Only major changes are documented here
+ == New feature
- == Removed feature
* == Modified feature
EXE file is made for every update documented here
- + Method to stop the game loop
- + Player and textures for player
- * Method for setting the texture image was made useful for multiple objects
- * Finished the change of textures for each side of the player
- + Added the Player class for better readability
- + Added the Flower class to make each flower an object with specific values
- + Added the mouse listener for placing the flowers
- + Added an error list enum for errors
- + Added the method for summoning flowers on mouse click
- + Added the flower dying mechanism
- + Added a 2 dimensional map for writing the positions and types of flowers into
- + Added a way to keep plants alive by watering them
- + Added the player inventory with 2 flowers and a watering can
- + Added the inventory panel. To open visible inventory press T
- + Added the game menu to select what you want before playing the actual game itself
- * Changed the button textures
- * Changed the game logo in main menu
- + Added a functional settings menu
- * Made the "Restore Controls" button functional
- + Added a background music while in-game
- * Changed the movement system to vector movement system
- + Added the posibility for a player to walk diagonally
- + Added the option to save the game progress
- + Added the option to load a save file
- + Added the grass animation system
- * Fixed the screen size issue, it wasn't always just in 1920 x 1080
- * Reworked the flower and grass repaint system to fix the game saving issue
- + Added water depleting mechanic
- + Added a well to refill player's water can
- + Added the players reach
- + Added the house texture
- * Modified turning that the player stays rotated in his last movement direction
- + Added collisions
- + Added house entering mechanic
- + Added the option to pause the game
- - Removed button border from every button with custom picture texture
- + Added the option to save your game to a specific save slot from the bed inside the house
- + Added the house interior parts
- * Modified the games access to flowers to be more abstract
- * Now the load button loads its own save file
- + Added the fence texture and usage
- + Added fence poles on the garden side
- * Changed the in-game Map system from 0 - 9 integers to 49 - 126 char values (ASCII Table)
- * Fixed the collision issue introduced with the new map
- * Changed the window resize option to set the game window fullscreen if the display resolution is FullHD
- + Added error visualization
- + Added the tentacle flower
- + Added a HP system
- + Added birds that deal damage by pooping on the player
- * The flowers now have a random grass texture underneath, so they can be transparent
- + Added wall paintings to the house interior
- + Added an option to reload last save after death
- + Added damage and death sound effects
- + Added a wardrobe into the house
- * Birds now flap with their wings while flying
- * The grave stone can be covered in bird shit
- + Added a cactus
- * The player now has the ability to change between 2 outfits by interacting with the closet inside the house
- * Refilling water is now also possible by left clicking the well with the water selected
- + Added some house interior such as a table, TV, chairs and a couch on which a player can sit by pressing RMB
- * All currently accessible flowers have all 3 textures
- * The wardrobe texture changed to better fit into the perspective
- * The save menu was updated to fit the current alert design
- + Added a minimum resolution protection. If the user has a device display with a resolution lower than FullHD, the game won't start
- + Added a heart symbol into the HP gauge
- + Added different language files
- * Added the tutorial box on the first start of a game instance
- + Added the tile space
- + Added the tile texture
- * Fixed the tile movement speed glitch
- * Errors now use the texture pack font
- + Added a JSON config file for the language and texture pack files
- * Changed player hotbar for items
- + Added a player stamina system
- + Added custom icons for the inventory objects
- * Quick side movement change fixed
- + Added day / night cycle
- * Day / Night fadeout effect is now smooth
- * Day / Night length in seconds can now be set in the config file
- * Tile movement speed is now applied only when the character feet are on the tile square
- * Mouse & keyboard input is improved, no longer has issues with registering clicks
- * Night is now darker
- + Selecting slots in the inventory by clicking 1...10 hotbar keys
- + Added rain that waters flowers for you
- * Player light is now functional
- + Added .exe game launcher made in C
- + Added Build.exe to build the game yourself made in C
- + Added game icon
- * Save menu hover and selected slot effect fixed
- * Night lamp is now a gradient circle
- * The run script in C closes the terminal on default, but keeps it open with the "cmd" argument
- * Fixed the night circle size
- * Fixed the stamina penalty bug, the player can no longer get stuck in the stamina penalty
- * Textures are now stored in memory as images, to limit disk read
- + Added the stmina penalty texture ( character tired texture )
- + Added more settings into the
- * Fixed vectors for movement so they no longer have an offset after some actions
- + Added 2 other skins to chose from
- + Added a skin selecting menu as the wardrobe interface
- * Fixed a bug where you could get yourself stuck by planting a flower below yourself
- * Fixed the automatic movement after stamina penalty expires
- + Added FPS and Tick overlay
- * Player speed value config modification fixed
- + Window resolution is not hard locked on FulHD, has to be unlocked in config.json (isn't fully finished)
- + Added a missing texture for easier texture pack modifications
- + Added resolution override option into the configuration json file
- * Fence is now displaying properly on varying resolution
- + Added fullscreen option into config.json
- * Fixed player speed differing in other resolutions
- * Fixed save slots file not found error
- + Added documentation
- + Added game console
- + Added console teleport command for pixel location
- + Added console teleport command for coordinate location
- + Added console kill command
- + Added aliases to the kill command
- + Added setskin command to change the player texture modifier
- + Added a revive command
- * Now it's possible to type into the console even after death
- * Tutorial window not showing fixed
- * Fixed the audio option in config.json
- + Added a game quit command
- + Added stamina and health modification commands
- + Added save command
- + Added summoning command
- + Added entity clear command
- * Fixed the button hit boxes on different resolutions
- * Stamina depleeting is now smoother
- * Fixed the version label positioning
- + Added a magnifying glass to check flower information
- + Added a shovel to remove plants and tiles
- + Added a console output window
- + Added console clear command
- + Added a donate button to Buy Me a Coffee link