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-.. title:: Goalie Goal-Oriented Mesh Adaptation Toolkit
-.. only:: html
-Goalie Goal-Oriented Mesh Adaptation Toolkit
-Goalie provides metric-based goal-oriented mesh adaptation
-functionality to the Python-based finite element library
-`Firedrake `__. The 'y' is
-silent, so its pronunciation is identical to 'Proteus' - the
-ancient Greek god of the constantly changing surface of the
-.. rubric:: Mathematical background
-Goal-oriented mesh adaptation presents one of the clearest
-examples of the intersection between adjoint methods and mesh
-adaptation. It is an advanced topic, so it is highly
-recommended that users are familiar with adjoint methods,
-mesh adaptation and the goal-oriented framework before
-starting with Goalie.
-We refer to the `Firedrake documentation
-for an introduction to the finite element method - the
-discretisation approach assumed throughout. The
-`dolfin-adjoint` package (which Goalie uses to solve adjoint
-problems) contains some `excellent documentation
-on the mathematical background of adjoint problems. The
-goal-oriented error estimation and metric-based mesh adaptation
-functionalities provided by Goalie are described in the manual.
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 2
- Goalie manual
-.. rubric:: API documentation
-The classes and functions which comprise Goalie may be found
-in the API documentation.
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 1
- Goalie API documentation
-They are also listed alphabetically on the :ref:`index `
-page. The index may be searched using the inbuilt
-:ref:`search engine `. Goalie source code is hosted on
-`GitHub `__.
-.. rubric:: Demos
-Goalie contains a number of demos to illustrate the correct
-usage of its different functionalities. It is highly recommended
-that these are read in order, as many of the demos build upon
-earlier ones.
-*Time partitions and mesh sequences*
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 1
- Partitioning a time interval
- Creating a mesh sequence
- Burgers equation on a sequence of meshes
- Adjoint Burgers equation
- Adjoint Burgers equation on two meshes
- Adjoint Burgers equation with a time-integrated QoI
- Adjoint Burgers equation (object-oriented approach)
- Solid body rotation
- Solid body rotation with multiple prognostic variables
- Advection-diffusion-reaction
- Advection-diffusion-reaction with multiple prognostic variables
-*Error estimation*
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 1
- Error estimation for Burgers equation
- Point discharge with diffusion
-*Mesh adaptation*
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 1
- Hessian-based mesh adaptation for a 2D steady-state problem
- Goal-oriented mesh adaptation for a 2D steady-state problem
- Hessian-based mesh adaptation for a 2D time-dependent problem
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-Computational physics contains a wide variety of applications
-for which the accurate evaluation of a diagnostic
-`quantity of interest (QoI)` is more important than the solution
-of the prognostic equation that it is associated with. It is such
-problems that Goalie is designed to solve.
-Given a partial differential equation (PDE) and a QoI, we are able
-to formulate and solve the associated `adjoint problem`, which
-describes how sensitivities of the QoI with respect to the PDE
-solution propagate in space and time. Adjoint methods have many
-uses, such as sensitivity analysis, gradient-based optimisation
-and uncertainity quantification. Another less commonly used use
-is for goal-oriented error estimation.
-The idea of goal-oriented error estimation is to approximate the
-error accrued when evaluating the QoI using a particular
-discretisation method in terms of residuals of the PDE and solutions
-of the PDE and its adjoint. That is, we approximate an unknown
-error quantity -- that we would like to minimise -- in terms of
-computable (or at least approximable) quantities. Building upon
-this, goal-oriented mesh adaptation takes such error estimators,
-deduces local contributions from different regions of time and space
-and modifies the discretisation appropriately so that high resolution
-is used where the contribution to the QoI error is deemed to be high.
-Moreover, low resolution is used where the corresponding contribution
-is deemed to be low, meaning that resolution is not wasted
-Before progressing to the details of goal-oriented error estimation
-and mesh adaptation, we provide an example application to demonstrate
-a use-case where this technology is useful.
-Tracer transport
-Consider a relatively simple, steady-state PDE. Suppose we are
-interested in the advection and diffusion of a tracer concentration,
-which is being released from a point source. The tracer could represent
-a chemical species or pollutant suspended in water, for example.
-Let :math:`c(\mathbf x)` denote the tracer concentration at point
-:math:`\mathbf x\in\Omega`. The advection and diffusion processes are
-governed by the PDE
-.. math::
- :label: tracer_eq
- \mathbf u\cdot\nabla c
- -\nabla\cdot(D\nabla c)
- =S,
-where :math:`\mathbf u` is the advective velocity, :math:`D` is the
-diffusion coefficient and :math:`S` represents the source term.
-Consider the "point discharge with diffusion" test case from :cite:`RCJ:14`.
-That is, we have a rectangular domain, within which the fluid velocity
-goes uniformly from left to right, i.e. :math:`\mathbf u=(1,0)`.
