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MODULE PrintServer; (*NW 17.4.89 / 12.12.92*) IMPORT SYSTEM, Kernel, Core, Display, Printmaps, Files, Fonts, Texts, Oberon; CONST maxFnt = 32; N = 32; (*max dim of splines*) PR0 = 0FFF600H; proff = 0; prdy = 1; sbusy = 2; end = 3; (*printer status*) BMwidth = 2336; BMheight = 3425; TYPE RealVector = ARRAY N OF REAL; Poly = RECORD a, b, c, d, t: REAL END ; PolyVector = ARRAY N OF Poly; VAR W: Texts.Writer; handler: Oberon.Task; uno, nofcopies, nofpages: INTEGER; abort: BOOLEAN; process, print, wait: Oberon.Handler; PR: Files.Rider; (*print rider*) font: ARRAY maxFnt OF Fonts.Font; map: ARRAY 256 OF INTEGER; PROCEDURE circle(x0, y0, r: LONGINT); VAR x, y, u: LONGINT; BEGIN u := 1 - r; x := r; y := 0; WHILE y <= x DO Printmaps.Dot(x0+x, y0+y); Printmaps.Dot(x0+y, y0+x); Printmaps.Dot(x0-y, y0+x); Printmaps.Dot(x0-x, y0+y); Printmaps.Dot(x0-x, y0-y); Printmaps.Dot(x0-y, y0-x); Printmaps.Dot(x0+y, y0-x); Printmaps.Dot(x0+x, y0-y); IF u < 0 THEN INC(u, 2*y+3) ELSE INC(u, 2*(y-x)+5); DEC(x) END ; INC(y) END END circle; PROCEDURE ellipse(x0, y0, a, b: LONGINT); VAR x, y, y1, aa, bb, d, g, h: LONGINT; BEGIN aa := a*a; bb := b*b; h := (aa DIV 4) - b*aa + bb; g := (9*aa DIV 4) - 3*b*aa + bb; x := 0; y := b; WHILE g < 0 DO Printmaps.Dot(x0+x, y0+y); Printmaps.Dot(x0-x, y0+y); Printmaps.Dot(x0-x, y0-y); Printmaps.Dot(x0+x, y0-y); IF h < 0 THEN d := (2*x+3)*bb; INC(g, d) ELSE d := (2*x+3)*bb - 2*(y-1)*aa; INC(g, d + 2*aa); DEC(y) END ; INC(h, d); INC(x) END ; y1 := y; h := (bb DIV 4) - a*bb + aa; x := a; y := 0; WHILE y <= y1 DO Printmaps.Dot(x0+x, y0+y); Printmaps.Dot(x0-x, y0+y); Printmaps.Dot(x0-x, y0-y); Printmaps.Dot(x0+x, y0-y); IF h < 0 THEN INC(h, (2*y+3)*aa) ELSE INC(h, (2*y+3)*aa - 2*(x-1)*bb); DEC(x) END ; INC(y) END END ellipse; PROCEDURE ShowPoly(VAR p, q: Poly; lim: REAL); VAR t: REAL; BEGIN t := 0; REPEAT Printmaps.Dot(ENTIER(((p.a * t + p.b) * t + p.c) * t + p.d), ENTIER(((q.a * t + q.b) * t + q.c) * t + q.d)); t := t + 1.0 UNTIL t >= lim END ShowPoly; PROCEDURE SolveTriDiag(VAR a, b, c, y: RealVector; n: INTEGER); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN (*a, b, c of tri-diag matrix T; solve Ty' = y for y', assign y' to y*) i := 1; WHILE i < n DO y[i] := y[i] - c[i-1]*y[i-1]; INC(i) END ; i := n-1; y[i] := y[i]/a[i]; WHILE i > 0 DO DEC(i); y[i] := (y[i] - b[i]*y[i+1])/a[i] END END SolveTriDiag; PROCEDURE OpenSpline(VAR x, y, d: RealVector; n: INTEGER); VAR i: INTEGER; d1, d2: REAL; a, b, c: RealVector; BEGIN (*from x, y compute d = y'*) b[0] := 1.0/(x[1] - x[0]); a[0] := 2.0*b[0]; c[0] := b[0]; d1 := (y[1] - y[0])*3.0*b[0]*b[0]; d[0] := d1; i := 1; WHILE i < n-1 DO b[i] := 1.0/(x[i+1] - x[i]); a[i] := 2.0*(c[i-1] + b[i]); c[i] := b[i]; d2 := (y[i+1] - y[i])*3.0*b[i]*b[i]; d[i] := d1 + d2; d1 := d2; INC(i) END ; a[i] := 2.0*b[i-1]; d[i] := d1; i := 0; WHILE i < n-1 DO c[i] := c[i]/a[i]; a[i+1] := a[i+1] - c[i]*b[i]; INC(i) END ; SolveTriDiag(a, b, c, d, n) END OpenSpline; PROCEDURE ClosedSpline(VAR x, y, d: RealVector; n: INTEGER); VAR i: INTEGER; d1, d2, hn, dn: REAL; a, b, c, w: RealVector; BEGIN (*from x, y compute d = y'*) hn := 1.0/(x[n-1] - x[n-2]); dn := (y[n-1] - y[n-2])*3.0*hn*hn; b[0] := 1.0/(x[1] - x[0]); a[0] := 2.0*b[0] + hn; c[0] := b[0]; d1 := (y[1] - y[0])*3.0*b[0]*b[0]; d[0] := dn + d1; w[0] := 1.0; i := 1; WHILE i < n-2 DO b[i] := 1.0/(x[i+1] - x[i]); a[i] := 2.0*(c[i-1] + b[i]); c[i] := b[i]; d2 := (y[i+1] - y[i])*3.0*b[i]*b[i]; d[i] := d1 + d2; d1 := d2; w[i] := 0; INC(i) END ; a[i] := 2.0*b[i-1] + hn; d[i] := d1 + dn; w[i] := 1.0; i := 0; WHILE i < n-2 DO c[i] := c[i]/a[i]; a[i+1] := a[i+1] - c[i]*b[i]; INC(i) END ; SolveTriDiag(a, b, c, d, n-1); SolveTriDiag(a, b, c, w, n-1); d1 := (d[0] + d[i])/(w[0] + w[i] + x[i+1] - x[i]); i := 0; WHILE i < n-1 DO d[i] := d[i] - d1*w[i]; INC(i) END ; d[i] := d[0] END ClosedSpline; PROCEDURE CompSpline(x0, y0, n, open: INTEGER); VAR i, k: INTEGER; dx, dy, ds: REAL; x, xd, y, yd, s: RealVector; p, q: PolyVector; BEGIN (*from u, v compute x, y, s*) Files.ReadInt(PR, k); x[0] := k + x0; Files.ReadInt(PR, k); y[0] := k + y0; s[0] := 0; i := 1; WHILE i < n DO Files.ReadInt(PR, k); x[i] := k + x0; dx := x[i] - x[i-1]; Files.ReadInt(PR, k); y[i] := k + y0; dy := y[i] - y[i-1]; s[i] := ABS(dx) + ABS(dy) + s[i-1]; INC(i) END ; IF open = 1 THEN OpenSpline(s, x, xd, n); OpenSpline(s, y, yd, n) ELSE ClosedSpline(s, x, xd, n); ClosedSpline(s, y, yd, n) END ; (*compute coefficients from x, y, xd, yd, s*) i := 0; WHILE i < n-1 DO ds := 1.0/(s[i+1] - s[i]); dx := (x[i+1] - x[i])*ds; p[i].a := ds*ds*(xd[i] + xd[i+1] - 2.0*dx); p[i].b := ds*(3.0*dx - 2.0*xd[i] -xd[i+1]); p[i].c := xd[i]; p[i].d := x[i]; p[i].t := s[i]; dy := ds*(y[i+1] - y[i]); q[i].a := ds*ds*(yd[i] + yd[i+1] - 2.0*dy); q[i].b := ds*(3.0*dy - 2.0*yd[i] - yd[i+1]); q[i].c := yd[i]; q[i].d := y[i]; q[i].t := s[i]; INC(i) END ; p[i].t := s[i]; q[i].t := s[i]; (*display polynomials*) i := 0; WHILE i < n-1 DO ShowPoly(p[i], q[i], p[i+1].t - p[i].t); INC(i) END END CompSpline; PROCEDURE Terminate; VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN Core.RemoveTask(Core.PrintQueue); i := 0; REPEAT font[i] := NIL; INC(i) UNTIL i = maxFnt (*release fonts*) END Terminate; PROCEDURE Append(src: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR dst: ARRAY OF SYSTEM.BYTE; VAR k: INTEGER); VAR i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN i := 0; REPEAT ch := src[i]; dst[k] := ch; INC(i); INC(k) UNTIL ch = 0X END Append; PROCEDURE PickTask; VAR F: Files.File; Id: Core.ShortName; tag: CHAR; BEGIN IF (Core.PrintQueue.n > 0) & ~SYSTEM.BIT(PR0, proff) & SYSTEM.BIT(PR0, prdy) THEN Core.GetTask(Core.PrintQueue, F, Id, uno); nofpages := 0; abort := FALSE; Files.Set(PR, F, 0); Files.Read(PR, tag); IF tag = 0FCX THEN handler.handle := process ELSE Texts.WriteString(W, Id); Texts.WriteString(W, " not a print file"); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf); Terminate END END END PickTask; PROCEDURE ProcessPage; VAR i, x, y, w, h, x0, x1, y0, y1: INTEGER; a, a0, a1: LONGINT; d, u: INTEGER; typ, sp: SHORTINT; ch: CHAR; fnt: Fonts.Font; fname: Core.Name; PROCEDURE String; VAR ch: CHAR; dx, x0, y0, w, h: INTEGER; fnt: Fonts.Font; pat: LONGINT; BEGIN fnt := font[sp MOD maxFnt]; IF (x >= 0) & (y >= 0) & (fnt # NIL) & (y + fnt.height < BMheight) THEN LOOP Files.Read(PR, ch); IF ch = 0X THEN EXIT END ; Display.GetChar(fnt.raster, ch, dx, x0, y0, w, h, pat); IF (x + x0 + w <= BMwidth) & (h > 0) THEN Printmaps.CopyPattern(pat, x+x0, y+y0) END ; INC(x, dx) END END END String; BEGIN Printmaps.ClearPage; LOOP Files.Read(PR, typ); IF PR.eof THEN Core.IncPageCount(uno, nofpages); Terminate; handler.handle := PickTask; EXIT END ; Files.Read(PR, sp); IF typ = 0 THEN String ELSIF typ = 1 THEN Files.ReadInt(PR, x); Files.ReadInt(PR, y); String ELSIF typ = 2 THEN Files.ReadInt(PR, x); Files.ReadInt(PR, y); Files.ReadInt(PR, w); Files.ReadInt(PR, h); IF x < 0 THEN INC(w, x); x := 0 END ; IF x+w > BMwidth THEN w := BMwidth - x END ; IF y < 0 THEN INC(h, y); y := 0 END ; IF y+h > BMheight THEN h := BMheight - y END ; Printmaps.ReplConst(x, y, w, h) ELSIF typ = 3 THEN i := 0; REPEAT Files.Read(PR, fname[i]); INC(i) UNTIL fname[i-1] < "0"; DEC(i); Append(".Pr3.Fnt", fname, i); fnt := Fonts.This(fname); IF fnt = Fonts.Default THEN fnt := Fonts.This("Syntax10.Pr3.Fnt") END ; font[sp MOD maxFnt] := fnt ELSIF typ = 4 THEN nofcopies := sp; handler.handle := print; EXIT ELSIF typ = 5 THEN (*shaded area*) IF (sp < 0) OR (sp > 9) THEN sp := 2 END ; Files.ReadInt(PR, x); Files.ReadInt(PR, y); Files.ReadInt(PR, w); Files.ReadInt(PR, h); IF x < 0 THEN INC(w, x); x := 0 END ; IF x+w > BMwidth THEN w := BMwidth - x END ; IF y < 0 THEN INC(h, y); y := 0 END ; IF y+h > BMheight THEN h := BMheight - y END ; Printmaps.ReplPattern(Printmaps.Pat[sp], x, y, w, h) ELSIF typ = 6 THEN (*line*) Files.ReadInt(PR, x0); Files.ReadInt(PR, y0); Files.ReadInt(PR, x1); Files.ReadInt(PR, y1); w := ABS(x1-x0); h := ABS(y1-y0); IF h <= w THEN IF x1 < x0 THEN u := x0; x0 := x1; x1 := u; u := y0; y0 := y1; y1 := u END ; IF y0 <= y1 THEN d := 1 ELSE d := -1 END ; u := (h-w) DIV 2; WHILE x0 < x1 DO Printmaps.Dot(x0, y0); INC(x0); IF u < 0 THEN INC(u, h) ELSE INC(u, h-w); INC(y0, d) END END ELSE IF y1 < y0 THEN u := x0; x0 := x1; x1 := u; u := y0; y0 := y1; y1 := u END ; IF x0 <= x1 THEN d := 1 ELSE d := -1 END ; u := (w-h) DIV 2; WHILE y0 < y1 DO Printmaps.Dot(x0, y0); INC(y0); IF u < 0 THEN INC(u, w) ELSE INC(u, w-h); INC(x0, d) END END END ELSIF typ = 7 THEN (*ellipse*) Files.ReadInt(PR, x); Files.ReadInt(PR, y); Files.ReadInt(PR, w); Files.ReadInt(PR, h); ellipse(x, y, w, h) ELSIF typ = 8 THEN (*picture*) Files.ReadInt(PR, x); Files.ReadInt(PR, y); Files.ReadInt(PR, w); Files.ReadInt(PR, h); IF sp = 1 THEN (*enlarge factor 2*) IF (x >= 0) & (w+x < BMwidth DIV 2) & (y >= 0) & (h+y < BMheight DIV 2) THEN a := Printmaps.Map() + LONG(BMheight -1 - y)*(BMwidth DIV 8) + (x DIV 4); w := (w + 7) DIV 8 * 2; WHILE h > 0 DO a0 := a; a1 := a + w; WHILE a0 < a1 DO Files.Read(PR, ch); SYSTEM.PUT(a0, map[ORD(ch)]); SYSTEM.PUT(a0 + (BMwidth DIV 8), map[ORD(ch)]); INC(a0, 2) END ; DEC(a, BMwidth DIV 4); DEC(h) END