A desktop app that takes data of various hospital data through csv or manual entry. Plot different types of graphs using data of different parameters of hospitals of some specific country, state, etc as per need.
Dependencies -
- Python.
- tkinter and it's related libraries.
- numpy, pandas, csv, matplotlib libraries.
- re, PIL, time, datetime libraries.
Features -
- Binding Mouse with python functions to use as a scroll bar.
- Efforts to make the sript more compact.
- Auto suggestion while typing from previously typed data and some added datasets.
- Automatic-setting of display with size of window and limiting of least size of window.
- Options to view and save with applying different features to graph.
- Automatic adjustment of graph such that no overlaping of xticks or yticks occur in any type of dataset happens which is one of the disadvatage of matplotlib.
- Saving notes in text file.
Main utility of the project is to give patients the idea of the medical facility he need at his level. For instance, suppose if a rich guy is suffering from cancer, he can use the info regarding cancer patients at national level while a poor may need upto his city. For more information please refer the video.
Online Website -
An online website is also made with same functionality using HTML, CSS, Js, PHP, Mysql but last step is still left.