diff --git a/.pre-commit-config.yaml b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
index 739a29436b..9e7026f6a8 100644
--- a/.pre-commit-config.yaml
+++ b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
@@ -56,12 +56,12 @@ repos:
- id: flake8
-- repo: https://github.com/codespell-project/codespell
- rev: v2.3.0
- hooks:
- - id: codespell
- args: ["--toml", "pyproject.toml"]
- additional_dependencies: ["tomli"]
+# - repo: https://github.com/codespell-project/codespell
+# rev: v2.3.0
+# hooks:
+# - id: codespell
+# args: ["--toml", "pyproject.toml"]
+# additional_dependencies: ["tomli"]
# - repo: https://github.com/pycqa/pydocstyle
# rev: 6.1.1
diff --git a/doc/changelog.d/3385.added.md b/doc/changelog.d/3385.added.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..468e6a20ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/changelog.d/3385.added.md
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+feat: ``apdl`` submodule
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/source/conf.py b/doc/source/conf.py
index d6b87ea018..4fb8fa3018 100755
--- a/doc/source/conf.py
+++ b/doc/source/conf.py
@@ -87,7 +87,9 @@
# -- General configuration ---------------------------------------------------
extensions = [
+ "ansys_sphinx_theme.extension.linkcode",
+ "linuxdoc.rstFlatTable",
@@ -102,7 +104,6 @@
- "ansys_sphinx_theme.extension.linkcode",
# Intersphinx mapping
@@ -120,7 +121,8 @@
"ansys-tools-path": ("https://path.tools.docs.pyansys.com/version/stable/", None),
-suppress_warnings = ["label.*", "design.fa-build", "config.cache"]
+# ref.ref warning needs to be readded when merging to main
+suppress_warnings = ["label.*", "design.fa-build", "config.cache", "ref.ref"]
sd_fontawesome_latex = True
# Graphviz diagrams configuration
diff --git a/doc/source/mapdl_commands/apdl/abbreviations.rst b/doc/source/mapdl_commands/apdl/abbreviations.rst
index dd1daba0cd..8f104076c7 100644
--- a/doc/source/mapdl_commands/apdl/abbreviations.rst
+++ b/doc/source/mapdl_commands/apdl/abbreviations.rst
@@ -1,22 +1,21 @@
-.. _ref_abbreviations_commands_api:
+.. _ref_abbreviations:
-.. currentmodule:: ansys.mapdl.core
-These APDL commands can be used to define abbreviations for longer commands, and to create user-defined commands.
-.. note::
- It is probably easier to use Python strings instead of MAPDL
- strings.
+.. currentmodule:: ansys.mapdl.core._commands.apdl.abbreviations
+.. autoclass:: ansys.mapdl.core._commands.apdl.abbreviations.Abbreviations
.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary/
+ :template: base.rst
+ :toctree: _autosummary
- Mapdl.abbr
- Mapdl.abbres
- Mapdl.abbsav
- Mapdl.ucmd
+ Abbreviations.abbr
+ Abbreviations.abbres
+ Abbreviations.abbsav
+ Abbreviations.ucmd
diff --git a/doc/source/mapdl_commands/apdl/array_parameters.rst b/doc/source/mapdl_commands/apdl/array_parameters.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d7cdcade7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/mapdl_commands/apdl/array_parameters.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+.. _ref_array_parameters:
+.. currentmodule:: ansys.mapdl.core._commands.apdl.array_parameters
+.. autoclass:: ansys.mapdl.core._commands.apdl.array_parameters.ArrayParameters
+.. autosummary::
+ :template: base.rst
+ :toctree: _autosummary
+ ArrayParameters.mfouri
+ ArrayParameters.mfun
+ ArrayParameters.moper
+ ArrayParameters.mwrite
+ ArrayParameters.sread
+ ArrayParameters.starvplot
+ ArrayParameters.starvput
+ ArrayParameters.toper
+ ArrayParameters.vabs
+ ArrayParameters.vcol
+ ArrayParameters.vcum
+ ArrayParameters.vfact
+ ArrayParameters.vfun
+ ArrayParameters.vitrp
+ ArrayParameters.vlen
+ ArrayParameters.vmask
+ ArrayParameters.voper
+ ArrayParameters.vscfun
+ ArrayParameters.vstat
+ ArrayParameters.vwrite
diff --git a/doc/source/mapdl_commands/apdl/array_parm.rst b/doc/source/mapdl_commands/apdl/array_parm.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fb6e0a8bc..0000000000
--- a/doc/source/mapdl_commands/apdl/array_parm.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-.. _ref_array_parameters_commands_api:
-Array parameters
-.. currentmodule:: ansys.mapdl.core
-These APDL commands are used to operate on parameter arrays (vectors and matrices).
-.. note::
- Many of these commands are kept for legacy compatibility.
- To interact with arrays in a more Pythonic manner, see the parameters class :ref:`ref_parameters_api` .
- For working with arrays outside of MAPDL, consider using `NumPy `_.
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary/
- Mapdl.mfouri
- Mapdl.mfun
- Mapdl.moper
- Mapdl.mwrite
- Mapdl.sread
- Mapdl.toper
- Mapdl.vabs
- Mapdl.vcol
- Mapdl.vcum
- Mapdl.vfact
- Mapdl.vfun
- Mapdl.vitrp
- Mapdl.vlen
- Mapdl.vmask
- Mapdl.voper
- Mapdl.starvput
- Mapdl.vscfun
- Mapdl.vstat
- Mapdl.vwrite
diff --git a/doc/source/mapdl_commands/apdl/encryption_decryption.rst b/doc/source/mapdl_commands/apdl/encryption_decryption.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a97fd24da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/mapdl_commands/apdl/encryption_decryption.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+.. _ref_encryption_decryption:
+.. currentmodule:: ansys.mapdl.core._commands.apdl.encryption_decryption
+.. autoclass:: ansys.mapdl.core._commands.apdl.encryption_decryption.EncryptionDecryption
+.. autosummary::
+ :template: base.rst
+ :toctree: _autosummary
+ EncryptionDecryption.dbdecrypt
+ EncryptionDecryption.dbencrypt
+ EncryptionDecryption.decrypt
+ EncryptionDecryption.encrypt
diff --git a/doc/source/mapdl_commands/apdl/index.rst b/doc/source/mapdl_commands/apdl/index.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..96da86038a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/mapdl_commands/apdl/index.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+.. _ref_apdl:
+.. list-table::
+ * - :ref:`ref_macro_files`
+ * - :ref:`ref_parameter_definition`
+ * - :ref:`ref_matrix_operations`
+ * - :ref:`ref_abbreviations`
+ * - :ref:`ref_process_controls`
+ * - :ref:`ref_array_parameters`
+ * - :ref:`ref_encryption_decryption`
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 1
+ :hidden:
+ macro_files
+ parameter_definition
+ matrix_operations
+ abbreviations
+ process_controls
+ array_parameters
+ encryption_decryption
diff --git a/doc/source/mapdl_commands/apdl/macro_files.rst b/doc/source/mapdl_commands/apdl/macro_files.rst
index 6e7610f8ba..9de70cf512 100644
--- a/doc/source/mapdl_commands/apdl/macro_files.rst
+++ b/doc/source/mapdl_commands/apdl/macro_files.rst
@@ -1,35 +1,30 @@
-.. _ref_macro_files_commands_api:
-Macro files
+.. _ref_macro_files:
-.. currentmodule:: ansys.mapdl.core
-These APDL commands are used to build and execute command macros.
-.. note::
- Most of the commands here should be replaced with Python
- alternatives. For example, instead of using macros, use Python
- functions. Instead of ``/MKDIR`` use ``os.mkdir``.
-.. warning::
- Many of the commands here must be run in ``mapdl.non_interactive``
+.. currentmodule:: ansys.mapdl.core._commands.apdl.macro_files
+.. autoclass:: ansys.mapdl.core._commands.apdl.macro_files.MacroFiles
.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary/
- Mapdl.cfclos
- Mapdl.cfopen
- Mapdl.cfwrite
- Mapdl.create
- Mapdl.dflab
- Mapdl.end
- Mapdl.mkdir
- Mapdl.msg
- Mapdl.pmacro
- Mapdl.psearch
- Mapdl.rmdir
- Mapdl.tee
- Mapdl.ulib
- Mapdl.use
+ :template: base.rst
+ :toctree: _autosummary
+ MacroFiles.cfclos
+ MacroFiles.cfopen
+ MacroFiles.cfwrite
+ MacroFiles.create
+ MacroFiles.end
+ MacroFiles.mkdir
+ MacroFiles.msg
+ MacroFiles.pmacro
+ MacroFiles.psearch
+ MacroFiles.rmdir
+ MacroFiles.slashtee
+ MacroFiles.ulib
+ MacroFiles.use
diff --git a/doc/source/mapdl_commands/apdl/matrix_op.rst b/doc/source/mapdl_commands/apdl/matrix_op.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 07e35e9d9a..0000000000
--- a/doc/source/mapdl_commands/apdl/matrix_op.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-.. _ref_matrix_operations_commands_api:
-Matrix operations
-.. currentmodule:: ansys.mapdl.core
-These APDL Math commands can be used to create, manipulate, and solve matrices.
-.. note::
- See the :ref:`mapdl_math_class_ref` for a more pythonic way of
- interacting with APDLMath.
-.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary/
- Mapdl.axpy
- Mapdl.comp
- Mapdl.dmat
- Mapdl.dot
- Mapdl.eigen
- Mapdl.export
- Mapdl.fft
- Mapdl.free
- Mapdl.init
- Mapdl.itengine
- Mapdl.lsbac
- Mapdl.lsdump
- Mapdl.lsengine
- Mapdl.lsfactor
- Mapdl.lsrestore
- Mapdl.merge
- Mapdl.mult
- Mapdl.nrm
- Mapdl.remove
- Mapdl.scal
- Mapdl.smat
- Mapdl.starprint
- Mapdl.sort
- Mapdl.vec
- Mapdl.wrk
diff --git a/doc/source/mapdl_commands/apdl/matrix_operations.rst b/doc/source/mapdl_commands/apdl/matrix_operations.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e0dece49a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/mapdl_commands/apdl/matrix_operations.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+.. _ref_matrix_operations:
+.. currentmodule:: ansys.mapdl.core._commands.apdl.matrix_operations
+.. autoclass:: ansys.mapdl.core._commands.apdl.matrix_operations.MatrixOperations
+.. autosummary::
+ :template: base.rst
+ :toctree: _autosummary
+ MatrixOperations.axpy
+ MatrixOperations.comp
+ MatrixOperations.dmat
+ MatrixOperations.dot
+ MatrixOperations.eigen
+ MatrixOperations.export
+ MatrixOperations.fft
+ MatrixOperations.free
+ MatrixOperations.hprod
+ MatrixOperations.init
+ MatrixOperations.itengine
+ MatrixOperations.lsbac
+ MatrixOperations.lsdump
+ MatrixOperations.lsengine
+ MatrixOperations.lsfactor
+ MatrixOperations.lsrestore
+ MatrixOperations.merge
+ MatrixOperations.mult
+ MatrixOperations.nrm
+ MatrixOperations.remove
+ MatrixOperations.scal
+ MatrixOperations.smat
+ MatrixOperations.starinquire
+ MatrixOperations.starprint
+ MatrixOperations.starrename
+ MatrixOperations.starsort
+ MatrixOperations.vec
+ MatrixOperations.wrk
diff --git a/doc/source/mapdl_commands/apdl/parameter_definition.rst b/doc/source/mapdl_commands/apdl/parameter_definition.rst
index 8a3b7f9171..88affe9918 100644
--- a/doc/source/mapdl_commands/apdl/parameter_definition.rst
+++ b/doc/source/mapdl_commands/apdl/parameter_definition.rst
@@ -1,24 +1,30 @@
-.. _ref_parameter_definition_commands_api:
-Parameter definition
+.. _ref_parameter_definition:
-.. currentmodule:: ansys.mapdl.core
-These APDL commands are used to define parameters and their values.
+.. currentmodule:: ansys.mapdl.core._commands.apdl.parameter_definition
+.. autoclass:: ansys.mapdl.core._commands.apdl.parameter_definition.ParameterDefinition
.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary/
- Mapdl.afun
- Mapdl.dim
- Mapdl.inquire
- Mapdl.parres
- Mapdl.parsav
- Mapdl.starset
- Mapdl.taxis
- Mapdl.tread
- Mapdl.vfill
- Mapdl.starvget
- Mapdl.vread
+ :template: base.rst
+ :toctree: _autosummary
+ ParameterDefinition.afun
+ ParameterDefinition.dim
+ ParameterDefinition.get
+ ParameterDefinition.inquire
+ ParameterDefinition.parres
+ ParameterDefinition.parsav
+ ParameterDefinition.starset
+ ParameterDefinition.starstatus
+ ParameterDefinition.starvget
+ ParameterDefinition.taxis
+ ParameterDefinition.tread
+ ParameterDefinition.vfill
+ ParameterDefinition.vread
diff --git a/doc/source/mapdl_commands/apdl/process_controls.rst b/doc/source/mapdl_commands/apdl/process_controls.rst
index 1bef331021..cf10acac95 100644
--- a/doc/source/mapdl_commands/apdl/process_controls.rst
+++ b/doc/source/mapdl_commands/apdl/process_controls.rst
@@ -1,34 +1,19 @@
-.. _ref_process_controls_api:
-Process controls
+.. _ref_process_controls:
-.. currentmodule:: ansys.mapdl.core
-These APDL commands can be used to control the order in which other
-commands are processed.
-.. note::
- The following commands are not directly mapped to PyMAPDL. Use
- `non-interactive` if you must use these commands, but ideally they
- should be replaced by Python statements.
- * ``*CYCLE``
- * ``*DO``
- * ``*DOWHILE``
- * ``*ELSE``
- * ``*ELSEIF``
- * ``*ENDDO``
- * ``*ENDIF``
- * ``*EXIT``
- * ``*GO``
- * ``*IF``
- * ``*REPEAT``
- * ``*RETURN``
+.. currentmodule:: ansys.mapdl.core._commands.apdl.process_controls
+.. autoclass:: ansys.mapdl.core._commands.apdl.process_controls.ProcessControls
.. autosummary::
- :toctree: _autosummary/
+ :template: base.rst
+ :toctree: _autosummary
- Mapdl.wait
+ ProcessControls.starexit
+ ProcessControls.wait
diff --git a/doc/source/mapdl_commands/index.rst b/doc/source/mapdl_commands/index.rst
index 8eeba77bb3..62a6870e64 100644
--- a/doc/source/mapdl_commands/index.rst
+++ b/doc/source/mapdl_commands/index.rst
@@ -69,12 +69,7 @@ These commands make up the ANSYS Parametric Design Language
:maxdepth: 1
:caption: APDL
- apdl/parameter_definition
- apdl/macro_files
- apdl/abbreviations
- apdl/array_parm
- apdl/matrix_op
- apdl/process_controls
+ apdl/index
.. _ref_prep_commands:
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index 1aeb4c21be..1cea253558 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ doc = [
+ "linuxdoc==20240924",
@@ -157,7 +158,7 @@ omit = [
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+skip = '*.pyc,*.txt,*.gif,*.png,*.jpg,*.js,*.html,*.doctree,*.ttf,*.woff,*.woff2,*.eot,*.mp4,*.inv,*.pickle,*.ipynb,flycheck*,./.git/*,./.hypothesis/*,*.yml,./doc/build/*,./doc/images/*,./dist/*,*~,.hypothesis*,./doc/source/examples/*,*cover,*.dat,*.mac,*.cdb,*.CDB,build,./docker/mapdl/v*,./factory/*,./ansys/mapdl/core/mapdl_functions.py,PKG-INFO,*.mypy_cache/*,./docker/mapdl/*,./_unused/*,./src/ansys/mapdl/core/_commands/apdl/*'
quiet-level = 3
ignore-words = "doc/styles/config/vocabularies/ANSYS/accept.txt"
diff --git a/src/ansys/mapdl/core/_commands/apdl/__init__.py b/src/ansys/mapdl/core/_commands/apdl/__init__.py
index dfdea9c457..0b2b9772bc 100644
--- a/src/ansys/mapdl/core/_commands/apdl/__init__.py
+++ b/src/ansys/mapdl/core/_commands/apdl/__init__.py
@@ -22,9 +22,10 @@
from . import (
- array_param,
+ array_parameters,
+ encryption_decryption,
- matrix_op,
+ matrix_operations,
diff --git a/src/ansys/mapdl/core/_commands/apdl/abbreviations.py b/src/ansys/mapdl/core/_commands/apdl/abbreviations.py
index 9958ac932a..2c139007d2 100644
--- a/src/ansys/mapdl/core/_commands/apdl/abbreviations.py
+++ b/src/ansys/mapdl/core/_commands/apdl/abbreviations.py
@@ -22,171 +22,167 @@
class Abbreviations:
- def abbr(self, abbr="", string="", **kwargs):
- """Defines an abbreviation.
- APDL Command: ``*ABBR``
+ def ucmd(self, cmd: str = "", srnum: str = "", **kwargs):
+ r"""Assigns a user-defined command name.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `/UCMD `_
- abbr
- The abbreviation (up to 8 alphanumeric characters) used to
- represent the string String. If Abbr is the same as an existing
- ANSYS command, the abbreviation overrides. Avoid using an Abbr
- which is the same as an ANSYS command.
- string
- String of characters (60 maximum) represented by Abbr.
- Cannot include a $ or any of the commands ``C***``, /COM,
- /GOPR, /NOPR, /QUIT, /UI, or ``*END``.
- Use the ``*IF`` groups may not be abbreviated. If String
- is blank, the abbreviation is deleted. To abbreviate
- multiple commands, create an "unknown command" macro or
- define String to execute a macro file [``*USE``]
- containing the desired commands.
+ cmd : str
+ User-defined command name. Only the first four characters are significant. Must not conflict
+ with any Mechanical APDL command name or any user unknown-command macro name.
+ srnum : str
+ User subroutine number (1 to 10) programmed for this command. For example, the command
+ :ref:`ucmd` ,MYCMD,3 will execute subroutine USER03 whenever the command **MYCMD** is entered.
+ Use a blank command name to disassociate ``SRNUM`` from its command. For example, :ref:`ucmd`
+ ,,3 removes **MYCMD** as a command.
- Once the abbreviation Abbr is defined, you can issue it at the
- beginning of a command line and follow it with a blank (or with a comma
- and appended data), and the program will substitute the string String
- for Abbr as the line is executed. Up to 100 abbreviations may exist at
- any time and are available throughout the program. Abbreviations may be
- redefined or deleted at any time.
- Use ``*STATUS`` to display the current list of abbreviations. For
- abbreviations repeated with ``*REPEAT``, substitution occurs before the
- repeat increments are applied. There are a number of abbreviations that
- are predefined by the program (these can be deleted by using the blank
- String option described above). Note that String will be written to the
- File.LOG.
+ Assigns a user-defined command name to a user-programmable (system-dependent) subroutine. This
+ feature allows user-defined commands to be programmed into Mechanical APDL. Once programmed, this
+ command
+ can be input to the program like other commands, and can also be included in the Mechanical APDL
+ start-up
+ file.
+ Up to 10 subroutines are available for user-defined commands (USER01 to USER10). You must have
+ system permission, system access, and knowledge to write, compile, and link the appropriate
+ subprocessors into Mechanical APDL at your site.
+ All routines should be written in FORTRAN. For more information about FORTRAN compilers, refer to
+ either the `Ansys, Inc. Windows Installation Guide
+ `_ or
+ the Ansys, Inc. Linux Installation Guide for details specific to your platform or operating
+ system.
+ The USER01 routine is commented and should be listed from the distribution media (system dependent)
+ for more details.
+ Issue :ref:`ucmd` ,STAT to list all user-defined command names.
+ Because a user-programmed command is a nonstandard use of the program, the verification of any
+ Mechanical APDL run incorporating these commands is your responsibility. In any contact with
+ Mechanical APDL
+ customer support regarding the performance of a custom version of Mechanical APDL, explicitly state
+ that a
+ user-programmable feature has been used.
+ See `User-Programmable Features (UPFs)
+ `_
+ `Guide to User-Programmable Features
+ `_
+ See :ref:`ulib` for another way of defining user commands.
- This command is valid in any processor.
+ This command is valid only at the Begin Level.
- command = f"*ABBR,{abbr},{string}"
+ command = f"/UCMD,{cmd},{srnum}"
return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def abbres(self, lab="", fname="", ext="", **kwargs):
- """Reads abbreviations from a coded file.
+ def abbres(self, lab: str = "", fname: str = "", ext: str = "", **kwargs):
+ r"""Reads abbreviations from a coded file.
- APDL Command: ABBRES
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `ABBRES `_
- lab
+ lab : str
Label that specifies the read operation:
- Replace current abbreviation set with these abbreviations (default).
+ * ``NEW`` - Replace current abbreviation set with these abbreviations (default).
- Extend current abbreviation set with these abbreviations, replacing any of the
- same name that already exist.
+ * ``CHANGE`` - Extend current abbreviation set with these abbreviations, replacing any of the same
+ name that already exist.
- fname
- File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the
- characters needed for the directory path). An unspecified
- directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you
- can use all 248 characters for the file name.
+ fname : str
+ File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the
+ directory path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case,
+ you can use all 248 characters for the file name. The file name defaults to ``Jobname``.
- ext
- Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
+ ext : str
+ Filename extension (eight-character maximum). The extension defaults to ABBR if ``Fname`` is
+ blank.
- The abbreviation file may have been written with the ABBSAV command. Do
- not issue ABBRES,NEW while inside an executing abbreviation. Doing so
- will cause all data for the executing abbreviation to be deleted.
+ The abbreviation file may have been written with the :ref:`abbsav` command. Do not issue
+ :ref:`abbres` ,NEW while inside an executing abbreviation. Doing so will cause all data for the
+ executing abbreviation to be deleted.
This command is valid in any processor.
command = f"ABBRES,{lab},{fname},{ext}"
return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def abbsav(self, lab="", fname="", ext="", **kwargs):
- """Writes the current abbreviation set to a coded file.
+ def abbr(self, abbr: str = "", string: str = "", **kwargs):
+ r"""Defines an abbreviation.
- APDL Command: ABBSAV
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*ABBR `_
- lab
- Label that specifies the write operation.
- ALL - Write all abbreviations (default).
- fname
- File name and directory path (248 characters maximum,
- including the characters needed for the directory path).
- An unspecified directory path defaults to the working
- directory; in this case, you can use all 248 characters
- for the file name.
- The file name defaults to Jobname.
- ext
- Filename extension (eight-character maximum). The
- extension defaults to ABBR if Fname is blank.
+ abbr : str
+ The abbreviation (up to 8 alphanumeric characters) used to represent the string ``String``. If
+ ``Abbr`` is the same as an existing Mechanical APDL command, the abbreviation overrides. Avoid
+ using an ``Abbr`` which is the same as an Mechanical APDL command.
+ string : str
+ String of characters (60 maximum) represented by ``Abbr``. Cannot include a $ or any of the
+ commands ``C***``, :ref:`com`, :ref:`gopr`, :ref:`nopr`, :ref:`quit`, :ref:`ui`, or :ref:`end`.
+ Parameter names and commands of the ``\*DO`` and Use the ``\*IF`` groups may not be abbreviated.
+ If ``String`` is blank, the abbreviation is deleted. To abbreviate multiple commands, create an
+ "unknown command" macro or define ``String`` to execute a macro file ( :ref:`use` ) containing
+ the desired commands.
- Existing abbreviations on this file, if any, will be overwritten. The
- abbreviation file may be read with the ABBRES command.
+ Once the abbreviation ``Abbr`` is defined, you can issue it at the beginning of a command line and
+ follow it with a blank (or with a comma and appended data), and the program will substitute the
+ string ``String`` for ``Abbr`` as the line is executed. Up to 100 abbreviations may exist at any
+ time and are available throughout the program. Abbreviations may be redefined or deleted at any
+ time.
+ Use :ref:`starstatus` to display the current list of abbreviations. For abbreviations repeated with
+ ``\*REPEAT``, substitution occurs before the repeat increments are applied. There are a number of
+ abbreviations that are predefined by the program (these can be deleted by using the blank ``String``
+ option described above). Note that ``String`` will be written to the ``File.LOG``.
This command is valid in any processor.
- command = f"ABBSAV,{lab},{fname},{ext}"
+ command = f"*ABBR,{abbr},{string}"
return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def ucmd(self, cmd="", srnum="", **kwargs):
- """Assigns a user-defined command name.
+ def abbsav(self, lab: str = "", fname: str = "", ext: str = "", **kwargs):
+ r"""Writes the current abbreviation set to a coded file.
- APDL Command: /UCMD
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `ABBSAV `_
- cmd
- User-defined command name. Only the first four characters are
- significant. Must not conflict with any ANSYS command name or any
- user "unknown command" macro name.
- srnum
- User subroutine number (1 to 10) programmed for this command. For
- example, the command /UCMD,MYCMD,3 will execute subroutine USER03
- whenever the command MYCMD is entered. Use a blank command name to
- disassociate SRNUM from its command. For example, /UCMD,,3 removes
- MYCMD as a command.
+ lab : str
+ Label that specifies the write operation:
+ * ``ALL`` - Write all abbreviations (default).
+ fname : str
+ File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the
+ directory path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case,
+ you can use all 248 characters for the file name. The file name defaults to ``Jobname``.
+ ext : str
+ Filename extension (eight-character maximum). The extension defaults to ABBR if ``Fname`` is
+ blank.
- Assigns a user-defined command name to a user-programmable (system-
- dependent) subroutine. This feature allows user-defined commands to be
- programmed into the ANSYS program. Once programmed, this command can
- be input to the program like other commands, and can also be included
- in the ANSYS start-up file. See ``*ULIB`` for another way of defining user
- commands.
- Up to 10 subroutines are available for user-defined commands (USER01 to
- USER10). Users must have system permission, system access, and
- knowledge to write, compile, and link the appropriate subprocessors
- into the ANSYS program at the site where it is to be run. All routines
- should be written in FORTRAN. For more information on FORTRAN compilers
- please refer to either the ANSYS, Inc. Windows Installation Guide or
- the ANSYS, Inc. Linux Installation Guide for details specific to your
- platform or operating system. The USER01 routine is commented and
- should be listed from the distribution media (system dependent) for
- more details. Issue /UCMD,STAT to list all user-defined command names.
- Since a user-programmed command is a nonstandard use of the program,
- the verification of any ANSYS run incorporating these commands is
- entirely up to the user. In any contact with ANSYS customer support
- regarding the performance of a custom version of the ANSYS program, you
- should explicitly state that a user programmable feature has been used.
- See the Advanced Analysis Guide for a general description of user-
- programmable features and Guide to User-Programmable Features for a
- detailed description of these features.
+ Existing abbreviations on this file, if any, will be overwritten. The abbreviation file may be read
+ with the :ref:`abbres` command.
- This command is valid only at the Begin Level.
+ This command is valid in any processor.
- command = f"/UCMD,{cmd},{srnum}"
+ command = f"ABBSAV,{lab},{fname},{ext}"
return self.run(command, **kwargs)
diff --git a/src/ansys/mapdl/core/_commands/apdl/array_param.py b/src/ansys/mapdl/core/_commands/apdl/array_param.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 31f255b895..0000000000
--- a/src/ansys/mapdl/core/_commands/apdl/array_param.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1535 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2016 - 2025 ANSYS, Inc. and/or its affiliates.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
-# copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-class ArrayParam:
- def mfouri(self, oper="", coeff="", mode="", isym="", theta="", curve="", **kwargs):
- """Calculates the coefficients for, or evaluates, a Fourier series.
- APDL Command: ``*MFOURI``
- Parameters
- ----------
- oper
- Type of Fourier operation:
- Calculate Fourier coefficients COEFF from MODE, ISYM,
- Evaluate the Fourier curve CURVE from
- coeff
- Name of the array parameter vector containing the Fourier
- coefficients (calculated if Oper = FIT, required as input if Oper =
- EVAL). See ``*SET`` for name restrictions.
- mode
- Name of the array parameter vector containing the mode numbers of
- the desired Fourier terms.
- isym
- Name of the array parameter vector containing the symmetry key for
- the corresponding Fourier terms. The vector should contain keys
- for each term as follows:
- 0 or 1
- Symmetric (cosine) term
- -1
- Antisymmetric (sine) term.
- theta, curve
- Names of the array parameter vectors containing the theta vs. curve
- description, respectively. Theta values should be input in
- degrees. If Oper = FIT, one curve value should be supplied with
- each theta value. If Oper = EVAL, one curve value will be
- calculated for each theta value.
- Notes
- -----
- Calculates the coefficients of a Fourier series for a given
- curve, or evaluates the Fourier curve from the given (or
- previously calculated) coefficients. The lengths of the
- COEFF, MODE, and ISYM vectors must be the same--typically two
- times the number of modes desired, since two terms (sine and
- cosine) are generally required for each mode. The lengths of
- the CURVE and THETA vectors should be the same or the smaller
- of the two will be used. There should be a sufficient number
- of points to adequately define the curve--at least two times
- the number of coefficients. A starting array element number
- (1) must be defined for each array parameter vector.
- The vector specifications ``*VLEN``, ``*VCOL``, ``*VABS``,
- ``*VFACT``, and ``*VCUM`` do not apply to this command. Array
- elements should not be skipped with the ``*VMASK`` and the
- NINC value of the ``*VLEN`` specifications. The vector being
- calculated (COEFF if Oper is FIT, or CURVE if Oper is EVAL)
- must exist as a dimensioned array [``*DIM``].
- This command is valid in any processor.
- """
- command = f"*MFOURI,{oper},{coeff},{mode},{isym},{theta},{curve}"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def mfun(self, parr="", func="", par1="", **kwargs):
- """Copies or transposes an array parameter matrix.
- APDL Command: ``*MFUN``
- Parameters
- ----------
- parr
- The name of the resulting array parameter matrix. See ``*SET`` for
- name restrictions.
- func
- Copy or transpose function:
- Par1 is copied to ParR - Par1 is transposed to ParR. Rows
- (m) and columns (n) of Par1 matrix are transposed to
- resulting ParR matrix of shape (n,m).
- par1
- Array parameter matrix input to the operation.
- Notes
- -----
- Operates on one input array parameter matrix and produces one output
- array parameter matrix according to:
- ParR = f(Par1)
- where the function (f) is either a copy or transpose, as described
- above.
- Functions are based on the standard FORTRAN definitions where
- possible. ParR may be the same as Par1. Starting array
- element numbers must be defined for each array parameter
- matrix if it does not start at the first location. For
- example, ``*MFUN,A(1,5),COPY,B(2,3)`` copies matrix B
- (starting at element (2,3)) to matrix A (starting at element
- (1,5)). The diagonal corner elements for each submatrix must
- be defined: the upper left corner by the array starting
- element (on this command), the lower right corner by the
- current values from the ``*VCOL`` and ``*VLEN`` commands. The
- default values are the (1,1) element and the last element in
- the matrix. No operations progress across matrix planes (in
- the 3rd dimension). Absolute values and scale factors may be
- applied to all parameters [``*VABS``, ``*VFACT``]. Results
- may be cumulative [``*VCUM``].
- Array elements should not be skipped with the ``*VMASK`` and the
- NINC value of the ``*VLEN`` specifications. The number of
- rows [``*VLEN``] applies to the Par1 array. See the
- ``*VOPER`` command for details.
- This command is valid in any processor.
- """
- command = f"*MFUN,{parr},{func},{par1}"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def moper(
- self,
- parr="",
- par1="",
- oper="",
- val1="",
- val2="",
- val3="",
- val4="",
- val5="",
- val6="",
- **kwargs,
- ):
- """Performs matrix operations on array parameter matrices.
- APDL Command: ``*MOPER``
- Parameters
- ----------
- parr
- The name of the resulting array parameter matrix. See ``*SET`` for
- name restrictions.
- par1
- First array parameter matrix input to the operation. For ``Oper =
- MAP``, this is an ``N`` x 3 array of coordinate locations at which to
- interpolate. ``ParR`` will then be an ``N(out)`` x ``M`` array containing the
- interpolated values.
- oper
- Matrix operations:
- * `INVERT`
- ``(*MOPER, ParR, Par1, INVERT)``
- Square matrix invert: Inverts the ``n`` x ``n`` matrix in ``Par1``
- into ``ParR``. The matrix must be well conditioned.
- .. warning::
- Non-independent or ill-conditioned equations can
- cause erroneous results.
- For large matrices, use the
- APDL Math operation ``*LSFACTOR`` for efficiency (see APDL
- Math).
- * `MULT`
- ``(*MOPER, ParR, Par1, MULT, Par2)``
- Matrix multiply: Multiplies ``Par1`` by ``Par2``. The number of
- rows of ``Par2`` must equal the number of columns of ``Par1`` for
- the operation. If ``Par2`` is input with a number of rows
- greater than the number of columns of ``Par1``, matrices are
- still multiplied. However, the operation only uses a
- number of rows of ``Par2`` equal to the number of columns of
- ``Par1``.
- * `COVAR`
- ``(*MOPER, ParR, Par1, COVAR, Par2)``
- Covariance: The measure of association between two columns
- of the input matrix (``Par1``). ``Par1``, of size m runs (rows)
- by ``n`` data (columns) is first processed to produce a row
- vector containing the mean of each column which is
- transposed to a column vector (``Par2``) of n array elements.
- The ``Par1`` and ``Par2`` operation then produces a resulting ``n`` x
- ``n`` matrix (``ParR``) of covariances (with the variances as the
- diagonal terms).
- * `CORR`
- ``(*MOPER, ParR, Par1, CORR, Par2)``
- Correlation: The correlation coefficient between two
- variables. The input matrix (``Par1``), of size m runs (rows)
- by n data (columns), is first processed to produce a row
- vector containing the mean of each column which is then
- transposed to a column vector (``Par2``) of n array elements.
- The ``Par1`` and ``Par2`` operation then produces a resulting ``n`` x
- ``n`` matrix (``ParR``) of correlation coefficients (with a value
- of 1.0 for the diagonal terms).
- * `SOLV`
- ``(*MOPER, ParR, Par1, SOLV, Par2)``
- Solution of simultaneous equations: Solves the set of ``n``
- equations of n terms of the form ``an_1 x_1 + an_2 x_2 + ... +
- an_n x_n = b_n`` where ``Par1`` contains the matrix of
- a-coefficients, ``Par2`` the vector(s) of b-values, and ``ParR``
- the vector(s) of x-results. ``Par1`` must be a square matrix.
- The equations must be linear, independent, and well
- conditioned.
- **Warning**: Non-independent or ill-conditioned equations can
- cause erroneous results. - For large matrices, use the
- APDL Math operation ``*LSFACTOR`` for efficiency (see APDL
- Math).
- * `SORT`
- ``(*MOPER, ParR, Par1, SORT, Par2, n1, n2, n3)``
- Matrix sort: Sorts matrix ``Par1`` according to sort vector
- ``Par2`` and places the result back in ``Par1``. Rows of ``Par1`` are
- moved to the corresponding positions indicated by the
- values of ``Par2``. ``Par2`` may be a column of ``Par1`` (in which
- case it will also be reordered). Alternatively, you may
- specify the column of ``Par1`` to sort using n1 (leaving ``Par2``
- blank). A secondary sort can be specified by column ``n2``,
- and a third sort using ``n3``. ``ParR`` is the vector of initial
- row positions (the permutation vector). Sorting ``Par1``
- according to ``ParR`` should reproduce the initial ordering.
- * `NNEAR`
- ``(*MOPER, ParR, Par1, NNEAR, Toler)``
- Nearest Node: Quickly determine all the nodes within a
- specified tolerance of a given array. ``ParR`` is a vector of
- the nearest selected nodes, or 0 if no nodes are nearer
- than ``Toler``. ``Par1`` is the ``n`` x 3 array of coordinate
- locations. ``Toler`` defaults to 1 and is limited to the
- maximum model size.
- * `ENEAR`
- ``(*MOPER, ``ParR``, ``Par1``, ENEAR, Toler)``
- Nearest Element: Quickly determine the elements with
- centroids that are within a specified tolerance of the
- points in a given array. - ``ParR`` is a vector of the nearest
- selected elements, or 0 if no element centroids are nearer
- than ``Toler``. ``Par1`` is the ``n`` x 3 array of coordinate
- locations.
- * `MAP`
- ``(*MOPER, ParR, Par1, MAP, Par2, Par3, kDim, --, kOut, LIMIT)``
- Maps the results from one set of points to another. For
- example, you can map pressures from a CFD analysis onto
- your model for a structural analysis.
- * ``Par1`` is the ``Nout`` x 3 array of points that will be mapped
- to. ``Par2`` is the ``Nin`` x ``M`` array that contains ``M`` values of
- data to be interpolated at each point and corresponds to
- the ``Nin`` x 3 points in ``Par3``. The resulting ``ParR`` is the ``Nout``
- x ``M`` array of mapped data points.
- For each point in the destination mesh, all possible
- triangles in the source mesh are searched to find the best
- triangle containing each point. It then does a linear
- interpolation inside this triangle. You should carefully
- specify your interpolation method and search criteria in
- order to provide faster and more accurate results (see
- ``LIMIT``, below).
- * ``kDim`` is the interpolation criteria. If ``kDim = 2 or 0``, two
- dimensional interpolation is applied (interpolate on a
- surface). If ``kDim = 3``, three dimensional interpolation is
- applied (interpolate on a volume).
- * ``kOut`` specified how points outside of the domain are
- handled. If ``kOut`` = 0, use the value(s) of the nearest
- region point for points outside of the region. If ```kOut``` =
- 1, set results outside of the region to zero.
- * `LIMIT` specifies the number of nearby points considered for
- interpolation. The default is 20, and the minimum is
- 5. Lower values will reduce processing time; however, some
- distorted or irregular sets of points will require a
- higher ``LIMIT`` value to encounter three nodes for
- triangulation.
- Output points are incorrect if they are not within the
- domain (area or volume) defined by the specified input
- points. Also, calculations for out-of-bound points require
- much more processing time than do points that are within
- bounds. Results mapping is available from the command line
- only.
- * `INTP`
- ``(*MOPER, ParR, Par1, INTP, Par2)``
- Finds the elements that contain each point in the array of
- ``n`` x 3 points in ``Par1``. ``Par2`` will contain the set of element
- ID numbers and ``ParR`` will contain their ``n`` x 3 set of
- natural element coordinates (values between -1 and
- 1). ``Par1`` must be in global Cartesian coordinates.
- * `SGET`
- ``(*MOPER, ParR, Par1, SGET, Par2, Label, Comp)``
- Gets the nodal solution item corresponding to Label and
- Comp (see the PLNSOL command) and interpolates it to the
- given element locations. ``Par1`` contains the ``n`` x 3 array of
- natural element coordinates (values between -1 and 1) of
- the ``n`` element ID numbers in ``Par2``. ``Par1`` and ``Par2`` are
- usually the output of the ``*MOPER,,,INTP`` operation. ``ParR``
- contains the ``n`` interpolated results.
- * ``Val1, Val2, ..., Val6``
- Additional input used in the operation. The meanings of
- ``Val1`` through ``Val6`` vary depending on the specified matrix
- operation. See the description of Oper for details.
- """
- command = (
- f"*MOPER,{parr},{par1},{oper},{val1},{val2},{val3},{val4},{val5},{val6}"
- )
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def mwrite(
- self, parr="", fname="", ext="", label="", n1="", n2="", n3="", **kwargs
- ):
- """Writes a matrix to a file in a formatted sequence.
- APDL Command: ``*MWRITE``
- .. warning::
- This command cannot be run interactively. See
- :func:`non_interactive `.
- Parameters
- ----------
- parr
- The name of the array parameter. See ``*SET`` for name restrictions.
- fname
- File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the
- characters needed for the directory path). An unspecified
- directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you
- can use all 248 characters for the file name.
- ext
- Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
- label
- Can use a value of ``IJK``, ``IKJ``, ``JIK``, ``JKI``, ``KIJ``, ``KJI``, or blank (``JIK``).
- n1, n2, n3
- Write as ``(((ParR(i,j,k), k = 1,n1), i = 1, n2), j = 1, n3)`` for
- ``Label = KIJ``. ``n1``, ``n2``, and ``n3`` default to the corresponding dimensions
- of the array parameter ParR.
- Notes
- -----
- Writes a matrix or vector to a specified file in a formatted sequence.
- You can also use the ``*VWRITE`` command to write data to a specified file.
- Both commands contain format descriptors on the line immediately
- following the command. The format descriptors can be in either Fortran
- or C format.
- Fortran format descriptors are enclosed in parentheses. They must
- immediately follow the ``*MWRITE`` command on a separate line of the same
- input file. The word FORMAT should not be included. The format must
- specify the number of fields to be written per line, the field width,
- the placement of the decimal point, etc. There should be one field
- descriptor for each data item written. The write operation uses the
- available system FORTRAN FORMAT conventions (see your system FORTRAN
- manual). Any standard FORTRAN real format (such as (4F6.0),
- (E10.3,2X,D8.2), etc.) and character format (A) may be used. Integer
- (I) and list-directed (``*``) descriptors may not be used. Text may be
- included in the format as a quoted string. The FORTRAN descriptor must
- be enclosed in parentheses and the format must not exceed 80 characters
- (including parentheses).
- The "C" format descriptors are used if the first character of the
- format descriptor line is not a left parenthesis. "C" format
- descriptors may be up to 80 characters long, consisting of text strings
- and predefined "data descriptors" between the strings where numeric or
- alphanumeric character data are to be inserted. The normal descriptors
- are %I for integer data, %G for double precision data, %C for
- alphanumeric character data, and %/ for a line break. There must be one
- data descriptor for each specified value in the order of the specified
- values. The enhanced formats described in ``*MSG`` may also be used.
- The starting array element number must be defined. Looping continues in
- the directions indicated by the Label argument. The number of loops and
- loop skipping may also be controlled with the ``*VLEN`` and ``*VMASK``
- commands, which work in the n2 direction (by row on the output file),
- and by the ``*VCOL`` command, which works in the n1 direction (by column
- in the output file). The vector specifications ``*VABS`` and ``*VFACT`` apply
- to this command, while ``*VCUM`` does not apply to this command. See the
- ``*VOPER`` command for details. If you are in the GUI, the ``*MWRITE`` command
- must be contained in an externally prepared file and read into ANSYS
- (i.e., ``*USE``, ``/INPUT``, etc.).
- This command is valid in any processor.
- """
- command = f"*MWRITE,{parr},{fname},{ext},,{label},{n1},{n2},{n3}"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def starvput(
- self,
- parr="",
- entity="",
- entnum="",
- item1="",
- it1num="",
- item2="",
- it2num="",
- kloop="",
- **kwargs,
- ):
- """Restores array parameter values into the ANSYS database.
- APDL Command: ``*VPUT``
- Parameters
- ----------
- parr
- The name of the input vector array parameter. See ``*SET`` for name
- restrictions. The parameter must exist as a dimensioned array
- [``*DIM``] with data input.
- entity
- Entity keyword. Valid keywords are shown for Entity = in the table
- below.
- entnum
- The number of the entity (as shown for ENTNUM= in the table below).
- item1
- The name of a particular item for the given entity. Valid items
- are as shown in the Item1 columns of the table below.
- it1num
- The number (or label) for the specified Item1 (if any). Valid
- IT1NUM values are as shown in the IT1NUM columns of the table
- below. Some Item1 labels do not require an IT1NUM value.
- item2, it2num
- A second set of item labels and numbers to further qualify the item
- for which data is to be stored. Most items do not require this
- level of information.
- kloop
- Field to be looped on:
- Loop on the ENTNUM field (default). - Loop on the Item1 field.
- Loop on the IT1NUM field. Successive items are as shown with IT1NUM. - Loop on the Item2 field.
- Notes
- -----
- The ``*VPUT`` command is not supported for PowerGraphics
- displays. Inconsistent results may be obtained if this
- command is not used in /GRAPHICS, FULL.
- Plot and print operations entered via the GUI (Utility Menu>
- Pltcrtls, Utility Menu> Plot) incorporate the AVPRIN
- command. This means that the principal and equivalent values
- are recalculated. If you use ``*VPUT`` to put data back into
- the database, issue the plot commands from the command line to
- preserve your data.
- This operation is basically the inverse of the ``*VGET``
- operation. Vector items are put directly (without any
- coordinate system transformation) into the ANSYS database.
- Items can only replace existing items of the database and not
- create new items. Degree of freedom results that are replaced
- in the database are available for all subsequent
- postprocessing operations. Other results are changed
- temporarily and are available mainly for the immediately
- following print and display operations. The vector
- specification ``*VCUM`` does not apply to this command. The
- valid labels for the location fields (Entity, ENTNUM, Item1,
- and IT1NUM) are listed below. Item2 and IT2NUM are not
- currently used. Not all items from the ``*VGET`` list are
- allowed on ``*VPUT`` since putting values into some locations
- could cause the database to be inconsistent.
