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MODULE TextPrinter; (** CAS/MH/HM 23.9.1993 **) IMPORT Files, Display, Fonts, Printer, Texts, TextFrames; CONST Unit* = 3048; (**unit for a 300 dpi printer**) unit = TextFrames.Unit; mm = TextFrames.mm; Scale = mm DIV 10; gridAdj = TextFrames.gridAdj; leftAdj = TextFrames.leftAdj; rightAdj = TextFrames.rightAdj; AdjMask = {leftAdj, rightAdj}; pageBreak = TextFrames.pageBreak; twoColumns = TextFrames.twoColumns; AdjustSpan = 30; MinTabWidth = 1 * Scale; StdTabWidth = 4 * mm; ColumnGap = 7*mm; TAB = 9X; CR = 0DX; MaxDict = 32; MaxLine = 512; TYPE PrintMsg* = RECORD (Texts.ElemMsg) prepare*: BOOLEAN; indent*: LONGINT; (**prepare => width already consumed in line, in units**) fnt*: Fonts.Font; col*: SHORTINT; pos*: LONGINT; (**position in host text**) X0*, Y0*, pno*: INTEGER (**receiver origin in screen space; page number**) END; PrintLine = RECORD eot: BOOLEAN; (*marked to skip, contains end of text*) indent: LONGINT; w, h, dsr: INTEGER; (*bounding box clipped to frame*) nob: INTEGER; (*number of contained blanks; > 0 if text line wraps around*) org, len, span: LONGINT; (*len w/o; span w/ trailing CR or white space, if any*) pbeg: LONGINT (*position of corresponding parc*) END; VAR P: TextFrames.Parc; pbeg: LONGINT; R: Texts.Reader; nextCh: CHAR; fname: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; fonts: RECORD num: SHORTINT; dict: ARRAY MaxDict OF Fonts.Font; dx: ARRAY MaxDict, 256 OF SHORTINT END; line: RECORD first: BOOLEAN; fno: SHORTINT; px, x, y: INTEGER; len: INTEGER; buf: ARRAY MaxLine OF CHAR END; PROCEDURE Min (x, y: LONGINT): LONGINT; BEGIN IF x < y THEN RETURN x ELSE RETURN y END END Min; PROCEDURE Max (x, y: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN IF x > y THEN RETURN x ELSE RETURN y END END Max; PROCEDURE Append (VAR s1: ARRAY OF CHAR; i: INTEGER; s2: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR j: INTEGER; BEGIN j := 0; (*s1 large enough*) WHILE s2[j] # 0X DO s1[i] := s2[j]; INC(i); INC(j) END; s1[i] := 0X END Append; (** Printer Metrics **) PROCEDURE SetMetrics (fno: SHORTINT; fnt: Fonts.Font); VAR f: Files.File; r: Files.Rider; pat: Display.Pattern; off, i, j, k, dx, x, y, w, h: INTEGER; size, s: SHORTINT; mod, m: CHAR; name: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; BEGIN COPY(fnt.name, name); i := 0; WHILE name[i] > "9" DO INC(i) END; j := i; WHILE ("0" <= name[j]) & (name[j] < "9") DO INC(j) END; k := j; WHILE (name[k] # ".") & (name[k] # 0X) DO INC(k) END; IF k > j THEN mod := name[k-1] ELSE mod := " " END; size := 0; k := i; WHILE i < j DO size := 10 * size + SHORT(ORD(name[i]) - 30H); INC(i) END; Append(name, k, ".Lm3.Fnt"); f := Files.Old(name); IF f # NIL THEN Files.Set(r, f, 2); Files.ReadInt(r, off); Files.Set(r, f, 6); i := -1; REPEAT INC(i); Files.Read(r, s); Files.Read(r, m) UNTIL (s = size) & (m = mod) OR (Files.Pos(r) >= off); IF (s = size) & (m = mod) THEN