edgy-group.nvim extends edgy.nvim by providing a simple method for organizing windows within edgebar based on their title.
- Switch between groups of windows within edgebar.
- Add a command to navigate through groups of windows.
- Allow the creation of custom icon indicators in statusline, bufferline, etc.
- Pick mode to select group from statusline
edgy-group.nvim does not introduce a new edgebar for each position. It is a simple wrapper around edgy.nvim that is used to open and close windows within the same edgebar.
- All edgy windows require a unique title in order to create groups.
- Opening a window with a function or command call will not automatically switch to the corresponding group.
Install the plugin using your preferred package manager.
dependencies = {"folke/edgy.nvim"}
event = "VeryLazy",
opts = {},
You can open and close groups of windows using keymaps, commands, or APIs.
local default_options = {
groups = {
right = {}, -- { icon = '', titles = { 'Neo-Tree', 'Neo-Tree Buffers' } }
left = {},
bottom = {},
top = {},
-- configuration for `require('edgy-group.stl').get_statusline(pos)`
statusline = {
-- suffix and prefix separators between icons
separators = { ' ', ' ' },
clickable = false, -- open group on click
colored = false, -- enable highlight support
colors = { -- highlight colors
active = 'Normal', -- highlight color for open group
inactive = 'Normal', -- highlight color for closed group
pick_active = 'PmenuSel', -- highlight color for pick key for open group
pick_inactive = 'PmenuSel', -- highlight color for pick key for closed group
separator_active = 'Normal', -- highlight color for separator for open group
separator_inactive = 'Normal', -- highlight color for separator for closed group
-- pick key position: left, right, left_separator, right_separator, icon
-- left: before left separator
-- right: after right separator
-- left_separator, right_separator and icon: replace the corresponding element
pick_key_pose = 'left',
pick_function = nil, -- optional function to override default behavior
toggle = true, -- toggle group when at least one window is already open
groups = {
right = { -- group position (right, left, bottom, top)
icon = '', -- icon used in statusline and vim.ui.select
titles = { 'Neo-Tree', 'Neo-Tree Buffers' }, -- list of titles from edgy.nvim
pick_key = 'f' -- key to pick a group in statusline
Groups without pick_key will be assigned to the first available key in alphabetical order.
- EdgyGroupSelect select group to open with vim.ui.select.
- EdgyGroupNext position open next group at given position.
- EdgyGroupPrev position open previous group at given position.
- require('edgy-group').open_group_offset(position, offset)
open group with offset relative to the current group. - require('edgy-group').open_group_index(position, index)
open group with index relative to the current position. - require('edgy-group').open_groups_by_key(key, opts?)
open one or multiple groups with this key, with optional table {position, toggle}. - require('edgy-group.stl').get_statusline(position)
get a list of string in statusline format for each group icons with optional
highlight and click support. - require('edgy-group.stl').pick(callback) enable picking mode to select group from statusline.
Only groups with a provided title will be displayed.
A default group will not be created if titles from edgy are missing.
Usage of edgy-group.nvim to create three groups for the left edgebar:
event = "VeryLazy"
dependencies = { "folke/edgy.nvim" },
keys = {
function() require('edgy-group').open_group_offset('left', 1) end,
desc = 'Edgy Group Next Left',
function() require('edgy-group').open_group_offset('left', -1) end,
desc = 'Edgy Group Prev Left',
desc = 'Edgy Group Pick',
opts = {
groups = {
left = {
{ icon = '', titles = { 'Neo-Tree', 'Neo-Tree Buffers' } },
{ icon = '', titles = { 'Neo-Tree Git' } },
{ icon = '', titles = { 'Outline' } },
statusline = {
separators = { ' ', ' ' },
clickable = true,
colored = true,
colors = {
active = 'PmenuSel',
inactive = 'Pmenu',
-- edgy configuration (simplified)
-- ...
opts = {
-- ...
left = {
title = "Neo-Tree",
ft = "neo-tree",
filter = function(buf) return vim.b[buf].neo_tree_source == "filesystem" end,
size = { height = 0.5 },
open = "Neotree position=left filesystem",
title = "Neo-Tree Buffers",
ft = "neo-tree",
filter = function(buf) return vim.b[buf].neo_tree_source == "buffers" end,
open = "Neotree position=top buffers",
title = "Neo-Tree Git",
ft = "neo-tree",
filter = function(buf) return vim.b[buf].neo_tree_source == "git_status" end,
open = "Neotree position=right git_status",
ft = "Outline",
open = "SymbolsOutlineOpen",
Optionally create a custom picker function to define your own behavior when selecting a group by key.
- Default behavior call
for each group with the same key
opts = {
pick_function = function(key)
local edgy_group = require('edgy-group')
for _, group in ipairs(edgy_group.get_groups_by_key(key)) do
pcall(edgy_group.open_group_index, group.position, group.index)
- Use upper case key to focus all element instead of toggling
opts = {
pick_function = function(key)
local toggle = not key:match('%u')
local edgy_group = require('edgy-group')
for _, group in ipairs(edgy_group.get_groups_by_key(key:lower())) do
pcall(edgy_group.open_group_index, group.position, group.index, toggle)
Examples of how to use edgy-group.nvim with bufferline.nvim, lualine.nvim, heirline.nvim, tabby.nvim to add group icons with highlight and click support.
-- ...
opts = {
options = {
custom_areas = {
left = function()
return vim.tbl_map(
function(item) return { text = item } end,
-- ...
opts = {
sections = {
lualine_c = {
local stl = require('edgy-group.stl')
local bottom_line = stl.get_statusline('bottom')
return table.concat(bottom_line)
local EdgyGroup = {
provider = function()
local stl = require('edgy-group.stl')
local bottom_line = stl.get_statusline('bottom')
return table.concat(bottom_line)
return {
--- ...
opts = {
line = function(line)
return {
-- ...
-- ...
-- default
-- with lualine add a refresh callback
require('edgy-group.stl').pick(function() require('lualine').refresh() end)