- Setup events post route DONE
- Create form for new events DONE
- Move events from an array across to a database DONE
- MongoDB
- Fix styling for the events rendering DONE
- Setup authentication
- Install passport DONE
- Setup second step auth to prevent unwanted people creating accounts DONE
- Possibly use invite only method providing link to random str of characters CANCELED
- Fix footer styling DONE
- Add algorithm to calculate scoreboard
- This is not required, it can be done with 3 lines of programming
- Discuss big O notation for this algorithm
- Fairly simple alg, use basic sort alg w lowest time complexity
- Fix styling on the date input label in events.ejs DONE
- Routes
- /home DONE
- /events DONE
- /houses DONE
- /login DONE
- /register DONE
- Default route DONE
- Organise files into folder for easier viewing IN PROGRESS
- Move routes into separate files, then import into app.js DONE
- Fix naming to conform with RESTful routing DONE
- Move mongoose schema to separate models folder DONE
- Collection modelling
- Events DONE
- Houses DONE
- Users DONE
- Redo events index
- Redo events form
- restyle events form
- style login/register forms DONE
- update houses to organise in position
- nth-child?
- organisation alg from website?
name | url | verb | desc. |
INDEX | /events | GET | Display a list of all events |
NEW | /events/new | GET | Displays form to make new event not used |
CREATE | /events | POST | Add new event to db |
SHOW | /event/:id | GET | Shows info about specific event |
INDEX | /houses | GET | Display a list of all houses |