Files.Set(r, f, off + i * 260 + 4); Files.ReadBytes(r, fonts.dx[fno], 256) ELSE f := NIL END END; IF f = NIL THEN i := 0; (*no printer metrics file found - construct from screen metrics*) WHILE i < 256 DO Display.GetChar(fnt.raster, CHR(i), dx, x, y, w, h, pat); fonts.dx[fno, i] := SHORT(SHORT(LONG(dx) * unit * 12 DIV 10 DIV Unit)); INC(i) (*+20% : heuristical correction*) END END END SetMetrics; PROCEDURE FontNo* (fnt: Fonts.Font): SHORTINT; VAR fno: SHORTINT; BEGIN fno := 0; fonts.dict[fonts.num] := fnt; WHILE fonts.dict[fno] # fnt DO INC(fno) END; IF fno = fonts.num THEN SetMetrics(fno, fnt); INC(fonts.num) END; RETURN fno END FontNo; PROCEDURE Font* (fno: SHORTINT): Fonts.Font; BEGIN RETURN fonts.dict[fno] END Font; PROCEDURE DX* (fno: SHORTINT; ch: CHAR): LONGINT; BEGIN RETURN LONG(LONG(fonts.dx[fno, ORD(ch)])) * Unit END DX; PROCEDURE Get* (fno: SHORTINT; ch: CHAR; VAR dx, x, y, w, h: LONGINT); VAR pat: Display.Pattern; dx0, x0, y0, w0, h0: INTEGER; BEGIN Display.GetChar(fonts.dict[fno].raster, ch, dx0, x0, y0, w0, h0, pat); x := LONG(x0) * unit; y := LONG(y0) * unit; h := LONG(h0) * unit; dx := LONG(LONG(fonts.dx[fno, ORD(ch)])) * Unit; w := dx END Get; PROCEDURE GetChar* (fno: SHORTINT; targetUnit: LONGINT; ch: CHAR; VAR pdx: LONGINT; VAR dx, x, y, w, h: INTEGER; VAR pat: Display.Pattern); BEGIN Display.GetChar(fonts.dict[fno].raster, ch, dx, x, y, w, h, pat); x := SHORT(x * LONG(unit) DIV targetUnit); y := SHORT(y * LONG(unit) DIV targetUnit); h := SHORT(h * LONG(unit) DIV targetUnit); pdx := LONG(LONG(fonts.dx[fno, ORD(ch)])) * Unit; dx := SHORT(pdx DIV targetUnit); w := dx END GetChar; PROCEDURE InitFonts*; VAR fno: SHORTINT; BEGIN fonts.num := 0; fno := FontNo(Fonts.Default) END InitFonts; PROCEDURE Width (fno: SHORTINT; VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR): INTEGER; VAR i, w: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; w := 0; WHILE s[i] # 0X DO INC(w, LONG(fonts.dx[fno, ORD(s[i])]) ); INC(i) END; RETURN w END Width; PROCEDURE GetPrintChar (fnt: Fonts.Font; ch: CHAR; VAR fno: SHORTINT; VAR dx, x, y, w, h: INTEGER); VAR pat: Display.Pattern; BEGIN Display.GetChar(fnt.raster, ch, dx, x, y, w, h, pat); x := SHORT(x * LONG(unit) DIV Unit); y := -SHORT((-y) * LONG(unit) DIV Unit); h := SHORT(h * LONG(unit) DIV Unit); fno := FontNo(fnt); dx := fonts.dx[fno, ORD(ch)]; w := dx END GetPrintChar; PROCEDURE Tab (dw: INTEGER; VAR dx: INTEGER); (*P set*) VAR i, n: INTEGER; w: LONGINT; BEGIN i := 0; n := P.nofTabs; w := LONG(dw) * Unit + MinTabWidth; IF dw < 0 THEN dx := -dw ELSE WHILE (i < n) & (P.tab[i] < w) DO INC(i) END; IF i < n THEN dx := SHORT((P.tab[i] - LONG(dw) * Unit) DIV Unit) ELSE dx := StdTabWidth DIV Unit END END END Tab; PROCEDURE Offset (): INTEGER; (*R set*) BEGIN IF R.voff = 0 THEN RETURN 0 ELSE RETURN SHORT(R.fnt.height * R.voff * LONG(unit) DIV 64 DIV Unit) END END Offset; PROCEDURE MeasureSpecial (pno, dw: INTEGER; VAR fno: SHORTINT; VAR