Releases: 0xERR0R/blocky
Releases · 0xERR0R/blocky
- Prometheus endpoint with metrics:
- Number of entries in blacklist/whitelist cache, partitioned by group
- Counter for internal errors
- Number of total queries, partitioned by client and DNS request type (A, AAAA, PTR, etc)
- Request duration histogram, partitioned by response type (Blocked, cached, etc)
- Number of responses, partitioned by response type (Blocked, cached, etc), DNS response code, and reason
- small improvements
- DNS over HTTPS (DoH) support for upstreams
- Blocking response entries
- deep CNAME inspection
- block IPs (A and AAAA)
- Build multi arch docker images with buildx
- Fixed healthcheck for arm image
- changed to unblocking buffered channel to prevent gorutine leaking
- print additional runtime information
- additional configuration parameters for caching
- Healthcheck in docker container
- statistics collection and aggregation
- show stats on SIGUSR2
- configuration for list update interval
- Improved response caching of non-existent domains (NXERROR)
- Escape special characters in file names (query log)
- Additional tests to improve code quality