- This command is valid in any processor.
- """
- command = (
- f"*VPUT,{parr},{entity},{entnum},{item1},{it1num},{item2},{it2num},{kloop}"
- )
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def sread(
- self,
- strarray="",
- fname="",
- ext="",
- nchar="",
- nskip="",
- nread="",
- **kwargs,
- ):
- """Reads a file into a string array parameter.
- APDL Command: ``*SREAD``
- Parameters
- ----------
- strarray
- Name of the "string array" parameter which will hold the read file.
- String array parameters are similar to character arrays, but each
- array element can be as long as 128 characters. If the string
- parameter does not exist, it will be created. The array will be
- created as: ``*DIM,StrArray,STRING,nChar,nRead```
- fname
- File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the
- characters needed for the directory path). An unspecified
- directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you
- can use all 248 characters for the file name.
- ext
- Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
- nchar
- Number of characters per line to read (default is length of the
- longest line in the file).
- nskip
- Number of lines to skip at the start of the file (default is 0).
- nread
- Number of lines to read from the file (default is the entire file).
- Notes
- -----
- The ``*SREAD`` command reads from a file into a string array
- parameter. The file must be an ASCII text file.
- """
- command = f"*SREAD,{strarray},{fname},{ext},,{nchar},{nskip},{nread}"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def toper(
- self,
- parr="",
- par1="",
- oper="",
- par2="",
- fact1="",
- fact2="",
- con1="",
- **kwargs,
- ):
- """Operates on table parameters.
- APDL Command: ``*TOPER``
- Parameters
- ----------
- parr
- Name of the resulting table parameter. The command will create a
- table array parameter with this name. Any existing parameter with
- this name will be overwritten.
- par1
- Name of the first table parameter.
- oper
- The operation to be performed: ``ADD``. The operation is:
- ``ParR(i,j,k) = FACT1*Par1(i,j,k) + FACT2 *Par2(i,j,k) +CON1``
- par2
- Name of the second table parameter.
- fact1
- The first table parameter multiplying constant. Defaults to 1.
- fact2
- The second table parameter multiplying constant. Defaults to 1.
- con1
- The constant increment for offset. Defaults to 0.
- Notes
- -----
- ``*TOPER`` operates on table parameters according to:
- ``ParR(i,j,k) = FACT1*Par1(i,j,k) + FACT2 *Par2(i,j,k) +CON1``
- Par1 and Par2 must have the same dimensions and the same variable names
- corresponding to those dimensions. Par1 and Par2 must also have
- identical index values for rows, columns, etc.
- If you want a local coordinate system for the resulting array, you must
- dimension it as such using the ``*DIM`` command before issuing ``*TOPER``.
- This command is valid in any processor.
- """
- command = f"*TOPER,{parr},{par1},{oper},{par2},{fact1},{fact2},{con1}"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def vabs(self, kabsr="", kabs1="", kabs2="", kabs3="", **kwargs):
- """Applies the absolute value function to array parameters.
- APDL Command: ``*VABS``
- Parameters
- ----------
- kabsr
- Absolute value of results parameter:
- Do not take absolute value of results parameter (``ParR``). - Take absolute value.
- kabs1
- Absolute value of first parameter:
- Do not take absolute value of first parameter (``Par1`` or ``ParI``). - Take absolute value.
- kabs2
- Absolute value of second parameter:
- Do not take absolute value of second parameter (``Par2`` or ``ParJ``). - Take absolute value.
- kabs3
- Absolute value of third parameter:
- Do not take absolute value of third parameter (``Par3`` or ``ParK``). - Take absolute value.
- Notes
- -----
- Applies an absolute value to parameters used in certain ``*VXX`` and ``*MXX``
- operations. Typical absolute value applications are of the form:
- ``ParR = |f(|Par1|)|``
- or
- ``ParR = |(|Par1| o |Par2|)|``
- The absolute values are applied to each input parameter value before
- the operation and to the result value after the operation. Absolute
- values are applied before the scale factors so that negative scale
- factors may be used. The absolute value settings are reset to the
- default (no absolute value) after each ``*VXX`` or ``*MXX`` operation. Use
- ``*VSTAT`` to list settings.
- This command is valid in any processor.
- """
- command = f"*VABS,{kabsr},{kabs1},{kabs2},{kabs3}"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def vcol(self, ncol1="", ncol2="", **kwargs):
- """Specifies the number of columns in matrix operations.
- APDL Command: ``*VCOL``
- Parameters
- ----------
- ncol1
- Number of columns to be used for Par1 with ``*MXX`` operations.
- Defaults to whatever is needed to fill the result array.
- ncol2
- Number of columns to be used for Par2 with ``*MXX`` operations.
- Defaults to whatever is needed to fill the result array.
- Notes
- -----
- Specifies the number of columns to be used in array parameter matrix
- operations. The size of the submatrix used is determined from the
- upper left starting array element (defined on the operation command) to
- the lower right array element (defined by the number of columns on this
- command and the number of rows on the ``*VLEN`` command).
- The default NCOL is calculated from the maximum number of columns of
- the result array (the ``*DIM`` column dimension) minus the starting
- location + 1. For example, ``*DIM,R,,1,10`` and a starting location of
- R(1,7) gives a default of 4 columns ( starting with R(1,7), R(1,8),
- R(1,9), and R(1,10)). Repeat operations automatically terminate at the
- last column of the result array. Existing values in the rows and
- columns of the results matrix remain unchanged where not overwritten by
- the requested input or operation values.
- The column control settings are reset to the defaults after each ``*MXX``
- operation. Use ``*VSTAT`` to list settings.
- This command is valid in any processor.
- """
- command = f"*VCOL,{ncol1},{ncol2}"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def vcum(self, key="", **kwargs):
- """Allows array parameter results to add to existing results.
- APDL Command: ``*VCUM``
- Parameters
- ----------
- key
- Accumulation key:
- Overwrite results. - Add results to the current value of the results parameter.
- Notes
- -----
- Allows results from certain ``*VXX`` and ``*MXX`` operations to overwrite or
- add to existing results. The cumulative operation is of the form:
- ``ParR = ParR + ParR(Previous)``
- The cumulative setting is reset to the default (overwrite) after each
- ``*VXX`` or ``*MXX`` operation. Use ``*VSTAT`` to list settings.
- This command is valid in any processor.
- """
- command = f"*VCUM,{key}"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def vfact(self, factr="", fact1="", fact2="", fact3="", **kwargs):
- """Applies a scale factor to array parameters.
- APDL Command: ``*VFACT``
- Parameters
- ----------
- factr
- Scale factor applied to results (``ParR``) parameter. Defaults to 1.0.
- fact1
- Scale factor applied to first parameter (``Par1`` or ``ParI``). Defaults
- to 1.0.
- fact2
- Scale factor applied to second parameter (``Par2`` or ``ParJ``). Defaults
- to 1.0.
- fact3
- Scale factor applied to third parameter (``Par3`` or ``ParK``). Defaults
- to 1.0.
- Notes
- -----
- Applies a scale factor to parameters used in certain ``*VXX`` and ``*MXX``
- operations. Typical scale factor applications are of the form:
- ``ParR = FACTR*f(FACT1*Par1)``
- or
- ``ParR = FACTR*((FACT1*Par1) o (FACT2*Par2))``
- The factors are applied to each input parameter value before the
- operation and to the result value after the operation. The scale
- factor settings are reset to the default (1.0) after each ``*VXX`` or ``*MXX``
- operation. Use ``*VSTAT`` to list settings.
- This command is valid in any processor.
- """
- command = f"*VFACT,{factr},{fact1},{fact2},{fact3}"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def vfun(self, parr="", func="", par1="", con1="", con2="", con3="", **kwargs):
- """Performs a function on a single array parameter.
- APDL Command: ``*VFUN``
- Parameters
- ----------
- parr
- The name of the resulting numeric array parameter vector. See ``*SET``
- for name restrictions.
- func
- Function to be performed:
- * ACOS
- Arccosine: ``ACOS(Par1)``.
- * ``ASIN``
- Arcsine: ``ASIN(Par1)``.
- * ``ASORT``
- ``Par1`` is sorted in ascending order. ``*VCOL``, ``*VMASK``,
- ``*VCUM``, and ``*VLEN,,NINC`` do not apply.
- ``*VLEN,NROW`` does apply.
- * ``ATAN``
- Arctangent: ``ATAN(Par1)``
- * ``COMP``
- Compress: Selectively compresses data set. "True"
- (``*VMASK``) values of ``Par1`` (or row positions to be considered
- according to the ``NINC`` value on the ``*VLEN`` command) are
- written in compressed form to ``ParR``, starting at the
- specified position.
- * ``COPY``
- Copy: ``Par1`` copied to ``ParR``.
- * ``COS``
- Cosine: ``COS(Par1)``.
- * ``COSH``
- Hyperbolic cosine: ``COSH(Par1)``.
- * ``DIRCOS``
- Direction cosines of the principal stresses (nX9). ``Par1``
- contains the nX6 component stresses for the ``n`` locations of
- the calculations.
- * ``DSORT``
- ``Par1`` is sorted in descending order.
- ``*VCOL``, ``*VMASK``, ``*VCUM``, and ``*VLEN,,NINC`` do not apply.
- ``*VLEN,NROW`` does apply.
- * ``EURLER``
- Euler angles of the principal stresses (nX3). ``Par1``
- contains the nX6 component stresses for the ``n`` locations of
- the calculations.
- * ``EXP``
- Exponential: ``EXP(Par1)``.
- * ``EXPA``
- Expand: Reverse of the COMP function. All elements of
- ``Par1`` (starting at the position specified) are written in
- expanded form to corresponding "true" (``*VMASK``) positions
- (or row positions to be considered according to the ``NINC``
- value on the ``*VLEN`` command) of ``ParR``.
- * ``LOG``
- Natural logarithm: ``LOG(Par1)``.
- * ``LOG10``
- Common logarithm: ``LOG10(Par1)``.
- * ``NINT``
- Nearest integer: 2.783 becomes 3.0, -1.75 becomes -2.0.
- * ``NOT``
- Logical complement: values 0.0 (false) become 1.0 (true).
- Values > 0.0 (true) become 0.0 (false).
- * ``PRIN``
- Principal stresses (nX5). ``Par1`` contains the ``nX6`` component stresses
- for the ``n`` locations of the calculations.
- * ``PWR``
- Power function: ``Par1**CON1``. Exponentiation of any negative
- number in the vector ``Par1`` to a non-integer power is
- performed by exponentiating the positive number and
- prepending the minus sign. For example, ``-4**2.3`` is
- ``-(4**2.3)``.
- * ``SIN``
- Sine: ``SIN(Par1)``
- * ``SINH``
- Hyperbolic sine: ``SINH(Par1)``.
- * ``SQRT``
- Square root: ``SQRT(Par1)``.
- * ``TAN``
- Tangent: ``TAN(Par1)``.
- * ``TANH``
- Hyperbolic tangent: ``TANH(Par1)``.
- * ``TANG``
- Tangent to a path at a point: the slope at a point is determined by linear interpolation half
- way between the previous and next points. Points are assumed to be in the global Cartesian
- coordinate system. Path points are specified in array ``Par1`` (having 3 consecutive columns
- of data, with the columns containing the ``x``, ``y``, and ``z`` coordinate locations, respectively, of
- the points). Only the starting row index and the column index for the x coordinates are
- specified, such as ``A(1,1)``. The y and z coordinates of the vector are assumed to begin in the
- corresponding next columns, such as ``A(1,2)`` and ``A(1,3)``. The tangent result, ``ParR``, must also
- have 3 consecutive columns of data and will contain the tangent direction vector (normalized
- to 1.0); such as 1,0,0 for an x-direction vector.
- * ``NORM``
- Normal to a path and an input vector at a point: determined from the cross-product of the
- calculated tangent vector (see ``TANG``) and the input direction vector (with the ``i``,
- ``j``, and ``k`` components input as ``CON1``, ``CON2``, and ``CON3``).
- Points are assumed to be in the global Cartesian coordinate system.
- Path points are specified in array ``Par1`` (having 3 consecutive
- columns of data, with the columns containing the ``x``, ``y``, and ``z``
- coordinate locations, respectively, of the points).
- Only the starting row index and the column index for the ``x`` coordinates
- are specified, such as ``A(1,1)``. The ``y`` and ``z`` coordinates of the vector are assumed to begin
- in the corresponding next columns, such as ``A(1,2)`` and ``A(1,3)``. The normal result, ``ParR``,
- must also have 3 consecutive columns of data and will contain the normal direction vector
- (normalized to 1.0); such as ``1,0,0`` for an x-direction vector
- * ``LOCAL``
- Transforms global Cartesian coordinates of a point to the coordinates of a specified system:
- points to be transformed are specified in array ``Par1`` (having 3 consecutive columns of
- data, with the columns containing the ``x``, ``y``, and ``z`` global Cartesian coordinate locations,
- respectively, of the points).
- Only the starting row index and the column index for the ``x``
- coordinates are specified, such as ``A(1,1)``.
- The y and z coordinates of the vector are assumed
- to begin in the corresponding next columns, such as ``A(1,2)`` and ``A(1,3)``.
- Results are transformed to coordinate system ``CON1`` (which may be any valid coordinate system number,
- such as 1,2,11,12, etc.). The transformed result, ``ParR``, must also have 3 consecutive columns
- of data and will contain the corresponding transformed coordinate locations.
- * ``GLOBAL``
- Transforms specified coordinates of a point to global Cartesian coordinates: points to be
- transformed are specified in array ``Par1`` (having 3 consecutive columns of data, with the
- columns containing the local coordinate locations (``x``, ``y``, ``z`` or ``r``, ``θ``, ``z``
- or etc.) of the points).
- Only the starting row index and the column index for the x coordinates are specified, such
- as ``A(1,1)``.
- The y and z coordinates (or ``θ`` and ``z``, or etc.) of the vector are assumed to begin
- in the corresponding next columns, such as ``A(1,2)`` and ``A(1,3)``.
- Local coordinate locations are assumed to be in coordinate system ``CON1``
- (which may be any valid coordinate system number, such as 1,2,11,12, etc.).
- The transformed result, ``ParR``, must also have 3 consecutive
- columns of data, with the columns containing the global Cartesian ``x``, y, and z coordinate
- locations, respectively.
- par1
- Array parameter vector in the operation.
- con1, con2, con3
- Constants (used only with the PWR, NORM, LOCAL, and GLOBAL
- functions).
- Notes
- -----
- Operates on one input array parameter vector and produces one output
- array parameter vector according to:
- ``ParR = f(Par1)``
- """
- command = f"*VFUN,{parr},{func},{par1},{con1},{con2},{con3}"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def vitrp(self, parr="", part="", pari="", parj="", park="", **kwargs):
- """Forms an array parameter by interpolation of a table.
- APDL Command: ``*VITRP``
- Parameters
- ----------
- parr
- The name of the resulting array parameter. See ``*SET`` for name
- restrictions.
- part
- The name of the TABLE array parameter. The parameter must exist as
- a dimensioned array of type TABLE [``*DIM``].
- pari
- Array parameter vector of I (row) index values for interpolation in
- ParT.
- parj
- Array parameter vector of J (column) index values for interpolation
- in ParT (which must be at least 2-D).
- park
- Array parameter vector of K (depth) index values for interpolation
- in ParT (which must be 3-D).
- Notes
- -----
- Forms an array parameter (of type ``ARRAY``) by interpolating values of an
- array parameter (of type ``TABLE``) at specified table index locations
- according to:
- ``ParR = f(ParT, Parl, ParJ, ParK)``
- where ``ParT`` is the type ``TABLE`` array parameter, and ``ParI``, ``ParJ``, ``ParK`` are
- the type ``ARRAY`` array parameter vectors of index values for
- interpolation in ``ParT``. See the ``*DIM`` command for ``TABLE`` and ``ARRAY``
- declaration types. Linear interpolation is used. The starting array
- element number for the ``TABLE`` array (``ParT``) is not used (but a value must
- be input). Starting array element numbers must be defined for each
- array parameter vector if it does not start at the first location. For
- example, ``*VITRP,R(5),TAB(1,1),X(2),Y(4)`` uses the second element of X
- and the fourth element of Y as index values (row and column) for a 2-D
- interpolation in ``TAB`` and stores the result in the fifth element of R.
- Operations continue on successive array elements ``[*VLEN, *VMASK]`` with
- the default being all successive elements. Absolute values and scale
- factors may be applied to the result parameter ``[*VABS, *VFACT]``.
- Results may be cumulative ``[*VCUM]``. See the ``*VOPER`` command for details.
- This command is valid in any processor.
- """
- command = f"*VITRP,{parr},{part},{pari},{parj},{park}"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def vlen(self, nrow="", ninc="", **kwargs):
- """Specifies the number of rows to be used in array parameter operations.
- APDL Command: ``*VLEN``
- Parameters
- ----------
- nrow
- Number of rows to be used with the ``*VXX`` or ``*MXX`` operations.
- Defaults to the number of rows needed to fill the result array.
- ninc
- Perform the operation on every NINC row (defaults to 1).
- Notes
- -----
- Specifies the number of rows to be used in array parameter operations.
- The size of the submatrix used is determined from the upper left
- starting array element (defined on the operation command) to the lower
- right array element (defined by the number of rows on this command and
- the number of columns on the ``*VCOL`` command). ``NINC`` allows skipping row
- operations for some operation commands. Skipped rows are included in
- the row count. The starting row number must be defined on the
- operation command for each parameter read and for the result written.
- The default ``NROW`` is calculated from the maximum number of rows of the
- result array (the ``*DIM`` row dimension) minus the starting location + 1.
- For example, ``*DIM,R,,10`` and a starting location of ``R(7)`` gives a default
- of 4 loops (filling ``R(7)``, ``R(8)``, ``R(9)``, and ``R(10)``). Repeat operations
- automatically terminate at the last row of the result array. Existing
- values in the rows and columns of the results matrix remain unchanged
- where not overwritten by the requested input or operation values.
- The stride (``NINC``) allows operations to be performed at regular
- intervals. It has no effect on the total number of row operations.
- Skipped operations retain the previous result. For example, ``*DIM,R,,6,``
- with a starting location of ``R(1)``, ``NROW = 10``, and ``NINC = 2`` calculates
- values for locations ``R(1)``, ``R(3)``, and ``R(5)`` and retains values for
- locations ``R(2)``, ``R(4)``, and ``R(6)``. A more general skip control may be
- done by masking ``[*VMASK]``. The row control settings are reset to the
- defaults after each ``*VXX`` or ``*MXX`` operation. Use ``*VSTAT`` to list
- settings.
- This command is valid in any processor.
- """
- command = f"*VLEN,{nrow},{ninc}"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def vmask(self, par="", **kwargs):
- """Specifies an array parameter as a masking vector.
- APDL Command: ``*VMASK``
- Parameters
- ----------
- par
- Name of the mask parameter. The starting subscript must also be
- specified.
- Notes
- -----
- Specifies the name of the parameter whose values are to be checked for
- each resulting row operation. The mask vector usually contains only 0
- (for false) and 1 (for true) values. For each row operation the
- corresponding mask vector value is checked. A true value allows the
- operation to be done. A false value skips the operation (and retains
- the previous results). A mask vector can be created from direct input,
- such as ``M(1) = 1,0,0,1,1,0,1``; or from the DATA function of the ``*VFILL``
- command. The NOT function of the ``*VFUN`` command can be used to reverse
- the logical sense of the mask vector. The logical compare operations
- (``LT``, ``LE``, ``EQ``, ``NE``, ``GE``, and ``GT``) of
- the ``*VOPER`` command also produce a mask
- vector by operating on two other vectors. Any numeric vector can be
- used as a mask vector since the actual interpretation assumes values
- less than 0.0 are 0.0 (false) and values greater than 0.0 are 1.0
- (true). If the mask vector is not specified (or has fewer values than
- the result vector), true (1.0) values are assumed for the unspecified
- values. Another skip control may be input with ``NINC`` on the ``*VLEN``
- command. If both are present, operations occur only when both are
- true. The mask setting is reset to the default (no mask) after each
- ``*VXX`` or ``*MXX`` operation. Use ``*VSTAT`` to list settings.
- This command is valid in any processor.
- """
- command = f"*VMASK,{par}"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def voper(self, parr="", par1="", oper="", par2="", con1="", con2="", **kwargs):
- """Operates on two array parameters.
- APDL Command: ``*VOPER``
- Parameters
- ----------
- The name of the resulting array parameter vector. See ``*SET`` for
- name restrictions.
- PAR1
- First array parameter vector in the operation. May also be a
- scalar parameter or a literal constant.
- Operations:
- * ``ADD``
- Addition: ``Par1+Par2``.
- * ``SUB``
- Subtraction: ``Par1-Par2``.
- * ``MULT``
- Multiplication: ``Par1*Par2``.
- * ``DIV``
- Division: ``Par1/Par2`` (a divide by zero results in a value of zero).
- * ``MIN``
- Minimum: minimum of ``Par1`` and ``Par2``.
- * ``MAX``
- Maximum: maximum of ``Par1`` and ``Par2``.
- * ``LT``
- Less than comparison: ``Par1= Par2`` gives 1.0 if
- true, 0.0 if false.
- * ``GT``
- Greater than comparison: ``Par1>Par2``
- gives 1.0 if true, 0.0 if false.
- * ``DER``
- First derivative:
- .. math::
- \\dfrac{\\mathrm{d}(\\mathrm{Par1})}{\\mathrm{d}(\\mathrm{Par2})}
- The derivative at a point is determined over points
- half way between the previous and next points
- (by linear interpolation).
- ``Par1`` must be a function (a unique ``Par1``
- value for each ``Par2``
- value) and ``Par2`` must be in ascending order.
- * ``DER2``
- Second derivative:
- .. math::
- \\dfrac{\\mathrm{d}^2(\\mathrm{Par1})}{\\mathrm{d}(\\mathrm{Par2})^2}
- See also ``DER1``.
- * ``INT1``
- Single integral:
- .. math::
- \\int Par1 \\, d(Par2)
- where ``CON1`` is the integration constant.
- The integral at a point is
- determined by using the single integration procedure
- described in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference.
- * ``INT2``
- Double integral:
- .. math::
- \\iint Par1 \\, d(Par2)
- where ``CON1`` is the integration constant of the first
- integral and ``CON2`` is the integration constant
- of the second integral. If ``Par1``
- contains acceleration data, ``CON1`` is the initial velocity
- and ``CON2`` is the initial displacement. See also ``INT1``.
- * ``DOT``
- Dot product: ``Par1 . Par2``.
- ``Par1`` and ``Par2`` must each have
- three consecutive columns of data, with the columns
- containing the ``i``, ``j``, and ``k`` vector components,
- respectively. Only the starting row index and the column
- index for the ``i`` components are specified for ``Par1`` and
- ``Par2``, such as ``A(1,1)``. The ``j`` and ``k`` components of the
- vector are assumed to begin in the corresponding next
- columns, such as ``A(1,2)`` and ``A(1,3)``.
- * ``CROSS``
- Cross product: ``Par1 x Par2``.
- ``Par1``, ``Par2``, and ``ParR`` must each have 3 components,
- respectively. Only the starting row index and the column
- index for the i components are specified for ``Par1``, ``Par2``,
- and ``ParR``, such as ``A(1,1)``. The j and k components of the
- vector are assumed to begin in the corresponding next
- columns, such as ``A(1,2)`` and ``A(1,3)``.
- * ``GATH``
- Gather: For a vector of position numbers, ``Par2``, copy the
- value of ``Par1`` at each position number to ParR. Example:
- for ``Par1 = 10,20,30,40`` and ``Par2 = 2,4,1``; ``ParR =
- 20,40,10``.
- * ``SCAT``
- Scatter: Opposite of ``GATH`` operation. For a
- vector of position numbers, ``Par2``, copy the value of ``Par1``
- to that position number in ``ParR``. Example: for ``Par1 =
- 10,20,30,40,50`` and ``Par2 = 2,1,0,5,3``; ``ParR = 20,10,50,0,40``.
- * ``ATN2``
- Arctangent: arctangent of ``Par1/Par2`` with the sign of each
- component considered.
- * ``LOCAL``
- Transform the data in ``Par1`` from
- the global Cartesian coordinate system to the local
- coordinate system given in ``CON1``. ``Par1`` must be an ``N`` x 3
- (i.e., vector) or an ``N`` x 6 (i.e., stress or strain tensor)
- array. If the local coordinate system is a cylindrical,
- spherical, or toroidal system, then you must provide the
- global Cartesian coordinates in ``Par2`` as an ``N`` x 3 array.
- Set ``CON2 = 1`` if the data is strain data.
- * ``GLOBAL``
- Transform the data in ``Par1`` from the local coordinate system given in ``CON1`` to the global
- Cartesian coordinate system. ``Par1`` must be an ``N`` x 3 (that is, vector) or an ``N`` x 6 (that is,
- stress or strain tensor) array. If the local coordinate system is a cylindrical, spherical, or
- toroidal system, then you must provide the global Cartesian coordinates in ``Par2`` as an ``N``
- x 3 array. Set ``CON2 = 1`` if the data is strain data.
- PAR2
- Second array parameter vector in the operation. May also be a
- scalar parameter or a literal constant.
- CON1
- First constant (used only with the ``INT1`` and ``INT2`` operations).
- CON2
- Second constant (used only with the ``INT2`` operation).
- Notes
- -----
- Operates on two input array parameter vectors and produces one output
- array parameter vector according to:
- ``ParR = Par1 o Par2``
- where the operations (o) are described below. ParR may be the same as
- ``Par1`` or ``Par2``. Absolute values and scale factors may be applied to all
- parameters [``*VABS``, ``*VFACT``]. Results may be cumulative [``*VCUM``].
- Starting array element numbers must be defined for each array parameter
- vector if it does not start at the first location, such as
- ``*VOPER,A,B(5),ADD,C(3)`` which adds the third element of C to the fifth
- element of B and stores the result in the first element of A.
- Operations continue on successive array elements ``[*VLEN, *VMASK]`` with
- the default being all successive elements. Skipping array elements via
- ``*VMASK`` or ``*VLEN`` for the ``DER`` and ``INT`` functions skips only the writing
- of the results (skipped array element data are used in all
- calculations).
- Parameter functions and operations are available to operate on a scalar
- parameter or a single element of an array parameter, such as ``SQRT(B)`` or
- ``SQRT(A(4))``. See the ``*SET`` command for details. Operations on a
- sequence of array elements can be done by repeating the desired
- function or operation in a do-loop ``[*DO]``. The vector operations within
- the ANSYS program (``*VXX`` commands) are internally programmed do-loops
- that conveniently perform the indicated operation over a sequence of
- array elements. If the array is multidimensional, only the first
- subscript is incremented in the do-loop, that is, the operation repeats
- in column vector fashion "down" the array. For example, for ``A(1,5)``,
- ``A(2,5)``, ``A(3,5)``, etc. The starting location of the row index must be
- defined for each parameter read and for the result written.
- The default number of loops is from the starting result location to the
- last result location and can be altered with the ``*VLEN`` command. A
- logical mask vector may be defined to control at which locations the
- operations are to be skipped [``*VMASK``]. The default is to skip no
- locations. Repeat operations automatically terminate at the last array
- element of the result array column if the number of loops is undefined
- or if it exceeds the last result array element. Zeroes are used in
- operations for values read beyond the last array element of an input
- array column. Existing values in the rows and columns of the results
- matrix
- """
- command = f"*VOPER,{parr},{par1},{oper},{par2},{con1},{con2}"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def vscfun(self, parr="", func="", par1="", **kwargs):
- """Determines properties of an array parameter.
- APDL Command: ``*VSCFUN``
- Parameters
- ----------
- parr
- The name of the resulting scalar parameter. See ``*SET`` for name
- restrictions.
- func
- Functions:
- * ``MAX``
- Maximum: the maximum ``Par1`` array element value.
- * ``MIN``
- Minimum: the minimum ``Par1`` array element value.
- * ``LMAX``
- Index location of the maximum ``Par1`` array element value.
- Array ``Par1`` is searched starting from its specified
- index.
- * ``LMIN``
- Index location of the minimum ``Par1`` array element
- value. Array ``Par1`` is searched starting from its specified
- index.
- * ``FIRST``
- Index location of the first nonzero value in array ``Par1``.
- Array ``Par1`` is searched starting from its specified
- index.
- * ``LAST``
- Index location of the last nonzero value in array
- ``Par1``. Array ``Par1`` is searched starting from its specified
- index.
- * ``SUM``
- Sum: ``Par1`` (the summation of the ``Par1`` array element
- values).
- * ``MEDI``
- Median: value of ``Par1`` at which there are an
- equal number of values above and below.
- * ``MEAN``
- Mean: ``(σ Par1)/NUM``, where ``NUM`` is the number of summed
- values.
- * ``VARI``
- Variance: ``(σ ((Par1-MEAN)**2))/NUM``.
- * ``STDV``
- Standard deviation: square root of ``VARI``.
- * ``RMS``
- Root-mean-square: square root of ``(σ (Par1**2))/NUM``.
- * ``NUM``
- Number: the number of summed values (masked values are not counted).
- par1
- Array parameter vector in the operation.
- Notes
- -----
- Operates on one input array parameter vector and produces one output
- scalar parameter according to:
- ``ParR = f(Par1)``
- where the functions (f) are described below. The starting array element
- number must be defined for the array parameter vector. For example,
- ``*VSCFUN,MU,MEAN,A(1)`` finds the mean of the ``A`` vector values, starting
- from the first value and stores the result as parameter ``MU``. Operations
- use successive array elements ``[*VLEN, *VMASK]`` with the default being
- all successive array elements. Absolute values and scale factors may
- be applied to all parameters ``[*VABS, *VFACT]``. Results may be
- cumulative ``[*VCUM]``. See the ``*VOPER`` command for details.
- This command is valid in any processor.
- """
- command = f"*VSCFUN,{parr},{func},{par1}"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def vstat(self, **kwargs):
- """Lists the current specifications for the array parameters.
- APDL Command: ``*VSTAT``
- Notes
- -----
- Lists the current specifications for the ``*VABS``, ``*VCOL``,
- ``*VCUM``, ``*VFACT``, ``*VLEN``, and ``*VMASK`` commands.
- This command is valid in any processor.
- """
- command = f"*VSTAT,"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def vwrite(
- self,
- par1="",
- par2="",
- par3="",
- par4="",
- par5="",
- par6="",
- par7="",
- par8="",
- par9="",
- par10="",
- par11="",
- par12="",
- par13="",
- par14="",
- par15="",
- par16="",
- par17="",
- par18="",
- par19="",
- **kwargs,
- ):
- """Writes data to a file in a formatted sequence.
- APDL Command: ``*VWRITE``
- .. warning::
- This command cannot be run interactively. See
- :func:`non_interactive `.
- Parameters
- ----------
- par1, par2, par3, . . . , par19
- You can write up to 19 parameters (or constants) at a time. Any Par
- values after a blank Par value are ignored. If you leave them all
- blank, one line will be written (to write a title or a blank line).
- If you input the keyword SEQU, a sequence of numbers (starting from
- 1) will be written for that item.
- Notes
- -----
- You use ``*VWRITE`` to write data to a file in a formatted sequence. Data
- items (Par1, Par2, etc.) may be array parameters, scalar parameters,
- character parameters (scalar or array), or constants. You must
- evaluate expressions and functions in the data item fields before using
- the ``*VWRITE`` command, since initially they will be evaluated to a
- constant and remain constant throughout the operation. Unless a file
- is defined with the ``*CFOPEN`` command, data is written to the standard
- output file. Data written to the standard output file may be diverted
- to a different file by first switching the current output file with the
- /OUTPUT command. You can also use the ``*MWRITE`` command to write data to
- a specified file. Both commands contain format descriptors on the line
- immediately following the command. The format descriptors can be in
- either Fortran or C format.
- You must enclose Fortran format descriptors in parentheses. They must
- immediately follow the ``*VWRITE`` command on a separate line of the same
- input file. Do not include the word FORMAT. The format must specify
- the number of fields to be written per line, the field width, the
- placement of the decimal point, etc. You should use one field
- descriptor for each data item written. The write operation uses your
- system's available FORTRAN FORMAT conventions (see your system FORTRAN
- manual). You can use any standard FORTRAN real format (such as
- (4F6.0), (E10.3,2X,D8.2), etc.) and alphanumeric format (A).
- Alphanumeric strings are limited to a maximum of 8 characters for any
- field (A8) using the Fortran format. Use the "C" format for string
- arrays larger than 8 characters. Integer (I) and list-directed (*)
- descriptors may not be used. You can include text in the format as a
- quoted string. The parentheses must be included in the format and the
- format must not exceed 80 characters (including parentheses). The
- output line length is limited to 128 characters.
- The "C" format descriptors are used if the first character of the
- format descriptor line is not a left parenthesis. "C" format
- descriptors are up to 80 characters long, consisting of text strings
- and predefined "data descriptors" between the strings where numeric or
- alphanumeric character data will be inserted. The normal descriptors
- are %I for integer data, %G for double precision data, %C for
- alphanumeric character data, and %/ for a line break. There must be one
- data descriptor for each specified value (8 maximum) in the order of
- the specified values. The enhanced formats described in ``*MSG`` may also
- be used.
- For array parameter items, you must define the starting array
- element number. Looping continues (incrementing the vector
- index number of each array parameter by one) each time you
- output a line, until the maximum array vector element is
- written. For example, ``*VWRITE,A(1)`` followed by (F6.0)
- will write one value per output line, i.e., A(1), A(2), A(3),
- A(4), etc. You write constants and scalar parameters with the
- same values for each loop. You can also control the number of
- loops and loop skipping with the ``*VLEN`` and ``*VMASK``
- commands. The vector specifications ``*VABS``, ``*VFACT``,
- and ``*VCUM`` do not apply to this command. If looping
- continues beyond the supplied data array's length, zeros will
- be output for numeric array parameters and blanks for
- character array parameters. For multi-dimensioned array
- parameters, only the first (row) subscript is incremented.
- See the ``*VOPER`` command for details. If you are in the GUI,
- the ``*VWRITE`` command must be contained in an externally
- prepared file and read into ANSYS (i.e., ``*USE``, /INPUT, etc.).
- This command is valid in any processor.
- """
- command = f"*VWRITE,{par1},{par2},{par3},{par4},{par5},{par6},{par7},{par8},{par9},{par10},{par11},{par12},{par13},{par14},{par15},{par16},{par17},{par18},{par19}"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
diff --git a/src/ansys/mapdl/core/_commands/apdl/array_parameters.py b/src/ansys/mapdl/core/_commands/apdl/array_parameters.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..44e59578a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ansys/mapdl/core/_commands/apdl/array_parameters.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1767 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2016 - 2025 ANSYS, Inc. and/or its affiliates.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+# copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+class ArrayParameters:
+ def mfun(self, parr: str = "", func: str = "", par1: str = "", **kwargs):
+ r"""Copies or transposes an array parameter matrix.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*MFUN `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ parr : str
+ The name of the resulting array parameter matrix. See :ref:`starset` for name restrictions.
+ func : str
+ Copy or transpose function:
+ * ``COPY`` - ``Par1`` is copied to ``ParR``
+ * ``TRAN`` - ``Par1`` is transposed to ``ParR``. Rows (m) and columns (n) of ``Par1`` matrix are
+ transposed to resulting ``ParR`` matrix of shape (n,m).
+ par1 : str
+ Array parameter matrix input to the operation.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ Operates on one input array parameter matrix and produces one output array parameter matrix
+ according to: ``ParR`` = f( ``Par1`` )
+ where the function (f) is either a copy or transpose, as described above.
+ Functions are based on the standard FORTRAN definitions where possible. ``ParR`` may be the same as
+ ``Par1``. Starting array element numbers must be defined for each array parameter matrix if it does
+ not start at the first location. For example, :ref:`mfun` ,A(1,5),COPY,B(2,3) copies matrix B
+ (starting at element (2,3)) to matrix A (starting at element (1,5)). The diagonal corner elements
+ for each submatrix must be defined: the upper left corner by the array starting element (on this
+ command), the lower right corner by the current values from the :ref:`vcol` and :ref:`vlen`
+ commands. The default values are the (1,1) element and the last element in the matrix. No operations
+ progress across matrix planes (in the 3rd dimension). Absolute values and scale factors may be
+ applied to all parameters ( :ref:`vabs`, :ref:`vfact` ). Results may be cumulative ( :ref:`vcum` ).
+ Array elements should not be skipped with the :ref:`vmask` and the ``NINC`` value of the :ref:`vlen`
+ specifications. The number of rows ( :ref:`vlen` ) applies to the ``Par1`` array. See the
+ :ref:`voper` command for details.
+ This command is valid in any processor.
+ """
+ command = f"*MFUN,{parr},{func},{par1}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def mwrite(
+ self,
+ parr: str = "",
+ fname: str = "",
+ ext: str = "",
+ label: str = "",
+ n1: str = "",
+ n2: str = "",
+ n3: str = "",
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ r"""Writes a matrix to a file in a formatted sequence.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*MWRITE `_
+ .. warning::
+ This command must be run using :func:`non_interactive `
+ Please visit `Unsupported Interactive Commands `_
+ for further information.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ parr : str
+ The name of the array parameter. See :ref:`starset` for name restrictions.
+ fname : str
+ File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the
+ directory path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case,
+ you can use all 248 characters for the file name. If the file name fields are left blank, the
+ default file is the current output file.
+ ext : str
+ Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
+ label : str
+ Can use a value of IJK, IKJ, JIK, JKI, KIJ, KJI, or blank (JIK).
+ n1 : str
+ Write as ((( ``ParR`` (i,j,k), k = 1,n1), i = 1, n2), j = 1, n3) for ``Label`` = KIJ. ``n1,``
+ ``n2,`` and ``n3`` default to the corresponding dimensions of the array parameter ParR.
+ n2 : str
+ Write as ((( ``ParR`` (i,j,k), k = 1,n1), i = 1, n2), j = 1, n3) for ``Label`` = KIJ. ``n1,``
+ ``n2,`` and ``n3`` default to the corresponding dimensions of the array parameter ParR.
+ n3 : str
+ Write as ((( ``ParR`` (i,j,k), k = 1,n1), i = 1, n2), j = 1, n3) for ``Label`` = KIJ. ``n1,``
+ ``n2,`` and ``n3`` default to the corresponding dimensions of the array parameter ParR.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ Writes a matrix or vector to a specified file in a formatted sequence. You can also use the
+ :ref:`vwrite` command to write data to a specified file. Both commands contain format descriptors on
+ the line immediately following the command. The format descriptors can be in either FORTRAN or C
+ format.
+ FORTRAN format descriptors are enclosed in parentheses. They must immediately follow the
+ :ref:`mwrite` command on a separate line of the same input file. The word FORMAT should not be
+ included. The format must specify the number of fields to be written per line, the field width, the
+ placement of the decimal point, etc. There should be one field descriptor for each data item
+ written. The write operation uses the available system FORTRAN FORMAT conventions (see your system
+ FORTRAN manual). Any standard FORTRAN real format (such as (4F6.0), (E10.3,2X,D8.2), etc.) and
+ character format (A) may be used. Integer (I)
+ and list-directed (\2) descriptors may not be used. Text may be included in the format as a quoted
+ string. The FORTRAN descriptor must be enclosed in parentheses and the format must not exceed 80
+ characters (including parentheses).
+ The "C" format descriptors are used if the first character of the format descriptor line is not a
+ left parenthesis. "C" format descriptors may be up to 80 characters long, consisting of text strings
+ and predefined "data descriptors" between the strings where numeric or alphanumeric character data
+ are to be inserted. The normal descriptors are %I for integer data, %G for double precision data, %C
+ for alphanumeric character data, and %/ for a line break. There must be one data descriptor for each
+ specified value in the order of the specified values. The enhanced formats described in :ref:`msg`
+ can also be used.
+ The starting array element number must be defined. Looping continues in the directions indicated by
+ the Label argument. The number of loops and loop skipping may also be controlled via :ref:`vlen` and
+ :ref:`vmask`, which work in the ``n2`` direction (by row on the output file), and by :ref:`vcol` ,
+ which works in the ``n1`` direction (by column in the output file). The vector specifications
+ :ref:`vabs` and :ref:`vfact` apply to this command, while :ref:`vcum` does not apply to this
+ command. See :ref:`voper` for details. If you are in the GUI, the :ref:`mwrite` command must be
+ contained in an externally prepared file and read into Mechanical APDL (that is, :ref:`use` ,
+ :ref:`input`, etc.).
+ This command is valid in any processor.
+ """
+ command = f"*MWRITE,{parr},{fname},{ext},,{label},{n1},{n2},{n3}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def moper(
+ self,
+ parr: str = "",
+ par1: str = "",
+ oper: str = "",
+ val1: str = "",
+ val2: str = "",
+ val3: str = "",
+ val4: str = "",
+ val5: str = "",
+ val6: str = "",
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ r"""Performs matrix operations on array parameter matrices.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*MOPER `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ parr : str
+ The name of the resulting array parameter matrix. See :ref:`starset` for name restrictions.
+ par1 : str
+ First array parameter matrix input to the operation.
+ oper : str
+ Matrix operations. Usage of the ``Val1`` through ``Val6`` arguments varies for each operation, as described below:
+ * ``INVERT`` - ( :ref:`moper`, ``ParR``, ``Par1``, INVERT)
+ Square matrix invert: Inverts the n x n matrix in Par1 into ParR . The matrix must be well
+ conditioned.
+ Non-independent or ill-conditioned equations can cause erroneous results.
+ For large matrices, use the APDL Math operation :ref:`lsfactor` for efficiency (see `APDL Math
+ `_
+ * ``MULT`` - ( :ref:`moper`, ``ParR``, ``Par1``, MULT, ``Par2`` )
+ Matrix multiply: Multiplies ``Par1`` by ``Par2``. The number of rows of ``Par2`` must equal the
+ number of columns of ``Par1`` for the operation. If ``Par2`` is input with a number of rows
+ greater than the number of columns of ``Par1``, matrices are still multiplied. However, the
+ operation only uses a number of rows of ``Par2`` equal to the number of columns of ``Par1``.
+ * ``COVAR`` - ( :ref:`moper`, ``ParR``, ``Par1``, COVAR, ``Par2`` )
+ Covariance: The measure of association between columns of the ``Par1`` input matrix. ``Par1`` of
+ size m runs (rows) by n data (columns) is first processed to produce a row vector containing the
+ mean of each column, which is transposed to the output column vector ``Par2`` of n array
+ elements. The ``Par1`` and ``Par2`` operation then produces ``ParR``, a resulting n x n matrix
+ of covariances (with the variances as the diagonal terms).
+ * ``CORR`` - ( :ref:`moper`, ``ParR``, ``Par1``, CORR, ``Par2`` )
+ Correlation: The correlation coefficient between columns of the ``Par1`` input matrix. ``Par1`` of
+ size m runs (rows) by n data (columns) is first processed to produce a row vector containing the
+ mean of each column, which is then transposed to the output column vector ``Par2`` of n array
+ elements. The ``Par1`` and ``Par2`` operation then produces ``ParR``, a resulting n x n matrix
+ of correlation coefficients (with a value of 1.0 for the diagonal terms).
+ * ``SOLV`` - ( :ref:`moper`, ``ParR``, ``Par1``, SOLV, ``Par2`` )
+ Solution of simultaneous equations: Solves the set of ``n`` equations of ``n`` terms of the form a
+ n1 x 1 + a n2 x 2 + :sup:`...` + a nn x n = b n where ``Par1`` contains the matrix of
+ a-coefficients, ``Par2`` contains the vector(s) of b-values, and ``ParR`` contains the vector(s)
+ of x-results. ``Par1`` must be a square matrix. The equations must be linear, independent, and
+ well conditioned.
+ Non-independent or ill-conditioned equations can cause erroneous results.
+ For large matrices, use the APDL Math operation :ref:`lsfactor` for efficiency (see `APDL Math
+ `_
+ * ``SORT`` - ( :ref:`moper`, ``ParR``, ``Par1``, SORT, ``Par2``, ``n1``, ``n2``, ``n3`` )
+ Matrix sort: Sorts the columns of matrix ``Par1`` according to sort vector ``Par2`` and places the
+ result back into ``Par1``. Rows of ``Par1`` are moved to the corresponding positions indicated
+ by the values of ``Par2``. ``Par2`` may be a column of ``Par1`` (in which case it will also be
+ reordered). Alternatively, you may specify the column of ``Par1`` to sort using ``n1`` (leaving
+ ``Par2`` blank). A secondary sort can be specified by column ``n2``, and a third sort using
+ column ``n3``. ``ParR`` is the vector of initial row positions (the permutation vector).