-In such a case, we have an inflow across the left-hand boundary and
-outflow across the right-hand boundary. Specifying the tracer
-concentration to be zero on the inflow inflow, to satisfy natural
-boundary conditions on the outflow and to satisfy Neumann conditions on the
-channel sides, we are able to formulate and solve the problem numerically.
-.. figure:: images/point_discharge2d_forward.jpg
- :figwidth: 60%
- :align: center
- Finite element solution of the tracer transport problem.
- Image taken from :cite:`WBHP:22` with authors' permission.
-In the above plot, the source term is centred at :math:`(2,5)`.
-Tracer concentration is released, advected to the right and diffused
-uniformly in all directions. Suppose now that there is also a receiver
-region, centred at :math:`(20,7.5)` and with a radius of :math:`0.5`.
-This setup can be understood as an idealised version of a
-desalination plant outfall scenario, where the tracer is salinity
-and we would like to understand the salt content at the inlet pipe
-for the plant. In such a setup, the point source is the plant's
-outlet pipe and the receiver region is the plant's inlet. As such,
-we would like to accurately measure the functional
-.. math::
- :label: tracer_qoi
- J(c)=\int_R c\;\mathrm dx,
-where :math:`R` denotes the receiver region. Taking this as QoI,
-the solution of the corresponding adjoint problem takes the form
-.. figure:: images/point_discharge2d_adjoint.jpg
- :figwidth: 60%
- :align: center
- Finite element solution of the adjoint tracer transport problem.
- Image taken from :cite:`WBHP:22` with authors' permission.
-Here the receiver region becomes a `source` for the adjoint problem.
-Further, where the flow goes from left to right in the forward
-problem, it goes from right to left in the adjoint. The adjoint
-solution indicates that the QoI is most sensitive to what is happening
-near to the receiver - which makes sense - and fairly sensitive to the
-upstream conditions - which also makes sense. The adjoint solution is
-near-zero downstream since the QoI is effectively independent of what
-happens there in this advection-dominated problem.
-The goal-oriented error estimation technology allows us to construct
-error indicator fields using the forward and adjoint solution fields
-shown above. These combine the sensitivity information contributed by
-the adjoint solution with information related to error distribution.
-The error indicator then tells us which regions of the domain are
-important in terms of accurately evaluating the QoI.
-Error indicator fields can be used to drive mesh adaptation, as discussed
-above. This can be done in a variety of ways. Some examples for the
-point discharge problem are shown below, including one approach that
-gives rise to isotropic meshes and three which give rise to anisotropic
-.. figure:: images/point_discharge2d_isotropic_dwr.jpg
- :figwidth: 60%
- :align: center
-.. figure:: images/point_discharge2d_anisotropic_dwr.jpg
- :figwidth: 60%
- :align: center
-.. figure:: images/point_discharge2d_weighted_hessian.jpg
- :figwidth: 60%
- :align: center
-.. figure:: images/point_discharge2d_weighted_gradient.jpg
- :figwidth: 60%
- :align: center
- Goal-oriented adapted meshes generated using various metric strategies.
- Images taken from :cite:`WBHP:22` with authors' permission.
-The adapted meshes take rather different forms, but there are a number of
-features that they have in common. For example, each of them deploy most
-mesh resolution in bands between the source and receiver. In addition,
-they tend to use less mesh resolution downstream (where the adjoint
-solution is near zero) than upstream of the receiver region.
-The `next section <2-goal-oriented-error-estimation.html>`__ gives a
-general overview of goal-oriented error estimation, including the main
-ideas and fundamental mathematical results.
-.. bibliography:: 1-references.bib
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- title={{TELEMAC} modeling system: {2D} hydrodynamics {TELEMAC-2D} software release 7.0 user manual},
- author={Riadh, A and Cedric, G and Jean, MH},
- journal={Paris: R\&D, Electricite de France},
- pages={134},
- year={2014}
- title={Goal-oriented error estimation and mesh adaptation for tracer transport modelling},
- author={Wallwork, JG and Barral, N and Ham, DA and Piggott, MD},
- journal={Computer-Aided Design},
- volume={145},
- pages={103187},
- year={2022},
- publisher={Elsevier},
- doi={10.1016/j.cad.2021.103187}
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-Goal-oriented error estimation
-In this manual page, it is assumed that you have read and understood
-the `dolfin-adjoint
-training material on adjoint methods.
-Goalie has been designed with time-dependent problems in mind. However,
-the exposition of goal-oriented error estimation is most clearly presented
-in the steady-state case. Therefore, suppose we have a "forward" PDE that
-contains only derivatives in space and is written in the residual form,
-.. math::
- :label: forward
- F(u) = 0,\quad u\in V,
-where :math:`u` is the solution, which lives in a function space :math:`V`.