dx, x, y, w, h: INTEGER); (*P, R, nextCh set*) VAR e: Texts.Elem; i: INTEGER; msg: PrintMsg; BEGIN IF nextCh = " " THEN GetPrintChar(R.fnt, nextCh, fno, dx, x, y, w, h); x := 0; y := 0; w := dx; h := 0 ELSIF nextCh = TAB THEN Tab(dw, dx); x := 0; y := 0; w := dx; h := 0 ELSIF R.elem # NIL THEN e := R.elem; msg.prepare := TRUE; msg.indent := LONG(dw) * Unit; msg.fnt := R.fnt; msg.col := R.col; msg.pos := Texts.Pos(R) - 1; msg.pno := pno; msg.Y0 := -SHORT(P.dsr DIV Unit); e.handle(e, msg); w := SHORT(e.W DIV Unit); dx := w; h := SHORT(e.H DIV Unit); x := 0; y := msg.Y0 ELSE GetPrintChar(R.fnt, nextCh, fno, dx, x, y, w, h) END END MeasureSpecial; PROCEDURE GetSpecial (VAR n: INTEGER; maxW, cn, ddx, dw: INTEGER; VAR fno: SHORTINT; VAR dx, x, y, w, h: INTEGER); (*P, R, nextCh set*) VAR e: Texts.Elem; BEGIN IF nextCh = " " THEN GetPrintChar(R.fnt, nextCh, fno, dx, x, y, w, h); x := 0; y := 0; INC(dx, ddx); INC(n); IF n <= cn THEN INC(dx) END; (*space correction for block adjustment*) w := dx; h := 0 ELSIF nextCh = TAB THEN Tab(dw, dx); x := 0; y := 0; w := dx; h := 0 ELSIF R.elem # NIL THEN e := R.elem; IF e IS TextFrames.Parc THEN w := SHORT(Min(P.width DIV Unit, maxW)); e.W := LONG(w) * Unit ELSE w := SHORT(e.W DIV Unit) END; dx := w; x := 0; y := -SHORT(P.dsr DIV Unit); h := SHORT(e.H DIV Unit) ELSE GetPrintChar(R.fnt, nextCh, fno, dx, x, y, w, h) END END GetSpecial; PROCEDURE AdjustMetrics (T: Texts.Text; VAR t: PrintLine; left: INTEGER; VAR pw, tw, ddx, cn: INTEGER); (*sets P, pbeg*) BEGIN pw := left; tw := t.w; ddx := 0; cn := 0; TextFrames.ParcBefore(T, t.org, P, pbeg); IF pbeg # t.org THEN INC(pw, SHORT((P.left + t.indent) DIV Unit)); DEC(tw, SHORT(t.indent DIV Unit)); IF leftAdj IN P.opts THEN IF (rightAdj IN P.opts) & (t.nob > 0) THEN tw := SHORT((P.width - t.indent) DIV Unit); ddx := (tw - t.w) DIV t.nob; cn := (tw - t.w) MOD t.nob END ELSIF rightAdj IN P.opts THEN INC(pw, SHORT(P.width DIV Unit) - t.w) ELSE (*center*) INC(pw, (SHORT(P.width DIV Unit) - t.w) DIV 2) END END END AdjustMetrics; (* Printer Line Casting *) PROCEDURE MeasureLine (T: Texts.Text; pno, maxW: INTEGER; VAR t: PrintLine); (*R, nextCh set*) VAR len, bklen, d: LONGINT; eol: BOOLEAN; fno: SHORTINT; nob, bknob, width, minY, bkminY, maxY, bkmaxY, tw, bktw, lsp, dsr, dx, x, y, w, h: INTEGER; R1: Texts.Reader; peekCh: CHAR; BEGIN len := 0; nob := 0; bklen := -999; tw := 0; dx := 0; minY := 0; maxY := 0; TextFrames.ParcBefore(T, t.org, P, pbeg); lsp := SHORT(P.lsp DIV Unit); dsr := SHORT(P.dsr DIV Unit); width := SHORT(P.width DIV Unit); t.indent := 0; IF t.org > 0 THEN Texts.OpenReader(R1, T, t.org - 1); Texts.Read(R1, peekCh); IF (peekCh = CR) OR (R1.elem # NIL) & (R1.elem IS TextFrames.Parc) THEN t.indent := P.first END; END; DEC(width, SHORT(t.indent DIV Unit)); LOOP INC(tw, dx); IF R.eot OR (nextCh = CR) THEN nob := 0; eol := ~R.eot; EXIT END; IF nextCh <= " " THEN MeasureSpecial(pno, tw + SHORT(t.indent DIV