This document summarizes the changes introduced to the AsciiDoc Language Documentation by quarter. For a detailed view of what’s changed, refer to the repository’s commit history.
- Added
add more detail about the page break macro
add more detail about the thematic break macro
add more detail about qanda lists
- Changed
added subsections to ID attribute page
be more clear about how special sections work in a multi-part book
clarify that each side of the expression of an
directive should have the same type
- Added
document the flattened
, andfiletype
value attributes (e.g.,backend-html5
) -
document how to encode link text that contains both an equals sign and quotes
document that the
attribute can be specified on the xref macro to override the xrefstyle value for a single reference -
document that leading and trailing empty lines are automatically removed from delimited blocks
document how to turn off autolinks by removing the macros substitution
- Fixed
clarify that multiple role values in the role attribute must be separated by spaces (#114)
draw clear association between the type and visual presentation of formatted text (strong=bold, emphasis=italic, etc)
change "macro substitution" to "macros substitution" to keep the terminology straight
- Changed
specify more precisely when quotes in a named attribute value are unescaped
revise text about window attribute on URL and link macros
add caution about underscore in window=_blank unexpectedly forming a constrained formatting pair; recommend the shorthand syntax instead
- Added
add section to clarify that substitutions are not applied to the value of attributes defined externally
document that double quote in a URL must be encoded using %22
add dedicated section with examples for multiple attributes with ifndef directive
explicitly state that , and + combinators on ifdef and ifndef directive cannot be combined
- Changed
clarify the interpretation of multiple attributes with ifdef directive
- Added
add dedicated section to introduce the attribute shorthand on blocks and formatted text
define the term attrlist as the source text that defines attributes for an element or include directive
document how to use text formatting markup in the text of an externalized footnote
add recommendation to separate consecutive include directives by an empty line unless the intend is to adjoin the content
document acceptable values for the image target
document that spaces in the image target are encoded when converting to HTML
document that when autogenerated section IDs is enabled, and a title contains a forward looking xref, a custom ID is required
document how to toggle autogenerated section IDs within the document
add section that covers single and plus passthrough with examples
add complete documentation for block and line comments, including an intro
explicitly document that you can reference the value of another attribute in the value of an attribute entry
- Fixed
state that scaledwidth attribute with % value scales the image relative to the content area
remove dot from the list of valid characters in an element attribute name; this was never a valid character
improve the accuracy of the description for internal cross references
fix numerous problems with how the inline anchor is explained
- Changed
repurpose the List Continuation page as Complex List Items
clarify that user-defined document attributes are stored in the order in which they are defined
clarify that the value of the width and height attributes must be an integer value without a unit
provide clarity about image sizing attributes in general
clarify that the schema for element attributes is open-ended (#87)
revise the Document Attributes page so it provides a clearer and more accurate introduction to document attributes
clarify what values the target of an include directive accepts
rewrite the introduction of single and double curved quotes; add example for straight quotes
rewrite the introduction of the apostrophe behavior and syntax; add example for the smart typography replacement
split content for internal cross references into sections; add recommended practices
improve the description of autogenerated IDs for sections and discrete headings
clarify where an attribute entry can be declared; specify that declaring the attribute entry inside a delimited block is undefined
clarify that the colophon section can be placed anywhere in a book
make a distinction between an absolute and relative URL on the Links intro page
promote Literal Monospace section to a page
show contexts without leading colon to avoid confusion
- Fixed
clarify that the value of the lang attribute must be a BCP 47 language tag
fix textual references that refer to the mailto macro as the email macro
fix the terminology pertaining to custom inline styles
fix the terminology pertaining to highlighted text
slightly clarify the rules for a constrained formatting pair by emphasizing that the text cannot start or end with a space-like character
change chapter-label to chapter-signifier
- Added
document collapsible blocks (the collapsible and open options on the example structural container) (#34)
document how to escape an attribute reference
document text span (formerly known as unformatted text)
document how newlines in block AsciiMath notation are processed
document how newlines in block LaTeX notation are processed
document the format attribute on image macros
document the fallback attribute on image macros when target is an SVG
add the window attribute to the reference table for image macros
document the linenums option on source blocks