-In addition, suppose that there exists a diagnostic quantity of interest
-.. math::
- :label: qoi
- J:V\rightarrow\mathbb R,
-for which we would like to accurately evaluate :math:`J(u)`. The adjoint
-problem associated with :math:`J` is then given by
-.. math::
- :label: adjoint
- \frac{\partial F}{\partial u}^Tu^*=\frac{\partial J}{\partial u}^T,
- \quad u^*\in V,
-where :math:`u^*` is the *adjoint solution*, which also lives in :math:`V`.
-Consider now a finite-dimensional subspace :math:`V_h\subset V` and suppose
-that we have a weak formulation of the forward problem given by
-.. math::
- :label: weak_forward
- \rho(u_h,v)=0,\quad\forall v\in V_h,
-where :math:`u_h` is the approximate (weak) forward solution. Here
-:math:`\rho(u_h,\cdot)` is often called the "weak residual" of the forward
-problem. This is the equation that we solve when we call
-:meth:`~.MeshSeq.solve_forward`. Similarly, suppose we have a weak formulation
-of the adjoint problem with approximate (weak) adjoint solution :math:`u_h^*\in V_h`:
-.. math::
- :label: weak_adjoint
- \rho^*(u_h^*,v)=0,\quad\forall v\in V_h,
-where :math:`\rho^*(u_h^*,\cdot)` is the weak residual of the adjoint problem.
-This is the equation that we solve when we call
-Recall that we seek to accurately evaluate :math:`J` using a finite element
-method. This is the same as saying that we seek to minimise the "QoI error"
-:math:`J(u)-J(u_h)`. The fundamental result in goal-oriented error estimation
-is the first order *dual weighted residual* result :cite:`BR:01`,
-.. math::
- :label: dwr1
- J(u)-J(u_h)=\rho(u_h,u^*)+R^{(2)},
-which relates the QoI error to the forward weak residual with the test function
-replaced by the adjoint solution. This result is "first order" in the sense
-that the remainder term :math:`R^{(2)}` is quadratic in the forward and adjoint
-discretisation errors :math:`u-u_h` and :math:`u^*-u_h^*`. There also exists
-a second order result,
-.. math::
- :label: dwr2
- J(u)-J(u_h)=\frac12\rho(u_h,u^*)+\frac12\rho^*(u_h^*,u)+R^{(3)},
-with remainder term :math:`R^{(3)}` that is cubic in the forward and adjoint
-discretisation errors. We refer to the part of the RHS of each equation without
-the remainder term a *dual weighted residual error estimate*, since it approximates
-the QoI error.
-Note that the first order DWR result :eq:`dwr1` replaces the test function with
-the *true* adjoint solution, :math:`u^*`. Further, the second order result
-:eq:`dwr2` also includes the *true* forward solution. Neither of these quantities
-are known in practice. Therefore, we can usually only evaluate dual weighted
-residual error estimates in an approximate sense. Typically, this means approximating
-the true adjoint and/or forward solution using a higher order method. A simple -- but
-computationally intensive -- approach is to solve the appropriate equation again in a
-globally "enriched" finite element space. For example, on a uniformly refined mesh or
-in a function space with higher polynomial order. This can be achieved in Goalie
-using :meth:`~.GoalOrientedMeshSeq.indicate_errors`. See `the Burgers error estimation demo
-<../demos/burgers_ee.py.html>`__ for example usage.
-.. bibliography:: 2-references.bib
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- title={An optimal control approach to a posteriori error estimation in finite element methods},
- author={Becker, Roland and Rannacher, Rolf},
- journal={Acta numerica},
- volume={10},
- pages={1--102},
- year={2001},
- publisher={Cambridge University Press},
- doi={10.1017/S0962492901000010}
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-The metric-based framework
-The goal-oriented mesh adaptation functionality in Goalie
-is designed such that it is agnostic of the specific method
-used to modify the mesh. However, to give a concrete example,
-this section describes the *metric-based* mesh adaptation
-framework. Integration of this adaptation approach into the
-Firedrake finite element library is currently underway.
-Metric spaces
-The metric-based framework has its roots in Riemannian
-geometry - in particular, Riemannian metric spaces.
-A `metric space`
-:math:`(\mathcal V,\underline{\mathbf M})` consists
-of a vector space :math:`\mathcal V` and a `metric`
-:math:`\underline{\mathbf M}` defined upon it. Under
-the assumption that :math:`\mathcal V=\mathbb R^n`
-for some :math:`n\in\mathbb N`, :math:`\mathcal M` can
-be represented as a real :math:`n\times n` symmetric
-positive-definite (SPD) matrix. From the metric, we
-may deduce a distance function and various geometric
-quantities related to the metric space.
-The most well-known example of an :math:`n`-dimensional
-metric space is Euclidean space, :math:`\mathbb E^n`.
