Date: 2018-04-21
Location: The Internet
Who: Danilo, Raphi, Timm
Previous meeting: Next meeting:
- Directory
- API Docs
- Meeting with at GPN
- Status of Community Projects
- Specs / Directory Format
- Code of Conduct
- Timm built a minimal prototype in Go to play around with
- Should we pursue this? -> Yes
- Scope: Take the static directory, add filtering and checking
- In order to get more contributions, using Python or Go would probably be best
- A very simple validator already exists here
- Remove unreachable endpoints
- Machine readable (json)
- Directory json scheme documented
- Versioned API?
- V0 returns the same as the currently available static directory
- V1 returns array for supported SpaceAPI versions?
- Future ideas
- Add new endpoints
- Caching
- History
- Converting between versions (Space provides 0.13 we convert to 0.14)
- Try to correct errors?
- Or warn admin about problems
- Timm will put MVP implementation on GitHub for future development
- Exists at generated with hacky Python script from schema
- Some stuff is missing (enums)
- Should be extended -> Danilo
- Old documentation is available on
- We want to use the Python script for now and extend it to our needs.
- Add examples to docs
- will be rebooted
- responsible are:
- mwfc
- Konfusius
- Hauro
- reachable via irc
- responsible are:
The spaceapi-community GitHub organization is being actively used: Currently 8 repositories and 5 members.
- Coredump moved Rust implementation to spaceapi-community
- New project: Generic Sensor logger with InfluxDB-Support (Grafana)
- Hackerspace globe works again (source code)
- Wordpress widget also in the community orga
- Validator
- Exists at
- Code:
- Should be provided by official repository
- API should return machine parseable error descriptions (which fields are invalid, etc.)
Also specify directory format, see above
Simplify directory?
- List of URLs, one per line? Name -> URL mapping should be provided by directory server
- Create repository for directory schema
Multi version endpoints? Lots of people complained about the switch from 0.12 to 0.13
{ "coredump": { "0.12": "", "0.13": "" } }
- During the SpaceAPI geekend we said we want a CoC for the project
- Use the "default" CoC from GitHub as a starting point
- CoC is for the whole SpaceAPI project
- Place it in the website repository and make it available on the website
- Replace caddy with Traefik?
- Why? Caddy has a strange license model
- Timm will create an Ansible PR
- Should we announce our telcos on IRC? -> More people could join
- Makes it unproductive if we have new people which don't know about the project
- Allow spectators -> would need different telco software:
- Spectators should be allowed to write text comments
- Website
- Publish protocols on GitHub?
- Danilo will create a protocols repository
- Contact @blinry again
- Create pull request with Traefik config
- Add CoC to website repo
- Timm will put MVP implementation on GitHub for future development
- Contact @rohieb to ask if he’s interested in helping
Fix docs, add missing info like enums- Add protocols to Github and add link to website
- Improve validator (currently at
- Add examples to API docs
- Move to github/SpaceAPI
- Meeting during Cosin?
- Danilo, Raphi will be present, maybe also Timm
- Next TelCo: 2018-06-05 20:00, duration maximum 2 hours
- Do it with