A simple Discord guild message spammer to celebrate events.
- Create a .env file in the project directory.
- Populate the file with the following fields (each entry should occupy a separate line):
(Follow this exact line order.)
[Discord Message] # The message to be spammed
[Guild ID] # The ID of the Discord guild (server)
[Bot Token 1] # Bot token for authentication
[Bot Token 2] # (Optional) Additional bot tokens
[Bot Token ...] # (Optional) Add more tokens as needed
- Build & run the program with
cargo run
This program prompts you to "Begin".
Beginning will send the [Discord Message]
as quickly as possible through all of the possible guild's text channels. The specific guild is set by specifying the [Guild ID].
If multiple bot tokens are provided, asynchronously spams the messages.
This tool was developed quickly and may not meet high standards of code quality. It contains numerous expect() statements and lacks robust error handling.
This tool was created to celebrate the New Year with automated Discord messages.