack succeeds, you inflict the same Damage to the same Hit Location against all Engaged creatures, calculated as normal. Do not apply Criticals on Whirlwind of Death attacks, though Critical Wounds are inflicted on enemies reduced to 0 Wounds as normal.", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC2": "You cannot activate any other special attack options as part of a Whirlwind of Death. However, if a Character with Dual Wielder (WFRP Core Rulebook) is wielding two weapons as part of a Whirlwind of Death, they may Reverse their Melee attack Test.", + "WOD": "W.o.Death", "TALENT-INTEGRATION": "Talents Integration options", "OVERCAST-TABLE": " --=( Overcast Table )=-- \n SL Targets Damage Range AoE Duration \n 1 +1 +1 x2 N/a N/a \n 2 +1 +2 x2 N/a x2 \n 3 +1 +3 x2 x2 x2 \n 5 +2 +4 x3 x2 x2 \n 8 +2 +5 x3 x2 x3 \n 13 +2 +6 x3 x3 x3 \n 21 +3 +7 x4 x3 x3" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/sl.json b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/sl.json index a272288af505..0a5136bc9321 100644 --- a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/sl.json +++ b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/sl.json @@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ "ABBREVIATE-DEXTERITY": "Dex", "ABBREVIATE-INTELLIGENCE": "Int", "ABBREVIATE-WILL-POWER": "WP", + "ABBREVIATE-INT-WILL-POWER": "I+WP", "ABBREVIATE-FELLOWSHIP": "Fel", "ABBREVIATE-WOUNDS": "W", "ABBREVIATE-MOVEMENT": "M", @@ -362,13 +363,13 @@ "BESMIRCHED": "Besmirched", "TARGET-NUMBER": "Target Number", "TRIP": "Trip", - "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Opp Str/Ath test to try make the target Prone.", + "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Strength/Athletics test to cause Prone.", "UNBALANCED": "Unbalanced", "SPREAD": "Spread", "SLASH": "Slash", "XA": "XA", "WARPSTONE": "Warpstone", - "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: (+0) Cool/Endurance Test, if failed target gains 1 corruption", + "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: On hit inflicts Minor Corruption", "ZZAP": "ZZAP!", "ZZAP-EFFECT": "ZZAP!: -1 AP & Ignore Metal AP", "SLASH-EFFECT": "Slash: +1 Bleeding (Inc. by 1, for", @@ -1182,9 +1183,9 @@ "SLOW-EFFECT": "Slow: Defender Opposed test +1 SL", "TIRING": "Tiring", "HACK": "Hack", - "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg +1", + "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg + 1", "PUMMEL": "Pummel", - "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: Opposed (Str/End) to Stun", + "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: On hit Opp (Str/End) to Stun", "PENETRATING": "Penetrating", "PENETRATING-EFFECT": "Penetrating: -1 AP & Ignore non-Metal AP", "RELOAD": "Reload", @@ -1195,7 +1196,7 @@ "BLAST-EFFECT": "Blast: Dmg hits all within", "ACCURATE": "Accurate", "DISTRACT": "Distract", - "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back", + "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back Opposed SL", "WRAP": "Wrap", "WRAP-EFFECT": "Wrap: Defender Opposed test -1 SL Mod", "ENTANGLE": "Entangle", @@ -1204,37 +1205,48 @@ "TRAP-BLADE": "Trap Blade", "TRAP-BLADE-EFFECT": "Or Trap Blade : Opp Str test", "BLACKPOWDER": "Blackpowder", - "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", + "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Blackpowder: Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", "AMBIDEXTROUS": "Ambidextrous", "BEAT-BLADE": "Beat Blade", "ANIMAL-AFFINITY": "Animal Affinity", "ARCANE-MAGIC": "Arcane Magic", "ARGUMENTATIVE": "Argumentative", + "ARGUMENTATIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests when arguing and debating", "ARTISTIC": "Artistic", "ATTRACTIVE": "Attractive", + "ATTRACTIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests to influence those attracted to you", "ACUTE-SENSE": "Acute Sense", + "ACUTE-SENSE-SIT": "Perception (Sense)", "ACUTE-SENSE-SENSE": "Acute Sense (Sense)", "SENSE": "Sense", "ARCANE-MAGIC-LORE": "Arcane Magic (Lore)", "ALLEY-CAT": "Alley Cat", + "ALLEY-CAT-SIT": "Stealth (Urban)", "BATTLE-RAGE": "Battle Rage", "BENEATH-NOTICE": "Beneath Notice", + "BENEATH-NOTICE-SIT": "Stealth when in plain sight", "BLATHER": "Blather", + "BLATHER-SIT": "Charm to Blather", "BLESS": "Bless", "BOOKISH": "Bookish", - "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break & Enter", - "B&E": "B&E", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break and Enter", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects", + "B&E": "VsObject", "BRIBERY": "Bribery", "BRIBER": "Briber", "BERSERK-CHARGE": "Berserk Charge", "CARDSHARP": "Cardsharp", + "CARDSHARP-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing card games", "CAREFUL-STRIKE": "Careful Strike", "CAROUSER": "Carouser", + "CAROUSER-SIT": "Charm at Parties, Gossip at Parties, Consume Alcohol", "CATFALL": "Catfall", "CAT-TONGUED": "Cat-tongued", + "CAT-TONGUED-SIT": "Charm when lying", "CHAOS-MAGIC": "Chaos Magic", "CHAOS-MAGIC-LORE": "Chaos Magic (Lore)", "COMBAT-AWARE": "Combat Aware", + "COMBAT-AWARE-SIT": "Perception during melee", "COMBAT-MASTER": "Combat Master", "COMBAT-REFLEXES": "Combat Reflexes", "COMMANDING-PRESENCE": "Commanding Presence", @@ -1242,7 +1254,9 @@ "CONCOCT": "Concoct", "CONTORTIONIST": "Contortionist", "CRACK-THE-WHIP": "Crack the Whip", + "CRACK-THE-WHIP-SIT": "Drive or Ride Tests when Fleeing or Running", "CRAFTSMAN": "Craftsman", + "CRAFTSMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Trade Tests", "CRAFTSMAN-TRADE": "Craftsman (Trade)", "CREW-COMMANDER": "Crew Commander", "CRIMINAL": "Criminal", @@ -1250,8 +1264,10 @@ "DEADEYE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Deadeye Shot: Choose hit location", "DEALMAKER": "Dealmaker", "DETECT-ARTEFACT": "Detect Artefact", + "DETECT-ARTEFACT-SIT": "Intuition tests to detect magical artefacts", "DEF-STANCE": "Def. Stance", "DICEMAN": "Diceman", + "DICEMAN-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing dice games", "DIRTY-FIGHTING": "Dirty Fighting", "DISARM": "Disarm", "DISARM-1-DESC": "Disarm: Oppose with Melee & ignore Dmg", @@ -1270,14 +1286,21 @@ "DRILLED-EFFECT2": "lost Adv", "DRILLED-EFFECT3": "Drilled: Count as 2 at end of round", "DUAL-WIELDER": "Dual Wielder", + "DUAL-WIELD": "Dual Wield", + "DUAL-WIELD-MH": "Dual Wield Main", + "DUAL-WIELD-OH": "Dual Wield Off", + "DUAL-WIELDER-SIT": "Melee or Ranged when attacking with two weapons", "DUAL-WIELD-NOTE": "Dual Wielder 2nd Attack", "USE-DW": "Use Dual Wielder", "EMBEZZLE": "Embezzle", "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER": "Enclosed Fighter", + "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER-SIT": "Dodge in enclosed environments", "ETIQUETTE": "Etiquette", + "ETIQUETTE-SIT": "Charm and Gossip (Social Group)", "ETIQUETTE-GROUP": "Etiquette (Group)", "FAST-SHOT": "Fast Shot", "FAST-HANDS": "Fast Hands", + "FAST-HANDS-SIT": "Sleight of Hand, Melee (Brawling) to touch an opponent", "FEARLESS": "Fearless", "FEARLESS-ENEMY": "Fearless (Enemy)", "ENEMY": "Enemy", @@ -1286,6 +1309,7 @@ "FEINT-2-DESC": "If Won you may add any +SL to your next", "FEINT-3-DESC": "attack on the same target next turn", "FIELD-DRESSING": "Field Dressing", + "FIELD-DRESSING-SIT": "Heal during combat Rounds", "FISHERMAN": "Fisherman", "FLAGELLANT": "Flagellant", "FLEE!": "Flee!", @@ -1295,50 +1319,69 @@ "FURIOUS-ASSAULT": "Furious Assault", "FURIOUS-ASSAULT-EFFECT": "Furious Assault: On Hit", "GREGARIOUS": "Gregarious", + "GREGARIOUS-SIT": "Gossip Tests with travellers", "GUNNER": "Gunner", "GUNNER-EFFECT": "Gunner: +1 Group Advantage", "HATRED-GROUP": "Hatred (Group)", "HOLY-VISIONS": "Holy Visions", + "HOLY-VISIONS-SIT": "Intuition Tests when on holy ground", "HUNTERS-EYE": "Hunter's Eye", "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL": "Impassioned Zeal", + "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL-SIT": "Charm when speaking about your cause", "IMPLACABLE": "Implacable", "IN-FIGHTER": "In-fighter", "INFIGHT": "Infight", "INSPIRING": "Inspiring", + "INSPIRING-SIT": "Leadership during war", "INVOKE": "Invoke", "IRON-JAW": "Iron Jaw", + "IRON-JAW-SIT": "Endurance tests to resist Stunned", "IRON-WILL": "Iron Will", + "IRON-WILL-SIT": "Cool Tests to oppose Intimidate", "JUMP-UP": "Jump Up", "KINGPIN": "Kingpin", "LIGHTNING-REFLEXES": "Lightning Reflexes", "LUCK": "Luck", "LINGUISTICS": "Linguistics", "LIP-READING": "Lip Reading", + "LIP-READING-SIT": "Perception Tests concerning this Talent", "MAGICAL": "Magical", "MAGICAL-EFFECTS": "Magical Effects", "MAGICAL-SENSE": "Magical Sense", + "MAGICAL-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests to detect Wizards", "MAGICAL-ASSISTANT": "Magical Assistant", "MAGIC-RESISTANCE": "Magic Resistance", "MAGNUM-OPUS": "Magnum Opus", "MARKSMAN": "Marksman", "MASTER-AND-COMMANDER": "Master and Commander", "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE": "Master of Disguise", + "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) when being someone else", "MASTER-ORATOR": "Master Orator", "MASTER-TRADESMAN": "Master Tradesman", + "MASTER-TRADESMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Extended Trade Tests", "TRADE": "Trade", "MENACING": "Menacing", "MIMIC": "Mimic", + "MIMIC-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) Tests where accents are important", "NIGHT-VISION": "Night Vision", + "NIGHT-VISION-SIT": "Perception tests in low-light conditions", "NIMBLE-FINGERS": "Nimble Fingers", "NOBLE-BLOOD": "Noble Blood", + "NOBLE-BLOOD-SIT": "Any Test influenced by your Status", "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE": "Nose for Trouble", + "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE-SIT": "Any Test to spot Troublemakers", "NUMISMATICS": "Numismatics", + "NUMISMATICS-SIT": "Evaluate to establish the worth of coins", "OLD-SALT": "Old Salt", + "OLD-SALT-SIT": "Sail (any Sea-worthy Vessels)", "ORIENTATION": "Orientation", "PANHANDLE": "Panhandle", + "PANHANDLE-SIT": "Charm (Begging)", "PETTY-MAGIC": "Petty Magic", "PHARMACIST": "Pharmacist", + "PHARMACIST-SIT": "Trade (Apothecary)", "PILOT": "Pilot", + "PILOT-SIT": "Row