diff --git a/docs/UserGuide.md b/docs/UserGuide.md index 163f61f6445..6acc7c2fca9 100644 --- a/docs/UserGuide.md +++ b/docs/UserGuide.md @@ -3,7 +3,19 @@ layout: default.md title: "User Guide" pageNav: 3 --- - + # F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. User Guide ## Introduction @@ -96,43 +108,89 @@ The F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. User Guide employs a variety of visual cues to enhance
- -|
| -|---------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------| -|
| Used for command inputs, syntax, and file paths. | -|
**Bold text**
| Highlights important keywords. | -|
| Indicates hyperlinks to external websites or within the guide. | +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Used for command inputs, syntax, and file paths.
Bold text
Highlights important keywords.
Indicates hyperlinks to external websites or within the guide.

| -|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------| -| **
:information_source: Note
** | Provides information of special interest or importance. | -| **
:bangbang: Warning
** | Alerts to potentially irreversible actions with data loss risk. | + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
:information_source: Note
Provides information of special interest or importance.
:bangbang: Warning
Alerts to potentially irreversible actions with data loss risk.

- -|
| -|---------------------------------|------------------------------------------------| -|
| -|
| -|
Update | -|
| -|
Take Attendance
| -|
| +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Take Attendance
+ [Back to Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
@@ -267,31 +325,31 @@ The following describes what each panel contains: Most commands given in the user guide utilise various parameters which are also known as prefixes. To add a prefix to your command, follow this format: `PREFIX/MESSAGE`. Their prefixes and their respective constraints are given in the table below. -| Field | Prefix | Commands | Description | -|---------------------|----------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| -| NAME | `n/` | `add` `edit` `addtoconsult` `createconsult` `removefromconsult` `createsession` `takeattendance` `viewattendance` | The Name of a student.
  • Names should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces.
  • Names should not be blank.
| -| PHONE | `p/` | `add` `edit` | The Phone number of a student.
  • Phone numbers should only contain numbers.
  • Numbers should be at least 3 digits.
| -| EMAIL | `e/` | `add` `edit` | The Email of a student.
  • Emails should be of the format `local-part@domain`
  • The local-part should only contain alphanumeric characters and these special characters `+_.-`
  • The domain name must be `@u.nus.edu`.
| -| TELEGRAM_HANDLE | `th/` | `add` `edit` | The Telegram handle of a student.
  • Telegram Handles can only use a-z, 0-9 and underscores.
| -| TAG | `t/` | `add` `edit` | The Tag belonging to a student.
  • Tags should only contain alphanumeric characters.
| -| GRADED_TEST | `gt/` | `add` `edit` | The scores of respective graded tests.
  • Names should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces.
  • Names should not be blank.
| -| READING_ASSESSMENT_1 | `ra1/` | `editgradedtest` | The score of Reading Assessment 1.
  • Score should be a positive number.
| -| READING_ASSESSMENT_2 | `ra2/` | `editgradedtest` | The score of Reading Assessment 2.
  • Score should be a positive number.
| -| MIDTERMS | `mt/` | `editgradedtest` | The score of a Midterms exam.
  • Score should be a positive number.
| -| FINALS | `f/` | `editgradedtest` | The score of a Finals exam.
  • Score should be a positive number.
| -| PRACTICAL_EXAM | `pe/` | `editgradedtest` | The score of a Practical exam.
  • Score should be a positive number.
| -| ASSIGNMENT | `as/` | `deletecomment` `editcomment` `editgrade` | The name of an Assignment.
  • Name should exist in the list of possible assignments.
| -| GRADE | `g/` | `editgrade` | The grade of an Assignment.
  • Grade should be a positive number.
  • Grade should be less than or equal to (max grade + 75).
  • Grade should not have leading 0's.
| -| COMMENT | `c/` | `editcomment` | The Comment of an Assignment.
  • Comment should be less than 200 characters.
  • Comment should not be empty.
| -| DATE | `d/` | `addtask` `viewtasks` `createconsult` | The Date.
  • The format must be dd/MM/yyyy.
| -| TIME | `tt/` | `createconsult` | The Time.
  • The format must be HH:mm.
  • Time must also be in 24-hour format.
| -| SESSION | `s/` | `createsession` `deletesession` `takeattendance` `updatesessionremark` | The Session Number of a Tutorial.
  • Session must only contain numbers.
  • Session should not be blank.
| -| SESSION_REMARK | `r/` | `updatesessionremark` | The remarks of a Session.
  • Remark must only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces.
| -| ATTENDANCE_PRESENCE | `ap/` | `takeattendance` | The presence of a student.
  • Only 2 possible values are allowed: `PRESENT`, `ABSENT`.
| -| TASK_NAME | `tn/` | `addtask` `viewtasks` | The name of a Task.
  • Name should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces.
  • Name should not be blank.
| -| TASK_DESCRIPTION | `td/` | `addtask` `viewtasks` | The description of a Task.
  • Description should be less than 100 characters.
| -| TASK_PRIORITY | `tp/` | `addtask` `viewtasks` | The priority of a Task.
  • Only 3 possible values are allowed: `HIGH`, `MEDIUM`, `LOW`.
| -| TASK_PROGRESS | `tprog/` | `addtask` `viewtasks` `updateprogress` | The progress of a Task.
  • Only 3 possible values are allowed: `NOT_STARTED`, `PENDING`, `DONE`.
| +|
| +|---------------------------------------|-----------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +|
| `add` `edit` `addtoconsult` `createconsult` `removefromconsult` `createsession` `takeattendance` `viewattendance` | The Name of a student.
  • Names should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces.
  • Names should not be blank.
| +|
| `add` `edit` | The Phone number of a student.
  • Phone numbers should only contain numbers.
  • Numbers should be at least 3 digits.
| +|
| `add` `edit` | The Email of a student.
