Gitpay is an Open Source platform to reward contributors to get things done 💝
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- 🔔 Issue open an issue was created
- 👌 Issue added on Gitpay this issue was added on gitpay {{url}}
- 📝 Add bounties A bounty is added to get things done
- 📝 Set a deadline A deadline to finish the task (optional)
- 💾 Choose a contributor interested You can choose someone interested that will be able to solve your issue
- 💾 A contributor is interested You can show interest on the task page clicking in "I'm interested"
- 💾 You can offer You can make an offer
- 🔀 You can be assigned. You can be assigned, you should work on the task and send a Pull Request.
- 💬 Review Ask in comments for a review :)
- 🏁 Approved Once approved you will receive your payment
If you are familiar with the terminal or would like to learn it, here is a great tutorial on how to send a pull request using the terminal.
For a more compreenhensive guide to create the Pull Request properly, you can access:
Leave a comment below! This issue was created by Gitpay App.