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Version Add Bot to Server

Maunz is a multi-purpose Discord bot with a focus on Source server tracking, developed by Vauff using the Discord4J library. Maunz features chronological server map tracking in specific channels, and on-demand tracking in others via commands. Administrators can add/remove unlimited servers, while users can configure personal notifications for specific maps.

Join the official Maunz Hub Discord server if you'd like to discuss the bot, suggest features, report bugs, receive assistance, or just follow along development.

Running the Bot

If you choose to self-host your own instance of the bot, the only requirements are Java 17 and MongoDB. You can download the latest .jar here, running it with the following parameters is recommended:

java -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow -jar Maunz-Discord.jar

The bot will auto-create a config.json file on first start, and prompt you to supply a token from an app created in the Discord Developer Portal. You will also be prompted to supply a MongoDB connection string and database name, see this MongoDB manual page on how to format a connection string.

If you make your own edits and run them on a Discord bot accessible to other users, you must open source your changes to remain compliant with Maunz's AGPLv3 license.



[] indicates that the argument is optional, <> indicates the argument is required.


/about - Gives information about Maunz such as version and uptime

/benchmark <query> - Provides complete benchmark information on a GPU or CPU powered by PassMark

/changelog [version] - Shows the changelog of a Maunz version

/colour [image] [link] - Returns the average RGB and HTML/Hex colour codes of an image attachment or link

/invite - Provides invite links to the Maunz Hub server, and to add Maunz to your own server

/help list [page] - Lists all the available bot commands and the syntax for using each

/help view <command> - View a specific commands syntax

/isitdown <hostname> - Tells you if the given hostname is down or not

/map [mapname] - Tells you info about the current map on a server, or one played in the past

/minecraft <account> - Gives you full information about a Minecraft account

/notify toggle <mapname> - Add or removes a map to/from your map notifications

/notify list [page] - Lists your current map notifications

/notify wipe - Wipes ALL of your map notifications

/ping - Makes Maunz respond with pong

/players - Lists the current players online on a server

/reddit <subreddit> - Links you to the subreddit name that you provide

/steam <steamid> - Gives you full information about a Steam account

Server Admin

/say <message> [channel] - Sends a custom message from Maunz to any channel

/servers add <ip> <channel> - Add a new server to track

/servers list [page] - List current servers

/servers delete <id> - Delete a server

Bot Admin

/stop - Shuts down the bot