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358 lines (256 loc) · 14.9 KB

File metadata and controls

358 lines (256 loc) · 14.9 KB



  • Upgraded to akka 2.6.8 mainly to support Lightbend's split brain resolver
  • Removed unused configuration from, namely readConfig. Deleting this line from your config does not impact functionality.


Baker 3 release notes


  • Fixed an issue that Map types would be translated to List types in the Java and Scala dsl


  • New feature: Dealing with blocked interactions.

An interaction can become blocked. Either directly or after retry was exhausted.

It is now possible to continue a process instance manually from that state.

Either force another retry:

baker.retryInteraction(recipeInstanceId, interactionName);

Or manually specify the interaction output.

baker.resolveInteraction(recipeInstanceId, interactionName, event);

Note, this ONLY works if the interaction has become blocked.

  • New feature: Stop the retry of an interaction.

Sometimes, perhaps because of a bug in the code, a interaction is failing with the same exception each retry.

You can now stop this retry from continuing unnecessarily.

baker.stopRetryingInteraction(recipeInstanceId, interactionName);

More documentation these features here.


  • New feature: Split Brain Resolver is added. See the documentation of this feature for more information.


  • Bugfix: Fixed the broken Event Receive Period in the 2.0.0 release.



  • #112 User specified timeout in processEvent calls were ignored.
  • #103 NullPointer exception when providing implementations directly to JBaker
  • #50 Updated protobuf to 3.5.1 to fix a security related issue (CVE-2015-5237)

New features

  • #110 Sensory events are now displayed with a different style in the visual recipe.
  • #111 Executed interactions are now displayed with a green color in the visual recipe.
  • #108 Deprecated the sieve concept, only 'normal' interactions remain.
  • #99 Added the option to get an index of all process instances.
// ProcessMetaData contains 'recipeId', 'recipeInstanceId' and 'createdTime' fields.
java.util.Set<ProcessMetadata> index = baker.getIndex();
  • Added a list of event names to the process state that can be retreived from memory:
java.util.List<String> eventNames =
  • Added an optional correlation id to events to achieve idempotent event delivery
String correlationId = ... //
SensoryEventStatus status =
    baker.processEvent(recipeInstanceId, event, correlationId);

switch (status) {
   case Received:
     // the event was received normally (first time)
   case AlreadyReceived:
     // an event with this correlation id was already received
  • New feature: Optionally allow @javax.inject.Named to be used instead of @RequiresIngredient.
import javax.inject.Named;
import com.example.CustomerData;

interface ExampleInteraction {

   class Output { }

   @FiresEvent(oneOf = { Output.class } )
   Output apply(@Named("customer") CustomerData customer);
  • Recipe information can be retrieved at runtime:

RecipeInformation info = baker.getRecipe(recipeId);

// any errors (missing interaction implementations)

// the time the recipe was added / created.
  • Allow listeners to subscribe to internal baker events, see documentation here.


  • Fixed #142: Exception in receiveRecover when having called bake for non existing process id


  • Implemented workaround for #133: Exception in receiveRecover of ProcessIndexActor


  • Fixed #68: catch and handle exceptions thrown by exception strategy handlers
  • Bugfix in the RetryWithIncrementalBackoff (integer overflow)


  • Fixed #91: allow java.util.Set as Ingredient types


  • Bugfix in protobuf serialization


  • Use protobuf for all persisted messages, including compiled recipes
  • Enable cross builds for scala 2.11 and 2.12
  • Introduced a specific ProcessDeletedException for when process instances where removed after specified retetion period


  • Bugfix, do not allow null values for ingredients from interactions
  • Bugfix, accidental recursion (self-call) in JBaker.getVisualRecipe


  • Baker now has it's own type system that does not depend on java classes. This means that:
    • The baker runtime does not have any knowledge/dependency of java classes of ingredients
    • CompiledRecipes are completely serializable and can be stored & recovered later.
    • Process history/state can be recovered even if ingredient classes change or disappear.
  • Baker now supports multiple recipes this is done by adding recipes to Baker, this will return a recipeId. This Id can in turn be used to Bake instances of that recipe.
  • CompilesRecipes are now also persisted if using Persistence Actors This ensures a process always uses the recipe it was Baked for. If a Recipe is added with the same name we see this a new recipe. Meaning the already baked instances will use the original Recipe they are baked with for the execution.
  • It is possible to add interaction implementations at runtime.
  • Scala/Java DSL alignment: renamed handleEvent -> processEvent and handleEventAsync -> processEventAsync
  • Exhausted Retry events are now always set with a default name. Its not possible to give the event anymore. Now its just a configuration with a boolean on the RetryWithIncrementalBackoff retry strategy


  • Fixed #72: do not join to Akka cluster when there are persistence problems. akka.cluster.seed-nodes configuration should be renamed to baker.cluster.seed-nodes to support this "late cluster join" feature.