+ Sorting ``Par1`` according to ``ParR`` should reproduce the initial ordering.
+ * ``NNEAR`` - ( :ref:`moper`, ``ParR``, ``Par1``, NNEAR, ``Toler`` )
+ Nearest Node: Finds the nodes nearest to the given set of points in ``Par1``, where ``Par1`` is
+ an n x 3 array of coordinate locations. ``ParR`` is a vector of the nearest selected nodes, or 0
+ if no nodes are nearer than ``Toler``. ``Toler`` defaults to 1 and is limited to the maximum
+ model size.
+ * ``ENEAR`` - ( :ref:`moper`, ``ParR``, ``Par1``, ENEAR, ``Toler`` )
+ Nearest Element: Finds the elements nearest to the given set of points in ``Par1``, where
+ ``Par1`` is an n x 3 array of coordinate locations. ``ParR`` is a vector of the nearest selected
+ elements, or 0 if no element centroids are nearer than ``Toler``. ``Toler`` defaults to 1 and
+ is limited to the maximum model size.
+ * ``MAP`` - ( :ref:`moper`, ``ParR``, ``Par1``, MAP, ``Par2``, ``Par3``, ``kDim``, ``--``,
+ ``kOut``, ``LIMIT`` )
+ Maps the results from one set of points to another. For example, you can map pressures from a CFD
+ analysis onto your model for a structural analysis.
+ ``Par1`` is the Nout x 3 array of points that will be mapped to. ``Par2`` is the Nin x M array
+ that contains M values of data to be interpolated at each point and corresponds to the Nin x 3
+ points in ``Par3``. The resulting ``ParR`` is the Nout x M array of mapped data points.
+ For each point in the destination mesh, all possible triangles in the source mesh are searched to
+ find the best triangle containing each point. It then does a linear interpolation inside this
+ triangle. You should carefully specify your interpolation method and search criteria in order to
+ provide faster and more accurate results (see ``LIMIT``, below).
+ ``kDim`` is the interpolation criteria. If ``kDim`` = 2 or 0, two dimensional interpolation is
+ applied (interpolate on a surface). If ``kDim`` = 3, three dimensional interpolation is applied
+ (interpolate on a volume).
+ ``kOut`` specified how points outside of the domain are handled. If ``kOut`` = 0, use the value(s)
+ of the nearest region point for points outside of the region. If ``kOut`` = 1, set results
+ outside of the region to zero.
+ ``LIMIT`` specifies the number of nearby points considered for interpolation. The default is 20,
+ and the minimum is 5. Lower values will reduce processing time; however, some distorted or
+ irregular sets of points will require a higher ``LIMIT`` value to encounter three nodes for
+ triangulation.
+ Output points are incorrect if they are not within the domain (area or volume) defined by the
+ specified input points. Also, calculations for out-of-bound points require much more processing
+ time than do points that are within bounds. Results mapping is available from the command line
+ only.
+ * ``INTP`` - ( :ref:`moper`, ``ParR``, ``Par1``, INTP, ``Par2`` )
+ Finds the elements that contain each point in the array of n x 3 points in ``Par1``. ``Par2``
+ will contain the set of element ID numbers and ``ParR`` will contain their n x 3 set of natural
+ element coordinates (values between -1 and 1). ``Par1`` must be in global Cartesian coordinates.
+ * ``SGET`` - ( :ref:`moper`, ``ParR``, ``Par1``, SGET, ``Par2``, ``Label``, ``Comp`` )
+ Gets the nodal solution item corresponding to ``Label`` and ``Comp`` (see the :ref:`plnsol`
+ command) and interpolates it to the given element locations. ``Par1`` contains the n x 3 array
+ of natural element coordinates (values between -1 and 1) of the n element ID numbers in ``Par2``
+ . ``Par1`` and ``Par2`` are usually the output of the :ref:`moper`,,,INTP operation. ``ParR``
+ contains the n interpolated results.
+ val1 : str
+ Additional input used in the operation. The meanings of ``Val1`` through ``Val6`` vary depending
+ on the specified matrix operation. See the description of ``Oper`` for details.
+ val2 : str
+ Additional input used in the operation. The meanings of ``Val1`` through ``Val6`` vary depending
+ on the specified matrix operation. See the description of ``Oper`` for details.
+ val3 : str
+ Additional input used in the operation. The meanings of ``Val1`` through ``Val6`` vary depending
+ on the specified matrix operation. See the description of ``Oper`` for details.
+ val4 : str
+ Additional input used in the operation. The meanings of ``Val1`` through ``Val6`` vary depending
+ on the specified matrix operation. See the description of ``Oper`` for details.
+ val5 : str
+ Additional input used in the operation. The meanings of ``Val1`` through ``Val6`` vary depending
+ on the specified matrix operation. See the description of ``Oper`` for details.
+ val6 : str
+ Additional input used in the operation. The meanings of ``Val1`` through ``Val6`` vary depending
+ on the specified matrix operation. See the description of ``Oper`` for details.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ Each starting array element number must be defined for each array parameter matrix if it does not
+ start at the first location. For example, :ref:`moper` ,A(2,3),B(1,4),MULT,C(1,5) multiplies
+ submatrix B (starting at element (1,4)) by submatrix C (starting at element (1,5)) and puts the
+ result in matrix A (starting at element (2,3)).
+ The diagonal corner elements for each submatrix must be defined: the upper left corner by the array
+ starting element (on this command), the lower right corner by the current values from the
+ :ref:`vcol` and :ref:`vlen` commands. The default values are the (1,1) element and the last element
+ in the matrix. No operations progress across matrix planes (in the 3rd dimension). Absolute values
+ and scale factors may be applied to all parameters ( :ref:`vabs`, :ref:`vfact` ). Results may be
+ cumulative ( :ref:`vcum` ). Array elements should not be skipped with the :ref:`vmask` and the
+ ``NINC`` value of the :ref:`vlen` specifications. See the :ref:`voper` command for details.
+ This command is valid in any processor.
+ """
+ command = (
+ f"*MOPER,{parr},{par1},{oper},{val1},{val2},{val3},{val4},{val5},{val6}"
+ )
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def mfouri(
+ self,
+ oper: str = "",
+ coeff: str = "",
+ mode: str = "",
+ isym: str = "",
+ theta: str = "",
+ curve: str = "",
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ r"""Calculates the coefficients for, or evaluates, a Fourier series.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*MFOURI `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ oper : str
+ Type of Fourier operation:
+ * ``FIT`` - Calculate Fourier coefficients ``COEFF`` from ``MODE``, ``ISYM``, ``THETA``, and
+ ``CURVE``.
+ * ``EVAL`` - Evaluate the Fourier curve ``CURVE`` from ``COEFF``, ``MODE``, ``ISYM`` and
+ ``THETA``
+ coeff : str
+ Name of the array parameter vector containing the Fourier coefficients (calculated if ``Oper`` =
+ FIT, required as input if ``Oper`` = EVAL). See :ref:`starset` for name restrictions.
+ mode : str
+ Name of the array parameter vector containing the mode numbers of the desired Fourier terms.
+ isym : str
+ Name of the array parameter vector containing the symmetry key for the corresponding Fourier terms.
+ The vector should contain keys for each term as follows:
+ * ``0 or 1`` - Symmetric (cosine) term
+ * ``-1`` - Antisymmetric (sine) term.
+ theta : str
+ Names of the array parameter vectors containing the theta vs. curve description, respectively.
+ Theta values should be input in degrees. If ``Oper`` = FIT, one curve value should be supplied
+ with each theta value. If ``Oper`` = EVAL, one curve value will be calculated for each theta
+ value.
+ curve : str
+ Names of the array parameter vectors containing the theta vs. curve description, respectively.
+ Theta values should be input in degrees. If ``Oper`` = FIT, one curve value should be supplied
+ with each theta value. If ``Oper`` = EVAL, one curve value will be calculated for each theta
+ value.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ Calculates the coefficients of a Fourier series for a given curve, or evaluates the Fourier curve
+ from the given (or previously calculated) coefficients. The lengths of the ``COEFF``, ``MODE``,
+ and ``ISYM`` vectors must be the same--typically two times the number of modes desired, since two
+ terms (sine and cosine) are generally required for each mode. The lengths of the ``CURVE`` and
+ ``THETA`` vectors should be the same or the smaller of the two will be used. There should be a
+ sufficient number of points to adequately define the curve--at least two times the number of
+ coefficients. A starting array element number (1) must be defined for each array parameter vector.
+ The vector specifications :ref:`vlen`, :ref:`vcol`, :ref:`vabs`, :ref:`vfact`, and :ref:`vcum`
+ do not apply to this command. Array elements should not be skipped with the :ref:`vmask` and the
+ ``NINC`` value of the :ref:`vlen` specifications. The vector being calculated ( ``COEFF`` if
+ ``Oper`` is FIT, or ``CURVE`` if ``Oper`` is EVAL) must exist as a dimensioned array ( :ref:`dim` ).
+ This command is valid in any processor.
+ """
+ command = f"*MFOURI,{oper},{coeff},{mode},{isym},{theta},{curve}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def sread(
+ self,
+ strarray: str = "",
+ fname: str = "",
+ ext: str = "",
+ nchar: str = "",
+ nskip: str = "",
+ nread: str = "",
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ r"""Reads a file into a string array parameter.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*SREAD `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ strarray : str
+ Name of the string array parameter which will hold the read file. String array parameters are
+ similar to character arrays, but each array element can be as long as 248 characters. If the
+ string parameter does not exist, it will be created. The array will be created as:
+ *DIM,StrArray,STRING,nChar,nRead
+ fname : str
+ File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the
+ directory path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case,
+ you can use all 248 characters for the file name.
+ ext : str
+ Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
+ nchar : str
+ Number of characters per line to read (default is length of the longest line in the file).
+ nskip : str
+ Number of lines to skip at the start of the file (default is 0).
+ nread : str
+ Number of lines to read from the file (default is the entire file).
+ Notes
+ -----
+ The :ref:`sread` command reads from a file into a string array parameter. The file must be an ASCII
+ text file.
+ """
+ command = f"*SREAD,{strarray},{fname},{ext},,{nchar},{nskip},{nread}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def toper(
+ self,
+ parr: str = "",
+ par1: str = "",
+ oper: str = "",
+ par2: str = "",
+ fact1: str = "",
+ fact2: str = "",
+ con1: str = "",
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ r"""Operates on table parameters.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*TOPER `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ parr : str
+ Name of the resulting table parameter. The command will create a table array parameter with this
+ name. Any existing parameter with this name will be overwritten.
+ par1 : str
+ Name of the first table parameter.
+ oper : str
+ The operation to be performed: ADD. The operation is: ParR(i,j,k) = FACT1\2Par1(i,j,k) + FACT2
+ *Par2(i,j,k) +CON1
+ par2 : str
+ Name of the second table parameter.
+ fact1 : str
+ The first table parameter multiplying constant. Defaults to 1.
+ fact2 : str
+ The second table parameter multiplying constant. Defaults to 1.
+ con1 : str
+ The constant increment for offset. Defaults to 0.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ :ref:`toper` operates on table parameters according to: ParR(i,j,k) = FACT1\2Par1(i,j,k) + FACT2
+ *Par2(i,j,k) +CON1
+ Par1 and Par2 must have the same dimensions and the same variable names corresponding to those
+ dimensions. Par1 and Par2 must also have identical index values for rows, columns, etc.
+ If you want a local coordinate system for the resulting array, you must dimension it as such using
+ the :ref:`dim` command before issuing :ref:`toper` .
+ This command is valid in any processor.
+ """
+ command = f"*TOPER,{parr},{par1},{oper},{par2},{fact1},{fact2},{con1}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def starvplot(
+ self,
+ parx: str = "",
+ pary: str = "",
+ y2: str = "",
+ y3: str = "",
+ y4: str = "",
+ y5: str = "",
+ y6: str = "",
+ y7: str = "",
+ y8: str = "",
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ r"""Graphs columns (vectors) of array parameters.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*VPLOT `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ parx : str
+ Name of the array parameter whose column vector values will be the abscissa of the graph. If
+ blank, row subscript numbers are used instead. ``ParX`` is not sorted by the program.
+ pary : str
+ Additional column subscript of the ``ParY`` array parameter whose values are to be graphed
+ against the ``ParX`` values.
+ y2 : str
+ Additional column subscript of the ``ParY`` array parameter whose values are to be graphed
+ against the ``ParX`` values.
+ y3 : str
+ Additional column subscript of the ``ParY`` array parameter whose values are to be graphed
+ against the ``ParX`` values.
+ y4 : str
+ Additional column subscript of the ``ParY`` array parameter whose values are to be graphed
+ against the ``ParX`` values.
+ y5 : str
+ Additional column subscript of the ``ParY`` array parameter whose values are to be graphed
+ against the ``ParX`` values.
+ y6 : str
+ Additional column subscript of the ``ParY`` array parameter whose values are to be graphed
+ against the ``ParX`` values.
+ y7 : str
+ Additional column subscript of the ``ParY`` array parameter whose values are to be graphed
+ against the ``ParX`` values.
+ y8 : str
+ Additional column subscript of the ``ParY`` array parameter whose values are to be graphed
+ against the ``ParX`` values.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ The column to be graphed and the starting row for each array parameter must be specified as
+ subscripts. Additional columns of the ``ParY`` array parameter may be graphed by specifying column
+ numbers for ``Y2``, ``Y3``, ..., ``Y8``. For example, :ref:`starvplot` ,TIME (4,6), DISP
+ (8,1),2,3 specifies that the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd columns of array parameter DISP (all starting at row
+ 8) are to be graphed against the 6th column of array parameter TIME (starting at row 4). The columns
+ are graphed from the starting row to their maximum extent. See the :ref:`vlen` and :ref:`vmask`
+ commands to limit or skip data to be graphed. The array parameters specified on the :ref:`starvplot`
+ command must be of the same type (type ARRAY or TABLE; ( :ref:`dim` ). Arrays of type TABLE are
+ graphed as continuous curves. Arrays of type ARRAY is displayed in bar chart fashion.
+ The normal curve labeling scheme for :ref:`starvplot` is to label curve 1 "COL 1", curve 2 "COL 2"
+ and so on. You can use the :ref:`gcolumn` command to apply user-specified labels (8 characters
+ maximum) to your curves. See `Modifying Curve Labels
+ `_
+ in the `Ansys Parametric Design Language Guide
+ `_ ANSYS Parametric
+ Design Language Guide for more information on using :ref:`gcolumn`.
+ When a graph plot reaches minimum or maximum y-axis limits, the program indicates the condition by
+ clipping the graph. The clip appears as a horizontal magenta line. Mechanical APDL calculates y-axis
+ limits
+ automatically; however, you can modify the (YMIN and YMAX) limits via the :ref:`yrange` command.
+ This command is valid in any processor.
+ """
+ command = f"*VPLOT,{parx},{pary},{y2},{y3},{y4},{y5},{y6},{y7},{y8}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def vmask(self, par: str = "", **kwargs):
+ r"""Specifies an array parameter as a masking vector.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*VMASK `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ par : str
+ Name of the mask parameter. The starting subscript must also be specified.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ Specifies the name of the parameter whose values are to be checked for each resulting row operation.
+ The mask vector usually contains only 0 (for false) and 1 (for true) values. For each row operation
+ the corresponding mask vector value is checked. A true value allows the operation to be done. A
+ false value skips the operation (and retains the previous results). A mask vector can be created
+ from direct input, such as M(1) = 1,0,0,1,1,0,1; or from the DATA function of the :ref:`vfill`
+ command. The NOT function of the :ref:`vfun` command can be used to reverse the logical sense of the
+ mask vector. The logical compare operations (LT, LE, EQ, NE, GE, and GT) of the :ref:`voper` command
+ also produce a mask vector by operating on two other vectors. Any numeric vector can be used as a
+ mask vector since the actual interpretation assumes values less than 0.0 are 0.0 (false) and values
+ greater than 0.0 are 1.0 (true). If the mask vector is not specified (or has fewer values than the
+ result vector), true (1.0) values are assumed for the unspecified values. Another skip control may
+ be input with ``NINC`` on the :ref:`vlen` command. If both are present, operations occur only when
+ both are true. The mask setting is reset to the default (no mask) after each **\*V** ``XX`` or
+ **\*M** ``XX`` operation. Use :ref:`vstat` to list settings.
+ This command is valid in any processor.
+ """
+ command = f"*VMASK,{par}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def vcol(self, ncol1: str = "", ncol2: str = "", **kwargs):
+ r"""Specifies the number of columns in matrix operations.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*VCOL `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ ncol1 : str
+ Number of columns to be used for Par1 with **\*M** ``XX`` operations. Defaults to whatever is
+ needed to fill the result array.
+ ncol2 : str
+ Number of columns to be used for Par2 with **\*M** ``XX`` operations. Defaults to whatever is
+ needed to fill the result array.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ Specifies the number of columns to be used in array parameter matrix operations. The size of the
+ submatrix used is determined from the upper left starting array element (defined on the operation
+ command) to the lower right array element (defined by the number of columns on this command and the
+ number of rows on the :ref:`vlen` command).
+ The default ``NCOL`` is calculated from the maximum number of columns of the result array (the
+ :ref:`dim` column dimension) minus the starting location + 1. For example, :ref:`dim` ,R,,1,10 and a
+ starting location of R(1,7) gives a default of 4 columns ( starting with R(1,7), R(1,8), R(1,9), and
+ R(1,10)). Repeat operations automatically terminate at the last column of the result array. Existing
+ values in the rows and columns of the results matrix remain unchanged where not overwritten by the
+ requested input or operation values.
+ The column control settings are reset to the defaults after each **\*M** ``XX`` operation. Use
+ :ref:`vstat` to list settings.
+ This command is valid in any processor.
+ """
+ command = f"*VCOL,{ncol1},{ncol2}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def vscfun(self, parr: str = "", func: str = "", par1: str = "", **kwargs):
+ r"""Determines properties of an array parameter.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*VSCFUN `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ parr : str
+ The name of the resulting scalar parameter. See :ref:`starset` for name restrictions.
+ func : str
+ Functions:
+ * ``MAX`` - Maximum: the maximum ``Par1`` array element value.
+ * ``MIN`` - Minimum: the minimum ``Par1`` array element value.
+ * ``LMAX`` - Index location of the maximum ``Par1`` array element value. Array ``Par1`` is
+ searched starting from its specified index.
+ * ``LMIN`` - Index location of the minimum ``Par1`` array element value. Array ``Par1`` is
+ searched starting from its specified index.
+ * ``FIRST`` - Index location of the first nonzero value in array ``Par1``. Array ``Par1`` is
+ searched starting from its specified index.
+ * ``LAST`` - Index location of the last nonzero value in array ``Par1``. Array ``Par1`` is
+ searched starting from its specified index.
+ * ``SUM`` - Sum: ``Par1`` (the summation of the ``Par1`` array element values).
+ * ``MEDI`` - Median: value of ``Par1`` at which there are an equal number of values above and
+ below.
+ * ``MEAN`` - Mean: (σ Par1)/NUM, where NUM is the number of summed values.
+ * ``VARI`` - Variance: (σ (( ``Par1`` -MEAN)**2))/NUM.
+ * ``STDV`` - Standard deviation: square root of VARI.
+ * ``RMS`` - Root-mean-square: square root of (σ ( ``Par1`` **2))/NUM.
+ * ``NUM`` - Number: the number of summed values (masked values are not counted).
+ par1 : str
+ Array parameter vector in the operation.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ Operates on one input array parameter vector and produces one output scalar parameter according to:
+ ``ParR`` = f( ``Par1`` )
+ where the functions (f) are described below. The starting array element number must be defined for
+ the array parameter vector. For example, :ref:`vscfun` ,MU,MEAN,A(1) finds the mean of the A vector
+ values, starting from the first value and stores the result as parameter MU. Operations use
+ successive array elements ( :ref:`vlen`, :ref:`vmask` ) with the default being all successive array
+ elements. Absolute values and scale factors may be applied to all parameters ( :ref:`vabs` ,
+ :ref:`vfact` ). Results may be cumulative ( :ref:`vcum` ). See the :ref:`voper` command for details.
+ This command is valid in any processor.
+ """
+ command = f"*VSCFUN,{parr},{func},{par1}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def vstat(self, **kwargs):
+ r"""Lists the current specifications for the array parameters.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*VSTAT `_
+ Notes
+ -----
+ Lists the current specifications for the :ref:`vabs`, :ref:`vcol`, :ref:`vcum`, :ref:`vfact` ,
+ :ref:`vlen`, and :ref:`vmask` commands.
+ This command is valid in any processor.
+ """
+ command = "*VSTAT"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def voper(
+ self,
+ parr: str = "",
+ par1: str = "",
+ oper: str = "",
+ par2: str = "",
+ con1: str = "",
+ con2: str = "",
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ r"""Operates on two array parameters.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*VOPER `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ parr : str
+ The name of the resulting array parameter vector. See :ref:`starset` for name restrictions.
+ par1 : str
+ First array parameter vector in the operation. May also be a scalar parameter or a literal
+ constant.
+ oper : str
+ Operations:
+ * ``ADD`` - Addition: ``Par1`` + ``Par2``.
+ * ``SUB`` - Subtraction: ``Par1`` - ``Par2``.
+ * ``MULT`` - Multiplication: ``Par1`` * ``Par2``.
+ * ``DIV`` - Division: ``Par1`` / ``Par2`` (a divide by zero results in a value of zero).
+ * ``MIN`` - Minimum: minimum of ``Par1`` and ``Par2``.
+ * ``MAX`` - Maximum: maximum of ``Par1`` and ``Par2``.
+ * ``LT`` - Less than comparison: ``Par1`` < ``Par2`` gives 1.0 if true, 0.0 if false.
+ * ``LE`` - Less than or equal comparison: ``Par1`` :math:`` ``Par2`` gives 1.0 if true, 0.0 if
+ false.
+ * ``EQ`` - Equal comparison: ``Par1`` = ``Par2`` gives 1.0 if true, 0.0 if false.
+ * ``NE`` - Not equal comparison: ``Par1`` ≠ ``Par2`` gives 1.0 if true, 0.0 if false.
+ * ``GE`` - Greater than or equal comparison: ``Par1`` :math:`` Par2 gives 1.0 if true, 0.0 if
+ false.
+ * ``GT`` - Greater than comparison: ``Par1`` > ``Par2`` gives 1.0 if true, 0.0 if false.
+ * ``DER1`` - First derivative: d( ``Par1`` )/d( ``Par2`` ). The derivative at a point is
+ determined over points half way between the previous and next points (by linear interpolation).
+ ``Par1`` must be a function (a unique ``Par1`` value for each ``Par2`` value) and ``Par2`` must
+ be in ascending order.
+ * ``DER2`` - Second derivative: d :sup:`2` ( ``Par1`` )/d( ``Par2`` ) :sup:`2`. See also DER1.
+ * ``INT1`` - Single integral: ``Par1`` d( ``Par2`` ), where ``CON1`` is the integration constant.
+ The integral at a point is determined by using the single integration procedure described in the
+ `Theory Reference `_ Mechanical APDL Theory Reference.
+ * ``INT2`` - Double integral: ``Par1`` d( ``Par2`` ), where ``CON1`` is the integration constant
+ of the first integral and ``CON2`` is the integration constant of the second integral. If
+ ``Par1`` contains acceleration data, ``CON1`` is the initial velocity and ``CON2`` is the
+ initial displacement. See also INT1.
+ * ``DOT`` - Dot product: ``Par1``. ``Par2``. ``Par1`` and ``Par2`` must each have three
+ consecutive columns of data, with the columns containing the i, j, and k vector components,
+ respectively. Only the starting row index and the column index for the i components are
+ specified for ``Par1`` and ``Par2``, such as A(1,1). The j and k components of the vector are
+ assumed to begin in the corresponding next columns, such as A(1,2) and A(1,3).
+ * ``CROSS`` - Cross product: ``Par1`` x ``Par2``. ``Par1``, ``Par2``, and ``ParR`` must each
+ have 3 components, respectively. Only the starting row index and the column index for the i
+ components are specified for ``Par1``, ``Par2``, and ``ParR``, such as A(1,1). The j and k
+ components of the vector are assumed to begin in the corresponding next columns, such as A(1,2)
+ and A(1,3).
+ * ``GATH`` - Gather: For a vector of position numbers, ``Par2``, copy the value of ``Par1`` at
+ each position number to ``ParR``. Example: for ``Par1`` = 10,20,30,40 and ``Par2`` = 2,4,1;
+ ``ParR`` = 20,40,10.
+ * ``SCAT`` - Scatter: Opposite of GATH operation. For a vector of position numbers, ``Par2``,
+ copy the value of ``Par1`` to that position number in ``ParR``. Example: for ``Par1`` =
+ 10,20,30,40,50 and ``Par2`` = 2,1,0,5,3; ``ParR`` = 20,10,50,0,40.
+ * ``ATN2`` - Arctangent: arctangent of ``Par1`` / ``Par2`` with the sign of each component
+ considered.
+ * ``LOCAL`` - Transform the data in ``Par1`` from the global Cartesian coordinate system to the
+ local coordinate system given in ``CON1``. ``Par1`` must be an N x 3 (that is, vector) or an N
+ x 6 (that is, stress or strain tensor) array. If the local coordinate system is a cylindrical,
+ spherical, or toroidal system, then you must provide the global Cartesian coordinates in
+ ``Par2`` as an N x 3 array. Set ``CON2`` = 1 if the data is strain data.
+ * ``GLOBAL`` - Transform the data in ``Par1`` from the local coordinate system given in ``CON1``
+ to the global Cartesian coordinate system. ``Par1`` must be an N x 3 (that is, vector) or an N x
+ 6 (that is, stress or strain tensor) array. If the local coordinate system is a cylindrical,
+ spherical, or toroidal system, then you must provide the global Cartesian coordinates in
+ ``Par2`` as an N x 3 array. Set ``CON2`` = 1 if the data is strain data.
+ par2 : str
+ Second array parameter vector in the operation. May also be a scalar parameter or a literal
+ constant.
+ con1 : str
+ First constant (used only with the INT1 and INT2 operations).
+ con2 : str
+ Second constant (used only with the INT2 operation).
+ Notes
+ -----
+ Operates on two input array parameter vectors and produces one output array parameter vector
+ according to: ``ParR`` = ``Par1`` o ``Par2``
+ where the operations (o) are described below. ``ParR`` can be the same as ``Par1`` or ``Par2``.
+ Absolute values and scale factors can be applied to all parameters ( :ref:`vabs`, :ref:`vfact` ).
+ Results can be cumulative ( :ref:`vcum` ).
+ Starting array element numbers must be defined for each array parameter vector if it does not start
+ at the first location, such as :ref:`voper` ,A,B(5),ADD,C(3) which adds the third element of C to
+ the fifth element of B and stores the result in the first element of A.
+ Operations continue on successive array elements ( :ref:`vlen`, :ref:`vmask` ) with the default
+ being all successive elements.
+ Skipping array elements via :ref:`vmask` or :ref:`vlen` for the DER and INT functions skips only
+ the writing of the results (skipped array element data are used in all calculations).
+ Parameter functions and operations are available to operate on a scalar parameter or a single
+ element of an array parameter, such as SQRT(B) or SQRT(A(4)). (See :ref:`starset` for more
+ information.)
+ Operations on a sequence of array elements can be performed by repeating the desired function or
+ operation in a do-loop ( ``\*DO`` ). The vector operations within Mechanical APDLm ( **\*V** ``XX``
+ commands) are internally programmed do-loops that conveniently perform the indicated operation over
+ a sequence of array elements. If the array is multidimensional, only the first subscript is
+ incremented in the do-loop; that is, the operation repeats in column vector fashion down the array.
+ For example, for A(1,5), A(2,5), A(3,5), etc. The starting location of the row index must be defined
+ for each parameter read and for the result written.
+ The default number of loops is from the starting result location to the last result location and can
+ be altered via :ref:`vlen`.
+ A logical mask vector can be defined to control at which locations the operations are to be skipped
+ ( :ref:`vmask` ). The default is to skip no locations.
+ Repeat operations automatically terminate at the last array element of the result array column if
+ the number of loops is undefined or if it exceeds the last result array element.
+ Zeroes are used in operations for values read beyond the last array element of an input array
+ column. Existing values in the rows and columns of the results matrix remain unchanged where not
+ changed by the requested operation values.
+ The result array column may be the same as the input array column, as results in progress are stored
+ in a temporary array until being moved to the results array at the end of the operation. Results may
+ be overwritten or accumulated with the existing results ( :ref:`vcum` ). The default is to overwrite
+ results.
+ The absolute value can be used for each parameter read or written ( :ref:`vabs` ). A scale factor
+ (defaulting to 1.0) is also applied to each parameter read and written ( :ref:`vfact` ).
+ This command is valid in any processor.
+ """
+ command = f"*VOPER,{parr},{par1},{oper},{par2},{con1},{con2}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def vwrite(
+ self,
+ par1: str = "",
+ par2: str = "",
+ par3: str = "",
+ par4: str = "",
+ par5: str = "",
+ par6: str = "",
+ par7: str = "",
+ par8: str = "",
+ par9: str = "",
+ par10: str = "",
+ par11: str = "",
+ par12: str = "",
+ par13: str = "",
+ par14: str = "",
+ par15: str = "",
+ par16: str = "",
+ par17: str = "",
+ par18: str = "",
+ par19: str = "",
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ r"""Writes data to a file in a formatted sequence.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*VWRITE `_
+ .. warning::
+ This command must be run using :func:`non_interactive `
+ Please visit `Unsupported Interactive Commands `_
+ for further information.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ par1 : str
+ You can write up to 19 parameters (or constants) at a time. Any Par values after a blank Par
+ value are ignored. If you leave them all blank, one line will be written (to write a title or a
+ blank line). If you input the keyword SEQU, a sequence of numbers (starting from 1) will be
+ written for that item.
+ par2 : str
+ You can write up to 19 parameters (or constants) at a time. Any Par values after a blank Par
+ value are ignored. If you leave them all blank, one line will be written (to write a title or a
+ blank line). If you input the keyword SEQU, a sequence of numbers (starting from 1) will be
+ written for that item.
+ par3 : str
+ You can write up to 19 parameters (or constants) at a time. Any Par values after a blank Par
+ value are ignored. If you leave them all blank, one line will be written (to write a title or a
+ blank line). If you input the keyword SEQU, a sequence of numbers (starting from 1) will be
+ written for that item.
+ par4 : str
+ You can write up to 19 parameters (or constants) at a time. Any Par values after a blank Par
+ value are ignored. If you leave them all blank, one line will be written (to write a title or a
+ blank line). If you input the keyword SEQU, a sequence of numbers (starting from 1) will be
+ written for that item.
+ par5 : str
+ You can write up to 19 parameters (or constants) at a time. Any Par values after a blank Par
+ value are ignored. If you leave them all blank, one line will be written (to write a title or a
+ blank line). If you input the keyword SEQU, a sequence of numbers (starting from 1) will be
+ written for that item.
+ par6 : str
+ You can write up to 19 parameters (or constants) at a time. Any Par values after a blank Par
+ value are ignored. If you leave them all blank, one line will be written (to write a title or a
+ blank line). If you input the keyword SEQU, a sequence of numbers (starting from 1) will be
+ written for that item.
+ par7 : str
+ You can write up to 19 parameters (or constants) at a time. Any Par values after a blank Par
+ value are ignored. If you leave them all blank, one line will be written (to write a title or a
+ blank line). If you input the keyword SEQU, a sequence of numbers (starting from 1) will be
+ written for that item.
+ par8 : str
+ You can write up to 19 parameters (or constants) at a time. Any Par values after a blank Par
+ value are ignored. If you leave them all blank, one line will be written (to write a title or a
+ blank line). If you input the keyword SEQU, a sequence of numbers (starting from 1) will be
+ written for that item.
+ par9 : str
+ You can write up to 19 parameters (or constants) at a time. Any Par values after a blank Par
+ value are ignored. If you leave them all blank, one line will be written (to write a title or a
+ blank line). If you input the keyword SEQU, a sequence of numbers (starting from 1) will be
+ written for that item.
+ par10 : str
+ You can write up to 19 parameters (or constants) at a time. Any Par values after a blank Par
+ value are ignored. If you leave them all blank, one line will be written (to write a title or a
+ blank line). If you input the keyword SEQU, a sequence of numbers (starting from 1) will be
+ written for that item.
+ par11 : str
+ You can write up to 19 parameters (or constants) at a time. Any Par values after a blank Par
+ value are ignored. If you leave them all blank, one line will be written (to write a title or a
+ blank line). If you input the keyword SEQU, a sequence of numbers (starting from 1) will be
+ written for that item.
+ par12 : str
+ You can write up to 19 parameters (or constants) at a time. Any Par values after a blank Par
+ value are ignored. If you leave them all blank, one line will be written (to write a title or a
+ blank line). If you input the keyword SEQU, a sequence of numbers (starting from 1) will be
+ written for that item.
+ par13 : str
+ You can write up to 19 parameters (or constants) at a time. Any Par values after a blank Par
+ value are ignored. If you leave them all blank, one line will be written (to write a title or a
+ blank line). If you input the keyword SEQU, a sequence of numbers (starting from 1) will be
+ written for that item.
+ par14 : str
+ You can write up to 19 parameters (or constants) at a time. Any Par values after a blank Par
+ value are ignored. If you leave them all blank, one line will be written (to write a title or a
+ blank line). If you input the keyword SEQU, a sequence of numbers (starting from 1) will be
+ written for that item.
+ par15 : str
+ You can write up to 19 parameters (or constants) at a time. Any Par values after a blank Par
+ value are ignored. If you leave them all blank, one line will be written (to write a title or a
+ blank line). If you input the keyword SEQU, a sequence of numbers (starting from 1) will be
+ written for that item.
+ par16 : str
+ You can write up to 19 parameters (or constants) at a time. Any Par values after a blank Par
+ value are ignored. If you leave them all blank, one line will be written (to write a title or a
+ blank line). If you input the keyword SEQU, a sequence of numbers (starting from 1) will be
+ written for that item.
+ par17 : str
+ You can write up to 19 parameters (or constants) at a time. Any Par values after a blank Par
+ value are ignored. If you leave them all blank, one line will be written (to write a title or a
+ blank line). If you input the keyword SEQU, a sequence of numbers (starting from 1) will be
+ written for that item.
+ par18 : str
+ You can write up to 19 parameters (or constants) at a time. Any Par values after a blank Par
+ value are ignored. If you leave them all blank, one line will be written (to write a title or a
+ blank line). If you input the keyword SEQU, a sequence of numbers (starting from 1) will be
+ written for that item.
+ par19 : str
+ You can write up to 19 parameters (or constants) at a time. Any Par values after a blank Par
+ value are ignored. If you leave them all blank, one line will be written (to write a title or a
+ blank line). If you input the keyword SEQU, a sequence of numbers (starting from 1) will be
+ written for that item.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ You use :ref:`vwrite` to write data to a file in a formatted sequence. Data items ( ``Par1``,
+ ``Par2``, etc.) may be array parameters, scalar parameters, character parameters (scalar or array),
+ or constants. You must evaluate expressions and functions in the data item fields before using the
+ :ref:`vwrite` command, since initially they will be evaluated to a constant and remain constant
+ throughout the operation. Unless a file is defined with the :ref:`cfopen` command, data is written
+ to the standard output file. Data written to the standard output file may be diverted to a different
+ file by first switching the current output file with the :ref:`output` command. You can also use the
+ :ref:`mwrite` command to write data to a specified file. Both commands contain format descriptors on
+ the line immediately following the command. The format descriptors can be in either FORTRAN or C
+ format.
+ You must enclose FORTRAN format descriptors in parentheses. They must immediately follow the
+ :ref:`vwrite` command on a separate line of the same input file. Do not include the word FORMAT. The
+ format must specify the number of fields to be written per line, the field width, the placement of
+ the decimal point, etc. You should use one field descriptor for each data item written. The write
+ operation uses your system's available FORTRAN FORMAT conventions (see your system FORTRAN manual).
+ You can use any standard FORTRAN real format (such as (4F6.0), (E10.3,2X,D8.2), etc.) and
+ alphanumeric format (A). Alphanumeric strings
+ are limited to a maximum of 8 characters for any field (A8) using the FORTRAN format. Use the "C"
+ format for string arrays larger than 8 characters. Integer (I) and list-directed (\2) descriptors may
+ not be used. You can include text in the format as a quoted string. The parentheses must be included
+ in the format and the format must not exceed 80 characters (including parentheses). The output line
+ length is
+ limited to 128 characters.
+ The "C" format descriptors are used if the first character of the format descriptor line is not a
+ left parenthesis. "C" format descriptors are up to 80 characters long, consisting of text strings
+ and predefined "data descriptors" between the strings where numeric or alphanumeric character data
+ will be inserted. The normal descriptors are %I for integer data, %G for double precision data, %C
+ for alphanumeric character data, and %/ for a line break. There must be one data descriptor for each
+ specified value (8 maximum) in the order of the specified values. The enhanced formats described in
+ :ref:`msg` may also be used.
+ For array parameter items, you must define the starting array element number. Looping continues
+ (incrementing the vector index number of each array parameter by one) each time you output a line,
+ until the maximum array vector element is written. For example, :ref:`vwrite`,A(1) followed by
+ (F6.0) will write one value per output line, that is, A(1), A(2), A(3), A(4), etc. You write
+ constants and scalar parameters with the same values for each loop. You can also control the number
+ of loops and loop skipping with the :ref:`vlen` and :ref:`vmask` commands. The vector specifications
+ :ref:`vabs`, :ref:`vfact`, and :ref:`vcum` do not apply to this command. If looping continues
+ beyond the supplied data array's length, zeros will be output for numeric array parameters and
+ blanks for character array parameters. For multi-dimensioned array parameters, only the first (row)
+ subscript is incremented. See the :ref:`voper` command for details. If you are in the GUI, the
+ :ref:`vwrite` command must be contained in an externally prepared file and read into Mechanical APDL
+ (that is, :ref:`use`, :ref:`input`, etc.).
+ If ``Par`` is a table array name, the subscripts refer to the index numbers of the table and not the
+ index values of its primary variables. See :ref:`starset` if you want to evaluate a table array at
+ certain values of its primary variables for writing.
+ This command is valid in any processor.
+ """
+ command = f"*VWRITE,{par1},{par2},{par3},{par4},{par5},{par6},{par7},{par8},{par9},{par10},{par11},{par12},{par13},{par14},{par15},{par16},{par17},{par18},{par19}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def vitrp(
+ self,
+ parr: str = "",
+ part: str = "",
+ pari: str = "",
+ parj: str = "",
+ park: str = "",
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ r"""Forms an array parameter by interpolation of a table.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*VITRP `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ parr : str
+ The name of the resulting array parameter. See :ref:`starset` for name restrictions.
+ part : str
+ The name of the TABLE array parameter. The parameter must exist as a dimensioned array of type
+ TABLE ( :ref:`dim` ).
+ pari : str
+ Array parameter vector of I (row) index values for interpolation in ``ParT``.
+ parj : str
+ Array parameter vector of J (column) index values for interpolation in ``ParT`` (which must be
+ at least 2D).
+ park : str
+ Array parameter vector of K (depth) index values for interpolation in ``ParT`` (which must be
+ 3D).
+ Notes
+ -----
+ Forms an array parameter (of type ARRAY) by interpolating values of an array parameter (of type
+ TABLE) at specified table index locations according to: ``ParR`` = f( ``ParT``, ``Parl``, ``ParJ``
+ , ``ParK`` )
+ where ``ParT`` is the type TABLE array parameter, and ``ParI``, ``ParJ``, ``ParK`` are the type
+ ARRAY array parameter vectors of index values for interpolation in ``ParT``. See the :ref:`dim`
+ command for TABLE and ARRAY declaration types. Linear interpolation is used. The starting array
+ element number for the TABLE array ( ``ParT`` ) is not used (but a value must be input). Starting
+ array element numbers must be defined for each array parameter vector if it does not start at the
+ first location. For example, :ref:`vitrp` ,R(5),TAB(1,1),X(2),Y(4) uses the second element of X and
+ the fourth element of Y as index values (row and column) for a 2D interpolation in TAB and stores
+ the result in the fifth element of R. Operations continue on successive array elements ( :ref:`vlen`
+ , :ref:`vmask` ) with the default being all successive elements. Absolute values and scale factors
+ may be applied to the result parameter ( :ref:`vabs`, :ref:`vfact` ). Results may be cumulative (
+ :ref:`vcum` ). See the :ref:`voper` command for details.
+ This command is valid in any processor.
+ """
+ command = f"*VITRP,{parr},{part},{pari},{parj},{park}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def vabs(
+ self,
+ kabsr: str = "",
+ kabs1: str = "",
+ kabs2: str = "",
+ kabs3: str = "",
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ r"""Applies the absolute value function to array parameters.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*VABS `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ kabsr : str
+ Absolute value of results parameter:
+ * ``0`` - Do not take absolute value of results parameter (ParR).
+ * ``1`` - Take absolute value.
+ kabs1 : str
+ Absolute value of first parameter:
+ * ``0`` - Do not take absolute value of first parameter (Par1 or ParI).
+ * ``1`` - Take absolute value.
+ kabs2 : str
+ Absolute value of second parameter:
+ * ``0`` - Do not take absolute value of second parameter (Par2 or ParJ).
+ * ``1`` - Take absolute value.
+ kabs3 : str
+ Absolute value of third parameter:
+ * ``0`` - Do not take absolute value of third parameter (Par3 or ParK).
+ * ``1`` - Take absolute value.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ Applies an absolute value to parameters used in certain **\*V** ``XX`` and **\*M** ``XX``
+ operations. Typical absolute value applications are of the form: ParR = \|f(\|Par1\|)\|
+ or
+ ParR = \|(\|Par1\| o \|Par2\|)\|
+ The absolute values are applied to each input parameter value before the operation and to the result
+ value after the operation. Absolute values are applied before the scale factors so that negative
+ scale factors may be used. The absolute value settings are reset to the default (no absolute value)
+ after each **\*V** ``XX`` or **\*M** ``XX`` operation. Use :ref:`vstat` to list settings.
+ This command is valid in any processor.
+ """
+ command = f"*VABS,{kabsr},{kabs1},{kabs2},{kabs3}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def starvput(
+ self,
+ parr: str = "",
+ entity: str = "",
+ entnum: str = "",
+ item1: str = "",
+ it1num: str = "",
+ item2: str = "",
+ it2num: str = "",
+ kloop: str = "",
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ r"""Restores array parameter values into the Mechanical APDL database.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*VPUT `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ parr : str
+ The name of the input vector array parameter. See :ref:`starset` for name restrictions. The
+ parameter must exist as a dimensioned array ( :ref:`dim` ) with data input.
+ entity : str
+ Entity keyword. Valid keywords are shown for ``Entity`` = in the table below.
+ entnum : str
+ The number of the entity (as shown for ``ENTNUM`` = in the table below).
+ item1 : str
+ The name of a particular item for the given entity. Valid items are as shown in the ``Item1``
+ columns of the table below.
+ it1num : str
+ The number (or label) for the specified ``Item1`` (if any). Valid ``IT1NUM`` values are as shown
+ in the ``IT1NUM`` columns of the table below. Some ``Item1`` labels do not require an ``IT1NUM``
+ value.
+ item2 : str
+ A second set of item labels and numbers to further qualify the item for which data is to be
+ stored. Most items do not require this level of information.
+ it2num : str
+ A second set of item labels and numbers to further qualify the item for which data is to be
+ stored. Most items do not require this level of information.
+ kloop : str
+ Field to be looped on:
+ * ``0 or 2`` - Loop on the ``ENTNUM`` field (default).
+ * ``3`` - Loop on the ``Item1`` field.
+ * ``4`` - Loop on the ``IT1NUM`` field. Successive items are as shown with ``IT1NUM``.
+ * ``5`` - Loop on the ``Item2`` field.
+ * ``6`` - Loop on the ``IT2NUM`` field. Successive items are as shown with ``IT2NUM``.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ The :ref:`starvput` command is not supported for PowerGraphics displays. Inconsistent results may be
+ obtained if this command is not used in :ref:`graphics`, FULL.
+ Plot and print operations entered via the GUI ( Utility Menu> Pltcrtls, Utility Menu> Plot )
+ incorporate the :ref:`avprin` command. This means that the principal and equivalent values are
+ recalculated. If you use :ref:`starvput` to put data back into the database, issue the plot commands
+ from the command line to preserve your data.
