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Consent Management Platform logo

Development Guide

Table of Contents


The application runs in Docker and consists of the following services:

  • App (cmp-app) - Nginx webserver with PHP 8.1, composer and yarn
  • Worker (cmp-worker) - PHP 8.1 cli with supervisor
  • Db (cmp-db) - PostgreSQL in the version 13.6
  • Redis (cmp-redis) - Redis in the version 7.0.10

You can connect to each of the containers using the following command.

$ docker exec -it <CONTAINER_NAME> sh 

ENV Variables

The application requires several ENV variables to be set. The .env.dist file contains ENVs for local development. Consider production configuration depending on your needs.

Variable name Type Required Default Additional info
APP_DEBUG Boolean no 1 Forces debug mode.
APP_DEBUG_COOKIE_SECRET String no - The debug mode can be enabled with a cookie. A key is debug_please and a value is equal to the ENV variable.
PROJECT_URL String yes - Full URL to the document root of the application.
TRUSTED_PROXIES CommaSeparatedList no - The list of IP addresses (or ranges like separated by a comma. Setup the variable if the site is running behind an HTTP proxy.
COOKIE_SECURE Boolean no - Send cookies only via HTTP or HTTPS. It is detected automatically from a request protocol if the variable is not set.
API_DOCS_ENABLED Boolean no 0 Enables OpenApi schema and Swagger UI endpoints.
GTM_CONTAINER_ID String no "" Enables GTM. GTM will be initialized only if the variable exists and the value is not empty.
GRID_COUNT_LIMIT Integer no 100000 For performance reasons, the number of rows displayed in the administration data grids is limited.
DB_HOST String yes - -
DB_PORT Integer yes - -
DB_NAME String yes - -
DB_USER String yes - -
DB_PASSWORD String yes - -
REDIS_HOST String yes - -
REDIS_PORT Integer yes - -
REDIS_AUTH String no - Set only if Redis has a password.
REDIS_DB_CACHE Integer no 0 Redis database number for caching.
REDIS_DB_SESSIONS Integer no 1 Redis database number for sessions.
MAILER_EMAIL String yes - Email address for sending emails.
MAILER_FROM String no - Name of email address for sending emails.
SMTP_ENABLED Boolean no 0 Required in production environment only. Enables sending emails using SMTP.
SMTP_HOST String no - Required only if SMTP_ENABLED=1.
SMTP_PORT Integer no - Required only if SMTP_ENABLED=1.
SMTP_USERNAME String no - -
SMTP_PASSWORD String no - -
SMTP_SECURE String no - Required only if SMTP_ENABLED=1. Allowed values are ssl or tls.
RECAPTCHA_ENABLED Boolean no 0 Enables reCAPTCHA in the application (on the forgot password page).
GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY String no - The site key for Google reCAPTCHA v3
GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY String no - The secret key for Google reCAPTCHA v3
SENTRY_DSN String no - DSN of the Sentry project for capturing application errors.


As far as the visual side is concerned, the application is based mainly on Tailwind CSS and Alpine.js components. The final build is created using Webpack Encore and PostCSS.

You can rebuild the assets with following command:

$ make install-assets


The default demo data is automatically imported when the application is installed. To reset the data, run the following command:

$ make data

❗ Do not run the fixtures on production!

Sending emails

By default, emails are sent using the PHP function mail(). However, the sendmail extension is not installed in the container and therefore emails are not sent. For this reason, you need to configure the SMPT server through the ENV variables. For example, Google's SMTP server configuration would look something like this:

SMTP_USERNAME=your email address
SMTP_PASSWORD=your token

If the debug mode is enabled (APP_DEBUG=1 or the user has set the APP_DEBUG_COOKIE_SECRET cookie in the browser), the emails are always saved to local files and can be viewed in the Tracy Bar.

Emails in the Tracy Bar

Console commands

The application contains several commands. Some of them should be set to CRONTAB for periodical execution.

Weekly overview

The command sends a weekly report with project statistics to users who have this notification enabled. Users will only receive statistics for the projects they have access to.

$ bin/console cmp:weekly-overview

In CRONTAB, schedule the command to run once a week, e.g. every Monday at 4:00 a.m.

