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Authorisation - Draft Standards -

File metadata and controls

640 lines (478 loc) · 72 KB


A special table to store information about the various types of classifications needed by the system. See Type Definitions below for a list

Property Type Description Example
ID integer A unique number generated by the database 1
Category varchar The category type Authorisation
Title varchar The name of the specific type License
Description text A description of the type A formal permission from a governmental or other constituted authority to do something
Standardized bool Is this shared to other members true

Custom Type

Property Type Description Example
ID integer A unique number generated by the database 1
Type varchar The category type Organisation
Title varchar The name of the specific type Industry Association
Description text A description of the type Fishing Industry
Country char Is this shared to other members true


Property Type Description Example
ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system to an address 644e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2a
Entity ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system to an entity upon registration 644e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2b
Email Address varchar Email Address of the Entity
Phone varchar Phone number of the Entity +677789123
Postal Address varchar Address of the Entity PO Box 629 Honiara Solomon Islands
Physical Address varchar Physical Address of the Entity 1 FFA RD Kola Ridge Guadalcanal Honiara Solomon Islands
Supporting Documents varchar The path where a supporting document(s) are stored e.g. passports, certificate of incorporation, vessel registry certificate /var/www/rimf/docs/john-doe-passport.png
Notes text Any notes you may want to keep on the entity Address of the Owner


Property Type Description Example
ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system to an entity upon registration 644e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2b
Entity Type integer A unique number generated by the database for Entity Types Options: Individual, Vessel, Organization, Premises etc. Individual
Entity Sub-Type varchar A subtype of the entity Options: Company, Industry Association, Government Organization, Non-Government Organization etc. Company
Name varchar Name of the Entity John Doe


Property Type Description Example
Entity ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system to an entity upon registration 644e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2b
Organization Type varchar The Type of Organization is this Options: Company, Association, Government Organization, Non-Government, Law Enforcement Organization Company
Registration Name varchar Official Name of the Organization as registered in the country of registration Land Holdings LTD
Registration # varchar Company or Organizations registration number 321654987
Registration Country char 2 character country code as defined in the ISO3166-1-Alpha-2 CK
Scope varchar The scope of operations for an organization Options: National, Multi-National, Regional, International
Is Local bool Is this a local organization true


Property Type Description Example
Entity ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system to an entity upon registration 644e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2b
Passport Name varchar Name of the individual as appears on the passport John Doe
Passport Gender char Gender of the individual as appears on the passport M
Passport Date of Birth date Date of Birth of the individual as appears on the passport 12/12/65
Passport Number varchar Passport Number of the individual as appears on the passport LXZ12038
Passport Expiry Date date The Expiry date of the passport 12/12/19
Passport Country char 2 character country code as defined in the ISO3166-1-Alpha-2 representing the country of the individual as appears on the passport Fiji
Occupation varchar The individuals primary occupation e.g. Captain, Fishing Master, Agent, Observer, Fisheries Official, Law Enforcement Captain


Property Type Description Example
ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system to Vessel 234e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2b
Vessel Category varchar A field used to categorize a vessel as either foreign, local or locally based foreign Options: Foreign, Locally Based Foreign, Local Foreign
Vessel Type integer As defined in the International Standard Statistical Classification of Fishery Vessels by Vessel Types (ISSCFV), based on the type of gear used by the vessels, approved by the CWP in 1984 PS
Vessel Class char The class size of the vessel as determined by WCPFC
Gear Type char As defined in the International Standard Statistical Classification of Fishing Gear (ISSCFG) More information here - endorsed and adopted for CWP Member’s implementation by the CWP at its 25th Session (Rome, 23-26 February 2016) PS
Vessel Name varchar Name of the vessel as registered on FFAs Good standing Vessels Register Titanic
IRCS varchar A is a unique designation for a transmitter assigned as unique identifiers for ships and boats. QWERTY
FFA VID integer A unique number issued to vessels when the register on FFA’s vessel register 3216
WCPFC VID integer A unique number issued to vessels when the register on WCPFC’s Record of Fishing Vessels 4565
IMO / UVI integer The IMO number is a unique reference number for ships and for registered ship owners and management companies. IMO numbers were introduced under the SOLAS Convention to improve maritime safety and security and to reduce maritime fraud. 321654
MMSI integer Maritime Mobile Service Identities (MMSIs) are nine digit numbers used by maritime digital selective calling (DSC), automatic identification systems (AIS) and certain other equipment to uniquely identify a ship or a coast radio station 321654
Flag State Registration Number varchar The number of the vessels flag state registration 321654987
Flag State Country char A 2 character alphabetic code as defined by ISO31066-alpa2 standard CK
Supporting Documents varchar Path to the uploads of supporting documents required by the fisheries authorities /var/www/docs/supporting-docs.pdf


