diff --git a/Dungeonslayers-4/translations/es.json b/Dungeonslayers-4/translations/es.json
index 0e2a77ddcd6c..4d389c5acbb6 100644
--- a/Dungeonslayers-4/translations/es.json
+++ b/Dungeonslayers-4/translations/es.json
@@ -1,176 +1,176 @@
"active": "Activo",
- "additional": "Additional",
- "age": "Age",
- "agility": "Agility",
- "alphabets": "Alphabets",
+ "additional": "Adicional",
+ "age": "Edad",
+ "agility": "Agilidad",
+ "alphabets": "Alfabetos",
"appraise": "Tasación",
- "appraise-bonus": "Appraise, ...",
- "armor": "Armor",
- "armor-material-example": "Wood, Leather, Metal, ...",
- "armor-type-example": "Helmet, Body, Vambrace, Greaves, Shield, ...",
- "armor-value": "Valor de la protección",
+ "appraise-bonus": "Tasación, ...",
+ "armor": "Armadura",
+ "armor-material-example": "Madera, Cuero, Metal,...",
+ "armor-type-example": "Casco, Torso, Brazales, Grebas, Escudo, ...",
+ "armor-value": "Valor Armadura",
"armor-value-short": "AV",
- "attribute+trait": "Attribute + Trait",
+ "attribute+trait": "Atributo + Característica",
"aura": "Aura",
- "base": "Base",
- "body": "Body",
- "body-short+constitution-short": "BOD+CO",
- "body-short+strength-short": "BOD+ST",
- "bonus": "Bonus",
- "both-attack": "Both",
+ "base": "Base ",
+ "body": "Cuerpo",
+ "body-short+constitution-short": "CUE+CO",
+ "body-short+strength-short": "CUE+FU",
+ "bonus": "Bono",
+ "both-attack": "Ambos",
"character": "Personaje",
- "character-name": "Character name",
- "check": "Check",
- "check-result": "Check result",
- "check-value": "Check value",
- "class": "Class",
- "class-example": "Fighter, Scout, Healer, Wizard, Sorcerer, ...",
- "climb": "Climb",
- "climb-bonus": "Acrobat, Master Climber, ...",
- "communicate": "Communicate",
- "communicate-bonus": "Education, ...",
- "constitution": "Constitution",
- "cooldown": "Cooldown",
- "culture": "Culture",
- "culture-example": "Barbarians, Mountain Dwarves, Freelander, Kaiban, Wood Elves, Wild Elves, Desert Dwarves, Wyndlanders, Zasarian, ...",
- "cultural-talents": "Cultural talents",
- "current-hit-points": "Current hit points",
- "current-mana-points": "Current mana points",
- "date-of-birth": "Date of birth",
- "decipher-script": "Decipher script",
- "decipher-script-bonus": "Alertness, Education, ...",
- "defense": "Defense",
- "defy-poison": "Defy poison",
- "defy-poison-bonus": "Endurance, ",
- "dexterity": "Dexterity",
- "disable-traps": "Disable traps",
- "disable-traps-bonus": "Thievery, ...",
- "distance": "Distance",
- "duration": "Duration",
- "edit-bonuses": "Edit bonuses",
- "effect": "Effect",
- "equipment": "Equipment",
- "experience-points": "Experience points",
- "experience-points-short": "EP",
- "eye-color": "Eye color",
- "feat-of-strength": "Feat of strength",
- "feat-of-strength-bonus": "Brutal Blow, Devastating Strike, ...",
- "flirt": "Flirt",
- "flirt-bonus": "Charming, ...",
- "gender": "Gender",
- "generic": "Generic",
- "generic-check": "Generic check",
- "haggle": "Haggle",
- "haggle-base": "MND+MAX(IN, AU)",
