Get familiar with the Serverless architecture paradigm and run your first function ! Oracle has contributed the to the Open Source community. Fn is an event-driven, open source, functions-as-a-service compute platform that you can run anywhere.
This tutorial takes you through the Fn developer experience for building Java functions. It shows how easy it is to build, deploy and test functions written in Java.
This tutorial requires you to have a Linux instance with both both Docker and Fn installed, where you can run the Fn Server. Access to this instance will be provided in the workshop's access document.
Open 2 sessions to the Fn Server, by using your favorite ssh tool (command line, putty or a browser plugin such as FireSSH
As multiple participants will be using the same Fn server, you first have to create a "personal" directory, then cd into it. So if you are for example "user01", type the following:
mkdir user01
cd user01
Let's start by creating a new function. In a terminal type the following and note the runtime value is java8, not just java. "java" defaults to Java 9 but this lab uses Java 8.
mkdir javafn
cd javafn
fn init --runtime java8
The output will be:
/ ____/___
/ /_ / __ \
/ __/ / / / /
/_/ /_/ /_/
Runtime: java8
Function boilerplate generated.
func.yaml created.
fn init
creates an simple function with a bit of boilerplate to get you
started. The --runtime
option is used to indicate that the function
we're going to develop will be written in Java. A number of other
runtimes are also supported. If you have the tree
utility installed
you can see the directory structure that the init command has created.
├── func.yaml
├── pom.xml
└── src
├── main
│ └── java
│ └── com
│ └── example
│ └── fn
│ └──
└── test
└── java
└── com
└── example
└── fn
11 directories, 4 files
As usual, the init command has created a func.yaml
file for your
function but in the case of Java it also creates a Maven pom.xml
as well as a function class and function test class.
Take a look at the contents of the generated func.yaml file.
cat func.yaml
version: 0.0.1
runtime: java8
cmd: com.example.fn.HelloFunction::handleRequest
In the case of a Java function, the cmd
property is set to the fully
qualified name of the function class and the method that should be
invoked when your javafn
function is called.
The Java function init also generates a Maven pom.xml
file to build
and test your function. The pom includes the Fn Java FDK runtime
and test libraries your function needs.
Let's build and run the generated function. We're working locally and
won't be pushing our function images to a Docker registry like Docker
Hub. So before we build let's set FN_REGISTRY
to a local-only registry
username like fndemouser
export FN_REGISTRY=fndemouser
Now we're ready to run. Depending on whether this is your first time developing a Java function you may or may not see Docker images being pulled from Docker Hub. Once the necessary base images are downloaded subsequent operations will be faster.
As the function is built using Maven you may also see a number of Java packages being downloaded. This is also expected the first time you run a function and trigger a build.
fn run
Here's what the abbreviated output will look like:
Building image fndemouser/javafn:0.0.1
Sending build context to Docker daemon 28.67kB
Step 1/11 : FROM fnproject/fn-java-fdk-build:latest as build-stage
latest: Pulling from fnproject/fn-java-fdk-build
Step 2/11 : WORKDIR /function
---> 8ed38772a9e4
Removing intermediate container 9c3957272448
Step 3/11 : ENV MAVEN_OPTS -Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort= -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort= -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts= -Dmaven.repo.local=/usr/share/maven/ref/repository
---> Running in 7a2e1ec6d8a5
---> 345e102442d0
Removing intermediate container 7a2e1ec6d8a5
Step 4/11 : ADD pom.xml /function/pom.xml
---> 7bd708b005e9
Step 5/11 : RUN mvn package dependency:copy-dependencies -DincludeScope=runtime -DskipTests=true -Dmdep.prependGroupId=true -DoutputDirectory=target --fail-never
---> Running in 51427fd1c021
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
Downloaded: (5.6 kB at 8.4 kB/s)
Downloaded: (27 kB at 188 kB/s)
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building hello 1.0.0
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 7.853 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2017-09-20T13:50:55Z
[INFO] Final Memory: 19M/121M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
---> c010a22244a1
Removing intermediate container 51427fd1c021
Step 6/11 : ADD src /function/src
---> e9dd4ad1fb0c
Step 7/11 : RUN mvn package
---> Running in 74da2bfc5f1b
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building hello 1.0.0
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Running com.example.fn.HelloFunctionTest
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.371 sec
Results :
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
[INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.4:jar (default-jar) @ hello ---
[INFO] Building jar: /function/target/hello-1.0.0.jar
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Removing intermediate container 74da2bfc5f1b
Step 8/11 : FROM fnproject/fn-java-fdk:latest
---> 3518e302e29e
Step 9/11 : WORKDIR /function
---> Using cache
---> 2d31a347b567
Step 10/11 : COPY --from=build-stage /function/target/*.jar /function/app/
---> 28f86279daf1
Step 11/11 : CMD com.example.fn.HelloFunction::handleRequest
---> Running in 12dd9351221a
---> 7617229106a0
Removing intermediate container 12dd9351221a
Successfully built 7617229106a0
Successfully tagged fndemouser/javafn:0.0.1
Hello, world!