  • Emails should be of the format `local-part@domain`
  • The local-part should only contain alphanumeric characters and these special characters `+_.-`
  • The domain name must be `@u.nus.edu`.
| +|
| `add` `edit` | The Telegram handle of a student.
  • Telegram Handles can only use a-z, 0-9 and underscores.
| +|
| `add` `edit` | The Tag belonging to a student.
  • Tags should only contain alphanumeric characters.
| +|
| `add` `edit` | The scores of respective graded tests.
  • Names should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces.
  • Names should not be blank.
| +|
| `editgradedtest` | The score of Reading Assessment 1.
  • Score should be a positive number.
| +|
| `editgradedtest` | The score of Reading Assessment 2.
  • Score should be a positive number.
| +|
| `editgradedtest` | The score of a Midterms exam.
  • Score should be a positive number.
| +|
| `editgradedtest` | The score of a Finals exam.
  • Score should be a positive number.
| +|
| `editgradedtest` | The score of a Practical exam.
  • Score should be a positive number.
| +|
| `deletecomment` `editcomment` `editgrade` | The name of an Assignment.
  • Name should exist in the list of possible assignments.
| +|
| `editgrade` | The grade of an Assignment.
  • Grade should be a positive number.
  • Grade should be less than or equal to (max grade + 75).
  • Grade should not have leading 0's.
| +|
| `editcomment` | The Comment of an Assignment.
  • Comment should be less than 200 characters.
  • Comment should not be empty.
| +|
| `addtask` `viewtasks` `createconsult` | The Date.
  • The format must be dd/MM/yyyy.
| +|
| `createconsult` | The Time.
  • The format must be HH:mm.
  • Time must also be in 24-hour format.
| +|
| `createsession` `deletesession` `takeattendance` `updatesessionremark` | The Session Number of a Tutorial.
  • Session must only contain numbers.
  • Session should not be blank.
| +|
| `updatesessionremark` | The remarks of a Session.
  • Remark must only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces.
| +|
| `takeattendance` | The presence of a student.
  • Only 2 possible values are allowed: `PRESENT`, `ABSENT`.
| +|
| `addtask` `viewtasks` | The name of a Task.
  • Name should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces.
  • Name should not be blank.
| +|
| `addtask` `viewtasks` | The description of a Task.
  • Description should be less than 100 characters.
| +|
| `addtask` `viewtasks` | The priority of a Task.
  • Only 3 possible values are allowed: `HIGH`, `MEDIUM`, `LOW`.
| +|
| `addtask` `viewtasks` `updateprogress` | The progress of a Task.
  • Only 3 possible values are allowed: `NOT_STARTED`, `PENDING`, `DONE`.
| [Back to Table of Contents](#table-of-contents) @@ -319,18 +377,18 @@ This section describes commands that fit in no special category. You can navigate between different tabs in F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. -Format: `tab INDEX` - -| Parameter | Description | -|-----------|------------------------------------| -| INDEX | The Index of the tab to switch to. | +Format: `tab TAB_INDEX` +|
| +|--------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| +|
The Index of the tab to switch to.
| +
:information_source: Note: -For the list of indexes to use: +For the list of tab indexes to use: * **Students List:** 1 * **Tasks List:** 2 * **Assignments List:** 3 @@ -418,14 +476,15 @@ You can add a student to F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. Format: `add n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER e/EMAIL th/TELEGRAM_HANDLE [t/TAG]…​ [gt/GRADED_TESTS]` -| Parameter | Description | -|-----------------|---------------------------------------------------------| -| NAME | The name of the student to be added. | -| PHONE_NUMBER | The phone number of the student. | -| EMAIL | The email address of the student. | -| TELEGRAM_HANDLE | The Telegram handle of the student. | -| TAG | Tags associated with the student. | -| GRADED_TESTS | Scores of the graded tests associated with the student. | +|
| +|----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| +|
The name of the student to be added.
| +|
The phone number of the student.
| +|
The email address of the student.
| +|
The Telegram handle of the student.
| +|
Tags associated with the student.
| +|
Scores of the graded tests associated with the student.
| +
@@ -483,24 +542,24 @@ Format: `list` You can edit an existing student's fields in F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. -Format: `edit INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [th/TELEGRAM_HANDLE] [t/TAG]…​ [gt/GRADED_TESTS]` - -| Parameter | Description | -|-----------------|---------------------------------------------------------| -| INDEX | The index of the student to be edited. | -| NAME | The new name for the student. | -| PHONE | The new phone number for the student. | -| EMAIL | The new email address for the student. | -| TELEGRAM_HANDLE | The new Telegram handle for the student. | -| TAG | New tags associated with the student. | -| GRADED_TESTS | Scores of the graded tests associated with the student. | +Format: `edit STUDENT_INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [th/TELEGRAM_HANDLE] [t/TAG]…​ [gt/GRADED_TESTS]` +|
| +|----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| +|
The index of the student to be edited.
| +|
The new name for the student.
| +|
The new phone number for the student.
| +|
The new email address for the student.
| +|
The new Telegram handle for the student.
| +|
New tags associated with the student.
| +|
Scores of the graded tests associated with the student.
| +
:information_source: Note: -* Edits the person at the specified `INDEX`. -* The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed student list. -* The index **must be a positive integer** 1, 2, 3, …​ +* Edits the person at the specified `STUDENT_INDEX`. +* The student index refers to the index number shown in the displayed student list. +* The student index **must be a positive integer** 1, 2, 3, …​ * At least one of the optional fields must be provided. (i.e NAME, PHONE, EMAIL, TELEGRAM_HANDLE, TAG, GRADED_TESTS) * Editing tags overwrites existing tags; it's not cumulative. * You can remove all the person’s tags by typing `t/` without specifying any tags after it. @@ -539,13 +598,12 @@ Format: `edit INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [th/TELEGRAM_HANDLE] [t/TAG]… You can find a student whose name contain any of the given keywords. -Format: `find KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]` - -| Parameter | Description | -|---------------|-------------------------------------| -| KEYWORD | The main keyword to search for. | -| MORE_KEYWORDS | Additional keywords for the search. | +Format: `find KEYWORD…` +|
| +|--------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------| +|
The main keyword to search for.