- "haggle-bonus": "Charming, Rascal, ...",
- "hair-color": "Hair color",
- "hands": "Hands",
- "hands-example": "1H = one-handed, 2H = two-handed, ...",
- "character-height": "Height",
- "hero-class": "Hero class",
- "hero-class-example": "Berserker, Paladin, Weapon Master, Assassin, Ranger, Rogue, Cleric, Druid, Monk, Archmage, Battle Mage, Elementalist, Blood Mage, Demonologist, Necromancer, ...",
- "hide": "Ocultar",
- "hit-points": "Hit points",
- "initiative": "Initiative",
+ "character-name": "Nombre del Personaje",
+ "check": "Chequeo",
+ "check-result": "Resultado del chequeo",
+ "check-value": "Valor del chequeo",
+ "class": "Clase",
+ "class-example": "Guerrero, Explorador, Sanador, Hechicero, Brujo...",
+ "climb": "Escalar",
+ "climb-bonus": "Acróbata, Maestro Escalador, ...",
+ "communicate": "Comunicación",
+ "communicate-bonus": "Educación, ...",
+ "constitution": "Constitución",
+ "cooldown": "Refresco",
+ "culture": "Cultura",
+ "culture-example": "Bárbaros, Enanos de la montaña, Gente de Tierras Libres, Paisanos, Elfos del bosque, Elfos salvajes, Enanos del desierto, Cinglándonos, Zas arianos, ...",
+ "cultural-talents": "Talentos culturales",
+ "current-hit-points": "Puntos de golpe actuales",
+ "current-mana-points": "Puntos de maná actuales",
+ "date-of-birth": "Fecha de nacimiento",
+ "decipher-script": "Descifrar Escritura",
+ "decipher-script-bonus": "Alerta, Educación, ...",
+ "defense": "Defensa",
+ "defy-poison": "Resistir veneno",
+ "defy-poison-bonus": "Resistencia, ...",
+ "dexterity": "Destreza",
+ "disable-traps": "Desactivar trampas",
+ "disable-traps-bonus": "Latrocinio, ...",
+ "distance": "Distancia",
+ "duration": "Duración",
+ "edit-bonuses": "Editar bonificaciones",
+ "effect": "Efecto",
+ "equipment": "Equipo",
+ "experience-points": "Puntos de experiencia",
+ "experience-points-short": "PE",
+ "eye-color": "Color de ojos",
+ "feat-of-strength": "Hazaña de fuerza",
+ "feat-of-strength-bonus": "Golpe brutal, Golpe devastador, ...",
+ "flirt": "Seducir",
+ "flirt-bonus": "Encantador, ...",
+ "gender": "Género",
+ "generic": "Genérico",
+ "generic-check": "Chequeo genérico",
+ "haggle": "Regatear",
+ "haggle-base": "MEN+MAX(IN, AU)",
+ "haggle-bonus": "Encantador, bribón, ...",
+ "hair-color": "Color de pelo",
+ "hands": "Manos",
+ "hands-example": "1M = una mano, 2M = dos manos, ...",
+ "character-height": "Altura",
+ "hero-class": "Clase de héroe",
+ "hero-class-example": "Bereber, Paladín, Maestro de armas, Asesino, Guardabosques, Pícaro, Clérigo, Druida, Monje, Archi mago, Mago de batalla, Ele mentalista, Mago de sangre, Demonólogo, Nigromante, ...",
+ "hide": "Esconderse",
+ "hit-points": "Puntos de Golpe",
+ "initiative": "Iniciativa",
"intellect": "Intelecto",
"jump": "Saltar",
- "jump-bonus": "Acrobat, ...",
- "knowledge": "Knowledge",
- "knowledge-bonus": "Education, Expertise, ...",
- "languages": "Languages",
- "learned": "Learned",
+ "jump-bonus": "Acróbata, ...",
+ "knowledge": "Conocimiento",
+ "knowledge-bonus": "Educación, Experto, ...",