  • Fixed #55: Improved readability of duration of scheduled retry log entries
  • DSL syntactic sugar: Variable name is inferred as 'name' for the Ingredients, Events and Recipes, if not defined explicitly. Example:
      val myIngredient = Ingredient[String] shouldBe "myIngredient"
  • Scala/Java dsl alignment: JBaker.processEventAsync now supports a timeout parameter


  • Fixed #62: internal IdleStop message for the ProcessInstance actor is now configured to be serialized by Kryo
  • Fixed #59: disabled the usage of Akka Distributed Data until the growing memory issue in the shared process metadata feature is solved.
  • Fixed #57: configured the default actor idle-timeout as 5 minutes ( config can be overridden in the application.conf)
  • Fixed #56: fixed one unhandled message warning for ProcessInstanceEvent
  • deprecated the methods that return the generated SVG
  • cleaned up unnecessary Passivate pattern from ProcessInstance
  • removed unnecessary debug logging of Akka Distributed Data updates
  • log when scheduling a retry on actor startup


  • Fixed #53: EventListeners are now notified of retry-exhausted events.
  • Fixed #49: improved error message when receiving invalid sensory event
  • Added a method to CompiledRecipe to obtain an SVG String: getVisualRecipeAsSVG
  • Updated to Akka 2.5.6


  • Fixed #47: added writeVisualrecipeToSVGFile to write away the CompiledRecipe to a file.
  • Fixed #46: it's now allowed to require an event on the name only, however it's still possible to require on event class in the JavaDSL.
  • Fixed #45: validate that ingredients are not of primitive type after compilation.


  • Fixed #43: interaction is not compiled into petrinet when requires a renamed optional ingredient provided through a renamed event


  • bugfix: predefining a higher order type other then option/optional crashed the recipe validations when compiling a recipe


  • bugfix: consuming a token when handling a sensory event with maxFireLimit was not calculated correctly


  • Added objenesis dependency runtime module since it is required by kryo at runtime
  • Added InteractionFailureStrategy.FireEvent(SomeEvent.class) option to javadsl (feature from 1.1.8)


  • Added an option to fire an event immediately on technical failures in interactions.
  • Improved logging/error messages in various places


  • Implemented a better way to provide interaction implementations for the scala dsl.
  • Improved the WebShop example (using the scala dsl)


  • Fixed a NullPointer exception involving recipes without a retention period.


  • Bug fixes involving ingredients with generic types


  • Added an option to set a retention period on recipes. When set, after the retention period has passed, the process instance will be stopped and all persisted messages (history) will be deleted.

  • Fixed a NullPointer exception involving interactions with Void/Unit return types.


  • We now preserve the full generic type for ingredients. (e.g. Option)


  • Bugfix involving predefined ingredients for optional values.


  • The compiler now gives a validation error for empty recipes.




  • Changed serialization mechanism to allow custom Akka serializers for ingredients where before only kryo was used.

    You might see these messages for ingredient types without bindings:

    Ingredient 'foo' of type 'com.example.Foo' cannot be serialized Please add a binding in your application.conf like this: { "com.example.Foo" = kryo }

  • Added validations and better error logging if null is provided by a Interaction or Event


  • Added the functionality that if an Ingredient of Java Optional or Scala Option is needed but not provided its provided as empty.
  • Side note (no impact for baker users): kagera library is merged into baker, therefore Baker has two new artifacts now: petrinet-api and petrinet-akka.
  • slf4j MDC field 'kageraEvent' is renamed to 'petrinetEvent' due to new Petri-net modules in baker.
  • If io.kagera packages are used/imported in your application (maybe in logback files), you need to change them as
  • baker.conf file disables java serialization, you don't need to have ' = off' setting anymore in your application.conf files


  • In your application.conf files, it is mandatory to include also baker.conf file which will set some sensible defaults for baker.
include "baker.conf"


  • Using a better consistent hash function for place/transition identifiers in the petri net
  • IMPORTANT: This change is not backwards compatible, on going processing cannot be resumed after a restart


  • Migrated to Akka 2.5.x
  • A local event bus is implemented so that a listener can be registered to act on baker events. Ex:
      baker.registerEventListener(new EventListener {
          * Called when an event occurred.
          * @param recipeInstanceId The process id for which the event occurred.
          * @param event     The event.
        override def processEvent(recipeInstanceId: String, event: RuntimeEvent): Unit = ???


  • Fixed a bug in the runtime that it could not bind an ingredient multiple times as parameter for an interaction
  • Removed the JCompiledRecipe and moved the functionality to the CompiledRecipe
  • Added a validation to the java Recipe that @sFiresEvent and @ProvidesIngredient are not used at the same time.


  • baker modules are reorganized to support mode modularity and loose coupling
  • created separate modules: compiler, intermediate-language, recipe-dsl, runtime
  • design time and runtime parts of baker are now separate and ideally could be updated independently


  • enabled kryo serialization for all baker events that extend from interface
  • disabled default Java serialization
  • IMPORTANT: It is mandatory to extend/implement interface in your event classes. Kryo serialization understands plain pojo classes, so you may continue using lombok annotations
  • IMPORTANT: It is mandatory to extend/implement interface in your custom Ingredient data types. Kryo serialization understands all standard Java/Scala data types + guava + jodatime types.


  • clients of baker can use protocol buffers serialized events with a proper protobuf configuration
  • bug fix in the passivation logic


  • bug fix for the actor passivation logic


  • bug fixes related to Akka sharding


  • Baker can now persist encrypted ingredients if enabled. This feature is disabled by default.

    To enable encryption you need to have the following two settings in your application.conf file.

    baker.encryption.enabled = on
    baker.encryption.secret = someStrongSecretText


  • Now allow the adding of Events that have no ingredients nor have any preconditions. For these events a dummy ingredient is created to allow it to be added to the petri net. This dummy ingredient is filtered out during visualisation of the recipe.


  • Fixed a bug in visualisation of a recipe that had max interaction count.


  • JBaker now expects a List<Interaction> instead of List<JInteraction>
  • Sieves do not need to have a implementation added anymore
  • Added a check to the recipe compilation to check if a Sieves have a default constructor


  • Allowed changing the Interaction name in the JInteractionDescriptor
  • By changing a interaction name now multiple of the same interaction are allowed in a recipe


  • Baker and JBaker now expect a List<JInteraction> instead of a List<Object> for the implementations