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File metadata and controls

618 lines (541 loc) · 14.7 KB


Nauper is a engine for visual novels based on web technologies.

Nauper uses HTML5 <canvas> element for rendering and controlling it by JS.

Code guide

We use ES5 syntax with some ES6 features.

JavaScript style guide: Airbnb

ES6 translates to ES5 using Babel

Engine structure

Okay, if you're there, I think you want to know about engine structure.

That's this:

  • Character, functionality:
    • Giving object with links to images with characters sprites
  • UI, functionality:
    • Background drawing
    • Textboxes drawing
    • Text drawing
    • Menu drawing
    • Click handling
    • Mousemove handling
  • Sound, functionality:
    • Music playing
  • Frame, functionality:
    • Sending drawing coordinates to UI
  • Question, functionality:
    • Giving a choices to user, maximum is 4, they're redirecting user between scenes
  • Redirect, functionality:
    • Redirecting user to specified scene and element
  • Engine, functionality:
    • Starting Frame's and Question's drawing
    • Handling clicks on canvas
    • Handling choices of Question

Nauper's functionality

You can:

  • Draw background
  • Draw textboxes
  • Draw characters
  • Draw text
  • Draw menu

Textboxes can be:

  • With edges
  • Rounded
  • An images
  • With different colors

Question's textboxes have an active state and can change their color when cursor is over it

Menu is built from textboxes

How to build

At first, install NodeJS :)

Install gulp globally using npm

npm install gulp -g

Go to a project folder and install dependencies

npm install

Build all using gulp

gulp build

P.S. If you want to see more gulp tasks just do gulp help

How to run example

Install gulp globally using npm

npm install gulp -g

Go to a project folder and install all requirements

npm install

Run default gulp task to rebuild all

gulp default

or run just webserver

gulp webserver

then open your browser and go to localhost:8000

How to use

Coming soon!


Going deeper.



  • Gets string like "15pt Verdana"
  • Returns height of this text in px

wrapText(render, text, style, maxwidth):

  • Gets:
    • render - <canvas>'s 2d context
    • text - string with text we want to wrap into lines
    • style - string like "15pt Verdana" that means text style
    • maxwidth - maximum width of text line
  • Returns:
    • object, object.result is list of lines, object.height is height of the text

getTextOffset(render, size, text):

  • Gets:
    • render - <canvas>'s 2d context
    • size - object, object.width must be window's width, recommended to use engine.size
    • text - string with the text we want to horisontal center
  • Returns:
    • X offset for text, needed to positioning

putDefauls(defaults, given):

  • Gets:
    • defaults - object, from this object we'll get data to expand given object
    • given - object, to this object we'll put data from default object
  • Returns:
    • given objects expanded with data fom default object


  • Gets:
    • obj - object we need to copy
  • Returns:
    • copied object (different variable!)


  • Gets:
    • nothing
  • Returns:
    • object, obj.width - window width, obj.height - window height, obj.coff - obj.width / obj.height

convertHexIntoRGBA(hexstring, opacity):

  • Gets:
    • hexstring - string with hex color map like '#edaf25' or '#bde'
    • opacity - opacity of RGBA, min - 0, max - 1
  • Returns:
    • string like 'rgba(123, 234, 57, 0.7)'


Before using this functions you need to do create new UI(engine). In engine default UI is this.ui.


  • Gets:
    • bg - string with name of file with background in ./data/images/backgrounds
  • Returns:
    • nothing
  • Does:
    • sets <canvas>'s background with given image


  • Gets:
    • configs - object with configuration, description in Configs section
  • Returns:
    • nothing
  • Does:
    • draws a textbox on canvas according to configs


  • Gets:
    • configs - object with configuration, description in Configs section
  • Returns:
    • nothing
  • Does:
    • draws text on canvas according to configs


  • Gets:
    • event - JavaScript's Event() object, specially click
  • Returns:
    • true - if click was in menu icon's area
    • false - if click wasn't in menu icon's area


  • Gets:
    • event - JavaScript's Event() object, specially click
  • Returns:
    • 'draw' - if needed to draw current element
    • 'next' - if needed to switch to the next element
    • null - if no need to do anything
  • Does:
    • checks click's position
    • draws menu if needed


  • Gets:
    • event - JavaScript's Event() object, specially mousemove
  • Returns:
    • nothing
  • Does:
    • checks mouse position
    • redraws Question's elements if needed
    • redraws menu icon if needed


  • Gets:
    • menumap - list of objects, objects is menu items
  • Returns:
    • nothing
  • Does:
    • pushes menumap to if needed


