Below you can get an overview of the short-to-mid-term ideas for the project.
Links to additional assets and images are common part of the markdown content. The app will let you paste or drag and drop images in the editor and upload them to a location of your choice - either in the cloud or inside the repository.
The heart of the app - the MDXEditor component is highly customizable. Soon, you will be able to configure the editor within your repository through configuration files, that will let you apply custom styling to the content, or even specify custom blocks like custom code editors or JSX components.
Letting everyone edit every file in the repository is not always the best idea. The app will let you specify which files can be edited, and which files are read-only or hidden.
In addition to committing and pushing changes, the app will let your users to issue pull requests from the app.
Interested in something else? Want to know more about a specific feature? Let me know.