| +
:information_source: Note: @@ -586,21 +644,21 @@ Format: `find KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]` You can delete a specific student from F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. -Format: `delete INDEX` - -| Parameter | Description | -|-----------|-----------------------------------------| -| INDEX | The index of the student to be deleted. | +Format: `delete STUDENT_INDEX` +|
| +|--------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|
The index of the student to be deleted.
| +
:information_source: Note: -* Deletes the person at the specified `INDEX`. -* The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed person list. -* The index **must be a positive integer** 1, 2, 3, …​ +* Deletes the person at the specified `STUDENT_INDEX`. +* The student index refers to the index number shown in the displayed student list. +* The student index **must be a positive integer** 1, 2, 3, …​
@@ -663,13 +721,13 @@ You can add a task to your task list. Format: `addtask tn/TASK_NAME td/TASK_DESCRIPTION d/DUE_DATE tp/TASK_PRIORITY` -| Parameter | Description | -|------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------| -| TASK_NAME | The name of the task. | -| TASK_DESCRIPTION | The description of the task. | -| DUE_DATE | The due date or deadline of the task. | -| TASK_PRIORITY | The priority level of the task. Given as `high`, `medium` or `low`. | - +|
| +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +|
The name of the task.
| +|
The description of the task.
| +|
The due date or deadline of the task.
| +|
The priority level of the task. Given as `high`, `medium` or `low`.
| +
> **Example 1:** > @@ -700,14 +758,14 @@ You can view you list of tasks. Format: `viewtasks [tn/TASK_NAME] / [td/TASK_DESCRIPTION] / [d/DUE_DATE] / [tp/TASK_PRIORITY] / [tprog/TASK_PROGRESS]` -| Parameter | Description | -|------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------| -| TASK_NAME | The name of the task. | -| TASK_DESCRIPTION | The description of the task. | -| DUE_DATE | The due date or deadline of the task. | -| TASK_PRIORITY | The priority level of the task. Given as `high`, `medium` or `low`. | -| TASK_PROGRESS | The progress level of the task. Given as `done`, `pending` or `not_started`. | - +|
| +|-----------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +|
The name of the task.
| +|
The description of the task.
| +|
The due date or deadline of the task.
| +|
The priority level of the task. Given as `high`, `medium` or `low`.
| +|
The progress level of the task. Given as `done`, `pending` or `not_started`.
| +
@@ -755,8 +813,6 @@ Format: `viewtasks [tn/TASK_NAME] / [td/TASK_DESCRIPTION] / [d/DUE_DATE] / [tp/T - -

@@ -766,11 +822,11 @@ You can mark a task as completed. Format: `updateprogress TASK_INDEX tprog/NEW_PROGRESS` -| Parameter | Description | -|--------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| -| TASK_INDEX | The index of the task to update the progress. | -| NEW_PROGRESS | The new progress level of the task. Given as `done`, `pending`, or `not_started`. | - +|
| +|--------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +|
The index of the task to update the progress.
| +|
The new progress level of the task. Given as `done`, `pending`, or `not_started`.
| +
@@ -778,8 +834,8 @@ Format: `updateprogress TASK_INDEX tprog/NEW_PROGRESS` :information_source: Note: -* The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed task list. -* The index **must be a positive integer** 1, 2, 3, …​ that is within the range of the task list. +* The task index refers to the index number shown in the displayed task list. +* The task index **must be a positive integer** 1, 2, 3, …​ that is within the range of the task list.
@@ -814,18 +870,18 @@ Deletes a task from the task list. Format: `deletetask TASK_INDEX` -| Parameter | Description | -|------------|----------------------------------| -| TASK_INDEX | The index of the task to delete. | - +|
| +|--------------------------------|-------------------------------------------| +|
The index of the task to delete.
| +
:information_source: Note: -* The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed task list. -* The index **must be a positive integer** 1, 2, 3, …​ that is within the range of the task list. +* The task index refers to the index number shown in the displayed task list. +* The task index **must be a positive integer** 1, 2, 3, …​ that is within the range of the task list.
@@ -871,12 +927,12 @@ You can take the attendance of your student(s). Format: `takeattendance n/STUDENT_NAME s/SESSION_NUMBER ap/PRESENCE` -| Parameter | Description | -|----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------| -| STUDENT_NAME | The name of the student. | -| SESSION_NUMBER | The session number of the session. | -| PRESENCE | The attendance status of the student. Given as `present` or `absent`. | - +|
| +|---------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +|
The name of the student.
| +|
The session number of the session.
| +|
The attendance status of the student. Given as `present` or `absent`.
| +
@@ -915,12 +971,12 @@ Format: `takeattendance n/STUDENT_NAME s/SESSION_NUMBER ap/PRESENCE` You can view the attendance list of your students. -Format: `viewattendance n/STUDENT_NAME n/STUDENT_NAME …` - -| Parameter | Description | -|--------------|----------------------------------------------------------------| -| STUDENT_NAME | The name of the student(s) you want to view the attendance of. | +Format: `viewattendance [n/STUDENT_NAME]…` +|
| +|--------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +|
The name of the student(s) you want to view the attendance of.
| +
@@ -928,6 +984,7 @@ Format: `viewattendance n/STUDENT_NAME n/STUDENT_NAME …` :information_source: Note: * The student must exist in F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. +* Omitting `n/STUDENT_NAME` will display the overall attendance across all students and sessions.