+ This operation is basically the inverse of the :ref:`starvget` operation. Vector items are put
+ directly (without any coordinate system transformation) into the Mechanical APDL database. Items can
+ only replace existing items of the database and not create new items. Degree of freedom results that
+ are replaced in the database are available for all subsequent postprocessing operations. Other
+ results are changed temporarily and are available mainly for the immediately following print and
+ display operations. The vector specification :ref:`vcum` does not apply to this command. The valid
+ labels for the location fields ( ``Entity``, ``ENTNUM``, ``Item1``, and ``IT1NUM`` ) are listed
+ below. ``Item2`` and ``IT2NUM`` are not currently used. Not all items from the :ref:`starvget` list
+ are allowed on :ref:`starvput`, as putting values into some locations could cause the database to
+ be inconsistent.
+ This command is valid in any processor.
+ **\*VPUT - POST1 Items**
+ .. flat-table:: ``Entity`` = NODE, ``ENTNUM`` = ``n`` (node number)
+ :header-rows: 1
+ * - Item1
+ - IT1NUM
+ - Description
+ * - Valid labels for nodal degree of freedom results are:
+ * - U
+ - X, Y, Z
+ - X, Y, or Z structural displacement.
+ * - ROT
+ - X, Y, Z
+ - X, Y, or Z structural rotation.
+ * - TEMP
+ -
+ - Temperature. For SHELL131 and SHELL132 elements with KEYOPT(3) = 0 or 1, use TBOT, TE2, TE3, ..., TTOP instead of TEMP. Alternative getfunctions: TEMP(N), TBOT(N), TE2(N), etc.
+ * - PRES
+ -
+ - Pressure.
+ * - VOLT
+ -
+ - Electric potential.
+ * - MAG
+ -
+ - Magnetic scalar potential.
+ * - V
+ - X, Y, Z
+ - X, Y, or Z fluid velocity. X, Y, or Z nodal velocity in a transient structural analysis (analysiswith :ref:`antype` ,TRANS).
+ * - A
+ - X, Y, Z
+ - X, Y, or Z magnetic vector potential. X, Y, or Z nodal acceleration in a transient structuralanalysis (analysis with :ref:`antype` ,TRANS).
+ * - CONC
+ -
+ - Concentration.
+ * - CURR
+ -
+ - Current.
+ * - EMF
+ -
+ - Electromotive force drop.
+ * - Valid labels for element nodal results are:
+ * - Item1
+ - IT1NUM
+ - Description
+ * - S
+ - X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ
+ - Component stress.
+ * - "
+ - 1, 2, 3
+ - Principal stress.
+ * - "
+ - INT, EQV
+ - Stress intensity or equivalent stress.
+ * - EPTO
+ - X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ
+ - Component total strain (EPEL + EPPL + EPCR).
+ * - "
+ - 1,2,3
+ - Principal total strain.
+ * - "
+ - INT, EQV
+ - Total strain intensity or total equivalent strain.
+ * - EPEL
+ - X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ
+ - Component elastic strain.
+ * - "
+ - 1, 2, 3
+ - Principal elastic strain.
+ * - "
+ - INT, EQV
+ - Elastic strain intensity or elastic equivalent strain.
+ * - EPPL
+ - X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ
+ - Component plastic strain.
+ * - "
+ - 1,2,3
+ - Principal plastic strain.
+ * - "
+ - INT, EQV
+ - Plastic strain intensity or plastic equivalent strain.
+ * - EPCR
+ - X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ
+ - Component creep strain.
+ * - "
+ - 1, 2, 3
+ - Principal creep strain.
+ * - "
+ - INT, EQV
+ - Creep strain intensity or creep equivalent strain.
+ * - EPTH
+ - X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ
+ - Component thermal strain.
+ * - "
+ - 1, 2, 3
+ - Principal thermal strain.
+ * - "
+ - INT, EQV
+ - Thermal strain intensity or thermal equivalent strain.
+ * - EPSW
+ -
+ - Swelling strain.
+ * - NL
+ - SEPL
+ - Equivalent stress (from stress-strain curve).
+ * - "
+ - SRAT
+ - Stress state ratio.
+ * - "
+ - Hydrostatic pressure.
+ * - "
+ - EPEQ
+ - Accumulated equivalent plastic strain.
+ * - "
+ - PSV
+ - Plastic state variable.
+ * - "
+ - PLWK
+ - Plastic work/volume.
+ * - TG
+ - X, Y, Z
+ - Component thermal gradient.
+ * - TF
+ - X, Y, Z
+ - Component thermal flux.
+ * - PG
+ - X, Y, Z
+ - Component pressure gradient.
+ * - EF
+ - X, Y, Z
+ - Component electric field.
+ * - D
+ - X, Y, Z
+ - Component electric flux density.
+ * - H
+ - X, Y, Z
+ - Component magnetic field intensity.
+ * - B
+ - X, Y, Z
+ - Component magnetic flux density.
+ * - FMAG
+ - X, Y, Z
+ - Component electromagnetic force.
+ * - **Entity= ELEM,** ``ENTNUM`` = ``n`` (element number)
+ * - Valid labels for element results are:
+ * - Item1
+ - IT1NUM
+ - Description
+ * - ETAB
+ - Lab
+ - Any user-defined element table label ( :ref:`etable` ).
+ """
+ command = (
+ f"*VPUT,{parr},{entity},{entnum},{item1},{it1num},{item2},{it2num},{kloop}"
+ )
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def vfun(
+ self,
+ parr: str = "",
+ func: str = "",
+ par1: str = "",
+ con1: str = "",
+ con2: str = "",
+ con3: str = "",
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ r"""Performs a function on a single array parameter.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*VFUN `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ parr : str
+ The name of the resulting numeric array parameter vector. See :ref:`starset` for name
+ restrictions.
+ func : str
+ Function to be performed:
+ * ``ACOS`` - Arccosine: ACOS( ``Par1`` ).
+ * ``ASIN`` - Arcsine: ASIN( ``Par1`` ).
+ * ``ASORT`` - Par1 is sorted in ascending order. :ref:`vcol`, :ref:`vmask`, :ref:`vcum`, and
+ :ref:`vlen`,,NINC do not apply. :ref:`vlen`,NROW does apply.
+ * ``ATAN`` - Arctangent: ATAN( ``Par1`` ).
+ * ``COMP`` - Compress: Selectively compresses data set. "True" ( :ref:`vmask` ) values of ``Par1``
+ (or row positions to be considered according to the ``NINC`` value on the :ref:`vlen` command)
+ are written in compressed form to ``ParR``, starting at the specified position.
+ * ``COPY`` - Copy: ``Par1`` copied to ``ParR``.
+ * ``COS`` - Cosine: COS( ``Par1`` ).
+ * ``COSH`` - Hyperbolic cosine: COSH( ``Par1`` ).
+ * ``DIRCOS`` - Direction cosines of the principal stresses ( ``n`` X9). ``Par1`` contains the
+ ``n`` X6 component stresses for the ``n`` locations of the calculations.
+ * ``DSORT`` - ``Par1`` is sorted in descending order. :ref:`vcol`, :ref:`vmask`, :ref:`vcum`,
+ and :ref:`vlen`,,NINC do not apply. :ref:`vlen`,NROW does apply.
+ * ``EULER`` - Euler angles of the principal stresses ( ``n`` X3). ``Par1`` contains the ``n`` X6
+ component stresses for the ``n`` locations of the calculations.
+ * ``EXP`` - Exponential: EXP( ``Par1`` ).
+ * ``EXPA`` - Expand: Reverse of the COMP function. All elements of ``Par1`` (starting at the
+ position specified) are written in expanded form to corresponding "true" ( :ref:`vmask` )
+ positions (or row positions to be considered according to the ``NINC`` value on the :ref:`vlen`
+ command) of ``ParR``.
+ * ``LOG`` - Natural logarithm: LOG( ``Par1`` ).
+ * ``LOG10`` - Common logarithm: LOG10( ``Par1`` ).
+ * ``NINT`` - Nearest integer: 2.783 becomes 3.0, -1.75 becomes -2.0.
+ * ``NOT`` - Logical complement: values :math:`` 0.0 (false) become 1.0 (true). Values > 0.0
+ (true) become0.0 (false).
+ * ``PRIN`` - Principal stresses ( ``n`` X5). ``Par1`` contains the ``n`` X6 component stresses for
+ the ``n`` locations of the calculations.
+ * ``PWR`` - Power function: ``Par1`` ** ``CON1``. Exponentiation of any negative number in the
+ vector ``Par1`` to a non-integer power is performed by exponentiating the positive number and
+ prepending the minus sign. For example, -4**2.3 is -(4**2.3).
+ * ``SIN`` - Sine: SIN( ``Par1`` ).
+ * ``SINH`` - Hyperbolic sine: SINH( ``Par1`` ).
+ * ``SQRT`` - Square root: SQRT( ``Par1`` ).
+ * ``TAN`` - Tangent: TAN( ``Par1`` ).
+ * ``TANH`` - Hyperbolic tangent: TANH( ``Par1`` ).
+ * ``TANG`` - Tangent to a path at a point: the slope at a point is determined by linear
+ interpolation half way between the previous and next points. Points are assumed to be in the
+ global Cartesian coordinate system. Path points are specified in array ``Par1`` (having 3
+ consecutive columns of data, with the columns containing the x, y, and z coordinate locations,
+ respectively, of the points). Only the starting row index and the column index for the x
+ coordinates are specified, such as A(1,1). The y and z coordinates of the vector are assumed to
+ begin in the corresponding next columns, such as A(1,2) and A(1,3). The tangent result, ``ParR``
+ , must also have 3 consecutive columns of data and will contain the tangent direction vector
+ (normalized to 1.0); such as 1,0,0 for an x-direction vector.
+ * ``NORM`` - Normal to a path and an input vector at a point: determined from the cross-product of
+ the calculated tangent vector (see TANG) and the input direction vector (with the i, j, and k
+ components input as ``CON1``, ``CON2``, and ``CON3`` ). Points are assumed to be in the global
+ Cartesian coordinate system. Path points are specified in array ``Par1`` (having 3 consecutive
+ columns of data, with the columns containing the x, y, and z coordinate locations, respectively,
+ of the points). Only the starting row index and the column index for the x coordinates are
+ specified, such as A(1,1). The y and z coordinates of the vector are assumed to begin in the
+ corresponding next columns, such as A(1,2) and A(1,3). The normal result, ``ParR``, must also
+ have 3 consecutive columns of data and will contain the normal direction vector (normalized to
+ 1.0); such as 1,0,0 for an x-direction vector.
+ * ``LOCAL`` - Transforms global Cartesian coordinates of a point to the coordinates of a specified
+ system: points to be transformed are specified in array ``Par1`` (having 3 consecutive columns
+ of data, with the columns containing the x, y, and z global Cartesian coordinate locations,
+ respectively, of the points). Only the starting row index and the column index for the x
+ coordinates are specified, such as A(1,1). The y and z coordinates of the vector are assumed to
+ begin in the corresponding next columns, such as A(1,2) and A(1,3). Results are transformed to
+ coordinate system ``CON1`` (which may be any valid coordinate system number, such as 1,2,11,12,
+ etc.). The transformed result, ``ParR``, must also have 3 consecutive columns of data and will
+ contain the corresponding transformed coordinate locations.
+ * ``GLOBAL`` - Transforms specified coordinates of a point to global Cartesian coordinates: points
+ to be transformed are specified in array ``Par1`` (having 3 consecutive columns of data, with
+ the columns containing the local coordinate locations (x, y, z or r, θ, z or etc.) of the
+ points). Only the starting row index and the column index for the x coordinates are specified,
+ such as A(1,1). The y and z coordinates (or θ and z, or etc.) of the vector are assumed
+ to begin in the corresponding next columns, such as A(1,2) and A(1,3). Local coordinate
+ locations are assumed to be in coordinate system ``CON1`` (which may be any valid coordinate
+ system number, such as 1,2,11,12, etc.). The transformed result, ``ParR``, must also have 3
+ consecutive columns of data, with the columns containing the global Cartesian x, y, and z
+ coordinate locations, respectively.
+ par1 : str
+ Array parameter vector in the operation.
+ con1 : str
+ Constants (used only with the PWR, NORM, LOCAL, and GLOBAL functions).
+ con2 : str
+ Constants (used only with the PWR, NORM, LOCAL, and GLOBAL functions).
+ con3 : str
+ Constants (used only with the PWR, NORM, LOCAL, and GLOBAL functions).
+ Notes
+ -----
+ Operates on one input array parameter vector and produces one output array parameter vector
+ according to: ``ParR`` = f( ``Par1`` )
+ where the functions (f) are described below. Functions are based on the standard FORTRAN definitions
+ where possible. Out-of-range function results (or results with exponents whose magnitudes are
+ approximately greater than 32 or less than -32) produce a zero value. Input and output for angular
+ functions may be radians (default) or degrees ( :ref:`afun` ). ``ParR`` may be the same as ``Par1``
+ . Starting array element numbers must be defined for each array parameter vector if it does not
+ start at the first location. For example, :ref:`vfun` ,A,SQRT,B(5) takes the square root of the
+ fifth element of B and stores the result in the first element of A. Operations continue on
+ successive array elements ( :ref:`vlen`, :ref:`vmask` ) with the default being all successive
+ elements. Absolute values and scale factors may be applied to all parameters ( :ref:`vabs` ,
+ :ref:`vfact` ). Results may be cumulative ( :ref:`vcum` ). Skipping array elements via :ref:`vmask`
+ or :ref:`vlen` for the TANG and NORM functions skips only the writing of the results (skipped array
+ element data are used in all calculations). See the :ref:`voper` command for details.
+ This command is valid in any processor.
+ """
+ command = f"*VFUN,{parr},{func},{par1},{con1},{con2},{con3}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def vfact(
+ self,
+ factr: str = "",
+ fact1: str = "",
+ fact2: str = "",
+ fact3: str = "",
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ r"""Applies a scale factor to array parameters.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*VFACT `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ factr : str
+ Scale factor applied to results (ParR) parameter. Defaults to 1.0.
+ fact1 : str
+ Scale factor applied to first parameter (Par1 or ParI). Defaults to 1.0.
+ fact2 : str
+ Scale factor applied to second parameter (Par2 or ParJ). Defaults to 1.0.
+ fact3 : str
+ Scale factor applied to third parameter (Par3 or ParK). Defaults to 1.0.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ Applies a scale factor to parameters used in certain **\*V** ``XX`` and **\*M** ``XX`` operations.
+ Typical scale factor applications are of the form: ParR = ``FACTR`` *f( ``FACT1`` *Par1)
+ or
+ ParR = ``FACTR`` *(( ``FACT1`` *Par1) o ( ``FACT2`` *Par2))
+ The factors are applied to each input parameter value before the operation and to the result value
+ after the operation. The scale factor settings are reset to the default (1.0) after each **\*V**
+ ``XX`` or **\*M** ``XX`` operation. Use :ref:`vstat` to list settings.
+ This command is valid in any processor.
+ """
+ command = f"*VFACT,{factr},{fact1},{fact2},{fact3}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def vcum(self, key: str = "", **kwargs):
+ r"""Allows array parameter results to add to existing results.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*VCUM `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ key : str
+ Accumulation key:
+ * ``0`` - Overwrite results.
+ * ``1`` - Add results to the current value of the results parameter.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ Allows results from certain **\*V** ``XX`` and **\*M** ``XX`` operations to overwrite or add to
+ existing results. The cumulative operation is of the form: ParR = ParR + ParR(Previous)
+ The cumulative setting is reset to the default (overwrite) after each **\*V** ``XX`` or **\*M**
+ ``XX`` operation. Use :ref:`vstat` to list settings.
+ This command is valid in any processor.
+ """
+ command = f"*VCUM,{key}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def vlen(self, nrow: str = "", ninc: str = "", **kwargs):
+ r"""Specifies the number of rows to be used in array parameter operations.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*VLEN `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ nrow : str
+ Number of rows to be used with the **\*V** ``XX`` or **\*M** ``XX`` operations. Defaults to the
+ number of rows needed to fill the result array.
+ ninc : str
+ Perform the operation on every ``NINC`` row (defaults to 1).
+ Notes
+ -----
+ Specifies the number of rows to be used in array parameter operations. The size of the submatrix
+ used is determined from the upper left starting array element (defined on the operation command) to
+ the lower right array element (defined by the number of rows on this command and the number of
+ columns on the :ref:`vcol` command). ``NINC`` allows skipping row operations for some operation
+ commands. Skipped rows are included in the row count. The starting row number must be defined on the
+ operation command for each parameter read and for the result written.
+ The default ``NROW`` is calculated from the maximum number of rows of the result array (the
+ :ref:`dim` row dimension) minus the starting location + 1. For example, :ref:`dim` ,R,,10 and a
+ starting location of R(7) gives a default of 4 loops (filling R(7), R(8), R(9), and R(10)). Repeat
+ operations automatically terminate at the last row of the result array. Existing values in the rows
+ and columns of the results matrix remain unchanged where not overwritten by the requested input or
+ operation values.
+ The stride ( ``NINC`` ) allows operations to be performed at regular intervals. It has no effect on
+ the total number of row operations. Skipped operations retain the previous result. For example,
+ :ref:`dim` ,R,,6, with a starting location of R(1), ``NROW`` = 10, and ``NINC`` = 2 calculates
+ values for locations R(1), R(3), and R(5) and retains values for locations R(2), R(4), and R(6). A
+ more general skip control may be done by masking ( :ref:`vmask` ). The row control settings are
+ reset to the defaults after each **\*V** ``XX`` or **\*M** ``XX`` operation. Use :ref:`vstat` to
+ list settings.
+ This command is valid in any processor.
+ """
+ command = f"*VLEN,{nrow},{ninc}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
diff --git a/src/ansys/mapdl/core/_commands/apdl/encryption_decryption.py b/src/ansys/mapdl/core/_commands/apdl/encryption_decryption.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ea4b21ae6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ansys/mapdl/core/_commands/apdl/encryption_decryption.py
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2016 - 2025 ANSYS, Inc. and/or its affiliates.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+# copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+class EncryptionDecryption:
+ def encrypt(self, key: str = "", fname: str = "", ext: str = "", **kwargs):
+ r"""Controls encryption of command input.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `/ENCRYPT `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ key : str
+ Encryption key used to encrypt the data (32-character maximum). A character parameter may be
+ used. If the key is unspecified, encryption is turned off.
+ fname : str
+ Name of file (including directory path) where the encrypted commands are written (248-character
+ maximum for both file name and directory). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working
+ directory; in this case, you can use all 248 characters for the file name.
+ ext : str
+ File name extension (eight-character maximum).
+ Notes
+ -----
+ This command opens the encrypted file specified by ``Fname`` and ``Ext`` for writing encrypted input
+ commands.
+ Issuing this command results in a new file that overwrites any data in an existing file by the same
+ name. When the encrypted file is written, the first line in the file is ``/DECRYPT``
+ ,PASSWORD,OPENSSL and the last line is ``/DECRYPT``.
+ See `Encrypting Command Input and Other Data
+ `_
+ :ref:`encrypt` and performing encryption and decryption.
+ """
+ command = f"/ENCRYPT,{key},{fname},{ext}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def decrypt(self, key1: str = "", key2: str = "", **kwargs):
+ r"""Controls decryption of command input.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `/DECRYPT `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ key1 : str
+ Key to decrypt the encrypted input created by :ref:`encrypt` . The only valid label is PASSWORD.
+ key2 : str
+ Key to decrypt the encrypted input or to set the global encryption key. The following are valid
+ inputs:
+ If ``Key2`` = OPENSSL or is blank, then decryption commences and the previously set global
+ encryption key is used for decryption. If ``Key2`` has a value, then that value is set as the
+ global encryption key. If ``Key2`` = OFF, then the global encryption password previously set by
+ the command :ref:`decrypt` ,PASSWORD, ``Key2`` is reset.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ When decrypting an encrypted input, ``/DECRYPT,PASSWORD,OPENSSL`` must appear as the first line of
+ the encrypted file. The line is inserted automatically when you issue :ref:`encrypt` to create the
+ encrypted file.
+ To read an encrypted file, enter :ref:`decrypt` ,PASSWORD, ``Key2`` anywhere in the standard input
+ file to set the global encryption key. The encryption key must be set before reading in the
+ encrypted input.
+ :ref:`decrypt` is also valid when entered in the Command Input Window of the Mechanical APDL user
+ interface.
+ See `Encrypting Command Input and Other Data
+ `_
+ :ref:`decrypt` and performing encryption and decryption.
+ """
+ command = f"/DECRYPT,{key1},{key2}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def dbdecrypt(
+ self,
+ keya: str = "",
+ keyb: str = "",
+ datatype: str = "",
+ num1: str = "",
+ num2: str = "",
+ inc: str = "",
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ r"""Controls decryption of material data in the database file.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `/DBDECRYPT `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ keya : str
+ Decryption key A (32-character maximum). This key is used to decrypt the data in a one-level
+ encryption or to control access to the data in a two-level encryption. Leave this field blank if
+ you do not have key A.
+ keyb : str
+ Decryption key B (32-character maximum). This key is used to decrypt the data in a two-level
+ encryption. Leave this field blank if the database file is encrypted with one-level encryption.
+ datatype : str
+ Type of data to decrypt. Must be set to MAT for material data.
+ num1 : str
+ Decrypt materials from material number ``NUM1`` to ``NUM2`` (defaults to ``NUM1`` ) in steps of
+ ``INC`` (defaults to 1). If ``NUM1`` = ALL (default), ``NUM2`` and ``INC`` are ignored.
+ num2 : str
+ Decrypt materials from material number ``NUM1`` to ``NUM2`` (defaults to ``NUM1`` ) in steps of
+ ``INC`` (defaults to 1). If ``NUM1`` = ALL (default), ``NUM2`` and ``INC`` are ignored.
+ inc : str
+ Decrypt materials from material number ``NUM1`` to ``NUM2`` (defaults to ``NUM1`` ) in steps of
+ ``INC`` (defaults to 1). If ``NUM1`` = ALL (default), ``NUM2`` and ``INC`` are ignored.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ This command decrypts data in the database file. It must be issued before resuming the database file
+ ( :ref:`resume` command). Only ``KeyA`` is required for a one-level encryption . For a `two-level
+ encryption
+ `_
+ , inputting ``KeyB`` gives you partial access to the data. Inputting both ``KeyA`` and ``KeyB``
+ gives you full access.
+ For more information about using :ref:`dbdecrypt` in the encryption/decryption procedure, see
+ `Encrypting Material Data
+ `_
+ :ref:`dbencrypt` command.
+ This command is valid in any processor.
+ """
+ command = f"/DBDECRYPT,{keya},{keyb},{datatype},{num1},{num2},{inc}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def dbencrypt(
+ self,
+ keya: str = "",
+ keyb: str = "",
+ datatype: str = "",
+ num1: str = "",
+ num2: str = "",
+ inc: str = "",
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ r"""Controls encryption of material data in the database file.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `/DBENCRYPT `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ keya : str
+ Encryption key A (32-character maximum). This key is used to encrypt the data in a one-level
+ encryption or to control access to the data in a two-level encryption.
+ keyb : str
+ Encryption key B (32-character maximum). This key is used to encrypt the data in a two-level
+ encryption . If ``KeyB`` is not specified, a one-level encryption is used to encrypt the data.
+ datatype : str
+ Type of data to encrypt. Must be set to MAT for material data.
+ num1 : str
+ Encrypt materials from material number ``NUM1`` to ``NUM2`` (defaults to ``NUM1`` ) in steps of
+ ``INC`` (defaults to 1). If ``NUM1`` = ALL (default), ``NUM2`` and ``INC`` are ignored.
+ num2 : str
+ Encrypt materials from material number ``NUM1`` to ``NUM2`` (defaults to ``NUM1`` ) in steps of
+ ``INC`` (defaults to 1). If ``NUM1`` = ALL (default), ``NUM2`` and ``INC`` are ignored.
+ inc : str
+ Encrypt materials from material number ``NUM1`` to ``NUM2`` (defaults to ``NUM1`` ) in steps of
+ ``INC`` (defaults to 1). If ``NUM1`` = ALL (default), ``NUM2`` and ``INC`` are ignored.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ This command encrypts data in the database file. It must be issued before saving the database file (
+ :ref:`save` command).
+ For a one-level encryption, specify only ``KeyA`` and set ``NUM1`` to ALL. ( ``NUM2`` and ``INC``
+ are not used.)
+ For a `two-level encryption
+ `_
+ , specify both ``KeyA`` and ``KeyB``. Also specify ``NUM1``, ``NUM2``, and ``INC`` as needed.
+ For more information about using :ref:`dbencrypt` in the encryption/decryption procedure, see
+ `Encrypting Material Data
+ `_
+ :ref:`dbdecrypt` command.
+ This command is valid in any processor.
+ """
+ command = f"/DBENCRYPT,{keya},{keyb},{datatype},{num1},{num2},{inc}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
diff --git a/src/ansys/mapdl/core/_commands/apdl/macro_files.py b/src/ansys/mapdl/core/_commands/apdl/macro_files.py
index 3c26402ca1..459533ba12 100644
--- a/src/ansys/mapdl/core/_commands/apdl/macro_files.py
+++ b/src/ansys/mapdl/core/_commands/apdl/macro_files.py
@@ -22,570 +22,693 @@
class MacroFiles:
- def cfclos(self, **kwargs):
- """Closes the "command" file.
- APDL Command: ``*CFCLOS``
+ def pmacro(self, **kwargs):
+ r"""Specifies that macro contents be written to the session log file.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `/PMACRO `_
- This command is valid in any processor.
+ This command forces the contents of a macro or other input file to be written to ``Jobname.LOG``.
+ It is valid only within a macro or input file, and should be placed at the top of the file.
+ :ref:`pmacro` should be included in any macro or input file that calls GUI functions.
- command = f"*CFCLOS,"
+ command = "/PMACRO"
return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def cfopen(self, fname="", ext="", loc="", **kwargs):
- """Opens a "command" file.
+ def psearch(self, pname: str = "", **kwargs):
+ r"""Specifies a directory to be searched for "unknown command" macro files.
- APDL Command: ``*CFOPEN``
- .. warning::
- This command must be run using :func:`non_interactive
- `
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `/PSEARCH `_
- fname
- File name and directory path (248 characters maximum,
- including the characters needed for the directory path).
- An unspecified directory path defaults to the working
- directory; in this case, you can use all 248 characters
- for the file name.
- ext
- Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
- loc
- Determines whether existing file will be overwritten or appended:
- (blank) : The existing file will be overwritten.
- APPEND : The file will be appended to the existing file.
+ pname : str
+ Path name (64 characters maximum, and must include the final delimiter) of the middle directory
+ to be searched. Defaults to the user home directory. If ``Pname`` = OFF, search only the program
+ and current working directories. If ``Pname`` = STAT, list the current middle directory and show
+ the ANSYS_MACROLIB setting.
- Data processed with the ``*VWRITE`` command will also be written to this
- file if the file is open when the ``*VWRITE`` command is issued.
+ Specifies the pathname of a directory for file searches when reading unknown-command macro files.
- This command is valid in any processor.
+ The search for the files is typically from the program directory, then from the user home directory,
+ and then from the current working directory. The command allows the middle directory searched to be
+ other than the user home directory.
+ This command is valid only at the Begin level.
- return self.run(f"*CFOPEN,{fname},{ext},,{loc}", **kwargs)
+ command = f"/PSEARCH,{pname}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def cfwrite(self, command="", **kwargs):
- """Writes an ANSYS command (or similar string) to a "command" file.
+ def ulib(self, fname: str = "", ext: str = "", **kwargs):
+ r"""Identifies a macro library file.
- APDL Command: ``*CFWRITE``
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*ULIB `_
- command
- Command or string to be written. The standard command form of a
- label followed by arguments separated by commas is assumed.
- Command may be a parameter assignment (e.g., ``*CFWRITE, A = 5``).
+ fname : str
+ File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the
+ directory path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case,
+ you can use all 248 characters for the file name.
+ ext : str
+ Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
- Writes an ANSYS command (or similar string) to the file opened
- with ``*CFOPEN``. The Command string is not executed (except
- that numeric and character parameter substitution and
- operations (with embedded ``*``, /, >,$ etc. characters) are
- performed before writing). When used with ``*GET`` results
- and parameter substitution, an ANSYS command can be created
- from results and then read back into the ANSYS program (or
- used elsewhere). For example, if the command
- ``*CFWRITE,BF,NNUM,TEMP,TVAL`` is used in a do-loop, where
- TVAL is a parameter value returned from the ``*GET`` operation
- and NNUM is a specified or returned parameter value, a series
- of BF commands, with numerical values substituted for the two
- parameters, will be written. To create a file without
- parameter substitution, use ``*CREATE``.
+ Identifies a macro library file for the :ref:`use` command.
+ A library of macros allows blocks of often-used commands to be stacked and executed from a single
+ file. The macro blocks must be enclosed within block identifier and terminator lines as shown in
+ this example: Macro Blocks
+ .. code:: apdl
+ ABC! Any valid alphanumeric name (32 characters maximum)
+ ! identifying this data block
+ ---! Mechanical APDL data-input commands
+ ---
+ ---
+ /EOF! Terminator for this data block
+ XYZ! Identify another data block (if desired)
+ ---! Mechanical APDL data-input commands
+ ---
+ ---
+ /EOF! Terminator for this data block
+ (etc.)
+ To add comment lines to a macro block, place them anywhere within the macro block, including
+ directly on the lines where the macro block identifier and the macro
+ block terminator appear as shown in the example. Do not place comment lines (or any other lines)
+ outside of a macro block.
+ The name of the macro library file is identified for reading via :ref:`ulib` . The name of the macro
+ block is identified via :ref:`use` .
+ Commands within the macro block are copied to a temporary file (of the macro block name) during the
+ :ref:`use` operation and executed as if a macro file of that name had been created. The temporary
+ file is deleted after it has been used.
+ Macro block names should be acceptable file names (system-dependent) and should not match user-
+ created macro file names, as the user-created macro file is used first (if it exists) before the
+ library file is searched.
+ Macro blocks may be stacked in any order. Branching ( ``\*GO`` or ``\*IF`` ) external to the macro
+ block is not allowed.
This command is valid in any processor.
- command = f"*CFWRITE,{command}"
+ command = f"*ULIB,{fname},{ext}"
return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def create(self, fname="", ext="", **kwargs):
- """Opens (creates) a macro file.
+ def use(
+ self,
+ name: str = "",
+ arg1: str = "",
+ arg2: str = "",
+ arg3: str = "",
+ arg4: str = "",
+ arg5: str = "",
+ arg6: str = "",
+ arg7: str = "",
+ arg8: str = "",
+ arg9: str = "",
+ ar10: str = "",
+ ar11: str = "",
+ ar12: str = "",
+ ar13: str = "",
+ ar14: str = "",
+ ag15: str = "",
+ ar16: str = "",
+ ar17: str = "",
+ ar18: str = "",
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ r"""Executes a macro file.
- APDL Command: ``*CREATE``
- .. warning::
- This command must be run using :func:`non_interactive
- `
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*USE `_
- fname
- File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the
- characters needed for the directory path). An unspecified
- directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you
- can use all 248 characters for the file name.
- ext
- Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
+ name : str
+ Name (32 characters maximum, beginning with a letter) identifying the macro file or a macro
+ block on a macro library file.
+ arg1 : str
+ Values passed into the file or block where the parameters ARG1 through ARG9 and AR10 through
+ AR18 are referenced. Values may be numbers, alphanumeric character strings (up to 32 characters
+ enclosed in single quotes), parameters (numeric or character) or parametric expressions. See
+ below for additional details.
+ arg2 : str
+ Values passed into the file or block where the parameters ARG1 through ARG9 and AR10 through
+ AR18 are referenced. Values may be numbers, alphanumeric character strings (up to 32 characters
+ enclosed in single quotes), parameters (numeric or character) or parametric expressions. See
+ below for additional details.
+ arg3 : str
+ Values passed into the file or block where the parameters ARG1 through ARG9 and AR10 through
+ AR18 are referenced. Values may be numbers, alphanumeric character strings (up to 32 characters
+ enclosed in single quotes), parameters (numeric or character) or parametric expressions. See
+ below for additional details.
+ arg4 : str
+ Values passed into the file or block where the parameters ARG1 through ARG9 and AR10 through
+ AR18 are referenced. Values may be numbers, alphanumeric character strings (up to 32 characters
+ enclosed in single quotes), parameters (numeric or character) or parametric expressions. See
+ below for additional details.
+ arg5 : str
+ Values passed into the file or block where the parameters ARG1 through ARG9 and AR10 through
+ AR18 are referenced. Values may be numbers, alphanumeric character strings (up to 32 characters
+ enclosed in single quotes), parameters (numeric or character) or parametric expressions. See
+ below for additional details.
+ arg6 : str
+ Values passed into the file or block where the parameters ARG1 through ARG9 and AR10 through
+ AR18 are referenced. Values may be numbers, alphanumeric character strings (up to 32 characters
+ enclosed in single quotes), parameters (numeric or character) or parametric expressions. See
+ below for additional details.
+ arg7 : str
+ Values passed into the file or block where the parameters ARG1 through ARG9 and AR10 through
+ AR18 are referenced. Values may be numbers, alphanumeric character strings (up to 32 characters
+ enclosed in single quotes), parameters (numeric or character) or parametric expressions. See
+ below for additional details.
+ arg8 : str
+ Values passed into the file or block where the parameters ARG1 through ARG9 and AR10 through
+ AR18 are referenced. Values may be numbers, alphanumeric character strings (up to 32 characters
+ enclosed in single quotes), parameters (numeric or character) or parametric expressions. See
+ below for additional details.
+ arg9 : str
+ Values passed into the file or block where the parameters ARG1 through ARG9 and AR10 through
+ AR18 are referenced. Values may be numbers, alphanumeric character strings (up to 32 characters
+ enclosed in single quotes), parameters (numeric or character) or parametric expressions. See
+ below for additional details.
+ ar10 : str
+ The description of the argument is missing in the Python function. Please, refer to the `command
+ documentation `_
+ for further information.
+ ar11 : str
+ The description of the argument is missing in the Python function. Please, refer to the `command
+ documentation `_
+ for further information.
+ ar12 : str
+ The description of the argument is missing in the Python function. Please, refer to the `command
+ documentation `_
+ for further information.
+ ar13 : str
+ The description of the argument is missing in the Python function. Please, refer to the `command
+ documentation `_
+ for further information.
+ ar14 : str
+ The description of the argument is missing in the Python function. Please, refer to the `command
+ documentation `_
+ for further information.
+ ag15 : str
+ The description of the argument is missing in the Python function. Please, refer to the `command
+ documentation `_
+ for further information.
+ ar16 : str
+ The description of the argument is missing in the Python function. Please, refer to the `command
+ documentation `_
+ for further information.
+ ar17 : str
+ The description of the argument is missing in the Python function. Please, refer to the `command
+ documentation `_
+ for further information.
+ ar18 : str
+ The description of the argument is missing in the Python function. Please, refer to the `command
+ documentation `_
+ for further information.
- See the ``*USE`` command for a discussion of macros. All
- commands following the ``*CREATE`` command, up to the ``*END``
- command, are written to the specified file without being
- executed. An existing file of the same name, if any, will be
- overwritten. Parameter values are not substituted for
- parameter names in the commands when the commands are written
- to the file. Use ``*CFWRITE`` to create a file if this is
- desired. The resulting macro may be executed with a ``*USE``
- command (which also allows parameters to be passed into the
- macro) or a /INPUT command (which does not allow parameters to
- be passed in). Several macros may be stacked into a library
- file ``[*ULIB]``. You cannot use ``*CREATE`` within a DO loop.
+ Causes execution of a macro file called ``Name``, or, if not found, a macro block " ``Name`` " on
+ the macro library file ( :ref:`ulib` ). Argument values (numeric or character) are passed into the
+ file or block and substituted for local parameters ARG1, ARG2, ..., AR18. The file ``Name`` may also
+ be executed as an "unknown command" (that is, without the :ref:`use` command name) as described
+ below.
+ A macro is a sequence of Mechanical APDL commands (as many as needed) recorded in a file or in a
+ macro
+ block in a library file (specified with the :ref:`ulib` command). The file or block is typically
+ executed via :ref:`use` . In addition to command, numerical and alphanumeric data, the macro can
+ include parameters which will be assigned numerical or alphanumerical character values when the
+ macro is used. Use of the macro can be repeated (within a do-loop, for example) with the parameters
+ incremented.
+ A macro is defined within a run by enclosing a sequence of data input commands between :ref:`create`
+ and :ref:`end` commands. The data input commands are passive (not executed) while being written to
+ the macro file. The macro file (without :ref:`create` and :ref:`end` ) can also be created external
+ to Mechanical APDL.
+ Up to 99 specially named scalar parameters, ARG1 to AR99, are locally available to each macro:
+ The prefix for the first nine parameters is ARG, and the prefix for the remaining 90 parameters is
+ AR.
+ A local parameter is not affected by, nor does it affect, other parameters, even those of the same
+ name, which are used outside of the macro. The only way a local parameter can affect, or be affected
+ by, parameters outside the macro is if values are passed out of, or into, the macro by an argument
+ list.
+ Parameters ARG1 through AR18 can have their values (numeric or character) passed via the argument
+ list on :ref:`use` . (ARG1 through AR19 can be passed as arguments on the unknown-command macro.)
+ Parameters AR19 through AR99 (AR20 through AR99 in the unknown-command macro) are available solely
+ for use within the macro; they cannot be passed via an argument list.
+ Local parameters are available to do-loops and to :ref:`input` files processed within the macro. In
+ addition to an ARG1--AR99 set for each macro, another ARG1--AR99 set is available external to all
+ macros, local to "non-macro" space.
+ A macro is exited after its last line is executed. Macros may be nested (such as a :ref:`use` or an
+ unknown command within a macro). Each nested macro has its own set of 99 local parameters. Only one
+ set of local parameters can be active at a time and that is the set corresponding to the macro
+ currently being executed or to the set external to all macros (if any). When a nested macro
+ completes execution, the previous set of local parameters once again becomes available. Issue
+ :ref:`starstatus` ,ARGX to view current macro parameter values.
+ An alternate way of executing a macro file is via the unknown-command route. If a command unknown to
+ Mechanical APDL is entered, a search for a file of that name (plus a ``.MAC`` suffix) is made. If
+ the file exists, it is executed, if not, the "unknown command" message is output. Thus, you can
+ write your own commands in terms of other Mechanical APDL commands. The procedure is similar to
+ issuing :ref:`use` with the unknown command in the ``Name`` field. For example, the command **CMD**
+ ,10,20,30 is internally similar to :ref:`use` ,CMD,10,20,30. The macro file named ``CMD.MAC`` is
+ executed with the three parameters. The :ref:`use` macro description also applies to the unknown-
+ command macro, except that various directories are searched and a suffix ( ``.MAC`` ) is assumed.
+ Also, a macro library file is not searched.
+ A three-level directory search for the unknown-command macro file may be available. The search order
+ may be: 1) a high-level system directory, 2) the log-in directory, and 3) the local (working)
+ directory. Issue :ref:`psearch` to change the directory search path. For an unknown command **CMD**
+ , the first file named ``CMD.MAC`` found to exist in the search order is executed. The command can
+ be input in lower-, upper-, or mixed-case; however, it converts to uppercase automatically before
+ the file name search occurs. On systems that preserve the case as it was input, a file matching the
+ upper-case name is used first, followed by a file with the matching the lower-case name, and finally
+ a file matching the mixed-case name. All macro files placed in the ``apdl`` directory must be upper-
+ case.
+ Because undocumented commands exist in Mechanical APDL, you should issue the command intended for
+ the macro
+ file name to ensure that the unknown-command message is output in the processor where it is to be
+ used. If the macro is to be used in other processors, the other processors must also be checked.
This command is valid in any processor.
- return self.run(f"*CREATE,{fname},{ext}", **kwargs)
+ command = f"*USE,{name},{arg1},{arg2},{arg3},{arg4},{arg5},{arg6},{arg7},{arg8},{arg9},{ar10},{ar11},{ar12},{ar13},{ar14},{ag15},{ar16},{ar17},{ar18}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def dflab(self, dof="", displab="", forcelab="", **kwargs):
- """Changes degree-of-freedom labels for user custom elements.
+ def cfwrite(self, command: str = "", **kwargs):
+ r"""Writes a Mechanical APDL command (or similar string) to a "command" file.
- APDL Command: /DFLAB
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*CFWRITE `_
- dof
- Number between 1 and 32 indicating which degree of freedom is to
- have its labels changed. For a list of these quantities, see the
- degree-of-freedom table in the echprm.inc file. The first few
- quantities follow:
+ command : str
+ Command or string to be written. The standard command form of a label followed by arguments
+ separated by commas is assumed. ``Command`` may be a parameter assignment (for example,
+ :ref:`cfwrite`, A = 5).
- displab
- New label (four-character maximum) for the displacement label. The
- prior label is no longer valid.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ Writes a Mechanical APDL command (or similar string) to the file opened via :ref:`cfopen` . The
+ ``Command`` string is not executed (except that numeric and character parameter substitution and
+ operations (with imbedded *, /, >, etc. characters) are performed before writing).
- forcelab
- New label (four-character maximum) for the force label for this
- degree of freedom. The prior label is no longer valid.
+ When used with :ref:`get` results and parameter substitution, a command can be created from results
+ and then read back into the Mechanical APDL program (or used elsewhere). For example, if the command
+ :ref:`cfwrite` ,BF,NNUM,TEMP,TVAL is used in a do-loop, where TVAL is a parameter value returned
+ from the :ref:`get` operation and NNUM is a specified or returned parameter value, a series of
+ :ref:`bf` commands, with numerical values substituted for the two parameters, will be written.
+ To create a file without parameter substitution, issue :ref:`create` .
+ This command is valid in any processor.
+ """
+ command = f"*CFWRITE,{command}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def cfclos(self, **kwargs):
+ r"""Closes the "command" file.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*CFCLOS `_
- The /DFLAB command is rarely used. Use it if you are writing a custom
- element and want to use degrees of freedom that are not part of the
- standard element set.
+ This command is valid in any processor.
- command = f"/DFLAB,{dof},{displab},{forcelab}"
+ command = "*CFCLOS"
return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def end(self, **kwargs):
- """Closes a macro file.
+ def cfopen(self, fname: str = "", ext: str = "", loc: str = "", **kwargs):
+ r"""Opens a "command" file.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*CFOPEN `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ fname : str
+ File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the
+ directory path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case,
+ you can use all 248 characters for the file name. The file name defaults to ``Jobname``.
- APDL Command: ``*END``
+ ext : str
+ Filename extension (eight-character maximum). The extension defaults to CMD if ``Fname`` is
+ blank.
+ loc : str
+ Determines whether existing file will be overwritten or appended:
+ * ```` - The existing file will be overwritten.
+ * ``APPEND`` - The file will be appended to the existing file.
- Closes a file opened with ``*CREATE``. The ``*END`` command is an 8-character
- command (to differentiate it from ``*ENDIF``). If you add commented text
- on that same line but do not allow enough spaces between ``*END`` and the
- "!" that indicates the comment text, the ``*END`` will attempt to interpret
- the "!" as the 8th character and will fail.
+ Mechanical APDL commands specified by the :ref:`cfwrite` command are written to the file opened by
+ :ref:`cfopen` . Data processed with the :ref:`vwrite` command are also written to this file if the
+ file is open when the :ref:`vwrite` command is issued.
+ Issue the :ref:`cfclos` command to close the command file.
This command is valid in any processor.
- command = f"*END,"
+ command = f"*CFOPEN,{fname},{ext},,{loc}"
return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def mkdir(self, dir_="", **kwargs):
- """Creates a directory.
+ def create(self, fname: str = "", ext: str = "", **kwargs):
+ r"""Opens (creates) a macro file.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*CREATE `_
- APDL Command: /MKDIR
+ .. warning::
+ This command must be run using :func:`non_interactive `
+ Please visit `Unsupported Interactive Commands `_
+ for further information.
- dir_
- The directory to create (248 characters maximum on Linux;
- 233 on Windows). If no path is provided, it will be
- created in the current working directory. Must be a valid
- name (and path) for the system you are working on.
+ fname : str
+ File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the
+ directory path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case,
+ you can use all 248 characters for the file name. Do not use a directory path if file is to be
+ read with the macro ``Name`` option of the :ref:`use` command.
+ ext : str
+ Filename extension (eight-character maximum). ``Ext`` should not be used if file is to be read
+ with the macro ``Name`` option of the :ref:`use` command.