Unit), fno, dx, x, y, w, h) ELSE GetPrintChar(R.fnt, nextCh, fno, dx, x, y, w, h) END; IF tw + x + dx > width THEN d := len - bklen; IF (0 <= d) & (d < AdjustSpan) & (nextCh > " ") THEN eol := TRUE; Texts.OpenReader(R, T, Texts.Pos(R) - d); nob := bknob; len := bklen; tw := bktw; minY := bkminY; maxY := bkmaxY ELSIF len = 0 THEN (*force at least one character on each line*) INC(len); INC(y, Offset()); minY := SHORT(Min(minY, y)); maxY := Max(maxY, y + h); Texts.Read(R, nextCh); eol := FALSE ELSE eol := (nextCh <= " ") & (nextCh # Texts.ElemChar) END; EXIT END; IF (nextCh <= " ") & (nextCh # Texts.ElemChar) THEN bknob := nob; bklen := len; bktw := tw; bkminY := minY; bkmaxY := maxY; IF nextCh = " " THEN INC(nob) END END; INC(len); INC(y, Offset()); minY := SHORT(Min(minY, y)); maxY := Max(maxY, y + h); Texts.Read(R, nextCh) END; IF gridAdj IN P.opts THEN WHILE dsr < -minY DO INC(dsr, lsp) END; t.h := Max(lsp, dsr + maxY); INC(t.h, (-t.h) MOD lsp) ELSE dsr := Max(dsr, -minY); t.h := Max(lsp, dsr + maxY) END; t.len := len; t.w := SHORT(Min(tw, maxW)); t.dsr := dsr; t.nob := nob; t.eot := R.eot; t.pbeg := pbeg; IF eol THEN Texts.Read(R, nextCh); t.span := len + 1 ELSE t.span := len END END MeasureLine; (** Printer Page Placement **) PROCEDURE FlushLine; BEGIN IF line.len > 0 THEN line.buf[line.len] := 0X; line.len := 0; IF line.first THEN Printer.String(line.px, line.y, line.buf, fonts.dict[line.fno].name); line.first := FALSE ELSE Printer.ContString(line.buf, fonts.dict[line.fno].name) END END END FlushLine; PROCEDURE PlaceChar (ch: CHAR; fno: SHORTINT; x, y, dx: INTEGER); BEGIN IF line.len > 0 THEN IF (x # line.x) OR (y # line.y) THEN FlushLine; line.first := TRUE; line.px := x ELSIF fno # line.fno THEN FlushLine END ELSE line.px := x END; line.fno := fno; line.x := x + dx; line.y := y; line.buf[line.len] := ch; INC(line.len) END PlaceChar; PROCEDURE PlaceSpecial (fno: SHORTINT; pno, nob, px, py, x, y, dx: INTEGER); (*R, nextCh set*) VAR e: Texts.Elem; msg: PrintMsg; BEGIN IF (nextCh = " ") & (P.opts * AdjMask = AdjMask) & (nob > 0) OR (nextCh = TAB) THEN (*skip*) ELSIF R.elem # NIL THEN e := R.elem; FlushLine; line.first := TRUE; msg.prepare := FALSE; msg.fnt := R.fnt; msg.col := R.col; msg.pos := Texts.Pos(R) - 1; msg.X0 := px + x; msg.Y0 := py + y; msg.pno := pno; e.handle(e, msg) ELSE PlaceChar(nextCh, fno, px, py, dx) END END PlaceSpecial; PROCEDURE PlaceLine (T: Texts.Text; pno: INTEGER; VAR t: PrintLine; left, width, py: INTEGER); VAR i: LONGINT; n, cn, lm, rm, px, pw, tw, ddx, dx, x, y, w, h: INTEGER; fno: SHORTINT; BEGIN Texts.OpenReader(R, T, t.org); AdjustMetrics(T, t, left, pw, tw, ddx, cn); lm := left + SHORT(P.left DIV Unit); rm := left + width; px := pw; INC(py, t.dsr); i := 0; n := 0; line.first := TRUE; line.len := 0; WHILE i < t.len DO Texts.Read(R, nextCh); IF nextCh <= " " THEN GetSpecial(n, width, cn, ddx, px - lm, fno, dx, x, y, w, h) ELSE