Property Type Description Example
Entity ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system to an entity upon registration 444e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2b
Type varchar The primary purpose of this premises. Options: Fish Processing Plant, Company Head Quarters etc. Fish Processing Plant
Premises Address varchar Name of the Premises Noro
Country varchar Country of Premises Solomon Islands
Latitude float An ISO 6709:2008 ±DDDMM.M representation of latitude - 4012.22
Longitude float An ISO 6709:2008 ±DDDMM.M representation of longitude - 7012.22

Entity Relationship

Property Type Description Example
Entity Type varchar A unique number generated by the database for Entity Types Options: Individual, Vessel, Organization etc. Organization
Entity ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system to an entity upon registration 444e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2b
Relationship Type ID integer A unique number generated by the database for Relationship Types Options: Is Employed By, Is Owned By, Is Captained By, Is an Agent for, Is Parent of etc. Is Parent of
Entity Type varchar A unique number generated by the database for Entity Types Options: Individual, Vessel, Organization etc. Organization
Entity ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system to an entity upon registration 544e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2b
Relationship Start Date date What date did the association start between these two entities? 12/12/09
Relationship Expiry Date date What date did the association end between these two entities? 1/12/19
Notes text For any notes you want to keep on the nature of the relationship Although relationship is officially
Supporting Docs varchar Used to upload any supporting documentation you may want to track /var/www/rimf/docs/


Property Type Description Example
ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system to an entity upon Authorization 444e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2b
Jurisdiction char The country where this authorization applies. Stored as 2 character country code as defined in the ISO3166-1-Alpha-2 WS
Authorization Scope varchar Options: Multi-lateral, Bi-lateral Join Venture, Not Applicable Not Applicable
Authorization Category varchar Options: Foreign, Domestic, Domestic based Foreign Foreign
Authorization Type varchar A unique number generated by the database for Authorization Type Options: License, Certificate, Permit, Agreement License
Authorized Activity Type varchar The activity that is being authorized Options: Fishing, Farming, Processing, Exporting, Transshipping, Unloading Fishing
Condition ID integer A globally unique identifier (GUID) for the Authorizing Entity 234e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2b
Status varchar A unique number generated by the database for Status Options: Pending, Approved, Issued, Revoked, Reinstated Pending
Authorized By Entity ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) for the Authorizing Entity 544e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2b
Authorized To Entity ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system for the Authorized Entity 644e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2b
Start Date date Start date for the authorization 12/12/18
End Date date End date of the authorization 12/12/19
Signed Date date The date the authorization was signed 12/11/18
Issued Date date The date the authorization was issued 19/11/18
Supporting Documents varchar The path where a supporting document(s) are stored e.g. passports, certificate of incorporation, vessel registry certificate /var/www/rimf/docs/
Notes text

Authorized Vessel

Property Type Description Example
ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system to an Authorized Vessel 744e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2b
Authorization ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system to an Authorization 644e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2b
Vessel ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system to a Vessel 644e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2b
Authorized Species char A 3 character alpha code used as a unique identifier for Species and defined by the FAO ‘International Standard Statistical Classification for Aquatic Animals and Plants’ (ISSCAAP). It is a unique code made of three letters that is widely used for the exchange of data with national correspondents and among fishery agencies. TUX
Authorized Gear Type char A 3 character alpha code used as a unique identifier for Gear Types and defined by the FAO International Standard Statistical Classification of Fishing Gear (ISSCFG). It is a unique code made of three letters that is widely used for the exchange of data with national correspondents and among fishery agencies. PS
Authorized Area varchar The Authorized area of Operation Cook Islands EEZ
Other Vessel Authorizations varchar Any additional notes on other fishing vessel authorizations that were granted Options: Transshipment, Bunkering Transshipment
Is Charter bool Indicates whether this is a charter true