or Sail Tests while navigating unsure waters", "PUBLIC-SPEAKER": "Public Speaker", "PURE-SOUL": "Pure Soul", "RAPID-RELOAD": "Rapid Reload", @@ -1347,6 +1390,7 @@ "READ/WRITE": "Read/Write", "RELENTLESS": "Relentless", "RESISTANCE": "Resistance", + "RESISTANCE-SIT": "All those to resist the associated Threat", "RESISTANCE-THREAT": "Resistance (Threat)", "THREAT": "Threat", "RESOLUTE": "Resolute", @@ -1365,7 +1409,9 @@ "SCHEMER": "Schemer", "SEA-LEGS": "Sea Legs", "SEASONED-TRAVELLER": "Seasoned Traveller", + "SEASONED-TRAVELLER-SIT": "Any Lore Test concerning local detail", "SECOND-SIGHT": "Second Sight", + "SECOND-SIGHT-SIT": "Any Test to detect the Winds of Magic", "SECRET-IDENTITY": "Secret Identity", "SHADOW": "Shadow", "SHARP": "Sharp", @@ -1376,17 +1422,22 @@ "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT": "Shieldsman: If Opp Roll lost", "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT2": "Spend 2 Adv to push 2 ft or do Dmg", "SIXTH-SENSE": "Sixth Sense", + "SIXTH-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests involving your Sixth Sense", "SLAYER": "Slayer", "SLAYER-EFFECT": "Slayer: Use target TB if > SB", "SLAYER-CRIT-EFFECT": "Slayer: Times ALL dmg by size diff", "SMALL": "Small", "SPEEDREADER": "Speedreader", + "SPEEDREADER-SIT": "Speedreader", "SPRINTER": "Sprinter", "STEP-ASIDE": "Step Aside", + "STEP-ASIDE-SIT": "Dodge Tests to activate this Talent", "STRIDER": "Strider", + "STRIDER-SIT": "Athletics Tests to traverse the Terrain", "STRIDER-TERRAIN": "Strider (Terrain)", "TERRAIN": "Terrain", "STOUT-HEARTED": "Stout-hearted", + "STOUT-HEARTED-SIT": "Cool Tests to remove Broken Conditions", "STONE-SOUP": "Stone Soup", "STRONG-LEGS": "Strong Legs", "STRONG-MINDED": "Strong-minded", @@ -1418,6 +1469,7 @@ "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Sure Shot: Ingore", "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT2": "AP on HitLoc", "SURGERY": "Surgery", + "SURGERY-SIT": "Heal Tests outside combat rounds; i.e. when you havetime to do it ‘properly’", "DANGEROUS": "Dangerous", "IMPRECISE": "Imprecise", "UNDAMAGING": "Undamaging", @@ -1427,21 +1479,29 @@ "STRIKE-TO-STUN": "Strike to Stun", "STRIKE-MIGHTY-BLOW": "Strike Mighty Blow", "TENACIOUS": "Tenacious", + "TENACIOUS-SIT": "Endurance Tests for enduring hardships", "TINKER": "Tinker", + "TINKER-SIT": "Trade Tests to repair broken items", "TOWER-OF-MEMORIES": "Tower Of Memories", "TRAPPER": "Trapper", + "TRAPPER-SIT": "Perception Tests to spot traps, Set Trap", "TRICK-RIDING": "Trick Riding", + "TRICK-RIDING-SIT": "Dodge Tests on Horseback, Ride (Horse)", "TUNNEL-RAT": "Tunnel Rat", + "TUNNEL-RAT-SIT": "Stealth Tests when underground", "UNSHAKABLE": "Unshakable", + "UNSHAKABLE-SIT": "Cool Tests to resist Blackpowder panic", "VERY-RESILIENT": "Very Resilient", "VERY-STRONG": "Very Strong", "VICE": "Vice", "WAR-LEADER": "War Leader", + "WAR-LEADER-SIT": "Leadership Tests during War", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT": "Targets gain +", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT2": "SL to WP test (1/round)", "WAR-WIZARD": "War Wizard", "WARRIOR-BORN": "Warrior Born", "WATERMAN": "Waterman", + "WATERMAN-SIT": "Sail Tests for river-going vessels", "WEALTHY": "Wealthy", "WELL-PREPARED": "Well-prepared", "WITCH!": "Witch!", @@ -1749,10 +1809,58 @@ "MEMBERS": "Members", "CREDITORS": "Creditors", "DISTRACTED": "Distracted", + "CREWED": "Crewed", + "SALVO": "Salvo", + "CHAR-ROLL": "Char Roll", "OOPS-TABLE": "Fumble/Oops Rules", "HOUSERULE1-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 1: Core Rule Book (Default)", "HOUSERULE2-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 2: Extended Rules V1.1 (by FighterChimp on Ratcatcher Guild Discord)", "IMPROVISED_WEAPON": "Improvised Weapon", + "CORE-TALENTS": "Core Talents", + "DWARF-TALENTS": "Dwarf Player's Guide Talents", + "RUNESMITHING": "Runesmithing", + "GRUDGES-CAP": "GRUDGES", + "GRUDGES": "Grudges", + "BLOOD-GRUDGES": "Blood Grudges", + "RESOLVED-GRUDGES": "Resolved Grudges", + "COMBAT-MODIFIERS": "Combat Modifiers:", + "RANGED-MODIFIERS": "Ranged Modifiers:", + "DECLARE-ACTION": "Declare Attack Options:", + "MAGIC-QUICK-MENU": "Magic Quickbar", + "MELEE-QUICK-MENU": "Melee Quickbar", + "RANGED-QUICK-MENU": "Ranged Quickbar", + "ANCESTRAL-GRUDGE": "Ancestral Grudge", + "BLUDGEONER": "Bludgeoner", + "BLUDGEONER-EFFECT": "Bludgeoner: Additional stuns +", + "DEMOLISHER": "Demolisher", + "DEMOLISHER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects using a Hack weapon", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT": "Demolisher: Additional Armor Dmg +", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT2": "Demolisher Ranged: Decreases cover by 1 lvl", + "DRAGON-BELCHER": "Dragon Belcher", + "DRAGON-BELCHER-EFFECT": "Dragon Belcher: Additional Broken +", + "ENTRENCHMENT": "Entrenchment", + "ENTRENCHMENT-SIT": "Trade when constructing protective cover", + "FORGEFIRE": "Forgefire", + "GLORIOUS-DEMISE": "Glorious Demise", + "HARPOONER": "Harpooner", + "KINGSGUARD": "Kingsguard", + "LIQUID-FORTIFICATION": "Liquid Fortification", + "LONG-MEMORY": "Long Memory", + "LONG-MEMORY-SIT": "Intelligence Tests to remember", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE": "Magic Defiance", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE-SIT": "Willpower Tests to use Magic Resistance", + "MASTER-RUNE-MAGIC": "Master Rune Magic", + "MAVERICK": "Maverick", + "MAVERICK-SIT": "Sail (Skycraft) Tests to fly fast and dangerous", + "RUNE-MAGIC": "Rune Magic", + "SHORT-FUSE": "Short Fuse", + "SHORT-FUSE-EFFECT": "Short Fuse: Additional", + "TIRELESS": "Tireless", + "UNDERMINER": "Underminer", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH": "Whirlwind of Death", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC": "Whirlwind of Death: Spend 1 Fortune to make a Melee attack against all creatures Engaged with you. The GM chooses one enemy to Oppose this Test. If your attack succeeds, you inflict the same Damage to the same Hit Location against all Engaged creatures, calculated as normal. Do not apply Criticals on Whirlwind of Death attacks, though Critical Wounds are inflicted on enemies reduced to 0 Wounds as normal.", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC2": "You cannot activate any other special attack options as part of a Whirlwind of Death. However, if a Character with Dual Wielder (WFRP Core Rulebook) is wielding two weapons as part of a Whirlwind of Death, they may Reverse their Melee attack Test.", + "WOD": "W.o.Death", "TALENT-INTEGRATION": "Talents Integration options", "OVERCAST-TABLE": " --=( Overcast Table )=-- \n SL Targets Damage Range AoE Duration \n 1 +1 +1 x2 N/a N/a \n 2 +1 +2 x2 N/a x2 \n 3 +1 +3 x2 x2 x2 \n 5 +2 +4 x3 x2 x2 \n 8 +2 +5 x3 x2 x3 \n 13 +2 +6 x3 x3 x3 \n 21 +3 +7 x4 x3 x3" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/sv.json b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/sv.json index 7edc6ada2231..a5cc4905cb4f 100644 --- a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/sv.json +++ b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/sv.json @@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ "ABBREVIATE-DEXTERITY": "Dex", "ABBREVIATE-INTELLIGENCE": "Int", "ABBREVIATE-WILL-POWER": "WP", + "ABBREVIATE-INT-WILL-POWER": "I+WP", "ABBREVIATE-FELLOWSHIP": "Fel", "ABBREVIATE-WOUNDS": "W", "ABBREVIATE-MOVEMENT": "M", @@ -362,13 +363,13 @@ "BESMIRCHED": "Besmirched", "TARGET-NUMBER": "Target Number", "TRIP": "Trip", - "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Opp Str/Ath test to try make the target Prone.", + "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Strength/Athletics test to cause Prone.", "UNBALANCED": "Unbalanced", "SPREAD": "Spread", "SLASH": "Slash", "XA": "XA", "WARPSTONE": "Warpstone", - "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: (+0) Cool/Endurance Test, if failed target gains 1 corruption", + "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: On hit inflicts Minor Corruption", "ZZAP": "ZZAP!", "ZZAP-EFFECT": "ZZAP!: -1 AP & Ignore Metal AP", "SLASH-EFFECT": "Slash: +1 Bleeding (Inc. by 1, for", @@ -1182,9 +1183,9 @@ "SLOW-EFFECT": "Slow: Defender Opposed test +1 SL", "TIRING": "Tiring", "HACK": "Hack", - "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg +1", + "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg + 1", "PUMMEL": "Pummel", - "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: Opposed (Str/End) to Stun", + "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: On hit Opp (Str/End) to Stun", "PENETRATING": "Penetrating", "PENETRATING-EFFECT": "Penetrating: -1 AP & Ignore non-Metal AP", "RELOAD": "Reload", @@ -1195,7 +1196,7 @@ "BLAST-EFFECT": "Blast: Dmg hits all within", "ACCURATE": "Accurate", "DISTRACT": "Distract", - "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back", + "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back Opposed SL", "WRAP": "Wrap", "WRAP-EFFECT": "Wrap: Defender Opposed test -1 SL Mod", "ENTANGLE": "Entangle", @@ -1204,37 +1205,48 @@ "TRAP-BLADE": "Trap Blade", "TRAP-BLADE-EFFECT": "Or Trap Blade : Opp Str test", "BLACKPOWDER": "Blackpowder", - "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", + "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Blackpowder: Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", "AMBIDEXTROUS": "Ambidextrous", "BEAT-BLADE": "Beat Blade", "ANIMAL-AFFINITY": "Animal Affinity", "ARCANE-MAGIC": "Arcane Magic", "ARGUMENTATIVE": "Argumentative", + "ARGUMENTATIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests when arguing and debating", "ARTISTIC": "Artistic", "ATTRACTIVE": "Attractive", + "ATTRACTIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests to influence those attracted to you", "ACUTE-SENSE": "Acute Sense", + "ACUTE-SENSE-SIT": "Perception (Sense)", "ACUTE-SENSE-SENSE": "Acute Sense (Sense)", "SENSE": "Sense", "ARCANE-MAGIC-LORE": "Arcane Magic (Lore)", "ALLEY-CAT": "Alley Cat", + "ALLEY-CAT-SIT": "Stealth (Urban)", "BATTLE-RAGE": "Battle Rage", "BENEATH-NOTICE": "Beneath