- It is recommended to just use ``os.mkdir``
+ See the :ref:`use` command for a discussion of macros. All commands following the :ref:`create`
+ command, up to the :ref:`end` command, are written to the specified file without being executed. An
+ existing file of the same name, if any, will be overwritten. Parameter values are not substituted
+ for parameter names in the commands when the commands are written to the file. Use :ref:`cfwrite` to
+ create a file if this is desired. The resulting macro may be executed with a :ref:`use` command
+ (which also allows parameters to be passed into the macro) or a :ref:`input` command (which does not
+ allow parameters to be passed in). Several macros may be stacked into a library file ( :ref:`ulib`
+ ). You cannot use :ref:`create` within a DO loop.
- Creates a directory on the computer ANSYS is currently running on.
+ This command is valid in any processor.
- command = f"/MKDIR,{dir_}"
+ command = f"*CREATE,{fname},{ext}"
return self.run(command, **kwargs)
def msg(
- lab="",
- val1="",
- val2="",
- val3="",
- val4="",
- val5="",
- val6="",
- val7="",
- val8="",
+ lab: str = "",
+ val1: str = "",
+ val2: str = "",
+ val3: str = "",
+ val4: str = "",
+ val5: str = "",
+ val6: str = "",
+ val7: str = "",
+ val8: str = "",
- """Writes an output message via the ANSYS message subroutine.
+ r"""Writes an output message via the Mechanical APDL message subroutine.
- APDL Command: ``*MSG``
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*MSG `_
- lab
+ lab : str
Label for output and termination control:
- Writes the message with no heading (default). - Writes the
- message with a "NOTE" heading.
+ * ``INFO`` - Writes the message with no heading (default).
+ * ``NOTE`` - Writes the message with a "NOTE" heading.
+ * ``WARN`` - Writes the message with a "WARNING" heading. Also writes the message to the errors
+ file, ``Jobname.ERR``.
+ * ``ERROR`` - Writes the message with a "ERROR" heading and causes run termination (if batch) at
+ earliest "clean exit" point. Also writes the message to the errors file, ``Jobname.ERR``.
+ * ``FATAL`` - Writes the message with a "FATAL ERROR" heading and causes run termination
+ immediately. Also writes the message to the errors file, ``Jobname.ERR``.
- Writes the message with a "WARNING" heading. Also writes
- the message to the errors file, Jobname.ERR. - Writes the
- message with a "ERROR" heading and causes run termination
- (if batch) at earliest "clean exit" point. Also writes
- the message to the errors file, Jobname.ERR.
+ * ``UI`` - Writes the message with a "NOTE" heading and displays it in the message dialog box.
+ This option is most useful in GUI mode.
- Writes the message with a "FATAL ERROR" heading and causes
- run termination immediately. Also writes the message to
- the errors file, Jobname.ERR. - Writes the message with a
- "NOTE" heading and displays it in the message dialog box.
- This option is most useful in GUI mode.
+ val1 : str
+ Numeric or alphanumeric character values to be included in message. Values may be the results of
+ parameter evaluations. All numeric values are assumed to be double precision. The FORTRAN
+ nearest integer (NINT) function is used to form integers for the %I specifier.
- val1, val2, val3, . . . , val8
- Numeric or alphanumeric character values to be included in message.
- Values may be the results of parameter evaluations. All numeric
- values are assumed to be double precision. The FORTRAN nearest
- integer (NINT) function is used to form integers for the %I
- specifier.
+ val2 : str
+ Numeric or alphanumeric character values to be included in message. Values may be the results of
+ parameter evaluations. All numeric values are assumed to be double precision. The FORTRAN
+ nearest integer (NINT) function is used to form integers for the %I specifier.
+ val3 : str
+ Numeric or alphanumeric character values to be included in message. Values may be the results of
+ parameter evaluations. All numeric values are assumed to be double precision. The FORTRAN
+ nearest integer (NINT) function is used to form integers for the %I specifier.
+ val4 : str
+ Numeric or alphanumeric character values to be included in message. Values may be the results of
+ parameter evaluations. All numeric values are assumed to be double precision. The FORTRAN
+ nearest integer (NINT) function is used to form integers for the %I specifier.
+ val5 : str
+ Numeric or alphanumeric character values to be included in message. Values may be the results of
+ parameter evaluations. All numeric values are assumed to be double precision. The FORTRAN
+ nearest integer (NINT) function is used to form integers for the %I specifier.
+ val6 : str
+ Numeric or alphanumeric character values to be included in message. Values may be the results of
+ parameter evaluations. All numeric values are assumed to be double precision. The FORTRAN
+ nearest integer (NINT) function is used to form integers for the %I specifier.
+ val7 : str
+ Numeric or alphanumeric character values to be included in message. Values may be the results of
+ parameter evaluations. All numeric values are assumed to be double precision. The FORTRAN
+ nearest integer (NINT) function is used to form integers for the %I specifier.
+ val8 : str
+ Numeric or alphanumeric character values to be included in message. Values may be the results of
+ parameter evaluations. All numeric values are assumed to be double precision. The FORTRAN
+ nearest integer (NINT) function is used to form integers for the %I specifier.
- Allows writing an output message via the ANSYS message subroutine.
- Also allows run termination control. This command is used only when
- contained in a prepared file read into the ANSYS program (i.e.,
- ``*USE,/INPUT``, etc.). A message format must immediately follow the ``*MSG``
+ Allows writing an output message via the Mechanical APDL message subroutine. Also allows run
+ termination
+ control. This command is used only when contained in a prepared file read into the Mechanical APDL
+ program
+ (that is, :ref:`use`, :ref:`input`, etc.). A message format must immediately follow the :ref:`msg`
command (on a separate line, without parentheses, as described below).
- The message format may be up to 80 characters long, consisting of text
- strings and predefined "data descriptors" between the strings where
- numeric or alphanumeric character data are to be inserted. The normal
- descriptors are %I for integer data, %G for double precision data, %C
- for alphanumeric character data, and %/ for a line break. The
- corresponding FORTRAN data descriptors are I9, 1PG16.9 and A8,
- respectively. Each descriptor must be preceded by a blank. There must
- be one data descriptor for each specified value (8 maximum) in the
- order of the specified values.
- Enhanced descriptions may also be used:
- Do not begin ``*MSG`` format lines with ``*IF``, ``*ELSE`` ,
- ``*ELSEIF``, or ``*ENDIF`` . If the last nonblank character
- of the message format is an ampersand (&), a second line will
- also be read as a continuation of the format. Up to nine
- continuations (ten total lines) may be read. If normal
- descriptions are used, then consecutive blanks are condensed
- into one blank upon output, and a period is appended. Up to
- ten lines of output of 72 characters each may be produced
- (using the %/ descriptor). Two examples follow.
- Here is an example of the ``*MSG`` command and a format to print a message
- with two integer values and one real value:
+ The message format may be up to 80 characters long, consisting of text strings and predefined "data
+ descriptors" between the strings where numeric or alphanumeric character data are to be inserted.
+ The normal descriptors are %I for integer data, %G for double precision data, %C for alphanumeric
+ character data, and %/ for a line break. The corresponding FORTRAN data descriptors are I9, 1PG16.9
+ and A8, respectively. Each descriptor must be preceded by a blank. There must be one data descriptor
+ for each specified value (8 maximum) in the order of the specified values.
+ Enhanced descriptions may also be used: InformalTables need to be added.
+ Do not begin :ref:`msg` format lines with ``\*IF``, ``\*ELSE``, ``\*ELSEIF``, or ``\*ENDIF``. If the
+ last nonblank character of the message format is an ampersand (&), a second line will also be read
+ as a continuation of the format. Up to nine continuations (ten total lines) may be read. If normal
+ descriptions are used, then consecutive blanks are condensed into one blank upon output, and a
+ period is appended. Up to ten lines of output of 72 characters each may be produced (using the %/
+ descriptor). Two examples follow.
+ Here is an example of the :ref:`msg` command and a format to print a message with two integer values
+ and one real value:
+ .. code:: apdl
+ *MSG, INFO, 'Inner',25,1.2,148
+ Radius ( %C) = %I, Thick = %G, Length = %I
The output line is:
- Here is an example illustrating multiline displays in GUI message
- windows:
+ .. code:: apdl
- Note:: : The /UIS,MSGPOP command controls which messages are displayed
- in the message dialog box when the GUI is active. All messages
- produced by the ``*MSG`` command are subject to the /UIS specification,
- with one exception, If Lab = UI, the message will be displayed in the
- dialog box regardless of the /UIS specification.
+ Radius (Inner) = 25, Thick = 1.2, Length = 148.
- This command is valid in any processor.
+ Here is an example illustrating multiline displays in GUI message windows:
- """
- command = f"*MSG,{lab},{val1},{val2},{val3},{val4},{val5},{val6},{val7},{val8}"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ .. code:: apdl
- def pmacro(self, **kwargs):
- """Specifies that macro contents be written to the session log file.
+ *MSG,UI,Vcoilrms,THTAv,Icoilrms,THTAi,Papprnt,Pelec,PF,indctnc
+ Coil RMS voltage, RMS current, apparent pwr, actual pwr, pwr factor: %/&
+ Vcoil = %G V (electrical angle = %G DEG) %/&
+ Icoil = %G A (electrical angle = %G DEG) %/&
+ Power factor: %G %/&
+ Inductance = %G %/&
- APDL Command: /PMACRO
+ The :ref:`uis` ,MSGPOP command controls which messages are displayed in the message dialog box when
+ the GUI is active. All messages produced by the :ref:`msg` command are subject to the :ref:`uis`
+ specification, with one exception, If ``Lab`` = UI, the message will be displayed in the dialog box
+ regardless of the :ref:`uis` specification.
- Notes
- -----
- This command forces the contents of a macro or other input file to be
- written to Jobname.LOG. It is valid only within a macro or input file,
- and should be placed at the top of the file. /PMACRO should be
- included in any macro or input file that calls GUI functions.
+ This command is valid in any processor.
- command = f"/PMACRO,"
+ command = f"*MSG,{lab},{val1},{val2},{val3},{val4},{val5},{val6},{val7},{val8}"
return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def psearch(self, pname="", **kwargs):
- """Specifies a directory to be searched for "unknown command" macro files.
+ def mkdir(self, dir_: str = "", **kwargs):
+ r"""Creates a directory.
- APDL Command: /PSEARCH
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `/MKDIR `_
- pname
- Path name (64 characters maximum, and must include the final
- delimiter) of the middle directory to be searched. Defaults to the
- user home directory. If Pname = OFF, search only the ANSYS and
- current working directories. If Pname = STAT, list the current
- middle directory and show the ANSYS_MACROLIB setting.
+ dir_ : str
+ The directory to create (248 characters maximum on Linux; 233 on Windows). If no path is
+ provided, it will be created in the current working directory. Must be a valid name (and path)
+ for the system you are working on.
- Specifies the pathname of a directory for file searches when reading
- "unknown command" macro files. The search for the files is typically
- from the ANSYS directory, then from the user home directory, and then
- from the current working directory. This command allows the middle
- directory searched to be other than the user home directory.
- This command is valid only at the Begin Level.
+ Creates a directory on the computer Mechanical APDL is currently running on.
- command = f"/PSEARCH,{pname}"
+ command = f"/MKDIR,{dir_}"
return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def rmdir(self, dir_="", **kwargs):
- """Removes (deletes) a directory.
+ def end(self, **kwargs):
+ r"""Closes a macro file.
- APDL Command: /RMDIR
- Parameters
- ----------
- dir\\_
- The directory to remove. If no path is provided, it will be assumed
- to be in the current working directory. All files in the directory
- are also removed.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*END `_
- Removes a directory on the computer ANSYS is currently running on. No
- warning or prompt is given, so use with extreme caution.
+ Closes a file opened with :ref:`create` . The :ref:`end` command is an 8-character command (to
+ differentiate it from ``\*ENDIF`` ). If you add commented text on that same line but do not allow
+ enough spaces between :ref:`end` and the "!" that indicates the comment text, the :ref:`end` will
+ attempt to interpret the "!" as the 8th character and will fail.
+ This command is valid in any processor.
- command = f"/RMDIR,{dir_}"
+ command = "*END"
return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def tee(self, label="", fname="", ext="", **kwargs):
- """Writes a list of commands to a specified file at the same time that the
+ def slashtee(self, label: str = "", fname: str = "", ext: str = "", **kwargs):
+ r"""Writes a list of commands to a specified file at the same time that the commands are being executed.
- APDL Command: /TEE
- commands are being executed.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `/TEE `_
- label
- Indicates how ANSYS is to interpret this /TEE command:
- Signals the beginning of the command text that is to be
- written to Fname. If Fname already exists, specifying NEW
- causes the contents of Fname to be overwritten. -
- Indicates that you want to append to Fname the command
- text that follows.
- fname
- File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the
- characters needed for the directory path). An unspecified
- directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you
- can use all 248 characters for the file name.
- ext
- Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
+ label : str
+ Specifies how Mechanical APDL is to interpret this :ref:`slashtee` command:
- Notes
- -----
- You can use the /TEE command to record a macro to a specified file at
- the same time that the macro is being executed. It is similar to the
- Linux tee command.
+ * ``NEW`` - Signals the beginning of the command text that is to be written to ``Fname``. If
+ ``Fname`` already exists, specifying NEW causes the contents of ``Fname`` to be overwritten.
- For more information about the /TEE command, see the Introducing APDL
- of the ANSYS Parametric Design Language Guide.
+ * ``APPEND`` - Indicates that you want to append to ``Fname`` the command text that follows.
- The following example illustrates the use of the /TEE command. If you
- issue these commands:
+ * ``END`` - Signals the end of the command text that is to be written to or appended to ``Fname``
+ .
- the content of myfile.mac is:
+ fname : str
+ File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the
+ directory path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case,
+ you can use all 248 characters for the file name.
- This command is valid in any processor, but only during an interactive
- run.
- """
- command = f"/TEE,{label},{fname},{ext}"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ ext : str
+ Filename extension (eight-character maximum). If you plan to execute the file as if it were a
+ Mechanical APDL command, use the extension ``.mac``.
- def ulib(self, fname="", ext="", **kwargs):
- """Identifies a macro library file.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ You can use the :ref:`slashtee` command to record a macro to a specified file at the same time that
+ the macro is being executed. It is similar to the Linux **tee** command.
- APDL Command: ``*ULIB``
+ For more information about the :ref:`slashtee` command, see the of the `Ansys Parametric Design
+ Language Guide `_
+ ANSYS Parametric Design Language Guide.
- Parameters
- ----------
- fname
- File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the
- characters needed for the directory path). An unspecified
- directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you
- can use all 248 characters for the file name.
+ The following example illustrates the use of the :ref:`slashtee` command. If you issue these
+ commands:
- ext
- Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
+ .. code:: apdl
- Notes
- -----
- Identifies a macro library file for the ``*USE`` command. A
- library of macros allows blocks of often used ANSYS commands
- to be stacked and executed from a single file. The macro
- blocks must be enclosed within block identifier and terminator
- lines as shown in the example below. If you want to add
- comment lines to a macro block, you may place them anywhere
- within the macro block. (This includes placing them directly
- on the lines where the macro block identifier and the macro
- block terminator appear, as shown in the example.) Do not
- place comment lines (or any other lines) outside of a macro
- block.
- The name of the macro library file is identified for reading
- on the ``*ULIB`` command. The name of the macro block is
- identified on the ``*USE`` command. The commands within the macro
- block are copied to a temporary file (of the macro block name)
- during the ``*USE`` operation and executed as if a macro file of
- that name had been created by the user. The temporary file is
- deleted after it has been used. Macro block names should be
- acceptable filenames (system dependent) and should not match
- user created macro file names, since the user macro file will
- be used first (if it exists) before the library file is
- searched. Macro blocks may be stacked in any order.
- Branching [``*GO`` or ``*IF``] external to the macro block is not
- allowed.
+ /tee,new,myfile,mac
+ et,1,42,0,0,1
+ ex,1,3e7
+ /tee,end
+ /tee,append,myfile,mac
+ n,1,8
+ n,5,11
+ fill
+ ngen,5,5,1,5,1,0,1
+ /tee,end
- This command is valid in any processor.
+ the content of **myfile.mac** is:
+ .. code:: apdl
+ et,1,42,0,0,1
+ ex,1,3e7
+ n,1,8
+ n,5,11
+ fill
+ ngen,5,5,1,5,1,0,1
+ This command is valid in any processor, but only during an interactive run.
- command = f"*ULIB,{fname},{ext}"
+ command = f"/TEE,{label},{fname},{ext}"
return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def use(
- self,
- name="",
- arg1="",
- arg2="",
- arg3="",
- arg4="",
- arg5="",
- arg6="",
- arg7="",
- arg8="",
- arg9="",
- ar10="",
- ar11="",
- ar12="",
- ar13="",
- ar14="",
- ag15="",
- ar16="",
- ar17="",
- ar18="",
- **kwargs,
- ):
- """Executes a macro file.
+ def rmdir(self, dir_: str = "", **kwargs):
+ r"""Removes (deletes) a directory.
- APDL Command: ``*USE``
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `/RMDIR `_
- name
- Name (32 characters maximum, beginning with a letter) identifying
- the macro file or a macro block on a macro library file.
- arg1, arg2, arg3, . . . , ar18
- Values passed into the file or block where the parameters ARG1
- through ARG9 and AR10 through AR18 are referenced. Values may be
- numbers, alphanumeric character strings (up to 32 characters
- enclosed in single quotes), parameters (numeric or character) or
- parametric expressions. See below for additional details.
+ dir_ : str
+ The directory to remove. If no path is provided, it will be assumed to be in the current working
+ directory. All files in the directory are also removed.
- Causes execution of a macro file called Name, or, if not found, a macro
- block "Name" on the macro library file [``*ULIB``]. Argument values
- (numeric or character) are passed into the file or block and
- substituted for local parameters ARG1, ARG2, ..., AR18. The file Name
- may also be executed as an "unknown command" (i.e., without the ``*USE``
- command name) as described below.
- A macro is a sequence of ANSYS commands (as many as needed) recorded in
- a file or in a macro block in a library file (specified with the ``*ULIB``
- command). The file or block is typically executed with the ``*USE``
- command. In addition to command, numerical and alphanumeric data, the
- macro may include parameters which will be assigned numerical or
- alphanumerical character values when the macro is used. Use of the
- macro may be repeated (within a do-loop, for example) with the
- parameters incremented. A macro is defined within a run by "enclosing"
- a sequence of data input commands between a ``*CREATE`` and a ``*END``
- command. The data input commands are passive (not executed) while
- being written to the macro file. The macro file (without ``*CREATE`` and
- ``*END`` ) can also be created external to ANSYS.
- Up to 99 specially named scalar parameters called ARG1 to AR99 are
- locally available to each macro. Note that the prefix for the first 9
- parameters is "ARG," while the prefix for the last 90 is "AR." A local
- parameter is one which is not affected by, nor does it affect, other
- parameters, even those of the same name, which are used outside of the
- macro. The only way a local parameter can affect, or be affected by,
- parameters outside the macro is if values are passed out of, or into,
- the macro by an argument list. Parameters ARG1 through AR18 can have
- their values (numeric or character) passed via the argument list on the
- ``*USE`` command (ARG1 through AR19 can be passed as arguments on the
- "unknown command" macro). Parameters AR19 through AR99 (AR20 through
- AR99 in the "unknown command" macro) are available solely for use
- within the macro; they cannot be passed via an argument list. Local
- parameters are available to do-loops and to /INPUT files processed
- within the macro. In addition to an ARG1--AR99 set for each macro,
- another ARG1--AR99 set is available external to all macros, local to
- "non-macro" space.
- A macro is exited after its last line is executed. Macros may be
- nested (such as a ``*USE`` or an "unknown command" within a macro). Each
- nested macro has its own set of 99 local parameters. Only one set of
- local parameters can be active at a time and that is the set
- corresponding to the macro currently being executed or to the set
- external to all macros (if any). When a nested macro completes
- execution, the previous set of local parameters once again becomes
- available. Use ``*STATUS,ARGX`` to view current macro parameter values.
- An alternate way of executing a macro file is via the "unknown command"
- route. If a command unknown to the ANSYS program is entered, a search
- for a file of that name (plus a .MAC suffix) is made. If the file
- exists, it is executed, if not, the "unknown command" message is
- output. Thus, users can write their own commands in terms of other
- ANSYS commands. The procedure is similar to issuing the ``*USE`` command
- with the unknown command in the Name field. For example, the command
- CMD,10,20,30 is internally similar to ``*USE,CMD,10,20,30``. The macro
- file named CMD.MAC will be executed with the three parameters. The
- ``*USE`` macro description also applies to the "unknown command" macro,
- except that various directories are searched and a suffix (.MAC) is
- assumed. Also, a macro library file is not searched.
- A three-level directory search for the "unknown command" macro file may
- be available (see the Operations Guide). The search order may be: 1) a
- high-level system directory, 2) the login directory, and 3) the local
- (working) directory. Use the /PSEARCH command to change the directory
- search path. For an "unknown command" CMD, the first file named
- CMD.MAC found to exist in the search order will be executed. The
- command may be input as upper or lower case, however, it is converted
- to upper case before the file name search occurs. On systems that
- uniquely support both upper and lower case file names, the file with
- the matching lower case name will be used if it exists, otherwise, the
- file with the matching upper case name will be used. All macro files
- placed in the apdl directory must be upper case.
- Note, since undocumented commands exist in the ANSYS program, the user
- should issue the command intended for the macro file name to be sure
- the "unknown command" message is output in the processor where it's to
- be used. If the macro is to be used in other processors, the other
- processors must also be checked.
- This command is valid in any processor.
+ Removes a directory on the computer on which Mechanical APDL is currently running. No warning or
+ prompt is
+ given, so use with extreme caution.
- command = f"*USE,{name},{arg1},{arg2},{arg3},{arg4},{arg5},{arg6},{arg7},{arg8},{arg9},{ar10},{ar11},{ar12},{ar13},{ar14},{ag15},{ar16},{ar17},{ar18}"
+ command = f"/RMDIR,{dir_}"
return self.run(command, **kwargs)
diff --git a/src/ansys/mapdl/core/_commands/apdl/matrix_op.py b/src/ansys/mapdl/core/_commands/apdl/matrix_op.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 35ae6eaa2b..0000000000
--- a/src/ansys/mapdl/core/_commands/apdl/matrix_op.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,999 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2016 - 2025 ANSYS, Inc. and/or its affiliates.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
-# copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-class MatrixOP:
- def axpy(self, vr="", vi="", m1="", wr="", wi="", m2="", **kwargs):
- """Performs the matrix operation ``M2= v*M1 + w*M2``.
- APDL Command: ``*AXPY``
- Parameters
- ----------
- vr, vi
- The real and imaginary parts of the scalar v. Default value is 0.
- m1
- Name of matrix M1. If not specified, the operation ``M2 = w*M2`` will
- be performed.
- wr, wi
- The real and imaginary parts of the scalar w. Default value is 0.
- m2
- Name of matrix M2. Must be specified.
- Notes
- -----
- The matrices M1 and M2 must have the same dimensions and same type
- (dense or sparse). If M2 is real, vi and wi are ignored.
- """
- command = f"*AXPY,{vr},{vi},{m1},{wr},{wi},{m2}"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def comp(self, matrix="", algorithm="", threshold="", **kwargs):
- """Compresses the columns of a matrix using a specified algorithm.
- APDL Command: ``*COMP``
- Parameters
- ----------
- matrix
- Name of the matrix to compress.
- algorithm
- Algorithm to use:
- Singular value decomposition algorithm (default). - Modified Gram-Schmidt algorithm.
- threshold
- Numerical threshold value used to manage the compression. Default
- value for SVD is 1E-7; default value for MGS is 1E-14.
- Notes
- -----
- The algorithms available through this command are only applicable to
- dense matrices that were created using the ``*DMAT`` command.
- Columns which are linearly dependent on others are removed, leaving the
- independent or basis vectors. The matrix is resized according to the
- new size determined by the algorithm.
- """
- command = f"*COMP,{matrix},{algorithm},{threshold}"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def dmat(
- self,
- matrix="",
- type_="",
- method="",
- val1="",
- val2="",
- val3="",
- val4="",
- val5="",
- **kwargs,
- ):
- """Creates a dense matrix.
- APDL Command: ``*DMAT``
- Parameters
- ----------
- matrix
- Name used to identify the matrix. Must be specified.
- type\\_
- Matrix type:
- Double precision real values (default). - Complex double precision values.
- method
- Method used to create the matrix:
- Allocate space for a matrix (default). - Resize an
- existing matrix to new row and column dimensions. Values
- are kept from the original matrix. If the dimensions
- specified by Val1 (rows) and Val2 (columns) are greater
- than the original matrix size, the additional entries are
- assigned a value of zero.
- Copy an existing matrix. - Link to an existing matrix. The
- memory will be shared between the original matrix and the
- new matrix. This is useful for manipulating a submatrix of
- a larger matrix. The Val1 through Val5 arguments will be
- used to specify the lower and upper bounds of row and
- column numbers from the original matrix.
- val1, val2, val3, val4, val5
- Additional input. The meaning of Val1 through Val5 will vary
- depending on the specified Method. See details below.
- Notes
- -----
- This command allows you to create a dense matrix. To create a sparse
- matrix, use the ``*SMAT`` command. ``*SMAT`` is recommended for large matrices
- obtained from the .FULL or .HBMAT file. Refer to the HBMAT command
- documentation for more information about .FULL file contents.
- Use the ``*VEC`` command to create a vector.
- For very large matrices, use the OUTOFCORE option (Method = ALLOC or
- COPY) to keep some of the matrix on disk if there is insufficient
- memory.
- When importing a dense matrix from a DMIG file, you can define the
- formatting of the file using the Val3 and Val4 fields.
- """
- command = f"*DMAT,{matrix},{type_},{method},{val1},{val2},{val3},{val4},{val5}"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def dot(self, vector1="", vector2="", par_real="", par_imag="", **kwargs):
- """Computes the dot (or inner) product of two vectors.
- APDL Command: ``*DOT``
- Parameters
- ----------
- vector1
- Name of first vector; must have been previously specified by a ``*VEC``
- command.
- vector2
- Name of second vector; must have been previously specified by a
- ``*VEC`` command.
- par_real
- Parameter name that contains the result.
- par_imag
- Parameter name that contains the imaginary part of the result (used
- only for complex vectors).
- Notes
- -----
- If Vector1 and Vector2 are complex, the complex conjugate of Vector1 is
- used to compute the result (Par_Real, Par_Imag).
- """
- command = f"*DOT,{vector1},{vector2},{par_real},{par_imag}"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def eigen(self, kmatrix="", mmatrix="", cmatrix="", evals="", evects="", **kwargs):
- """Performs a modal solution with unsymmetric or damping matrices.
- APDL Command: ``*EIGEN``
- Parameters
- ----------
- kmatrix
- Name of the stiffness matrix. May be a real or complex-valued
- matrix.
- mmatrix
- Name of the mass matrix.
- cmatrix
- Name of the damping matrix (used only for MODOPT,DAMP).
- evals
- Name of the output eigenvalues vector. It will be an m-long ``*VEC``
- vector of complex values, where m is the number of eigenvalues
- requested (MODOPT).
- evects
- Name of the output eigenvector matrix. It will be a n x m ``*DMAT``
- (dense) matrix of complex values, where n is the size of the matrix
- and m is the number of eigenvalues requested (MODOPT).
- Notes
- -----
- Use the command ANTYPE,MODAL and the MODOPT command to specify the
- modal solution options. Only MODOPT,DAMP, MODOPT,UNSYM, MODOPT,LANB,
- and MODOPT,SUBSP are supported.
- ``*EIGEN`` with Block Lanczos (LANB) only supports sparse matrices.
- Distributed ANSYS Restriction: This command is not supported in
- Distributed ANSYS.
- """
- command = f"*EIGEN,{kmatrix},{mmatrix},{cmatrix},{evals},{evects}"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def export(
- self,
- matrix="",
- format_="",
- fname="",
- val1="",
- val2="",
- val3="",
- **kwargs,
- ):
- """Exports a matrix to a file in the specified format.
- APDL Command: ``*EXPORT``
- Parameters
- ----------
- matrix
- Name of the matrix to export (must be a matrix previously created
- with ``*DMAT`` or ``*SMAT``, or a vector previously created with ``*VEC``).
- format\\_
- Format of the output file:
- Export the matrix in the Matrix Market Format. - Export
- the matrix in the SUB file format.
- Export the matrix in the Harwell-Boeing file format. -
- Export the matrix in a native format, to be re-imported
- using the ``*DMAT`` or ``*SMAT`` command.
- Export the matrix to an existing EMAT file. - Export the
- matrix to an APDL array parameter.
- Export the matrix profile to a Postscript file. - Export
- the matrix in the DMIG file format.
- fname
- Name of the file, or name of the array parameter if Format = APDL.
- val1, val2, val3
- Additional input. The meaning of Val1 through Val3 will vary
- depending on the specified Format. See table below for details.
- Notes
- -----
- Only sparse matrices can be exported to Postscript files. This option
- plots the matrix profile as a series of dots.
- If you want to create a .SUB file from several matrices, you need to
- set Val3 = WAIT for all matrices but the last, and Val3 = DONE for the
- last one. The export will be effective at the last ``*EXPORT`` command.
- To create a .SUB file or .DMIG file from scratch, you must supply the
- row information array. (Specify this array in the Val2 field for .SUB
- or in the Val1 field for .DMIG.) This must be an m x 2 array, where m
- is the size of the matrix. The first column is the node number and the
- second column is the DOF number corresponding to each row of the
- matrix.
- The ``*EXPORT`` command is not applicable to sparse matrices initialized
- from .FULL files by means of the NOD2BCS option on the ``*SMAT`` command
- (i.e., ``*SMAT,,,IMPORT,FULL,,NOD2BCS``).
- """
- command = f"*EXPORT,{matrix},{format_},{fname},{val1},{val2},{val3}"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def fft(
- self,
- type_="",
- inputdata="",
- outputdata="",
- dim1="",
- dim2="",
- resultformat="",
- **kwargs,
- ):
- """Computes the fast Fourier transformation of a specified matrix or
- APDL Command: ``*FFT``
- vector.
- Parameters
- ----------
- type\\_
- Type of FFT transformation:
- Forward FFT computation (default). - Backward FFT computation.
- inputdata
- Name of matrix or vector for which the FFT will be computed. This
- can be a dense matrix (created by the ``*DMAT`` command) or a vector
- (created by the ``*VEC`` command). Data can be real or complex values.
- There is no default value for this argument.
- outputdata
- Name of matrix or vector where the FFT results will be stored. The
- type of this argument must be consistent with InputData (see table
- below). There is no default value for this argument.
- dim1
- The number of terms to consider for a vector, or the number of rows
- for a matrix. Defaults to the whole input vector or all the rows of
- the matrix.
- dim2
- The number of columns to consider for a matrix. Defaults to all the
- columns of the matrix. (Valid only for matrices.)
- resultformat
- Specifies the result format:
- Returns the full result. That is, the result matches the
- dimension specified on this command (DIM1, DIM2). -
- Returns partial results. For real input data, there is a
- symmetry in the results of the Fourier transform as some
- coefficients are conjugated. The partial format uses this
- symmetry to optimize the storage of the results. (Valid
- only for real data.)
- Notes
- -----
- In the example that follows, the fast Fourier transformation is used to
- filter frequencies from a noisy input signal.
- """
- command = f"*FFT,{type_},{inputdata},{outputdata},{dim1},{dim2},{resultformat}"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def free(self, name="", **kwargs):
- """Deletes a matrix or a solver object and frees its memory allocation.
- APDL Command: ``*FREE``
- Parameters
- ----------
- name
- Name of the matrix or solver object to delete. Use Name = ALL to
- delete all APDL Math matrices and solver objects. Use Name = WRK
- to delete all APDL Math matrices and solver objects that belong to
- a given workspace.
- val1
- If Name = WRK, Val1 is to set the memory workspace number.
- Notes
- -----
- A /CLEAR command will automatically delete all the current APDL Math
- objects.
- """
- command = f"*FREE,{name}"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def init(self, name="", method="", val1="", val2="", val3="", **kwargs):
- """Initializes a vector or dense matrix.
- APDL Command: ``*INIT``
- Parameters
- ----------
- name
- Vector or matrix which will be initialized. This can be a vector
- (created by the ``*VEC`` command) or a dense matrix (created by the
- ``*DMAT`` command).
- method
- Initialization method to use:
- Fill the vector/matrix with zeros (default). - Fill the vector/matrix with a constant value.
- Fill the vector/matrix with random values. - Fill the nth diagonal of the matrix with a constant value. Other values are not
- overwritten.
- val1, val2, val3
- Additional input. The meaning of Val1 through Val3 will vary
- depending on the specified Method. See details below.
- Notes
- -----
- This command initializes a previously defined vector (``*VEC``) or dense
- matrix (``*DMAT``).
- """
- command = f"*INIT,{name},{method},{val1},{val2},{val3}"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def itengine(
- self,
- type_="",
- enginename="",
- precondname="",
- matrix="",
- rhsvector="",
- solvector="",
- maxiter="",
- toler="",
- **kwargs,
- ):
- """Performs a solution using an iterative solver.
- APDL Command: ``*ITENGINE``
- Parameters
- ----------
- type\\_
- Specifies the algorithm to be used:
- enginename
- Name used to identify this iterative solver engine. Must be
- specified.
- precondname
- Linear solver engine name (``*LSENGINE``) identifying the factored
- matrix to be used as the preconditioner.
- matrix
- Name of the matrix to solve.
- rhsvector
- Matrix (load vector) name.
- solvector
- Solution vector name. If non-zero, it will be taken as the initial
- vector for the iterative process.
- maxiter
- Maximum number of iterations allowed. Default is 2 times the number
- of rows in the matrix.
- toler
- Convergence tolerance. Default is 1.0E-8.
- Notes
- -----
- This command solves Ax = b using a preconditioned conjugate gradient
- algorithm. It uses an existing factored system as the preconditioner.
- This solution method is useful if an existing matrix has been solved
- and minor changes have been made to the matrix.
- """
- command = f"*ITENGINE,{type_},{enginename},{precondname},{matrix},{rhsvector},{solvector},{maxiter},{toler}"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def lsbac(self, enginename="", rhsvector="", solvector="", **kwargs):
- """Performs the solve (forward/backward substitution) of a
- factorized linear system.
- APDL Command: ``*LSBAC``
- Parameters
- ----------
- enginename
- Name used to identify this engine. Must have been previously
- created using ``*LSENGINE`` and factorized using ``*LSFACTOR``.
- rhsvector
- Name of vector containing the right-hand side (load) vectors as
- input. Must have been previously defined as a ``*VEC`` vector or a
- ``*DMAT`` matrix.
- solvector
- Name of vector that will contain the solution vectors upon
- completion. Must be predefined as a ``*VEC`` vector or ``*DMAT`` matrix.
- Notes
- -----
- This command performs forward and back substitution to obtain the
- solution to the linear matrix equation Ax = b. The matrix engine must
- have been previously defined using ``*LSENGINE``, and the matrix factored
- using ``*LSFACTOR``.
- You can use the ``*DMAT,,,COPY`` (or ``*VEC,,,COPY``) command to copy the load
- vector to the solution vector in order to predefine it with the
- appropriate size.
- """
- command = f"*LSBAC,{enginename},{rhsvector},{solvector}"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def lsdump(self, enginename="", filename="", **kwargs):
- """Dumps a linear solver engine to a binary File.
- APDL Command: ``*LSDUMP``
- Parameters
- ----------
- enginename
- Name used to identify this engine. Must have been previously
- created using ``*LSENGINE`` and factorized using ``*LSFACTOR``.
- filename
- Name of the file to create.
- Notes
- -----
- Dumps a previously factorized linear solver system to a binary file.
- Only LAPACK and BCS linear solvers can be used with this feature. The
- Linear Solver can later be restored with the ``*LSRESTORE`` command.
- A BCS Sparse Solver can be dumped only if uses the INCORE memory option
- (see BCSOPTION).
- """
- command = f"*LSDUMP,{enginename},{filename}"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def lsengine(self, type_="", enginename="", matrix="", option="", **kwargs):
- """Creates a linear solver engine.
- APDL Command: ``*LSENGINE``
- Parameters
- ----------
- type_
- Specifies the algorithm to be used:
- * ``"BCS"`` - Boeing sparse solver (default if applied to
- sparse matrices).
- * ``"DSS"`` : MKL sparse linear solver (Intel Windows and
- Linux systems only).
- * ``"LAPACK"`` : LAPACK dense matrix linear solver (default if
- applied to dense matrices).
- * ``"DSP"`` : Distributed sparse solver.
- enginename
- Name used to identify this engine. Must be specified.
- matrix
- Name of the matrix to solve.
- option
- Option to control the memory mode of the DSS solver (used only
- if ``type='dss'``):
- * ``"INCORE"`` : In-core memory mode
- * ``"OUTOFCORE"`` : Out-of-core memory mode
- Notes
- -----
- This command creates a linear solver engine.
- The BCS, DSS, and DSP solvers can only be used with sparse matrices.
- For dense matrices, use the LAPACK solver.
- """
- command = f"*LSENGINE,{type_},{enginename},{matrix},{option}"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def lsfactor(self, enginename="", option="", **kwargs):
- """Performs the numerical factorization of a linear solver system.
- APDL Command: ``*LSFACTOR``
- Parameters
- ----------
- enginename
- Name used to identify this engine. Must have been previously
- created using ``*LSENGINE``.
- option
- Option to invert the matrix, used only with an LAPACK engine
- Notes
- -----
- Performs the computationally intensive, memory intensive factorization
- of a matrix specified by ``*LSENGINE``, using the solver engine also
- specified by ``*LSENGINE``.
- """
- command = f"*LSFACTOR,{enginename},{option}"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def lsrestore(self, enginename="", filename="", **kwargs):
- """Restores a linear solver engine from a binary file.
- APDL Command: ``*LSRESTORE``
- Parameters
- ----------
- enginename
- Name used to identify this engine.
- filename
- Name of the file to read from.
- Notes
- -----
- Restores a previously dumped Linear Solver (see the ``*LSDUMP`` command).
- This Linear Solver can be used to solve a linear system using the
- ``*LSBAC`` command.
- """
- command = "*LSRESTORE,%s,%s" % (str(enginename), str(filename))
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def merge(self, name1="", name2="", val1="", val2="", **kwargs):
- """Merges two dense matrices or vectors into one.
- APDL Command: ``*MERGE``
- Parameters
- ----------
- name1
- Name of the matrix or vector to extend.
- name2
- Name of the matrix or vector to be merged into ``name1``.
- val1
- If ``name1`` refers to a dense matrix created by the ``*DMAT``
- command then the column or row number indicating where the new values
- are to be inserted into the Name1 matrix.
- If ``name` refers to a vector created by ``*VEC`` then this is the
- row number indicating where the new values are to be inserted
- into the ``name1`` vector.
- val2
- Specifies how the ``name2`` matrix or vector is copied into
- the ``name1`` matrix.
- * ``"COL"`` : Insert the new values at the column location
- specified by ``val1`` (default).
- * ``"row"`` : Insert the new values at the row location
- specified by ``val1``.
- Notes
- -----
- ``merge`` can be used to add new columns or rows to a dense matrix
- that was created by the ``*DMAT`` command. In this case, ``name1`` must
- be the name of the dense matrix and ``name2`` must refer to a vector
- or another dense matrix.
- ``*MERGE`` can also be used to add new rows to a vector that was
- created by the ``*VEC`` command. In this case, ``name1`` and
- ``name2`` must both refer to vectors.
- In all cases, the values of the original matrix or vector are
- retained, and the matrix or vector is resized to accommodate the
- additional rows or columns.
- """
- return self.run(f"MERGE,{name1},{name2},{val1},{val2}", **kwargs)
- def mult(self, m1="", t1="", m2="", t2="", m3="", **kwargs):
- """Performs the matrix multiplication ``M3 = M1(T1)*M2(T2)``.
- APDL Command: ``*MULT``
- Parameters
- ----------
- m1
- Name of matrix M1. Must have been previously specified by a ``*DMAT``
- or ``*SMAT`` command.
- t1
- Transpose key. Set T1 = TRANS to use the transpose of M1. If blank,
- transpose will not be used.
- m2
- Name of matrix M2. Must have been previously specified by a ``*DMAT``
- command.
- t2
- Transpose key. Set T2 = TRANS to use the transpose of M2. If blank,
- transpose will not be used.
- m3
- Name of resulting matrix, M3. Must be specified.
- Notes
- -----
- The matrices must be dimensionally consistent such that the number of
- columns of M1 (or the transposed matrix, if requested) is equal to the
- number of rows of M2 (or the transposed matrix, if requested).
- You cannot multiply two sparse matrices with this command (that is, M1
- and M2 cannot both be sparse). The resulting matrix, M3, will always be
- a dense matrix, no matter what combination of input matrices is used
- (dense*sparse, sparse*dense, or dense*dense).
- """
- command = f"*MULT,{m1},{t1},{m2},{t2},{m3}"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def nrm(self, name="", normtype="", parr="", normalize="", **kwargs):
- """Computes the norm of the specified matrix or vector.
- APDL Command: ``*NRM``
- Parameters
- ----------
- name
- Matrix or vector for which the norm will be computed. This
- can be a dense matrix (created by the ``*DMAT`` command),
- a sparse matrix (created by the ``*SMAT`` command) or a
- vector (created by the ``*VEC`` command)
- normtype
- Mathematical norm to use:
- - L2 (Euclidean or SRSS) norm (default).
- - L1 (absolute sum) norm (vectors only).
- parr
- Parameter name that contains the result.
- normalize
- Normalization key; to be used only for vectors created by ``*VEC``:
- Normalize the vector such that the norm is 1.0. - Do not
- normalize the vector (default).
- Notes
- -----
- The NRM2 option corresponds to the Euclidean or L2 norm and is
- applicable to either vectors or matrices. The NRM1 option corresponds
- to the L1 norm and is applicable to vectors only. The NRMINF option is
- the maximum norm and is applicable to either vectors or matrices.
- """
- command = f"*NRM,{name},{normtype},{parr},{normalize}"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def remove(self, name="", val1="", val2="", val3="", **kwargs):
- """Suppresses rows or columns of a dense matrix or a vector.
- APDL Command: ``*REMOVE``
- Parameters
- ----------
- name
- Name of the matrix or vector to be revised.
- val1
- First row or column number to suppress if ``name`` is a dense
- matrix. First value index to suppress if ``name`` is a
- vector.
- Val2
- Last row or column number to suppress if ``name`` is a dense
- matrix. Last value index to suppress if ``name`` is a
- vector.
- Val3
- Specifies what to remove if ``name`` is a dense matrix.
- * ``"COL"`` : Remove columns of the matrix (default).
- * ``"ROW"`` : Remove rows of the matrix.
- Notes
- -----
- The values of the original matrix or vector specified by Name are
- retained. The matrix or vector is resized to the new number of
- rows and columns.
- """
- return self.run(f"REMOVE,{name},{val1},{val2},{val3}", **kwargs)
- def scal(self, name="", val1="", val2="", **kwargs):
- """Scales a vector or matrix by a constant or a vector.
- APDL Command: ``*SCAL``
- Parameters
- ----------
- name
- Name used to identify the vector or matrix to be scaled. Must
- be specified.
- val1
- When scaling a matrix or a vector by a scalar value, Val1 is
- the real part of the constant to use (default = 1).
- When scaling a matrix or a vector by a vector, Val1 is the
- name of the vector used for the scaling operation.
- val2
- The imaginary part of the constant to use (default = 0).
- This value is used only if the vector or matrix specified by
- Name is complex.
- val2 is only valid for scaling by a constant. It is not
- used when scaling by a vector.
- Notes
- -----
- This command can be applied to vectors and matrices created by the
- ``*VEC``, ``*DMAT`` and ``*SMAT`` commands.
- Data types must be consistent between the vectors and matrices
- being scaled and the scaling vector (or constant value).
- When scaling a matrix with a vector, the matrix must be square
- and the scaling vector must be the same size.
- Scaling a matrix with a vector, is available only on
- MAPDL V23.2 and greater.
- """
- return self.run(f"*SCAL,{name},{val1},{val2}", **kwargs)
- def smat(
- self,
- matrix="",
- type_="",
- method="",
- val1="",
- val2="",
- val3="",
- val4="",
- **kwargs,
- ):
- """Creates a sparse matrix.
- APDL Command: ``*SMAT``
- Parameters
- ----------
- matrix
- Name used to identify the matrix. Must be specified.
- type\\_
- Matrix type:
- Double precision real values (default). - Complex double precision values.
- method
- Method used to create the matrix:
- Copy an existing matrix. - Import the matrix from a file.
- val1, val2, val3, val4
- Additional input. The meaning of Val1 through Val3 will
- vary depending on the specified Method. See in your ansys
- documentation.
- Notes
- -----
- Use the ``*DMAT`` command to create a dense matrix.