@@ -945,7 +1002,7 @@ Format: `viewattendance n/STUDENT_NAME n/STUDENT_NAME …` > **Example 2:** > -> **Input:** `viewattendance n/Alex Yeoh` Displays all the sessions that Alex Yeoh has attended. +> **Input:** `s n/Alex Yeoh` Displays all the sessions that Alex Yeoh has attended. > > **Output:** >`2 sessions listed!` @@ -972,27 +1029,26 @@ Format: `viewattendance n/STUDENT_NAME n/STUDENT_NAME …` ### Assignment Management This section describes commands that help you manage your students' assignments. -

#### 👀Viewing a List of Assignments: `viewassignments` You can view a list of assignment grades and comments. -Format: `viewassignments INDEX` - -| Parameter | Description | -|-----------|---------------------------| -| INDEX | The index of the student. | +Format: `viewassignments STUDENT_INDEX` +|
| +|--------------------------------|--------------------------------------------| +|
The index of the student.
| +
:information_source: Note: -* The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed student list. -* The index **must be a positive integer** 1, 2, 3, …​ that is within the range of the student list. +* The student index refers to the index number shown in the displayed student list. +* The student index **must be a positive integer** 1, 2, 3, …​ that is within the range of the student list.
@@ -1024,22 +1080,22 @@ Format: `viewassignments INDEX` You can edit your student’s assignment grade. -Format: `editgrade INDEX as/ASSIGNMENT g/GRADE` - -| Parameter | Description | -|------------|-----------------------------| -| INDEX | The index of the student. | -| ASSIGNMENT | The name of the assignment. | -| GRADE | The score of the student. | +Format: `editgrade STUDENT_INDEX as/ASSIGNMENT g/GRADE` +|
| +|--------------------------------|----------------------------------------------| +|
The index of the student.
| +|
The name of the assignment.
| +|
The score of the student.
| +
:information_source: Note: -* The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed student list. -* The index **must be a positive integer** 1, 2, 3, …​ that is within the range of the student list. +* The student index refers to the index number shown in the displayed student list. +* The student index **must be a positive integer** 1, 2, 3, …​ that is within the range of the student list. * The name of the assignment must exist in F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. @@ -1072,24 +1128,27 @@ Format: `editgrade INDEX as/ASSIGNMENT g/GRADE` You can delete your student’s assignment grade. -Format: `deletegrade INDEX as/ASSIGNMENT` - -| Parameter | Description | -|------------|-----------------------------| -| INDEX | The index of the student. | -| ASSIGNMENT | The name of the assignment. | - - -
- - -:information_source: Note: - -* The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed student list. -* The index **must be a positive integer** 1, 2, 3, …​ that is within the range of the student list. -* The name of the assignment must exist in F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. - - +Format: `deletegrade STUDENT_INDEX as/ASSIGNMENT` + +|
| +|--------------------------------|----------------------------------------------| +|
The index of the student.
| +|
The name of the assignment.
| +
+ +
+ + :information_source: Note: + +
+ + * The student index refers to the index number shown in the displayed student list. + * The student index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​ that is within the range of the student list. + * The name of the assignment must exist in F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. + +
@@ -1120,14 +1179,14 @@ Format: `deletegrade INDEX as/ASSIGNMENT` You can edit the comment of your student’s assignment. -Format: `editcomment INDEX as/ASSIGNMENT c/COMMENT` - -| Parameter | Description | -|------------|-----------------------------| -| INDEX | The index of the student. | -| ASSIGNMENT | The name of the assignment. | -| COMMENT | The new comment. | +Format: `editcomment STUDENT_INDEX as/ASSIGNMENT c/COMMENT` +|
| +|--------------------------------|----------------------------------------------| +|
The index of the student.
| +|
The name of the assignment.
| +|
The new comment.
| +
@@ -1135,8 +1194,8 @@ Format: `editcomment INDEX as/ASSIGNMENT c/COMMENT` :information_source: Note: -* The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed student list. -* The index **must be a positive integer** 1, 2, 3, …​ that is within the range of the student list. +* The student index refers to the index number shown in the displayed student list. +* The student index **must be a positive integer** 1, 2, 3, …​ that is within the range of the student list. * The name of the assignment must exist in F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. @@ -1170,13 +1229,13 @@ Format: `editcomment INDEX as/ASSIGNMENT c/COMMENT` You can delete the comment tagged to your student’s assignment. -Format: `deletecomment INDEX as/ASSIGNMENT` - -| Parameter | Description | -|------------|-----------------------------| -| INDEX | The index of the student. | -| ASSIGNMENT | The name of the assignment. | +Format: `deletecomment STUDENT_INDEX as/ASSIGNMENT` +|
| +|--------------------------------|----------------------------------------------| +|
The index of the student.
| +|
The name of the assignment.
| +
@@ -1184,8 +1243,8 @@ Format: `deletecomment INDEX as/ASSIGNMENT` :information_source: Note: -* The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed student list. -* The index **must be a positive integer** 1, 2, 3, …​ that is within the range of the student list. +* The student index refers to the index number shown in the displayed student list. +* The student index **must be a positive integer** 1, 2, 3, …​ that is within the range of the student list. * The name of the assignment must exist in F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. @@ -1230,23 +1289,23 @@ You can edit your student’s graded test scores. Format: `editgradedtest INDEX [ra1/READING_ASSESSMENT_1] [ra2/READING_ASSESSMENT_2] [mt/MIDTERMS] [f/FINALS] [pe/PRACTICALEXAM] ` -| Parameter | Description | -|----------------------|--------------------------------------------------| -| INDEX | The index of the student. | -| READING_ASSESSMENT_1 | The score of the student's Reading Assessment 1. | -| READING_ASSESSMENT_2 | The score of the student's Reading Assessment 2. | -| MIDTERMS | The score of the student's MidTerms. | -| FINALS | The score of the student's Final Assessment. | -| PRACTICALEXAM | The score of the student's Practical Exams. | - +|
| +|---------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| +|
The index of the student.
| +|
The score of the student's Reading Assessment 1.