In the output you can see Maven compiling the code and running the test, the function packaged into a container, and then run locally to produce the output "Hello, world!".
Let's try one more thing and pipe some input into the function. In your terminal type:
echo -n "Bob" | fn run
Hello, Bob!
Instead of "Hello, world!" the function has read the input string "Bob" from standard input and returned "Hello, Bob!".
We've generated, compiled, and run the Java function so let's take a look at the code. You may want to open the code in your favorite IDE or editor.
Below is the generated com.example.fn.HelloFunction
class. As you can
see the function is just a method on a POJO that takes a string value
and returns another string value, but the Java FDK also supports binding
input parameters to streams, primitive types, byte arrays and Java POJOs
unmarshalled from JSON. Functions can also be static or instance
package com.example.fn;
public class HelloFunction {
public String handleRequest(String input) {
String name = (input == null || input.isEmpty()) ? "world" : input;
return "Hello, " + name + "!";
This function returns the string "Hello, world!" unless an input string is provided in which case it returns "Hello, <input string>!". We saw this previously when we piped "Bob" into the function. Notice that the Java FDK reads from standard input and automatically puts the content into the string passed to the function. This greatly simplifies the function code.
fn init
also generated a JUnit test for the function which uses the
Java FDK's function test framework. With this framework you can setup
test fixtures with various function input values and verify the results.
The generated test confirms that when no input is provided the function returns "Hello, world!".
package com.example.fn;
import com.fnproject.fn.testing.*;
import org.junit.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
public class HelloFunctionTest {
public final FnTestingRule testing = FnTestingRule.createDefault();
public void shouldReturnGreeting() {
testing.thenRun(HelloFunction.class, "handleRequest");
FnResult result = testing.getOnlyResult();
assertEquals("Hello, world!", result.getBodyAsString());
Let's add a test that confirms that when an input string like "Bob" is provided we get the expected result.
Add the following method to HelloFunctionTest
public void shouldReturnWithInput() {
testing.thenRun(HelloFunction.class, "handleRequest");
FnResult result = testing.getOnlyResult();
assertEquals("Hello, Bob!", result.getBodyAsString());
You can see the withBody()
method used to specify the value of the
function input.
You can run the tests by building your function with fn build
. This
will cause Maven to compile and run the updated test class. If you
opened the code in an IDE you can run the tests directly from there.
fn build
Running com.example.fn.HelloFunctionTest
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.508 sec
Results :
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
Successfully built 85fb9b00348e
Successfully tagged fndemouser/javafn:0.0.1
Function fndemouser/javafn:0.0.1 built successfully.
Let's convert this function to use JSON for its input and output.
Replace the definition of HelloFunction
with the following:
package com.example.fn;
public class HelloFunction {
public static class Input {
public String name;
public static class Result {
public String salutation;
public Result handleRequest(Input input) {
Result result = new Result();
result.salutation = "Hello " +;
return result;
We've created a couple of simple Pojos to bind the JSON input and output to and changed the function signature to use these Pojos. The Java FDK will automatically bind input data based on the Java arguments to the function. JSON support is built-in but input and output binding is extensible and you could (for instance) plug in marshallers for other data formats like protobuf, avro or xml.
Let's build the updated function.
fn build
Running com.example.fn.HelloFunctionTest
An exception was thrown during Input Coercion: Failed to coerce event to user function parameter type class com.example.fn.HelloFunction$Input
An exception was thrown during Input Coercion: Failed to coerce event to user function parameter type class com.example.fn.HelloFunction$Input
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 2, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.893 sec <<< FAILURE!
Results :
Tests in error:
shouldReturnGreeting(com.example.fn.HelloFunctionTest): One and only one response expected, but 0 responses were generated.
shouldReturnWithInput(com.example.fn.HelloFunctionTest): One and only one response expected, but 0 responses were generated.