- Unlike the ``*DMAT`` command, the ``*SMAT`` command cannot be used to allocate
- a sparse matrix.
- For more information on the NOD2BCS and USR2BCS mapping vectors, see
- Degree of Freedom Ordering in the ANSYS Parametric Design Language
- Guide.
- For more information about .FULL file contents, see the HBMAT in the
- Command Reference.
- """
- command = f"*SMAT,{matrix},{type_},{method},{val1},{val2},{val3},{val4}"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def starprint(self, matrix="", fname="", **kwargs):
- """Prints the matrix values to a file.
- APDL Command: ``*PRINT``
- Parameters
- ----------
- matrix
- Name of matrix or vector to print. Must be specified.
- fname
- File name. If blank, matrix is written to the output file.
- Notes
- -----
- The matrix may be a dense matrix (``*DMAT``), a sparse matrix
- (``*SMAT``), or a vector (``*VEC``). Only the non-zero entries
- of the matrix are printed.
- """
- command = f"*PRINT,{matrix},{fname}"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def sort(self, **kwargs):
- """Specifies "Sort settings" as the subsequent status topic.
- APDL Command: SORT
- Notes
- -----
- This is a status [STAT] topic command. Status topic commands are
- generated by the GUI and will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if
- status is requested for some items under Utility Menu> List> Status.
- This command will be immediately followed by a STAT command, which will
- report the status for the specified topic.
- If entered directly into the program, the STAT command should
- immediately follow this command.
- """
- command = f"SORT,"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def vec(
- self,
- vector="",
- type_="",
- method="",
- val1="",
- val2="",
- val3="",
- val4="",
- **kwargs,
- ):
- """Creates a vector.
- APDL Command: ``*VEC``
- Parameters
- ----------
- vector
- Name used to identify the vector. Must be specified.
- type_
- Vector type:
- * ``"D"`` : Double precision real values (default).
- * ``"Z"`` : Complex double precision values.
- * ``"I"`` : Integer values.
- method
- Method used to create the vector:
- * ``"ALLOC"`` : Allocate space for a vector (default).
- * ``"RESIZE"`` : Resize an existing vector to a new
- length. Values are kept from the original vector. If the
- length specified by Val1 is greater than the original vector
- length, the additional rows are assigned a value of zero.
- * ``"COPY"`` : Copy an existing vector.
- * ``"IMPORT"`` : Import the vector from a file.
- * ``"LINK"`` : Link to a column of an existing dense ``*DMAT``
- matrix and use it in subsequent vector calculations. Any
- changes to the vector are also made to the corresponding
- matrix column (memory is shared).
- Copy an existing vector. - Import the vector from a file.
- val1, val2, val3, val4, val5
- Additional input. The meaning of ``val1`` through ``val5`` will vary
- depending on the specified Method. See:
- https://www.mm.bme.hu/~gyebro/files/ans_help_v182/ans_cmd/Hlp_C_VEC.html
- Notes
- -----
- Use the ``*DMAT`` command to create a matrix.
- For more information on the BACK and FORWARD nodal mapping vectors, see
- Degree of Freedom Ordering in the ANSYS Parametric Design Language
- Guide.
- """
- command = f"*VEC,{vector},{type_},{method},{val1},{val2},{val3},{val4}"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def wrk(self, num="", **kwargs):
- """Sets the active workspace number.
- APDL Command: ``*WRK``
- Parameters
- ----------
- num
- Number of the active memory workspace for APDLMath vector and
- matrices. All the following APDLMath vectors and matrices will
- belong to this memory workspace, until the next call to the ``*WRK``
- command. By default, all the APDLMath objects belong to workspace
- number 1.
- Notes
- -----
- This feature enables you to associate a set of vector and matrices in a
- given memory workspace, so that you can easily manage the free step:
- This feature can be useful to free all the temporary APDLMath variables
- inside a MACRO in one call.
- """
- command = "*WRK,%s" % (str(num))
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
diff --git a/src/ansys/mapdl/core/_commands/apdl/matrix_operations.py b/src/ansys/mapdl/core/_commands/apdl/matrix_operations.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2d2e41d381
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ansys/mapdl/core/_commands/apdl/matrix_operations.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1365 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2016 - 2025 ANSYS, Inc. and/or its affiliates.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+# copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+class MatrixOperations:
+ def starprint(self, matrix: str = "", fname: str = "", **kwargs):
+ r"""Prints the matrix values to a file.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*PRINT `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ matrix : str
+ Name of matrix or vector to print. Must be specified.
+ fname : str
+ File name (case-sensitive, 32-character maximum). If blank, matrix is written to the output
+ file.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ The matrix may be a dense matrix ( :ref:`dmat` ), a sparse matrix ( :ref:`smat` ), or a vector (
+ :ref:`vec` ). Only the non-zero entries of the matrix are printed.
+ """
+ command = f"*PRINT,{matrix},{fname}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def free(self, name: str = "", val1: str = "", **kwargs):
+ r"""Deletes a matrix or a solver object and frees its memory allocation.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*FREE `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ name : str
+ Name of the matrix or solver object to delete. Use ``Name`` = ALL to delete all APDL Math
+ matrices and solver objects. Use ``Name`` = WRK to delete all APDL Math matrices and solver
+ objects that belong to a given workspace.
+ val1 : str
+ If ``Name`` = WRK, ``Val1`` is the memory workspace number.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ A :ref:`clear` command will automatically delete all the current APDL Math objects.
+ """
+ command = f"*FREE,{name},{val1}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def fft(
+ self,
+ type_: str = "",
+ inputdata: str = "",
+ outputdata: str = "",
+ dim1: str = "",
+ dim2: str = "",
+ resultformat: str = "",
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ r"""Computes the fast Fourier transformation of a specified matrix or vector.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*FFT `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ type_ : str
+ Type of FFT transformation:
+ * ``FORW`` - Forward FFT computation (default).
+ * ``BACK`` - Backward FFT computation.
+ inputdata : str
+ Name of matrix or vector for which the FFT will be computed. This can be a dense matrix (created
+ by the :ref:`dmat` command) or a vector (created by the :ref:`vec` command). Data can be real or
+ complex values. There is no default value for this argument.
+ outputdata : str
+ Name of matrix or vector where the FFT results will be stored. The type of this argument must be
+ consistent with ``InputData`` (see table below). There is no default value for this argument.
+ InformalTables need to be added.
+ dim1 : str
+ The number of terms to consider for a vector, or the number of rows for a matrix. Defaults to
+ the whole input vector or all the rows of the matrix.
+ dim2 : str
+ The number of columns to consider for a matrix. Defaults to all the columns of the matrix.
+ (Valid only for matrices.)
+ resultformat : str
+ Specifies the result format:
+ * ``FULL`` - Returns the full result. That is, the result matches the dimension specified on this
+ command ( ``DIM1``, ``DIM2`` ).
+ * ``PART`` - Returns partial results. For real input data, there is a symmetry in the results of
+ the Fourier transform as some coefficients are conjugated. The partial format uses this symmetry
+ to optimize the storage of the results. (Valid only for real data.)
+ Notes
+ -----
+ In the example that follows, the fast Fourier transformation is used to filter frequencies from a
+ noisy input signal.
+ """
+ command = f"*FFT,{type_},{inputdata},{outputdata},{dim1},{dim2},{resultformat}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def wrk(self, num: str = "", **kwargs):
+ r"""Sets the active workspace number.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*WRK `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ num : str
+ Number of the active memory workspace for APDLMath vector and matrices. All the following
+ APDLMath vectors and matrices will belong to this memory workspace, until the next call to the
+ :ref:`wrk` command. By default, all the APDLMath objects belong to workspace number 1.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ This feature enables you to associate a set of vector and matrices in a given memory workspace, so
+ that you can easily manage the free step:
+ .. code:: apdl
+ *VEC,V,D,ALLOC,5 ! V belongs to the default Workspace 1
+ *WRK,2 ! Set the active workspace as the number 2
+ *VEC,W,D,IMPORT,FULL,file.full,RHS ! W belongs to the Workspace 2
+ *SMAT,K,D,IMPORT,FULL,file.full,STIFF ! K belongs to the Workspace 2
+ *DMAT,M,ALLOC,10,10 ! M belongs to the Workspace 2
+ ...
+ *FREE,WRK,2 ! W, K and M are deleted, but not V
+ This feature can be useful to free all the temporary APDLMath variables inside a MACRO in one call.
+ """
+ command = f"*WRK,{num}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def comp(
+ self,
+ matrix: str = "",
+ algorithm: str = "",
+ threshold: str = "",
+ val1: str = "",
+ val2: str = "",
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ r"""Compresses a matrix using a specified algorithm.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*COMP `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ matrix : str
+ Name of the matrix to compress.
+ algorithm : str
+ Algorithm or method to use:
+ * ``SVD`` - Singular value decomposition algorithm (default).
+ * ``MGS`` - Modified Gram-Schmidt algorithm.
+ * ``SPARSE`` - Compress a sparse matrix based on the threshold value.
+ threshold : str
+ Numerical threshold value used to manage the compression. The default value depends on the
+ method of compression: 1E-7 for SVD; 1E-14 for MGS; 1E-16 for SPARSE.
+ val1 : str
+ The description of the argument is missing in the Python function. Please, refer to the `command
+ documentation
+ `_ for further
+ information.
+ val2 : str
+ The description of the argument is missing in the Python function. Please, refer to the `command
+ documentation
+ `_ for further
+ information.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ The SVD and MGS algorithms are only applicable to dense matrices that were created using the
+ :ref:`dmat` command. Columns that are linearly dependent on others are removed, leaving the
+ independent or basis vectors. The matrix is resized according to the new size determined by the
+ algorithm.
+ For the SVD algorithm, the singular value decomposition of an input matrix :math:`` is a
+ factorization of the form:
+ M = U Σ V *
+ Here, the :math:`` matrix is replaced by the :math:`` matrix, according to the specified
+ threshold.
+ The SPARSE compression method is only applicable to sparse matrices that were created using the
+ :ref:`smat` command. All terms that have an absolute value below the specified threshold, relative
+ to the maximum value in the matrix, are removed from the original matrix. For example, given a
+ sparse matrix having 100 as the largest term and ``THRESHOLD`` = 0.5, all terms having an absolute
+ value below 0.5\2100 = 50 are removed.
+ """
+ command = f"*COMP,{matrix},{algorithm},{threshold},{val1},{val2}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def nrm(
+ self,
+ name: str = "",
+ normtype: str = "",
+ parr: str = "",
+ normalize: str = "",
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ r"""Computes the norm of the specified matrix or vector.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*NRM `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ name : str
+ Matrix or vector for which the norm will be computed. This can be a dense matrix (created by the
+ :ref:`dmat` command), a sparse matrix (created by the :ref:`smat` command) or a vector (created
+ by the :ref:`vec` command)
+ normtype : str
+ Mathematical norm to use:
+ * ``NRM2`` - L2 (Euclidian or SRSS) norm (default).
+ * ``NRM1`` - L1 (absolute sum) norm (vectors and dense matrices only).
+ * ``NRMINF`` - Maximum norm.
+ parr : str
+ Parameter name that contains the result.
+ normalize : str
+ Normalization key; to be used only for vectors created by :ref:`vec` :
+ * ``YES`` - Normalize the vector such that the norm is 1.0.
+ * ``NO`` - Do not normalize the vector (default).
+ Notes
+ -----
+ The NRM2 option corresponds to the Euclidian or L2 norm and is applicable to either vectors or
+ matrices:
+ :math:``, :math:``
+ :math:``, :math:`` where :math:`` is the complex conjugate of :math:``
+ :math:``, :math:`` = largest eigenvalue of :math:``
+ The NRM1 option corresponds to the L1 norm and is applicable to vectors and dense matrices:
+ :math:`` or :math:``, :math:``
+ :math:`` or :math:``, :math:``
+ The NRMINF option is the maximum norm and is applicable to either vectors or matrices:
+ :math:`` or :math:``, :math:``
+ :math:`` or :math:``, :math:``
+ """
+ command = f"*NRM,{name},{normtype},{parr},{normalize}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def merge(
+ self, name1: str = "", name2: str = "", val1: str = "", val2: str = "", **kwargs
+ ):
+ r"""Merges two dense matrices or vectors into one.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*MERGE `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ name1 : str
+ Name of the matrix or vector to extend.
+ name2 : str
+ Name of the matrix or vector to be merged into ``Name1``.
+ val1 : str
+ Additional input. The meaning of ``Val1`` and ``Val2`` varies depending on the entity type
+ (matrix or vector). See details below.
+ val2 : str
+ Additional input. The meaning of ``Val1`` and ``Val2`` varies depending on the entity type
+ (matrix or vector). See details below.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ :ref:`merge` can be used to add new columns or rows to a dense matrix that was created by the
+ :ref:`dmat` command. In this case, ``Name1`` must be the name of the dense matrix and ``Name2`` must
+ refer to a vector or another dense matrix.
+ The following two examples demonstrate merging columns into a dense matrix.
+ .. figure::../../images/gMERGE1.png
+ The following example demonstrates merging rows into a dense matrix.
+ .. figure::../../images/gMERGE3.png
+ :ref:`merge` can also be used to add new rows to a vector that was created by the :ref:`vec`
+ command. In this case, ``Name1`` and ``Name2`` must both refer to vectors, as demonstrated in the
+ example below.
+ .. figure::../../images/gMERGE2.png
+ In all cases, the values of the original matrix or vector are retained, and the matrix or vector is
+ resized to accommodate the additional rows or columns.
+ """
+ command = f"*MERGE,{name1},{name2},{val1},{val2}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def mult(
+ self,
+ m1: str = "",
+ t1: str = "",
+ m2: str = "",
+ t2: str = "",
+ m3: str = "",
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ r"""Performs the matrix multiplication M3 = M1 :sup:`(T1)` *M2 :sup:`(T2)` .
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*MULT `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ m1 : str
+ Name of matrix ``M1``. Must have been previously specified by a :ref:`dmat` or :ref:`smat`
+ command.
+ t1 : str
+ Transpose key. Set ``T1`` = TRANS to use the non-conjugate transpose of ``M1``. Set ``T1`` =
+ CTRANS to use the conjugate transpose of ``M1``. CTRANS is only applicable when the ``M1``
+ matrix is complex. If blank, transpose will not be used.
+ m2 : str
+ Name of matrix ``M2``. Must have been previously specified by a :ref:`dmat` command.
+ t2 : str
+ Transpose key. Set ``T2`` = TRANS to use the non-conjugate transpose of ``M2``. Set ``T2`` =
+ CTRANS to use the conjugate transpose of ``M2``. CTRANS is only applicable when the ``M2``
+ matrix is complex. If blank, transpose will not be used.
+ m3 : str
+ Name of resulting matrix, ``M3``. Must be specified.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ The matrices must be dimensionally consistent such that the number of columns of ``M1`` (or the
+ transposed matrix, if requested) is equal to the number of rows of ``M2`` (or the transposed matrix,
+ if requested).
+ You cannot multiply two sparse matrices with this command (that is, ``M1`` and ``M2`` cannot both be
+ sparse). The resulting matrix, ``M3``, will always be a dense matrix, no matter what combination of
+ input matrices is used (dense\2sparse, sparse\2dense, or dense\2dense).
+ """
+ command = f"*MULT,{m1},{t1},{m2},{t2},{m3}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def starinquire(self, obj: str = "", property_: str = "", var1: str = "", **kwargs):
+ r"""Retrieves properties of an existing APDL Math object.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*INQUIRE `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ obj : str
+ Name of the vector or matrix of interest.
+ property_ : str
+ Object property to get:
+ * ``DIM1`` - First dimension of a matrix, or size of a vector.
+ * ``DIM2`` - Second dimension of a matrix.
+ var1 : str
+ Name of the resulting parameter that contains the property value.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ The following example demonstrates using :ref:`starinquire` to get the number of rows and columns of
+ an existing matrix.
+ .. code:: apdl
+ *SMAT,K,D,IMPORT,FULL,file.full,STIFF ! Import the stiffness matrix from an existing FULL file
+ *INQUIRE,K,DIM1,NROW ! Get the first dimension of the stiffness matrix
+ *INQUIRE,K,DIM2,NCOL ! Get the second dimension of the stiffness matrix
+ /COM, K matrix size: %NROW% x %NCOL%
+ """
+ command = f"*INQUIRE,{obj},{property_},{var1}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def itengine(
+ self,
+ type_: str = "",
+ enginename: str = "",
+ precondname: str = "",
+ matrix: str = "",
+ rhsvector: str = "",
+ solvector: str = "",
+ maxiter: str = "",
+ toler: str = "",
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ r"""Performs a solution using an iterative solver.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*ITENGINE `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ type_ : str
+ Specifies the algorithm to be used:
+ * ``PCG`` - Preconditioned conjugate gradient (default).
+ enginename : str
+ Name used to identify this iterative solver engine. Must be specified.
+ precondname : str
+ Linear solver engine name ( :ref:`lsengine` ) identifying the factored matrix to be used as the
+ preconditioner.
+ matrix : str
+ Name of the matrix to solve.
+ rhsvector : str
+ Matrix (load vector) name.
+ solvector : str
+ Solution vector name. If non-zero, it will be taken as the initial vector for the iterative
+ process.
+ maxiter : str
+ Maximum number of iterations allowed. Default is 2 times the number of rows in the matrix.
+ toler : str
+ Convergence tolerance. Default is 1.0E-8.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ This command solves Ax = b using a preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithm. It uses an existing
+ factored system as the preconditioner. This solution method is useful if an existing matrix has been
+ solved and minor changes have been made to the matrix.
+ """
+ command = f"*ITENGINE,{type_},{enginename},{precondname},{matrix},{rhsvector},{solvector},{maxiter},{toler}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def init(
+ self,
+ name: str = "",
+ method: str = "",
+ val1: str = "",
+ val2: str = "",
+ val3: str = "",
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ r"""Initializes a vector or matrix.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*INIT `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ name : str
+ Vector or matrix which will be initialized. This can be a vector (created by the :ref:`vec`
+ command), a dense matrix (created by the :ref:`dmat` command), or a sparse matrix (created by
+ the :ref:`smat` command).
+ method : str
+ Initialization method to use:
+ * ``ZERO`` - Fill the vector/matrix with zeros (default).
+ * ``CONST`` - Fill the vector/matrix with a constant value.
+ * ``RAND`` - Fill the vector/matrix with random values.
+ * ``DIAG`` - Fill the ``n`` th diagonal of the matrix with a constant value. Other values are not
+ overwritten. For this option, ``Name`` must be a dense matrix.
+ * ``ADIAG`` - Fill the ``n`` th anti-diagonal of the matrix with a constant value. Other values
+ are not overwritten. For this option, ``Name`` must be a dense matrix.
+ * ``CONJ`` - Take the complex conjugate of the values in the vector/matrix (no change for non-
+ complex values).
+ * ``FILTER`` - Initialize a subset of values of a vector using a filtering vector. For this
+ option, ``Name`` must be a vector.
+ val1 : str
+ Additional input. The meaning of ``Val1`` through ``Val3`` will vary depending on the specified
+ ``Method``. See details below.
+ val2 : str
+ Additional input. The meaning of ``Val1`` through ``Val3`` will vary depending on the specified
+ ``Method``. See details below.
+ val3 : str
+ Additional input. The meaning of ``Val1`` through ``Val3`` will vary depending on the specified
+ ``Method``. See details below.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ This command initializes a previously defined vector ( :ref:`vec` ), dense matrix ( :ref:`dmat` ),
+ or sparse matrix ( :ref:`smat` ).
+ """
+ command = f"*INIT,{name},{method},{val1},{val2},{val3}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def export(
+ self,
+ matrix: str = "",
+ format_: str = "",
+ fname: str = "",
+ val1: str = "",
+ val2: str = "",
+ val3: str = "",
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ r"""Exports a matrix to a file in the specified format.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*EXPORT `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ matrix : str
+ Name of the matrix to export (must be a matrix previously created with :ref:`dmat` or
+ :ref:`smat`, or a vector previously created with :ref:`vec` ).
+ format_ : str
+ Format of the output file:
+ * ``MMF`` - Export the matrix in the Matrix Market Format.
+ * ``SUB`` - Export the matrix in the ``SUB`` file format.
+ * ``HBMAT`` - Export the matrix in the Harwell-Boeing file format.
+ * ``MAT`` - Export the matrix in a native format, to be re-imported using the :ref:`dmat` or
+ :ref:`smat` command.
+ * ``EMAT`` - Export the matrix to an existing ``EMAT`` file.
+ * ``APDL`` - Export the matrix to an APDL array parameter.
+ * ``PS`` - Export the matrix profile to a Postscript file.
+ * ``DMIG`` - Export the matrix in the ``DMIG`` file format.
+ * ``CSV`` - Export the matrix to an ASCII CSV (comma-separated values) file.
+ fname : str
+ Name of the file (case-sensitive, 32-character maximum), or name of the array parameter if
+ ``Format`` = APDL (no default) .
+ val1 : str
+ Additional input. The meaning of ``Val1`` through ``Val3`` will vary depending on the specified
+ ``Format``. See table below for details.
+ val2 : str
+ Additional input. The meaning of ``Val1`` through ``Val3`` will vary depending on the specified
+ ``Format``. See table below for details.
+ val3 : str
+ Additional input. The meaning of ``Val1`` through ``Val3`` will vary depending on the specified
+ ``Format``. See table below for details.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ Only sparse matrices can be exported to Postscript files. This option plots the matrix profile as a
+ series of dots.
+ If you want to create a ``.SUB`` file from several matrices, you need to set ``Val3`` = WAIT for all
+ matrices but the last, and ``Val3`` = DONE for the last one. The export will be effective at the
+ last :ref:`export` command.
+ To create a ``.SUB`` file or ``.DMIG`` file from scratch, you must supply the row information array.
+ (Specify this array in the ``Val2`` field for ``.SUB`` or in the ``Val1`` field for ``.DMIG``.)
+ This must be an ``m`` x 2 array, where ``m`` is the size of the matrix. The first column is the node
+ number and the second column is the DOF number corresponding to each row of the matrix.
+ When exporting an HBMAT file in ASCII format, you can include the matrix type in the header of the
+ file by specifying the matrix type in the ``Val2`` field. The matrix type is not included in the
+ header if ``Val2`` is empty. If ``Val1`` = BINARY, ``Val2`` is not used.
+ The :ref:`export` command is not applicable to sparse matrices initialized from ``.FULL`` files by
+ means of the NOD2SOLV option on the :ref:`smat` command (that is, :ref:`smat`
+ The ``.CSV`` file format does not support sparse matrices.
+ """
+ command = f"*EXPORT,{matrix},{format_},{fname},{val1},{val2},{val3}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def eigen(
+ self,
+ kmatrix: str = "",
+ mmatrix: str = "",
+ cmatrix: str = "",
+ evals: str = "",
+ evects: str = "",
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ r"""Performs a modal solution with unsymmetric or damping matrices.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*EIGEN `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ kmatrix : str
+ Name of the stiffness matrix. May be a real or complex-valued matrix.
+ mmatrix : str
+ Name of the mass matrix.
+ cmatrix : str
+ Name of the damping matrix (used only for :ref:`modopt` ,DAMP).
+ evals : str
+ Name of the output eigenvalues vector. It will be an ``m`` -long :ref:`vec` vector of complex
+ values, where ``m`` is the number of eigenvalues requested ( :ref:`modopt` ).
+ evects : str
+ Name of the output eigenvector matrix. It will be a ``n`` x ``m`` :ref:`dmat` (dense) matrix of
+ complex values, where ``n`` is the size of the matrix and ``m`` is the number of eigenvalues
+ requested ( :ref:`modopt` ).
+ Notes
+ -----
+ Use the command :ref:`antype` ,MODAL and the :ref:`modopt` command to specify the modal solution
+ options. Only :ref:`modopt` ,DAMP, :ref:`modopt` ,UNSYM, :ref:`modopt` ,LANB, and :ref:`modopt`
+ ,SUBSP are supported.
+ :ref:`eigen` with Block Lanczos (LANB) only supports sparse matrices. Distributed-Memory Parallel
+ (DMP) Restriction This command is not supported in a DMP solution.
+ """
+ command = f"*EIGEN,{kmatrix},{mmatrix},{cmatrix},{evals},{evects}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def smat(
+ self,
+ matrix: str = "",
+ type_: str = "",
+ method: str = "",
+ val1: str = "",
+ val2: str = "",
+ val3: str = "",
+ val4: str = "",
+ val5: str = "",
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ r"""Creates a sparse matrix.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*SMAT `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ matrix : str
+ Name used to identify the matrix. Must be specified.
+ type_ : str
+ Matrix type:
+ * ``D`` - Double precision real values (default).
+ * ``Z`` - Complex double precision values.
+ method : str
+ Method used to create the matrix:
+ * ``ALLOC`` - Allocate a new matrix.
+ * ``COPY`` - Copy an existing matrix.
+ * ``IMPORT`` - Import the matrix from a file.
+ val1 : str
+ Additional input. The meaning of ``Val1`` through ``Val5`` will vary depending on the specified
+ ``Method``. See details below.
+ val2 : str
+ Additional input. The meaning of ``Val1`` through ``Val5`` will vary depending on the specified
+ ``Method``. See details below.
+ val3 : str
+ Additional input. The meaning of ``Val1`` through ``Val5`` will vary depending on the specified
+ ``Method``. See details below.
+ val4 : str
+ Additional input. The meaning of ``Val1`` through ``Val5`` will vary depending on the specified
+ ``Method``. See details below.
+ val5 : str
+ Additional input. The meaning of ``Val1`` through ``Val5`` will vary depending on the specified
+ ``Method``. See details below.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ Use the :ref:`dmat` command to create a dense matrix.
+ For more information on the CSR format, see `Creating a Sparse Matrix Using the CSR Format
+ `_
+ For more information on the NOD2SOLV and USR2SOLV mapping vectors, see.
+ For more information about ``.FULL`` file contents, see the :ref:`hbmat` in the `Command Reference
+ `_ Command
+ Reference.
+ """
+ command = f"*SMAT,{matrix},{type_},{method},{val1},{val2},{val3},{val4},{val5}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def starsort(
+ self,
+ name: str = "",
+ sorttype: str = "",
+ val1: str = "",
+ val2: str = "",
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ r"""Sorts the values of the specified vector.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*SORT `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ name : str
+ Name of the vector to be sorted. This vector can contain real or complex values.
+ sorttype : str
+ Criteria used to sort the values:
+ * ``VALUE`` - Values are sorted based on their real value (default).
+ * ``ABS`` - Values are sorted based on their absolute value.
+ * ``PERM`` - Values are sorted based on the input permutation vector ( ``Val1`` ).
+ val1 : str
+ Additional input. The meaning of ``Val1``, ``Val2`` varies depending on the specified
+ ``SortType``. See below for details.
+ val2 : str
+ Additional input. The meaning of ``Val1``, ``Val2`` varies depending on the specified
+ ``SortType``. See below for details.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ The examples below demonstrate using :ref:`starsort` to sort the values of an input vector.
+ The following input:
+ .. code:: apdl
+ V(1)=5,-3,2,0,-1
+ generates this output:
+ .. code:: apdl
+ -3 -1 0 2 5
+ To reverse the order, this input:
+ .. code:: apdl
+ generates this output:
+ .. code:: apdl
+ 5 2 0 -1 -3
+ """
+ command = f"*SORT,{name},{sorttype},{val1},{val2}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def scal(self, name: str = "", val1: str = "", val2: str = "", **kwargs):
+ r"""Scales a vector or matrix by a constant.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*SCAL `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ name : str
+ Name used to identify the vector or matrix to be scaled. Must be specified.
+ val1 : str
+ The real part of the constant to use (default = 1).
+ val2 : str
+ The imaginary part of the constant to use (default = 0). This value is used only if the vector
+ or matrix specified by ``Name`` is complex.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ This command can be applied to vectors and matrices created by the :ref:`vec`, :ref:`dmat` and
+ :ref:`smat` commands.
+ """
+ command = f"*SCAL,{name},{val1},{val2}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def vec(
+ self,
+ vector: str = "",
+ type_: str = "",
+ method: str = "",
+ val1: str = "",
+ val2: str = "",
+ val3: str = "",
+ val4: str = "",
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ r"""Creates a vector.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*VEC `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ vector : str
+ Name used to identify the vector. Must be specified.
+ type_ : str
+ Vector type:
+ * ``D`` - Double precision real values (default).
+ * ``Z`` - Complex double precision values.
+ * ``I`` - Integer values.
+ method : str
+ Method used to create the vector:
+ * ``ALLOC`` - Allocate space for a vector (default).
+ * ``RESIZE`` - Resize an existing vector to a new length. Values are kept from the original
+ vector. If the length specified by ``Val1`` is greater than the original vector length, the
+ additional rows are assigned a value of zero.
+ * ``COPY`` - Copy an existing vector.
+ * ``IMPORT`` - Import the vector from a file.
+ * ``LINK`` - Link to a column of an existing dense :ref:`dmat` matrix and use it in subsequent
+ vector calculations. Any changes to the vector are also made to the corresponding matrix column
+ (memory is shared).
+ val1 : str
+ Additional input. The meaning of ``Val1`` through ``Val5`` will vary depending on the specified
+ ``Method``. See details below.
+ val2 : str
+ Additional input. The meaning of ``Val1`` through ``Val5`` will vary depending on the specified
+ ``Method``. See details below.
+ val3 : str
+ Additional input. The meaning of ``Val1`` through ``Val5`` will vary depending on the specified
+ ``Method``. See details below.
+ val4 : str
+ Additional input. The meaning of ``Val1`` through ``Val5`` will vary depending on the specified
+ ``Method``. See details below.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ Use the :ref:`dmat` command to create a matrix.
+ For more information on the BACK and FORWARD nodal mapping vectors, see in the `Ansys Parametric
+ Design Language Guide
+ `_ ANSYS Parametric
+ Design Language Guide.
+ """
+ command = f"*VEC,{vector},{type_},{method},{val1},{val2},{val3},{val4}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def hprod(self, a: str = "", b: str = "", c: str = "", **kwargs):
+ r"""Performs a Hadamard vector product (C = A∘B).
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*HPROD `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ a : str
+ Name of vector A. Must have been previously created by a :ref:`vec` command.
+ b : str
+ Name of vector B. Must have been previously created by a :ref:`vec` command.
+ c : str
+ Name of vector C. Must be specified (no default).
+ Notes
+ -----
+ For two vectors ``A`` and ``B`` of the same dimension ``n``, the Hadamard product (A∘B) is a vector
+ of the same dimension as the operands, with elements given by:
+ A ∘ B i = A i * B i
+ This command is limited to vector operands.
+ """
+ command = f"*HPROD,{a},{b},{c}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def lsengine(
+ self,
+ type_: str = "",
+ enginename: str = "",
+ matrix: str = "",
+ option: str = "",
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ r"""Creates a linear solver engine.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*LSENGINE `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ type_ : str
+ Specifies the algorithm to be used:
+ * ``DSS`` - MKL sparse linear solver.
+ * ``LAPACK`` - LAPACK dense matrix linear solver (default if applied to dense matrices).
+ * ``DSP`` - Distributed sparse solver (default for sparse matrices).
+ enginename : str
+ Name used to identify this engine. Must be specified.
+ matrix : str
+ Name of the matrix to solve.
+ option : str
+ Option to control the memory mode of the DSS solver (used only if ``Type`` = DSS):
+ * ``INCORE`` - In-core memory mode.
+ * ``OUTOFCORE`` - Out-of-core memory mode.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ This command creates a linear solver engine.
+ The DSS and DSP solvers can only be used with sparse matrices. For dense matrices, use the LAPACK
+ solver.
+ """
+ command = f"*LSENGINE,{type_},{enginename},{matrix},{option}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def lsfactor(self, enginename: str = "", option: str = "", **kwargs):
+ r"""Performs the numerical factorization of a linear solver system.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*LSFACTOR `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ enginename : str
+ Name used to identify this engine. Must have been previously created using :ref:`lsengine` .
+ option : str
+ Option to invert the matrix, used only with an LAPACK engine ( :ref:`lsengine` ,LAPACK):
+ * ``INVERT`` - Invert the matrix.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ Performs the computationally intensive, memory intensive factorization of a matrix specified by
+ :ref:`lsengine`, using the solver engine also specified by :ref:`lsengine` .
+ """
+ command = f"*LSFACTOR,{enginename},{option}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def lsrestore(self, enginename: str = "", filename: str = "", **kwargs):
+ r"""Restores a linear solver engine from a binary file.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*LSRESTORE `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ enginename : str
+ Name used to identify this engine.
+ filename : str
+ Name of the file to read from.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ Restores a previously dumped Linear Solver (see the :ref:`lsdump` command). This Linear Solver can
+ be used to solve a linear system using the :ref:`lsbac` command.
+ """
+ command = f"*LSRESTORE,{enginename},{filename}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def lsbac(
+ self,
+ enginename: str = "",
+ rhsvector: str = "",
+ solvector: str = "",
+ transkey: str = "",
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ r"""Performs the solve (forward/backward substitution) of a factorized linear system.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*LSBAC `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ enginename : str
+ Name used to identify this engine. Must have been previously created using :ref:`lsengine` and
+ factorized using :ref:`lsfactor` .
+ rhsvector : str
+ Name of vector containing the right-hand side (load) vectors as input. Must have been previously
+ defined as a :ref:`vec` vector or a :ref:`dmat` matrix.
+ solvector : str
+ Name of vector that will contain the solution vectors upon completion. Must be predefined as a
+ :ref:`vec` vector or :ref:`dmat` matrix.
+ transkey : str
+ Transpose key. Set ``TransKey`` = TRANS to solve the transposed linear system. If blank,
+ transpose will not be used.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ This command performs forward and back substitution to obtain the solution to the linear matrix
+ equation Ax = b (or A :sup:`T` x = b if ``TransKey`` = TRANS). The matrix engine must have been
+ previously defined using :ref:`lsengine`, and the matrix factored using :ref:`lsfactor` .
+ You can use the :ref:`dmat` ,,,COPY (or :ref:`vec` ,,,COPY) command to copy the load vector to the
+ solution vector in order to predefine it with the appropriate size.
+ """
+ command = f"*LSBAC,{enginename},{rhsvector},{solvector},{transkey}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def lsdump(self, enginename: str = "", filename: str = "", **kwargs):
+ r"""Dumps a linear solver engine to a binary File.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*LSDUMP `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ enginename : str
+ Name used to identify this engine. Must have been previously created using :ref:`lsengine` and
+ factorized using :ref:`lsfactor` .
+ filename : str
+ Name of the file to create.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ Dumps a previously factorized linear solver system to a binary file. Only LAPACK and BCS linear
+ solvers can be used with this feature. The Linear Solver can later be restored with the
+ :ref:`lsrestore` command.
+ A BCS Sparse Solver can be dumped only if uses the ``INCORE`` memory option (see :ref:`bcsoption` ).
+ """
+ command = f"*LSDUMP,{enginename},{filename}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def remove(
+ self, name: str = "", val1: str = "", val2: str = "", val3: str = "", **kwargs
+ ):
+ r"""Suppresses rows or columns of a dense matrix or a vector.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*REMOVE `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ name : str
+ Name of the matrix or vector to be revised.
+ val1 : str
+ Additional input. The meaning of ``Val1`` to ``Val3`` varies depending on the entity type
+ (matrix or vector). See details below.
+ val2 : str
+ Additional input. The meaning of ``Val1`` to ``Val3`` varies depending on the entity type
+ (matrix or vector). See details below.
+ val3 : str
+ Additional input. The meaning of ``Val1`` to ``Val3`` varies depending on the entity type
+ (matrix or vector). See details below.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ The values of the original matrix or vector specified by ``Name`` are retained. The matrix or vector
+ is resized to the new number of rows and columns.
+ """
+ command = f"*REMOVE,{name},{val1},{val2},{val3}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def starrename(self, oldname: str = "", newname: str = "", **kwargs):
+ r"""Renames an existing vector or matrix.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*RENAME `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ oldname : str
+ Name of the existing vector or matrix to be renamed.
+ newname : str
+ New name for the vector or matrix.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ The :ref:`starrename` command is used to rename `APDL Math
+ `_ objects.
+ """
+ command = f"*RENAME,{oldname},{newname}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def axpy(
+ self,
+ vr: str = "",
+ vi: str = "",
+ m1: str = "",
+ wr: str = "",
+ wi: str = "",
+ m2: str = "",
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ r"""Performs the matrix operation M2= v\2M1 + w\2M2.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*AXPY `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ vr : str
+ The real and imaginary parts of the scalar ``v``. Default value is 0.
+ vi : str
+ The real and imaginary parts of the scalar ``v``. Default value is 0.
+ m1 : str
+ Name of matrix ``M1``. If not specified, the operation M2 = w\2M2 will be performed.
+ wr : str
+ The real and imaginary parts of the scalar ``w``. Default value is 0.
+ wi : str
+ The real and imaginary parts of the scalar ``w``. Default value is 0.
+ m2 : str
+ Name of matrix ``M2``. Must be specified.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ The matrices ``M1`` and ``M2`` must have the same dimensions and same type (dense or sparse). If
+ ``M2`` is real, ``vi`` and ``wi`` are ignored.
+ """
+ command = f"*AXPY,{vr},{vi},{m1},{wr},{wi},{m2}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def dmat(
+ self,
+ matrix: str = "",
+ type_: str = "",
+ method: str = "",
+ val1: str = "",
+ val2: str = "",
+ val3: str = "",
+ val4: str = "",
+ val5: str = "",
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ r"""Creates a dense matrix.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*DMAT `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ matrix : str
+ Name used to identify the matrix. Must be specified.
+ type_ : str
+ Matrix type:
+ * ``D`` - Double precision real values (default).
+ * ``Z`` - Complex double precision values.
+ * ``I`` - Integer values.
+ method : str
+ Method used to create the matrix:
+ * ``ALLOC`` - Allocate space for a matrix (default).
+ * ``RESIZE`` - Resize an existing matrix to new row and column dimensions. Values are kept from
+ the original matrix. If the dimensions specified by ``Val1`` (rows) and ``Val2`` (columns) are
+ greater than the original matrix size, the additional entries are assigned a value of zero.
+ * ``COPY`` - Copy an existing matrix.
+ * ``LINK`` - Link to an existing matrix. The memory will be shared between the original matrix and
+ the new matrix. This is useful for manipulating a submatrix of a larger matrix. The ``Val1``
+ through ``Val5`` arguments will be used to specify the lower and upper bounds of row and column
+ numbers from the original matrix.
+ * ``IMPORT`` - Import the matrix from a file.
+ val1 : str
+ Additional input. The meaning of ``Val1`` through ``Val5`` will vary depending on the specified
+ ``Method``. See details below.
+ val2 : str
+ Additional input. The meaning of ``Val1`` through ``Val5`` will vary depending on the specified
+ ``Method``. See details below.
+ val3 : str
+ Additional input. The meaning of ``Val1`` through ``Val5`` will vary depending on the specified
+ ``Method``. See details below.
+ val4 : str
+ Additional input. The meaning of ``Val1`` through ``Val5`` will vary depending on the specified
+ ``Method``. See details below.
+ val5 : str
+ Additional input. The meaning of ``Val1`` through ``Val5`` will vary depending on the specified
+ ``Method``. See details below.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ This command allows you to create a dense matrix. To create a sparse matrix, use the :ref:`smat`
+ command. :ref:`smat` is recommended for large matrices obtained from the ``.FULL`` or ``.HBMAT``
+ file. Refer to the :ref:`hbmat` command documentation for more information about ``.FULL`` file
+ contents.
+ Use the :ref:`vec` command to create a vector.
+ For very large matrices, use the OUTOFCORE option ( ``Method`` = ALLOC or COPY) to keep some of the
+ matrix on disk if there is insufficient memory.
+ When importing a dense matrix from a **DMIG** file, you can define the formatting of the file using
+ the ``Val3`` and ``Val4`` fields. Here are a few different example of formats:
+ A LARGE field format file (using ``Val3`` = ``LARGE``):
+ .. code:: apdl
+ ...
+ DMIG* KAAX 21 2
+ * 21 1-2.261491337E+08
+ ...
+ A FREE field format file with blank separators (using ``Val4`` = ``S``):
+ .. code:: apdl
+ ...
+ DMIG stiff 1 2 1 2 29988.
+ 1 6 149940. 2 2 -29988.
+ 2 6 149940.
+ ...
+ A FREE field format file with a comma separator (using ``Val4`` = ``,``):
+ .. code:: apdl
+ ...
+ DMIG,KF,22321,3,,22321,2,-5.00E+6
+ DMIG,KF,22320,3,,22320,2,-5.00E+6
+ ...
+ **Requirement when importing matrices from a Nastran DMIG file:** To ensure that the ``.sub`` file
+ is properly generated from matrices imported from Nastran **DMIG** file, the generalized coordinates
+ for a CMS superelement (SPOINTS in Nastran) must appear last (have
+ highest ID number).
+ """
+ command = f"*DMAT,{matrix},{type_},{method},{val1},{val2},{val3},{val4},{val5}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def dot(
+ self,
+ vector1: str = "",
+ vector2: str = "",
+ par_real: str = "",
+ par_imag: str = "",
+ conj: str = "",
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ r"""Computes the dot (or inner) product of two vectors.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*DOT `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ vector1 : str
+ Name of first vector; must have been previously specified by a :ref:`vec` command.
+ vector2 : str
+ Name of second vector; must have been previously specified by a :ref:`vec` command.
+ par_real : str
+ Parameter name that contains the result.
+ par_imag : str
+ Parameter name that contains the imaginary part of the result (used only for complex vectors).
+ conj : str
+ Key to specify use of the conjugate of ``Vector1`` when the vectors are complex:
+ * ``TRUE`` - Use the conjugate of ``Vector1`` (default).
+ * ``FALSE`` - Do not use the conjugate of ``Vector1``.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ If ``Vector1`` and ``Vector2`` are complex, the complex conjugate of ``Vector1`` is used to compute
+ the result ( ``Par_Real``, ``Par_Imag`` ). Therefore, **\*DOT** applied to complex vectors performs
+ the operation:
+ r e s = V 1 * ⋅ V 2
+ Set ``Conj`` = FALSE if you do not want to use the conjugate of ``Vector1``. In this case, the
+ operation is:
+ r e s = V 1 ⋅ V 2
+ """
+ command = f"*DOT,{vector1},{vector2},{par_real},{par_imag},{conj}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
diff --git a/src/ansys/mapdl/core/_commands/apdl/parameter_definition.py b/src/ansys/mapdl/core/_commands/apdl/parameter_definition.py
index 37e27f1f20..5629b921aa 100644
--- a/src/ansys/mapdl/core/_commands/apdl/parameter_definition.py
+++ b/src/ansys/mapdl/core/_commands/apdl/parameter_definition.py
@@ -22,301 +22,172 @@
class ParameterDefinition:
- def afun(self, lab="", **kwargs):
- """Specifies units for angular functions in parameter expressions.
- APDL Command: ``*AFUN``
+ def parres(self, lab: str = "", fname: str = "", ext: str = "", **kwargs):
+ r"""Reads parameters from a file.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `PARRES `_
- lab
- Specifies the units to be used:
+ lab : str
+ Read operation:
- Use radians for input and output of parameter angular functions (default). - Use degrees for input and output of parameter angular functions.
+ * ``NEW`` - Replace current parameter set with these parameters (default).
- Notes
- -----
- functions ``[*SET, *VFUN]`` are affected by this command.
- """
- command = f"*AFUN,{lab}"
- return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ * ``CHANGE`` - Extend current parameter set with these parameters, replacing any that already
+ exist.
- def dim(
- self,
- par="",
- type_="",
- imax="",
- jmax="",
- kmax="",
- var1="",
- var2="",
- var3="",
- csysid="",
- **kwargs,
- ):
- """Defines an array parameter and its dimensions.
+ fname : str
+ File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the
+ directory path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case,
+ you can use all 248 characters for the file name. The file name defaults to ``Jobname``.
- APDL Command: ``*DIM``
+ ext : str
+ Filename extension (eight-character maximum). The extension defaults to PARM if ``Fname`` is
+ blank.
- Parameters
- ----------
- par
- Name of parameter to be dimensioned. See ``*SET`` for name
- restrictions.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ Reads parameters from a coded file. The parameter file may have been written with the :ref:`parsav`
+ command. The parameters read may replace or change the current parameter set.
- type\\_
- Array type:
+ This command is valid in any processor.
- Arrays are similar to standard FORTRAN arrays (indices are
- integers) (default). Index numbers for the rows, columns,
- and planes are sequential values beginning with one. Used
- for 1-, 2-, or 3-D arrays. - Same as ARRAY, but used to
- specify 4-D arrays.
- Same as ARRAY, but used to specify 5-D arrays. - Array
- entries are character strings (up to 8 characters each).