Authorized Vessels Port aka Vessels Designated Port

Notes: Port from a fisheries perspective

Property Type Description Example
ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system Designated Ports 644e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2a
Vessel ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system to an Entity 644e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2b
Authorization ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system for Authorizations 644e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2c
Authorized Country char A 2 character alphabetic code as defined by alpha-2 codes of ISO 3166-1 country code CK
Authorized Port char A 3-character alphabetic code as defined by the United Nations Code for Trade and Transport Locations (UN/LOCODE). RAR

Authorized Payment

Property Type Description Example
ID char A unique GUID issued by the system for Payments made 644e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2a
Activity ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system to an uniquely identify an Activity 644e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2b
Payment Type varchar The type of payment Options: Bond, Fee, Fixed, Variable Fee
Payment For varchar What is the payment being made for? Options: License, Observer Management, Administration, Vessel Day Scheme, Quota etc. License
Payment Amount decimal How much is being paid 30000.00
Currency char The currency as defined by ISO 4217 Currency Codes USD
Payment Date date The date the payment was made 12/12/2019
Invoice # varchar Invoice number 321654987
Receipt # varchar Receipt number 654987321
Country char A list of FFA Member countries SB
Supporting Documents varchar The path where supporting document(s) are stored e.g. passports, certificate of incorporation, vessel registry certificate /var/www/rimf/docs/support.pdf
Notes text A text area for keeping notes on payments


A list of conditions

Property Type Description Example
ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system to an 444e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2b
Authorization Type varchar A unique number generated by the database for Authorization Type Options: License, Registration, Permit, Agreement License
Condition Type varchar A unique number generated by the database for Condition Type Options: Default, Restriction, Exemption Restriction
Condition varchar The title for the condition Harmonized Minimum Terms and Conditions
Condition Details text The details of the conditions in plain text format This vessel may…
Scope varchar The scope of the condition Options: International, Regional, Sub-Regional, National Regional
Country char Country this condition is from CK

Authorized Conditions

Defines what an conditions are attached to a specific authorization

Property Type Description Example
ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system to an 444e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2b
Authorization ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system to an 444e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2b
Condition ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system to an 444e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2b

Authorized Dates

Defines other expiry dates or important dates e.g. insurance expiry date

Property Type Description Example
ID integer A unique number generated by the database for Authorized Dates 21341
Authorization ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system to an authorization 234e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2b
Date Type varchar The type of date assigned to a specific authorization Options: Insurance Expiry, FFA Good Standing Expiry, VDS Expiry Insurance Expiry
Date date The date 12/12/2017


Property Type Description Example
ID integer A unique number generated by the database for Authorized Dates 234e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2b
Authorization ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system to an authorization 234e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2b
Activity ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system to an authorization 234e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2b
Type varchar The type of checklist Options: Entity, Authorization, Activity Activity
Sub-Type varchar The sub-type of checklist Options: Registration, License, Registration, Agreement, Boarding, Trip, Unloading – Landing, Unloading – Transshipment, Unloading - Discard Unloading – Landing
Title varchar Unloading Checklist Unloading Checklist
Notes text Checklist for Unloading Unloading went ok today
Standardized bool Is the checklist a standardized checklist true

Checklist Items

Items in the checklist that need to be ticked off

Property Type Description Example
Checklist ID integer A unique number generated by the database for Authorized Dates 234e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2b
Title varchar Title of the Checklist Item Registered on Good Standing
Status bool Indicates whether this checklist item has been completed. True indicates that it has. true

Checklist Permissions

A list of checklists that apply only to a specific country

Property Type Description Example
Checklist ID integer A unique number generated by the database for Authorized Dates 234e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2b
Flag State Country char A 2 character alphabetic code as defined by ISO31066-alpa2 standard CK

Pre-Draft Standards


An activity (or event) is something that happens and needs to be recorded in the system

Property Type Description Example
ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system to identify the activity 234e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2a
Recorded By Entity ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system to identify the activity 234e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2b
Authorization ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system to an Entity to help determine whether its activities are authorized 234e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2c
Activity Type varchar A dropdown list of activities e.g. Trip, Catch, Unload - Transship, Unload - Landing, Unload - Discard, Processing, Inspection, Boarding, Contact, ZENT, PENT, Authorized Port Use, PEXT, ZEXT Trip
Date Time date time An ISO 8601 : 1988 date time stamp format of when the activity occurred. This is standardized to UTC time. 1994-11-05T08:15:30-05:00
Latitude float An ISO 6709:2008 ±DDDMM.M representation of latitude - 4012.22
Longitude float An ISO 6709:2008 ±DDDMM.M representation of longitude - 07500.25
Notes text An optional text description of the activity Fishing Trip
Uploads varchar An optional field to store the location of file uploads


