AUTHOR: Andres Caceres Setup files First at all, install cask, and then just run cask install in the emacs folder. GLOBAL COMMANDS key command SPC-f f helm-find-file C-c g= helm-google-suggest / swiper M-1 windmove-up M-2 windmove-down M-3 windmove-right M-4 windmove-left F12 toggle-menu-bar-mode SPC-fe iedit-mode SPC-r resize-window SPC-vb point-to-register SPC-vv resize-window SPC-wwx delete-frame SPC-wx delete-current-window SPC-wX delete-other-windows C-c y helm-c-yas AUTO-COMPLETE COMMANDS key command M-j ac-next M-k ac-previous Emacs Lisp Editing COMMANDS key command C-x c load-ielm Editing COMMANDS key command SPC-n h Mark function SPC-b h Send function to interpreter SPC-b r Send region to interpreter SPC-b f Send file to interpreter SPC - . Indent to the right SPC - , Indent to the left M - n Elpy nav down M - m Elpy nav up