+ "languages": "Idiomas",
+ "learned": "Aprendido",
"level": "Nivel",
- "magic-bonus": "Magic bonus",
- "magic-bonus-short": "MB",
- "mana": "Mana",
+ "magic-bonus": "Bono mágico",
+ "magic-bonus-short": "BM",
+ "mana": "Maná",
"material": "Material",
- "melee-attack": "Melee attack",
- "mind": "Mind",
- "mind-influencing-spell": "Mind-influencing spell",
- "mind-short+aura-short": "MND+AU",
- "mind-short+dexterity-short": "MND+DX",
- "mind-short+intellect-short": "MND+IN",
- "mind-short+intellect-short-or-eight": "MAX(MND+IN, 8)",
- "miscellaneous": "Miscelánea",
- "mobility": "Mobility",
- "mobility-short+agility-short": "MOB+AG",
- "mobility-short+dexterity-short": "MOB+DX",
- "mobility-short+strength-short": "MOB+ST",
- "movement-rate": "Movement rate",
- "normal-spell": "Normal spell",
- "normal-spellcasting": "Spellcasting",
- "notes": "Notes",
- "of": "of",
- "open-lock": "Open lock",
- "open-lock-bonus": "Thievery, Lockpicking, ...",
- "opponent-defense": "Opponent's defense",
- "opponent-defense-short": "OD",
- "other-abilities": "Other abilities",
- "perception": "Perception",
- "perception-bonus": "Thievery, Alertness, ...",
- "pick-pocket": "Pick pocket",
- "pick-pocket-bonus": "Thievery, Stealth, Diversion, Pickpocket, ...",
- "place-of-birth": "Place of birth",
+ "melee-attack": "Ataque C. a C.",
+ "mind": "Mente",
+ "mind-influencing-spell": "Hechizos mentales",
+ "mind-short+aura-short": "MEN+AU",
+ "mind-short+dexterity-short": "MEN+DE",
+ "mind-short+intellect-short": "MEN+IN",
+ "mind-short+intellect-short-or-eight": "MAX(MEN+IN, 8)",
+ "miscellaneous": "Misceláneos",
+ "mobility": "Movilidad",
+ "mobility-short+agility-short": "MOV+AG",
+ "mobility-short+dexterity-short": "MOV+DE",
+ "mobility-short+strength-short": "MOV+FU",
+ "movement-rate": "Movimiento",
+ "normal-spell": "Hechizo normal",
+ "normal-spellcasting": "Hechicería",
+ "notes": "Notas",
+ "of": "de",
+ "open-lock": "Abrir Cerraduras",
+ "open-lock-bonus": "Latrocinio, Abrir Cerraduras, ...",
+ "opponent-defense": "Defensa del oponente",
+ "opponent-defense-short": "DO",
+ "other-abilities": "Otras habilidades",
+ "perception": "Percepción",
+ "perception-bonus": "Latrocinio, Alerta, ...",
+ "pick-pocket": "Robar bolsillos",
+ "pick-pocket-bonus": "Latrocinio, Sigilo, Distracción, Robar bolsillos, ...",
+ "place-of-birth": "Lugar de nacimiento",
"player": "Jugador",
- "player-name": "Player name",
- "private-biography": "Private biography",
- "progress-points": "Progress points",
- "progress-points-short": "PPT",
- "public-biography": "Public biography",
- "quantity": "Quantity",
- "race": "Race",
- "race-example": "Elf, Human, Dwarf, ...",
- "racial-abilities": "Racial abilities",
- "ranged-attack": "Ranged attack",
- "read-tracks": "Read tracks",
- "read-tracks-bonus": "Hunter, Alertness, ...",
- "resist-disease": "Resist disease",
- "resist-disease-bonus": "Endurance, ",
- "ride": "Ride",
- "ride-base": "MOB+MAX(AG, AU)",
- "ride-bonus": "Riding, Mounted Archer, Beast Master, ...",