-Euclidean space is :math:`\mathbb R^n`, with the
-:math:`n`-dimensional identity matrix
-:math:`\underline{\mathbf I}` as its metric.
-This gives rise to the well-known :math:`\ell_2`
-distance function,
-.. math::
- :label: l2_distance
- d_2(\mathbf u,\mathbf v)
- :=\sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^n(v_i-u_i)^2}
- =\sqrt{(\mathbf{v}-\mathbf{u})^T\:\underline{\mathbf I}\:(\mathbf{v}-\mathbf{u})}
- =\sqrt{\vec{\mathbf{uv}}^T\:\underline{\mathbf M}\:\vec{\mathbf{uv}}},
-where :math:`\vec{\mathbf{uv}}`
-denotes the vector from
-:math:`\mathbf u=(u_1,\dots,u_n)\in\mathbb R^n` to
-:math:`\mathbf v=(v_1,\dots,v_n)\in\mathbb R^n`.
-The definition above assumes that the metric takes a fixed
-value. A `Riemannian metric space`, on the other hand, is
-defined point-wise on a domain :math:`\Omega`, such that
-its value is an :math:`n\times n` SPD matrix `at each point`
-:math:`\mathbf x\in\Omega`. We use the notation
-:math:`\mathcal M=\{\underline{\mathbf M}(\mathbf x)\}_{\mathbf x\in\Omega}`
-for the Riemannian metric. Throughout this documentation,
-the term `metric` should be understood as referring
-specifically to a Riemannian metric. The fact that a
-Riemannian metric can vary in space means that Riemannian
-metric spaces are warped, when viewed in Euclidean space.
-For example, think of the space-time continuum in
-General Relativity. This is probably the most famous
-example of a Riemannian metric space.
-.. figure:: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/63/Spacetime_lattice_analogy.svg
- :figwidth: 80%
- :align: center
- An example of a Riemannian metric space: the
- gravitational field of the Earth (source:
- `Wikipedia `__).
-Given a Riemannian metric
-:math:`\mathcal M=\{\underline{\mathbf M}(\mathbf x)\}_{\mathbf x\in\Omega}`,
-we can define distance in the associated space as above.
-However, since space is warped, we need
-to integrate along a `curve`, rather than a straight line.
-Given that :math:`\boldsymbol\gamma:[0,1]\rightarrow\mathbb R^n`
-parametrises the curve from :math:`\mathbf u\in\Omega` to
-:math:`\mathbf v\in\Omega`, the distance may be computed
-using the parametric integral
-.. math::
- :label: metric_distance
- d_{\mathcal M}(\mathbf u,\mathbf v)
- :=\int_0^1\sqrt{\vec{\mathbf{uv}}\:\underline{\mathbf M}(\boldsymbol\gamma(\xi))\:\vec{\mathbf{uv}}}\;\mathrm d\xi.
-We define length in the metric space by
-.. math::
- :label: metric_length
- \ell_{\mathcal M}(\vec{\mathbf{uv}})
- :=d_{\mathcal M}(\mathbf u,\mathbf v).
-As well as distances and lengths, it is also possible to define
-volume in Riemannian space. Given a subset
-:math:`K\subseteq\Omega`, its volume is given by
-.. math::
- :label: metric_volume
- \left|K\right|_{\mathcal M}
- :=\int_K\sqrt{\underline{\mathbf M}(\mathbf x)}\;\mathrm dx.
-The concept of angle also carries over, amongst other things.
-Metric fields should be defined in Firedrake using
-:class:`firedrake.meshadapt.RiemannianMetric`\s from instances of
-a Lagrange :func:`firedrake.functionspace.TensorFunctionSpace` of
-degree 1, i.e. a tensor space that is piecewise linear and continuous.
-The following example code snippet defines a uniform metric, for example:
-.. code-block:: python
- from firedrake import *
- from firedrake.meshadapt import RiemannianMetric
- from goalie import *
- mesh = UnitSquareMesh(10, 10)
- P1_ten = TensorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
- metric = RiemannianMetric(P1_ten)
- metric.interpolate(as_matrix([[1, 0], [0, 1]))
-Geometric interpretation
-A convenient way of visualising a Riemannian metric field
-is using an ellipse (in 2D) or an ellipsoid (in 3D). As
-mentioned above, the metric takes the form of an SPD matrix
-:math:`\underline{\mathbf M}(\mathbf x)` at each point in
-space, :math:`\mathbf x\in\Omega`. Since it is symmetric,
-this matrix has an orthogonal eigendecomposition,
-.. math::
- :label: orthogonal_eigendecomposition
- \underline{\mathbf M}(\mathbf x)
- =\underline{\mathbf V}(\mathbf x)\:
- \underline{\boldsymbol\Lambda}(\mathbf x)\:
- \underline{\mathbf V}(\mathbf x)^T,
-:math:`\underline{\mathbf V}(\mathbf x)=\begin{bmatrix}\mathbf v_1,\dots,\mathbf v_n\end{bmatrix}`
-is its matrix of (orthonormal) eigenvectors and
-:math:`\underline{\boldsymbol\Lambda}(\mathbf x)=\mathrm{diag}(\lambda_1,\dots,\lambda_n)`
-is its matrix of eigenvalues.
