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Forceful, direct, sweeping, powerful.
Drive contributes to Maximum Vigor
Quick, reactive, reflexive, immediate.
Speed contributes to Maximum Tension
Expert, skillful, technical, deliberate.
Control contributes to Maximum Fuel

Put 3 in one Attribute, 2 in another, and 1 in the third.


Signature Feature


Spend 1 Fuel on your turn to use these.

Signature System:

  • Efficient: The first time in a round that you use this System, roll a die. On a 4-6, no Fuel is expended this time.
  • Holdout: If you have 0 Fuel, you may use this System by spending 1 Tension. It gains the Limited Tag when used in this way.
  • Limited: You may only use this System once per round.
  • Distracting: Enemies Harmed by this deal -1 Harm on their next attack this round. This effect does not stack if the enemy is Harmed more than once.
  • Energy: Ignores Armor.
  • Flashy: An enemy Harmed by this System must attack you or anyone else who Harms them with a Flashy System this round, provided that such an attack is possible. This effect lasts until the end of the round.
  • Piercing: Ignores Shields.
  • Suppressive: Standard enemies Harmed by this System can't move (including movement from Approach/Retreat Tags) for the rest of the round.
  • Superhot: One target affected by this System takes +1 Harm from it.
  • Encouraging: Anyone affected by this System does +1 Harm with their next Attack this round.
  • Enveloping: One target affected by this System gains 1 Shield or increases Shield gain by 1.
  • Motivating: Anyone affected by this System may move immediately to a Near location.
  • Obfuscating: Anyone affected by this System cannot be attacked until the start of the next round if the would-be attacker has at least one other target in range.
  • Projecting: If this System only affects you, you can instead have it affect a Close ally. If this System only affects a Close ally, you can instead have it affect a Near ally. You must pay 1 Tension in addition to the Fuel cost.
  • Protective: Anyone affected by this system reduces Harm by 1 the next time they take Harm this round.

Modular System 1:

  • Efficient: The first time in a round that you use this System, roll a die. On a 4-6, no Fuel is expended this time.
  • Holdout: If you have 0 Fuel, you may use this System by spending 1 Tension. It gains the Limited Tag when used in this way.
  • Limited: You may only use this System once per round.
  • Distracting: Enemies Harmed by this deal -1 Harm on their next attack this round. This effect does not stack if the enemy is Harmed more than once.
  • Energy: Ignores Armor.
  • Flashy: An enemy Harmed by this System must attack you or anyone else who Harms them with a Flashy System this round, provided that such an attack is possible. This effect lasts until the end of the round.
  • Piercing: Ignores Shields.
  • Suppressive: Standard enemies Harmed by this System can't move (including movement from Approach/Retreat Tags) for the rest of the round.
  • Superhot: One target affected by this System takes +1 Harm from it.
  • Encouraging: Anyone affected by this System does +1 Harm with their next Attack this round.
  • Enveloping: One target affected by this System gains 1 Shield or increases Shield gain by 1.
  • Motivating: Anyone affected by this System may move immediately to a Near location.
  • Obfuscating: Anyone affected by this System cannot be attacked until the start of the next round if the would-be attacker has at least one other target in range.
  • Projecting: If this System only affects you, you can instead have it affect a Close ally. If this System only affects a Close ally, you can instead have it affect a Near ally. You must pay 1 Tension in addition to the Fuel cost.
  • Protective: Anyone affected by this system reduces Harm by 1 the next time they take Harm this round.