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 2, Skipped: 0
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 3.477 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2017-09-21T14:59:21Z
[INFO] Final Memory: 16M/128M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.12.4:test (default-test) on project hello: There are test failures.
Oops! as we can see this function build has fail due to test failures--we
changed the code significantly but didn't update our tests! We really
should be doing test driven development and updating the test first but
at least our bad behavior has been caught. Let's update the tests
to reflect our new expected results. Replace the definition of
package com.example.fn;
import com.fnproject.fn.testing.*;
import org.junit.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
public class HelloFunctionTest {
public final FnTestingRule testing = FnTestingRule.createDefault();
public void shouldReturnGreeting(){
FnResult result = testing.getOnlyResult();
assertEquals("{\"salutation\":\"Hello Bob\"}", result.getBodyAsString());
In the new shouldReturnGreeting()
test method we're passing in the
JSON document
"name": "Bob"
and expecting a result of
"salutation": "Hello Bob"
If you re-run the test via fn build
we can see that it now passes.
Now that we have our Java function updated and passing our JUnit tests
we can move onto deploying it to the Fn server. As we're running the
server on the local machine we can save time by not pushing the
generated image out to a remote Docker repository by using the --local
First launch the Fn server via the 2nd window you opened at the start of this lab.
Type the following but note that the process will run in the foreground so that
it's easy to stop with Ctrl-C:
Attention ! Only a single instance of the fn start command should be issued. Please agree with the other participants running on the same instance who will issue this command.
fn start
You should see output similar to:
time="2017-09-18T14:37:13Z" level=info msg="datastore dialed" datastore=sqlite3 max_idle_connections=256
time="2017-09-18T14:37:13Z" level=info msg="available memory" ram=1655975936
time="2017-09-18T14:37:13Z" level=info msg="Serving Functions API on address `:8080`"
/ ____/___
/ /_ / __ \
/ __/ / / / /
/_/ /_/ /_/
That's it! The Fn server instance is up and running.
Now we are ready to deploy our function to this instance :
fn deploy --local --app myapp
Deploying javafn to app: myapp at path: /javafn
Bumped to version 0.0.2
Building image fndemouser/javafn:0.0.2
Successfully built 406b44a45821
Successfully tagged fndemouser/javafn:0.0.2
Updating route /javafn using image fndemouser/javafn:0.0.2...
Review the last line of the deploy output. When deployed, a function's
Docker image is associated with a route which is the function's name and
the function's name is taken from the containing directory. In this
case the route is /javafn
We can use the route to invoke the function via curl and passing the JSON input as the body of the call.
curl --data '{"name": "Bob"}' http://localhost:8080/r/myapp/javafn
{"salutation":"Hello Bob"}
Finally you might notice that the function call takes a few hundred milliseconds. Try calling the function three times in a row paying attention to how long it takes to complete each call:
curl --data '{"name":"Tom"}' http://localhost:8080/r/myapp/javafn
curl --data '{"name":"Tom"}' http://localhost:8080/r/myapp/javafn
curl --data '{"name":"Tom"}' http://localhost:8080/r/myapp/javafn
By default, fn will start a new container (and therefore a new JVM) for each invocation. This may be what you want--as each function call will run in its own isolated container and process. But you can configure the function to re-use the same container and JVM for multiple invocations, thus reducing latency. This is called a 'Hot Function'.
We can turn our function into a Hot Function by changing the format on the route.
Edit the func.yaml and add the line
format: http
Redeploy the function with the new configuration:
fn deploy --local --app myapp
Now if we call it again the first call still takes a few hundred milliseconds to start up the container but subsequent calls are super fast. Try calling the function repeatedly now that you've made the format change:
curl --data '{"name":"Tom"}' http://localhost:8080/r/myapp/javafn
curl --data '{"name":"Tom"}' http://localhost:8080/r/myapp/javafn
curl --data '{"name":"Tom"}' http://localhost:8080/r/myapp/javafn
Now we'll launch the FN Admin GUI and access this application from your local pc. Perform following steps :
cd /home/fn/bin
Now use a browser on your PC to go to the following address: 'Fn Server IP_Address':4000
Congratulations! You've just completed an introduction to the Fn Java FDK. There's so much more in the FDK than we can cover in this first exercise, if you want to experiment more visit on GitHub.