-Viewed in Euclidean space (i.e. the `physical space`),
-a 2D metric can be represented by an ellipse with
-:math:`i^{th}` semi-axis taking the direction
-:math:`\mathbf e_i:=\mathbf v_i` and having magnitude
-:math:`h_i:=1/\sqrt{\lambda_i}`. Viewed in the metric
-space (i.e. the `control space`), however, it is
-represented by a unit circle.
-.. figure:: images/ellipse.jpg
- :figwidth: 80%
- :align: center
- Representation of a 2D Riemannian metric as an ellipse.
- Image taken from :cite:`Wallwork:21` with author's permission.
-Given a metric field, the eigendecomposition may be
-computed in Goalie using the function
-:func:`~.compute_eigendecomposition`. Similarly, given
-:class:`firedrake.function.Function`\s representing the eigenvectors and
-eigenvalues of a metric, it may be assembled using the
-function :func:`~.assemble_eigendecomposition`.
-The orthogonal eigendecomposition gives rise to another
-matrix decomposition, which is useful for understanding
-metric-based mesh adaptation. If we define `metric density`
-as the square root of the sum of the eigenvalues,
-.. math::
- :label: metric_density
- \rho:=\sqrt{\prod_{i=1}^n\lambda_i},
-and the :math:`i^{th}` anisotropy quotient in terms of
-the metric magnitudes by
-.. math::
- :label: anisotropy_quotient
- r_i:=h_i^n\prod_{j=1}^n\frac1{h_j},\quad i=1,\dots,n,
-then we arrive at the decomposition
-.. math::
- :label: alternative_decomposition
- \underline{\mathbf M}
- =\rho^{\frac2n}\:
- \underline{\mathbf V}\:
- \mathrm{diag}\left(r_1^{-\frac2n},\dots,r_n^{-\frac2n}\right)\:
- \underline{\mathbf V}^T.
-The reason that this formulation is useful is because
-it separates out information contained within the metric
-in terms of:
-- sizes (the metric density);
-- orientation (the eigenvectors);
-- shape (the anisotropy quotients).
-These are the three aspects of a mesh that metric-based
-mesh adaptation is able to control, whereas other mesh
-adaptation methods can only usually control element sizes.
-The metric decomposition above can be computed in Goalie
-using the function :func:`~.density_and_quotients`.
-Continuous mesh analogy
-The work of :cite:`LA:11` established duality between
-the (inherently discrete) mesh and a (continuous)
-Riemannian metric field. Having a continuous
-representation for the mesh means that we are able to
-apply optimisation techniques that are designed for
-continuous problems.
-An example of one of the correspondences is between
-`metric complexity` and mesh vertex count. Metric
-complexity is expressed using the formula
-.. math::
- :label: metric_complexity
- \mathcal C(\mathcal M)=\int_\Omega\sqrt{\mathrm{det}(\mathcal M(\mathbf x)})\;\mathrm dx.
-and can be interpreted as the volume of the spatial
-domain in metric space (recall the formula for
-volume in Riemannian space). Metric complexity may
-be computed in Firedrake using the method
-The time-dependent extension of metric complexity,
-.. math::
- :label: space_time_complexity
- \mathcal C(\mathcal M)=\int_{\mathcal T}\int_\Omega\sqrt{\mathrm{det}(\mathcal M(\mathbf x,t)})\;\mathrm dx\;\mathrm dt
-over a time interval :math:`\mathcal T` is analogous
-to the total number of mesh vertices over all timesteps.
-Metric-based mesh adaptation
-The idea of metric-based mesh adaptation is to use
-a Riemannian metric space `within` the mesher. In
-doing so, we seek to modify the mesh so that in
-the metric space it is a so-called `unit mesh`.
-That is, all of its elements have unit edge length.
-For a 2D triangular mesh this means having a mesh
-comprised of equilateral elements with all sides
-being of length one.
-Making the elements consistent in metric space can
-be thought of in terms of equidistributing errors,
-which is one of the key ideas behind mesh adaptation
-in general.
-In practice, it is not possible to tessellate space
-with regular elements. Therefore, we instead seek a
-`quasi-unit mesh`, whose elements are all "close to"
-unit, in some sense.