Modular System 2:

  • Efficient: The first time in a round that you use this System, roll a die. On a 4-6, no Fuel is expended this time.
  • Holdout: If you have 0 Fuel, you may use this System by spending 1 Tension. It gains the Limited Tag when used in this way.
  • Limited: You may only use this System once per round.
  • Distracting: Enemies Harmed by this deal -1 Harm on their next attack this round. This effect does not stack if the enemy is Harmed more than once.
  • Energy: Ignores Armor.
  • Flashy: An enemy Harmed by this System must attack you or anyone else who Harms them with a Flashy System this round, provided that such an attack is possible. This effect lasts until the end of the round.
  • Piercing: Ignores Shields.
  • Suppressive: Standard enemies Harmed by this System can't move (including movement from Approach/Retreat Tags) for the rest of the round.
  • Superhot: One target affected by this System takes +1 Harm from it.
  • Encouraging: Anyone affected by this System does +1 Harm with their next Attack this round.
  • Enveloping: One target affected by this System gains 1 Shield or increases Shield gain by 1.
  • Motivating: Anyone affected by this System may move immediately to a Near location.
  • Obfuscating: Anyone affected by this System cannot be attacked until the start of the next round if the would-be attacker has at least one other target in range.
  • Projecting: If this System only affects you, you can instead have it affect a Close ally. If this System only affects a Close ally, you can instead have it affect a Near ally. You must pay 1 Tension in addition to the Fuel cost.
  • Protective: Anyone affected by this system reduces Harm by 1 the next time they take Harm this round.

Frame Damage

Superstructure: -2 Max Vigor. -1 die, Drive rolls

Legs: Move/Sprint need Speed rolls. -1 die, all other Speed rolls.

Sensor: -1 die, Attack/Control rolls.

Arm: Lose one Armament.

Shoulder: One Mod. System needs a Control roll.

Core: Sig. System needs a Drive roll.

Roll Randomly


Use the Attack Action on your turn to use these.

Armament 1:

  • Close: A few steps away, a distance you can move practically instantly (on a map, in the same hex).
  • Near: A short distance away, as far as you can move in a few seconds (on a map, one hex away). When you move, you can move to a Near location.
  • Far: within a reasonable range for combat, further than you can move in a few seconds (on a map, two hexes away).
  • Extreme: just beyond a reasonable range for combat, except in very rare cases (on a map, three hexes away).
  • Burst: +1 Harm when your roll is a 6.
  • Charge: +1 die on your first Attack with this Armament each round.
  • Critical: +1 Harm when used at half Vigor or less.
  • Distracting: Enemies Harmed by this deal -1 Harm on their next attack this round. This effect does not stack if the enemy is Harmed more than once.
  • Energy: Ignores Armor.
  • Focused: +1 Harm when used at maximum or greater Tension.
  • Hot: Once per round, gain 1 Tension when you take out an enemy.
  • Impulsive: +1 Harm when used at half Tension or less.
  • Incendiary: Creates a Hazard at the target's location until the start of the next round. Only one Hazard can be created per location.
  • Invigorating: Once per round, regain 1 Vigor when you take out an enemy.
  • Mobile: +1 Harm if you've moved at least two range bands this round.
  • Piercing: Ignores Shields.
  • Polished: +1 Harm when used at maximum Vigor.
  • Scoped: Armament's maximum range increases to Near if Close, and to Far if Near. It has -1 die to attack at its newly extended range. If it already has Far when it gains Scoped, +1 die when used at Far if no enemies are Close/Near.
  • Sighted: Armament's minimum range increases to Near if Far, and to Close if Near. If it already has Close when it gains Sighted, +1 die and +1 Harm when used at Close if no enemies are Near/Far.
  • SpinUp: +1 Harm if your previous Attack was with this Armament.
  • Splash: Enemies who are Close to the target take 1 Harm when your roll is a 6. If the Armament has Energy and/or Piercing Tags, Splash Harm ignores Armor and/or Shields.
  • Stationary: +1 die if you haven't moved during this round.