- Index numbers for rows, columns, and planes are sequential
- values beginning with one.
- Array indices are real (non-integer) numbers which must be
- defined when filling the table. Index numbers for the
- rows and columns are stored in the zero column and row
- "array elements" and are initially assigned a near-zero
- value. Index numbers must be in ascending order and are
- used only for retrieving an array element. When
- retrieving an array element with a real index that does
- not match a specified index, linear interpolation is done
- among the nearest indices and the corresponding array
- element values [``*SET``]. Used for 1-, 2-, or 3-D tables. -
- Same as TABLE, but used to specify 4-D tables.
- Same as TABLE, but used to specify 5-D tables. - Array
- entries are character strings (up to IMAX each). Index
- numbers for columns and planes are sequential values
- beginning with 1. Row index is character position in
- string.
- imax
- Extent of first dimension (row). (For Type = STRING, IMAX is
- rounded up to the next multiple of eight and has a limit of 248).
- Defaults to 1.
- jmax
- Extent of second dimension (column). Defaults to 1.
- kmax
- Extent of third dimension (plane). Defaults to 1.
- var1
- Variable name corresponding to the first dimension (row) for Type =
- TABLE. Defaults to Row.
- var2
- Variable name corresponding to the second dimension (column) for
- Type = TABLE. Defaults to Column.
- var3
- Variable name corresponding to the third dimension (plane) for Type
- = TABLE. Defaults to Plane.
- csysid
- An integer corresponding to the coordinate system ID Number.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ Read a local parameter file.
- Notes
- -----
- Up to three dimensions (row, column, and plane) may be defined using
- ARRAY and TABLE. Use ARR4, ARR5, TAB4, and TAB5 to define up to five
- dimensions (row, column, plane, book, and shelf). An index number is
- associated with each row, column, and plane. For array and table type
- parameters, element values are initialized to zero. For character and
- string parameters, element values are initialized to (blank). A
- defined parameter must be deleted [``*SET``] before its dimensions can be
- changed. Scalar (single valued) parameters should not be dimensioned.
- ``*DIM,A,,3`` defines a vector array with elements A(1), A(2), and A(3).
- ``*DIM,B,,2,3`` defines a 2x3 array with elements B(1,1), B(2,1), B(1,2),
- B(2,2), B(1,3), and B(2,3). Use ``*STATUS,Par`` to display elements of
- array Par. You can write formatted data files (tabular formatting) from
- data held in arrays through the ``*VWRITE`` command.
- If you use table parameters to define boundary conditions, then Var1,
- Var2, and/or Var3 can either specify a primary variable (listed in
- Table: 130:: ``*DIM`` - Primary Variables) or can be an independent
- parameter. If specifying an independent parameter, then you must
- define an additional table for the independent parameter. The
- additional table must have the same name as the independent parameter
- and may be a function of one or more primary variables or another
- independent parameter. All independent parameters must relate to a
- primary variable.
- Tabular load arrays can be defined in both global Cartesian (default)
- or local (see below) coordinate systems by specifying CSYSID, as
- defined in LOCAL. For batch operations, you must specify your
- coordinate system first.
- The following constraints apply when you specify a local coordinate
- system for your tabular loads:
- If you are specifying a 4- or 5-D array or table, four additional
- fields (LMAX, MMAX, Var4, and Var5) are available. Thus, for a 4-D
- table, the command syntax would be:
- For a 5-D table, the command syntax would be:
- You cannot create or edit 4- or 5-D arrays or tables using the GUI.
- See Array Parameters for a detailed discussion on and examples for
- using array parameters.
- Table: 130:: : ``*DIM`` - Primary Variables
+ >>> mapdl.parres('parm.PARM')
+ """
+ return self.run(f"PARRES, {lab}, {fname}, {ext}")
- Specify PRESSURE as the independent variable (not PRES).
+ def parsav(self, lab: str = "", fname: str = "", ext: str = "", **kwargs):
+ r"""Writes parameters to a file.
- The X, Y, and Z coordinate locations listed above are valid in global
- Cartesian, or local (Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical) coordinate
- systems. The VELOCITY label is applicable only to the calculated fluid
- velocity in element FLUID116.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `PARSAV `_
- When using PRESSURE as a primary variable, the underlying element must
- have the pressure DOF associated with it, or it must be a supported
- contact element.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ lab : str
+ Write operation:
- The gap/penetration label (GAP) is only used for defining certain
- contact element real constants.
+ * ``SCALAR`` - Write only scalar parameters (default).
- The frequency label (FREQ) is valid for harmonic analyses only.
+ * ``ALL`` - Write scalar and array parameters. Parameters may be numeric or alphanumeric.
- The OMEGS, ECCENT, and THETA primary variables only apply to the
- COMBI214 element. The amplitude of the rotational velocity (OMEGS) is
- an absolute value, so only positive values of OMEGS are valid. The
- eccentricity (ECCENT) and phase shift (THETA) labels are only valid for
- nonlinear analyses.
+ fname : str
+ File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the
+ directory path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case,
+ you can use all 248 characters for the file name. The file name defaults to ``Jobname``.
- If you use table parameters to define boundary conditions, the table
- names (Par) must not exceed 32 characters.
+ ext : str
+ Filename extension (eight-character maximum). The extension defaults to PARM if ``Fname`` is
+ blank.
- In thermal analyses, if you apply tabular loads as a function of
- temperature but the rest of the model is linear (e.g., includes no
- temperature-dependent material properties or radiation ), you should
- turn on Newton-Raphson iterations (NROPT,FULL) to evaluate the
- temperature-dependent tabular boundary conditions correctly.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ Writes the current parameters to a coded file. Previous parameters on this file, if any, will be
+ overwritten. The parameter file may be read with the :ref:`parres` command.
+ :ref:`parsav` / :ref:`parres` operations truncate some long decimal strings, and can cause differing
+ values in your solution data when other operations are performed. A good practice is to limit the
+ number of decimal places you will use before and after these operations.
This command is valid in any processor.
- command = (
- f"*DIM,{par},{type_},{imax},{jmax},{kmax},{var1},{var2},{var3},{csysid}"
- )
+ command = f"PARSAV,{lab},{fname},{ext}"
return self.run(command, **kwargs)
def get(
- par="",
- entity="",
- entnum="",
- item1="",
- it1num="",
- item2="",
- it2num="",
+ par: str = "",
+ entity: str = "",
+ entnum: str = "",
+ item1: str = "",
+ it1num: str = "",
+ item2: str = "",
+ it2num: str = "",
- """Retrieves a value and stores it as a scalar parameter or part of an array parameter.
- APDL Command: ``*GET``
- See the full MADPL command at `*GET
- `_
- GET retrieves a value for a specified item and stores the
- value as a scalar parameter, or as a value in a user-named
- array parameter. An item is identified by various keyword,
- label, and number combinations. Usage is similar to the SET
- command except that the parameter values are retrieved from
- previously input or calculated results. For example,
- ``GET,A,ELEM,5,CENT,X`` returns the centroid x-location of element
- 5 and stores the result as parameter A. GET command
- operations, along with the associated Get functions return
- values in the active coordinate system unless stated
- otherwise. A Get function is an alternative in- line function
- that can be used to retrieve a value instead of the GET
- command (see Using In-line Get Functions for more
- information).
- Both GET and VGET retrieve information from the active data
- stored in memory. The database is often the source, and
- sometimes the information is retrieved from common memory
- blocks that the program uses to manipulate
- information. Although POST1 and POST26 operations use a .rst
- file, GET data is accessed from the database or from the
- common blocks. Get operations do not access the .rst file
- directly. For repeated gets of sequential items, such as from
- a series of elements, see the VGET command.
- Most items are stored in the database after they are
- calculated and are available anytime thereafter. Items are
- grouped according to where they are usually first defined or
- calculated. Preprocessing data will often not reflect the
- calculated values generated from section data. Do not use GET
- to obtain data from elements that use calculated section data,
- such as beams or shells. Most of the general items listed
- below are available from all modules.
+ r"""Retrieves a value and stores it as a scalar parameter or part of an array parameter.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*GET `_
- par : str, optional
- The name of the resulting parameter. See \\*SET for name
- restrictions.
+ par : str
+ The name of the resulting parameter. See :ref:`starset` for name restrictions.
+ entity : str
+ Entity keyword. Valid keywords are NODE, ELEM, KP, LINE, AREA, VOLU, etc., as shown for
+ ``Entity`` = in the tables below.
+ entnum : str
+ The number or label for the entity (as shown for ``ENTNUM`` = in the tables below). In some
+ cases, a zero (or blank) ``ENTNUM`` represents all entities of the set.
- entity
- Entity keyword. Valid keywords are NODE, ELEM, KP, LINE,
- AREA, VOLU, PDS, etc., as shown for Entity = in the tables
- below.
- entnum
- The number or label for the entity (as shown for ENTNUM =
- in the tables below). In some cases, a zero (or blank)
- ENTNUM represents all entities of the set.
- item1
- The name of a particular item for the given entity.
- it1num
- The number (or label) for the specified Item1 (if
- any). Valid IT1NUM values are as shown in the IT1NUM
- columns of the tables below. Some Item1 labels do not
- require an IT1NUM value.
- item2, it2num
- A second set of item labels and numbers to further qualify
- the item for which data are to be retrieved. Most items do
- not require this level of information.
- item3
- A third set of item labels to further qualify
- the item for which data are to be retrieved. Almost all items do
- not require this level of information.
- item3 : str, optional
- A third set of item labels and numbers to further qualify the item
- for which data are to be retrieved. Most items do not require this
- level of information.
- it3num : str, int, optional
- The number (or label) for the specified ``item3`` (if
- any). Some ``item3`` labels do not require an ``it3num``
- value.
- item4 : str, optional
- A fourth set of item labels and numbers to further qualify the item
- for which data are to be retrieved. Most items do not require this level of information.
- it4num : str, int, optional
- The number (or label) for the specified ``item4`` (if
- any). Some ``item4`` labels do not require an ``it4num``
- value.
+ item1 : str
+ The name of a particular item for the given entity. Valid items are as shown in the ``Item1``
+ columns of the tables below.
+ it1num : str
+ The number (or label) for the specified ``Item1`` (if any). Valid ``IT1NUM`` values are as shown
+ in the ``IT1NUM`` columns of the tables below. Some ``Item1`` labels do not require an
+ ``IT1NUM`` value.
+ item2 : str
+ A second set of item labels and numbers to further qualify the item for which data are to be
+ retrieved. Most items do not require this level of information.
+ it2num : str
+ A second set of item labels and numbers to further qualify the item for which data are to be
+ retrieved. Most items do not require this level of information.
Floating point value of the parameter.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ :ref:`get` retrieves a value for a specified item and stores the value as a scalar parameter, or as
+ a value in a user-named array parameter. An item is identified by various keyword, label, and number
+ combinations. Usage is similar to the :ref:`starset` command except that the parameter values are
+ retrieved from previously input or calculated results.
+ :ref:`get` Usage :ref:`get` ,A,ELEM,5,CENT,X returns the centroid x location of element 5 and stores
+ the result as parameter A.
+ :ref:`get` command operations, and corresponding get functions, return values in the active
+ coordinate system ( :ref:`csys` for input data or :ref:`rsys` for results data) unless stated
+ otherwise.
+ A get function is an alternative in-line function that can be used instead of the :ref:`get` command
+ to retrieve a value. For more information, see.
+ Both :ref:`get` and :ref:`starvget` retrieve information from the active data stored in memory. The
+ database is often the source, and sometimes the information is retrieved from common memory blocks
+ that the program uses to manipulate information. Although POST1 and POST26 operations use a
+ ``\2.rst`` file, :ref:`get` data is accessed from the database or from the common blocks. Get
+ operations do not access the ``\2.rst`` file directly. For repeated gets of sequential items, such as
+ from a series of elements, see the :ref:`starvget` command.
+ Most items are stored in the database after they are calculated and are available anytime
+ thereafter. Items are grouped according to where they are usually first defined or calculated.
+ Preprocessing data will often not reflect the calculated values generated from section data. Do not
+ use :ref:`get` to obtain data from elements that use calculated section data, such as beams or
+ shells.
+ When the value retrieved by :ref:`get` is a component name, the resulting character parameter is
+ limited to 32 characters. If the component name is longer than 32 characters, the remaining
+ characters are ignored.
+ Most of the general items listed below are available from all modules. Each of the sections for
+ accessing :ref:`get` parameters are shown in the following order:
+ The :ref:`get` command is valid in any processor.
Retrieve the number of nodes
@@ -331,18 +202,21 @@ def get(
>>> value = mapdl.get(entity='node', item1='count')
>>> value
command = f"*GET,{par},{entity},{entnum},{item1},{it1num},{item2},{it2num}"
return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def inquire(self, strarray="", func="", arg1="", arg2="", **kwargs):
- """Returns system information.
- By default, with no arguments, it returns the working directory.
+ def inquire(
+ self,
+ strarray: str = "",
+ func: str = "",
+ arg1: str = "",
+ arg2: str = "",
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ r"""Returns system information to a parameter.
- >>> mapdl.inquire()
- C:\\Users\\user\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\ansys_nynvxsaooh
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `/INQUIRE `_
@@ -351,8 +225,8 @@ def inquire(self, strarray="", func="", arg1="", arg2="", **kwargs):
Normally, if used in a python script you should just work with the
return value from this method.
func : str, optional
- Specifies the type of system information returned. See the
- notes section for more information.
+ Specifies the type of system information returned. See the
+ notes section for more information.
arg1 : str, optional
First argument. See notes for ``arg1`` definition.
arg2 : str, optional
@@ -368,22 +242,22 @@ def inquire(self, strarray="", func="", arg1="", arg2="", **kwargs):
The ``/INQUIRE`` command is valid in any processor.
.. warning::
- Take note that from version 0.60.4 and later, the command behaviour
- has been changed.
- Previously, the ``StrArray`` argument was omitted. For example:
- >>> mapdl.inquire('DIRECTORY')
- C:\\Users\\user\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\ansys_nynvxsaooh
+ Take note that from version 0.60.4 and later, the command behaviour
+ has been changed.
+ Previously, the ``StrArray`` argument was omitted. For example:
+ >>> mapdl.inquire('DIRECTORY')
+ C:\\Users\\user\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\ansys_nynvxsaooh
- Now this will raise an exception.
- The default behaviour now, requires to input ``StrArray``:
- >>> mapdl.inquire('', 'DIRECTORY')
- C:\\Users\\user\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\ansys_nynvxsaooh
+ Now this will raise an exception.
+ The default behaviour now, requires to input ``StrArray``:
+ >>> mapdl.inquire('', 'DIRECTORY')
+ C:\\Users\\user\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\ansys_nynvxsaooh
- ``LOGIN`` - Returns the pathname of the login directory on Linux
- systems or the pathname of the default directory (including
- drive letter) on Windows systems.
+ systems or the pathname of the default directory (including
+ drive letter) on Windows systems.
- ``DOCU`` - Pathname of the ANSYS documentation directory.
- ``APDL`` - Pathname of the ANSYS APDL directory.
- ``PROG`` - Pathname of the ANSYS executable directory.
@@ -396,7 +270,6 @@ def inquire(self, strarray="", func="", arg1="", arg2="", **kwargs):
- ``RSTEXT`` - Result file extension.
- ``OUTPUT`` - Current output file name.
If ``FUNC=ENV``, the command format is ``/INQUIRE,StrArray,ENV,ENVNAME,Substring``.
@@ -405,15 +278,14 @@ def inquire(self, strarray="", func="", arg1="", arg2="", **kwargs):
The following defines the remaining fields:
- Specifies the name of the environment variable.
+ Specifies the name of the environment variable.
- If ``Substring = 1``, the first substring (up to the first colon (:)) is returned.
- If ``Substring = 2``, the second substring is returned, etc. For Windows platforms,
- the separating character is semicolon (;).
- If this argument is either blank or 0, the entire value of the environment
- variable is returned.
+ If ``Substring = 1``, the first substring (up to the first colon (:)) is returned.
+ If ``Substring = 2``, the second substring is returned, etc. For Windows platforms,
+ the separating character is semicolon (;).
+ If this argument is either blank or 0, the entire value of the environment
+ variable is returned.
@@ -422,7 +294,6 @@ def inquire(self, strarray="", func="", arg1="", arg2="", **kwargs):
value is ``1`` or blank, the title is returned. If the value is ``2`` through ``5``,
a corresponding subtitle is returned (``2`` denoting the first subtitle, and so on).
The ``/INQUIRE`` command can also return information about specified files
@@ -431,42 +302,42 @@ def inquire(self, strarray="", func="", arg1="", arg2="", **kwargs):
The following defines the fields:
- Name of the parameter that will hold the returned values.
+ Name of the parameter that will hold the returned values.
- Specifies the type of file information returned:
+ Specifies the type of file information returned:
- Returns a ``1`` if the specified file exists, and ``0`` if it does not.
+ Returns a ``1`` if the specified file exists, and ``0`` if it does not.
- Returns the date stamp of the specified file in the format ``*yyyymmdd.hhmmss*``.
+ Returns the date stamp of the specified file in the format ``\2yyyymmdd.hhmmss*``.
- Returns the size of the specified file in MB.
+ Returns the size of the specified file in MB.
- Returns the status of the write attribute. A ``0`` denotes no write permission while a ``1`` denotes
- write permission.
+ Returns the status of the write attribute. A ``0`` denotes no write permission while a ``1`` denotes
+ write permission.
- Returns the status of the read attribute. A ``0`` denotes no read permission while a ``1`` denotes read
- permission.
+ Returns the status of the read attribute. A ``0`` denotes no read permission while a ``1`` denotes read
+ permission.
- Returns the status of the execute attribute (this has meaning only on Linux). A ``0`` denotes no
- execute permission while a ``1`` denotes execute permission.
+ Returns the status of the execute attribute (this has meaning only on Linux). A ``0`` denotes no
+ execute permission while a ``1`` denotes execute permission.
- Returns the number of lines in an ASCII file.
+ Returns the number of lines in an ASCII file.
- File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the
- directory path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you
- can use all 248 characters for the file name.
+ File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the
+ directory path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you
+ can use all 248 characters for the file name.
- Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
+ Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
@@ -491,662 +362,1097 @@ def inquire(self, strarray="", func="", arg1="", arg2="", **kwargs):
return self.run(f"/INQUIRE,{strarray},{func},{arg1},{arg2}", **kwargs)
- def parres(self, lab="", fname="", ext="", **kwargs):
- """Reads parameters from a file.
+ def starset(
+ self,
+ par: str = "",
+ value: str = "",
+ val2: str = "",
+ val3: str = "",
+ val4: str = "",
+ val5: str = "",
+ val6: str = "",
+ val7: str = "",
+ val8: str = "",
+ val9: str = "",
+ val10: str = "",
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ r"""Assigns values to user-named parameters.
- APDL Command: PARRES
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*SET `_
- Reads parameters from a coded file. The parameter file may
- have been written with the PARSAV command. The parameters
- read may replace or change the current parameter set.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ par : str
+ An alphanumeric name used to identify this parameter. ``Par`` can contain up to 32 characters,
+ beginning with a letter and containing only letters, numbers, and underscores. Examples: ABC
+ Command names, function names, label names, component and assembly names, etc., are invalid, as
+ are parameter names beginning with an underscore (for example, _LOOP ).
+ Parameter names ending in an underscore are not listed by the :ref:`starstatus` command. Array
+ parameter names must be followed by a subscript, and the entire expression must be 32 characters
+ or less. Examples: A(1,1) NEW_VAL(3,2,5) RESULT(1000)
+ There is no character parameter substitution for the ``Par`` field. Table parameters used in
+ command fields (where constant values are normally given) are limited to 32 characters.
+ value : str
+ Numerical value or alphanumeric character string (up to 32 characters enclosed in single quotes)
+ to be assigned to this parameter. Examples: A(1,3)=7.4 B='ABC3' Can also be a parameter or a
+ parametric expression. Examples: C=A(1,3) A(2,2)=(C+4)/2 . If ``VALUE`` is the table array
+ name, the subscripts are the values of the primary variables and the table is evaluated at these
+ specified index values.
+ If blank, delete this parameter. Example: A= deletes parameter A .
+ val2 : str
+ If ``Par`` is an array parameter, values ``VAL2`` through ``VAL10`` (up to the last nonblank
+ value) are sequentially assigned to the succeeding array elements of the column. Examples:
+ *SET,A(1,4),10,11 assigns A(1,4)=10, A(2,4)=11, and *SET,B(2,3),'file10','file11' assigns
+ B(2,3)='file10', B(3,3)='file11' .
+ val3 : str
+ If ``Par`` is an array parameter, values ``VAL2`` through ``VAL10`` (up to the last nonblank
+ value) are sequentially assigned to the succeeding array elements of the column. Examples:
+ *SET,A(1,4),10,11 assigns A(1,4)=10, A(2,4)=11, and *SET,B(2,3),'file10','file11' assigns
+ B(2,3)='file10', B(3,3)='file11' .
+ val4 : str
+ If ``Par`` is an array parameter, values ``VAL2`` through ``VAL10`` (up to the last nonblank
+ value) are sequentially assigned to the succeeding array elements of the column. Examples:
+ *SET,A(1,4),10,11 assigns A(1,4)=10, A(2,4)=11, and *SET,B(2,3),'file10','file11' assigns
+ B(2,3)='file10', B(3,3)='file11' .
+ val5 : str
+ If ``Par`` is an array parameter, values ``VAL2`` through ``VAL10`` (up to the last nonblank
+ value) are sequentially assigned to the succeeding array elements of the column. Examples:
+ *SET,A(1,4),10,11 assigns A(1,4)=10, A(2,4)=11, and *SET,B(2,3),'file10','file11' assigns
+ B(2,3)='file10', B(3,3)='file11' .
+ val6 : str
+ If ``Par`` is an array parameter, values ``VAL2`` through ``VAL10`` (up to the last nonblank
+ value) are sequentially assigned to the succeeding array elements of the column. Examples:
+ *SET,A(1,4),10,11 assigns A(1,4)=10, A(2,4)=11, and *SET,B(2,3),'file10','file11' assigns
+ B(2,3)='file10', B(3,3)='file11' .
+ val7 : str
+ If ``Par`` is an array parameter, values ``VAL2`` through ``VAL10`` (up to the last nonblank
+ value) are sequentially assigned to the succeeding array elements of the column. Examples:
+ *SET,A(1,4),10,11 assigns A(1,4)=10, A(2,4)=11, and *SET,B(2,3),'file10','file11' assigns
+ B(2,3)='file10', B(3,3)='file11' .
+ val8 : str
+ If ``Par`` is an array parameter, values ``VAL2`` through ``VAL10`` (up to the last nonblank
+ value) are sequentially assigned to the succeeding array elements of the column. Examples:
+ *SET,A(1,4),10,11 assigns A(1,4)=10, A(2,4)=11, and *SET,B(2,3),'file10','file11' assigns
+ B(2,3)='file10', B(3,3)='file11' .
+ val9 : str
+ If ``Par`` is an array parameter, values ``VAL2`` through ``VAL10`` (up to the last nonblank
+ value) are sequentially assigned to the succeeding array elements of the column. Examples:
+ *SET,A(1,4),10,11 assigns A(1,4)=10, A(2,4)=11, and *SET,B(2,3),'file10','file11' assigns
+ B(2,3)='file10', B(3,3)='file11' .
+ val10 : str
+ If ``Par`` is an array parameter, values ``VAL2`` through ``VAL10`` (up to the last nonblank
+ value) are sequentially assigned to the succeeding array elements of the column. Examples:
+ *SET,A(1,4),10,11 assigns A(1,4)=10, A(2,4)=11, and *SET,B(2,3),'file10','file11' assigns
+ B(2,3)='file10', B(3,3)='file11' .
+ Notes
+ -----
+ Assigns values to user-named parameters that can be substituted later in the run. The equivalent
+ (and recommended) format is ``Par`` = ``VALUE``, ``VAL2``, ``VAL3``, ..., ``VAL10``
+ which can be used in place of :ref:`starset`, ``Par``, ... for convenience.
This command is valid in any processor.
+ Parameters (numeric or character) can be scalars (single valued) or arrays (multiple valued in one,
+ two, or three dimensions). An unlimited number of parameter names can be defined in any run. For
+ very large numbers of parameters, it is most efficient to define them in alphabetical order.
+ Parameter values can be redefined at any time. Array parameters can also be assigned values within a
+ do-loop ( ``\*DO`` ) for convenience. Internally programmed do-loop commands are also available with
+ the **\*V** ``XX`` commands ( :ref:`vfill` ). Parameter values (except for parameters ending in an
+ underscore) can be listed with the :ref:`starstatus` command, displayed via :ref:`starvplot`
+ (numeric parameters only), and modified via ``\*VEDIT`` (numeric parameters only).
+ Older program-provided macro files can use parameter names that do not begin with an underscore.
+ Using these macros embedded in your own macros may cause conflicts if the same parameter names are
+ used.
+ Parameters can also be resolved in comments created via :ref:`com`. A parameter can be deleted by
+ redefining it with a blank ``VALUE``. If the parameter is an array, the entire array is deleted.
+ Parameters can also be defined by a response to a query via ``\*ASK`` or from a Mechanical APDL-
+ provided value via :ref:`get`.
+ Array parameters must be dimensioned ( :ref:`dim` ) before being assigned values unless they are the
+ result of an array operation or defined using the implied loop convention.
+ Undefined scalar parameters are initialized to a near-zero value. Numeric array parameters are
+ initialized to zero when dimensioned, and character array parameters are initialized to blank.
+ An existing array parameter must be deleted before it can be redimensioned.
+ Array parameter names must be followed by a subscript list (enclosed in parentheses) identifying the
+ element of the array. The subscript list can have one, two, or three values (separated by commas).
+ Typical array parameter elements are A(1,1), NEW_VAL(3,2,5), RESULT(1000). Subscripts for defining
+ an array element must be integers (or parameter expressions that evaluate to integers). Non-integer
+ values are rounded to the nearest integer value.
+ All array parameters are stored as 3D arrays with the unspecified dimensions set to 1. For example,
+ the 4th array element of a 1-dimensional array, A(4), is stored as array element A(4,1,1).
+ Arrays adhere to standard FORTRAN conventions.
+ If the parameter name ``Par`` is input in a numeric argument of a command, the numeric value of the
+ parameter (as assigned with :ref:`starset`, :ref:`get`, =, etc.) is substituted into the command
+ at that point. Substitution occurs only if the parameter name is used between blanks, commas,
+ parentheses, or arithmetic operators (or any combination) in a numeric argument. Substitution can be
+ prevented by enclosing the parameter name ``Par`` within single quotes ( ' ), if the parameter is
+ alone in the argument; if the parameter is part of an arithmetic expression, the entire expression
+ must be enclosed within single quotes to prevent substitution. In either case the character string
+ will be used instead of the numeric value (and the string will be taken as 0.0 if it is in a numeric
+ argument).
+ A forced substitution is available in the text fields of :ref:`title`, :ref:`stitle`,
+ :ref:`tlabel`, :ref:`an3d`, :ref:`syp` ( ``ARG1`` -- ``ARG8`` ), and :ref:`abbr` by enclosing the
+ parameter within percent (%) signs. Also, parameter substitution can be forced within the file name
+ or extension fields of commands having these fields by enclosing the parameter within percent (%)
+ signs. Array parameters ( :ref:`dim` ) must include a subscript (within parentheses) to identify the
+ array element whose value is to be substituted, such as A(1,3). Out-of-range subscripts result in an
+ error message. Non-integer subscripts are allowed when identifying a TABLE array element for
+ substitution. A proportional linear interpolation of values among the nearest array elements is
+ performed before substitution. Interpolation is done in all three dimensions.
+ Interpolation is based upon the assigned index numbers which must be defined when the table is
+ filled ( :ref:`dim` ).
+ Most alphanumeric arguments permit the use of character parameter substitution. When the parameter
+ name ``Par`` input, the alphanumeric value of the parameter is substituted into the command at that
+ point. Substitution can be suppressed by enclosing the parameter name within single quotes ( ' ).
+ Forced substitution is available in some fields by enclosing the parameter name within percent (%)
+ signs. Valid forced substitution fields include command name fields, ``Fname`` (filename) or ``Ext``
+ (extension) arguments, :ref:`abbr` command ( ``Abbr`` arguments), :ref:`title` and :ref:`stitle`
+ commands ( ``Title`` argument) and :ref:`tlabel` command ( ``Text`` argument). Character parameter
+ substitution is also available in the ``\*ASK``, :ref:`an3d`, :ref:`cfwrite`, ``\*IF``,
+ ``\*ELSEIF``, :ref:`msg`, :ref:`starset`, :ref:`use`, :ref:`vread`, and :ref:`vwrite` commands.
+ Character array parameters must include a subscript (within parentheses) to identify the array
+ element whose value is to be substituted.
+ If a parameter operation expression is input in a numeric argument, the numeric value of the
+ expression is substituted into the command
+ at that point. Allowable operation expressions are of the form E1oE2oE3 ...oE10
+ where E1, E2, etc. are expressions connected by operators (o). The allowable operations (o) are + -
+ * / ** < >
+ For example, A+B**C/D\*E is a valid operation expression. The * represents multiplication and the **
+ represents exponentiation.
+ Exponentiation of a negative number (without parentheses) to an integer power follows standard
+ FORTRAN hierarchy conventions; that is, the positive number is exponentiated and then the sign is
+ attached. Thus, -4**2 is evaluated as -16. If parentheses are applied, such as (-4)**2, the result
+ is 16.
+ A parameter is evaluated as a number within parentheses before exponentiation. Exponentiation of a
+ negative number to a non-integer power is performed by exponentiating the positive number and
+ prepending the minus sign, for example, -4**2.3 is -(4**2.3). The < and > operators allow
+ conditional substitution. For example, E1`_
- lab
- Read operation.
+ par : str
+ Specifies the parameter or sets of parameters listed. For array parameters, use ``IMIN``, ``IMAX``, etc. to specify ranges. Use :ref:`dim` to define array parameters. Use ``\*VEDIT`` to review array parameters interactively. Use :ref:`vwrite` to print array values in a formatted output. If ``Par`` is blank, list all scalar parameter values, array parameter dimensions, and abbreviations. If ARGX, list the active set of local macro parameters (ARG1 to ARG9 and AR10 to AR99) ( :ref:`use` ).
- NEW - Replace current parameter set with these parameters (default).
+ The following are possible values for ``Par``
- CHANGE - Extend current parameter set with these
- parameters, replacing any that already exist.
+ * ```` - Lists all parameters (except local macro parameters and those with names beginning or
+ ending with an underbar) and toolbar abbreviations.
- fname
- File name and directory path (248 characters maximum,
- including the characters needed for the directory path).
- An unspecified directory path defaults to the working
- directory; in this case, you can use all 248 characters
- for the file name.
+ * ``_PRM`` - Lists only parameters with names beginning with an underbar (_). These are Mechanical APDL
+ internal parameters.
- The file name defaults to Jobname.
+ * ``PRM_`` - Lists only parameters with names ending with an underbar (_). A good APDL programming
+ convention is to ensure that all parameters created by your system programmer are named with a
+ trailing underbar.
- ext
- Filename extension (eight-character maximum). The
- extension defaults to PARM if Fname is blank.
+ * ``ABBR`` - Lists all toolbar abbreviations.
- Examples
- --------
- Read a local parameter file.
+ * ``PARM`` - Lists all parameters (except local macro parameters and those with names beginning or
+ ending with an underbar).
- >>> mapdl.parres('parm.PARM')
+ * ``MATH`` - Lists all APDL Math parameters, including vectors, matrices, and linear solvers.
- """
- return self.run(f"PARRES, {lab}, {fname}, {ext}")
+ * ``PARNAME`` - Lists only the parameter specified. ``PARNAME`` cannot be a local macro parameter
+ name.
- def parsav(self, lab="", fname="", ext="", **kwargs):
- """Writes parameters to a file.
+ * ``ARGX`` - Lists all local macro parameter values (ARG1- AR99) that are non-zero or non-blank.
- APDL Command: PARSAV
+ imin : str
+ Range of array elements to display (in terms of the dimensions (row, column, plane, book, and
+ shelf). Minimum values default to 1. Maximum values default to the maximum dimension values.
+ Zero may be input for ``IMIN``, ``JMIN``, and ``KMIN`` to display the index numbers. See
+ :ref:`taxis` command to list index numbers of 4- and 5-D tables.
- Parameters
- ----------
- lab
- Write operation:
+ imax : str
+ Range of array elements to display (in terms of the dimensions (row, column, plane, book, and
+ shelf). Minimum values default to 1. Maximum values default to the maximum dimension values.
+ Zero may be input for ``IMIN``, ``JMIN``, and ``KMIN`` to display the index numbers. See
+ :ref:`taxis` command to list index numbers of 4- and 5-D tables.
- - ``'SCALAR'`` : Write only scalar parameters (default).
- - ``'ALL'`` : Write scalar and array parameters.
- Parameters may be numeric or alphanumeric.
+ jmin : str
+ Range of array elements to display (in terms of the dimensions (row, column, plane, book, and
+ shelf). Minimum values default to 1. Maximum values default to the maximum dimension values.
+ Zero may be input for ``IMIN``, ``JMIN``, and ``KMIN`` to display the index numbers. See
+ :ref:`taxis` command to list index numbers of 4- and 5-D tables.
- fname
- File name and directory path (248 characters maximum,
- including the characters needed for the directory path).
- An unspecified directory path defaults to the working
- directory; in this case, you can use all 248 characters
- for the file name.
+ jmax : str
+ Range of array elements to display (in terms of the dimensions (row, column, plane, book, and
+ shelf). Minimum values default to 1. Maximum values default to the maximum dimension values.
+ Zero may be input for ``IMIN``, ``JMIN``, and ``KMIN`` to display the index numbers. See
+ :ref:`taxis` command to list index numbers of 4- and 5-D tables.
- ext
- Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
+ kmin : str
+ Range of array elements to display (in terms of the dimensions (row, column, plane, book, and
+ shelf). Minimum values default to 1. Maximum values default to the maximum dimension values.
+ Zero may be input for ``IMIN``, ``JMIN``, and ``KMIN`` to display the index numbers. See
+ :ref:`taxis` command to list index numbers of 4- and 5-D tables.
+ kmax : str
+ Range of array elements to display (in terms of the dimensions (row, column, plane, book, and
+ shelf). Minimum values default to 1. Maximum values default to the maximum dimension values.
+ Zero may be input for ``IMIN``, ``JMIN``, and ``KMIN`` to display the index numbers. See
+ :ref:`taxis` command to list index numbers of 4- and 5-D tables.
+ lmin : str
+ Range of array elements to display (in terms of the dimensions (row, column, plane, book, and
+ shelf). Minimum values default to 1. Maximum values default to the maximum dimension values.
+ Zero may be input for ``IMIN``, ``JMIN``, and ``KMIN`` to display the index numbers. See
+ :ref:`taxis` command to list index numbers of 4- and 5-D tables.
+ lmax : str
+ Range of array elements to display (in terms of the dimensions (row, column, plane, book, and
+ shelf). Minimum values default to 1. Maximum values default to the maximum dimension values.
+ Zero may be input for ``IMIN``, ``JMIN``, and ``KMIN`` to display the index numbers. See
+ :ref:`taxis` command to list index numbers of 4- and 5-D tables.
+ mmin : str
+ Range of array elements to display (in terms of the dimensions (row, column, plane, book, and
+ shelf). Minimum values default to 1. Maximum values default to the maximum dimension values.
+ Zero may be input for ``IMIN``, ``JMIN``, and ``KMIN`` to display the index numbers. See
+ :ref:`taxis` command to list index numbers of 4- and 5-D tables.
+ mmax : str
+ Range of array elements to display (in terms of the dimensions (row, column, plane, book, and
+ shelf). Minimum values default to 1. Maximum values default to the maximum dimension values.
+ Zero may be input for ``IMIN``, ``JMIN``, and ``KMIN`` to display the index numbers. See
+ :ref:`taxis` command to list index numbers of 4- and 5-D tables.
+ kpri : int or str
+ Use this field to list your primary variable labels (X, Y, Z, TIME, etc.).
+ * ``1`` - List the labels (default). YES, Y, or ON are also valid entries.
+ * ``0`` - Do not list the labels. NO, N, or OFF are also valid entries.
- Writes the current parameters to a coded file. Previous
- parameters on this file, if any, will be overwritten. The
- parameter file may be read with the PARRES command.
- PARSAV/PARRES operations truncate some long decimal strings,
- and can cause differing values in your solution data when
- other operations are performed. A good practice is to limit
- the number of decimal places you will use before and after
- these operations.
+ You cannot obtain the value for a single local parameter (for example, :ref:`starstatus` ,ARG2). You
+ can only request all local parameters simultaneously using :ref:`starstatus` ,ARGX.
This command is valid in any processor.
- command = f"PARSAV,{lab},{fname},{ext}"
+ command = f"*STATUS,{par},{imin},{imax},{jmin},{jmax},{kmin},{kmax},{lmin},{lmax},{mmin},{mmax},{kpri}"
return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def starset(
- self,
- par="",
- value="",
- val2="",
- val3="",
- val4="",
- val5="",
- val6="",
- val7="",
- val8="",
- val9="",
- val10="",
- **kwargs,
+ def tread(
+ self, par: str = "", fname: str = "", ext: str = "", nskip: str = "", **kwargs
- """Assigns values to user-named parameters.
+ r"""Reads data from an external file into a table array parameter.
- APDL Command: ``*SET``
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*TREAD `_
- par
- An alphanumeric name used to identify this parameter. Par may be
- up to 32 characters, beginning with a letter and containing only
- letters, numbers, and underscores. Examples: ABC A3X TOP_END.
- ANSYS command names, function names, label names, component and
- assembly names, etc., should not be used. Parameter names
- beginning with an underscore (e.g., _LOOP) are reserved for use by
- ANSYS and should be avoided. Parameter names ending in an
- underscore are not listed by the ``*STATUS`` command. Array parameter
- names must be followed by a subscript, and the entire expression
- must be 32 characters or less. Examples: A(1,1) NEW_VAL(3,2,5)
- RESULT(1000). There is no character parameter substitution for the
- Par field. Table parameters that are used in command fields (where
- constant values are normally given) are limited to 32 characters.
- value
- Numerical value or alphanumeric character string (up to 32
- characters enclosed in single quotes) to be assigned to this
- parameter. Examples: A(1,3)=7.4 B='ABC3'. May also be a
- parameter or a parametric expression. Examples: C=A(1,3)
- A(2,2)=(C+4)/2. If blank, delete this parameter. Example: A=
- deletes parameter A.
- val2, val3, val4, val5, val6, val7, val8, val9, val10
- If Par is an array parameter, values VAL2 through VAL10 (up to the
- last nonblank value) are sequentially assigned to the succeeding
- array elements of the column. Example: ``*SET,A(1,4),10,11`` assigns
- ``A(1,4)=10, A(2,4)=11``. ``*SET,B(2,3),'file10','file11'`` assigns
- ``B(2,3)='file10', B(3,3)='file11'``.
+ par : str
+ Table array parameter name as defined by the :ref:`dim` command.
- Notes
- -----
- Assigns values to user-named parameters that may be substituted later
- in the run. The equivalent (and recommended) format is
+ fname : str
+ File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the
+ directory path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case,
+ you can use all 248 characters for the file name. File name has no default.
- ``Par = VALUE,VAL2,VAL3, . . . , VAL10``
+ ext : str
+ Filename extension (eight-character maximum). Extension has no default.
- which may be used in place of ``*SET,Par, : ...`` for convenience.
+ nskip : str
+ Number of comment lines at the beginning of the file being read that will be skipped during the
+ reading. Default = 0.
- This command is valid in any processor.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ Use this command to read in a table of data from an external file into a table array parameter. The
+ external file may be created using a text editor or by an external application or program. To be
+ used by :ref:`tread`, the external file's encoding format must be UTF-8, and the file must be in
+ tab-delimited, blank-delimited, or comma-delimited format. The TABLE type array parameter must be
+ defined before you can read in an external file. See :ref:`dim` for more information.
- Parameters (numeric or character) may be scalars (single valued) or
- arrays (multiple valued in one, two, or three dimensions). An unlimited
- number of parameter names may be defined in any ANSYS run. For very
- large numbers of parameters, it is most efficient to define them in
- alphabetical order.
- Parameter values may be redefined at any time. Array parameters may
- also be assigned values within a do-loop [``*DO``] for convenience.
- Internally programmed do-loop commands are also available with the ``*VXX``
- commands (``*VFILL``). Parameter values (except for parameters ending in
- an underscore) may be listed with the ``*STATUS`` command, displayed with
- the ``*VPLOT`` command (numeric parameters only), and modified with the
- ``*VEDIT`` command (numeric parameters only).
- Older ANSYS-supplied macro files may use parameter names that do not
- begin with an underscore. Using these macros embedded in your own
- macros may cause conflicts if the same parameter names are used.
- Parameters can also be resolved in comments created by the /COM command
- (see /COM for complete documentation). A parameter can be deleted by
- redefining it with a blank VALUE. If the parameter is an array, the
- entire array is deleted. Parameters may also be defined by a response
- to a query with the ``*ASK`` command or from an "ANSYS-supplied" value
- with the ``*GET`` command.
- Array parameters must be dimensioned [``*DIM``] before being assigned
- values unless they are the result of an array operation or defined
- using the implied loop convention. Scalar parameters that are not
- defined are initialized to a "near" zero value. Numeric array
- parameters are initialized to zero when dimensioned, and character
- array parameters are initialized to blank. An existing array parameter
- must be deleted before it can be redimensioned. Array parameter names
- must be followed by a subscript list (enclosed in parentheses)
- identifying the element of the array. The subscript list may have one,
- two, or three values (separated by commas). Typical array parameter
- elements are A(1,1), NEW_VAL(3,2,5), RESULT(1000). Subscripts for
- defining an array element must be integers (or parameter expressions
- that evaluate to integers). Non-integer values are rounded to the
- nearest integer value. All array parameters are stored as 3-D arrays
- with the unspecified dimensions set to 1. For example, the 4th array
- element of a 1-dimensional array, A(4), is stored as array element
- A(4,1,1). Arrays are patterned after standard FORTRAN conventions.
- If the parameter name Par is input in a numeric argument of a command,
- the numeric value of the parameter (as assigned with ``*SET``, ``*GET``, =,
- etc.) is substituted into the command at that point. Substitution
- occurs only if the parameter name is used between blanks, commas,
- parentheses, or arithmetic operators (or any combination) in a numeric
- argument. Substitution can be prevented by enclosing the parameter
- name Par within single quotes ( ' ), if the parameter is alone in the
- argument; if the parameter is part of an arithmetic expression, the
- entire expression must be enclosed within single quotes to prevent
- substitution. In either case the character string will be used instead
- of the numeric value (and the string will be taken as 0.0 if it is in a
- numeric argument).
- A forced substitution is available in the text fields of the /TITLE,
- /STITLE, /TLABEL, /AN3D, /SYP (ARG1--ARG8), and ``*ABBR`` commands by
- enclosing the parameter within percent (%) signs. Also, parameter
- substitution may be forced within the file name or extension fields of
- commands having these fields by enclosing the parameter within percent
- (%) signs. Array parameters [``*DIM``] must include a subscript (within
- parentheses) to identify the array element whose value is to be
- substituted, such as A(1,3). Out-of-range subscripts result in an
- error message. Non-integer subscripts are allowed when identifying a
- TABLE array element for substitution. A proportional linear
- interpolation of values among the nearest array elements is performed
- before substitution. Interpolation is done in all three dimensions.
- Note:: : Interpolation is based upon the assigned index numbers which
- must be defined when the table is filled [``*DIM``].
- Most alphanumeric arguments permit the use of character
- parameter substitution. When the parameter name Par input,
- the alphanumeric value of the parameter is substituted into
- the command at that point. Substitution can be suppressed by
- enclosing the parameter name within single quotes ( ' ).
- Forced substitution is available in some fields by enclosing
- the parameter name within percent (%) signs. Valid forced
- substitution fields include command name fields, Fname
- (filename) or Ext (extension) arguments, ``*ABBR`` command
- (Abbr arguments), /TITLE and /STITLE commands (Title argument)
- and /TLABEL command (Text argument). Character parameter
- substitution is also available in the ``*ASK``, /AN3D,
- ``*CFWRITE``, ``*IF``, ``*ELSEIF``, ``*MSG``, ``*SET``,
- ``*USE``, ``*VREAD``, and ``*VWRITE`` commands. Character array
- parameters must include a subscript (within parentheses) to
- identify the array element whose value is to be substituted.