| +|
The score of the student's Reading Assessment 2.
| +|
The score of the student's MidTerms.
| +|
The score of the student's Final Assessment.
| +|
The score of the student's Practical Exams.
| +
:information_source: Note: -* The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed student list. -* The index **must be a positive integer** 1, 2, 3, …​ that is within the range of the student list. +* The student index refers to the index number shown in the displayed student list. +* The student index **must be a positive integer** 1, 2, 3, …​ that is within the range of the student list. * At least 1 field must be present after the `INDEX`. @@ -1291,13 +1350,13 @@ This section describes commands that help you manage your sessions. You can create a session for any upcoming or past sessions. -Format: `createsession s/SESSION_NUMBER n/STUDENT_NAME n/STUDENT_NAME …` - -| Parameter | Description | -|----------------|------------------------------------| -| SESSION_NUMBER | The session number of the session. | -| STUDENT_NAME | The name of the student(s). | +Format: `createsession s/SESSION_NUMBER n/STUDENT_NAME…` +|
| +|---------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| +|
The session number of the session.
| +|
The name of the student(s).
| +
@@ -1339,11 +1398,11 @@ You can update an existing session's remark. Format: `updatesessionremark s/SESSION_NUMBER r/REMARK` -| Parameter | Description | -|----------------|-----------------------------------------------| -| SESSION_NUMBER | The session number of the session. | -| REMARK | The new remark to be updated for the session. | - +|
| +|---------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------| +|
The session number of the session.
| +|
The new remark to be updated for the session.
| +
@@ -1385,10 +1444,10 @@ You can delete an existing session specified by its session number. Format: `deletesession s/SESSION_NUMBER` -| Parameter | Description | -|----------------|------------------------------------| -| SESSION_NUMBER | The session number of the session. | - +|
| +|---------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| +|
The session number of the session.
| +
@@ -1435,14 +1494,14 @@ This section describes commands that help you manage your consultations with stu You can create a consultation for any upcoming consultations. -Format: `createconsult d/DATE tt/TIME n/STUDENT_NAME n/STUDENT_NAME …` - -| Parameter | Description | -|--------------|-----------------------------| -| DATE | The date of consultation. | -| TIME | The time of consultation. | -| STUDENT_NAME | The name of the student(s). | +Format: `createconsult d/DATE tt/TIME n/STUDENT_NAME…` +|
| +|--------------------------------|----------------------------------------------| +|
The date of consultation.
| +|
The time of consultation.
| +|
The name of the student(s).
| +
@@ -1481,13 +1540,13 @@ Format: `createconsult d/DATE tt/TIME n/STUDENT_NAME n/STUDENT_NAME …` #### 📝️Adding students to a consultation: `addtoconsult` You can add your student(s) into a consultation slot. -Format: `addtoconsult INDEX n/STUDENT_NAME …` - -| Parameter | Description | -|--------------|--------------------------------------------------------------| -| INDEX | The index of the consultation in the upcoming consultations. | -| STUDENT_NAME | The name of the student to be added to the consultation. | +Format: `addtoconsult CONSULTATION_INDEX n/STUDENT_NAME…` +|
| +|-------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +|
The index of the consultation in the upcoming
consultations. | +|
The name of the student to be added to the consultation.
| +
@@ -1495,8 +1554,8 @@ Format: `addtoconsult INDEX n/STUDENT_NAME …` :information_source: Note: -* The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed consultation list. -* The index **must be a positive integer** 1, 2, 3, …​ that is within the range of the consultation list. +* The consultation index refers to the index number shown in the displayed consultation list. +* The consultation index **must be a positive integer** 1, 2, 3, …​ that is within the range of the consultation list. * The name of the student must exist in F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. @@ -1529,21 +1588,21 @@ Format: `addtoconsult INDEX n/STUDENT_NAME …` You can remove your student(s) from a consultation. -Format: `removefromconsult INDEX n/STUDENT_NAME …` - -| Parameter | Description | -|--------------|--------------------------------------------------------------| -| INDEX | The index of the consultation in the upcoming consultations. | -| STUDENT_NAME | The name of the student to be added to the consultation. | +Format: `removefromconsult CONSULTATION_INDEX n/STUDENT_NAME…` +|
| +|-------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +|
The index of the consultation in the upcoming consultations.
| +|
The name of the student to be added to the consultation.
| +
:information_source: Note: -* The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed consultation list. -* The index **must be a positive integer** 1, 2, 3, …​ that is within the range of the consultation list. +* The consultation index refers to the index number shown in the displayed consultation list. +* The consultation index **must be a positive integer** 1, 2, 3, …​ that is within the range of the consultation list. * The name of the student must exist in F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. @@ -1566,20 +1625,20 @@ Format: `removefromconsult INDEX n/STUDENT_NAME …` You can delete the consultation slot specified by an index. -Format: `deleteconsult INDEX` - -| Parameter | Description | -|-----------|--------------------------------------------------------------| -| INDEX | The index of the consultation in the upcoming consultations. | +Format: `deleteconsult CONSULTATION_INDEX` +|
| +|-------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +|
The index of the consultation in the upcoming
consultations. | +
:information_source: Note: -* The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed consultation list. -* The index **must be a positive integer** 1, 2, 3, …​ that is within the range of the consultation list. +* The consultation index refers to the index number shown in the displayed consultation list. +* The consultation index **must be a positive integer** 1, 2, 3, …​ that is within the range of the consultation list.