Property Type Description Example
ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system used to identify the trip 234e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2a
Activity ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system used to identify the activity 234e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2c
Vessel ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system to identify a vessel 234e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2b
From char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system used to identify an Entity. In this case either a Port, Vessel or Processing Plant 234e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f93c2d
To char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system used to identify an Entity. In this case either a Port, Vessel or Processing Plant. 234e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f94c2e


Notes: Refer to SPC ER Standards for more information.

Property Type Description Example
ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system used to identify the catch 234e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2a
Activity ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system to identify the activity 234e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2a
Vessel ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system to identify a Vessel
Catch Fate char The fate of the fish E.g. Retained, Discarded etc… Retained
Species char Target species being targeted for catch represented by a 3 character alphabetic code defined by FAO in the ASFIS list of species TUX
Weight In float Weight of Catch 6.6
Metric In char Metric used to measure weight of the catch mt
Fish Number integer Number of Fish 1234

Authorized Port Use

Property Type Description Example
ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system used to identify the catch 234e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2a
Activity ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system used to identify the activity 234e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2c
Vessel ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system used to identify the Entity, in this case a vessel 234e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2e
Authorized By Entity ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system used to identify the Entity, in this case the authorizing officer 234e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2d

Catch Movement

Property Type Description Example
ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system used to identify the movement of the catch 234e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2a
Activity ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system to identify the activity 234e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2b
Movement Type char e.g. Unloading, Landing, Transshipment, Processing, Transfer Unloading
Recorded By A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system used to identify the movement of the catch 234e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2b
From char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system to identify an Individual, Organization, Port, Vessel or Processing Plant who is carrying out the transfer of catch 234e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f93c2b
To char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system to identify an Individual, Organization, Port, Vessel or Processing Plant who is carrying out the transfer of catch 234e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f94c2b
Species char A 3 character alpha code used as a unique identifier for Species and defined by the FAO ‘International Standard Statistical Classification for Aquatic Animals and Plants’ (ISSCAAP). It is a unique code made of three letters that is widely used for the exchange of data with national correspondents and among fishery agencies. TUX
Form In varchar The form the Tuna going is in going in e.g. Whole Fresh, Whole Frozen etc. Whole Fresh
Metric In char Metric used to measure catch (Required) mt
Weight In float Weight (Required) 23
Form Out varchar The form the Tuna going is in going out e.g. Whole Fresh, Whole Frozen, Loin, Can etc. Loin
Metric Out char Metric used to measure catch. mt
Weight Out float Weight. Should default to weight in unless any processing is done. 13


Property Type Description Example
ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system used to identify the inspection, boarding or the contact 234e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2a
Activity ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system to identify the activity 234e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2b
Violation Type Type of Violation e.g. Violation of International Laws, Violation of National Laws, Violation of Licensing Terms and Conditions, Other Violations
Status char Indicate whether the case is Open or Closed Open
Source char Indicate the source of this case e.g. Boarding, Inspection, Contact, VMS Incident, Public Report, Surveillance Operation, Other etc. BOARDING
Stage char What stage is the case at e.g. Investigation, Compliance Review, Legal Review, Act Legal Review
Action Taken char What action is being taken e.g. Not Applicable, No Action Taken, Warning, Fine, Prosecution Fine
Result char What was the outcome of the case e.g. Result Pending, Out of Court Resolution, Won in Court, Lost in Court Out of Court Resolution
Jurisdiction char 2 character country code as defined in the ISO3166-1-Alpha-2 CK
Organization char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system an Entity. In this case an Organization who is an Officer 234e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f94c2b
Officer ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system an Entity. In this case an Individual who is an Officer 234e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f93c2b
Notes text
Uploads varchar

