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186 lines (176 loc) · 25.4 KB

Population Pyramid props


Prop Type Description Default value
height number height of chart body (excluding x-axis labels) 200
width number width of chart body screen width
data Array array of objects, each object is described by popnPyramidDataItem _
hideRules boolean when set to true, hides horizontal rules (which are displayed in the background of the charts) false
rulesThickness number thickness of the horizontal rules 1
rulesColor ColorValue color of the horizontal rules 'lightgray'
rulesType RuleTypes type of the horizontal rules - SOLID or DASHED/DOTTED DASHED
dashWidth number width of each dash in the horizontal rules 4
dashGap number gap between each dash in the horizontal rules 8
stepHeight number height of each step/horizontal section in the chart body height/noOfSections
verticalMarginBetweenBars number self explanatory 1
hideYAxisText boolean hide Y axis labels, when not set to true, a gap will be left to the left of the chart false
yAxisLabelWidth number self explanatory 35
yAxisColor ColorValue self explanatory 'black'
yAxisThickness number self explanatory 1
yAxisStrokeDashArray Array used to render a dashed or dotted Y axis line ([dashWidth,dashGap]) _
xAxisColor ColorValue self explanatory 'black'
xAxisThickness number self explanatory 1
xAxisType RuleTypes type of X-axis- SOLID, DASHED or DOTTED DASHED
xAxisNoOfSections number number of sections in X-axis (in both left and right parts) 4
showXAxisIndices boolean when set to true, shows small lines (indices) at each section of x-axis true
xAxisIndicesWidth number width of x axis indices 2
xAxisIndicesHeight number height of x axis indices 4
xAxisIndicesColor ColorValue color of of x axis indices 'black'
xAxisIndicesShiftY number used to shift x axis indices downwards or upwards 0
showXAxisLabelTexts boolean self explanatory true
xAxisLabelFontSize number self explanatory 12
xAxisLabelColor ColorValue self explanatory 'black'
xAxisLabelFontStyle FontStyle self explanatory 'normal'
xAxisLabelFontWeight FontWeight self explanatory 1
xAxisLabelFontFamily string self explanatory ''
xAxisLabelShiftX number horizontally shifts the x axis labels by given value 0
xAxisLabelShiftY number vertically shifts the x axis labels by given value 0
xAxisRoundToDigits number number of decimal places upto which x axis labels will be displayed calculated based on data
xAxisLabelPrefix string The String prepended to the x axis label text (for example- '$') ''
xAxisLabelSuffix string The String appended to the x axis label text ''
formatXAxisLabels (label: string) => string a callback function that takes the label generated by the library and modifies it _
showVerticalLines boolean show vertical lines (similar to horiz rules) in background of the chart true
verticalLinesColor ColorValue Color of the vertical lines 'lightgray'
verticalLinesThickness number Thickness of the vertical lines 1
verticalLinesType RuleTypes SOLID or DASHED/DOTTED DASHED
verticalLinesStrokeDashArray Array used to render dashed or dotted vertical lines ([dashWidth,dashGap]) [4,8]
noOfSections number Number of sections (and horiz rules) in the Y axis data.length
barsMapToYAxisSections boolean this prop tells whether the number of sections in the Y axis is equal to the length of data array true
showYAxisIndices boolean when set to true, shows small lines (indices) at each section of y-axis false
yAxisIndicesWidth number width of y axis indices 2
yAxisIndicesHeight number height of y axis indices 4
yAxisIndicesColor ColorValue color of of x axis indices 'black'
yAxisLabelColor ColorValue color of of x axis label text 'black'
yAxisLabelFontSize number font size of of of x axis label text 12
yAxisLabelTextMarginRight number space left between the y axis labels and the y axis line 4
yAxisLabelTexts Array An array of string labels to be rendered as Y axis labels (top to bottom) _
yAxisLabelFontStyle FontStyle self explanatory 'normal'
yAxisLabelFontWeight FontWeight self explanatory 1
yAxisLabelFontFamily string self explanatory ''
showValuesAsBarLabels boolean when set to true, displays the left and right values as labels beside the respective bars false
showMidAxis boolean when set to true, displays an axis in the mid - between the left and right halves of the pyramid false
midAxisThickness number thickness of the mid axis lines 1
midAxisLabelWidth number width of the mid axis 35
midAxisColor ColorValue color of the mid axis lines 'black'
midAxisLeftColor ColorValue color of the left mid axis line 'black'
midAxisRightColor ColorValue color of the right mid axis line 'black'
midAxisStrokeDashArray Array used to render dashed or dotted mid axis lines ([dashWidth,dashGap]) _
midAxisLabelFontSize number self explanatory 12
midAxisLabelColor ColorValue self explanatory 'black'
midAxisLabelFontStyle FontStyle self explanatory 'normal'
midAxisLabelFontWeight FontWeight self explanatory 1
midAxisLabelFontFamily string self explanatory ''
barLabelWidth number width of the labels displayed behind the bars (both left and right bars) _
barLabelFontSize number font size of the labels displayed behind the bars (both left and right bars) _
barLabelColor ColorValue color of the of the labels displayed behind the bars (both left and right bars) _
barLabelFontStyle FontStyle font style of the labels displayed behind the bars (both left and right bars) _
barLabelFontWeight FontWeight font weight of the labels displayed behind the bars (both left and right bars) _
barLabelFontFamily string font family of the labels displayed behind the bars (both left and right bars) _
leftBarLabelWidth number width of the labels displayed behind the left bars 30
leftBarLabelFontSize number font size of the labels displayed behind the left bars 12
leftBarLabelColor ColorValue color of the labels displayed behind the left bars 'black'
leftBarLabelFontStyle FontStyle font style of the labels displayed behind the left bars 'normal'
leftBarLabelFontWeight FontWeight font weight of the labels displayed behind the left bars 1
leftBarLabelFontFamily string font family of the labels displayed behind the left bars '
leftBarLabelShift number value by which the left bar labels should be shifted horizontally (kind of margin b/w label and bar) 0
leftBarLabelPrefix string The String prepended to the left bar label text (for example- '$') ''
leftBarLabelSuffix string The String appended to the left bar label text ''
rightBarLabelWidth number width of the labels displayed behind the right bars 30
rightBarLabelFontSize number font size of the labels displayed behind the right bars 12
rightBarLabelColor ColorValue color of the labels displayed behind the right bars 'black'
rightBarLabelFontStyle FontStyle font style of the labels displayed behind the right bars 'normal'
rightBarLabelFontWeight FontWeight font weight of the labels displayed behind the right bars 1
rightBarLabelFontFamily string font family of the labels displayed behind the right bars ''
rightBarLabelShift number value by which the right bar labels should be shifted horizontally (kind of margin b/w label and bar) 0
rightBarLabelPrefix string The String prepended to the right bar label text (for example- '$') ''
rightBarLabelSuffix string The String appended to the right bar label text ''
formatBarLabels (label: string) => string a callback function that takes the label generated by the library and modifies it _
leftBarColor ColorValue color of the bars displayed in the left half of the pyramid 'skyblue'
rightBarColor ColorValue color of the bars displayed in the right half of the pyramid 'orange'
leftBarBorderColor ColorValue border color of the bars displayed in the left half of the pyramid 'blue'
rightBarBorderColor ColorValue border color of the bars displayed in the right half of the pyramid 'red'
barBorderWidth number boder width of the bars (both left and right bars) 0
leftBarBorderWidth number boder width of the bars displayed in the left half of the pyramid 0
rightBarBorderWidth number boder width of the bars displayed in the right half of the pyramid 0
barBorderRadius number boder radius of the bars 0
leftBarBorderRadius number boder width of the bars displayed in the left half of the pyramid 0
rightBarBorderRadius number boder width of the bars displayed in the right half of the pyramid 0
onLeftPress (item, index) => void Callback function called when a left bar is pressed. Takes 2 params- item and index. _
onRightPress (item, index) => void Callback function called when a right bar is pressed. Takes 2 params- item and index. _
allCornersRounded boolean when set to true, border radius will apply to all the four corners of the bars, else applied only on outer edges false
showSurplus boolean shows surplus values on the edges in highlighted colors (extra width of the bigger bar is highlighted ) false
showSurplusLeft boolean shows surplus values on the left edges in highlighted colors (extra width of the bigger bar is highlighted ) _
showSurplusRight boolean shows surplus values on the right edges in highlighted colors (extra width of the bigger bar is highlighted ) _
leftSurplusColor ColorValue highlight color of the left surplus '#334790'
leftSurplusBorderColor ColorValue border color of the left surplus 'blue'
rightSurplusColor ColorValue highlight color of the right surplus '#AC343C'
rightSurplusBorderColor ColorValue border color of the right surplus 'red'
leftSurplusBorderWidth number border width of the left surplus 0
rightSurplusBorderWidth number border width of the right surplus 0