Notice", + "BENEATH-NOTICE-SIT": "Stealth when in plain sight", "BLATHER": "Blather", + "BLATHER-SIT": "Charm to Blather", "BLESS": "Bless", "BOOKISH": "Bookish", - "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break & Enter", - "B&E": "B&E", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break and Enter", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects", + "B&E": "VsObject", "BRIBERY": "Bribery", "BRIBER": "Briber", "BERSERK-CHARGE": "Berserk Charge", "CARDSHARP": "Cardsharp", + "CARDSHARP-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing card games", "CAREFUL-STRIKE": "Careful Strike", "CAROUSER": "Carouser", + "CAROUSER-SIT": "Charm at Parties, Gossip at Parties, Consume Alcohol", "CATFALL": "Catfall", "CAT-TONGUED": "Cat-tongued", + "CAT-TONGUED-SIT": "Charm when lying", "CHAOS-MAGIC": "Chaos Magic", "CHAOS-MAGIC-LORE": "Chaos Magic (Lore)", "COMBAT-AWARE": "Combat Aware", + "COMBAT-AWARE-SIT": "Perception during melee", "COMBAT-MASTER": "Combat Master", "COMBAT-REFLEXES": "Combat Reflexes", "COMMANDING-PRESENCE": "Commanding Presence", @@ -1242,7 +1254,9 @@ "CONCOCT": "Concoct", "CONTORTIONIST": "Contortionist", "CRACK-THE-WHIP": "Crack the Whip", + "CRACK-THE-WHIP-SIT": "Drive or Ride Tests when Fleeing or Running", "CRAFTSMAN": "Craftsman", + "CRAFTSMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Trade Tests", "CRAFTSMAN-TRADE": "Craftsman (Trade)", "CREW-COMMANDER": "Crew Commander", "CRIMINAL": "Criminal", @@ -1250,8 +1264,10 @@ "DEADEYE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Deadeye Shot: Choose hit location", "DEALMAKER": "Dealmaker", "DETECT-ARTEFACT": "Detect Artefact", + "DETECT-ARTEFACT-SIT": "Intuition tests to detect magical artefacts", "DEF-STANCE": "Def. Stance", "DICEMAN": "Diceman", + "DICEMAN-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing dice games", "DIRTY-FIGHTING": "Dirty Fighting", "DISARM": "Disarm", "DISARM-1-DESC": "Disarm: Oppose with Melee & ignore Dmg", @@ -1270,14 +1286,21 @@ "DRILLED-EFFECT2": "lost Adv", "DRILLED-EFFECT3": "Drilled: Count as 2 at end of round", "DUAL-WIELDER": "Dual Wielder", + "DUAL-WIELD": "Dual Wield", + "DUAL-WIELD-MH": "Dual Wield Main", + "DUAL-WIELD-OH": "Dual Wield Off", + "DUAL-WIELDER-SIT": "Melee or Ranged when attacking with two weapons", "DUAL-WIELD-NOTE": "Dual Wielder 2nd Attack", "USE-DW": "Use Dual Wielder", "EMBEZZLE": "Embezzle", "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER": "Enclosed Fighter", + "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER-SIT": "Dodge in enclosed environments", "ETIQUETTE": "Etiquette", + "ETIQUETTE-SIT": "Charm and Gossip (Social Group)", "ETIQUETTE-GROUP": "Etiquette (Group)", "FAST-SHOT": "Fast Shot", "FAST-HANDS": "Fast Hands", + "FAST-HANDS-SIT": "Sleight of Hand, Melee (Brawling) to touch an opponent", "FEARLESS": "Fearless", "FEARLESS-ENEMY": "Fearless (Enemy)", "ENEMY": "Enemy", @@ -1286,6 +1309,7 @@ "FEINT-2-DESC": "If Won you may add any +SL to your next", "FEINT-3-DESC": "attack on the same target next turn", "FIELD-DRESSING": "Field Dressing", + "FIELD-DRESSING-SIT": "Heal during combat Rounds", "FISHERMAN": "Fisherman", "FLAGELLANT": "Flagellant", "FLEE!": "Flee!", @@ -1295,50 +1319,69 @@ "FURIOUS-ASSAULT": "Furious Assault", "FURIOUS-ASSAULT-EFFECT": "Furious Assault: On Hit", "GREGARIOUS": "Gregarious", + "GREGARIOUS-SIT": "Gossip Tests with travellers", "GUNNER": "Gunner", "GUNNER-EFFECT": "Gunner: +1 Group Advantage", "HATRED-GROUP": "Hatred (Group)", "HOLY-VISIONS": "Holy Visions", + "HOLY-VISIONS-SIT": "Intuition Tests when on holy ground", "HUNTERS-EYE": "Hunter's Eye", "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL": "Impassioned Zeal", + "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL-SIT": "Charm when speaking about your cause", "IMPLACABLE": "Implacable", "IN-FIGHTER": "In-fighter", "INFIGHT": "Infight", "INSPIRING": "Inspiring", + "INSPIRING-SIT": "Leadership during war", "INVOKE": "Invoke", "IRON-JAW": "Iron Jaw", + "IRON-JAW-SIT": "Endurance tests to resist Stunned", "IRON-WILL": "Iron Will", + "IRON-WILL-SIT": "Cool Tests to oppose Intimidate", "JUMP-UP": "Jump Up", "KINGPIN": "Kingpin", "LIGHTNING-REFLEXES": "Lightning Reflexes", "LUCK": "Luck", "LINGUISTICS": "Linguistics", "LIP-READING": "Lip Reading", + "LIP-READING-SIT": "Perception Tests concerning this Talent", "MAGICAL": "Magical", "MAGICAL-EFFECTS": "Magical Effects", "MAGICAL-SENSE": "Magical Sense", + "MAGICAL-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests to detect Wizards", "MAGICAL-ASSISTANT": "Magical Assistant", "MAGIC-RESISTANCE": "Magic Resistance", "MAGNUM-OPUS": "Magnum Opus", "MARKSMAN": "Marksman", "MASTER-AND-COMMANDER": "Master and Commander", "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE": "Master of Disguise", + "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) when being someone else", "MASTER-ORATOR": "Master Orator", "MASTER-TRADESMAN": "Master Tradesman", + "MASTER-TRADESMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Extended Trade Tests", "TRADE": "Trade", "MENACING": "Menacing", "MIMIC": "Mimic", + "MIMIC-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) Tests where accents are important", "NIGHT-VISION": "Night Vision", + "NIGHT-VISION-SIT": "Perception tests in low-light conditions", "NIMBLE-FINGERS": "Nimble Fingers", "NOBLE-BLOOD": "Noble Blood", + "NOBLE-BLOOD-SIT": "Any Test influenced by your Status", "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE": "Nose for Trouble", + "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE-SIT": "Any Test to spot Troublemakers", "NUMISMATICS": "Numismatics", + "NUMISMATICS-SIT": "Evaluate to establish the worth of coins", "OLD-SALT": "Old Salt", + "OLD-SALT-SIT": "Sail (any Sea-worthy Vessels)", "ORIENTATION": "Orientation", "PANHANDLE": "Panhandle", + "PANHANDLE-SIT": "Charm (Begging)", "PETTY-MAGIC": "Petty Magic", "PHARMACIST": "Pharmacist", + "PHARMACIST-SIT": "Trade (Apothecary)", "PILOT": "Pilot", + "PILOT-SIT": "Row or Sail Tests while navigating unsure waters", "PUBLIC-SPEAKER": "Public Speaker", "PURE-SOUL": "Pure Soul", "RAPID-RELOAD": "Rapid Reload", @@ -1347,6 +1390,7 @@ "READ/WRITE": "Read/Write", "RELENTLESS": "Relentless", "RESISTANCE": "Resistance", + "RESISTANCE-SIT": "All those to resist the associated Threat", "RESISTANCE-THREAT": "Resistance (Threat)", "THREAT": "Threat", "RESOLUTE": "Resolute", @@ -1365,7 +1409,9 @@ "SCHEMER": "Schemer", "SEA-LEGS": "Sea Legs", "SEASONED-TRAVELLER": "Seasoned Traveller", + "SEASONED-TRAVELLER-SIT": "Any Lore Test concerning local detail", "SECOND-SIGHT": "Second Sight", + "SECOND-SIGHT-SIT": "Any Test to detect the Winds of Magic", "SECRET-IDENTITY": "Secret Identity", "SHADOW": "Shadow", "SHARP": "Sharp", @@ -1376,17 +1422,22 @@ "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT": "Shieldsman: If Opp Roll lost", "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT2": "Spend 2 Adv to push 2 ft or do Dmg", "SIXTH-SENSE": "Sixth Sense", + "SIXTH-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests involving your Sixth Sense", "SLAYER": "Slayer", "SLAYER-EFFECT": "Slayer: Use target TB if > SB", "SLAYER-CRIT-EFFECT": "Slayer: Times ALL dmg by size diff", "SMALL": "Small", "SPEEDREADER": "Speedreader", + "SPEEDREADER-SIT": "Speedreader", "SPRINTER": "Sprinter", "STEP-ASIDE": "Step Aside", + "STEP-ASIDE-SIT": "Dodge Tests to activate this Talent", "STRIDER": "Strider", + "STRIDER-SIT": "Athletics Tests to traverse the Terrain", "STRIDER-TERRAIN": "Strider (Terrain)", "TERRAIN": "Terrain", "STOUT-HEARTED": "Stout-hearted", + "STOUT-HEARTED-SIT": "Cool Tests to remove Broken Conditions", "STONE-SOUP": "Stone Soup", "STRONG-LEGS": "Strong Legs", "STRONG-MINDED": "Strong-minded", @@ -1418,6 +1469,7 @@ "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Sure Shot: Ingore", "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT2": "AP on HitLoc", "SURGERY": "Surgery", + "SURGERY-SIT": "Heal Tests outside combat rounds; i.e. when you havetime to do it ‘properly’", "DANGEROUS": "Dangerous", "IMPRECISE": "Imprecise", "UNDAMAGING": "Undamaging", @@ -1427,21 +1479,29 @@ "STRIKE-TO-STUN": "Strike to Stun", "STRIKE-MIGHTY-BLOW": "Strike Mighty Blow", "TENACIOUS": "Tenacious", + "TENACIOUS-SIT": "Endurance Tests for enduring hardships", "TINKER": "Tinker", + "TINKER-SIT": "Trade Tests to repair broken items", "TOWER-OF-MEMORIES": "Tower Of Memories", "TRAPPER": "Trapper", + "TRAPPER-SIT": "Perception Tests to spot traps, Set Trap", "TRICK-RIDING": "Trick Riding", + "TRICK-RIDING-SIT": "Dodge Tests on Horseback, Ride (Horse)", "TUNNEL-RAT": "Tunnel Rat", + "TUNNEL-RAT-SIT": "Stealth Tests when underground", "UNSHAKABLE": "Unshakable", + "UNSHAKABLE-SIT": "Cool Tests to resist Blackpowder panic", "VERY-RESILIENT": "Very Resilient", "VERY-STRONG": "Very Strong", "VICE": "Vice", "WAR-LEADER": "War Leader", + "WAR-LEADER-SIT": "Leadership Tests during War", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT": "Targets gain +", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT2": "SL to WP test (1/round)", "WAR-WIZARD": "War Wizard", "WARRIOR-BORN": "Warrior Born", "WATERMAN": "Waterman", + "WATERMAN-SIT": "Sail Tests for river-going vessels", "WEALTHY": "Wealthy", "WELL-PREPARED": "Well-prepared", "WITCH!": "Witch!", @@ -1749,10 +1809,58 @@ "MEMBERS": "Members", "CREDITORS": "Creditors", "DISTRACTED": "Distracted", + "CREWED": "Crewed", + "SALVO": "Salvo", + "CHAR-ROLL": "Char Roll", "OOPS-TABLE": "Fumble/Oops Rules", "HOUSERULE1-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 1: Core Rule Book (Default)", "HOUSERULE2-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 2: Extended Rules V1.1 (by FighterChimp on Ratcatcher Guild Discord)", "IMPROVISED_WEAPON": "Improvised Weapon", + "CORE-TALENTS": "Core Talents", + "DWARF-TALENTS": "Dwarf Player's Guide Talents", + "RUNESMITHING": "Runesmithing", + "GRUDGES-CAP": "GRUDGES", + "GRUDGES": "Grudges", + "BLOOD-GRUDGES": "Blood Grudges", + "RESOLVED-GRUDGES": "Resolved Grudges", + "COMBAT-MODIFIERS": "Combat