We assume you've already followed the README instructions for setting up the local Development Docker build and have at least the frontend version running or the full stack running.
We use slack class-transcribe.illinois.edu
- Install Visual Studio Code
- Select Code Menu>Preferences>Extensions. Install the "Docker" Extension by Microsoft for VS Code. For more information see (https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/azure/docker).
- To develop and debug remote: The Microsoft Extensions "Remote - SSH" and "Remote - SSH: Editing Configuration Files ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-edit" are also recommended.
The frontend libraries are listed in FrontEnd/package.json. We are using
- Dockerfile Compose file
- The Web API is implemented using (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/tutorials/first-web-api?view=aspnetcore-3.0&tabs=visual-studio)
- Data is stored in a SQL database, postgreSQL. (https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/tutorial-sql.html)
- We use the WebAPI project to track bugs and to dos.
- Before making modifications, create a branch e.g. myname-2020-01-explore and send code review or pull requests to merge in master
- The WebAPI provides a pure REST API. Based on the .env settings frontend react development can therefore send API requests to the dev server, localhost or in theory but not recommended, production
- The main server at classtranscribe.illinois.edu uses the head commit of the master branch all subprojects
- The commit hashes stored in the Deployment/ are ignoed
- The development server is updated 3am
- The production server is restarted at 3am
- If docker builds fail during
apt update
with a complaint that updates are in the future, the docker container time is out of sync. Fix: Restart docker. - Docker commands can be tediously slow on Windows-10 enterprise/nuiversity-controlled laptops if not connected to the VPN. Workaround: use a VPN