to the table of character replacement attributes -
document the partintro block style (#84)
document start and end attributes on audio macro (#74)
full document the audio macro, providing both an introduction and examples
add the audio macro to the syntax quick reference
show example of how to specify alt text that contains a comma
document which characters AsciiDoc allows in an ID value and provide recommendations
add intro page to passthroughs section
document the list and playlist attributes when embedding YouTube videos
document the proposed description list with marker list type
add block name, context, block style, structural container, and content model to the glossary
add block element, inline element, element, and node to the glossary
document the valid set of term delimiters for use in a description list (#95)
- Changed
rewrite the documentation for blocks to include information about content models, contexts, structural containers, delimited blocks, block masquerading, and nesting delimited blocks
provide more details and examples that explain how to use the attribute list of a mailto macro
make it more clear that GitHub, GitLab, and the browser preview extensions automatically adjust relfilesuffix
rewrite page about multiline attribute values to describe line joiner as a line continuation
change mentions of Asciidoctor to AsciiDoc processor where applicable
clarify that formatting pairs cannot be overlapped
move discrete headings page to blocks module and map to top-level entry in nav (#4)
clarify that the custom cell separator on a table must be a single character
clarify that the stripes setting on a table is inherited by nested tables
to be consistent with MDN, prefer the term element instead of tag when referring to an element node in HTML and XML
change -reference.adoc suffix to -ref.adoc for document-attributes-reference.adoc and character-replacement-reference.adoc
rewrite explanation of element attributes
- Fixed
update trademarks attribution in README (PR #62)
change part-label to part-signifier (PR #64)
- Changed
provide clearer example for escaping single quotes in a single-quoted attribute value (PR #60)
switch attribute substitution example to autolink to avoid naunce about whether closing square bracket needs to be escaped
clarify that additional IDs assigned to section title cannot be used for referencing within the document
clarify that only primary ID can be used for referencing section title within the document
- Fixed
Rewrite much of link-macro-attribute-parsing.adoc to reflect the simplified parsing behavior implemented in asciidoctor/asciidoctor#2059.
Clarify that a negated tag selects all lines except for those lines containing a tag directive (not simply all lines as it previously suggested)
Correct the term "STEM interpreter" to "STEM notation" (#8)
- Added
Add example of how to select all lines outside of tagged regions and lines inside a specific tagged region
Document attribute list parsing in detail (#43)
Document the normalization applied to the AsciiDoc source and AsciiDoc include files (#51)
- Changed
Moved content into docs folder (#55)
Clarify the rules for include tag filtering; emphasize that the wildcards can only be used once
Clarify that including by tag includes all regions marked with that same tag.
Standardize on the "link text" term instead of "linked text" (#50)
These changes were committed and merged into the main branch starting on November 24, 2020.
- Fixed
Replace the phrase lead style with the phrase lead role
Replace the table frame value
(#9) -
Fix conflict with the built-in preamble ID
Replace the document attribute
(#3) -
Fix links to page fragments (aka deep links)
Fix grouping in navigation files
Update xrefs to reflect module name change in asciidoctor component
Document the substitution values that the inline pass macro accepts; clarify the purpose of this macro (#37)
Move callouts for block image example to included line (#39)
Added missing leading backslash in examples that shows how to escape an include directive
- Added
Import the AsciiDoc syntax quick reference content (#14)
Add page about abstract block style to navigation and distinguish from abstract section
Integrate the relative link documentation into the link macro page
Document where an anchor must be placed for a list item in a description list (#21)
- Changed
Rework the reference table for built-in attributes by fixing incorrect values and descriptions, clarifying difference between effective value and implied value, and consolidating column for Header Only (#24)
Fold intrinsic attributes reference into document attributes reference (#26)
Use the term pair instead of set when referring to formatting mark complements (#6)
Replace the phrase set of brackets with the phrase pair of brackets to align with updated terminology (#6)
Replace the phrase set of delimited lines with the phrase pair of delimited lines (#6)
Revise the overview page for text formatting and punctuation (#6)
Move the hard line breaks section to a dedicated page under the Paragraphs section (#3)
Move unordered lists before ordered lists in navigation file
Replace fenced code blocks with AsciiDoc source blocks
Drop unnecessary quotes in value of
attribute -
Swap columns in AsciiDoc table cell example
Use xref macro for inter-document xrefs
Replace the name AsciiDoc Python with
Replace the term "master document" with "primary document"
attribute on start page -
Rename version from current to latest
- Removed
Remove migration in progress notice
Remove disabled pages