Modifiers:", + "RANGED-MODIFIERS": "Ranged Modifiers:", + "DECLARE-ACTION": "Declare Attack Options:", + "MAGIC-QUICK-MENU": "Magic Quickbar", + "MELEE-QUICK-MENU": "Melee Quickbar", + "RANGED-QUICK-MENU": "Ranged Quickbar", + "ANCESTRAL-GRUDGE": "Ancestral Grudge", + "BLUDGEONER": "Bludgeoner", + "BLUDGEONER-EFFECT": "Bludgeoner: Additional stuns +", + "DEMOLISHER": "Demolisher", + "DEMOLISHER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects using a Hack weapon", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT": "Demolisher: Additional Armor Dmg +", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT2": "Demolisher Ranged: Decreases cover by 1 lvl", + "DRAGON-BELCHER": "Dragon Belcher", + "DRAGON-BELCHER-EFFECT": "Dragon Belcher: Additional Broken +", + "ENTRENCHMENT": "Entrenchment", + "ENTRENCHMENT-SIT": "Trade when constructing protective cover", + "FORGEFIRE": "Forgefire", + "GLORIOUS-DEMISE": "Glorious Demise", + "HARPOONER": "Harpooner", + "KINGSGUARD": "Kingsguard", + "LIQUID-FORTIFICATION": "Liquid Fortification", + "LONG-MEMORY": "Long Memory", + "LONG-MEMORY-SIT": "Intelligence Tests to remember", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE": "Magic Defiance", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE-SIT": "Willpower Tests to use Magic Resistance", + "MASTER-RUNE-MAGIC": "Master Rune Magic", + "MAVERICK": "Maverick", + "MAVERICK-SIT": "Sail (Skycraft) Tests to fly fast and dangerous", + "RUNE-MAGIC": "Rune Magic", + "SHORT-FUSE": "Short Fuse", + "SHORT-FUSE-EFFECT": "Short Fuse: Additional", + "TIRELESS": "Tireless", + "UNDERMINER": "Underminer", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH": "Whirlwind of Death", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC": "Whirlwind of Death: Spend 1 Fortune to make a Melee attack against all creatures Engaged with you. The GM chooses one enemy to Oppose this Test. If your attack succeeds, you inflict the same Damage to the same Hit Location against all Engaged creatures, calculated as normal. Do not apply Criticals on Whirlwind of Death attacks, though Critical Wounds are inflicted on enemies reduced to 0 Wounds as normal.", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC2": "You cannot activate any other special attack options as part of a Whirlwind of Death. However, if a Character with Dual Wielder (WFRP Core Rulebook) is wielding two weapons as part of a Whirlwind of Death, they may Reverse their Melee attack Test.", + "WOD": "W.o.Death", "TALENT-INTEGRATION": "Talents Integration options", "OVERCAST-TABLE": " --=( Overcast Table )=-- \n SL Targets Damage Range AoE Duration \n 1 +1 +1 x2 N/a N/a \n 2 +1 +2 x2 N/a x2 \n 3 +1 +3 x2 x2 x2 \n 5 +2 +4 x3 x2 x2 \n 8 +2 +5 x3 x2 x3 \n 13 +2 +6 x3 x3 x3 \n 21 +3 +7 x4 x3 x3" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/tr.json b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/tr.json index 8b4c953398ea..50b15b180ed4 100644 --- a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/tr.json +++ b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/tr.json @@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ "ABBREVIATE-DEXTERITY": "Dex", "ABBREVIATE-INTELLIGENCE": "Int", "ABBREVIATE-WILL-POWER": "WP", + "ABBREVIATE-INT-WILL-POWER": "I+WP", "ABBREVIATE-FELLOWSHIP": "Fel", "ABBREVIATE-WOUNDS": "W", "ABBREVIATE-MOVEMENT": "M", @@ -362,13 +363,13 @@ "BESMIRCHED": "Besmirched", "TARGET-NUMBER": "Target Number", "TRIP": "Trip", - "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Opp Str/Ath test to try make the target Prone.", + "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Strength/Athletics test to cause Prone.", "UNBALANCED": "Unbalanced", "SPREAD": "Spread", "SLASH": "Slash", "XA": "XA", "WARPSTONE": "Warpstone", - "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: (+0) Cool/Endurance Test, if failed target gains 1 corruption", + "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: On hit inflicts Minor Corruption", "ZZAP": "ZZAP!", "ZZAP-EFFECT": "ZZAP!: -1 AP & Ignore Metal AP", "SLASH-EFFECT": "Slash: +1 Bleeding (Inc. by 1, for", @@ -1182,9 +1183,9 @@ "SLOW-EFFECT": "Slow: Defender Opposed test +1 SL", "TIRING": "Tiring", "HACK": "Hack", - "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg +1", + "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg + 1", "PUMMEL": "Pummel", - "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: Opposed (Str/End) to Stun", + "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: On hit Opp (Str/End) to Stun", "PENETRATING": "Penetrating", "PENETRATING-EFFECT": "Penetrating: -1 AP & Ignore non-Metal AP", "RELOAD": "Reload", @@ -1195,7 +1196,7 @@ "BLAST-EFFECT": "Blast: Dmg hits all within", "ACCURATE": "Accurate", "DISTRACT": "Distract", - "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back", + "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back Opposed SL", "WRAP": "Wrap", "WRAP-EFFECT": "Wrap: Defender Opposed test -1 SL Mod", "ENTANGLE": "Entangle", @@ -1204,37 +1205,48 @@ "TRAP-BLADE": "Trap Blade", "TRAP-BLADE-EFFECT": "Or Trap Blade : Opp Str test", "BLACKPOWDER": "Blackpowder", - "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", + "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Blackpowder: Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", "AMBIDEXTROUS": "Ambidextrous", "BEAT-BLADE": "Beat Blade", "ANIMAL-AFFINITY": "Animal Affinity", "ARCANE-MAGIC": "Arcane Magic", "ARGUMENTATIVE": "Argumentative", + "ARGUMENTATIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests when arguing and debating", "ARTISTIC": "Artistic", "ATTRACTIVE": "Attractive", + "ATTRACTIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests to influence those attracted to you", "ACUTE-SENSE": "Acute Sense", + "ACUTE-SENSE-SIT": "Perception (Sense)", "ACUTE-SENSE-SENSE": "Acute Sense (Sense)", "SENSE": "Sense", "ARCANE-MAGIC-LORE": "Arcane Magic (Lore)", "ALLEY-CAT": "Alley Cat", + "ALLEY-CAT-SIT": "Stealth (Urban)", "BATTLE-RAGE": "Battle Rage", "BENEATH-NOTICE": "Beneath Notice", + "BENEATH-NOTICE-SIT": "Stealth when in plain sight", "BLATHER": "Blather", + "BLATHER-SIT": "Charm to Blather", "BLESS": "Bless", "BOOKISH": "Bookish", - "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break & Enter", - "B&E": "B&E", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break and Enter", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects", + "B&E": "VsObject", "BRIBERY": "Bribery", "BRIBER": "Briber", "BERSERK-CHARGE": "Berserk Charge", "CARDSHARP": "Cardsharp", + "CARDSHARP-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing card games", "CAREFUL-STRIKE": "Careful Strike", "CAROUSER": "Carouser", + "CAROUSER-SIT": "Charm at Parties, Gossip at Parties, Consume Alcohol", "CATFALL": "Catfall", "CAT-TONGUED": "Cat-tongued", + "CAT-TONGUED-SIT": "Charm when lying", "CHAOS-MAGIC": "Chaos Magic", "CHAOS-MAGIC-LORE": "Chaos Magic (Lore)", "COMBAT-AWARE": "Combat Aware", + "COMBAT-AWARE-SIT": "Perception during melee", "COMBAT-MASTER": "Combat Master", "COMBAT-REFLEXES": "Combat Reflexes", "COMMANDING-PRESENCE": "Commanding Presence", @@ -1242,7 +1254,9 @@ "CONCOCT": "Concoct", "CONTORTIONIST": "Contortionist", "CRACK-THE-WHIP": "Crack the Whip", + "CRACK-THE-WHIP-SIT": "Drive or Ride Tests when Fleeing or Running", "CRAFTSMAN": "Craftsman", + "CRAFTSMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Trade Tests", "CRAFTSMAN-TRADE": "Craftsman (Trade)", "CREW-COMMANDER": "Crew Commander", "CRIMINAL": "Criminal", @@ -1250,8 +1264,10 @@ "DEADEYE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Deadeye Shot: Choose hit location", "DEALMAKER": "Dealmaker", "DETECT-ARTEFACT": "Detect Artefact", + "DETECT-ARTEFACT-SIT": "Intuition tests to detect magical artefacts", "DEF-STANCE": "Def. Stance", "DICEMAN": "Diceman", + "DICEMAN-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing dice games", "DIRTY-FIGHTING": "Dirty Fighting", "DISARM": "Disarm", "DISARM-1-DESC": "Disarm: Oppose with Melee & ignore Dmg", @@ -1270,14 +1286,21 @@ "DRILLED-EFFECT2": "lost Adv", "DRILLED-EFFECT3": "Drilled: Count as 2 at end of round", "DUAL-WIELDER": "Dual Wielder", + "DUAL-WIELD": "Dual Wield", + "DUAL-WIELD-MH": "Dual Wield Main", + "DUAL-WIELD-OH": "Dual Wield Off", + "DUAL-WIELDER-SIT": "Melee or Ranged when attacking with two weapons", "DUAL-WIELD-NOTE": "Dual Wielder 2nd Attack", "USE-DW": "Use Dual Wielder", "EMBEZZLE": "Embezzle", "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER": "Enclosed Fighter", + "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER-SIT": "Dodge in enclosed environments", "ETIQUETTE": "Etiquette", + "ETIQUETTE-SIT": "Charm and Gossip (Social Group)", "ETIQUETTE-GROUP": "Etiquette (Group)", "FAST-SHOT": "Fast Shot", "FAST-HANDS": "Fast Hands", + "FAST-HANDS-SIT": "Sleight of Hand, Melee (Brawling) to touch an opponent", "FEARLESS": "Fearless", "FEARLESS-ENEMY": "Fearless (Enemy)", "ENEMY": "Enemy", @@ -1286,6 +1309,7 @@ "FEINT-2-DESC": "If Won you may add any +SL to your next", "FEINT-3-DESC": "attack on the same target next turn", "FIELD-DRESSING": "Field Dressing", + "FIELD-DRESSING-SIT": "Heal during combat Rounds", "FISHERMAN": "Fisherman", "FLAGELLANT": "Flagellant", "FLEE!": "Flee!", @@ -1295,50 +1319,69 @@ "FURIOUS-ASSAULT": "Furious Assault", "FURIOUS-ASSAULT-EFFECT": "Furious Assault: On Hit", "GREGARIOUS": "Gregarious", + "GREGARIOUS-SIT": "Gossip Tests with travellers", "GUNNER": "Gunner", "GUNNER-EFFECT": "Gunner: +1 Group Advantage", "HATRED-GROUP": "Hatred (Group)", "HOLY-VISIONS": "Holy Visions", + "HOLY-VISIONS-SIT": "Intuition Tests when on holy ground", "HUNTERS-EYE": "Hunter's Eye", "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL": "Impassioned Zeal", + "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL-SIT": "Charm when speaking about your cause", "IMPLACABLE": "Implacable", "IN-FIGHTER": "In-fighter", "INFIGHT": "Infight", "INSPIRING": "Inspiring", + "INSPIRING-SIT": "Leadership during war", "INVOKE": "Invoke", "IRON-JAW": "Iron Jaw", + "IRON-JAW-SIT": "Endurance tests to resist Stunned", "IRON-WILL": "Iron Will", + "IRON-WILL-SIT": "Cool