Each object in the data array is of popnPyramidDataItem type. Only these 2 properties are mandatory- left and right, all other properties are optional.
Notice that many properties are present in both data objects as well as separate props. The property is first searched in the data objects. If not found, it is searched in the props. If not found found in props, the default value is applied, as listed in the table above.

type popnPyramidDataItem = {
  left: number;
  right: number;
  leftBarColor?: ColorValue;
  rightBarColor?: ColorValue;
  leftBarBorderColor?: ColorValue;
  rightBarBorderColor?: ColorValue;
  barBorderWidth?: number;
  leftBarBorderWidth?: number;
  rightBarBorderWidth?: number;
  barBorderRadius?: number;
  leftBarBorderRadius?: number;
  rightBarBorderRadius?: number;

  barLabelWidth?: number;
  barLabelFontSize?: number;
  barLabelColor?: ColorValue;
  barLabelFontStyle?: FontStyle;
  barLabelFontWeight?: FontWeight;
  barLabelFontFamily?: string;

  leftBarLabel?: string;
  leftBarLabelWidth?: number;
  leftBarLabelFontSize?: number;
  leftBarLabelColor?: ColorValue;
  leftBarLabelFontStyle?: FontStyle;
  leftBarLabelFontWeight?: FontWeight;
  leftBarLabelFontFamily?: string;
  leftBarLabelShift?: number;

  rightBarLabel?: string;
  rightBarLabelWidth?: number;
  rightBarLabelFontSize?: number;
  rightBarLabelColor?: ColorValue;
  rightBarLabelFontStyle?: FontStyle;
  rightBarLabelFontWeight?: FontWeight;
  rightBarLabelFontFamily?: string;
  rightBarLabelShift?: number;

  yAxisLabel?: string;
  midAxisLabel?: string;
  midAxisLabelFontSize?: number;
  midAxisLabelColor?: ColorValue;
  midAxisLabelFontStyle?: FontStyle;
  midAxisLabelFontWeight?: FontWeight;
  midAxisLabelFontFamily?: string;

  showSurplus?: boolean;
  showSurplusLeft?: boolean;
  showSurplusRight?: boolean;
  leftSurplusColor?: ColorValue;
  leftSurplusBorderColor?: ColorValue;
  rightSurplusColor?: ColorValue;
  rightSurplusBorderColor?: ColorValue;
  leftSurplusBorderWidth?: number;
  rightSurplusBorderWidth?: number;