+ "player-name": "Nombre del jugador",
+ "private-biography": "Biografía privada",
+ "progress-points": "Puntos de Progreso",
+ "progress-points-short": "PP",
+ "public-biography": "Biografía pública",
+ "quantity": "Cantidad",
+ "race": "Raza",
+ "race-example": "Elfo, Humano, Enano, ...",
+ "racial-abilities": "Bono de Raza",
+ "ranged-attack": "Ataque a Distancia",
+ "read-tracks": "Leer pistas",
+ "read-tracks-bonus": "Cazador, Alerta, ...",
+ "resist-disease": "Resistir enfermedad",
+ "resist-disease-bonus": "Resistencia, ...",
+ "ride": "Montar",
+ "ride-base": "MOV+MAX(AG, AU)",
+ "ride-bonus": "Montar, Arquero a Caballo, Señor de las Bestias, ...",
"search": "Buscar",
- "search-bonus": "Thievery, Stealth, Alertness, ...",
- "sneak": "Sneak",
- "sneak-bonus": "Stealth, ...",
- "special": "Special",
- "special-behavior": "Special behavior",
- "special-characteristics": "Special characteristics",
- "spell": "Spell",
- "spell-cooldown": "Cooldown",
- "spell-distance": "Distance",
- "spell-duration": "Duration",
- "spell-modifier": "Spell modifier",
- "spell-modifier-short": "SM",
- "spell-type": "Normal spell, Targeted spell or Mind-influencing spell",
- "start": "Start",
- "start-fire": "Start fire",
- "start-fire-bonus": "Hunter, ...",
- "stealth-bonus": "Stealth, ...",
- "strength": "Strength",
- "swim": "Swim",
- "swim-bonus": "Swim, ...",
- "talent": "Talent",
- "talents": "Talents",
- "talent-points": "Talent points",
- "talent-points-short": "TP",
- "targeted-spell": "Targeted spell",
- "targeted-spellcasting": "Targeted spellcasting",
- "tier": "Tier",
+ "search-bonus": "Latrocinio, Sigilo, Alerta, ...",
+ "sneak": "Infiltración",
+ "sneak-bonus": "Sigilo, ...\n",
+ "special": "Especial",
+ "special-behavior": "Comportamiento especial",
+ "special-characteristics": "Características especiales",
+ "spell": "Hechizo",
+ "spell-cooldown": "Refresco",
+ "spell-distance": "Distancia",
+ "spell-duration": "Duración",
+ "spell-modifier": "Modificador de hechizo",
+ "spell-modifier-short": "MH",
+ "spell-type": "Hechizo normal, Hechizo dirigido o Hechizo mental",
+ "start": "Iniciar",
+ "start-fire": "Encender fuego",
+ "start-fire-bonus": "Cazador, ...",
+ "stealth-bonus": "Sigilo, ...\n",
+ "strength": "Fuerza",
+ "swim": "Nadar",
+ "swim-bonus": "Nadar, ...",
+ "talent": "Talento",
+ "talents": "Talentos",
+ "talent-points": "Puntos de talento",
+ "talent-points-short": "PT",
+ "targeted-spell": "Hechizo dirigido",
+ "targeted-spellcasting": "Hechicería dirigida",
+ "tier": "Rango",
"total": "Total",
"type": "Tipo",
- "typical-checks": "Typical checks",
- "unarmed": "Unarmed",
- "wake-up": "Wake up",
- "wake-up-bonus": "Lightning Reflexes, Alertness, ...",
- "weapon": "Weapon",
- "weapon-bonus": "Weapon bonus",
- "weapon-bonus-short": "WB",
- "weapon-type": "Melee attack or Ranged attack",
- "weight": "Weight",
- "where-carried": "Where carried?",
- "work-mechanism": "Work mechanism",
- "work-mechanism-base": "MND+MAX(DX, IN)",
- "work-mechanism-bonus": "Thievery, Artisan, Lockpicking, ..."
