To run this application you need to have your pc installed GitBash. For example, this service will be deployed on Heroku and used free remote Mysql.
Step by step installation:
- Clone this project on your PC:
$ git clone
- Sign up at Remote Mysql:
2.1) Create new database
2.2) Copy username, password and database_name and set this value in application.yaml - Need to install Heroku CLI on your PC
- Sign up at Heroku
- Run command line and navigate to the project folder. Run this command:
5.1)$ heroku login
5.2)$ heroku create
5.3)$ git push heroku master
5.4)$ heroku logs --tail
The project is built on architecture REST using Spring Boot, Spring Cloud and Spring Security. You can register/authorize users and perform CRUD task assignment.
Important endpoints
- authorize user
- registry user
- check access token
- info about current user