Armament 2:

  • Close: A few steps away, a distance you can move practically instantly (on a map, in the same hex).
  • Near: A short distance away, as far as you can move in a few seconds (on a map, one hex away). When you move, you can move to a Near location.
  • Far: within a reasonable range for combat, further than you can move in a few seconds (on a map, two hexes away).
  • Extreme: just beyond a reasonable range for combat, except in very rare cases (on a map, three hexes away).
  • Burst: +1 Harm when your roll is a 6.
  • Charge: +1 die on your first Attack with this Armament each round.
  • Critical: +1 Harm when used at half Vigor or less.
  • Distracting: Enemies Harmed by this deal -1 Harm on their next attack this round. This effect does not stack if the enemy is Harmed more than once.
  • Energy: Ignores Armor.
  • Focused: +1 Harm when used at maximum or greater Tension.
  • Hot: Once per round, gain 1 Tension when you take out an enemy.
  • Impulsive: +1 Harm when used at half Tension or less.
  • Incendiary: Creates a Hazard at the target's location until the start of the next round. Only one Hazard can be created per location.
  • Invigorating: Once per round, regain 1 Vigor when you take out an enemy.
  • Mobile: +1 Harm if you've moved at least two range bands this round.
  • Piercing: Ignores Shields.
  • Polished: +1 Harm when used at maximum Vigor.
  • Scoped: Armament's maximum range increases to Near if Close, and to Far if Near. It has -1 die to attack at its newly extended range. If it already has Far when it gains Scoped, +1 die when used at Far if no enemies are Close/Near.
  • Sighted: Armament's minimum range increases to Near if Far, and to Close if Near. If it already has Close when it gains Sighted, +1 die and +1 Harm when used at Close if no enemies are Near/Far.
  • SpinUp: +1 Harm if your previous Attack was with this Armament.
  • Splash: Enemies who are Close to the target take 1 Harm when your roll is a 6. If the Armament has Energy and/or Piercing Tags, Splash Harm ignores Armor and/or Shields.
  • Stationary: +1 die if you haven't moved during this round.

Backup Armament 1:

  • Close: A few steps away, a distance you can move practically instantly (on a map, in the same hex).
  • Near: A short distance away, as far as you can move in a few seconds (on a map, one hex away). When you move, you can move to a Near location.
  • Far: within a reasonable range for combat, further than you can move in a few seconds (on a map, two hexes away).
  • Extreme: just beyond a reasonable range for combat, except in very rare cases (on a map, three hexes away).
  • Burst: +1 Harm when your roll is a 6.
  • Charge: +1 die on your first Attack with this Armament each round.
  • Critical: +1 Harm when used at half Vigor or less.
  • Distracting: Enemies Harmed by this deal -1 Harm on their next attack this round. This effect does not stack if the enemy is Harmed more than once.
  • Energy: Ignores Armor.
  • Focused: +1 Harm when used at maximum or greater Tension.
  • Hot: Once per round, gain 1 Tension when you take out an enemy.
  • Impulsive: +1 Harm when used at half Tension or less.
  • Incendiary: Creates a Hazard at the target's location until the start of the next round. Only one Hazard can be created per location.
  • Invigorating: Once per round, regain 1 Vigor when you take out an enemy.
  • Mobile: +1 Harm if you've moved at least two range bands this round.
  • Piercing: Ignores Shields.
  • Polished: +1 Harm when used at maximum Vigor.
  • Scoped: Armament's maximum range increases to Near if Close, and to Far if Near. It has -1 die to attack at its newly extended range. If it already has Far when it gains Scoped, +1 die when used at Far if no enemies are Close/Near.
  • Sighted: Armament's minimum range increases to Near if Far, and to Close if Near. If it already has Close when it gains Sighted, +1 die and +1 Harm when used at Close if no enemies are Near/Far.
  • SpinUp: +1 Harm if your previous Attack was with this Armament.
  • Splash: Enemies who are Close to the target take 1 Harm when your roll is a 6. If the Armament has Energy and/or Piercing Tags, Splash Harm ignores Armor and/or Shields.
  • Stationary: +1 die if you haven't moved during this round.

