This page contains a non-comprehensive list of Inspektor Gadget users that we know of.
If you would like your organization or project to be added to this list, please open a PR with your name, link, and a brief description of your use case.
Adopter | Description |
Kubescape | Kubescape is an open-source Kubernetes security platform that provides comprehensive security coverage. Kubescape was created by ARMO and is a Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) sandbox project. Kubescape node agent uses the Inspektor Gadget library. |
Microsoft Defender for Containers | Microsoft Defender for Containers leverages Inspektor Gadget applications running in Kubernetes by detecting vulnerabilities at runtime. |
Retina | Retina is a cloud-agnostic, open-source Kubernetes Network Observability platform. Retina was created by Microsoft. It uses Inspektor Gadget for its dns and tcpretrans plugins. |