-During the mesh adaptation process, the entities,
-nodal positions and/or connectivity are modified
-in order to move towards a quasi-unit mesh. The way
-that this is quantified in practice is using a
-`quality function`. For example, consider the 2D
-quality function
-.. math::
- :label: metric_quality
- Q_{\mathcal M}
- =\frac{\sqrt3}{12}\frac{\sum_{\boldsymbol\gamma\in\partial K}\ell_{\mathcal M}(\boldsymbol\gamma)^2}{|
- K|_{\mathcal M}},
-where :math:`\boldsymbol\gamma\in\partial K` indicates
-an edge from the edge set of element :math:`K`. It
-can be shown that :math:`Q_{\mathcal M}` is minimised
-for an equilateral triangular element.
-Operations on metrics
-In order to use metrics to drive mesh adaptation
-algorithms for solving real problems, they must
-first be made relevant to the application. Metrics
-should be normalised in order to account for domain
-geometry, dimensional scales and other properties
-of the problem, such as the extent to which it is
-In Firedrake, normalisation is performed by the
-method :meth:`~.normalise` in the
-:math:`L^p` sense:
-.. math::
- :label: lp_metric
- \mathcal M_{L^p}:=
- \mathcal C_T^{\frac2n}
- \:\left(\int_{\Omega}\mathrm{det}(\underline{\mathbf M})^{\frac p{2p+n}}\;\mathrm dx\right)^{-\frac2n}
- \:\mathrm{det}(\mathcal M)^{-\frac1{2p+n}}
- \:\mathcal M,
-where :math:`\mathcal C_T` is the target metric
-complexity (i.e. tolerated vertex count),
-:math:`n` is the spatial dimension and
-:math:`p\in[1,\infty)` is the order of the
-normalisation. Taking :math:`p=1` implies a truly
-multi-scale metric and this becomes less so for
-higher orders. In the limit :math:`p\rightarrow\infty`
-we obtain
-.. math::
- :label: linf_metric
- \mathcal M_{L^\infty}:=
- \left(\frac{\mathcal C_T}{\mathcal C(\mathcal M)}\right)^{\frac2n}
- \:\mathcal M.
-For time-dependent problems, the normalisation
-formulation also includes integrals in time. Suppose
-:math:`\mathcal T` is the time period of interest,
-:math:`\Delta t>0` is the timestep and
-:math:`\mathcal C_T` is now the target `space-time`
-complexity. Then the function :func:`~.space_time_normalise`
-.. math::
- :label: space_time_lp_metric
- \mathcal M_{L^p}:=
- \mathcal C_T^{\frac2n}
- \:\left(\int_{\mathcal T}\frac1{\Delta t}\int_\Omega\mathrm{det}(\underline{\mathbf M})^{\frac p{2p+n}}\;\mathrm dx\;\mathrm dt\right)^{-\frac2n}
- \:\mathrm{det}(\mathcal M)^{-\frac1{2p+n}}
- \:\mathcal M.
-In many cases, it is convenient to be able to combine
-different metrics. For example, if we seek to adapt
-the mesh such that the value of two different error
-estimators are reduced. The simplest metric combination
-method from an algebraic perspective is the metric
-.. math::
- :label: metric_average
- \tfrac12(\mathcal M_1 + \mathcal M_2),
-for two metrics :math:`\mathcal M_1` and
-:math:`\mathcal M_2`. Whilst mathematically simple,
-the geometric interpretation of taking the metric
-average is not immediately obvious. Metric intersection,
-on the other hand, is geometrically straight-forward,
-but non-trivial to write mathematically. The elliptic
-interpretation of two metrics is the largest ellipse
-which fits within the ellipses associtated with the
-two input metrics. As such, metric intersection yields
-a new metric whose complexity is greater than (or equal
-to) its parents'. This is not true for the metric
-average in general. See :cite:`PUDG:01` for details.
-.. figure:: images/intersection.jpg
- :figwidth: 80%
- :align: center
- Intersection of two 2D Riemannian metrics, interpreted
- in terms of their elliptical representations.
- Image taken from :cite:`Wallwork:21` with author's permission.
-Metric combination may be achieved in Goalie using the
-function :func:`~.combine_metrics`, which defaults to the
-metric average.
-Now that a concrete example of a mesh adaptation approach has
-been described, we move on to discuss goal-oriented mesh
-adaptation using Goalie in the `following section
-.. bibliography:: 3-references.bib
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- title={Tetrahedral mesh optimisation and adaptivity for steady-state and transient finite element calculations},
- author={Pain, CC and Umpleby, AP and De Oliveira, CRE and Goddard, AJH},
- journal={Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering},
- volume={190},
- number={29-30},
- pages={3771--3796},
- year={2001},
- publisher={Elsevier},
- doi={10.1016/S0045-7825(00)00294-2}
- title={Continuous mesh framework part {I}: well-posed continuous interpolation error},
- author={Loseille, A and Alauzet, F},
- journal={SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis},
- volume={49},
- number={1},
- pages={38--60},
- year={2011},
- publisher={SIAM},
- doi={10.1137/090754078}
- title={Mesh adaptation and adjoint methods for finite element coastal ocean modelling},
- author={Wallwork, JG},
- year={2021},
- journal={PhD thesis, Imperial College London},
- doi={10.25560/92820}
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-Goal-oriented mesh adaptation
-Error indicators
-Goal-oriented mesh adaptation is the term used to refer to
-mesh adaptation methods that are driven by goal-oriented
-error estimates. Recall from `the error estimation section
-<2-goal-oriented-error-estimation.html>`__ of the manual
-that the fundamental result is the dual weighted residual
-(DWR) :eq:`dwr1`, which can be written in approximate form
-.. math::
- :label: dwr
- J(u)-J(u_h)\approx\rho(u_h,(u_h^*)^+),
-where :math:`(u_h^*)^+` denotes an approximation of the
-adjoint solution from a (finite-dimensional) superspace of
-the base finite element space, i.e. :math:`V_h^+\supset V_h`.
