sengrid-scala is a SendGrid client, for now it's just a copy of sendgrid-java so the code is not very good. But I want to make it more in scala style by using akka http for sending requests and make API more friendly.
For SendGrid API documentation, see
If you use SBT, you can include sendgrid-scala in your project with
resolvers += "SonaType" at ""
libraryDependencies += "org.miszkiewicz" %% "sendgrid-scala" % "0.2-SNAPSHOT"
val sendGrid = new SendGrid(UserCredentials("myLogin", "myPassword"))
val smtpApi = SmtpApi(
substitutions = Map("-link-" -> Seq("")),
filters = Seq(Templates(true, "e317f565-ee21-4f2d-85a1-b3eaf775896e"))
val sendGridEmail = Email(
html = Some("Look at my GitHub: "),
subject = Some("Look at my GitHub!"),
from = Some(""),
fromName = Some("Dominik Miszkiewicz"),
to = Seq(""),
smtpAPI = Some(smtpApi)
Feel free to send Pull Requests and ask me anything, I can help you integrate this library in your code.