  • Gets:
    • sm - object with configuration, description in Configs section
  • Returns:
    • nothing
  • Does:
    • extends sm with default values
    • writes style into UI.menuStyle


  • Gets:
    • nothing
  • Returns:
    • nothing
  • Does:
    • draws menu on the canvas according to UI.menuStyle and
    • changes UI.menuOpened state to true


  • Gets:
    • mis - object with configuration, description in Configs section
  • Returns:
    • nothing
  • Does:
    • extends mis with default value
    • writes style to UI.menuIconStyle


  • Gets:
    • nothing
  • Returns:
    • nothing
  • Does:
    • draws menu icon on the canvas

drawTextLine(text, x, y, i):

  • Gets:
    • text - string with text we want to draw on canvas
    • x - x offset for text
    • y - y offset for text
    • i - index of letter we want to draw
  • Returns:
    • nothing
  • Does:
    • draws one letter on the canvas
    • setups timeout to draw all letters in line
    • pushes timeouts to UI.animationTimeouts


  • Gets:
    • nothing
  • Returns:
    • nothing
  • Does:
    • calls clearTimeout for every element in UI.animationTimeouts
    • reassigns UI.animationTimeouts with [](empty list)


Before using this functions you need to do create new Sound(engine). In engine default Sound is this.sound.

play(filename, once):

  • Gets:
    • filename - name of audio file in ./data/sounds
    • once - Boolean, if false - sound won't be repeated
  • Returns:
    • nothing
  • Does:
    • starts playing of sound
    • sets event listeners for <audio>


  • Gets:
    • nothing
  • Returns:
    • nothing
  • Does:
    • calls setVolume to setup volume


  • Gets:
    • volume - Number, min - 0, max - 1, default - engine.audioVolume
  • Returns:
    • nothing
  • Does:
    • Sets engine.audioVolume
    • Sets this.audioVolume
    • Sets volume to <audio> element


  • Gets:
    • nothing
  • Returns:
    • nothing
  • Does:
    • Pauses an audio


  • Gets:
    • nothing
  • Returns:
    • nothing
  • Does:
    • calls Sound.pause
    • removes event listeners from <audio>
    • clears an

process(audio, once):

  • Gets:
    • audio - name of audio file in ./data/sounds, if false - stop the audio
    • once - boolean, if false - sound won't be repeated
  • Returns:
    • nothing
  • Does:
    • calls if needed
    • calls Sound.stop if needed


Before using this functions you need to create new Engine(configs, elements).


  • Gets:
    • event - JavaScript's Event() object, specially click
  • Returns:
    • nothing
  • Does:
    • calls Engine.nextElement or Engine.choice


  • Gets:
    • event - JavaScript's Event() object, specially click
  • Returns:
    • nothing
  • Does:
    • Checks every choice item to click
    • Redirects to other scene if needed


  • Gets:
    • nothing
  • Returns:
    • nothing
  • Does:
    • switches view to the next element
    • setups event listeners
    • draws element
    • calls UI.clearTimeouts


  • Gets:
    • nothing
  • Returns:
    • true
  • Does:
    • setups event listeners
    • initializes sound
    • draws first element


  • Gets:
    • scene - list of Frames and Questions
  • Returns:
    • nothing
  • Does:
    • pushes scene to Engine.elements


Before using this functions you need to do create new Frame(engine).


  • Gets:
    • nothing
  • Returns:
    • nothing
  • Does:
    • clears <canvas> element
    • calls UI.setBackground
    • calls Frame.displayCharacters
    • calls UI.clearTimeouts


  • Gets:
    • nothing
  • Returns:
    • nothing
  • Does:
    • calls UI.drawTextBox with configs
    • calls UI.drawText to draw name of character
    • calls UI.drawtext to draw text


  • Gets:
    • nothing
  • Returns:
    • nothing
  • Does:
    • draws all specified character on the canvas
    • calls Frame.setText



  • Gets:
    • clear - boolean, if true, <canvas> will be cleared, default - true
  • Returns:
    • nothing
  • Does:
    • clears <canvas> if needed
    • calls UI.setBackground
    • draws Question's items using UI.drawTextBox and UI.drawText
    • calls UI.clearTimeouts


no methods yet



  • Gets:
    • nothing
  • Returns:
    • nothing
  • Does:
    • Editing Engine.globalConfig
    • Editing Engine.localConfig
    • Calling Engine.nextElement