GetPrintChar(R.fnt, nextCh, fno, dx, x, y, w, h) END; IF px + x + w <= rm THEN IF nextCh <= " " THEN PlaceSpecial(fno, pno, t.nob, px, py, x, y + Offset(), dx) ELSE PlaceChar(nextCh, fno, px, py + Offset(), dx) END; INC(px, dx); INC(i) ELSE i := t.len END END; FlushLine END PlaceLine; PROCEDURE PlaceHeader* (headerX, headerY, headerW: INTEGER; pno: INTEGER; fnt: Fonts.Font; VAR header: ARRAY OF CHAR; alt: BOOLEAN); VAR i, j: INTEGER; fno: SHORTINT; digits, pageno: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR; BEGIN alt := alt & ~ODD(pno); fno := FontNo(fnt); IF (pno >= 0) OR (pno < -30) THEN pno := ABS(pno); i := 0; j := 0; REPEAT digits[i] := CHR(pno MOD 10 + 30H); INC(i); pno := pno DIV 10 UNTIL pno = 0; REPEAT DEC(i); pageno[j] := digits[i]; INC(j) UNTIL i = 0; pageno[j] := 0X ELSE pno := ABS(pno); i := 0; WHILE pno >= 10 DO DEC(pno, 10); pageno[i] := "x"; INC(i) END; CASE pno OF 0: | 1..3: WHILE pno > 0 DO DEC(pno); pageno[i] := "i"; INC(i) END | 4: pageno[i] := "i"; INC(i); pageno[i] := "v"; INC(i) | 5..8: DEC(pno, 5); pageno[i] := "v"; INC(i); WHILE pno > 0 DO DEC(pno); pageno[i] := "i"; INC(i) END | 9: pageno[i] := "i"; INC(i); pageno[i] := "x"; INC(i) END; pageno[i] := 0X END; IF alt THEN Printer.String(headerX, headerY, pageno, fonts.dict[fno].name); IF header[0] # 0X THEN Printer.String(headerX + headerW - Width(fno, header), headerY, header, fonts.dict[fno].name) END ELSE Printer.String(headerX + headerW - Width(fno, pageno), headerY, pageno, fonts.dict[fno].name); IF header[0] # 0X THEN Printer.String(headerX, headerY, header, fonts.dict[fno].name) END END END PlaceHeader; PROCEDURE ClaimPrinter; (*send null-command to keep printer connection alive*) VAR i: INTEGER; dmy: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; BEGIN dmy[0] := 0X; i := 10; WHILE i > 0 DO Printer.String(0, 0, dmy, fname); DEC(i) END END ClaimPrinter; (*PROCEDURE PrintDraft* (t: Texts.Text; header: ARRAY OF CHAR; copies: INTEGER); CONST left = 160; bot = 100; lsp = 32; VAR top, y, pno, i: INTEGER; r: Texts.Reader; ch: CHAR; s: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; PROCEDURE PrintHeader; BEGIN Printer.String(left, Printer.PageHeight - 125, header, Fonts.Default.name); IF pno < 10 THEN s[0] := " " ELSE s[0] := CHR(30H + pno MOD 100 DIV 10) END; s[1] := CHR(30H + pno MOD 10); s[2] := 0X; Printer.String(Printer.PageWidth - 236, Printer.PageHeight - 125, s, Fonts.Default.name) END PrintHeader; BEGIN pno := 0; top := Printer.PageHeight - 225; y := top; Printer.UseListFont(Fonts.Default.name); PrintHeader; Texts.OpenReader(r, t, 0); REPEAT Texts.Read(r, ch); i := 0; WHILE ~r.eot & (ch # CR) DO s[i] := ch; INC(i); Texts.Read(r, ch) END; s[i] := 0X; Printer.String(left, y, s, Fonts.Default.name); y := y - lsp; IF y < bot THEN Printer.Page(copies); INC(pno); PrintHeader; y := top END UNTIL r.eot; IF y < top THEN Printer.Page(copies) END END PrintDraft;*) PROCEDURE PrintDraft* (t: Texts.Text; header: ARRAY OF