+ "typical-checks": "Chequeos típicos",
+ "unarmed": "Desarmado",
+ "wake-up": "Despertar",
+ "wake-up-bonus": "Reflejos Rápidos, Alerta, ...",
+ "weapon": "Arma",
+ "weapon-bonus": "Bono de arma",
+ "weapon-bonus-short": "BA",
+ "weapon-type": "Ataque C. a C. o Ataque a Distancia",
+ "weight": "Peso",
+ "where-carried": "¿Dónde lo lleva?",
+ "work-mechanism": "Mecanismo de trabajo",
+ "work-mechanism-base": "MEN+MAX(DE, IN)",
+ "work-mechanism-bonus": "Latrocinio, Artesano, Abrir cerraduras, ..."
diff --git a/Heart-the-City-Beneath-mk2/translations/pl.json b/Heart-the-City-Beneath-mk2/translations/pl.json
index 61cc11d6497c..a88401f7898c 100644
--- a/Heart-the-City-Beneath-mk2/translations/pl.json
+++ b/Heart-the-City-Beneath-mk2/translations/pl.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- "abilities": "Zdolności",
- "ability_name": "Nazwa",
- "active-beats": "Pragnienia",
+ "abilities": "Umiejętność",
+ "ability_name": "Nazwa Umiejętności",
+ "active-beats": "Aktywne Uderzenia Serca",
"all-stress": "Całkowity stres",
"ancestry": "Pochodzenie",
"blood": "Krew",
@@ -14,41 +14,41 @@
"critical-failure-msg": "Krytyczna porażka (otrzymujesz podwójny stres)",
"critical": "Krytyczna",
"critical-success-msg": "Krytyczny sukces (zwiększasz kostkę ataku)",
- "cursed": "Przekleństwo",
+ "cursed": "Klątwy",
"dangerous": "Niebezpieczny",
"dangerous-pool-label": "odrzuć 2 najwyższe wyniki, użyj trzeciego najwyższego wyniku",
- "delve": "Podróż",
+ "delve": "Wżer",
"description-label": "Domeny/Tagi",
- "desolate": "Odludzie",
+ "desolate": "Pustkowia",
"die": "Kość",
"difficulty": "Trudność",
- "discern": "Obserwacja",
+ "discern": "Rozeznanie",
"domains": "Domeny",
"echo": "Echo",
- "endure": "Wytrzymałość",
- "equipment": "Wyposażenie",
- "evade": "Unik",
+ "endure": "Przetrwanie",
+ "equipment": "Ekwipunek",
+ "evade": "Uniki",
"failure-msg": "Porażka (otrzymujesz stres)",
- "fallout": "Konsekwencje",
- "fallout-test": "Test konsekwencji",
+ "fallout": "Następstwa",
+ "fallout-test": "Test następstw",
"fallout_name": "Nazwa",
"fortune": "Szczęście",
- "haven": "Schronienie",
+ "haven": "Przystań",
"hunt": "Polowanie",
- "kill": "Zabijanie",
- "knacks": "Talenty",
+ "kill": "Zabójstwo",
+ "knacks": "Drygi",
"major": "Poważna",
"mastery?": "Mistrzostwo?",
- "mend": "Łączenie",
+ "mend": "Naprawa",
"mind": "Umysł",
"minor": "Pomniejsza",
"name": "Imię",
- "no-fallout": "Brak konsekwencji",
+ "no-fallout": "Brak następstw",
"none": "Brak",
"notes": "Notatki",
"occult": "Okultyzm",
"protection": "Ochrona",
- "religion": "Religia",
+ "religion": "Religie",
"resources": "Zasoby",
"risky": "Ryzykowny",
"risky-pool-label": "odrzuć najwyższy wynik, użyj drugiego najwyższego wyniku",
@@ -60,12 +60,12 @@
"standard": "Standardowy",
"standard-pool-label": "użyj najwyższego wyniku",
"stress": "Stres",
- "supplies": "Zasoby",
+ "supplies": "Zapasy",
"take-major-fallout": "take major fallout",
"take-minor-fallout": "take minor fallout",
"technology": "Technologia",
"total": "Suma",
- "warren": "Norowisko",
+ "warren": "Norowiska",
"wild": "Dzicz",
"zenith": "Zenit",
"zero-effective-dice": "Brak kości"