@@ -1625,34 +1684,35 @@ Format: `deleteconsult INDEX` ## Command summary -|
| -|--------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| -|
| `add n/James Ho p/12345678 e/jamesho@u.nus.edu th/james03 t/friend t/colleague gt/default` | -|
| `clear` | `clear` | -|
| `delete INDEX` | `delete 3` | -|
| `edit INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE_NUMBER] [e/EMAIL] [th/TELGRAM_HANDLE] [t/TAG]…[gt/GRADEDTEST]…` | `edit 2 n/James Lee e/jameslee@u.nus.edu gt/default` | -|
| `find John`
`find alex david` | -|
| `list` | `list` | -|
**Add Task**
| `addtask tn/TASK_NAME td/TASK_DESCRIPTION d/DUE_DATE tp/TASK_PRIORITY` | `addtask tn/Prepare Lecture slides d/30/09/2023 tp/high`,
`addtask tn/Read Chapter 5` | -|
**View Tasks**
| `viewtasks [tn/TASK_NAME] / [td/TASK_DESCRIPTION] / [d/DUE_DATE] / [tp/TASK_PRIORITY] /
[tprog/TASK_PROGRESS]` | `viewtasks`,
`viewtasks tp/high`,
`viewtasks d/30/09/2023` | -|
**Update Progress**
| `updateprogress TASK_INDEX tprog/NEW_PROGRESS` | `updateprogress 1 tprog/pending`,
`updateprogress 3 tprog/done` | -|
**Delete Task**
| `deletetask TASK_INDEX` | `deletetask 3`,
`deletetask 2` | -|
**View Grade**
| `viewgrade INDEX as/ASSIGNMENT` | `viewgrade 1 as/Functional Expressionism`,
`viewgrade 2 as/Rune Reading` | -|
**Edit Grade**
| `editgrade INDEX as/ASSIGNMENT g/GRADE` | `editgrade 1 as/Functional Expressionism g/1200`,
`editgrade 2 as/Rune Reading g/1000` | -|
**Delete Grade**
| `deletegrade INDEX as/ASSIGNMENT` | `deletegrade 1 as/Functional Expressionism`,
`deletegrade 2 as/Rune Reading` | -|
**Edit Comment**
| `editcomment n/STUDENT_NAME a/ASSIGNMENT c/COMMENT` | `editcomment n/Rayson a/Functional Expressionism c/Decent`,
`editcomment n/Wesley a/Rune Reading c/Great` | -|
**Delete Comment**
| `deletecomment n/STUDENT_NAME a/ASSIGNMENT` | `deletecomment n/Rayson a/Functional Expressionism`, `deletecomment n/Wesley a/Rune Reading` | -|
**Edit Graded Test**
| `editgradedtest INDEX [ra1/READING_ASSESSMENT_1] [ra2/READING_ASSESSMENT_2] [mt/MIDTERMS] [f/FINALS] [pe/PRACTICALEXAM]` | `editgradedtest 1 ra1/90 ra2/80 mt/85 f/88 pe/95`,
`editgradedtest 2 ra1/88 ra2/92 mt/78 f/80 pe/89` | -|
**Take Attendance**
| `takeattendance n/STUDENT_NAME s/SESSION p/PRESENCE` | `takeattendance n/John Doe s/5 present`,
`takeattendance n/Foo Bar s/2 absent` | -|
**View Attendance**
| `viewattendance n/STUDENT_NAME [MORE_STUDENT_NAMES]` | `viewattendance`,
`viewattendance n/Rayan`,
`viewattendance n/Jayson Resley` | -|
**Create Consultation**
| `createconsult d/DATE tt/TIME n/STUDENT_NAME …` | `createconsult d/30/10/2023 tt/12:30 n/Alex Yeoh`,
`createconsult d/30/09/2023 tt/15:30 n/Alex Yeoh n/Betsy Crower n/David Li` | -|
**Add To Consult**
| `addtoconsult INDEX n/STUDENT_NAME …` | `addtoconsult 2 n/Betsy Crower`,
`addtoconsult 1 n/David Li n/Roy Balakrishnan` | -|
**Remove From Consult**
| `removefromconsult INDEX n/STUDENT_NAME …` | `removefromconsult 2 n/Betsy Crower` | -|
**Delete Consult**
| `deleteconsult INDEX` | `deleteconsult 1` | -|
**Create Session**
| `createsession s/SESSION_NUMBER n/STUDENT_NAME …` | `createsession s/4 n/Betsy Crower n/David Li` | -|
**Update Session Remark**
| `updatesessionremark s/SESSION_NUMBER r/REMARK` | `updatesessionremark s/2 r/Teach Essence of Recursion`,
`updatesessionremark s/4 r/Taught streams and metacircular evalutator` | -|
**Delete Session**
| `deletesession s/SESSION_NUMBER` | `deletesession s/1`,
`deletesession s/4` | +|
| +|--------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +|
| `add n/James Ho p/12345678 e/jamesho@u.nus.edu th/james03 t/friend t/colleague gt/default` | +|
| `clear` | `clear` | +|
| `delete STUDENT_INDEX`
| `delete 3` | +|
| `edit STUDENT_INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE_NUMBER] [e/EMAIL] [th/TELGRAM_HANDLE] [t/TAG]…[gt/GRADEDTEST]` | `edit 2 n/James Lee e/jameslee@u.nus.edu gt/default` | +|
| `find John`
`find alex david` | +|
| `list` | `list` | +|
**Add Task**
| `addtask tn/TASK_NAME td/TASK_DESCRIPTION d/DUE_DATE tp/TASK_PRIORITY` | `addtask tn/Prepare Lecture slides d/30/09/2023 tp/high`,
`addtask tn/Read Chapter 5` | +|
**View Tasks**
| `viewtasks [tn/TASK_NAME] / [td/TASK_DESCRIPTION] / [d/DUE_DATE] / [tp/TASK_PRIORITY] /
[tprog/TASK_PROGRESS]` | `viewtasks`,
`viewtasks tp/high`,
`viewtasks d/30/09/2023` | +|
**Update Progress**
| `updateprogress TASK_INDEX tprog/NEW_PROGRESS` | `updateprogress 1 tprog/pending`,
`updateprogress 3 tprog/done` | +|
**Delete Task**
| `deletetask TASK_INDEX` | `deletetask 3`,
`deletetask 2` | +|
**View Grade**
| `viewgrade STUDENT_INDEX as/ASSIGNMENT` | `viewgrade 1 as/Functional Expressionism`,
`viewgrade 2 as/Rune Reading` | +|
**Edit Grade**
| `editgrade STUDENT_INDEX as/ASSIGNMENT g/GRADE` | `editgrade 1 as/Functional Expressionism g/1200`,
`editgrade 2 as/Rune Reading g/1000` | +|
**Delete Grade**
| `deletegrade STUDENT_INDEX as/ASSIGNMENT` | `deletegrade 1 as/Functional Expressionism`,
`deletegrade 2 as/Rune Reading` | +|