CHAR; copies: INTEGER); CONST left = 160; bot = 100; lsp = 32; maxLineLen = 120; VAR top, y, pno, i, b: INTEGER; org: LONGINT; r: Texts.Reader; ch: CHAR; s: ARRAY maxLineLen + 1 OF CHAR; PROCEDURE PrintHeader; BEGIN Printer.String(left, Printer.PageHeight - 125, header, Fonts.Default.name); IF pno < 10 THEN s[0] := " " ELSE s[0] := CHR(30H + pno MOD 100 DIV 10) END; s[1] := CHR(30H + pno MOD 10); s[2] := 0X; Printer.String(Printer.PageWidth - 236, Printer.PageHeight - 125, s, Fonts.Default.name) END PrintHeader; BEGIN pno := 0; top := Printer.PageHeight - 225; y := top; Printer.UseListFont(Fonts.Default.name); PrintHeader; Texts.OpenReader(r, t, 0); REPEAT org := Texts.Pos(r); Texts.Read(r, ch); i := 0; b := 0; WHILE ~r.eot & (ch # CR) & (i < maxLineLen) DO IF ch = " " THEN b := i END; s[i] := ch; INC(i); Texts.Read(r, ch) END; IF (i = maxLineLen) & (ch # CR) & ~r.eot THEN IF b > 0 THEN i := b; org := org + i + 1 ELSE org := org + i END; Texts.OpenReader(r, t, org) END; s[i] := 0X; Printer.String(left, y, s, Fonts.Default.name); y := y - lsp; IF y < bot THEN Printer.Page(copies); INC(pno); PrintHeader; y := top END UNTIL r.eot; IF y < top THEN Printer.Page(copies) END END PrintDraft;(*---version without two-column printing PROCEDURE PlaceBody* (bodyX, bodyY, bodyW, bodyH: INTEGER; T: Texts.Text; VAR pos: LONGINT; pno: INTEGER; place: BOOLEAN); VAR t: PrintLine; org: LONGINT; py: INTEGER; inPage: BOOLEAN; BEGIN py := bodyY + bodyH; inPage := FALSE; LOOP org := pos; Texts.OpenReader(R, T, org); Texts.Read(R, nextCh); t.org := org; MeasureLine(T, pno, bodyW, t); IF pbeg = org THEN IF inPage & (pageBreak IN P.opts) THEN EXIT (*parc enforced early page break*) ELSIF py - bodyY < SHORT((3 * P.lsp + P.lead) DIV Unit) THEN (*widow window*) INC(pos, t.span); EXIT ELSIF inPage OR (pageBreak IN P.opts) THEN DEC(py, SHORT(P.lead DIV Unit)); inPage := TRUE END ELSE inPage := inPage OR (t.len > 0); IF inPage THEN DEC(py, t.h) END; IF py < bodyY THEN EXIT END; IF place THEN PlaceLine(T, pno, t, bodyX, bodyW + (5 * mm DIV Unit), py) ELSE ClaimPrinter END END; INC(pos, t.span); IF t.eot THEN EXIT END END END PlaceBody;*)(*---*) PROCEDURE MeasureColumns (pno, py, y0, w0: INTEGER; T: Texts.Text; VAR pos: LONGINT; VAR t: ARRAY OF PrintLine; VAR nl, nr, bh: INTEGER; VAR eofPage: BOOLEAN); VAR yl, yr, hl, hr, dh: INTEGER; inColumn, break: BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE MeasureColumn (VAR inCol, break: BOOLEAN; lastCol: BOOLEAN; VAR py: INTEGER; VAR n: INTEGER); VAR org: LONGINT; eot: BOOLEAN; BEGIN LOOP org := pos; Texts.OpenReader(R, T, org); Texts.Read(R, nextCh); t[n].org := org; MeasureLine(T, pno, w0, t[n]); eot := t[n].eot; IF ~(twoColumns IN P.opts) OR (n = LEN(t)) THEN EXIT END; IF pbeg = org THEN IF inCol & (pageBreak IN P.opts) THEN break := TRUE; EXIT (*parc enforced early page break*) ELSIF lastCol & (py - y0 < SHORT((3 * P.lsp + P.lead) DIV Unit)) THEN (*widow