- Share print and progress to facebook.
- Create favicon.
- Add comments.
- Add documentation.
- New layout.
- Add donate btn.
- Add google ads, facebook or other (Find the best one).
- Add login? (for free).
- Add ranking? (for free).
- E-mail subscription.
- Implement wikipedia strategy.
- Generate all games tree. (Use it to train and select the best neural network.)
- Play AI x AI.
- Add site to google webmasters tools.
- Replace board array with bits.
- Show thinking message while is AI turn.
- Create web worker.
- Fix minification and remove => from https://tic-tac-toe-ai.surge.sh/component---src-layouts-index-js-990e252465cbad02dc1a.js
- Ai Starts.
- AI Check for lose positions.
- AI Check for win positions.
- Remove getScore.
- getRandom position.
- Add google analytics.
- Fix codecov.
- Update dependencies.
- Animate last move.
- Draw win line.
- Create clickable squares.
- Animate O creation.
- Animate X creation.
- draw X and O.
- Animate lines creation.
- Draw lines.
- Create UI to play.
- Create gatsby project.