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File metadata and controls

53 lines (31 loc) · 2.06 KB

Creating the neccasry files

  • open up powershell, and type in

    New-Item -ItemType File -Path "~\.ssh\[IdentityFile]"
  • the identity file path should be seen in your SegFault terminal (e.g: ~/.ssh/is_sf-****

  • ls ~\.ssh, if you can see a file called "config", skip this step, if there is no then type

          New-Item -ItemType File -Path "~\.ssh\config"

Saving the keys and the host

  • on your SegFault terminal, there is a private key and a host for your config, you need to select the private key from the "-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----" to "-----END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----" and copy it

  • next is typing

           Start-Process notepad.exe -ArgumentList "$HOME\.ssh\[IdentityFile]
  • and pasting the private key in there

  • next is copying the host configuration, which starts from "host ****" to "SetEnv SECRET= *********" and copy it and past it to

          Start-Process notepad.exe -ArgumentList "$HOME\.ssh\config"

Setting the permissons

  • copy and paste these in powershell one by one

               $acl2 = Get-Acl ~/.ssh/config
               $acl2.SetAccessRuleProtection($true, $false)
               $rule2 = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($env:USERNAME, "FullControl", "Allow")
               $acl2 | Set-Acl ~/.ssh/config
  • now for the other file

               $acl2 = Get-Acl ~/.ssh/[IdentityFile]
               $acl2.SetAccessRuleProtection($true, $false)
               $rule2 = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($env:USERNAME, "FullControl", "Allow")
               $acl2 | Set-Acl ~/.ssh/[IdentityFile]

Removing Windows's /r stuff

  • type in

                    (Get-Content -Path ~\.ssh\[IdentityFile]) -replace '\r', '' | Set-Content -Path ~\.ssh\[IdentityFile]
                    (Get-Content -Path ~\.ssh\config) -replace '\r', '' | Set-Content -Path ~\.ssh\config

That is it, you can now do "ssh [host]"