Generic Geant4 Monte Carlo for XEBRA simulation:
- Overall G4 Structure and Physics List is based on the XENONnT Neutron Background simulation by D. Ramirez (Feb 2018)
- Detector Geometry contains a generic model of XEBRA (as of Nov 2018) by UniFr
- Cleaned up from traces of Geant4 versions <10 (code tested with G4 10.3.3.) and debugged w.r.t. G4SystemOfUnits and naming conventions (except for variables in detector construction)
- git clone [-b "BRANCH_NAME"]
- cd Xebra_G4
- git checkout -b "BRACH_NAME"
- rsync -avP ../DIR_WITH_UPDATE/include/ include/
- rsync -avP ../DIR_WITH_UPDATE/src/ src/
- git add .
- git commit -m "ADD SOME COMMENT "
- git push origin "BRACH_NAME"
- make clean && make //compiling
- bin/Linux-g++/xebra_G4 -p macros/preinit.mac -f macros/run_geantino_all.mac -n 10000 //running the preinit + process macros --> output in root file ("event.root", unless specified differently).
- TFile *pFile = new TFile(inputfile+".root");
- TDirectoryFile *pDir = (TDirectoryFile *) pFile->Get("events");
- TTree *pTree = (TTree *) pDir->Get("events");
- pTree6->Draw("xp_pri:yp_pri:zp_pri");