Contains data for whitelist validation and fee charging
type AuctionWhitelistItem = {
* Address which can perform resolving
address: Address
* Delay relative to previous allowed time (auctionStartTime for 1st item), when address can start resolving. In seconds
allowance: number
type SettlementSuffixData = {
whitelist: AuctionWhitelistItem[]
* fee to charge from taker in takerAsset
integratorFee: {
* 10000000 = 1%
ratio: bigint
receiver: Address
* Fee charged from resolver in favor of DAO
bankFee: bigint
import {SettlementPostInteractionData, Address, bpsToRatioFormat} from '@1inch/fusion-sdk'
const data ={
bankFee: 0n,
auctionStartTime: 1708117482n,
whitelist: [
address: new Address('0x111111111117dc0aa78b770fa6a738034120c302'),
delay: 0n
integratorFee: {
receiver: new Address('0x111111111117dc0aa78b770fa6a738034120c302'),
ratio: bpsToRatioFormat(10)
// #=> '0x020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000f424065cfcdea000000000000000000000000'
Arguments: interactions: string
import {SettlementPostInteractionData} from '@1inch/fusion-sdk'
const encodedData =
const data = SettlementPostInteractionData.decode(encodedData)