Tests to oppose Intimidate", "JUMP-UP": "Jump Up", "KINGPIN": "Kingpin", "LIGHTNING-REFLEXES": "Lightning Reflexes", "LUCK": "Luck", "LINGUISTICS": "Linguistics", "LIP-READING": "Lip Reading", + "LIP-READING-SIT": "Perception Tests concerning this Talent", "MAGICAL": "Magical", "MAGICAL-EFFECTS": "Magical Effects", "MAGICAL-SENSE": "Magical Sense", + "MAGICAL-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests to detect Wizards", "MAGICAL-ASSISTANT": "Magical Assistant", "MAGIC-RESISTANCE": "Magic Resistance", "MAGNUM-OPUS": "Magnum Opus", "MARKSMAN": "Marksman", "MASTER-AND-COMMANDER": "Master and Commander", "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE": "Master of Disguise", + "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) when being someone else", "MASTER-ORATOR": "Master Orator", "MASTER-TRADESMAN": "Master Tradesman", + "MASTER-TRADESMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Extended Trade Tests", "TRADE": "Trade", "MENACING": "Menacing", "MIMIC": "Mimic", + "MIMIC-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) Tests where accents are important", "NIGHT-VISION": "Night Vision", + "NIGHT-VISION-SIT": "Perception tests in low-light conditions", "NIMBLE-FINGERS": "Nimble Fingers", "NOBLE-BLOOD": "Noble Blood", + "NOBLE-BLOOD-SIT": "Any Test influenced by your Status", "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE": "Nose for Trouble", + "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE-SIT": "Any Test to spot Troublemakers", "NUMISMATICS": "Numismatics", + "NUMISMATICS-SIT": "Evaluate to establish the worth of coins", "OLD-SALT": "Old Salt", + "OLD-SALT-SIT": "Sail (any Sea-worthy Vessels)", "ORIENTATION": "Orientation", "PANHANDLE": "Panhandle", + "PANHANDLE-SIT": "Charm (Begging)", "PETTY-MAGIC": "Petty Magic", "PHARMACIST": "Pharmacist", + "PHARMACIST-SIT": "Trade (Apothecary)", "PILOT": "Pilot", + "PILOT-SIT": "Row or Sail Tests while navigating unsure waters", "PUBLIC-SPEAKER": "Public Speaker", "PURE-SOUL": "Pure Soul", "RAPID-RELOAD": "Rapid Reload", @@ -1347,6 +1390,7 @@ "READ/WRITE": "Read/Write", "RELENTLESS": "Relentless", "RESISTANCE": "Resistance", + "RESISTANCE-SIT": "All those to resist the associated Threat", "RESISTANCE-THREAT": "Resistance (Threat)", "THREAT": "Threat", "RESOLUTE": "Resolute", @@ -1365,7 +1409,9 @@ "SCHEMER": "Schemer", "SEA-LEGS": "Sea Legs", "SEASONED-TRAVELLER": "Seasoned Traveller", + "SEASONED-TRAVELLER-SIT": "Any Lore Test concerning local detail", "SECOND-SIGHT": "Second Sight", + "SECOND-SIGHT-SIT": "Any Test to detect the Winds of Magic", "SECRET-IDENTITY": "Secret Identity", "SHADOW": "Shadow", "SHARP": "Sharp", @@ -1376,17 +1422,22 @@ "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT": "Shieldsman: If Opp Roll lost", "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT2": "Spend 2 Adv to push 2 ft or do Dmg", "SIXTH-SENSE": "Sixth Sense", + "SIXTH-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests involving your Sixth Sense", "SLAYER": "Slayer", "SLAYER-EFFECT": "Slayer: Use target TB if > SB", "SLAYER-CRIT-EFFECT": "Slayer: Times ALL dmg by size diff", "SMALL": "Small", "SPEEDREADER": "Speedreader", + "SPEEDREADER-SIT": "Speedreader", "SPRINTER": "Sprinter", "STEP-ASIDE": "Step Aside", + "STEP-ASIDE-SIT": "Dodge Tests to activate this Talent", "STRIDER": "Strider", + "STRIDER-SIT": "Athletics Tests to traverse the Terrain", "STRIDER-TERRAIN": "Strider (Terrain)", "TERRAIN": "Terrain", "STOUT-HEARTED": "Stout-hearted", + "STOUT-HEARTED-SIT": "Cool Tests to remove Broken Conditions", "STONE-SOUP": "Stone Soup", "STRONG-LEGS": "Strong Legs", "STRONG-MINDED": "Strong-minded", @@ -1418,6 +1469,7 @@ "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Sure Shot: Ingore", "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT2": "AP on HitLoc", "SURGERY": "Surgery", + "SURGERY-SIT": "Heal Tests outside combat rounds; i.e. when you havetime to do it ‘properly’", "DANGEROUS": "Dangerous", "IMPRECISE": "Imprecise", "UNDAMAGING": "Undamaging", @@ -1427,21 +1479,29 @@ "STRIKE-TO-STUN": "Strike to Stun", "STRIKE-MIGHTY-BLOW": "Strike Mighty Blow", "TENACIOUS": "Tenacious", + "TENACIOUS-SIT": "Endurance Tests for enduring hardships", "TINKER": "Tinker", + "TINKER-SIT": "Trade Tests to repair broken items", "TOWER-OF-MEMORIES": "Tower Of Memories", "TRAPPER": "Trapper", + "TRAPPER-SIT": "Perception Tests to spot traps, Set Trap", "TRICK-RIDING": "Trick Riding", + "TRICK-RIDING-SIT": "Dodge Tests on Horseback, Ride (Horse)", "TUNNEL-RAT": "Tunnel Rat", + "TUNNEL-RAT-SIT": "Stealth Tests when underground", "UNSHAKABLE": "Unshakable", + "UNSHAKABLE-SIT": "Cool Tests to resist Blackpowder panic", "VERY-RESILIENT": "Very Resilient", "VERY-STRONG": "Very Strong", "VICE": "Vice", "WAR-LEADER": "War Leader", + "WAR-LEADER-SIT": "Leadership Tests during War", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT": "Targets gain +", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT2": "SL to WP test (1/round)", "WAR-WIZARD": "War Wizard", "WARRIOR-BORN": "Warrior Born", "WATERMAN": "Waterman", + "WATERMAN-SIT": "Sail Tests for river-going vessels", "WEALTHY": "Wealthy", "WELL-PREPARED": "Well-prepared", "WITCH!": "Witch!", @@ -1749,10 +1809,58 @@ "MEMBERS": "Members", "CREDITORS": "Creditors", "DISTRACTED": "Distracted", + "CREWED": "Crewed", + "SALVO": "Salvo", + "CHAR-ROLL": "Char Roll", "OOPS-TABLE": "Fumble/Oops Rules", "HOUSERULE1-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 1: Core Rule Book (Default)", "HOUSERULE2-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 2: Extended Rules V1.1 (by FighterChimp on Ratcatcher Guild Discord)", "IMPROVISED_WEAPON": "Improvised Weapon", + "CORE-TALENTS": "Core Talents", + "DWARF-TALENTS": "Dwarf Player's Guide Talents", + "RUNESMITHING": "Runesmithing", + "GRUDGES-CAP": "GRUDGES", + "GRUDGES": "Grudges", + "BLOOD-GRUDGES": "Blood Grudges", + "RESOLVED-GRUDGES": "Resolved Grudges", + "COMBAT-MODIFIERS": "Combat Modifiers:", + "RANGED-MODIFIERS": "Ranged Modifiers:", + "DECLARE-ACTION": "Declare Attack Options:", + "MAGIC-QUICK-MENU": "Magic Quickbar", + "MELEE-QUICK-MENU": "Melee Quickbar", + "RANGED-QUICK-MENU": "Ranged Quickbar", + "ANCESTRAL-GRUDGE": "Ancestral Grudge", + "BLUDGEONER": "Bludgeoner", + "BLUDGEONER-EFFECT": "Bludgeoner: Additional stuns +", + "DEMOLISHER": "Demolisher", + "DEMOLISHER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects using a Hack weapon", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT": "Demolisher: Additional Armor Dmg +", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT2": "Demolisher Ranged: Decreases cover by 1 lvl", + "DRAGON-BELCHER": "Dragon Belcher", + "DRAGON-BELCHER-EFFECT": "Dragon Belcher: Additional Broken +", + "ENTRENCHMENT": "Entrenchment", + "ENTRENCHMENT-SIT": "Trade when constructing protective cover", + "FORGEFIRE": "Forgefire", + "GLORIOUS-DEMISE": "Glorious Demise", + "HARPOONER": "Harpooner", + "KINGSGUARD": "Kingsguard", + "LIQUID-FORTIFICATION": "Liquid Fortification", + "LONG-MEMORY": "Long Memory", + "LONG-MEMORY-SIT": "Intelligence Tests to remember", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE": "Magic Defiance", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE-SIT": "Willpower Tests to use Magic Resistance", + "MASTER-RUNE-MAGIC": "Master Rune Magic", + "MAVERICK": "Maverick", + "MAVERICK-SIT": "Sail (Skycraft) Tests to fly fast and dangerous", + "RUNE-MAGIC": "Rune Magic", + "SHORT-FUSE": "Short Fuse", + "SHORT-FUSE-EFFECT": "Short Fuse: Additional", + "TIRELESS": "Tireless", + "UNDERMINER": "Underminer", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH": "Whirlwind of Death", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC": "Whirlwind of Death: Spend 1 Fortune to make a Melee attack against all creatures Engaged with you. The GM chooses one enemy to Oppose this Test. If your attack succeeds, you inflict the same Damage to the same Hit Location against all Engaged creatures, calculated as normal. Do not apply Criticals on Whirlwind of Death attacks, though Critical Wounds are inflicted on enemies reduced to 0 Wounds as normal.", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC2": "You cannot activate any other special attack options as part of a Whirlwind of Death. However, if a Character with Dual Wielder (WFRP Core Rulebook) is wielding two weapons as part of a Whirlwind of Death, they may Reverse their Melee attack Test.", + "WOD": "W.o.Death", "TALENT-INTEGRATION": "Talents Integration options", "OVERCAST-TABLE": " --=( Overcast Table )=-- \n SL Targets Damage Range AoE Duration \n 1 +1 +1 x2 N/a N/a \n 2 +1 +2 x2 N/a x2 \n 3 +1 +3 x2 x2 x2 \n 5 +2 +4 x3 x2 x2 \n 8 +2 +5 x3 x2 x3 \n 13 +2 +6 x3 x3 x3 \n 21 +3 +7 x4 x3 x3" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/uk.json b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/uk.json index a272288af505..0a5136bc9321 100644 --- a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/uk.json +++ b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/uk.json @@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ "ABBREVIATE-DEXTERITY": "Dex", "ABBREVIATE-INTELLIGENCE": "Int", "ABBREVIATE-WILL-POWER": "WP", + "ABBREVIATE-INT-WILL-POWER": "I+WP", "ABBREVIATE-FELLOWSHIP": "Fel", "ABBREVIATE-WOUNDS": "W", "ABBREVIATE-MOVEMENT": "M", @@ -362,13 +363,13 @@ "BESMIRCHED": "Besmirched", "TARGET-NUMBER": "Target Number", "TRIP": "Trip", - "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Opp Str/Ath test to try make the target Prone.", + "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Strength/Athletics test to cause Prone.", "UNBALANCED": "Unbalanced", "SPREAD": "Spread", "SLASH": "Slash", "XA": "XA", "WARPSTONE": "Warpstone", - "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: (+0) Cool/Endurance Test, if failed target gains 1 corruption", + "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: On hit inflicts Minor Corruption", "ZZAP": "ZZAP!", "ZZAP-EFFECT": "ZZAP!: -1 AP & Ignore Metal AP", "SLASH-EFFECT": "Slash: +1 Bleeding (Inc. by 1, for", @@ -1182,9 +1183,9 @@ "SLOW-EFFECT": "Slow: Defender Opposed test +1 SL", "TIRING": "Tiring", "HACK": "Hack", - "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg +1", + "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg + 1", "PUMMEL": "Pummel", - "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: Opposed (Str/End) to Stun", + "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: On hit Opp (Str/End) to Stun", "PENETRATING": "Penetrating", "PENETRATING-EFFECT": "Penetrating: -1 AP & Ignore non-Metal AP", "RELOAD": "Reload", @@ -1195,7 +1196,7 @@ "BLAST-EFFECT": "Blast: Dmg hits all within", "ACCURATE": "Accurate", "DISTRACT": "Distract", - "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back", + "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back Opposed SL", "WRAP": "Wrap", "WRAP-EFFECT": "Wrap: Defender Opposed test -1 SL Mod", "ENTANGLE": "Entangle", @@ -1204,37 +1205,48 @@ "TRAP-BLADE": "Trap Blade", "TRAP-BLADE-EFFECT": "Or Trap Blade : Opp Str test", "BLACKPOWDER": "Blackpowder", - "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", + "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Blackpowder: Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", "AMBIDEXTROUS": "Ambidextrous", "BEAT-BLADE": "Beat Blade", "ANIMAL-AFFINITY": "Animal Affinity", "ARCANE-MAGIC": "Arcane Magic", "ARGUMENTATIVE": "Argumentative", + "ARGUMENTATIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests when arguing and debating", "ARTISTIC": "Artistic", "ATTRACTIVE": "Attractive", + "ATTRACTIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests to influence those attracted to you", "ACUTE-SENSE": "Acute Sense", + "ACUTE-SENSE-SIT": "Perception (Sense)", "ACUTE-SENSE-SENSE": "Acute Sense (Sense)", "SENSE": "Sense", "ARCANE-MAGIC-LORE": "Arcane Magic (Lore)", "ALLEY-CAT": "Alley Cat", + "ALLEY-CAT-SIT": "Stealth (Urban)", "BATTLE-RAGE": "Battle Rage", "BENEATH-NOTICE": "Beneath Notice", + "BENEATH-NOTICE-SIT": "Stealth when in plain sight", "BLATHER": "Blather", + "BLATHER-SIT": "Charm to Blather", "BLESS": "Bless", "BOOKISH": "Bookish", - "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break & Enter", - "B&E": "B&E", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break and Enter", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects", + "B&E": "VsObject", "BRIBERY": "Bribery", "BRIBER": "Briber", "BERSERK-CHARGE": "Berserk Charge", "CARDSHARP": "Cardsharp", + "CARDSHARP-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing card games", "CAREFUL-STRIKE": "Careful Strike", "CAROUSER": "Carouser", + "CAROUSER-SIT": "Charm at Parties, Gossip at Parties, Consume Alcohol", "CATFALL": "Catfall", "CAT-TONGUED": "Cat-tongued", + "CAT-TONGUED-SIT": "Charm when lying", "CHAOS-MAGIC": "Chaos Magic", "CHAOS-MAGIC-LORE": "Chaos Magic (Lore)", "COMBAT-AWARE": "Combat Aware", + "COMBAT-AWARE-SIT": "Perception during melee", "COMBAT-MASTER": "Combat Master", "COMBAT-REFLEXES": "Combat Reflexes", "COMMANDING-PRESENCE": "Commanding Presence", @@ -1242,7 +1254,9 @@ "CONCOCT": "Concoct", "CONTORTIONIST": "Contortionist", "CRACK-THE-WHIP": "Crack the Whip", + "CRACK-THE-WHIP-SIT": "Drive or Ride Tests when Fleeing or Running", "CRAFTSMAN": "Craftsman", + "CRAFTSMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Trade Tests", "CRAFTSMAN-TRADE": "Craftsman (Trade)", "CREW-COMMANDER": "Crew Commander", "CRIMINAL": "Criminal", @@ -1250,8 +1264,10 @@ "DEADEYE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Deadeye Shot: Choose hit location", "DEALMAKER": "Dealmaker", "DETECT-ARTEFACT": "Detect Artefact", + "DETECT-ARTEFACT-SIT": "Intuition tests to detect magical artefacts", "DEF-STANCE": "Def. Stance", "DICEMAN": "Diceman", + "DICEMAN-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing dice games", "DIRTY-FIGHTING": "Dirty Fighting", "DISARM": "Disarm", "DISARM-1-DESC": "Disarm: Oppose with Melee & ignore Dmg", @@ -1270,14 +1286,21 @@ "DRILLED-EFFECT2": "lost Adv", "DRILLED-EFFECT3": "Drilled: Count as 2 at end of round", "DUAL-WIELDER": "Dual Wielder", + "DUAL-WIELD": "Dual Wield", + "DUAL-WIELD-MH": "Dual Wield Main", + "DUAL-WIELD-OH": "Dual Wield Off", + "DUAL-WIELDER-SIT": "Melee or Ranged when attacking with two weapons", "DUAL-WIELD-NOTE": "Dual Wielder 2nd Attack", "USE-DW": "Use Dual Wielder", "EMBEZZLE": "Embezzle", "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER": "Enclosed Fighter", + "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER-SIT": "Dodge in enclosed environments", "ETIQUETTE": "Etiquette", + "ETIQUETTE-SIT": "Charm and Gossip (Social Group)", "ETIQUETTE-GROUP": "Etiquette (Group)", "FAST-SHOT": "Fast Shot", "FAST-HANDS": "Fast Hands", + "FAST-HANDS-SIT": "Sleight of Hand, Melee (Brawling) to touch an opponent", "FEARLESS": "Fearless", "FEARLESS-ENEMY": "Fearless (Enemy)", "ENEMY": "Enemy", @@ -1286,6 +1309,7 @@ "FEINT-2-DESC": "If Won you may add any +SL to your next", "FEINT-3-DESC": "attack on the same target next turn", "FIELD-DRESSING": "Field Dressing", + "FIELD-DRESSING-SIT": "Heal during combat Rounds", "FISHERMAN": "Fisherman", "FLAGELLANT": "Flagellant", "FLEE!": "Flee!", @@ -1295,50 +1319,69 @@ "FURIOUS-ASSAULT": "Furious Assault", "FURIOUS-ASSAULT-EFFECT": "Furious Assault: On Hit", "GREGARIOUS": "Gregarious", + "GREGARIOUS-SIT": "Gossip Tests with travellers", "GUNNER": "Gunner", "GUNNER-EFFECT": "Gunner: +1 Group Advantage", "HATRED-GROUP": "Hatred (Group)", "HOLY-VISIONS": "Holy Visions", + "HOLY-VISIONS-SIT": "Intuition Tests when on holy ground", "HUNTERS-EYE": "Hunter's Eye", "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL": "Impassioned Zeal", + "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL-SIT": "Charm when speaking about your cause", "IMPLACABLE": "Implacable", "IN-FIGHTER": "In-fighter", "INFIGHT": "Infight", "INSPIRING": "Inspiring", + "INSPIRING-SIT": "Leadership during war", "INVOKE": "Invoke", "IRON-JAW": "Iron Jaw", + "IRON-JAW-SIT": "Endurance tests to resist Stunned", "IRON-WILL": "Iron Will", + "IRON-WILL-SIT": "Cool Tests to oppose Intimidate", "JUMP-UP": "Jump Up", "KINGPIN": "Kingpin", "LIGHTNING-REFLEXES": "Lightning Reflexes", "LUCK": "Luck", "LINGUISTICS": "Linguistics", "LIP-READING": "Lip Reading", + "LIP-READING-SIT": "Perception Tests concerning this Talent", "MAGICAL": "Magical", "MAGICAL-EFFECTS": "Magical Effects", "MAGICAL-SENSE": "Magical Sense", + "MAGICAL-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests to detect Wizards", "MAGICAL-ASSISTANT": "Magical Assistant", "MAGIC-RESISTANCE": "Magic Resistance", "MAGNUM-OPUS": "Magnum Opus", "MARKSMAN": "Marksman", "MASTER-AND-COMMANDER": "Master and Commander", "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE": "Master of Disguise", + "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) when being someone else", "MASTER-ORATOR": "Master Orator", "MASTER-TRADESMAN": "Master Tradesman", + "MASTER-TRADESMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Extended Trade Tests", "TRADE": "Trade", "MENACING": "Menacing", "MIMIC": "Mimic", + "MIMIC-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) Tests where accents are important", "NIGHT-VISION": "Night Vision", + "NIGHT-VISION-SIT": "Perception tests in low-light conditions", "NIMBLE-FINGERS": "Nimble Fingers", "NOBLE-BLOOD": "Noble Blood", + "NOBLE-BLOOD-SIT": "Any Test influenced by your Status", "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE": "Nose for Trouble", + "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE-SIT": "Any Test to spot Troublemakers", "NUMISMATICS": "Numismatics", + "NUMISMATICS-SIT": "Evaluate to establish the worth of coins", "OLD-SALT": "Old Salt", + "OLD-SALT-SIT": "Sail (any Sea-worthy Vessels)", "ORIENTATION": "Orientation", "PANHANDLE": "Panhandle", + "PANHANDLE-SIT": "Charm (Begging)", "PETTY-MAGIC": "Petty Magic", "PHARMACIST": "Pharmacist", + "PHARMACIST-SIT": "Trade (Apothecary)", "PILOT": "Pilot", + "PILOT-SIT": "Row or Sail Tests while navigating unsure waters", "PUBLIC-SPEAKER": "Public Speaker", "PURE-SOUL": "Pure Soul", "RAPID-RELOAD": "Rapid Reload", @@ -1347,6 +1390,7 @@ "READ/WRITE": "Read/Write", "RELENTLESS": "Relentless", "RESISTANCE": "Resistance", + "RESISTANCE-SIT": "All those to resist the associated Threat", "RESISTANCE-THREAT": "Resistance (Threat)", "THREAT": "Threat", "RESOLUTE": "Resolute", @@ -1365,7 +1409,9 @@ "SCHEMER": "Schemer", "SEA-LEGS": "Sea Legs", "SEASONED-TRAVELLER": "Seasoned Traveller", + "SEASONED-TRAVELLER-SIT": "Any Lore Test concerning local detail", "SECOND-SIGHT": "Second Sight", + "SECOND-SIGHT-SIT": "Any Test to detect the Winds of Magic", "SECRET-IDENTITY": "Secret Identity", "SHADOW": "Shadow", "SHARP": "Sharp", @@ -1376,17 +1422,22 @@ "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT": "Shieldsman: If Opp Roll lost", "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT2": "Spend 2 Adv to push 2 ft or do Dmg", "SIXTH-SENSE": "Sixth Sense", + "SIXTH-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests involving your Sixth Sense", "SLAYER": "Slayer", "SLAYER-EFFECT": "Slayer: Use target TB if > SB", "SLAYER-CRIT-EFFECT": "Slayer: Times ALL dmg by size diff", "SMALL": "Small", "SPEEDREADER": "Speedreader", + "SPEEDREADER-SIT": "Speedreader", "SPRINTER": "Sprinter", "STEP-ASIDE": "Step Aside", + "STEP-ASIDE-SIT": "Dodge Tests to activate this Talent", "STRIDER": "Strider", + "STRIDER-SIT": "Athletics Tests to traverse the Terrain", "STRIDER-TERRAIN": "Strider (Terrain)", "TERRAIN": "Terrain", "STOUT-HEARTED": "Stout-hearted", + "STOUT-HEARTED-SIT": "Cool Tests to remove Broken Conditions", "STONE-SOUP": "Stone Soup", "STRONG-LEGS": "Strong Legs", "STRONG-MINDED": "Strong-minded", @@ -1418,6 +1469,7 @@ "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Sure Shot: Ingore", "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT2": "AP on HitLoc", "SURGERY": "Surgery", + "SURGERY-SIT": "Heal Tests outside combat rounds; i.e. when you havetime to do it ‘properly’", "DANGEROUS": "Dangerous", "IMPRECISE": "Imprecise", "UNDAMAGING": "Undamaging", @@ -1427,21 +1479,29 @@ "STRIKE-TO-STUN": "Strike to