Inspection, Boarding, Contact

Property Type Description Example
ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system used to identify the inspection, boarding or the contact 234e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2a
Activity ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system to identify the activity 234e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2b
Type char Indicate what type of activity this was i.e. INSPECTION, BOARDING, CONTACT BOARDING
Jurisdiction char 2 character country code as defined in the ISO3166-1-Alpha-2 CK
Authorized Officer ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system an Entity. In this case the Officer in Charge 234e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f93c2b
Authorized Entity ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system to identify an Individual, Organization, Port, Vessel or Processing Plant who is being inspected, boarded or contacted 234e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f93c2b

Effort: Purse Seine

Refer to SPC ER standards

Property Type Description Example
ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system to identify the activity 234e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2a

Effort: Longline

Property Type Description Example
ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system to identify the activity 234e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2a

Effort: Pole and Line

Property Type Description Example
ID char A globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the system to identify the activity 234e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2a

Notes: Questions needing Answers

  • Is using UUID instead of database generated auto-increment numbers useful for scalability assuming multiple systems? Do we need to capture, domain and path?

  • How long a Captain has been on a particular vessel? Why? Important for history of infringements on captains for person of interest, MCS, Due Diligence

  • Issues sometimes not picked up in regional databases, need additional checks e.g. Google search vessel name for infringements / violations

Vessel Registry

Data standards if you need to operate a vessel registry. Otherwise use infrastructure already setup at FFA, WCPFC, SPC, Lloyds/IMO, Maritime/Transport etc. If issues FIX ISSUES.

Property Type Description Example
Vessel ID char
Vessel Name varchar
IMO / UVI integer
IRCS char
FFA VID integer
WCPFC VID integer
SPC VID integer
Vessel Category varchar
Vessel Type char
Gear Type char
Gross Registered Tonnage decimal
Length Overall decimal
Beam decimal
Molded Depth decimal
Engine Power decimal
Engine Power Units char
Crew Compliment integer
Number of Fish Holds integer
Supporting Documents varchar A path to supporting documents e.g. passports, certificate of incorporation, vessel registry certificate
Notes text

Vessel Communication

Property Type Description Example
ID integer
Vessel ID
Communication Type ID
Communication Name
Communication Details
Communication Installer Entity ID

Vessel Storage Capacity

Property Type Description Example
ID integer
Vessel ID
Gear Type ID
Vessel ID
Storage Type ID
Capacity Units
Temperature Units

Storage Capacity

Property Type Description Example
ID integer
Vessel ID
Storage Type ID
Storage Capacity

Type Definitions

Authorisation Type: Agreement Specific

  • Multi-lateral

  • Bi-lateral

  • Join Venture

  • Foreign

  • Domestic

Authorisation Type: Authorisations

  • Agreement

  • License

  • Permit

  • Registration

Authorisation Status

  • Pending

  • Appeal

  • Declined

  • Revoked

  • Approved

Entity Type

  • Company

  • Association

  • Government

  • Individual

Relationship Type

  • Employed By

  • In Association with

  • Principal of

  • Crew of

  • Captain of

  • Agent of

Activity Type

  • Fishing

  • Farming

  • Transshipping

  • Landing

  • Processing

  • Exporting

  • Bunkering

Other Authorisations

  • Transhipment

  • Unloading / Discharging

  • Resupply

  • Bunker


  • Fishing master

  • Captain

  • Crew

  • Owner

  • Principal

  • Authorised Agent

Condition Type

  • General

  • Special

  • Exemptions

  • Restrictions

Payment Type

  • Bond

  • Fee

Payment For

  • Application Fee (All except VU, TV)

  • Courier Fees (CK)

  • License Fees / Fixed Fee (All)

  • Quota Fees (CK)

  • Access Fees (All)

  • VDS Fees (All PNA + TK)

  • Management Fees (FJ, CK, FM, KI)

  • Monitoring Control Surveillance Fees (SB)

  • Administration Fee (FM, VU, TV, KI)

  • Development Fee (CK, PG, KI)

  • Quota Fee (CK)

  • Travel Bond (FM)

  • Observer Fees (All)

  • Record Fees (FJ)

  • Environmental Levy (TV)

  • Access Agreement Fee (PG)

  • Permit Fee (SB, FJ, VU, )

  • Resource Rent Fee (TO)

  • Fines Fee (TV)

  • Transshipment Fee (All)

  • VMS Fee (PG)

  • Duplication / Printing Fee (PG)