Backup Armament 2:

  • Close: A few steps away, a distance you can move practically instantly (on a map, in the same hex).
  • Near: A short distance away, as far as you can move in a few seconds (on a map, one hex away). When you move, you can move to a Near location.
  • Far: within a reasonable range for combat, further than you can move in a few seconds (on a map, two hexes away).
  • Extreme: just beyond a reasonable range for combat, except in very rare cases (on a map, three hexes away).
  • Burst: +1 Harm when your roll is a 6.
  • Charge: +1 die on your first Attack with this Armament each round.
  • Critical: +1 Harm when used at half Vigor or less.
  • Distracting: Enemies Harmed by this deal -1 Harm on their next attack this round. This effect does not stack if the enemy is Harmed more than once.
  • Energy: Ignores Armor.
  • Focused: +1 Harm when used at maximum or greater Tension.
  • Hot: Once per round, gain 1 Tension when you take out an enemy.
  • Impulsive: +1 Harm when used at half Tension or less.
  • Incendiary: Creates a Hazard at the target's location until the start of the next round. Only one Hazard can be created per location.
  • Invigorating: Once per round, regain 1 Vigor when you take out an enemy.
  • Mobile: +1 Harm if you've moved at least two range bands this round.
  • Piercing: Ignores Shields.
  • Polished: +1 Harm when used at maximum Vigor.
  • Scoped: Armament's maximum range increases to Near if Close, and to Far if Near. It has -1 die to attack at its newly extended range. If it already has Far when it gains Scoped, +1 die when used at Far if no enemies are Close/Near.
  • Sighted: Armament's minimum range increases to Near if Far, and to Close if Near. If it already has Close when it gains Sighted, +1 die and +1 Harm when used at Close if no enemies are Near/Far.
  • SpinUp: +1 Harm if your previous Attack was with this Armament.
  • Splash: Enemies who are Close to the target take 1 Harm when your roll is a 6. If the Armament has Energy and/or Piercing Tags, Splash Harm ignores Armor and/or Shields.
  • Stationary: +1 die if you haven't moved during this round.
Vigor /

Tension /

Fuel /

Reference Sheet


In every case except for Attacks, pick the attribute that best describes your approach, +roll a number of dice equal to that Attribute, and use the highest. +For Attacks, roll the number of dice listed next to the armament.


Vigor +lets your frame resist Frame Damage. It's reduced by Harm.

Tension +is spent to let you reroll Attacks or take extra actions.

Fuel +is spent to let you use Systems during a turn. +It can't be restored until the end of a mission.

On Your Turn

You have two Actions per turn, and may use either of them to do any of the following:

  • Move +to a Near location (no roll required).
  • Sprint +to a Far location if there are no enemies in Close, Near, or Far range (no roll required).
  • Attack +using an Armament (requires rolling the number of dice on the Armament)
  • Interact +with something in the environment (requires an Attribute roll if necessary, depending on the interaction).

You may spend as many Tension on your turn as you'd like to gain extra actions +equal to Tension spent. You may also spend as many Fuel on your turn +as you'd like to activate Systems. (Systems don't require a roll/action).

When the highest die is...

  • 1-2: +Failure with a consequence (No, and...)
  • 3-4: +Success with a consequence (Yes, but...)
  • 5-6: +Success (Yes)

Frame Damage

1st or 2nd time per mission: +Roll or choose below, +1 max Tension, restore all Vigor/Tension, gain 1 Fuel.

3rd time: +Eject or Last Stand

  1. Superstructure: -2 Max Vigor. -1 die, Drive rolls
  2. Legs: Move/Sprint need Speed rolls. -1 die, all other Speed rolls.
  3. Sensor: -1 die, Attack/Control rolls.
  4. Arm: Lose one Armament.
  5. Shoulder: One Mod. System needs a Control roll.
  6. Core: Sig. System needs a Drive roll.