Stun", "STRIKE-MIGHTY-BLOW": "Strike Mighty Blow", "TENACIOUS": "Tenacious", + "TENACIOUS-SIT": "Endurance Tests for enduring hardships", "TINKER": "Tinker", + "TINKER-SIT": "Trade Tests to repair broken items", "TOWER-OF-MEMORIES": "Tower Of Memories", "TRAPPER": "Trapper", + "TRAPPER-SIT": "Perception Tests to spot traps, Set Trap", "TRICK-RIDING": "Trick Riding", + "TRICK-RIDING-SIT": "Dodge Tests on Horseback, Ride (Horse)", "TUNNEL-RAT": "Tunnel Rat", + "TUNNEL-RAT-SIT": "Stealth Tests when underground", "UNSHAKABLE": "Unshakable", + "UNSHAKABLE-SIT": "Cool Tests to resist Blackpowder panic", "VERY-RESILIENT": "Very Resilient", "VERY-STRONG": "Very Strong", "VICE": "Vice", "WAR-LEADER": "War Leader", + "WAR-LEADER-SIT": "Leadership Tests during War", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT": "Targets gain +", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT2": "SL to WP test (1/round)", "WAR-WIZARD": "War Wizard", "WARRIOR-BORN": "Warrior Born", "WATERMAN": "Waterman", + "WATERMAN-SIT": "Sail Tests for river-going vessels", "WEALTHY": "Wealthy", "WELL-PREPARED": "Well-prepared", "WITCH!": "Witch!", @@ -1749,10 +1809,58 @@ "MEMBERS": "Members", "CREDITORS": "Creditors", "DISTRACTED": "Distracted", + "CREWED": "Crewed", + "SALVO": "Salvo", + "CHAR-ROLL": "Char Roll", "OOPS-TABLE": "Fumble/Oops Rules", "HOUSERULE1-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 1: Core Rule Book (Default)", "HOUSERULE2-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 2: Extended Rules V1.1 (by FighterChimp on Ratcatcher Guild Discord)", "IMPROVISED_WEAPON": "Improvised Weapon", + "CORE-TALENTS": "Core Talents", + "DWARF-TALENTS": "Dwarf Player's Guide Talents", + "RUNESMITHING": "Runesmithing", + "GRUDGES-CAP": "GRUDGES", + "GRUDGES": "Grudges", + "BLOOD-GRUDGES": "Blood Grudges", + "RESOLVED-GRUDGES": "Resolved Grudges", + "COMBAT-MODIFIERS": "Combat Modifiers:", + "RANGED-MODIFIERS": "Ranged Modifiers:", + "DECLARE-ACTION": "Declare Attack Options:", + "MAGIC-QUICK-MENU": "Magic Quickbar", + "MELEE-QUICK-MENU": "Melee Quickbar", + "RANGED-QUICK-MENU": "Ranged Quickbar", + "ANCESTRAL-GRUDGE": "Ancestral Grudge", + "BLUDGEONER": "Bludgeoner", + "BLUDGEONER-EFFECT": "Bludgeoner: Additional stuns +", + "DEMOLISHER": "Demolisher", + "DEMOLISHER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects using a Hack weapon", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT": "Demolisher: Additional Armor Dmg +", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT2": "Demolisher Ranged: Decreases cover by 1 lvl", + "DRAGON-BELCHER": "Dragon Belcher", + "DRAGON-BELCHER-EFFECT": "Dragon Belcher: Additional Broken +", + "ENTRENCHMENT": "Entrenchment", + "ENTRENCHMENT-SIT": "Trade when constructing protective cover", + "FORGEFIRE": "Forgefire", + "GLORIOUS-DEMISE": "Glorious Demise", + "HARPOONER": "Harpooner", + "KINGSGUARD": "Kingsguard", + "LIQUID-FORTIFICATION": "Liquid Fortification", + "LONG-MEMORY": "Long Memory", + "LONG-MEMORY-SIT": "Intelligence Tests to remember", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE": "Magic Defiance", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE-SIT": "Willpower Tests to use Magic Resistance", + "MASTER-RUNE-MAGIC": "Master Rune Magic", + "MAVERICK": "Maverick", + "MAVERICK-SIT": "Sail (Skycraft) Tests to fly fast and dangerous", + "RUNE-MAGIC": "Rune Magic", + "SHORT-FUSE": "Short Fuse", + "SHORT-FUSE-EFFECT": "Short Fuse: Additional", + "TIRELESS": "Tireless", + "UNDERMINER": "Underminer", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH": "Whirlwind of Death", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC": "Whirlwind of Death: Spend 1 Fortune to make a Melee attack against all creatures Engaged with you. The GM chooses one enemy to Oppose this Test. If your attack succeeds, you inflict the same Damage to the same Hit Location against all Engaged creatures, calculated as normal. Do not apply Criticals on Whirlwind of Death attacks, though Critical Wounds are inflicted on enemies reduced to 0 Wounds as normal.", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC2": "You cannot activate any other special attack options as part of a Whirlwind of Death. However, if a Character with Dual Wielder (WFRP Core Rulebook) is wielding two weapons as part of a Whirlwind of Death, they may Reverse their Melee attack Test.", + "WOD": "W.o.Death", "TALENT-INTEGRATION": "Talents Integration options", "OVERCAST-TABLE": " --=( Overcast Table )=-- \n SL Targets Damage Range AoE Duration \n 1 +1 +1 x2 N/a N/a \n 2 +1 +2 x2 N/a x2 \n 3 +1 +3 x2 x2 x2 \n 5 +2 +4 x3 x2 x2 \n 8 +2 +5 x3 x2 x3 \n 13 +2 +6 x3 x3 x3 \n 21 +3 +7 x4 x3 x3" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/zh.json b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/zh.json index f64d6839213d..ebeb0d7f948c 100644 --- a/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/zh.json +++ b/Warhammer 4e Character Sheet/translations/zh.json @@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ "ABBREVIATE-DEXTERITY": "敏捷", "ABBREVIATE-INTELLIGENCE": "智力", "ABBREVIATE-WILL-POWER": "WP", + "ABBREVIATE-INT-WILL-POWER": "I+WP", "ABBREVIATE-FELLOWSHIP": "Fel", "ABBREVIATE-WOUNDS": "W", "ABBREVIATE-MOVEMENT": "材料", @@ -362,13 +363,13 @@ "BESMIRCHED": "Besmirched", "TARGET-NUMBER": "Target Number", "TRIP": "Trip", - "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Opp Str/Ath test to try make the target Prone.", + "TRIP-EFFECT": "Trip: On hit you can spend 2 Adv for Strength/Athletics test to cause Prone.", "UNBALANCED": "Unbalanced", "SPREAD": "Spread", "SLASH": "Slash", "XA": "XA", "WARPSTONE": "Warpstone", - "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: (+0) Cool/Endurance Test, if failed target gains 1 corruption", + "WARPSTONE-EFFECT": "Warpstone: On hit inflicts Minor Corruption", "ZZAP": "ZZAP!", "ZZAP-EFFECT": "ZZAP!: -1 AP & Ignore Metal AP", "SLASH-EFFECT": "Slash: +1 Bleeding (Inc. by 1, for", @@ -1182,9 +1183,9 @@ "SLOW-EFFECT": "Slow: Defender Opposed test +1 SL", "TIRING": "Tiring", "HACK": "Hack", - "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg +1", + "HACK-EFFECT": "Hack: On hit HitLoc Armor Dmg + 1", "PUMMEL": "Pummel", - "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: Opposed (Str/End) to Stun", + "PUMMEL-EFFECT": "Pummel: On hit Opp (Str/End) to Stun", "PENETRATING": "Penetrating", "PENETRATING-EFFECT": "Penetrating: -1 AP & Ignore non-Metal AP", "RELOAD": "Reload", @@ -1195,7 +1196,7 @@ "BLAST-EFFECT": "Blast: Dmg hits all within", "ACCURATE": "Accurate", "DISTRACT": "Distract", - "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back", + "DISTRACT-EFFECT": "Distract: Dmg or push back Opposed SL", "WRAP": "Wrap", "WRAP-EFFECT": "Wrap: Defender Opposed test -1 SL Mod", "ENTANGLE": "Entangle", @@ -1204,37 +1205,48 @@ "TRAP-BLADE": "Trap Blade", "TRAP-BLADE-EFFECT": "Or Trap Blade : Opp Str test", "BLACKPOWDER": "Blackpowder", - "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", + "BLACKPOWDER-EFFECT": "Blackpowder: Target +20 Cool test or +1 Broken", "AMBIDEXTROUS": "Ambidextrous", "BEAT-BLADE": "Beat Blade", "ANIMAL-AFFINITY": "Animal Affinity", "ARCANE-MAGIC": "Arcane Magic", "ARGUMENTATIVE": "Argumentative", + "ARGUMENTATIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests when arguing and debating", "ARTISTIC": "Artistic", "ATTRACTIVE": "Attractive", + "ATTRACTIVE-SIT": "Charm Tests to influence those attracted to you", "ACUTE-SENSE": "Acute Sense", + "ACUTE-SENSE-SIT": "Perception (Sense)", "ACUTE-SENSE-SENSE": "Acute Sense (Sense)", "SENSE": "Sense", "ARCANE-MAGIC-LORE": "Arcane Magic (Lore)", "ALLEY-CAT": "Alley Cat", + "ALLEY-CAT-SIT": "Stealth (Urban)", "BATTLE-RAGE": "Battle Rage", "BENEATH-NOTICE": "Beneath Notice", + "BENEATH-NOTICE-SIT": "Stealth when in plain sight", "BLATHER": "Blather", + "BLATHER-SIT": "Charm to Blather", "BLESS": "Bless", "BOOKISH": "Bookish", - "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break & Enter", - "B&E": "B&E", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER": "Break and Enter", + "BREAK-AND-ENTER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects", + "B&E": "VsObject", "BRIBERY": "Bribery", "BRIBER": "Briber", "BERSERK-CHARGE": "Berserk Charge", "CARDSHARP": "Cardsharp", + "CARDSHARP-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing card games", "CAREFUL-STRIKE": "Careful Strike", "CAROUSER": "Carouser", + "CAROUSER-SIT": "Charm at Parties, Gossip at Parties, Consume Alcohol", "CATFALL": "Catfall", "CAT-TONGUED": "Cat-tongued", + "CAT-TONGUED-SIT": "Charm when lying", "CHAOS-MAGIC": "Chaos Magic", "CHAOS-MAGIC-LORE": "Chaos Magic (Lore)", "COMBAT-AWARE": "Combat Aware", + "COMBAT-AWARE-SIT": "Perception during melee", "COMBAT-MASTER": "Combat Master", "COMBAT-REFLEXES": "Combat Reflexes", "COMMANDING-PRESENCE": "Commanding Presence", @@ -1242,7 +1254,9 @@ "CONCOCT": "Concoct", "CONTORTIONIST": "Contortionist", "CRACK-THE-WHIP": "Crack the Whip", + "CRACK-THE-WHIP-SIT": "Drive or Ride Tests when Fleeing or Running", "CRAFTSMAN": "Craftsman", + "CRAFTSMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Trade Tests", "CRAFTSMAN-TRADE": "Craftsman (Trade)", "CREW-COMMANDER": "Crew Commander", "CRIMINAL": "Criminal", @@ -1250,8 +1264,10 @@ "DEADEYE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Deadeye Shot: Choose hit location", "DEALMAKER": "Dealmaker", "DETECT-ARTEFACT": "Detect Artefact", + "DETECT-ARTEFACT-SIT": "Intuition tests to detect magical artefacts", "DEF-STANCE": "Def. Stance", "DICEMAN": "Diceman", + "DICEMAN-SIT": "Gamble and Sleight of Hand when playing dice games", "DIRTY-FIGHTING": "Dirty Fighting", "DISARM": "Disarm", "DISARM-1-DESC": "Disarm: Oppose with Melee & ignore Dmg", @@ -1270,14 +1286,21 @@ "DRILLED-EFFECT2": "lost Adv", "DRILLED-EFFECT3": "Drilled: Count as 2 at end of round", "DUAL-WIELDER": "Dual Wielder", + "DUAL-WIELD": "Dual Wield", + "DUAL-WIELD-MH": "Dual Wield Main", + "DUAL-WIELD-OH": "Dual Wield Off", + "DUAL-WIELDER-SIT": "Melee or Ranged when attacking with two weapons", "DUAL-WIELD-NOTE": "Dual Wielder 2nd Attack", "USE-DW": "Use