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File metadata and controls

230 lines (221 loc) · 10.3 KB

Submission-Forms Endpoints

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A submission-form represents a single data entry form, associated with a submission section. It is configurable, and consists of one or more data entry fields. In DSpace 6 and below, this concept was called an "input-form" and was configured via input-forms.xml.

Main Endpoint


Provide access to the configured submission-forms. It returns the list of existent submission-forms. Please note that from DSpace 7 the submission-form concept has been introduced splitting the previous configuration file named input-forms.xml by page. Each submission-form describes a single page of inputs, combining different pages together is done with the submission-definition, aka the item-submission.xml configuration file

Example: to be provided

Single Submission-Form


Provide detailed information about a specific input-form. The JSON response document is as follow

  "id": "traditionalpageone",
  "name": "traditionalpageone",
  "rows": [
      "fields": [
          "input": {
            "type": "name"
          "label": "Authors",
          "mandatory": false,
          "repeatable": true,
          "hints": "Enter the names of the authors of this item.",
          "selectableMetadata": [
              "metadata": "",
              "label": null,
              "controlledVocabulary": null,
              "closed": null
          "languageCodes": [],
          "typeBind": []
      "fields": [
          "input": {
            "type": "onebox"
          "label": "Title",
          "mandatory": true,
          "repeatable": false,
          "mandatoryMessage": "You must enter a main title for this item.",
          "hints": "Enter the main title of the item.",
          "selectableMetadata": [
              "metadata": "dc.title",
              "label": null,
              "controlledVocabulary": null,
              "closed": null
          "languageCodes": []
      "fields": [
          "input": {
            "type": "onebox"
          "label": "Identifiers",
          "mandatory": false,
          "repeatable": true,
          "hints": "If the item has any identification numbers or codes associated with\n                        it, please enter the types and the actual numbers or codes.",
          "selectableMetadata": [
              "metadata": "dc.identifier.issn",
              "label": "ISSN",
              "authority": null,
              "closed": null
              "metadata": "dc.identifier.other",
              "label": "Other",
              "authority": null,
              "closed": null
              "metadata": "dc.identifier.ismn",
              "label": "ISMN",
              "authority": null,
              "closed": null
              "metadata": "dc.identifier.govdoc",
              "label": "Gov't Doc #",
              "authority": null,
              "closed": null
              "metadata": "dc.identifier.uri",
              "label": "URI",
              "authority": null,
              "closed": null
              "metadata": "dc.identifier.isbn",
              "label": "ISBN",
              "authority": null,
              "closed": null
          "languageCodes": [],
          "typeBind": []
      "fields": [
          "input": {
            "type": "dropdown"
          "label": "Type",
          "mandatory": false,
          "repeatable": true,
          "hints": "Select the type(s) of content of the item. To select more than one value in the list, you may\n                        have to hold down the \"CTRL\" or \"Shift\" key.",
          "selectableMetadata": [
              "metadata": "dc.type",
              "label": null,
              "controlledVocabulary": "common_types",
              "closed": false
          "languageCodes": [],
          "typeBind": []
      "fields": [
          "input": { },
          "label": "Journal",
          "mandatory": false,
          "repeatable": false,
          "hints": "Select the journal related to this volume.",
          "selectableRelationship": {
            "relationshipType": "isVolumeOfJournal",
            "filter": "creativework.publisher:somepublishername",
            "searchConfiguration": "periodicalConfiguration",
            "externalSources": [ "sherpaJournal" ],
            "nameVariants": false,
            "typeBind": ["Article"]
      "fields": [
          "input": {
            "type": "name"
          "label": "Author",
          "mandatory": true,
          "repeatable": true,
          "mandatoryMessage": "At least one author (plain text or relationship) is required",
          "hints": "Add an author",
          "selectableRelationship": {
            "relationshipType": "isAuthorOfPublication",
            "filter": null,
            "searchConfiguration": "personConfiguration",
            "externalSources": [ "orcid", "my_staff_db" ],
            "nameVariants": true
          "selectableMetadata": [
              "metadata": "",
              "label": null,
              "controlledVocabulary": null,
              "closed": false
          "languageCodes": []
  "type": "submissionform"

The json has an ordered array named rows containing the fields that need to be rendered. The structure of each field is as follow

  • input: contains the details about the widget type to use (onebox, dropdown, date, etc.) and if applicable a regex to use to validate user input. Some input types provide specific behaviors:

    • dropdown type: requires use of a (non-hierarchical) controlled vocabulary. Provides a selectbox/dropdown of entries within that vocabulary.
    • lookup type: requires use of a controlled vocabulary. Provides searching capabilities across that vocabulary to select a specific entry or entries.
    • lookup-name type: Same as lookup, but specific to names.
    • onebox type: acts as a single text input field. Would provide auto-suggest capabilities when associated with a (non-hierarchical) controlled vocabulary. If the associated controlled vocabulary is hierarchical (hieararchical=true), then the onebox input type provides access to the hierarchical selection tree for that vocabulary.
  • visibility: the visibility nested attributes explain if and how a field should be used in a specific scope (i.e. the submission, the workflow and the edit). Each attribute can assume one of the following values

    • null : omitted means editable
    • hidden: not available in the scope defined by the attribute name
    • read-only: not alterable in the scope

    For example visibility :{"submission" : "read-only", "workflow": "hidden"} would imply that the field is visible in read-only mode during the submission and not present at all during the workflow. visibility :{"workflow": "read-only"} means that the field can be input during the submission but not modified during the workflow

  • label: the label to present to the user for this field

  • mandatory: true if the user must provides a value for this field

  • repeatable: true if the field allows multiple values

  • mandatoryMessage: the error message to present to the user if no value if supplied for this field

  • hints: contextual help to present to the user for this field

  • style: css class or classes to apply to the html componenents related to this field. They should be added as is to the html block containing the field, it can be for example col-md-3 to constraint the field in the bootstrap grid

  • selectableMetadata: most of time one field is associated exactly with one metadata but it is possible, using the qualdrop_value in the submission-forms.xml, associate one field with a list of different qualified metadata. In such case the selectableMetadata will contains an actual array of available metadata for the field otherwise a single entry will be present. Each entry in the selecatebleMetadata array will be as follow

    • metadata: the key of the metadata field to use to store the input
    • controlledVocabulary: the name of the controlled vocabulary used to retrieve value for the input see controlled vocabularies
    • label: an optional label to associate with the selector of the metadata
  • selectableRelationship: it is similar to the selectableMetadata but used when the field use relations underhood

    • relationshipType: the name of the relationship
    • filter: a filter to apply searching for candidate related items
    • searchConfiguration: the name of the discovery configuration to use to search for candidate related items
    • externalSources: a list of external source names which can be used in a lookup. This can be empty to state no external sources should be used
    • nameVariants: It defines whether an alternative name can be used for the stored relation with the entity (in the relationship)
  • languageCodes contains the array of languages that can be assigned to an user input. For each language it is present a display string (i.e. English, Italian, etc.) and a code (i.e. en, it).

  • typeBind contains an array of publication type values for which this field applies (eg. Book, Article). This field should be hidden and ignored if the item has a different or empty type. An empty typeBind array indicates that this field applies to all publication types.

It is important to note that the field definition contains special attributes in selectableMetadata and selectableRelationship that in an ideal HAL representation should be replaced with links but for simplicity we have preferred to expose as string.