-Mesh adaptation is all about wisely using varying resolution
-to equidistribute errors. This means increasing resolution
-where errors are deemed to be high and reducing it where
-errors are deemed to be low. We cannot immediately deduce
-spatially varying information from :eq:`dwr` as it is currently
-written. A simple, but effective way of extracting such
-information is to compute the element-wise contributions,
-.. math::
- :label: dwr_sum
- \rho(u_h,(u_h^*)^+)=\sum_{K\in\mathcal{H}}i_K,
-.. math::
- :label: dwr_indicator
- i_K:=\rho(u_h,(u_h^*)^+)|_K.
-is the so-called *error indicator* for element :math:`K`.
-The second output of :meth:`~.GoalOrientedMeshSeq.indicate_errors`
-contains error indicator fields -- element-wise constant fields,
-whose value on :math:`K` is the indicator :math:`i_K`.
-Note that so far we have only discussed how to estimate and
-indicate errors for steady-state problems. The extension to
-the time-dependent case is similar, in the sense that we
-take a timestep-by-timestep approach in time like how we take an
-element-by-element approach in space. Avoiding some minor details,
-we can apply all of the subsequently discussed methodology to the
-weak residual associated with a single timestep. For simple
-time integration schemes like Implicit Euler, the main difference
-will be that the weak residual also includes a term that
-discretises the time derivative.
-Adapting based on error indicators
-Once error indicator fields have been computed, there are many
-different ways to perform mesh adaptation. One common approach is
-to use a hierarchical type approach, where the mesh resolution is
-locally increased in elements where the indicator value falls
-below a pre-specified tolerance and is locally decreased if the
-indicator values are already lower than required. This is sometimes
-called "adaptive mesh refinement (AMR)", although the literature is
-not entirely consistent on this. The terms "quad-tree" and "oct-tree"
-are used when it is applied to quadrilateral and hexahedral meshes,
-respectively. Sadly, this form of mesh adaptation is not supported
-in Firedrake.
-As described in the `previous section <3-metric-based.html>`__,
-metric-based mesh adaptation is another approach which is currently
-being integrated into Firedrake and is supported on developer branches.
-In that case, we need to construct a Riemannian metric from an
-error indicator field. Goalie provides a number of different
-driver functions for doing this. The simplest is
-:func:`~.isotropic_metric`, which takes an error indicator field
-and constructs a metric that specifies how a mesh should be adapted
-purely in terms of element size (not orientation or shape).
-Alternative anisotropic formulations, which combine error indicator
-information with curvature information from the Hessians of solution
-fields are provided by :func:`~.anisotropic_metric`. See the API
-documentation (and references therein) for details.
-The metric-based framework has been the main backend used for
-goal-oriented mesh adaptation during the development of Goalie.
-However, this does not mean other approaches would not work.
-Mesh movement (or :math:`r`-adaptation) has been implemented in
-Firedrake on a number of occasions (such as :cite:`MCB:18,CWK+:22`)
-and could plausibly be driven by goal-oriented error estimates.
-Fixed point iteration loops
-In some mesh adaptation approaches, it is common practice to adapt
-the mesh multiple times until convergence is attained, in some
-sense. This is often the case under metric based mesh adaptation,
-for example. Goalie includes two methods to facilitate such
-iterative adaptation approaches, as described in the following.
-In the non-goal-oriented case, there is the
-:meth:`~.MeshSeq.fixed_point_iteration` method, which accepts a
-Python function that describes how to adapt the mesh as an argument.
-This provides the flexibility to use different adaptation routines.
-The function should take as input the :class:`~.MeshSeq` instance
-and the dictionary of solution fields from each timestep. For
-example, it could compute the Hessian of the solution field at each
-timestep using :meth:`~.RiemannianMetric.compute_hessian`, ensure that
-it is a metric using :meth:`~.RiemannianMetric.enforce_spd` and then
-combine this information using averaging or intersection.
