[X]. Green ,Yellow , Red based on priority [X].Add functionality to add personalized image/avatar [X].Use logger instead of print in lambda handler code [X].Create task data model [X].Create functionality to create subtasks from ticket [X].Add notification on ticket [X].Add search bar functionality [X].Prompt engineer chatGPT request (e.g Summirize a text triblock ''' {user input} ''') - https://www.deeplearning.ai/short-courses/chatgpt-prompt-engineering-for-developers/ [X].Add a functionality to summarize ticket [ ]. Add TCs [ ].Create a documentation
[-].Improve UI , add animations [-].Create a model , to check for PII data and remove it ?? [-].Create AI/ML model to predict how much time ticket is going to get completed [-].Create mobile version (display size , etc.) [-].Create Questions&Answers AI model