END ELSIF (x >= 0) & (w+x < BMwidth) & (y >= 0) & (h+y < BMheight) THEN a := Printmaps.Map() + LONG(BMheight -1 - y)*(BMwidth DIV 8) + (x DIV 8); w := (w + 7) DIV 8; WHILE h > 0 DO a0 := a; a1 := a + w; WHILE a0 < a1 DO Files.Read(PR, ch); SYSTEM.PUT(a0, ch); INC(a0) END ; DEC(a, BMwidth DIV 8); DEC(h) END END ELSIF typ = 9 THEN (*circle*) Files.ReadInt(PR, x); Files.ReadInt(PR, y); Files.ReadInt(PR, w); circle(x, y, w) ELSIF typ = 10 THEN (*spline*) Files.ReadInt(PR, x); Files.ReadInt(PR, y); Files.ReadInt(PR, u); IF (u >= 0) & (u <= N) THEN CompSpline(x, y, u, sp) ELSE Files.Set(PR, Files.Base(PR), Files.Pos(PR) + 4*u) (*skip*) END ELSIF typ = 11 THEN (*set color*) Files.Read(PR, ch); Files.Read(PR, ch) ELSE Texts.WriteString(W, " error in print file at"); Texts.WriteInt(W, Files.Pos(PR), 6); Texts.WriteInt(W, typ, 5); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf); Terminate; handler.handle := PickTask; EXIT END END END ProcessPage; PROCEDURE PrintPage; BEGIN IF SYSTEM.BIT(PR0, prdy) THEN SYSTEM.PUT(PR0, Kernel.PrAdr); handler.handle := wait; REPEAT UNTIL SYSTEM.BIT(PR0, end) END END PrintPage; PROCEDURE WaitForCompletion; BEGIN IF ~SYSTEM.BIT(PR0, end) THEN DEC(nofcopies); INC(nofpages); IF abort THEN Terminate; handler.handle := PickTask; Texts.WriteString(W, " print task aborted"); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf); ELSIF nofcopies > 0 THEN handler.handle := print; DEC(nofcopies) ELSE handler.handle := ProcessPage END END END WaitForCompletion; (*------------------------ Commands -------------------------*) PROCEDURE Start*; BEGIN IF ~SYSTEM.BIT(PR0, proff) THEN handler.handle := PickTask; Oberon.Remove(handler); Oberon.Install(handler); Texts.WriteString(W, "Printer started (NW 12.12.92)") ELSE Texts.WriteString(W, "Printer off") END ; Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf) END Start; PROCEDURE State*; BEGIN Texts.WriteString(W, "Printer Queue:"); Texts.WriteInt(W, Core.PrintQueue.n, 4); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf) END State; PROCEDURE Reset*; BEGIN handler.handle := PickTask; END Reset; PROCEDURE Abort*; BEGIN abort := TRUE END Abort; PROCEDURE Stop*; BEGIN Oberon.Remove(handler); Texts.WriteString(W, "Printer stopped"); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf) END Stop; PROCEDURE RemoveTask*; VAR F: Files.File; id: Core.ShortName; uno: INTEGER; BEGIN IF Core.PrintQueue.n > 0 THEN Core.GetTask(Core.PrintQueue, F, id, uno); Core.RemoveTask(Core.PrintQueue); Texts.WriteString(W, id); Texts.WriteString(W, " print task removed"); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf) END END RemoveTask; PROCEDURE InitMap; (*map for picture enlargement and patterns*) VAR i, k, s, t: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; REPEAT k := i; s := 0; t := 3; WHILE k > 0 DO IF ODD(k) THEN INC(s, t) END ; t := 4*t; k := k DIV 2 END ; map[i] := s; INC(i) UNTIL i = 256 END InitMap;BEGIN Texts.OpenWriter(W); InitMap; NEW(handler); process := ProcessPage; print := PrintPage; wait := WaitForCompletionEND PrintServer.