This was one of the hackathon projects in RootsTech 2016. As such, it will probably make little progress at first and then be forgotten.
User goes to website and submits a .ged
The submit-server converts (as much of that as possible) to gedcom-x and stores it in a DB.
A (separate?) server serves the file using the gedcom-x RS specification.
- C# (because the majority of the people at this table at least know of that language)
EDIT: people left the table. Now we are in Python!
EDIT: we were just told php has a built in server; we are now 1/3 done!
EDIT: we arenow usingconsidering java because we found a gedcom5 to gedcomx converter in that language. We are also considering using a java web socket server because none of us have spun up a java web server and been happy with the result. - use the FS gedcomx SDK
- use someone else's gedcom parser if we can find one
- If we use the gedcom5 to gedcomx converter linked above, we need to ensure it works correctly. Initial testing is not promissing because it appears to depend on a project that has moved/been removed.
- contact Dallan Quass to see what happened to the gedcom parser he used to host at
- resolved; project moved to
- what DB (and what schema?)
- option: we convert to java objects and dump to orientdb
- option: we recreate the gedcom-x schema in RDB tables
- option: we store gedcom-x JSON in MongoDB
- who hosts it
- does each submission get its own URL or its own ID within a single "tree"?
- or a URL per user?
- the authentication will probably inform this decision.
- add oath2
- add a front-end using open-source tree visualization built on top of the REST