window*) t[n].h := SHORT(P.lead DIV Unit); INC(pos, t[n].span); eofPage := TRUE; EXIT ELSIF inCol OR (pageBreak IN P.opts) THEN inCol := TRUE; t[n].h := SHORT(P.lead DIV Unit); DEC(py, t[n].h) END; INC(pos, t[n].span); INC(n) ELSIF inCol OR (t[n].len > 0) THEN inCol := TRUE; IF py - t[n].h >= y0 THEN DEC(py, t[n].h); INC(pos, t[n].span); INC(n) ELSE eofPage := TRUE; EXIT END ELSE INC(pos, t[n].span) END; ClaimPrinter; IF eot THEN EXIT END END END MeasureColumn; BEGIN inColumn := FALSE; break := FALSE; dh := 0; yl := py; nl := 0; MeasureColumn(inColumn, break, FALSE, yl, nl); hl := py - yl; yr := py; nr := nl; IF ~break THEN MeasureColumn(inColumn, break, TRUE, yr, nr) END; hr := py - yr; LOOP (*balance columns*) IF nl = 0 THEN EXIT ELSIF t[nl-1].len = 0 THEN DEC(nl); dh := t[nl].h; ELSIF (hl - t[nl - 1].h > hr) & (yr - t[nl - 1].h >= y0) THEN DEC(nl); DEC(hl, t[nl].h); INC(yl, t[nl].h); INC(hr, t[nl].h + dh); DEC(yr, t[nl].h + dh); dh := 0 ELSE EXIT END END; bh := Max(hl, hr) END MeasureColumns; PROCEDURE PlaceColumns (T: Texts.Text; VAR t: ARRAY OF PrintLine; pno, px, py, w0, nl, nr: INTEGER); VAR i, x, y, w: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; x := px; y := py; w := w0 + (5 * mm DIV Unit); WHILE i < nl DO DEC(y, t[i].h); PlaceLine(T, pno, t[i], x, w, y); INC(i) END; x := px + (w0 + ColumnGap DIV Unit) DIV 2; y := py; w := w0 DIV 2 + (5 * mm DIV Unit); WHILE (i < nr) & ((t[i].len = 0) OR (t[i].pbeg = t[i].org)) DO INC(i) END; WHILE i < nr DO DEC(y, t[i].h); PlaceLine(T, pno, t[i], x, w, y); INC(i) END END PlaceColumns; PROCEDURE PlaceBody* (bodyX, bodyY, bodyW, bodyH: INTEGER; T: Texts.Text; VAR pos: LONGINT; pno: INTEGER; place: BOOLEAN); VAR t: PrintLine; org: LONGINT; py, bh, nl, nr: INTEGER; inPage, eofPage: BOOLEAN; bt: ARRAY 254 OF PrintLine; BEGIN py := bodyY + bodyH; inPage := FALSE; LOOP org := pos; Texts.OpenReader(R, T, org); Texts.Read(R, nextCh); t.org := org; MeasureLine(T, pno, bodyW, t); IF pbeg = org THEN IF inPage & (pageBreak IN P.opts) THEN EXIT (*parc enforced early page break*) ELSIF py - bodyY < SHORT((3 * P.lsp + P.lead) DIV Unit) THEN (*widow window*) INC(pos, t.span); EXIT ELSIF inPage OR (pageBreak IN P.opts) THEN DEC(py, SHORT(P.lead DIV Unit)); inPage := TRUE END; INC(pos, t.span) ELSIF twoColumns IN P.opts THEN eofPage := FALSE; MeasureColumns(pno, py, bodyY, bodyW, T, pos, bt, nl, nr, bh, eofPage); IF (nl = 0) OR (bh = 0) THEN EXIT END; IF place THEN PlaceColumns(T, bt, pno, bodyX, py, bodyW, nl, nr) END; DEC(py, bh); inPage := TRUE; IF eofPage THEN EXIT END ELSE inPage := inPage OR (t.len > 0); IF inPage THEN DEC(py, t.h) END; IF py < bodyY THEN IF t.h > bodyH THEN INC(pos, t.span) END; (*line is higher than page: skip*) EXIT END; IF place THEN PlaceLine(T, pno, t, bodyX, bodyW + (5 * mm DIV Unit), py) ELSE ClaimPrinter END; INC(pos, t.span) END; IF t.eot THEN EXIT END END END PlaceBody;(*---*)BEGIN fname := "Syntax10.Scn.Fnt"END TextPrinter.