**Edit Comment**
| `editcomment STUDENT_INDEX as/ASSIGNMENT c/COMMENT` | `editcomment 1 as/Functional Expressionism c/Decent`,
`editcomment 2 as/Rune Reading c/Great` | +|
**Delete Comment**
| `deletecomment STUDENT_INDEX as/ASSIGNMENT` | `deletecomment 1 as/Functional Expressionism`,
`deletecomment 2 as/Rune Reading` | +|
**Edit Graded Test**
| `editgradedtest STUDENT_INDEX [ra1/READING_ASSESSMENT_1] [ra2/READING_ASSESSMENT_2] [mt/MIDTERMS] [f/FINALS] [pe/PRACTICALEXAM]` | `editgradedtest 1 ra1/90 ra2/80 mt/85 f/88 pe/95`,
`editgradedtest 2 ra1/88 ra2/92 mt/78 f/80 pe/89` | +|
**Take Attendance**
| `takeattendance n/STUDENT_NAME s/SESSION p/PRESENCE` | `takeattendance n/John Doe s/5 present`,
`takeattendance n/Foo Bar s/2 absent` | +|
**View Attendance**
| `viewattendance [n/STUDENT_NAME]…` | `viewattendance`,
`viewattendance n/Rayan`,
`viewattendance n/Jayson Resley` | +|
**Create Consultation**
| `createconsult d/DATE tt/TIME n/STUDENT_NAME…` | `createconsult d/30/10/2023 tt/12:30 n/Alex Yeoh`,
`createconsult d/30/09/2023 tt/15:30 n/Alex Yeoh n/Betsy Crower n/David Li` | +|
**Add To Consult**
| `addtoconsult 2 n/Betsy Crower`,
`addtoconsult 1 n/David Li n/Roy Balakrishnan` | +|
**Remove From Consult**
| `removefromconsult CONSULTATION_INDEX n/STUDENT_NAME…` | `removefromconsult 2 n/Betsy Crower` | +|
**Delete Consult**
| `deleteconsult CONSULTATION_INDEX` | `deleteconsult 1` | +|
**Create Session**
| `createsession s/SESSION_NUMBER n/STUDENT_NAME…` | `createsession s/4 n/Betsy Crower n/David Li` | +|
**Update Session Remark**
| `updatesessionremark s/SESSION_NUMBER r/REMARK` | `updatesessionremark s/2 r/Teach Essence of Recursion`,
`updatesessionremark s/4 r/Taught streams and metacircular evalutator` | +|
**Delete Session**
| `deletesession s/SESSION_NUMBER` | `deletesession s/1`,
`deletesession s/4` | +
[Back to Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
@@ -1664,14 +1724,14 @@ Format: `deleteconsult INDEX` ## Encountering Errors This section outlines a list of error messages that you may encounter during your usage of the application. It aims to help you better understand the messages that you may receive and what it means to you. -| Error | What it means | How to resolve | -|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| -| **Unknown command** | You have supplied a command that was unrecognisable.
E.g., Command word was given in upper case. | 1. Double-check the spelling and case of the command.
2. Refer to the [features](#features) section above for the correct commands. | -| **Invalid command format!** | You have supplied a command with the incorrect format.
E.g., Command is missing the compulsory parameters. | 1. Double-check the command format and the parameters required.
2. Refer to the [features](#features) section above for the correct command formats. | -| **The Index provided is invalid** | You have provided an index that is out of the range of the items. | 1. Only provide Indexes that are within the range of the list.
E.g., if there are 3 items in the list, the valid indexes that can be used are (1, 2, 3). | -| **At least one field to edit must be provided.** | You have not provided a field to edit. | 1. Double-check that a prefix and a field was provided together with the command. | -| **This `task` / `person` already exists in the `task list` / `students list`.** | You have tried to either add a duplicate entry with the same fields, or edit an entry such that all the fields are duplicates of an existing entry. | 1. Double-check that the fields supplied are correct.
2. Remove the old entry from F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. | -| **Date needs to be in the format dd/MM/yyyy, or date has already crossed.** | You have either supplied the date in an unrecognisable format, or provided a date that is in the past. | 1. Double-check that the format of the date provided is dd/MM/yyyy (e.g. 28/10/2023)
2. Choose a date from today or later. | -| **Time needs to be in the format HH:mm.** | You have supplied the time in an unrecognisable format. | 1. Double-check that the format of the time provided is HH:mm (e.g. 22:00) | +|
What it means
How to resolve
| +|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +|
**Unknown command**
| You have supplied a command that was unrecognisable.
E.g., Command word was given in upper case. | 1. Double-check the spelling and case of the command.
2. Refer to the [features](#features) section above for the correct commands. | +|
**Invalid command format!**
| You have supplied a command with the incorrect format.
E.g., Command is missing the compulsory parameters. | 1. Double-check the command format and the parameters required.
2. Refer to the [features](#features) section above for the correct command formats. | +|
**The Index provided is invalid**
| You have provided an index that is out of the range of the items. | 1. Only provide Indexes that are within the range of the list.