diff --git a/Mutant Year Zero/translations/ru.json b/Mutant Year Zero/translations/ru.json
index 7327c4803c9e..6ebc0d66bba0 100644
--- a/Mutant Year Zero/translations/ru.json
+++ b/Mutant Year Zero/translations/ru.json
@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@
"attributes-u": "ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКИ",
"b": "Б",
"backlash": "Backlash",
- "badgers": "Badgers",
- "base": "Основа",
- "base-dice": "Основные кости",
- "base-dice-abbr": "Основные",
+ "badgers": "Барсуки",
+ "base": "Характеристика",
+ "base-dice": "Кости характеристик",
+ "base-dice-abbr": "Хар-ка",
"battle-level": "Боевая подготовка",
"bears": "Медведи",
"biomechatronics-u": "БИОМЕХАТРОНИКА",
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
"d66-roll": "Бросить D66",
"d666-roll": "Бросить D666",
"damage": "Урон",
- "damage-abbr": "Урн",
+ "damage-abbr": "Урон",
"datamine": "Датамайн",
"default-char-type": "Default character type:",
"defence": "Defence",
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
"g": "G",
"gear": "Снаряжение",
"gear-abbr": "Снаряжение",
- "gear-bonus": "Gear Bonus",
+ "gear-bonus": "Качество",
"gear-bonus-abbr": "Gear",
"gear-dice": "Снаряжение",
"gear-notes": "Gear/Notes",
@@ -148,8 +148,8 @@
"general": "general",
"general-abbrv": "Gen",
"grip": "Хват",
- "grub": "Grub",
- "grub-abbr": "G",
+ "grub": "Еда",
+ "grub-abbr": "Е",
"head": "Head",
"heal": "Лечение",
"heal-time": "Период заживления",
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
"instinct": "Инстинкты",
"instinct-abbr": "Инс",
"interact": "Interact",
- "item": "Item",
+ "item": "Предмет",
"kilgore": "Kilgore",
"know_the_zone": "Знание Зоны",
"know-nature": "Знание природы",
@@ -202,10 +202,10 @@
"modules-u": "МОДУЛИ",
"money-u": "ДЕНЬГИ",
"monster": "НИП/Чудовища",
- "monster-features-u": "MONSTER FEATURES",
+ "monster-features-u": "ОСОБЕННОСТИ МОНСТРОВ",
"monster-information-u": "MONSTER INFORMATION",
"monster-name": "Monster's Name/Type",
- "moose": "Moose",
+ "moose": "Лоси",
"morningstar": "Morningstar",
"mosel": "Mosel",
"move": "Проворство",
@@ -252,8 +252,8 @@
"overload": "Overload",
"pack-mule": "Достоинство Бугай?",
"pack-mule-title": "Персонаж привык таскать тяжести и может носить с собой вдвое больше предметов, чем обычно.",
- "pack-rat": "Pack Mule Talent?",
- "pack-rat-title": "You can carry twice as many objects as normal without being encumbered.",
+ "pack-rat": "Достоинство Бугай?",
+ "pack-rat-title": "Персонаж привык таскать тяжести и может носить с собой вдвое больше предметов, чем обычно.",
"parry": "Защита",
"permanent-rot": "Перманентная Гниль",
"personal": "Personal",
@@ -274,10 +274,10 @@
"push-dice": "Push the Dice!",
"pushes-the-roll": "Pushes the Roll",
"push-query": "Is the Dice Pool correct...? (hint:remove successes and bane) |Yes - Submit to Roll.,Dice Pool is correct.|No - Cancel.,Dice Pool needs to be corrected.",
- "quantity": "Количество",
+ "quantity": "Кол-во",
"quantity-abbr": "Кол-во",
- "quarter": "Quarter",
- "quarter-abbr": "Q",
+ "quarter": "Четверть",
+ "quarter-abbr": "Ч",
"question": "Question",
"rabbits": "Кролики",
"range": "Дистанция",