api server for sky brightness
python3 -m pytest
- install dependencies
pip install grpcio-tools grpcio protobuf
- generate the stubs using
python3 -m grpc_tools.protoc
in terms of the.proto
file in this repo
"""client which will get predicted sky brightness for the current time at
given coordinates"""
import grpc
from stubs import brightness_service_pb2
from stubs import brightness_service_pb2_grpc
host = "localhost"
port = 50051
with grpc.insecure_channel(f"{host}:{port}") as channel:
stub = brightness_service_pb2_grpc.BrightnessServiceStub(channel)
request = brightness_service_pb2.Coordinates(lat=lat, lon=lon)
response = stub.GetBrightnessObservation(request)