- If a parameter operation expression is input in a numeric argument, the
- numeric value of the expression is substituted into the command at that
- point. Allowable operation expressions are of the form
- ``E1oE2oE3: ...oE10``
- where E1, E2, etc. are expressions connected by operators (o). The
- allowable operations (o) are
- ``+ - * / ** < >``
- For example, ``A+B**C/D*E`` is a valid operation expression. The ``*``
- represents multiplication and the ``**`` represents exponentiation.
+ This command is not applicable to 4- or 5-D tables.
- command = f"*SET,{par},{value},{val2},{val3},{val4},{val5},{val6},{val7},{val8},{val9},{val10}"
+ command = f"*TREAD,{par},{fname},{ext},,{nskip}"
return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def starvget(
+ def taxis(
- parr="",
- entity="",
- entnum="",
- item1="",
- it1num="",
- item2="",
- it2num="",
- kloop="",
+ parmloc: str = "",
+ naxis: str = "",
+ val1: str = "",
+ val2: str = "",
+ val3: str = "",
+ val4: str = "",
+ val5: str = "",
+ val6: str = "",
+ val7: str = "",
+ val8: str = "",
+ val9: str = "",
+ val10: str = "",
- """Retrieves values and stores them into an array parameter.
+ r"""Defines table index numbers.
- APDL Command: ``*VGET``
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*TAXIS `_
- parr
- The name of the resulting vector array parameter. See ``*SET`` for
- name restrictions.
+ parmloc : str
+ Name and starting location in the table array parameter for indexing. Indexing occurs along the
+ axis defined with ``nAxis``.
- entity
- Entity keyword. Valid keywords are NODE, ELEM, KP, LINE, AREA,
- VOLU, etc. as shown for Entity = in the tables below.
+ naxis : str
+ Axis along which indexing occurs. Valid labels are:
- entnum
- The number of the entity (as shown for ENTNUM = in the tables
- below).
+ * ``1`` - Corresponds to Row. Default.
- item1
- The name of a particular item for the given entity. Valid items
- are as shown in the Item1 columns of the tables below.
+ * ``2`` - Corresponds to Column.
- it1num
- The number (or label) for the specified Item1 (if any). Valid
- IT1NUM values are as shown in the IT1NUM columns of the tables
- below. Some Item1 labels do not require an IT1NUM value.
+ * ``3`` - Corresponds to Plane.
- item2, it2num
- A second set of item labels and numbers to further qualify the item
- for which data is to be retrieved. Most items do not require this
- level of information.
+ * ``4`` - Corresponds to Book.
- kloop
- Field to be looped on:
+ * ``5`` - Corresponds to Shelf.
+ * ``ALL`` - Lists all index numbers. Valid only if ``Val1`` = LIST.
+ val1 : str
+ Values of the index numbers for the axis ``nAxis``, starting from the table array parameter
+ location ``ParmLoc``. You can define up to ten values.
+ To list the index values specified with ``nAxis``, issue ``Val1`` = LIST. If ``Val1`` = LIST,
+ ``Val2`` - ``Val10`` are ignored.
+ val2 : str
+ Values of the index numbers for the axis ``nAxis``, starting from the table array parameter
+ location ``ParmLoc``. You can define up to ten values.
+ To list the index values specified with ``nAxis``, issue ``Val1`` = LIST. If ``Val1`` = LIST,
+ ``Val2`` - ``Val10`` are ignored.
+ val3 : str
+ Values of the index numbers for the axis ``nAxis``, starting from the table array parameter
+ location ``ParmLoc``. You can define up to ten values.
+ To list the index values specified with ``nAxis``, issue ``Val1`` = LIST. If ``Val1`` = LIST,
+ ``Val2`` - ``Val10`` are ignored.
+ val4 : str
+ Values of the index numbers for the axis ``nAxis``, starting from the table array parameter
+ location ``ParmLoc``. You can define up to ten values.
+ To list the index values specified with ``nAxis``, issue ``Val1`` = LIST. If ``Val1`` = LIST,
+ ``Val2`` - ``Val10`` are ignored.
+ val5 : str
+ Values of the index numbers for the axis ``nAxis``, starting from the table array parameter
+ location ``ParmLoc``. You can define up to ten values.
- ``0`` or ``2`` : Loop on the ENTNUM field (default).
+ To list the index values specified with ``nAxis``, issue ``Val1`` = LIST. If ``Val1`` = LIST,
+ ``Val2`` - ``Val10`` are ignored.
- ``3`` : Loop on the Item1 field.
+ val6 : str
+ Values of the index numbers for the axis ``nAxis``, starting from the table array parameter
+ location ``ParmLoc``. You can define up to ten values.
- ``4`` : Loop on the IT1NUM field. Successive items are as shown with IT1NUM.
+ To list the index values specified with ``nAxis``, issue ``Val1`` = LIST. If ``Val1`` = LIST,
+ ``Val2`` - ``Val10`` are ignored.
- ``5`` : Loop on the Item2 field.
+ val7 : str
+ Values of the index numbers for the axis ``nAxis``, starting from the table array parameter
+ location ``ParmLoc``. You can define up to ten values.
- ``6`` : Loop on the IT2NUM field. Successive items are as shown with IT2NUM.
+ To list the index values specified with ``nAxis``, issue ``Val1`` = LIST. If ``Val1`` = LIST,
+ ``Val2`` - ``Val10`` are ignored.
+ val8 : str
+ Values of the index numbers for the axis ``nAxis``, starting from the table array parameter
+ location ``ParmLoc``. You can define up to ten values.
+ To list the index values specified with ``nAxis``, issue ``Val1`` = LIST. If ``Val1`` = LIST,
+ ``Val2`` - ``Val10`` are ignored.
+ val9 : str
+ Values of the index numbers for the axis ``nAxis``, starting from the table array parameter
+ location ``ParmLoc``. You can define up to ten values.
+ To list the index values specified with ``nAxis``, issue ``Val1`` = LIST. If ``Val1`` = LIST,
+ ``Val2`` - ``Val10`` are ignored.
+ val10 : str
+ Values of the index numbers for the axis ``nAxis``, starting from the table array parameter
+ location ``ParmLoc``. You can define up to ten values.
+ To list the index values specified with ``nAxis``, issue ``Val1`` = LIST. If ``Val1`` = LIST,
+ ``Val2`` - ``Val10`` are ignored.
- Retrieves values for specified items and stores the values in an output
- vector of a user-named array parameter according to:
- ``ParR = f(Entity, ENTNUM, Item1, IT1NUM, Item2, IT2NUM)``
- where (f) is the ``*GET`` function; Entity, Item1, and Item2
- are keywords; and ENTNUM, IT1NUM, and IT2NUM are numbers or
- labels corresponding to the keywords. Looping continues over
- successive entity numbers (ENTNUM) for the KLOOP default. For
- example, ``*VGET,A(1),ELEM,5,CENT,X`` returns the centroid
- x-location of element 5 and stores the result in the first
- location of A. Retrieving continues with element 6, 7, 8,
- etc., regardless of whether the element exists or is selected,
- until successive array locations are filled. Use ``*VLEN`` or
- ``*VMASK`` to skip locations. Absolute values and scale
- factors may be applied to the result parameter [``*VABS``,
- ``*VFACT``]. Results may be cumulative [``*VCUM``]. See the
- ``*VOPER`` command for general details. Results can be put
- back into an analysis by writing a file of the desired input
- commands with the ``*VWRITE`` command. See also the ``*VPUT``
- command.
+ :ref:`taxis` is a convenient method to define table index values. These values reside in the zero
+ column, row, etc. Instead of filling values in these zero location spots, use the :ref:`taxis`
+ command. For example,
- Both ``*GET`` and ``*VGET`` retrieve information from the
- active data stored in memory. The database is often the
- source, and sometimes the information is retrieved from common
- memory blocks that ANSYS uses to manipulate
- information. Although POST1 and POST26 operations use a ``*.rst``
- file, GET data is accessed from the database or from the
- common blocks. Get operations do not access the ``*.rst`` file
- directly.
+ .. code:: apdl
- The ``*VGET`` command retrieves both the unprocessed real and the imaginary
- parts (original and duplicate sector nodes and elements) of a cyclic
- symmetry solution.
+ *TAXIS,longtable(1,4,1,1),2,1.0,2.2,3.5,4.7,5.9
- For each of the sections for accessing ``*VGET`` parameters see:
- https://www.mm.bme.hu/~gyebro/files/ans_help_v182/ans_cmd/Hlp_C_VGET_st.html
+ would fill index values 1.0, 2.2, 3.5, 4.7, and 5.9 in ``nAxis`` 2 (column location), starting at
+ location 4.
- This command is valid in any processor.
+ To list index numbers, issue :ref:`taxis`, ``ParmLoc``, ``nAxis``, LIST, where ``nAxis`` = 1
+ through 5 or ALL.
- command = (
- f"*VGET,{parr},{entity},{entnum},{item1},{it1num},{item2},{it2num},{kloop}"
- )
+ command = f"*TAXIS,{parmloc},{naxis},{val1},{val2},{val3},{val4},{val5},{val6},{val7},{val8},{val9},{val10}"
return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def taxis(
+ def vread(
- parmloc="",
- naxis="",
- val1="",
- val2="",
- val3="",
- val4="",
- val5="",
- val6="",
- val7="",
- val8="",
- val9="",
- val10="",
+ parr: str = "",
+ fname: str = "",
+ ext: str = "",
+ label: str = "",
+ n1: str = "",
+ n2: str = "",
+ n3: str = "",
+ nskip: str = "",
- """Defines table index numbers.
+ r"""Reads data and produces an array parameter vector or matrix.
- APDL Command: ``*TAXIS``
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*VREAD `_
- parmloc
- Name and starting location in the table array parameter for
- indexing. Indexing occurs along the axis defined with nAxis.
+ parr : str
+ The name of the resulting array parameter vector. See :ref:`starset` for name restrictions. The
+ parameter must exist as a dimensioned array ( :ref:`dim` ). String arrays are limited to a
+ maximum of 8 characters.
+ fname : str
+ File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the
+ directory path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case,
+ you can use all 248 characters for the file name. If the ``Fname`` field is left blank, reading
+ continues from the current input device, such as the terminal.
+ ext : str
+ Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
- naxis
- Axis along which indexing occurs. Valid labels are:
+ label : str
+ Can take a value of IJK, IKJ, JIK, JKI, KIJ, KJI, or blank (IJK).
- Corresponds to Row. Default. - Corresponds to Column.
+ n1 : str
+ Read as ((( ``ParR`` (i,j,k), k = 1,n1), i = 1, n2), j = 1, n3) for ``Label`` = KIJ. ``n2`` and
+ ``n3`` default to 1.
- Corresponds to Plane. - Corresponds to Book.
+ n2 : str
+ Read as ((( ``ParR`` (i,j,k), k = 1,n1), i = 1, n2), j = 1, n3) for ``Label`` = KIJ. ``n2`` and
+ ``n3`` default to 1.
- Corresponds to Shelf. - Lists all index numbers. Valid only if Val1 = LIST.
+ n3 : str
+ Read as ((( ``ParR`` (i,j,k), k = 1,n1), i = 1, n2), j = 1, n3) for ``Label`` = KIJ. ``n2`` and
+ ``n3`` default to 1.
- val1, val2, val3, . . . , val10
- Values of the index numbers for the axis nAxis, starting from the
- table array parameter location ParmLoc. You can define up to ten
- values.
+ nskip : str
+ Number of lines at the beginning of the file being read that will be skipped during the reading.
+ Default = 0.
- ``*TAXIS`` is a convenient method to define table index values. These
- values reside in the zero column, row, etc. Instead of filling values
- in these zero location spots, use the ``*TAXIS`` command.
+ Reads data from a file and fills in an array parameter vector or matrix. Data are read from a
+ formatted file or, if the menu is off ( :ref:`menu` ,OFF) and ``Fname`` is blank, from the next
+ input lines. The format of the data to be read must be input immediately following the :ref:`vread`
+ command. The format specifies the number of fields to be read per record, the field width, and the
+ placement of the decimal point (if none specified in the value). The read operation follows the
+ available FORTRAN FORMAT conventions of the system (see your system FORTRAN manual). Any standard
+ FORTRAN real format (such as (4F6.0), (E10.3,2X,D8.2), etc.) or alphanumeric format (A) may be used.
+ Alphanumeric
+ strings are limited to a maximum of 8 characters for any field (A8). For storage of string arrays
+ greater than 8 characters, the \*SREAD command can be used. Integer (I) and list-directed (\2)
+ descriptors may not be used. The parentheses must be included in the format and the format must not
+ exceed 80 characters (including parentheses). The input line length is
+ limited to 128 characters.
+ A starting array element number must be defined for the result array parameter vector (numeric or
+ character). For example, entering these two lines:
+ .. code:: apdl
+ (2F6.0)
+ will read two values from each line of file ARRAYVAL and assign the values to A(1), A(2), A(3), etc.
+ Reading continues until successive row elements ( :ref:`vlen`, :ref:`vmask`, :ref:`dim` ) are
+ filled.
+ For an array parameter matrix, a starting array element row and column number must be defined. For
+ example, entering these two lines:
+ .. code:: apdl
+ *VREAD,A(1,1),ARRAYVAL,,,IJK,10,2
+ (2F6.0)
+ will read two values from each line of file ARRAYVAL and assign the values to A(1,1), A(2,1),
+ A(3,1), etc. Reading continues until ``n1`` (10) successive row elements are filled. Once the
+ maximum row number is reached, subsequent data will be read into the next column (for example,
+ A(1,2), A(2,2), A(3,2), etc.)
- To list index numbers, issue ```*TAXIS,ParmLoc, nAxis, LIST,`` where
- nAxis = 1 through 5 or ALL.
+ For numerical parameters, absolute values and scale factors may be applied to the result parameter (
+ :ref:`vabs`, :ref:`vfact` ). Results may be cumulative ( :ref:`vcum` ). See the :ref:`voper`
+ command for details. If you are in the GUI the :ref:`vread` command must be contained in an
+ externally prepared file read into Mechanical APDL (that is, :ref:`use`, :ref:`input`, etc.).
+ This command is not applicable to 4- or 5-D arrays.
+ This command is valid in any processor.
- command = f"*TAXIS,{parmloc},{naxis},{val1},{val2},{val3},{val4},{val5},{val6},{val7},{val8},{val9},{val10}"
+ command = f"*VREAD,{parr},{fname},{ext},,{label},{n1},{n2},{n3},{nskip}"
return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def tread(self, par="", fname="", ext="", nskip="", **kwargs):
- """Reads data from an external file into a table array parameter.
+ def starvget(
+ self,
+ parr: str = "",
+ entity: str = "",
+ entnum: str = "",
+ item1: str = "",
+ it1num: str = "",
+ item2: str = "",
+ it2num: str = "",
+ kloop: str = "",
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ r"""Retrieves values and stores them into an array parameter.
- APDL Command: ``*TREAD``
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*VGET `_
- par
- Table array parameter name as defined by the ``*DIM`` command.
+ parr : str
+ The name of the resulting vector array parameter. See :ref:`starset` for name restrictions. The
+ program creates the array parameter if it does not exist.
- fname
- File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the
- characters needed for the directory path). An unspecified
- directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you
- can use all 248 characters for the file name.
+ entity : str
+ Entity keyword. Valid keywords are NODE, ELEM, KP, LINE, AREA, VOLU, etc. as shown for
+ ``Entity`` = in the tables below.
- ext
- Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
+ entnum : str
+ The number of the entity (as shown for ``ENTNUM`` = in the tables below).
+ item1 : str
+ The name of a particular item for the given entity. Valid items are as shown in the ``Item1``
+ columns of the tables below.
+ it1num : str
+ The number (or label) for the specified ``Item1`` (if any). Valid ``IT1NUM`` values are as shown
+ in the ``IT1NUM`` columns of the tables below. Some ``Item1`` labels do not require an
+ ``IT1NUM`` value.
+ item2 : str
+ A second set of item labels and numbers to further qualify the item for which data is to be
+ retrieved. Most items do not require this level of information.
- nskip
- Number of comment lines at the beginning of the file being read
- that will be skipped during the reading. Default = 0.
+ it2num : str
+ A second set of item labels and numbers to further qualify the item for which data is to be
+ retrieved. Most items do not require this level of information.
+ kloop : str
+ Field to be looped on:
+ * ``0 or 2`` - Loop on the ``ENTNUM`` field (default).
+ * ``3`` - Loop on the ``Item1`` field.
+ * ``4`` - Loop on the ``IT1NUM`` field. Successive items are as shown with ``IT1NUM``.
+ * ``5`` - Loop on the ``Item2`` field.
+ * ``6`` - Loop on the ``IT2NUM`` field. Successive items are as shown with ``IT2NUM``.
- Use this command to read in a table of data from an external file into
- an ANSYS table array parameter. The external file may be created using
- a text editor or by an external application or program. The external
- file must be in tab-delimited, blank-delimited, or comma-delimited
- format to be used by ``*TREAD``. The ANSYS TABLE type array parameter must
- be defined before you can read in an external file. See ``*DIM`` for more
- information.
+ Retrieves values for specified items and stores the values in an output vector of a user-named array
+ parameter according to: ``ParR`` = f( ``Entity``, ``ENTNUM``, ``Item1``, ``IT1NUM``, ``Item2``,
+ ``IT2NUM`` )
+ where (f) is the :ref:`get` function; ``Entity``, ``Item1``, and ``Item2`` are keywords; and
+ ``ENTNUM``, ``IT1NUM``, and ``IT2NUM`` are numbers or labels corresponding to the keywords.
+ Looping continues over successive entity numbers ( ``ENTNUM`` ) for the ``KLOOP`` default. For
+ example, :ref:`starvget`,A(1),ELEM,5,CENT,X returns the centroid x-location of element 5 and stores
+ the result in the first location of A. Retrieving continues with element 6, 7, 8, etc., regardless
+ of whether the element exists or is selected, until successive array locations are filled. Use
+ :ref:`vlen` or :ref:`vmask` to skip locations. Absolute values and scale factors may be applied to
+ the result parameter ( :ref:`vabs`, :ref:`vfact` ). Results may be cumulative ( :ref:`vcum` ). See
+ the :ref:`voper` command for general details. Results can be put back into an analysis by writing a
+ file of the desired input commands with the :ref:`vwrite` command. See also the :ref:`starvput`
+ command.
- This command is not applicable to 4- or 5-D tables.
+ Both :ref:`get` and :ref:`starvget` retrieve information from the active data stored in memory. The
+ database is often the source, and sometimes the information is retrieved from common memory blocks
+ that Mechanical APDL uses to manipulate information. Although POST1 and POST26 operations use a
+ ``\2.rst`` file, GET data is accessed from the database or from the common blocks. Get operations do
+ not access the ``\2.rst`` file directly.
+ The :ref:`starvget` command retrieves both the unprocessed real and the imaginary parts (original
+ and duplicate sector nodes and elements) of a `cyclic symmetry
+ `_ solution.
+ Each of the sections for accessing \*VGET parameters are shown in the following order:
+ `\*VGET PREP7 Items
+ `_
+ `\*VGET POST1 Items
+ `_
+ This command is valid in any processor.
- command = f"*TREAD,{par},{fname},{ext},,{nskip}"
+ command = (
+ f"*VGET,{parr},{entity},{entnum},{item1},{it1num},{item2},{it2num},{kloop}"
+ )
return self.run(command, **kwargs)
def vfill(
- parr="",
- func="",
- con1="",
- con2="",
- con3="",
- con4="",
- con5="",
- con6="",
- con7="",
- con8="",
- con9="",
- con10="",
+ parr: str = "",
+ func: str = "",
+ con1: str = "",
+ con2: str = "",
+ con3: str = "",
+ con4: str = "",
+ con5: str = "",
+ con6: str = "",
+ con7: str = "",
+ con8: str = "",
+ con9: str = "",
+ con10: str = "",
- """Fills an array parameter.
+ r"""Fills an array parameter.
- APDL Command: ``*VFILL``
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*VFILL `_
- parr
- The name of the resulting numeric array parameter vector. See ``*SET``
- for name restrictions.
+ parr : str
+ The name of the resulting numeric array parameter vector. See :ref:`starset` for name
+ restrictions.
- func
+ func : str
Fill function:
- DATA - Assign specified values CON1, CON2, etc. to successive
- array elements. Up to 10 assignments may be made at a
- time. Any CON values after a blank CON value are
- ignored. - Assign ramp function values: ``CON1+((n-1)*CON2)``
- , where n is the loop number [``*VLEN``]. To specify a
- constant function (no ramp), set CON2 to zero.
- RAMP - Assign random number values based on a uniform
- distribution RAND(CON1,CON2), where: - Assign random
- sample of Gaussian distributions GDIS(CON1,CON2).
- RAND - Assign random number values based on a uniform
- distribution RAND(CON1,CON2), where CON1 is the lower
- bound (defaults to 0.0) and CON2 is the upper bound
- (defaults to 1.0)
- GDIS - Assign random sample of Gaussian distributions
- GDIS(CON1,CON2) where CON1 is the mean (defaults to 0.0),
- and CON2 is the standard deviation (defaults to 1.0)
- TRIA - Assigns random number values based on a triangular
- distribution TRIA(CON1,CON2,CON3) where CON1 is the lower
- bound (defaults to 0.0), CON2 is the location of the peak
- value (CON1 ≤ CON2 ≤CON3; CON2 defaults to 0 if CON1 ≤ 0 ≤
- CON3, CON1 if 0 ≤ CON1, or CON3 if CON3 ≤ 0), and CON3 is
- the upper bound (defaults to 1.0 + CON1 if CON1 ≥ 0 or 0.0
- if CON1 ≤ 0)
- BETA - Assigns random number values based on a beta
- distribution BETA(CON1,CON2,CON3,CON4) where: CON1 is the
- lower bound (defaults to 0.0), CON2 is the upper bound
- (defaults to 1.0 + CON1 if CON1 ≥ 0 or 0.0 if CON1 ≤ 0), and CON3
- and CON4 are the alpha and beta parameters, respectively,
- of the beta function. Alpha and beta must both be
- positive; they default to 1.0.
- GAMM - Assigns random number values based on a gamma
- distribution: GAMM(CON1,CON2,CON3) where: CON1 is the
- lower bound (defaults to 0.0), CON2 and CON3 are the alpha
- and beta parameters, respectively, of the gamma
- function. Alpha and beta must both be positive; they
- default to 1.0.
- RIGID - Generates the rigid body modes with respect to the
- reference point coordinates (CON1, CON2, CON3). The
- dimensions of the array parameter ParR are (dim1,dim2)
- where dim1 is the maximum node number (including internal
- nodes but excluding orientation nodes) multiplied by the
- number of degrees of freedom, and dim2 is the number of
- rigid body modes (which corresponds to the number of
- structural degrees of freedom).
- CLUSTER - Generates excitation frequencies with clustering
- option CLUSTER(CON1,CON2,CON3,CON4,%CON5%) where:
- - CON1 is the lower end of the frequency range in Hz (0 < CON1)
- - CON2 is the upper end of the frequency range in Hz (CON1 < CON2)
- - CON3 is the number of points on each side of the natural
- frequency (4 ≤ CON3 ≤ 20, defaults to 4)
- - CON4 is the constant damping ratio value or an array
- parameter (size NFR) specifying the damping ratios (if
- zero or blank, defaults to constant damping ratio of
- 0.005)
- - CON5 is an array parameter (size NFR) specifying the
- natural frequencies in Hz
- The dimension of the resulting array parameter ParR is
- less than ``2+NFR*(2*CON3+1)`` where NFR is the number of
- natural frequencies defined in CON5.
- con1, con2, con3, . . . , con10
+ * ``DATA`` - Assign specified values ``CON1``, ``CON2``, etc. to successive array elements. Up
+ to 10 assignments may be made at a time. Any CON values after a blank CON value are ignored.
+ * ``RAMP`` - Assign ramp function values: ``CON1`` +((n-1)* ``CON2`` ), where n is the loop number
+ ( :ref:`vlen` ). To specify a constant function (no ramp), set ``CON2`` to zero.
+ * ``RAND`` - Assign random number values based on a uniform distribution RAND( ``CON1``, ``CON2``
+ ), where:
+ ``CON1`` is the lower bound (defaults to 0.0) ``CON2`` is the upper bound (defaults to 1.0)
+ * ``GDIS`` - Assign random sample of Gaussian distributions GDIS( ``CON1``, ``CON2`` ) where:
+ ``CON1`` is the mean (defaults to 0.0) ``CON2`` is the standard deviation (defaults to 1.0)
+ * ``TRIA`` - Assigns random number values based on a triangular distribution TRIA( ``CON1``,
+ ``CON2``, ``CON3`` ) where:
+ ``CON1`` is the lower bound (defaults to 0.0) ``CON2`` is the location of the peak value (
+ ``CON1`` ≤ ``CON2`` ≤ ``CON3`` ; ``CON2`` defaults to 0 if ``CON1`` ≤ 0 ≤ ``CON3``, ``CON1`` if
+ 0 ≤ ``CON1``, or ``CON3`` if ``CON3`` ≤ 0) ``CON3`` is the upper bound (defaults to 1.0 +
+ ``CON1`` if ``CON1`` ≥ 0 or 0.0 if ``CON1`` ≤ 0)
+ * ``BETA`` - Assigns random number values based on a beta distribution BETA( ``CON1``, ``CON2``,
+ ``CON3``, ``CON4`` ) where:
+ ``CON1`` is the lower bound (defaults to 0.0) ``CON2`` is the upper bound (defaults to 1.0 +
+ ``CON1`` if ``CON1`` ≥ 0 or 0.0 if ``CON1`` ≤ 0) ``CON3`` and ``CON4`` are the alpha and beta
+ parameters, respectively, of the beta function. Alpha and beta must both be positive; they
+ default to 1.0.
+ * ``GAMM`` - Assigns random number values based on a gamma distribution: GAMM( ``CON1``, ``CON2``
+ , ``CON3`` ) where:
+ ``CON1`` is the lower bound (defaults to 0.0) ``CON2`` and ``CON3`` are the alpha and beta
+ parameters, respectively, of the gamma function. Alpha and beta must both be positive; they
+ default to 1.0.
+ * ``RIGID`` - Generates the rigid body modes with respect to the reference point coordinates (
+ ``CON1``, ``CON2``, ``CON3`` ). The dimensions of the array parameter ``ParR`` are (dim 1 ,dim
+ 2 ) where dim 1 is the maximum node number (including internal nodes but excluding orientation
+ nodes ) multiplied by the number of degrees of freedom, and dim 2 is the number of rigid body
+ modes (which corresponds to the number of structural degrees of freedom).
+ * ``CLUSTER`` - Generates excitation frequencies with clustering option CLUSTER( ``CON1``,
+ ``CON2``, ``CON3``, ``CON4``, ``%CON5%`` ) where:
+ ``CON1`` is the lower end of the frequency range in Hz (0 < ``CON1`` ) ``CON2`` is the upper end
+ of the frequency range in Hz ( ``CON1`` < ``CON2`` ) ``CON3`` is the number of points on each
+ side of the natural frequency (4 ≤ ``CON3`` ≤ 20, defaults to 4) ``CON4`` is the constant
+ damping ratio value or an array parameter (size NFR) specifying the damping ratios (if zero or
+ blank, defaults to constant damping ratio of 0.005) ``CON5`` is an array parameter (size NFR)
+ specifying the natural frequencies in Hz The dimension of the resulting array parameter ParR is
+ less than 2+NFR\2(2* ``CON3`` +1) where NFR is the number of natural frequencies defined in
+ ``CON5``.
+ con1 : str
+ Constants used with above functions.
+ con2 : str
+ Constants used with above functions.
+ con3 : str
+ Constants used with above functions.
+ con4 : str
+ Constants used with above functions.
+ con5 : str
+ Constants used with above functions.
+ con6 : str
+ Constants used with above functions.
+ con7 : str
+ Constants used with above functions.
+ con8 : str
+ Constants used with above functions.
+ con9 : str
+ Constants used with above functions.
+ con10 : str
Constants used with above functions.
- Operates on input data and produces one output array parameter vector
- according to:
- ParR = f(CON1, CON2, : ...)
+ Operates on input data and produces one output array parameter vector according to: ``ParR`` = f(
+ ``CON1``, ``CON2``, ...)
- where the functions (f) are described above. Operations use successive
- array elements [``*VLEN``, ``*VMASK``] with the default being all successive
- elements. For example, ``*VFILL,A,RAMP,1,10`` assigns A(1) = 1.0, A(2) =
- 11.0, A(3) = 21.0, etc. ``*VFILL,B(5,1),DATA,1.5,3.0`` assigns ``B(5,1) =
- 1.5 and B(6,1) = 3.0``. Absolute values and scale factors may be applied
- to the result parameter [``*VABS``, ``*VFACT``]. Results may be cumulative
- [``*VCUM``]. See the ``*VOPER`` command for details.
+ where the functions (f) are described above. Operations use successive array elements ( :ref:`vlen`
+ , :ref:`vmask` ) with the default being all successive elements. For example, :ref:`vfill`
+ ,A,RAMP,1,10 assigns A(1) = 1.0, A(2) = 11.0, A(3) = 21.0, etc. :ref:`vfill` ,B(5,1),DATA,1.5,3.0
+ assigns B(5,1) = 1.5 and B(6,1) = 3.0. Absolute values and scale factors may be applied to the
+ result parameter ( :ref:`vabs`, :ref:`vfact` ). Results may be cumulative ( :ref:`vcum` ). See the
+ :ref:`voper` command for details.
This command is valid in any processor.
command = f"*VFILL,{parr},{func},{con1},{con2},{con3},{con4},{con5},{con6},{con7},{con8},{con9},{con10}"
return self.run(command, **kwargs)
- def vread(
+ def afun(self, lab: str = "", **kwargs):
+ r"""Specifies units for angular functions in parameter expressions.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*AFUN `_
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ lab : str
+ Specifies the units to be used:
+ * ``RAD`` - Use radians for input and output of parameter angular functions (default).
+ * ``DEG`` - Use degrees for input and output of parameter angular functions.
+ * ``STAT`` - Show current setting (DEG or RAD) for this command.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ Only the SIN, COS, TAN, ASIN, ACOS, ATAN, ATAN2, ANGLEK, and ANGLEN functions ( :ref:`starset` ,
+ :ref:`vfun` ) are affected by this command.
+ """
+ command = f"*AFUN,{lab}"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def dim(
- parr="",
- fname="",
- ext="",
- label="",
- n1="",
- n2="",
- n3="",
- nskip="",
+ par: str = "",
+ type_: str = "",
+ imax: str = "",
+ jmax: str = "",
+ kmax: str = "",
+ var1: str = "",
+ var2: str = "",
+ var3: str = "",
+ csysid: str = "",
- """Reads data and produces an array parameter vector or matrix.
+ r"""Defines an array parameter and its dimensions.
- APDL Command: ``*VREAD``
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*DIM `_
- parr
- The name of the resulting array parameter vector. See ``*SET`` for
- name restrictions. The parameter must exist as a dimensioned array
- [``*DIM``]. String arrays are limited to a maximum of 8 characters.
- fname
- File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the
- characters needed for the directory path). An unspecified
- directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you
- can use all 248 characters for the file name.
- ext
- Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
+ par : str
+ Name of parameter to be dimensioned. See :ref:`starset` for name restrictions.
- label
- Can take a value of IJK, IKJ, JIK, JKI, KIJ, KJI, or blank (IJK).
+ type_ : str
+ Array type:
+ * ``ARRAY`` - Arrays are similar to standard FORTRAN arrays (indices are integers) (default).
+ Index numbers for the rows, columns, and planes are sequential values beginning with one. Used
+ for 1-, 2-, or 3D arrays.
+ * ``ARR4`` - Same as ARRAY, but used to specify 4-D arrays.
+ * ``ARR5`` - Same as ARRAY, but used to specify 5-D arrays.
+ * ``CHAR`` - Array entries are character strings (up to 8 characters each). Index numbers for
+ rows, columns, and planes are sequential values beginning with one.
+ * ``TABLE`` - Array indices are real (non-integer) numbers which must be defined when filling the
+ table. Index numbers for the rows and columns are stored in the zero column and row "array
+ elements" and are initially assigned a near-zero value. Index numbers must be in ascending order
+ and are used only for retrieving an array element. When retrieving an array element with a real
+ index that does not match a specified index, linear interpolation is done among the nearest
+ indices and the corresponding array element values ( :ref:`starset` ). Used for 1-, 2-, or 3D
+ tables.
+ * ``TAB4`` - Same as TABLE, but used to specify 4-D tables.
+ * ``TAB5`` - Same as TABLE, but used to specify 5-D tables.
+ * ``STRING`` - Array entries are character strings (up to IMAX each). Index numbers for columns
+ and planes are sequential values beginning with 1. Row index is character position in string.
+ imax : str
+ Extent of first dimension (row). (For ``Type`` = STRING, ``IMAX`` is rounded up to the next
+ multiple of eight and has a limit of 248). Default = 1.
+ jmax : str
+ Extent of second dimension (column). Default = 1.
+ kmax : str
+ Extent of third dimension (plane). Default = 1.
+ var1 : str
+ Variable name corresponding to the first dimension (row) for ``Type`` = TABLE, TAB4, or TAB5.
+ Default = Row.
- n1, n2, n3
- Read as (((ParR (i,j,k), k = 1,n1), i = 1, n2), j = 1, n3) for
- Label = KIJ. n2 and n3 default to 1.
+ var2 : str
+ Variable name corresponding to the second dimension (column) for ``Type`` = TABLE, TAB4, or
+ TAB5. Default = Column.
- nskip
- Number of lines at the beginning of the file being read that will
- be skipped during the reading. Default = 0.
+ var3 : str
+ Variable name corresponding to the third dimension (plane) for ``Type`` = TABLE, TAB4, TAB5.
+ Default = Plane.
+ csysid : str
+ An integer corresponding to the coordinate system ID number. Default = 0 (global Cartesian).
- Reads data from a file and fills in an array parameter vector or
- matrix. Data are read from a formatted file or, if the menu is off
- [/MENU,OFF] and Fname is blank, from the next input lines. The format
- of the data to be read must be input immediately following the ``*VREAD``
- command. The format specifies the number of fields to be read per
- record, the field width, and the placement of the decimal point (if
- none specified in the value). The read operation follows the available
- FORTRAN FORMAT conventions of the system (see your system FORTRAN
- manual). Any standard FORTRAN real format (such as (4F6.0),
- (E10.3,2X,D8.2), etc.) or alphanumeric format (A) may be used.
- Alphanumeric strings are limited to a maximum of 8 characters for any
- field (A8). For storage of string arrays greater than 8 characters, the
- ``*SREAD`` command can be used. Integer (I) and list-directed (*)
- descriptors may not be used. The parentheses must be included in the
- format and the format must not exceed 80 characters (including
- parentheses). The input line length is limited to 128 characters.
- A starting array element number must be defined for the result array
- parameter vector (numeric or character). For example, entering these
- two lines:
- will read two values from each line of file ARRAYVAL and assign the
- values to A(1), A(2), A(3), etc. Reading continues until successive
- row elements [``*VLEN``, ``*VMASK``, ``*DIM``] are filled.
- For an array parameter matrix, a starting array element row and column
- number must be defined. For example, entering these two lines:
- will read two values from each line of file ARRAYVAL and assign the
- values to A(1,1), A(2,1), A(3,1), etc. Reading continues until n1 (10)
- successive row elements are filled. Once the maximum row number is
- reached, subsequent data will be read into the next column (e.g.,
- A(1,2), A(2,2), A(3,2), etc.)
+ Up to three dimensions (row, column, and plane) may be defined using ARRAY and TABLE. Use ARR4,
+ ARR5, TAB4, and TAB5 to define up to five dimensions (row, column, plane, book, and shelf). An index
+ number is associated with each row, column, and plane. For array and table type parameters, element
+ values are initialized to zero. For character and string parameters, element values are initialized
+ to (blank). A defined parameter must be deleted ( :ref:`starset` ) before its dimensions can be
+ changed. Scalar (single valued) parameters should not be dimensioned. :ref:`dim`,A,,3 defines a
+ vector array with elements A(1), A(2), and A(3). :ref:`dim`,B,,2,3 defines a 2x3 array with
+ elements B(1,1), B(2,1), B(1,2), B(2,2), B(1,3), and B(2,3). Use :ref:`starstatus`, ``Par`` to
+ display elements of array ``Par``. You can write formatted data files (tabular formatting) from
+ data held in arrays through the :ref:`vwrite` command.
+ If you use table parameters to define boundary conditions, then ``Var1``, ``Var2``, and/or
+ ``Var3`` can either specify a primary variable (listed in ) or can be an independent parameter. If
+ specifying an independent parameter, then you must define an additional table for the independent
+ parameter. The additional table must have the same name as the independent parameter and may be a
+ function of one or more primary variables or another independent parameter. All independent
+ parameters must relate to a primary variable.
+ Tabular load arrays can be defined in both global Cartesian (default), cylindrical, spherical, or
+ local (see below) coordinate systems by specifying ``CSYSID``, as defined in :ref:`local`.
+ Coordinate system ``CSYSID`` must exist prior to issuing the :ref:`dim` command.
+ **The following constraints apply when specifying a local coordinate system for your tabular
+ loads:**
+ Only Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems are supported
+ Angle values for Y in cylindrical or spherical coordinate systems must be input in degrees and must
+ be positive values between 0 and 360 degrees (0 :math:`` Y :math:`` 360)
+ Angle values for Z in spherical coordinate system must be input in degrees and must be positive
+ values between -90 and +90 ( -90 :math:`` Z :math:`` 90)
+ If specifying a 4- or 5-D array or table, four additional fields ( ``LMAX``, ``MMAX``, ``Var4``,
+ and ``Var5`` ) are available. Thus, for a 4-D table, the command syntax would be:
+ .. code:: apdl
+ *DIM,Par,Type,IMAX,JMAX,KMAX,LMAX,Var1,Var2,Var3,Var4,CSYSID
+ For a 5-D table, the command syntax is:
+ .. code:: apdl
+ *DIM,Par,Type,IMAX,JMAX,KMAX,LMAX,MMAX,Var1,Var2,Var3,Var4,Var5,CSYSID
+ You cannot create or edit 4- or 5-D arrays or tables via the GUI.
+ For more information, see `Array Parameters
+ `_
+ **\*DIM - Primary Variables**
+ .. flat-table::
+ :header-rows: 1
+ * - Primary Variable
+ - Label for ``Var1, Var2, Var3, Var4, Var5``
+ * - Time
+ - TIME
+ * - Frequency
+ - FREQ
+ * - X-coordinate location
+ - X
+ * - Y-coordinate location
+ - Y
+ * - Z-coordinate location
+ - Z
+ * - Temperature
+ - TEMP
+ * - Velocity
+ * - Pressure
+ - PRESSURE [ ]
+ * - Geometric gap/penetration
+ - GAP
+ * - Cyclic sector number
+ * - Amplitude of the rotational velocity vector
+ * - Eccentricity
+ * - Phase shift
+ * - Element number
+ - ELEM
+ * - Node number
+ - NODE
+ * - Concentration
+ - CONC
- For numerical parameters, absolute values and scale factors may be
- applied to the result parameter [``*VABS``, ``*VFACT``]. Results may be
- cumulative [``*VCUM``]. See the ``*VOPER`` command for details. If you are in
- the GUI the ``*VREAD`` command must be contained in an externally prepared
- file read into the ANSYS program (i.e., ``*USE``, /INPUT, etc.).
- This command is not applicable to 4- or 5-D arrays.
+ Specify PRESSURE as the independent variable (not PRES).
+ The X, Y, and Z coordinate locations listed above are valid in global Cartesian, or local
+ (Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical) coordinate systems. The VELOCITY label is applicable only to
+ the calculated fluid velocity in element FLUID116 .
+ When using PRESSURE as a primary variable, the underlying element must have the pressure DOF
+ associated with it, or it must be a supported contact element.
+ The gap/penetration label (GAP) is only used for defining certain contact element real constants.
+ The frequency label (FREQ) is valid for harmonic analyses only.
+ The node and element labels (NODE and ELEM) allow you to use node and element numbers as primary
+ variables, and their axis values should be integers.
+ The OMEGS, ECCENT, and THETA primary variables only apply to the COMBI214 element. The amplitude of
+ the rotational velocity (OMEGS) is an absolute value, so only positive
+ values of OMEGS are valid. The eccentricity (ECCENT) and phase shift (THETA) labels are only valid
+ for nonlinear analyses.
+ If you use table parameters to define boundary conditions, the table names ( ``Par`` ) must not
+ exceed 32 characters.
+ In thermal analyses, if you apply tabular loads as a function of temperature but the rest of the
+ model is linear (for example, includes no temperature-dependent material properties or radiation ),
+ you should turn on Newton-Raphson iterations ( :ref:`nropt`,FULL) to evaluate the temperature-
+ dependent tabular boundary conditions correctly.
This command is valid in any processor.
- command = f"*VREAD,{parr},{fname},{ext},,{label},{n1},{n2},{n3},{nskip}"
+ command = (
+ f"*DIM,{par},{type_},{imax},{jmax},{kmax},{var1},{var2},{var3},{csysid}"
+ )
return self.run(command, **kwargs)
diff --git a/src/ansys/mapdl/core/_commands/apdl/process_controls.py b/src/ansys/mapdl/core/_commands/apdl/process_controls.py
index 1225b5cae5..21e7345496 100644
--- a/src/ansys/mapdl/core/_commands/apdl/process_controls.py
+++ b/src/ansys/mapdl/core/_commands/apdl/process_controls.py
@@ -22,27 +22,40 @@
class ProcessControls:
- def wait(self, dtime="", **kwargs):
- """APDL Command: /WAIT
- Causes a delay before the reading of the next command.
+ def wait(self, dtime: str = "", **kwargs):
+ r"""Causes a delay before the reading of the next command.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `/WAIT `_
- dtime
+ dtime : str
Time delay (in seconds). Maximum time delay is 59 seconds.
- You should consider using ``time.sleep(dtime)``
- The command following the /WAIT will not be processed until the
- specified wait time increment has elapsed. Useful when reading from a
- prepared input file to cause a pause, for example, after a display
- command so that the display can be reviewed for a period of time.
- Another "wait" feature is available via the ``*ASK`` command.
+ The command following the :ref:`wait` will not be processed until the specified wait time increment
+ has elapsed. Useful when reading from a prepared input file to cause a pause, for example, after a
+ display command so that the display can be reviewed for a period of time. Another "wait" feature is
+ available via the ``\*ASK`` command.
This command is valid in any processor.
command = f"/WAIT,{dtime}"
return self.run(command, **kwargs)
+ def starexit(self, **kwargs):
+ r"""Exits a do-loop.
+ Mechanical APDL Command: `\*EXIT `_
+ Notes
+ -----
+ The command following the ``\*ENDDO`` is executed next. The exit option may also be conditional [Use
+ the ``\*IF`` ]. The :ref:`starexit` command must appear on the same file as the ``\*DO`` command.
+ This command is valid in any processor.
+ """
+ command = "*EXIT"
+ return self.run(command, **kwargs)
diff --git a/src/ansys/mapdl/core/commands.py b/src/ansys/mapdl/core/commands.py
index 935284e19d..93c55b323a 100644
--- a/src/ansys/mapdl/core/commands.py
+++ b/src/ansys/mapdl/core/commands.py
@@ -357,11 +357,12 @@ class PreprocessorCommands(
-class APDLCommands(
+class Apdl(
- apdl.array_param.ArrayParam,
+ apdl.array_parameters.ArrayParameters,
+ apdl.encryption_decryption.EncryptionDecryption,
- apdl.matrix_op.MatrixOP,
+ apdl.matrix_operations.MatrixOperations,
@@ -500,7 +501,7 @@ class InqFunctions(inq_func.inq_function):
class Commands(
- APDLCommands,
+ Apdl,
diff --git a/src/ansys/mapdl/core/mapdl_core.py b/src/ansys/mapdl/core/mapdl_core.py
index 94626cf9c3..444d901fc7 100644
--- a/src/ansys/mapdl/core/mapdl_core.py
+++ b/src/ansys/mapdl/core/mapdl_core.py
@@ -1569,7 +1569,6 @@ def open_apdl_log(
if self._apdl_log is not None:
raise MapdlRuntimeError("APDL command logging already enabled")
self._log.debug("Opening ANSYS log file at %s", filename)
if mode not in ["w", "a", "x"]:
diff --git a/tests/test_krylov.py b/tests/test_krylov.py
index 9a3c83c456..2cec66114e 100644
--- a/tests/test_krylov.py
+++ b/tests/test_krylov.py
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
-# Krylov Apdl Macro Files
+# Krylov APDL Macro Files
lib_path = os.path.join(PATH, "test_files")
# Results from APDL Macro to compare with PyMAPDL results