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131 lines (97 loc) · 5.73 KB

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131 lines (97 loc) · 5.73 KB


Simiulator to a set associative cache mainly used in order to test cache performance according to the change of different parameters such as cache size, line size, and the number of ways.

Usage guide

  1. clone repo:

    git clone <dir_name>
  2. Navigate to repo directory:

    cd <dir_name>
  3. To build executable, run:

  4. To run cache simulation run:


    The output is stored in "outputs" folder.

  5. Drawing plots, run:

    make plotOutputs
  6. Output destination:
    The output .csv files are store "outputs" directory, and plots are stores in "plots" directory.
    note: Those directory must exist for the program to work correctly. They are create by default in after running the make command. But if not, the user should create them manually or run:

    make outputDir

Plotter program

Plotting is done using python library matplotlib. The plotting program is called expectes input format in .csv that has 7 columns, the first one has the values that will be plotted on the x-axis. The first row is expected to have the titles of each colum, with the column titles are expected to be as follows: <x_col_title>,A,B,C,D,E,F.

 ./plotter/  <exp_number> <file_name> <x_col_title>(optional)
  • <exp_number> is the number of the experiment(expects 1 or 2 only). If <exp_number> is 1, the column that has the x-axis values will be expected to have the title "line sizes," otherwise, it should have the title "ways."

  • <file_name> is the .csv file that has the experiment data.

  • <x_col_title> is an optional parameter to explicitly specify the title of the column the has the x-axis values. If <x_col_title> is given, <exp_number> is ignored.

Implementation Details

  1. Replacement Policies

    • Least Recently Used(LRU) policy idea:

      Every set in the cache will have a member leastUsed which will increase every time a set is accessed but the memory line is not used. That is, least used indicates how much recently the memory line was not accessed. For example, assume we have 4-way sets and we accessed the second block in set number 5. Now, all the blocks except the second have not been "recently used," thus, we increase the leastUsed value for all the block except the second block. Then, to find the memory line to be replaced (least recently used), we loop over all the block in the set and choose the one with the largest value. Bottom line is: leastUsed increases when the line was accessed longer time ago and decreases the more recently it was accessed.

    • Least Frequenctly Used(LFU) policy idea:

      Every set block stores a counter(frequency). Every time a memory line is accessed, its frequency increases. Then, to find the line to be replaced(least frequently used), we loop over all the blocks in the set and choose the one with the smallest value.


  1. Code optimization

    In this project we didn't focus mainly on optimizing the code but rather on simulating the caching proccess correctly. Thus, some code parts are not optimized, some variables are allocated even if they are not needed, some loops are written explicitly more than ones instead of encapsulating them in a function. This can be further optimized but it would an overkill for this project so we prefered to keep it simple.


  • Seif Sallam: Base skeleton of our design, a lot of code refactoring, and wrote a test case.
    • Functions & Methods:
      • Random Class (entirely) - encapsulation of existing code
      • SetAssociativeCache class:
        • Constructor
        • TestCache
        • IsInSet
        • UpdateSet
        • FindReplacmentIndex
        • FindLeastFrequent
        • Find RecentlyUsed
      • Utilities:
        • GetPatternB
        • TestB
        • TestC
  • Youssef Agiza: Implementation of SetAssocitave cache class, code refactoring, collaborated on implementing and debugging the test cases and the replacement policies. Also implemented the plotter in python.
    • Set Associative Cache Class methods:
      • InitalizeSets
      • GetTag
      • GetSetIndex
      • InitalizeBitNumbers
      • IsInSet
      • UpdateSet
      • Debugging Loggers: LogSetInfo, LogCacheInfo, LogUpdateInfo
    • Utility functions
      • TestC
      • Makefile
  • Kareem Amr: Handling the user input, code refactoring, implementation of the experiment and the test cases.
    • Functions & methods:
      • GetPatternA
      • TestA
      • Experiment #1, #2, and #3
      • Handling user input
      • Saving the output into CSV files
    • Utility functions such as:
      • GetAddress
      • ExecuteExp
      • GetHitRatio
      • InitalizeVariables
      • freePointers
      • SaveFiles

File Description:

  • src/cacheSim.cpp: Main function invoker file.
  • src/Random.cpp, headers/Random.h Class files that implement the different 6 memory generators that are used in the two experiments.
  • src/SetAssociativeCache.cpp, headers/SetAssociativeCache.h Class files that implement the set associative cache and the differnet flags of simulation (enums).
  • src/Utilities.cpp, headers/Utilities.h Two files that contain the utility functions used to do the experiments and the different tests.
  • headres/PCH.h A pre-compiled-header that has all the different used included files we used in the project.
  • plotter/ A python script that plots the contents of the *.csv files and saves the figures in the folder ./plots/
  • Makefile make cacheSim.exe: To compile the source and header files. make plotOutputs: To plot the outputs from the folder ./outputs make clean: To remove the not needed object files after the compilation.