Structure of a Round

  1. All Ace turns are taken
  2. GM activates one enemy per Ace
  3. GM institutes a situational change
  4. Activate Aces' Frames' Builds
  5. Roll for and distribute Drops

This is a play aid by Astral Frontier designed for use with APOCALYPSE FRAME by Binary Star Games, licensed under Framed by the Apocalypse. It is in no way affiliated with Binary Star Games.

The FBTA terms can be found at https://binary-star-games.itch.io/fbta


{{#^rollBetween() roll 1 6}}{{#rollBetween() zroll 1 2}}

Roll: {{zroll}} - +Failure with a consequence

{{/rollBetween() zroll 1 2}}{{#rollBetween() zroll 3 4}}

Roll: {{zroll}} - +Success with a consequence

{{/rollBetween() zroll 3 4}}{{#rollBetween() zroll 5 6}}

Roll: {{zroll}} - +Success

{{/rollBetween() zroll 5 6}}{{/^rollBetween() roll 1 6}}{{#rollBetween() roll 1 2}}

Roll: {{roll}} - +Failure with a consequence

{{/rollBetween() roll 1 2}}{{#rollBetween() roll 3 4}}

Roll: {{roll}} - +Success with a consequence

{{/rollBetween() roll 3 4}}{{#rollBetween() roll 5 6}}

Roll: {{roll}} - +Success

{{/rollBetween() roll 5 6}}{{#allprops() name roll zroll}}

{{key}}: {{value}}

{{/allprops() name roll zroll}}

Frame Damage

{{#rollTotal() roll 1}}

Superstructure ({{roll}}): -2 Max Vigor. -1 die, Drive rolls

{{/rollTotal() roll 1}}{{#rollTotal() roll 2}}

Legs ({{roll}}): Move/Sprint need Speed rolls. -1 die, all other Speed rolls.

{{/rollTotal() roll 2}}{{#rollTotal() roll 3}}

Sensor ({{roll}}): -1 die, Attack/Control rolls.

{{/rollTotal() roll 3}}{{#rollTotal() roll 4}}

Arm ({{roll}}): Lose one Armament.

{{/rollTotal() roll 4}}{{#rollTotal() roll 5}}

Shoulder ({{roll}}): One Mod. System needs a Control roll.

{{/rollTotal() roll 5}}{{#rollTotal() roll 6}}

Core ({{roll}}): Sig. System needs a Drive roll.

{{/rollTotal() roll 6}}


{{#rollBetween() roll 1 shields}}

Roll: {{roll}} - +Take 0 Harm, remove 1 Shields

{{/rollBetween() roll 1 shields}}{{#rollGreater() roll shields}}

Roll: {{roll}} - +Take Harm as normal

{{/rollGreater() roll shields}}
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/APOCALYPSE FRAME/preview.png b/APOCALYPSE FRAME/preview.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..b23e07b0fcd Binary files /dev/null and b/APOCALYPSE FRAME/preview.png differ diff --git a/APOCALYPSE FRAME/sheet.json b/APOCALYPSE FRAME/sheet.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..442fc6ddb4a --- /dev/null +++ b/APOCALYPSE FRAME/sheet.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{"html":"apocalypse-frame.html","css":"apocalypse-frame.css","authors":"Bill Garrett ; Binary Star ","roll20userid":"118980","preview":"preview.png","instructions":"**APOCALYPSE FRAME Sheet**\n\nMade by Astral Frontier, with some help by Binary Star Games, for [APOCALYPSE FRAME](https://binarystar.games/apocalypse-frame-itch-r/)!\n\n**Autofilling**: \n\n- Just put in your favorite Frame and it'll auto-populate! It has data for all non-Advanced Frames in the core book.\n- Likewise with Armaments and Systems, just start typing. (Do Frame first though, it populates defaults.)\n- Maximum resources will be set automatically when you set Attributes. Current resources are dependent on the number of boxes checked.\n- If you add more tags to the listing, it'll display them as well.\n\n**Reference**: \n\nA quick cheat sheet for most of the core player rules is on the second tab!","legacy":false}