E.g., if there are 3 items in the list, the valid indexes that can be used are (1, 2, 3). | +|
**At least one field to edit must be provided.**
| You have not provided a field to edit. | 1. Double-check that a prefix and a field was provided together with the command. | +|
**This `task` / `person` already exists in the `task list` / `students list`.**
| You have tried to either add a duplicate entry with the same fields, or edit an entry such that all the fields are duplicates of an existing entry. | 1. Double-check that the fields supplied are correct.
2. Remove the old entry from F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. | +|
**Date needs to be in the format dd/MM/yyyy, or date has already crossed.**
| You have either supplied the date in an unrecognisable format, or provided a date that is in the past. | 1. Double-check that the format of the date provided is dd/MM/yyyy (e.g. 28/10/2023)
2. Choose a date from today or later. | +|
**Time needs to be in the format HH:mm.**
| You have supplied the time in an unrecognisable format. | 1. Double-check that the format of the time provided is HH:mm (e.g. 22:00) | [Back to Table of Contents](#table-of-contents) diff --git a/src/main/java/seedu/address/logic/commands/EditCommand.java b/src/main/java/seedu/address/logic/commands/EditCommand.java index 9e8cb38924f..a6a8281ccad 100644 --- a/src/main/java/seedu/address/logic/commands/EditCommand.java +++ b/src/main/java/seedu/address/logic/commands/EditCommand.java @@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ public class EditCommand extends Command { public static final String COMMAND_WORD = "edit"; public static final String MESSAGE_USAGE = COMMAND_WORD + ": Edits the details of the person identified " - + "by the index number used in the displayed person list. " + + "by the student index number used in the displayed person list. " + "Existing values will be overwritten by the input values.\n" - + "Parameters: INDEX (must be a positive integer) " + + "Parameters: STUDENT_INDEX (must be a positive integer) " + "[" + PREFIX_NAME + "NAME] " + "[" + PREFIX_PHONE + "PHONE] " + "[" + PREFIX_EMAIL + "EMAIL] " diff --git a/src/main/java/seedu/address/logic/commands/EditGradeCommand.java b/src/main/java/seedu/address/logic/commands/EditGradeCommand.java index 905ddecc6ab..ebb2c8a495d 100644 --- a/src/main/java/seedu/address/logic/commands/EditGradeCommand.java +++ b/src/main/java/seedu/address/logic/commands/EditGradeCommand.java @@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ public class EditGradeCommand extends Command { public static final String COMMAND_WORD = "editgrade"; public static final String MESSAGE_USAGE = COMMAND_WORD + ": Edits a grade to a person’s assignment identified " - + "by the index number used in the displayed person list. " - + "Parameters: INDEX (must be a positive integer) " + + "by the student index number used in the displayed person list. " + + "Parameters: STUDENT_INDEX (must be a positive integer) " + PREFIX_ASSIGNMENT + "ASSIGNMENT " + PREFIX_GRADE + "GRADE "; diff --git a/src/main/java/seedu/address/logic/commands/EditGradedTestCommand.java b/src/main/java/seedu/address/logic/commands/EditGradedTestCommand.java index 5e264567187..ce0c111e54f 100644 --- a/src/main/java/seedu/address/logic/commands/EditGradedTestCommand.java +++ b/src/main/java/seedu/address/logic/commands/EditGradedTestCommand.java @@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ public class EditGradedTestCommand extends Command { public static final String COMMAND_WORD = "editgradedtest"; public static final String MESSAGE_USAGE = COMMAND_WORD + ": Edits the graded test of a person, " - + "identified by the index number used in the displayed person list. \n" - + "Parameters: INDEX (must be a positive integer) " + + "identified by the student index number used in the displayed person list. \n" + + "Parameters: STUDENT_INDEX (must be a positive integer) " + "[" + PREFIX_READING_ASSESSMENT1 + "RA1] " + "[" + PREFIX_READING_ASSESSMENT2 + "RA2] " + "[" + PREFIX_MIDTERMS + "MIDTERMS] " diff --git a/src/main/java/seedu/address/logic/commands/ViewAttendanceCommand.java b/src/main/java/seedu/address/logic/commands/ViewAttendanceCommand.java index ac1ab735b8a..22b0e7a50c9 100644 --- a/src/main/java/seedu/address/logic/commands/ViewAttendanceCommand.java +++ b/src/main/java/seedu/address/logic/commands/ViewAttendanceCommand.java @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ public class ViewAttendanceCommand extends Command { public static final String COMMAND_WORD = "viewattendance"; public static final String MESSAGE_USAGE = COMMAND_WORD + ": Views the attendance of a student. " + "Parameters: " - + PREFIX_NAME + "KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]...\n" + + "[" + PREFIX_NAME + "STUDENT_NAME]...\n" + "Example: " + COMMAND_WORD + " " + PREFIX_NAME + "John Doe Alice"; diff --git a/src/main/java/seedu/address/logic/parser/ParserUtil.java b/src/main/java/seedu/address/logic/parser/ParserUtil.java index 65ad8adb4e5..658b71fe07e 100644 --- a/src/main/java/seedu/address/logic/parser/ParserUtil.java +++ b/src/main/java/seedu/address/logic/parser/ParserUtil.java @@ -42,10 +42,9 @@ */ public class ParserUtil { - public static final String MESSAGE_INVALID_INDEX = "Index is not a non-zero unsigned integer."; - public static final String MESSAGE_INVALID_DATE = "Date is needs to be in the format dd/MM/yyyy, " - + "or date provided does not exist."; - public static final String MESSAGE_INVALID_TIME = "Time is needs to be in the format HH:mm."; + public static final String MESSAGE_INVALID_INDEX = "Index not a non-zero unsigned integer."; + public static final String MESSAGE_INVALID_DATE = "Date needs to be in the format dd/MM/yyyy."; + public static final String MESSAGE_INVALID_TIME = "Time needs to be in the format HH:mm."; /** * Parses {@code oneBasedIndex} into an {@code Index} and returns it. Leading and trailing whitespaces will be