It's a game in which, we combine numbered tiles in order to gain a higher numbered tile. In this game you start with two tiles, the lowest possible number available is two. Then you will play by combining the tiles with the same number to have a tile with the sum of the number on the two tiles.
I created it using HTML, SASS, vanilla Javascript.
git clone https://github.com/AbdelrahmanDeghedy/2048-Game.git
cd 2048-game
npm install
Open index.html
1- Move the cells, and the cells with the same number will be merged, and the number in the merged cell, is the sum of both two numbers.
2- The score is the sum of numbers in all cells.
3- The game is over, when all the cells are filled, and you have no move left.
You can play either using the mouse or using the four arrows on the keyboard.
This project is under the MIT License.