  • config.type:
    • 'default' - textbox with edges
    • 'rounded' - textbox with rounded corners
    • 'image' - textbox is an scaled image
    • default is 'default'
  • config.color:
    • color in hex ('#fff')
    • color in text name ('white')
    • color in rgb ('rgb(255, 255, 255)')
    • color in rgba ('rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)')
    • default is '#fff'
    • path to textbox image, use if type === 'image'
    • default is ''
  • config.x:
    • x offset for textbox
    • min 0
    • max 1
    • for window with 1280px width, 0 - 0, 1 - 1280, 0.5 - 640
    • default is 0.025
  • config.y:
    • y offset for textbox
    • min 0
    • max 1
    • for window with 720px height, 0 - 0, 1 - 720, 0.5 - 360
    • default is 0.80
  • config.height:
    • height of the textbox
    • min, max and example the same as in config.y
    • default is 0.18
  • config.width:
    • width of the textbox
    • min, max and example the same as in config.x
    • default is 0.95
  • config.radius:
    • radius of rounded corner
    • min, max and example the same as in config.y
    • default is 0.05
  • config.callback:
    • function, called after textbox is drawed


  • config.text:
    • string with text you want to draw
    • default is ''
  • config.align:
    • 'wrapped' - wrap text into lines using wrapText function from utils
    • 'center' - sets config.x to align text to center
    • default is 'wrapped'
  • config.color:
    • color in hex ('#fff')
    • color in text name ('white')
    • color in rgb ('rgb(255, 255, 255)')
    • color in rgba ('rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)')
    • default is '#000'
  • config.x:
    • x offset for text
    • min 0
    • max 1
    • for window with 1280px width, 0 - 0, 1 - 1280, 0.5 - 640
    • use with config.align === 'wrapped'
    • default is 0.10
  • config.y:
    • y offset for textbox
    • min 0
    • max 1
    • for window with 720px height, 0 - 0, 1 - 720, 0.5 - 360
    • default is 0.85
  • config.width:
    • max width for line of text
    • use with config.align === 'wrapped'
    • min, max and example is the same as in config.x
    • default is 0.80
  • config.animation:
    • boolean, if true text drawing will be animated
    • default is false


  • config.mainbox:
    • 'default': menu will have edges
    • 'rounded': menu will have rounded corners
    • 'image': menu will be an image
    • default is 'default'
  • config.smallbox:
    • all is the same as in config.mainbox
  • config.maincolor:
    • color in hex ('#000')
    • color in text name ('black')
    • color in rgb ('rgb(125, 255, 0)')
    • color in rgba ('rgba(255, 125, 0, 0.7)')
    • default is '#fff'
  • config.smallcolor:
    • all is the same as in config.maincolor
    • default is '#eee'
  • config.smallheight:
    • height of menu items
    • min 0
    • max 1
    • for window with 720px height, 0 - 0, 1 - 720, 0.5 - 360
    • default is 0.10
  • config.smallspace:
    • space between menu items
    • min, max and example is the same as in config.smallheight
    • default is 0.025
  • config.title:
    • color of menu's title (not realized yet)
    • all definitions is the same as in config.maincolor
    • default is '#000'
  • config.items:
    • color of menu items's text
    • all definitions is the same as in config.maincolor
    • default is '#111'


  • config.type:
    • 'default' - icon will have edges
    • 'rounded' - icon will have rounded corners
    • 'image' - icon will be an image
    • default is 'default'
  • config.x:
    • x offset for icon
    • min 0
    • max 1
    • for window with 1280px width, 0 - 0, 1 - 1280, 0.5 - 640
    • default is 0
  • config.y:
    • y offset for icon
    • min 0
    • max 1
    • for window with 720px width, 0 - 0, 1 - 720, 0.5 - 360
    • default is 0
  • config.width:
    • width of the icon
    • min, max and example is the same as in config.x
    • default is 0.05
  • config.height:
    • height of the icon
    • min, max and example is the same as in config.x
    • default is 0.05
  • config.radius:
    • radius of rounded corners
    • use when config.type === 'rounded'
    • min, max and example is the same as in config.x
    • default is 0.01
    • path to image with icon
    • use when config.type === 'image'
    • default is ''
  • config.color:
    • color of the icon
    • use when config.type !== 'image'
    • default is '#efefef'


  • config.globalIndex - index of scene in the Engine
  • config.localIndex - index of an element in chosen element


That's what we have in our todo-list:

  • Fix name and text positioning
  • Fix characters display on mobile devices
  • Add default configs to all types
  • Fix text size on window resize
  • Fix text positioning on mobile devices in album orientation
  • Make menu's width adaptive
  • Increase performance