-In each iteration, the PDE will be
-solved over the sequence of meshes (with data transferred inbetween)
-using :meth:`~.MeshSeq.solve_forward` and a Hessian-metric will be
-constructed on each mesh. All of the meshes are then adapted.
-The iteration is terminated according to :class:`~.AdaptParameters`
-when either the pre-specified maximum iteration count
-:attr:`~.AdaptParameters.maxiter` is reached, or the meshes no
-longer change substantially. This is the case when none of the
-corresponding element counts changes more than the relative
-tolerance :attr:`~.AdaptParameters.element_rtol`.
-.. note::
- The convergence criteria are not actually checked until the
- minimum iteration count :attr:`~.AdaptParameters.miniter`
- has been met.
-In the goal-oriented case, the
-:meth:`~.GoalOrientedMeshSeq.fixed_point_iteration` method takes a
-similar form, except that
-:meth:`~.GoalOrientedMeshSeq.indicate_errors` is called, rather than
-:meth:`~.MeshSeq.solve_forward`. That is, the forward problem is
-solved over all meshes in the sequence, then the adjoint problem is
-solved over all meshes in reverse and finally goal-oriented error
-indicators are computed. As such, the adaptor function depends on
-these error indicators, as well as the :class:`~.MeshSeq` and
-solution field dictionary (which contains solutions of both the
-forward and adjoint problems).
-Like with the simpler case, the goal-oriented fixed point iteration
-loop is terminated if the maximum iteration count or relative
-element count convergence conditions are met. However, there are two
-additional convergence criteria defined in :class:`~.GoalOrientedParameters`.
-Convergence is deduced if the QoI value changes between iterations
-by less than :attr:`~.GoalOrientedParameters.qoi_rtol`. It is
-similarly deduced if the error estimate value changes by less than
-.. bibliography:: 4-references.bib
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- title={Optimal-transport--based mesh adaptivity on the plane and sphere using finite elements},
- author={McRae, Andrew TT and Cotter, Colin J and Budd, Chris J},
- journal={SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing},
- volume={40},
- number={2},
- pages={A1121--A1148},
- year={2018},
- publisher={SIAM},
- doi={10.1137/16M1109515}
- title={Multi-scale hydro-morphodynamic modelling using mesh movement methods},
- author={Clare, Mariana CA and Wallwork, Joseph G and Kramer, Stephan C and Weller, Hilary and Cotter, Colin J and Piggott, Matthew D},
- journal={GEM-International Journal on Geomathematics},
- volume={13},
- number={1},
- pages={1--39},
- year={2022},
- publisher={Springer},
- doi={10.1007/s13137-021-00191-1}
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-Goalie manual
-.. toctree::
- :numbered:
- 1-motivation
- 2-goal-oriented-error-estimation
- 3-metric-based
- 4-goal-oriented-mesh-adaptation
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- title={Approximation by finite element functions using local regularization},
- author={Cl{\'e}ment, Ph},
- journal={Revue fran{\c{c}}aise d'automatique, informatique, recherche op{\'e}rationnelle. Analyse num{\'e}rique},
- volume={9},
- number={R2},
- pages={77--84},
- year={1975},
- publisher={EDP Sciences}
- title={Numerical recipes: example book C},
- author={Vetterling, William T and Vetterling, William T and Press, William H and Press, William H and Teukolsky, Saul A and Flannery, Brian P and Flannery, Brian P},
- year={1992},
- publisher={Cambridge University Press}
- title={Adjoint a posteriori error measures for anisotropic mesh optimisation},
- author={Power, PW and Pain, Christopher C and Piggott, MD and Fang, Fangxin and Gorman, Gerard J and Umpleby, AP and Goddard, Anthony JH and Navon, IM},
- journal={Computers \& Mathematics with Applications},
- volume={52},
- number={8-9},
- pages={1213--1242},
- year={2006},
- publisher={Elsevier},
- doi={10.1016/j.camwa.2006.11.003}
- title={Fully anisotropic goal-oriented mesh adaptation for {3D} steady {E}uler equations},
- author={Loseille, Adrien and Dervieux, Alain and Alauzet, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric},
- journal={Journal of computational physics},
- volume={229},
- number={8},
- pages={2866--2897},
- year={2010},
- publisher={Elsevier},
- doi={10.1016/j.jcp.2009.12.021}
- title={Anisotropic ``goal-oriented'' mesh adaptivity for elliptic problems},
- author={Carpio, Jaime and Prieto, Juan Luis and Bermejo, Rodolfo},
- journal={SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing},
- volume={35},
- number={2},
- pages={A861--A885},
- year={2013},
- publisher={SIAM},
- doi={10.1137/120874606}
- title={Anisotropic mesh adaptation in {F}iredrake
-with {PETSc} {DMPlex}},
- author={N. Barral and M. G. Knepley and M. Lange and M. D. Piggott and G. J. Gorman},
- booktitle={25th Intl Meshing Roundtable},
- year={2016}