Consent decrease notification

The command sends a notification of the previous day's consent decrease for all projects to users who have this notification enabled. Users will only receive information for the projects they have access to.

$ bin/console cmp:consent-decrease-notifier

In CRONTAB, schedule the command to run once a day, e.g. every day at 4:00 a.m.

Cookie suggestions notification

If the application has configured a connection to the crawler, it is possible to send notifications about new cookie suggestions.

The command sends a notification with new cookie suggestions to users who have this notification enabled. Users will only receive suggestions for the projects they have access to.

$ bin/console cmp:cookie-suggestions-notifier

In CRONTAB, schedule the command to as you see fit. For example, once a week.

Monthly statistics

The command is designed to be run manually. The output is the number of consents per month in the selected year. The command has the following options:

  • --accepted-all - Calculates number of users who have agreed to all categories of cookies.
  • --rejected-all - Calculates the number of users who did not accept any cookie category.
  • --by-categories - Calculates the number of users who have agreed to given categories. Use the category codes separated by a comma as the value.
  • --unique - Count only unique (last) consents by user in a particular month.
  • --year - Year for which statistics are to be calculated. Current year is used if the option is not provided.
  • --format - Output format. Allowed values are table (default) and csv.

Here are some examples:

# Calculate number of users who have agreed to all categories of cookies:
$ bin/console cmp:monthly-statistics <project-code> --accepted-all

# Calculate the number of users who did not accept any cookie category:
$ bin/console cmp:monthly-statistics <project-code> --rejected-all

# Calculate the number of users who have agreed with categories `ad_storage` and `analytics_storage`:
$ bin/console cmp:monthly-statistics <project-code> --by-categories "ad_storage,analytics_storage"

# Calculate the number of users who have agreed with the category `ad_storage` but rejected the category `analytics_storage`:
$ bin/console cmp:monthly-statistics <project-code> --by-categories "ad_storage,!analytics_storage"

# The requested statistics can be returned in single runtime:
$ bin/console cmp:monthly-statistics <project-code> --accepted-all --rejected-all --by-categories "ad_storage,analytics_storage" --by-categories "ad_storage,!analytics_storage"

API and integration

The application exposes the API to communicate with the cookie widget.

All endpoints are described using OpenApi. To display the Swagger UI, set the ENV variable API_DOCS_ENABLED to 1 and open the page http://localhost:8888/api/docs in your browser.

If your website using 68publishers/cookie-consent, there is no need to manually integrate or call anything. Everything is ready, and it is only necessary to configure the GTM tag correctly. More information about the integration can be found in the documentation of the 68publishers/cookie-consent package.

Cookies crawler

The application offers the possibility to connect with a cookie crawler. If you wish to use the crawler in the CMP application, it is necessary to have a running instance of the 68publishers/crawler application.

It should be noted that the crawler is relatively heavy on resources if it has to deal with difficult scenarios.

The scenarios themselves are defined through the user interface of the CMP application, but defining them is rather a developer's job and requires knowledge of the mentioned crawler.

How to update to the latest version

❗ When updating, please always read the notes on newly released versions carefully!

Usually there are several things to do, such as:

  • run composer install
  • run yarn install
  • run webpack encore
  • run database migrations
  • clear cache
  • restart worker
  • ...

All of these tasks can be done after downloading the new version by running the following commands:

$ make install
$ make restart

Production build

For production usage, there are prepared docker images on the DockerHub.

Two images are published with each new version of the application:

  • 68publishers/cmp:app-{version} - the container with the application
  • 68publishers/cmp:worker-{version} - the container with the worker

The images are already build, they contain all libraries, assets and so on. So there should be no need to manually install or build anything into them.


If you find any problems or have a specific question, please create an issue on GitHub. We will address it as soon as possible. Please try to describe the issue as best you can (under what circumstances the issue arises, error messages, etc.).

If you want to contribute to the code (ideally after the previous discussion in an issue), create a fork of the repository with its own branch and then create a pull request with it.

Follow the uniform coding standards and coding style.

Before committing and creating a pull request, run the following command:

$ make cs