Dual Wielder", "EMBEZZLE": "Embezzle", "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER": "Enclosed Fighter", + "ENCLOSED-FIGHTER-SIT": "Dodge in enclosed environments", "ETIQUETTE": "Etiquette", + "ETIQUETTE-SIT": "Charm and Gossip (Social Group)", "ETIQUETTE-GROUP": "Etiquette (Group)", "FAST-SHOT": "Fast Shot", "FAST-HANDS": "Fast Hands", + "FAST-HANDS-SIT": "Sleight of Hand, Melee (Brawling) to touch an opponent", "FEARLESS": "Fearless", "FEARLESS-ENEMY": "Fearless (Enemy)", "ENEMY": "Enemy", @@ -1286,6 +1309,7 @@ "FEINT-2-DESC": "If Won you may add any +SL to your next", "FEINT-3-DESC": "attack on the same target next turn", "FIELD-DRESSING": "Field Dressing", + "FIELD-DRESSING-SIT": "Heal during combat Rounds", "FISHERMAN": "Fisherman", "FLAGELLANT": "Flagellant", "FLEE!": "Flee!", @@ -1295,50 +1319,69 @@ "FURIOUS-ASSAULT": "Furious Assault", "FURIOUS-ASSAULT-EFFECT": "Furious Assault: On Hit", "GREGARIOUS": "Gregarious", + "GREGARIOUS-SIT": "Gossip Tests with travellers", "GUNNER": "Gunner", "GUNNER-EFFECT": "Gunner: +1 Group Advantage", "HATRED-GROUP": "Hatred (Group)", "HOLY-VISIONS": "Holy Visions", + "HOLY-VISIONS-SIT": "Intuition Tests when on holy ground", "HUNTERS-EYE": "Hunter's Eye", "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL": "Impassioned Zeal", + "IMPASSIONED-ZEAL-SIT": "Charm when speaking about your cause", "IMPLACABLE": "Implacable", "IN-FIGHTER": "In-fighter", "INFIGHT": "Infight", "INSPIRING": "Inspiring", + "INSPIRING-SIT": "Leadership during war", "INVOKE": "Invoke", "IRON-JAW": "Iron Jaw", + "IRON-JAW-SIT": "Endurance tests to resist Stunned", "IRON-WILL": "Iron Will", + "IRON-WILL-SIT": "Cool Tests to oppose Intimidate", "JUMP-UP": "Jump Up", "KINGPIN": "Kingpin", "LIGHTNING-REFLEXES": "Lightning Reflexes", "LUCK": "Luck", "LINGUISTICS": "Linguistics", "LIP-READING": "Lip Reading", + "LIP-READING-SIT": "Perception Tests concerning this Talent", "MAGICAL": "Magical", "MAGICAL-EFFECTS": "Magical Effects", "MAGICAL-SENSE": "Magical Sense", + "MAGICAL-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests to detect Wizards", "MAGICAL-ASSISTANT": "Magical Assistant", "MAGIC-RESISTANCE": "Magic Resistance", "MAGNUM-OPUS": "Magnum Opus", "MARKSMAN": "Marksman", "MASTER-AND-COMMANDER": "Master and Commander", "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE": "Master of Disguise", + "MASTER-OF-DISGUISE-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) when being someone else", "MASTER-ORATOR": "Master Orator", "MASTER-TRADESMAN": "Master Tradesman", + "MASTER-TRADESMAN-SIT": "Any appropriate Extended Trade Tests", "TRADE": "Trade", "MENACING": "Menacing", "MIMIC": "Mimic", + "MIMIC-SIT": "Entertain (Acting) Tests where accents are important", "NIGHT-VISION": "Night Vision", + "NIGHT-VISION-SIT": "Perception tests in low-light conditions", "NIMBLE-FINGERS": "Nimble Fingers", "NOBLE-BLOOD": "Noble Blood", + "NOBLE-BLOOD-SIT": "Any Test influenced by your Status", "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE": "Nose for Trouble", + "NOSE-FOR-TROUBLE-SIT": "Any Test to spot Troublemakers", "NUMISMATICS": "Numismatics", + "NUMISMATICS-SIT": "Evaluate to establish the worth of coins", "OLD-SALT": "Old Salt", + "OLD-SALT-SIT": "Sail (any Sea-worthy Vessels)", "ORIENTATION": "Orientation", "PANHANDLE": "Panhandle", + "PANHANDLE-SIT": "Charm (Begging)", "PETTY-MAGIC": "Petty Magic", "PHARMACIST": "Pharmacist", + "PHARMACIST-SIT": "Trade (Apothecary)", "PILOT": "Pilot", + "PILOT-SIT": "Row or Sail Tests while navigating unsure waters", "PUBLIC-SPEAKER": "Public Speaker", "PURE-SOUL": "Pure Soul", "RAPID-RELOAD": "Rapid Reload", @@ -1347,6 +1390,7 @@ "READ/WRITE": "Read/Write", "RELENTLESS": "Relentless", "RESISTANCE": "Resistance", + "RESISTANCE-SIT": "All those to resist the associated Threat", "RESISTANCE-THREAT": "Resistance (Threat)", "THREAT": "Threat", "RESOLUTE": "Resolute", @@ -1365,7 +1409,9 @@ "SCHEMER": "Schemer", "SEA-LEGS": "Sea Legs", "SEASONED-TRAVELLER": "Seasoned Traveller", + "SEASONED-TRAVELLER-SIT": "Any Lore Test concerning local detail", "SECOND-SIGHT": "Second Sight", + "SECOND-SIGHT-SIT": "Any Test to detect the Winds of Magic", "SECRET-IDENTITY": "Secret Identity", "SHADOW": "Shadow", "SHARP": "Sharp", @@ -1376,17 +1422,22 @@ "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT": "Shieldsman: If Opp Roll lost", "SHIELDSMAN-EFFECT2": "Spend 2 Adv to push 2 ft or do Dmg", "SIXTH-SENSE": "Sixth Sense", + "SIXTH-SENSE-SIT": "Intuition Tests involving your Sixth Sense", "SLAYER": "Slayer", "SLAYER-EFFECT": "Slayer: Use target TB if > SB", "SLAYER-CRIT-EFFECT": "Slayer: Times ALL dmg by size diff", "SMALL": "Small", "SPEEDREADER": "Speedreader", + "SPEEDREADER-SIT": "Speedreader", "SPRINTER": "Sprinter", "STEP-ASIDE": "Step Aside", + "STEP-ASIDE-SIT": "Dodge Tests to activate this Talent", "STRIDER": "Strider", + "STRIDER-SIT": "Athletics Tests to traverse the Terrain", "STRIDER-TERRAIN": "Strider (Terrain)", "TERRAIN": "Terrain", "STOUT-HEARTED": "Stout-hearted", + "STOUT-HEARTED-SIT": "Cool Tests to remove Broken Conditions", "STONE-SOUP": "Stone Soup", "STRONG-LEGS": "Strong Legs", "STRONG-MINDED": "Strong-minded", @@ -1418,6 +1469,7 @@ "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT": "Sure Shot: Ingore", "SURE-SHOT-EFFECT2": "AP on HitLoc", "SURGERY": "Surgery", + "SURGERY-SIT": "Heal Tests outside combat rounds; i.e. when you havetime to do it ‘properly’", "DANGEROUS": "Dangerous", "IMPRECISE": "Imprecise", "UNDAMAGING": "Undamaging", @@ -1427,21 +1479,29 @@ "STRIKE-TO-STUN": "Strike to Stun", "STRIKE-MIGHTY-BLOW": "Strike Mighty Blow", "TENACIOUS": "Tenacious", + "TENACIOUS-SIT": "Endurance Tests for enduring hardships", "TINKER": "Tinker", + "TINKER-SIT": "Trade Tests to repair broken items", "TOWER-OF-MEMORIES": "Tower Of Memories", "TRAPPER": "Trapper", + "TRAPPER-SIT": "Perception Tests to spot traps, Set Trap", "TRICK-RIDING": "Trick Riding", + "TRICK-RIDING-SIT": "Dodge Tests on Horseback, Ride (Horse)", "TUNNEL-RAT": "Tunnel Rat", + "TUNNEL-RAT-SIT": "Stealth Tests when underground", "UNSHAKABLE": "Unshakable", + "UNSHAKABLE-SIT": "Cool Tests to resist Blackpowder panic", "VERY-RESILIENT": "Very Resilient", "VERY-STRONG": "Very Strong", "VICE": "Vice", "WAR-LEADER": "War Leader", + "WAR-LEADER-SIT": "Leadership Tests during War", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT": "Targets gain +", "WAR-LEADER-EFFECT2": "SL to WP test (1/round)", "WAR-WIZARD": "War Wizard", "WARRIOR-BORN": "Warrior Born", "WATERMAN": "Waterman", + "WATERMAN-SIT": "Sail Tests for river-going vessels", "WEALTHY": "Wealthy", "WELL-PREPARED": "Well-prepared", "WITCH!": "Witch!", @@ -1749,10 +1809,58 @@ "MEMBERS": "Members", "CREDITORS": "Creditors", "DISTRACTED": "Distracted", + "CREWED": "Crewed", + "SALVO": "Salvo", + "CHAR-ROLL": "Char Roll", "OOPS-TABLE": "Fumble/Oops Rules", "HOUSERULE1-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 1: Core Rule Book (Default)", "HOUSERULE2-OOPS-TABLE": "Houserule 2: Extended Rules V1.1 (by FighterChimp on Ratcatcher Guild Discord)", "IMPROVISED_WEAPON": "Improvised Weapon", + "CORE-TALENTS": "Core Talents", + "DWARF-TALENTS": "Dwarf Player's Guide Talents", + "RUNESMITHING": "Runesmithing", + "GRUDGES-CAP": "GRUDGES", + "GRUDGES": "Grudges", + "BLOOD-GRUDGES": "Blood Grudges", + "RESOLVED-GRUDGES": "Resolved Grudges", + "COMBAT-MODIFIERS": "Combat Modifiers:", + "RANGED-MODIFIERS": "Ranged Modifiers:", + "DECLARE-ACTION": "Declare Attack Options:", + "MAGIC-QUICK-MENU": "Magic Quickbar", + "MELEE-QUICK-MENU": "Melee Quickbar", + "RANGED-QUICK-MENU": "Ranged Quickbar", + "ANCESTRAL-GRUDGE": "Ancestral Grudge", + "BLUDGEONER": "Bludgeoner", + "BLUDGEONER-EFFECT": "Bludgeoner: Additional stuns +", + "DEMOLISHER": "Demolisher", + "DEMOLISHER-SIT": "Melee when breaking inanimate objects using a Hack weapon", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT": "Demolisher: Additional Armor Dmg +", + "DEMOLISHER-EFFECT2": "Demolisher Ranged: Decreases cover by 1 lvl", + "DRAGON-BELCHER": "Dragon Belcher", + "DRAGON-BELCHER-EFFECT": "Dragon Belcher: Additional Broken +", + "ENTRENCHMENT": "Entrenchment", + "ENTRENCHMENT-SIT": "Trade when constructing protective cover", + "FORGEFIRE": "Forgefire", + "GLORIOUS-DEMISE": "Glorious Demise", + "HARPOONER": "Harpooner", + "KINGSGUARD": "Kingsguard", + "LIQUID-FORTIFICATION": "Liquid Fortification", + "LONG-MEMORY": "Long Memory", + "LONG-MEMORY-SIT": "Intelligence Tests to remember", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE": "Magic Defiance", + "MAGIC-DEFIANCE-SIT": "Willpower Tests to use Magic Resistance", + "MASTER-RUNE-MAGIC": "Master Rune Magic", + "MAVERICK": "Maverick", + "MAVERICK-SIT": "Sail (Skycraft) Tests to fly fast and dangerous", + "RUNE-MAGIC": "Rune Magic", + "SHORT-FUSE": "Short Fuse", + "SHORT-FUSE-EFFECT": "Short Fuse: Additional", + "TIRELESS": "Tireless", + "UNDERMINER": "Underminer", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH": "Whirlwind of Death", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC": "Whirlwind of Death: Spend 1 Fortune to make a Melee attack against all creatures Engaged with you. The GM chooses one enemy to Oppose this Test. If your attack succeeds, you inflict the same Damage to the same Hit Location against all Engaged creatures, calculated as normal. Do not apply Criticals on Whirlwind of Death attacks, though Critical Wounds are inflicted on enemies reduced to 0 Wounds as normal.", + "WHIRLWIND-OF-DEATH-DESC2": "You cannot activate any other special attack options as part of a Whirlwind of Death. However, if a Character with Dual Wielder (WFRP Core Rulebook) is wielding two weapons as part of a Whirlwind of Death, they may Reverse their Melee attack Test.", + "WOD": "W.o.Death", "TALENT-INTEGRATION": "Talents Integration options", "OVERCAST-TABLE": " --=( Overcast Table )=-- \n SL Targets Damage Range AoE Duration \n 1 +1 +1 x2 N/a N/a \n 2 +1 +2 x2 N/a x2 \n 3 +1 +3 x2 x2 x2 \n 5 +2 +4 x3 x2 x2 \n 8 +2 +5 x3 x2 x3 \n 13 +2 +6 x3 x3 x3 \n 21 +3 +7 x4 x3 x3" } \ No newline at end of file